Wingps 5 Voyager

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Wingps 5 Voyager Polairdiagrammen -Squib ALBIN ALPHA Auklet 9 Bavaria 33cr Bavaria 42 Bianca III 1 Ton Albin Ballad AVANCE 24 Bavaria 34 1.85 Bavaria 42cruiser BIRDIE 32 1-Tonner OO Albin Balled Avance 36 Bavaria 34 AC Bavaria 430 lagoon Blue Moon 8 mtr. 100D 50 ALBIN DELTA B 26 BAVARIA 34 CRUISER Bavaria 44 1.65 Blusail 24 116 Jezquel Albin Nova B 31 Bavaria 34 Bavaria 44 AC 03-0 bno 183 11_Metre Albin Singoalla B&C 41 BAVARIA 340 C Bavaria 44 Vision BOLING 1D35 ALBIN STRATUS B&C IMS37CR Bavaria 340 x 1.70 Bavaria 44 BONGO 870 1D48 ALBIN VEGA 27 B&C46 Bavaria 34_3x1.35 Bavaria 44x1.95 BONGO 9.60 1_2 TON ONE OFF ALBIN VIGGEN B-32 Bavaria 35 exlc. Bavaria 46 2.00 BONIN 358 1_2 Ton ALC 46 BA 40 BAVARIA 35 HOLIDAY BAVARIA 46 C Bonita 767 1_2 Tonner ALEKSTAR 25 BAD 27 Bavaria 35 Holyday BAVARIA 46 CR Bonita767x1.40 1_4 TON ONE OFF Alligator BAD 37 Bavaria 35 Match D BAVARIA 46 CRUISER Bood 28 1_4 Ton ALO 28 Bahama 43 Bavaria 35 match BAVARIA 46 HOLIDAY Bood 36 2 TONNER Aloa 27 Sport BAKKE 26 BAVARIA 350 Bavaria 46 x 2.00 Booty 24 312 PLUS ALOA 27 BALLAD Bavaria 36 AC 2003 BAVARIA 46 Bosgraaf 37x1.9 50 ‘ IOR ALPA 12.70 Baltic 35 Bavaria 36 AC 98-9 BAVARIA 47 BOXER 24 7 m S ALPA 34 Baltic 37 x2.10 Bavaria 36 AC BAVARIA 50 Brabant II 717 ALPA SUPERMAICA Baltic 37 BAVARIA 36 C Bavaria 50x2.0 BRABANT 747 ALU 41 Baltic 37x2.06 Bavaria 36 CR 01-0 BAVARIA 707 BRAMADOR 34 8 M ALU 980 Baltic 38 BAVARIA 36 CRUISER Bavaria 820x1.30 Breehoorn37x1.90 8 Metres JI Alu. Midzwaard Baltic 39 SD BAVARIA 36 HOLIDAY Bavaria B_one Breehorn 37 1.50 8 MOD Sigma AMEL EUROS 41 Baltic 39 BAVARIA 36 SK BAVARIA CR 40 S Al Breehorn 37 DD 8 MOD AMIGO 27 Baltic 40 (DK) Bavaria 36 x1.95 Bavaria CR 40S Breehorn 37 SD 8M one design Amuthon Baltic 42 DP Bavaria 36-3 Bavaria CR 45 Breehorn 37 _ 2.01 8m one disgn ANTRIM 27 Baltic 42 Bavaria 36 Bavaria Cruiser 36 Breehorn 37 8mIR Aphrodite 101 Baltic 43 BAVARIA 37 AC 99-0 Bavaria Cruiser 40 Breehorn 37x1.95 998DS Aphrodite 29 Baltic 45 DP Bavaria 37 CR Bavaria Cruiser 45 Breehorn 41 A - 40 Apogee 50 Baltic 45 Bavaria 37 Cruiser Bavaria Match 42 Breehorn 44 A 31 APOLLO 12 PLUS Baltic 48 cb Bavaria 37 _ 1.80 BB 10 M Breeon A 35 APOLLO 12 Baltic 48 DP Bavaria 37 BB 13.5 BRENTA 24 A 40 mod APPOLO 12 BALTIC 50 MOD. Bavaria 37Cr BB 25 BRENTA 44 A 40 RC AQUILA (DK) Banner 1_2 Ton Bavaria 38 02-05 BB40 Brenta B 30 A 40 AQUILA Regate BANNER 28 HR SPESI Bavaria 38 ac 98-0 Beaufort 8.3 Briand 43 A-31 Bulb Keel Aquila _1.30 BANNER 28 HR Bavaria 38 cr BEE 650 (Proto) BRIGAND 9.5 A-31 IRC Keel Aquila _1.60 BANNER 30 BAVARIA 38 CRUISER Beluga 40 BRIN DE FOLIE A-31 AQUILA BANNER 33 RC BAVARIA 38 DK Benetaue first 211 Brink 22 A-35 Archam. Sprint Banner 41 BAVARIA 38 Holiday Beneteau 25 Brise de Mer 34 A-40 Extended Keel Archamault 35 BARBERIS 381 BAVARIA 38 Match Beneteau 40.7 BRISTOL 45.5 A-40 Mod ARCHAMBAULT A40 RC Bashford 36 Bavaria 38 ocean Beneteau 456 (Mod) BS CHALLENGE 67 A-40 Arcona 32 BASHFORD 41 BAVARIA 38 SK BENETEAU 47.7 WING Bull 7000 A.C. (ex Pinta) Arcona 340 Bashford H. 41 Bavaria 38 Beneteau 49 Bumerang 32 A.C. ARCONA 36 BAV-35 Match Q MK2 Bavaria 39 C BENETEAU 50 B_one A31 Arcona 370 Bavaraia 38x2.1 Bavaria 39 Caribic Beneteau Figaro C & C 115 A40 rc Arcona 400 BAVARIA 35 Bavaria 39 Cr beneteau first 35 C & C 33 A40 Arcona 410 Bavaria 30 CR Bavaria 39 Cruiser BENETEAU FIRST 40 C & C 44 WK AC Frers Arcona 430 BAVARIA 30 CRUISER Bavaria 40 AC 2001 Beneteau First 45 C 340 Accent 26 ARGO 680 BAVARIA 30 Bavaria 40 AC 98-0 Beneteau Oceanis 4 C&C 115 ACTUAL 46 Bulb ARIES 37.5 BAVARIA 31 CRUISER Bavaria 40 CR BEPOX 9.90 GTE C&C 121 (WK) Adams 10 ARIES 37 Bavaria 31 x 1.75 BAVARIA 40 CRUISER Bestevaer 50 C&C 25 ADVANCED 66 ARLECCHINO MOD. BAVARIA 31 Bavaria 40 Vision Bestevaer 53 ST C&C 30 AEGEAN 234 Arpege _1.40 Bavaria 32 AC 01-0 BAVARIA 40 Bestevaer 56 C&C 30E Aerodyne 38 ASSO 99 ONE DESIGN Bavaria 32 AC Bavaria 40x1.95 BH 36 C&C 372 WK Agari ASTRAEA 260 Bavaria 32 Cr Bavaria 41 Cruiser BH 41 MOD C&C 38 AIKIDO 31 ASTRAEA 295 BAVARIA 32 HOLIDAY Bavaria 41 Holiday BH 41 C&C115 AIOLOS 26+1 ASTRAEA 330 BAVARIA 32 SD BAVARIA 41 BHB 41 C&C115x2.03 AIOLOS 26 ATHENA 44 Bavaria 32 Bavaria 410 Bianca 107 Mk 2 C-55 AKILARIA 950 ATLANTIC 31 mod. BAVARIA 320 BAVARIA 42 AC 98-0 Bianca 107 Cafe 27 ALBATRO ATLANTIC 31 SE BAVARIA 32_1.80 CR BAVARIA 42 CR BIANCA 111 CAFE 30 ALBIN 78 CIRRUS ATLANTIC 31 Bavaria 33 CR 05- Bavaria 42 cruiser Bianca 28 Cal 25 Albin 79 ATLANTIC 44 Bavaria 33 CR BAVARIA 42 DS Bianca 320 CAL 48 Albin 79x1.40 ATLANTIC 49 BAVARIA 33 CRUISER BAVARIA 42 MATCH Bianca 36 CALYPSO 102 ALBIN 82MS ATTALIA 32 Bavaria 33 Excl. Bavaria 42 Ocean BIANCA 360 CANADOS 33 Albin Accent ATTALIA _110_200 Bavaria 33 Bavaria 42 Vision BIANCA 420 CANADOS 37 Stentec Navigation Polairdiagrammen CANARD 41 MKII COMET 28 RACE CONTEST 33 Defender 27 _1.40 Dehler 37x1.85 DISCOVERY 3000EXT CAPE 35 COMET 33 Contest 34 mod Defender 32 x 1.65 DEHLER 38 (SD) Diva 24 DC CAPE NORTH 43 Comet 375 LK Contest 34 Defender 32 _1.65 Dehler 38 13- Diva 35 CAPRICE 40 COMET 375 ST CONTEST 36 S Defender 35 DEHLER 38 C Diva 355 CARABELLI 30 Comet 38 S CONTEST 36 Dehler 25 Cruiser Dehler 38 CWS DIVA 38 CARDEL 28 COMET 38 Contest 36S Dehler 25 Dehler 38 SD Diva 39 Carena 32 COMET 41 C Contest 37 Dehler 25x1.50 Dehler 38 DIXIE 32 CARENA 33 Comet 41 Sport Contest 38s Dehler 28 Dehler 38c 13- DJANGO 750 Duo CARIBBEAN 40 ST.XT COMET 41S (T-Bulb) Contest 40 S Dehler 28x1.35 Dehler 38C DJANGO 770 (2.00) Caribbean 40 COMET 41S BT Contest 42 CS Dehler 29 R Dehler 38R 13- DK 43 CARKEEK 47 COMET 41S CONTEST 42 Dehler 29 x 1.58 Dehler 38R DK 46 CARRERA HELMSMAN COMET 45 S Contest 43 _ 1.85 Dehler 29 DEHLER 39 CWS Dolfin26x1.50 Carter 30 COMET 45S x 2.70 Contest 44 CS Dehler 29R DEHLER 39 JV Dolfin26x1.80 CARTER 33 COMET 45S Contest 45 CS Dehler 29x1.60 DEHLER 39 SQ L.E. DOLPHIN 81 MOD. CARTER 37 COMET 800 Contest 46 WK Dehler 31 _ 1.10 Dehler 39 SQ DOMINANT RACE Carter 39 Comet 850 Contest 46 Dehler 31 _ 1.55 Dehler 39 WK DOMP 825 CARTER 3_4 TON COMET 910 PLUS Contest 48 CS Dehler 31 Dehler 39 _ 1.90 Draak Carter 3_4 COMET 910 Contest 48 Dehler 31x1.10 Dehler 39 _1.90 Drabant 24 Catalina 28 MKII Comfort 26 Contest 48cs x 1.9 Dehler 31x1.45 DEHLER 39 _1.95 DRAC ONE TON Catalina 28 COMFORT 30 Contest 72 Dehler 31x1.55 Dehler 39 DRACO 27 CATALINA 30 COMFORT 32 Contest44x1.80 Dehler 31_1.50 Dehler 39x1.98 DRACO 33 CATALINA 320 COMFORT 34 CONTRAST 33 Dehler 32 JV Dehler 39x2.30 Draijer Catalina 320mkII Comfortina 32 CONTRAST 36 Mod DEHLER 32 SD DEHLER 41 CR DS Drifter 25 _1.25 CATALINA 36 WINGK. Comfortina 35 Contrast 36 DEHLER 32 Dehler 41 CR Drifter 25 _1.48 CATALINA 36 Comfortina 35x1.80 Contrast 362 Dehler 32x1.50 DEHLER 41 DB DROMOR 26 MOD. Catalina 375 COMFORTINA 36 CONWAY 36 SLOOP Dehler 33 COM Dehler 41 DS DROMOR 26 CATCH 22 COMFORTINA 38 CR Cookson 12 Dehler 33 Comp. Dehler 41 JV Dyp k DROMOR 28 SLOOP Cavalier 37 Comfortina 38 COOKSON 50 Dehler 33 CR Dehler 41 DROMOR 48 CAVALIER 37E COMFORTINA 39 CR CORAL 30 Dehler 33 Cruising DEHLER 41DB Dubois 36 CAYENNE INT Comfortina 39 Corby 30 Dehler 33x1.98 Dehler 43 CWS Duetta 860 _ 1.10 CB 33 Comfortina 42 CORBY 43 DEHLER 34 DD Dehler 43x1.75 Duetta 94 _ 1.10 CB 365 Comfortina 42x2.10 Corby 49 Dehler 34 OD Dehler 44 Duetta 94 CB 370 WK Commando 28 COREL 40 OD Dehler 34 SV Dehler 45 Duetta 94x1.10 CB 66 COMPIS 36 COREL 45 Dehler 34 Top Nova Dehler 47 DUF 34 DK Le Tall CENIT 33 Compis CORINTHIAN 28 Dehler 34-3 Dehler DB 2 DUF 34 P DK Sdt Cenit 37 Compromis 720 Cork 1720 Dehler 34 DEHLER DB1 DUF 34E DK Ir Tall CENTAUR 26 Compromis 777 Cormoran Dehler 34SV Dehler DB2 DUF 40 P DK Sdt Centurion 32 COMPROMIS 777S CORUM 27 Dehler 34x1.70 Dehler Dehlya 25 DUF 45E P DK Tall Centurion 40 S Compromis 850 CORUM 350 Dehler 34x1.75 DEHLER DELANTA 80 DUFFY Centurion 40sx2.35 Compromis 888 CP 30 Dehler 35 CR DEHLER OPTIMA 101 DUFOUR 1800 Centurion 41 S Compromis 999 CR 371 Dehler 35 CWS Dehler optima Dufour 27 Centurion 42 Concord 45 CROWN 39 Dehler 35 SV Dehler Sprinta DS Dufour 2800 _ 1.50 CENTURION 45 S Concord 47x2.15 Cruising Sloop Dehler 35 Dehler34x1.70 DUFOUR 2800 Centurion 47 Concord45_2.15 Cumulant 1 DEHLER 35CWS Dehler37x1.50 DUFOUR 29 CHANCE 24 CONDOR (TARTAN) 37 Cumulant II DEHLER 35SQ Std Dehler38 racing Dufour 30 Classic Chance 32 CONDOR 7 Cumulus DEHLER 36 CWS (DK) Dehler41x1.95 Dufour 31 _1.74 Chance 37 CONRAD 760 RT CUSTOM Dehler 36 CWS 1.55 Delanta 80 DUFOUR 31 Chance 44 Conrad 760 CUTTER BERMUDIANO Dehler 36 CWS 1.85 DELANTA FLUSH DECK DUFOUR 32 CLASSIC Charger 33 Contention 33 CYCLADES 43.3 Dehler 36 CWS WK DELPH 28 7_8 DUFOUR 325 GL DK Cirrus 3_4 Ton CONTESSA 25 D’GE 607 Dehler 36 CWS DELPH 32 Grand Mat DUFOUR 325 GL Clarc 33 Contessa 28x1.40 Dalo 772 Dehler 36 DB-OD DELPHIA 31 DUFOUR 334 trophy CLASS 33 Contessa 32 DAM 35 Dehler 36 db Delphia 37 CR Dufour 334 CLASSIC 335 Contessa 34 Danish Flower Dehler 36 DB_2.15 Delphia 37 Dufour 34 LR COBO 40 Contessa 35 DAVIDSON 34 Dehler 36 JV Delphia 40.3 DUFOUR 34 PERF Coco CONTEST 25 OC DB 1 (Proto-type) Dehler 36 SQ Designno 178 Dufour 34 Performa CODE ZERO HCb Mast Contest 25 _1.25 DB 1 Dehler 36 DHELER 36 DUFOUR 34 QB GTE COLUMBIE 66 CONTEST 25 DB 2 DEHLER 36db Diamant 3000 Dufour 34 Standard COMET 1000 CONTEST 27 DC1200 Dehler 36x1.95 Diamant3000x1.65 Dufour 34 COMET 1050 Contest 29 De Ridder 116 Dehler 36_37 DB Dijkstra 76 Dufour 35 Classic COMET 12 G Contest 30 (Mod.) De Ridder 30’ DEHLER 37 CRUISING DIONE 98 Dufour 35 COMET 12 Contest 30 De Ridder 36 o_f Dehler 37 CWS DISCOVERY 3000 ext DUFOUR 350 COMET 13 Contest 31 HT DECISION 7.5 Dehler 37 DB DISCOVERY 3000 XT DUFOUR 36 Classic COMET 21 O.D.
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