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J Ljjf PAGES 7 to 12 : i SPORTS TV MOVIES ICOUNTX CORRESPONDENCE jLXASSIFLEI) 20AREE1S COMICS TWELVE PAGES TWELVE PAGES SECTION TWO SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 J Ljjf PAGES 7 TO 12 DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 15, 1920. "AMERICA'S CUP"- - -- ITS WINNERS FACTS ABOUT BOATS II AND CHALLENGERS SINCE 1851 IN RACE FOR CUP Use the Phones, Use Phones, CRAFT TUNED FOR CUP Grocery 526 the Vf Defender . Challenger v Challenger' Owner Grocery 526 1M America 44 British sloops , IlIXJIilTI'. .Other Dept's 73 QtArv 170 Mato ' Cambria James Ashbury The IK'fcnilcr : SEHVICE Other Dept's 73 JK71 Columbia l.lvonla James Ashbury RACE OFF SANDY HOOK Owner Syndicate of Xew MEN'S 17 Madeleine Countess of York Yachting enthunlu.su. STORE ' Duffarln ftoyal Canadiun Yacht Cluh 181 Mischief Atalanta Kay f Qulnta Yacht Club 1'llot Rear Commodore Oeo. J8S Puritan Genesta Nocturia, New York Vacht flub. Mayflower Galatea Two Giant Gulls, Resolute and When built 1914, New York. 1887 4-- Weight Lens than 100 tons. Volunteer Thistle J IV, i 189J Vigilant Valkyrie ir Lord Dunraven Shamrock Vie Today for KIIAMKOCK IV 1896 Defender Valkyrie III Ixird Dunraven Crown Which Will Make One Tll CIlHlk'lllwr 1889 Columbia Shamrock sir Thomas Upton Owner Kir Thomas Tipton, 1901 Columbia Shamrock II Sir Thomas Upton Queen of Sea. veteran Irish sportsman. 190 J Reliance Bhamrock Rlr Upton Pilot Capt. William V. Burton, irr Thomas Hoeing 1920 ttesolute Bhamrock IW Sir Thomas LI pi on NEW YORK, July 11!. fir. P.I Yacht .Association of : ITp to dale the defender has never been beaten by the challenger. Two giant gulls, princesses of the sea. Great Britain. 4-- built 1913, lielfast. ride the blue swells of the Atlantic to- - When day with heads bared crown Welfcht About 10H tons. To refute the general Impression. It for the might that will make one of them queen. INNING BOAT be said that the sail area does Two slim sloops, pulsing The prize "America's Cup," not determine the handicap. In every with the supremacy. "iieMt of the old and new world's blue emblem of sea line of sport an attempt In mads to stagger Thirty milr-a- , off have the opponents aa nearly diooci, under a mountain nl match can van awaiting the races for Amer Bandy Hook from Ambrose ed as posHlble; for example, the ica cup lightship and return. weight divisions among boxers. historic and all the honors Today, that go with the greatest trophy of the First race weather For the same primary purpose. seas. permitting. Winner must take yacht racing rules fix a maximum for of run on BY T. three out five heats, D. BCOTT breadth and draught and the length days, weather per- - (Written for the United Press.) Resolute, the American, the lineal successive of he water line. When those speci- dincendent of a family that haB held mining. Bhamrock IV, lr Thomas Linton's fications are Im- challenger, exceeded a penalty Is the throne for 69 years will fight to Last previous ra.ee IS 03 off and Resolute, of the New posed in the nature of a handicap Amer- York Yacht Club, to drown In a wake of apeed Bhamrock Sandy Hook. Reliance, are meet off figured mathematically In ratio to the IV, In ican sloop, defeated Upton's Bandy Hook today In the first of a the thirteenth a line of foreign B I I excessive measurements. Invaders that have aspired for the Shamrock III. aeries of races for the America's Cup, Comparing one with another in dis W N symbolic supremacy crown. of the of the seas. placement, rmamrock's sail area Ih To forecast a winner In any line of With the exception of a smaller greater. Hut while her sail area of crowd of spectators, the races, three IT HAS SEEN THE AIM OF THE FASHION DESIGN- modem sport Is a hazardous under- 10.000 square feet doe acem to be BIG TiKAGrrc BASFBA1X. JA?A' taking even for a clone out of five, will be Just as colorful. atudent of the excessively lofty, the effect of the Im- spectacular Notion"! Ix'ttue. ING ROOMS TO DEVELOP AN EXPANDING SLEEVE EFFECT science "which Is a fundamental factor Just as and Just as thrilling Brooklyn Chicago mense centerboards now fitted on her as any since 1861 when the America WHICH WOULD of all the major American sports. offsets any possibility she may "New York 7, St. Ivouia 1. PROVE COMFORTABLE IN A DOUBLE OR' However, In yacht racing a student that sailed across the Atlantic and won the not stand up and be a very saft boat cup. Cincinnati 3, Philadelphia 2. SINGLE BREASTED JACKETIOR BUSINESS OR SPORT. can become more prophetic than in This leads to the fact that when you Pittsburg 4, Boston 3. most lines of sport Ia-stio- BI-SWIN- because scientific have reached this size craft you can VI1I American G deductions of known qualities can be Crowd Bo Smaller THE COPYRIGHTED have a very fast light weather boat Fewer than 20,000 will see the St. Iuis 7, New York 3. FEATURE HAS BEEN? drawn and the deductions are general I and with a centerboard she will be races. It Is believed. This Is not due Boston Detroit SKILFULLY APPLIED TO THE MODEL SKETCHED ly accurate with the exception of two able to stand up In the strongest Washington 6, Clifcago 4. condl-tlon- to a decrease of Interest in the classic unknown Quantities weather s breeze. Philadelphia 3, Cleveland 5. under which the races are to be of the ocean but In the result of the THE STYLE HAS THE ATTRACTIVELY CARELESS stared! and the handicap of time Advantago Defender scarcity of sight-seein- g vessels and the AND EASY OF A yacht to By fr smaller capacity (o which the available LINES GARMENT TO WHICH ONE which a larva must concede her peculiar construction tho by new lata nee of challenger in cnes are limited the safety h smaller. lateral fen the laws. HAS BEEN ACCUSTOMED BY LONG SERVICE Bhamrock TV, being- a larger boat, greater than 'Renolute's. This will (five the defender the advantage on an Private yachts by the score, excur- must give a time handicap to Resolute. sion boats, steamers and all kinds of1 Upon the length of that handicap ellipse-- But the designer of the chal government When Folks READY-T- O lenger speed on a llpht craft and vessels P U T - victory will be won. favored terrific -- f ON tne SO Sandy straightaway to 'bring enough advan- will line the mile course of The challenger will finish first in Hook Ambrose lightship and Quit Coffee upon firmly tage to discount any loss occasioned from the the race the established return. , CUSTOM SERVICE WITHOUT' fact that a larger boat will always de in making the turns gov- cost to Into The course will be patrolled by because of TRV-O- feat a smaller boat. After all it resolves Itself a vcrupIh rpini- - THE ANNOYANCE OF A question of handling. yacht ernment tn enfnrVA the If the challenger Is forced to give a The best ln.tlonn nnrt I health or purse, they In could in un- keen hack the snectators. handicap of alx minutes to the defen- the world be beaten race committee, the officiHls of 1 skilled hands. The naturally drink TAILORED AT FASHION PARR der, she must finish with a lead of the New York Yacht Club and the 4 miles and she can do It. Yacht racing In some respects Is racing. visit the referee will follow the two sloops tn a Depends on Handicap lot like horse "Touts" yacht commanded by Capt. Bltx, the The greater the amount of the han- tracks to see the thoroughbreds work racing super chances, quite out. They watch, they time, they New York Yacht Club's dicap the less her liitendent. , - ff--w- ed to give a figure and they dHe the performances Instant IPADSDC-- handicap of minutes, the cup will but they ate never sure. Jt might be wm- nine Ifc'pcitd on Wenilier $52.50 to $87.50 remain In America tecause no yacht govern fConMnJoJ on Page Weather condition entirely afloat can irlve that much distance. !. the starting time of the race. ITpon fore- Postum Past experiences and the weather cast for the day it is thought that the defender and the challenger will not 'There's a Reason HERMAX ClACSSENICS be a hie to get away from the starting Special Agent QUALITY BTETIVTCH line before 4 o'clock. Shamrock IV is the fourth represen fdaho State Life Insurance tative of Sir Thomas Llpton's million- - Co. dollar bid for the cup. Previous ef DOWNEY'S MARKET forts were made In 1899. 1901 and i Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee An Old I.lne Company that doea all success. 103 without Chronin nnd rrvous DiwnftM nnri its business in the west. Buying Shamrock IV, termed the most dar- 210 Beauregard SL S3 In Groceries building art. Luxuuea of Women. Electro P. O. Box ing of the modern yacht Therapeutics. Phone 22T-- wan designed by O. B. Nicholson, de- numerous Temple Bldg. Room IS signer of Fife, Watson and Phone 41 Quality Counts other famous yachts. He is said to be the brlKhtest light in British yacht- h. s. Mckenzie, m. d. Buying something cheap and having it go ing circles and in Shamrock IV has designed what Is said to to the su- C. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. only as good not bid of old world.
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