´±»C±Ð±PÒÒ³R±ºý³PC ·Ò»P±¼¤E4 C±Ñ±Rºý 54¿_C4±ÒE= ±EM±Ò²R4±Ò Thursday 15th August 2013 -Vol-1- Issue :8 independentE97ªcomprehensiveE9C ªcultural E=C7ªPolitical E= C= cÒM±E;±¢¹P4±ÏT2±ÊαbÊ ¢TÊ=:(± ³b7Cбb ±ÏC0±W`PdÒP±Z:)± Ô¹C´C¹C³P;­c9FCÏ ±Ò²C»±ÒbCC±b aC7 ±ÏP7d¹±R±Òõ:04ê±ÒE R/±õc97±´C d8RM±T=gR±ZE:´CCP74d;:=±T=gR± ‘No Muslim C<C ýÍR/ÐC=»ÒPjÒW=M±F=±ý Parking’ Sign Yemeni President Hadi holds summit talks with US President Obama Angers US Muslims HOUSTON – Signs banning Mus- lims from using a Houston shopping center parking lot mysteriously ÏC0±W³»SýÔR0ê±`M±¿CjR±b9`Q±d RÔP@`c97±G`¹P appeared this week, generating mas- sive Muslim outrage to the insensi- tive, discriminatory posters. ²¬T2­«CÊ4»M±T­ERÊ0ê±X ÒM±ÌR/ʱ«C­ECÊÒFC´CÒ_Êj±b³RCÊ7± "I'm very shocked because we do live ÔP@ÏC0±F1ЭPÊ4EÒP4±E4±»Ð±P=cÊ9EC±C<R2Ê= FhRER0ê±EÊ R/±Ð¯ in a society that's supposed to be very ´RЭP4Êd R»C0Ê­`¹Pc9ÊW7±F7­EÊ R/±Ð­FCÊh­Òd RP:ÊÎÒS4ê±T=gRʱ accepting, and this is what we all ÏC0±ÐC8`Ï ¶ÒR(Cõ9ê±R=ÒõC0:9F: ÒE»CÒ«C1=E9 ­c9_<4 preach," Yara Aboshady told CNN `¹PÎC7±`EÊR0ê±`M±´±b`8ù`¹¹RÊC_=±R¯P:ÊÔR0ê±E=9 ±P±RʼÒc6aC` affiliate KPRC on Friday, August 9. EC:&E= C=±Ã±»Q±E±P4±ÒER'±²ST=g»DgCÐCR4±ÏC0_<;õ:9ê±Ð±b ±EC:³¹C "That we all have the freedom of Ô¼C´b6jÒõ:9ê±Ð±b ±EC:d6R±`:R±PÊÒdC9±P:Òõ:9ê±Ð±b ± religion.".. Continued P3 ³RC7±ýEÒP4±E4±»E72;`³R C±»bj«C4»M±«Cd: R±ÔR0ê±ÐbS69±^7ÒË»CP:­Ò E R/±`´±b7û=»C/±X Òd RP:ÎÒS4ê±d ±T=gR±»C0­`´C²C±R<3 Fury as Israel ´CC ±ýc9Ê7±¹PЯER0ê±EÊ0±³»±¼Ò_ CµPÎCÊCC1±¹P`³»±¼bÊ9E=gC0¯R ¬ýÒ `X ÒM±ÌR/ʱ«C­EÊCÒF97Ò =Ê£c¯Z6»±dÊ RÔPÊ@êõCÊ0±W6`ÊM±´±b^ PÊP4 ¹C<&±³PC_=3; E=;:=±E:7±¢T=:(±`2; ±bW=M±F=±ý´P7Ïb=±dR=M±dR4±`2; ±Ò unveils plan for `¼RÒ»EÊCÒF97CÊ:´CCÊ ±ýC1Ê­±b=j­¿CÊ ­Ð¯abþ±NPÊ:µPÊê± T=g»CCұͱ»CÊT=gR±ÒE=Ê;:=±E»b<:Ê&±T=g»Ô¹C»b0Ê;a»Pd;:=±TÊ=gR±õE=8RÊM± E9C E=257 ¿E=7±E92ê±E=9=C: ±E;Pý±b9C0 ЯC<bE= »¹C0 ²R4±³RSý `P9±õÍR/ê±ÐÒC4±´CÒE=gC;±´CÊ 4±ÐC:=S±GG=E=8RM±³Pê±´Cbʱ more settler homes ECÊ8ÒEÊ=;M±ÒEʹC0ʱÒEÊ= CÊ=±PÊ40±û9Êc9ÊC<4Ê= bÊÒC<Ê=:;ÌCʬÒõ7PÊ0± C C/RM±ÃR6± d9C:Ê=E=;Ê:=±E»bÊ<:&±E CÊg»ÒW=M±F=ʱ`ÍR/ÊÐC=EÊ:7±ÏCÊ ý»PjPÊÒ²C»± Israeli authorities Last Tuesday «±bM±û=29dCÒ»N;^ a»Pd;:Ê=±T=gR±ÒCÊCұͱ»CTÊ=gR±P­WÊ=M±F=CÊT=:(±Ïb=ʱC:<gC7Êý¤a0 announced the approval of 942 new ³PCÊ_=3;Êб`2; ±ÒRÊ4 ²Ë±Êd¹ ¹PPÒ`Ê:=±Ò³PÊê±´Cb±õÊE=gCÊ;±´C 4±SÊS4ÌC2ÊZ= býCÊ:<»Ô¹CÊ»b0; settler homes in annexed east Jerusa- ½CÊÊ ±ýbÊÊÔQÊʱ²RÊÊ4±³RÊÊSÊÊý¹CÊÊ<&± ϱSʱҹb<Õ±PÊ=/`Ê:=±³PÊÒÒ»C¹¼±Ò`ʱһ±R7Ê ³PÊê±´Cbʱ_¹CÊCÒ±TÊ=gRʱ lem, provoking Palestinian fury on ©E¹b4±ÒбR¯õEb:ê± E= Cb9¹E=9òÌ ±c±´¹±d±´±PP<± R8 õýбc¼RÊ­ÔQ±ÏP7CÊÒ^C/±d ±RÊ7ñP±Îb±ýEÊ=;:=±EbÊ8'±ÒD4/± the eve of the resumption of fragile EÊ8 ýXÊ/±ÃRÊÊ6±bÊ_CÊ4±ýEÊ=RÊ=± E=906ê±E39±ÑQÎ `:=9³Pê±´CÊb±aP7ÔQ±Ôb7±_P9CCÒ±TÊ=gR±Ô¹CT=gR± peace talks with Israel. E72;ý¿R6±SS4Ò`M±ÒÏ ±E=9:»CðZPʱýCCÒ±T=gR±¹b<¹C ­Ò¹ ±O»Cý The Jerusalem municipality said that ¶CPʱE=Ê£ÏC_=3Ê;±?/ÊÒ ³PCÊ7± \=7$ýd;:=±D4/±³PCE=5ÙÕCb \=;±Ò^:4±E9j±bÊc9ÐC=gR±P<4ÒX ÒM±ÌR/± while it had only now given final Q;c;PÊÒ³PC79Ô¹b4ʱÒd;:=±õR6± Rb2ÒÕCÊ=êCC<ËRÊ4ê±ÐC±Ìb7EÊC:ÒÐbC7±³¹CÊ= Ò`M±ÒP= R±_Ê8'±SS4_<CÊ492 approval for the new homes in Gilo, `:Ê=±ý´CÊ=:Ê94±`±RÊÊ=ʱ¹PÊFbʱ]º an existing settlement in east Jerusa- E=;M±´C)±ýE9j±bÊÒE;=E±R/CÊ:<±S±Ô¹CÒCCÒ±ÐCÊ=gR±P­C:EʹC0±¿R6± E=PʳRgCÊ R=Ê6EÒCÊ]ºýCð¶»CÊ(±Ò ·R0ê±bCÊC±býõÊ=;:=±õ97Ê4ê±³¹C¯ËP<\=ÊÒ^8/ÐÒC4ʱc9C76±Ò²CÊ»±EC8Ò lem, they had been a long time in the P=E=9:^Ò£ý¹ =ê±P=ÏbÊE=R=± planning..Continued P6 ^7бԻC±¹CR<Ê ±E:E9 CÊ6±¹ =ê± 4¿E=7±_<97; `PÊ:RÊ=±dCÊ'±Ô¹b4ʱE=Ê9 ±P±RÊ¼Ò WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 (THE ARAB AMERICAN TODAY) - A Yemeni-US ÎÒ@ê±ÒEÊ=9 ±P±Rʼb±PÊCÐCÊõûC summit was co-chaired on Thursday by President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Abbas asks Ô»C±±QN#Ò²CÊ»±EC8`ÎÒ± Hadi and US President Barack Obama at the White House in Washington. P4ûC`PÊ:R=±`EÊR7c±ÎbjbÊC The two presidents discussed bilateral relations and areas of joint coopera- caretaker Eb±ýDRaCõ=;±õÒ@ê±Z;±Ð± tion between the two countries at various political, economic, security and ²R4±³RÊSý³PÊC7±_=Ê3;cÊ;ýÒ counterterrorism fields. Following the summit, a joint statement was issued Palestinian PM to ´CÊbʱ cʱ EÊ6 ¹ÒRÊÊ ÎCÊ »± EÊÒCÊ by the United States and Yemen, which read as follows: In their meeting stay on ³»C6±`E=RF97±Q8_R C;=7Эþ±Î?dRaCÒαÒP8½b#­`d¹ÒÀCR± ýE=RÊ=±` ³RÊgC RÊ=6c;ÊC:ʳPê± today at the White House, President Barack Obama and President Abdo ýõ=R=­õÊÒ@êabÊþ±P]9ê±Ô¹bÊ4±^C4±`ÊT8=9=8ÒZbÊC<R ÀCÊR±ýE=ÊR=M± ±Q`Êa=Ò@Êб±`RÊ</]º^Êd¹ Rabu Mansour Hadi of Yemen affirmed their desire to broaden and c4M±½­»`2; ±ÒZ27ЭPRa¯õ¹b4 õ= Cb9PÎCÓR ­E=RýÒбR³»C ¯ E=ÊR=ʱE=Ê9òF79ʱÒXFÊ_µ¹CÊ'± strengthen the U.S.-Yemen relationship. President Obama reiterated the Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas dhCê±P±^±c9 United States’ support for the stability, security, prosperity, and unity of has asked caretaker prime minister dÒR8±ÌR/Zba97RRÊ7Î `E¹b49бR¯«±»¹¼±C1­RÊ<3H=9(±`R ±DC&±c9Ò E=9:õ=ÊR=±²±bDÊa:RÊ=P»C ±ý ´C:Q=Ê6;abcʱ´»C ±´C0PÊj» Yemen. He also commended the Yemeni government and people for their Rami Hamdallah to stay on, tasking R<4±Ò¹C6±ýE»CE¹b4CE:C'±³R M±Ð­a«CÒ¹P/ê± commitment to an inclusive democratic transition and the progress they have him on Last Tuesday with forming a dÐb8PÊE õÊP4ÒdCÊÒ»`PPÊ&±d±R±T=ÊgR±d?ÊE::Ê걫±bM±ÑQXÊ ÒÒ ³»CÊ6 ¢Ð±PÊʱ`2Ê; ±Ò´PÊʱҳRÊ=Ê new government, a spokesman said. ^3 C=Ê7R±ÎC:Ê ÒX Ò±ÌR/ʱýE=90;ÊÒ made thus far. President Hadi thanked President Obama for the United R/Êϱ¹C6;ÊF­d±ÒбRʯÒE¹bÊ4±õ«CÊ15±ÒaÊRXÊ ÒM±ÌR/ʱý`PÊ9õ­bÊ M± States’ steadfast support to Yemen during this critical moment in its his- "Abbas on Tuesday met head of the 7 5¿E=7±dhCê±^F±cE795 caretaker government Rami Hamdal- ¿E=7±C<=9E5CÔ­«C6h¯D40G=³b7±`E72;ê±ý´±b; tory...Continued..Pg4 lah and tasked him again with form- ing a government," the Palestinians' E=R=M±´±»C ±ýPPP<ÊP4CCÒ­ Wafa news agency quoted Abbas spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina as saying. Hamdallah's office said in a statement he had accepted the task T±E9;R6ê»C0±CCÒ­´C j¯¤T8=9=8ÒT @ and would form a new government within five weeks. E7ÊR ýÔ¹CÊ4±RÊ=ÌCÊ6;CÊE=ÊR=ÊM±EbÊ8'± ¤ÎCÊÊÒ EÊÊ=RÊÊ=M± TÊÊÊÊ cÊ9[CÊ ­ÎCÊÒ`RÊÊ=Ê8± ½RÊTʱRʼRÊÒ»`Ê2;Ê ±ÒÐPÊ; Abbas accepted Hamdallah's resigna- «b9±\a=N;ùÔQʱFb±ýйb;ÊC<9C4 CÊbÊa­dEÊ CÊÊEÊ7=7'± cÊÊÊÊ9 TÊÊÊ8Ê=Ê98ÊÒ ZbÊÊÊÊ ZbÊÊÊTÊÊ @ÊÊÊ[CÊÊÊ ­ÐCÊÊÊ=ÊbÊÊÊûjÒ tion on June 23 after barely two õÊÊ ±Ò»±RÊÊÊ M±dÊ6 CÊÊÊÒõÊh»CÊÊÊ4ê±Ë PÊÊÊ­`Ê8_ÊÊйbÊÊÊ;Ê a6/ÊÊÊ Ð¹b; NhÒ­C:Ê9¤FR± ͱ»CÊdRÊ=M±TÊ=gRʱР¯TÊ8=9Ê8Ò weeks on the job, but asked him to ÒS;ÒC= Ò»^ÎÒ¹`õ= C=± H±R±ÑQÊ`C= ËRÊ4= ЭbÊÊa79Ê7«dÊ RÊÊÊ­ÐAÊÊ E9CÊ/±EʱRÊê±H±R`ÊP9ÊC2Ê2 CÊCÒ­ stay on a caretaker basis until a new `R ¬Òйb; »CÊ= ±_C4±Y`Êa¯[C ­ÎCÒ µP´C j¯`8_Ò Ò«CÊ2 ­`ʲCÊ7;±û/Ê8 CÊPÊcʯ»CÊ0ʱa?ÊEÊ=RÊ=M±EÊbÊ89 premier could be appointed. The Pal- H;Cd¹±RÔP;&±^d'±R=:1±²Cj­` ³P=´CÊ j¯R==Ê5µP ECÒZC7C PC4ê±û bê±Ð¹b; ¹»±Ò¹ estinian leader initially had five EÊRÊ ´CÊCÊ=aÊRÊÊdÊhCÊê±RÊ</ʱ`¹­ÔQʱ ³b7йbÊ; CCÊÒ­³»±¹¯\ Ò ÐA±Q^­`Ò»b9´­P û9RÊÊÔQÊʱÒdRÊÊ=M±dÊbÊ7±`M± weeks to find a replacement, officials õCj±b7­T8=98ÒÊ E<±bê³PÊê±´Cb9a¹CÊ C<4 Ò³PÊê±´CbʱT=g» T± said, but the date -- which would aRÊÊÊ TÊÊCÊÊ ´CÊCÊ<± R8/CE;P_C4±²b4 ^Ò R= M±CCÒ­Ð ¯c9ÐCÊ=ý[C ­\Û9Ò have ended in late July -- was put Q;ÐP;9»Ò¹±b±³»C6 ý[C ­Z7aÊ=C`Ò E=R=M±T±H±R^=jC6 йb; ¹»±Ò¹ E=ÊR cÊ6h­³PÊê±´CÊb±TÊ=g»¤Õ gCÊ back to August 14 due to the Muslim a6/DʳPê±´CÊb9a:=Ê9E=Ê/ ÏC`ÊR­ йbÊÊÊ;Ê Ò Ï ± ^gCÊÊÊÊ bÊÊÊ Ð?CÊCÒ­PÊ=?Ê[C ­WÊ»Ò a A»±RÊ ­û C8йbÊ; ¹»±Ò¹¯»Ò¹c9 holy month of Ramadan which 6¿E=7±E=R=­ER \gCÒ a;d±CÊ= Ò»ýб¹bbÊ CÊ^³»RÊ7FCÊaCÊ j¯ dR=M±E=êC4±E±RÊê±HCR· jC22 started on July 10.
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