
The Effects of Fire Fighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis

Gavin P. Horn, Steven J. Petruzzello, George C. Fahey, Bo Fernhall, Jeffrey , Denise L. Smith

University of Illinois Fire Service Institute 11 Gerty Drive, Champaign, IL, 61820

November 2010

i The Effects of Fire Fighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis

This study was supported by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) through an R03 Grant (1R03 OH009111-01) awarded to the University of Illinois.

ii Acknowledgements Primary Authors Gavin P. Horn, Ph.D., Director of Research, Illinois Fire Service Institute; Senior Research Scientist, Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering Steven J. Petruzzello, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of Exercise Psychophysiology Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology & Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign George C. Fahey, Jr., Ph.D., Kraft Foods Human Nutrition Endowed Professor, Professor of Animal and Nutritional Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Bo Fernhall, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Kinesiology & Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Jeffrey Woods, Ph.D., Professor, Director of Exercise Immunology Laboratory, Department of Kinesi- ology & Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Denise L. Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Exercise Science, Skidmore College; Research Scientist, Illinois Fire Service Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

We wish to express our appreciation to the following Fire Departments from across Illinois who participated in the study:

Bloomington Fire Department Johnston City Fire Department Calumet City Fire Department Ottawa Fire Department Champaign Fire Department Quincy Fire Department Valley District Savoy Fire Department Cornbelt Fire Protection District Streator Fire Department Crystal Lake Fire Rescue Department Tri-Township Fire Protection District East Moline Fire Department Urbana Fire Rescue Services Edge-Scott Fire Protection District

iii Effects of and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis

We gratefully acknowledge the substantial support we received from staff members in the following University of Illinois departments and units:

Illinois Fire Service Institute Administration and administrative staff, in particular, Sue Blevins Instructional staff Stokers Information staff Library Department of Kinesiology and Community Health Exercise and Cardiovascular Research Laboratory (Graduate Student: Chris Fahs) Exercise Immunology Research Laboratory (Graduate Student: Cesar Vasquez) Exercise Psychophysiology Laboratory

iv Table of Contents

List of terms and abbreviations______- 2 - Abstract______- 3 - Background______- 5 - Motivation______- 6 - Literature review – Cardiovascular strain and hemostasis______- 6 - Specific Aims______- 7 - Procedures______- 8 - Study design ______- 8 - Fire fighting drills______- 9 - Methodology______-11 - Descriptive variables______- 11 - Body temperature______- 11 - Hemostasis and cardiovascular alterations______- 11 - cortisol and catecholamines______- 11 - Arterial pulse waves/blood pressure______- 11 - Psychological/perceptual and cognitive function factors______- 11 - Data analysis______- 12 - Results and Discussion______- 13 - Descriptive measures______- 13 - Heart rate and core temperature______- 13 - Blood pressure______- 15 - Hemostatic variables______- 17 - Plasma volume______- 17 - Platelet number and function______- 18 - Coagulation and fibrinolysis______- 19 - Catecholamine response______- 19 - Arterial Function______- 20 - Myocardial supply and demand______- 21 - Psychological & cognitive responses______- 23 - Analysis of aerobic power______- 24 - Conclusions______- 25 - Summary of effects of fire fighting recovery______- 25 - Summary of effect of rehab condition______- 26 - Literature Cited______- 27 -

1 The Effects of Firefighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis

List of terms and abbreviations aDBP – aortic diastolic blood pressure (via arterial tonography) aMP – aortic mean pressure (via arterial tonography) aPP – aortic pulse pressure (via arterial tonography) aSBP – aortic systolic blood pressure (via arterial tonography) ACS – Acute coronary syndromes ADP – adenosine 5’-diphosphate BMI – Body mass index CBC – Complete blood cell count CPT - Continuous Performance Test DBP – diastolic blood pressure (via auscultation) EPI – Epinephrine FVIII – Factor VIII GI – Gastrointestinal Hb – hemoglobin Hct - hematocrit HDL – High-density lipoprotein HR – Heart rate LDL – Low-density lipoprotein MANOVA - multivariate analysis of variance NFPA – National Fire Protection Association OSR – On-scene rehabilitation pDBP – peripheral diastolic blood pressure (via arterial tonography) pMP – peripheral mean pressure (via arterial tonography) pPP – peripheral pulse pressure (via arterial tonography) pSBP – peripheral systolic blood pressure (via arterial tonography) Pai-1 act - Plasminogen activator inhibitor activity Pai-1 agn - Plasminogen activator inhibitor antigen PF1.2 – Prothrombin fragment PFA – Platelet function analyzer PPE – Personal Protective Equipment RPE – Ratings of perceived exertion RPP – Rate Pressure Product RT – Reaction time SBP – Systolic blood pressure (via auscultation) SEVR – Subendocardial Viability Ratio Tco – Core TF – Tissue Factor tPa act – Tissue plasminogen activator activity tPa agn - Tissue plasminogen activator antigen WAT – Wingate Anaerobic Test

2 Abstract

Fire fighting is a dangerous occupation - in lar strain. Immediately post-fire fighting, core part because are called upon to per- temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and blood form strenuous physical activity in hot, hostile catecholamine levels were significantly elevated environments. Each year, approximately 100 from baseline conditions. Platelet function and firefighters lose their lives in the line of duty and number, along with coagulatory and fibrinolyt- tens of thousands are injured. Over the past 15 ic variables, showed significant increases from years, approximately 45% of line of duty deaths baseline, suggesting that the hemostatic equilib- have been attributed to heart attacks and another rium was disrupted. Vascular function was sig- 650-1,000 firefighters suffer non-fatal heart at- nificantly affected, as evidenced by a reduction tacks in the line of duty each year. From 1990 in the ability to perfuse myocardial tissue (mea- to 2004, the total number of fireground injuries sured through the Subendocardial Viability Ra- has declined, yet during this same period, the tio – SEVR). Finally, firefighters’ psychological number of cases related to the leading cause of state became significantly more dysphoric post- injury - overexertion/strain – remained relatively fire fighting. constant. Importantly, the time rate of recovery from It is well recognized that fire fighting many of these effects appeared to be closer to to increased cardiovascular and thermal strain. several hours instead of minutes (as is often as- However, the time course of recovery from fire sumed). Heart rate and core temperature did not fighting is not well documented, despite the fact return to baseline levels for up to 60 minutes into that a large percentage of fire fighting fatalities the recovery. Blood pressure was found to drop occur after fire fighting activity. Furthermore, very rapidly in many individuals during rehab, on scene rehabilitation (OSR) has been broadly suggesting that we must be aware of the risk of recommended to mitigate the cardiovascular and syncope during rehab procedures. Vascular recov- thermal strain associated with performing strenu- ery data also showed that SEVR did not return to ous fire fighting activity, yet the efficacy of dif- baseline for up to 60-90 minutes into recovery. ferent rehabilitation interventions has not been After 120 minutes of recovery, it was found that documented. fibrinolytic markers returned to baseline levels, Twenty-five firefighters were recruited to -par but coagulation (specifically Factor VIII and ticipate in a “within-subjects, repeated measures” platelet function) remained significantly elevat- study designed to describe the acute effects of ed. As many heart attacks on the fireground occur fire fighting on a broad array of physiological following fire suppression, these results suggest- and psychological measures and several key car- ed a possible mechanism for the increased risk. diovascular variables. This study provided the At the 120 minute recovery period, firefighters’ first detailed documentation of the time course psychological state appeared to have returned to of recovery during 2½ hours post-fire fighting. baseline conditions. Additionally, we compared two OSR strategies OSR had no effect on core temperature, sug- (standard and enhanced) to determine their effec- gesting that the active cooling process was no tiveness. more effective than passive cooling in cool en- As expected, a short term bout (18 minutes) vironmental conditions in which rehab was con- of fire fighting activity resulted in significant ducted in a cool room. There was also no sig- physiological, psychological, and cardiovascu- nificant effect on blood pressure, coagulation or

3 The Effects of Firefighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis

fibrinolytic variables or psychological measures to baseline after 120 minutes of recovery). Each as a result of the enhanced rehab protocol. The group was equally hydrated from baseline lev- enhanced rehab protocol resulted in significantly els (based on changes in plasma volume), so this elevated heart rate throughout recovery and a sta- effect is not due to hemoconcentration. Finally, tistically significant delayed return to baseline for epinephrine levels remained elevated after 120 both heart rate and SEVR. However, the practi- minutes of recovery in the standard condition, cal/clinical significance of these small differences but returned to baseline in the enhanced condi- in heart rate are unclear. Platelet number was also tion, potentially due to the additional ingestion of significantly elevated in the enhanced condition carbohydrates in the recovery drink. compared to the standard (which had returned

4 Background

Motivation of fireground injuries has declined from 57,100 Firefighters encounter unique occupational to 36,880, yet during this same period the num- risks. Hostile and dangerous conditions at the ber of cases related to the leading cause of injury scene of a structural fire can include fire, , – overexertion/strain – remained relatively con- , decreased visibility, high noise levels, stant [17-31]. chaos, and a constantly changing environment. It is well recognized that fire fighting leads Fire fighting is a dangerous occupation, in to increased cardiovascular and thermal strain part because firefighters are called upon to per- [32,33]. However the time course of recovery form strenuous physical activity in hot, hostile from fire fighting is not well documented despite environments. However, little is known about the fact that a large percentage of fire fighting fa- the most effective methods to cool, rehydrate and talities occur after fire fighting activity [34]. Fur- reverse imbalances caused by working in such thermore, on scene rehabilitation (OSR) has been stressful environments. Each year, approximate- broadly recommended to mitigate the cardiovas- ly 100 firefighters lose their lives in the line of cular and thermal strain associated with perform- duty and tens of thousands are injured. Over the ing strenuous fire fighting activity, yet the effec- past 10 years, approximately 40-50% of line of tiveness of different rehabilitation interventions duty deaths have been attributed to heart attacks has not been documented. as shown in Figure 1 [1-16]. Another 650-1,000 The purpose of this study was to describe the firefighters suffer non-fatal heart attacks in the acute effects of fire fighting on a broad array of line of duty each year [17-31]. In addition to the cardiovascular variables, hemostatic variables, risk of a myocardial infarction, inju- vascular function, psychological/perceptual vari- ries continue to plague the fire service. In 2004, ables, cognitive function, and to document the nearly 76,000 firefighters were injured, with 48% time course of recovery of each. Additionally, we occurring on the fireground [17]. An analysis compared two OSR strategies (standard and en- from 1990 to 2004 reveals that the total number hanced) to determine their effectiveness.

The Effects of Fire Fighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis 5 On-Duty Firefighter Deaths - Cardiac vs Others (Source: NFPA Journal, 1991-2009) 140 Other fatalities Sudden cardiac death 120



60 Number of deaths 40


0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

Age Group

Figure 1. Firefighter fireground fatality trends from 1990-2009 [1-16].

Literature review – Cardiovascular strain let function also plays a pivotal role in unstable and hemostasis angina, acute myocardial infarction, and sudden Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are life- cardiac death [37,38]. Aerobic exercise causes threatening conditions that range from unstable an increase in platelet number [39] and there patterns of angina to acute myocardial infarc- is strong evidence that intense exercise leads tions. The majority of heart attacks result from to increased platelet aggregation and function the disruption of atherosclerotic plaque followed [37,38]. Our recent has demonstrated that by platelet aggregation and the formation of an even short bouts of firefighting increases platelet intracoronary thrombus [35]. The development number and activity. [40] of an acute coronary event involves the transi- Hemostatic balance refers to the balance be- tion from chronic atherosclerosis (plaque build tween blood clot formation (coagulation) and up) to acute clot formation [36]. Fire fighting blood clot breakdown (fibrinolysis). Hemostasis activities involve strenuous muscular work in a is carefully regulated to keep blood fluid under hostile environment and leads to activation of the normal circumstances and to promote the rapid sympathetic nervous system (adrenaline surge). formation of a blood clot when necessary. The The increase in sympathetic nervous system rapid formation of a blood clot in response to activity can result in increases in heart rate and injury is essential to the preservation of life and blood pressure that may cause a plaque to rup- depends on the coordinated activity of platelets, ture. Thus, fire fighting is likely to dramatically the blood vessel wall, and plasma proteins (co- alter the the blood vessel wall, platelets, and the agulatory and fibrinolytic factors). On the other the blood clotting system (hemostatic system). hand, excessive clot formation or the inability to Platelet activation and aggregation are the dissolve a clot once a wound is repaired can also first step in blood clot formation. Abnormal plate- present life-threatening challenges. A blood clot

6 Background that forms in the cardiovascular system is called agulatory and fibrinolytic potential during recov- a thrombus, and it is the primary cause of a heart ery from strenuous activity may account for an attack. increased vulnerability to myocardial infarction Maintaining hemostatic balance is necessary in the hour following strenuous activity [41,44]. in order to prevent dangerous thrombus forma- There is a lack of research investigating the tion and is determined by complex interactions effects of fire fighting on the hemostatic system between circulating proteins (coagulatory and despite the critical importance of the hemostatic anticoagulatory factors), platelets and the cells system in acute coronary syndromes, the knowl- lining blood vessels. Research indicates that exer- edge that myocardial infarctions are the leading cise leads to enhanced coagulatory potential (e.g. cause of line of duty deaths among firefighters, increased factor VIII activity) that is dependent and research evidence of hemostatic disruption upon intensity and duration of activity [41,42]. following strenuous physical activity. Therefore Fibrinolytic activity is also enhanced following the purpose of this study was to examine the ef- exercise [41]. Importantly, however, research fects of strenuous fire fighting activities and suggests that these coagulatory and fibrinolytic recovery from fire fighting on key hemostatic activities do not recover at the same rate follow- variables. A second aim of this study was to in- ing aerobic exercise [41,42]. Hedge et al. have vestigate the effectiveness of different on-scene reported that both coagulatory and fibrinolytic rehabilitation interventions following structural activity are enhanced following strenuous exer- fire fighting tasks. This study provides important cise, but coagulatory potential remains elevated scientific information regarding the effect of fire one hour post-activity whereas fibrinolytic ac- fighting on the hemostatic system and practical tivity returns to baseline during the same period information for determining effective rehabili- [43]. Lin et al. have reported that elevated coagu- tation strategies for firefighters in an attempt to latory potential (increased Factor VIII) persisted lessen the impact of dangerous heat stress condi- at 2 and 6 hours of recovery whereas fibrinolytic tions, mitigate cardiovascular strain, and improve activity fell sharply [41]. The discrepancy in co- firefighter performance.

Specific Aims

The purpose of this study was to describe the control OSR intervention (hydration only – typi- acute effects of fire fighting on a broad array of cal fire service practice) and an enhanced OSR cardiovascular variables - namely, hemostatic intervention (aggressive rehydration, electrolyte variables and vascular function - and to docu- replacement, and cooling). ment the time course of recovery. Additionally, Firefighters performed strenuous live-fire we compared two on-scene rehabilitation (OSR) drills in a training structure and received on- strategies (standard and enhanced) to determine scene rehabilitation prior to performing a test of their effectiveness. anaerobic power in order to allow us to address Specifically, we measured changes in hemo- the following specific aims of the proposed re- static variables following strenuous fire fight- search: ing activity and documented the extent to which • Investigate the effects of strenuous firefight- these variables return to baseline following 120 ing and 120 minutes of recovery from fire minutes of recovery. In the same study, we inves- fighting on hemostasis (platelet function, co- tigated changes over 120 minutes of recovery to a agulatory and fibrinolytic potential).

The Effects of Firefighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis 7 • Investigate the effects of different OSR pro- • Bring research to practice by distributing the tocols on subsequent anaerobic performance results of this research to the Fire Service so and hemostatic variables following 120 min- that occupation-specific scientific data can be utes of recovery. used to inform the development of firefighter • Investigate the effects of OSR on vascular OSR protocols. function.


Study Design Participants then recovered for 120 minutes Twenty-five firefighters were recruited to in their station uniform. During recovery, fire- participate in a study designed to investigate the fighters were in the seated position and engaged effects of strenuous fire fighting activity on he- in classroom activities or reading to mimic what mostasis and the effectiveness of on-scene reha- may occur at a fire station following a fire call bilitation interventions on subsequent physical (assuming the suppression crew was relieved of performance and physiological recovery. Each overhaul and clean-up duties). At the end of the subject performed the same set of fire fighting 120 minute recovery period a third blood sample drills on 2 separate days and participated in each was obtained and a third set of perceptual data OSR protocol. The two trials were separated by a collected. Throughout the scenario, core temper- minimum of 48 hours and administered in a coun- ature and heart rate were continuously monitored. terbalanced fashion to ensure half of the partici- Blood pressure was assessed via auscultation im- pants received the control condition first and half mediately post-fire fighting, every five minutes the participants received the enhanced condition during rehab, and every 15-30 minutes during first. Of the 25 recruited subjects, 21 completed recovery. Rate Pressure Product (RPP) was cal- both trials of the study. A schematic description culated as the product of systolic blood pressure of the timeline for each trial is shown in Figure and heart rate divided by 100. RPP provides an 2. Each of the measures outlined in Section D estimate of myocardial oxygen consumption. were obtained at baseline prior to engaging in Additionally, vascular function was assessed via fire fighting drills. The subject then performed peripheral and aortic blood pressures and Suben- the prescribed fire fighting drills in full personal docardial Viability Ration (SEVR) with an Atcor protective equipment (PPE). Immediately upon Sphygmocor system pre- and post-fire fighting completion of the fire fighting evolution, a sec- as well as post-rehab and throughout recovery. ond blood sample was obtained. Participants then All blood samples were subsequently analyzed rehabilitated for 15 minutes (control or enhanced for key hemostatic variables including: platelet condition) followed by a second data collection number and function, coagulatory, anticoagula- period for perceptual and cognitive function mea- tory, profibrinolytic, and antifibrinoltyic vari- sures. Firefighters performed a dummy drag pro- ables, and for blood catecholamine (epinephrine, tocol as a measure of maximal anaerobic power. norepinephrine) and cortisol levels. Following rehabilitation, participants changed Only the OSR protocol differed between the into dry clothes and walked to an adjacent build- two trials. During the “control” trial, participants ing (fire station) where they would remain during removed their helmet, hood, gloves, and bunker the recovery period. coat. Participants were provided with only water

8 Procedures Control Rehab

Firefighting Drills Enhanced Dummy Recovery Rehab Drag







Figure 2. Schematic of study design and timeline. Note that time is not drawn to scale. and the amount of water ingested was recorded. The control condition was meant to reflect what is typically done at a fire scene - although we recognize there is great variability in how re- hab is conducted. During the “enhanced” trial participants were required to remove all of their turn-out gear (including bunker coat and pants), consume up to 500 ml of water and at least 355 ml of a commercially available sport drink, and were aggressively cooled using cold towels as is recommended by leading authorities on OSR [45-47]. In addition, during recovery, firefighters participating in the “enhanced” trial were pro- vided with 355 ml of a commercially available recovery drink. Assessing maximal anaerobic power via a dummy drag protocol provided es- timates of the ability of a firefighter to perform vance. These drills have been employed in pre- maximal physical work following OSR. In fact, vious studies and have been published in peer- one of the goals of OSR is to ensure that firefight- reviewed articles [e.g. 32,33] and Fire Service ers have recovered physiologically so that they journals [e.g. 48-43]. can perform maximally if called upon to do so. Each participant was paired up with a member of the research staff, trained in fire fighting, and Fire fighting drills wearing full PPE to safely escort them through- The fire fighting drills were completed in 18 out the protocol. Initially, the participant climbed minutes (requiring approximately 1 bottle of air a single flight of stairs to the second floor of the for most subjects) and consisted of nine 2-minute tower, walked to a corner of the room and knelt periods of alternating work and rest. The work down for a 2-minute acclimatization period. Af- cycles included stair climbing, simulated forcible ter acclimatization, the participant proceeded to entry, a simulated search, and simulated hose ad- walk up and down three stairs for 2 minutes. The

The Effects of Fire Fighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis 9 lower three stairs were used to maintain a con- In order to maintain room , three sistent thermal loading on the firefighter. These thermocouples were installed in the stairs were 7.5 inches high, 11 inches deep, and near the search station: located 6 inches above 30 inches wide. During each test, the escort mon- the floor, 4 feet above the floor and 8 feet above itored the participant’s heart rate and work com- the floor (~1 foot below the ceiling). Type K pleted in each cycle and radioed this information (chromel-alumel) thermocouples with factory for each station to the investigator downstairs. At welded beads were utilized in conjunction with the conclusion of each station, the participant rest- a digital data acquisition system (Omega Engi- ed for 2 minutes as the safety escort demonstrat- neering, OM-DAQPRO-4300). Data were sam- ed the next task. Next, the participant straddled a pled from each thermocouple every 10 seconds force machine (Keiser Force Machine), and used and were continuously monitored. a 9-pound sledgehammer to drive a sled 5 feet Firesets were lit anywhere from 30 minutes down and back on a metal track for 2 minutes. to one hour prior to subjects beginning their live After another 2-minute rest period, the partici- fire testing. By preheating the building,- rela pant performed a secondary (slow and thorough) tively stable conditions could be maintained dur- search from side to side along the back 14.5-foot ing testing. Throughout the , trained stokers wall for 2 minutes. This was again followed by controlled the temperature monitored by the ther- a 2-minute rest period. In the final 2-minute sta- mocouples by adding small packages to the tion, the participant repetitively completed a mo- firesets sequentially and controlling the ventila- tion similar to advancing a charged hoseline on tion conditions in the room. The temperatures at a 3.8-foot hose segment (1.5 inch diameter) at- the mid-level point were maintained at roughly tached to a cable that ran over a pulley and was 160-180ºF and the floor temperatures were main- suspended vertically outside the building with a tained at 95-105oF. The prescribed fire fighting 10-pound weight on the end. Upon completion activities required subjects to work almost exclu- of the final test, participants kneeled quietly for 2 sively in the vertical location between the middle minutes and then proceeded downstairs. and floor thermocouple.

10 Procedures Methodology

Descriptive variables Hemostasis and cardiovascular alterations Descriptive variables were assessed prior Heart rate was continuously measured to participation in the fire fighting drills. After throughout activities using Polar Heart Rate participants read and signed an informed con- Watches. Blood samples were drawn from the sent document, they were asked to complete 1) antecubital vein via venipuncture by a trained a background questionnaire, 2) a cardiovascular phlebotomist. Blood samples were used to assess health inventory, and 3) a profile of several indi- hemostasis by measuring: 1) platelet number and vidual difference measures (e.g. trait anxiety (ap- function, 2) coagulatory potential, and 3) fibrin- prehension), neuroticism (extraversion, consci- olytic potential (tPA and PAI-1). entiousness)). The following physiological vari- ables were measured and/or determined: height, Plasma cortisol and catecholamines weight, body mass index (BMI), body composi- Plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine were tion/percent body fat (via skinfolds), and fast- accessed via HPLC and used as an index of sym- ing glucose and cholesterol (from a finger stick pathetic activity. Plasma cortisol was measured sample via a Cholestek analyzer). using a commercially available (Diagnostic Prod- ucts Corporation, Los Angeles, CA) radioimmu- Body temperature noassay. Body temperature was continuously mea- sured throughout both protocols using a Mini- Arterial pulse waves/blood pressure mitter VitalSense monitor and a silicone-coated Radial artery pressure waveforms were at- gastrointestinal (GI) core temperature capsule. tained in the seated position from a 10-second Relatively little research has measured core body epoch using applanation tonometry and a high- temperature of firefighters using GI capsules, fidelity strain gauge transducer (Millar Instru- which is the best technology for non-laboratory ments, Houston, TX). Central aortic pressure settings. Participants swallowed a small dispos- waveforms were constructed from the radial ar- able core temperature sensor capsule (the size tery pressure waveforms (SphygmoCor, AtCor of a multivitamin), which passes through the Medical, Sydney, Australia). An augmentation body and is eliminated in feces within ~24 hours. index (AIx) was calculated as the ratio of am- While the sensor was in the GI tract, it transmitted plitude of the pressure wave above its systolic temperature information to the remote recording shoulder to the total pulse pressure and expressed device. as a percentage, and used as an index of systemic arterial stiffness.

Psychological/perceptual and cognitive func- tion factors Psychological/perceptual and cognitive func- tion factors provided self-assessment informa- tion, including: 1) how hard they perceive their effort during the fire fighting tasks, 2) how they feel, 3) their perceptions of respiratory distress, 4) thermal sensations, and 5) self-report mea-

The Effects of Fire Fighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis 11 sures of energy/tiredness and tension/calmness. was analyzed with a mixed multivariate analysis In addition, measures of cognitive function were of variancePart Two:(MANOVA). Research The effect Projectof on-scene assessed before and after the drills and recovery. rehab on heart rate and core temperature was These measures assess decision-making capa- compared at 12 different measurement periods, bilities of the firefighter, primarily via a choice- including baseline (station blues), pre-fire fight- reaction time task, which allow the assessment of ing, immediately post-fire fighting, during rehab speed and accuracy of responding at the various (entry, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min), and during recov- test points. ery (15 min, 30 min, 60 min, 90 min, 120 min). This study also determined the effect of rehabili- Data analysis tion protocol on blood pressure during rehab and In order to examine the effects of strenuous recovery at 9 measurement periods: during rehab fire fighting activity and recovery, and specifi- (entry, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min), and during recov- cally, rehabilitation interventions, on hemostatic ery (15 min, 30 min, 60 min, 90 min, 120 min). variables, cognitive function and psychological Vascular function also was assessed at 9 mea- state measures, we conducted a study designed surement periods: pre-fire fighting, immediately to compare enhanced and standard rehab condi- post-fire fighting, immediately after rehab, and tions in the same firefighters (i.e., all participants throughout recovery (15 min, 30 min, 60 min, 90 repeated testing in both conditions) where we min, 120 min). Finally, the effects of rehabilita- collected measurements pre-fire fighting, imme- tion interventions on subsequent performance diately after fire fighting and 120 minutes after on the dummy drag task were compared using a rehab had completed. This type of study design paired t-test.

12 Results and Discussion Results and Discussion

Descriptive measures assessed for body composition, the average BMI Table 1 presents data from 20 of the firefight- was greater than 28 while 75% of the participants ers who completed this study (one incomplete had a BMI greater than 25 and more than a quar- data set was excluded). Overall, our subjects ter were classified as obese [56]. were young (25.6± 5.2 years), apparently healthy firefighters. The exclusion criteria employed by Heart rate and core temperature this study (no known history of cardiovascular As seen in Figure 3, heart rate increased rap- disease or use of prescription medication for idly with the onset of fire fighting activity. Heart blood pressure or cholesterol problems) resulted rate increased from approximately 80 bpm prior in a group of test subjects who were healthier to entering the training course to approximately than the general population. The mean BMI for 162 bpm by the second evolution and remained this group (25.4) is on the borderline between elevated until the firefighters exited the burn healthy and overweight, where 8 firefighters room. Heart rate then decreased rapidly upon had a BMI < 25, while 12 firefighters fell in the completion of the training drill. In the first five “overweight” range (25

The Effects of Fire Fighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis 13 180 100.6 Enhanced-HR Enhanced-Tco 160 100.2 Standard-HR Standard-Tco 140 99.9 F) o 120 ( 99.5 100

te (bpm) te 99.1 * * * 80 t Ra emperature ) * T 98.8

60 e Hear re re Co 98.4 40 b b ryve 20 98.1 ryve ep ep ~80 min post-FF HR return to baseline o return to baselin to return o HR return to baseline re ghting re Fi re ghting re Fi Reha Reco Pr Pr Reha Reco ~35 min post-FF in (Std Tc 0 ~80 min post-FF in (Enh) 97.7 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time (minutes) Time (minutes)

180 100.6 Enhanced-HR Enhanced-Tco 160 100.2 Standard-HR Standard-Tco 140 99.9 F) o 120 ( 99.5 100

te (bpm) te 99.1 * * * 80 t Ra emperature ) * T 98.8

60 e Hear re re Co 98.4 40 b b ryve 20 98.1 ryve ep ep ~80 min post-FF HR return to baseline o return to baselin to return o HR return to baseline re ghting re Fi re ghting re Fi Reha Reco Pr Pr Reha Reco ~35 min post-FF in (Std Tc 0 ~80 min post-FF in (Enh) 97.7 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time (minutes) Time (minutes)

Figure 3. Changes in heart rate (top) and core temperature (bottom) throughout the test protocol. Data from complete sets only (n=12 for heart rate, n=8 for core temperature.)* indicates significant effect of rehab conditions at these time points.

14 Results and Discussion temperature continued to rise at a rate of at least 0.036oF.min-1 despite the fact that firefighters had doffed their PPE in order to facilitate data collec- tion (blood collection). Core temperatures began to drop at the same time rehabilitation was ini- tiated (approximately 6-7 minutes after exiting the training course). This finding is consistent with previous research that documents that core temperature (as measured by gastrointestinal or rectal temperature) continues to rise after the ces- sation of exercise or work. While there was a significant effect of the timeline of recovery on core tempeature, there was no significant difference in core temperature between rehabilitation conditions. However, it is again important to note that firefighter’s core temperature does not return to baseline until ap- proximately 80 minutes post-fire fighting.

Blood Pressure Blood pressure was assessed via auscultation prior to entering the training course (baseline),

150 Enhanced - SBP Standard - SBP 140 Enhanced - DBP Standard - DBP 130


110 e (mm Hg) 100 essur Pr

90 efighting Fir Rehab Recovery 80


60 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time (min) Figure 4. Changes in systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure throughout the test protocol. Data from complete sets (n=14).

The Effects of Fire Fighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis 15 upon entry into rehabilitation, at 5 minute inter- cases, SBP dropped by more than 30 mmHg dur- vals within rehabilitation, and at 15-30 minute ing the 15 minutes of rehab and in 12 cases more intervals throughout recovery (Figure 4). Sys- than 20 mm Hg. In fact, in 5 trials, we measured tolic blood pressure (SBP) was strongly affected a drop of greater than 20 mm Hg in the first 5 by fire fighting activities and recovery from these minutes of rehab. activities, but diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was The lowest average systolic blood pressure not. Furthermore, rehabilitation protocols did not recorded during rehabilitation (114 mm Hg) was influence either SBP or DBP. Post-fire fighting approximately 8.6 mm Hg lower than the values systolic blood pressure averaged approximately recorded during recovery (which were remark- 136 mm Hg in this group of young healthy fire- ably stable). A single bout of moderate intensity fighters, only slightly higher than baseline values. exercise lasting 30-60 minutes typically produc- Baseline systolic blood pressure measurements es post-exercise blood pressure reductions of ap- may have been slightly elevated due to anticipa- proximately 5-10 mm Hg, a phenomenon known tion of fire fighting activity. In a similar group of as post-exercise hypotension. Post-exercise hy- firefighters (similar age, BMI, and fire fighting potension is caused by a reduction in vascular experience), we reported resting blood pressures resistance, mediated by changes in autonomic of 126 mmHg [58]. nervous system and vasodilator substances [59]. Systolic blood pressure dropped rapidly dur- Work in hot environments (or in PPE) can ex- ing rehabilitation. On average, SBP decreased acerbate post-exercise hypotension due to loss 22.5 mmHg - from 136.5 immediately post-fire of plasma volume and a greater drop in vascular fighting to 114 at the end of rehabilitation. In 5 resistance due to vasodilation of the cutaneous

250 * Enhanced Standard

/100) 200



t (mm Hg*b min/100) * 100 *

50 te Pressure Produc Pressure te

Rate Pressure Product (mm Hg* b min Ra ryve re fighting Fi Rehabilitation Reco 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time (minutes)

Figure 5. Changes in Rate Pressure Product (RPP) throughout the test protocol. All timepoints are sig- nificantly different than pre-fire fighting condition, dropping below this level after rehabilitation (* indi- cates significant effect of rehab condition).

16 Results and Discussion circulation [60]. In 17 of the 42 observations, the Hemostatic variables difference between post-fire fighting and recov- Plasma Volume ery was greater than 10 mm Hg and in 6 of the Dehydration has an effect on cardiovascular 42 observations, the difference in blood pressure and thermal strain, and may influence coagula- was greater than 20 mm Hg. One individual had tory variables. To assess dehydration, we calcu- a blood pressure drop from 153 to 106 mm Hg in lated changes (from timepoint a to timepoint b) the first 5 minutes of rehab, maintained ~110 mm in plasma volume using measurements of hemo- Hg throughout rehab, then returned to a stable globin (Hb) and hematocrit (Hct) via the Green- 122 during the last 90 minutes of recovery. leaf method. Following rehabilitation and the dummy drag, which was conducted at room tempera- ture, participants walked to an adjacent building where they recovered for another 120 minutes. The blood pressure values during recovery aver- Complete blood cell count (CBC) analysis aged approximately 122.6 and were remarkably was performed using a Cell-Dyn 3200 automated stable. These findings suggest that locomotion analysis system (Abbott Diagnostics) using flow was related to increasing venous return. As we cytometry technology, from which hematocrit did not have a true baseline measure for our par- and hemoglobin were assessed. During the fire ticipants, we do not know if the blood pressure fighting activities, participants in the standard values recorded during the recovery period re- and enhanced condition lost 6.7% and 4.2% of flected post-exercise hypotension. However, the their plasma volume, respectively, with no mea- recovery values baseline measures from sureable difference between conditions. During firefighters in similar BMI categories based on a the rehab and 120 minute recovery period, par- previous study in firefighters (121 - 126 mm Hg ticipants’ plasma volume increased by 6.9% and [58]). 6.1% from post-fire fighting levels, again with no While blood pressure is routinely monitored significant difference between conditions. From during rehabilitation, most guidelines are con- the pre-fire fighting condition to the 120-post cerned about dangerously elevated blood pres- condition, firefighters plasma volume changed sure values following strenuous fire fighting ac- by -0.56% and +1.44% in each condition, result- tivities. Our data suggest that individuals over- ing in a PV level that was not statistically differ- seeing medical monitoring of firefighters during ent from baseline after 120 minutes of recovery. rehabilitation should also be concerned about Thus, both rehab conditions were equally effec- hypotension and the attending risk of syncope. tive in rehydrating firefighters from this relatively As shown in Figure 5, Rate Pressure Prod- short bout of fire fighting activity. uct (RPP) changed significantly with time. As expected, the RPP increased significantly during firefighting activity due to the increase in myo- cardial oxygen consumption during firefighting. However, RPP rapidly decreased below pre-fire- fighting values by the end of the rehabilitation period (40 minutes). There was a significant con- dition effect with RPP being significantly lower in the standard condition.

The Effects of Fire Fighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis 17 Platelet number and function concentration (i.e., the 5-7% decrease in plasma Platelet count was assessed via CBC analy- volume) and a release of platelets from the spleen sis as outlined above. Platelet aggregation was and lymph tissue secondary to sympathetic nerve assessed by closure time using a platelet func- stimulation (see section on catecholamine levels tion anaylzer (PFA 100; Dade Behring). The PFA below). measures the time necessary for a platelet plug After rehab and recovery, platelet count had to occlude an apperture after the blood is stimu- returned to baseline values in the standard rehab lated by a platelet agonist (ADP and collagen or condition, but remained significantly elevated epinephrine and collagen). As such, a reduced from baseline for the enhanced rehab condition. closure time reflects increased platelet aggrega- In both cases, firefighters had returned to their tion. baseline PV level, so the difference between con- Platelet count increased significantly (18%) ditions is not a result of differential hemoconcen- and platelet closure time decreased significantly tration effects. Furthermore, the core tempera- (15% ADP, 20% EPI) following fire fighting ac- tures were not significantly different between tivity suggesting increased thrombotic potential conditions, suggesting that the sports drink and in the period immediately after fire fighting (Fig- recovery drink are the most likely difference be- ure 6). There was no condition effect for platelet tween conditions and may have had an effect on number or function between the pre- and post-fire platelet concentration. At the same time, platelet fighting condition. The increase in platelet count aggregation was enhanced following fire fight- seen post-fire fighting is similar in magnitude to ing activity (as evidenced by a shorter time to the increase in platelet count that occurs follow- occulsion) and remained elevated following 120 ing strenuous exercise. The increase in platelet minutes of recovery. The decreased closure time number likely reflects a combination of hemo- that persisted even after 120 minutes of recovery

360 130 Standard EPI 340 120 Enhanced ADP 320 110 300 * 100 280 90 260 Closure time (sec)

Platelet Count (K/uL) Count Platelet 80 240

220 70

200 60 Pre Post 120 Post Pre Post 120 Post Data Collection Period Data Collection Period

Figure 6. Platelet count (left) and platelet activity measured via closure time when blood exposed to ADP and EPI (right) at pre-fire fighting, post-fire fighting, and post 120 minutes of recovery. Data from com- plete sets (n=17 for closure time and n=21 for platelet count).

18 Results and Discussion suggests that there is an increased risk of throm- latory potential and fibrinolytic potential; in other bosis at least 2 ½ hours after completion of short words, there may be a hemostatic balance but at a bouts of fire fighting activity in relatively young, higher level than baseline. However, the elevated healthy firefighters. coagulatory potential at 2 hours post-fire fight- ing at the time when fibrinolytic variables return Coagulation and fibrinolysis to baseline may reflect a period of hemostatic As shown in Figure 7 (left) both Tissue Fac- imbalance – favoring coagulation. These results tor and Factor VIII significantly increased im- are consistent with data from Hedge et al. (2001) mediately post-fire fighting. Additionally, Factor who reported coagulatory variables remained el- VIII remained significantly elevated at 120 min- evated 90 minutes after strenuous exercise while utes post-recovery. None of these coagulatory fibrinolytic factors returned to baseline by that variables were affected by the different rehab period [43]. protocols. These results indicate that even short bouts of fire fighting stimulate an increase in co- Catecholamine response agulatory variables and the time needed for full As shown in Figure 8, we measured an in- recovery is greater than 2 ½ hours. crease in epinephrine levels from baseline to Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) activity immediately post-fire fighting activity and a sig- and antigen levels increased significantly from nificant decrease from levels in the time between pre-fire fighting to post-fire fighting conditions, measurements taken immediately after fire fight- but returned to baseline conditions at 120 min- ing to those taken after 120 minutes of recovery utes post-recovery regardless of rehab condition with the enhanced rehab but not with the stan- (Figure 7 - right). These results suggest that fi- dard rehab. In addition, we measured an increase brinolysis is activated immediately after firefight- in norepinephrine from baseline to immediately ing but does not remain elevated for a prolonged post-fire fighting, followed by a decrease in lev- period. The increased coagulatory variables and els after 120 post-fire fighting although there was fibrinolytic variables in the immediate post-fire no significant difference between the two treat- fighting period may reflect an increase in coagu- ments.

170 450 160 400 Enhanced Enhanced 150 Standard 350 Standard 140 300 om om 130 250 120 200 110 150 efighting condition efighting condition % Change fr 100 % Change fr 100 e-fir e-fir Pr 90 Pr 50 80 0 Pre Post 120 Post Pre Post 120 Post Pre Post 120 Post Pre Post 120 Post FVIII TF Tpa act Tpa agn Figure 7. (left) Factor VIII increases post-fire fighting and remain elevated at 120 minutes into recovery, but (right) Fibrinolytic variables that increase post-fire fighting return to near baseline levels after 120 minutes of recovery, suggesting a potentially hypercoagulable state in the hours after fire fighting.

The Effects of Fire Fighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis 19 The finding that catecholamines were signif- measurements closely matched those obtained icantly higher than baseline more than 2 hours via auscultation. In general, there was an effect after fire fighting activities were completed is of time (e.g., changed significantly during fire surprising given the half life of these hormones. fighting and recovery) for both systolic blood Furthermore, given the anticipation that firefight- pressure and mean arterial pressure, with blood ers were likely to have felt prior to performing pressure decreasing below baseline levels fol- the fire fighting activities, it is reasonable to be- lowing rehabilitation. However, there was no lieve that true resting levels of catecholamines difference between rehab conditions. Peripheral would have been lower than the pre-fire fighting diastolic blood pressure did not change signifi- values we reported here. cantly throughout the study. Aortic blood pres- sure followed a similar pattern, systolic and mean Arterial function arterial pressure changed significantly with time We used arterial tonography (ShygmoCor, but diastolic pressure did not, and there was no Australia) to obtain radial artery pulse waves. significant effect of rehab. However, the aortic Peripheral and aortic blood pressure and suben- systolic blood pressures were considerably lower docardial viability ratios were calculated from than those obtained via auscultation. these plusewaves using the ShygmoCor soft- An important measure calculated from the ware (Table 2). The peripheral blood pressure radial artery pulse waves, the Subendocardial

Standard 14 12 Standard - Epinephrine Enhanced Enhanced - Epinephrine Standard - Norepinephrine 12 Enhanced - Norepinephrine 10

10 8

8 ( n g/mL) 6 6 tisol ( m g/mL)

r Co 4 4 oncentration C

2 2

0 0 Pre Post 120 Post Pre Post 120 Post Data Collection Period Data Collection Period

Figure 8. Epinephrine and norepinephrine at pre-fire fighting, post-fire fighting, and post 120 minutes of recovery. Data from complete sets (n=19 and 18 for epinephrine and norepinephrine, respectively).

20 Results and Discussion Viability Ratio (SEVR) provides an estimate of up to 2 hours after firefighters have completed the arterial system’s ability to perfuse myocardial just one air cylinder, particularly if they return to tissue (i.e., supply oxygen to the heart muscle), in the fire fight without a significant rehab period. order to meet the heart’s energy requirements. If Furthermore, the time scale for recovery to base- SEVR decreases from baseline levels, the heart line levels – assuming full rehab and recovery will be faced with a reduced energy reserve, po- in a controlled, relaxed environment – is on the tentially resulting in lower tolerance for strenu- order of hours, not minutes. As most firefighters ous physical activities such as fighting a fire. will be required to return to work for clean up or As expected, SEVR was significantly reduced overhaul, this extended rest period is not likely to immediately post-fire fighting and recovered rap- be available. idly during rehab and into recovery (Figure 9). However, there is a significant difference be- Myocardial oxygen supply and demand tween the rehab interventions with SEVR more The decrease in subendocardial viability ratio rapidly returning to baseline with the Standard (SEVR) immediately post-fire fighting reflects a recovery protocol as compared to the Enhanced decrease in myocardial perfusion relative to car- protocol. On average, firefighters returned to diac workload, while the significant increase in baseline from the standard condition at 60 min- rate pressure product (RPP) reflects an increase in utes into recovery and after 90 minutes of recov- the myocardial tissue demand for oxygen. How- ery for the enhanced rehab protocols. This result ever, as Figure 5 shows, RPP rapidly returns to has significant implications since it suggests that levels below pre-fire fighting values by the first myocardial blood supply may be decreased for recovery time period. As the pre-fire fighting

200 SEVR-Enhanced SEVR-Standard * 180 *

* 160 * SEVR

140 r fo e r fo ondition

120 ondition Return to baseline b ryve Enahanced C 130-150 min post-FF Return to baselin to Return Standad C 100 min post-FF re ghting Fi Reha Reco 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time (min)

Figure 9. Changes in Subendocardial Viability Ratio (SEVR) throughout the test protocol. Data from com- plete sets only (n=10) * indicates significant condition effect at these time points.

The Effects of Fire Fighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis 21 Table 2. Statistical analysis of arterial function asssessed via radial artery pulse wave analysis during fire fighting, rehab and recovery.

pSBP n=10 pDBP n=10 pMP n=10 pPP n=10 aSBP n=10 aDBP n=10 aMP n=10 aPP n=10 SEVR n=10

Standard Enhanced Standard Enhanced Standard Enhanced Standard Enhanced Standard Enhanced Standard Enhanced Standard Enhanced Standard Enhanced Standard Enhanced

130.8(3.9) 128.5(3.3) 76.6(3.2) 74.4(1.5) 92.6*3.5) 91.7(2.1) 54.2(2.3) 54.1(2.3) 111.0(4.2) 109.9(2.9) 77.6(3.2) 75.5(1.6) 92.6(3.5) 91.7(2.1) 33.4(1.7) 34.4)1.7) 168.2(12.0) 164.8(9.7)

Mean (SE)


133.1(3.2) 137.2(2.1) 76.9(3.0) 78.6(2.2) 95.6(3.0) 98.2(1.8) 56.2(2.9) 58.6(3.0) 113.0(3.3) 115.6(2.0) 80.2(2.8) 82.1(2.0) 95.6(3.0) 98.2(1.8) 32.8(2.2) 33.5(2.1) 113.2(7.6) 110.5(6.2)

Mean (SE)


119.2(2.1) 114.5(5.1) 75.1(4.0) 72.4(3.3) 88.5(3.3) 85.1(3.4) 44.1(3.0) 42.1(2.7) 102.3(2.6) 98.3(3.8) 76.1(4.0) 73.7(3.1) 88.5(3.3) 85.1(3.4) 26.2(1.9) 24.6(1.6) 139.3(8.6) 131.0(5.9)

Mean (SE)

15 min


125.6(3.3) 126.6(3.5) 74.6(2.0) 73.1(2.6) 89.8(2.1) 90.4(2.8) 51.0(3.1) 53.5(2.6) 106.7(2.6) 106.9(3.6) 75.6(2.0) 74.9(2.8) 89.8(2.1) 90.4(2.8) 31.1(1.9) 32.0(2.3) 153.0(8.5) 136.9(6.1)

Mean (SE)

15 min

125.2(2.7) 123.4(3.2) 72.5(5.3) 73.8(1.9) 88.8(4.2) 89.4(2.2) 52.7(4.4) 49.6(2.9) 106.3(4.8) 105.1(3.0) 73.9(5.1) 75.3(1.9) 88.8(4.2) 89.4(2.2) 32.4(2.9) 29.8(2.7) 153.9(10.2) 145.4(8.6)

Mean (SE)

30 min

122.1(3.2) 120.8(4.0) 73.0(2.7) 71.1(2.55 88.1(2.8) 86.4(3.2) 49.1(2.5) 49.7(3.4) 105.0(3.3) 102.7(4.0) 73.9(52.6) 72.4(2.6) 88.1(2.8) 86.4(3.2) 31.1(2.1) 30.3(3.1) 169.1(9.5) 147.5(6.3)

Mean (SE)


60 min

125.1(3.6) 118.6(3.1) 74.9(1.8) 71.5(2.5) 90.8(2.1) 85.5(2.5) 50.2(3.5) 47.1(2.4) 107.8(3.2) 101.0(2.8) 75.8(1.7) 72.5(2.5) 90.9(2.1) 85.5(2.5) 32.0(3.0) 28.5(1.9) 182.7(7.3) 161.0(6.2)

Mean (SE)

90 min

121.1(2.2) 121.4(3.2) 75.5(2.4) 73.3(2.8) 89.7(1.6) 78.6(2.7) 45.6(3.2) 48.1(3.2) 105.3(1.9) 103.5(3.2) 76.5(2.3) 74.3(2.8) 89.7(1.6) 87.6(2.7) 28.8(2.6) 29.2(2.6) 177.2(8.0) 173.4(10.0)

Mean (SE)

120 min











p< .001


p= .001


p< .001


p= .001


p< .001




1>3; 2>3,8




1>2,3; 2<3,4,5,6,7,8;3<7,8; 4<7,8;5<8;6<7

Post hoc

22 Results and Discussion RPP levels may be slightly elevated from base- lowing recovery and rehabilitation. Feeling Scale line due to an increase in heart rate at pre-activi- ratings decreased ~1.5 units, revealing a decrease ty, and RPP remains relatively stable throughout in pleasantness immediately following fire fight- recovery, it is expected that the RPP has recov- ing. Self-rated Energy increased following fire ered to near baseline levels by this time period. fighting (~16.4%), but then decreased signifi- However, SEVR does not return to pre-fire fight- cantly from that post-fire fighting level during ing levels until sometime between the 30 and 60 the rehabilitation period (~19.5%); self-rated minute time points for standard rehabilitation and Calmness had a non-significant decrease. State between 60 and 90 minutes for enhanced recov- Anxiety was increased significantly (increase of ery. Thus, even though the myocardial demand ~1.4 units; ~8.8%) from pre-trial to post-trial, for oxygen rapidly returns to baseline levels, the followed by a return to pre-fire fighting levels subendocardial perfusion remains reduced for following rehabilitation (~12.1%); Self-rated another 30-90 minutes. Additional research is Tension, a conceptual analogue to anxiety, also needed to determine if a reduced SEVR during increased (~0.7 units; ~10.6%) from pre-trial to recovery may be related to an increased vulner- post-trial, followed by a return to pre-fire fighting ability to sudden cardiac events or if there is, in levels following rehabilitation (~13.7%). Consis- fact, a balance between oxygen supply and de- tent with the decrease in Energy, self-rated Tired- mand. ness decreased significantly (~18%), but then in- creased significantly from that post-fire fighting Psychological & Cognitive Responses level during the rehabilitation period (~28.7%). The fire fighting activities undertaken in the Taken together, each of these psychological con- trial resulted in significant psychological effects structs indicate that the effects of the fire fighting as shown by significant time main effects. How- activities served to either decrease positive and/ ever, there was virtually no difference between or increase negative feelings. It is worth noting the different rehabilitation conditions (Table 3). that the psychological constructs (State Anxiety, Overall, findings revealed a more negative psy- Energy, Tension, Tiredness, Calmness) were all chological profile following fire fighting activi- assessed ~20-30 min following completion of the ties compared to the pre-fire fighting state fol- fire fighting activities and then again 120 min af- lowed by a return to pre-fire fighting levels fol- ter completion. (Only Feeling Scale was assessed

Table 3. Psychological measures pre-fire fighting, immediately post-fire fighting, and 120 minutes post- rehab.

Pre Post Post-120 Condition x Condition Time Post hoc Mean (SE) Mean (SE) Mean (SE) Time Energy Standard 11.5(0.8) 12.8(0.8) 10.3(0.5) ns p=.012 ns 2>3 n=20 Enhanced 10.5 (0.7) 12.8(0.8) 10.3(0.5) Tiredness Standard 10.4(0.8) 8.9(0.5) 10.6(0.8) ns p=.004 ns 1>2,2<3 n=20 Enhanced 10.9(0.7) 8.6(0.7) 11.9(0.7) Tension Standard 6.9(0.5) 7.2(0.5) 6.0(0.3) ns p= .006 p=.028 1<2,2>3 n=20 Enhanced 6.4(0.4) 7.3(0,5) 6.7(0.5) Calmness Standard 13.4(0.7) 10.7(0.5) 13.4(0.7) ns p< .001 ns 1<2, 1<3 n=20 Enhanced 12.4(0.6) 10.6(0.4) 13.1(0.6) State Anxiety Standard 15.7(0.8) 17.3(0.5) 14.7(0.6) ns p=.004 ns 1<2,2>3 n=20 Enhanced 16.2(0.6) 17.4(0.7) 15.7(0.7)

The Effects of Fire Fighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis 23 immediately following the activities). In spite of completion of the fire fighting activity. The faster this relatively long lag time, these constructs still performance could be reflected by the perception revealed a generally more uncomfortable psycho- of greater Energy and decreased Tiredness. logical profile following fire fighting activities (with the exception of the increased Energy and Analysis of anaerobic power decreased Tiredness following the activity). It is Immediately post-rehab, firefighters’ abil- reasonable to assume that this psychological pro- ity to perform a simulated rescue was assessed file was likely even more dysphoric in the time via a dummy drag task. In this case, firefight- period immediately following the activities. ers were asked to drag an 81.5 kg mannequin As shown in Table 4, performance on the across a concrete floor over a distance of 12 m. Continuous Performance Test (CPT), essential- The time to complete the task was measured via ly a decision-making task yielding a behavioral laser triggering at the start and end of the course. measure of reaction time (RT) was unaffected On average, the firefighters required just over 9 by the rehabilitation intervention (i.e., no signifi- seconds to complete the task (Table 5). The re- cant interaction effect). For all trials, there was a hab condition displayed no significant effect on significant reduction in RT from pre- to post-fire the maximal anaerobic power as assessed by the fighting activities (~25 msec), indicating faster dummy drag task, suggesting that an immediate, responses following fire fighting activity; RTs at short term expenditure of energy is not affected the end of the rehabilitation period were not dif- by rehab protocols. ferent from pre-RT values. Very few errors were made and there were Table 5. Dummy drag times for firefighters post no differences across time or intervention type. rehab in the standard and enhanced conditions Somewhat surprisingly, decision-making seemed (n=19). to be facilitated (i.e., RTs were faster without in- creased errors) by the fire fighting activity. This Range could have been due, in part, to the timing of the Mean (SD) performance of the decision-making task. This Standard (sec) 9.11 (1.69) 6.34-13.52 Enhanced (sec) 9.27 (2.06) 6.71-12.65 was not done immediately following the fire fighting activity, but was done following- mea The maximal aerobic power protocol was surements of blood flow and blood draws. Thus, modified from the proposed Wingate Anaerobic the behavioral task was usually performed after Test (WAT) after initial pilot testing. Several sub- approximately 15-20 min had elapsed following jects reported lightheadedness and nausea after

Table 4. Cognitive function assessed via Continuous Performance Test (CPT) pre-fire fighting, immedi- ately post-fire fighting, and 120 minutes post-rehab.

Pre Post Post-120 Condition x Condition Time Post hoc Mean (SE) Mean (SE) Mean (SE) Time CPT-all Standard 399.7(14.9) 370.3(14.1) 387.0(11.9) ns p=.001 ns 1>2 n=17 Enhanced 395.3(15.6) 374.3(11.8) 384.6(13.5) CPT-rare Standard 444.3(16.8) 420.4(17.1) 426.6(14.3) ns p=.012 ns 1>2 n=17 Enhanced 432.4(14.7) 417.1(14.0) 432.86(15.6) CPT-frequent Standard 388.8(14.8) 358.0(13.9) 377.2(12.1) ns p= .002 p=.028 1>2 n=17 Enhanced 386.3(16.1) 363.7(12.2) 372.8(13.3)

24 Results and Discussion the WAT, requiring short term observation. While result in unsafe conditions for our firefighters. the WAT protocol is common protocol, we felt The dummy drag test was then devised as a less that conducting the test after subjects were se- demanding, yet commonly used protocol to as- verely fatigued from fire fighting activities would sess a realistic scenario for the fire service.


Several important conclusions can be drawn fighting activities and into the rehab period. from this study regarding the effect of fire fight- Blood pressure returned rapidly to stable ing activities on the cardiovascular system and baseline levels in recovery. While firefight- the time rate of recovery. ers often are concerned about elevated blood It should be stressed that these results were pressures, this study suggested that firefight- generated from a population of young, healthy ers should be aware of the potential dangers firefighters who were immediately removed of hypotension as well. from the fire fighting activities into a relatively • Platelet count and function were significantly controlled, relaxed environment. Firefighters elevated as a result of fire fighting activities were provided with 15 minutes of rehab prior to and platelet function remained elevated even completing a 10 second maximal aerobic fitness after 120 minutes of recovery. Platelet count test and then were in recovery for 120 minutes was affected by rehab condition - it may or without physical or psychological interruption. may not return to baseline post-120 minutes This scenario represents a likely best case. Often, of recovery. This study suggests that a hyper- firefighters will return to work after consuming 1 coagulable state occurred after fire fighting cylinder of air. Then, once the fire fighting op- activities and did not fully return to baseline eration has ended, they will be involved in over- even 2½ hours after fire fighting has ceased. haul and clean up operations, which may further • Both coagulation (Factor VIII and Tissue Fac- exacerbate the perturbations measured and the tor) and fibrinolysis (tPa activity and antigen) time rate of recovery. were elevated immediately post-fire fighting, suggesting that factors on both sides of the Summary of effect of fire fighting recovery hemostatic equilibrium were elevated. How- Fire fighting activities resulted in a signifi- ever, at 120 minutes post-fire fighting, all fi- cant elevation of core temperature and heart rate. brinolytic factors returned to baseline, while Importantly: Factor VIII remained significantly elevated, • The recovery from these effects occurred over tipping the hemostatic balance towards co- a timecourse of hours even after a relatively agulation. short bout of fire fighting in a relatively young • Arterial function assessed via arterial tonog- and healthy population. Plus, the firefighters raphy revealed that the peripheral blood were in a controlled and relaxed environment pressure values very closely matched blood away from physical or psychological disrup- pressure values determined via auscultation. tions that are common on the fireground. Importantly, the Subendocardial Variabil- • Systolic blood pressures displayed a sig- ity Ratio (SEVR) calculated from arterial nificant and rapid decline shortly after fire tonography suggested that the heart may be

The Effects of Fire Fighting and On-Scene Rehabilitation on Hemostasis 25 facing a reduction in perfusion for up to 90 first 15 minutes of recovery. Importantly, the minutes into the recovery from firefighting, changes in HR and SEVR do not become sig- again suggesting that the time rate of recov- nificant until 15 minutes into recovery (i.e. ery from fire fighting is on the order of hours, not during rehab). not minutes. • Platelet count was significantly affected by • Catecholamine levels were significantly ele- rehab condition at the 120 minute post-rehab vated post-fire fighting and remained elevat- time point. While firefighter’s platelet count ed at 120 minutes post-recovery. returned to baseline levels after recovery in • Firefighters had a generally more dysphoric the standard condition, the platelet count psychological profile following fire fighting remained elevated after recovery from the activities that returned to baseline at 120 min- enhanced rehab condition. Firefighters were utes post-recovery. Cognitive function values equally hydrated after recovery (as assessed actually appeared to improve immediately via changes in plasma volume – assuming post-fire fighting. equal hydration prior to fire fighting), so this effect is not likely due to hemoconcentra- Summary of effect of rehab condition tion. • The enhanced rehab condition appeared to • Epinephrine levels remained elevated post- have a negative effect on cardiovascular recovery from the standard condition, yet re- function as firefighters displayed an elevated turned to baseline for the enhanced condition. heart rate and reduced subendocardial vi- Previous research has shown that ingesting ability ratio (SEVR) throughout recovery as carbohydrates can reduce the elevation of compared to the standard condition. How- epinephrine, but it is not clear how this may ever, the practical/clinical significance of the affect catecholamines in recovery. elevated heart rate (~5 bpm) and SEVR (~30) • The rehab condition had no effect on post- in recovery is unknown. rehab dummy drag, which suggested that the • The rehab condition had no effect on core maximal anaerobic power was not affected temperature, suggesting that the cooling by the rehab protocol. portion of the intervention had no effect in the mild ambient environment in which we It is difficult to pinpoint the exact nutrient or conducted rehab. Therefore, the only differ- combination of nutrients that could cause these ence between the conditions was the addi- changes, and further research is necessary to de- tional nutrition from the sports drink during termine the specific components responsible for rehab and recovery drink ingested during the these outcomes.

26 Conclusions Literature Cited

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