Current CRA Membership and Boat Roster

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Current CRA Membership and Boat Roster BOUY RLC MBR FIRST NAME LAST NAME SAIL NUMBER BOAT NAME BOAT TYPE BOAT LOCATION RATING RATING MBR # TYPE Brad Alberts 46307 El Sueño Beneteau First 47.7 Sunroad Marina 21 18 41 REG Sarah Alexander 745 ASSOC Brett Allen 30231 Vamos Olson 30 SWYC 96 96 623 ASSOC John Allington 743 ASSOC Randy Ames 77394 Liberty Schumacher 30 SWYC 135 / 135 / 174 REG Lawrence Andrews 69933 Too Loco ex Ripple Riptide 35 Southwestern 40 30 778 REG Tyler Babcock 56046 Playa Grande Beneteau 40.7 SDYC 54 54 571 REG Dave Baer 57789 Casamar Catalina 30 SWYC 198 198 38 REG Thomas Barker 60010 GoodCall Swan 60 Kona Kia 108 REG David Basham 3017 Cimarron Ericson 35-II A4/O5 147 144 103 REG Ivan Batanov USA7219 Zero Gravity Soto 40 Shelter Island Boatyard -3 -9 451 REG Tony Beale USA 52 Scotch Bonnet Melges 24 90 75 130 REG Drew Belk 60486 Precepts II Beneteau First 40 Sunroads Marina 15 15 786 REG Julie Bendig 434 ASSOC Christopher Bennett 42733 Maleficent Beneteau First 42s7 Bay Club Marina 78 72 56 REG Scott Bennett 87268 Blind Squirrel (1/2 Partner) WD Schock/Santana 30/30 GP/30' Harbor Island West 628 120 120 588 REG Mark Berdan 23 UnEven KEEL Farrier/ F82r/ 27' Silver Gate Yacht Club 51 51 483 REG Robert Berkley USA60671 Charisma Grand Soleil 45/45 B91 Sun Harbor Marina 81 75 454 REG Peter Blake 56403 Rio del Mar Catalina 34 SWYC 153 153 88 REG Brian Bohan 77250 Flying Colors Islander 30 Kona Kai 180 180 303 ASSOC Chuck Bowers 32217 Rhumb Runner J Boats / J-29 AC Harbor F3 111 111 539 REG Joe Braun 87879 Shaman Schock Oceanside 72 72 802 REG Michael Brawner 7926 Zarafa Leonardo Yachts BV Eagle 44 43'9 SDYC F-57 81 75 511 REG james bryant 56984 Nui Uli Uli Hanse 540e/52.76 ft. Hhelter Cove Matina 18 704 REG John Brynjolfsson 61357 Saga Beneteau/First/40 Sun Road Marina, H42 36 36 767 REG Chip Buck 32159 Shadow J 29 FROB Coronado Cays 114 114 550 REG Dan Bunce 7096 Scenic Bill Lee Yachts Santa Cruz 33 Cabrillo Island Marina E2 99 99 663 REG Karen Busch usa 61277 Wani Racing Ericson 35 mkII SDYC f-67 144 141 307 REG Ted Butterfield 7223 Adventure Beneteau 36.7 SWYC 84 84 99 REG Charles Campbell 130 Bravo One Rondar Viper 640 Dry 111 90 746 REG Philip Carlsen 828 ASSOC Steve Carter 198 Geronimo J/109 Bay Club 69 60 39 REG David Cattle 60161 Flashheart J/100 Half Moon Bay 84 72 23 REG Richard Chambers 83 Last Call! Catalina 36 Harbor Island West Marina 144 144 195 REG Alec Charters 7531 Tenacious Beneteau First 44.7 Sunroads 39 41 595 REG David Cheresh 52447 Athena Beneteau/44.7 SDYC Slip A19 24 18 254 REG Timothy Chin USA008 Abacus Flying Tiger 10 SGYC 54 45 184 REG Christopher Clements 647 ASSOC Mark Clements 77699 Outlander Hobie 33 Point Loma 96 81 71 REG jeff cobb 60151 Tegwynt Beneteau 35S5 Marina Cortez 818 REG Richard Collins 503 Lucky Duck J 105 SDYC 657 REG Dennis Conner 7397 Menace XXIV Nelson-Merrick 43 sivergate 12 12 25 HON Colleen Cooke 101 ASSOC BOUY RLC MBR FIRST NAME LAST NAME SAIL NUMBER BOAT NAME BOAT TYPE BOAT LOCATION RATING RATING MBR # TYPE St. Elmo Crawford Erasmus Nautitech Open 40 Shelter Cove Marina 796 REG darren day Irish Wake C&C 37/40 Shelter Island Marina 835 REG Stephanie Devaney 77699 Outlander Hobie 33’ Point Loma 96 81 721 REG Mike Dore 97662 Decoy Hunter 28.5 SDYC 186 186 7 REG Jim Dorsey 45 J-OK J-105 SDYC 90 84 128 REG John Downing SUI 30 Ran Esse 750, 24 ft. SDYC I dock 87 75 573 REG Keith Ericson 43513 B'Quest Tripp 40 Harbor Island West Marina 54 51 10 REG Susan Evans Audeamus Bavaria Vision 42 Sun Road Marina 683 REG Paul Farrell 70 REG david faulkner 739 ASSOC Standish Fleming 7065 Nereid J-Boats/J-125/41.1 Shelter Island Marina 3 -6 581 REG Ronald Floyd USA 61326 Wayfinder Beneteau Oceanis 41.1 Sunroad Resort Marina 129 129 715 REG Timothy Forderer 77520 Holy Toledo West Hobie 33 E67 96 81 729 REG John Fox 56929 Esprit de Leau Benetaeu Balboa Marina 800 REG Dennis Frost 57435 Allure Ericson 381 CYM Chula Vista 117 117 740 REG Don Fulton 97300 Blue Lunatic J35 SDYC 72 87 114 REG Derek Gaertner TBD Project 53 J Boat J/27 27.5' Mooring - America's Cup Harbor 129 129 708 REG Don Garber 4 Zealot TPI/Alerion Express 38-2/38.1 B-12 111 107 782 REG David Gardner 27995 38 Special Kettenburg 38 Shelter Cove Marina 168 162 REG Jennifer Garvey 371 ASSOC Timothy Gaub 18267 M8 J 27 SWYC 129 789 REG Lynsi Gibbons Snipe MBYC 599 ASSOC Susan Graff 4 ASSOC Dale Greaney 7502 Pelican Islander 32-3 Harbor Island West Marina 192 192 673 REG Summer Greene 909 Mostly Harmless Etchells SDYC 105 105 809 REG Warren Gross 51504 Silhouette Beneteau 40.7 SDYC 54 54 34 REG Michael Grupp 7020 Sorcerer Beneteau / First 36.7 / 36' SDYC 84 84 375 REG Seth Hall 56443 Marisol J/124 40 Newport Beach 33 34 768 REG Charles Hanson 93000 Moxie 1992 Carroll Tripp 47 Intrepid 12 15 572 REG Cleve Hardaker 46351 Sojourn Catalina 30 SGYC C7 198 198 31 REG Timothy Harmon 7918 Cirrus J Boats J/124 40.7 Newport Beach 39 39 435 REG Rudolph Hasl 93145 Palaemon J/145 San Diego Yacht Club -9 -15 77 REG Lloyd Hawley 302 Alondra Catalina 34 Marina Cortez 153 399 REG Ken Henehan 52170 An Dara Claddagh C&C 33 MKII Shelter Island Marina 132 132 24 REG Robby Hickethier 13 Deathroll Capri 22 mark 2 Point Loma Marina Unkno Unkno 827 REG malcolm hill 77250 Flying Colors Islander/Bahama/30 Kona Kai 174 174 658 REG Tom Hirsh USA 118 Relapse FT 10 SWYC 54 45 19 REG Dick Hohol 28507 Blue Agave Beneteau 40.7 SWYC E18 54 54 102 REG Richard Hohol 28507 Blue Agave Beneteau / 40.7 / 39.4 SWYC 54 54 826 REG Steve & Lucy Howell 435 Blink! J Boats SDYC 90 84 68 REG Peter Hunt 568 Tiny Bubbles Catalina 320 Fiddler's Cove 150 150 832 REG Ryan Hunter 56222 Marlen j34 Southwestern YC 117 117 565 REG Corey Isaacson 77812 Ciao Bella C&C 34 Humphrey's Half Moon Marina 144 144 787 REG BOUY RLC MBR FIRST NAME LAST NAME SAIL NUMBER BOAT NAME BOAT TYPE BOAT LOCATION RATING RATING MBR # TYPE Eric Johnson 46177 Kestrel Capri 22 Shelter Cove Marina 210 210 8 REG Jeffrey Johnson 67316 Spellbinder WD Schock / Santana 35 Oceanside 120 120 596 REG Ryan Jurkowski 2275 IRIE J/24/24 Half Moon Marina 174 174 669 REG Kym Kapalla 35053 Meridian Carroll Marine 1D35 35 ft SWYC 42 42 430 REG George Karris 9 Shishito Flying Tiger 10M E-1 54 45 765 REG Jim Keegan 439 ASSOC John Klitsner 61246 Nauti Cal Beneteau 331 Harbor Island West 159 159 719 REG John Laun 46996 caper J/120 SDYC 51 42 27 REG gary Steven Lausch 624 ASSOC Mick Laver 1432 Cinnamon Catalina 34 Mk II Bay Club 770 REG Sandy Leon 648 Liberator Catalina Capri Victory 21 Harbor Island West Marina 275 274 369 REG Lisa Leweck 60 American Girl Alerion Express 28 SDYC 171 171 558 REG Jerry Lewis 67123 Kudzu Catalina 27 SWYC 210 198 602 REG Robert Littleton 61649 Encore2 Catalina 42 MK II CCYC B5 108 102 753 REG Andrei Litvak 7723 Jackdaw Hanse 315 30ft Sunroad marina 168 168 732 REG Don Logan 67871 Kaizen Schock Boats Newport Beach 120 805 REG Peter Lucas 27065 Flexible Flyer Corsair 31 UC Kona Kai Marina -6 -6 91 REG Ed Machado 9 Juiced J 105 Shelter Island 804 REG Robert Madruga 52760 Windsome Beneteau/473/48' Point Loma Marina 90 81 87 REG Bill Marchant 694 ASSOC Andy Marcus 77704 Rowdy Rogers 39M San Diego Yacht Club B-19 81 81 697 REG MD Margo 429 ASSOC Joe Markee 34 Ohana Swede SDYC G-56 70 65 463 REG Nancy Marshall 140 ASSOC William Mason 61181 Komet Dehler 34 Southwestern Yacht Club 135 135 292 REG Kyle McCaig NA Puffin J24 Shelter Island 174 174 825 REG Marv McCarthy USA 61407 Kayleigh Beneteau Oceanis 34 Harbor Island West Slip 531 Not y Not y 831 REG Eric McManus 736 Awesome Catalina 34 Marriott Marina 153 153 400 REG Raymond McMurphy 7281 Sail Away Beneteau Oceanis 38 Cabrillo Isle Marina 126 114 700 REG John Meihls 97661 A Wisp Of Wind Olson 911SE (30 ft) Harbor Is. West Marina 129 129 322 REG Enrique Mereles 97001 AL Na'ir Adhara SDYC 84 87 678 REG Roderick Messinger 46025 Voracious Santana 525 Mission bay moorings 192 192 379 REG Oliver Michaelis US-28770 Troublespot McDell Farr 30 Kona Kai Marina 54 48 498 REG Ben Miller 61242 Bel Far Niente Beneteau 35.1 Harbor Island West 153 153 74 REG Arthur Mitchell 517 ASSOC Julie Mitchell 814 ASSOC Mick Moore 37600 Masquerade Ranger 37 Marina Cortez 126 126 390 REG Craig Moss 2164 Maléna Catalina 36 Humphreys 144 144 822 REG Roy Mumma 47200 Bolero Ranger 33 150 150 199 REG Brion Murray 60122 Pronto122 J boat/j122/40 ft SWYC 27 21 514 REG Tracy Nackel 811 ASSOC Jacques Naviaux 56952 Belle Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 349 SWYC 148 148 712 REG Johannes Neuendorf 28 Invisible Hand C&C30 OD Marina Cortez 45 36 644 REG BOUY RLC MBR FIRST NAME LAST NAME SAIL NUMBER BOAT NAME BOAT TYPE BOAT LOCATION RATING RATING MBR # TYPE Jan Newell 830 ASSOC Charles Nichols 28596 CC Rider JBoats/J120/40ft SDYC 51 42 788 REG Michael Niggli 7303 Miss Lorelei Beneteau/Oceanis 36 San Diego Yacht Club 135 135 133 REG Robert Noe 433 Mad Hatter J/30 Shelter Cove Marina 138 138 43 REG David Nolan 502 JIM J/105 Marina Cortez 90 84 48 REG Walter Noss 7181 (on Main) Viva La Vida 2011 Beneteau First 30 - 31 LOA Harbor Island West Marina 93 (p 84 (p 640 REG alec oberschmidt 69152 Staghound Reichel/Pugh 50 swyc -63 -57 57 REG Kathy O'Brien 777 ASSOC Joanne O'Dea 57199 Quick Meteor Laser 28 San Diego Yacht Club 132 132 833 REG Robert Pace 69148 Andiamo2 J-145 Bay Club Marina -9 -15 123 REG Chuck Peinado 60762 Gaucho Tartan 3700, 37ft Cabrillo Isle slip C10 718 REG Ernie Pennell 66960 More Madness J145 48 ft.
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