St. David Lutheran ______March 2020

Sunday, March 1 - First Sunday in Lent 9:30 am—Sunday School/Confirmation 10:30 am—Worship/Communion

Wednesday, March 4 2020 2020 6:00 pm—Soup and Sandwich Supper 7:00 pm—Lenten Vespers

ARCH M Sunday, March 8 - Second Sunday in Lent 9:30 am—Sunday School/Confirmation

10:30 am—Worship/Communion



R Wednesday, March 11 6:00 pm—Soup and Sandwich Supper

E 7:00 pm—Lenten Vespers



T Sunday, March 15 - Third Sunday in Lent

9:30 am—Sunday School/Confirmation

AVID 10:30 am—Worship/Communion


. D . T


Wednesday, March 18

OF G 6:00 pm—Soup and Sandwich Supper

7:00 pm—Lenten Vespers I

Sunday, March 22 - Fourth Sunday in Lent


9:30 am—Sunday School/Confirmation N

10:30 am—Worship/Communion P

Wednesday, March 25 ONTHLY

M 6:00 pm—Soup and Sandwich Supper


7:00 pm—Lenten Vespers


T A Sunday, March 29 - Fifth Sunday in Lent 9:30 am—Sunday School/Confirmation

10:30 am—Worship/Communion L

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Having entered into the season of Lent, we have begun our annual pilgrimage with Jesus to the cross. In the greatest display of love the world has ever seen, God humbled himself not only to become one of us in the mystery of the incarnation, but even to suffer our own death in order to destroy the power of sin, death, and the devil. What a broken and beautiful image to think about!

One of the things that we hear about each year on Ash Wednesday is about the practice of Lent —a discipline of prayer, fasting, and alms giving. Prayer is a natural part of the Christian life, an open-ended and ongoing conversation with God our Father. Every time I think about the discipline of prayer, I remember the words of Pope Francis who spoke about the fact that God never tires of hearing our voices lifted up in prayer to him, but that we are the ones who grow weary of approaching the throne of grace to give thanks, to ask for forgiveness, support, and guidance, and to be present with those in need. Don’t give up on praying, because God doesn’t give up or tire of hearing your voice.

Fasting is always the hot topic when Lent rolls around. Many folks give up things like chocolate or soft drinks. While those things might be helpful to you on your own personal journey of health and wellness, but it misses the mark of what the church is trying to instill in us for our own growth as people who follow Jesus. Fasting is meant to remove something so that we can be filled in our relationships with God and our neighbors. So go ahead, and give up that chocolate, but maybe consider doing something charitable with the money you would have spent on chocolate. Or maybe you’re fasting from an activity—try replacing the time you normally spend on that activity with time spent in study of scripture or in prayer. Fasting is meant to draw us nearer to God, not just to make us angry about not having chocolate or having headaches from caffeine withdrawal.

Alms giving is the one that usually gets the least attention. Alms giving is nothing more than charitable giving to those in need. Sure, people do this all the time through different organizations and there’s a whole host of places that you can give that are good, proper, and holy. What I’d like for us to consider this year on our Lenten pilgrimage together is whether we feel God calling us to invest—either for the first time or to deepen our level of investment—in the ministry that God has called all of us to here at St. David. Through your gifts given to the church, the reach of our ministry literally stretches across the globe—all starting right here in our corner of West Columbia. Our gifts not only fund local ministry, but work to support the mission of the church here in SC, the United States, and globally through programs like Lutheran World Relief, Young Adults in Global Missions, and by supporting our military chaplains with resources that help to nourish the souls of our servicemembers at home and abroad. Your gifts matter, and they reach farther than you might imagine. (Continued on next page.) (Continued from previous page.)

One of the things we’re working on as a church is making giving accessible. One of the ways we’re doing that is by partnering with a new vendor, PushPay. Using their system, we’ll be able to not only accept gifts to support the ministry through bank draft, but also by debit card. We don’t want anyone going into debt to give to the church, so we aren’t accepting credit card transactions. You can access this new system either by signing up on the website, or by texting SDLC GIVE to 77977 on your mobile phone. This system is much more user friendly than Vanco, and if you’ve been using Vanco, you’ll be receiving a letter about switching to the new system. Additionally, PushPay will be developing a mobile app for tablets and smart phones that will increase the church’s ability to communicate with folks between Sundays about the important ministry that we’ve been called to through the gospel.

I pray that your Lenten pilgrimage this year is blessed, and that by walking with Jesus to his cross, we might find a renewed passion for loving and serving God and our neighbor through the disciplines of prayer, fasting, and alms giving.

May peace be our journey,

Pastor Greg+

YOUTH March is another busy month for our youth! It is also a very service-oriented month. Our first event will be a yard clean-up for 2 of our shut-in members here at St. David. The next weekend our youth will be doing a prayer walk-a-thon around the Church Cemetery to raise funds for the National Youth Gathering in 2021. The walk will consist of prayer through the stages of the cross and then will have various topics for the youth to pray about as they do more laps. For every lap they will have pledges from other people to donate money toward their cause. The last youth group event is the SCLCY “Spring into Action” which will be held in Greenville this year to help clean up a camp that is in need.

Our LYLS will have another ELF event this month at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church on March 29.

If you would like to volunteer to help with any of these events, please contact Joel at [email protected].

MARCH 1 Shut-ins’ Service Day - Yard Clean-Up 8 Youth Prayer Walk- Fund Raiser (National Gathering) 20-22 Spring Into Action 29 LYLS- E.L.F. Event

WORSHIP NOTES O Lord, throughout these forty days you prayed and kept the fast; inspire repentance for our sin, and free us from our past. Claudia Hernaman d.1898 ELW 319

When Jesus, who had no sin, came to John for baptism, it was not for repentance. At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus shows himself ready to do God’s will. After his baptism, he begins his ministry by going into the desert for prayer and meditation.

So, what are you giving up for Lent? This was the greeting I used to hear years ago as others saw ashes on my forehead. This understanding of Lent has been replaced with a more positive take. What are you DOING for Lent?

Both ideas express a change in the routine of our lives, whether we give up chocolate or read the Bible daily, we begin to think about the why. The world is much with us, though, and it isn’t easy to keep our minds fixed above:

Though parched and hungry, yet you prayed and fixed your mind above;

So teach us to deny ourselves that we my know God’s love.

In Lenten meditation, we are encouraged to withdraw mentally and to go into a deeper part of ourselves. Time spent in meditation does have a lasting effect. The preparation we do during Lent and Holy Week gives us more depth to our Easter celebration.

So travel with Jesus during this forty day pilgrimage. Reorder your days and your thoughts. Be with us through this season, Lord, and all our earthly days,

That when the final Easter dawns, we join in heaven’s praise.


THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT of the Souper Bowl of Caring initiative! Together we were able to raise $344.40 for the cause. Also, with thanks to you, we were able to donate 297 lbs. of food and needed items to Mission Lexington. Your selfless gifts will help feed and care for those who need it most. January 2020 Council Highlights

St. David Congregational Council met on January 5, 2020. The meeting was opened with devotions presented by Jim Bickley from Joshua: Encouragement for the New Year. Minutes from the December 8, 2019 meeting were approved.

Business 1. Approval was given to purchase new robes for the Chancel Choir, Jubilate Bells, Assisting Ministers and Acolytes. An opportunity will be given to the congregation to donate in honor or memory of someone.

2. A new organizational chart for the congregation was adopted at the Council Retreat just prior to the January council meeting. Areas of focus are UP: our relationship with God, IN: our relationship within St David, and OUT: our relationship with the world around us. Each committee will fall under one of these categories. Quarterly meetings of committee chairs/council liaisons will be scheduled.

3. Plans are being made for Pastor Greg’s portrait to be placed in the hallway behind the sanctuary.

4. An account has been established with a new church software company.

5. Assignments were made for the Lenten soup/sandwich meals.

Pastor’s report was received for information.

Treasurer’s report was received for information. The Christmas Eve special offering (total $3003) was split equally between Cristo Rey and the Snack Pack program.

The next council meeting will be held on February 16, 2020.

Praises and prayer concerns were shared. The meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

OUR HEARTFELT SYMPATHY IS EXPRESSED TO: Caleb Clark and family in the death of his father, Don Clark on January 25. Tricia Hood and family in the death of her brother, John Roof on January 30. Joyce Asbill and family in the death of her cousin, Wilhelmenia Sox on January 30. Drew Laughlan and family in the death of his father, George Laughlan on February 16. Thomas Kropinski and family in the death of his mother, Susan Gunter in February. May they be supported by the Good News of Resurrection Victory in Christ. THE LEARNING COMMITTEE will meet on Sunday, March 1 at 3:00 pm.

PLEASE SUPPORT MY AMIGOS’ INTERNATIONAL LUNCH FUNDRAISER! Get tickets from Kitty Lindler or on the My Amigos’ facebook event page. The delicious International Lunch is from 12:00- 2:00 pm on Saturday, March 7 in the Family Life Center.

Safe Water Project: Over 300 million people in Africa do not have access to safe drinking water. Around the world, 700 children die every day from complications associated with unsafe water and hygiene. This is a huge problem in all third world countries and can be overwhelming. The SC Synod, including St. David, has been working this issue one village at a time in the Southwest Diocese of the Lutheran Church in Tanzania – our companion Synod. Once again, we are raising awareness for this project during the month of March, culminating on Water Sunday, March 22. You may help by contributing anytime during March, including Water Sunday, by designating contributions through your offering envelop as Tanzania Safe Water. We will also collect a noisy offering during the children’s sermon on March 22 – so save up those coins!

On behalf of Boy Scout Troop 340, I would like to share an update on the status of the Troop. After 62 years, Troop 340 will not be re-chartering at St. David Lutheran. While this is unfortunate and is driven by the lack of a Cub Scout Pack for a number of years to feed membership to the Boy Scouts, there is so much good news to share. Thanks to your ongoing support and the help of over 400 volunteer leaders of this Outreach Ministry, we have mentored over 1000 young men (many who were not members of the church) through positive experiences and outdoor events that have helped them grow into productive and contributing citizens. Through Scouting, many of our young men found interests that have led to careers and lifelong avocations. We have helped to produce Chefs, Doctors, Dentist, Military Servicemen, Entrepreneurs, Pastors, Mechanics, Teachers, Law Enforcement, Public Health Administrators, Musicians and Artists…..and the list goes on and on. Information on all the above-mentioned professions is things that a young man is exposed to through Scouting. Troop 340 is saying goodbye for now, but you can rest assured that your support has done a lot of good in developing productive young people that will carry on the ideals of Scouting and of St. David Lutheran. Yours in Scouting, Tim Sox, Scoutmaster Troop 340 Lutheridge Scholarship Application 2020

In Loving Memory of Reverend Dermont Swicegood

We are blessed to have the opportunity for members of St. David to apply for a scholarship of $300 to go toward the cost of a week at summer camp at Lutheridge in Arden, NC. If you would like to apply, please complete the information below and turn it in to the church office by March 15th. If you have any questions, contact Celeste Schnabel at [email protected].

Name: ______Date of Birth: ______

Mailing Address: ______

____ I am a member of St. David Lutheran Church.

Please return this completed form to the church office by March 15, 2020. A check will be mailed to the recipients of the scholarships to the address provided on this form. Thank you for your interest in Lutheridge!!

Please ask Pastor Greg, Joel, or another leader in our church to sign their support on your application below.

*I pledge that the above named person is a member of St. David Lutheran Church. I give my support for their application for a scholarship to attend Lutheridge for the summer of 2020.

______Signature Printed Name/Title


____ Approved for $300 Scholarship. ____ Check mailed on ______(Date).

ASSISTING MINISTERS FOR MARCH MARCH 1 - Betty Enlow MARCH 8 - Steve Benko MARCH 15 - Claire Compton MARCH 22 - Claire Compton MARCH 29 - Steven Fipps Bulletin

Church Office hours— 9:00 am-5:00 pm Monday—Friday Lunchtime varies

NOT GETTING THE St. David GOOD E-NEWS weekly email? Subscribe by going to: NewsSignup.html

ST. DAVID CAREGIVERS SUPPORT MINISTRY OPERATES A CLOSET OF AIDS FOR THE DISABLED. If you are in need of an item, it will be loaned to you for as long as necessary. We only ask that you return items when no longer needed. Contact Thomas Kropinski at 361- 7839. Items available: crutches - 12 pairs, potty chairs - 8, shower chairs - 2, walking canes - 3, walkers - 22, wheelchairs - 3

WHEN YOU NEED TO RESERVE one of the buses for a church function, a room in one of our buildings, or borrow tablecloths for a church function, e-mail reservations@st or call the Church Office at (356-3035).

If you want to reserve the Fellowship Hall, Kitchen or Family Life Center for a non-church event you must come by the office to do so and leave a check for $100 as a deposit. The check will be returned after the area is inspected by Property Committee and all check list items have been reviewed. The key can be checked out the day before the event.

If you borrow tablecloths, please wash, fold and return to the Church Office within two days following use.

No white tables or chairs can be removed from St. David. Board

THE ST. DAVID PRAYER ROOM is open and available for use either by individuals or small groups. It is located on the first floor back hall of the Education Building and is open whenever someone is in the church or the church offices. Feel free to use the room for your personal prayer needs or to make a prayer request for someone else, using the prayer request book found in the room.

FOODS FOR FOOD PANTRY in March is Sunday, March 1 and again on April 5. Place your items in the boxes in the Narthex.

2020 CONGREGATION COUNCIL MEMBERS Jim Bickley (President) Jim Brazell Kevin Sox (Vice-President) John Bundrick SHUT-INS Sylvia Wessinger (Secretary) Kirsten Davis Pam Fox (Assistant Secretary) Bucky Hood For a current list of our Drew Laughlan (Treasurer) Pat Minemier Lenny Bugay (Financial Secretary) Janet Riddle shut-in members, please Caroline Davis (Youth Member) Matt Schnabel call the Church Office. Linda Turner

THE CANCELLED STAMP PROGRAM We are collecting cancelled stamps. The income from their sales goes to support preparation, publishing and distribution of a Spanish language curriculum for Sunday Schools. More than 50 lesson series have been published and are being used in churches of 40 different denominations in 19 different Spanish speaking countries in South America, Central America and even the USA. In 2012, we sent $25,000 to the Sunday School project and in 2013 we sent $37,000. This brings us to a grand total of $813,361 since the inception of the Stamp Ministry back in 1972. Please place your cancelled stamps in the box in the David Sunday School Classroom. Do not remove the stamps from the paper (leave 1/4’ to 1/3” border), BUT, if stamps are already off the paper they have a buyer for them. If you have questions about this ministry, please call Joan Bundrick at 764-3565.

Help send a kid/youth to camp!! Lutheridge Fundraiser for St. David and Cristo Rey

Pancake Breakfast at FATZ 942 East Main Street, Lexington Saturday, March 28, 8-10am

Tickets on sale following worship on February 23 through March 22. One $10 ticket includes pancakes, breakfast meat, fruit, and drink of your choice.

Contact Celeste at [email protected] with questions. CONTACTING THE CHURCH ATTENTION: LAMPLIGHTER DEADLINE for Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm the April Lamplighter is March Church Phone: 356-3035 16. We need your group’s news Gloria, Secretary - [email protected] and activities. If your group or Joan Bundrick - [email protected] committee has something newsworthy coming up, get Youth Director - [email protected] your article in to the Church Dr. Al, Director of Music - [email protected] Office on or before the 16th of Otto, Choir Director - [email protected] March. Any article received

Fax - 356-5066 after the 16th will go in the May Lamplighter. Thank you for CONTACTING PASTOR your cooperation. Pastor Greg may be reached by IF YOU HAVE an article for the calling the Church Office during Office Hours - Lamplighter Weekly, please 356-3035. submit before 2:00 pm on After Office Hours call 864-554-7924. Wednesday of each week. Any article submitted after that will e-mail: [email protected] go in the following week. SOCIAL MEDIA Visit Our Web Page: Find / Like Us On: FACEBOOK

COUNCIL INFO & REPORTS: Council President - Jim Bickley 803-808-3295 or [email protected]

PUBLICIST for Local Media: Pam Fox 356-4052 or [email protected] AUDIO CD’S OF THE (2 weeks notice needed prior to church event) WORSHIP SERVICES are SYNOD COMMUNICATOR: Bernie Lee available for our shut-ins. If for the SC Lutheran and SC Synod E-News you need a CD, please call the 803-348-0631 or [email protected] Church Office and let us know.

MY AMIGOS began registration for summer program and fall programs (preschool and after-school) on Tuesday, February 25. All programs operate from 7:30 am-5:30 pm for ages 30 months-11 years old. For more information contact Joy at 803-356-2232 or [email protected]. SERVING IN MARCH USHERS FOR MARCH - Robert Asbill, Chair; Nathan Dooley, Chick Roof, Andy Schumpert, Charles Schumpert, Gerald Sox USHERS FOR APRIL - Mikel Smith, Chair; Charles Dooley, Dan Enlow, David Frye, Jr. , Matt Schnabel, Danny Shull Ushers, please be present 30 minutes before the service. THE CHANCEL CHOIR COMMUNION ASSISTANTS - John Bundrick, Matt Schnabel GREETERS - Pat Minemier, Stan Minemier ACOLYTES MARCH 1 - Fulmer Bickley, Kate Labelle, Abigail Martin, Hannah Riddle, Kate Schnabel, Weston Sox MARCH 8 - James Baldwin, Anna Martin, MariKatherine Pullie, Hannah Riddle, Jake Riddle, Weston Sox MARCH 15 - Peyton Bickley, Rilee Bleakley, Lukas Hage, Kate Labelle, Abigail Martin, Eliza Schnabel MARCH 22 - James Baldwin, Fulmer Bickley, Anna Martin, Hannah Riddle, Camden Sox, Kristen Titcomb MARCH 29 - Elizabeth Canepa, Isabella Canepa, Caroline Davis, Bella Leone, MariKatherine Pullie, Eliza Schnabel

FLOWER CALENDAR FOR MARCH MARCH 1 - Jim & Gail Brazell MARCH 8 - Fran & Bernie Lee MARCH 15– Liz & Ralph Busbee MARCH 22 - Kelly, David & Blake Goodale MARCH 29 - June Suite BULLETIN CALENDAR FOR MARCH MARCH 1 - George & Emily Labelle MARCH 8 - Linda Turner MARCH 15 - Lois Dooley MARCH 22 - Liz & Ralph Busbee MARCH 29 - John & Joan Bundrick NURSERY ANGELS FOR MARCH Nursery Angels, please be present 20 minutes before the service. MARCH 1 - Not MARCH 8 - available MARCH 15 - at the MARCH 22 - time MARCH 29 - of printing.

CHILDREN’S CHURCH FOR MARCH Schedule for Leaders: MARCH 1 - Kitty Lindler, Eliza Schnabel, Bella Leone MARCH 8 - Andy & Melanie Schumpert MARCH 15 - Mary Kinsler & Laura Rate MARCH 22 - Celeste & Matt Schnabel MARCH 29 - & Maria Canepa

YOUNG AT HEART NEWS The St. David Young at Heart met Tuesday, February 11 in the Fellowship Hall. There were 70 members and 7 guests present. After devotions, everyone was entertained by Ronnie and Elease Felker with their impersonation of “Barney Fife and Thelma Lou.” A fun time was enjoyed by all. Tone Chimes is a ministry supported by St. David Lutheran Church through Young at Heart. This ministry brings much happiness and joy to residents of the local area nursing homes and senior centers. Due to dwindling participation, Tone Chimes needs YOUR HELP. The group generally goes out twice a month, the third Thursday and the fourth Tuesday of each month; however, no groups are scheduled during June, July and August. NO musical training or ability is required or even necessary. If you know the primary colors and can make a joyful noise, YOU QUALIFY. It is not necessary that you become a member of Young at Heart. Anyone is welcome to participate in the ministry. If interested call Stan Minemier at 356-5089 or Ann Dowd at 794-5791. The next Young at Heart meeting will be March 10 at 12:00 noon in the Fellowship Hall. Entertainment will be by Pastor Jackie Utley. Pastor Utley will present a program on “Women of the Bible.” If you are 55 or older, please join us for fellowship and fun.

LUTHERAN MEN IN MISSION St. David Lutheran Men in Mission meet the first Monday of each month. The meeting for March will be March 2 at 7:00 pm.

MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets at Lizard’s Thicket on Augusta Road. All men are welcome to join us each Wednesday at 7:30 am for breakfast, devotions and fellowship.

Lighthouse for Life Presentations

Ladies and men are invited to attend one of two informative presentations from Lighthouse for Life, a local organization that is working to educate and fight against human trafficking. Ms. Jen Thompson is Executive Director at Lighthouse for Life and a two-time National Board-Certified Teacher. She brings more than 20 years of experience in Training, Communication, and Education to Lighthouse for Life. Also presenting with her is Bob Healy, Director of Public Policy for the organization. Both of them spoke and conducted workshop sessions for the ladies attending the SC Women of the ELCA State Convention in June of 2019. Our women's circles donated freedom bags and monetary donations to the organization for victims of human trafficking who are rescued. Ms. Thompson and Mr. Healy will present information that will dispel many of the myths surrounding issues of human trafficking and provide a wealth of information for parents of teens and pre-teens to help them avoid dangers that lurk for their children in our world of social media and beyond. The first program for Lutheran Men will be held at their regular monthly meeting on Monday, March 2nd, at 7:00 PM in the fellowship hall. Then on Thursday, March 12th, they will present again for ladies at 7:00 PM in the David Classroom beside the Commons Area. Mark your calendars to attend this enlightening program! MARCH BIRTHDAYS 10 Brennan Geller 21 Lewis Hite Erin Whitenack Luke Schumpert 22 Ashley H. Shull Rilee Bleakley 12 Jessica L. Bleakley 23 Charles Schumpert 13 Alyse Garrett Gina W. Winemiller Amanda Y. Enlow 14 Cindy Hendrix Aurie Richardson 24 Michael R. Sox 1 Alyssa Laughlan Ripley Burnette Andrea Epley 25 Betty McDaniel 15 Virginia Lown 2 Curtis Clamp Deni S. Titcomb 26 Hal Cone Helen Coffman Katrina A. Coral Andy Brown Larry Rauch 27 Allison Edwards Carolyn R. Roof 3 Kate Labelle 16 Beth Ann A. Bremer Jeannie Hartley Ashton Crowe Sharon Bouronich 4 Dianne Davis Nancy Sanders Barbara Thompson Tillman Mathias Taylor Montgomery F. T. Mathias IV 17 Lois Dooley Jim Lane Donald Schumpert 28 Eli Bowers Debbie Dooley Caroline Bleakley 5 Curtis Hilliard Drew Laughlan Gail Brazell Deborah Horton Aaron Perez Carol Woodlief 29 Marvin Sox Nathan Corley 18 Morgan Shull Anna Martin Ella Floyd Shannon Smith Alyssa Donald 30 Charles Dooley 6 Brian Stowers Karen Weed Lavern Slyce Audrey Stowers David Machado 7 Tommy Peake Joan Smith 19 Whitman Rucker 31 Betty Rikard Vivian Mims Parker Rate June Suite Brendan Dickey Coleman Goodwin Hannah Slyce Beverly Breuer Jacob Riddle 8 Marvin Carnell Ali Gibson Larry Enlow 20 Earl Jeffcoat Jackson Brown Lauren S. Sheriff If your name was left off this Reagan Brown Sandra Amodio month’s list, please call the Kirstie Hewson 9 Andy Peake Savannah Schultz church office so we may add it Brooke Sox Jonah Miller to next year’s list. John Bundrick

THE MEMBER CARE TEAM needs people who will not only send cards but who are willing to visit the hospitals. If you are interested in doing this please see June Suite or call her at 957-8179. ST. DAVID LUTHERAN CHURCH 132 ST. DAVIDS CHURCH ROAD WEST COLUMBIA, SC 29170 NON-PROFIT ORG. CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED U.S. POSTAGE P A I D LEXINGTON, SC PERMIT NO. 53



MEMBERSHIP - New members are always CHILDREN’S CHOIR - Call Celeste welcome at St. David! Please talk to Pastor Greg Schnabel at 727-2626. Choir for all children on Sunday or call the Church Office. 3 years old through fifth grade.

SUNDAY SCHOOL - Stop by the Church YOUNG AT HEART - Talk to Linda Turner Office on Sunday morning at 9:30 am and talk to at 530-1496 about monthly meetings, trips, Bernie Lee, Sunday School Secretary, or Jennifer activities and ministries. Jeffcoat, Director. LUTHERAN MEN IN MISSION - Call YOUTH MINISTRY - Call Joel Antley at 803- Marvin Sox at 356-0296. Meetings are the first 645-3466. Monday night of each month at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. MUSIC MINISTRY - Call Al Roberts at 356- 1700. We have choirs for all ages - vocal, CAMPUS MINISTRY - Contact Laurie handbell and instrumental. Harmon at [email protected] or 359- 8653 or Sylvia Wessinger at sjwessinger@ WOMEN OF THE ELCA - Call Tricia Hood at or 957-1312. 446-5226.