Portland Daily Press: March 27,1882
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. I iti( K > IEN1S. MARCH 1882. Wbbmailmattm-I ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—YOL. 19. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, 27, Our Dead Poet. the customs have largely increased, at the MEDICAL. THE PEESB. same time that tbe industries of the country THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, have beau and _MISCELLANEOUS ■ ■ multiplied largely extended. Publiihed every day (Sunday* excepted,) by the _WANTS. Manufacturers from “the States" have come in Some of His Characteristic Utterances here with their machinery, and others are com- PUBLISHING Wanted. MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 27. PORTLAND CO., on Life and Death. to of kinds on Cana- LARGE room in with or ing, produce goods many sunny private family, dian the AT 87 Exchaitoe St., Portland. A without board; western part of city preferred. soil; the workmen eating products of mar25dlw* Address, C. S., 37 High St. S Every regular attache of the Press Is furnished Canadian farms, and spending their wages iu Terms Dollar* a Year. To mail subeenb & CO soft hand brow and and ail useful indus- M'LELLAN upon cheek, enconraging Eight DRESSER. with a Card certificate by Stanley Puller, Lay thy my stimulating signed art Seven Dollar* a Year, if paid in advance. Wanted. O Peaceful until from pain released tries and one not so to wit: tbe Housekeeper and betel Sleep! useful, grog Editor, All railway, steamboat managers I breathe breath! experienced woman, to take chai ge of a farm again uninterrupted shop. This latter industry, however, is al- a favor us credentials with what subtile did the Greek house and Must be a butter maker.
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