Course Catalog, 1920-1921
Register of Students 1920-1921 (Includes all students at the State University in actual residence in all schools and colleges.) Abbreviations Curriculum Rank AS—College of Arts and Sciences Sp.—Special Bus. Ad.—School of Business Adminis- Fr.—Freshman tration So.— Sophomore For.—School of Forestry Jr.—Junior Jrl.—School of Journalism Sr.— Senior Law—School of Law Gr.— G raduate Mus.—School of Music Pharm.—School of Pharmacy For. Rgr.—Forest Rangers’ Course SQ—Summer Quarter Unci.—Unclassified lr—Limited Registration, students en rolled in not more than two subjects Quarters in Attendance: 1, Autumn Quarter; 2, Winter Quarter; 3, Spring Quarter; 4, Summer Quarter, 1920; 4a, Summer Quarter, first term, 1920; 4b, Sum m er Q uarter, second term , 1920. Students whose names are marked with an asterisk (*) died during the year. Classified as of June 1, 1921. Q uarters Cur- in A ttend- Nam e riculum Rank ance Residence Adams, Harry Franks ..................Bus Ad ..............Sr....l,2,3....... Olympia, Wash. Adams, Helen Elmira ..................AS .......................Fr....l,2,3.........Thompson Falls Adams, Marion J ............................ Bus Ad ..............So.—1,2,3........................ Forsyth Adams, Olive M.(Mrs.) .................Unci (Psych) (lr) 2 ............................... Missoula Adderholt, Rov ................................Mus Sp ..................... 4a,1,2,3................. Missoula Ahern, Holland Byron ..................AS... .....................So—1,2........................ Anaconda Ahlgren, Vera Elizabeth............
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