PHRF MASTER PHRF Master Nov 2017.Xlsx 2/15/18

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PHRF MASTER PHRF Master Nov 2017.Xlsx 2/15/18 Sail BoatName BoatType Skipper Club PHRF 276 CORSAIR 31-1D Kersey, Bo AYC -51 215 TRIBOLOGY F31 HORTON, P Casey, D -21 24 LAGNIAPPE F25C HOWARD,J AYC 9 80x F28 AYC 15 60 ARANA de AGUA F28R MAKI,V. AYC 15 163 CHECKMATE STILETTO 23 BUCK,P. AYC 15 1x LADY LEE STILETTO 27 STEVENS,R. AYC 21 22x Corsair 750 Kuc, J AYC 36 356 TRYST F27 AGEE,R AYC 60 246x Warrior 11 Metre Henrickson, James AYC 69 3580 Voodoo Beneteau First 35 BARLOW, ROBERT AYC 78 25527 ZEN 2 BENETEAU First 36.7 BOGGUS,W AYC 78 105-1 J 105 J/105 LEMMONS, K 78 307J J/105 SPURLIN,S AYC 78 675 J/105 LEMONS, KEN AYC 84 1051 Xcitation J/105 Lemons,K AYC 84 30J J/92 SPURLIN, S AYC 90 7 DUTCH COMFORT X-TREME 25 MARSH, PETER AYC 90 J/100 McDonald, Bruce AYC 93 178 COYOTE MELGES 24 ROCHARD,E. AYC 93 22 DANGEROUSLY VIPER 640 SIRCELY, JOE 96 601 VIPER 640 PAYET,FELIPE AYC 96 180 OBESSION OLSON EDWARDS,J. AYC 99 8143 OLSON 30 NEWMAN,J AYC 99 22586 LOWRIDER OLSON 30 COBB,G. AYC 99 149O BLOWN ASSETS OLSON 30 SMITH,T. AYC 99 MISTRAL ELITE 37 CUSHING, DORAN AYC 102 103 THE STIG VIPER 640 PAYET, FELIPE AYC 102 102x ANIMAL VIPER 640 JONES, JEFF & CARRIE AYC 102 42V GIDDY UP VIPER 640 VLANDINGHM AYC 105 31198x Red Sky C&C 37 PETERSON, BAY AYC 108 145 GODZILLA J/29 Tillinghast, J AYC 108 149 IMAGINE J/29 MEYERS,R Romberg, M. AYC 108 186 AVALANCHE J/29 YOUNG, S AYC 108 VX1 McFarland, Bruce AYC 108 158 Perihelion J/70 Chorhummel, Ansgar AYC 111 50 ROUGE WARRIOR J/70 McDonald, Bruce AYC 111 3479 SB20 DISALVO, DAVID AYC 111 3883 RUSH TRIPP 26 HARGETT, CHRIS AYC 111 380 DOLCI SOGNI HUNTER 380 BUMPUS,W AYC 114 43757 LETHAL WEAPON J/27 ELLIOT, SCOT 117 122 JazzTacks J/80 Bogisch/Goldsmith AYC 117 1319 JACKRABBIT J/80 WELLES, CLAUDE AYC 117 490 WILD HARE J/80 SCHWANN, BRENT AYC 117 720 AIR SUPPLY J/80 TAYLOR, ED AYC 117 488 LICKETY SPLIT J/80 LEONARD, BOB AYC 117 266 FLYER J/80 Shull, Ray AYC 117 288 CHILI PEPPER J/80 PLETCHER,T AYC 117 40999 J/27 AYC 120 52 SIYAGRVA Beneteau 3.73 LANDRY,MICHAEL AYC 123 n/a n/a Beneteau 27.7 Rackley, Gray AYC 126 89 PLEIADES CATALINA 321 CONRAD,J AYC 129 63119 KALO TAXIDI S2 9.1 ADAMS, DEBBIE AYC 129 97925 RED HOT CHILI PEPPER B-25 DAVIS, PHILLIP AYC 135 27P THIS SIDE UP PEARSON FLYER DEWITT,R. AYC 135 423 ORION HUNTER 35.5 TEMPELMEYR AYC 138 319 ZOT J/30 BOWDEN,B. AYC 138 331J PLAY J J/30 HARDEN,R. AYC 138 28 ROSS 830 AYC 138 28PHRF MASTER ROSS PHRF_Master830 Nov 2017.xlsx AYC2/15/18 138 Sail BoatName BoatType Skipper Club PHRF 6 POOH-BAH BENETEAU 321 BLACK,L AYC 141 90 ISLAND TIME BENETEAU 323 OCEANIC OSBORN, JAMES AYC 144 47 SLAM DUNK BENETEAU 32s5 BARLOW, ROBERT 144 48 RHYTHM WYLIE WABBIT HARGRAVES AYC 144 68 BLEW BY U20 ULTIMATE 20 WILSON,R AYC 150 96 ULTIMATE 20 DRAKE,S. AYC 150 4413 Sprite CS 30 Mayne, C 153 157 TOUCAN TANGO BENETEAU OCEANIS 311 BARLOW, ROBERT 156 21 CRAZY HORSE MOORE 24 CERALDI,R AYC 156 139 AMORE CATALINA 320 BLOCK,C. AYC 159 331 CATALINA 320 BARBER,J AYC 159 27 OLSON 25 AYC 159 62O OLSON 25 KOPPERS,M AYC 159 33929 NEMESIS BENETEAU 30 SUDERMANN AYC 162 42 TAG YOUR IT CAL 9.2 GERLOFF AYC 162 62 CALIENTE CAL 9.2 PRESSWOOD AYC 162 71 MARIAH CAL 9.2 RIHA,F. Carson K. AYC 162 732 ROSS 650 AYC 162 353 ZEPHYR MERIT 25 CAHILL, B 165 450 KAMIKAZE MERIT 25 BANGS,S. AYC 165 484 COORDINATES MERIT 25 LANE,B. AYC 165 1444 OOH-AAH J/24 CASEY, AMANDA AYC 168 267 BADMOON J/24 Holmes-Moon, K AYC 168 69 BOX LUNCH J/24 SMITH,B AYC 168 187 PSYCHO J/24 SCHROTH,F. AYC 168 255 E.W.M.A.N. J/24 REYNOLDS,N AYC 168 272 FLOUR POWER J/24 AMRHEIN,F AYC 168 689 QUICKSILVER J/24 BARRETT,M AYC 168 791 RUNNING ON EMPTY J/24 HARDEN,B. AYC 168 901 HOLLYWOOD WALTZ J/24 SMITH,W. AYC 168 916 J/24 SCHUSTER,H AYC 168 920 FOLLOW ME J/24 SLOWIK,T. AYC 168 923 RUN A MUCK J/24 SHELTON,T. AYC 168 1429 J/24 PRATT,C. AYC 168 1564 SHADOWFAX J/24 WELLMAN,M. AYC 168 1597 RAY BAN J/24 JOHNSON,A. AYC 168 1997 OUT OF CONTROL J/24 BURKE,S AYC 168 2006 J/24 UNKNOWN AYC 168 2018 AMMO BOX J/24 MANCUSO,J AYC 168 2105 TROJAN HORSE J/24 PLATTSMEIR AYC 168 2177 RAGTAG J/24 LANCE,L. AYC 168 2285 3 SHEETS/WIND J/24 ANDERSON,L AYC 168 2380 SUPERMAN J/24 BROADWAY,D AYC 168 2501 AEOLIAN J/24 WILSON,B. AYC 168 2624 YIKES! J/24 SLOWIK,T AYC 168 2634 J/24 SLOWIK,T AYC 168 2730 MY JOY J/24 LARRYPARK AYC 168 2731 OUT OF CONTROL J/24 BURKE,S. AYC 168 3282 SURFACE TENSION J/24 LOOSE,D. AYC 168 3295 J/24 D'JENNAS,F AYC 168 3355 J/24 MCCOLLUM,H AYC 168 3496 SNAKE EYES J/24 CORLEY,D. AYC 168 5319 MR. HAPPY J/24 HARDEN/NEL AYC 168 5325 GUCCI J/24 HARDENR AYC 168 25442 J/24 UNKNOWN AYC 168 20J KNOT ENOUGH J/24 BARRETT,M AYC 168 466 S2 7.9 AYC 168 79 SR-MX SR-MX DESALVO,D AYC 168 29 AQUILA C&C 29 RAGO, WILLIAM 171 19PHRF MASTERJOY RIDE CAPRI PHRF_Master25 Nov 2017.xlsxMAUKEY, DYLAN AYC2/15/18 171 Sail BoatName BoatType Skipper Club PHRF 1927 ORNERY CAPRI 25 MADDALOZZO, JOHN AYC 171 234x J/22 SAUNDERS,J AYC 171 192 JABBERWOCKY J/22 BROWN,S. AYC 171 137 S2 7.9 MEYER,T. AYC 171 68 CATALINA 310 TAYLOR, TIM 174 H31 LocanOra HUNTER 31 Leasure, Bryan AYC 174 33 SERUPH HUNTER 33 HEADIFEN,G AYC 174 76 PYGON HUNTER 33 THORNTON,B AYC 174 503 HUNTER 33 ELLERMAN,K AYC 174 346 Short Fuse J/22 Berringer, Ken AYC 174 270 Riff Raff J/22 Uphaus, Bruce AYC 174 621 CRASH COURSE J/22 RACKLEY, GRAY Butera, R AYC 174 984 J/22 Rene Ruais AYC 174 454 J/22 HAMMETT, D AYC 174 463 J/22 AYC 174 120 IMPETUOUS J/22 MITCHELL,B AYC 174 234 J/22 SAUNDERS,J AYC 174 325 J/22 DWIGHT,C AYC 174 615 THUMPER J/22 PETTIT,R. AYC 174 619 MIND THE GAP J/22 JUDSON,M. AYC 174 627 RACE FROG J/22 WILCOX,D. AYC 174 665 SLO-POKE J/22 Slowik, Tony AYC 174 199 LAREDO GIRL SONAR 23 BALLETT,P. AYC 174 11489 MANANA II TARTAN 27 JOHNSON,R AYC 174 41189 MANANA TARTAN 28 JOHNSON,R AYC 174 47 BENETEAU 31 BARLOW, ROBERT AYC 177 219 SAN JUAN 28 AYC 177 0 Ama Mama Aussie 20 Lange, Peter 180 143 Feng Shui BENETEAU F 235 Schmitz, Tim AYC 180 143 FENG SHUI BENETEAU F 235 KLEIN, W AYC 180 9 BENETEAU F235 BERTIN,R AYC 180 30 FUN FUN PERRY,R AYC 180 37 CALAMITY JEANE FUN 23 GOLDSMITH AYC 180 38 KNOT SERIOUS FUN 23 PERRY,B. AYC 180 306 TOP DUCK HOLDER 20 PULLEN,T. AYC 180 195 IMPULSE 21 DeKeyser, B.R. AYC 180 167 IMPULSE 21 WHEAT,B. AYC 180 184 IMPULSE 21 SCOTT,S. AYC 180 195x ESLOQUES ISLANDER BAHAMA 30 TYLER, VANCE AYC 180 6K K-18 DOWNEY,H AYC 180 224 APHAIA PEARSON 31 OHE,DANE AYC 180 81 RANGER 28 Cindy Naylor AYC 180 229 FROZEN ALIVE HUNTER 28.5 SMITH,M AYC 183 613 ZYDECO HUNTER 28.5 GOLDSMITH AYC 183 127 PEARSON 28-2 AYC 183 97 PEARSON 28-2 ARBON,MARC 183 160 RANGER 29 Soefje, Louie AYC 183 173 HOME O/T RANGER RANGER 29 STEWART,G. AYC 183 391 CATALINA 28 MkII PARSONS,R AYC 186 126 WARRIOR HOLDER 20 AYC 186 156 ESCAPE II HOLDER 20 KAMEN,M AYC 186 161H HOLDER 20 AYC 186 Travis McGee HUNTER 26.5 Ditter, Jeff AYC 186 275 HUNTER 265 EAVES,G AYC 186 Blown Away ISLANDER 30-2 Benker, Bill AYC 186 310 ROZINANTE ISLANDER 30MKII HESTON,F. AYC 186 11111 PEARSON 303 PEARSON 303 DJENNAS Davis, B. AYC 186 11 CAJEN ALBIN 30 COOPER, JOHN AYC 189 139 ECSTASY II ALLMAND 31 MOHR, DON AYC 189 4296PHRF MASTER CATALINAPHRF_Master 30 Nov 2017.xlsxHUTCHINSON, ROCKY AYC2/15/18 189 Sail BoatName BoatType Skipper Club PHRF 5439 CORONA CATALINA 30 REIBLE, DANNY AYC 189 1983 DAUCEN CATALINA 30 GUSTAFSON, K 189 3388 ENDORFIN CATALINA 30 EHLERS,S. AYC 189 234C PRELUDE CATALINA 30 SCHWARTZ, J 189 2811 LIGHT YEARS CATALINA 30 TAPLEY,B. AYC 189 57636 CATALINA 30 TR HAMMOND, BILL AYC 189 54 Far Away HUNTER 28.5 Donovan, Linda AYC 189 243 Eureka! CAL 27 Whitehill, Richard AYC 192 4091 CATALINA 30 BAMBRICK, BILL 192 21H DUECES WILD HARMONY 22 LINGAFELT AYC 192 770 SWAN ROAD HUNTER 30 ROMBERG,A. AYC 192 162 DRAGON SAN JUAN 7.7 REYNOLDS,K AYC 192 159 VITAMIN SEA SAN JUAN 7.7 DK LEWIS,D.
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