St. David Lutheran





Council Congregation Council Annual Report 2020 ...... 4-5 Staff Pastor’s Report 2020 ...... 6 In Memory, New Members and Members Transferred out ...... 7

Committees Altar Guild Annual Report 2020 ...... 8 Archives Committee Annual Report 2020 ...... 9 Campus Ministry Congregational Outreach Annual Report 2020 ...... 10 Cemetery and Memorials Committee Annual Report 2020 ...... 11 Cemetery and Memorials Committee Attachment 1 - 2020 ...... 12-13 Cemetery and Memorials Committee Attachment 2 - 2020 ...... 14-15 Endowment Funds 2020 ...... 16 Evangelism Committee Annual Report 2020 ...... 17 2020 EOY Summary ...... 18 Finance Committee Annual Financial Report 2020 ...... 19 Hispanic Team Ministry Committee Annual Report 2020 ...... 20 My Amigos Bilingual Education Center (MABEC) 2020 in Review ...... 21 Learning Committee Annual Report 2020 ...... 22 Lutheran Men in Mission Annual Report 2020 ...... 23 Lutheran Men Financial Report 2020...... 24 Member Care Committee Annual Report 2020 ...... 25 Mutual Ministry Committee Annual Report 2020 ...... 26 Nursery Committee Annual Report 2020 ...... 27 Property Committee Annual Report 2020 ...... 28 Safety Task Force Annual Report 2020 ...... 29 Social Ministry Committee Annual Report 2020 ...... 30 Blood Drives Annual Report 2020 ...... 31 Women of the ELCA Annual Report 2020 ...... 32 Worship and Music Annual Report 2020 ...... 33 Young At Heart Annual Report 2020 ...... 34 Youth Annual Report 2020 ...... 35

OTHER REPORTS Bulletin Calendar 2021 ...... 36 Flower Calendar 2021 ...... 37 Organizational Structure 2021 ...... 38

The Yearbook of St. David Lutheran Church for 2020 is dedicated to the glory of God in loving memory of our dear members who have become part of the Church Triumphant.

St. David Lutheran

Mission Statement Marked with the cross of Christ forever, St. David is a caring community called to love, serve and proclaim God’s eternal grace to all people.

Vision Statement St. David is a community founded in faith and marked with the cross of Christ forever. We embrace our past with humility and trust God’s plan for our future with hope. We care for each other and reach out to care for the needs of our neighbors.

As a caring community of brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to:

• Gather to be embraced by God’s love and go to share God’s love with others; • Rejoice in our opportunities to serve each other and our neighbors in need by sharing what God has first given us - our selves, our time and our possessions, signs of God’s gracious love; • Join together to be nourished by Word and Sacrament, which em- powers us in our joyful call to proclaim God’s eternal grace to all people.



Rev. Greg S. Brown Dr. Al Roberts Otto Hage Director of Music Choral Director and Organist

Joel Antley Gloria Miller Joan Bundrick Steve Benko Director of Youth Office Manager Assistant Secretary Seminarian and Family Ministry

Jim Bickley Kevin Sox Sylvia Wessinger Pam Fox Drew Laughlan Lenny Bugay President Vice-President Secretary Asst. Secretary Treasurer Financial Secretary

Jim John Kirsten Bucky Pat Janet Matt Linda Caroline Brazell Bundrick Davis Hood Minemier Riddle Schnabel Turner Davis


Claire Compton Debbie Dooley Bruce McFarland Mikel Smith Abigail Martin


2019-2021 2020-2022 2021-2023 2021 Youth Jim Bickley Jim Brazell Claire Compton Abigail Martin John Bundrick Kirsten Davis Debbie Dooley Pam Fox Matt Schnabel Bruce McFarland Pat Minemier Linda Turner Mikel Smith

Marked with the cross of Christ forever, St. David is a caring community called to love, serve and proclaim God’s eternal grace to all people. 

Published: March 2021



The Pastor, along with members elected by the congregation, a Treasurer and a Financial Secre- tary make up the Council. The elected members serve a 3-year term with one-third elected on a yearly rotation, and the youth representative has a 1-year term. The Council has general over- sight of the congregation. Council meets the second Sunday each month at 6:30 pm.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES OF COUNCIL DURING 2020: 1. Approval given to purchase new robes for the Chancel Choir, Jubilate Bells, Assisting Ministers and Acolytes. 2. A new organizational chart for the congregation was adopted at the Council Retreat. Areas of focus are UP: our relationship with God, IN: our relationship within St David, and OUT: our relationship with the world around us. Each committee will fall under one of these cate- gories. 3. Organized and purchased Pastor Greg Brown’s portrait and placed in the hallway behind the sanctuary. 4 Approved a new option for on-line giving utilizing Push Pay. 5. Modified the Wedding Policy adding the fee schedule for videography (optional) to be the same as for the Sound Tech. $150 for members and $300 for non-members. 6. Supported the Abundancia Appeal for the SC Synod to honor Bishop Yoos on his retire- ment. This fund will support Cristo Rey and other Hispanic ministries. Allocated 50% of Easter offering to support this appeal. 7. Coronavirus Response. Based on safety recommendations, a number of changes were adopt- ed in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic throughout the year. * Moved to virtual services via Facebook, website, Roku Channel in mid-March. - Provided DVD’s for members without internet access. * Suspension of Sunday school in March. * Communion made to be host only and distributed in Drive Thru lines outside. * Suspended Homebound Communion and hospital visits, but maintained communica- tion with homebound members with written cards * Officially closed the church office to visitors in March. * Majority of Council meetings held via Zoom Meetings virtually. * Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, Graduate Recognition, & Confirmation services were held with limited attendance. * Returned to in person service on August 16th meeting Outdoors at 8:00 AM in the parking lot. Outdoor services ran through late fall on the first and third Sunday’s. * Returned to in person services on November 15th holding services at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM, with the 10:30 service remained available virtually. * In person serviced remained active until December 20th * Christmas Eve Service returned to Virtual in response to high risk of Covid spread. Services remained virtual for Dec 27th service. 8. Approved memorials throughout the year to purchase various sets of new Paraments.



9. Approved the removal of the confederate battle flags from the confederate soldiers’ grave sites and replaced with the First Confederate National Flag honoring those soldiers. 10. SC Synod Assembly held via Zoom on July 25th. Representatives from St David met in the Zela Boozer classroom to view the event. Rev Ginny Aebischer was elected as the new Bishop of the SC Synod. 11. Established a Covid protocol for staff/members requiring using masks in the building and quar- antine policy. 12. Approved the purchase for a new AC unit for the Family Life Center. 13. Established and approved in-person worship plan, including use of face covers, signs at the doors, social distancing measures, one-way traffic, and temperature checks. 14. New Council members for the 2021-2023 terms were nominated at the October 4th congrega- tion meeting and were elected at the November 1st congregation meeting. 15. Celebrated the 175th Homecoming Anniversary on November 8th. Bishop Ginny Aebischer served as the guest pastor for the service. 16. Proposed a spending plan for CY2021 and approved by the congregation at our November 1st congregation meeting.

Respectfully submitted: Jim Bickley, President



“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear.” Psalm 46:1-2a

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This year has been unlike any other in our lifetimes. We began with my preparing for a mobili- zation with the Army that never materialized and then were slammed into what has felt like an alternate version of reality with a pandemic that has gripped the whole planet in turmoil. To make things still more difficult, we lost a significant number of our beloved community this year. And still, God is faithful and calls us to be faithful.

Much of this year in terms of pastoral ministry has happened through a screen—whether it be a television, computer, tablet or phone screen. Pastoral care has been relegated to telephone calls, emails, and Facebook messages when in-person visits were impossible or ill-advised. Bible study moved to Zoom, as did many of our other meetings and ministries. And still, God is faithful and calls us to be faithful.

As we head into this new year, I think that we’re faced with an incredible opportunity. We need to take a look around and see the blessings that we do indeed have. Our congregation has fared well throughout this year because of God’s faithfulness and your faithfulness. Your continued support of our shared ministries with your time, your talent, and your continued gracious finan- cial support has been an incredible blessing. With your continued support, I pray that we’ll see our congregation come out of this ordeal strengthened and poised to an even stronger witness for the sake of the gospel.

It is my prayer that we’ll see a return—sometime this year—to worshipping together in person, to sharing in Christian Education and community service work as a congregation. One of our priorities will need to be placed on evangelism. We’ve had more visitors this year to our con- gregation digitally than we’ve ever seen before. We have a lot to offer as a congregation, and now is the time to capitalize on the blessings we have that we can share with others.

The familiar words of Psalm 46 will continue to guide our congregation into the future, just as it has for the past 175 years and counting. God is indeed our refuge. Our mighty fortress, sure defense, and everlasting hope. God is faithful, and we, dear brothers and sisters, are called to remain faithful through this and every challenge we face. Together we will persevere in faith and continue to be a beacon of hope for all the world.

God is with us,

Pastor Greg +



Bachman Frederick “Fred” Nichols John Minh Deip Elizabeth McGuffin Dodgen October 13, 1924 October 9, 1936 February 9, 1961 January 7, 2020 June 14, 2020 September 26, 2020

Janie Catherine Burnette Derrick Lee Margie Dooley Hutchins Flossie Meetze Senn July 27, 1933 October 20, 1933 June 25, 1925 February 24, 2020 June 30, 2020 October 21, 2020

Virginia Kaminer Lown Aaron Shane Frazier Elizabeth B. “Boots” Dooley March 15, 1925 May 15, 1963 January 18, 1939 April 11, 2020 July 5, 2020 October 22, 2020

LeVett Dominy Jeffcoat Elizabeth Hook Caughman Jeanette Mathias Frye October 23, 19 October 9, 1928 September 9, 1934 May 27, 2020 July 23, 2020 November 6, 2020

Thomas Daniel “Dan” Enlow November 7, 1951 May 31, 2020



Macie Adalyn Cooper Isaac Mathiad Martin Ridge Samuel Price Hudson Oliver Culick Elizabeth Grace Middleton Marlee Claire Rate Olivia Marie Dickey Baylor Alden Mims Justin Michale Shuman Thomas Benjamin Gabriel Lindler Rebecca Sue Plaster Benjamin Leondry Sox


Transferred from ELCA Congregations

Sharon Cooper Brenda Sherrill Robert Sherrill Annalisa Sherrill

Transferred from a Non-Lutheran Congregation

Matthew Cooper

Transferred to ELCA Congregation

Gene Schofield



The St. David Altar Guild is responsible for keeping the chancel neat and orderly, and aestheti- cally pleasing. The Altar Guild prepares the Chancel area for worship, so each member of the congregation has an orderly setting and meaningful worship experience.

In 2020, a group of dedicated, hard-working individuals prepared communion for each Sunday Worship Service.

I would like to extend a special thank you to the Altar Guild members for their dedication and hard work during the past year. Thank you for your help. Without you our worship services would be less meaningful.

It is an honor for the Altar Guild to be able to serve our Lord Jesus Christ and the people of St. David. We are looking forward to another year of service.

Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Shull Busbee Chairperson

2020 Committee Members

Harriet Berzins John Berzins John Bundrick, Council Liaison Joan Bundrick Liz Busbee Bonny Clayborn Meagan Mattox Betty Enlow Pam Fox Brenda Fulmer June Suite Barbara Thompson Linda Turner

A very special thanks goes to Liz Busbee for her many years of dedication and service to the Altar Guild.



The purpose of the St. David Archives is to gather, review, categorize and file all pertinent old church materials in a safe environment. Much of the material has been donated by individual church members and committees. We are always interested in receiving additional pertinent historical items for the Archives.

One of the fireproof file cabinets had a broken drawer handle and the drawer could not be used. Bruce McFarland purchased a new handle for $65 and repaired the drawer. Thank-you Bruce for your contributions.

Organizing and filing records is an ongoing task and we looked for ways to facilitate this. It was decided that a letter sorter would be helpful. Church Council approved the purchase of a sorter at a cost of $138.

To make archive boxes more accessible, they were shifted forward to the front side of the shelv- ing units.

Pictures of confirmation classes were collected and identified. We are missing pictures of many classes. If you have a picture of a confirmation class that you will share, please inform the ar- chives committee.

The original handwritten minutes of St. David Lutheran Brotherhood for the years 1947-1953 were typed, proofread, and printed. This was done to preserve the minutes in readable form and resulted in 29 typed pages.

The big project completed this year was to compile a list of all gifts given to the church as hon- orariums and memorials. To achieve this goal, all bulletins from 1948 to present were perused and a list made. This list was typed and resulted in a 33-page document. Additionally, copied lists from bulletins that totaled 53 pages were added as attachments to this Honorarium and Me- morial Book. These lists include books of worship, hymnals, Bibles, windows, bricks, and me- dallion grave markers. The document was placed in Archives and a copy was given to Pastor Greg Brown. This project was performed over a period of two months and took approximately 150 hours to complete.

For the past nine years, the Archives Room has been shared with the Social Ministry Commit- tee’s Snack Sack Program. Food is stored and bagged here for distribution to the children at Oak Grove Elementary School.

The Archives Committee is available to assist you in locating information that is stored in the Archives Room which is located next to the Parlor in the Education Building.

Respectfully submitted, Dianne Davis, Archives Committee Linda Turner, Council Liaison



Purpose: To communicate with and provide a link between St. David and all students attend- ing institutions of higher learning. This communication says to the student that “your church remembers and cares about you.”

Accomplishments: • Church members and WELCA groups kept in touch on a monthly basis with 16 students for the 2019-20 school year and 8 students for the 2020-21 school year from St. David through the adopt-a-student program.

• Campus ministry sent out cards/emails throughout the year.

• Campus ministry sent “Christ in Our Home” devotional books quarterly to students.

• Due to COVID, the annual breakfast honoring high school and college graduates and their parents was not held in 2020.

• The congregation recognized 6 high school graduates, 3 college graduates, and 1 student with a Masters degree on May 24, 2020.

• St. David Bethany group provided a meal for USC Campus Ministry in the Spring semester and money towards the purchase of boxed meals in the Fall semester.

Goals: To continue the activities above and to encourage prayers for all our students.

Thank you: To the students for encouragement to the committee; to groups and individuals in the congregation who participate in the “adopt- a-student” program; to individuals who donate to and support the work of Campus Ministry at St. David and in the Synod; to Pam Fox and Ann Alexander, coordinators for the high school quilt-making project; to Claire Compton, the WELCA liaison for Graduate Recognition Sunday; and to our Pastor for his support of this ministry.

Committee: Laurie Harmon and Sylvia Wessinger



of the St. David Lutheran Church

MISSION: We are dedicated to providing caring service in assisting members in funeral pre- planning and during their time of loss. We are accountable in documenting accurate church cemetery and other registry and memorial records. Our responses must be transparent, honest and consistent to establish and maintain trusting relationships with church members and staff.

ACTIVITIES DURING 2020 (see Attachment 1-Details): • 11 members and three (3) nonmembers were buried this year at St. David Cemetery joining the Church triumphant. Two (2) deceased church members were buried at another ceme- tery. Due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, visitations and funeral services were restricted to family for several months including graveside services; CDC mask and distanc- ing guidelines were required. • 18 Cemetery plots were assigned - 17 to church members and to one (1) approved non- member. No assignments were made to our Columbarium. • There were no Quit Claims (plots returned back to the church for re-assignment). • 523 memorials plus 28 honorariums were acknowledged with cards to the donors plus let- ters listing donors were provided to the families of the departed or those honored. • There was one special search request of church records. • On-line cemetery records were expanded based on our church registry and available ar- chived materials such as dates of baptisms, confirmations, weddings and transfers. • A request to install artificial turf on a gravesite was denied due to funeral homes being un- willing for liability for damage during future grave preparation requirements. • A report of vandalism (spray paint) was investigated to be natural weathering. SPECIAL EVENTS (see Attachment 2 - Photos): • Council unanimously voted to replace the Confederate Battle Flags in the cemetery with the 1st National Flag of the Confederacy. There are 10 Confederate graves. • U.S. Flags to honor our veterans were donated by Thompson Funeral Home - Lexington Chapel and the Malejko family replaced damaged flags as required. Flags fly year-round. Permanent grave markers also honor military and first responder veterans. • Church members who served in the military were remembered in prayer on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. A Laying of the Crosses ceremony honored deceased veterans and 1st responders on December 5th. A special thanks to Elizabeth Malejko, event organizer; Ma- jor, USAF (Ret) Bernie Lee, master of ceremony; Joel Antley who led prayers; Dr. Al Rob- erts who rang a memory bell for names read; Tim Sox who played TAPS; and for relatives and friends who laid the crosses on veterans’ graves.

2021 GOALS: The Cemetery Committee will continue assisting members in assigning burial plots and related installation of permanent markers, and optional coping and gravel; working closely with church staff for funeral services, and funeral directors to identify and supervise the opening and closing of graves; general maintenance; recognition of military and 1st responder veterans; and planning future needs for the cemetery; acknowledge donations and notify family of donors who made memorials or honorariums.

Committee Members: Bernie Lee, Chair – 803-348-0631 cell; [email protected] Charles Dooley (Columbarium), Larry Lown, Elizabeth Malejko, Chick Roof (Co-Chair) and H. Michael Sox Call Bernie Lee if you would like to be a member of this committee.



of the St. David Lutheran Church

Attachment 1 - Details

CHANGES TO CEMETERY PLAT (January 1 to December 31, 2020)

Assignment of Burial Plots: (18)

1. John Homer Roof (E-11E) 1/30/20 Non-Member (Brother to Tricia Roof Hood; and son of Homer & Rosalyn Roof, both deceased and buried at St. David) 2. Curtis Bernard Lee (H-2J) 3/16/20 3. Frances Wynette (Shull) Lee (H-2H) 3/16/20 4. Kresta Dianne (Coffman) Frazier (I-6H) 5/14/20 5. Aaron Shane Frazier (I-6J) 5/14/20 6. Joan (Enlow) Beckham (A-10B) 7/09/2020 7. Patricia (Jordan) Rucker – changed from J12B to I12B (8/12/2020) 8. R. Mark Rucker – changed from J12D to I12D (8/12/2020) 9. Lan Diep (J12B) 8/31/2020 10. David Diep (J12D) 8/31/2020 11. Elizabeth (McGuffin) Dodgen (D-8A) 10/1/2020 12. John Lee Dodgen (D-8C) 10/1/2020 13. Stephanie Jade Donald (H-12F) 11/24/2020 Pending Receipt of Application 14. Stephanie Jade Donald (H-12H) 11/24/2020 Pending Receipt of Application 15. Janice Ruth (Fambrough) Fipps (H-1F) 11/30/2020 16. Steven Foster Fipps (H-1H) 11/30/2020 17. Claire Elizabeth (Dominy) Foster (I-09D to I-09F) 12/18/2020; special request to be next to her mother 18. Thomas Jeffery Foster (I-09F to I-09D) 12/18/2020

Niche Assignment in Columbarium: (0)

Quit Claims: (0) Burial plots returned by the family to the church

Member Burials in SDLC Cemetery: (11) (chronologically by burial date)

1. Virginia Lee (Kaminer) Lown (F-1C) 3/15/1925-4/10/2020; buried 4/16/2020 2. Levett Augustus (Dominy) Jeffcoat (I-11E) 10/23/1945-5/27/2020; buried 5/31/2020 3. *Thomas Daniel “Dan” Enlow (A-11G2) 11/7/1951-5/31/2020; buried 6/7/2020 4. John Minh Diep (Diep Minh An) (J-12C) 10/9/1936-6/14/2020; buried 6/20/2020 5. Margie Luvella (Dooley) Hutchins (F-6F) 10/20/1933-6/30/2020; buried 7/3/2020 6. *Aaron Shane Frazier (I-6J) 5/15/1963-7/5/2020; buried 7/8/2020 7. Elizabeth (Hook) Caughman (C3B) 10/9/1928-7/23/2020; buried 7/26/2020 8. Flossie E. (Meetze) Senn (B-11J) 6/25/1925-10/2/2020; buried 10/5/2020 9. Elizabeth (McGuffin) Dodgen (D-8A) 2/9/1961-9/26/2020; buried 10/10/2020 10. Elizabeth “Boots” (Bragdon) Dooley (D-9C) 1/18/1939-10/22/2020; buried 10/25/2020 11. Miriam Jeannette (Mathias) Frye (G-7H) 9/9/1934-11/7/2020; buried 11/11/2020 * Veteran



of the St. David Lutheran Church

Member Burials Not in SDLC Cemetery: (2) 1. *Bachman Frederick Nichols 10/13/1924-1/7/2020; buried 1/10/2020 - Committal at Ridgecrest Memorial Park in Batesburg SC 2. Catherine Burnette (Derrick) "Janie" Lee 7/27/1933-2/24/2020; buried 3/4/2020 - Com- mittal at Southland Memorial Gardens, 700 W Dunbar Rd, West Columbia SC * Veteran

Non-Member Burials in SDLC Cemetery: (3) 1. John Homer Roof (E-11E) 6/3/1960-1/30/2020; buried 2/8/2020; Brother to Tricia Roof Hood; son of Homer (D) & Rosalyn Roof (D) – approved by Cemetery Committee 2. Thomas Caughman Boozer (G-5H) 9/20/1939-6/28/2020; buried 7/2/2020; son of Zela (D) & John G. Boozer, Jr. (D) – approved by previous Cemetery Committee 3. *James Dennis Lown (D-4J) 8/13/1926-10/24/2020; buried 10/31/2020 (plot assigned in 2005) * Veteran

DEDICATED FUNDS (available as of 12/1/2020): • Cemetery Fund $6,453.38 • Columbarium Fund $4,545.55



of the St. David Lutheran Church ATTACHMENT 2 - Photos


Confederate Battle Flags In Cemetery Replaced

Left Photo: There are 10 Confederate soldiers buried in our cemetery. Each has been adorned with a Confederate grave marker holding the Confederate Battle Flag. There is no known record of when flying the Battle Flag be- came tradition at St. David Lutheran Church. Descendants still attend St. David.

Right Photo: Because the Confederate Battle Flag was adopted by white supremacist and hate groups, it reminds a large portion of South Carolina’s and the American population not only of slavery but also has been used to inten- sify racial division even to this day. Due to concerns for equality, desired outreach to our community and justice for people of all color, our Church Council required in June for the Confederate Battle Flags in our cemetery to be removed. Nevertheless, they agreed to continue respecting the Southern soldiers who died in the Civil War by re- placing the Battle Flag with the less infamous and, therefore hopefully less controversial, official First National Flag of the Confederacy.

Laying of the Crosses ceremony, December 5th, 2020, at 11:00 a.m.

Elizabeth Malejko (left photo), wanting to have a ceremony similar to Wreaths Across America program at St. Da- vid, made crosses (right photo) from recycled plastic to honor our deceased military (white cross) and 1st respond- ers (blue cross) veterans.



of the St. David Lutheran Church

Elizabeth with her parents, Lou and Denise (upper left photo), were involved in this ceremony. Crosses (center photo) were handed out to friends and family (upper right and lower left photos) who went to their loved one’s gravesites to place crosses and say a prayer in remembrance. In all, from the Civil War to today, we have 131 vet- erans buried in our cemetery; 9 were 1st responders while 122 were military, some of whom later also served in police or fire departments. Elizabeth also ensures tattered U.S. flags are replaced with new flags, and old ones ap- propriately disposed.



For the year 2020, the total fund yielded a 7.2% gain. This gain resulted in a year-end balance of $175,576.42. According to the Endowment’s Procedures and Guidelines, up to 90% of the fiscal year earnings may be utilized based on the restrictions of each fund.

Cemetery Endowment

Beginning Balance $68,768.77 Corpus 53,700.00 Distribution Contributions Retained Earnings 15,068.77 2020 Earnings 4,964.06

Year-end Balance $73,732.82

Heather Lown Camping Endowment

Beginning Balance $23,992.93 Corpus 14,800.00 Distribution Contributions Retained Earnings 9,192.93 2020 Earnings 1,731.92

Year-end Balance $25,724.86

This fund has a separate committee that determines distributions for Lutheridge scholarships.

General Endowment

Beginning Balance $70,994.05 Corpus 65,632.47 Distribution Contributions Retained Earnings 5,361.58 2020 Earnings 5,124.69

Year-end Balance $76,118.74



Chairpersons: Clay Jeffcoat, Cindy Lown

Members: Bob Hubbs, Elaine Palmer, Gaynell Hubbs, Gene palmer, June Suite, Richard Dillon, Sandra Ross

The Evangelism Committee meets quarterly or on an as needed basis, after the worship service, in the Church Conference Room. Matthew Schnabel has been the liaison for the past year.

Purpose: To communicate with our members who are actively attending and who have or will be partici- pating in church functions and our members who no longer attend or participate but remain on our church role, as well as to gather new members into the body of Christ at St. David.

Accomplishments: Door hangers are in the process of being redesigned. Materials are still being distributed in the holders on the back of the church pews and visitor cups are available. Greeters are being assigned from volunteers within our church, on a monthly basis, to welcome anyone entering and to wish well anyone leaving our church.

Goals: To continue the activities above. We will be revising our literature to distribute to neighborhoods through the guidance of committee members and Pastor Greg. We will be con- sulting with the Technology committee to find new ways to further our mission through our new internet streaming service. We will also be continuing to send cards, make phone calls and visit our shut-ins in coordination with the Member Care team and new members of our commu- nity. We continuously strive to increase the number of members on our Evangelism Committee in order to grow the number of members in our congregation. All are welcome! Please join!

In Christ,

Clay Jeffcoat, Cindy Lown and the Evangelism Committee



2020 EOY Funds Available for Operations: $ 208,769.23 (Prior yrs' amt $215,174 - 2020 YTD amt -$6,405)

Dedicated Accounts $ 252,849.54

Endowment Funds: Swicegood - Camp Scholarship $ 25,678.03 Heather Lown - Camp Scholarship $ 25,724.86 Corley - Cemetery $ 73,732.82 General $ 76,118.74

Total Endowment Funds $ 201,254.45



SPENDING Actual Compared to ACTUAL PLAN Spending Plan RECEIPTS:

Receipts (Includes Envelopes & Other Receipts) $509,247.02 $564,373.03 -$55,126.01 -9.8% Transfer of Dedicated Funds 75.00 0.00

Total Receipts (Includes Envelopes & Other Receipts) $509,322.02 $564,373.03 -$55,051.01 -9.8%

DISBURSEMENTS: ELCA & Synod Support $49,048.91 $52,032.00 -$2,983.09 -5.7% Total Salaries 252,468.22 254,073.03 -$1,604.81 -0.6% Office/Miscellaneous 37,212.25 29,268.00 $7,944.25 27.1% Worshiping & Music 7,650.82 7,950.00 -$299.18 -3.8% Learning 5,604.99 15,950.00 -$10,345.01 -64.9% Confirmation 155.20 1,750.00 -$1,594.80 -91.1% Youth & Family Services (CYFM) 1,723.12 2,500.00 -$776.88 -31.1% Young-At-Heart/ Tone Chimes 172.25 350.00 -$177.75 -50.8% Serving 1,100.00 6,000.00 -$4,900.00 -81.7% Witnessing 134.49 3,100.00 -$2,965.51 -95.7% Supporting 981.55 1,250.00 -$268.45 -21.5% Congregational Life Comm 0.00 1,500.00 -$1,500.00 -100.0% Kitchen & Cleaning Supplies 1,451.06 3,000.00 -$1,548.94 -51.6% Utilities 30,434.26 42,500.00 -$12,065.74 -28.4% Insurance 19,674.50 26,000.00 -$6,325.50 -24.3% Vehicle(s) Maintenance 26.86 3,000.00 -$2,973.14 -99.1%

Maintenance of Bldg. & Equipment 35,334.55 39,500.00 -$4,165.45 -10.5% Service Contracts 24,134.11 26,000.00 -$1,865.89 -7.2% Landscaping 18,780.00 19,000.00 -$220.00 -1.2% Payroll Preparation Service 839.70 850.00 -$10.30 -1.2%

Debt Payment (Principal and Interest) 28,800.00 28,800.00 $0.00 0.0% TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: $515,726.84 $564,373.03 -$48,646.19 -8.6%


TRANSFER OF FUNDS - for debt principal payments 5,000.00 Funds Applied to Debt Principal 5,000.00

Available for Operations Beginning Balance 2020 215,174.05

AVAILABLE FOR OPERATIONS AS OF 12/31/2020 $208,769.23

BB&T NOTE BALANCE $ 86,088.02


(Meetings on the third Sunday night of each month at 6:30pm)

Team Members: Lee & Beverly Breuer, Pastor Greg Brown, Joy Huyck, Mary Kinsler, Pastor Jorge Leone, Nikki Lindler, Barbara McDaniel, Jim & Janet Riddle, Al Roberts, Sandra Ross, Marvin & Renee Sox Contact information: Pastor Greg ([email protected]), Chair: Janet ([email protected])

With the advent of 2020, we began the year with the hope and anticipation of the completion of Cristo Rey’s worship facility on Oak Drive. The Lu- theran Mission Builders worked tirelessly to meet goals on the construction; then the COVID crisis hit our country and the world. So thus the construction has slowed considera- bly. St. David members gave time, energy, meals, prayers, and donations to sustain the building process. Bishop Yoos and the SC Synod set up the Abundancia Appeal with Marvin Sox as chair, to financially support this mission and others in the state; Renee Sox, Jim and Janet Riddle also serve on this committee as well. Another goal of the Synod is to create an endowment for maintenance expenses of Cristo Rey’s worship facility. The chil- dren have been fundraising for the construction of the playground area.

As Resurrection Lutheran Church in Columbia closes their doors, they have graciously donated many significant items such as pews, pulpit, an altar and many other items to enhance Cristo Rey’s worship space. Our $500 gift from St. David congregation has been added to a special fundraising collection for decorative tiles for the altar steps and around the sanctuary and fellowship hall.

It is notable that My Amigos, formerly known as MABEC, is beginning their 10th Anniver- sary year. Their fundraising efforts will be utilized not only for classroom renovations, but also for landscaping for the playground and financial aid to families in need. Lee Breuer volunteers in the office and Beverly Breuer is currently the chairman of the My Amigos Board.

Please keep both Cristo Rey and My Amigos in your thoughts and prayers, not only with the COVID situation but also the financial needs of both groups. Thanks to those currently serving on our committee! If you have an interest in serving on our Hispanic Team Minis- try committee, please contact any of our members. Our goals for 2021 follow:

• To align with the mission statement of St. David and continue support as needed to Cristo Rey and other auxiliaries including MABEC • To support new missions throughout the SC Synod of the ELCA with prayer, our time, talents, and donations to enable success in reaching their goals • To share concerns and pursue solutions to benefit all partners in ministry



Co-Founders: Joy Huyck & Luz Giraldo, 803-356-2232 Board Chair: Beverly Breuer, 803- 351-7524 If we were giving this report in June 2020, it would be quite different. Ask our Co-founders, staff or our Board of Directors and you will hear how God works in ways we cannot compre- hend! The year 2020 started off well for us. Our enrollment was great and we started a new after- school program. We also held our International Lunch Fundraiser at the end of February and had a great turn-out. We enjoyed the company of approximately 200 guests and raised $3,500! Then, with little warning, the whole world came to a screeching halt. Schools closed, business- es closed and so did My Amigos. We put our heads together and asked for God to show us what we could do. What a blessing to have recently purchased the old St. David bus, because we were able to visit the children and their families once a week and bring them some cheer while delivering educational material. We did this for a couple of months and even when the bus had to go to the shop for repairs, we continued the visits in our personal vehicles. We never asked the parents to pay for the weeks that we were closed. God provided for our staff and our program in many ways. Some of you donated money to help pay our staff and to help pay our bills. Some of you donated homemade masks for the kids. People from the community also do- nated toward our home visits. It was amazing to see how everyone came together for the benefit of the children! To quote a phrase from Network for Good, “COVID-19 can’t stop GOOD” from happening. We also used the time while we were closed to work on a 5-year strategic plan for our organization. That would have taken so much longer if we had tried to do it while our program was in operation and it helped give us a clearer vision for the future. As concern for sustainability increased, we realized that we would have to reopen our program or risk losing it forever. Several parents expressed the need for their children to get back to an educational environment and a routine, therefore, we reopened in June with just 10 children. Again, God gave His blessing by providing us with additional funding that we were not expect- ing and we were able to stay open for a few weeks with a very low enrollment. Once word got out that we had reopened, more students began returning and new students began enrolling. By the end of the summer, we were back up to full enrollment (with reduced class size due to DHEC recommendations). With donations and grant funding received, we were able to give tuition assistance to 34 children since re-opening. We haven’t been able to go many places this year with the children, but we still held a “virtual” 4K graduation in May. We also couldn’t go inside Carolina Gardens at Christmas, but the chil- dren still went and sang to the seniors outside of their windows. We were determined not to let COVID ruin our tradition of visiting the senior citizens and bringing them some holiday cheer! We love our community! In August, we turned 10 years old! We haven’t been able to hold a group celebration because of the virus, but we have begun our 10 Year Anniversary fundraising campaign for expansion, improvements and tuition assistance. Many of you have already made generous donations and we thank you so much. The remodeling has already begun in two of the classrooms and this will allow for us to serve more children. We will also be moving to the office that Cristo Rey used to occupy and using our old office as a classroom. So much excitement is happening that we just can’t get bogged down by the pandemic. God is still good and has continued to bless this school beyond our wildest dreams! Thank you to the St. David church family for all of your prayers and support!



Jennifer Jeffcoat, Chair This was a strange year for the Learning Committee. Our mission is to provide opportunities to members of St. David and the community for learning and growing in our faith in Jesus Christ. I would like to thank the participation of the members, Mary Kinsler, Richard Dillon, Laura The- ismann, Maria and Canepa, Julie Baldwin, Elizabeth Malejko, Deanna Hage, and Kirsten Davis. The work and support of Joel Antley and Pastor Greg Brown have been essential especially during the pandemic. Most of the activities of our ministry were modified or cancelled due to COVID19 including: Vacation Bible School, Rally Day, Teacher/Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon, Fall Festival, and Children’s Christmas Program. In person Sunday School was cancelled but Joel made mate- rials available. Confirmation class has continued with safety precautions in place. The Learning Committee would like to thank the members of St. David who have partnered with us this year and we look forward to resuming our programming as it is safe to do so. Until then, we will continue to support our mission.

Respectfully, Jennifer

Jennifer Jeffcoat 803 358-9322 204 Foxhill Ct. Lexington, SC 29073



St. David LMM shall seek to aid in the spiritual, intellectual and social development of the men of the church and to deepen the commitment to Christ and participation in the life of His Church. This organization supports the witness of the South Carolina and ELCA LMM and provides finan- cial support to mission congregations.

St. David LMM meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Each meeting begins with a meal prepared by one of several food committees followed by devotions, a program and short business meeting.

This past year has been a challenge as we held on 3 meetings – January, February and March. We look forward to resuming our monthly meetings. In the meantime, we continue to support the SC and ELCA LMM and, thanks to contributions during LMM Sunday, we were able to meet our 2020 financial obligations.

The average monthly attendance is 35-40 men. LMM is open to all men of St. David and we in- vite you to join us on the first Monday evening of each month.

2020 Officers President Marvin Sox Vice-President Jim Riddle Secretary John Brantley Treasurer Danny Shull

Respectfully submitted, Marvin Sox



Balance 12/31/2019 $1,123.02

Offering Date Month Amount $ January-20 January 216.00 $ February-20 February 238.00 $ March-20 March Includes Money received from Shrove Tuesday 555.00 April-20 April No Meeting May-20 May No Meeting $ - June-20 June No Meeting July-20 July No Meeting// Funds transferred to our account $240.00 August-20 August No Meeting September-20 September No meeting $ - October-20 October No Meeting November-20 November No Meeting $ December-20 December No Meeting Funds Transferred to our account 3,590.00

$ Balance 5,982.02 Expenses $ March-20 Lighthouse for Life Donation 500.00 $ December-20 SCLMM Promo, Gift, Loan and National Fund 1,960.00

$ Total Expenses 2,460.00

Balance 12/31/2020 $3,522.02

Respectfully Submitted, Danny Shull



Chairperson June Suite

Members Vivian Shull Jackie Lundeen Ann Dowd Barbara Thompson Richard Dillon Sharon Bouronich Freda Hibbs Betty Enlow Patti Monts Stephany Suite Carolyn Martin Glenna Hammond Padgett Nancy Tarlton A.J. Dooley

The Member Care Team is glad to have three new members this year.

We are responsible for sending out cards and telephoning people who are homebound. A report for this is sent out each month to the members by the chairperson. Each member will have a number by their name to go by. If you do not receive this list, please let me know. Also when someone passes away we take food to the family or visit them. When someone is in the hospital two members of the committee are assigned each month to visit them. This year we have had to stop visiting and just call the sick and have not been able to visit the people in the hospitals. I am trying to keep up with those in the hospital by calling the church office. Hopeful- ly, by next year, we will be able to get back to normal.

May God bless each and every one of you during this troubled time.

Thank you all for being on the team and doing your part.

June Suite Chairperson



The Mutual Ministry Committee exists to provide support and guidance to St. David’s rostered leaders. Meetings are scheduled quarterly and as-needed with the Pastor. The Committee also acts a liaison between the congregation and our rostered leaders (Pastor).

Due to COVID, we meet less frequently, but did manage to meet outside. Numerous telephone conversations were also held.

A member is not allowed to simultaneously serve on Church Council and Mutual Ministry. Mikel Smith has been elected to Church Council and we will be seeking a replacement for Mu- tual Ministry for 2021. We thank Mikel for his valuable help and support provided to Pastor Greg.

2020 Mutual Ministry Committee Members

Marvin Sox Chair Ann Alexander Elizabeth Bickley Otto Hage Mary Kinsler Mikel Smith



The mission of the Nursery Committee is to provide a safe, Christian environment for children ages birth to two years old to be cared for in order for their parents to participate in the worship service.

Some of the toys in the nursery were older, broken, not appropriate for infants or missing parts and have been thrown away. Several members have donated gently used toys or money and sev- eral new items have been purchased to replace them.

Volunteers were scheduled for every 10:30 am Sunday worship service held at St. David until the outbreak of COVID-19. At that point, when we had services in which members could at- tend, young children were welcome in the church with their families.

Thank you to all of the members who have volunteered to keep the nursery or who have donat- ed money or toys!

Our volunteers for 2020 included: Andy & Melanie Schumpert, Tommy & Maria Canepa, Mary Kinsler, Laura Rate, Josh & Nicki Temples, Eve/Grace Circle, Hannah Circle, Melvin & Julie Baldwin, Kirsten, Teresa & Caroline Davis.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kirsten Davis

Nursery Committee Chair



Committee Members

Earl Jeffcoat: Chairman, Charles Dooley Co Chairman, George Labelle Secretary, Drew Laugh- lan, Bob Padowicz, John Dodgen, Charles McDaniel, Marvin Carnell, Bucky Hood, Clay Jeffcoat, Thomas Kropinski

The mission of the Property Committee is to ensure the Church is maintained and kept in a good state of repair. The committee with Council approval pays the bills for contracts and maintenance of all church property and facilities. All facility and property contracts for 2021 have been reviewed and requoted if necessary, to provide the best value. All contracts are up to date. The committee meets monthly.

Accomplishments and improvements in 2020 1. Video streaming is working well. The technology team is doing an excellent job. 2. The Church Safety team is an ongoing process to ensure attendees are safe at the facility. 3. All of the outside entry locks have been rekeyed for security of the facility. 4. The Educational building hallway has been painted and new carpet install through out the first floor of the complex. The carpet upstairs was repaired. The commons area hall- way to the choir room was painted. 5. We have a new Fire Alarm contractor, Precision Fire Solutions. They will be doing all of the fire alarm, fire extinguisher, and lighting inspections to meet DEHEC guidelines. 6. We have a new HVAC maintenance contract with Total Comfort Solutions. They are replacing one of the HVAC units in the Gymnasium. They will be maintaining all of the HVAC units in the facilities on a twice-yearly maintenance plan. 7. Evergreen Environmental will be recycling bulletins and other recyclable materials. 8. Property had a new water line upgrade done at the water meter to improve water volume and pressure to the facility.

I would like to thank the members of the Property Committee and the Congregation for their continued support. It has been a very difficult year related to the COVID virus. It has lim- ited our in-person committee meetings. We will continue to pursue opportunities for minis- try and improvement in 2021.

Respectfully submitted. Earl Jeffcoat



In 2018, a safety task force was created to assess safety procedures and the physical structures at St. David Lutheran Church. Safety task force members created a fire prevention and emergency action plan to address critical safety needs. The purpose of the safety plan was to detail proce- dures to detect, notify, and respond to various likely emergency situations such as fire, building evacuation, severe weather, natural disasters, workplace violence, intruders, medical emergen- cies, and bomb threats. It is highly encouraged that all St. David members read the safety plan which can be acquired directly through the church office. The safety plan also established guidelines for creating a safety team.

Members of St. David Lutheran Church will comprise a safety team that will work with the ush- er teams to insure the safety of church members and visitors. Safety team members volunteer to be on the team and their inclusion on the team must be approved by church council. Actions taken by safety team members in fulfilling their duties are by individual choice. Safety team members will not hold liable St. David Lutheran Church for any injuries or legal actions that may result from actions directly related to safety team member duties. Safety team members are James Riddle, Brad Sox, Kevin Sox, Thomas Kropinski (not on an usher team), Matt Schnabel, Andy Schumpert, Andres Leone (alternate usher team member), Mike Sox, and Jim Bickley.

The safety team met on 1-10-21 to review the safety plan and discuss safety needs. Significant points: - The team would like to amend the safety plan to meet once/year instead of twice/year. - Safety team members will resume their duties when normal services and usher teams re- sume their duties. - Thomas Kropinski will continue to check and resupply the first aid kits, trauma kits, and AED - Lenny Bugay’s usher team will need a safety team member. Matt will follow up with Lenny to assess safety team membership from his usher team. - Door hinge locking mechanisms are present on sanctuary doors and the first floor door going into the Sunday School wing. Thomas will follow-up on assessing the locking mechanisms for the adult choir room (must need to be locked from the inside without the need for a key). - Precision Fire Solutions is now the contractor who checks the fire alarms, emergency lights, fire extinguishers, and fire hood over the stove on a regular basis as determined by the property committee. Safety team members will check fire extinguishers once/ month when on usher team duty. - Matt will look into an incident report to put into the safety plan notebook in the usher cup- board.

Respectfully submitted, Matt Schnabel 1-17-21



The goals of the Social Ministry Committee are to minister to those in need within our congre- gation and community and look for new opportunities for expanding the services through the following ministries:

1. Provide volunteers at Mission Lexington (LICS) Thrift Shop the 4th Monday of each month. 2. Serve meals at the Washington Street Soup Kitchen every 5th Friday during the year and donate $200 each time. 3. Host Lowman Home guests in conjunction with Young-at-Heart for a meal and Entertainment in August. 4. Sponsor and plan a Christmas Project for St. David Congregation. (for 2020 we co- sponsored with the ELCA Good Gifts Initiative. 5. Collect and deliver food to Mission Lexington (LICS) that is donated by St. David monthly. 430 pounds of food was collected in 2020.) 6. Trustees of the Lottie Mae Cannon Social Ministry Fund. (Establish and stock a small food pantry at St. David to offer to those with immediate needs. Funds are provided from Lottie Mae Cannon Fund.) 7. In October 2011, St. David Social Ministry Committee began a mission outreach program with Zion Lutheran Church to provide food/snacks for children who are without enough food when school is closed for weekends and holidays. For the 2020 school year Oak Grove Elementary requested 45 snack sacks per week. These were delivered to the school during October, December, February and April on each Friday morning to be handed out at the end of the day to those children identified by teachers and guidance counselors to receive a snack sack.

A special thanks to St. David and those volunteers that gave of their time and talent so that these ministries were carried out.

2020 Committee Members

Vince and Sharon Bouronich, James Caulder, Nancy Compton, Wayne and Juanita Duvall, Bucky and Tricia Hood.

Respectfully submitted Vince Bouronich, Chairperson

SPECIAL THANKS TO Jack and Joyce Quattlebaum who have helped from the beginning with the purchasing of the snacks for the snack sack program.


BLOOD DRIVES (hosted by St. David) Annual Report - 2020 Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, St. David continued hosting blood drives with 3 held this year: February 10th, August 24th (postponed from June 15th due to COVID) and October 26th. A total of 106 units was collected this year (457 since June 2016); each unit can help up to 3 peo- ple.

The Red Cross has a constant need of blood. Blood donors help patients of all ages, e.g., acci- dent and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those battling cancer. Though 40% of people are eligible to give blood, only about 3% donate. Donors must be 17 years or older and weigh at least 110 pounds; additional weight and height requirements may apply. Individuals with types O, A- and B- blood are urged to ask about making a Power Red donation. The Red Cross always follows strict hygiene measures but St. David volunteer staff this year implemented additional measures – a temperature check and wearing facemasks be- fore donors could sign in, wearing gloves, social distancing, hand sanitizer, one way in and out, and sanitizing chairs and tables after each use. We had no reports of COVID infection due to donating at St. David.

BLOOD DRIVES SCHEDULED for 2021 (subject to change): FEBRUARY 8 JUNE 14 OCTOBER 25 (All appointments between 2:00-7:00 p.m.)

BLOOD DONORS: Potential donors increased from 239 to 303 registered with about 15% of whom are St. David members. Donor recipients range from the Midwest to the East coast. This is a community ministry with regional impact.

APPOINTMENTS: Walk-ins are welcomed but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, appoint- ments through the Red Cross are encouraged and worked well with little wait times. Schedule your blood donation on-line at Red Cross - Give Blood; find the St. David blood drive by en- tering Sponsor Code “SDLC” then select a type of donation and time. The donation process takes about an hour.

DONOR CARD & RAPID PASS: Donors are required to have a Red Cross donor card or a state driver license or military ID to sign-in. Get a smart phone Blood Donor App that has your digital donor card, your donation history, frequently asked questions and answers about donating, and you can make an appointment for your next blood drive on your app or on-line. Donors are also required to take a medical questionnaire. This can be done on-line or with your app by completing a Rapid Pass on the day of your donation; this will make your check-in and wait shorter at church.

VOLUNTEERS - The Red Cross staff conducted the medical history and donations but it took the following volunteers for setup, temp checks, sign-in, provide drinks and snacks, and clean up. • Donor Assessment: Ann Alexander, Pam Fox, Dot Lynn & Sylvia Wessinger • Donor Sign-In: Gene Alexander, Vince Bouronich, Bruce McFarland, Barbara Thompson & Jo White • Hospitality: Gail Brazell, Lee Breuer, Fran Lee, Linda Turner & Scott White • Setup & Cleanup: Charlie Compton , Bucky Hood & Bernie Lee

THANK YOU! You, as Donors and Volunteer Staff, save lives! Call me if you want to help or donate.

Respectfully submitted by: Bernie Lee, SDLC Blood Drive Coordinator, 803-348-0631 cell



St. David Women of the ELCA highlights of committee and circle activities in 2020: • The annual Brunch and Bible Study was held on February 22nd. Betty Enlow and Freda Hibbs provided the program "Let's Flamingle," which compared traits of flamingos to Christians. The Community Committee provided and assisted with the meal. • St. David WELCA sponsored an evening for education taught by Jenn Thompson, CEO of Lighthouse for Life. A donation of $500 was made to the organization, which fights to stop human trafficking and support victims who are rescued. • Women of the ELCA Sunday was held May 3rd. Our Community Committee, co-chaired by Deana Hage and Elaine Palmer, planned the event for our streamed service. Guest Pas- tor, the Reverend Jennifer Shimota, preached the sermon and led the service. Blake Lett provided our Children's Sermon. The Covid Choir sang, and offerings were given toward We Care Quilting and the Family Life center gym floor. • The Women of the ELCA State Convention was cancelled due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, and the Triennial National Convention was moved to 2021. Our annual Mother-Daughter- Friend Banquet and the children's Egg Hunt, for which we normally fill eggs with candy, were also cancelled in the interest of safety. • Growth Committee was responsible for Graduate Recognition Sunday, Quilts and gifts for high school and college graduates. A subcommittee under Growth, the Campus Ministry Team arranges for volunteers to send cards and gifts to our students in higher education. Our St. David We Care Quilters were busy, despite the pandemic, assisting parents with their graduate quilts and quilting for Lutheran World Relief. • This year St. David WELCA donated $2000 to the gym floor; $500 to Lutheran Services Carolinas, $500 to Quilting Fund, $500 to Soldier Fund, $500 to Lighthouse for Life and $100 to USC Campus Ministries toward meals for their Sunday night meetings. Safety guidelines required individual packaging, so the donation was given in lieu of the traditional meal brought to them. • A few highlighted circle activities for 2020: Bethany Circle donated 38 stockings to chil- dren and teens at the hospital for Christmas. Hannah Circle delivered chicken and dumpling meals with desserts to 14 families from the church and community in need in March. Mar- tha Circle donated $700 to refurbish the altar cushions. Eve Circle donated money to My Amigos, and Mary Circle monitarily supported a St. David family in need. Prayer Partners prayed for others as always. • Our yearbook was prepared by Ann Alexander and Pam Fox.

Officers for 2021 are Gail Brazell and Laura Theismann, Co-Presidents; Blake Lett, Recorder; and Paula Claas, Treasurer.

Beginning Balance 12-31-19: $5404.32; Receipts 2020: $2369.41; Expenses 2020: $5910.30; Ending Balance 12/31/20: $1863.43

Respectfully Submitted, Tricia Hood, 2020 Presiden


Committee Members: Pastor Greg Brown, Otto Hage (Choir Director), Tricia Hood (Secretary), April Laughlan, Dot Lynn, Elaine Palmer, Dr. Al Roberts (Director of Music, Organist), Tim Sox, Laura The- isman, Barbara Thompson, Deni Titcomb (Chairperson) Council Representative: Pam Fox Sub- Committees: Beth Riddle (Acolytes), Bonny Clayborn (Altar Guild), Laura Theisman (Children’s Choir), Betty Enlow (Decorating), Tim Sox (Technology), Charles McDaniel (Ushers), June Suite (Flowers)

Goal: To provide guidance and direction to shape worship throughout the year.

This year truly has been a challenging one with COVID-19. We are grateful for the vision of the Tech- nology Team last year for persevering and working on St. David’s live streamed services. We have been able to worship together via live streamed since the mandated quarantine time as of March 15. It truly has been a blessing for our technology capabilities to enable our ministry to be shared with our members and beyond our community. We are now able to live stream funeral services as well as weddings on our Facebook page, St. David website and on the St. David Lutheran Church Roku channel. In the midst of a pandemic, we were unable to host face to face services such as our Lakeside Service or the community Thanksgiving service. We were able to offer our 175th Homecoming service with Bishop Ginny Aebischer as our guest preacher. Pastor Greg provided a drive through Communion with only the host after each live streamed service. We offered an outdoor service on the first and third Sundays for several months until we began limited capacity face to face services with an on-line signup as of November 15. Many precautions were put in place for safety which limited physical movement, singing and provided social distancing. With the increased number of COVID-19 cases, we resumed only having live streamed services as of Christmas Eve. Face to face services will resume after the beginning of the year upon evaluating the number of COVID-19 cases.

New choir robes were ordered to unify the look of all who were assisting with the Service. The Martha Group refurbished the kneeling pads. The Lenten paraments were given in memory of L.V. and Mildred Enlow by Bernie and Alice Clegg, John and Harriet Berzins and Larry and Betty Enlow. The Time After Pentecost paraments were given in memory of Vett Jeffocat. New Advent paraments were purchased and will be used in 2021 given in memory of Lib Caughman.

Charlie Compton and Dot Lynn cleaned, organized and re-cataloged the music library.

The Worship and Music committee picked up Children’s Worship and moved Nursery to the Learning Committee with council’s approval.

A special All Saints’ service was held outside at 1:00pm in addition to the traditional 10:30am service. We honored 16 saints from 2020. A candle was designed for each member with dates and a picture. This year, multiple candles were given to the families. An icon stand was given on this day by Chris and Deni Titcomb.

As of All Saints’ Sunday, we have returned to offering bread and wine during communion. The commit- tee selected Porto Valdouro Ruby Port wine that has 19% alcohol volume, which is higher content for safety to kill germs and bacteria. We will continue the practice of intinction so that the amount of han- dling each element in preparation and serving is limited. The council approved giving communion gifts in honor or memory of loved ones in the amount of $20.

Our Advent Vespers Services focused on character development of three biblical heroes, Mary, Joseph and Zachariah. Each service was also live streamed. Our Christmas Eve service was offered via live stream. Again, with the blessings of the Technology Team, we were able to use last year’s archived ser- vice of Lessons and Carols for the first Sunday of Christmas.

Respectfully submitted, Deni Titcomb (803)960-8303 [email protected] 33


St. David Young at Heart group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at noon in the Fellow- ship Hall with a covered dish luncheon.

An average of 66 members and 6 guests attends each meeting. Membership is open to individu- als 55 and over. Members are from Lexington County, Richland County and other areas such as Corodova and Bamburg, SC. Members are not only from St. David but also from other Luther- an, Baptist and Methodist churches. All are welcome. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, only three meetings were held in 2020. Currently meetings have been cancelled until it is deemed safe to resume.

A vital part of YAH is the Tone Chimes group under the leadership of Ann Dowd and Stan Minemier. Trips to the Lexington and Richland County nursing homes are generally scheduled on the 3rd Thursday and the 4th Tuesday of each month; however, no trips are scheduled for June, July and August. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the Tone Chimes group could only go to the nursing homes the first three months of 2020. As soon as it is safe, they plan to resume the trips. However, none are scheduled at this time.

All special events and trips scheduled after March 2020 were also cancelled.

Officers for Young at Heart will remain the same until meetings resume. The officers are as fol- lows:

President Linda Turner Vice - President Jim Brazell Secretary Barbara Thompson Assistant Secretary Jackie Lundeen Treasurer Stan Minemier

Please contact any of the Officers should you have questions regarding the Young at Heart pro- gram.

Respectfully Submitted, Linda Turner, President


YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRY ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Joel Antley / [email protected] / 803-645-3466

St. David Mission Statement Marked with the cross of Christ forever, St. David is a caring community called to love, serve and proclaim God’s eternal grace to all people.

Youth Group The St. David’s Youth Group is a ministry by, for, and with youth grades 6th-12th. We work within and for the mission of St.David Lutheran Church to love, serve, and proclaim God’s eter- nal grace to all people through service activities, faith formation, and community building activi- ties.

Year in Review Calendar of Events: Click Here

What have we been up to? Through this crazy year we have had to adapt and find new ways to be together as a youth group as never before. We watched movies together and had devotionals via Zoom, and once we could be together again we continued these devotionals and activities as a way of focusing on our faith through an adaptation of the Sunday School we were unable to do together. We did thankfully get to go on a “Ski Trip” to Pigeon Forge where we cooked meals together as a family, spent devotional time together, and had some fun at Dollywood! This group has shown a lot of resolve and love for this program when it would have been easier to just stay at home and do nothing. I am thankful for all who have helped this past year to make our family of faith grow stronger and push forward through the craziness of this world.

L.Y.L.S. L.Y.L.S. (Let Your Light Shine) is a ministry for children grades 3-5. We work within and for the mission of St.David Lutheran Church to love, serve, and proclaim God’s eternal grace to all people by first building a foundation of faith, love, and identity in Christ within each of our youth.

Year in Review Calendar of Events: Click Here

What have we been up to? I was so excited to get to start this group up over the last year! We have a vibrant group of young Lutherans who love to be together and want to ask questions about their faith and grow in peace, service, and love among the people here at St. David and beyond. We got to put the beyond part in action by doing quarterly events with area churches known as E.L.F. events (Elementary Lutheran Friends). As this group continues to grow and do new things together it will provide a great foundation of faith and community for this age group for years to come! Thank you for all who have helped make this group and events possible!



January July 3 - June Suite 4 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 10 - Bonny Clayborn 11 - 17 - Fred & Sherry Senn 18 - Steven & Janice Fipps 24 - Patti & Archie Mooore 25 - 31 - Jim & Gail Brazell August February 1 - 7 - Bucky & Tricia Hood 8 - June Suite 14 - Bonny Clayborn 15 - 21 - Lois Dooley 22 - Lenny & Mary Bugay 28 - George & Emily Labelle 29 - Jim & Gail Brazell

September March 5 - Barbara McDaniel 7 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 12 - 14 - 19 - Sandra W. Ross 21 - 26 - 28 - June Suite October April 3 - Mikel C. Smith 4 - Bernie & Cheryl Shealy 10 - 11 - Retha Armstrong 17 - Glenna & Sonny Padgett 18 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 24 - 25 - Gary Dooley 31 -

May November 2 - Jim & Gail Brazell 7 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 9 - Tricia Hood 14 - 16 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 21 - June Suite 23 - 28 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 30 - December June 5 - Jim & Gail Brazell 6 - George & Emily Labelle 12 - 13 - Leah Price 19 - 20 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 24 - 27 - Bonny Clayborn 26 - Lou & Denise Malejko



January July 3 - Stephany Suite 4 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 10 - Jim & Gail Brazell 11 - Roger & Helen Coffman 17 - Jackie Lundeen 18 - Mikel C. Smith 24 - Charles & Nancy Compton 25 - Harriett Berzins 31 - Francis & Dianne Davis August February 1 - Carolyn Martin 7 - Retha Armstrong 8 - Jim & Gail Brazell 14 - Sylvia Wessinger 15 - Bonny Clayborn 21 - Robbie & Amy Ruple 22 - Gerald & Nancy Wallace 28 - Freda Hibbs 29 - Wayne & Juanita Duvall

March September 7 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 5 - Laurie & Tommy Harmon 14 - Jackie Lundeen 12 - John & Joan Bundrick 21 - June Suite 19 - Ann Dowd 28 - Jim & Gail Brazell 26 - Sharon & Vince Bouronich Palms - Al & Frances Roberts October April 3 - Steve & Janice Fipps 4 - Barbara McDaniel 10 - Curtis & Ella Hilliard 11 - Freda Hibbs 17 - Ronnie & Jackie Brunson 18 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 24 - Kathy Bleakley 25 - Jim & Gail Brazell 31 - Charles & Betty McDaniel

May November 2 - Janet & Jim Riddle 7 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 9 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 14 - Earl Jeffcoat 16 - Richard Dillon 21 - Jim & Gail Brazell 23 - The Labelles 28 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 30 - John & Joan Bundrick December June 5 - Lenny & Mary Bugay 6 - Fred & Sherry Senn 12 - Marvin & Renee Sox 13 - Larry & Betty Enlow 19 - Tricia Hood 20 - Ralph & Liz Busbee 24 - Carroll & Vivian Shull 27 - Ann Alexander 25 - Carroll & Vivian Shull 26 - Lou & Denise Malejko




