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Thursday 15th August 2013 -Vol-1- Issue :8 independentE97 ªcomprehensiveE9C ªcultural E=C7ªPolitical E= C= cÒM±E; ±—¢¹P4±—Ïœš›T2 ±›Ÿ—Ê›žžαbÊ š¢TÊ=:(± ³b7Cбb ˆ±ÏC0±W`PdÒP±Z:)± Ô¹C´C¹C³P;­c9FCÏ ±Ò²C»ˆ±ÒbCC±b aC7 ±ÏP7d¹±R±Òõ:04ê±ÒE R/±õc97±´C d8RM±T=gR±ZE:´CCP74d;:=±T=gR± ‘No Muslim C<C ýÍR/ÐC=»ÒPjÒW=M±F=±ý Parking’ Sign Yemeni President Hadi holds summit talks with US President Obama Angers US Muslims

HOUSTON – Signs banning Mus- lims from using a shopping center parking lot mysteriously ÏC0„±W³»SýÔR0ê±`M±¿CjR±b9`Q±d RÔP@`c97±G`¹P appeared this week, generating mas- sive Muslim outrage to the insensi- ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜ tive, discriminatory posters. ²¬™T2 ­›ž’«CÊ4»M±T­ERÊ0ê±X ÒM±ÌR/ʱ«C­ECÊÒFC—´„CÒ—_Êj±b—³RCÊ7± "I'm very shocked because we do live ÔP@ÏC0±F1ЭPÊ4–ŒEÒP4±E4±»бP=cÊ9EC±C<R2Ê= FhRŒER0ê±EÊ R/±Я“œš› in a society that's supposed to be very ´RЭP4Êd R»C0Ê­`¹Pc9ÊW7±F7­EÊ R/±ЭFCÊh­Ò˜d RP:ÊÎÒS4ê±T=gRʱ accepting, and this is what we all ˜ÏC0„±ÐC8`Ï ¶ÒR(Cõ9 ê±R=ÒõC0:9F: ÒE»CÒ«C1=E9 ­c9_<4 preach," Yara Aboshady told CNN `¹PÎC7±`EÊR0ê±`M±´±b`8ù`¹¹RÊC_=±R¯P:ÊÔR0ê±E=9 ±P±RʼÒc6aC` affiliate KPRC on Friday, August 9. . EC:&E= C= ±ñ»Q±E±P4±ÒER'±²ST=g»DgC–ÐCR4±ÏC0_<;–õ:9 ê±бb ˆ±EC:³¹C "That we all have the freedom of –Ô¼C´b6jÒ–õ:9 ê±бb ˆ±EC:d6R±`:R±PÊÒ–dC9±P:Ò–õ:9 ê±бb ˆ± religion.".. Continued P3 ³RC7±ýEÒP4±E4±»E72;`³R C±»bj«C4»M±«C d: R±ÔR0ê±ÐbS69±^7Ҙ˻CP:­Ò ˜E R/±`´±b7û=»C/±X Òd RP:ÎÒS4ê±d ˆ±T=gR±»C0­`´C²C ±R<3 Fury as Israel ´CC „±ýc9Ê7±¹PЯER0ê±EÊ0±³»±¼Ò_ CµPÎCÊ–CC1±¹P`³»±¼bÊ9E=gC0¯R ¬ýÒ `X ÒM±ÌR/ʱ«C­EÊCÒF97Ò˜ =Ê›ž£c¯Z6»±dÊ RÔPÊ@êõCÊ0±W6`ÊM±´±b^ PÊP4 ¹C<&±³PC_=3; E=;:=±E:7±œš›—¢—›T=:(±`2; ±bW=M±F=±ý´P7——Ïb=±dR=M±dR4±—`2; ±Ò unveils plan for `¼RÒ»EÊCÒF97CÊ:–´CCÊ „±ýC1Ê­±b=j­¿CÊ ­›žšЯabþ±NPÊ:µPÊê± T=g»CCÒ±ͱ»CÊT=gR±ÒE=Ê;:=±E»b<:Ê&±T=g»Ô¹C»b0Ê;a»Pd;:=±TÊ=gR±õE=8RÊM± “E9C E=25’7 ¿E=7±˜˜˜E92ê±E=9=C: ˆ±E;Pý±b9C0 ›ŸЯC<bE= »¹C0 ²R4±³RSý `P9±õÍR/ê±ÐÒC4±´„CÒE=gC;±´CÊ 4±ÐC:=S±GG=–E=8RM±³Pê±´C„bʱ more settler homes ECÊ8ÒEÊ=;M±ÒEʹC0Ê„±ÒEÊ= CÊ= ±PÊ40±û9Êc9ÊC<4Ê= bÊÒC<Ê=:;ÌCʬÒõ7PÊ0± C C/RM±ÃR6± d9C:Ê=E=;Ê:=±E»bÊ<:&±E CÊg»ÒW=M±F=ʱ`ÍR/ÊÐC=EÊ:7±ÏCÊ ý»PjPÊҘ²C»ˆ± Israeli authorities Last Tuesday «±bM±û=29dCÒ»N;^ a»Pd;:Ê=±T=gR±ÒCÊCÒ±ͱ»CTÊ=gR±P­˜˜WÊ=M±F=CÊ“T=:(±’Ïb=ʱC:

Pittsburgh - A growing number of let out a laugh of release. I laughed to be founded by converts. Pittsburgh residents from a variety out of comfort and joy at what he As the majority of American Mus- of religious and cultural back- described to me," he said. lim converts are African-American, grounds are reverting to Islam, say- "Whenever I asked questions the First Muslim Mosque of Pitts- ing Islam agreed with them on a [about Christianity], I noticed there burgh serve predominantly African- deep, intuitive level. was an agitation, a frustration. American converts. "It didn't take me long to realize Oftentimes they would get angry at "Islam is not a strange faith in the that Islam was nothing that I me for posing a question. Muslims African-American community," said thought it was. As I started learning were never irritated by questions.” Salaah Brooks, the mosque imam E=R=M±dh±»M±cʱ±b9jÒ`Q±ÒCÊCšÒ _Ò“ÐbêC'±’Œ¼RÊñ»¹ŒÎ±Îb–ÏbPÊ4ÕCb more, I realized Islam appealed ÏC0ˆ±W¤ÔR= \±b _<PF =Ò³R/E ¹C ±_<b9^ ´C„bʱýE=RÊ R=EÊ7R2ÊÐb:=Ê7²C Although there are no official fig- since 1999. ERÊ'±ERʽ­»c¯–_Ê<bÊ6 Q;ʳPÊê± more to what I already believe ures, the United States is believed "A person who converts often has û­ ŸЭc¯EÊ=: »ÏCÊ»­R=Ê/Ò˜EÊ=bÊC E'C0:9³R=2 ERh E0 »c9ÎbÊ09D92±bPÊ7CR7²CÊ ^16–dRÊ=M±³R<ʱÏC3Ê· jˆ³P@Êê± about God," Sherry Snow, who to be home to between 6-8 million an uncle, a cousin, someone in their converted to Islam in 1999 and ÐbÒ@ ê±_ÊŒõêC'±ŒЯ±»b5= ÎbÊ7Ò˜^: ˜E= ˆ±_<±¼C#±Ò_<±¼±S6 ± Muslims. Though it is difficult to family who has converted. õR0ê±õ ERÊýŒE=CÊ4RM±ÐbÊC*±Œ_ŒÐbÊêC'±ŒÒ goes by the name Safiye, told Pitts- ˜ÏP7±±Q`Ðb= =gR± track precise rates of conversion to "Islam has a very strong social jus- cʯ±RÊ3_Ê<CÊRÊ$ŒÐbÊêCÊ'±Œû8–ÏbÊÊ=±Ò ³»±¹¯a79 ­ÃÒRÊ/bÊÒ–ÏC3Ê;±· j±PÊ=? burgh Post-Gazette on Sunday, Islam, about 20 percent of Ameri- tice message that many African- P<ÊñPRÊ ¬ÐbCÊÃÒR/ʽR5Êb8ʱ^=24Ê ýCÊ=CÊÊ^2Ê4a;Ê8CÊÊCÊÒ±ͱ»CÊTÊ=gRÊʱ August 4. can Muslims are converts. Converts American converts are attracted to." R=RC<ÐbÊ=9››bZhÒõ \RÊ2± Ô»Cd C= ±_C4±ÎbPc9–½R5bÊ8± "Being raised Catholic, they teach come from a variety of religious Other converts have chosen to ˜³Pê±´C„b±ýdR ŒSÊÊ;Ê= ÊʹbÊÊ;=Ê„ŒEÊÊRÊÊ RÊÊPÊÊ–±»bÊÊ5=Ê about the Trinity, and the Trinity and cultural backgrounds, and most attend mosques that serve primarily õêC'±ŒЭ±»b5= ËCh­Ò˜Ô­R±´C 2 „ never resonated with me. It never report that Islam agreed with them immigrant and non-convert commu- `RCÊ<ê±W4_<±Ô»bÊ<:DgCÊc9±¹»Ò ÏCÊ3;ʱ ÔPÊ ÐÒPÊ4 ÊÒ ¹CÊ;4CÊ ÐbÊ: Ê made sense. on a deep, intuitive level. nities, including the Islamic Center R6jM±O=2±__< »Ð?Êõ=R/±R= ý²C/ʱŒÐbêCÊ'±Œ«„@ÃRÊRÒ˜Œd CÊ= ± “When I found out Muslims believe of Pittsburgh, the largest mosque in PÊÊ;«±RÊÊ0ʱRÊÊ´±»PÊÊ+±ÐbÊÊ97;Ê_<ÊM Œ`_<:Ê ±±ÒPÊ: ±Ò–³PÊê±´CÊ„bʱ God is just one, that made more Islam History the region. ´C„b±c¯_<bjÒ · jˆÐbCÃÒR/ÊbÒ“_9'±ÐbCÊ’ŒF­ sense to me,” she added. With more converts finding Islam "The international component of O=2±`ʱR=ʱ¹PŒÐbÊêC'±Œ^ »­–³PÊê± ^;_aÊ;8CÊCÊÒ­³»±¹¯aRʱ³RÊ<±ÏCÊ3 Safiye first came to know about in Pittsburgh, the growing faith has Muslims in Pittsburgh is ˜õ=R=M±²±b;±c¯ ˜½R5b8±E7±b Islam from Philip Snow, now her been no stranger to the American unmatched," said Julie Webb, out- ýõb ­`ÊR­±RÊ @_<;ÊE4 Êc1­Ò _<9­ZE=R R=ÊE7R2¹ ±±b9 ¹_Ê<;8 husband who goes by the name ´C„bʱc¯]=Ê 8ê±`_Ê<99 PÊ4` ʱ _<\Ê„–ÏbÊÊ=±Ò˜±»CÊÊ5j±bÊÊCÊCÊPÊ; city. "Pittsburgh has a great history reach coordinator at the Islamic ²CÊ NÊ„Ò–³¹CÊ=EÊ0 »cÊ9ÎbÊ0'± Ibrahim, in 1996. of conversion to Islam," said Pat- Center of Pittsburgh. ýÒ˜_<4hÒc9«bÊ1±X=9 ÊËP<³PÊê± The first time he learned about ÐbdRÊ=„±E=Ê»C(±RʼÒб¹——`2; ±Ò R=¹PRC3–²¬™T2 ­Z92 E7R2^:4±Ò­E;c9Îb0'±„Ò–ýR0 rick Bowen, who specializes in "Because there are so many differ- ÏPʱÏCÊ:–œš›—¢—›ž«CÊÊ4»„±ÔRÊ= ˜½R5b8±ÏC­ŒõêC'±Œ` ˜E=R Islamic beliefs, from a Libyan Islam in the United States at the ent cultures in Islam, there are so friend, the religion immediately dCÊ0±\RÊ6Î µPÊÔQ±Œû @Ê걌 –EÊ=;Ê= ±CÊÊRÊ=­`ÊõêCÊ'±_3Ê4»PÊÒ University of Denver. many beautiful rituals that come out ˜³RC7±ýd RP:ÎÒS4ê±T=gR±»C0± Z:)±ý^C^8/ÐbÊP;걌ÐbêC'±ŒN#Ò _Ò˜EÊÊ 2ÊEÊ=CÊÊ „±_Ê98Ê„_<1Ê4Ò resonated with him. "African-American Sunni mosques of them, you have to be confident «±RÊÊʱcÊÊÊ9ÔRÊÊÊ0Êê±UÊÊ=Ê&±GÊCÊÊÊ:Ê `RC<ê±c±ÏCÊ4±Ô­R±³R3R==Ê5ýdR=„± P9ËC/±d;4_Ê»C¹`_¹R ЭÐÒRÊ4 Same as his wife, he found in Islam mushroomed in the middle of the enough to ask the imam if it's some- ýEÊC6EÊ»C/ÊýÔR=ÊÎCҘ´CÊCʱ ^< ±`Œ±»b5= Ô»CÊÎb7Ò˜õ=R/ʱR= ˜CCùC:< <`PPEC7Ò answers to questions that Christian- 20th century, and Pittsburgh was thing you really have to do. It takes бEÊ=»CÊ(±³»±¼bÊdbÊ=±ýCÊ0±RÊÊù@Êê± c9õ=RÊ/±R=ÊDCM±cʯ½C;±RÊ3;Э ity could not provide to him. the main center. The largest con- time to navigate through all the dif- Z;E=Ò@Ê C:<=Ê9U=&±ÒEÊbê±EbÊ8'±Œ ^`8–õ=R=„±E=7`CCùÐbÊ69_<­ CCÊÒ­T=gRʱœš››ÏC4±ýÐbÊêC'±DÊC Ò "We were driving through Utah at centration [of Muslim converts] ferent cultures. ... A convert needs to C<;=Ê`³«C;´±»CÊ= ·R Òû;Ê4±`PSÊê± ý\'±Ò³¹C=E0 »bʲC/±«„@aÊ92C ÏC3RÊ==5Ò¹RÊ2±´C=Ê9:4PÊZhb³RÊ C around 1 in the morning, and when was in the Western Pennsylvania understand what it means to be EÊ=4RÊ/ ´CÊCʱ _=Ê3;Ò »bÊ Pʱ ^PÊ4 ˜ŒE4C&±c±²CQ± ³»±¹ˆ±F79 ­–EÊ; PÊ4Ò˜dRÊ=„±³RÊ<± I asked him what was the dominant and Eastern Ohio region." involved with an international com- ÏCÊ0Ê„±WEÊ=9:ÊЭRʱҘŒEÊÊ= CÊg»Ò ÐC/ʱ˄¬´CêN: ÊCCÊRE=Ê ±RbñPʱ faith in Libya, he started talking In the 1930s, Muslim converts munity of believers," Webb said. D4/±ÎCŠÒEÊ'C0:9³RÊ=2 ERhŒFÊC CCÊÒ­³»±¹¯aRʱÔQ±ÐbÊC7±ÃÒRÊ/ÎCÊÒ `_<4hÒõ E=bCEC¯Ðb98ñ„`Q± about Islam. It was that night that established the First Muslim "You have to have an anthropologi- ÔR=ËCÊh­Ò ˜Œd ±RbÊñ¹ÎC7±ýÔRÊ0ê± EÊRÊ­ _Ê1 ÔQÊʱ ¸bÊ=/ʱ TÊ9 EÊÊ7±bÊ ˜õ; ³Pê^:E0 »c9Îb0'±Î my heart embraced Islam. I was so Mosque of Pittsburgh, one of the cal heart." ZÀ»C4ÊÒû bÊPÏbÊ=±µ±PʱŒЭ ²±b;±TÊ9ýC=CÊ\Ca;8Ê–E= ±RÊbñ¹ Ò­õ:94Êê±`RÊC<ê±HCÊRʱ±QËPÊ< Ò thrilled at what he was telling me. I first mosques in the United States ˜ŒE= ±RbñP±ÒÏ 9õR0ê±´C492 ˜E»b<:&±ERM±Ôº ›Ÿõ_»C:­·Ò±RÊ`Q±´±¹CÊ

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Dr. Ganka Spassova (Family Practice) performs accupuncture & cupping by appointment only. 9925 Dix, Suite 103, «C ;9E= Rb Dearborn, 48120 Female Physician Available Everyday 313-843-8300 Mon - Fri (10 am-6 pm) Sat. (10 am-4 pm) American Affairs E=R=­ÐÒ@ 3 Thursday 15th August 2013 -Vol-1- Issue : 8 ¤¹P4±—cÒM±E; ±—Ïœš›T2 ±›ŸÊ›žžαbÊ ¢TÊ=:(± ‘No Muslim Park- ing’ Sign Angers E±Rê±H±R_==7E;&^8/E=R=M±´±»C ˆ± Ïb=±dR=M±dR4± R T:=E=R=M±´±»CÊ ˆ±RP^8 US Muslims EʱRê±HʱR_Ê==7^Ê­`^:EÊ;&õ;ÊM± ³CÊ='±ÒdÊbÊ7±`M±õÊм±bʱõÊ?ÊEÊ<& From p 1 EÊ=bÊÊ7± ³»±¹ˆ± F;Ê9­ CÊ D Ê –EÊjCÊ(± THE ˜´±»C  Aboshady was commenting on the E;9±ÑQ`µP$CÊCÒ­ͱ»CT=gR±ÐCÊÒ ARBAB new signs lined the street near the ÎCÊý´CÊ j¯``Ê9­CÊPÊ;EÊ4:&± El Farouq Mosque, where Muslims E=Ê1PÊ4ŒE=ÊC6/ʱŒ_ CÊ´„C0Ê„±EʱR AMERICAN heading to worship services said ´±»C ˆ±ý\C ±»C/Ê ê±–йb; ¹»±Ò¹± they were offended. ˜C= Ò»c±?&ÔQ±E=R=M± TODAY The signs, written in black letters, Э´±»CÊ ÊEÊ=bÊ7±³»±¹‰ÐCÊ=ý«CÊÒ read, "No Muslim parking in the ´C„bʱFCʱº¯C_Ê=7ŒËbÊ E;Ê9±ÑQÊ Westview Shopping Center. Your –´„C0ˆ±CÊ=bbÊ;8ÏP7«bÊhýÒ³Pê± car will be towed." d:$EÊ7R2Ê´C=2Ê4ê±Z:ýCÊ<±»Pû bÊ E=RE6=j El Farouq Mosque sits across the ZE=»C(±C;Ê C= Òdb7±C;Ê;­^1­^8/ street from the shopping center, in ýÓR M±EÊ= CÊ= ±´±»Cʈ±cʯ´C6ʈ± E97 E=R=­ ˜Œ_g ^8 front of which the signs were put. ´CbÊ94RÊ/RÊ2 ´±»CÊ„±ŒÑQÊõ`Ò SR걒`»P0 The shopping center's employees E3CÊ:9ECÊ'±ŒÒŒdR RÊ=^8/EÊ6;0 dR=M±dR4± refused to talk to media or admit ˜ŒÏC4±Ô­R±E7c9 who put the signs. Î C=9R±RÊR7T=gRʱc¯E;9±ÏPÊ7 Ò “EC7±ÒÏ ‰ One worker, however, said the PbýC<C=jbÊZRЭc9õ97ê±`RʱŒ²FgC6±TÊ=:(± 11 attacks. ˜ŒE:g R=Œ³b2(±ÑQ c9E CÊ69 `Q9±`RÊ=6±Îb\=7ʱ In the last five years, there has been CŒ³PÊC7±_=Ê3;EÊ2RÊê±E=:Ê=9ˆ±´C8Ê/±ЭCÊCÒ­Ó­»Ò ˜`2 bÐb±»CÎ CRœ žÒ RR±T=g»—R C;± "anti-mosque activity" in more than Эc9a Ê6Fb±ý±¹PÊ/–ŒÓRÊ´±PPÊ<»P0ÊF±¼ X7ÐCÊC/ʱ_<±–d҄±dÊC<ˆ±»±RÊ7±ýÒ half of the US states, according to ˜ŒC<8=86íŒËR2ê±_=3;±³¹C= ˜ŒR>±Œ² ñЭc9Ô¹±R6„±T'±ýÐCÊC2±ZhÒÒ the American Civil Liberties ´±»CÊ „±´„CÊÊÒýŒPÊPÊPÊ<Œõ PÊCÊCÊÒ­PÊÒÒ ^:ýE=CÊ6/±SSÊ4³PPÊ´C±RʱE9 9 ZEÊ=R=M± ˜Îb9­™R: œ ý±¹P Union. ³Pê±´C„b±бÕ±P@–C<=´±¼ÒCʱZ;Ò´„Cb±ÑQ EbÊ7ÐC<±bÊõC/ʱÐC–CÊ:<±¹±ÎCÊýÒ d9RjC;±P At least 18 mosque projects - from H±R`ÎCC: ˜Œõ¹C4±õ; ±b걌c9T бPR„ cÒŒE±P4±EC¯ŒE:<CCœšc`Ê ± Mississippi to Wisconsin-have E±RÊc¯EÊCh¯–ŒRÊ>±ŒEÊ:<ϱbʱE Ê: found foes who battle to stop them ÎÒ@ õ=4_= a­c¯Õ±R=/õ±b79Z1FR„±E±R ZR a»±¹¯ЯÎCÒ˜db7ʱ`„±ECÒýEjCÊ(±³C='±` ¶±Rˆ±`ϱbÊ­E Ò»„Ò¹û­œŸšEÊ:=7 from seeing light citing different –³Pê±´C„bʱ`C:¹R ÐCÊ8¯ÒÁÒR/ê± Publisher pretexts, including traffic concerns \бd68„a¯ÎCÒ˜´±»C „CE794\gCÒ`ER ± бõ=RÊ=„±õ; ±bÊê±c9d5Ê;^–EʱRê±H±RÊT=gRÊ ˜dPê±\Ò and fear of terrorism. R<Ê EÊ=7«CÊ6 ±±¹±»­CÊ:<?ÊÐCÊC2ʱ_<±Ò & Even more, some mosques were ½R5b8±Z^:4=Ê a­CCÒ­P­Ò ˜ÕC1±H±R±ÑQÊ<±b7 –û=C»CÊ RbÊc±б¹b4RÊb=:¼CÊ<Ò editor-in-chief vandalized including a 2011 Wich- ËÒR4ê±²CÊ»„±ECÊ8ÐbCÊý³¹»±b±¹bÊ;±· j¯cÊ9 ÔQÊ6;Ê PÊ±Ò dCÊÊ/Ê=  ^Êj­ ` dÊRÊ=M± ita mosque arson case for which a db7±`Ê„±ECÊb·CÊ: CÊE794Êê±ÒŒF¬´bRÊCŒ_ CÊ ˜`2 bÐb±»CÔR=6 $5,000 reward is being offered. C;;8ñŒ¤CCÒ­ÎCÒ˜E=17±ÑQÊýйb; ¹»±Ò¹±E=R=„±´±»C ˆ±ECÊb\C ±»C/ ê±´CRÊ a»C­ÔQ±ÎC ±P4]ºÒ–E=Ê6C´CC=Z: û=CÊ»CÊ RÊbÊcʯEÊ:<ÐbÊ F<ÒÒ ˜ŒE=C6/±`±PSÒECR±`±PSN=´±«±R±ºC± ˜Ï±P„±Eb7C<;›¡ýa±b ABDULNASSER Shocking `:=±ý³PC79ÏC:1 d4 CdR=­²C ÏC<± MUGALI Despite the shopping center’s P=4±E C;ðdR=­ÔPRZC owner denial, the signs were deemed shocking to many Mus- ªªªªªªªªªª lims. "I feel sorry for the person who wrote it," said Ahmed Hassan. "This is what comes to mind EC4±´C 4± because obviously he has a lot of hate." Muslim worshippers wondered E±PP=Ò about the sign writer's true motive. "It could be no parking for the sake of patrons that come in," Aboshady ªªªªªªªªªª said. "Or it really could be a prejudice and just a mean thing to say." E6=0±_C Yet, Muslims saw these signs as insensitive and offensive. "It's really offensive and it's hate- ful," Hassan said. E2REÊC:d¯ÏC:1Ê X ҄±ÌR/±d¯RÊ6 9X2ýÁ»bÊC´CCÊ<¯dR=­²C RÊ8­ dR1'±RjC;±P Although there are no official fig- ˜¼RÒ»ECÒFCC:–E¹C<´C:Q=6;ËP<ÔR8 D»Pd79Ò³PC7C ures, the United States is believed `¹­±º¯Ô¹C$¯` ýCÊCšd¯^0³RÊ6` CCÊ:8“CC›£’^½CÊbÐb9=Ê a±bÒ Ô»ÒCê±d9P: to be home to between 6-8 million E=gSÊ&±E:8*±ýFÊ=9d±ÏCÊ<„±Eg CÊ7ÒҘõ=C»ˆÔ¹CÊ_¹îP7EÊÒCÒRÊ>±dÊ:< ²R±PRjC Muslims. ³PC7±_=3;d¯ÏC:1Ê `:=±d¯R6 9E2 ZhÒ^ÐAʱP»b9E„b^=6b ÊCýE=R=M± ÌR/ʱý³R=Ê2(±³¹PÊ/ê±´CÊC:Ê&±RÊ­P­³PÊê±´CÊ„b±ÑRÊ4ÔQʱ²R4±³RÊSaÊ ý »P=E9=6 A Gallup poll had found that the ýÐÒR ¬Ò^Í»C œš›œÎb9­™RÊ: d¯»C­™bCÊ`³R6±ýa¯ÏC<„±Eg„ÎbÊ7ҘX ÒM± majority of US Muslims are patriot ˜E¹C<´C:`/±¹±P4 ±ÓR ­´C»PÒE»CE9 ?´C»PÒE=P´C=»P ûR õ­ and loyal to their country and are Eg„ý«CC:Ê–`R ¬P=;ÊC<±P ±ËPÊ<E=bjÒ³»bÊ0´ = ¹±PAÊC1±_<bÊÒ ^ýRbÊê±ZC2ʱЯÃÒR/Ê걫±»Òû7ÔQ± ^:CPRC4C E=RÊ=M±PR±E=´»Pj­ »C;±±PÒ» optimistic about their future. 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All articles, opinions and letters are sent in the name of the editor And do not necessarily express the opinion of the newspaper or the center. Contact the advertiser in the Arab American newspaper today, pleasecall: 313-348-8086 4 Yemen & the Arabian Gulf dR4±H=9(±Ò`:=± Thursday 15th August 2013 -Vol-1- Issue : 8 ¤¹P4±—cÒM±E; ±—Ïœš›T2 ±›ŸÊ›žžαbÊ ¢TÊ=:(± õ:9 ê±Ò²R4±Ò´±»C„±бPÒÒ³R±ºý³PC ·Ò»˜˜P±¼ b=bý«±»¼b±T9ÊýaE:9ýõ ´±»Cʈ±D4 ЯŒ˜˜Õ gCÊÊœš›dhCÊê± — ÏbÊ=± dÊRÊ=M± dÊRÊ4± ´CÊ4CÊ a\7dÊCÊ;`ÊÒ˜˜·RÊ6Э\Ê  Í»CÊê±ÐCÊ1»RÊ< `RÊ/ZÊ Cʱ˹CÊj ˜ŒaÒPS4ÒR6Ò·R6a94%´±¼C#¯ ^=RÊE4 CʱÓRÊQ±EÊR›žždÊhCê± P±¼ÓRºa¹CÊ­¼C#ˆ±±QЯŒÑb:Ê ÎCÒ dCÊÒ³PÊê±EÊ=RÊ4±´±»Cʈ±EÊÒ¹T @ÊÊ ÏC=ÊÐb/ÊC;Ê«±RÊ0±ýÐbÊ 9PÊ ±»Ò ÐC29 `Pʱ¼O=/±a»b6Ê5ê±C<SÒCÊ<1< Z6R=½C M±ZhÒcÊ9ÐÒPC4Ò¹CÊ$„± E=aÒ»^3 ÔQ±–ѱRÊþ±D= –ÐC=<ά ` RÊÊ=Ê8± XÊ Ò EÊÒPʱ FCÊÊÒ –»±PÊ&± õ;Ê ±bÊê±Ò` bÊʱбPÊÒÒ³Rʱºý³PÊCÊ Ò C<<±Òdʱ´CPʱ`RÊ=8±Ò]=8Ê/± ³C=P4E= ˆ±ÒE=R4±EM±½b6Ò²b9Ò õNÊ0=ÊÐCÊ=;ʱZ6»±ÒÐbÊ @ÊÊ걫CÊŠ± a 6C< Ê »Q«C2Ê4±ÒÎQCÊE9C³¹bÊð±Ò¹CÊ ­Ò–õ90ê± ÎCÊýCÊ<77Êdʱ´±¼CÊ#‰Õ±RÊPÊ7«CÊ EÊ »CÊòýPʱ¼a2Ê ±ÔQʱH<;±½RÊ8PÊÒ ²b9 ­C:Ò–EʹC$„±³R= Ê:9E:=8'±a¹CÊ= –ÏC8'±CÊ:<±b ¯Òdʹ_CÏbÊ8άPÊ=4 –E=RÊ/±E72Ê;ê±ý³PgCÊ FCdʱ«Cê±³»CÊ% a:8ÒC<»C ÒEÒP±^ ±¹³RÊ=8±a±¼C#¯Ò `Pʱ¼O=/Ê±Я–ÎCÊÒ˜˜RÊ0ʱEÊCÊ8 O=/±b:Ê ±DCjÐ AÊ_8'±ýÓ»b/ʱ \=2ÒE= ±RÊ7ñP±E »CÊ:ê±ýEb6Êê±²±bM± ´±«C79±Ò´±»ÒC/ê±`E9 9 CP4F9j±bÒ ËbÊÊ`EÊÊ=Š±¶ ÊM±ÑCÊÊ=ЭŒPÊÊ­G=Ê û9c¯C®C2ÊP±d±a=CÊ ¯Òa:»Ò `¹bÊ7EÊ `RÊM^ ÐCÊ=<άÐCÊ29 a36–EÊÒP±TÊ=g»ÐCÊ=<άPʱ¼`EÊ6=9 ý³ÒP7±²bÊ9 ­Òõ; ±bÊê±õÓ»b/ʱ°¹C R: ʹ`dCʱý´R:­´±»Cʈ±ÏC8õ `Q±½CÊ;±^\`ÐbÊ8ЭDÀ»M± a94C–d ˆ±R=Òd ˆ±_C4±бPÊ9 ÓP¯ЯÒ–E±P ê±EÊ=:;±Ïb<6êÕC:ʱ¹`S± ³¹CÊ7±³ÒPÊÎCÊ=M±õÊ­ý ÐbÊ=9›šš`ÊRÊ­½RÊPʱ¼´±¼CÊ#¯_­ RÊÊÊÊ=Ê(± ^­ `ÊÊ «CÊÊÊÊ:Ê8Ê'± ûb´±»Cˆ±À»­ýE9Ðb=Ê9ž¢Ò³R ˜«C24±Ò ˜E=±»S±dh±»M±c9ÎCR±û¼ ÐCP±¼Эc9_C4±Z:­Ò άP±¼`E6=Ê9 O=/±b:Ê ±DCjPÊ­C: ÕCbÊEÒ¹^Ê»ÒÕ±Pg±»ÕCÊ:=¼ R=8±CP=7бŒ¤þ±a3Ê6–EÒP±T=g»ÐC=< RÊ3;ʱ PÊ4Ò EÊ:8'CÊÊ Z:Ê õÏCÊ „±Ò\±bÊ9EÊ;=ÊP±bÊc »­PÊ E=R4±a­CC1_¹ý_< ­ C<ÊCÊ:Ò EÊ=ÊC ÏCÊ:„±Ò EʱPÊ ê± EÊ=:;ʱ \=Ê7$^­`ÊÊEÊÊÊ=Ê ˆ±Ò ýEÊbÊ ÊRÊ=EÊ==ʳSÊ4\7ÒCÊ<=Ê:;Ò õ`ÊCÊ1ʱÒû0ʱ³PÊÒ ˜Œ_C4± –C<b7`ÊÃCP±ÒCÊ<b4 ^½RÊÒ–EÊÒPʱ´CÊCÊ8¯^Pʱ¼RÊ Ò E¹C4±E=êC4±CC17±_¹C: «C7 M±õÌCÊb±\=7$^­`ʳR=(±ѹbÊ< EÊCÊ/±Ò EÊRÊ0± a6±bÊð cNCÊ ±Ò_CÊ6CEÊ=R4±´CÊ (±^Ò P=4jcÊ9³PPÊ4±a±»¹CÊÒ `C1ʱ\=7´±»Cʈ±EÒ¹¹bÊ<Fj­ ´CÊCÊ  ýÒ dbÊÊ7± ^:Ê4± –E=»C(±C< CÊ= ´C: `³¼»CE: EÊ=R4± ER/ʱEP(dÊC ˆ±^:4± ^:4±Ò³bPʱýÕC=bÊÕ±Pg±»\Pʱ¼Nj­Ò ˜«C4: ˜û0±P=bÒ^:/±Z:& –R=RPÊ7–_C4±`:CÊ: ½PÊ7± EÊÒRÊÒ EÊ=;=Ê2 Ê96± EÊ=1Ê7± ´­bÊÒ ³bP±ýPʱSE90Êê±¹b<&± `P±¼O=/ʱa»b65ê±RÊ8ýE792Êê±EbÒM± NCÊÊ Ê± EÊÊÊCÊÊ7 RÊÊ/Ê cÊʯ ˜E=b7±ab:ÒÐC=<άÐC29 ý αPÊÊÊÊ„±Ò EÊÊÊ=Ê2Ê bÊÊÊ±Ò ¹ÒP ÕC:¹«C24CÊE9C'±aC=αbÊ ÏPÒ ²»C7±Ò»±bÊ'±c¯ÒÏ ˆ± abÊ7 ³¹CÊ4 „ dÊ;=Ê2 Ê96± D4Ê/ʱ ÎCÊ1;Ê ´±»CÊÊ1Ê'±Ò ´CÊÊCÊÊ7ʱ õ EbÊ='±Z»CÊ/ê±`´±RÊ/4±cÊ;Ò–EÊ05Êê± ^7 Ê«C;^Ê­`ÐC¹M±Ò c9ÂCÊ6'±Òd;=2Ê 96±DÊ4/±¹bÊ:j_PÊ ˜E=C ‰R¹SÒ`¬ d±E=;=2 96±\ CÊ;:9E= ˆ±E=R4±EÊb<± ZÒÏPÊjPÊ_CÊ4±ÐCÊÒ ÐP«C;^68Ò–C< Ê: Î „±´±bÎÒC$ PÊʱ¼^=Ê»?ÊÊÊa=Ê9ZÒÒ ´C=6/ ê±»C:¯Ò_Ê=R³¹C¯ÒE9C8ÊE=;8 ϱR±`aa;8CêE7C0C Z»C/ÒPCÊ ê±Ò½»±Pê±ÒE=Ê0±´±¹C=4±Ò ý`¼»CÊʱ«CÊÊ:SÊʱPÊ?Ê Pʱ¼QʱҘÓRÊ M±EÊ=PÊ(±ÒEÊ=ʱEÊ=;ʱ E:8`ac9$CêÒ–a9C ³RCÊ E±¹¯ÒWÊ»ÑC%EÊC ÒEÊCûʱb –³PP EÊCE®»ÒRÊ3P4Ò P­Ò–Ñ»¹CÊ0ÒÑ»bÊjÒaC8Ê ­^8²CÊ»ˆ± ´CCÊ ýE=Ê ±a±«CÊ24Ò EC8êE=Ê:=9ˆ±ÒE=ÒP±¹bÊ<9^C8±a:¹ ^:4±Ò EÊbÊ:;ʱ ´±PÊCÊ ê± NCÊ Ê±cʯÕCÊÒ¹Pʱ¼CʹҖ³RÊCÊ3±ÑQÊ dÊʱ ÔRÊÊÊ=Ê(±Ò dÊCÊÊÊ Êʈ± –²b4/ʱõEÊ=CÊ ˆ±´CÊ 4±ý_±RÊ±Ò c9E=Cˆ±C<gCF 84± „d ˆ±`ÊPʱЭûbÊ`RÊ­ýPÊ­Ò Ï ÊÊÊ±Ò EÊÊÊ=Ê:Ê;Êʱ ¹bÊÊÊ< Ðb=ÊC»ˆ±a »CÊñÔQ±UÊ2±Òû;Ê4±ËR4Ê ˜_C4±ý»±R7 „±Ò `¹bÏ ˆ±ЭÒ–Õ±»Ò¼Ï ˆ±ÐbP`Q± ó‡EÊCÊ4±EÊ=4:Ê&±FCÊ­Ò `ÕC Ê2±Ò˜EÊ­R±ÒNCÊ ±ÒбRÊ65±ÒEÊ*± Eb RÊ=³»¹Cý–³Pê± EÊPÊ(RÊ=(±^:ÊDÒEÊ7=:Ê4±EÊ®RʱÑQÊ ^6–œš››RÊÊÊÊ:ÊbÊÊžý ›£¡›ÏCýPʱ¼T ­–EÊR/ʱÒEÊ=CÊ ˆ± T=g»a=ʵP$ÕCÊ=»CõÊ? 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The radio said that police and prisons service vehicles were rehearsing their route from Ramle to the West Bank crossing near where they are to be handed over to Palestinian author- ities. Arabs and the world _C4±Ò²R4± 7 Thursday 15th August 2013 -Vol-1- Issue : 8 ¤¹P4±—cÒM±E; ±—Ïœš›T2 ±›ŸÊ›žžαbÊ ¢TÊ=:(± Chekib Khelil: A story of an ³b7Cбb ˆ±ÏC0±W`PdÒP±Z:)± Algerian political rise and fall 1¿E=7˜˜E4±»бP=c9ŒEC±ŒC<R2= `94ER0ê±`M±´±b ALGIERS - Che- kib Khelil, Alge- D8RÊÊdʱ³»SÊ)±ÒEÊ6 @Êê± «CÊ4»M±TÊ­TbÊÊ ±³CÊÊ;cÊ9 ria's ex-energy ˜ŒÔR0ê±D4/±\ ý“œš›²¬™TÊÊÊ2ÊÊ ÊÊÊ­›ž’ minister and a ýPÊPÊ&±abʱŒЭ´PÊÊ­Ò ÔPÊ@ÊÒ EÊ RÊ/ʱ õ ´CÊCÊÊ ± once powerful EÊ=CÊÊ8¯ PÊÊRÊ RÊ0 µ±PÊÊ­ FCÒ˜dbÊ8c;ʲRd RÊ P9±±QÊýE=9­²Rʲb/ ±bÊ=Êj­ cÊ97ʱ D9­ Я »¹CÊÊ0ê± figure in political ýÒ˜ŒRÊ0RÊÊ=Ê8±dÊ ˆ± and diplomatic D ÐÒRÊ Š±ýbÒEÊ=³R=Ê Q EÊ=»CÊÊ(±F¹a ÊÊ6FbÊʱ ˜¾bÊÊ RÊÊ  ´CÊÊ792ÊÊ EÊÊCÊÊjˆ± circles, is now the cʯ ˱RÊ M± EÊCÊ EÊ=±RÊʈ± target of an inter- `_ÊCÊh±ÒTÊ=a¯FÊCÊh­Ò `Ê ³»QÊÊ –TÊÊ6;ʱ XÊÊhŒ _<;_ÒE RÊ/9Ðb:Ê;CC1ʱ national arrest ýÔRCÊê³R=2Ê(±´C=±Pʱ warrant for ›š^EÊ»P;Ê8 ˆ±ýÒ˜ÐbÊ=PÊ ˜ŒCÊRÊ ?Ê EÊ72;Êê± cÊ9 RÊ0 ³»±¼bÊ ÎÒ@Ê Ê D Ê ¿CÊ ­ alleged corrup- dbÊ=<0ʱÒPÊ4±ŒЭFCÊh­Ò ˜ER0ê±E0± tion. EÊ9=:Ê4±Ò EÊRÊ2Êê± ^gCÊ06±Ò Khelil, 74, who P=Ê6 Êê±ddêCÊ4±»CÊ8  ÎbÊÊʱRÊÊ3Ê«PÊÊRÊÊ= ?ÊÊ attended the same ˜ŒR0ýÔRCòÎÒM± school as Presi- õC  dent Abdelaziz Bouteflika in the western town of Tlemcen, is wanted along `M±T9bÊPCÊ=R PÊÔRÊ0걫±»¼bʱT9ÊÐCÊÒ with eight others, including his wife and two sons, for "corruption, abuse of ^ P9 R3«PRÊ= ?«C4»M±«CÊ `9­ authority and belonging to an international criminal network," the public ´CÊÊ3ÊCÊÊ*±`¹PÊÊÊýαbÊÊʱ prosecutor said on Last Monday. A former head of the Organisation for T=ÊgR±б¹–ÓRÊ ­E<Ê`Ò E4Ê Cʱ`­PÊ=õÊCÊ ERÊ0ê± Petroleum Exporting Countries had variously been presented as a "super EÊ=9:Ê ÎbÊ þ±PÊ dÊRʱ ]ºÒ–E4CÊ ±`„PÊX7«C Ê minister," a "regime strongman" or even an "ultra liberal" before taking ÏC0ʱÛW6EÊR0Êê±E RÊ/± CÊ:=–XÊ7«CÊ4»M±“Tʱ’ÏbÊ=9 Õ±P@–ϹÏC:Êc¯Fb$dʱd R»C0­ centre stage for his alleged role in the corruption scandals around state б»bÊd ÊRÊ6±EÊ=»CÊ(±RʼbÊÐCÊ=ý]º c9»C;±´±b7±FÒ˜d RP:ÎÒS4ê± Ïb=±`±»C±EÊ=7ýbC:RÊ3'±Pbc7Ê energy firm Sonatrach that hit the headlines on January 2010. On February Îb$`Êa=/Ê `RÊÒ–ŒEÊbÊ7R=ÊŒC<­ ˜R< ³PêÒœš›—¢—›ŸT=:(± ýµPÊCÊê^CÊòñSÊcʯRÊ0ýZhbÊʱ ˜a;E ŒE=R4±ŒF:9 ±–½b=C û;PCÊ/ýC<4ʱb8Ê ±`Q±`RÊC3Êê± 10, the public prosecutor in Algiers opened the "Sonatrach II" case, order- ³Pê±ó‡ÏC4±õM±Ä ¯ía¯½b=CÎCÒ ˜E:jC4C\ C;ýchb6±´»C­ R3ÀR»RÊPÔR0걫±»¼bʱT9ÐCÒ ing an probe into possible corruption linked to contracts between the Italian ˜C»b E4C ±EÊC ±`´C3ÊC*±`¹Pýαbʱ `M±TÊÊ9dÊRÊʱ«±»¼bÊʱTÊ=g»CÊÊ¹Ò ýõ= =ÊgR±CÊ RÊ«CRÊ ]QÒÐbÊdÐC T­R< P4´­Pd±°»±b2±ECÔR  Ò ENI group and Sonatrach, in which Khelil was implicated. Born in Oujda in ±QÊýCʺCʱídʱ°»±bÊ2±EÊÊCÊZhÒ ³PÎbʱRÊ3^:/ÊÒ˜R< ³PÊê«C4»„± E ¹CÊ ± EÊC ʱ cÊÒ d9*± F=ÊbÊC«CÊ  ýŒEQÊ걌ûÒc9^:Ê49E=RÊ4±E4CÊ&±Ò C¹PÊd±°»±bÊ2±EÊC³RÊαbÊ CCÊj Morocco in 1939, Khelil left for the United States in the 1960s where he ˜R0 ˜ÑC%„± Tb ʱÒE»P;8Ê ˆ±Ò³RC7±CÊ<;´C3CÊ earned a doctorate for petroleum engineering at the University of , and F¹Ò–^'±dT=³bÊ7±Э½b=CËCÊh­Ò ›¡šš’d9*±F=bC«C E4C ±`ÔRÊ Ò Î±bʱRÊ3EÊC^Ê:/ÊÒ˜R<Ê ³PðTÊ9)± ³Pê±ó‡ÏCÊ4±õM±_ CµPÊê±`9­Ò d;ÒEÊ»P;Ê8 ˆ±Ò³S=Ê&±Ò³RCÊ7±´C3ÊC eventually US citizenship. R=C4±PÊ ?`PŒÏCÊ4±õM±ЭÐbdÐC c¯EÊR0ê±²±SÊM±`˱R M±Z=Ê:C ÊR šžšš’CCjE ¹CÊ ±c“U;RÊF=b In addition to Arabic and French, he also speaks English, Spanish and Por- ÓbÊÊ7±Z=Ê:&»±bÊÊÊ'±ý«PÊʱÒûÊ;4ʱWÊ» ˜°»±b2±ÀR³Pαb “U;RF=b ÎC: Ò³R=±Ò¶Cb ÒÁbÊ= ­ÒC=;ê±Òûb CP;³RC7±ýF4Òd±û;Ê4±ÎC:­ÕCS E=Ê9=CÊ: ˆ±ÒTÊb ʱҫC;Ê= ²bÊ;Ò«CÊ;= tuguese, and has worked for Shell and Phillips Petroleum in the US before PÊh Œ³bÊ7± EÊRÊ0ê± `ÊM± ´±bÊ FPÊ ± ÑQ<d ±R7ñ¹^¹C¯ÀR5ER0ê±E= C= ± returning to Algeria where he became technical adviser to the presidency of ˜³R=2(±E¼M± ÏCÊÊ0ʱWÊÊ`PÊÊÊdÒPÊÊʱZ:Ê)± ˜C;ÒÏb=6±Ò ˜`RC3ê± ²±SÊM±RÊ­dCÊÊd69 ʱ»bÊ;±²SÊCÊ¹Ò Houari Boumediene from 1973 to 1976. Khelil joined the World Bank in c¯õRÊ0ê±Z=:·CÊ'AŒÐbÊdÐCCÊ¹Ò ³b7Cбb ˆ± d;M±»C=(±`¹C4 bPR2 û;49EÊC<ÊZhbÊ«C4Ê»M±R0ÊýE=Ê ˆ± 1980 but returned to Algiers in November 1999 to work as adviser to Bou- E=7=7E'C0ÏC=7^:4±c9_¹b<S=R ÎCÒ˜Z:)±ÏC 7C¹P<a¯ÎCÔQ±dÊ C= ± teflika, who a month later named him minister of energy and mines. ˜ŒC<=¹C4 ±„ –«CÊ4»M±–Œ³bÊ7ŒW=ÊM±F=Ê±б¹­]ºcʱ dC0ʱERÊ0ê±E RÊ/±ÛWRÊ2´R8;Ê ±Ò U=&±`ÊEbÊPê±EÊb8Ê'±Œ^:a¯²SÊ'± During his decade as minister, Khelil pushed through new legislation, ý`RCÊ3ê±PÊhû;4±cʯ`M±´±b«bÊ& ˜Œ«CP±E±»¯`E=Ò@ ê± including a controversial law in March 2005 concerning production sharing T6;±X1bPdÒ»ÒM±¹C$„± c¯ÎbÊ$ÔQ±Ò–³RÊC7±ýõÊ:9 Êê±бb ˆ± `¹ ±ý°»±b2ʱECÊÐ ¯P7±Ò–RÊ0 c¯RÊ0ýE2Ê9 ±²CÊj­E=±¹–ŒÏ¹ÏCÊ:Œ between Sonatrach and its foreign partners. Previously the production shar- ˜E@ê±ER0ê±E CgR±DC û;4C¹PÊ;`2; ±ÒÒ^=Ê7 d¹±Rʱ ing system granted 51 percent of any oil deposits discovered to Sonatrach, a6 ­`Ê–«CÊ4»M±–dÒ»ÒM±¹CÊÊ$„±RÊÛÒ _<¯FCõPhd;M±»C=(±Œ`¹C4„± ¾bW=M±F=±_ CµPê±PC ÎCÒ ´±bÛW«CÊ;­R0Êýõ*±´±RÊ/^7ê ˜ŒÐb=:9 ϱP ±³b7`PʳPê±´C„bʱŒЯF »± °»±b2±ÀRÒ and put the remaining 49 percent up for negotiation with foreign compa- »P0`EÊ=: R±EÊR27±«CÊM±ECÒFÊ97Ò nies. Khelil's 2005 law restored the concessions system that existed before ÎÒS4ê±T=gR9`P@õC0±ER0ê±`M± U=&±ÕCÊ=±¹–ŒRÊ0ý`RÊC3Êê±PÊhû;4± ˱R M±^C¹Ò³S=&±Ò³RC7Cd RP: R8;Ê R2ÊEÒ¹ŒЭEÊ=»C(±³»±¼ÒýÎÒ@Ê  ˜ŒT6;±XhŒÊd9±c±ÔR0ê± a0;`aC7 ±d¹±R±P:`9­]ºcʱ Algeria's oil industry was nationalised, and stipulated that a foreign com- õ:0Ê4ê±ZC<Ê^C4ʱíd±EÊ7R2ʱ³P/Ê `H=ÏC=9ÒdCÊ2R±E=»CÊ(±R¼Ò²R­Ò P4–EÊ=ÒP±´CÊ 49ÔR0Êê±T=gRÊ9DgCÊ; pany would retain 100 percent ownership of new deposits it found. ˜T6;±Xhc± ¹CÊ$„CÊEÊ=»CÊ(±EÊ CÊ= ʱEÊÒ@Ê FÊCÊÒ d±Ò–E1<;±ÒEÒP4±E4±»d±P=ýõ=:9 ± б¹­Ò–R0ýûÊ;4±PCÊ0ÑC%\Ê=:4±a79 ÎÒS4ê±ÔRÊ0ê±T=ÊgR±ÔPÊ@êõCÊ0±WÊ The law also liberalised production, transport, refining and distribution, ˜Œ_<;ÎS4±«CRM±`¹P³C=´¹Ò­ ´±bCʹҖ`RCÊ3걫 ˆ³bÊ7±ϱP ± CÊÊ<<ÒEÊÊCÊÊ »ý]º«CÊʘd RÊÊPÊÊ:Ê allowing foreign companies to import fuel refined outside Algeria for re- ýZhbʱZCÊCÊ<¯ÐbÊ ¬`RÊCÊdÒ»ÒM± ˜[C\97R0 бb ‰EÊ:±¹RÊ4d±RÊ2Э»PÊ0ê±RÊºÒ ˜T6;±X1ER0ê±`M± ˜»b0;dPÊF@ê±ÔR0Êê±T=gR9d¹±Rʱ sale in the country.As a result Sonatrach found itself on an equal footing ^'E9= ÒC =û;4±ÒE<±b걌ÐCÊ=ýFCÒ Ð­³b7±ÒEÊ29 ±ÑPÊ=`cÊ9c;:ÊŒõ:9 Êê± ac¹­NR0ý[=ÏC=9ÒE=»C(±R¼ÒÎCÒ ýabd¹±R±`EÊ=R³S69´CÊ2F97Ò with foreign petrochemical companies. ÌC¼ˆû MCÊR4 ­–EÊCEÊ= CÊ= CÊC1Ê ´CÊCÊ0ʱEÊ<±bÊýd;M±»CÊÊ=(±`ZÊ;ñ ´C±R2h„±Òû;4±PC0Õ±Pd;79Ê7Œ¤Ïb=± E=:Ê9 ´±»C= ÍCÊ;FCÊaECÊ7 „±ECÊ » But Khelil's law was frozen for a year before being amended in 2006, and `C­Ò³RC7ʱýR=P±Ò´CÊCjˆ±Ò·±Ò»M± ·±Ò»­ cÊ9 YÊCÊ ЭÒ –EÊ=:Ê9  ´±RÊCÊ3Ò `cÊ9ÁbÊ7 û M±`ʲR­Ò–RÊ0ý ˜û;49«b9±ÎPE¼M±^' the government went back to the previous production sharing system, with E »Còc±`M±´±bbʹ­Ò–R0`ÓR ­ ˜ŒRC3±Z±býõ:04ê±õR0ê± ˜ŒË±R M±EC E»bÊ<:&±TÊ=g»cʯ²C2Ê ýd¹±RʱÎCÊÒ new terms disadvantageous to Sonatrach, Algerian experts said. ^bʹ­CÊ:–TÊ6;±XÊh´CÊ»¹cÊ0­ c9EÊ3CÊ*±Ô»ÒR1ʱ`Œa­ÎÒ@Ê ê±RÊ±Ò ý²RÊ`³PÊê±EÊÊ89:Êê±Í»CÊ/ÊŒËCÊh­Ò Ó»­F;P7Ðb:Ê94C:Œ»b0;ÊdPF@ê± In an editorial on Tuesday, the French-language daily Liberte asked how ´±¼±SÊ6 „± `Ê PÊSÊê± D;Ê% cʱ õRÊÊ0ê± ûj\ ÑCÊ%CÊZPʱÏPÊÒ–EÊ=:Ê9 ʱÑQÊ ^jb9ËPÊ<d±E6Ê8ê±E= CÊb9Pʱ¹b<&± d4:)±ÍC „±±QW6EÊ=:9 ^g±PÍC;Э Khelil "managed to pass a law selling off hydrocarbons, and have it vali- ˜ŒP=40±Ò ²C ÊD40±`º¯–\Ê=7/±ÔRÊ0ê±D4/ʱ ^M±E=´R4 PÊÒ–Zhb9E=:9 EÊb  ´C±PÊEÊbÊ7ÒEÒRÊ2ÎbÊ9ÍC;ÊFCÊÒ dated by a council of ministers, and even worse, by MPs". û;4±ϱP CER0ê±´C29 ±_<½C: ˜ŒÕ 7 C<C C7 ¯Ò´C<±bê±HgC ˜ŒEb 9^jb±ÏP4 c¯´»C »bM±`8Òd; b±\±b±c¯C¹b7 The corruption scandal erupted in January 2010 and tainted Khelil's reputa- Ïb=±´Rd±µ±PÊM±½C:ERF±¹Ò C<:<6`³Pê±EÊ=R4±´±»Cˆ±FR­CÊ:;= D40±`ÊNj­PÊ7ŒËCh­ÒŒ˜a=ʯ´»C CÊ tion, forcing him to resign. But when a new probe was launched in Febru- –EÊ1<;ʱÒEÊÒPÊ4±EÊ4±»dCÊ0ʱÛW`Ê Œ³»S)±ŒÊ´CC0„±ÛWû0бR¯ EÊbÊ8'± CÊ<Qʱ dʱ EʹCÊ= ʱ ´±«±Rʉ \6­„´±»±REÊ=Ò@ Ê^:ýR:Ê ­Эd9 ÐAÊÊ û ‡Ò ˜˜˜CÊÊÊ<ʱbÊÊ cÊÊ/Ê ­Ò CÊÊ<4 ary, he packed up and left for the United States -- apparently a wise choice û;4± ϱPÊ CÊ ERÊ0ê± ´CÊ29 ʱ F:<±Ò ˜ER0ê± »C0­¶R C:=–`RC3걫C¹]6 ÒÁR6ê± ÏC0ʱÛWŒ³»SŒCÊ<Û: CÊбR¯F±¹CÊ: û;4ʱ³Cʹ_ÏbÊÊ=±µPÊÊCÊò`PÊÊ=6Ê Êê± since the US does not have an extradition treaty with Algeria. ˜ŒCR2P M±´CC:&±Ò²C»ˆ±Ò "It is true that he has American nationality, but for us, he is an Algerian. It is CðPP;9³SÃC2ý´±R= ý½C:ER –³RC7±ýdÊ RP:ÊÎÒS4ê±T=ÊgR±»C0Ê­ û;4±ÎC:­`PC R ÓR E=»CÊ(±F6jÒ–«CʇŒR<ŒEÊCÒD ÊÒ «C4»M±T­F;Ê9­PERÊ0ê±Eb8Ê'±FCÒ enough for him to leave the United States and everything will depend on the EÒPÊ4±E4±»ýбbÊ ˆ±ÏC0ʱÛWE=ʱRˆ± E:jC4±ýÎbʱR3FhRÒ°»±bÊ2±EC country he goes to," Prosecutor Belkacem Zeghmati said in comments ýF4Òd±E=±P±û;4±ÎC:­C RF±¹­Ò R¯^M±c9CÊ0 £Ÿ^7P4ÓRÊ ­ÐPÒ D4/Êʱ\DÊ8RÊÊdʱ³»SÊ)±ŒÊEÊ1<Ê;±Ò «C–Z:79Ô»bÊÛPZhÒc¯FʹҖR0 related by the press. û;4ʱµ±PÊ­ŒCÊ<ÐCÊ=ýFʱ¹­Ò–ŒÔRÊ0ê± T=gR±ÔP@êõC0ʱW6`M±´±bÍR$ 1¿E=7˜˜©E¹b4 ±ÒбR¯õ~Eb: 걫±bM±û=29dCÒ»N;^

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organization, the American formerly Chris Jackson). * Sha- Art (converted in 1998) and social activist. Politics and activism ª Society of Muslims (son of reef Abdur-Rahim – Retired Tissa Hami – standup comedi- Jermaine Jackson – Singer, bass Nihad Awad – National Execu- Nation of Islam leader) player, named NBA All-Star in Shirin Neshat – Iranian- anMaz Jobrani – standup come- guitarist tive Director of the Council on Louay M. Safi – Muslim 2001–02 season American visual artist and film dian, actor Lupe Fiasco – Rapper. He is a American-Islamic Relations scholar Hassan Adams – Player for the director. Awarded the The Dor- Aasif Mandvi – comedian, Sunni Muslim. André Carson – Congressman Zaid Shakir – Muslim scholar KK Vojvodina othy and Lillian Gish Prize in actorPreacher Moss – standup Mark 7even – Rapper. Formerly from Indiana Siraj Wahhaj – Muslim scholar Larry Johnson – Retired player, 2006, and the Silver Lion in comedian, comedy writer of the alternative hip-hop group Robert D. Crane – Former for- Hamza Yusuf – Muslim scholar played for the Charlotte Hornets 2009. Dean Obeidallah – standup Jurassic 5 . * MC Ren – Rapper eign policy advisor and an and New York Knicks Shahzia Sikander – Pakistani- comedian * – author Omar Khalidi – Muslim Scholar Nazr Mohammed – Player for American artist. Winner of the standup comedian Mos Def – Rapper. Initially C. Jack Ellis – Former mayor of the Charlotte Bobcats "genius" award". Maysoon Zayid – standup joined the Nation of Islam Macon, Georgia Amir Hussain Muslim Scholar Mehmet Okur – Turkish player comedian, actress before converting to Islam. Keith Ellison – First Muslim and Editor of the Journal of the of the Utah Jazz Film Napoleon – Former member of congressman from Minnesota *Business American Academy of Religion Shaquille O'Neal – Player for Nabil Abou-Harb – filmmaker, Tupac Shakur's rap group the Ibrahim Hooper – National *Science the Boston Celtics, also a rapper Mohamed A. El-Erian – CEO of Writer/Director of "Arab in Outlawz, now a motivational Communications Director for America". the Council on American- and actor * Hakeem Olajuwon PIMCO, manager of over $1 Muslim speaker. * Nas – Rap- Fazlur Khan – structural engi- Shohreh Aghdashloo – Acad- Islamic Relations (CAIR) Rasheed Wallace of the Boston trillion in global assets. per and 5 percenter. * Native neer (designed the Sears Tower, emy Award-nominated Iranian- Zalmay Khalilzad – Former US Celtics Fuad El-Hibri – CEO of Emer- Deen – Artist rap group. * Q- John Hancock Center) born actress Ambassador to the United gent BioSolutions Tip – Rapper. Formerly of A Fazlur Khan – structural engi- Moustapha Akkad – film direc- Nations as well as former U.S. *NFL Jawed Karim – Co-founder of Tribe Called Quest. He is a neer (designed the Sears Tower, Youtube. * Farooq Kathwari – tor, producer Sunni Muslim. Ambassador to Iraq and John Hancock Center) Hamza Abdullah – Safety for CEO of Ethan Allen Global, Lewis Arquette – film actor, Rakim – 5 percenter, Rapper & Afghanistan Lotfi A. Zadeh – Lotfali Askar the Cleveland Browns Inc. writer, and producer former member of the hip-hop Edina Lekovic – Communica- Zadeh (born February 4, 1921), Husain Abdullah – Safety for Abdul Malik Mujahid – Presi- Sayed Badreya – actor, film- duo Eric B. & Rakim. tions Director of the Muslim better known as Lotfi A. Zadeh, the Minnesota Vikings dent of Sound Vision and com- maker Scarface – Rapper Public Affairs Council is the famous founder of fuzzy Az-Zahir Hakim – Wide munity activist Said Taghmaoui – actor Raekwon – Rapper. Member of Malcolm X (also known as El- logic, mathematician, electrical receiver formerly for the St. Safi Qureshey – Pakistani- the hip-hip group the Wu-Tang Hajj Malik El-Shabazz) – Civil engineer, computer scientist, Louis Rams American entrepreneur and phi- *Music Clan rights activist, public speaker artificial intelligence researcher Ryan Harris lanthropist. He is the co- Rhymefest – Grammy award and Black Muslim minister. and professor emeritus of com- Abdul Hodge – Linebacker for founder and former CEO of Ahmad Jamal – Jazz pianist winning hip hop artist and co- Joined the Nation of Islam in puter science at the University the Carolina Panthers. AST Research. Akil – Rapper. Formerly of the writer of the single "Jesus 1952, before converting to of , Berkeley. Ahmad Rashed – Former Wide alternative hip-hop group Juras- Walks" Sunni Islam in 1964. receiver for Minnesota Vikings, sic 5. Ahmet Ertegün – Song- Snoop Dogg – Rapper. ex mem- Farah Pandith is the Special *Crime *Sports (Boxing) award winning sports-caster writer and founder of Atlantic ber of the Nation Of Islam. Representative to Muslim Com- Records munities for the United States (converted in 1972) Daniel Patrick Boyd, convicted T-Pain – singer, rapper Muhammad Ali – Became a Akon – Rapper Department of State. She is the Ephraim Salaam – Offensive for conspiracy to provide mate- Vinnie Paz – Rapper in the hip- member of the Nation of Islam Ali Shaheed Muhammad – Pro- official advisor to President tackle for the Detroit Lions rial support to terrorists, and hop group Jedi Mind Tricks. in 1964 then converted to Sunni ducer, DJ and rapper. Formerly Obama on Muslim matters. * Muhammad Wilkerson – Defen- conspiracy to commit murder, Yusef Lateef – Jazz musician Islam in 1975. * Bernard Hop- of A Tribe Called Quest. He is a Betty Shabazz – Civil rights sive end for the New York Jets maiming and kidnaping over- and Grammy Award winner kins – Former Middleweight Sunni Muslim. activist and educator; widow of Usama Young – Free safety for seas. Zeeshan Zaidi - Lead singer and and Light Heavyweight world Art Blakey – American jazz Malcolm X. James Yee – For- the New Orleans Saints Hasan Akbar – convicted of guitarist for The Commuters champion drummer and bandleader mer U.S. Army chaplain with premeditated murder in a gre- Eddie Mustafa Muhammad – B.G. Knocc Out – Rapper from the rank of Captain * nade attack on fellow soldiers. Mara Brock Akil – screenwriter, Former Light Heavyweight Compton, CA, (converted to Elias Zerhouni – Director, Hesham Mohamed Hadayet – producer Champion Islam in 1999) . * Beanie Sigel National Institutes of Health Khosrow Daivari – Iranian Egyptian-American who killed Rizwan Manji – actor Matthew Saad Muhammad – – Rapper American, former wrestler at the 2 people at the El Al counter at Isaiah Mustafa – actor Former Light Heavyweight Big Daddy Kane – Rapper. He *Religion WWE International Air- Mehmet Oz – medical doctor, Champion. Dwight Muhammad is a 5 percenter. Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik) port talk show host Qawi – Former Light Heavy- Brother Ali – Rapper. Con- Suhaib Webb – Muslim Lecturer Muzzammil Hassan – Founder Kamran Pasha – screenwriter, weight and Cruiserweight verted to Islam. * Busta & Activist – Imam of the Mixed martial arts of Bridges TV, a Muslim televi- producer. * Iqbal Theba – actor Champion. Rhymes – Hip-hop artist and Islamic Society of Boston Cul- Muhammed Lawal former sion network, received sentence Hasim Rahman – Former Heav- rapper. He is a 5 percenter. * tural Center (ISBCC), the larg- Strikeforce Light Heavyweight of 25 to life for beheading his *Military yweight champion Casey Kasem For years an est mosque in the New England World Champion wife. Mike Tyson – Was the Undis- American Druze radio personal- area. Mir Aimal Kansi – Pakistani- Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan – puted Heavyweight Champion ity known for his top forty DJ Hassan Hathout – Muslim *Writing American convicted and exe- United States Army Soldier in 1987; converted in 1994 cuted for the shootings at the format. killed in Iraq scholar (influenced from preacher in Reza Aslan – Author, religious Central Intelligence Agency Chali 2na – Rapper. Formerly Foreign military service Hassan Al-Qazwini – Muslim prison) scholar headquarters.John Walker of the alternative hip-hop group Ma Dunjing (1910-2003), Chi- scholar Mona Eltahawy – Columnist Lindh – American Taliban Jurassic 5, and of Ozomatli nese Muslim General of the Haitham Bundakji – President *Basketball Yahiya Emerick – Author[150] John Allen Muhammad – exe- DJ Khaled – Rap artist and DJ National Revolutionary Army, of the Islamic Society of Orange Everlast – Rapper from the County, the largest Muslim Pai Hsien-yung – Chinese Mus- cuted beltway sniper. immigrated to Los Angeles in DeSagana Diop, Senegalese Irish-American hip-hop group organization in the western lim author and writer, born in José Padilla – convicted of aid- the United States after retire- Basketball player for the Char- House of Pain. Converted to United States. China, immigrated to Taiwan ing terrorists and litigant before ment in 1950 lotte Bobcats Islam. Yusuf Estes – Muslim preacher then the United States, son of the United States Supreme Ma Hongkui, Chinese Muslim Kareem Abdul-Jabbar – Con- Freeway – Rapper. He is a Sherman Jackson – Muslim General Bai Chongxi Court in Rumsfeld v. Padilla General of the National Revolu- verted to Islam from Catholi- Sunni Muslim. scholar Ayman Mohyeldin – Al-Jazeera * Entertainment (Comedy) tionary Army, immigrated to cism in 1968, initially joining Ghostface Killah – Rapper. Sadullah Khan – Muslim English journalist Los Angeles in the United States the Nation of Islam before Member of the hip-hip group scholar Stephen Schwartz – Journalist Ahmed Ahmed – standup come- after retirement in 1950 retaking the Shahada and con- the Wu-Tang Clan Ingrid Mattson – Muslim Michael Wolfe – Journalist dian, actor Modeling and pageants verting to Sunni Islam that very Ice Cube – Rapper and pro- scholar Fareed Zakaria – Head of News- Mohammed Amer – standup Iman – Supermodel and wife of summer. * Mahmoud Abdul- ducer. Warith Deen Mohammed – For- week International comedian David Bowie Rauf – Former player for Den- Immortal Technique – Rapper mer leader of the largest Muslim – standup Rima Fakih – Miss USA 2010 ver Nuggets (converted in 1991, 9 Religion & Life ³C='±Ò`P± Thursday 15th August 2013 -Vol-1- Issue : 8 ¤¹P4±—cÒM±E; ±—Ïœš›T2 ±›ŸÊ›žžαbÊ ¢TÊ=:(±

prophets, but why does one see WHAT IS ISLAM? rewarding life in obedience to the Muslims - like Jews - reject the from falling into corrupt beliefs and peace be upon him"Muhammad was different variations of the religion commandments of Allah, in this life idolatrous practices. Many people, The main message of Islam is the Christian beliefs of the Trinity and born in Makkah in the year 570. of God if they all emanated from and to gain salvation in the next. It including some Muslims, claim same basic message in all revealed the Divine Incarnation. This, Since his father died before his birth the same source? The answer is is the "chart of life" for every belief in "One God" even though religions, as they are all are from however, does not mean that each and his mother died shortly twofold. Muslim, and it is the "constitution" they've fallen into acts of idolatry. the same source, and the reasons of these three religions worships a thereafter, he was raised by his The first reason is that as a result of of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Certainly, many Protestants accuse for disparity found between different God - because, as we have uncle who was from the respected the passage of time, and due to the The Qur'an is the eternal Roman Catholics of idolatrous religions. already said, there is only One True tribe of Quraysh. He was raised fact that previous religions were not contemporary of the Muslims. Each practices in regards to the saints Among the blessings and favors God. Judaism, Christianity and illiterate, unable to read or write, under the Divine protection of God, generation of Muslims has found and the Virgin Mary. Likewise, the that God has bestowed upon Islam all claim to be "Abrahamic and remained so till his death. His they underwent much change and new sources of strength, courage Greek Orthodox Church is humanity is that He endowed them Faiths", and all of them are also people, before his mission as a variation. As a result, we see that and inspiration in it. It is also, for considered "idolatrous" by many with an innate ability to recognize classified as "monotheistic." prophet, were ignorant of science the fundamental truths which were them, a "compass" in the turbulent other Christians because in much of and acknowledge His existence. He However, Islam teaches that other and most of them were illiterate. As brought by all messengers now voyage of life, as it has explained their worship they use icons. placed this awareness deep in their religions have, in one way or he grew up, he became known to be differ from one religion to another, itself in the following verses: However, if you ask a Roman hearts as a natural disposition that another, distorted and nullified a truthful, honest, trustworthy, the most apparent being the strict . . . Indeed, there has come to you Catholic or a Greek Orthodox has not changed since human pure and proper belief in Almighty generous, and sincere. He was so tenet of the belief and worship of light and a clear book from Allah; person if God is "One", they will beings were first created. God by neglecting His true trustworthy that they called him the God and God alone. With it Allah guides him who fill invariably answer: "Yes!." This Furthermore, He reinforced this teachings and mixing them with Trustworthy.1 Muhammad was very The second reason for this variation follow His pleasure into the ways of claim, however, does not stop them natural disposition with the signs man-made ideas. religious, and he had long detested is that God, in His infinite Wisdom peace and brings them out of utter from being "creature worshipping" that he placed in Creation that the decadence and idolatry of his and eternal Will, decreed that all darkness into light by his will and idolaters. The same goes for testify to His existence. However, First of all, it is important to note society. the divine missions prior to the guides them to the right path. (V: 15-16) Hindus, who just consider their since it is not possible for human that "Allah" is the same word that At the age of forty, Muhammad final message of Islam brought by It has created an all but new phase gods to be "manifestations" or beings to have a detailed Arabic-speaking Christians and received his first revelation from Muhammad, may the mercy and of human thought and a fresh type "incarnations" of the One Supreme knowledge of God except through Jews use for God. If you pick up an God through the Angel Gabriel. The blessings of God be upon him, be of character. It deserves the highest God. revelation from Himself, God sent Arabic Bible, you will see the word revelations continued for twenty- limited to a specific time frame. As praise for its conceptions of Divine Before concluding… there are His Messengers to teach the people "Allah" being used where "God" is three years, and they are collectively a result, their laws and nature in reference to the attributes some people out there, who are about their Creator Who they must used in English. This is because known as the Quran. methodologies dealt with the of Power, Knowledge, and obviously not on the side of truth, worship. These Messengers also "Allah" is a word in the Arabic As soon as he began to recite the specific conditions of the people Universal Providence and Unity-- that want to get people to believe brought with them the details of language equivalent to the English Quran and to preach the truth which whom they had been sent to that its belief and trust is one God, that "Allah" is just some Arabian how to worship God, because such word "God" with a capital "G". God had revealed to him, he and his address. creator of Heaven and Earth is deep "god", and that Islam is completely details cannot be known except by Additionally, the word "Allah" small group of followers suffered Humanity has passed through and fervent, and that it embodies "other" - meaning that it has no way of revelation. These two cannot be made plural, a fact which persecution from unbelievers. The numerous periods of guidance, much of a noble and moral common roots with the other fundamentals were the most goes hand-in-hand with the Islamic persecution grew so fierce that in misguidance, integrity, and earnestness. It is Qur'an which Abrahamic religions (i.e. important things that the concept of God. the year 622 God gave them the deviation, from the most primitive transformed the simple shepherds Christianity and Judaism). To say Messengers of all It is interesting to note that the command to emigrate. This the divine emigration from revelations brought Makkah to the city of with them from Madinah, some 260 God. On this basis, miles to the north, all the divine marks the beginning of revelations have had the Muslim calendar. the same lofty After several years, objectives, which Muhammad and his are: followers were able to 1. To affirm the return to Makkah, Oneness of God - where they forgave the praised and their enemies. Before glorified Creator – Muhammad died, at the in His essence and age of sixty-three, the His attributes. greater part of the 2. To affirm that Arabian Peninsula had God alone should be become Muslim, and worshipped and that within a century of his no other being death, Islam had spread Aramaic word "El", which is the to Spain in the West and as far East should be worshipped along with and wandering Bedouins of Arabia age to the heights of civilization. word for God in the language that that Muslims worship a different as China. Among the reasons for the Him or instead of Him. into the founders of empires, the Divine guidance accompanied Jesus spoke, is certainly more "God" because they say "Allah" is rapid and peaceful spread of Islam 3. To safeguard human welfare and builders of cities, the collectors of humanity through all of this, similar in sound to the word just as illogical as saying that was the truth and clarity of its oppose corruption and evil. Thus, libraries. If a system of religious always providing the appropriate "Allah" than the English word French people worship another God doctrine. Islam calls for faith in only everything that safeguards faith, teachings is evaluated by the solutions and remedies. "God." This also holds true for the because they use the word "Dieu", one God, Who is the only one life, reason, wealth and lineage are changes which it introduces into the This was the essence of the various Hebrew words for God, that Spanish-speaking people worthy of worship. part of this human welfare that way of life, the customs and beliefs disparity that existed between the which are "El" and "Elah", and the worship a different God because The Prophet Muhammad was a religion protects. On the other of its follower, then Qur'an as a different religions. This plural or glorified form "Elohim." they say "Dios" or that the Hebrews perfect example of an honest, just, hand, anything that endangers these code of life is second to none. It is disagreement never went beyond The reason for these similarities is worshipped a different God because merciful, compassionate, truthful, five universal needs is a form of not strange then, that more the particulars of the Divine Law. that Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic they sometimes call Him and brave human being. Though he corruption that religion opposes translations and more commentaries Each manifestation of the Law are all Semitic languages with "Yahweh." Certainly, reasoning like was a man, he was far removed and prohibits. of the Holy Qur'an have been addressed the particular problems common origins. It should also be this is quite ridiculous! It should from all evil characteristics and 4. To invite the people to the published than that of any other of the people it was meant for. noted that in translating the Bible also be mentioned, that claiming strove solely for the sake of God highest level of virtue, moral book claimed to be the Divine However, the areas of agreement into English, the Hebrew word "El" that any one language uses the only and His reward in the Hereafter. values, and noble customs. were significant and many, such as Revelation. the correct word for God is The ultimate goal of every Divine is translated variously as "God", Moreover, in all his actions and fundamentals of faith; the basic "god" and "angel"! This imprecise tantamount to denying the dealings, he was ever mindful and Message has always been the same: By Anwer Ali. Preface to the Holy principles and objectives of the language allows different universality of God's message to fearful of God. to guide the people to God, to make Qur'an. Published by Tahrike Tarsile Divine Law, such as protecting translators, based on their mankind, which was to all nations, them aware of Him, and to have Qur'an, Inc. faith, life, reason, wealth, and preconceived notions, to translate tribes and people through various WHAT IS JIHAD? them worship Him alone. Each lineage and establishing justice in prophets who spoke different the word to fit their own views. The QuranIt is unfortunate that Islam, Divine Message came to strengthen the land; and certain fundamental WHO IS ALLAH? languages. this meaning, and the following Arabic word "Allah" presents no the religion of peace, hope, prohibitions, some of the most Arabic calligraphy for "Allah"Some We would like to ask our readers words were repeated on the tongues such difficulty or ambiguity, since it harmony, goodwill and brotherhood important of these being idolatry, of the biggest misconceptions that about the motives of these people? of all the Messengers: "Worship is only used for Almighty God had been badly tarnished by the fornication, murder, theft, and many non-Muslims have about The reason is that the Ultimate God, you have no god other than alone. Additionally, in English, the perpetrators of various terrorists acts giving false witness. Moreover, Islam have to do with the word Truth of Islam stands on solid Him." This message was conveyed only difference between "god", and barbarism as seen on September they also agreed upon moral virtues "Allah." For various reasons, many ground and its unshakeable belief to humanity by prophets and meaning a false god, and "God", 11, 2001. like honesty, justice, charity, people have come to believe that in the Unity of God is above messengers which God sent to meaning the One True God, is the This article is written to set forth the kindness, chastity, righteousness, Muslims worship a different God reproach. Due to this, Christians every nation. All of these capital "G". Due to the above teachings of Islam so that and mercy. These principles as well than Christians and Jews. This is can't criticize its doctrines directly, messengers came with this same mentioned facts, a more accurate manifestations of various terrorist as others are permanent and lasting; totally false, since "Allah" is simply but instead fabricate things about message, the message of Islam. translation of the word "Allah" into acts are fully exposed in the light of they are the essence of all the the Arabic word for "God" - and Islam that aren't true so that people All the Divine Messages came to English might be "The One -and- Islamic teachings under whose Divine Messages and bind them all there is only One God. Let there be lose the desire to learn more. If bring the life of the people into Only God" or "The One True God." shelter these activities are being together. no doubt - Muslims worship the Islam were presented in the proper willing submission to God. For this More importantly, it should also be committed. God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, way to the world, it surely might reason, they all share the name of noted that the Arabic word "Allah" It is unfortunate that Islam, the WHAT IS THE QUR'AN? David and Jesus - peace be upon make many people reconsider and "Islam", or "submission" derived contains a deep religious message religion of peace, hope, harmony, QuranThe Qur'an comprehends the them all. However, it is certainly re-evaluate their own beliefs. It is from the same word as "Salam", or due to its root meaning and origin. goodwill and brotherhood had been complete code for the Muslims to true that Jews, Christians and quite likely that when they find out "peace", in Arabic. Islam, in this This is because it stems from the badly tarnished by the perpetrators live a good, chaste, abundant and Muslims all have different concepts that there is a universal religion in sense, was the religion of all the Arabic verb ta'allaha (or alaha), of various terrorists acts and of Almighty God. For example, the world that teaches people to which means "to be worshipped." barbarism as seen on September 11, worship and love God, while also Thus in Arabic, the word "Allah" 2001. practicing Pure Monotheism, would means "The One who deserves all This article is written to set forth the at least feel that they should re- For more information about Islam go to: worship." This, in a nutshell, is the teachings of Islam so that examine the basis for their own Pure Monotheistic message of manifestations of various terrorist beliefs and doctrines. Islam. acts are fully exposed in the light of WHO IS THE PROPHET Suffice it to say that just because Islamic teachings under whose MUHAMMAD? www.mercyprophet.com someone claims to be a shelter these activities are being "monotheistic" Jew, Christian or committed. Muslim, that does not keep them Arabic calligrapht of "Muhammed 10 Business & Finance ÎC:­ÒÎC Thursday 15th August 2013 -Vol-1- Issue : 8 ¤¹P4±—cÒM±E; ±—Ïœš›T2 ±›ŸÊ›žžαbÊ ¢TÊ=:(± Three consortiums win d¹Ìb C<Z:d±E=Cˆ±«±bM±T84ER/±a77ÔQ±R=8±b:;±¤»C4± Saudi metro contracts 2013`ÎÒM±û0;±ý»„Ò¹Ðb=9335NRE=±»Cˆ±Œ»C:¯Œ ˜E77*±´±¹±Rˆ±dC:¯`žŸ E=±»Cʈ±ŒE»CÊ74±»C:ʯŒERÊ F;9­—d¹ E=ÒP±̱bÊ M±ýER/ʱ´C=9:F77CÊ: ÐbÊ=9ʝŸ’_»¹»CÊÊ=9Ê›Iœ›\=Ê7$`Ê Ðb=Ê9›ž’_»¹ÐbÊ=9Ÿœ CÊ»P´±¹±Rʯ `ÎÒM±û0Ê;±Î EÊ=CÊjCÊCÊ»­“»„Ò¹ ›ša CÔ­E=hCê±EÊ ±»b


By Simon Martelli – CAIRO - Egypt's shattered economy was boosted this dhCê±bC week by Gulf allies pledging billions of dollars in aid, but analysts say this HAMZEH PHARMACY simply buys time as political turmoil deepens its economic malaise. The millions of ordinary Egyptians angered by record high unemployment, soaring inflation and chronic fuel shortages who took to the streets two E¹C=0±˱R A weeks ago demanding Mohamed Morsi's resignation blamed him for letting ³S:³R¼d C ³S:cP: the economy nosedive. Fuel supplies have returned, after panic buying before the military coup on July 3, and three Gulf monarchies relieved at the toppling of Egypt's Islamist president have pledged $12 billion in assistance. MOHAMMAD * NANCY But dire security problems and political instability does not help a return of the tourists and foreign investment that Egypt so desperately needs are a distant prospect. And progress remains stalled on negotiations with the International Monetary Fund on a $4.8-billion loan. "Even if they do agree on the loan, I just don't believe that we're going to see a flood of investment," said financial analyst Andrew Cunningham. "The country has been in turmoil since 2011, there's just been a military coup and they're shooting people on the streets. This is hardly an attractive prospect." Gulf pledges of financial assistance are a lifeline for the new administration. Foreign reserves have fallen by almost 60 percent since the revolution that toppled Hosni Mubarak in February 2011, to 14.9 billion dollars in June -- the equivalent of just three months of imports. offered $4 billion in cash, loans and fuel, with Saudi Arabia contributing $5 billion and the United Arab Emirates another $3 billion. F59——ÏbÊ=±dRÊÊ=M±dRÊÊ4±—«CÊ4;j But Cunningham warned that, while welcome, the cash injection was not a ¢šÒ´±»C=9E4 E=»CÊ(±`:=±E=bP long-term solution. "We're still talking plasters and bandages. The »±P7ðE16;dhCê±bCÊý»„Ò¹Ðb=9 challenges are enormous and they are structural. Egypt's economy has been ÔQÊÊÊʱ ^RÊÊÊÊʱ `Ê »„Ò¹ ÐbÊÊÊÊ=Ê9 œ badly managed for decades, and it didn't improve under Morsi." ýû=ÊÊ62ÊʱÀCÊÊÊ6Ê„±^Ê٠Ҙ\ÊÊ Illustrating the severity of the problem, the latest data from Egypt's official E=ÒP±^b:±´C @êE7 ê±EÊ=bPê± statistics agency shows that unemployment jumped after Mubarak's ouster ÐbÊ=9›£bÊÊÒ»„Ò¹ÐbÊ=9žš»±PÊÊ7ð and then rose steadily over the next two years to reach a record 13.2 percent «C1„±ÎÒP9E7 ê±E=bPê±`»„Ò¹ in March. Problems Egypt's new rulers will have to confront if they are to ˜T»CÔ¹Cý reverse the inexorable decline include corruption, poor education, a bloated ÔSRê±]Ê;±`³»¹CÊj´CC=ÊD Ò public sector, low productivity and unsustainable food and fuel subsidies. ™? ™E=;:=±«CÊ„±ECÒC<=9F49Ê ±– "They need to fix the entire system," said Ahmed Galal, head of the Eco `g±P±αSCE=ÒP±^b:±´C @ÐA Research Forum. "It's going to be difficult to do, but it's doable, with a lot of ¢œÒ´±»CÊ=9EÊ Z±bÊ`:=Ê9RÊ„± dedication," he said, adding that stability and appointing a competent Ô¹Cý«CÊ1„±ÎÒP±CÊ<=9»„Ò¹Ðb=Ê9 government will be crucial if Egypt's economic woes are to be resolved. C<;»„Ò¹ÐbÊ=9 £Ò»C=9[9ÊðT»C This week Hazem al-Beblawi, a former finance minister and accomplished C= ÒRÊE7 Ê»„Ò¹Ðb=9›ŸžÒ»CÊ=9 economist with long experience of working with international financial ˜E¹C$„± «C1M±R=ÎÒP9`:=±E=bP[9C:Ê= institutions, was named prime minister. »„Ò¹Ðb=Ê9ŸŸ›Ò»CÊ=9TÊ»CÔ¹CÊý But his task of forming a national unity government was immediately Ô¹b4 ±ÌÒP;0±NC0C<;R„±«S&± complicated by Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood rejecting any offer of jobs in ˜ the new cabinet.US intelligence firm Stratfor believes the instability goes far õ Ÿš¡CÊ»PEÊ=bPÊRRÊ7±¹»Ò­Ò beyond political divisions. It said growing poverty and joblessness, ˜CRQ_´C<&»„Ò¹ "arguably among the root causes of the uprising in 2011", was part of a "swelling trend" that motivated the recent protests. "It is possible that the – `:=ʱ cÊ9EÊ:gCÊ7±EÊ=bÊPÊê±^:/ÊÒ new government will find a level of stability that the increasingly isolated ÁC ­´±RÊ ?CÊ;:1–_gCÊ7±P=jRʱ Muslim Brotherhood leadership was unable to sustain in the face of rising ˜EhR7ê±´C<9E7 Pg±bÒ disputes with the former coalition partners and an obstructionist judiciary," it said. But "mounting demographic and economic pressures" mean the country's new leaders will face economic challenges "that become incrementally more difficult with each passing year". Egypt is the Arab EÊÊÊÊ=ÊCÊÊÊÊ&±EÊÊÊÊPÊÊÊÊ ý Fax: 313 - 582-0707CÊÊÊÊCÊÊÊÊÐbÊÊÊÊ  world's most populous nation, and has witnessed an astonishing 50 percent rise in its population since 1990. Last year it hit 84 million, "one in four of л±ÒûC ²RE=C±E=P=0± T8¹P »±bcÒM±E=P=0± whom live below the poverty line and only survive thanks to subsidised E6=jýÐ ‰ wheat", according to agricultural expert Sebastien Poncelet. Egypt imports about 10 million tonnes of wheat annually, with its own production Ïb=±dR=M±dR4± Hamzeh Pharmacy South Dix Pharmacy supplying less than half of demand, which was 18 million tonnes in 2012. The acute shortage of foreign currency has hampered imports over the past c9^j±b±cR 10437 W.Warren 9925 Dix six months, so financial aid from the Gulf will help Cairo cover its cost in the short term. But to be able to supply cheap bread, a key ingredient in Dearborn, MI 48126 Dearborn, MI48120 maintaining social stability, "the economy must be able to generate sustainable income over the long-term," said Galal. 313-348-8086 (313) 582 - 1670 (313) 841 - 2272 11 Eve world ³­Rê±_C Thursday 15th August 2013 -Vol-1- Issue : 8 ¤¹P4±—cÒM±E; ±—Ïœš›T2 ±›ŸÊ›žžαbÊ ¢TÊ=:(± Heavy мb±³»C (E C _=C6E : E±P4±\7^³­Rê±Ò^R±õ»±Ò¹M±ιC Harassment against Saudi women and children

_=CÊ6E Ê: ÍC;ÊЭÒP©³PÊ=_<jЭ–PÊg±¼мÒ`ÐbCÊ4„`Q±¿CÊ M±RÊ4^ ¤dCCEPE=R=­E ±»¹C<¹P–³P=Ejc9E3C*±Òмb±³»C ÎbE C ˜E;: ±D;C¼Ò±ÒR ЭDÎC6 M±ЭÕC=jT=—› bÊ&± PÊ9Ê ˜˜EÊ»?Ê CÊÒ» `9Ê:ÊÒ ³«CÊ ˆ± ³PêE9CÊ4걫b ±R=Ê ­ÒP;4±ÒEÊ=04±ÒF=ʱ Эc¯R=/ÊÔR M±û;4±`EÊS6E=gCÊ0¯ ÐM–E9RÊê±]9^мbʱ±ÒR Ê_±º¯cÊÄb9±`Ê ýE;:Ê ±`ÐbÊ09ÎCÊ6 M±W4 ²CʱZ9Ê7ÒûÊ;4±·CÊÊ»D<˜˜^ÊCÊ/ÊêCÊ ˜ÃC= „±c¯EÒS±ZPCE9b ý¹bÊÊÒaPÊÊ4_Ê~~PÊÊ= Êʱd ~~ ´±R @_ CËÒR4ê±мb±c9Îb2±EÊ Î `D $CﯖX7мÒ`³»CF =EÊ;: ± ˜ÍC/±Ò ³¹C˜˜EÊ=1±¶ÒSʱ´C6Êj`±ºCÊ`8Ò aCÊ29Ê `μCÊÊ;^M±cÊÊ9Ò­–CÊ;4:Ê `RÊ­CCÊ=­ÐSdʱҖ´ 14±cʯÐbPʱ_ &±ÎÛbÊ–ÎC6 M±RÊ8CÊ:;=Ò˜_Ê &±EÊ9 E =Êg»²C ­EÊ : ´¹PÊECÊ<;±ýE ±»Pʱ –«CQ±dÊ2 b`ÊÐbÒR1Ê걶±Ò¼M±Ðb8 RÊ Š±a60Êcʯ˜˜¹CÊ4ê±dÊRÊ/ʱaÒRÊÒ ˜E=;P±E M± ý]/±–ÑRʱҭÐC=0ÊC<Ò­˜˜¶ÒSʱû;4 «C Ê;CÊÐb:Ê<ÒEÊbEÊ=0/ÊÐb4Ê:„Ò c¯ÓÒSʱ_˜˜~~CêCÊ ÐCÊÔQ±~~ ÎÒC;Э„¯–EÊ»±R'±´±R4 ʱ¹Pc9³RÊ2= ±Ò« „CÊ»b4/9^1Ê­õÒR±ÎÒCÊ;R4—œ CÊ<RÊ= –a9Ê­ EÊ9CÊ4 «bÊ  –EÊÒSʱ ÍbÊ9 Z2Ò­Cð»`<Ê Cˆ_<CÊÒ¼ÏC­´CRÊ M± `´C4Ê60±Ò´ RʱҴC:2Ê9±c79Ê`» ˜E»±R'±´±R4 ±`^­Õ±¹P`:1C<M–^1­±R­R4ËC=M± E: ʶ±ÒS±`EÊ=b;±ÑQÊ_ Ò–³PÊP/± DCÊ5±ýÐbÊbÊ8Ò˜˜ÑRÊ==5DÊ4j˜˜_<=Ê „–R CÊ(±»b Ê8·CÊ;&±W=Ê<bÒaÊÒ¼ `R8ЭDaA–EÊ=g±Q5±RjC;Ê4±Z=:c9^0Ò–ÃbÊ&CR4/„V/ʱЭ`P?9Ò G=˜˜¶±ÒSʱ±Q`CÊhR±ÏPÊd³P±Ò E9Ê=7ÒEÊ;PÊÒ­E=Ê;±EÊ6=4h¹CÊ ­²CÊj­ c9®R„ZÊ2CҘ˜P0ÊÒ­¹RЭZ=2 Ê The number of reported harass- ˜²b'±Ò–»C1(±Ò–E<C6±ÎÒC; ^^:Ò˜˜a=d9 ±DCÊ&±UbÒb:; RÊ Cʤa Ê6·RÊ2ÔQʱα@Ê ±Ò˜EÊÊRÊ'± CÊ=CÊ a=­Ò­a­FÊ=cʯDQÊÒD1Ê5Э –D97±À±R?ECj‰R­R2 `ÐbC4„–E;: ±ÒPg±S±мb±`ÐbC4`Q±¿C M±— Áb=Ê Z27;CÊP4˜˜^Ê/6±EÊ=Ò@Ê ËRÊ cÊʯÃbÊÊ1Ê(±`ʳ­RÊÊê±EÊÊ4=ÊÊ ý² 7„± ER6ê±aÒ¼`±R`ѱQ7;ЭaP±Ò`ÊCC ment cases against women and ˜C¼Ò^M±_8±²»C$d±E<C6±c9ýR4 The highest number of recorded cases was in Riyadh, topping the list with 650 cases, reported Arabic newspaper al-Sharq.

The source stated that Yemeni nationals were among the top expatriates in luring juveniles and harassing women. Yemenis were involved in over 100 cases reviewed by the Saudi courts. Other cases involved Egyptians, Pakistani nationals, Bangladeshis and Syrians, with numbers of cases `E CÊ(±ý^6 Îb c±RÊ:=; û0û=Ê1б`8ñ³P=EÊC3c9ÂCÊ69E= C „±ÌRÊ2± descending in order of the list. õ $Î `_d±³P=&±E=0Ê/±EC3;±бC<b`Êc҄±P4E=C2REÊ ±»¹´R< ­ÑR: The remainders were divided ˜ECÎb ±ÎC6 ±bïýPC б`8ñÐbC0±ϱP ±ÒÑC=ê±³¹b between other Arab and non- Îb c±RÊ:=; û0Êû=1б`8ñ³PÊ=EC3Êc9ÂC69EÊ= C „±ÌR2ʱбÐbCʱPÒÒ ýÓÒPµÒPÊR CÊPSÊб`8ñ³PÊ=&±RÊ=EÊ=0/ʱECÊ;4±ÐMÑRÊ:`EÊ CÊ(±ý^6 Arab nationalities. ˜_ &±C<0ñd±E=g±Q5±¹±bê±E=:^97Cò–«C4„± The luring of juveniles take ^97EC3;±бc±ER=(±ŒP±RÒҌE @Òdg±b „±D2±ÒE09ÐP;E=9`ÐbC±»C ±C: many forms, Saudi lawyer C7Ò_C4±ÎbÊ^6 Ðb=9› Ÿb;Êd974±ÒdP±bÊ:;±c9R@ÊÔQ±–b:;±RÊ ?»C/±CÊ1± Abdul Aziz al-Zamil was ^8/EÊ ±»P±a;F6/ÊCб–E=ÊC2RʱŒ^=d9¹ŒEÊ6=0CÊ7ÒÐbCʱNhÒ±Ò˜´±RPÊ79 E=P±ECÊ2±PSÒ«C=ˆ±RÊC/^97Э`8ñ ¹bb걶õC=Ð?ZbÊŒѱ»b¹–»C±R=­ `Qʱ«C Ê;±Ò­ÎCÊR±ЭRÊ»C7³PÊ´R< ­ quoted as saying, with some C1±EÒ@ C<±C:Cb; ³CÒECÐb=9»›D d±EQ5±«bÊ E98/E&C4ýC= =g»±R0; F4±RZ=C ­ ³PÊêC=bÔb=8ʱE<C±b9­ ˜E C(±` ÐÒ¹ÎC6 „±`´C=b±dC:±û0b` ÎÒC;²RÊ–E>Ê8CRÊ4/F;ʱº¯˜E=9Ê74±Ò RÊ=?Ê9dÊ҄±DÊ Êê±bÊÔbÊ=8±EÊÊ<CÊý cases including involvement in «C Êê±ýÓR ­Ò·CÊ0±ý³PʱÒÔb=ÊEÊ P=bʱÔQ5ê±ÐbÊ8걶õCÊ=RÊ4Ò˜ŒP=&± c¯EÊChˆCÊ–\97±ÒE>Ê8±´CbÊ _Ê<P U¹ ;C<;^ P±E2 bÒE16;ÎÒ¹ýFR±E7C E ±»¹›žE4±Rc±E ±»P±´P; ±Ò ˜E C:'±ÒEC2±´Cb ýÃC6»± terror activities. Luring girls ˜^6 ˄¬E4 Îb´CC=ϱP CÎC=Òd9= ÒC=b=±Ò ý]CÊÊ ³¹CʼҶõCÊÊ=Ê´±RÊ=?Êʳ¹CÊSÊ E<ÊC6ʱEbÊ:õÂbÊ9^8/Ê´ÒC6Êê± into prostitution is punishable dÊÊ`Ê`Ê8_ʱº±`Ê8˜ÎÒM±ÃbÊÊÊÊ ˆ± Œ˜E69+± û0±b9­`ÊQ±«CÊ ;±ÒÎCÊR±–EÊ ±»P±ý б`8ñEQ5±Òd0±ËR09ÏC3¹bÒÒÑC=ê±R=<2õE 4±бc±E ±»P±c9Ðb:gC7±»C ±Ò ÐC`Q±«C ;±Ò­ÎCR±Ò–Ïb=±ýÔb=E under the kingdom’s laws. ˜EP7ê±ÎÒP±ý`R ±ÎC6 ?E»C7ÎÒP±W4ýECR0±ÎC6 ±¹bÒ²C ±R 6 c9Ôb$—E<CÊÔ±ÎÒC;];8:=–ÔbÊ=8± ý´CñSˆ±`¹P¼±R±cÊ9¶õC=PC Ê ˜¶õC=6E=;Ò³¹P4´C;=C= ýEÊ=1­EÊCÊ ¶CÊCÊCÊCÊÏbÊ7d±_Ê &± Ô?±ÒR4/Ê_–«P9EÊ=C¯R3ÊE<Ò_<P ¶õC=ÎÒC;Ê`»C„±Эd;4±QʘC (± E ±»P±EÊ6@FCÊҘÔb=8±ÎÒCÊ;`E46;Ê Thursday 15th August 2013 -Vol-1- Issue :8 independentE97 ªcomprehensiveE9C ªcultural E=C7ªPoliticalE= C= cÒM±E; ±—¢¹P4±—Ïœš›T2 ±›Ÿ—Ê›žžαbÊ š¢TÊ=:(± Arab Idol gets what ~`jÔº~­R7ÎCê±Z¹± Gazans rarely obtain: FR„±c9E=C2R± ECÊj–E=CÊ2RʱŒ`jÔºŒEÊ6=jF;9ʱ——ÐP; West Bank residence C< «±RÙcÊ9CÕb »ÀR6Ê C<­–RM±EÊ=4/± RAMALLAH - Israel has authorised the RM±P4CÊ<­_»–FRˆ±EÊ8 c9EÊ=ÒR8ˆ± young winner of the Arab Idol talent compe- ˜E=C2R±û0±õCÕ4¼b tition to move from the Gaza Strip to the ESÊ=98ˆCÊE=bÊE6=ÊjR­dÊCRÊ4Œ`jÔºŒÒ West Bank as a "humanitarian gesture," an ´RÒ»ŒÏ ˆ±D2EÊR ´»RÒ˜_CÊ4±ýC4¼b official said Tuesday. "General Eitan Dangot, ±QŒ`ÊjÔºŒE6=ÊjE8ÊC–Œdʘb¼bÊ=ŒŒ¸Ò¹RÊ coordinator of government activities in the ˜û=C8±ÃC6»±D «±Rˆ± (Palestinian) territories, accepted a West ýd;=R ¯a=;œÑ»±P7CÕ±RÊ ±Œ`jÔºŒÀR6 Ò Bank residence request for Mohammed õý–E=ÊÒR8ˆ±CÊ< cÊ9à –ÃbÊ M± Assaf," the defence ministry official said. ^CÊÕ ;ÊœšÒ´C<Ê=;EÊ=»bʱC<Ê Ê«±RÙZÊP "This will allow his to travel abroad much œIE=C2R±E6=0±übÒ˜E6=0±«±R/Ãb ­ more easily than from the Gaza Strip," the ZCÊõý–PÊʱbʱÏbÊ=±ýEÊ=»ÒEÊ ÊÐbÊ=9 official explained. Ðb=9›I¡FRˆ±c9C<4býE=ÒR8ˆ±C<  Israel has maintained a land, sea and air E=C2ÊRE6=jTÊC Œ`jÔºŒP4ÙÒ˜ÏbÊ=±ýRg±¼ blockade on Gaza since 2006, which was tightened further when the Islamist move- ŒSñC±ŒP4EÊ=ÒR8ˆ±C< «±RÊÙc9CÕb »ÀR6 ment Hamas seized control there the follow- ˜ŒË±R5=9d9¹ŒÒ–ŒSñCÎC=/C;CŒÒŒSñCÔ±P;jŒÒ ing year. And it rarely grants Gazans the right »±PÊj¯ûÒœš››ý´»RÊŒ¸Ò¹RÊŒEÊRÊ FCÊÒ to live in the West Bank. _ CÊEÒRÊ4걌`jÔºŒEÊ6=0EÊ=bÊ M±EÊ ;± The official said residency will also be c9F0;±E=1E=6Ê9 c9ŒP»ÒÒÔºËÒ­¼b=Œ allowed for Assaf's sister and brother-in-law, ‹‹dCC=±Z=R±Ò˜˜˜dR4±ŒZ=R±Œõ˜˜cM± P=ÊF9 ЭPÊ4»b<Ê:&±`¹±RÊ­ÒR=ÊC/Êû±b who is his manager, as well as the couple's C<³PPEÊ7=7 CÕ7„´»Pj­Ò–CÊÕC› ¢ÎÒ±P± three children. Women .. between the Arab “Spring” and the Japanese spring!! ˜ŒÔP;jÐÒ­`jŒ_ ±F$ ÎC5 „CÒ­–^=?±ÒD»PÊCõP< R C7ÊÒZ±RÊÒÏPÊ7`:Ê=±ý«CÊ ;ʱZhÒ^ EÊCÊ4±EÊ==ʱRÊ „CÊEÊRÊ==5Ê´CÊ==ÊcÊ9 `CÊ<;8ùÒ–EÊÊPÊ=97ʱÓbÊ7±ÏPÊ7ÒZ±RÊ „„C]º`Ò˜»±R7±Z;jS±RÊÒõ±b7±Ò d;:=±d C= ±ͱR'±ýC»Ò¹˜˜˜E=;:=±³­Rê± ^3 Ò˜_CÊ'±c9C<RÊ2= Ò–_8'±´±Ò¹­ “E=Êb8ÊFCÊЯҒE=Ê; bʱE;Ê9±¤±RÊ0 c¯ÏRÊ0;ê±ÐRÊ7±´C=Ê;=4»­`ÎCÊ'±dÑQ E Ê @bÊÒ` Òc7Ê9Ò˜\ C7/ʱÓP;ÊÒ ^­ ¤dbÊ7'± ˜RÊ=/Ê: `E= CgR±³R6±^P4 œš››IÁC ™RʱR³»bÊ^ ±¹E;:=Ê<±ñRj ´ C6±´C=ÊPê±´C2Ê C;±_34Ê_1E=PÊ –^bÊÊê± EÊÊ=h» –CÊÊ CÊ ´±bÊÊÊÊ;Ê  ZÊÊ ÊÊÊ Z»­  ý «CÊÊ Ê;± PÊÊh ÔSÊ==Ê:ʱ ÑCÊ%„± aCÊÊ/Ê cÊ<  –ÀbÊ CÊ<Ò –RÊCÊ  W=ÊÒ ¤`<;Ê ÐCÊÊÊñ¯ ˜dÊÊ<9± TÊÊÊ=Ê79 DÊ Ê±TÊ6;Ò]ÊQÊ ÔÒ»b/ʱ^=:ÊC\94ÊCEÊjC –`RÊ2/± ÏC ±–dÊ6ê±E9=–d±bÊ1ê±ÐC;±–`RÊ C –»b

14 Literature & Culture EC7Ò²¹­ Thursday 15th August 2013 -Vol-1- Issue : 8 ¤¹P4±—cÒM±E; ±—Ïœš›T2 ±›ŸÊ›žžαbÊ ¢TÊ=:(± ´Cb;^:4Ïb7ÔC»„dÔP;8±´C;± EñP7±D8±`_=:0±E4g±» ÃC=1C½C ˆ±ÒD'±`G±õE=CC=±E±ÒR± E=CÊC=±EÊ59±EbÊ4jFC—_Ê#P=6 EÊ=CÊCÊ=± õÊCÊ7± õÊ ^CÊ6± EÊʹÒPÊÒ dg±ÒRÊʱSÊ;ê± cÊʯËRÊ4± ÐÒ¹EÊÊ=RÊÊ4±Ò C–ER86±ÒE=ÊC:&±a:=ËC/±Ò–dÊCC=± R= M±PÊ74±ý²R4±õ:ÊRê±`cÊP ± W4Ê EÊ:RÊÊ EÊÊ2=Ê Ò ´CÊ5 cʯ «bÊ9± ûRÊ4 bÊ8CÊ<± »CÊ4 ­Ò EÊ=g±ÒRʱ ÎCÊ:M± ˜S;ê±±QW4dR4±°»C7± EÊ=g±ÒRʱÎCÊ:M±EÊ:RÊý_M±EÊ:CÊ ê± EÊ:9ÃÒRÊ/Œ`ʳRÊê±ÑQÊ´«CÊEÊ=CÊCÊ=± E9Ê 9 RÊ/»RÊCPÊ;dÊ b?ÊŒE:ÊRÊ9 EbÊ:cÊ9F9:Ê ±d±EÊ=CCÊ=±E±ÒRʱ `¹P4EÊ=CCÊ=±E=g±ÒRʱÎC:M±`EÊb; îP7C< Ê `ÎÒC–´CÊ=g±ÒR±Òõ=g±ÒRʱ E±ÒR±`³¹PÊ4¶ºCïc9EÊ69´±«Ch¯ õ: ýÎC:M±]9DÊ9­ÍR/˜EÊ=CC=± –ÃbÊhbÊê±Ò^8/ʱÓbÊ ÊcÊ9õ=Ê CÊ ­ E±ÒRʱc¯ÎCÊ:M±]9Z=:Ê«C:ʱC:<Ò­ EPÊC0ʱEÊ=2(±EʹR ʱC<Ê=;ÊEÊ=4±bʱ Z±b±^=ùÒ^ùEÒCÊC:<=CÒ–EÊ=C4±Ò »CÊŠ±^ ýCÊ:=Ê „–dCÊCÊ=±dÊCÊ:Ê„± dŒÔP;8±´CÛ;±ÑSÊ#­–E7j Êê±EñP7±D8±`Eb:^ÊÊ ±¹±»bÊ6±PÊ4^Ûñd;D=R E=bÊ8±²R'±P4ÊCE9RÊêE7=:4±EÊ=»C8± CR=­Ò±PÊÊ;ÒC RûÊÊCõEÊÊ=;EÊb`Ê:h–RÊ ¬C=Rõ Z–Њ±ÀRÊ4bÊÒŒÔCÊØ»„ E=C;0ʱ³»b6±Ò–dCCÊ=±Z:)±c9EÊ=C± ýÛD8±G=–E=±Pˆ±´CC:„±¹ÛP4ŒÔCØ»„ŒÐC;6±Ò˜ÐCCÊ=±Ò±R b ÒC=Cê­ÒC8=9ÒE=;= ± ÐR7±´C=;=ÊC:ýÐCCÊ=±C<P< dʱE=Cê±Ò F;±ÎCý±R= ­VÛ0Ò–E=ÒR8ˆ±c7= bê±²ÛR_–dR 걶±R ˆ±ÒEC8±c9aC±PÊ _=ÒÍbÊ9 Ò³CÊ=cÊ9CÊ< CÊ84±ÒdhCÊê± ³¹CÊʯcÊ9ŒÔCÊÊØ»„Œ^ÊÊ:ÊÏb7˜ÀRÊ5±ý³SgCʝš`RÊ­c9^0ÊPÒ˜d;Ê6±D=RÊ±Ò ²R'±P4ÐCC=±ýýC7±ÒdC:„±ͱR'±»b0´C±Ò»\' b=b b5C\'Ò\' EÊÒ EÊ=Cʱ EÊ=bÊ8± ²RÊ'± `Cbd79êCE±ÒR±E c9cÒM±E±ÒR± ÎCR±ZCÊ<:=7d±CÊ<C Î `ÎCÊê±Ò ýZgC1±CÊ<`C<Êýb8=bÊ^  Ê C¹R –²CÊ8±¿b0ÓP¯ýÐb1Ê=a=: C:“WÊ=M±Ïb;±’Ò­Ì»M±`´C±Rʱҿb0;±´CÛØ= EÊ68ê±EÊRÊ4/±EʱÒRʱEÊ5F:CÊÊ ˜CÊ«±»Ò õ³R CÊê±ÎC0Ê„±E9j`EÊ4C;±–EÊ=:=:'± ERÊ4ÐÒ¹E=Ê9=9±Ô¹±bÊ;±PÊ­ýC<9Ê:«CÊ;­ c9–CÊ<;CÊ<7PÊja=²RÊ<ÔQʱFbʱ ÙaØ»­Òa±R±P4C:=ÀR4=aC7»¹C0Òab6 `a9±Q^ÒE;P:9ÚaC7±ÛØ_`ÒaR`´CC8C; CÊ7=:ÊCÊ=Ò»±PÊ4¹RÊ ±²CÊÊ ¯ýEÊÊ=bÊê±Ò õE±ÒR±µ±P­»ÒP˜d79ê±Ò^2ʱ™¹»C ± C<Ê;±^0Ê$ЭC<Ê:^ÐbÊ8d±–CÊ<PÊ±Ò C<6 C8ЭÎÒCÔQ±R Š±C<7PjË ÚE7=7'±ýÙÌ»M±Œ¤Ì»M±`ÊÎb7˜³RʱQ±ýÍÛÙRÊd±ËCÊ= M±Ò´„C=(±ZÖÏCʱ–Z±b±`ÊÙaØC06±Ò d79Êê±õ^CÊ6±EÊCÊcÊ9TÊ84±±RÊ@ÊÒ d:;õý–bÊ=b E:ÊjC4±ÒdCCÊ=±ûR± ±QÊ ` _ÊRʱ cÊ9 ˜EÊ=4CÊÊ ³¹CÊ<  cÊ9 CÊÊ–a6 ±bÊÊ4DÊ=Ê ÊÊЭÐÒ¹CÊÊ<aÊ ˜ŒE98/ê±dÑQÒÑ®C6 ¯`8ñ„Ö»b–Ö»b „CR=ýC:µ ±´CʱÒR±ÑQý˜¹R ±Ò ?/Ê;C:Ê;=–ûRʱ_CcʯE±ÒRʱ´C=0Ê ÎCê±`G±Ò³QÊ9±³C=ýd98±̱RÊ5 „± –³P=Ò³C='±DC0Êa±bЭc¯CR21Ê C<94CÊ–C<=DÊR±ÒGʱESÊY  RM±–^:4ʱÒE ±»PʱD bÊ=b2ÊC< Ê GÔQ±C< ­^»c9E±ÒR±EÊ92R4 ÓÒPR4/ЭÐÒ¹R ¬c¯^:`^7;Ò EØC¯ÙÐC8–EÛØ= 6;±À±R‡c6/ýaR%`Ðb1=C<=ÙµÛØPFØ0ÛÚ0Ù E4 ±ÒEC d9 ±P±²±R Ò »bÊÊ4/ÊʱÒZ±bÊʱ±QÊÊÏCÊÊ­˜aÏbÊÊ7CÊÊ ´b0³R^ÒC

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wars. As established by the UN- started a better conversation with Written by : Catherine Shakdam sponsored news agency IRIN, the Houthis in the north who, in the “Some 227,000 continue to need past, were very difficult in terms of A fragmented society racked by humanitarian assistance in Sa’ada accepting international assistance poverty and instability, Yemen is this year.” and particularly assessment. There facing a multitude of overlapping The February 2010 ceasefire bro- is much more opening and better crises which all threaten not only kered by the State of Qatar brought discussion, and trust is building up « ¤E:R—“¼R=­`»b’–ªdbCб¼b its ability to recover economically much-needed respite to Yemen, cÒM±´±b;Ê ±c¯«±»ÒõÊ9=06±õÏCÊ 7„± `³»CdÊ C ­^8/Êb<–EÊb:)±ýPÊg±» in the north.” `¹P/bÊÒ–¹C#ÔP:­`EÊ; E  E;¼b­`P± and politically from 2011 revolu- allowing officials to seek solutions Should the situation continue to dbÊÊPÊÊ4ÕCÊÊ RÊÊRÊÊ­NÊj­_ʘ³»bÊÊ9Ê tion, but which also endanger the CÊPÊ;–›££¡ÏCÊÊ4±ýEÊ29Ê Ê±õ=Ê jˆ± ^C8±ϱS„CÊcCÔQʱҖÕCC RÊ­^= to this protracted conflict. While improve and aid be allowed to flow R3;C–ÐbÊ8= ÔQ±C:Û¯Ò–³»bÊ9C=94±^êCÊ T=ÊgRʱ²Cʱ³¹CʯPÊ4–´±bÊ; Z»­^Ê country’s territorial integrity. 2011 brought all negotiations to a –«±b9±^CÊd jˆ±–dùC PÊ:D± to the region, officials are hoping Î `Ò˜ÓRʳ?ÊCÊ6ýTÊ=gRʱD0Ê;ê ÕCÊCÊù ÕCÊ4hCÊ  –±¹ÒPÊ d;Ê bʱ a9  cÊʯ –]/Ê9³RÊ=Êê±¹CÊ#ÔPÊ:­¹bÊ:dʱRʈ± Yemen’s coalition government is halt, the Arab Spring also offered that internally displaced persons ±bCÊ `Q±õÊ*CEÊ=±Rˆ±û±bÊ/±´‡± caught in between a rock and a hard ^0ÊÊÊ–Њ±XÊÊ bÊÊÊʱõÊñZÏCÊÊÊÊÊPÊÊÊÊ„± ˜d;C( the Houthis the opportunity to inte- (IDPs) will return and reinforce «±R0ʱ`¶ÒRÊ9\RÊ c9ÐbÊ= jˆ± õbÊÊ M±ýÒ˜_Ê<±bÊjMµPÊCÊEÊRÊ4ð place, between the Houthis in the grate mainstream politics by mov- stability by spurring on reconstruc- E±PʱýdCÊÒ»PÒ–]º`ÊW=7;ʱc9 cÊ9Õ±RÊ= ­ÐbÊ CÊ;±]ÊÒ­^0–`ÊRÊ= M± North and the Southern Secession- E Cg»EC<Q;C<Ê=±b79P±bCd±E=Ê C= ± ing their fight away from the battle- tion efforts. –õ= Êjˆ±ZûCʱΠ`ÊÒ˜dùCÊ ÕCC±cÒ–бR¯^ ±¹³»Cˆ±`c¹M±P'± – ist Movement in the South. It has ±Ò‡–ÓRÊÊ ­³RÊÒ  aÒPÊÊRÊ ÔQʱ ²±bÊ&± field and into the political arena. It is now down to political will. cʯÔbÊ7±¶ÒRÊ(±PÊ<cÊ9dCÊÒ»^0 EʹCÊ0ê±`Ê_RÊʱcÊ9–¹ ʱ¶»CÊ ^­ –³Rê±ÑQÊÐb96ʱbCÊ_<;8˜PÊ9±û±bÊ now understood that for stability to While this shift does not in itself As noted by Mohamed Saad Har- `Ë»CÊCÊh»PÊ:²CÊ Ê±Ò–FbÊ0ʱ X= Ò–dCÊ; »d:Ê CRÊ­d94EÊ=;:1± N Rê±–dCÒ»` ʼbEb8'±´PÊ­C:;= take hold, poverty will have to be hold a long-term solution, the mal, IRIN’s assistant to the head of ˜PÊ:4Êê±PÊ=bʱd jˆ±N RÊê±–ÌCÊ Ê± „`PʱÎC»ÐMҘбRʯý\CÊ ±EÊ29 ʱ E=ÊCÊ„±a9:ÀCÊ PÐCÊÔQ±dÊ CgRʱ tackled at a grassroots level. change in rhetoric meant the 2010 government’s Executive Unit for YCÊ*±RÊ8 Ê4ê±d7–]ʺ`WÊ=7;ʱcÊ9Ò ÐMÒ–`±R±Fb±ýбR¯ýE=4/CÐb3 c9·C6„±³¹C¯Ò· jˆC¹bÒ½CÊ ­c9 For well over a decade, Yemen’s truce caught on, returning some IDPs and camps, in the same arti- bÒ˜P±ÒN RÎbÊÕ±P­û9?_Ò–ÕCÊ: 7 ýdCÊÒ»»CÊ ^Ê Ê±bÊ6 ±`ʹPÊ/Êê± ˜ÕC7C Õ±R0¼R­Ò–_C4± central government has had to deal level of stability and normalcy to cle: “The displaced are hoping and ²CºÀRÊPÐCÊ8–]QÏCÊ=7±``8ùa­ aC¬´P–ÕCRÊ7ûbÐÒ¹`EÒb;±EÊ=17± ÐCÔQ±d2 b±`ÊP±^»–dCÒ»²C± with an increasingly violent and Yemen’s Northern territories. As willing to go back. But they don’t ˜^M±c9³¹C¯Ebc¯´CC„± ÎC:„±ÎCÊýÒ–]ºc¯EÊChˆCÒ˜EÊùC –›£¡£ÏCÊ4±³»bÊQÊ;EÊ29 ʱEÊ:`ÕCÊRÊ7 well-organized Houthi-led dissident the drums of war fell silent, human- have livelihoods at the moment. dÓbÊM±dCÊÒ»³SÊ=ÐCÊ–ÎCÊ'±EÊ4=Ê2 ÐA–ÒPC:–_ S±a9:D 8NRê±R= ÔP:­R04E4b`8_ÊEb:=EC<^8/ movement in its northern territo- itarian aid workers returned to They are really suffering. In the ±ÒP< `ÊQ±–dʱRˆ±DÊ4/9³RÊRê±EÊ C4ʱ «d Ô­^4`±b»bÊ=±bbÊ8_`¹P/Êê± `R=8ʱZ–NRjdCÊ:±RdCÊÒ»Ò˜¹C# ˜^:PP<P== ries. The Houthis are a reformed North Yemen. They were encour- north, infrastructure, houses and _d±ûÊ/7ʱR=ʱP³¹bÊÒ–_<9:Ê»C=Ê<± bÒ˜d ±Rb=±бR¯ÏC3^ ±¹ý³»ÒC;ê±³R Shi’a rebel group based in the –̱RÊ4±ÒбRʯõ²RÊ'±QÊ;CÊ<9±ÒPÊÊÊÒ bÒ˜¹CÊ#ÔP:Ê­`EÊ29 ʱc9Ê« =  everything needs to be rehabili- ±bC_<­E7=7P@Ò˜E=hCê±dC:±´±b; ± EÊ Ê;CÊÔRÊ%FCÊ»bÊM±`Õ±¹PÊЭEÊ®» organized under their new political help promote stability, as well as tated. The displaced cannot go back E72±`ËÒC+±_`–`¹^R–û6 group, Ansar Allah (the Party of E= P4cÊ–ÓR ­³R^M±³¹CÊ4 ±õ±» CC2­Cò³PR­a9:ÐC–Õ„Ò­˜dÊCÒR û Òa­ZÒ˜EÊ= ˆ±EÊ»bÊ<:9EÊÊ=;PÊʱ generate hope and a desire for to nothing.” While political negoti- Áb2Ê(±PhZʹP7ʘa=9^1Ê6±ÐÒRÊ=8ʱ God). They have long justified their ÕCʱSʱ–œšš£´CÊCʱ`ÊEÊ7CÊ ±^ÊM± `aA–E=ÊC„±a9:Î Ê ÕC= j¯ÕCCÊ2 peace, better than state promises ations will have to take place to ´C Ê @ê±Ò dÊ:9 ʱ R=Ê=5CÊ Õ±R=ÊÒ ÕCÊ bÊ9 Î `–ÎCÊê±^=Ê cÊ9–ÏCÊ3;Ê9«±RÊ:'± ^8/Êd±ÏCÊ3;±°¹CÊ`Õ±PÊÕ±RÊ=PÊ= military stance by alleging that the ever could. permanently close the Yemen- ýÒ˜õ= CÊ= ±«CÊ; ±·±RÊ Ì APÊb± state sought to politically and eco- ˜E= ±R7ñP± ˜Ì ˆ±cÊÊ9CÊÊ<:­cÊÊ9M±PÊÊ RÊê±³¹CÊ= Speaking on UNICEF’s program in versus-Sa’ada chapter, only ýFb0±c9^gC<±ÎCˆ±R 6CÊð»±Q^ ÔP<ÒÔbÊ bõ ÊR=cʯEh±Ò³»CÊ ¯ c9dÊCÒ»SÊ=RÊÐA–]ʺc¯EÊChˆCÊÒ nomically isolate Zaidi Muslims to Sa’ada, Hélène Kadi, UNICEF’s through strong state institutions and dÊ4/ʱ dCÊÊÒ» »CÊ0Ê±Ò ´CÊÊCÊ„± ÏbÊÊ бQÊ9±ÐCÊ= jˆ±ÐCÊ RÊê±CÊ:Ò–dÒRÊÊ _ ;¹C#ÔP:­³»±¹¯«b E¹C0„±û98± better serve Saudi Arabia’s hege- head of field operations and emer- services will the people be able to ýDÊ ±–]ʺZ–RÊ 6Ê„a;8ʘ\CÊ ± Ëb a¯ÎC–œšš£ÏC4±´CCʱP4 7± Z]QÊÊÒ–ÏCÊ3;ʱýõPÊÊ=97ʱ²CÊÊ2 ZÊ monic plan in the region. While gency operations, said: “The open- move on and embrace unity. Fb0C<d9±d±EÊ2C5ê±]9d;C D;Ê% F$Ðb±SÊC`Qʱ]Ò­Z=:Ê·±R \92Ê ´C7/Êê±û=8`ÊP7aÊ8<­»bÊ<:RÊC/Ê Sana’a has always rejected such ness has happened in a gradual Better than any truce, prosperity ˜dC:E=;±ÍRa­ýD ±Òœšš£ÏC4± dCÊÒ»`CÊ/PÊÒ˜]QÊERÊ&±EÊCˆ± T=gRʱP=6Ê CÊð»–^:)CÒ˜ZÊ:7±ÒE=ÊC='± claims, sectarian tensions have con- manner as trust has gradually been will ensure that Yemen’s divided ²CÊ Ê'±?Ê2 ­þ±EÊʬЭbÊ´±RÊ= Ê6±PÊÊ­ ^gC Ò¼ÒCÊ%Òd9=9EÊ9:T=Êg»Z½C:Ê ýR ¬T=g»Ô­`Z Ò­_¹³PÊC`PPÊ&± tinued to grow throughout the past rebuilt. Thanks to structured discus- past remains confined to the history a¼ÒC%PÊÒ–ÓR ­³RÊa 6PÊÒÒ–E CÊ  –[±¹bÊP=ÊXRÊ Ì AÊE=Êb8Ê'±Ï ˆ± Õ±P=j»Ðb8= CbÒ–Ô»b±P4CбR¯O»C decade, amplified by a breakdown sions, we have been able to books. Representatives at Yemen ^=97±ZdCÒ»N= RPC0CP;µ±PM± Z²R'±Î aRÊ%c9«bÊ1±c7­ÔQÊ±Ò P9ʱ\R \ cʯc4 ÊC:;Ê=a'CÊjýÕC:<Ê in state institutions, corruption and increase our work in Sa’ada, even if National Dialogue Conference ЭNRÊê±`–EÊ7=7'±ýÒ˜\Ê ê±»±Qʈ±` –c9M±ÃCÊP±TÊ9ýÕ±bÊ1ÐCÊ’̱R4± ˜E¹C0„±E¼M±ÒES4±`ÕCÒR –²RÊ'±_PÊcÊ9M±TÊ9)±ý±bÊ1ÐCÊÒ harsh economic conditions. there can still be issues with secur- have been entrusted with the coun- NC0Ðbb0=Ê õ=±Rˆ±ЭÕC7ZbdÊ;C dCÒ»»CÊ0±±PÊ–´CCÊ„±cʯ\R2ʱý Moreover, years of conflict have ÐbÊÊ3ÊCÊÊ*±ÐCÊÊ–«d ^ÊPÊÊ4Ò˜õÊ3ÊCÊÊ*± õ`–E=±Rˆ±Ôb&±ÃCP±´±b7Õ±PgCÐCÒ ÓPÊÊ^1Ê6ê±N RÊÊÊê±Я^=ÊÒ˜NRÊÊRÊÊ= ity, coordination delays and the try’s political and institutional ÐC’EÊÒb;±´CÊhÒC6ê±ýÒ–“ÓRÊ M±»±Ò¹M± meant that tens of thousands of unpredictability of the situation.” –œššŸÏC4±Q;бR¯ý̱»ÒM±^8Ðb36 d7±dÊ ±RÒRÊ=±–d9Ê=9PÊ=4 bÊõ3CÊ*± future. It is down to the govern- ÁÒR Ðb9ñÒaC @c9ÐbÊ;:=<`Q±_Ò ´±bÊ; ʱýбRʈõÒbÊÊ;±õÊhÒCÊ6ê±RÊ=Ê civilians were forced to flee their Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, the ment to translate change on the ^Õ±¼»CÕCÒbÕChÒCÊ6õÙPÐCÔQ±FSê± homes and seek refuge in refugee ý`PÊÊg±Rʱõ=Ê jˆ±¹bÊÒZÒ˜¾CÊ7;± ³»b Ê&±a9:FÊ27±PÊÒ˜“œššŸ—œšš E= Ê=gR±dÊ9=9´ @ÊFCÒ˜´±bÊ; F International Committee of the Red ground through economic growth, ýÃR ÔQʱ–X C ʱd±Rˆ±»bÊ<:&±ÑCʱ camps, thus creating a humanitarian «C=¯`8ña­P­Zb_Ê–c6;ê±ýÒ­` ± G=’ŒdÊP=Ê< ŒÊaCÊ8dD0Ê;ê±dbÊ Cross humanitarian coordinator for aid distribution and the establish- FÊ­CÊPÊ;Ò˜³bÊ7±ÑQÊ^8RÊ==Ê5±ÓbÊÊ ˜ËC2ê±EC<ýa:P´±R= ê±P/ E Ò–“̱RÊ4±Z²R'±ýaCÊ P7PÊÐC crisis and a catalyst for further Yemen, echoed Kadi’s optimism by ment of peaceful lines of communi- Ìb R=ÊûC$`ÕC1­dÊCÒ»¹C6 ±CÊ: anger and recrimination. Between F9dʱEÊ4:&±ÏbÊʳPÊCÊ CÊ<­aCÊ4bÊ –“ûb±Ò³ Ê0±³RÊ`’aÊ<cÊ9EÊ=Sʱ confirming that the situation had cation with its regional partners. 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A martini may help you doze off initially, but research in the journal ˜³PgC69ÑR/±b»­Õ±P_<G±±Q˜ÚE=Û0±C (±c9ÙRÛ@Ù„ÒX7ÚE=(±ÚÐC R ±C Ù_Û2ÙÚÐb:=9CÚ¶ 4± Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research shows that once it wears off, you’re ZT6;±`Ô¹b±GP'±ЭÐbCPÒª likely to wake up and have a hard time getting back to sleep. ‹E=9E29²C0Э^Í»b2ÎÒC; \ CÊ;cÊ9ÕCÊ=CʯRÊ@Ê–õRÊ7¿CÊ ­ Become a Luddite an Hour Before Bedtime : A National Sleep Foundation R8±P;Oê±C RPC±b5»Cê± E »CÊòE=Ê9:Î RÊ?Êd±–CÊ<±ºÄCÊP± (NSF) survey found that nearly all participants used some type of electronics like a C;C<gCÊ´R/EÊ=:9E ±»¹´R<Ê ±——`2; ±Ò wired»©ZbÊÊÊ RÊÊʺ CÊÊÊ:ÊÊ ÊÊ –TÊÊ;Ê&± television, computer, video game or cell phone within the hour before bed. That’s a _3;ê±d C4±Э`²C7;±E=RÊ=M±ŒP R=ŒE4CFR­d±EÊ=2±µCM±F6/—`2; ±Ò ÐbÒCÊ;„`ÊQ±ÎCÊR±б³PÊê±´CÊ„b±ý C:–CÊ<69ýD ÊÒE bÊ=/±³RÊýOê±C Ê»R1±[9Ê­\9E7±RÊê±³R«CÊ;­C±bÊ5»C:9 Eb;ECj EhRR­_dC0±»b26±ÏC4 «C:ʱ³»ÒRhcʯ«C:9Ê4±R=Ê/Ò˜dÒRÊ8ˆ± bad idea. Light from these devices stimulates the brain, making it harder to wind –µPÊê±`õÊR7Ê걿CÊ M±c¯ZÊ: Êê± down for sleep. Put your gadgets away an hour before bedtime to fall asleep quicker Òº´CC±bÊ5»Cê±Ò˜E= Ê6;±^C/ê±`ÊPP4±ÒEÊ=0/±ÏCÊ06±ÀRðECÊjˆ±¿R`ûC1Ê ˜D97±ýÀR«±R³Cb±Ò±E=9 and sleep more soundly. Э»¹C0ê±W4P@ÊÒ˜R0ýb#C±CÊR< ±`«C: ­³P4EÊ=R4±бP9±ýR/Ê;³»P´±R=?Ê ˜E4ê±ÑQc9Îb09 V ûʱœ¡`EÊ;=ÊEÊ ±»PʱÑQÊF9:Ê Ò ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ Hog the Bed : A study performed by Mayo Clinic’s Dr. John Shepard found that 53 õ CÊ4ê±õRÊ0ê±¹PÊ^jÒG=–´±»PÊ+±d CÊ4Ò³»CÊCÊ=7RʯýEÊ=CʱEÊRÊê±^$RÊ0 õFR­Ò–CCÊ¢œÒžŸõ_»C:±FÒ±RÊ EÊ:3Ê;CÊ<»PÊj­EÊ=:Ê9EÊ ±»¹FhÒ­ percent of pet owners who sleep with their pets experience sleep disruption every ˜ÔR0ê±DÊ4/±`EÊêC›šιCÊ4CÔ­ÁCÊ4õ ¢cʯŒ»b:(±ŒÒŒõÊCbÊ8±ŒÒŒÎÒ¹C±RʱŒÊ ÎCR±бHgC;±´R< ­Ò–œšš¢Ò›££œõC4± ª night. More than 80 percent of adults who sleep with children have trouble getting a ÁC/;d;4ê±Ò–ER/7±´CQÊQ±P±Sc9^:4E9b ´±RÊ6C±b5»Cê±d C4ЭµCM±´R< ­Ò _<PZ6RÊ»b26±ÎÒCÊ;ÏPcÊ9±Ò¹C±`Qʱ D ý±PPÊ C16 ÍCÊ;Э–E=êCÊ4±E0± good night’s sleep. Kids and dogs are the biggest bed hogs and some of the worst R CÊ`dCÊCPÊSÒEÊ=4= RÊ=´CQʺc¯Îbʲ»CʱбRÊõ–Oê±ýE=Ê04±CÊ (± D97±À±R­`³Cb±Ò±EÊ=9Eb;EÊCj„±R2 `R­Ôb$d±–E=C;±ÎÒP±ýÏPCÊÃR± sleepers. Both deserve their own sleeping space—and you deserve yours. Make kids ˜E= 6;±´C±R2h„±ÒÏC06CECjˆ± ÐbÒC;Ê`Q±]ÊÒ±`R­œ¡EÊ ;EÊ=C± Ϲ´±PÒcʯõCÊ*±cÊhRê±`ÊEÊêC¡š and dogs sleep in their own beds. œš³PêC±bÊ5»Cê±`EÊ16;´CRÊ&²»C±бRÊ`EbÊ:WR4cÊ9µCM±´P:Ê±Ò ˜E=CjEÒ Ð±P9±ýD ;±]9Z6Rõý–R=^8/ Keep It Temperate, Not Tropical : Eighty degrees may be great for the beach, EChˆC–Oê±ûgC ÒýÂbÊ9û4hµÒPE4Cê±´RÊ< ­Ò˜Oê±C (d9 ±R=?ʱE4CêE7=¹ „`òE ±»P±_<ÒC;`Q±¿C „±`R=8±Ò ˜chRê±`EêC›ŸÓb Ôb$„d±EP7ê± but it’s lousy for the bedroom. A temperate room is more conducive to sleeping than Э«C M±P@ÊҘE=R4Êê±ûgC b±ý`ÊbEbÊ0Oê±C ûgCÊ ÒýE=9 ´CÊQºµÒPcʯ `CÊCÊ_Ò–²CÊ/±`Ê_»bÊ26±ÐbÊÒC;Ê ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ a tropical one. The NSF recommends a temperature between 54 and 75 degrees Fah- »±RhM±`RÊ=DCÊd¯E»PÊ0±EQʱÒOê±C û9Ò_Ê &±ýECÊ;ê±V7D Ê´±»P+± –^:Ê4±ý_Ê<CÊʱÐbÊÊ1Êñ`QÊÊʱҖõ;Ê PÊÊê± Z6»±C:9a­EPEÊ=:9E ±»¹FhÒ­ª renheit. Striking a balance between the thermostat, the bed covers, and your sleeping û4hÒE=Cʈ±E=9:Ê4±d9d9 ʱR=?Ê9ECÊhˆC–Z:)±ýEÊñR&±»CÊ/„Ô¹@ÊC:EÊ=0± ``RÊ8ê±Ò–dPʱÁCÊ/;±dÊ9=9Ò–õ¼CÊ4±Ò attire will reduce your core body temperature and help you drift off to sleep. E4CýGCʱ^=CG=ÎCÊҘÎb8±²R E=ÒM±ÒD97±»RÊ1R CÊ´¹±¼ÏP±X5h û=;0ýEÒRê±d;ÊÐbCDC Ò˜EÊ9b ´±R6d C4Êê±S=Rû4hÒ^74±²C=Ê5±R3¶Cˆ± EÊb±ÎCÊ:±бŒEÊ ±»P±cÊ9ËR/Êê±Ò¹R»CÊ ˜c9Ù8±ÒÄCÊP±^EÊ= =g»«CÊ1­ýEbÊP± Go For a Black-Out : Light tells your brain that it’s time to wake up, so make ˜E= 6;±ÒE=974±À±RM±E ±»¹ýÏP7\=7´±»P+± your room as dark as possible for sleep. A recent study from The Ohio State Univer- E;Ê: ±CÊ<;RÊ CcʱԹ@б`Ê8ñE=ÊCÊ0± `8ña=9³R2= ±ÐÒ¹ÏP±X5hÁRÍR±º¯Ò R@ÓR ­¹±bÒÔR ±R26±ÒD;7±^´±»PÊ+±W4îR%ЯdhC걫C4»„±ÐÒ¼»C«C:9ÎCÒ –ÏP±ýR8 ±ÒÎÒRÊ b8±ÒÏPʱX5hÃC6»±Ò _1ÊÒ–EÊ=9ÊEÊbÊ;EÊCÊjˆ±cʯԹ@ÊЭ sity in Columbus found that even a small amount of ambient light from your cell ´C±P ±`µCÊ­\R ýû7Ò_94±c9EÊC»ÀRPcʱ^0б`8ñE= 6;ʱEC'±c9 ˜ŒE=97±Eb;±D ^±bdÒ phone or computer can disrupt the production of melatonin and overall sleep. ˜ËC2ê±EùC ýD97±»b0Ò–D97± E9gC7±_R3E<Ò`«C:94±RT;C Ò»b=¼b=6»R/=E»Ò¹ýR/RR7ýÒ˜E9:ECE= ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ Make Your Bed a Restricted Area : Your bed should be associated with sleep a¹C­ÒE C8ÊCG±FCj­dhCÊê±ÐR7±`´C;= ʱc±ZRE=Ò¹´±PÊC4Òõ±bÍC;ÊÐ? ÐÒPEÊ=CÊ0±EÊb±ÐbÊÒC;Ê`Q±ÎCÊR±Ò and sex—not work, food, or TV. 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"Enhancing the preparedness of people in the affected regions by P;P=b±d;=»b±ÍRÊ*±Ïb7Ò˜EÒC7ê±ÑQ TeDP providing more early-warning time is key to avoiding some of the worst ÐA– E=gCRÊ<8±ÒE=;=»b±´CÊR*±õ ^46»ÒPÊ dʱEÊ=gCÊRÊ<8±·Ò±RÊê±Z=2Ê Ê „d8DÊ PÊbÊ„Ò–CÊ=CÊ6^:4dÊg±bÊ<± cÊ9­`aEÊ2=*±«±bÊÊ<±EÊ7 ÏCÊ<CÊ^Qʱ cÊÊÊ:Ê ÊÊê±^CÊÊÊ:Ê걌½¯Ô¹a­Ô¯ŒÃÒRÊÊÊ/ÊÊ effects of El Nino," said Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the Pots- Cò–´C»C2±`Ê ³¹C¯–C<=9ZP;Ê걫±b<± `8Ò˜]º`„PÊ–E=gCÊR<8±EÊC2CÊ^:4 EÊÒCÊ7ê± WÊ=6Ê EÊÒCÊ ý ³RÊgCÊ2± ^Ê8= dam Institute for Climate Impact Research. The new technique also appears Ò­–³¹Pê±EÊC2±`ÊE9=ÊhE=:Êõ?dÊ;4 –dC'±CÊ<98 ýEÊ=9:RÊ=´C»CÊ2±ÐbÊ8 ˜R?R­E=C:ˆ± C=gCR<C=9 9 C;=CC3ÏPÊ –DEAP more reliable than conventional forecasts, Schellnhuber and colleagues ³¹PÊ)±NCÊ8걌´±»CÊ= ʱ_CÊýcÊ: ÊCÊ: c¯ECÊC;AÊ–EC2Ê9P=bʱ»P0ê±ÐbÊ8 bÊŒF RÊ—Ô¯Œ­PÊÐAÊ–³RÊ=·±bÊÊ`Ò ˜^7 ê±ý²CR±´±RgC ^=5/ reported in the US journal the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci- d±õÊ<±´±»CÊ= ʱýEÊPÊ Ê걌EÊCÊ29 F94C:±Q–EÊC2±E=CÊõ?^P»PÊ0 µCÊ6;±ÍRÊÊ*±EÊ=;Ê7D=ÊRʳ¹Cʯ`³»CÊ ³RgC Ò­–ŒÐCÊ—Ô¯Œ^E=gCÊR<8±´±RgCÊ2±Ò ences. Scientists analyzed more than 200 measurement points in the Pacific ˜NC8ê±ϱP ±ÓPC¹R ÒEC2±Àb4 Ô¹a­Ô¯ŒÏb7 –ŒFbŒ³»CÊ= ZŒa=ÒR6= Œ cÒM±ÏCʇC Ò˜CÊ=gCRÊ<`8Ò–dCÊ'± EÊÊ9bÊÊÊ Solar Impulse ŒTÊÊ9ʯ»„bÊÊ Œ \=7$^E9b ±\R ]CÊ;Эa=] „CòÒ Ïb=±²CÊ»´±RgCÊ ^0$–EÊC6;ʱ´±RgCÊ29 dating back to the 1950s. The interactions between distant points helped »C=9PÊb:RÊ=5jµC6ÍRÊϱP CÊŒ½¯ E=gCR<8±Long - EZ Œ¹¼Ô¯[bŒÒ­–ÓPê± predict whether the El Nino warming would come about in the eastern equa- dÊÒ»ÒM±`Ê­PÊÊÊê± `Ê8–»CÊÊÊ8M±ÑQÊÊÊ ´C»CÊ2±`Ê Ò–·Ò±Rê±^=Ê5/dÊgCRÊ<8± “ZPʱ’RÊ Pʱ`ZPÊʱ³bÊ`«SÊÊcÊ9 E=gCÊR<8±´CÊR*±cÊ9бP:Ê4–dR=ÊM±Ò EÒRê±`ÑQZP±³bE=Cd?º¯–dÊC6;± ¤b–ËPÊc¯CÊ<9R=Ê/–ŒTÊCD/ÊŒ` torial Pacific. Scientists used it in 2011 to correctly predict the absence of an ˜Eb&±E9R±Î –Eb:'±Ò­–ER ±Ò­–\=9±ÓPðE=1± El Nino event last year, while conventional forecasts wrongly said there ´C=:PÊb„d±–EÊ=gCR<8ʱE=9jbʱE=C –Áb<±E=9:Î ³b7±W=6ÓPÒ ÏbÊ7dʱÍRÊ*±EÊPÊ7ý³¹bÊbÊê±EÊ :4± ´CÊRÊ*±CÊPÊbÊd±^Ê–³»±RÊ'±`EÊ9gCÊ ˜E¹CEÒRÔ?CCù«±b<±ZR  EC2ʱc9\=9ʱE=CÊ8¯E=5–CÊ<9cÒ­ would be significant warming well into 2012. ˜³¹CEP=97±E=gCR<8± RR:±`E=C4±E ;±´±º·Ò±Rê±ÑQ^Ò ˜CPÒER0±E=gCR<8± Natural forces cause the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO, which researchers described as the "most important phenomenon of contemporary natural climate variability." The pattern has been known to cause drought in ‹E27;±ÑQýU=4C;9 South America, Indonesia and Australia, heavy flooding in places like Peru and Ecuador, and possibly the severe winters in Europe, unusual monsoons in East Asia and hurricanes in the Caribbean. Researchers said the ability to ^8 c9N= 6±«C16±ýR<3À»M±˜˜C C;³PP»bjý forecast El Nino events will become more important as global warming pro- gresses, possibly making the ENSO pattern more intense and worsening its impacts. R50±dC;FCÌ»¼­_=  EÊ4CÊ`RÊ; Ê= αRÊÊÊÊ=ÊCÊÊÊÊ;Ê DÊ=Ê Verizon unveils three Droid Í»bb=ÊýC=bÊb FCÊÊ—“±PÊÊ»bÊÊ9’ ÐCÊÊÊÊCÊÊÊÊŒÐCÊÊÊÊ=Êý «C16±ÒбR=2±³»±¹¯ CÊ;bÊÊ8 ÐCÊ»bÊ0± Я“CÊ CÊ’EÊ=RÊ=M± phones from Motorola PʱÒÏbÊýCÊ=Ê­ CÊ=¬ CÊ=gCÊ1 ±»CÊÊ Ê õ69Êõ2Ê7` ›IŸbÊPÊ4cÊ9 E=Ê :/ʱ EbÊ:)CÊ ` RÊÊbÊÊ9= »CÊÊ=9 ´±¼C#ˆCÊ C±RÊQÒ Ñ»CÊ3­ÎbÊÊÀ»M± CÊ<77 dʱ EÊ9QÊê± ^¼Db`±P=4 ý PÊÊÊÊÊÊ9ÊÊʱ ±QÊÊÊÊÊÊ ³PÊÊÊPÊÊÊ4± Ñ»CÊÊÊ:Ê­Ò ËCÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ/ÊÊÊÊÊÊ8ÊÊÊÊÊ ±Ê ³»bÊÊÊÊÊj XÊÊÊ7ÊÊÊ9=ÊÊÊ ˜ŒD±b8± ˜À»‡ «C1Ê6±³Pg±»FÊCÒ d±³»bÊÊ0±RÊ<3Ò d± bÊ»b õÊÒ»C À»M±»C ê±C<27± \RÊÊ cÊ9 ËRÊÊ/Ê EÊÊÊ2Ê7 ^8Ê  cÊÊÊ9 ý d;Ê= CÊÊ RÊbÊ0 «CÊÊ»¼±PÊʳRÊÊ=5Êj ý«C16±Ïb9P<4 RÊ5j­FCÊÊÒÐbÊ9± EÊÊÊÊ„bÊÊÊÊ»PÊÊÊÊbÊÊÊÊ »bj`RÊ­EÊCÒ ¼RÊÊÊÊŒ Ò¹±»bÊÊÊbÊÊÊ ýÐCÒEÊ7C ÓRÊ ­ E Ê;CaÊRµPÊ'± ^¼DbÊEÊPÊ7ê± CÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ;ÊÊÊÊ1ÊÊÊÊ dÊÊÊ ˜aC79Ò õÊÊÊÊÊ6/ÊÊÊÊ8ÊÊ ÊÊÊ:ÊÊ R8Ê9=  ±PÊ;=FÊCÒ ˜Œ«C169 E;=Ê6 «CÊ:94±³RÊ= `6 RÊ3;Ê„³¹CÊÒ ý Œd;Ê= CÊŒ «CÊ16± cÊÊ9dÊÒ«CÊÊ1Ê6± ýµC6;±ZP±R ý ³PÊ=4Ê ´CÊCÊ Ê EÊÊ„bÊÊ CÊÊ;¹CÊÊÊ CÊÊ c¯E= :/±Eb:)± ÐCÊ= ý CÊÊ=»bÊÊ6=CÊÊ R=PD;À»M± ЭCÊÊ;;Ê8ñ„ŒõÊ;„± By Sinead Carew - NEW YORK Wireless Vice President of Market- ýÒ˜³R CÊê±T:Ê/±EÊ4 ­D ÊC<±PÊ4 ^­RÊ:7±ÒÀ»M±^5/ʳ»bÊ0±]9ÊýÒ T6ýEÊ4:&±³»bÊ0±d;Ê= CÊF27Ê±Ò À»‡³»b0±ÑQý½C;±Ò­´±»C7±ÓR (Reuters) - Verizon Wireless, the ing Jeff Dietel said that since Droid E@³RÊ6T:/±FÊdhCê±Ãb M± ˜P±Ò^ 8=` ZC±RÊ; =»CÊ ê±a=XÊ7±ÔQ±ÏbÊ=± V9dEÊCʱ«C»SʱE2Ê7;±ÑQÊ`8 biggest U.S. mobile service pro- phones should only include its ˜³»b0±ÁC7±C<·C­Còd;= C8E ;C »CÊ ê «CÊ:94± RÊ= ÐbÊbbÊ  Ðb  ÎCÊÒ ˜C1­³»bj¹»CÊ2Îb»ÒPÔQʱC C; ˜ŒbÊ=bÊÊ›£ýa=9ÊCÊ;CÊÊê¼CÊ„±[CÊÊ vider, on Tuesday announced three "elite" phones based on Google's new phones under its Droid smart- Android software it wanted a man- phone brand from Google Inc's ufacturer "that matched all the E=ÒR8ˆ±´C:<±б»P0C= =ÒP¯Òõ0± »S=9±E=;7 Motorola and said that Motorola expectations" for unique hardware would be its exclusive Droid phone and services. Dietel said that his D¶ 4E;¬ vendor going forward. The phones, company would still carry Android the Droid Mini, Droid Ultra and phones from vendors besides Moto- Droid Maxx will go on sale for rola. Rick Osterloh, Motorola's sen- ²C/± $99, $199 and $299 for customers ior vice president of product man- who sign a two year contract and agement, declined to comment on will be available in Verizon stores how the upcoming Moto X phone August 20, according to Verizon will differ from Droid phones and Wireless. The latest Droid line-up who will sell that device. The low- marks the first phone range that est price Droid phone the Mini is a Motorola has designed since it was compact device with a 4.3 inch dis- bought by Google in 2012. It will play. Motorola boasted that its mid- be followed in little over a week by priced phone in the range, the the August 1 unveiling of the Moto Ultra, is the skinniest smartphone X, a hotly anticipated smartphone that can run on high-speed Long- from Motorola. Verizon Wireless Term Evolution (LTE) networks. It and Motorola launched the first claimed that its Maxx phone has phones under the Droid brand for the best battery life of any LTE phones based on Google Android phone on the market. It can be used software in 2009, at a time when for as long as 48 hours without rival AT&T Inc still had exclusive being charged, compared with a rights to sell the Apple Inc iPhone. previous version of the device The Droid brand helped to resusci- which boasted 32 hours of battery tate a struggling Motorola at the life. Verizon said the full retail time as Verizon Wireless supported price would be $499 for the Mini, ´C:<±C<;`/dʱбP9±õû=;0±½­»Ð Ê$C= =ÒP±Òõ0±ЭdÊhC걫C ±´R/ÒdÊCb94ê±`‡E=RÊ=­ER C<RÊ­E ±»¹F6/ the device with a massive market- $599 for the Ultra and $699 for the C»P0ÐCœš›ÏC4±`cÒM±E ±R< M±Î E=Cb94ê±´C:<±`žÐAÔCC­ER D Ò˜½RT±RD ˜_C4±ýE=ÒR8„± ing campaign. The exclusivity Maxx. Verizon Wireless is a ven- P­R;RÊ^=R±Ò˜EÊ=ÒR8ˆ±´CÊ:<±ÑQ`ž›»PÊ0õ0±FCCÊP;œš›œÏC4±`ZʱR±^06±c¯CÊ C=Z±RýEÊ dÒ–õ0± D»bÊ< RÊ0Ê7„——dÊ bÊ­—^=6±Ï Ê agreement with Motorola could be ture of Verizon Communications P9±±QC<7Ê7d±³S67±c¯±RÊ=/–Œû=;0±_9 ýEÊ=C±ERÊê±ýC= =ÒP¯»bÊ<3C2RZʱR±±QÐb8Э±PÊNRê±`Œa­ÔCC­dÊÒ@  ýÐb5CÊCÊ–³¹PEÊR:ÊEÊc9²CÊ/± a blow for phone makers including and Vodafone Group Plc. D EC±ERê±ýd?Ò˜R< ­E Î ýœ›c±šI¡`a;³»¹C0±E=êC4±E=Cb94ê±´C:<±E F46»±ÔQ±ÒC= ¬ÌR ²b;ýZ±b± ˜aECÊj‰ÐbhRÊ4´C;Ê= ±Ò´CÊ;RÊ/4± HTC Corp, whose devices have (Reporting by Sinead Carew; Addi- [bÒ“œ’C=CÊÒ»Ò“œIœ’^¼±R±Ò“œIŸ’бbÊCÒ“œI ’P;Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê <±Ò“œI¡’C= Ò»Ò“žÊIŸ’C=RÏC­“¢ÊI’³Pê±´C„Êb±ÔÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê CC­û=;0 ´CÊPÊ;CÊÊ EÊ9:Êê± ²CÊÊ/Êʱ D »CÊʬ ^4Ò also carried the Droid brand in the tional reporting by Alexei Ores- ÏC4±`R= M±ZR±ýŸ ^C7–C=CÊ=Ò­—«Ó¹C<±X=*±—C= ¬E72;`»PÊ0E=Cb94ê±´C:<±` ¢bÊЭŒR;R^=NhÒ­Ò˜“›I ’[b ÑQ`ÊV/ʱHSCÊRÊ­dPÊ=CÊ±Ò past as have devices from Korea's kovic in San Francisco; Editing by F9 C:;=ÊE=CbÊ94ê±´C:<±`›£`Ê^±»P0F98 PÊ7CÒ»Ò±C±˜ŒCÊ= =ÒP±ý^Ê ê±R=Ê8±ÃC6»„±D ÊN»M±c9]ºÒ–œš›œ ±RÊbÊÒ < ´CÊÊÏbÊ=±^'±`Ê8˜EÊ98/Êê± Samsung Electronics. 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Eat a E6C ±R:ÊR’õRýœšš£ÏCcÊÒM±P4 PÊ´CÊ=gCÊ<;±cʯ^?ʱýVÊ9_CÊ4± ÏžššýÍÒRÊÊÊÊ=Ê PÊÊÊÊ=ÊÊÒÏœššÒ›ššý ´±«±PZEÊ C;Êê±Eb4Êjc¯R3Ê;C–cÊ0­ \ Ò˜]QÊÊEÊ=9=Ê?ʱÏCÊ»M±CÊ77CÊÊPÊ4 men in order to maintain mus- healthy lifestyle that can be breakfast rich with high-fiber EÊ;PÊÒEÊ6CÊ ±’bÊÊ5±¹ýEÊ=CʱҖ“SʱbÊ ˜³R ÒC; C<bb6 ý´P±bЭ´±P= 9EÊ=±»Cˆ±Ób7±²C4M cle while still burning fat, maintained, even during breaks whole grains, fruit, high- ˜“»¹C ¹CÊ$ ÏCÊ4±õM±ÔRÊ<ê±ÀbÊPÊ4 PÊ­Ò E;PÊýF:=­d±EÊb2±`ÊE=hCÊê±E ;ʱ according to a report by an Ore- or when not in training. She quality protein such as egg PʱSÊÏCÊÊ:ʱZ³PÊPÊ&±³RÊ62ʱF;ʱSÊÒ d=ЭŒTRT±RÊŒÊÓb7±²C4Md±»Cˆ± ³«±P4±RÊœš››ÏCÊE=Êb;Ê&±E»bÊ8±bÊ5±¹ gon State University researcher. said an athlete's optimum body whites, and low-fat dairy. Skip «CÊ7„HÊCÊRÊÎ `õÊ CÊÊ;±õÊg±PÊ4CÊ CPÊ4`Ò“›££›PÊ=±bÊ’³R=Ê5jαSÊCŒ FCC<;Ê8“Ï˄¬ŸEC Ê’P:»¹CEÊ;P cÒM±E=CÊ'±E»C/Êê±Ðb8–³bʹEC2ÊR weight should include the fol- the processed cereals. 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Nationally, more Weight that takes into consider- making sure to refuel after than 45 percent of high school ation genetic makeup and fam- exercise, and spreading their P= ±ÏC Ò­d;:=±D ±dÒP±³CÒ linebackers are obese, and the ily history protein intake throughout the number of overweight students Weight that is appropriate for day. Depending on the goals, entering college level-sports is age and level of physical devel- some athletes may need to get õ=Ò¹žECj¯ÒÃÛÒRÔ»ÒRµ¹CR¯ increasing. opment, including normal as much as 30 percent of their reproductive function in women calories from protein, but many In a peer-reviewed literature get that in one large meal. review published this summer Weight that can be maintained Spreading that protein out in the Nestle Nutritional Institu- without constant dieting and throughout the day is a better tion Workshop Series, OSU restraining food intake strategy; and nuts, beans and researcher Melinda Manore In the paper, Manore outlined legumes are a great source of looked at the benefits of teach- some strategies that athletes can protein, not just meat. ing athletes how to consume use to maintain a healthy what she calls a low-energy- weight and remain perfor- Exercise regularly. This may dense diet, or high-fiber, high- mance-ready. It's important, she seem obvious for an athlete, water, but lower-fat foods. She said, to adopt a low-energy- but many seasonal athletes can said too many athletes are dense diet, which includes a pack on pounds during off- pushed into fad diets or try to large amount of fruits, vegeta- seasons, making it that much restrict calorie intake too much bles, whole grains, lean meat, harder to get performance- in a way that is unhealthy and fish, and low-fat dairy. Avoid ready. unsustainable. beverages high in sugar, espe- Avoid fad diets. Combining "Depending on the sport, ath- cially soda and alcohol. Manore severe calorie restriction with letes sometime want to either said half of a plate of food intense training can result in lose weight without losing lean should be filled with fruits and metabolic adaptions that actu- tissue, or gain weight, mostly veggies, and processed food ally can make it more difficult lean tissue," she said. "This is should be avoided. to lose weight. Severe weight very difficult to do if you loss also makes an athlete restrict caloric intake too dra- "Always opt for the food over stressed out and tired, and that matically or try to lose the the drink, don't drink your calo- is never good for sport. weight too fast. Doing that also ries," Manore said. "Instead of means they don't have the drinking orange juice, eat an While her paper is aimed at energy to exercise, or they feel orange. It has more fiber, and competitive and recreational tired and put themselves at risk fills you up more." athletes, Manore said all of «CM±ECÒ´RºCÊD –aC»`E4»­a4D=j­ÒÃÛÒRÊÔ»ÒRµ¹CR¯P= ʱÏC Ò­ÏP7±³R8`:=±DÊ;D„ýb—½RT±RÊ—«C4;j of injury." these tips can apply to anyone E4»M±õ=ÒP±ECj¯Ò–P= ±³CÒ`R6 ­ÒS4ÐP\RÊ c9õ;„±«C ZÒµ¹C'±Эc±E=;:=±ECb±´»CÊ ­Ò˜dhCê±^«C ±“? ’E=;:=± Other key points: who wants to change their diet ˜NCjT=­Ò̼»»±SÒÔb90±ÏR­ÒÔ¹±b±³¹C: ˜Œ»b6±c9aCÒc±Ó¹­¹CÔb¹ûSµÒPýF ½­R±ýC<ÀÛR4EbERh«±RýbP= ±ÏC Ò­D ±ЯŒ¤abd »P0`F97Ò Manore is professor of nutrition and head in a healthier direc- ˜ŒE2 b·±RÒ´CPõF¼bE6=6 ´CCj¯C<9­Ò³R7 E4»M±õ ±ECj¯ŒFCh­Ò in the College of Public Health Eat breakfast. Data from the tion. (ANI) ˜Î <±_<¹CR7Z7G=–³PP'±E;Pc¯_<7R ýÐb=;:=±Ðb ±ÐCÒ and Human Sciences at OSU. National Weight Control Regis- Motors ´±»C= ±_C 22 Thursday 15th August 2013 -Vol-1- Issue : 8 ¤¹P4±—cÒM±E; ±—Ïœš›T2 ±›ŸÊ›žžαbÊ ¢TÊ=:(± BMW i3 electric comes with ‹‹X7d;=R ¯a=;Ðb=9œIŸÔR/ê±û98C®C;± $42,275 sticker, high hopes Eb6ê±´±»C= ±_CýEb7­µP­˜˜ŒbC8bCb8­Œ

F Ê=CÊ42——½CÊÊîPʤÐPÊ; ýÎC7CÊ^­Ò˜˜´±»C= ʱRgCÊ  C<Ê­ŒbCÊ8bÊCbÊ8­Œ³»CÊ= ûjÒ Ëb?Êê±`EÊ»C –EÊb6ʳ»C=Ê ¼ÒCÔQʱdC=(±CÊR4 ýcÊ ˜d;=R ¯a=;Ðb=9œIŸ ³»C= c9­Ðb8PŒbC8bCbÊ8­Œ P­³»CÊ= «CÊ;Ê CCÊð»–_CÊ4±ý E16±`ÊEbÊ;0ê±PÊ;<±´C±RÊ< ˜DQ±«CðE=92ê±Ò–E0C(± ŒRÊ ¹Ò»Œ EÊÊ=CÊÊ2ˆ± ³»CÊÊ= ʱ ÑQÊ C<¯C»CÊ ­b4CÊÎb7Ò˜`P4Ê7ð –Z=:ʱÁb2Ê `PÊ4¶RÊ_ ³RÊ:9CÊ

Three of the Arab world’s brightest musical talents are joining forces for a special, one-night only Eidfest concert at du Forum on Abu Dhabi’s Yas Island on August 10. The star-studded, fully-seated indoor concert, part of the emirate’s 52-day SummerFest Abu Dhabi celebrations, will see the best of Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and the UAE unite for a three-hour musical extravaganza to mark Eid Al Fitr, the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan. Lebanese songstress and revered opera star, Yara, kick-starts proceedings with a hit-laden 45-minute set. Legendary Saudi Arabian, Rabeh Saqer, is next on stage with a 45-minute set featuring the biggest musical numbers from his celebrated 30-year career, including ‘Sahratna Al Laila’ – one of the father-of-four’s all-time classics. Finally, UAE superstar, Hussain Al Jassmi, a much-loved favourite around the Arab world and a popular judge on X-Factor Arabia, will perform an hour-long headline set featuring the biggest hits from four best-selling albums. “This year’s SummerFest Abu Dhabi is our longest seasonal extravaganza to date and we wanted some- thing special to usher in Eid Al Fitr,” said Sultan Al Muhairi, Manager, Sum- merFest Abu Dhabi. “Having three of the biggest names in regional music certainly perform a one-off concert in the air-conditioned du Forum featur- ing provides that. Music fans can expect a night of world-class performers singing classic after classic.” With doors opening at 8pm, there are three ticket categories for the EidFest concert: VIP at AED495 (US $132), Pre- mium at AED350 (US $ 93) andA Reserve at AED200 (US $ 53). Tickets go on sale soon and are available online at www.summerfestabudhabi.ae and www.ticketmaster.ae.

The Wolverine' claws TP7±´„C^C7d4±b±TÚ'± _=R±PP: ~ ECR±W»Z–C<ÊÒER0ê±C:;= ʱ´„C0 PP4±ÏCÊ­Ò´C;bÊ8Òa±»¹CýRÊ?ÔQ± …N= ê±³C=ý³R=Japan and fea- ˜ÑP ÒaÒ»õCa±Rj E=;¹ECChÕC1­_RÊ: `R/Ô¹C'± ³»bjdÒ˜Z ±ÒÌC2c9C<Ò±PÒCRb0 P±Ò’˜³?ÐCñˆ±c¯R68±`ÊÊdgC:;= ^: tures an international cast, earned another $86.1 million overseas. The N=Ê Êê±EÊ=0Ê ^ ±¹DÊ7;ÊÙ_9Ê=6ʱNÊj?Ê `:2=Ê–E; ʳb ­N= Êê±ý_8Ò˜EÊ04 aC:?–d;P±Ãbhb:9EP7C<;R­E=gC¹ –“û= bÊ­· 0Ï ˆ±RÊ_9=ý_Ê C film's opening-week take surpassed the $120 million it cost to make, said FùEÊ®RʱÑQÊÎ `Ò–ÕCÊCÊ ¯Ñ»CÊÊCÊÊ a_jCÊÊ„Ò–aCÊñ¯cÊ9d8ÊRÊ„±D4/Êʱ –a 6^R±VÊd;¹TÚ`EÊ4CFCÊ ÕC:»Ï ‰ÃC0±a­N1±ÔQ±P=b±CÊð»Ò Chris Aronson, Fox's head of domestic distribution. "It's a huge opening for –aÊE2Ê=*±´CÊ=0/ʱECÊ8³PPÊECÊ=j ZÔR8 4±Òd C= ±õ7=±ÁbÊ7 P4–ѱb RM±‹²ÛR±EP ýC:;= ±Î `^:4Ð? EÊCÊ Rʱ_9=ÊÑ»bÊjCÊ:–ÐCÊ=6 bÊ­bÊa; ýbÊÊ»±¹dÊʱҭ–a8Ê9ý´»±¹dÊʱ«±bÊÊ Õ±PÊPÊ Õ =^=ÊñÐCÊÔQʱҖ¹CÊ74±cÊ620Êê the clawed one," he said. "It played equally well from Maine to Maui." ˜dêC4±³»C±¶RR=6 –^=Ô¹c2 c9R= Ê Œ¶R=9= ŒЭF ± Another Fox film, the animated snail-racing tale "Turbo," was in fourth ÕC±RÊjdCÊ4–RÊbÊE±Pʱ`bÊ<˜CÊ<89 RʇF=ʱάÃCÊ­EÊ®RÊd»CʱRÊ= Ê69 –ÐC AaC»õÒaC »ÒaÒ»õCÕC=9 ±¹ –½PÊ7ê±²CÊ8±´CÊÊCÊ8'ÁRÊ6ê±SÊÛ=ʱý ‹aR place with $13.3 million. Adam Sandler's "Grown Ups 2" followed with d C= ±ÒdC:„±P7;±Òd c¯\92ê±^b$ –»CÊ+±D4/ʱR=Ê C ­^Ê7Ò–EÊjC ³»±bʱ $11.5 million. Woody Allen's latest, "Blue Jasmine," enjoyed a stellar open- RÊ= EÊÊ7RÊ2 ]ʺ cÊ9 ^PÊ Õ±PÊ

Ò­E6=0±Ô­»`³»ÒR1CR4„ÒRR±T=g»_ A^gC R±Ò«±»Š±Ò´„C7ê±Z=:ÎC »¯_ RR±T=g»—R C;± Ïb=±dR=M±dR4± (313)348-8086¤c9ÎC0„±cR–Ïb=±d8RM±dR4±E6=jýÐ ‰˜SRê± ARBABAMERICANTODAY [email protected] dÒR8ˆ±PR±\R `Ò­ d9RjC;±P dR=M±dR4±SR걒`»P0E97 E=R=­E=RE6=j All articles, opinions and letters are sent in the name of the editor ÐC/=—лbR¹“EC7±ÒÏ ‰ And do not necessarily express the opinion Publisher and editor-in-chief Independent Arab-American newspaper published by of the newspaper or the center. Contact the advertiser in the Arab American newspaper today, ABDULNASSER MUGALI the American Arab Center for Media and Culture please call : 313-348-8086 . or by e-mail: Dearborn-Michigan [email protected]