9070831937 < Dutch, the language of twenty million Dutch and people ~ eBook Dutch, the language of twenty million Dutch and Flemish people Flemish- Foundation, Stichting Ons Erfdeel - Classes in Delhi NCR

Description: - - Dutch languageDutch, the language of twenty million Dutch and Flemish people -Dutch, the language of twenty million Dutch and Flemish people Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 59-63). This edition was published in 1996

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Tags: #Dutch #Language

Dutch, the language of twenty million Dutch and Flemish people (Book, 1988) [tech.radiozamaneh.com]

On top of that, there are also 4 million people worldwide who speak Dutch as a second or foreign language.

Dutch language

The Frankish language was spoken in different areas in the at different times, even in modern day where it was spoken in and went on to influence .


Papiementu is a local creole language with strong roots in Portuguese as well as certain African languages. The first does not comprise which forms a , whereas the latter does comprise the Dutch-speaking inhabitants of Brussels.

Dutch Language

The region developed as a medieval economic power with a large degree of political autonomy.

Dutch Language Classes in Delhi NCR

It is by no means mutually intelligible with any of these languages, however, and it has been over 1300 years since it broke off from its Germanic cousin languages. Several language publishing companies such as Assimil, Berlitz, Teach Yourself, Hugo, Pimsleur, Michael Thomas, Rosetta Stone, and Lonely Planet have an array of books, audio materials, and computer programs in English on Dutch. .

Where Is Dutch Spoken? There are 20 Million Dutch Speakers Today, around 4,5 million Americans can trace their heritage back to Dutch settlers. Because of assimilation, often the initial consonant of the next word is also devoiced, e.


The town of , near Bury, also claims to owe its name to Flemish cloth weavers that settled in the area during this era, who would lay their cloths out in the sun to bleach them. The area of the is represented on the maps above, including the area of the hatched on the relevant map. The number of English loanwords in Dutch is quite large, and is growing rapidly.

9070831937 < Dutch, the language of twenty million Dutch and Flemish people ~ eBook

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