2012 Valid List Sorted by Base Handicap
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Date: 10/19/2012 2012 Valid List Sorted by Base Handicap Page 1 of 30 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap Yacht Design Last Name First Name Yacht Name Fleet Date Sail Number Base Racing Cruising R P 90 David George Rambler NEW2 R021912 25556 -171 -171 -156 J/V I R C 66 Meyers Daniel Numbers MHD2 R012912 119 -132 -132 -120 C T M 66 Carlson Gustav Aurora NEW2 N081412 50095 -99 -99 -90 I R C 52 Fragomen Austin Interlodge SMV2 N072412 5210 -84 -84 -72 T P 52 Swartz James Vesper SMV2 C071912 52007 -84 -87 -72 Farr 50 O' Hanley Ron Privateer NEW2 N072412 50009 -81 -81 -72 Andrews 68 Burke Arthur D Shindig NBD2 R060412 55655 -75 -75 -66 Chantier Naval Goldsmith Mat Sejaa NEW2 N042712 03 -75 -75 -63 Ker 55 Damelio Michael Denali MHD2 R031912 55 -72 -72 -60 Maxi Kiefer Charles Nirvana MHD2 R041812 32323 -72 -72 -60 Tripp 65 Academy Mass Maritime Prevail MRN2 N032212 62408 -72 -72 -60 Custom Schotte Richard Isobel GOM2 R062712 60295 -69 -69 -57 Custom Anderson Ed Angel NEW2 R020312 CAY-2 -57 -51 -36 Merlen 49 Hill Hammett Defiance NEW2 N020812 IVB 4915 -42 -42 -30 Swan 62 Tharp Twanette Glisse SMV2 N071912 -24 -18 -6 Open Class 50 Harris Joseph Gryphon Soloz NBD2 R091112 47A60311 -18 -18 -6 Baltic 50 Mc Laughlin Kevin Crazy Horse NBD2 N051012 43777 -12 -9 3 Custom 90 Pilot House YawlStaley James Bequa MAT2 R040512 NONE -12 -12 -6 Nautor Swan 56 Pegden Lisa Amerigo NEW2 R061512 5629 -12 -12 +3 Reichel/Pugh 45 CustomCashel Michael Miracle HGM2 N072312 50282 -12 -12 -6 Swan 56 Cannavo Dominick Elysium NEW2 N051212 56045 -12 -12 +3 Swan 56 Johnson Michael Moondance COD2 R082712 56000 -12 -12 0 Tripp 47 Jones Matthew Endurance GOM2 R040212 41555 -12 -12 -6 Akilaria Class 40 Davis Mac Kenzie Amhas GOM2 R072312 39 -9 -9 -3 Akilaria Class 40 Dreese Michael Toothface CYC2 R041012 52936 -9 -9 0 J 160 Fougere Alan Avatar MRN2 R041912 54321 -9 0 12 J 180 Hodgson Howard True SMV2 N072212 22 -9 -3 6 Briand 76 De Pietro Nancy Lilla MAT2 N091312 IRL 7600 -6 -6 0 J 160 S D Blake Ben Atlantic NEW2 C071112 51188 -3 +3 +18 Swan 42 O D Colburn Kenneth H. Apparition GOM2 R061912 4235 -3 -3 +9 Swan 42 O D R Culver Chris Blazer GOM2 R072412 4243 -3 -3 +9 Thompson 35 Gorman Rob Vida Zee MHD2 R042112 51351 -3 -9 6 Pearson Triton Burnham Christopher Ring COD2 R092012 559 261 270 12 Metre Gregory Gary Valiant MHD2 R071212 US 24 3 9 9 Farr 40 O D Chuang John Shout CYC2 R042312 51918 3 -6 12 Date: 10/19/2012 2012 Valid List Sorted by Base Handicap Page 2 of 30 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap Yacht Design Last Name First Name Yacht Name Fleet Date Sail Number Base Racing Cruising Taylor 54 Steinberg Barry Glory MRN2 R032212 52540 6 15 21 Tripp 47 Cunha Brian Irie NEW2 R020312 43678 9 3 9 Baltic 47 Feldman Barry Scarlet MRN2 R053012 2323 12 12 27 Ocean 80 Watson Jr. Arthur K Too Elusive GOM2 R041512 51981 12 21 27 Taylor 45 Smith Jud Africa MHD2 R030812 50974 12 9 21 Farr 39 M L Price Peter Big Dog Party GOM2 R051712 50939 15 12 21 J 47 Levenson Barry Tenacious MRN2 R061912 43584 15 30 45 I M X 45 S D Rockefeller David Cybele GOM2 R071312 52045 18 15 30 J 130 Kristiansen Kris Saga MHD2 R020712 51484 24 30 39 Little Harbor 68 Naylor Andrew Mach Buster GOM2 R072412 0 24 30 45 Reichel-Pugh 30 Mitchell Doug The Cone Of SilenceCYC2 R051612 38699 24 24 33 Swan 53 Gordon Marvin Blue Pigeon Too MRN2 R052812 51824 24 30 42 Baltic 52 Selldorff Thomas Kinship NBD2 R022412 51333 27 27 39 J 44 Berardi Jr. Eugene J. The Breeze SMV2 R021312 42246 27 24 39 J 44 Bienkowski Daniel Morning Star GOM2 R072212 42653 27 27 39 J 44 Mc Laughlin Kevin Spice NBD2 R051012 42673 27 30 42 New York 50 Ryan Charlie Spartan NEW2 N041412 NY 6 27 27 39 Swan 48-2 Desmond Jack Affinity MRN2 R042312 50007 27 33 36 Swan 48-2 R Lippman Andrew Catch 22 MHD2 R021812 60422 27 24 33 Sydney 38 O D Stevenson Richard Buzz GOM2 R053112 93102 27 36 39 Farr 395 Clarke Stephen Nextwave NEW2 R040212 31113 30 30 42 Farr 395 Evans James G Old School GOM2 N022712 39532 30 30 39 Farr 395 Marchant Doyle Revolution X11 GOM2 R032012 39521 30 30 42 Farr 395 Thornton Richard D. Blue Moon MRN2 R061112 39520 30 30 39 J 122 Shaw George Tumbleweed MHD2 R082912 52770 30 30 39 J 124 Curtiss Douglas Wicked NBD2 R060412 20 30 30 42 J 124 Flynn Shane War Bride GOM2 R052412 30 24 39 J 124 Mc Cue David Bel Camto MAN2 R062412 52546 30 30 42 J 130SD Eberle Jeff Cilista MAN2 R062412 46 30 30 39 Morris 454 Von Hirsch Andrew Poppaea GOM2 R072412 52454 30 27 42 Perry Custom Sloop/CutterRosen Gerald Illusion BWS2 R051012 30 39 45 12 Metre Mc Millen 111 Earl Onawa NEW2 R011512 12/US-6 33 27 33 J 122 Miller David Resolute GOM2 R042012 7050 33 33 45 J 46 D K Jacobson William Vanish CYC2 R051212 51613 33 33 45 1 D35 Schimenti John Zefiro Toma NEW2 R043012 5035 36 24 42 Date: 10/19/2012 2012 Valid List Sorted by Base Handicap Page 3 of 30 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed. Please review the appilication form, handicap adjustments, boat variants and modified boat list reports to understand the many factors including the fleet handicapper observations that are considered by the handicap committee in establishing a boat's handicap Yacht Design Last Name First Name Yacht Name Fleet Date Sail Number Base Racing Cruising Aerodyne 38 D' Alessandro A.C. Alexis MHD2 R053112 50405 39 39 48 Beneteau 44.7 S D Bearse Scott Slide Rule COD2 R061612 51407 39 54 57 Custom Frantz L.Scott Ticonderoga NEW2 R012712 100 39 39 54 Custom White Joel S Ginger GOM2 N071712 4789 39 36 51 Farr 395 Chandler,M.D. Hugh Scherherazade MHD2 C062312 39512 39 39 39 J 46 Egan Richard Wings COD2 R061612 04 39 54 57 J 46 Smith Philip J. Strega MHD2 R012612 39 39 51 57 Sabre 452 Millet David Capella MHD2 R022812 51109 39 45 51 W. Fife Fischer Armin Sumurun GOM2 R072312 14 39 39 54 I M X 40 Hall Gordon Katabatic MHD2 R030612 9393 42 45 51 I M X 40 Walsh Michael Langosta MHD2 R051212 51758 42 45 51 I M X 40 Yaissle Jack Amadeus NEW2 R011512 38 42 36 48 J 111 Brauer Henry Fleetwing MHD2 R020712 37 42 42 54 J 111 Johnstone Robert Fleetwing NEW2 R012412 37 42 42 54 J 111 Kaye Edward Pravda 2 MHD2 R042212 45 42 42 54 J 111 One Design Curtiss Douglas Wicked 2.0 NBD2 R051012 30 42 42 54 Jenneau 54 Deck Salon Blank Brian Namaste COD2 R061612 42 57 72 Jenneau 54 Deck Salon Blank Brian Free Rein COD2 R061612 02 42 57 72 Nelson Marek 40 Di Mattia Ralph Shamrock HGM2 R032312 25279 42 51 54 Henderson 30 Brown Peter Heart Of Gold CYC2 R052412 119 45 45 54 Henderson 30 O D Foley Robert Wild Ride HGM2 R051012 109 45 45 54 W-37 Yacht Co, L L C W-Class Race Horse NEW2 R052412 W.37 45 45 57 Farr 43 Kellogg Bob Tamarack GOM2 R042412 43482 48 48 54 Little Harbor 60 Barnes James Lynley 111 NEW2 R032212 61702 48 66 75 Palmer Johnson 53 Symington Ann Anjacaa GOM2 R060212 1973 48 48 60 Sabre 452 W K Sneider Richard Lua Pirata MRN2 R050212 48 54 69 Sabre 452 W K Weiss Joshua Denali MRN2 R042312 60156 48 54 69 Beneteau 49 White Gregory Area NBD2 R041012 52841 51 69 69 Hallett 33 Hallett Richard Family Wagon GOM2 R051712 52933 51 63 78 J 120 Besse Stephen Apres SMV2 R071112 50454 51 51 60 J 120 Follett David Glory MRN2 C053012 51916 51 51 60 J 120 Hourihan Seamus Ruffian MHD2 R053112 51373 51 51 63 J 120 Joy Richard Soulmate MAT2 R070912 51102 51 51 60 J 120 Masiero Jim Ursus Maritimus MRN2 R033212 161 51 51 60 J 120 Spears Brian Macison NEW2 N073012 83293 51 51 60 Date: 10/19/2012 2012 Valid List Sorted by Base Handicap Page 4 of 30 This Valid List is to be used to verify an individual boat's handicap, and valid date, and should not be used to establish handicaps for any other boats not listed.