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April 1981 Daily Egyptian 1981

4-22-1981 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 22, 1981 Daily Egyptian Staff

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8v Sol.~an :\lillPr Bt'fore C01 'I~ to SIl'. Post :'olar~lX'nte, is an amateur ~~w, ":dilor malntamed a music career painter. that Included travling Tht' st'cond of three At tht' i1g1' of SIX. :-oiora Post throughout f:urope. and childrt'n, Post began her knl'W that she would pia) plaYl'd With stJ('h symphomes musical career at the age of musIc proft'SslOnalh' But the as the San Diego Symphony thret' wht'n her mother coinddl'nl'p IIr 'teaehing and till' Brookh·n Philhar· t'nrolled !ler for pia no lessons. musIc al a tUlin'l'Sllv wht>re momca-ShP has 'taught con· ")Iy motlll'r insisted that ht>r hu... hand. Albert Samit is temporary and baroque oboe all three of h~r children take pr£'Sldmt is a ··twist of fate" at :-oiew York l·mver;'l tv and plano Ie;sons." Post sa id. "In that !'ht> l'Ould not han' for· ~':rk('jty l'niversity o( :"\ew thoS(' day!' lessons were 11.50 st'en t'ach. so we all went and Post. the IIilml' she USt'S Sht' has added not only an that's how It began." professionally. now finds antlqup harpSichord arid a When sht' was about six, hers~1f ID the intNt'st ing chpst full of mstruments to Post dt'cided that music position of comblDi ng her l"niVf'r~ll~ tlouSt'. rut a quiek would he ht>r caree!'. musi('a) cart'eT WIth teaching laugh and ~!: abundance of .,' alwa\'s knew that's what an obo(> dass as a \'lsitIDg energy as wt'll. I wantt'd -to do, I don't think assistant proft'ssor and at'· Post grew up in an arlistic that my parents were in much ling as first lady of SIl··(" atmospht'rt' in Bavshore. ofa position to object because ,Sht> reserves the Mmp :\ora :"\ Y .. wht're her 'father. , was \'ery stubborn," she Somit P{IIt for social oc· Ht'nry Post. dt'signs fur· .;ald. casions.1 Olture Her mother. West: 9 teams to stay in AlA W Daily 'Egyptian By Randy Roguki championships for women. The Staff Wrilel' NCAA does not plan to establish Southern Illinois University a tournament in badminton. Ten of the 11 women's however. so that sport will stay Wednesday. April 22. 1981~\'01. 65. :'-40. 139 at"letics teams appear headed with the AIAW. for at least one more year of competition in the Association Other sports which West will of Intercollegiate Athletics for recommend remain in the Women at a time when many AIAW are track. cross countv comparably-sized schools are gymnastics, softball, fierd Conunoner criticizes Reagan's switching to the National hockey., tennis, golf and Collegiate Athletics sWImmIng. Association. West must let AIAW officials know by May 1 which teams will 'attack' on the environment West, women's remain with the AIAW. She athletics director, said Tuesday intends to make recom­ newly generated profits from and and the Student that she will recommend to the mendations to the IAAC on By Joh. Scbn. rntercollegiate Athletics Ad- SUff 'hiler ' oil deregulation in mining in­ Programming Council. He teresta rather thaD oil received ".008 for bis ... ~c.._i"""''''' =:~·1~.Jv~~.~0~ WIIetfIer In r-maI IeehD"e 01' IJl'OCIudioa '-:a_ lIIinIDf .. teams, and lillel, 10, remain Mace. vice ","ideDl for ~-In his lecture, Commoner wHh the AIAW. buroom debate, HIe.....age 01 University relations, :~~:~~:t:;:O:: said the realities 01 a-onomics Barry Commoner is clear. aLco indicate that _ sbouJd rely Basketball will be recom­ West said she expects little Disturbed by the "beligerent their benefit to the nation. but mended for NCAA competition, objection from Mace or the behavior" of the Reagan ad­ rather by their benefit to their more on solar power. He SIIid West said. Volleyball will be IAAC to her recommendations. ministration and unsatisfied stockholders. CommOlle1' said. the laws of supply and demand recommended only if the NCAA She said the women's depart­ with Democratic alternatives. "The issue is not the way in dictate that non-renewable creates a qualifying tour­ the outspoken environmentalist which environmentalists are energy ('osts wj.jl continue to ment has -carefully COI15idered rise as energy supplies nament for Missouri Valley both athlebcs associations in calls for fundamental changes causing trouble with the Conference teams. an unlikely in the priorities of powerful (;S. economic system." said decrease. He said solar power two staff meetings within the does not have this drawback. prospect. accordinl to West. last month, meetings enhanced corporations and the economic Commoner. "The issue is that by a "great divergence" of policies of the U.S. government. the decisions governing the "It doesn't matter how much ". have no indication what­ Speaking to an audience of structure of our E'ntire system or how little solar energy we soever that there will be a opinion which West said exists use," Commo..'lt!r said. ''The in. the department, more U;lln 500 in the Student of production are not made in tournament in volleyball," the interests of the country. but sun will alw.lYs behave the West said, '''Ille NCAA has been Center Monday night, Com· "WomeD's athletics moner said the Reagan ad­ in the interests of profit." same way; it just keeps on rather slow in oIferin1 women's everywhere is in a period of pouring out the energy." championslli.. , .. ministratioD's "attack upon The author of several essavs chaos." West said. ''1'he NCAA environmental qualily" is due and books about environmental Claiming that nuclear power That slowness. West said. to false assumptions in the concerns, Commoner is is expensive, unecessary and encouraged most of the =oa::cw'!:stc;., m.:~~ regarded as one of the leaders unsafe. Commoner advocates women's coaches to side with station." ~=:!~r ~::ic ~~'ed in the environmental the use of solar power directly through wind power and soJar the AIAW. West .... id she and The NCAA made itself at­ 221,000 votes as the 19110 Citizens movement. His lecture, one of the coaches have little in­ Party presidential candidate. several (;arth Week events on collectors, anO mdirectly tractive by relaxing regulations through fuel production. He formation from the NCAA as to for women for a four-year said Reagan is wrong in how women's teams, other than "interim period." West said she believing that productivity wiD ~':J:'i:~~c~l ~: Sft B.-\RRY pale 11 basketball, will qualify for expects most schools, including rise as a result of increased Student Environmental Center national tournaments. SIU-C, to move to the NCAA profits that big corporations within two years. will receive through "We don't know what kind of deregulation of oil prices and qualifying times we would need. But she said that for next year relaxation of environmental whether there would be at least, SIU-C women's teams standards. regional competition or have better chances for post­ Earlier in the day, at a anything," West said. season play with the AlA W, Citizens Party public meeting where they are guaranteed at Jim's Pub in Carbondale, The NCAA cleared the way opportunities for competition in CommOlle1' criticized what he for acceptance of women's state tournaments. sees as the practice 01 allowing sports in January when it bigger corporate profit at the decided to set up national With the NCAA. teams expense of the public. He competing for national likened Reagan to an anti-Robin flus championships are chosen by Hood character who steals from selection committees. And the poor and gives to the rich. fJode though the NCAA. unlike the During the evening lecture, AIAW, pavs travel expenses for Commoner again stressed the teams selected. SIU -C would connection between energy, the have less hope of acquiring environment and the economy. national recognition, aceordmg "We can deal with the energy to West. crisis while improving the She said the potential for economy and the environment , national exposure could be if we decide at last that this further reduced in the NCAA country should be run in the because limited finances might interest of the people." he said, (illS say. it was whell .om.. •• SUff ,hoto by Ric.. Saal sporu bee...... ar that the force the organization to cut The 64-year-old Commoner back the number of teams in­ said oil companies have already :'\i('"'' .ftidM Ie Itecome the vited to national cham­ Barn Com • ftlvt ....Rlftltlllitl ...... Ie ....dience of m ... :'\ion-Cb ••vi.lst "'.Ietics shown disregard for national "-see ...... PIOnships interest by iDvestinl tbeir .... :.. .. die .... CellCer ....y iii.... Reagan formally urges News Roundup---. 56 "xpoled 10 tmI1" in Japara TO"'.'t: .AP' "'ir~'·si" ml'n \\I'n' t'xpost'tl to con tal1l1mtro waste in IhI' nudE"ar pOWI'r plant accldl'nl on Ihl' planes sale to Saudis &'a of ,Japan and thl' plant's I'xt'culivl'S may bl' in~ictlod on cnm:nal l'hargl's. thl' gO\'l'mment said Ttll'Sda~·. "Ish salE'S from 11:1' art'a plumml'tro as bmkl'rs alT05S Jap.'ln refu~d to WASHINGTON lAP, Senate opposes It, with 51 Tuesda\' cosl SI2;.-I million hu\' the local l'atch President R£'agan formally members ready 10 \'ote against I'ach, that would gi\'e Saudi in its firsl official slall'ml'nl on Illl' al'cidl'nt. thl' ,Japiln propostod selling sophislicalt'd it and :18 members planning to Arabia the capabililv 10 Atomic Powl'r Co smd 1'1!!h1 plant workl'rs Wl'rI' Imml'diatt'l~ radar planes to Saudi Arabia mOnllor all Israeli terriiory pullo work mopping up Illl' spill wIth buckl'ls and rags afll'r 11 would be killed if Tuesdav, a move sure 10 set off su~t:r~!~l Ol'currro :'oJarch 8 ThI' stall'mml s;lId a subcontractor Ih"n a briusing bailIe with both the Senate and House Speakes said the ..\ WACS supplit'rl additIOnal moppel'S w ho wurkl'd for 15 morl' da~'s congressional supporters of voted against it within :10 days would not be delh'l'fl'd to Ihe Israel arter it is senl to Capitol Hill. Saudis before 1985 at the ''''''>~I Leaders of tbe Jewish state The radar aircraft will be l'a rli est. ".""",,, ,1,>",1, ,·,,/I,>tI 2.,,1, argue the sale threatens proposed as part of a packag.:! The proposed package also ,\TLA~TA .AP, - Thl' dl'ath of a 2:~Yl'ar-oId man ",hO:;I' Israel's security in any future with eqUipment to improve the includes Sidewinder air-to·a.r nudl' body was pull I'd from a rJwr was so similar to thl' war witb states. range lnd firepower of F -15 missiles and l'mg-r,lnge fuel slayings d 2-1 ntht'!' young blaclt.~ thaI It should hI' a"slgn«l to While House spokesman fighter aircraft already on lanks for 62 F·t5 jelfighters. Illl' task forl'l' 1n\'I',;ligatmg Ihn'l' l'ast'S a mt'dlcal t'xaml",'r Larry Speakes declined to say order by Saudi Arabia. Speakes already on order by the Saudis. said Tut'slbv when the proposal would be said. and tankers to give F ·15 air, Dr John' Ft't'g1'1. assOl'1 a II' "'ullon County ml'di(',11 Sen. Edward :\1. Kennt'dy, D­ craft aerial refueling t'xa'OiOt'r. dassifiro thl' death of :\Ii('hal'l Camt'mn :'oldnlo:;h ~~~~i~!::!, ~~e ~~~'~' which :\Iass.. issued a statement capability. as an 'lsJilyxialion and said II IS "probably ('('lall'd" to Ihl' Speakes also refused to gauge plt'dging to work "10 block this Sen Charil'S H. Percv, H-UI.. othl'r ('d with the because a majority of the ",:hich Ih£' Pentagon said Saudis on use 0; the planes wound up as an ul'N.·hl'dulro leil'phrml' gUt'sl on a r;ldlO 1,1Ik show TUl'Sda\' and as..,url'd Iisll'nI'rs. ''1''11 ft'l'h~ gn'al im{j gl·tII~ along Just fine" Thl' pr('Sidenl. woundl'd 22 days ago In an assassination Joe Louis receives patriot's burial illtempt. Inid hsl£'n£'rs of slation \\B\'P m BI';l\l'r Falls. POI Ir was "'0(1;1 grall'ful for all Ihl' good wisbt·s and thl- pray.'r­ lhal !'n' had and tb!' mf'Ssngt·s from Ihl' pt·nplt· from all U\ "r ,',RLI:'OGTO:'O, Va. IAPI - Joe fitting place for a man whose Jersev Joe Walcott, JOt' Frazier the counlr\' .. LOUIS. a sharecropper's son who distinclive patriotism and and ~Iuhammad Ali. Ws impiomplu radio '·(lnwrsa\ion. whll'h :nstt"d ab"u! IWfJ shoulderl'd the spirit of black extraordinary ac, There. too, was the family. Americans and wore boxing's mlrutl'S. ea'llf' "" tht' pn'sidl'fll slt'ppt'f! up his dfor!." tl' complishments made him one including widow :'olartha and n'kllldll'l1lnm('nlum In ('nngrt·~ fnr hiS 1'{'()flOl1lil' prugril'l' hea\'ywelght crown a record 12 of the most unforgettable son JOt' Louis Barrow Jr And years, was buried Tuesday Americans of our time." ac· Ihousands of ordinan' fans. Rioli"g cor";"Uf'8 in IV. lrelalld among the nation's war heroes cording to President Reagan. black and whitl' alike . -a patriot to his son, his The con\'alescing president's LoUIS won 68 of ;1 fights and R":Lfo'''Sr. :"nrthl'rn Irt'bnd • AP. RIOting brnkl' (Jul In presidt'nt and millions of others eulogy was read by Defense defendl'd his title a rl'cord 25 :\orlh£'m Ir£'land for the Sl'\'l'fIth dav TUI,:,d,l\' as f'n'l;I' whose hearts were captured by Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Iiml'S from 19:17 to 1949. :\limster :\lnrgarl'l Thall'ht'r rt'fusro 10 mnke ('(inn'ssiun~ t .. the great Brown Bomber. who was joined at gra\'eside by Louis who would have beeu fij £'ndlh£' hlUlgl'rslrik£' by Rohb~ Simcl.<;, I hi- jailtod Ift..\ glll'rrllla To a Illree-\'olley salute from luminaries across the spectrum next month, died of a heart and m£'mht"r (If Purlm'llt'nt r('porll'd ",ad~' 10 lap!'I' mIn ;, seven riflemen of the Old attack April 12 i:: Las Vegas. l'Oma Guard. Louis was laid to rest l1li ~0:r3s .~~~~~Ii n~l~ded;~~~g His body was plzced on view for An estimaled In(l young Homan Catholics allnl!lt'd pnhn' a sunnv slope of Arlington Paul Laxall of ~e\'ada, Strom Iwo da\'s last \\eek at Caesars and Briti!tJ troops wllh gasolme bombs and hrll'ks 10 Lon :'Oational Cemetery. barely 500 Thurmond of South Carohna Palace: where he last worked as dond£'rr:y's Bog ..'idl' quarll'r nnd sl'l two mnil Ina'lt.., on fm' feel from the Tomb of the and Carl Le\'in of :\lichigan, and a greeter, and tben was nown to Therl' were no immt'

PRESENTS 2oo/00FFI HAPPY HOUR Protect your eyes witII sunglasses tIIat make you loOk good and see well. Hon1er Rausch Apnl _sal offers a super buy on complete sunglasses. thats trames and lenses at 20% oIf. AII\)I1tIS to prescnpllOn or non­ ALL DA Y & NIGHT prescrijllion lenses. Includes designers frames like Christoan Dior and Playboy as well as oIf,!he-rack names like Raybcln. You really can'l alford to buy sun,1a

.. !'age.. 2, Daily Egyptian. April 22, 1!l81 Group plans anti-budget rally; Chinese professor Simon opposes social cuts to lecture at SIU.C 8\ Pam l'l'lro" sia ff \\' rilf'r \\dlolA SI, did nol rt'l't'I\t' Rv til (.riUin Smllln·s offil'ial endorsemt'nl, II l'nd. Staff Wrilf'r The IN'turt's are being Congressman Paul Simon. of they did reCeiVe a ~ood Simon. the onl\ IllinOIS ~plmsored hy tto<, SIr Office 0/ Ihf> Illinois 2.. th Dislnct. \'oicPd mt'aSUre of Suppllrt congressmiln on lhl' Houst' fiuht'rt S I.lanj!, prof"ssor of In tl:'rn hudgE't dra!'tl(: ('utback proposal. profpssOf at the l"mverslty of ':-hf' :-R-~·t'ar-"Id ffiucator and S~'~~~:~~ d~ll~;o~s m~f~~~ftl~t:~~ (·ornmllll'{'s altl'rnative hudgt't "While the dt'fjl'lt IS a factor :\Iissoun's Sl'hool (If Jour. 1{'CIUrer ;~ l'urrenth on tour of Coalition :\Ionday mghl proposal. in inflation, It IS not the sole unl\ersltit's 111 the ~lldwest. ··To den\· somennE"s chance ('a use of inflatlll1" he said ~f.~~~:~ ~~~t'\~.~~~~ ~,;:raf':~ ~~ SI:\IC, a coalitIOn of ('itizens .-\ frll'nd of journali~t fo~dgar and communltv.bas('d 10 go to coilege with grants and Simon also look the op. .. :111 pm. Thursday . .-\pnf Ll. in Sno\\ and the latl' Henry R organizations oppo~t'd to tht' loans is not productive national portunity 10 l"onditlonall~ Ila\ls AlltiltllrJum SUpport 51:\I(""s OPPOSition 10 The It'("(un' lIpt'n to th{' puhllc Luc(", pubitsh(>f of Timl' and Heagan adminlstration's policy." he said. "11 hurts the I.lfe magazint";. Liang was a "guns, not bultpr" policit.'S, also nation in the long run." Reagan's dt'h'nse hudget. and Irt'f'. I!' III be followed b\' rpvipwed plans for a rally and t'oncerOing food stamps, speclfkally oiling for the qUf'slions and dlSCusslUn - foundl'r of tht' Industrial dis('ontinuatlOn nf the fundmg Liang IS also to meet ... ilh ('ooperativt' 'lovl'ment in march scheduled for April 25 Simon said thaI although the (,hilla, a rt'prt'Sentative of the Although the more than .. 0 program IS not popular, it is one for the ~IX missile project. studt'nts and facultv JO an 10- As a prt'sidt'nlJal candidale, formal seminar on 'journahsm \atlOnal Chamber of Com. pt'ople attending the meeting at of th£' most sUccessful merce, and a leader in the tht' Eurma Hayes Center, .... 1 E. programs the nation has ever Rt'agan was against Ihe fun. 10 China at :1 pm, Thursday. had and ht' does not want to see April 2.1. in Ruom 21")5 of the pt'ople'S CTlIWement against the St'f' SI\I(' pagf' !4 ('ommumcations BUIlding .Japanes£' IOVaslOn nf China in Guyon interviewed for academic VP the t9:11~ By Randy Roguski Siaff \\'ri~r each undergo two days ')f In. UPS 1()9 no tervit'"s during the nt',,1 two jumps in fitculty morale." Thl' morale problt'm is DiSCUSSion of facultv morale weeks Published dail~ In Ihe Journalism Acknowledging low faculty compound£'d by tht' ad\,t'rsary' \par .or $1iJ for SIX mnnlhs In and salaries highlighted an relationship which eXists ~~~u:far,asu~~~~atl~i\"~~~r~t )ackson and ~urrounding counties. open forum :\Ionday with John morale al SIt'·C, Guvon said he ,'acalionS and hoiJdavs b\" Southern $27 50 per vear of $1 ~ for six months has no "SY'stematic' plan" for betwt'en facultv and ad. Guvon, the £irst of four can. ministrators, Gu,,:on said. But illinOIS l'nn'prslh': Com. "Ithm the l'nllM Slaies andS4Q per did'ates to be interviewed for impro\Oing it. Be said low mUnicatlons BUilding,' Carbondale ~'ear or 525 for SIX months In aU morale is one of the l;niver. for that problt'm: also, he said. III 62901 St'C.ond class postage paid foreign ('Olmtnt'S vict' president for academic he has no read\' solutions. at Carbondale. IllinOIS Studpnl fo:d:!or,r.·Chief, John affairs and research. sity's biggest problems and is A'!lbrOSla ASSO(lale Editor, Doug caused primarily by a lack of ...-\11 I can sa\: is trust me and Edlt.orlal poliCies of lilt' Dail\' t~uyon, currently the acting I'll trust \Oou,"'he said. ,,' don't Egypllan arp thp respon.~lblht\· of .,'ice president, was interviewed mont'y for increasing faculty ~fjft~~ta~t~e ~~~~d~1 Assl::a~~ salaries. expect faculty to agree en ~e n~II~e7J~~~~I~':'Il~~L~.or~~~,;~'t Monday and Tuesday by ad. masse with alI administrative mlOlslratlop .or an\" deparlmpnt of 5~lo~:~~a~di~::.tO'jetfr~r.;::: ministrators, faculty and "I sense a need for a spirit of Ihp COIverSIh" ' collegiality," Guyon said. "But deciSions, but 1 hope they will studt'nts. The other candidates, understand that decisions are f:ditorlaJ and blJ!liness officp is ~~~~~e~~"'SI'h~~~i~~~er MIf<~~I~~ all from other universities, will given the current economic located In CommUnications Sports fdnor, Scott Stahmer; Situation, 1 don't see any great BUilding :o.;orth Wmg, Phone 5.16- .Assoclate Sports Editor, Dave Sft Gl'\'OS pag. Ii :1.111. Vernon A Stone fi!

Dr. Paul Chung Friday, 1 May 1981 2:00-4:00 p,m. Museum Auditorium--Faner Hall C (North) Section

Please Note:

avauableatBooby'SOrTheceub_:. (1) COPies. of each cand'dote's I curriculum vitoe are available in Playing at The Club t_~ each of these locations: Wed. night: £1.11. (a) Dean's Office in each school I college . , "BRAS" cos 5, Illinois .r , ' (b) Education/Psychology Division, 4th fI~r, !'Aoms Library ec) Undergraduate Library, 1st. floor, ~orras library eon.,.... ~ ItA..., HCMM with • (d) Mo"is library Administrative Office, Room 108 ...... - ...... -y.... . (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m_ - 5 p.m.) ...... a ... (e, Search Committee Office. 3398 Faner Hall 35cOFF (2) Please retain this information and mark your cal~nd~rs. of any Sub at looby'" Additional notices would be unable to reach you an tame. $3,00 min, no deiivecy 4 /22.4/26

Daily Egyptian, ApriJ22. 1981. Page 3 liberal programs worth their cost

tlrrin Hatch. thl" l' tah consen'ali\'(' who rrod the performan{'e studil"l>. whIch r{'llard!; fir thl'm" Arl' WI' 10 haw ;1 IS the new ('hair'llan o( thl' St'nate ha ve t)('m posi Ii n', poltt'y of pet prO!lrarns" ('0'11'11111('(' on IAloor and tluman With Hall-h prndalmmg thaI rhl.' If I'('gal S{'n'I('f'S, \'IST,\ and sl'"Iular Rl'sourt,t'S. soundl'd likl" Ihl" uphl'al '"ptlbh{' Im'eslm{'nl III Ih{' .Job Corpe; IS po\'erty proj,fra'l1s now oPl'r.J11'd b~ 11M, Shm'er of old In de(t'ndmg Ihe .loh p('nnom I('a Ih' I'Hic Il"nl ." t 111' f Iffj{,(' 01 CO'l1munI'" Sen'it'es Adminislratlon Colman Corps, (lon'l darl' lampt'r w'ilh tht' .Job ""nag.'men'l and Hud~l't hclS ('ha~ed ;Ire undt'r -all'l('k and wllh no pillrnn McCarthy Corps. lIal{'h warned his soulmates In Ilo; rnin:! and \\ill I{'il\"t' IIr prt~rarn w1th doul to prot('('1 thl''l1. Iht'n Wl' 'In' ~ lhe Rt'il~an adminislration: "Here al lOt ad h;u'k 10 Ihe slmplism lhal prl'\' a IiI'f) la~t "is a gO\"l'rnmenl Job IPaming \\ht'n Iht' prnllrams bl'~n in Ihl' '"IlIC) If a fl'\\' fidd trtpe; 10 .I1lb Corps 1:'10 nu: ~"O-I!Hi4ts, when ('Verylhin!! pri~ram H,at pm\'idt':' jobs and san's /;lIS ThI.'y;1 ft' tht' ('rl'alions of Itbt'r;,I~ t'entl'rs Impn's:ral !it'('mm to ('0'11(' up rol'{'S and mort' dollars Ihan II l'xJX'n<~ Thl" ,Job This hI.'l~ an admlllislr.Jtion of ("lin pro!!rams like Job Corps. Head Slart. Corps h'lo;; heen a leader in sy'nthl'Slzmg SOI'11t' apprn;ll'h Il"d 'ant'y RI'agan to st'nali\·es. Idt'lIloli!y alone IS bt... ·1I1l1t' an adnx'atl' of "'osler (;rand Fosl(')'" Grandparents. Ll'gal ~enil't'S Tfll'lhods and malenals 10 ('(fLu-aIl' and Jlil'l"l III tus 1!'Hh'amp;lIgn' Ihal II when I~islation t~lablishing many 11£ ft,\\ dol\"!' .Igo to a ('I'nll"!' III Pnnl'e Ihl'm ,'(ISIS mon' 10 put ~)m.'onl· thrnugh ItIt' thl'~ programs wao; p.lssed :'\ieilht'r 111' That anah'sis was SJ1llphstll' ..\ .lnb Corp." Ihan lianaI'd tlat('h S.illd t;,'nrgp's Counly, ;\Id tt.· prollrarn's nllr Rt'agan has offl'rt'd detailed hudget ,,( $III '"IlIllIon IS 10 hl' IrIl·r .. al'l'rl nil '11 bl"r of' pl'opl(' km'w b('IIt'r. Ihis was ndll'uloll~ tit' told a rl'porlt'r ('\,Idem'(' that Iht' JXwt'rty pm!frams nt'xl y{'ar ('sp('{'lally Shrl\·t'r Tht'st' an' lhat "WI"f(' 'alkmg aboul (un('IIOn;lllv arl'n't \\ orklllg or art' wasli~ monl'~ nr pr~rams, hl' arglk,(\. Ih'lt hiHl' a huill· illiterale kldl' who stand no ('ham'(' 1I{"ld !'tarl is also saIl' In fat'!. so thaI the nl'f'd hils \';mishl'd, In appro I for {'onst'naIIH' RI·PlIblil'iln." \,haIS4.'\"t'r nf going 10 Harvard, or 010\ many JX.IrIll'lans ""'1' ('Il'llt' In kno\\ Its Is II 10 be ima~,"ed Ih;lt \\howanl togo bt'yonc1 Idl'nl(~y :\!onl'Y ulht'r unin'rsllv fnr thaI milllt'r \\'(,'r(' t'x('elleOl't' lhil! il \\ as Ofl{' of Iht, Rfoall'Jn ('on!frl'ssiona I appropriations or II'Ihro\\l1 at problems. all ri¢lt. bul m a lalkin!! aboul' saving kl~ (rom a ,ldnIlOistrallon's "s;lk ~I'\{'n" nH'rSl~hl l'nmrnlltl'<':' ha\'l" been foolN) ft'\\ years thl' m,lOt'~ gt'ts thro\\n ba{·k. Iif.'lmlt' lin tht' puhli(' dult' .. progra'l1~ all tlll's(' ~'t'ar!';"' Ilr 111.11 l'OIlSel'\'alt\'l'I' sometImes dnuhle or Iripl{' thl' c,-,,;I In That wa.. lhe libt'ral sentlm''flt 16 hkl' Uakh. a~ war\" as an\"OIlt' "houl do addition. th~ pro!lT;tm~ haw '"IlInlmal Yl'ars ago, {':'ll'('pl 111.11 Baleh lhe ('on Rl'T \UI.\T n.· all lhe ntht'1"S thill ~noderl' and' tu·rf·prolt'{·llng fl>dl'ral im:olvement s<>rvatin' sJX'ilks WIth ,'\"en gTl'aler art'n'l safe" All' lhe,' 10 bl' ('lll or Iw.lff'au('rals. havt' It'! IhPlr !fu.m'l Tim~ ha.;; provt'n Shn\"l"!' 10 ht' un· ;!lIlhoritv lonav tit' ha~ vislled aholrslll'l"l merel\' bl'l'

This is an open letter of The Student WeJlnl"sl> thanks to all those people who Resource Center sponsored the assisted in the coordination of event with Eta Sigma Gamma. the .. Well ness "'air" two the campus health science wel"ks ago in the Sludent hooorary. Many Ihanks go out ('l"nl(')'" , Manv thanks are of­ to you for your support. (t'red to Lvrine Anderson and Last but not least, those Ibe Student Center Sdll"duling organizations which par­ Office for their hl"lp in making ticipated in the l"venl desel>e arrangements for use of the special thanks Cor Iheir solicitation area and the cooperatioo and idea's that will l"quipment; thanks are also make next year's event even ('''tl''nded to those Student better! ("en IeI' employees who set To all tJf you, hope you'll join t'\'erything up ~Ionday mor­ us next year. For any mng, organization that was not contacted this year and would The Daily Egyptian. like to be involved in the future, l"mversitv :\ews and please accl"pt my and PhotographiC Sel>ices were all contact me at the Student helpful in gl"tting the word out Health Service.-\'kki RNdy. about thiS event. especially Gradaate Assistant. Ilea"h Laurie Hiller, who helped to set ,\c:tivation PrOlralD. WeUnns up the advertising, Fair {'~inatar_ :~~ DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau -CLetters------­ Congratulations to Rodgers Puckett IlntZlogy OUr congratulations go out to turnout ever. misses the point Todd Rogers and Grl"g Larson, Stan Irvin and all the senators On behalf of the Universal An absurd analogy was made who were elected in Wl"d­ Party we would like to urge all by Ann Puckett in her letter nesday's elections. Most students not 001' to support but entitled "It All Comes Down to everyone involved with the also to playa more active role Freedom," April ZOo This ell"Ctioo worked hard and with in Undergraduate Student ridiculous parallelism at­ good intentions-the overall Organizatioo affairs. Showing tempted to put in conjunction a goal being to make things run an interest in USO rl"ally is woman's freedom to choose as smoothly as possible here at showing an interest in yourseH abortion or continue a SIU-C for all coocemed parties. and vour fl"lIow students. Let's pregnancy and her father's We are gratl"ful for having the all ,,'ork together to make the freedom to choose whether or opportunity to meet and talk campaign pledges come true nol he will donate his bone with people who really care and to truly make SIU-C a marrow in a life or death about this school and this town better place to live and leam.- situation. They have truly earned our (oary Shadid aad (Oary lUSh Ms. J'uckett attempts to thanks for turning out at the and all ather Mf'lDben 01 the polls to make this the largest illustrate the similarities I:nivenal Party, through a hypothetical situatioo "'hich concerns herself. She is ust plllce finisher is Il relll winner dyin2 of a rare blood disease and her· father is the oolv Hearty coogratulations and a discomfort '''JHlin'', in order to compatible dmor. • winner's hug to Carolyn Foder finish? who "unfortunately ... was the I would like to point out that last one over the finish linl"" in Carolyn did all ;:-ese things. Ann's father is not directly thl" lifestyling fun run 00 April Thl" pride for h, -ing ac­ responsible for her life or death 11. Every entrant in any race­ complished a difiicL. ~oal is situation; her father did not fun run or otherwise-is hers forever. Grocg \\ .. 1":1, staff knowingly create this disease. courageous just for stepping writer for the Daily EIZ;,ptian, However, a man and woman over the starting line. Weeks you can do it too~ Hearty are dirl"CtJy responsible for the l months? years? I go into congratulations and a winner's life that they knowingly choose preparing for such events, Are hug are waiting for you at the to create. thus causi~ a life or you ready? Can you finish the finish Iin~ of your [irsl dl"3th situation for thP !!!!~:-:: distance? Can you improve roadrace--r~ardles..;; ~ ':~.. , "~iici,-{,.lIee. Blaan. your past performan~~ ~:; iinisning posilioo~-Jan Sund­ sophomore. Soeial StaIIin am. Yiiu nave the grit and deter bl"rg, CoradualP St.... nt. t·ood ,\drienne GO!Is. freshman. III ilia lion to put up >loath and Sutrilion Business. Page 4, Daily Egyptian. Apr;] 22, 1981 ,\ littn' of Ila., pups. which hin'f' all !linc:f' bfton adap.~ 'rom dIf' flamanf' !Oocif'ty. Wf'1'f' f'agf'r togl'f'f't ,isitOl's from "ithin tfHoir tf'mporar~ (onfiRf'. Humane Society spells life or death for strays By John St"hralll suffering. :IIelson said the amm:i1s art' killt'd with Staff Wri"'r the same injection ml'thod. which imrnroiatl"lv shuts mwn the animal's nervUILo; svstem b('(on. The srund Ii footsteps brings an immediate stopping I't'SpirotiOll, u..~ by m06t ~l"tl"rinarians. response from the three brown puppies restin~ in Nelson. who also investigates cases or animal cruelly. said another big part 01 their services ~~:r..!.he; ~.:r ~:::= ~t~ ilwolw edu::atinl pet owners. "People' il'1'espGIISibility in deating with !heir =:..::::rrinr::..!o::r;i~=t~= ~t~ pels is the prime reason we're here," she said They are a few Ii the lucky ones - in a few "People need to realize- there is such a thing as wet'ks they will probably have homes. birth control for t heir pets," In a nearby room behind a door marked "No Stray animals are another area of concern for AdmittalK"t' - Employees Only:' an older dog Nelson. Pet owners nero to be t'dul'ated about looks ul~mowingly at the waiting hypodennic leoshlaws. especiaUyin college communities \\ith needle. Sir is Of\(' Ii the many less fortunate dogs transient populations, she said. here ~ ina few minutes !l\ewiUbe dead. "If you have a pet and move intoa Ile\\' town, the Deathisa big part Ii life at the Humane Society first Ihi~ yoo shoold do is find out what the city Ii Southern Illinois. located about five miles west ordinaR:es are there," ~elson said or Carbonmle 011 lIIimis 13. Between April 19110 In car bond ala Ie. all animals must be on a leash and March 1981. 2.&;5 dogs and 1.350 cats were if they are not in a fenct'd-in yard. she said. destroyed there. During the same time. 581 dogs Puppies over four months or age must receive a and 90 cats were adopted or returned to their rabies vocinatioo. and while it is not requIred to owners. vacirmte cats. Nelson strmgly recommends it And wtWle more animals are destroyed than The humane society. which is celebrating its saved, the atmosphere at the mmane sociely is :?Sth aniversa ry this year. is a non-profit. private very positive. Cindy Nelson. manager and organila lion. Nelson said that while Ihey are not director Ii the oomane society. explained that undPr governmental authority. they voluntarily thPir primary purpose is to rescue and providl! follow statr guidelines. They are partially funded shelter for stray and unwanted animals. return ttw'ough a contract with Carbondale and Jackson lost animals to their owners and find suitable CAlmty for boarding and disposing stray animals homes for unclaimed pets. She said for the brought in from the area. animals that can't be returned or placed, the huma'le society provides a painless end to their !liN' IICW,\SE page 11

)', . ,\hIt,·f'. hom.lf'ss or disf'aSf'tl ani_als arf' df'Stro~'t'd painlf'Ssly wida _ . ~ ". ., }' J. j . , ... injf'ction. Rl'iow If'fl ,iolelll Slrays ar. npturt'd with a (ontrol !ltidl. ~ , whic.-h has a IJOO!If'-likt> loop at &lie tar l. " . .nd. ~ ~-' - - -.....,. - Srofl pho'Ol by John Cory


[~lily Egyptian, AprIl :!:!. 1~1. Pagt' ;, ~EW t:lI.t:RGV SOl'RCES Council moves to fund agencies "K(;t:D ~RBANA lAP. A l'niversity of :lIinois agricultural t'conomlst says tht' despite' Fry's budgetary advice l:nited States should invest mort' money to develop new energy sourct'S before the world R" Ton" C.enIon herp on. Agpncy fundmg dlrPl·ti\'p in mid·Ft'bruarv to staff Wiikor df'cisions arf' madp H'arto­ producf' a budgpt for this fIscal runs out of oil. vear as money is a\'ailablt' and vpar that balanced t'x­ fo'olke Dovring said there will Although warnt'd by City circumstanceS dictate' ppnditures from tht' genpral be a crippling decline in the Manager Carroll Fry that Barring furthf'r changE'!'. tM fund with revenues projected to world's supplv of oil heginning funding social serviCt.' agt'ncit'S council action :l.londay night be paid mlo it. Fry said about 1990. despitf' optimistic could foret.' a rt"duction of basic mf'ans the total budgt't package :.\Ionday night that a review of predictions about oil production city services. tht' Citv Council to he formally adopled April Zi thp staff-propoSt.'d cuts showed and reSt.'f\'es. dt>Cided Mooday night that tht' will illcludt' $328.4;4 f'X' Dovring said oil companies budget cooId support both-at pt'nditurt'S origmally propoSt.'d ~~.':u1~n~~ty ruOn~~[o~~~~ult:n'!! are trying to extract deep or Ipast for or.e more yt'ar. 10 he cut by cit,' staff. havt' been ablt' to providt' hea\'y oil. but the cost will he so TIlt' counciJ appro\'ed grants Includf'd' in that amounl is servict'S," so he had suggested high that it cannot he profitable. of $4i.illIl for the A!tucks Board. S2t17.856 of departr:-If'nt bud~f't his re\·isions. 512.000 for the Womt'n's Centt'r l'uts_ proposed by Assistant City and 56.140 for tht' Youth Ser· ~Ianager Scott Rattt'r and Tht' $.128.3i6 rt.'Stored to the nct'S 8urt'au-all of which had Financf' Director Paul Sorgen, budget will bt' paid from Iht' "A•• AIIS bpt'n rt'commended for that Fry rt'commf'nded be working cash balanct', tht' J:.''''~ @ n.15I·':11 rejection by Fry and otht'r city rpstorf'd, a 550.000 council monev carried o\'er from one RIIiOSTARR administrators. l'lmti~mcy fund also proposPd fiscal' year to tht' nexl. of t:le GOt. A" Council members also bv Frv and 564.520 for the three general fund BARBARA BACH rpjected Fry's suggt'Stion that agencit.'S. (1:15 @ n.15 .7:41 to fund the agt'ocit'S this year In addition, the council also Councilman Charles Watkins \I,ou1d pstabiish a city policy to voted to retain the city's said ht' belie~'ed the draw on the do so and create an "ongoing mpmbership in thp Grpater cash balance this fiscal Vf'ar program" of city support of J-:gypt Rpgional Planning and will be It'Ss than was approved social dt.'liyt'rv St.'rvices. (}{'velopmf'nt Commission at a by Ihe council last year Councilwoman Helen cost of $.;.000, a move that was "without any gnashing of Iet.'th Wpstberg said. "I consider a also opposed by slaff or accusatrons of playing fast policy decISion to be sompthing Thp staff proposals for hudJ!l't and I~?se with the city's that is made and followed from l'utS werp madp aftpr a council money Sex harassment called widespread

W,-\SHIl'iGTO;l/ lAP, - The has no control. and because sexually propositioned on the head of the Equal J-:mployment they allow unscrupulous per­ job. it is most often because sht' Opportunities Commission said sons to file mischit'vous invitt'S such attention. Tuesday that sexual claims." For the "virtuous woman." harassmt.'nt on tht' job may be Thert' wt'rt' hisses in tht' SchaUy said. sexual deept'r and more widpsprexd packed hearing room when she harassmt'nt is not a than his agency knows. said. "Tht' most crut'l and "except in the rarest of cases." "Sexual harassment in the damaging sexual harassment workplaCt.' is not a figment of taking place today is the "When a women walks across the imagination," said acting harassment bv feminists and the room." she said. "sht' commissioner J. Clay Smith Jr. their federal government allies speaks with a universal body "11 is a real problem." against the role of motherhood language that most men in­ Testifying before a St'nate and the role of the dt'pendent tuitivt'ly understand. Labor subcommittee. Smith "'ife," reported GIl results 01 guidelines Sen. Orrin Hatch. R-Utah. the "!\Ien hardly ever ask sexual published by the EEOC in subcommittee chairman. favors of women from whom Strawberry Ooiquiri SI.25 ~ovember 1980 under which tht' certain answer is ·No ... · Strawberry Crepe SI.25 women may file complaints of ~~fa~J ~~ f:~~~rd::r~.::~ said Schlaflv. who heads an Sf'xual discrimination. from tne audit'nct' would nol he organizalion 'called the Eagle Quiche & Solad 13,00 .. "Iv instinct tells mt' this tolerated. There wt're none . "'orum. organized in 19;2 in may be the tip of the Iceburg." In mort' detailed tt'Slimony opposition to feminist groups Smith said given the subcommillee. like the :'Iiational Organization Also testifying was Phyllis Schlanv also said if a woman is for Women. Schlafly. the militant opponent of the Equal Rights Amend­ ment for women. who said the EEOC guidelines are "unjust because they penalize the in· Don" Just Sit There nocent bystander. the em· ployer. for acts over which he Unbelievably, Jim Jones PLAYI -, Early Sum"..,- l.agues recorded his are _ forming for own descent STAGES Volleyball O. into hell. ThiS 9O-mlnute e~cluslve Jonestown becomes a BA1IONSHIPS NPR docomentarv IS based horror storv we can all oro 900 hours of audiO tilpe finally comprehend • Spring .....u ... Beach Courtl found at the Jonestown Co-he A a I Divisions,oy settlement In Guvana In . Men'. Sunday April 26 Expand your awareness November. 1978 Father Women'. of how to cope with Cult leader Jim Jones f~.ltWlfed ...... ,. "'-'fo fry. It·.... some of the changes. had been taping himself Cares: and hIS followers for ...... "'. months before he urged lfIeLaato' them-91I men. women. and ctuldren-Io commll Joa..... • Court Clu.. •• 1•• Annual mass sUICIde; a lragedy .,.."..,at beyond understanding that ...chTou ...... stunned the world. .:00 ".. ..' ...... 1 Jon:~t~rf;~~,:Jim Men·...... • •• c.hc All ...... A IOfwfsIons followers and thetr gradual a descenl logether Into hell. ~...... IlWUCfAIIO ThiI doc:unIat .... , ...... by ...... Ieston •., CAl.&. fOIl"" INfO author fA "Our faIher Who Min .....•

Student w.u_ Live National Call-In ...... ,.0-_ 8,11 Moy." - ...... OC.dClab e=- '. '. . 202-8570888 .c53-5101 OW".ll~" 4"-6711

Page 6. Daily Egyptian. April 22. 1981 !' FOR THIS STICK

~.,.\. -: . '~j.

-" . ~ ~ Those Artesians at'" Oly Ir!W!!y are now payi",: -.-' ,.~ :. ItIlOllIACIIIMPrY OlY Mnn.I YOU 1nUMI. A101'AL 0. ZIt lI0II11 MnnIS. ~OIIIGINALCONfA_. It.'um them to your porlicipoti"9 r.tail lfofe or to -../ your local artesion headquarters· I I J Distributing. The a .....iaM will be looking for you . ~ 1(--,-"...... ,....,• & J 1Iecyd", ...... 111 W. ..,...... 7111 tt /; 1.; -

""~,~ ..... ~ '-

~Ia'" Kovakik. Oahi.. ~osal aNi Oahi.. ('ol~R Bulgariah Sop dah~. Thfo dancf'rs' two-hour .!r~ ~.ftl. _hfor!lof thf' IO-mf'mh ... Of'qllf'!lh~ !"'r'ormallcl' ~Innda\' in Shn'ock .\uditorium l hlVf'rslty Tamhuritzansdallcl' troUPf'. pf'rfflrm a prm'idf'd a culturai If'S.'iOll .. as "I'll as f'h­ IPrtain IIII'nt. East European dance troupe steps lively on Shryock stage Happy Hour 11·6 Tequila Sunrise By ,\Ian ~ull~y into costumes from the country StaR Wriu-r the song was from This created stunning tapestries of color and ,_~,~~orft The Tamburiizans. a "(t­ design as they snaked their way member dance troupe. gave a around the stage. two·hour Eastern European with dances as fast as these) it Not on I", was the show in· dance show that saw the group was excuseable because they teresting. but it also served as a For Happy Hour, having as much fun performing were having so much fun. lesson in the cultures of as the audience did getting The troupe also broke into Bulgaria. Poland. RUSSia. Join Us For Our introduced to the dance culture small groups to perform of those countries. several folk songs from dif­ ~r!!~~ry ~~~YJr.:~~ri: Rock-n-Rol1 D.J. Show Performing to a crowd of 900 ferent countries-all sung in the represented in the 15-number in Shryock Auditorium Monday. native tongue of that country. performance. the "Tammies" were just plain At other times. the entire of awnben ensemble would ..e ia- The only area where Ibe rowdy on many the Ta ..buriba_ ...... ·t , .... as they dIInftd. --pat .... wjlllllll'B __ In the '"-'" fill the stepped Uvely around the stqe. ~ta:d-::=.::'::i tambOl'itzu-the hiCh-flitehed ~. a two hour perf..-mance Meanwhile. the shouting. that was just 100 long. clapping and cheerleading fOl' acoustic guitar-like instnoneat each other never ceased during the group takes its name from­ and play beautiful songs fnJID Unfortunately for some of the the songs. audience. the ending was more Even if a member got slighUy various c:euntries. Throughout the show. ~be of a wake-up call than a grand out of step with the rest of the finale. group (which is understandable Tamburitzans were changing Come on Down From SPC plans student excursions 2:30-6:30 with convenience, cost in mind LISTEN TO THE Island during spring break. according to Allen. By B~.Wilge.""" Other shorter "excursions" Staff Writer Allen said that because of group rates, students can make the are also scheduled. These are ROCK-N-ROLL usually weekend ge~ways ~d Convenience. lower prices. trip easier and cheaper. The trips can also provide may include campmg, rafting fun and a chance to grow­ or canoeing. One day tbat's what Steve Allen. feUowship. Usually two buses OF THE are needed for each trip which journeys inciude st. Louis and chairman of the Student the Kentucky Derby. Programming Council Travel­ means a mixture of different personalities and attitudes. Allen said that SPC is plan­ Recreation Committee. ning a travel advisory service INVADERS believes his programs can offer cooperation is important and good communications mean for next year to aid people in students. sched...YIin their_f!W1l triP§ "As far as convenience goes. m,!r~~_~ less_ ~ssles. we provide extras and make all ...... to '-) NO COVII the arrangements for you." Allen said. He handles tran­ sportation, lodging and special events like parties. Billiards Parlour Allen's most popular trips are to Daytona and South Padre Special We U,..e you to SHOP & COMPA.. Wild Turkey WIPAYMOIII 75e for CLAH- ...... P .... tl." Anything of Gold ...... Comito tl.M or Silver "_IN J&J Coins unt""~ 11. 1.1 123 S. III. .57·.. 31 Daily Egy~ian. April 22. 1981. Page 7 NORA from Page 1 ,~ '~ ZUCCAIIOIS Her older brother. Henn. is now a frt't'-laR.·e was developing ttn;e qualities ~,~•. ' (stuffed zucchini) writer in New York and 'her younger brother. '-In the perform in!! arts you ha\'E' to ha\'e a kind ~~ WITH SPINACH SALAD Ste~n. is working on his doctorate in theolog~' ilt of stockpile of ('haractenstics or aspt'C1S of lite Uniwrsity of Chica!lo. vourself that \'ou l'an pull out whene\'l'r you n~ By tbetimeshe w'as III. Post could play the ('t'llo. them to!b whate,·er thE' piece needs." Sc11d Post. ~ $1.95 violin, Slxophone. oboe and clarinet, a!' well a!' the Aft~ Imvin!l the l·m,·t'rsity of Califorma with her bal-ht'lor's df'!Zree in musIc. Post wmt hock to TI,,, Balt.. ,v R ... lau,anl This weelc's special ~·~tried everythm!! that I could," Post !'aId :'tOe", York to ('OmpletE'a master's and doctorate III ~u,dal. to< b'.... tCHt. lunch I dinne, ''Whenl>V8' one d m,· friends rentro an 10- music at :'IIew York l'nive!'!'lty strument for a year and then quit. I'd ask them While working on hE'r dOl·torate. she took a 'WouId ym like to Imd me the instrumt'nt for a position with the music fanllt)' at the State .tIile?· So I had a lot of clarinets and saxophones l'nive!'!'it\' of :o.:E'W York 011 Buffalo It was Ihere and ba!lSoons around the house that she met AIIx-rt Somll in 19ifi Prr;t was 25 "But llikt'd the oboe belt. B\' the time I was in and Sumit was !).\ SPICTACULAR junior higtl school I had dPcidftl that I Iik£"d the Somit had pla~'ed the oboe mrr;t of his life and oboe mudl more than the piano. !'O I stopped the studied oboe with Post al Buffalo. lie later played piano k>ssons. I didn't ha\'e tlw time to do both in one d her en~mbll's at thl' ('niH'!'!'ity DA _II." "Asan amateur oboist hE"s jusl fine." Post !'ald. Post chose the oboe Ix-cau!'e it was a l'hallffi!lt'. smiling. "When I was In the fifth I'!ra!P I took a sun'ey Somit and Post marrit'd in Buffalo In 1979 and askOO evt'l"\'·O!lt' who was musical what the Post's newest challenge is ('oordlllati~ (,,'ents hamet instrument was to play Evt'ryooe S<1id it at l'niversitv HllUS(, was eUler the oboe or the French horn, '-It's an in'tert'Stln/Z joh. t,he thlll!!s you ha\'e to WEDNESDAY-8:30pm-l :OOom "That'swhv I started the oboe, I also started the do here." Post said -'planmnlt and Sl'ht'd\lh~ all Frendl h«n :but I didn 'tlike it" Post said of the evmts that hilppen Jfs an admirustrative • Write us a letter telling us During her hil'!h school ~'ears. she also plaVl't1 Job and ~,'ou never know what will happen ne'(t --=;===-'- t' great If -. tJr nile. It was as serious a pursuit as tht' oboe "Entertainin/Z is nn a mU('h lar!!t'r Sl'ale than your secre ary IS SO .' • until sht' was about Ii, one wouldordinarilvdo. unll'sS you Wt're marl'led we decide your secretary IS the "When lrod to l'hoose bt'twet'n the nute and tht' to thE' !!oVt'rnor or Pr~ldt'nt Hl'3/Zan," Post said_ best, she'l(win a oboe. Istayt'd with Iht'obOE' Ix-eause I thou!!ht that lau!Zhing at her ('Ompilrlson ·_:\t Ihls pomt I ('ould I could do more with it. And for whatever rt'a)'llIl. run the :'Iiew .... ork HIlton With I'ny hands tlOO my pt'rsonality matcht'd the obOE' a little beller hehlnd my ba('k .. TRIP FOR 2 TO THE The oboe was a ('hallenge and Will always be a challenge." Post !!l.1id 011(' of the most imJl't'Ssi\'(' fl'atures at the GRAND OLE OPRY Post st'C\lrt'd her first professional pb in music t.'niversitv for Post is the fril'ndl" attItude l'he in 19i1. playing for the San £llego Symphon)' whllt' finds ammg lhe p('ople . sht' was an undergraduate at tlw l'nJwrslty of "For elQr:Jpie." said Post. "my husband and Tnp tnClud~ thrftl d",,...t, and t\AO ru(""~ ~lt~ ,1(1 om California, one d his collmgul'S Wl'nt out to dinner rt'l'ently, ~. tT&l~-.'I' Jl(\.1Pd 2 m...lkf" .. , ... &: ..! dtnr....,. ... "The Vl'ar I arri n>o the obOIst had just It'lt town While he was on hiS wav homt' the waiter at the lu~ h"ndlmg. ,~nc! "ll flP" &. r,l'll Audibms wert' Iwm/Z held the wt'E'\t I arri\'('d in restmrant callt'd the hOllse and said Somit had C~lifornia. so I went 10 audition and there I was:' left his briefcase at the tab/e, Tht' waiter was a TRIP SPONSORED BY: Post said studelll at SIt.' and he I'lfered to drop the briefcase 1.-PRESLEY At that timt' her musical interests were in by the hOllSe In the morning. TOU.S contemporary music. Pa;t had established a 2-The Hair lab reputation for he!'!'elf as? player ",;th the ability -'1 could n('\o'er In a million n-ars in :'Iiew York 3.-Mel·O-Cream to stick through somE' "el')' tough 20th l-entury imagine that someone would h;i"efoundout whffie 4.-Perfectly Clear Pri~ting Pieces. briefcaSil-' it was and then call to find you. f'irst of all, if you left it at the tablt'. someone would have 5.-Stiles Office Supplies She ba'amE' int~ested in IRth centlrY music at stolen it. And the idea that someol1t' would nt the lrnive!'!'ltv of California when somebody gave \'olunte8' to bring it o"er to you is incollCei\"ahlt'. .. No pu"{~& "ec~sory Oeadllne for aU e , ••, her a recurd' of a two-keyed baroque oboe. ~ 300p m F"doy Aprol2. '_1 If it happenOO in :Ww York it would be in the Post deeidt'd to PU!,!,I.J(' the baroque oboe as. a lt nt'wspa pers ... Post said.,.. . hobm- and I hen became serious about studYlflJl . In addition to her administrative and tt'achmg Winnrr of lht' trip "'ill bt' an­ In 1m she left for Switzerland to slm!y with nspoosibilities this semester. Post is working on nount:t'd on Sat" ,\pril %5, 1981 Michel Piguet. a piooeer in ~a.roqut' o~. the fi 1181 editing for her first book .• 'Contemporary cUinJit dIt' Oa.'iis Fa...... !!how. "I did it hecause 1 was so dlsmterested In early Oboe music:' Post said" At that time alii was playing Technique." to be published by the _5 Db century and nothing else really appealed University of California press. Admission: $1.00 tome. Her plans for the summer include traveling for "That forred mt' 10 cultivale other aspects of COOl'erts and festivaJs. and making a record to be my musical personality lhat I had ne\'er used. Jt entitled .. ~rusic from the Concert of fo'rt'derick the Winning secretaries boss will ...·as a good maturing process." Grt'at." for the )Iusical Heritage labt'l in Boston. "I never stop woriting." Post said. "There are receive an ele~nt gift from Post recalls a Smithsonian performance of so many diHert'nl things that interest me about Stiles Office Supplies. baroqlll' music where a member of the audience music that it really is mO'it of mv life. came up to her after theperformanc:e and told her Corsages from Wisely Florist that hft' i neg ale. a French system of l.Ulequal note "I had a colleague at the l'niversitv of given to the first 20 sec­ values. Wi!; the most suave and sophisticated he Califomiawho onc:esaid tome '1 nt'vt'r want to S('(' lad heard you fat cr without any oboe reeds. I might get fat retaries through the door. but I will always have oboe reeds." she said "I can remember not belie\;ng it." Post said. "I laughing. of Manvorher gifts to be given had never thought myself as a suave or ". am .i~ .... hat I want to do. what I alwavs sophisticatE'd pla~·er. bul al Ihat time I suppose I have done, and what. always will do. -. shE' added. t .. away during the rest of the ...... '_.,,_ week at the Oasis Disco. SIMC from Page 3 ding. yet he has taken no such expressing their OPPOSition and at two starting POints: Neely Many other gifts to be given away action as president. Simon said. concern. especially those who Hall on the SIl'·C campus and during the evening: Gifts sponsored The MX project will be the are adversely affectt'd." the Eurma Haves Center. From second·most expensive One of the ways SIMC plans to there they will march to the by: • Stiles Office Supplies program in the history of the show its opposition to Reagan Federal Building on Cherry • The Hair Lob United States. he said. The policies is through Street for a rally at I p.m .• he • Phillips implementation of the in­ congressional letter writing said. terstate highway system was campaigns. said Raymond Charles Koen. president of the most expensive. Lt'nzi. SIMC spokesman. the National Association of Come early & treat your secretary to an ex­ Although Simon said he Lenzi also expects the !'

~Comouf'l ... ~QUOItficIlMM 1ft- c...... (...... ~twoor ...... Offer Expires 4/30/81 ~ _'CP"'...-..ce in ~ camoutfng. I t."'OW ...... oIcDflll""O" .fl:JtiSf1CoIpac::-1!I9" ru.. --..SAS .... __ _ FQIIIIUIH-..-, .. NIW _ "'"--0Ihc.. Tues.-Thur.llam-8pm S W I I Fri. & Sat. llam-l1pm 312. a 1St. Nf .. t'P5ll.~ nr7tlZl!OICDITom MIIIhn. 549-1003 • ., _m.. "'"'' or ..'.,...., .. !EQual ISUD 3pm-8pm J I ,:~ge 8. r;>aily Egyptian, April 22.'. 1981 ._------Wednesday's puzzle I.,ttll' f:K"PI Slu5 T'me perIOd OOWN !ot'PC \"Id...... "I.,f.. (;oes to rh(' 26 Br,l,sh essay. I RecedeS "'o\'ies." .. and 9 pm. Sludml 'sl 2 Wrongful act ('('fill'!' VKlt'" I.nungp 29 US preslden' 3 CeIefle5 o. REO SPf't'dwailOll conc .. rt. 8 pm. 34 Fros' 4 Pa'''''- ,\l'Pna 35 Rare 5 Ould~ I.ahoratory Th ..alf'r pr(,'l.'nt~. ~ ~=:Yities ~ =: 27 Met,· mana- 47 Ac:cuse "FIW' t"/l!lt'r f:'('rtHP." Rpm. 49 Pan' Commun ... alion~ BuildlOll 39 Roc"et 8 - out: Sup. 28 ~ 52 Smell \/ar l'SO 1Tl('('1101l. ,·111 P no. Ballroom 41 plements 30 tnsects 53 Auto part ,\ =- 54 Mogalory FI'l'I.' China Stui roue Val .... Hard", :o.'alaysian Sludt'nl Association -'l,ad.II'· ~h, ': 'PI:I« t ','n!>'1 c).'~1 .''' 1{ ml'f'll/l!l. ntlon·~ pm. ,\ctl\"lV Roo", ,\. .

.,..,.."...., , ~\ .. ,~. ~.::;tS-:,~., .------~i.~~------~

",_ ... /

-Campus Briefs- Dr. MiduRI DutT. a Ioml denlilll. tile _lit ...... of the pno-Medical Pno-Oenlal Scriet)' 10 br held at 7 p.m. Wed­ nesday in the Sa line Room. flurr will speak on varicMB a~ of gflll'ral ...actlce and admission practlws for dental schOol. The Psychol~y Colloquium Committee and the Graduate SCRU •••"S® Student Council wiD spmsor a colloquium on "primary preven· tim" from I 103 p.m. Thursday in Semimr Room 209 of the AgriaJlture Building. Steven J. Danish of the Dt'partmt'nt of In· the look of the season dividual and to'amily Studies at Pennsy ..... nia State linivt'rsity will be tilt' gUt'5t speake!'. Versatile. Comforable. ReverSible. Hospital surgical shirts and ;lants The Medprep Oub needs fout' students-at·large to participate in are Ideal for actrvewear or anywhere. a tour of the Vanderbilt Unhwsity School of Medicine .. NashviUe, Tenn. to be held Friday. Transportation is free. Contact Wes Cool 100% cotton in Jade green. McNeese at 534Hi671. Sizes XS-M. Top and pant. The Oothing aOO Textiles Oub aOO the rood I:Ind nutrition program will sponsor a spring fa.~hion show entitled "Lo;)and 1 0.00 each. Fantasy" at 6 p. m. Thursday in Ballroom D. A meal prepared by RED CARPET tlK> food and nutrition students will be served bclore the fashion show. Th«e will be a meeting or students interested in particip.,ti'l! in the travel-study l'oorse of Southwestern ecology in the t'nilt'd States at "p.m. Friday in Room 325 of Life &iel1le II. The trip is offered for 3 hours crt.'dit between the !Opting and su",,,,er semeste!"5- Students in all majors are welcome..

l'ilta.~ ~ 1>a.k:e. !!t Now serv,~ [)tft1\cr' A\\....,~ wi's~&.\ y,us, __ ~~ ~ ~\\ It ,.",,_ ~-F~ I'\,rck~ ~ C\r. Daily Egyltian. April 22. 1981. Page 9 Christian music concentration heavy in southern part of state

R'W Rob Hondurant f 'hl'l~'''>n mil"'" (,1IlIlIrf' belllan eording to Hor!'le~'. He saId Studf'nt \\rilrr producing work which wasn'l prior to 1!l75. many \'\'angelists always readily alTl'J>It>d. had groups tra\'eling with thl'm. Southern Illinois IS one of the Howe\'er, Ihe mam Imp..'tus in hut they have st'parated and most conl'entratt>d rt·glOn.~ for the trend lowards the adap­ hecome more of a tra\'eling i!ospt'l and contemporary tation of rock 'n' roll came from musIc show Christian musIc groups In the the gospel quartet. the 1m, The professor said there are country, an'ording to Doynl' perials, who were popular about 15 acth'e gospel quartNs through thl' early 'i~ Borsley, professor of and aboul SIX ('ontemporary geography Horslev said that l'verv new music groups in SouthE-rn Borsley. a ~ospel singer !'ince trend in Popular musIc is' being llIanols. He added that at· the mid '61.$, !ll'l'!' a number of l'xpenm£'nted with In Chnstlan tl'ndance has nearh' doublt>d at trends on the national Chri!'tlan musIc. Chrisllan music coneerts In the music !leene Gospel music is also past se\'eral years. Horslt'y said the largt'St in· bl'comln~ more organized With nuence on Christian musIC in groups hke thl' Gospel :'>Iusic Horsley's gospel group is the past 15 years has been rock :\ssociation much like 5011 others in the 'n' roll. Starting In 1965, thrt"t' The musicians themselves nation whose members perform soloist!l who had grown ur­ are trying to separate them, often but lA'ho still hold other outside of the tradltlonal selves from preachl'rs, ac· Jobs. Famous bridge's demise SIV-C Glee t:lub" Soulhern Si,agen goes virtually unnoticed .Iale free ronrerl

ROCK ISL,\:-':D lAP) - construction of the wood ThE' SIt:·C Glee Club and Nobody showed up Tuesday a: trestle hridge began in 185.1 and Southern Singers will perform in concert at 8 p.m. Thursday in the base of a weathered old took three \'ears. It cost less Ibcq... ,btlflff wooden pillar which is all that Ihan 5500,000 and was, by ShrYock Auditorium. Ad· .4"! h«l Nra, d,,adu" ..-h~~ QI'rd /Jat-u" 01'/ 01 tn.tln! ~fi b ... " remains of the first bridge contemporary sla.ndards. a misSIOn is free. o;;..Ie""flff across the :\hsslssippi River - marvel of engmeermg. It was Conducted by Ro~rl .. I): ft«- P'IlIH (I~ J ,,.,Ued ~rt hc"" Kingsbury, the 3O-voice glee the span that exactly 125 years also located at perhaDs the 1o'-1/1t 4.-hou·~ 0/ llr~e club will perform works by ago linked the East and West of worst point on the rivf:r. "i .... ",",hi.. a far-flung nation Jut ling rocks created a rapids Giovanni Pierluigi da T WIO" u: hNf ('fJr:r~. c:it"," tl'U d'''''!nt t.ur a ~,.;U~J t'~t hul'f Palestrina and Antonio Lotti as Thousands of people gathered that turned the :\lississippi into '-Ipt~h Club for the opening April 21. 1856, white foam direcUv beneath the well as other contemporar)' 86sCfllt. J~,:f.I'.'" rJ"d !'n,.,tJ:oI ~ 1"t1 .~,.,.,-d "" trr n" .ho.'1' "nftlt rtdJl works. and thousands of their 1.582-foot span i'hich linked (·0.... ' (I.b descendants as."t'mbled here for Rock Island to Davenport, The Southern Singers will 84colt. t",,.,tI(1o, ~a"'l ..1,:r;.J(.t .Jlfd :{J",ato dr." ~r"lNi ur. a day-long centennial Iowa, at its narrowist point. perform compositions by e2Z or .ltv'~ _he'al :uUj/ celebration that featured Within two weeks, the lIialalie Sleeth, Karl Suessdorf. fireworks and a re-creation of sidewheel steamboat Effie Aram Khatchaturian and the first crossing by the black Afton slammed into a pier. arrangements by Kingsbury . iron steam locomotive Fort burst into names and caught Michael Cain, a music major, DesMoines, the bridge on fire, Scores of has choreographed several of But on Tuesday, only a couple other boats struck the span in the arrangements, of boys with fishing poles sat thE' \'ears that followed. among the blooming purple ct'ocuses at the t'ivet"s edge. and that's all. "The railroad's bankrupt and the steamboats aren', around anymore either and the diesels l towboat:i I that come down the river noy. don't even know there was a bridge there," said R. Taylor Drake, 72, a long·time historian of local matters. "It was the Rock Island Railroad that built the bridge," he said Tuesday from Chicago, where he works. "Here was the ~reat river which bisected the country and to ever get the West developed, the ri\'er had to be crossed by rail." Before, there was nothing but wagon trains to the river and huge lumber barges. to carry people and materials across, Arter the bridge, there was the railroad to carry a new generation of homesteaders into what would become Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma, lotion Waiver Applications for Summer Session '81 onlv are now being accepted. Students requiring assistance through this program should inquire ~+++++fI as follows: *..... AIt+,+j Graduate Students to the Graduate School + ..... nts i'l International Students to International Education ;, All Other Students to Student Work & Financial Assistance THEFAO! Eligibility requirements for the granting of a Cancellation Waiver include: 1. Verification of Pending Summer Financial Assistance stHDnIfts ;, 2. Cerificate of Registration for Summer Session ..s...... 3. Enrollment for at least (3) hours In order to expedite the Cancellation Waiver application process, be prepared to present a Current Statement of Account. Your summer mailing address • must be current and accurate. • Paid for bV the Office of Student Work and Financial Assistance ru. '0. Daily'£gy;,ttan; April 22, ~198-I':':~:':::~------":!~LJ!!..------"":~~~----___~!!!~L_-J 915 W. Main Carbondale STORE HOURS 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. SUNDAY

Daily Egyptian. April 22. 1981. Pa@Iei n .1- w~= SPRIN .~ ,.~ ~~ r------_ .------.SNING'EST SUPER ROCK •• ..... Kick off ~pringfest Friday after­ noon enjoying ;ome of the most exciting acts in the world today!

f .... 91 ... ~ e.-a r P.'.'.,.nd.-r .. P~T~I G.ob"o' 11;001 & 1 .... ,p ('0"9

PoJ .... Jof> JOt!."" '!'h .. JOlT" Rogif'f Dolfr,

~ y€"!I{ ...... oVag.f D·,E' ~" l.t, JO'""" (ougo' h.O< HO'l'." Ta .. r. 0+ Mon., And "",or"


SPCFILMS FRIDA' P"-ts THE BAD CINEMA TENT -FriSt-GoII. 3P The __ ak." .... .fI' __ ...... _ -AnnIPH...u ,..' Lt.. GoeS to ,'" Tlw T.. rror of Ti",- To'"" ...... -'*...... ,_11 VideoLoun9" ",I.t ...ten> -Aneican lJrmr." Cllairwd For Llf...... -..r ...... Cooley High 1 iF _ ..... hi. ~ ...... C... IReOI .... Life" I L"O"IIM .''', .s .. " ,Glp" or ';I,"do/ ,_ _tt-. __...... --.. SAnJRD,~ IeftReOI !.. '9U...... ~ I.. 19U. AiiAJd, Of TIw Killt>, Tomafof's.a...... -Canoe Rac-es Hl~ ...... __...... fMM .... -Food Speicals 11}4 ...... _ ...... '-"1... -...._ Spnngfest Fun 10- ...... eIeoaoty~ Crazy (Ant~st Ii -nw Wont F~m a.. It -::.::o::c...--::; .... a. Art. Craft Sak CnlM'tChent' 1 ::="-=-!:"..::o...:o..- -.y ...... Kite MaImg It F1 ~ArtCom ...... 'fGU ~-- ..., ...... -~ tO .....,.. CLassk:al Guitar ...... _ ...0..- ...... _ •• .. ..,...... RovIng Juggler Sodrty for ere! -Springfest ProgrClI Voices of Insplrl 8e11yD~ ***************************.... ************. Shaperspeart' s I : LIVE MUDWRESTLERS : Kattl! liThe Sm Riff Raft Band • • Chicago KnockE • • Onel.OW!~ • • -Spnngtnt Films ~ • • Annie Hall 7 • ~ ! : Cooley High 111 • :• ·! i • • !• !• : IAwu.&Y. "NI~ : : 0IIfs.I""1IOCX : • WIIN MAO'S un u. ".IIW' • •~***.AAAAAA*AA*A** •••••••• A*AA.AA •• ****•

Page 12. Daily Egyptian. April 22. 1981 GFEST ' •••••••••••• l"'III!l!!ISeli8!ll!H!!1!!_;;SSSSS__ IS8!!IS8!OSS!!ilS.<'iIfJ 81 10 THE MOVIES "The Most Spectacular Tim. ll'. Tribute 90 '0 ,I"Ip mo-"IM spanning : th~ @l'n'.,1P' t'u",toty J.lm~ Jazz Guitarist of the Century" ove, of • FtHJ'ur,ng ".'I!'f"pt1; fro,." o~ 40 't''"~ • .,...... , no...... ~, CUP'N • SAVE:

lOam. • 9pm • Saturday • spri.mdest • foQal' • speCla s Pol,'i!'o. !liou",OgE> S I 00 • Ho'dog!. 15 • Homburqe'" 75 I C"'.. ~urg.r' ' 00 • C'''hcl...n po"y Wndwl(h loo 880 100 Cold Chocken Plo .. 2 00 Cook... 50 I 'rown• ." SO Lany Coryell ~ ------p~ •• 12 o. 25 CoH_ ~ Crmy ConMt & Dernc:lnsft'otion Sunday Baked bean. ~ Art & Croft Sale ChIp' ~ Cream Cheese Throwing on 3:00pm '",","'" .ack ~ Shvrock Auditorium C.ramic Wheel C_Candy ~ Kite Making & Flying Ie. cream 15 l ....onade ~ $3.00 Mural Competition Doodle Art C0fn98tition & E'chibit tgfest TICKETS AT STUDENT CENTER Old Main Mall CENTRAl. TICKET OFFICE ~24.1981 "Since 1'_ be.n ploying acoustic. I've dis­ Fne. Fonam An!e c:-.d a different ~ than wften I play electricolly. a kind at sensuality. T'- musiC RIFF RAFF t Stu. Ctr. Audltodum - ritlhtfram my~, into .... Stri,.., Ma 8. 9PM Stu. Ctr. and out infO .... audience." No

~ S-Senate to consider proposal to increase tnedical fee by $15 R~ Da\'id "urph~ The report recommended the maintain close relations be:· Don't baa Staff Writpr increase to begin in the fall ween the l'S(I and the Black semester of 1982 on the basis of Affairs ('ouncil. help to in, DRAFT.DODGERI A proposal to Increase the a projected 3 percent drop in tegrate and rpcrull mino-ity student mE'dical fee by 51:\. the enrollment over the nellt two students 1010 studt'nt gu\'ern· Come '0 Ova'ro'. l'reation of a mmorit)' aHairs years and projected growth in ment and create greater Wecl .....y for commission and the crealJon of thE' inflation rate of IU percent awareness of minority a student ad\'lsor~' system will per year, problems in the l'SO all be considerE'd at th.- regular The student senate WI" decide PITCHER DAY meetmg IIf the l·nd.-rgraduate whether to formall\' endorse the Thl" senate also will \'ote on !'tudent Organiz.lllon Student board's proposal - an amendmpnt to create an from opening · .1112 p.RI. Senate Wednesda\ An amffidml'nt to create a aun!>on s\'stem whil'h \\'ould The rroposal 'to raise the mlMrlh aff,Jlrs C'ommiS8ion promote the exchange of in­ medica fee. which ntlW stands also IS 'on the senate agenaa, formatIOn between student at $45 a seml'Ster. IS from the The task of the C'ommission. to groups and thl" l'SO Student Health Policy Board. be filled by executive ap­ with .... purchoM of .ny an advison bod" of un­ pOintment. would be to The addition of five executive m.4fulft or ..~ .... dergraduate and - gradl!dte "prOVide an ongoing bureaus to the l'SO will also be no ...... t OIl pitchers students, mechanism to deal with the l'onslderE'd at the meetmg The p'a.- The board re(:£lmme'ldE'd the problems faced by minority bureaus would dpal with of.ny ~nIft .... or 10ft fee hike to both tne CSO and the students." according to the student rpcruitment. the Graduate Student Council after amendment. prr.lKlsed student advisory ...... completing a report which The commission would have sVstem, creation of a student examined th,' student health several functions. according to b-ook co-op. the student program the amendment It would telephone director~ and monitoring state leglslat I\'e al'li\'itit's, an'ording to l'SO Judge issues restraint President Paul :\Ialaloms on FDA drug measure

CHICAGO lAP 1 - A fE'deral manufaclur"s brand-name Judge has temporarily slopped drugs the go\'ernment from im­ t'nder the proposals, called plementing a new proC'edure Paper ~ew Drug Applications. that would make it easier for a generic manufacturer would low-cost generic mE'dicines to be able to submil previously be marketed published research instead of Judge John Powers Crowley conductin2 its own costly tests, of t:.S. District Court issuE'd a Thl" "'I>A had sa id i I "twlie\'t'S temporary restrainmg order that the Paper ~DA policy will :l.londay against the Food and help to ri.'dJ(.'e preslTiption drug Drug Admmlstration to pre,'ent ('osts throogh Increased com· It from instituting changes that petltim." WGuld allow generic drug American Critical Care said manufacturers to use it would be :rreparably harmed previously published research b~' the proposed modifications, on safety and effectiveness in tIoiany large drug companies seeking approval of their drugs, oppose the policy. in part because they say the studies generic manufacturers could pro~!. fa'"~~~:~f.~~a~lh use 10 win approval o( their and Human Services Secretarv drugs wpre financed by the Richard Schweiker. apply 10 companies that originally manufaC'turers who wanl to marketed the drugs, market their own version 01 a Crowle\' scheduled a trial for drug aftt'r the brand name's Ii, :\Iay 11 -on the question of year patent has expired. whether the FDA is required to The IO-dav order was hold hearings before instituting requested by Amencan Critical the Paper :'\IDA policy. as Care, a division of American alleged by American Critical Hospital Supply Corp.. which Care, -==-~ "A~IJrl13"'·· • Ililllards Enjoy one of our Lunch Specials with a relaxing game of pool. ... m~l~ %Lb. Jumbo Oscar MeyerAII_. The Camisole Frank. Plckl.. byVou Babes & Chips Innocent. yet alluring. the camisole is our answer to sunny spring days, Dress up with a skirt and jacket. or ftC wear WIth jeans anywhere. Choose from gauze, eyelet. poplin and many Hot llam & Ch ••••, other fabrics in sizes 5 to 1 5, Plckl.. , & Chips They're Just right for You. Babes_ 11.00-18.00 $1.49 YOUNG CIRCLE

Page 14. Daily Egyptian. Apil 2'1. 1981 ... 11 3 ~l;!_ 1cr .... ",Ill ~ lOI l x ItIICHIGAN .·lOlIAVG =~~~ I:: 8fJC lO'AllOCl 6CJC WIL~ .. ::=.... -.: $1 lUIIE' .•.•..... III =:...... '::. CJ9C "IlNTIR TY50N RlE9I C MIIED 55.~ ~ •..•••.... I~ 88 III fln.'Am ..... COl" .,"'-; COlf? .... ~1II'Lti1~ ::K.g.... , J ...... \.&;u.c."l .. ·~sooo CJ9C StKID II Itt TYSOtI FAMILY PAil Rlyflt $1 09 l ...... ' ...... LEGS. tltlGllS 01 IAIIQUfl DlUMStICIS • • • •• ... ""'''1 GIll" & 2,111.51- SIUIMl S1UI . .. "'.

.....flESII ~!lI PIl" GlOUH lEU 41 III. $1


.... 0lD •.._D "'2% , WIIITE IlIAD \ LOMA' Mill 79 1::~ ,~. aa C ;=$1 ~:' ~.·)A·.1',J.OtIS'1' ...ular or Dlet$l" ~·~¥lIOAJ_Tt.GUI"'OI $1 • (ROGER I'·Ol (TIt 2 51" Dr. Pepper 1 c.n.o...... fer B plu. .,...... 2 ,., GIIf!"GIAIOTI701 C", 2 16·

~'T Lons, .,\P I - A rift has but werpn't startt'd; COMPETITION den'lopt'{l betwl't'n the St, loUIS rl'asslj.!mn" fal'ulty and staff. Board of E'ducatlon and the t·.S and making changes In the PICK UP YOUR DOODLE Dppartmpnl of Justiet, over desl'gregallon budget SHEETS IN THE CRAFT SHOP plans l{) desej!regate the city's An offiCIal with the Justice schools Department saId federal of~ ON APRIL 23, 24, OR APRIL In papers filed :\londay with fit'ials were "upset" that the t· S District Judgp Wilham L s('hool board had waited so long 25, Hungate. the Justice Depart· to disclose its plans and details ment criticlzE'd the school board of next year's budget and said It objects to many of Ihp changes proposed in the The Justice Dt>partmcnt was hoard's desegregation plan for the only group that fully sup­ 1981-02, ported the school board when The federal department told the merits of its citywide Hungate thai It is talking with desegregation plan put into Ihf' board and that II ma\' be effE'ct last fall wt're argued ablt' to narro... · its difft'rt'nces bt'(ort' lhe 8th l' .5. Circuit ('ourt .. Ilh sl'hool officials. However. of ,-\ppeals It askt'd Hungatt' 10 ordt'r a hearim! on some of the plans In addition, the (t'deral govt'rnmpnt has provided more In a separate filing :\Ionday. than $I million this year to help the school board agreed that a fmance the desegregatlon heanng would be appropriate. program. which includes busing Hungate must approve any 7.500 of the cit'\' 's 6:J.OOO changes before they are put into students. ' effect "I don't think things are as In another dt'velopment bad as they look on that paper," Monday. the U.S. Supreme said Paul B. Rava, an attome\' Court denied a request by the for the school board. "There are state of Missouri for a delay in developing a voluntary city­ ~~rra~r::b:~:! t~atr::'~c~~ county school desegregation work things out." plan for the S1. Louis area. Changes recommended b)! Missouri AUomev General the school board and filed Apnl John D. Ashcroft said he was I with Hungate include some disappointed by the ruling, student reassignments; which does not prevent the slate opening several new programs from seeking a later review by that were scheduled this year the Supreme Court. :~\t. PPRESENTS TONIGHT THI BILAIR•

.....y Hour Spec'." Deily ~7p.... w .... ~fYPI... II& I v •..,o......

611 S.llIInol. Inn Carbondale

Page 16, Daily Egyptian, April 22. 1981 BREAKFAST SPECIAL HUMANE from Page 5 Monday·Frlday A largt' parI of 1hE-lr inl"Umt' ("ornes from Iht'ir Ifl) animals and tht'rr IS m IIrnlt as 10 how IlJIg Saturday & Sunday iuloption cha~t's, shE- saH\ II ("m;ls $25 loadopl a lhey will kepp an ammal up for adoption dog and $21110 adopl a l'al and all ft'malt' animals :"; t'l son , an animal rnroi lonl 1t'('hOllian, has 2 EGGS, HASH 1aOWNS, TOAST, SAUSAGE

~ckyard, Shelton. who turned [ down athletic scholarships to . 2 ..... _. three universities to stay m the laundrv business. took control :~:A i£~ of the company in 1972. ~COUPON~J Rl'l.ISG CRlnnZ(o:O CUICAGO (UPI) - The Illinois Association for Retarded Citizens Tuesday criticizt'd aU,S, Supreme Court ~:NJI ruling that said upgraded ~~J-!') .• lira,Collectionn •• & Pa.t.,.r i,: ' services for disabled .,....s ('annot be requirt'rl,: : 2 ...... i The court's 6-3 ruling Monday 1 I j was "a great leap backward in :: 2." ...... froM.,." human services." said Don ~;'A ~~ 1~3.i .~ ~toss. executive director of the SUNfLOWE.' '1IYCOUPON~ L~OUPONugp association. MIDS t l The ruling overturned an I appellate court decision that I~'=-.''. ~-.-~. ~~~ -' i~.,.~ said disabled persons are en-­ V'"Il!!! ",..-" ~ tiLlt'd to trNtment "in the least .: ' Super Special -I restrictive environment." !99~/,,,. 'MAIZI" r I according to the Deveklpmental Burl Loun._ . ., •••• I Disabilities and Bill of Rights Act of 1975. i. .11..... ! [ i The court's ruling declart'rl [ SI~?99 2 ...... that the intention of Congress ~ S699andup was "to encourage. rather than : ..".a."~i to mandate. the provision of better services to the ~~oupodJ Woupo~ developmentally disabled." Hours Moss said Mon. - Sot. '=~q v~ ; N~ E««M; 9:30· 6:00 Looll For Sun. i~':;= Red '" Specl•• s i '.'.:~.-"~J~': , 0 ... of. KI.... 1:00·5:00 [ ~.r~.!~ i! 2 ...... 1 It..... 1 ., ...... [ ~~ ~' ...... ~~ ... ~' p ...... ttHIHAI. 102 E. JACKSON ·~COUPONpyrI l"2QtOUPON~ FOIIONLY ..... • Come 5e-P Ollr:"'4('IA. Bdfh Shop (blow dry not included) • Ask Ahouf Our belong ~ Bridal R~snv'

ua"~ Egyp!ian. Ap~l22: ,1981. Page 1i FOIIIIGN ItAIltS (;R,\J)l''\ TI(l~ ~,\U: 'Daily F,gypllBn I ca. H'\!.l."ARK Inx50.I ....,odPlro. tll!f lOYAL .INTALI porch. furnt~hE'd. "~tra<;. STERE n.",,;,,", I,,'..-m.tinn Rat... mo,-..ahle. m~t !1ft' to appret'late ...... Ior m:~~u~all!: ,' .. nls P<'r word. 529·1644 "49-21115 after -!pm 5&11,\el-ll ...... --., da~wo Days 9 (' .. nts P<'r word. P<'r REPAI .~ .... ~n GLoaALAUTO Miscellaneou. thrE't' or t'our Da,'s-- 8 ["t'nts pt'r ...... (cxron from _ train station) ['SED FTR!lflTt'RE. CAR word. pt'r da,' . North on Hwy. 51 ...... 1tI "" daFI"" thru lIilllt' Days· ; ct'nls pt'r BO:'lOOA1.E. Old RI 13 We!lt, tum ,.-..- .,U .,. Carbondale south al ~ idland Inn Tavern. 110 :\ t.-..- .,. •• ~l'II Ihru :'IOan ..tppn Da,s n c .. nts .. mIles 54!49il1 B.'i612.-\f144 ...... pt'r word. pt'r day ...... _- ..... a..r.-...." Twenh or More Davs~ 5 ,'.. ntN n·p":WRITERS. SCM ELEC­ ZaftI'" ...... "' .-.It• .... s.nrlce ...... S-•••V.·. pt'r won1. P<'r da~' . TRICS, new and uSl'd IrWIn 11n...... n. .,. ••... SAV...... The Dally Ellyptian. cannot t.. '~1"1 TYpl!wnter E~chanal' 1101 North rl'Sponslbl" for morp than 01M" Court. Marion Open Monday· .... ,.V.IHOP AI ....._, .... ~ day's Incorrect insertion Ad· ~MnOPMII Saturday.I·!\I!I3-:/!197 85907AfI54 "prtlsers art' rpsponslble for • WlC.... IAVlYOU. 11" ..1 ..... • .... 111 ...... TENT CAMPER. 1973 Nimrod . ~~~~nlr~:: n~;~'r::;;rnJ:r.:: ' slepps 6. good condition 5&0.187 advertiser whIch lessen tht' vaIlif' ! ...... -.­nsUX ...... ~ afta- 5: 00 6029AiIl9 : .'cycl.. %s~ at'e::.!i,,;ma".l't aW;!a~ ~~. I ---~~. 45''''12 corrt'('t1y. or If you wlsg 10 canct'l ...... -~ 1979. 16' (,ATAMARAS WITH FOR SAI.E Fl'GI Bicyd .. 12 speed ~'our ad. call 5.16·3.111 before 12'00 ' ...... Holsdaw Ira 1"1'. verv Rood con· noon for cancl'lIation an Ih .. next ditloo. ca II aftet' Spm ~3495 WIth tuntle. hal' shifters. %3" NK'E Iln:DROOM. fumisllt'd all'. da~"s ISSUl' Motorcycle. 6094.-\n4S frame. -4574265 5845AII39 you pay utltities. pay b~' Sf'mest .. r. 15 Word ~i1Iim.m 19i1 HONDA :till. Good ('ondition. (;lAST SL IK!WREI-:SS 27 dt'!!IJitII§- RALf:I<;H RECORD. 10 spt'ro. no pt'ls 509 S Wall. 313 t: Frepman ~:MI R5-I29Ral39 m:~~e~~rWc~~~'I~~h=~ft~e~~r~~~ rt'('('1t E'llhaust. balt.. n tlr.. s. 45 6 <·olm-s. SID each U .. ndrill. oldt'r hut me .. $75 00 ~ best offer Ih" ratl' apphl"abl.. for th.. numht>r mPl/..rum;!fr.. al $400 ~119 Morrison. Dl'IId. )1 on roe ... many :;.fI.(I:J\I; aft.. r ;, IKI 6O:I''),\il39 5922AcH3 more ~29-1724 IiIlnAfI-III AP,\RT"U:'Vr.; ,\:'IOn HIII·SES. ~l,::sr,::t '~~S ~d~~~ J~:~~"{,'" ~I RIt'Yl'l.f: RAI.f:IGH SPRITE ~3 clO29-I:11i11 m Of'w part s. Seeds Ju.~t a httlf' offer t'1O",h"pt' .'>-I9--Il:l5 B.'>-I~'lIRaI:19 n"t:r.~:~,?..r!d~~;~\01l must lit' lO'Ork 10 makf' it run RIl\ to rl'Storf' New Color $25 monthly IiffiMil-lO paId .n ath·an,·t' ..xct'~ for those or for IF ;Is S-IOO or btoSl offl'r 5118 black & White $15 monthty :"IOln:u' ~TH'ISIIf:P Jo:F ac,'ounts WIth p.tahhshl'd ,'rt'dll S Wall St Api III. W... ·km!Uit s Color TV's For Sale, Ex· nn·::\CY and 1 bPdroom api_ FOR SALI . Tul'S -Thurs. "Iter 5 :III C'a rpo'Il'fl A (' " "t .. r IOl'illdt'd ">914A"14:1 cellent Condition, $145 :;:5- 17:IS. ~;;'7-';~~ Snr~. no ptofs Automobiles :>-Ifi!IRaI-lli F(1R SALE 19;" Pontiac I. .. "Ians. U(lJ).-\K,·\ IIMI H. r"t.l1lt t'fl\!ll't'. i!ood tran'i"'rtallnn R.. sl offer loads of ~par" pdrts. pI .. "",' (,,,II 1:'10 l",nIHHI.-\ T\\11 tl.'1I .1I1d ~11i.' .. 407 .-I;;';~ .'0li-l 6.-\ a 139 f;Ir; ':l"R :;929 A,' H I -THE BARN- -THE BARN­ ""'"Ih ,,, pels allo\il'd WA.EHOUSE " ;; SPITrlRt:. :\E\\ palOl. oolh I9:11.-\<'1:19 Open lor ...... s.... You Cen AHorti nt·:'IO:'IO ,\P,\HT"I~::'IOTS :'1041\\ ,bllm "lust ... 11.$:1.;00015 ·2.'>41 SA'.ONLYI~ :;,""IAal39 7n HO:-'1J.-\ "''iI1.~· 1-1.(00 n1l 011 O_lIty 'umiture leas, 'l! lor iall and ,"",n1l'r. 1'( ('0018". hack~1. ,·ra,.hhllr-_ "" AtOur~l_ f".... IIl"> and (lfll' hoodroo",~ z:;.1 S S.II nllenl rond 51150 00 ;:; lionda 7"'~ '0 u.... 'umltura L"",s i.,,,nt-Ptxml· ,:''>!I-9-I71 ;-.: IJ,HSl':'IO RIIII. :1.'> ".p.( . .j. Shop.ntI C.... ra. .ntlAn'l4I_ ,.~ Imder. ~;;pt't'd. nl'f'ds ,1i!Ui1 K 23.000 ml . ~'airinll. l"r",hhars. THE.AIIN ',/;I~R."I-I;' ""rk.$:r.:;-Iradl· no , ...... IE' -I57~'tiR IU!'(!'(lI!'(t' rack. e~ .. "II .. nl ('ono see Cell ....,.. . 5992.-\aI:l9 al6tHS ~'orest Cdal... P ..... O1tl13W_t .';9:I:!Acl39 Aer... rom ._ THlaA.N W ..IIIMOUSI " fM; FORD l;AI.AXI~: 500 ~:" .... f1ent " __ 'nn lhll..... 197-1 Y.-\"IAHA5041 DOH l" rf'huilt u.... l'ond,lloo SfillIJ "It'ns \I~~pl'f'd. $70 Mon•• s.t. 10·. South Uth Sk_t 529- ~Ill 64JOO.-\ a 139 1'0101"". new I ires. and batterv Sl75.00Cali Rav529-4161 cr :;29-1.-10 ,.... '000 Mur.... ysltoro 7:l A:\tc (;RI::MI.IS. 10\\ mileal!<'. after :; . 5936,\cI39 ....5000 Of''' IIrt's. ~ood conditIOn Runs GEOHGF:TII\\':'IO '-\P'-\HT"I~:~-r.; llI'.. al, SII.'\O 110 :'29-:!186 aft.. r6:00 if; Y,\MAHA 1:15. 2.000 milt'!!. hrand Electronics ,\ It... I",-el) ap.~rtm .. nt" a';JII"bI .. 5!r.-IAal"l """ bal!l.'ry. Kreat stupe. Sl95 00. c...... for summer Sp«-Ial rat~ DI,;p!it} Call 549-5 UNe\'enings. 6008A(,)016 , open lO-4'>pm ;H9·2392 B5R2!lRaI51 V/VIT,\R LESS t35mm. 2 at for .6 280Z. raft' IlIlld spoilers. 1001\'er. NOW IN STOCK new radials. power antenna. BSA 25411:c. 1967. CLA.'iSIC. in IIPt'd Caoon Camera. Great condition. sIn: .. \, n'RSlsm:D EF· "''1FM 8 track. low mileage. good of minor work. new batterv and A,.... I. 529-3!IIi after Ii 6O:l6Aj141 fll"lf::'Iil'Y and 2 bedroom apls m~. perfect Ihrouehout. best offer ",arliTt'. S350orlM'!lt fifer. 549-21126 ; Carpt'lt'd. A.C .. water iocludro on'l' $0.000. 4$7·:1549. 60:l3Aa142 before sp.m. or 549-69IlS any timf'. SIKKORmTTFT2 WITH soligar ~?'I-I7:l5. 457-Ql56. Sorry no pt'ls 599tAcl39 A...... , :l!imm F2.B lens 1155. Arg... ('·3 , .'>-I698aHtl ill DOP(;g flARR.-\Cl'DA: 31B,' ----.--~-.- -._.- -.-._- :J5mm camera S30. zoom slid<' engJOt'. good l·oodiIIOO. eXl."f'fI ..nt 1974 RP2fl) EXCElLENT COlI- duplicator With nash t'lIpolItD'e NICF.. Ol.DER I bedroom. sum· " ~'stem: filmstrIp holdPr and color on ~s: • ('a1l54!l-T.67 after 9p m. ditlon. Sf'lh"l1 With h ..1 mel. lock ..... ,mer SI30 O1onthl~·. you pa~ 6031Aal~ andrroore. $600.00. Mark. 5-"'·0172. North Star Horizon rorrechon filters. duplicator can utilities. air, 41-1 S Grah",. 5..."9- . - -. ------0053Act·n : be mounted m any camera SIlO ; IJIi& B.o;a.... ';fid 152 ! ('all 86<.%7'" 7W7AjHI TRIl'MPH SPITf'IRE ('OS· ------...... I ... ot \'ERTABLE '73. good cOi;dition. ' 1973HOSDA500four.R.C IleadPr. SlIT.. NEWER 1 bPdroom. d!.. ap B.~~t .-easombleoffer. -I57~8. oil cooler. 16" Harley rear wheoe •• I Sporting GoocI. sUlTlm ..r rateS;l9O. }Du pay ..Iel"lnc 70U5Aal-t:! and IIt'W tift'. ~allh lars. ffi2S call -..-...... wata-. no pl'ts. Air. 529-3581 --.------Perry 52t-:D!lI. 6a19AcJ.l2 -- IEt:REKA NO MAN !l.'nJ with ny. B5854Ba 152(' completE'ly wind and rain &rOOf, 73 Bl!Il'1{ 225. 19.000 ...... ca-uriiI MMf miles. "",.. eI lent engine and body. 1!ri4 HONDA 360. Runs good. $500. S95 or bet offer. 457·5555. 5833Alu40 Ml'RPHYSBORO. Fl'RSISIIED . CallAgne5 12:00 ID 1 :00. SJ6.5571 !r 167·5717. After 4:00. 6077Act43 ..... s-..c-..... AIR. May :D. Dnl' bPdroom. SUi/). 2 II m•. E... lof_1I n.... I... lurdoj I------slllwupat~1I S.Graham. No. 414. __llstate '0 " WII.SON ,CHRIS EVERTI bedroom. $115. Ilardl'n, summer 6re9Aa141 LADIES tstnis racltel. 4'2 grip. only. Fall. 2 bedroom. S2OO. no pt'ts 3 BEDROOM RANCH lo('ated t1~I"ftU AllJlCl8t new. 12:5.00 Call 453-22&6 549-288Il B5882 sa 139 1964 RAMBU~R CLASSIC. 4-door. behind Murdale Shoppill(! ('l'I1ter, I F.xt.43. 8-!2 am daily. 6039AI1141 stick &. new mrbrurator. runs ('arport. New PalOt. and Carpet. EFFI(·IE:Iil·Y. 3 BLOCKS from ~od. 457·01-15. 'OO2AaJ.l2 : S39.500asslmableloan 529-1801. PIONEER INTEGRATED AMP 80 ISAILBOAT . 1980 FLYING campus. Available for summer B5!163Adl40 WPC.Fendrrtek>ca!lter lIJIitarand I JUNIORwilhtrailer,jib. mainsatl. and option to continue lease_ '165 1970 CHEVELLE. REBUILT Moline Home. DeIUlllP Rewrb am p. Best offer 529- and floor bailers. Boat is 13'-3" monlh. 529-1190. afterS p.m engillt', tfalllmillsion. brakes and 3526. 5809Ag 140 Ilon~. Like new. Call618-1i54-<9-5550. BfiUlllAel41 apartment. air. exIra spel'ial •• '1' ...... Parts & Service " --.--,~----.~.-.~.----~. Lis" •• .... 71 •• i i ~m",er rates. 2 mdes WI'SI of 1!Ix5O GOOD fOSDITIf):-.I in small Mt-I_ < arbondale Ramada Inn 10. ' •••• Ior ...... CAR REPAIRS? : comE' to YOli. /1 park under shade, $.1000 00 !*I.';. I tersedlm. mOld Rt 13 Wl5t ('all SwlllHftl.. PooI ('all §7-42111. 6037Abl47 3Oi9. wimDw.airconditilllK'd . IiIHI45 B.i62:lfial .... 6152A ..I-I1 Air conti,...... Page J8. Daily Egyptian. April 22. 1981 .~.IIfMlNfl NOW TAKING Mud IIent For ...... NOW .E"'''NG FOIl _. To ott'.ln 'or •• 11 SUMA,U. & FAll BI .., " SIU app,ov-.j to< ...... OwL_~g &~COIIfNm ...... ~~I~SeMes _homo... and up "'_ "'...... O'lyll ' SAVIMONIY Effico ....,.. '1 &3 bel ."•• 1 & I_D. APTS. • ... IMlI ...... caroup. fS .1odI.'f'OIII c.....,.t ~ wl,h ...tuNI ... for Wifh No ...... I • 1Ied,~ Duple. huge c""mb.. , ...... Pr..,-ty~ au ...... II. Swimming pool 'I.e bedroom!. WIth lot" furn.,h Now toking appliCations and AI' condihon.... g M all uMit ••" Incfuded $754!PCKh b.II... , ....,Ion ., ..... WlWAMlIIBII.... oppotnfments to show houws . Wan '0 Wall carpeting ~umm.' t I. ml'" eo,t on Par" Fully lu,n,sh-.! "Dm Wall 80. 110 and trOllers for summer and ' ...... lIone: c .... lerv ..""ce '111OUTM UNIV1IIIIn' J 8«froom Mml 07-",1 2 312,('&10"\"'" fall. Locatians rhraugh.:lut ..1I1h vn __ Sou'h Chotcoal gr.lI, ~ ..... yard $3SO_ Carbondale and surrounding AND VET VI.V CLOSE TO CAMPUS 5l.... ash!'r·dl)·('f hookup. $-1001011 """'-Now " "Bedroom 1176·E .. /olnu' tut 12075. Wall :>I9·6.1100r rw;;.r.r; 1\.~"72BaW n,,,hed would ,.nt on 0 pet tHtod or call4''-41U tQOn1 185 a mon'h each (,ARB()~O"I.E ()tSCOl'~T APART~E~1'S tfAE BEf::o.; lakl'll ba,." 5 2 Bed .._ 251J·01d oN Illu' H()l'SI :-oiG.lullury hTllit :I hPdroom OFFICE HOURS: hilt han' a fl"W 1l0Ad mohll .. hom.. s , nllhed S200 'Iumtne-t S2S0 tall 2 balhs furnlshpd houS(' "'Im Man· Thur,Fri 9 to 5pm I!'fl Call~5'·;'3.'i2 or 549- "1:19 /) /) Bed,oom 2SIJ·Old W 13 .... carport mt irP bouS<' (,aTpplro. Open Sat. 1l·3pm IW124Bal5A ~.a. lully 'yrn,.h-.! 2 bo,,,. rmtral aIr. no p!'ls. summ!'r ~(·RD-\I.f: HI1'IES. C.-\R S851KKh rllSl'llurt. 2 mile; \\'(os1 ot I'ar· S":\I~If:R Sl'BL~:T . 3 hPdrmm BO~I>ALE. apprn:\;lmal 'C' m,le tW,\I·Twn. O~~: REORoo~1 bondalp Ramada Inn IOlpr' ...·I'OO ..... '" "urdalp !'Iloppmlil r .. nl!'r and rurrusht'd aparlm I block from on Old RI 13 \\'",1. ('all fo1I4·4H; apar!",,"n! l-:x~ ..II .. nt ('ampus 2 mIle; from qj mpu •. south ... ('St "ampu~ on W FrPPman Al' l'all C81'."-GM :i.',zRBhl-H Ioll·allOn. a ('. no pt'Is s...·urlly .'>197465 fiIl2.BaJ41 .._, ...... OM.y ,..."dt'Otoal arpa, rKl h'llbw'ay Or dq.. ~il rPquin,d ,"'allahl .. for ra,lroad lrafflc. 2 b"d-noms ap. Sl'~I:\H:R Ii BEJ)ltOO~1 houS(' flf 'umm .. r. UnfUrnlAA<'fI ('all 549- p"".matply sam .. ~Ilp. natural gas ':\TI·R:o.;ISIff:n ..\P .. \RnIE:\'T, '2' J hPdrnnm aparlm.. nts. I hlock !7:tI AOO4RaHI \n·RPHYSBORO. l'topia Ef· and (·,ty ""..... r. ('able \"ISlm I'~. St·~I~!F.R SI·BLF.T o:o.;f: mal.. ror frnm <-am pus. 'f'( .... nd ~RI'II\·... ..all ~~',;'1.';2 or 549. 'It ... ~pl'rmarkPl. laundromal. laTllt' rl"h,od AC d",... 10 ('ampus I ;(R9 HfilIZlBcl',I; .W,\O.ABI.E .n·lIOE fot' summ.. r ~ard ('all ~57·41135 .Wti.';Bblt2 :o.;1(,~: ~ R(JO~1. 2 nlJlt'S ..asl. un ,'ht'ap' , Call 54!H997 ~ 549·6fIIlfi and fall Ont' bromom apl. 1m· 595ARaI:19 fllm,silRl. a'aIlahl .. :\Ia~ 17. Sill; S~I.-\U~ TRAII. .f:R S'·IT ..\RLE for mal'utal ... ""l't>lIpnt rondilion L\R(;E ~ REORoml HOI'SE I ls. S('cunly dt'po~11 r~ulrpd. ac ft'lllalp swumpr andor fall 549· 'IS"~:[) 2 bt'droom apartm .. nt \la~ 21 :o.;!'ar hi !1r«'h no! pilSl on dosplo('ampus l'all:>l9-2i~~ -IIIi2 5989Bbl:\!j HOl'SE ~'(lR S1.'!>I~1f:R. ""n'llf'nt \\;ij lahlt> "av I~. 10 mmulps wflil (;1 ... 1 I'Ily hladllop 549·t~ aft!'r 60mBaHI ('ondillon and locallon. iully .. I ('ampus .-\'11' l'ondlllOnI'd walpr ~ BfilH7Bc141 Sl':\I~IER Sl'BI.ET·WALlIOt·T ~ ,~lId rml JlP1lOliaN!' ~2§.4!r.5 ·~~~~~~.~:!ral aIr. '~~1~1~ GIOIIGItOWN APTS bedrooms·SIlO ... llh all uhlitit'S \'ERY :'iIf'E OSF. hPdroom and 5!fi2Bal:19 in... udinll A r ('all erthPl' -153-3249 "A lovely place to live" stu~. OIl r cnndillonPd. 2 blocks 'l;aiIJ or 453-:125-1 'KarPOI Sl'~an:R Sl"BI.F..-\Sf-:·E~lra nr .... hPtind t·nl\' ...,,,"· ~Iall .•ont' mIl" ' .... It:O';ISlU:D .-\P ..' I nn::o.;TS BY 2, 3 people :1 hrorocm IomP ·porch. yard qu,,,1 ,'om m un ications lIulld'"ll. for or. 59!/9Bh141 from (·ampus.· $150 monthly nt.'l!f1bortrood. I. 2 nr 3 rooms "'malp slOOmls. utilllles paid 2 bednx.n fum/unfum opts. aa,lahll' \I a,· 18, no dollS, ('all 'W9 Ql'lET EI-YIClE:o.lCY Hot:SE for a\'ailahlf' !95·month52§.m9 "'Hl,m.. r ("nnlracl s. ( all !I8.'Hi947 for summer I foIl 2,';;H - ·f!.;!I!JOB<:UI one in Murphysboro. available­ 5885Bh141 H598'iRaH3 "Special Summer Rot.s· May 15. No pels: lFposil. $150 Sl·W\IF.R Sl·BI.EASE ~i(,E 1-"0 Limittld Number.Sign 11ft _, inl'lui!ing utilities 687·3.5.1 :-;U'F. ROO"Y ~·b ..rlroom. HI.I. RE~TAI.s EI-'Flnl-:'IICY bt>d-oom mobdp hom ... ,,~C fllr B6OO28b141 bt>glmll-.! SWTlmpr. no p!'t~. 529· '" \1l1rphysboro. I and 2 bedroom. rusht>d, ,·arpt'led. laundry, walk 10 ~""'IN"'1y 1735. -1;,"·6956. 5!l2IBbI~:1 ('am~'. 457·52Zi .';996BcHI r .. ~"to :o.;il'l' room\' MUSt' for 6-8 ...... &.ewe.&.. 3 BEDROOM Fl:RNISHEO lIousp -tu,it·r.L•. ~ mIlt'S -from l'ampus. s.9-2392 days , Summer tWlly. Air Conditiont>d. 3 BF.DROO:'t'S BF.(;I:-;:-;I:-;G RF.:'Io'Tl:-;G :o.;OW FOR Summpf :>I/.6.'t\I, Hfio.IIBal4:l , near campus. 815-Ul·3114 afler :; 6fW·3555 £venings. Su~ swumPI'. Call~.IIQI.I Par1lally and ...r t'all. I2xAO, 2&'l \x>droom~. pm. foOO6BbHI l-'urnlshPd. P"'s OK 5091BbI-44 furn

,'I.E HEIIRonl\1 l'~I-TR;liIStfED . ------~-- ---... ------.. _ .. - WKit'l"pmllPd. larg .. poo~ ""rry no 'parllT1ftll nmr l'ampu", 52 0 per , Houses 3 BEDROOM. BEAMrn crilintts. FOUR BED ROO',. TWO bath. pels. 5I!Hnl3. ~8<'I~ . "lOlh pllS III iii lit>s. Lakp oypr I .. lIUpft' nice. 2 blocks hom Ret' rustie homt> ... fivr aerO'S. 542S. . _ .... ______'~"'''. all ..1t'Clric. availablf'. im· _ emler. no pets. 1425. 5&3!r.3. phone 6Iri-3336. ..'-'ailal>l. :\fay m'o BEDROOM ON qwrt I acre- ",,'rllaIPlY.l'aIl942:n11 m Hprrln , 604i8bl43 15th. B.'i9248bI:l9 lot. 2 mire,. from ~ampus. SIi5 JlPf 1ilr.'6Bal-18 - - --.------.. month. -157·5.'1/7 B60A8Bcl-ll. ~~I~SerWes 3 BEDROOM. SW. LARGE hoUSt' "-il\L\lER Sl'BI.EASE·GRF.AT i --.------n\':) BEnR(JU~1 APARTl\1E:'IT with new inl~or and E'lIlPlior, localion. closp 10 .... mpus. romp. I AV ..\IL\BLE FOR !W;\I~If:R. ior rent 5130 Pilch, summer WOODIIUff IOYICII shady. "50. ~3973. fiO.IIIBbl43 A.C. call 52!H769. 5962Bbl-lO 12lI54 moh"" honlt'S RE'duE'd , .. mpsler Furnlsht>d air con· MAS HOUSII 1'001 ------rales. aIr. lots of shad!'. l'10I'It' to ":.limed. Call n.r!s or Rick al 457· 2 BEDROOM. NW. quiet IH'igt>­ Sl"BL.ET Sl-M~1ER: FAI.l.option. ram~s '0p!'1S -157·.639 2469 71JO.lBaI-13 borhood. niet'. st>mi-furnishpd. three bedroom house. qUI'" al'P8 6115. Bcl57 ...... -*-...... 5225. nopt'ts. 5&39i3. 6055Bbl43 Large back)·ard. Semi· furnished. . ______'l'~~ER ONl.Y. NICt:. dmn. -­ ------~---- l'lfnished. 0IIt> btodroom apart· nJ II. c.rtc.'III_. 2 BEDROOM. 1 block from RPc utility room. S2i5 ;;2942285959Bbl-lO ~~~i~;;.I~~J:~ mO!lh. !~~r~~~~ ,,,,, .. I l. ml\p from cam· ,_,,11. Center. no pets.$22S.504~3!m. ------pick up. furmsht>d 9115-:tr.9. extra pus.SI75n:tWlth. :>19-5102 Iilr.'OHal43 6IXi6BbI-13 !III('E 2 BEDR(lI):'tI. house. BIg dpan fi051Bcl41 bI!'drooms. low ulillbps. country ____._ .. THREE MALE Sl'BLEASERS ...... ,..c..e..iAlr. HOUSE FOR RENT: Carbondale· selting semi-furnished.. -\vallablp A 12 BY 60 \'Clbilt> Homp .. illl IWO nl't'dl'd for summE'r semester at ...... Sublet May 1st or 15th . fall and ~.J:i 52..0 Call1Jptwf't'~9~m~ bedrooms. d~k. bIg sloragt> sht>d . I.<'WIS Park Rent npgotiable. Call -...- spring option. 2 bedroom. air nol far rrom campus. :'tlusl Sell' now: 529--&327 or ~ 1920...... _c.e...... -... conditi... S225-monlh. ;;29·2394 . ------.----- ('all:>l~2900aft8'2P.M IiJ85BcI-l1 6O!I88a14S ...... 1. li059Bbl42 HOI'SES HAVE BEEN lui'll bli a ft'W good mobilE' bomes left. Call 12' )I Ill' fT R:'IISH ED. I', bath FOllR BEDROOMS. CLOSE to -1;,"-735201' 5&m39 BIiJ25Bbl56 A"allaNp Junp I :'Oatural !las. l'0· IIIMIty ...... - ... campus.S-IPO. -I57·7U7. B606IBbI57 ap E'1t'Ctric. LPa!d 54"'';;598 after ...... ba!droom house with 6p.m 6tr.IBc15ll -..-...... Sprinller and 2 bedrooms OIl delullE' fifl'plare. family lIPighborilood. "-II.~""""" one car garage. 5 blocks from holSp. ,no~smoking •. -112 W O.k. with ...... campus. Family only One year Call :;I9-~573. 1I.1I48bl-l1 lease ....25 a mmth. 52!Ht16 .--...... Sl'~I~IER St~BLE.-\SE. 5 TRAILERS bt>droom house 2 btocks to campus. I 2·bath. full b85E'fllent. frool porch, 5100-$180 per month i3.VJ.S;; 'V]b ~:J"'''''' I'. ~~~ ~~,;~ ru=:: I~ At". pets allowed. brick BBQ rent CHUCK RENTALS negotiable. 5&2319. 6015Bbl-li ....IC' .... I ___ months lease. m pets. S&e08 . 549-3374 "7:30pm·9:00pm." IJ6O&oIBbl49 I Sutr.mer and foil FOUR BEDROOM HOl:SE Ell' cellent CDndition. urge yard wilb Close to campus & shopping LARGE OW REMODELED Inn • CARBONDALE DISCOUNT R~s for $12$ and '150 (pills trees. Well maintailli!d and dean...... Co.... ___ fumished. a...... A.C. IfOUSING. 2 bedroom furnished ulilitial • or whole houIe at_. Available this fall. No pets. {l_ __ and tra\ ,.-upfum. houR. 3 ___ fllrlli_d houle, tD campus. Call 549-2'l33. _Bb141 ...... IIIGIIlly fumi!!hed. bedrooms air _ ••1: a ... 1&.... air, est... ~allUnner Tala. 2 CGIId.. 8e8.lIay IS. caD .n-cm. --..".,.. mi_ Wat .. CartJandaR Ramada ..,.,Bbl_ ...... E..CoII.te-.,. .1"'1&2 ___ ~ 11m ilUnedi_ .. Old Rt. 13 West. ------3 BEDROOMS: STOVE and ..... E.OII.... ,....,. CaD .....4. 1ISSIIIIb14t NICE FOOR BEDROOII __. nfnferatar fumislled: Family or ....., FumiIMd & ~ LOIM 511 I. Lotan ,...1142 Summer ...... 4 blclB from =:yS~~o:l~:.r~~a:se .(NrgrScMng.~ .,.....1. ~529-3t2t ------zlJEDlll(M* ftJlUnSHED hauR. cam.... IIrqe and A.C.... • Laundr-'Fadll.... c.e.e..... _ 3 Irtedrw. fWlilbed --. air. mondIIy. Ie N. Sprinter. tsHa'J. ~n52HSZ1or457' _lBb141 • ___ lIKtrit & ...... Gal 531-11S1.. -n.Bb143 ...... ==,~=t:.'t~~= MoW...... • NaQuiet. Settint " ...-r_AL1 .,...Campus MAltMU_.. STD.L A FEW lett, one cklle to • Sany No ..... Acap...... '-_~_fO_ _ VERY NICE TWO bedroom _ E. Main, Cartlandale ...,Ia, ummwftti eKfP.t ap­ :t:-~~.,.,m~:c fIheMc ...... __ .... 457-21341 pliances, air, 110 pets. betlnnll8 '- summer. 5& 1735, 45i.f856...... ENJOY mE SUN! on thew largE' ...... oho ...... IIMittIII--...'" 586iBblf7 ...... 2Wrm...... ,. a..--­...... wooden sundedIs attached to these ...... W, F_. prtc. .... Uftit. -- clean. modem two .. three an. .... LARGE HOUSE. !!tarting May. bPdruorn units. Walking distanCP ..... u...... -,. l,r...... CalB·2Qt ..pu ...... ,--- (J..... L .... It•• Carpettd. crnlral air. porch, N.W. from lake and 10 minute ctive 10 ...... side. Ideal for slimmer. ('all 529- nt-_ 1& ...... :..______11 2514, S152Bb149 campus. Elltra niet' .. «onomical...... 5211-1910. B5477BcI43 -- Daily Egyptian. April 22. 1981. Page 19 r

SERVICU IiIoIIU'·~.· MoItII.M...... MALI ... VIUAGI OffERED HOllIS··· ... W.... y c..h . :"" On The Spot ...... - -. Atty c.MI,lon ...... & ..11 "-.- "t·,.. Hwy S11cM1th I12X~~'"f.I' "1I'~II.f: IIII:\IES. ",.til .ntI hI!!" In J;!(lod c.,mdJ tllm~ Ph ~U{} :''';9 , ,... ,. fi'1-\9~'H~ ..... H.\UTE,\IIEH fH:,'II\1t-: .\ BUYING 5~' • 'I.p,.... t"""' tau~tf h~ prnfp;.... lOnal .. ;Ir " I ·arhnndal .. nll!hl.'p"1 L,II Ih<· GOLD [II rl\ I Inn, Sf'hunl ,~ Harrml 1,I·PLf:X. Ill' 2 ;,..n·, Otf,e' Pnntm,l{ Summd' ·SI25.f'all $15; In("\ud<', sunlnH·r to ..."Uhlp, . I OI'aI •..t no'ar Ih.· ,·,·oIong,. ,IKliljJ! ~Ia" rlnnr'. SIN.; The..:.r .. andaircondilJool'd Vt·ry dE'an. /Xl pool ("all aft ... ;; '"1,>19- -11'2:> ,"dudt" h",,1 & ""I,·r. flO p!'1" ~>19- R... -I!I-:UI:! Rt'\\;.rd' -if\n(;HI R3759f1.,I 49C. • ,\1.1. \F:W '111 H "f\.I Full, lur Wanted to Rent nlsh.·d. Ow n hE'tiro<>", 'lnd REW\RD' IWTI'R\ TAS. FOR Sl'MMf:R' f:XTR,\ Ole" 14 halhmom. l... nl rOIl aIr. htl' 10 Sit· ,;uf'df'.("u"hn\ hat Lu ... t .J.),; (;U IP p ..\."n 'RE FIIR :I hnrsl". widE' and 12 wiliP. "''0 hrdmom ~()IP'iL~f •. r¥nt rlf"J,!otlahlfJ ;,~'-4ti;H St-nt Inu~nral \ altH' :\0 ffll.~r IOn~ /l1U-./ h.· dll.,.· 10 (""(t"l .. &. hil\,' fwrushPd. A.I".. carpi'!. QUIt'!. IlE".H 5!'IRHE'I'" ",J... d 1'1.· .."". c'all\''''k, ,~ ... 4491 ,,,kquaIP IE fmd Rn~anfl<> FOR Sl'MMER ROOMY IrallE'r :1 hE'dr""m 51UI monlh ondud..,. all !lId ..,m"Ofl(> '"" klll>'.\ " ...·.·/111\ for Iwo or ttree peoplE' AC /lPW MoItli. Home Lots uhhh"" and cahlE' T \. ,I C THE l.\RROSDAJ.E WO:\IE:'i'S acquln' it hi· n~nnrh (;f'nnan {'arpl'l. bt"autlful Vlt"W. clOSE' 10 must ". furmshl"d nT" nll'E' :... 9 ("pnlt'f "flE'rs {'"nlldE'nl,a I Sh'·p'.rtr " "'. 919R<, 1":1 Ran'Oll \'allt"" 5 mllt·s South. pl'!s 1('11 th~ ..... lIar If \till 11;1\',' or 1'\"1'fI 11K. hlj! woodrd loIs. $4:•. up. "57· 'E'linj!. .-\ Pro·Chlllet' "r~lftlzallm 2·3 ROO""I,\TE5 "Ef:IWII 5:''9-2:t?4. fI"I2:IEI:iI\(' 'fyrIUJ ....llhlnk yilll m"~' h,I\'1' "'t'n lIiF.W 12lI60 2·lJtodroom. t"l'fIlral aIr. ~Untntt"r and or fa U f't'l<> allo... Pd. lil6, R'm5Iffi.H6 h.-r ple..... E' call ''',' a"~1Im.· ,,1529 clCIOt' 10 campus. availablE' ~um· 1lll"E' nE'lj!hhorhnod SIOO ntonlhl~' THf:Sf:S. [IISSERT .. \TIII:'iS. I liT, arKfii·;J;:?liunllllllp 01 mer or fall «;7·"". 595lf1cl:l9 457·42164 61I\:!I!c.>HI HfLPWANTED RESt' :\U:S. ('all Ihl' Problpm 1\III;:J(;r~1 Sl'MMER SliBU:T 1:;'1&-11-16,: THRf:E RO():I...... ae .....lIOnIOM SIIIII REWMID. FOR r ..lurn n( 10 ,- - ~- - ~ - -.-~---- FEM.-\LE RO()~lM ..\TE W.. 'l~Tro:O I rarri~an. \\'orl~ide~ Summ~r. yowaawoa...... ,..,.. spl'l'd. .. Arukl" dark blUE'. Z;" Sl'MMER RATF.s FOR a 12l11iO. 10 shal1.' apartm .. n! wi.1II 2 ntbt"l'!I. : CaI'E'Pr. Smd 55.!!; plusSI handlinll _o-..o-IIICINIY? NSf : framE'. chromE' forks. stolm fro01 .-It'an, two bo-drom. no pds. BI'I Air .$111 monthly phil onp.third·uti'lJt>S i for application. opt'ni R!ls. gladt> to , VIIIf UN CIOI JE'ff :.19·11159 Stl"l'et. 067·2114 to makt' an ap- '529·2875. fiOlsl!c.>l39 l Sacramt'nlD. l'A 951160. 549Ol'14S "'.... 6(1;4(;1-111 point11Ml'lt.____ i TO$;;;'WF.F.K...... tOUMI ...... ~~~ IFEMAI.E-RO;;MMAT-E-;-Fi~R fnla~;;~lion DARK Rt:O PASSpORT. nunthl'r l.f95.l:I2 If fotBJd. plE'a,... call -I.,);. icft'w,,- ..... t·ulJ- t:XPI-:HT TYPING ON 18:\1 ~!~~M!-:' };:O'b! ~~ 1~:!mt':~~~~:n?t~·"Jnf~';.an~:,,~j "·igorwsmt'~_m ,";'3 w;1K;141 campus Summer and-.,r fall. ;/xodroom. wIthin wallong dl"tanCl' ! ::I~!;:~.k. :I':::t'{;t';'c~~:;~~ memory IYpl"Wriler. Familiarity Phone 457-83711. 5!III:lBcI5S ·Iocarnpus. Call 437·79'i7 ('\·('flJnl!.-~. di ..... dory and Job GuJd ..hnes Job "Ith mrdiml l .. mllnoIIlllY. Phon.. 985-"'-'93. 554I!lE142 1.0SfFRIDAY 4-1i·81 Not ..... Dam .. ------.---- -'- i 5!118f1 ..HO I data' lime 1,2,\7 Faydlt'\·IIIt'. AR high school rinll SF. l"ornt'r AflORTION-FINEST :\1EDll',\L Rawlin~s and ('nlll'Jl" PIN5t' call ;~:! ~~ 'tt,:::~m""~=ie 1!;:EMAiE-ROOM~TE-SEEDED : ~~ ______~~ , 45.1-31139. fiO!Il(; 145 homewilhwasher.~. ~ .... Iral for summer with fall option. 2 ~HAIRSTYLIST FEMALE. ca...... Immrdia!E' appOintments 10 ~ aIr, and skirt q 714 E. _( ollt'lll'. i /xodroom duplex. clo~ to cam pus. . OPEN INGS now and lat.. r. full l"oun5t'ling ".t'f.'k.'1. 6am'9prn TnlIFrt'E'. HIIO-UJ.l!(l19. 529!iF.145 ANNOUNCEMENTS ___ ~~~I_~.~~. 5Ml~.~·I~~~~29IIaft~!~.~B~~ ~.=::~~I::~;UA~r:;~~: WALL STRt:ET In{·R:'iAI.· TWO t'ULL BAmS make bVlng GREAT DEAL-NEED one. Ew's Apple Tilt' Fig TIW" Tilt' ...... ,...... Sational businE'!I!I t'mploymml cleanand &Is, in thlsceltral aIred roommate for summer. One block Hair Garden. 597OCHO i wt'E'kly availabk> at RL>no's :<;I'WS tine lledr-.m 14100 IIIlwry mobile 'from campus. 5&0153. 60578t'138 r c-tw ~-...... ~, Agmcy. ('arbondalE' -IS'.i"lm. B5958.I140 =~:"~~~alt=r_~th $22$ 1 OR2ROOMMATES f~ summer r~~~erAD(~~~~:'~: ~~~~.!~ c.I'Stt.IM' 5!I18Bcl46 ~nd or fall in lrNis Park. «;7-5209. i Lirensl'd LPN in !he slale of ALIVETO:\lGHT. Sft,\S X·WAVE ------.------~1I5. 60451!c.>147 : Illinois and somt' eJtllerience MHr. Sb.".. ba St'lIl to Boobys. No YOU'LL SAVE MONEY and ------I rt>qui ....d MWIt bt' able to work nub. now l-ov .. r. SinCE'11.' Dick·a·billy. I OR 2FEMALE ROOMMATES to i eYmi. hours at least two da)'5 pt'r Sl'MMERS (·OSSTRUCTION. :t f=!:~ ....:o~~o=:"!: Rt>m~ing. n>pairs and custom . mR~I40 South!m Pull. Bedrooms at op- ~!:~a~[ b=:~I~= !:~n~:~~a ~~~i v::'Yana~ hom .. lluilding. I1.'liabie ~Jity AUCTIONS po!Jite enca. Air conditioni.. of NE'IIr Caimpus. 453-32.... AMl for ! [)evt'lc.,mtllt l'orporation. 1m S. work. ('aU now for flW eslimalt'. CGIInr. CUJIt'BI and .... 1 main- Ann. 6035i1rl41 ! Wash ington. Sui tt' 210, Carbmdale. 45i·ItIIID. 5811£HI & SALIS ~~ lfttodlly by ea:.~Bc~ RESPONSIBLEFEMALE !~-4pl":~~l. Equal op=~~~~ KARIN'S . .\LTERATIONS. MAY3rd r.. Indoor Flea Market. GRADl'ATE student. nonsmokt'r. I_-.!..______SEWING. " drapes. 224', S. Antiqllf' and ('raft salt'. SIO.OO pl'r IlDUlllIUAIAIII Dlinnis aboYt' Atwood Drugs. Tues. tabJt'. ('all Jan St'E' at Ramada Inn shan> 2 btodnDm duplelt Rt'ar! LOOK ING FOR AN ..nergdic ('arbondale 549-7311. ~ 146 Murdale. AC. washt'r·dryer. SI05- I per.ron will would like to maR lllru Fri. loam lO6pm. Sat lOam to 2pm. 59119£ 154 1.2.3...... -I%lIIi.. month. '. of utilities. (:all Dl'bby 'I money woJt~ in a unique team VEGETARIANS ASD On.ERS fram~·~·No .... sa-ras& 6044Be 1-4 1 cleani. service. Goad chance for dE'hydrated bt'1It'lablt' teJtlurt'd ------5unwMr & fall MATURE t!) j advancement.l'a1I&81-4020&Osac14l ...... prot... n ham. ('hidlt'n. bI'ef laslt'. PERsONNEEDED ALllltAnateI shal1.' quiet. above a'.... rage 3 i ______has all essenlial amino acIds. ...--.,.. 'AIMIOII DUIGIIIIIO no!reh cbt"aper Ilia n Iftt'at. ,,['10 bt>droom holl!ll'. also Ot'I'dI'd ~ i PEER COUNSEWR STt:DENT d .. hvdrall'd \·"l1l'lahl .. It'xlurt'd person to sublt't summel' onl). ,,29- i WORKERS in lhe Speed Sup. CAll.".YN 549·5129 aftt'r 5 5!IllIKI39 3:57. 60431!c.>142 I portiv.. ServiCft f'rojed. Fall. I!III Mt-J.., Sl'MMER~ROOMMATE ;~~~~ !:·ab~h::ri::la:~ :\lo\"IN(;: KIN(; SIZE ... alerbtod NEED A PAPER Iyped" IB:Irgrad or : with a diverse student populalion dryE'r. much mor.. 5-J'L~. i st'le('lric_ fast and accuratt'. grad ..... f. block from campus, dt>sired SeardJ limited to Juniors 5B.~IKI39 fuml!hm_. 2 hedroom. A-C SllS- 'and Seniors. Contact Special l'E'asonablt'ratt'S" 5&ZZ58. month. -453-<1&. 6075Bel41 I iupportivt' SPrviCt'S. Woody Hall 5982E155 YARD SAI.E . TV. carpl't.". fur· ;tRUOMMATES NEEI)E{)f;r . ;--16. Appli:ation dt'adine: AP,ri1 TYPING: EXPERIESCED. mturt'. guitar. Ian. clotllt's, kit· 110.... swnmeronly for 5 bedroom house. ' :~:..l':-': ___" ____ '_ B6062( 141 , Fi_'IT. Reliable. and accurate. l"hmwal't'. Spal.... limIer. books. Gual;ontt>ed work S.75 or more p!"r aJbum.o;. and mUch. much n'ol'E" SINGLE FURNISHED ROOMS till) blodc N. Springer. AC, garage. GROWING RADIO ("OR. Friday 2·6. Sal 10·5. 9ItI S. f'ol't'!ll. avai~indlree- bedroom...... big house. yard. great condition. PORATION looking for a ftoW good pa~t'. Call 5&(11168. 53.;(!EI52 Wilb watlMr. V~1 dole to cam- S200 for entil1.' summer .. share of iillespmple 'ib1W markets \0 sell flI!tIIKI"1 puI. 511-1&51. 5991811146 utilities. 529-:B20 alta- 7. or ~ ill aU in North!rn Illinois. Good WANTED BUSINUS --- 35019. 7001&-.-1. .:ompensation. insurancp. and OPPORTU N ITI ES !~:':~~n 1=~~~hP~= TWOFEMALE -ROOMMATES /xonefils For furth!r information "...0.... JACKSU:-; ~:-;n:IU'RISF_<; IS Single rooms. 1'lO. Double rooms Rt'edtod to !i!'blease for ~mm ..r :1~;2~~~:I:'fi~'::.' ~~~= YON Iookmg lor qual il Y Pl'"P1 .. ,,'ho ar.. ., .. Utilities. C/aae to campus. WIlli fall option for one. (all 549- EmplOYt'nl. 6087Cl53 ~ ... CANI ..&& inlt'n.'SIt'fl In build! IlJ! a pa rt-timt' CaIlSteve ... Jeff549-a2.8181 BdI54 . ~. ask_for Lesl ~ __~~I48 .' 00' inl'''' in mrt'l'1 n<"rkplJr¥! Wt" 11l't'<1 ~slrJbulnf" lor a "E''' Ahl('. : (-'F.MAIE - Sl'BLET 4 bt>droom fMPlOYMfNT r.J:':::' Ik \'.. m pnldu.:1 bn .. irufJI an Anl1lf1a TWO ROOMS AVAILABLE in ,...... ~S ..... ha-.,o 1:l1l1'pdn) "round·flour large. wi'll kt'llt 110_. one block l~!!~=! ~~~=erAl.ez~e WANTED ...... AUIID..aGING:lItlp.m .. :>19-\:116. 6OII8Dl45 ..... 1 6OJI)Bdl* 61£1-1:'>11-10 .Page 3J. Daily Egyptian, April 22. 19111 FOR AAl.E IMMt:IlIATE Mr­ runjil~ ...·ith ""IahhshPd. gr...... tnj! bus,n('!;.~ El4 :\lichigan. Missouri and Con· legal because he had reason to ,\lIlIOl'i.lN Prrss Wrikr ('ourl rulings have generally necticut have passed laws believe they had drugs or RIDERS WANTfD upheld authorities' rlghl to limiting strip searches. and weapons or might hurt them· A woman arrested for conduct strip searches. But the several other states are con· selves or olhers. He conceded OAtl.Y IU'S SI-:H\'Wt: Irom drunken driving in Arlington. t:.S. Supreme Court has ruled .-arIHmdal .. 10 Chlc,,}!o, ·$26 ~O. sidering such laws. he changed his policy under Va .. was taken to the county that people who are illegally The laws generally allow Ind,anapohs-5:13 7,. Sprtnllfl.. ld· Jail. stripped naked and public prl'Ssure. ~ow. he said. SI:, .~. St 1.0\110;. -Sn ~. t:"an­ strip searclK-d can sue for cash slrip searches in minor cases those accused 01 misdemeanors ",11 .. -Sl~m ('onlad alilt",1 al ~~; st'archt'd. So was a woman damages onlv if officers have a warrant. can avoid strip searches if they HI. I (;uIfTransport4'n R:WUPI-l2 arrested lor playing her stereo loiS Lipton. a "CLl! attorney if the accused will be jailed or If too loudly. And a woman who behave While in custody and \Ion: "1I1·ft Rt:l.o:"(;t:W;S in Chicago. saId strip searches Ihere is reason to suspect post bond within four hours. ate a turkt'v sandwich on a can violate se\'eral con· concealed weapons or drugs subway. . ~~::~t;..\~rO r~':,r'i::<~k :::'~~1~1 stitutionally protected rights. \'aginal or anal searches are "But if Ihey come in ('hlt'ago SIM· ....i29-I~ t;!'2Rf' 1:19 In Fremont. Calif. it hap· including the guarantee agalnsl usually allowed only by medical screaming and yelling. making pened to a woman who went to HillE nn: "STt'IJt::"T TIL\:"­ unreasonable searches. workers of the same sex. Ihreats or obviously high on SIT" 10 '-harnjilo and ~uhurh" ,\s the polict' station to explain she Sex discrimination was the Gondles says strip searches drugs. they will be st."ip sear· httl .. as :l hOllrs and -to; ollnul"" 1o didn'l need a new dog license basis of the nation's I;·o;t major 01 the "rlin,,~on women wert' ched." liondles said. nd because her dog had run away. strip search case. In which :;h~~.all~~~~m !)f'~:~~a r ::\; .; In Ocean Cih·. N.J .. it was a Chicago police were flamed in r·I~'I~!~ln~l'C~~.~' ~~f'S ~WJw.i!t woman arrested lor going an ACLU lawsuit alieging -,'!!>·IH1i2 B'>;I>lPH' barefoot on the Boardwalk. and women were strip searched in Wheat Ridge. Colo. it was a more often than men. I-I·year·old girl accused of stealing 51.35 worth of candy I~ TilE VK-\R since Chicago bars police changed their rules and onered cash settlt'ments to 191 Ol-:SPITF. SF.W 1•. -\W5 and '",·omen. s:.:;ts ha\'e prompted policies limiting slrip searches. neW search procedures in many police deparlments still Houston. Suffolk County. ~.\' .. Independence. :\10 .. Thornton. ~r~:..s:w:=.~ ~~l:!~:J Colo .. and Racine. Wis. And Ihe submit 10 searches that may Justice Department recently include inspections of anal and entered an agreement with Lee vaginal body cavities. say the Countv. Fla .. to limit strip 'o .... ~thenof American Civil Liberties t:nion searches and the Justice Department. Chicago offered each plaintiff ~Tr "The practice is rampant." $250 il she had been routinely "-'*yw ...... said Uarriet Kurlander. an strip searched and 51.000 if a .. c-.-...... ,... official at ACLt: headquarters bod..- ca..-ity search was done. ~ in New York. :\Iore than tOO women are suing ...... ACLU officials say they have for more ...... tr.. ... I1I· ...•• no argument with the strip The ACLU said the largest searching of people accused of strip search settlement thus far .... serious crimes but maintain too was the 525.000 which Suffolk many police departments strip County. N.\' .. authorities last search people accused of minor month agreed to pay legal offenses. secretary Diane Sala. She was "It seems to be strange that subjected to a body cavity we require a warrant to search search after failing to respond a home or office. but someone to a summons she never can put a finger into your body received. ca\ ity without a warrant." said "I'm happy with the set­ James Joy. a Colorado ACLU tlement. vet ... I will never in official. my life be able to forget the search," Sala said ... It was PflLlCE S"Y 11IE searches horribl-:: It will stay with me help keep drup and weapons forever. out of the jails and protect of· ficeR and inmates. ··It·s not BAR BAR" FOSTER. A mean. to punish .ny~7.'" criminal justice rnean:fIer for Arlington County Sheriff Jim the Nati,nal Conference of THI D.I. GondJes said. "It's meant to State Legislatures. said lUinois. Funero' ,,",if? CLASSIFIIDS .Iaed"led for IHEFIFIM former profruor Funeral services are scheduled for Thursday in Lake ANNUAL BRAIN FRY Charles. La.. for WiUiam Neal Phe.... former SIU-C professal' of guidance and educational Saturday, May 2 ~2p.m.-Midnite psycholo,y. who died early Tuesday after a brief iUuess. . Shawnee Salt Peter Cave Phelps. a native of GoIccInda. was a member of the SIU-C 127 South in Pomona faculty from 1942 to 1967. He joined the faculty as dean of boys at University School and STARRING served as director of the SJU-C physical plant during a period of rapid building expansion for the University. A t929 graduate of the then­ Southern Illinois Normal u;ft M'f University. Phelps earned a master's degree m 1935 from the University of Illinois and a Ph.D. in 1943 from Colorado State College in Greeley. '•. ,., ..1WIIT&1HI In lieu of flOwers. friends of the family are asked to make contributions to a fund established in Phelps' name at the SIU Foundation. Car­ bondale.

ve·, pple itnCKns AVAILA .. for •• In .ct.. nee.t ...... ·1tftIo Plaza Records Side One Records Fettish Makanda Java ..,...... , ...... " Murphysboro Golden Coach !A.:~ t~.:': GC!o:!.;i Goc:imoiners ~'I{-:•. I.::,... ~, ":'.; ... ;;.sv I ...... ey17•• looby's River side Hotel .... ,...... ,-/..". rwJ" Concessions NO BOnLES ALLO~~~ VN ICIUIINAlI ...._ Available rHEMISES

Daily Egyptian. April 12.1981. Page 21 Arnold's Market Study group explores 120z. Blue Bell Bologna $1.15 ea. Banquet Pot Pies 3!99q 12 oz. Totino's Pizza $1,19 theories of UFO origins 12 oz. Sunny Acres Frozen Orange Juice 79¢ Locateel iust 1", 'miles south of campus on Rt. 51 8~ .\ndrt''' Stranlt The losl ('ontlnt'nt theon The sludy ~roup IS not of· Starr Writt'r sU!lgt'St.s that tTlIs urigmatp flclall\· assm'ialt'd With an\' Open 7 days a week 7 am· 10pm rrom th£' sur\'l\'o"" or the lost olht'r l'J-'{1 stud}' groups. bu't For those who find tht' {''(Ira, l'onlmt'nl (,f Atl;.nlls, and the Ziemoa :-;ald vanous groups ('urn('ular orl!amzations and tlmt"trayt'!er Iheun sa\'~ that across the countn' are con­ dubs offt'red at Sll'.c tuo down­ t-FOs ar£' Iran'hng machmt'S stantly eXl'hanging 10, to-{'arth, the pt'rfE"ct activity used b,· humans rrom fulure rnrmatwn. "oclelles, visltm~ earth in ~'hat ZI{'moa, who bel'ame In mav bE" the Carbondale l'f() , \~ .... Siudy Group would be their pasl hlslory terestl'd 10 l' (-'Os after The group's objective IS 10 Ziemba said the stud~ group de\·E"loping an mterest In "investigate and rest'arch all Investigates all of Ihese theOries astronom\', is also the roltor 'Jf aspt'Cts of ufology," which is and will inn'sligate any new the ":\t'W :\atlOnal l'f'o the stud, of l'fos, l'mdentlhed theories that people may ha"e :\ewsletter," thl' offiCIal !'lying ·ObJects. (ill ZIE"mba, "W£' don't se-I an example for pubhl'atllln or the study group FOOD FOR THOUGHT dlret'lor of the group, said anyone particular theory." "We in\'esligate every phase saId ZIemba "W£' encourage The first issue. which was of the subjE"ct." ZIE"mba said people who are rrlllral and published at thl' beginnmg of about the group, which has skeptical. .. the month, l'ontained articles about ,,0 members and was Ziemba said many Pf'Ople do dE"aling "-ith l'fO-rt'lated started in :\tarch 19'i9 not believe in n"us because of tOpICS, including a story by a Little Egypt During a lecture last month, what he calls a "debunking person who was abducted by a Ziemba outlined some of the program" by the government. l'FO in Dect'mbt'r 1980. in theories that attempt to explain The government tries to exp:ain ('ali forma. SIU·C Literarv Magazine, Spring 1981. l'fUs. although the group has all l'FU sightings as nattlral not discounted or supported any objects and tries to con\'ince Am-one who is mterested in of tht' theories. ht' said, people that l'FOs do not ex;st, JOlmng the group, receinng the "We'rE" nol oul 10 sa~', 'nying he said newsletter or recE"ivlOg an· On Sale Mondav. April 20th.Friday, April "aucers are from outer space.' "Is the governmenl hIding the formation about l'FOs should we're oul 10 find out what l'I"()s truth about UFOs~ The answer contact ZIemba at hIS 24th at the Student Center tables and Faner are," said Ziemba, who savs ht' IS a deflmte yes They just don't residence. Rural Route 2, Box 2370, has heen ''In\'ol\'ed in (-FOs want the people to know," :1:15, Crab Orchard Estates. in SinCE" the 1951l!'." Ziemb Said, Carbondale. he said. Some of the theories mt'n· He believes this is done IlonE"d included the t'x· because the go\'ernment feels traterrestTial theon-. which is that l'FUs are a serious the belief that l'fOs Originate challengt' to our national from outer space. and the securit\'. lummous display theory, which This' 'debunking" bv the says l'fOs are electrically government has resulted m a charged "balls of light" that loss of information ... 11 UfOs are caust'd by "earth·quakt' because many people are afraid type pressures" within the of being accused of being crazy earth if they report any contact with Anotht'r theory mentioned at t:FOs. he said. thE" lecture was the inner-earth, "You would be surprised how hollow·earth theon. which many people fail to report UFO suggests that t;FOs are sightings," Ziemba said, He creations of beings of a added that the study group is lechnology superior to the "interested in people who have had sightings but failed to ff~~~n:.ah,u.,~!n a~~~~~~~1n:~~ report the sighting because of the earlh. fear of ridicule," The tht'OQi further states that The group does research the earth is actuallv hollow. through a variety of means, with huge openmgs at' the north including investigating local and south poles that lead to the l'FO sightings, Ziemba said. If 'underworld." and that the a t.:FO is sighted in Southern beings which Jive there travel in Illinois. Ziemba said members ~'hat humans call l' fOs , of the group will conduct in· The dimensional theory says terviews with the reporting FfOs are a creation of a party to gather facts and to superior race of beings that determine if the sighting exist on earth in another resulted in any psychol~ical dimension, The secret weapon effects, and check the area of theory says I.JFOs are secret the sighting for possible weapons of various govern­ physical evidence of the UFO. ments on earth, Child"" '. Thralre of lkaf ~,. play THE TRAVELING HANDS THEATER TROUPE The Children's Theatre of the available at the Student Center presents Deaf will perform "An Central Ticket Office. American Dream, A Musical Odyssey" at 1 p.m. Thursday at This performance is spon­ AN AMERICAN DREAM the Marion Hilh School sored by the Center on Deaf­ Auditorium and at 7:30 p,m. ness, Department of Speech and Friday in Shryock Auditorium. Pathology, Southern Illinois A MUSICAL ODYSSEY Tickets, priced at S2 fOl' adults Parents for the Hearing Im­ and $1 for students. are paired and the Student Center. Thunday April 23. 1981 UMW.,rike latk. colled lor Marion Hi"h School 1:00 p,m. By The AsnciaIM Preu appearance in the coalfields since his five-day campaign the The president of the striking last week of March to promote a Friday April 24. 1981 United Mine Workers said proposed contract with the Shryock :\udilorium 7:30 p.m. Tuesday he wants to call coal Bituminous Coal Operators industry negotiators back to the Association. bargaining table soon in efforts The UMW's 160,000 miners Tickets available at Student Ct'nter to end a 2&day-4lld strike, rejected that proposal 2-to-l on Central Ticket Office "I think pretty soon I'll be March 31. calling them ... because you can't negotiate if you're not at Church said he had un· Adults-a2.00 the table." UMW president Sam derestimated the miners' Students and Children-'I.00 Church told striking miners in emotional response to a southwest Virginia at the town provision of the proposed of St, Paul. contract that would have .. Southern Illinois Universitv He said he wanted to "get this removed a $1.90-a·ton health ., at Carbondale . ~~~; ::-:!' ~!!~ and ~uce and pension fund royalty on all Coordinated throu"h Center on Deafne88 the coal that the whole world non-union coai purc;uiileti :;, Co-Sponaored DY ~lucienl i:enier ftf't!ds. " coal companies with UMW contTacL'i. SIUC Department ofSpefth PathololCY _. -Negotiaiiu;;: with .the Southern Illinois Parents for Hearing Impaired Bituminous Coal Operau;:: Association collapsed last "'be!; ~:,s a lo~ ~ ~~llCiple Friday. there that I overlookeu, !!e told It was Church's rlJ'St public: his audience of aMut 1,500. I ~~------~ Page 22, Daily Egyptian, April 22. 1981 AHMED'S Baker's recipe stirring trouble for Blues FANTASTIC . FALAFIL ST LOUIS (APl-The St. row. And the setback. giving "The second period was the "It's really exciting." said Louis Blues. their backs against ~ew York a 3·1 edge in the best­ one where we had to get back in Vickers. the oldest Ranger in \_. .!-~~!~!.! the wall in a National Hockey of·se\·en series. had Blues right the game." he said. "We played terms of service. "We have a ~ League quarter-final playor! winger Tony Currie perplexed. well but came out of the period big. aggressive defense. We're \ .... F.lofll series. are beginning to wonder "That second period was the even further behind." getting the goal tending from what to try next. best one we've played in this If St. Louis is to remain alive. Baker. And we're getting the '.:' IS. :'tlore specifically. they're series." a baffled Currie said it will also need to minimize scoring." wondering what it will take to aHer Baker turned back all 16 mistakes on defense which have 1. -'L::"O:i;i- lY!at Steve Baker. And unless St. Louis shots in a pivotal been costly since the series' Embarras!oed by the ~, Ch.... Sfy•• thev find out. their chances will second period. second game. predicament it faces after be -used up after facing the ··It was better than we played Anders Hedberg stick­ finishing No. 2 in regular­ :-1'-" Hot ...../.rt .. surging ~ew York Rangers on in the first game when we beat handled the puck past Blues season NUL standings to the Checkerdome ice Wednesday them." Currie said. "We were defensemen in scoring the :<\0. 13 position of New York. the ; ---~r--- night. down 2·1 and were carrying the Rangers' first Monday night 51. Louis team followed :'tlonday ..... ,. I".'AM MI". ",IIC"." 11.11 Baker. the 6-foot-3 goaltender play pretty well. Then. bang. goal. AHennrd. goalie :'tlike 1 ..1 1.111 ...... for New York. was a major they score and it·s 3·1. With Liut made an excellent save on ~t~~J ~~~t d:':!. a meeting thorn for SI. Louis while kickmg every great chance we had but Steve Vickers' shot only to be out 33 of the Blues' :u shots on failed to take advantage of. it victimized by Ron Duguay's goal during a .1-1 Rangers seemed to take a little more out rebound late in the opening triumph :\Ionday nighl. of us." period. -.r...... It represented the first time Echoing the consternation of Contributing two goals for 3 eggs. Toast since the start of the NHL Currie. the Blues' top post­ New York following Duguay's Hash Browns·51 season last October that SI. season scorer. were the words go-ahead score was veteran Unlwonlty ..11 ,29 Louis had lost three games in a of Coach Red Berenson. Steve Vickers. c.ttoMolo 6:...... 11:..... "'...... 1, Cardinals thrash Cubs again Chicken Sandwich behind Tenace, Herr, Rincon "'I...... Iy A & W is ~ 8y Th. ,\ssocialt'd The four steals b\' Raines :ied A & W Hamllurger Now Serving il't a record set last season by Ron for...... Diet .,j ST. LOUIS-Gene Tenace and Baseball LeFlore and equaled by Scott. 1.. ..J_ Root Beer 'I't Tommy Herr each drove in two runs with extra-base hits in a recordThe Expos.with seven who stolentied a basesdub J;;;===:;;:=;======r;;!t.=;C six·run third inning and Andy Roundup Hincon pitched a five-hitter in the game. ~8'AalfJc Tuesday. leading the 51. Louis past four games to 33 runs and Cardinals to an 8-0 victory o\'er -18 hits. Chicago. handing the Cubs their Rincon struck out fh·e and did E'ighth loss in a row. not walk anyone. R::s:::~:~~:::R::gue II A"ENTION LADIES' 1 Rincon. 2-0. who retired 17 of Herr drove in his third run of batting leader Carney Lansford the last 18 batters. was backed the game with a single in t"'e collected three hits and dro\'e in I Every 'rlday Night 1 by a I-I·hit attack. including seventh off reliever Rawly two runs Tuesday as the Boston I I George Hendrick's double. Eastwick. Red SOlt whipped the Texas 'pm-ll :30pm triple and two RBI as the Cardinals won their fifth EXPOS 18, PIIILLIES 3 ~:;!~rs 10--1 behind John 1DuMaroc pre.. nt. a I straight game. Lansford led Boston's 15-hit 1 I I Loser Ken Kravec:, 0·2, :\10NTREAL-Rookie Tim attack with a double and a pair I • Ma •••vue 'or Ladl... I yielded a run in the first inning Raines tied a club record with of singles, raising his average B' thO d' b 8 10 d when Tony Scott singled. went four stolen bases and knocked to .-'85. I ring '$ a In etween - pm on get in I to third on Keith Hernandez' in two runs with a sixth·inning Carl Yaztrzemski drove in I for 11.M. (men'welcome after 11:30) • single and scored on Hendrick's single, his third 01 four bits in three Boston runs with a pair oi -~- h - grounder. the pme,leadUW the Montreal singles. while Gary Allenson ..---- ..Su .... y HI. I i In the third. a single by Ex~ to a 10-3 victory over the bad two doubles. and Jerry " feu .leh Hernandez triggered St. Louis' Remy and Jim Rice each I -- r t I game·breaking inning. Hen· ~~r:.:~:~ ~;,:atte collected two hits, as the Red la to each girl entrant 11M to the girl winner I' drick doubled home Hernandez fifth when he raced home on Sox won their third in a row. and Sixto Lezc:ano sinfled Rodney Scott's siDgIeoff starter Tudor. making his first ap- 1 Special Aftrac'ian·WetT-Shirt Contest 1 ahead of Tenace's double of the Dick Ruthven, 2-1. Scott took pearance. allowed nine bits, 1 ••.• First Prize. IU•• Runner up. 1 left field wall. After Ken Oberk· second on the throw to the plate, three of the infield variety. fell walked. Herr tripled and advanced to third on Andre while becoming the third 1 ~---.JI...... cI~.'''''' .• 11 Y 1 scored on a single by Rincon. Dawson's infield out and scored Boston pitcher to go the --.,. The offensive burst boosted on a sacrifice fly by Ellis distance this season. He struck .---~----..------­ the Cards' production in their Valentine. out two and walked two. RECRUITS from Page 24 _ODMOTIIIII'S in Missouri Class AAA Scott said. "I think both Terry probable starting guards D.O. basketball last season with 26.5 and Cheri will have to play a lot Plab and Roslyn Bartley. along DILIYI_S.I points and 16.4 rebounds per at Greer's s .... although Cheri with potential starting centers game. Bacon. meanwhile, was is more versatile. She can shoot Connie Price and Char Home Cook'" Ifallan Cullin. described as more versatile in from outside as well as inside," Warring. all will be terms of shooting range. She The Salukis have gone into sophomores. and Boyes will be was a one·player show at the past two seasons with an the matriarch of the returning All. Y_CAllIA' ...... Crystal Lake, scoring 1.702 overload of young, inex· starters as a junior. Still, Scott points as a four-year starter for perienced players. Next seasan. feels more confident. . coach and former Saluki player Linda Brady...... y "Marable is more of a small forward, while the other two are ZUCCHINI PARMESAN basically power forwards." ,a.21 AnN: ALL GIIADUA'II AND IIIlOfISSIONAL S"'DlNTS: thurN! A IIIIAlfGII 'faa. fill The lost GSC Fee Allocation Boord Meet­ HOMEMADIITALIAN • CUStOM ing of this fiscal year will be held Wed­ I MADI nesday, April 29, at 6:00 in the Wabash DUMPINGS .\ .IA.ALI Room of the Student Center. For details (~IS' ~ coli the GSC Office (536-ml). Thank you, ,a.9_ ,he ..retoot CoIIItIer (1-1-., 211 W. W.lnutlt. IllY! 1.lIIlnoIa ONN llNaI ...... ,...... ,...... OWI... u.-...... I .. ln ... Dlily ~~i~n, April 22. 1981, Page 23 Cage recruits sign with sm ; Willis shaky

"\I Scott !'tahmt'r nine rebounds per gamt'o but staff "ritt'r transf~rred to .Jackson when his roach left. He was redshirted to Three Junior college gain an extra year of eligIbility baskt'tball players ha\'e signed Robbins. a first·leam natIOnal letters of intent with selection to the Ohio Class AAA SIl'·(' and a "erhal l'om· all·stale team. averaged 19 mitmt"nl has bt'en recein·d points and 12.5 rebounds pf>r from a high S{'hool player. new gamE' while leading hIS mt'n's Coach Allen Van Winklt' StruthE'rs lIigh School team to a announced Tuesday :/4·1 record. His twin brother. :\It'anwhile. Van Winkle Larry. has signed with Kent tra\'t'led to Jal·kson. :'tlich . State, Community ('ollt'ge to meet Van Winkle saId more with ,·0 ('enter Kevin Willis. signings may be announced who played for Van Winkle within thf' next few days. Since scaff photo by' ";rk Sims when he coached there. Ac· SIli·C has awarded three s\Lt·K. TWO-STEP-Sil' ·C-s Li_ :'Iionna. man...... "hid! tIN- Ti,,~1'!1 won. ~Z. durinlC th~ l'ording to a story published scholarshIps. at least one and "hsGUri'l "au...... I1.~ a~ar to ... a Saluki In\"itational softball to... nalft~nl last :\Ionda\' in the Slate !'\ews. current scholarship will be IIld~oal of s ...... t il _!in'ta dane. marathon wf't'k~. TM Sahdd!i playl'd at ,,'t'stern :\lichigitn State t:niversity's revoked. The Salukis now have lht'y ,,~... in,'oIvl'd in-ju"t a Zt-inning lilini. TttfooqIay. student newspaper. Willis has 16 players on scholarship. and eliminated Slt·(' from his list the !'\('AA limit IS 15. and is considering :\Olichigan Van Winkle hopes to sign Statt' and Eastern l\lichigan Willis. who a\'eraged 16 points Lady cagers gain trio of forwards Tuesda,·. the Salukis an· and 10 rebounds per game this nount>ed the signings of James ..'ear at Jackson as a freshman 8y Dav~ Kane 6.9 per game average. and also from John F. Kennedy High Copeland. a 5·10 guard from . According to Adam Teicher. ~ ,\Sloriaae Sports Editor led the team with 3" blocked School in :'olanchester, :\10 .. and Jackson who also played for State ~ews sports reporter who shots. Both players came to Bacon. a 6·u forward·center Van Winkle: Dennis Goins. 5-1\ talked to Willis Saturday. the The recruiting sea30n hasn't SIL'·C as junior college tran· from Crystal Lake Central High guard from Vincennes. Ind .. Detroit native is not considering been too hectic for Saluki sfers. and while Greer was School. signed letters of intent Community College: and Pye SIl··(' because he wants to sta ..· women's basketball Coach primarily a forward. Rogers along with :'olary :\Iarable. Walker. a 6-6 forward who was close to homt'o Michigan State is swung back and forth between another 5-10 high school for· redshirted last \'ear at Jackson. located in East Lansing. while ~i;r~Yw~~~\ t~t~~:\~ h~f!i~~ forward and center. ward from Memphis. Tenn. Gary Robbins. a 6·3 guard Eastern ~1il'higan is in Yp· fill. Seniors Alondray Rogers Schmittgens and Bacon boast from Struthers. Ohio. has made silanti. a Detroit suburb. and Leola Greer are the only It was understandable. then. the most impressive statistics. a verbal commitment to SIU·C, Earlit'r. C1e"'eiand Bibbens. a players who won't be on the that Scott was very specific in and Scott is already relying on Van Wmkle said. 6·6 forward and Willis and Salukl roster next season. whIle her recruiting goals-and them to contribute. Copeland. who has two years Copeland's teahlmate at four of the five starters from although quantity was not of eligibility remaining. Jackson. signed with )lichigan necessary. quality was. averaged 15.5 points and six 1980-81 should return. "This year. we went after State. Van Winkle had hoped to Although she was reluctant to assists per game this year at ~~.all three players for the However. Rogers' and evaluate the recruiting year in players of different positions Jackson. A Chicago native who than we had in the past:' Scott Greer's departures left scoring comparison to the last two attended Gordon Tech lIi~h Teicher said Willis probably and rebounding \'oids on the vears. she is hopeful incoming said. "We haven't gone after School. Copeland transferred to any forwards for awhile. would start immediatery for the (ront line. Greer was par· freshmen Terry Schmittgens Jackson in 1979 alter playing a Spartans because Jay Vincent. ticularly outstanding in the and Cheri Hacm wiU pllII the "Our only true forward back nellt season will be Mary Boyes. year at Bradley. )ISli's starting center for the latter part of last season. ~w openings left by the seniors. Goins. who will be a last four years and the Big scormg In double figures in SIU· so these two will have to see a "We feel very set." Scott lot of playing time and be able sophomore at SIU·C. averaged Ten's SCoring leader this year. C's final 18 games. She was the 12 POints and seven assists per IS graduating. said. "If ev~ryone stays healthy team's scormg I~ader at 1".2 :~C::~.,!ike they're non- game last year at Vincennes. "Jud Heathcote (l\tSU's points per game and averaged a and academically sound, we should have a very good team. Schmittgens. described by coach) has given out four team·high mne rebounds per Walker. who also has three :.cholarships. and the fifth game. If we get a good assistant coach Scott as primarily an inside who can handle college players, sc:CII't!I', was the leading scorer years of eligibility remaining. scholarship is for Willis." Rogers was second in the we'U be ail right." played the 1979-80 season at Teicher said. "If they don't sign rebounding department with a Schmittgens, a 5-U forward See RECRUITS Pap Z3 Lorain Junior College in Elyria. Willis. they won't use the fifth Ohio. He averaged 16 points and schoUrsrup... Decathletes stay friends despite rivalry By Gft.1 Wallll He won the decathlon at the Fla. said. ""m tired. but I'm all StaR W..... Kansas Relays week, right. I should be aU right for sc:oring 7.sot points and beatillll the Illinois' ercoI!egiates next If you have ever had to two-time defending Klansas week. compete against a relative or Re~ays champion Steve "The intercollegiates are friend in an alhJetic event. you Rainbolt. Sayre. a SGpIlamore mine." might be able to understand fro~ Rolling Meadows. The 5-d. 190 pound Whyte how SIU·C decathletes John quahfled for the NCAA outdoor admitted he wants to regain his Sayre and John Whyte feel. championships. and earlier title frum the man who beat him Both are fierce rivals and yet qlJ!llifled in the pole vault with a by II points last year-Sayre. best friends. belght of 17·21~. He would also like to qualify for Every weekday. the two can Whyte is now the "other" the NCAAs at the in- be seen at McAndrew Stadium decathlete at SIU-C. tercollegiate meet that boasts honing their skills in the However. in his freshman most of the college track teams decathlon's 10 events. year at Florida Junior College, in the state. Ironically. the two are the best be placed fifth in the natim in "If I lose to him. that is all decathletes in Illinois. so they the decathlon. In 1979. after right. Just as long as I qualify are training to beat each other sitting out a year. he won the for the nationals .. Whyte said. in next week's Illinois In· Missouri Valley Conference \\byte added. ':We want to go tercoUegtiate meet in Cham- decathlon. to the nationals together." paign. "I was the best de~~'hlete When it comes to the Despite their peculiar here the last two years. Ik.; now decathlon. both Sayre. 20 and situation. both say best friends the tables have turned." Whyte Whyte. 23 are fairly young. Sayre and Whyte win out over said. "He is making it hard on Whyte said he hopes to attend their rival COWlterparts more menow.Hehasthementaledge graduate school at SIU-C after often. on me." . graduating in May with a "We are the best of friends. Jt would be unde~tandable if bachelor's degree in physical We are constantly needling Whyte feels at a disadvantage. education. each other." said the 6-3, 160 Although he won at the Florida '" want to stay here and pound Sayre. "If I ever has a Sunshine Relays in March. with continue trailling. and I could question about the decatbJon. I 7.017 points. he was fi/dlting a also help John." \\byte said. go ask him. He has been doing it bad case ofstrep throat caused "1 really want to win it." longer. by an earlier bout with \\byte said. "Both of us have "We are both decathlon pnuemonia. Later in Mart.h. known thalsincelast April 28. A fanatics," Sayre said. "We eat, Whyte contracted an upper whole year has been brewing -;:~ .!,;.....,.., . " sleep and dream the respiratory infectim and is still the remi t.· '-" ."" staff ph•• .., Saun P_, decathlon." . . .trying to recover. Sayre ••. ~,!owleged this. Sayre may be more familiar. Whyte. of Neptune Beach. saying." He is out lUI' blood." ...... Sayre I left) ...... W.,.IP Page :at. Daily Egypti ... ApriJ 22. 1981