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December 1979 Daily Egyptian 1979

12-12-1979 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 12, 1979 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1979 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1979 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily 73gyptian Wednesday. December !2. 1m-Vol. 64. No. n Southern Illinois University Gus says wben Maee gets through dlnying up tbe athletics fee. some aibletes wiD be more equal than others. lAC endorses proposed increase in athletics fee

By Paula Donner Walter' November board meeting that mentioocd that the Faculty Although Women's Athletics of the Admi"strat:ve and Staff Writer an audit of the athletics Senate asked that the board Director West did not Professional Council, all voted The Intercollegiate AthletICS department would be con- delay action unless the increase specifically say she was in favor 1.1 oppose the fee increase "at Committee voted Tuesday to ducted. At that time, Lesar said is supported by a student of the increase, she implied the this time." That motion was recommend that the Sill Board he did not expect the audit to be. referendum. Brown was pdr­ need for it. citing the lil"ited defeated. 6-4, of Trustees apprt've the completed by the December ticipating in the lAC weeling as budget of her program. Brown then made a motion proposed $10 student ~thletiC!l board meetirg. a proxy for GSC representative "Anyone who questions the that the committee ask the fee increase. provided Ui!'t dv" However, Lesar issued a Pat Ostenburg. need (for the increase) hasn't increase oe divided equaily press release late Tuesday Committee action supporting done their homework Last :::.:un~~~ !~~I:i:;nau~~ between tlle men's and women's afternoon in which he indicated the increase was also opposed spring, women made a con­ is completed. That motion was athletics departments. that figures presented to him by . by Chris Eames. a represen­ servative budget request of just defeated, 9-2, with Eames Committee Chairwoman the internal a\idltor support the tative of the Undergraduate over ''800,000. That request was .:asting the other yea vote. Shirley Friend said that the need for the fee in~rease. Lesar Student Organization. not wt at we really needed and In the discussion prior to the recommendation will be for­ was unavailable for comment ''The specific requ'!St (by we got a fraction over $500,000. vote supporting the increase, warded to George Mace, vice on the clarification of this an- Mace) is not backed b~ enough concern was expressed as to the president for University nouncement. specific reason!! for Ute in- During discussion of the other funding alternatives relations. The position taken by the crease. It is too vague and there moti,JO to oppose the increase. available. 1M action, which was passed committee comes two days are other alternatives we can Larry Taylor, associate "We recommended earlier by a 7-4 vote, came after the prior to the December Board of look at," be said. prol!SSOr of English. urged the that all alternatives for the committee defeated two other Truste<"s meeting, at which the At tJMt point, James Walker, committee to take a stand on athletics funding be sought. Mr. motions, one tt' oppose ~ in­ fee is scheduled to come up for a a community re~tative, the Issue. crease and one to recommend vote. questioned Eames status as a "t-.ot tat.Jng a stand. Me way :~~rvo~:~r =~::,S;:: that the board delay ladion until Gary Brown. p!'eSident of the student representative. or ar.other. might be saying to the . 'fnat solution an audit of the athletics Graduate' Student Council. the board, 'Do what you wa.,t to needs to be addressed by the department be completed. urged the committee to delay "You only represent 2,000 of do,' • he said. Board of Trustees," said Betty Acting President Hiram action until the audit authorized 22,000 students that cast votes Taylor. Eames, Brown and Mitchell. assistant professor of Lesar announced at the by Lasar is completed. He also for you," Walker said. Tom }icGinnis, represe!'attive English. F-Senate recommends Group seeks camlloigners postponing U:thle~!cs fee lor Kennedy' .. ', By Slwlley 0._ .•...... i~-'" .Il Eall. II It ltrat ~'If" Matt WrltI!r' - - ,...... ~ . have made a t'eCOmmendatlOft By .Jeffrey Smyth The Faculty SCDate to the board to reject the in- Staff Writer unanimously voted to recom- crease entirely was not passed. The Southern Illinois Citizens mend to the Board of Trustees Aristotel Pappelis. professor for Kennedy is soliciting per­ that it postpone consider.ltion of of botany, said this original sons t6 campaign for the the athletics fee increase until resolution "was bad. Students presidential hopeful in Iowa the student body has a chance to should have a vote in this one. over Christmas m{'ak. ':'he indicate whether it supports the We should keep our nose clean." group wants to stir up interest $10 increase. Derge also said he' felt "un- in Kennedy before the stat£: David Derge, professor of comfortable about this caucus Jan. 22. political science and originatai· re5(.lution. Let's propose a The Iowa DemocratiC Party of the resolutron, said the senate refet-endum to determine what will pay lodging for solicitors, wi" not support the increase atbk.-tics fees are paid and get who will spend a couple of days untJl the students have passed a . out of the business of budgeting canvassing for the referendum indicating support the athletics department. l'ttassachusetts Democrat. for it. The original resolution DavidDerge However the group will not "It seems to me to be the most rejecting the increase was :1!pay transportation or food democratic way to do it," Derge initiated becau.w it was felt the leave school. The senate also decided to costs, according to Southern said. increa:;e would "impinge on -no specifte guidelines were again table the philosopblcal Illinois group chairman Steve The Board of Trustees wiD academic programs,' Faculty outlined . y !ne board to indicate statement of g>!Dera' edUC8Jon Katsinas. consider the increase at its Senate President Lawrence how the m6i1ies will help in the at SIU-C and refer It back to Katsin:!!t said the group does Thursday meeting. . ~ said:. "On the face of it, University'S compliance with committee for further not expect a high number of Derge said he was not sure if It IS essentially a student con­ Title IX. clarification. The statement students to participate because the board wiD even look at the cern. but it's clearly an was ori~inally tabled by the of other plans made for the seqate's recommendation at its academic one also." -deficits are not permitted in senate in September. holiday break. So far seven meeting. According to The original resolution would academic departments and Jon Muller, associate people have signed up. Chrisanne Blankenship, vice have rejected the increase on errors in boukkf'eping are not professor of anthropology. said. "Most people will be going president of the Undergraduate the basis that:. . allocated additional f~,nds. "The problem iwith the !1Ol11e or have alrea

Editor'. note: TIaJIIs Ihe last ID Final allocation decisions are Altgeld Hall; damage minor • series 01 articles _Ihe SIUoC made by a university ad­ ::: ;::n::r:a~ea;~=,::': student governmeat. minist.·~tor with recom­ than half of the total Income has By Leanne WaII.a. mendatioRl from two student been allocated to student Staff Writer By Karea Guile group!!, one an 18-member ~ms. The budget must be Th~ Carbondale Fire Department responded to an alarm at SC:!' Writer commitee comprised of botb aPFoved by the University Altgeld Hall ~"ly Tuesday evening after a faul.ty ballast in a A recent survey of student senators and non-senators, the pr .lSident. The approved budget first Door fluorescent ceiling ligbt began s~okmg, said John governments at three other a student affairs com­ IS then published in booklet Manis. assistant chief of the ca.-bondaJe FJI'e Department. universities COIDpanlble in size mittee made up of faculty form and made available to ''Tbis is not uncomJw.)n. There was no fire, just smoke," to SIU-C revealed that although members and students who are students. Ma~ said. they are similar in structure to not senators. The primary fuN:tion of the About 80 people evacuated the building at about 6:45 p.m, this University's student student government at the U of wben buildlDg services worker Dorothy Perea pulled the government, all represen· Student government at california State University is W is to formulate and review alarm after spottin(it smoke coming from a haUway ceiling tative!.', excluding the executive formal corporation titled areas of student interest, ac­ light. . branch, are f'lected by school or Associated Students, Inc. It has cording to Jim Cieslewicz, vit:C! "The building was very busy because students were coU-::~. developed programs and ac­ president of Student's rehearsing and preparing for their finals," said Bob Students at lite three tivities using soorees of incom( Association. The organization, Kingsbury, director of choral activities. schools-the UniVersity of other than just student fees legislated by the state govern­ The SIU-C Glee Club was rehearsing at the time, Kingsbury Akron in Ohio, california State Tbe corporation bas a ment, is regularly involved in said. University at Full~. and the president, vice president, state lobbying be said The ballast is part of the mechanism which lights the Unhersity of Wisconsin at directors, comptroller and a The 35 student senatr;.s are florescent tubes. Milwaukee-are represented bv board of directors, which is elected by school:>. The Firemen arrived on the scene about fin minutes after "major field of smdy," rathe1- rouRhiy equivalent to SIU-C's Student's Association also h98 a Pel~ pulled the al<.rm. The building's occupants were than by geographical area as stuaent senate. Represen­ president, vice preSident, allowed to return at about 7:10 p.m. are SIU-C students. tatives of the board are elected secretary and treasurer. Assistant Director of the School of Music Melvin Siener said, Tbe structure of student by scbool and serve staggered Cieslewicz s.;,id the dean of "The evacuation of the building ,"as very orderly and WE'llt government at the University of terms. students is present at senate very well." Akron is similar to SIU-C meetings for recommendations because it has an executive, The corporation bas created and suggestions. legislative ana judicial brancb, such programs as a child care The organization is funded "-.It students tbert: l'P.portedly center, women's center, birth through a segregated student City sets public hearing have more input into the control center, handicapped fee. Budget recommendatiros organizatioo student center, a legal referral are made by a finance com­ The ASS~!ll~ed Student clime, studE:nt's advocate office mittee. but public hearings are Government of the University held on these budgets before to discuss drinking age of Akron has a 56-member :t1;~i~u~.;l~~~~~ they are approved by the senate p.lected by college. The as summer concerts, fiJm committee. Allocations to (Continued from Page I) "Based on history. I have '10 organi';" 'jon is funded through series, a news bureau, and an ;;tudent groups must also be ecoDl;mic impact. reason to expect that these part of a $10 general student opera and symphonic orchet.tra revieNed at public hearings "1 ~'t think I could in good bus,i~ will do anything 10 fee. The other portion of this is program. before approval. corSClence, aPJlrove the ex- assist m enforcing the law" allocated to extra curricular Associated Students. Inc. is elusion of a:..._ -'s in bars," Hogan said. ' Fischer said. activity groups. funded through a student fee Melanee Armstrong. money Group seeks F..arlier this year, the lUinois Last year tile ASG budget was and through generated mana~er of Sgt. T.J. McFly's $307.289. Almost $25,000 of this by j:rograms it sponsors. Its legislature passed a law that raises the drinking age from 19 Watering Hole, told the council, amount was allocated for anti( ipated total income for aides/or Ted "If three-fourths of our or· oper:.lting costs; the remainder 1979·80 is $1.039,510. ASI to 21, effective Jan. 1. The law also strips municipalities' harm: dinary clientele are prohibited was allocated to about 60 operating costs are ap­ (Continued from Page 1) from the bars it will affect our student groups. poximately $262.000. According rule powers to set their own person do it." drinlnng ages. The law does not business greaUy." Katsinas said Uutt though the prohibit those ur.der a~e 21 from Jack Wides of B and J Southern Ulinois Citizens for working in or eottering a bar or Distributing told the "-:;. ..:il tavern, ,roposed s..os.,:;>""",.,'flar.SI .50 __ that the orlinanee 1'.",/• .- deli"' ...... ~_ and 9 ~:::e~led g~i~K :~iS m:~~~ Carbondale Po1l~ Chief Ed Egyp'"," ~, .lK.,.' _rdo,. or S~ct I"" ...... tho in Jocf<.- and Hogan said that while he agreed =!~~:u:~:~ Sunday. Un.venit)' _moOnS and sun_ndi"9 ,,,,,,, 527.50 __ ... ~~I fio~en:'~ :~:7:r~ with some of the things Fischer the trailers, houses, donna, holi~ by 50...... III...... University. ,,. lor Ii...... M w.thin ..... Umted national campaign. said, the vices involved forced roads and cornfields. Commf.Jntc01lon, buildIng, COlboftdol9. Soa_ and s.o _ ,ea. or US 'or ~ .. the pobce department to "They're going to get it III. 62901. Second clas. paslOQe paid a' _tho ... all 1..... 91'

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to learn more' about nuclear energy WASHINGTON (AP) - A 'ederal judge ruled Tucsday the By Karn Gallo ship between the demand for countries. According to thE> government is violating the Starr Writer electricity and the growth of the statistics. 1.3 million barrels of Constitution and must halt its News 'Roundup Defending the production or Gross National Product," Zerby oil are saved daily by nuclear deportation proceedings nuclear energy. Clay Zerby, told the group or about 50 power and 3.6 ba.rels a day Prime Minister Abel against Iranian ~tudents .... ho Muzorewa told Parliament manager of the Union Carbide people. ":f the production of .... ould be saved by 1985. have been found to be in this Gaseous Diffusion Plant in electric energy goes down, the before the 9O-to-o vote that Citing an NRC report. Zerby country illegally. Brit;sh-appointed governor Paducah, Ky., urged the public GNP goes down. To keep up U.S. Dilltrict Judge Joyce learn more about the alter­ with rising demands for elec­ said it would cost conSUfl'er5 $60 Lord Soames would assume to Green!l j what she calJed the native energy source at a lec­ tricity. coal production needs to biUion to abandon the "nuclear cffice immediately on his option" by 1988. government "round·up" of arrival from London Wed­ ture earlier this .... eek. be increased 7 percent each Iranian stuoents "violates tilt' in- nesdayafternoon. Zerby spoke Monday night at year. but so far it has only Over 270 tons nuclear waste fundamental prinCiples of a lecture in the Technology or have been produced in the U.S. American fairness." Khomeini warned Building sponsored by the ~a=o;~ tou~irz~e:::ea ~:J~~ since the first nuclear power President Carter, in one of his Engineering Joint Student option availtoble to us. It plants ....ere built, Zt>rby said, first respon'H!S to the seizure of Council. and there have never been any the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. to relax policies "We should aU know co!;:~~~j~!eJ~~a~lr~ kno.... n cases of plutonium­ had ordered on Nov. 10 that the QOM. Iran (AP) - The something about nuclear elcctricity in Kentucky with an induced cancer. Immigration and religious leader of Iran's energy:' Zerby said. "The electric bill of $276 miUion. but Naturalization Service begin rebellious .. thnic." Turks .... amed public quite readily accepts Zerby claims even tbr.lUgh the "A nuclear explosion such as interviewing the more than Ayatollrh Ruhollah Khomeini misinformation about nuclear plant uses iarge amounts or the one feared by the public at 50,000 Iranians in this country on Tuesday to liberalize policies power because it doesn't know electricity. it's still ~~ry to Three Mile Island is an im­ on student visas. toward the troubled northwest much about it." keep the IJJ'Oduction of nuclear possiblity. Simpie Azerbt ijan region or face civil In his lecture tiUed "Nuclear energy u~, since it is "less ex­ miscalculations or the dangers Location of 20 .... ar. Energy in r~rspective," Zerby pensive than other energy of a hydrogen bubble exploding In an interview at his home in said the United States needs sources." .... ere made at Three Mile hostages unknown this holy city .... here Khomeini nuclear energy because it is In a slide presentation, Zerby Island," Zerby said. "Nuclear also has headquarters. the "safer than other forms of used statistics compiled by the power has the lowest mortality WA:;ttINGTON (AP) - State country's second-ranking energy, it contributes to Nuclear Regulatoy Commission rate when compared to coal and Department officials said ayatollah, Mohammad Kazem economic growth. and it enables and the Atomic Industry Forum oil production. No member of Tuesday they C8Mot account Shariat·Madari. 76. said he had the U.S. to dep::Dd less on to illustrate his thesis that the public has ever been for the 'I .. bere..bouts of about 20 no evidence of Ame-rican in· foreign energy." nuclear energy is cheaper than seriously injured by nucleal American hostages in Iran and volvement in the Azerbaijani "There is a direct relation- importing oil from foreign power." that it is possible they are fighting and was clearly brainwasht>d in preperation for unhappy with Khomeini's tactic a trial. of blaming intem:>1 dissent on The officials, who asked not to the United States. Professor seeks county post be identified. spoke in reaction to a Monday night television Iranian protestors By Jacqul Konczuk Association. chairman or the ventures "that could pos1'Iibly interview with one of the Staff Writer Jackson County Regional Port influence me in debate." hosta~es. M3rine Cpt William Gallegos of Pueblo, Colo. taunted by crowd Acting (;hairman Gene Authori\j and a coordinator for Through his work as a faculty IDybvig or the Radio-Television the Greater Egypt Regional Gall"60s. in an interview SAN ANTONIO. Texas - Department is seeking the PlaMing Commission. ~e th!~~~ ~!~ filmed by Iranians and Police officers escorted five Democratic nomination far Dybvig. who filed a statement :u:.: broadcast by NBC-TV. said the fasting Iranian students moderate .... ho is willing to li... ten other hostages he has sec.1 are Jackson CiJunty Board of candidacy with the Jackson to aDd to participa~e in debate." through an angry mob of anti­ Chairman Bill Kelley's seat on County Clerk Monday. said "the well. Iranian protesters to the safety the board, but may not be facing considerable controversy Although the 57-year-old Rhodesia to regain of a police station Tuesday. a run against Kelley in the centerin, on t~ board in recent associate professor has never The taunting mob 0( about 200 March primaries. years," Influenced his decision held public office. he said he has direct British rule persons earlier in the day had Alt.hough Dybvig will com- to run. but he declined comm~ been involved in political &C- pete for Kelley's 7th District on any specifics. saying "3t this SALISBURY. Zimbabwe Wa';l ,,;i~e~':~:n:' ~~~ seat inCarbondale. Kelley said, point in time I don't. want to :~~~f~ea.1S.w~~"JaC:: Rhodesia (AP) - Parliament threatened tu decJare '\"lJNID SimaD.. Sen. Ken Buzbee. I>­ voted uoamrnously Tue!Mfay '0 season on camel jockeys;" ::.does ~~he ...... i~~~~:e~~g.. saTci ~ Car-lJundaJe. and Rep. BnIee end 14 yean of seII-declared The studencs, who bad r­ "I have quite a few other duUu. the campa~ he ViOI.\ld con­ Ridunonci. D-Murphysbcro. independence and rest~re sitting on the steps of City Hall and I have to decide if I will centrate on "the positive things Dybvlg said he will contin.ue direct British rule. ]'he action since Mondar in a prote..t c! .he have the time." I can contribute to the board," teaching once the Radlo­ will end U.N. trade sanctions city's refusa to grant a J;81'ade permit. askPd to be taken to the Kelley is president of the and cited the fact t~t he i~ not Televsion Department selects a and move the CCMmtry closer to Illinois Mosquito Control involved in any outside busmess new chairman. legitimate nationhood. station for their OViD safety ~TILE~ Finals Sale We're giving 25% off on Crescent Mat Board /2 Price on Discontinued , Zipatone with Purchase 994 Meal \ of Regular Styles. \ ~~~'!! 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'J ...* .~ ...... _. t'" .• I • " ' •• :" .. C£ditorial New student senators must push for change

THIS IS ,\ STORY ABOUT about two groups of students The Iirst group ('ollects thousands of dollan from dll the stude.,ts. The second gm p spends thousands of dl!hl.~ for all the students (although our fll'St ~')'.ip .... ims a litHe off the top for their own use). These two groups, the rirst being th:: Undergraduate Student Organization and the second the Student Programming Council. might at first appear to be intrinsically related and similar. However. su\:h is rl\~t the case. T1Ie bulk of the $180.000 in student activdy fees collected each year is allocated to the SPC which u.-;es the money tor movies, speakers, receptions, entertainers and a gamut of "activities" for the student body. The members of the SPC, the chairpersons of the 11 SPC committees. are selected from a pool of candidates each year. Judging from the amount and quality of programming in the .. ,past lew years, those candidates who are the most qualified. who show the most enthusiasm and dedication. are the ones who get the job. Though not perfect, the SPC has illustrated that a student CLetteIS organization can be run professionaU)', al'd that the programs it Uhuru !!pOIISOI"S can be well-organized i!ffalJ'S tlJ8t bring a variety of Beware ofapes around campus Sa-Sa L.1flds lliitionany·n~ognized talent to the liniversity community at a reaoonable price. In sbort. the SPC bas justified its continued Tennessee Williams once many Wl!YS I'm glad but I'm should be increased existence. said, "Beware the apes." It was sad in other ways. One reason J am a !rt'nior in Radio-TV and ood advice when he said it and I'm sad is that I'll miss the a member of the Black Mfairs ON THE OTHER HA.'ID, we have the uso. f'm sure it still is. antics of my animal world (;ouncil. Previously I bave The 16 senators who compose the "legisll,tive" br'lncb of the People have reported seeing relatives. I write 1I0etry and worked on a campus newspaper USO this semester have spent between 30 and 40 hours in session some of tbese semi·prect they are IJne of my favorite (Eastern Illinois UniverSity' thus far. In that time, the senat.. !"S allocated approximately $50,000 primates dragging tbeir SoIbjects. and have contributed to this to a handful of limited-interest'fient groups. They have sper,l knuckles around town and on I hope I dido't tackle anyone. paper. 1 fail to see how it would inDun!~rable hours quibbling among themselves ov~~r campus. If one is spotted too bard. be possible to publisb a parliamentary procedures and internal nales. The senate ex­ heading your way, aliproach pended nearly half the semester before it approved its own by­ with care. Olle moment they Patrick Collier ~ied7t~~s ~~r:~ti~~ Iaws-rules the senate ignores on a regular basis. The senators can be doing Stmlersaults down Senior. Philosophy certain number of "if I bave JXlSSed a CODS~itution that offers little change from the ineffectual Illinois Avenue, ~ cl,... ttering time" student volunteers. This document thai governed stJ':dEmt ,;overnment during the past 59 among themselves abo!lt a Theater enthusiasts is, however. the task the Uburu years. 'The l"~nators, wbat they attend senate meetings. often do female that one exceptionailj' Sa-Sa, the Black Affairs Council little more tllan engage in meaningless debate on petty issues large gorilla has treed. Yet in a don't deserve abuse newspaper, bas to tackle. which have l.ittl~ effect Of.' ~ything but the senate itself. blink of an eye they can be The Uburu Sa-8a •'is the voice The there IS th(! executi':e brandl tor which students paid $17,335 ganging up on an ape of a dif­ I would like to address a few of the Black Affairs Council, the ill salaries lase year. the lack of leaJ.~hip in the senate is 0b­ ferent tribe. or tearing apart a choice bits It',!' Mr. Kurt B~ Ie, 20 organizations under UIl and a vious. The Jack flf initiative and activism in student affairs is banana stand. Also. they ant the ' who anced 11£ readers witll a branch of the black community disappointing. Student President Pete Alexander apparently gave most when they run most prcl!f:c and enlightened in Carbondale" according to up his inter::::! id developing useful student programs lifter the ~ a pack. viewpoint in Letters to tbe Randy Ailen, editor of the debacle of "Carnivale '79." And, if his recently announced Not to change the subject or Editor column of the Dec. 5 student-publisht'd newspaper. reluctaoce to \lPP05e the atiJetics fee increase in front of the Board anything. but I have a couple issue. With minds like his This signifies the importnoce of of Trustees is any indication. he never bad any interest in t-e!ng a questions that I've been wan­ among us, it is small wonder this vehicle. It is a form of vocal ~ent of issues vital to the student body. ting to ask someone. Perbaps that colleges and universities communication for black someone who reads tbe everywhere are the foundations people in this area. It gives a BUT WHILE THE SENATE SQUABBLED and the president sat. editorial page can answer them of the intellectual world. mode of expression and an a few issues of some importance to students escaped the USO's for me. Jo~irst. which is ~ore Just kidding, Kurt; now that I access to information whicb is attention. The U:uV\~rsity considered altering the grading system closely related toacadern,.. : art think about ii, sarcasm and difficult to obtain in this area. to mcluM pluses and minuses in final grades. The administration or athletics? Secondly. wi".icb is subtlety art' probably wasted on To po' together a newspaper rejected a proposal to fine faculty for overdue library books. The more closely ",",'a ted to you, 51) I gW!SS I'd make my requires talent,skills, bard powers in Anthony Hall also decided to put library expansion at tbe patriotism and traditional point DiOl"@ effectively by just work, and dedication. I think top of its list of campus improvements. The Board of Trustees had values: "pin!i. tigbts and coming right out with it. With that is a lot in itself. but wben DO less than five student fees or charges to consider at its last reciting puetT'"." or football? regard to your assanine com­ you consider that only two meeting; it wiD take final action on four of them Thursday. The BlIY your favor :te bi-ped a ments concei'~ing Tbomas people are earning income for Illinois Board of Higher Education made significant changes in the tutu. It probably bas wanted to Pallm's letter of Nov. 29, 1 have their efforts and that they are tuition policy for state institutions. "get into one" anyway. this to say: full-time stuMnts., they shouad Christmas is just around the be praised. Tbese peopl~­ tha~thelist~: :;~n;::u;:=~ ::;d;:f!:; f~~r:.t~: corner. The ~ight songs of aU I wholeheartedly agreed with Randy Allen, editor, aDd However. the question might be asked,= "To what extent and to U.S. colleges !lave come out in Mr. Pallen's opinions, as I too Dwayne Hayden, assistant wbat effect?" paperback. It's a bot item this felt that I did not deserve any editor-mlASt be dedicated '!be recent election of 11 new studer t senat~ may p"l'Vide a year. First make sure your ape abuse just because 1 choose not because tbey must work ra:-e opportunity for student government-an opportunity for can read and then be sure to to spend my money attending overtime (without pay) to put cbange, a cbance for the students to riil themselves of ar an­ point out that all that rhymes is StU football games. My in­ out the paper. They can rely on tiquated and impotent system for voicin..;. their point to view. They nell poetry. terests lie in areas other them no one but tbemselves sinee sbould grab at that chaoce. I graduate this 5eIJ,a;ter. In competitive sports, and I see no otber people wbo volunteer reason wby I sbouldn't be t.'leir time are stuchmts Cwho DOONF.SBURY by Garry Trudeau allowed to purs:~"! tbose in­ probably also have jobs to tau terests as 1 see fit. without their time). having to be reprimanded for Without sufficient funding to • my lack of interest in sm put out tile Uburu Sa-Sa and to football. ~'lbody from the pay the edilors so that they will theal~ depa.-t ment is giving not have to devote the~r time to you. in your capacity as a other means of en.u1oyment, footbali fan, any grief because tbere is little chalk e of the you not to attend the newspaper bt'ing pub. 'shed. 1 plays an-1 musical events on would consider that a crime this camptiS. so just what do you because the staff of tilt- ''turu think gives yOl~ tbe rigbt to Sa-Sa has w('c:"ed very ham thia make comments like the ones semester to unprove the quality that appean~ in yct.i letter? of the paper .iA1d they have done If you dillft choose to take a commenWillfJ'ob. Also to lese advantage oi the opportunity to the pa~," wool be losing "tm: enjoy the theatrical ''Dice'' of the Carbondale black achievements that are the work ~mmunity and a newspaper of talented people like Tom that encourages black students Pallen and the other members to practice tbeir journalistic of the theater dt:partment, then skills. I feel that the fur.ding to believe me, Kurt, they are not the Black Affairs Council and going to ~ve one fat r31's ass if its 20 member organizations you shoold decide to stay home and ils newspaper-the Uburu on opening night. May you Sa -Sa. should be increased $0 continue to vegetate in iro:tt of that they can better serve SlU.r. y

By Carri@ S.~lIey especially in dormitories, i.lre stress at which they can handle UIIS level of ~. he has no within the person that is Mt Studt'llt Wnw extremely stressful. May said. As the end of the semester situations. When stress builds defenses to h~!ldIe stimuli with being dealt with. These moe "Uving in a room where up or is prolonged. the body's and the body usually reacts with outward indications of ... in­ ap.lI'08ches, studftlts may find there is no privacy and no real themselves suffering from normal coping mechanisms a physical response," she saId. ward prob:-"!IJl," May Mid. place to go and be alone creates break down. May said this is the "A person' may get sick. .o\ceording to Viertc:. who bas colds, headaches, upset stress on top of stress," she stomach'!, backaches or iJ'I­ body's instinctive way of get­ depressed, over-eal, drink too earr.~d degrees in he.Jlb said. This. she added, is dirficuJt ling away from a stressful much or become irrational. somni These are all physical for most lo cope with. education and rehabilitation respcnwdJ stress. condition. "These physical responses and psychology. the aumber to Each individual has a level or "When person J!1'eS beyond Stress is the positive or a mean that there is something (Continued on Page 6) Of gative response to the mental and physical demands made upon the body. The more' change in a person's body the more stress experienced. Although difficult to define, stress is real. It has its own characteristics but no par­ ticular origin. What causes stress in one person may not in another. The response is as unique as the individual. CoUege students, because or the environment that they live in, are faced with many stressful situations, said Scott Vierke. coordinator of the Student Wellness Lifestyling Program. Students are in a competitive situation where the economics of future lob markets and political pressures are hillb. Social pressures; to drinJr. have sexual relatinns and to ex­ periment with Ii '«S. are also high, he added. The move from a secure hometown environment to a fast-paced crowded campus is alone a major stress factor. Vlerke said. Students are foreed to meet new people. live with a nummate and conquer feelings of loneliness. A prime area of stress. Vierke is the academic demands made on students, whether by parents or the student. "We're taught by society to do the best job poGSible in any type of situation. But students don't have time to put 100 percent of their effort mto eve~thing." Therefore. he added, students m~~~~l~t~~- intern in psychology at the Counseling Center, noted that students are basically oriented emu usulllly set high standards for themselves. ·~.()lIege studenL.; are faced w;:.... pressure re succeed at." SIM said. The incider.f.~ that stu<'ents ..ncounter :a ciay-to-day living, WE PAY 50% (AND IN SOME CASES MORE) fOR TInES THA :\:::.:}·· .. ::.·\:·:.::i:~.j:~·l~:f:~~~~;; $ ARE IN SALEABLE CONDITION AND APE BEINu USED ::\ SPRING SEMESTER.





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. Doily Egyptian. Dec ..... ber ':2. ,~. PageS "'" ...... :...-.....:..: ~:~:. :: .• ~ ... ----=-- .... --'" _... _..;.!! .... 1... _.. _.. ·.-",-____ ••• t":,,... '_',;.a1!.;.. ~_ ...'.~ .. ~~'''''f'.~.' ~ .. ttl'1. . Professor experiments with enLrgy

By 1..-""" Murphy According to Edrlingfield. engineer needs to find a be-Uer S&ud~Dt Writer Union Carbide must :Ju..-tify the way to separ;.te vapor from David L. Eddingfield. econoDlY of a chan~e in the liquid at a junction of the assistant professor of system before implementing cooling pipes. engineering. has built a one­ the plan. due to the cost. which In the model. water is drained tenth scale model of part of the may run in the from the junction of the pipes to Union Carbide Gaseotr. Dif· millions .. However. the use of allow the vapor alone to rise to the turbine. The fast moving fusion Plant in Paducah It> find Today s:[email protected], 7:&5 a way to ha~ wa!',ed energy :tri~~::n:~~:d ef:!. molecules of the vapor cause in the plant's cooimg systen: tricity generated. he sait! the .urbine to generate elec­ EddingCield h~s reciev~ The plant in Paducah is a tricity. $25.213 from Union w.... i.kle for uranium enrichment facility If the plan is accepted. Ed· ,'.~1~1l:1~N~~:J.lm'f[. ~ . the project titled "Two Phase alld does not produce nuclear dingfield will act liS a consultant Flow Model Study." Using his power. Eddingfield said. in its implementation. . . findings. the company hopes to Eddingfield hopes to use NORWAY AMBASSADOR implement an electricity waste heat from the freon vapor generating turbine at the plant to generate electricih' >1 a WASHINGTON (AP) in the spring. turbine. Freon is a chocrnical President larter has said he PRESENTS Alone with the model, Ed­ used in the cooling system of air will ",-,,"inate Sidnpy Anders dingfield is also using a com­ conditioners. Rr.A1d. ~ident of St. Olaf "Speakout Cart,oiidale" puter simulatic;l: to find the best In his model. Eddingfield uses ColleJle m Northfield. Minn., to Tonight and every Wedr.esday way to recaptlh'e and use air rather than freon. but the b'! the U.S. ~mbassador to energy from the system. principle is the same. The :'iorway at 6:30 p. m. on Cable 0100nel7

Pressures ofcollege life 'V~fo·,-, Dave Wolo$hin's Guests V'I"'iJ_ !J#M{H>1If Sout~,ern illinois' can cause student stress Beauties (Continued from Page 5) . person. you have to know where Sabin Audi two killer of college-aged people your limits are and set goals is suicide. This, he said. runs accordingly." This way, she Asys""'IfIo'~Il"'o~ Fonner Miss World hand·in·hand with an un· sai~.. stress will be mainly 0Itd""" tftof, -Technics tumtollle & r..w.r. SobIn be-arahle amoont of stress. POSitive. 527& speakeo•• Miss USA 1970-1971 The number one killer in this There are organizations age bracket is automobile -onc-her I.. ,· S' 1.00 existing that deal specifically -Moi>.leFNtelity rwco

"A lot of pr()b~~ms arise l ,~. O. because stlW.t:I!t's goals are too ,!\ ~Ja" ." Student Appreciation Night unrealistic to ire met. As a '" : pm Show $1.5.!!i ~how. Dally 2:. 7,00 ~:1~ 6pm-Midnight Student Center Big Muddy Room ~!({AlUK.I. ,.IIJ t THE STOIIY C()Nf;HUIs... All musical acts invited to ~II perform LIVE ON ~IDB! G,ItShop N.F_Holl ~ M,F 1000-4·00 w ....days 5:. 7:15 t:36 with special guests QUANTUM, -Christmc.-s ~o, J,.e ...... • -Ornom9f1ts- HARVEST, the VEGETABLES, & others! -Advent Colendors- -Condles- Call "";00 536-236' 'a' reg''''''''on '" ~~ -Unusual Cifts- ;usf-:lropbyl ...... ::;o...... ~.

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Mardi Gras is a celebration that everyone young and old portak",s in. There's fun. dancing. and portying everywhere. There are lots of porades and on abundance of entertainment owai~lng you at Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Dn.Y!~n~22 Beach PRICE; S~ 10 with transportation/S 140 without transportation INClUDES:-8 days. 7 r.ights lodqing at the newly remodeled (.arnivllt Inn. two blocks trom the main streat pier. ·Round trip transportation via motorcooch -BeOch party on the sands of Florida with beverages and mun­ chies provided Swimming. surfing. fishmg. skiing. booting. soiling. and wild night life are just a few of the activities available at Daytona Beach. South Padre Island DATE: MARCH 15-22 PRICE: $179 with transpo.-tation/$101 without transportation Includes;-8 days. 7 nights in completely furnished condominiums -Round trip transportation vip motorcooch ·Beach on the Gulf d Mexico. Beverages and munchies pro.ndecl • Tenni~ and bach gammon tournaments with prizes Swimming. surfing. tennis. fist-ing. skiing. scuba divins. booting. ond soiling are iust a few activsries available on the island. BYS TRAVEL


Finals getting you down already? Then toke time out for a little Thursday

k 7 I: 'p.m. "Reefer Madness" "POISONOUS $'1.00 SNAKES" Then what else could be better with a little reefer A Visual and a little madness but Presentation Charres Laughton's by "Th. Night of the HuntelT' "Talking Heads" Bob Young Stars: Robert Mitchum. Shelly Winters, Peter Graves

When: Wednesday. Dec. 12 Where: Illinois Room lime:3to.p.m.

Admission Is FREE Mon.. Thurs 7:00 & 8:30 .Adm. 50¢ "WALKABOUT' Based on the novel by Jame~ '\fance A Nicholas Roes film Vld.o lcunge. 4th floor Stude;.t.~cen!~r . Stars: Jenny Aguther (Logon's Run) Lucian John. David Gunpili& SponsOred SPGI,"red~ bY 5~Lectvres $PC Vi,,-"OGGrnm,ltee , .' , ~ ______~.. "A.".... .a ...... ~~ DOilY Egyptian. Decembei t2.1979. Page 1," ~.. ~~Q~J#fs. -StarTrek' spec~al effects ' . . 2st35eWah St_IIt p,... . Our Christmas Gift to you l don't make up for weak plot Beginning December' 2th on all New Equipment As a result, it is gO!'(i to see R, S.. I Davis that Admiral Kirk is d.,"ensive ,.'" \(~ us ot Jeflfrey LaUftCirOlltClt » SUIIIeIIt Writer and nastr when showing that he d-(o «,0(\ 1\ 311 W. Moln It began with the superb can stH run a ship. Spack, tI'~0"'9\\O C.rltonclal. 54.. "" images in Kubrik's "2001: A baving failed to achieve logical Open Doily So," -"/I'pm Space~." From there. it ~. ~'I Even more important, pet .l1Ction. acts and looks like! a .~~-' grew rapidly with S1K.'h films as beaten man. McCoy has gotten "Silent Runnifcl~." "Star Wars." though. "'as the chemistry betwe'!n main characters. grouchier in his old age. ''CIose Encounters of the Third The relationships L-et",een Kind" and ·'Superman." In the Belie, ability in teleVision Wednesday characters is a rare fmd these old crew members on past teo years, movie-goers their reunion are the true ;s tune been witnessing the birth (perhaps only "Mary Tyler of a _ film genre-the special Moore" and "M.A.S.H." have special effects of this film. mastered ill, yet "Star Trek" Unfortuna tely , the people do not effects film. playas important a part in the The bask ingrroient which achieved it. Unfortunalely, both ··PITCHER DA V" film as they should have. Much categorizes these films is their the story and the characters were pw>hed aside in the movie of the time they are reduced to a at Quatro's-openlng 'til 10 p.m. depeudeoce upon visual special series of closeups stuck in to effects rather than plot or to make room for visual razzle character development for dazzle. break up the monotony of with the purchase of any Quite basically. the film is technical glitter. SUtteSS.. Now there is "Star In fact, since the effects Trek: A Motion Pic~ure." It is. about a giant cloud which is medium or large size pizza approaching the Earth. and the control so much of this film. it is to dale, o.e king of the special say much about the effects 6Jms. ~riginal .crew of the Enterprise difficult to you get a pitcher of Coke or beer ''Star Trek" is a continuation IS reunited to investigate it. directing of Robert Wise. One is of the legendary televir,ion Eventually. they reach the never sure whether the scenes were arranged by Wi;se or by for99. seriesol the sam.:: name. J~ took source of all their troubles. but 110 IlfnIt. on pItcheta -"'l" !nstead of being awe·inspiring, Trumbull and Dykstra. years to Cf'!:';jliete. in FortlD'lately. the music was large ~rt tv..'Cause of the It makes one think of a similar negotiali..ns by Gene Rod­ story on the series (except. (If one element of the film that denberry (the producer of the course, on a much grander wasn't directly controlled by rnovM! and creator of the Star 5('ale.) The main reason for this t"ffects technicians and Jerry Trek world) to get the orllrn,,1 wea.1r '!~ory is the writer, Alan Goldsmith did a good job. cast ol the teIevi,;iub series to do lJea" r",ff'r, who is ~ibly the espedally in the way he ,;lid the mm. most inept. u..cMginal scit.'I1Ce ori~in.. d t""'~c mUliIC Inoo his o.,ce tnis was accomplished. fiction writer of aU lime. oewer compositions. hi' put them together with the ~~ter ~ms only capable of It is .s shame that all of the .;dllSiderabJe talents of Douglas wrIting stones which are really elements of this film were not TnmIbuII, John Dykstra and combinations of several other on as high a level of quality as Ric:bard Yuricich. proclaimed stories and never manages to the special effects, because by some to be the gods of special pul life into his characters they are the best effects effects. The result of this copying instead the life from ever made. 1be fnt views of combination is a two-hour film other people's charac­ the new Enlet'prise. though a bit wbich, despite its visual ex­ te~izations. .Roddenberry's long. were incredibje to watch c:eDence. is no better than any of failure to malDtain the high and ..-arne as close as anything the sborter televison shows. quality in this plot was a drastic in tile film to showing that the To understand the failures of mistake. characters and the effects were the ftlm one bas to first un­ The only real saving grace for working on the same film.. derstand the success of the the film is that some of the uld ShatDer with tears in his eye. ~sa-.Quite basically. magic that flowed !rl'lil the was a fine moment of the film. Introducing the senes bad bigb quality characters is still present in the The same is true of Spoclt·s solo ,.,..&. Worfriag on a very low movie. Things ba'ie changed to flight in a space suit and the our new budget (the CflSt 01 aU the be sure: Kilii. IS DOW an 8d.. stunning .sbot of the crew television shows barely touches miral, Scottr. a commander and standing on the huH of the the arllOUllt of this one Iilm. $40 Spock a civilian. but it is these Entet'prise. But these moments. cosmetic line, milli..'IO). the show couk! lK.ot challges which add to the where everything else comes a~ard a lot of expensive gim· believability of these charac­ together to make that familiar mickry. Instead. it produced ters. No one would expect them Star Trek magic. were too few many iDteresti.~ tales. and was to be the way they were years to make the film • !rue Star usually very entertaining. ago. Trek story. Dermetics. The professional's choice. Alumni piano recital planned In Carbondale 715 S. University In Herrin Kay Pace. a graduate from ", Op. 60" by Chopin {on the island} the School of Music, will present and "A " trJ tim. 704 S. Pork a piano recital at 8 p.m. WP.d· nesday in Shi-:7xk Auditorium An outstanding pianist, Pace 457-2523 924-7534 as part of the Distinguished has wor. many awards and Alumni Rt-.cital Series. competitions. These include the A native ol Mobile. Ala., Pace SIU Concerto Competition in is aD assistant professor of 1970 and the Ulinois Swte Music piano at Alabam" State Teachers Youn~ Artist Com­ Unive-sity in Montgomery. She petition in 1972. She also received her bachelor's degree receivec.l a special study grant from Xavier University of from the Van Cliburn In­ Louisiana and her master's ternational Piano Competitif\Q degree from SIU. in 1977 and was a wiMer of the Her program will include a National Black Music Com­ contemporary Sonata by petition in 1979. George Walker. "Two Etudes Admission to the recital is Tableau" by Rachmaninoff, free. DOUBLB TDDl. Doubl~ time to Wend,Y's ~ a delicious double hamburger, fries and the soft ~ of your choice. Right now you'll find ::hey're doubly dehcious WIth 5()q: off the regular price. 500 East Walnut !..~ Carbondale...... ~.~ ...... • i SAVE SO CENTS :

• 1-----·---··-:::--LjGM!iOCoII,..,odoubieON THE DOUBLE.: • • i'n~.I ;'. I~-_""d • • ; , . • .. \#- ,;!C!,~~~::.

ot.D ."Ji,MlONED I tIL'f be laed In CDmbmahan • iUIlUllEBSI ...hOltY-pr--. • i,0II00_l..::;U7t , • ..••••••••••••••••••••• -----.--~~ . 11 COST CUTTER SPECIALS

Otr. , &oil!... SIicH"'"'" Imo Pork Chops $119

. Dairy Values SugGr,.... or Regular K1WT PHlLA8flPHI" Dr.P.pper CREAM CHEESE 29 '\r-OC;f. 8::- $1 -- FLAilE _ .. ..:...DIf~ !,..~IIIIII Olympia Beer ~~·6.C·~--·~ • -HTTB...... !CIMMITI .. ,.. lilT ...AIIDLI aT ~~ ~~W ,.IJIM. ... _ .....•.... I_lH ( IIOGO GlAOf A ~ASTIUll1lD 12:='329 =CMBI ...... ~ 65- 1_1I111D""~ Avoiloble only in ~tores [OWFAT w"k ,,_ .hopr.. ==--~~.~ ... 2=-$1'· 00l Mill '-- • 1~ 93' ~ .. ~...... ~ 894 Frozen)1I or~e~ =...... I"IOGa. GRADE A EGGS := '$1 45 MBNUM UIGI i&~=alU~$ 89 ====:-.1 CREAM ••• =- 1 .. B9( ... 79( :;.. IIlUXI ••••••••••••• ~~·::..... 88- :.=.,...... '::- ~ Bak~y Bargains =-... IKITAIoUS •.•• 1::- 794 conw,nal _CllSPMI8••••••••••.. 2::- 894 2 $1 29 Cost Cwtfef RYE BREAD It::- Bonus Buys =::1OUS ...... 22~~11: ~...... ~ 33- OI!HWA5HIIIGDflB68IT ft.... $1" Sil'lDWlCllIIUD ••••••••• _ WOIT LIQUID ...... =1~~alS 3 ~ $1 29 fiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiill ::-"";~...... : .. Ie! $3" ...... -AYONDALt• . • FLOUR lOll DrnIGEIIT ...... :- ~, One Stop Shopping lOll DmIGOI1' .••••••• ':.,.... $5·· fun: !Ilf'INR tI-O. ~ ClBTnMmIPASTI ...... =- 77- 5$9( IGUIICE wm ...... 7':" St his audience laughing Student Center Auditorium. outback and found by an f married for only a year a'1d a "Night of the Hunter" statS aborigine boy who helps them during most of his hour-and-a­ I. half, also joked about some of Robert Mitchum, Peter Graves surviw, half performance in Shryock his encounters with women. Auditorium Tuesday night, i "For ~"!. I wanted to find Dressed in a rust S-Neater and t someone who wanted to do the tan corduroy pants. the 37-year­ same things that I like to do, but old comic joked about running I couldn't find a woman who toilets, vegetablt's, heroes, wanted to drink and chase women." he said. AU in all, Monteith's per­ ~1?eview formance was "musing and enjoyable. So enjoyable that he d:d 0Ilf' encore. Even though the impotence and a variety· of audience was small, about 400 other things that lI'.ost people people, the comic was weU­ usually don't joke about. KeDy Moatefth received and the viewing time Much of his material comes was weU-spent, from his "dues paying days" • times his quips resembled those his early days on tilt> road. of Richard Pryor. CAR DESIGNING CONTEST Anyone who has done some "I get most of my i1eas from NORTI' DARTMOUTH, traveling could probably relate life," Monteith said during an Mass. (At - A contest at to his jokes about hotel!.. road interview atter his show. "I filld Southeastern Massachusetts signs and highway litter. a lot of truth through humor. University is off"!ring $1.000 for "I would be driving along the It's more fun to find a truth and the best design of the u1ti.T.3te highway wide awake when I'd laugh at the same time." energy-saving car - one that see a sign that said 'Sleepy?' "I like to explore any kind or runs on manpower alone. Then I'd realize that I was. Wby don't they put up signs that wake you up like 'Snip('r Area.' 'Caution: Werewolf <"Tossing' or' 'Wrong Way?'" He also joked about the amphetamines h4" took to stay awake. "I used to get so wired I'd come into town running 1Iiongside my car:' he said. It 'usn't always what Monteith said that inti ted laughter. but the way he said it. His delivery was con- versational. brisk and vivacioos. H~ changed the pitch of his voice to portray more than ()[Ie person in the same story Sometimes he sounded \ike George Carlin and at other

MUM~/.un 10 host sculpture lecture

Red Grooms. who is par­ ticipating :n a Sculptor-In­ Residence Program funded in part by a grant from The National Endowment for the Arts. will lectu~ and host a discussion from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday in Auditorium Room IJ2t; of Faner iialJ, B Wing. The lecture is sponsored by the School of Art and the University Mh~ and Art GaUenes.


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REt)l.PANS,~~.'2~" \:!!I ... C ROASTER~77 PAr~ . Ed

-... 3" 1I1s-FT.. 1W't. Y ASSORTIEDCOLOtIS V.lvet Garland

...19.9 ~ " -'''''' earch for honors students begins v Shfll., Davis studer!ts must have at least 15 students taking special courses 'alf Writer hours 01 credit completed with a They are a special breed, at their schools, and upon minimum grade point average completion, taking a test to y have high grade point of 3.25 'erages and are willing to determine if they can receh'e Brown said he would like to college credits for the course ork hard taking courses not work .• to other students. They are build the program "solidly," There are now about 350 'Irt of the University Honors students in the program and Friend said SIU.c ",ill offer a . Brown would like to increase course next summer for r:::dtng to George Brown, that number. teachers who wish to teach a ad of the program. at least 50 special course. rcent of these students will be Another way to increase "We decided, with our in­ raduating in May. This has interest in the program is L'1nOrs river ti9CompIeted '" E S I • 1 ! 17Gr_~ 7Oc­ rAP£JI~ ""CI~' ~ 18 - Carlo nweapon "'''$£ "ATON If$ ~c:f:~r to qualify for the 19 Comely 72 ShieId'part 1.'£ 'V IE L G'O A L p rogram, entering students 20 Urge on 73 ViSible .. T H ". E III 0"" e E "SH •• '" _01$£0 OPEN DAILY Lost have an ACI' score of 26 22 Tax 74S1ammin' $ 24 ChIld l""L.ING JootOWL nd be in the top :; percent of the Sam- A ODE A D f • T £ ... • a.m.-. p.m. raduating class or have an 2S Some ex- 7S Bteed CAL£ao .. , AGO_. I .. e E .. 0 SHU,. T CT score of 28 and be in the top 27 Frogs 2'. " OOWN r o. '. Jill E l" A T III If o percent of the graduating 29 -Took ot- 1 Half: Prefix tense 2 F.tISS 23 Plumbum 48 Man'snic;k- 1~S:n:inUing and transfer 32 Epoch 3 Aowrate 26 HInduG.1. name 33- Saba 4TOIai 28 Fire: Prefix S1Grills 34Amrycaps SNotIhlMed 29 Knocks 53 Neuter. e.g. 36 Cenic pf1est 6lik_ 30 lamb 54G..... s ~.ctivities om Substance TOye 31 Eats SS Gladden 42GM!I" 8Proftillit 3S .. ttmademe 56C'--Slte 44c-;. 9 Staggered --!'" 7 !i7 Car style ~~c~~aRe~o~~:~~ting. 45 Speak.. , 10 Ship-Shaped 37low-...d 61WItIIoUt'63 __ lacks Interested ;n Business. 47Qman's c:IocIc 38Chem.suffix I.atm 7 p.m .• Room. neig/'bOr 39 Oiscokwed meeting. Ohio " Subside Pi Sigma Epsilon, meetmg 7:30 49~ 12E... 41 Demig

DeIIcIoas 5oap-of-Ule-~_ ...._ ...... 1I~5oW._

j~~~tJ IOIOE.MoinSt. '...... ,,~,.,.., - Ned to Vic Koenig Chevrolet

it .• • .H '.',4- . p.~Vk~ht~~~j;~~.;.;\"wm~ f .. nunnu.. uU •• " .." ....II .... ''' ..... ·... UHtfCtt .. ''UffUtfi H •• nUI"OI" •• ,! •.• I.' ·f~2' ~ •••••• ~' ...... I'" ,... v..:~~ ..... -' WlDB returns to WrightI, ' -'. This Week's Special tudent Center stay short-lived New York Corned Beef trying to move into the Student indefinite, but funds to provide Reuben Center since 1m. but there isn't space for WIDB in the Student enough a\ ailable space for the Center will partially come from MON-SAT entire operation. It's hard for us ~:ffiTJ\®~ student activity fees, partially ~1ak....,·O'li to function split up like this. from state fundi ng and partially Murdol• .,7..,n 'TILL lOPM There is just a big lack. of from WIDB, whkh is currently communication between the operating on a $53,000 budget. two factions now." In a meeting last montl! According to Richardson, the between WIDB and University Wright I facility is badly in need officials. some of the fog of repairs. Rinella said the surrounding WIDB's current University will paint the situation was lifted, Linton said. basement and win improve the WIDB's faculty adviser Alan "a('oustical qualities" of the Richardson confirmed the basement by insulating an fonowing points brought up at estImated 18 inch sluce bet· the meeting via a letter to Vice ween the suspended ..-eiling and President f"l" Student Affairs the concrete ceiling. The gap Bruce Swinburne: between the two ceilings leaks Present at the meeting was noise which is not conduch e to University Housing Director operating a radio station. Sam Rinella, wbo agreed to "The physical layout of the sound).lOOf the drop ceiling basl"ment right now is located in Wright l's basement deplcot'8ble," Richardson said. and to paint the basements WIDB, which is primarily walls. beard in on-campus residence Corker explained and halls, is a carrier current radio chrified conditions surrounding station rather than an open all' the move back into Ole Student station. The station's AM signal Center. Upon cGIIlpletion of is transmitted through building remodeling of a fourth floor electrical systems that must be meeting room, anti remodeling near one of the station's 10 of a third (1'101' activities room, transmitters. WlDB is tran­ 'tie Blacit. Affairs Council, smitted on FM through the which is current).;- housed on the Carbondale cable television third floor, will move to the system. It is impossible to •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• space made availabk from receive tbe station's signal off- third floor remodeling. WIDB will be given first priority on :':E:l:~~~'t~:-": Instead of space currently I)Ccupied by the about the size of an average BAC. stereo speak Richardson also put into The'Y are placed near the TOPLESS DANCERS writing that the University win alternating current boxes the provide funds for additional ioealed in residence hall soundproofing of the Wright I ""S'~ments. facility until the move into the Linton said the 16-year-old PLAZA LOUNGE Student Center is complete. sta'aon is in the process of re­ offen "They're really better off ~ting some of the on-campus Great Bartenders. being togetlrr until they r-'\ trt..nsmitters to improve sound Talented Musicians get into permanent quarters. ~ty. In an effort to PW'Chase Obviously, one of the problems new transmitters lor the Pooftables. Pinball, FoosbaU, involved is where the money is station, WIDB sponsored a Backgammon, sandwiches. going to come from to move fundraiser at Hanger 9 earlier them into the Student Center this week. Pizza. Free popcorn, and permanently. If we can work "The transmitters are 16- Daily Happy Hour with lOc & 1/2 price drinks. out space and funding I think it ye8l'$-old . and obsolete. Tbey Tonight and Thursday - Music by C::k~ Cial to everyone." are still good but we want to =r replace them before anything Richardson said plans were goes wrong," Linton said. CHICO keeps cars in bedrooms (Across from 'he Holiday Inn) cars, trucks, buses, even a produced to promote one year·s cement mixer, in his bedroom. models. No, it's not a large bedroom. The Weatherford mailbox The Weatherford classics, soon was stuffed with copies of acquired through three years of the magazine and York told his trading. range in sil." from folks a~ouui his enterprise. He three to six inches. They're soon ~came a middleman, Matchbox diecast metal reading tile ads to find out what miniatures made in Jo:ngland. other collectors needed, and


Daily Egyption. December 12. 1979, Poge 11 lac.~l PARK MA 19116 RAMBlFR AMBASSADOR. very dependable. new radials. (v.... .!.V.!..c...... Vaily 'Egyptian Moving·must sell. $ISO. 54: t, 75 COLD FEET·? We buy used stereo equipment Fum. or unfum. opts. ovoilobl 1he Dail! £mtian cannot be Good condition or for immediote occupancy. Ef· ~~~t~~,,~';~l;: =~~ ~!song!J~~arv: S. Mpskln Slippers! nHding repair ficlencies. t, 2 ctr 3 bdrm. opts. $8SO. Audio Hospital 54...... , Includes electric heat. swim· !:~rn:!~:nlff: e~!!:~~n~~,,= included 4S1-8'l13 an~75 Haf. & mitten. too. t~'"""fNMItI .....". the fault of the advertiser whIch --->..-. ______The Barefoot Cobbl... ming pool. A.C. and found le!oSen the value ~f the 1968 AUTOMATIC FORD. extra RTR ROOD SPEAKERS. like new. facilities. advertisement wiD be adjusted. If whee~, snow tires. runs good, S320. 201 W. Walnut St. l~priceS600.I·~. 3011Ag73 We t.lieve _ hove the besl your ad appears incorrectly. or if Can ~68. 2992Aa73 rate In Carbondale. No h>~IWiS:e~~~~~r~a:OoC:lI~ 1970 MAW<:RICK. GOOD Gas d9J)OSit. depending upan op­ cancellation in the next day's issue. Mileage. one year ~Id Iran· proved credit during thi5 Classifletllaf«mau.n Rates smission. (oor Iooo! tires. 1325. STER enrollment r ... iod. ,,..1741 m?ni~u~al~~ cents per word Mark. 4.'>'"1·24M. 2987Aa72 Two Days-9 cents per word. per 1971 CHEVY VAN. $475.00. 457· REPAIR ~R~!i;rB~~ t'o!idC:= day. 892Il. 2912Aa72 Audio Hospitc,", ,..9-1495 ~~. quiet. $2SO mon:W4i.t:h three or Four Days-8 cents Pf"l 1949 CHEV. ANTIQUE car (or (110 ton from Itt"" Irain station) WOFrdl'v'e~th'rurlaN~'_ Days-7 cenb per t t" Not r nn·ng. $275 .~ ~~~.~alter5~. 13072Aa74 NICE CLEAN I bedroom furnished ""T~ \rr'ud~Mteen Days-6 cents 1------apartment. close to campu.. Spring semester. 54.5439·2766Ba74 pefw~~·orM~rAlY*_5 r.cnts per ~~~ ~.?!!G:c~~;v:,~U:~J!: BUY AND SELL used furnituTe J.;ENT AN APPLE II worJ. per day. ~,. r.~~; ~~~lMJ~~ ::~u: ~~ ~~=Jf.ider Web. :.u~:t COMPUTER CARBONDALE. VERY NICE IS Word ".lahaa.. in.' bui-iiS regUlar gas; aUllilliary As low a$ $2.50 per hour CHRISTMAS TREF.8 - CU't ~ ~a"re:~~l4~V: at:a~e:'J: Anv ad whkh is changed in any fiiet tank; SS,IiOO lopliolllll C.B. &:Ki own. wee.ends only. r.re5 ("OI'd station wagon. 457.7941 new engUle. nso. 4S7 -&'OW. IOx50 TRAILER NEWLY 2976Aa72 EFFICIENCY AND ONE ~e:~~~C:~:!tC8r(:~i~~~ bedroom. available immediately. I_ton ilfter $pm. 2882Ae Bicycles all utilities paid. 549-4589. I B2927Ba7:1C Autolnotlve 12x64. THREE BEDROOM, 1973 SCHWISN CONTINENTAl.. ':~Int :~~~~~cm!! :~~~~~sr.;A~II~Wl r.'~~~~~:!;:~~~/ ~'i.!reT~;: CoIIIpIete ,,.._...... 52!H779. 29ISAe7S= NALDER STEREO 4522 alter 4. B2977Ba77 SCHWINN VARSITY 10 Speed...... 12ldiO WITH EXPAI"DO. fireplace. 715 S. University Cen'o!r Pull Brakes. Generator NICE FURNISHED TWO bedroom OldestlnMurpltysboto central air. washer, dryer, nice (on the island) Light. one year old. Excellent on New Era Road. no pelS. 12010 per Condition. 54.1257. 2984A173 mooth. CaD ~7·7517 01' 5-19-%316. Fcm Servlce-No WoIting g:~:;~~~a! ~;ber 2!l61Ba74 All New Pam 2S34Ae73 HASJ.V.C. Cameras SeBLE1' OUR NEW spacious tw~ Molt Ports In Stock , 1977 HOUSE TRAILER for sale. CAMERA FOR SALE· Nikon All ports and Mrvices Trailer is 12x60, has Whirlpool Turntables ~~f!':ca':'i-;~.s::!~i~rUar~i~::J: __ wammty. Frig, washer &: dryer theavy t"2AS with 20 mm. f'l.slens. $700.00 TopeOecks 01' best offer. 684-2&46. 2748Aj'7-I !'t~S~~r:.g~ester. ('.all ~9-f.!:4 •...,-I-T-O-Y-OT-A-CO-R-O-LLA....; wty l. It is all electric:. a.~e77 Receiyers CANON 55mm f1.2 Len.... New ...... 67. Metal Compotable t1JRNISHED ONE BEDROOM =ie':"-'~: ~=e:;te~~ -12-X-6-&--T-W-O--B-El)kO-0-Tt:-. -TW-O apartment. to campus. Tape Decks Starting fr~L~s!\t.o~ri't'~p: Availalile Dec. 17th. Lease and 2964Aa74 !:H'45~~~1NIed, f~~ Around S3OO.00 deposit required. No P;,;~:. Call Sporting Goods I ~~~ 6:00. 54.3016 or anL=B~ INVEST ONE YEAR'S rent 8x3&. .::!t~;::~~t~':r!n~ 12 GAUGE. BOLT Action., SeJl!'3. ~ parts. $1.200.00. 54H~Aa74 =:~c ~~~~~·$l~.rf!.':!: The only stereo specialists in Sbot Gun. $40. 529-2337. 411118.-\&77 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED. 54.2l'I73. . ..o32Ae~ I town that do their own service. two beds in large bedroom. (ree utilities. air carf.eti~. walking 1976 FORD PINTO WagoD. Ex· HEADED SOUTH. must sell. 121ISZ Musical ~:.~~.e toS.1. . 12 ~'J'~~6 :.-eUent conditioa. Automatic. S25UO Liberty 13600; 12xS2 Richmond Sl!NN 215B BASS SPEAKER 7t best. 549-7r>57 or 54.37 IS after s. $3800. G\?at conditioo. location. 2960Aa74 neighbors. 457-4393. 3021Afo77 ~i~j:~~!r~M~!r !n:"'~~.l:: :H9-1237. 298SAn73 EHiciency Apartments - .. :rl i,::~.~ADED:il:;::h Miscellaneous CLOSE TO CAMPUS NORMANDY CLARINET. LIT· muCK: 1963 CHEvY~·Ie-!lsKt-.. DIAMOND PRICE WAR: Heart· TLE use. excellent condition. AND SHOPPING .. loaF.U .• engine runs out r.eeds ~l~~~i!~~d ~~~1:~'::i 5225.00, caU alter 5:30 PM. 457· Furnished. Carpeted & Air Cand 70174. 3059An76 =.~. =gOod ~Jition~!74 dinner rings. t':59; Diamond Water & Trash Pick·up I=urnished earrings. S4i1.95; Diamond promise TRADE IN SOPHOMORf APPROVED rings, $50: gold wedding balKb. 8oy1~ ~J E. Cole.g. Sot9 1719 $29.95; Trade-IDS weleo,:::! Wiggs your o~cI.tereo. I FOR RENT • Bloor ~E. Co/e.g. Sot9307a Jewelry. Benton. W. Frs B~m on new technology 0-...... 5001.(01'_ 5019·1967 audio equipment by logan SII S. logan .57 7403 MISS KITTY'S GOOD used fur- '71 ApoIlo ....ut AC CONTACT MANAGER '72 Opel ~ . ~~ 4cy' ~;::~s.bed~h:~e:pri'r"aw':::: ON PREMISES dreMen. sola. dinette sets. much 2 '76 Mu...... 4cy1 hp4 more too numerous to mention. ~HITACHI WA~~~::~N:~~: OR CALL '73 Mon• 10 p ... It... k .. at bedroom apartment. furnished. .c... t BENING PROPERTY .lr.1IUf ~"~~~~~~!r~:~ The Music • air? 4S7-495of. 4S7~B~17 Box ::r MANAGEMENT '74 MelI"", 2•• ut AC TYPEWRITERS. SCM ELEC· TRICS. new and U'led. Irwin 126 So. IIUnol. Ave SllBLEASF. Lt.:XliRIOUS 2 205 E. Main. Carbondale 1000 E. Main C'dale TYpewriter Excbang€. 1101 Nortb the In Ion) bedroom apt. CIO'Ie to campus. 451-2134 529-21. 529-21.1 CO\jrt~. Marion. Open Monday-· ....~_ ..... tro...... :M .... ;..;,; ...... ,;,;;,...... ~ri!:~~~h.~ ... }.~~I ·SII~ur.~r t~lt91. . 82M1AfIIUC.' t_....,.

Poge M. Doily Egyptlon. Decembe~ 12. 1979 VIET EFFICIENCY • THREE 3 B.EDRoo\f HOUSE. Available YOC CAN WALK to Campus from ROOMMATE WANTED TO share ~nnLSemester. Close to carnJlUS. this totallv "Iectric. car~ted, 2 bedroom house close to campw; [ '::: i~f:cT.w.iar.;:i=O!~: and town, S7S monthly. 549- 1969. 1-2405. 2979Ba74 ~~ 1.s.~~7~.onth. ca~a::~4 := ~';.;:.e ~~~Pt~~d :~ 3018Be74 East College St. at $80 ~ penon. ------AMBRIA - ONF. BEDROOM Or. you can drive to Campus from -----_._------MALE ROOMMATE WANTED: umisheci Apartment. gas-electric: Mobile Homes B. c:al'P.l'ted. underpinned. Wllldow· MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED for alr 3·bedroom. located at Malibu Spring semester at Garden Park ~~~~:: :ov:;!~~~ ::~I~rtea.1 l Apartments. Call i49-6337. Ask for 457·7183. 3014Be73 ~~~ Sl&!~~::S~. ~:::;~ JIm. 2753B4!74 2 bedroom ~~~& ~r s:~~rsonR~Wa., ·1 BEDROOM APARTMENT for FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED !t'nt. ava'lable Jan. Sth. S300 &: Mobile Home IllS per_. 2-BEDROOM. FURNISHED TWO I\OOMMATES TO share 4 ~!:::-~~Pr~~~~1.'-c!"u ~a~~eri~:.' ~:'b~~':af:eMn;,b~~~ bedroom house. Cl_ to campus .. :r !.:t:i:rO:~:i~:t i::~~ ~ Ei:icienq Apts. I1U .... _ 457-8520. 3034Be73 uit!l. 83016Ba73 Hom!' No. 40. 529-3270. Available town.SlOO moothly. 549-5733. Includes some utilitie". fur­ Jan. I. 2943Bc71 2I!03Be75 MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED 10 BEDROOM. FURNISHED. 400 nished and air·l!onditioned. smre a house close to campu!'. All ·raham. S220 a month. no pets. 2·BEDROOM. 121t52 BETWEEN No Pets CARBONDALE and Murphysboro. ~~rpI!ted. water furnC~~15 :!~~~~ ~~Ig. ~n:~U:I~~I:~0u"r~ .Coll ROYAL RENTALS DIshed. For more mformation =~ea1t~~n. quiet.s"~t~4 contact Tom anyday after 4. a29- 'ARTE~VILLE EFFICIENCY 457-4422 2230. _ 3QI:lBe74 'IPARTMENT Furnished. IiJthts" MODERN 2-BEDROOM. FUR­ ·at .. r. pid. natural gas heat. NISHF.D. dean mobile borne. 'rosstilad Rt. 13. 549-3866. SINGLES. ONE BEDROOM in­ SI25.00 month plus utilities. Pets 30718a74 cludes heat. SI45 per month. allowed. Cooperative landlord. 529- r avaIlable December or January. 2999. 2999Bc:73 2 persons needf'd. Immediate f.!~:d~':r!ir!:.\~·p~~!~r3" ~r:r~ 2-BEDRooM. LARGE TRAILER. ONE ROOMMATE NEEDED, 4 east. 549-6612 or a(t« S. 549-3002. bedroom apartment. Mill St. ::ic=;J~:~::k~.!a": c~rf~ B2S38Bc71C ~~~~~,a~~~t~~at~~s~ across from Pulliam Hall. 1160. 3007Be74 Located on own .., acre on RR 2. Available Jan. 1. 549-5IlU5. 2973Be72 Available Jan., 549-7!r.1. 2!l91Bc7$ ROOMMATE FOR 3 bedroom house near Midland's. [)f'".-emher ROOMMATE FOR 3 bedroom !:'tfJ.EP':W.Mp!:~J.E~o!,ur~ TWO BEDROOM. BEAUTIFUL one third utilit~~~ month. no pel&. private entranc:e. trailer, S90-montb, (irst ml'nth -151-1263. B:IOS7Ba71 ~::m~::rR:. ':o!~~i!f::. Sl~: free; 457-5397. 28848e72 TWO BEDROOM. 12 .. 14 wides, f~~"swim.ning. NOP~B~ FEMALE SPANISH MAJOR _ or FEMALE - NONSMOKER - (or SEWER. THREE ROO!\!S. one ______1 Labna -wanted to share hrand new ~:It;~~m~::sMtj::l~:n~Y ~~~':u :;:ili::;!4s~.~ts, ~'ir~~isbed. -rs~::&':!-7 .. home 00 SW side - own bedroom. negotiable. Call 457·7984. 2990Be74 B305S8a71 CAMELOT ISTATIS ~:;4.7~·:.C,t:losetoBc::~ ONE FEMALE ROOMMATE TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED !:~ ::~~~i~t =. RESPONSIBLE ROOMMATE =:.lable now. sorry no~B":fi ::~~d sr:;~s~~~.a~~~~,:~n~:~, !rn~e.;~~, ~!~nCO;!~i: NONRENT1NG NEEDED. to share 2 bedroom Apts., call 549-4170. 303OBe74 Apartments. B30648a71 AU mobile '*-have ONE THREE-BEDROOM and one c.ntnII_ and 011 _ electric :1:~~~S:. vegetari~'ir:~ FEMALE FOR SPRI!IIG setnf'Ster SUBLK4SE FOR SPRING two-bedroom trailer. Glisson semester. Garden Park Apart- Trailer Court, 616 E. Park Street. 21edroams ROOMMATE - OWN ROOM in 4 :!~~·~t=.i~;::U~~: 2718Bc77 Ni9ht IIQhted ::::g!~. :0.10 ~lr~~. ~:b!~~: ,awdstreets =~~~~'::t l~;~d. ~~~.:!: 4m. 3036Be74 AC. alll!lectrie, 457-4356. UI8a72 54!H;843. 2891he74 ONE ROOMMATE FOR 3- Furnished bedroom house. Available mid· I·BEDROOM APARTMENT 2 TRAILERS Rent net... _tw. MWW. MALE OR FEMALE want~ Det-ember. Good location. Can 457- "IQCks (rom c:ampus, availahle S1(IO-$l80 per month tIastt pick-up and lawn care. =~3~:~I:.o:~ C 5606. 3035Be74 .!qn. IS. lease and deposit. SI70 mo.:~ly, S49-8428. 305OBa7$ CHUCK RENTALS CALL _____2S('I7_Be7_4 ~:;:.:m~~Nf!r ~~~p Ja;;:::ln 529-2840 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT - S49-3314 FEP·ALE TO SUBLET ...ophomore trailer, $85-month. ~71. idE'S' loeation - 3 bloeks from OffICI .... I:JI.S IIIrf arCed apartment near c:am~. 83038Be74 ~.~ !romthes~~4 ROOMMATES NE~DED. ~~~=~~.all utilit;;;I~'ts FE MAL E ROO M MAT E Available Df'cembi!r 19. $85.00 NE~DED. Available Dec. 22. Non- mootb. Call 45H0i8. 2oi76B4!74 Houses 2476Bc74 IOxSO MOBILE HOME water, rev~~?=~;rS L!7sL~a~~ =~m: ~~I~op::{~~~t, Apt. Call Mary 01' Jill 549-4304. 303!IBe73 12x60 MOBILE HOME. anchored. ~:::ent.cdk~t.l~~~C'!l~Phr54';: 29716e73 underpinned. very small. clean 6116 eve, 453-3731 day. 2937Bc78 FEMALE W ANTED To Share new ~rk. SOITlt.:Jno cfuldren or pets. SUBLEASE. ONE MALE room- me 549- after5;~~42Bc&. PRIVATI!:. IOx50. TWO miles east. =wc:s~~e~ ~.:r~,tr;n~ $100 a mooth. water furnished. gas W:~~u~.t t~~t:,n~~lt~i~!~~ ?! on DeSoto blacktop. Call Jan alter beat. married couple. 45~Bc77 utilities. Georgetown Apts. 457- &;00.687-3952. 307.. Be76 4350. 29UIBe7622 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED 2-BEDROOM Ib60. SISO-month. ONE FEMALE ROOMMATE immediately. house 2 blocks from underpimed. furnished includes needed for spring semester. c:ampus. Share ooe-tnlrd rent and Garden Park Apartments. '. utIlities. 549-5950 after 5prn3064Re71 1 BEDROOM HOllSF-. Mur­ fr~~~senu:eand water~ utilities. Call: 457·5408. 29238e78 physboro, Large Kitchen. air TWO BEDROOM. $135. aVBilahle l now. for one person only. tur­ ~~ntr ~i~~ utiliti;;g1~~~4 nished. Be, water and trash in­ EXCELLENT 2·BEDROOM. MALE. TO SHARE large. new FEMALE FOR SPRING cluded. Past Crab Orcbard MEADOWBROOK Estates. 12x58, three bedroom Southern Park central heal. furnished. un­ =::;~·fS'I~~~~I~pi. ";~ STt'DENT RENTALS: 2.3. and 4 =~way. No pets. 549-66~;B':i derpinned. SI60 month. 529-1489 ~~I~Mf:~:~o~O=8e~ month:y. I. utilities. Mary Lou. bedroom houses. clost! to campus. mornings or evenings. 3IHOBc77 ------549-:i.oISl aftel' Spm. J06JBe71 also one lind 3 bedroom apart­ CARBO!'IDALE TWO BEDROOM TWO FEMALE ROOMMATES mt'nts. caU between .. and S. S29- 12'<50. dean. free bus to campus. TRAILER WARREN RD. 12x54.2 needed. 4 bedroom house close to MALE. NICE FlRNI5HED 1082 or 549-6880. B2890Bb87C Available DOW. Phone 457-8378. bedroom. SI40 mootb. available c:amjltls, S77 monthly. '. utilities, 2B4OBct16 January 7. 549-8481. 3OS2Bc77 Spring semester· 549-013829:IIBe73 ~r:~:~' ~~ '~ih~npf~~~! \lURPHYSBORO. FIVE ROOM, utilities. Ke\·in. 549-79QI1. JO.I8Be77 two bedrooms, ga.; heat. carpet. 12x50 2-BEDROOM " 12x6tl 3- NONSMOKING FEMALE MALE OR FEMALE for Le9';S ;;:'c;:!i:~:!lr:~~~~ ~~r:sg! ::nE~~~ ,:!hl~ll~~n:u::!-: ~ SENIOR or Grad. Bedroom Park. SIOO montbly. Dlus ,~ miles 'from Carbondale. Space for Apt .• Spring Semester. Quiet. utilities. immediate occupancy. :!~~~~ts plef=B~ Crose to Camts. SI25 monthly. call 549-6223. JO.l68e74 iiiiU'lFREE BUS f:~. this spring. Phones::F.~4 share electric:. 9-2015 aft;.l'B:-n rHREE BEDROOMS NORTH· NEED FE~IALE FOR 4-bedroom l~EST Carbondale, wellinsulated. HOllIS 7 RUNS DAILY TWO PERSON TRAILER, Malibu ~:I~~~i~ pets OK. $330. S29- _. h Village.south. SI80.00monthlY.l:lus ROOMMATE TO SHARE apart- :=~I:'~~~I~~~~en~2e~ ,_.:'~:.. 51 Nort ::~:~~. Pets OK. 529-~6~ 29111'073 at. ~:~~~~~~~:S~~~~: N,)N·SMOKING FEMALE .-: 5-49-3000 ROOMMATE for Lewis Park. OOMMATE WANTED FOR , TWO BEDROOM. $1110 per month RESPONSIBLE ROOMMATE (ouse. lloo-montb plus ~I) (!Y.' "tw....r..-O-B..:E-D-R-OO-M-T-R-A-IL-E-R-.-n-ic:e--'.l I i includes water, trasb. Clean. NEEDED. Nice two bedroom :J'~:t~f. p:i:~mes~O:a'f~~~ flitlies. Spring Semester. Chli AI trailer two blocks (rom c:amllus. 6647. 3c:. INTERNATIOlloAL STl'DElIoTS - ROO,..,..ATE·S. SHARE mpus. Seniors or grads 22 to 1"00. 1. t-.ft.'e 1A·ater. to'ree bus MEN - Private rooms. common CARTERVILLt. -lWW. All brick. kitchen and living areas. (ur- ~rJ;~~>;:S 1~~'n~~~~.'~B~:!~~ ~r:;~,~ :ab~d~~m~a~trrb· :!~('~ i~'I~~~~~t~~5026 (OV;;~8~76 ~~!'3r::;a~~W~~~~n. ~~ pa"ed ..Jriveway. l'x(,ellent con­ ultlitie!' ('all 457-4233 after .. l1.m. ~e':!ber ~t C~)t~9-2.~a~~a4~~~ c1OSl'IS. large utilily room wJ'n weekdays. A:lylimeon wml'llifs. dition $lla. .IO. '·utilities. ~57·5.1a2. drvt'r add' washer hookup. ~;W If HI'S£. CENTER Car­ 8216. BJOOOBd;4 ~53-4Qa. ~Be77 29iIBc74 rl'frigt'rator. stove, draperies. , •. Iale. 4 blocks from .:ampus. liard maintt'nanf.'t.' and trash :"cesting Potenlilli for :'\('w ROU~l AVAlLABl.E DEC 12. n·:MAl.E Roo'IMAn: NUmEI) (or spri;tg. lk..... is PB .. k Apls. S iUO pl{'kup furnishe.! Pri\·a(')i. flu :WC!I4&7-l :ltJl'9Bf:-l 1l~:J)RoOM HOrSES for ",nl 'mung Jan. lith. :\-I!t-ut>1!9 after fo·E'I.\LE. ;\ll'HPHYSHORO. O\on '. BJII15Hb':J KNOLLCRESI RENTALS room. no~'e;! bt·droom hlluse $71).M Mobile Home 'Lot$; Quiet country surroundings mttnlt.l>. ~nior. grad or ''''II'.kinI: ·~:!t!(I)II:\I. foTHSISHt:U, :,.v.'·:l(lill :tIl2t;f!,·,. ",,1-: In Sll'. $!.\!I pltl.~ ur.llIi,'S. lOwide-$l00 12wide$1 JO RA{TtJ(l:\ i;Al.LEY, n\,E miles "c~t\ or l.iJ4i':t ;MII\Bhi2 A.C.. Carpet U':WIS PAHK . nero "",-'!:',mat!.' 10 south of ~Il'. "Ixu·inu.' landscap" d ~ ----- ".--~--- - .. _-- ";lare 4 bt~fIIom ap:trlmenl wlth:1 101. "hadt'. pt'1S "" •. !'pe('lal i··l>!WO~. CI.OSt-: to tnYin and ~ fntt(!\c w... ~, Uf· (JI,,! j~1 males. $lUiI month. :H\Hi.).I; l'onstrna,; bonu:,,·$1I10: ¥,; ·61.;7 lIt:!7Bl'i-l 8411l>iHI.77C .:S,'i;. tA~l~~~~. d~~~i)~~1 6.7.3790 687-1S88 Doil.,. Egyption. De<:'ember 11. !979. Page ,q, , , ~ t .,. - ~ .. ., ~ I! .... , r,'. ',.. - t.. . 4' :2.~! i~~!nh~iianL£:~. ,::e~ RIDIRS W ANtE" . 529-2181., evenings. for detll~ ~; .. ,...... FREE "HOllIS . . MO·.JETO •. COCKTAIL WAITRESS WAN­ ~t. 51 North ... :.::.. TED. Exciting atJncwphere. Apply 549-3000 ' .. - .n person 10..... OasllI DISCO. Rariiada. 1m. B2989C74 I WANTF.D: DOORLADY to collect cover Cha~. Apply. ,t SI!'..... ~" H pm. 11299702 . HELPWANTED NAnONAL HEALTH ".GENCY seeks field representative for Eastern Illinois area. CJHice in Springfield. Degree (hired. sales 01' supt>rvisory expt>ridlce helpful. ~WANTrD ~:'IC!atwoa:,od,!:~~~:'t~~ "i . " resume to ?'O.B. 474. Marion. II. 62959. 83OO2C14 TELLER. CARBONDALE. FULL Autos, Trucks !!,':~ =~k:P~~ ~~I~i~':t: a~ Junken. and Wrecks 5411-3202. B3OO6C73 S£LLNOW .WANTED: Temporary secreiary. far Top Dollar full- or part·lime; to begin im· med~tely. Not necessary to be on Kantctu RN'S AND LPN'S. full and part N. New Era Rood tl'lle position available. apply at ~Jin~.e~~:~ B~~a&.~~D P"rsonnei Office, Memorial 8301702 Carbondale Huspital.404 W. Mam Street. 549- 457-0421 457·6319 r,.;;:Uni~;tEr!~~Oy!~ Eq~ 'SI,YlaS LAND NEEDED TO Rert if.!- I ~LANGUA~- OI\FERED .. mediately to park small tr.iller. I ~~~!Et~r.:~~o~lU ~~ , , call Connie at 3411-S509. 30081-74 l~:r:~~cf ~~.f3:~d·s::;!.~~~~ ";~"""""'""_,,,~~~_-"I THE WILD TURKEY News and 'O"Go..-:;o.e..oe::;...... -.:::;1'G"'-G"'-G~ ~oody Hall 8,150. phone:~ ~MI PARTS ...... • .tiIl ...,,,. ... r.'a:." HOllIS AND ~~c::'~~~~o:trit~e~l~tAn~ SNACK 8A R iiEL!' ~Jed. apply -\.. SERVICES :i~ho~~IIi::t t&~,~gsu~ir!d ;:r:. at S.I. Bowl. par=g, .... ~=~,.. Rt. 51 North so !ar. N4f'17 549-3000 SMALL SAILBOAT WA.'lITED to F'AR·r TIME FEMALE Bar help. 1...":" ___":;;;;';'';';;';';;' __01 1 ~,~~II pay top "ash "B~~~ A"p!y Plaza Lounge in pe·'Soo. ~.~::~mce not necessar:& JJG PAPERS. DISSERTATIONS. AND Thesi.s ,. ... ped. IBM COrn!chng Selectric- II. neat. accurate. OPENING:; FOR STUDENT reasooable rates. 549-2874. workers· typists. secretaries with 2446E77C Bri. 5IMiO ~m hping skills ~inllln~ I'm gonna miss ABORTlON·FINEST MEDICAL T·I 58 CALCUtATOR WITH ::~:l~F~;f=o:;~t ... r~e care. Immediate appointments. ya very much. It f:~ ='1~:t ~~.~::r ~~:f!}~~!e~:~~~f6'~~~' ~~~I!~r~: 8am2S9s~ reward 5411-3467. 2!l83G72 won °t be the same DELIVERY PF.RSONS. MUST without you. have own C'r.J' a·1Id .nsurance. apply ~~~~:its. D~~~Et~!Ap~~i!~ WST: DAI.MATION puppy. in pefSOl'. Qua·.. " oS Pizza. B2913C74 P.S. SPC .. now ...... ~= ~7~~:? Printi~~~ ~.aJeSu~ :;~i;J~~ found ~~ Just remember for Promotl_ e... I,...... HELP! BROWN K!IIi\PSACK at I love you, J 0 11 mad _. Should be familiar with Adver­ COVER'S UPHOLSTERY. Fur· tising and Marketing concepts niture u~!1o'sterbn:nd repa Ir. ~~~:~~.:::s:n~e1:~sa~~ tfta.4ed. ....,... to usher as well as 9"aphic layout. Musl IStudent Center III' call4S7'7~iG72 ~~~'1:. ~IIO::I~~:~=~ Happy Birthda during Christmas be fufl ti.... "tudent Spring SeCT.ester. LoST IN DAVIES Gyrrr-Olympus To 'break-to begin Dec. Skeeter C.1IJ3"Ut~ A-l TV Rentals OM-l 35mm camera In brown 27. To sfyn up. come N_ Zenith Color $25.00 ~thrW'.:~r!:~\\yew~ ~,= From Poop to the SIU Arena. monthly. Block & White <':ontacl34!l-5648 evenings. 3063G74 $12.50 monthly. Fr_ ~...... Room 117 by Dec. 14 Maintenance. Fr_ Delivery. or call for 451-700t FOUND 453-2321 _. f .. ~J Information. Sorry. EXPF.RIENCED TYPIST FO~ any ia~'i. accurate typing,. self- no SIU faculty O'!' We'renol taR. ~~~:r~pus de ~?ai Clownln' '10BILE HOME REPAIR 2iid minor house rt!pairs. '13 years I SPEECH THERAPIST. MUR· ANNOUNCEMENTS PHYSBORO. part·time. to work ==ce. quality you can~~ with home-bound patients. !"a~a~I~~~. ~r l~~re:t REMODELLING. kOOFING. Jackson Counr:~ealtb Depart­ ment. 342A North Street. or c:1Li ~g~~~a~~7~~n~~~:'~\ R Home Improvement C32ss4Ea6c Get away to the 684-3143. EOE. 82949C74 I V_tl_1 1_1.... tor. RivervIew Hotel I E_'i_tlon .nd .,.".Iop­ NIIO ABORTION Golconda. IL _"tol C... t.. SIUC INFORMA lION? Home cooking at .e.ltlltatlon Inst'," .. :W. To help you through this ex. pe' 'enee _ give you com- Ma Barker's Di!ler Masters degr_ in vocatiu>'101 .oelax the Ohio evaluation or closely re'~ted plvte counseling of "OY by River field. I!valuation experience in d"lfation befvre and after 683-3001 the procedure. a rehabilitation seftirlg 12. ~ Single - 14.BO daubl .. preferred. Duties include CALLUS assisting chi'frts in d1;..eloping h_.c._W.c-·· rehabilitation plans utilizing a c.•• CollMt J14-"'-.H5 SHELLEY. PREVIOUSL \ of tb! voriet, of assessment o..TolI,,.. techniques. and supervising .....~27- .... ~~ ~~t~:c~~~fg ~~r:a:. Order (or Christmas DOW. Can:.-lll- and instructing graduate and 7580. 24901J7& undergraduate students in CUSTOM ARTWORK various field experiences. Sl':DWETfING, BEDSorLING ILLUSTRATIONS. Paintinp. 3-D; PROBLE~S" Counseling-Ge. i -. Send letter of application, Custom·MadeChristmas Present.. help":--Tbe Center for Humar; i Your ideas InalerializC'd. Free l>e-'.::.lIImenl-·No charge·('1111 resume. three lett( rs of Estimates. "..,hn. 867-2706. 2956£'71; recomm4Pndat;on and college 549-441 r. 82862J87C I ! transcripts to: DEPR~:SSION-.MARRiAG~-­ WANTED: BILlNGl'ALTUTORS. YOUTH ana Y·".luly-· Loul_ Smith. Cha&persoA Preferabl), speakers of Lao, Bionic Broom <.:ohabitationiol il"u!llems-­ (.'ounsehng--<'enter Human V.E.... rchCommltt ... IDC Malay aoif Spamsh. Will B<'~ r.... Service ~~~opmenl-N. cha~j:::'~ '11lat College St. ~~~r! ~~:~~~!~~~~~.

.... P~?f,:R?ily. ~~.P.~i~!'!.l-~~~~~JJI.~!~?!..i:.V JJ.,....,.~... ':" \. -I. :, ;I';I~; ...... " t If I lOt ;N-: ...... " ••t! t' j, ••~ it ~ .-t,t"';' ;:,,,. ~.' •. ~"1.~ .. "';: .. i!: •. :. 'II. '1--'fI': t',,!: ~f .•";J grant acquisitions Newcounes osier for homeowners for women set c~~!.mphrey. price right after the renovations next year now easier for Carbondale are finished:' said Bob Hisgen, with low to the Carbondale Division of By Cheri!le Mayberry lmlcxM!ra!teincomes to qualify for Renewal and Housing's Student Writer I rehabilitation officer. Three new courses in ~pr~~:~~,!! ~~~~~ Application forms are women's studies dealing with comedy in women's fiction, limits for these grantsllave ~vailable at Citr HaU, and images of wo,nen in French recently been raised. 'about one out 0 every three o be eligible, single: o~""tnnnt initial applicants get approval litera Jere and readings in T .~-t'"' for a grant," Hisgen said. recreation will be offered spring homes are now allow('~ an in- "Sil'K.'e 1975, 121 of these grants semester. come of 59,050 instead of the ba\'e been approved." "With the addition of these Christmas Gift. previOUS $7,850, and homes witt- lirant funds are not paid courses WI.' intend to offer a an occupancy of eight or r!lore directly to tflt'o homt'owner, well-rounded program to A Booby's Sub. are now allowed S16, 150, as Hlsgen said. The contractor supplement the major areas of opposed to the previous limit of with the lowest bid for the job is study." said Elil.abeth Eames, $14.020. paid through the Division of coordinator of w')men's studies. These changes are in line with Renewal and Housing upon "There is a Jl('ed for women's the I'('Ccnl changes in Housing satisfactory completion of the studies courses because all we and Urban Development's work. see is the male view of income limits for grants. The maximum granl for everything. I think that women Carbondale's Property home improvement is $6.~. need to realize that there is a Rehabilitation Grant Program and the grant applicant wiD be bias. The academic world has is funded by HUD lUants. denied if the rehabilitation cos~ been dominated by men. Many , • total more than this . . areas .of culture haven't paid . ~he homeowner s inc~me There is a S1.500 sui'- attention to the needs of Isn t. the ~ly f!lctor take!, mto ~lemental grant anilable to women." said Eames. cOJL<;ld~tl~n m app~ovmg a applicants over 55 years old. An "Women's studies courses grant. .Prionty categones, ~sset additional grant of S800 is also attempt to correct the bias." HOURS gUldeltnes 8:-e also exammed. available ior insulation and The new courses are Special Mon-Sat 12-2 ..'.r~!;i:dnts who are han- weatherization when the total Topics !n Literature and dicapped, (!Iderly_ )lve in cer- $6.700 grant is used to correct Language: Comedy in Sun 1-12 tain locales or have few assets, code items. Women's Fiction-English 493, are given priority in grant Examples of code violations Images of Women in French approval. All applicants must are outdated plumbing, weak Literature-French 300 and have owned their home for at. structural members and Readings in Recrl:ation: least three years. . inadequate electrical wiring or Women in Recreation- Wednesday heating facilities. Recreation 385. "This is to preclude people AU violations must be The women's studies • p.m. - 2 a.m. with little personal investment corrected and ii the maximum program evolved as a result of in the home from taking unfair grant is not enough to correct departments of major studia< ad\'antage of the grant by them all, the applicant m.a~' be instituting separate c!)urses, reselling their house at a higher offered the self-help option. F.ames said. "There was a need to coor­ $1.75 liinate the courses so they wouldn't overlap." Sixteen hours in women's Gampus 'Briefs studies constitutes a minor. "I re<'Ommend both men and PITCHERS women for these ((Jurses," On Tap: Busch. Old ~tyl. and Miller Ut. ~e Southern llli.'lOis Collegiate Sailing Club will be Eames said. sailing to the Bahamas or the Florida Keys over 8pI' break. The cost is S300 and $100 is due by Feb. 1. Contact Kaltty. 549-4692 or Stan. $

~e. "NutritiOD Cookbook," featuring ways to improve DUtritiOO, save money and learn more about cooking, will be pl't!Se".;ted at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at the Student PA YROLL DEDUCTIONS Well,...... Resource Center. across from the Health Ser· vic-;" in the second floor conference room. wms win hold Student Appreciation Nights at 7 p.m. For a Brighter Future. " Wedr.esday and Thursday in the Big Muddy Room. Ad­ . missim is free.

Th~ Office oi Research and Evaluatioo will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Dec. 17-21 to receive exams to be The easy way to save machine-scored. No analyses can be done on test results received after 4:30 p.m. Thursday. Dec. 20. For arrangements cull Justya Hindersman at 536-7743. CALL YOUR .0\ tropical Plant sale will be beld from 1 to 4 }>m. Wed­ nesday through Friday and Dec_ 17-21 in the Botany Greenhouse, south of Life Science I. Please ~ the eut S U EMPLOYEES entrance of the greenhouse. I The .Testing .1ivision announces the following test CREDIT UNION registratiODelcsings: Dee. 15 for the Optometry College 1217W. MaIt,St. Admission Test to be held Jan 12 and Dec. 17 for the Test of OR All SHARE Accoun"s CarIIoncial., Illinois tHll Englisb as a Foreign Language to be held Jan. 19. .Sf·un

WE ",lILL NO'vV BE OPEN 7AMTO 7PM : Mondavthru Saturday E~ !so we will be adding

602 S_ IllinoiS ~~~~tlW' .~ ..~#.~ V·"t %~~ I .,- .151 ~"". I Jenny, Jan & Eileen· I Scissor Style 2.00 off I Perms- .. 5.00 off • i cOlor------3.0n off I , Merry -:.:.:be Happy I • .,.. IS-Jon, 15. 1'180 I Christmas NO CASH VALUE New Year t L~~-- __ J French Onion soupl with PurcJlase ' 79¢ Mon.·Sat. 11 a.m.·2:30 p.m.

Staff photo'" linOCoilins SaJuki JU8IU Wayue Abrams leaps to score the SalukJs retun. !lome to play Kansas State two pomts in a recent contest. Abrams and 7::0 p.m. Satnrday in the Arena. Bears' coach: Cards won't be easy

By The AS!lOCia~J Prest: Louis Cardinals. no amount of for the National Conference For aU tht; t.&lk abrAit the pcil'!ts win get them into the Central Division lead with 9-6 points the Chicago Be~rs must play ...&fs. "We must beat the rt!COrds. U the Bears win and pile up Sunday to have a shot at Cardinals. and I don'~ think it's the Buccaneers lose to Kansas a National Football League going to be an easy game for us City. the Bears will make the wilikard playoff berth. there is to win." ArmstrP.'!g said. "They playoffs as division champs. one point that has not been kist have won their last t1lll0 games. I If both teams win or both tin Coach Neill Armstrong. think they've been playing teams lose, Tampa Bay gets !he If the Bears lose their well." tItle because of a bt!tter record tegu]ar.sea.'lon finale to the St. Chicago and Tampa Bay are against diVISion (lJlJlOrvmts. 519 S.lIIinois Ave, fVERY WEDNESDAY Spe.droll Drinlcs 704 Bocardi Rum Wine 60. Gordon's Gin Passport Scotch Free Oly Droft , or Soda Smlrnoff Vodk~ 'th h f . :WI pure ase 0" Jim BE"Om Bourbon any sandwich Don Emilio Tequila Christian Brothers Brandy Canadian lord Calven If;hiskey OPEN DAILY FOR LUNCH AT 11:30 .,...... ;'f.22: ~~'E9YP~:b~~;)1;1_9?q' >'.'.-'" IMhasketball, soccer entries due iajuries, practices 0011 faJygymnasts By Gregg Ocboa Canadian Club, 3-1. for the Ooor Student Writer • hockey title. Entries for the intrltmural Vic Eilau scored all of the basketban tournament wiD be goals for the winners. while accepted until Jan. 25. ac­ Paul Koziarz tallied Canadian cording to the office of in­ Club's ~y tloal. For the Hot tramura~ and c:o-recreational . Shots, goahe Mick Mueller sports. All rosters turned in turned in a strong performance. after the date win be cbarged a Throughout the season the most $2 Iat... fee. goals that Mueller allowed was Rosters also are due for in­ two. door mini-soccer by d1e same In the semifinals against date. Incognito. Mueller J'el'lJrded a Over the past two weeks. shutout as the Hot Soots won. 1- champions in two other sports. O. With :30 seconds remaining, floor hockey and nag footb&!l, Dan Gawalugh slapped a 4O-foot were decided. t'hot that beat the Incognito Botb the men's A and B goalie. In the other semifinal Division champs finished the ",ame the Canadian Club beat season with unblemished 9-0 Hit Men Reborn, 8-0. records. In division A, t».e fIot In the B Division final Zepplin Shots used a strong scut'i)lg downed Team Carbondale. &-3. attack and a stiff defense to Goal scorers for ~'Pplin were defeat the defendillll cbamps Roger Bauers (3). Dan Manella

Badminton team fourth in. tourney Regul« ' .... Prtc. ~_'7I ....".M --..._'7f._CN~ty_.,_._... c..-..,,,.. _ ...... u._ ..... /." .. By Rick Klatt sru held BaD State scoreless the lone puint scorer. ..", ... S&aff Writer 1.",1." in aU but A Flight Singles, four Karen Whitney and Ellen ... ,-...... 11.J9,..... To outsiders, the badminton _ 9.9S/..... pointl2, and doubles, eight M~sey tied in singles play for _ ~-.-..- team may have resembled the c:.---.. ... points. the most points accumulated. a...... 1*'--1 .. ", .... Christains iD;,~ times - "U St.ndy Lemon would have l\oth players tallied thrp.e: .."' .. It Constantly b..>iU'..( thrown to the won her match we could have Whitney in C Flight matcht'" h4W1_ lions. And if 'Ale looks at the shut them ou: in singles," Blair and Massey in D. Other point­ fI.... "a...~ ... ~ 1t.", .. " score of Sat,Jl'day's five-team a...... _·n~ »'''''1.11 said. "But Sandy lost in a real scon'l'S (or the SaJukis . were ~"74'-''' .. -....-..c-tIt•••••••••••••••••••••••• .....,.,lSo.It tournament, it appears that the tough match. The bright spot is Cin~' Dietz, two points, and - ...... ,.,-.-...... Salukis W'.ft lucky to get out that she still is learning, and Nancy Maeenas, Mauri Kohler, ...... , ...... _'" ,... , .... alive. 0.-c::...-,,...___ ...... ,...... •...•...•.•...... •. '" 'l.JtI•.It, ..•• .. H later in the season she'll win Kim Andrews. Fran Watson, Western lIJinois took first matches like that." and TKCY Miller, one. _~~-n *1 ..., .... ~~Iukis scored 14 of their Blair said he was· _c."...... ,...... '12.11 l'iace, compiling a team score ~_'n .....," ... (If 101. Dlinois State took second, 19 points in singles competition. disappoimed witt, the lack of ~_'-C-'H 11 .../ .... 77, and Eastern IUinoia third. Five points £rom C Flight. four consIStency in tilt: doubles play. ~--...... ,.~l ___-n ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••12.Jt,_ n ..., ..... ~ ___'H ...,., ..... 70. The bost Salukis finished 7 points ahead of last plal'e BaD T.'ru=':t~~t!:t ':h: 1::!oO: ~~i~:m~ ~a~: r.:.aicit H'; o.-"....,.~..,.. •••••••••••• ~ ...... , J.JJ State with their score of 19. in A Flight to the quality of play dumb erJ'07.'S whicb really hurt a...-_~·R ..It, .... and the inconsistency of bis in some close matches. __"-'R • .JII, ..... "I said before the match that players. The point-scorers in doubles 0.-,...... '''',1.."...., .... the three top teams weren't our F:JI' the second week in a row, w.m! the teams of Morris and -_..._ ..... _'H " ..., .... "real' opposition." Coach Paul StU was without its top player. WaWMm and Miller and Massey...... ",.'IS _&e ...... "...... _ILU Blair said. explaining tbe Cathy Skiera. Playing in A "OVerall. we're doing very _,-,_'n -..-....'"'--.,. ~... lopsided score. "We were going Fligbt were Barb Morris. wen:: Blair said. ''The ~~ is -...... ~. __....,...... " ....,..a . out there trying to do welLcP~Y Por...... Lemc.. By-·wwfIiD8·hant~ I tbink It's ...... -ar-,,'""C. ... ~ ....,,,.. ~nst Ball State, aad we diG WID~10g ber first two con- just a matter' CIa ~."IM,ofore we .....-"...... ,.~ ...., .....-.,...... ,...... -'l ...... ,...... -exactly that." solation matches. Morris was reaDy get competitive.• -...... '71...... '-_.7lI,__ ...... , ....'Ul..", .... a..-_a....I_.,.~~~·N ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~,...., ...... " SIU-E soccer' gains national pride 0.-_'7lI ..", .. " a..-~·n ...... , .. . By Jeffrey Smyth skilled fea""eign players and we it. We had made up our minds at a--."~'J2 Utla,n Staff Writer are mainly from this ,.rea. the beginning or the year that '.a-ofl.. /y The SIU-Edwardsville soccer Clemson being of internatic.'~ we .were going to win this thing, "".. WI_ team knew a w:n against playet'" bad a Jot to do with our and so we did." - ..'-II ...... IMf1.JJ Clemsoq would mean more than motivaton. The Cougars regained control _D-_1tIOeptt ..,./ .... -",- 1... ,!.It a Ne.A.A champior.Jship. It would SIU-E had a 2-0 lead at the of the game with 3:41 ...r ...~ be a .ictory (or national pride. end of the first half with both remaining. The goal was scored -,,~ ,,",!.It1M'"" The Cougurs defeated goals beh'g sco!'f'd by the after Tim Guelker. the coach's ... WI_ C1emsor:t, which con:;isted of tournament's top olfensive son. denected a free kick to the _'7lI,Nept! I... ,.." mainly foreign players, 3-2 player, Matt Malloy. Clemson right or the goal mouth. (rom ,,_·nl--" 7."''-49· Sunday to give Coach Bob came back in the second half to where Malloy knocked it in. C--t...... •• •••••• •• •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •• • •• ········~,JM -,.~ - ,... , .... Guelker his 5eVl'nth NCAA title tie the game. however. and "Our experienced Rlayers set CW-"~ __''''''''''''''t 7.1t'.. " and prove that American soccer Guelker worried that the up the comeback. Guelker ..... ~"71~ ...... "/J.U can COOlpetp with international momentum had turned said. "We have players thdt CIIIooootI~_'7lIf--"" ....,..,. play. "We knew we had to come have been in this thing before, ...... -..~·,.I...-...... , •••••••••••••••••••• "'-:...... 1."'l..6I '''7S "We won this one on pride," back." he said. "1 think it was and when they go mad they got ,, __.~-n .... '1.15 Guelker said. ''They had highly determination that made us do us going." -1"-"--' ..., ... • 1_of~'"Y' Swimmers' times fall at AA U n~et ___p ...'- ...... ,,_~...... ,.~ 11M'LIS•. ..,'AS ...... ~ ...... ,Jf'...... ······;.··.·· •••• ••••••• •• "" .. ,s __--,,-.~ .... ".7S (Continued from Page 2.) dropped her time in the 500 by first ~nd broke another record. _._~'71( __"'" .... '7... ~ ...... " ,.~ with Cairns and Sharon Rat­ four seconds," Huen won the lOO-yard but­ ...... ,.,...... terfly and finished second to ----..... ·"fW--...... , .. . cliffe in the distance events. Ratcliffe, Mary Jane Sheets, ~---..-.~ ... .---.. ,... , .. " "Both girls dropped full· Carol Lauchner and Marianela teammate Carol Laucbner in __~ •• ...... ,L ___ ...... ·"f-...-.~,....--.., ...... •• •.. ·...... It· , ... us seconds fas compared to tenths n~'"!1 broke the SIU record by a the 200 butterfly. She turned in a Hfetime best swim in the 100 .-1dt·Jlf\eIooeoIt ,.... , .... and hundredths of a secon'.!; second In winjli"~ ttIP. 400-yard .-1dt·n.. ~ ...•••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••.. I.,./I... under the III-minute plateau in freestyle relay. Cairns replaced backstroke also. the 1.650-yard (reestylt·... Huen in the 800-yard freestyle The Salukis won the 400-yard .'-.,Ca,""'" : Powers said. "Ratcliffe relay, and the team finished medley relay. ~.,.,-- ....IL" 0-..._'"'-"" ....,... ,'1.11 ... ".-:.0-'"--I~ ""/1." - --...... __ -nf"...... ,., .... Cristaudo's Flight Restaurant IM/II." ...•.. 0.110.-...._-'''-...... I1M tween Carbondale and Murphysboro tRoute 13 West. right at Airport Road .... WI_ Featuring Polish Week __",-,,'71.---. IMfUJ -"--'~ ..., .... Cauliflower Soup-Zupa Kalafjorowa __-.....--n,...... ,...... , ,1...... _I"~ .... ,1.U Diplomat Salad·Salat "Diplomate" . -.~ ...... 1."'2." __·711....-. I."'..... Horseradish Pot Roast-Pieczer1'Zakrawana z Chrzanem / . ---~~...., 1M"." Potatoes Smothered in Sour Cieam·Kartofie Duszone ze smietanq ~·nf....-.., ...... ~ .. ~:-.I ...' ..... ::::'~~I-.w<.t !.:~ " Vegetables-Maceaoine z Jarzyn -...-...... 4..1911.11 I POPP'; Seed Torte- Tor,'-1cikowy ·lhls Is only. partIoIlistl Hot Vv"ine-Gulhweir _ Complete Dinner M~u also aVailable . Reservations Requested 549-8522 Eastgate Liquor Mart - The Wine Store ~ . . ___ Let Us Park Your Car· Rain or Shine . w. will k. your ..Iectlons for a .... w ...ppl .... S-our Moll"..., WI_ wIth FOCHt Us, . OoitJEgyption. Decemb«U. 1979. Poge23 Injuries cloud cagers' comeback win r'" '-", By Seou Stabmer a 4-4 record. Last weekend. they she fouled out. Stafko and ::,' . Staff Wrlt.r lost to Central Missouri State, Verflerber both hit clutch Soon, women's basketball 1().'H;8. ba!lllets during the Saluki Coach Cindy Scott win fmd out "We had fuur freshman - CO'neback. just tow good her 1979 ~ ..ry Boyes, Connre Erickson, "I was very pleasec:l with recruiting year is. Barb Verderber alld Mary Vicki," she said. "Stafko and Because of the injuries junior SciYafer- and one'OjJilO111oro: Verderber wiD see a M of ac­ forward Sue Faber and senior (Vicki Stafko' out there af~ tion now. And Leola Greer guard Lynne WiUiams suffered Lynne was hurt," Scott ..said. pl~yed very ;;:ren. She was a real in i\'0nd2y's 83-80 victory over .- At times, we wiD pl~. .1 fl ..;~ u."g.... t spot. Murray State, Scott will be fJ'b~"!\en. They want to play Scott said the Salukis did a fOl"Ce\l to start at least lour well for Lynne and ~ ..Ie. better job of running their of- freshmen for much of the "PeoJhe hav.. ~rr.~ up to me fense than they did a~inst remainder of the season. and askeci !n{: if Ule season is Cerllra! Missouri. Faber reinjured a capsule in over." Scott contirued. "I say "We were muc~ more ~~~:~~~~I!I~~"'~~~~~~~:~!I- herfor theright season. knee, Williamsand will wiDbe outbe over.that the 'Q{e season still hav-! defmitely talent, is andnot 'lieUpatient," from shethe outside.said. 'We which shot is ~ sidelined six '1188.> because of that talent will mature. I'm something we hadn't done. tom ligaments and 10 severe l.JOking forward to the However, we forced the ba~l sprain in her ri·~t ankle. challenge." inside too much." "Sue will be il, a cast for six One of thoS>! freshman Scott said she believed that weeks," Scott said. "At the end starters. Ericksm, was the the referees lost control of the of six weeks, we'U see how the leader in SIU's rally from a game in the second half. knee is. then we'll know nine-point dt'iicit against causing the pace to accelerate.­ whether or DOl an operation is Murray. The ~-7 point guard's SIU outscored the Racers 5().44, needed. 2O-footer wit,", :42 left in the in the second h":llf and 16-4 in the. "She was told two weeks ago game gave tile Salukis the lead last three minutes_ that she could g" full strength," for good, PIt-78. "I'm not prood of our defense the coach said when asked if "Connjf really took charge," at all." Scott said. "But the Faber came hack too soon from Scott sa;d. "That's something referees let the game gt't out of her original injury. "Wewt're shehas'.odoforus,eve.YJthough hand, and it was too rough. very conservative with her. We she is ;lI5t a freshman. She has Fifty-two fouls were calJed" sat her out a week longer th!ln to have confidence in her ability called:' we were told she had to sit out." to run the show for us." The Lady Salukis' next game Despite the injuries, &vtt Scott praised Stafko. Ver- Will ile Saturday at the Arena. was pleased with the Lady dt:~ber and Leola Greer a:::~ . when they will hOllt the Salukis' comeback against Greet'. a 5-11 junior collette University of lUinois-Olicago Murray State. The wifo gave SIU transfer. sc:c:'cl14 points before Cirelt'· Injuries, practice site hurt gynlnasts By Rick KlaU added. "They perfonnt'd very beam. She attempted to com- Staff Writer well in the opener against pete in the floor exereise, but The lack of 8e),!mJS practice Memphis, so they were going Vogel pullt'd her out of the event combined with irljwies spell... d through their workouts half- ~ause of the injury. defeat for the women's gym- beartedly." "The failure of the team nasties team at LouisviUe. The During the preseason, Vogel against Louisville enlphasi~ Salukis v.-ere defeated by the said injuries in the fila month the importance of individual Lady Cardinals. 139.15-128.80. of the Sea&Oll c:.ould .... be performances during the meets; The Salukis. winners f'f their detrimPhtal. Such proved io be th.~ .. Vogel said. "WherJ first meet against Mem~is true Saturday against ··tbe ..Ne·re at full strength next State. were restricted to light Cardinals. semester. a lapse in the scoring workouts last week because of SlU's lineup, which wiD be can be picked up by the others two basketball games and the without Lb.'; Erickson, K.tren because 0; the depth." AlA W national volleyball Parker and o.."Dise Didier until The Sah.lkis registered scores tournament events in tbe second semester, was reduced in the 30s i" all but the uneven Arena. The team spent most of further because olen injury to baJ'!i event. ~here they notched the week practicing off campus. junior Pam Conklin. Conklin a 29.95. Vogel said he thought "The girls could have trained bruised her diaphragm muscles some of the scores were high, a little barder in the Newman in her routine in the the first but didn't know if it was Slalf ~ lor r"", CoIIina Center," Coach Herb Vogel meet and was held out of because of the judging or said, "but they're kind of practices last week. She did rdttxation of strict standards KeDye Ro«en of sru sbootl Mer Laura LJ1III, at, of Marray spoiled with the equipment we compete against Louisville, but· set to score an event. State, wbJIe tile Racen' Diane Oakley, 22..z...... oa. Despite have, so they re.oHy sort of 'ilL"! restricted to the bars. "We had some routines that injuries wbicll sideliDed stu1en Sue ..'abet- aDd L~ wasted time over tik..'1'e. Usa Peckn, bel.i out of the were not tllO good." Vogel said, Williams the Lady SalI1kis beat Murray State S3-8O MoDday "The team may ".ave been a opener because of an ankle "and we still Rot high scores. 1 erJ.ilila at Davies Gym. little over confident, too," Vogel injury, competed in the balance (Continued on Page 23) Huskies fire head grid coach Tankers'times drop at AA'U meet By The A__ teet Press many factors entered into the By Rod ~mltla club Sugar CreE'k. Five hJndred Cairns, a freshman from The pn;sident of Northern decision besides won-loss Staff Wnter .•. . swimmers. composing 27 Warren, Mich., swam the s0o- Illinois University says hi,. records. The Lady Salukl5 swunmmg teams.. ~rticipated in the meet yard freestyle in 5:10.9. five decision to fire football Head In four years as head coach of team won five events and Li~ held Fnday and Saturday. The seconds faster than the school Coach Pat Culpepper was based the Huskies. Culpepper's teams CaIl~S broke two SIU records m SaJukis were entered in only the ~/ record she set earlier this year. on the recommendation of the distance freestyle events at senior division for swimmers ~e broke the SIU recwd in the McKinley Davis, assistant to ~~s a 5-~t~~eco~«!; th~ ~ugar. Creek. A:mate1:lr 15 and older. ' 1,65o-yard I:-eestyle by 30 the president for athletics. seaso."I was its best since 1973. Athletic: Umoo InVltational m "Our times ,!ere suprisingly seconds, swimming the race !n Presider,t WiDiam Monat said Culpepper became head SI.. LouIS. . good," Coach RIck p, wers &aid. 17:50.3. She fimshed second 10 Cui will be reassigned to football coact. of .the Mid­ The PII!0ay SwIm Club of "Our girls were swin.ming six both events and in the 200-yard other~es at the university. \merican Conference team in St L~ls. won the team or seven events eacb day with freestyle. ' "It . was not an easy 1975, moving up from defensive Cha<11Pl~'JlllP for the second the preliminary races, so they Powers said be was pleased judglnalt," Monat said. He said coordinator. . consecutlve year over the bost were tired... (Continued on Page 23) Smithson says MTXE Shockers' winning forlnula ~Iy Scott Stabmer is something which I have "You're always concerned recruiting. Our weak spot has to of game." Smithson said. "We , itaff Wrlwr styled my life after. going full- about youth and inexperience," be inexperience." run with the ball a lot. With ~""'s note: This is the sixth speed and giving eve~ng I Smithson said of his Shockers. Carr. the Shockers' starting these new people. howl'Ver. we • an elght-part series profiJing can to reach my self-Imposed wltv are off to a 3-1 start. "We Jlf'Wer forward, i"l considered play power baskt'tball a lot ..~b of cbe Miu.ri Vaney goals. Our style of play is what have a long way to go. but our too best of Smithson's seven more than we did last year." ~'ereace basketball tums. MTXE is aU about." kids are learning quickly." recr"'its. He was a consensus Smithson and Mike Jones. a 6- The Wichita State University Smithson said he has had the One '" the reasons for WSU's All'AneriC'ln last year at 5 transfer from Illinois. have l8Sketball press guide calls t'xpression patented. The optimism is Smithson's Wichita Heig!:t;. High School, been the Shockers' starting lead Coacb Gene Smithson Shockers wear 'Je' letters on recruiting. Freshmen Antoine averagiL~ 23.4 points, 14.4 guards. They are backed up by -\ 'Mr. MTXE." Those letters their ltniforrns "nd wannups, Carr, 6-9, Cliff Levingston, 6-1.. rebounds and lioCveD assists per junior college transfer Jay land for "Menial Toughness, and the WSU summer and Ozen Jones. 6-11. aU were game. Jackson. 6-7. fn5lunan James :xtra Effort," a saying which basketball camp is named "The high school AII-Amer!!"~ns. Levingston and J~. both Gibbs, 5-9. and senior John .mithson said he lives by. MTXE Basketba!l Camp." Smithson'sson,lumciy. a guard California products. are Kobar,6-0.. "I started that hack in 1962, The Shockers may need who transferred. from Cowley Wichita Statt"s two centers. The "Smithson. Jackson and IbeD I was a pn-med student at plenty of MTXE to live up to the County Comml:mily College. onJy returning frontliner is 6-1 .Jone< all have played very lorth Central College," the 38- eXpo!Ctations of:the Missouri started at Illinois State two Richard Williams. who well.' SmiCson said. 'ear-old Smithson said. "I used Valley Conrerence's coaches years ago. itveraged 11.8 points and 5." Smithso~ said Tuesdays lthrougboo:myyearsasahigh andmedia.PJcltedtofinishfirst "W·e have a M more depth. rebounds per game b>o:;t year. game- against Iowa and chool coach and a college in the pre-season conference size and 'flickINg than we had Chris Boyd. a 6-8 junior college fo'riday's contest B!