Rotary District 7680 2012 Conference

April 20-22, 2012 Asheville, NC Renaissance—Asheville

District Governor—H. Allen Langley

What’s in it for ME?!?

C.A.R.T. Fund Raiser With the Kannapolis Intimidators!

Mark Your Calendar for Sunday, JUNE 3! District 7680 at the Kannapolis In- timidators Gametime: 5:05pm with Family of Rotary Fellowship Proceeds to benefit the Coins for Alz- heimer’s Research Trust (CART) Fund!

For more information contact Karen Shore (contact information is in the District and Club Database) 2

Paul P. Harris, a lawyer, was the founder of Rotary, the world's first and most international service club. Born in Racine Wisconsin, USA on 19 April 1868, Paul was the second of six children to George N. Harris and Corne- lia Bryan Harris. At age 3 he moved to Wallingford, Vermont where he grew up in the care of his paternal grandparents. Married to Jean Thompson Harris (1881 - 1963), they had no children. He re- ceived an L.L.B. from the University of Iowa and received an honorary L.L.D. from the University of Vermont. Paul Harris worked as a newspaper re- porter, a business teacher, stock com- pany actor, cowboy, and traveled exten- sively in the U.S.A. and Europe selling marble and granite. In 1896, he went to Chicago to practice law. One eve- ning Paul visited the suburban home of a professional friend. After dinner, as they strolled through the neighborhood, Paul's friend introduced him to various tradesmen in their stores. It was here Paul conceived the idea of a club that could recapture some of the friendly spirit among business- men in small communities. On 23 February, 1905, Paul Harris formed the first club with three other businessmen: Silvester Schiele, a coal merchant; Gustavus Loehr, a min- ing engineer; and Hiram Shorey, a merchant tailor. Paul Harris named the new club "Rotary" because members met in rotation at their various places of business. Club membership grew rapidly. Soon Paul became convinced that the Rotary club could be developed into an important ser- vice movement and strove to extend Rotary to other cities. Paul was also prominent in other civic and professional work. He served as the first chairman of the board of the national Easter Seal Society of Crippled Children and Adults in the U.S.A. and of the International Society for Crippled Children. He was a member of the board of managers of the Chicago Bar Association and its representative at the International Con- gress of Law at the Hague, and a committee member of the American Bar Association. He received the Silver Buffalo Award from the Boy Scouts of America for distinguished service to youth, and was decorated by the governments of Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France and Peru. Paul maintained his law office for most of his life. He spent much time traveling and was invited to speak to Rotarians at annual conventions, district and regional meetings, and other functions. When President emeritus Paul Harris passed away on 27 January, 1947, his dream had grown from an informal meeting of four men to some 6,000 clubs. In the past five decades, the organization has grown to more than 27,500 clubs with 1.2 million members brought together through Paul Harris' vision of service and fellowship.


WELCOME to the 2012 District 7680 Conference!

We are here to celebrate another great year of mak- ing the world a better place. Locally we have supported the communities where we live with our work, personal leadership and with partnerships with civic organizations and local busi- nesses. Though this has again been a year of challenging economic times we have met the challenge of mak- ing our communities places of refuge for our fellow man by sacrificing of our personal treasure and time. We have continued to pick up the pace of our Inter- national activities as we’ve provided safe drinking water, food, educational opportunity and many other humanitarian results in places we may never visit; helping people we will never meet. During this conference we will have the opportunity to hear from our fellow Rotarians including a stirring message delivered by the President’s Representative Antonio Hallage. I’m SO proud of each of you for the contributions you have made, both large and small, to make this my best year in Rotary. THANK YOU for all you do for Rotary and we espe- cially thank your spouse or partner for supporting your Rotary efforts this year. Please spend time making new friends and renewing old friendships as we celebrate Rotary together. And NOW… LET’S PARTY!!

H. Allen Langley District Governor 2011-2012


Kalyan Banerjee, RI Pres. graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technol- ogy, Kharagpur (India). He is Director of United Phosphorus Limited, one of the largest manufac- turers of agrochemicals in India & Uniphos Agro Industries Limited, and Chairman of United Phosphorus Bangladesh Limited. Kalyan Banerjee has been a member of Rotary Club of Vapi since 1972. He became District Governor during 1980-81 of the then R.I. District 306. He has been Discussion Leader at the International Assembly and R.I. President’s representative at many District Conferences in India and abroad. He served R.I. as Director from Zone 5 and 6 during 1995-97 and in 1997-98, and Trustee of the Rotary Foundation from 2001 to 2005. He became President of Rotary International on 1 July 2011. He has addressed the Indianapolis Convention of Rotary in 1998 and he has been Convenor of 3 Rotary Institutes in Zone 5 and 6. He is a member of the International PolioPlus Committee of Rotary International (IPPC) and currently serves as Chairman of the Ro- tarian Action Groups Committee. He has served on various impor- tant committees of Rotary International from time to time. Kalyan is recipient of Citation for Meritorious Service and Distin- guished Service Award from the Rotary Foundation. He is a major donor and a benefactor to the Foundation and has helped to make several non-Rotarians, as Paul Harris Fellows. He has been involved in other activities in the community and elsewhere. These include membership of the American Chemical society, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, member of the Samsad of the Vishva-Bharati University. He has been President of Vapi Industries Association in 2000-2001, is a past Chairman, Gujarat Council of Confederation of Indian Industry. He is a Trus- tee of several trusts such as Jai Research Foundation, Rotary Awards for Humanity etc. Kalyan is married to Binota, an active social worker and a member of Inner Wheel. They have a son – Kanishka, a Chemical Engineer with specialization in Environmental Management, currently set- tled in Sydney with his wife, and a daughter – Ruma, who has done her MBA and is currently settled with her husband, an I.T.Engineer, in Canada. They have currently 4 grandchildren.


Antonio Hallage, President’s Representative Rotary Club of Curitiba-Leste, Paraná, Brazil (2011-15)

Hallage graduated a telecommuni- cation engineer from Mackenzie University. He coordinated the design and implementation of sev- eral Telecommunication and Tele- control systems for Power Compa- nies in Brazil and abroad. Chaired the Board of several companies in the area of infrastructure equip- ments for telecommunication sys- tems and consulting companies in the telecommunication area. Cur- rently and for 43 years he teaches Telecommunications Systems Design at the Paraná Federal University and is Executive Di- rector of the Water and Sanitation Utility for the State of Paraná. He has been member, financial adviser and Chaired the Board of several social clubs of Curitiba and received the Honorary Citizenship from the City of Curitiba for outstanding ser- vice rendered to the community. He was also advisor of the Engineering Institute of the State of Paraná. Rotarian since 1979 at the Rotary Club of Curitiba Leste, he was its president in 1984-85. Served in several District Committees, as District Trainer and Chair of TRF District Committee and as District Governor 1995-96. In the area of Youth Programs he served as member, advi- sor and Vice-Chairman of RI’s Rotaract Committee and Latin American Coordinator of the Youth Service Resource Group having also participated in a great number of youth leadership training. At The Rotary Foundation, Hallage served as Alumni Regional Coordinator and Re- gional Rotary Foundation Coordinator. He also served in a great number of RI Committees, as Training Leader at the International Assembly and as a member of the International Assembly Organizing Committee. Member of the RI Membership Growth Task Force, SAA Committee and district representative to the Council on Legislation. Hallage also served as President Representative in several District Conferences. Recipient of the Meritorious Service Award of The Rotary Foundation and is an honorary member of several clubs and districts. On the RI Board (2009-11), Hallage served as member of the Audit Committee, advisor to the Board on the COL and as Liaison Director to the Membership Development Committee; as Chair of the Board’s Programs Committee, Advisor of the Board’s Executive Committee and member of the RI Vocational Committee. He is serving also as Vice-Chairman of RLI for Latin America and on the Superior Council of Brazilian Regional Rotary magazine, Brasil Rotário. On the Board of Trustees of The Rotary Foundation is serving on the Finance Committee and on the Stewardship Committee. Hallage is also a member of the Peace Centers Commit- tee and the RI’s Rotary Action Groups Committee. He serves as Liaison Trustee to the Brazil- ian Association of The Rotary Foundation and as its Founder Member. Married to Rose, they have five children which were either Rotaractors or Interactors and three grandchildren. Hallage and Rose are Major Donors and members of the Bequest Soci- ety in the second level.


H. Allen Langley, DG has been a member of the Shelby Rotary Club, with perfect attendance, for more than 22 years and is the District Gover- nor for District 7680 for 2011-2012. Over the years he has been involved in many Rotary activities, and has been recognized for outstanding service by his peers. In 2000, he received the Shelby club’s highest award, The Four- Way Test, and was elected as club president for 2003-2004. In 2005, he received Rotary International’s Four Avenues of Service Individual Citation, and the next year, the Distinguished Rotarian Award for the Shelby club and the District. He has served as Shelby’s Rotary Foundation chair, as club trainer, and as Director of Club Service. He has participated in Group Study Exchanges every year as coordinator, host or tour guide. In 1991 he became a Paul Har- ris Fellow, and in July 2010, he became a Major Donor. He is also a Paul Harris Society Member. He has been heavily involved with district Rotary affairs. Langley served as the first aide to the Governor in 2001 for PDG Bobby Smith and served two more Governors, PDG Charles Dixon and also PDG Graham Wilson. Allen served three more Governors as Assistant Governor in Area 7. He served as District Conference Chairman for PDG Jim Morton, and has attended RI conferences in Australia, Chicago, and Copenhagen. He has attended PETS for the past 10 years consecutively, and he serves as a member of the faculty of the Rotary Leadership Institute. In 2010 he participated in National Immunization Day in India. And in 2009 and 2010, he took part in the Honor Air Flights. Allen has lived in Shelby since 1974 and enjoys spending time with his wife of 15 years, Mandi, and their two daughters, Chloe and Gracie. One of his favorite quotes is, “You haven’t lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”


The Governor’s Family

Mandi and Allen have been married 15 years. Mandi spends her time taking care of their two girls Chloe and Gracie. Her hobbies include gardening , sewing, volunteering at Tho- mas Jefferson Academy and at her church Elizabeth Baptist where she teaches Sunday school. She also enjoys travel, as long as she can keep her feet on the ground. Chloe Gray Langley attends Thomas Jefferson Academy and is in the 6th grade. Her hob- bies include learning to play the viola, playing tennis, singing in the church choir, singing in the chorus at school and reading. She also loves the Clemson Tigers. Gracie Estelle Langley attends Thomas Jefferson Academy and is in the 5th grade. Her hobbies include playing violin, playing soccer (her favorite position is defense), singing in the church choir and singing in chorus at school.


Chris Jones, DGE has been an active Rotarian since 2001. He joined Rotary as a charter member of the Catonsville-Sunrise, Maryland Rotary Club. Upon the club becoming chartered, he was immediately elected to that club's Board of Directors. Then Chris served 3 terms as Club Secre- tary and one term as President-Elect. He also participated in the process of helping that club form a 501c3. In 2006 Chris and the family relocated to the Lake Norman area and he joined the Lake Norman-Huntersville Club. Within 6 months Chris was elected to the Board as Sergeant-At- Arms. Six months later, Chris was elected as the Club's Presi- dent-Elect and was proud to serve as the Club's President for 2008-2009. During his term as President he led a team within the club to create its 501c3, and this club saw its largest growth in membership since the club's formation. The club also earned Gold Level in the District Governor's Award of Excellence his year as President. During the 2009-2010 Rotary year he served as an Assistant Governor to the Lake Norman-Huntersville; Kannapolis; Top of the Lake, Mooresville; and the University City Rotary Clubs. In December 2009 Chris was nominated to the position of District Governor- Nominee-Designate and will serve as District Governor during the 2012-13 Rotary year. During the 2011-12 Rotary year, DG Allen Langley asked Chris to serve as the District Membership Chair. He has had perfect attendance since joining Rotary. Chris is a Paul Harris Fellow since 2004 and now a Plus 6 member. He became a Foundation benefactor and Paul Harris Society Member during the Rotary year 2009-2010. Chris and his family hosted a Rotary exchange student from Poland during the 2007-2008 year and stay very involved in the club's Youth Exchange Program. During the summer of 2010, Chris was the Dis- trict Representative for the opening of the new Rotary Club of Davidson and in 2011 is facilitating the new club of Concord-Afton Village Sunset. As one of Chris' hobbies is motorcycling, he joined and is an active member in the International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians ( Another hobby of Chris' is travel, so he and his wife Colleen are members of Rotary's Interna- tional Hosting and Travel Fellowship ( He has earned two of his club's Distinguished Rotarians Awards and multiple Club Service Above Self and Outstanding Service Awards. Chris is a graduate of RLI. Vocationally Chris is a Professional Network Marketer with ACN where he is an Independent Business Owner ( In this business Chris uses many of the same skills as in Rotary. His greatest pleasure comes from helping his team achieve their lifestyle and financial dreams by teaching them how to serve others by creating an alternate stream of income from services that people buy and use every day. Additionally Chris is President & CEO of two companies, Willow Root Properties, LLC, a Real Estate Investment firm and also The Bordley Group, LLC, a management consulting and web marketing firm. Chris attended Towson State University studying business and accounting. Chris also serves as a PARC Commissioner for the Town of Cornelius, and is a member of the Vestry for his Church, St Alban's Episcopal in Davidson. Chris, his wife Colleen and his youngest son Tyler live in Cornelius. Colleen is the Global General Counsel and Executive Vice-President for ACN, Inc. with its global headquarters in Concord, NC. Chris' oldest son, Riggs, lives in Maryland, and has joined Chris as an Independent Business Owner with ACN, He also is pursuing a career in Law Enforcement. Chris' youngest son, Tyler, is attending UNCC studying Computer Science and works for ACN Corporate on a part-time basis in their I.T. department. The family enjoys travel, boating, motorcycles, computers and electron- ics, and participating in Rotary sponsored events.


Luther T. Moore, DGN has been an active Rotarian since 1998. He joined Rotary as a mem- ber of the Rotary Club of , North Carolina where he is a past President (2006-07) and a former member of the Board of Directors. He served as an Assistant District Governor during 2009-10 and currently serves as an Assis- tant Governor for Rotary District 7680 in addition to being District Governor Nominee. He will be District Governor for District 7680 during 2013-14. He is a member of the Paul Harris Society and is a Paul Harris Fellow (Level 4). He and his wife have hosted a youth exchange student from Belgium and have also participated in a Rotary trip to Alto Cayma, Peru. He has been employed by Belk Stores Services, Inc. since 1972 and currently serves as Senior Vice President, Assis- tant Secretary, and Assistant General Counsel. He is a graduate of Davidson College with an AB degree in Economics (1969), the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law with a Juris Doctorate degree (1972) and the Executive Program of the Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1986). Mr. Moore is a member of the North Carolina State Bar, the North Carolina Bar Associa- tion, the American Bar Association, the Mecklenburg County Bar Association, and the As- sociation of Corporate Counsel. He serves as a member of the Finance and History Com- mittees of the Mecklenburg County Bar Association and a member of the Board of Direc- tors of the Charlotte, North Carolina Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel. He is also a member of the North Carolina Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission. He is a member and past Chairman of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association and is a member of the Board of Directors of the NC Merchants Political Action Committee, Inc. and is Chairman and Board Member of Mainstreet Mer- chants for a Better North Carolina, Inc. He also serves as Chairman of The Board of Advi- sors of the Charlotte Good Neighbor Fund and is Chairman of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce Public Policy Agenda Task Force. He is in his seventh term as a member of the Board of Trustees of Wingate University and serves as Secretary of the University and as a member of the Academic Affairs Committee, the Executive Committee, the Executive Advisory Committee, and as Chairman of the Ac- creditation Committee. Mr. Moore is a graduate of Leadership Charlotte Class I and is also a Fellow of the North Carolina Institute of Political Leadership. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Mecklenburg Historical Association. Mr. Moore is a former member of the Board of Directors of the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce and is a past chairman of the Mecklenburg County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority. He is a member of Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina where he serves as Chairman of the Advisory Board of Hickory Grove Baptist Christian School and as general counsel to the church. Mr. Moore is married to Sandra Millikin Moore, and he is the father of three daughters: Ashley Smith, Elisabeth Uecker, and Anna Moore. He is stepfather to David Biggers and Mary McAuley. He is a resident of Charlotte, North Carolina and is a native of Harmony, North Carolina.


Ken Dresser, DGN-D joined the Rotary Club of North Mecklenburg County in 2003 and has had perfect attendance for the last 6 years. Ken became a Paul Harris Fellow on October 6, 2004 and is currently PHF+4, a Benefactor and member of the Paul Harris Society. Once a member he was elected to the office of Secretary for three consecutive years beginning in 2004. Ken was elected President-Elect for the 2007- 2008 Rotary year and was club president in 2008-2009. His technical knowledge and experience was put to use in 2009-2010 as District Technology Ad- visor and he became Assistant Governor in 2010. Ken was se- lected District Governor Nominee-Designate in 2012 and will be District Governor in 2014-2015. Ken is on the faculty of the Rotary Leadership Institute and ac- tively facilitates sessions at local venues for RLI. He has provided presentation materials and projection efforts for the 2009 and 2011 District Conferences and is on the District Conference Committee for 2012. Ken will chair the District Conference Committee for the 2013 conference. His club awarded Ken the Service Above Self Award in 2005-2006, the John Tabor Award in 2006-2007 and the club Distinguished Rotarian in 2007-2008. While Ken met his wife Barbara in 1963 they reconnected in 2001 and married in 2002. Ken and Barbara have 3 children and 10 grandchildren all of whom live in the area. They enjoy their RV and are both active in their church. Barbara is a Deacon and Ken has been an Elder at Bethel Presbyterian Church in Cornelius, NC. Ken is a member of the Central Piedmont Community Chorus and enjoys singing in the church choir as well. Ken worked in the family engineering firm until 1977 when the business was sold at which time Ken went to work for Duke Power, then McCoy-Ellison (textile equipment manufacturer), PCA International (a portrait photography company) and has been em- ployed by IBM since 1983. Ken’s educational background includes a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is a Professional Engineer in NC but is also a CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional). His current assignment with IBM involves services for outsource customers and is the Global Service Line Component Owner for the company’s Malware Defense service and is the Americas Service Line Owner for System Currency and Infrastructure Protection.







Buffet Breakfast Grand Ballroom In Memorium Grand Ballroom Plenary Session Grand Ballroom

11:00 AM Adjourn 7:30-9:00 AM 9:00-9:30 AM

Sunday Breakfast Buffet Grand Ballroom Plenary Session Grand Ballroom Assistant Governors Windsor 1 Room District Governor’s Reception House of Friendship Silent Auction Ends Plenary Session Grand Ballroom 10:30 PM 5:30-7:00 PM Cash Bar 5:30-6:45 PM 7:00-9:00 PM 12:30-2:00 PM Schedule-at-a-Glance 12:00 Noon-5:30 PM Free Time in Asheville 7:30-11:30 AM Registration 7:30-9:00 AM 9:00-9:35 AM 10:00-10:50 AM Breakout Sessions I 9:30-11:00 AM 10:50-11:05 AM 11:05-11:55 AM Break Breakout Sessions II

Plenary Session Grand Ballroom House of Friendship Silent Auction Hospitality

Time Activity Time Activity Time Activity Activity Time Friday Saturday 3:00-6:00 PM Registration 5:30-7:00 PM Cash Bar 7:00-9:00 PM 9:00-10:00 PM


Friday 4/20 Time Activity 3:00-6:00 PM Registration 5:30-7:00 PM Cash Bar 7:00 PM Call to order Welcome Invocation Honor Guard Flag Presentation Robinson High School JROTC Pledge of Allegiance Four Way Test Song 7:15 PM Welcome by Mayor Welcome from District 7670 Program Synopsis Roll Call of Clubs Attendee Recognition Special Presentation Housekeeping 7:35 PM Buffet Dinner 8:15 PM Welcome Remarks by Anthony Hallage 8:30 PM Awards Cart Club Attendance Club Service Award Drawing for Biltmore Gift Card and Apple TV (MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN) Housekeeping 9:00 PM Social Time House of Friendship Silent Auction Hospitality 17

Saturday Morning 4/21 Time Activity 7:30-11:30 AM Registration 7:30-9:00 AM Breakfast Buffet Presidents-Elect sit with DGE Chris Jones 9:00 AM Ring Bell Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, 4-Way Test Song Drawing for GPS (MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN) PDG Graham Wilson introduces Bill Rawlings or Bill Bass (Rotarians Against Hunger) 9:20AM Membership Growth Award Vocational Service Award Tour Information, housekeeping 10:00-10:50 AM Breakout Sessions I 10:50-11:05 AM Break 11:05-11:55 AM Breakout Sessions II

12:00-5:30 PM Free Time in Asheville 12:30-2:00 PM Assistant Governors Meeting (this and next yr)

There will be 6 breakout topics. The topics will be the same at 10:00 and at 11:05 (with the exception of Rotary 101 and Rotary 102):  The Rotary Foundation Jim Morton Firoz Peera Susan Smith  Branding—The Rotary Brand Bill Belk  Ethics and Vocational Service Nicole Greer  Rotary 101 (10:00 AM) - Rotary 102 (11:05 AM) Lois Crumpler  Effective Service Projects Karen Shore  Membership and Retention Chris Jones


Saturday Evening 4/21

Time Activity 5:30-7:00 PM Cash Bar 5:30-6:45 PM District Governor’s Reception Distinguished Rotarians, AG's, President's Representative, Paul Harris Society Members, Major Donors, Bequest Society Members 7:00 PM Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Song 7:10 PM Dinner is Served 8:00 PM Welcome Introduction of District Governor Recognition of PDG's Recognition of AGs by Area with Club Presi- dents (all stand) Recognition of Youth Exchange Students Special Recognition Award Community Service Award International Service Award Clubs of Excellence Distinguished Rotarians 8:40 PM Introduction of President’s Representative Remarks of President’s Representative Drawing for Kindle Touch (MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN) Presentation of special gifts 9:30 PM Socialize with each other 10:30 PM House of Friendship / Hospitality Room Closes


Sunday 4/22

Time Activity 7:30-9:00 AM Buffet Breakfast 9:00-9:30 AM Memorial Service 9:30 AM Call to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance Draw for GPS and paid RLI Registration New Generations Service Award Conference Club Attendance Award House of Friendship Display Award PHF conferred to ‘new’ Rotarian 9:50 AM Wrap Up Comments by Antonio Hallage Selection and Induction of new Paul Harris Fel- low (new member) 10:20 AM Business Session Financial Report District Executive Secretary’s Report Other Business-Announcements Drawing for TV for business card sponsor (business cards) Drawing for iPAD (MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN) Song 10:45 AM Adjourn


Distinguished Rotarians

Albemarle Dr. Johnsen operates a solo Family Medicine practice and has since moving here in 1980.He is married with 3 grown sons. He has made time to attend Rotary since joining and for the last three years he has taken on Health and Happiness and taken it to a new level. He spends about 2 ½ hrs weekly preparing a 4 -5 minute presentation dealing with the traditional duties of that posi- tion and then a program on what happened that day in history and other topics laced with corny humor that he delivers in his inimitable fashion. He is one of the highlights of t5he days program and one the club looks forward to. We credit him with helping to hold attendance .

Eric Johnsen

Alleghany County


Distinguished Rotarians

Ballantyne Greg Duckworth was born and raised in Morganton, NC, attended Appala- chain State University, married Candi and they have two children; Gregory and Lindsay. He is a financial advisor with UBS Financial Services, Inc. Greg joined the Morganton Rotary in 1987 and was a charter Member of the Ballantyne Rotary in 2004. Greg was Club President in 2007-2008 and he stepped up to be President again this Rotary year. The club has grown under Greg Duckworth his leadership and we are honored to name him our Distinguished Rotarian.

Belmont Kevin Wilson is married to Jodie Wilson and they have three beautiful daughters named Eva, and Mia. Kevin Wilson is the Vice President of Finance for the Gaston County Family YMCA. Formally the Executive Director of the Robert Lee Stowe Jr. Family YMCA where he brings a wealth of knowledge from operations and finance to the YMCA. Kevin currently serves on several committees throughout Gaston County which include Parks and Recrea- tion Commission for Mount Holly, Gaston County Health Care Commission for Cancer Outreach and the Gaston County Senior Games Committee. He also serves as Treasurer for the Association of YMCA Professionals for Chapter 23. Kevin has a passion for not for profit work and dedicated his career thus far to helping his community in the areas of health and wellness.

Kevin Wilson Kevin graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a Bachelor of Science degree in Health and Fitness. A native of Rutherford County, North Carolina, Kevin currently resides in Mount Holly, North Carolina.


Distinguished Rotarians

Boiling Springs Prof Morgan came to Gardner-Webb University after a successful career as a practicing psychologist. As a professor, Prof Morgan has garnered accolades as the best professor in the Greater Opportunities for Adult Learners program and continues his success as a full time professor in the University’s day program. Prof Morgan is an ardent supporter of Rotary. His commitment came during his PETS training last year. Kalyan Banerjee was the featured speaker at the last luncheon; with his “reach within to embrace humanity” message, he spoke directly to Prof Morgan. Prof Morgan was the most logical and best choice to lead our club starting in July this year. His passion for James Morgan the Rotary mission, his assertiveness in helping the club attain its goals and his commitment to the four way test make Professor James Morgan the choice for our club’s Rotarian of the Year.

Cabarrus County Trey Siner has been an active member of the Rotary Club of Cabarrus County for ten years. During that time he has served in numerous roles for the club. In 2009 and 2010 he was the co-chair of the club’s principal fundraiser the Seafood Festi- val which is held in October of each year. He was the Chair of the Seafood Festi- val Committee in 2011. Under Trey’s leadership and enthusiasm the Seafood Festival has grown each and every year. In 2011 the club had a goal to raise $14, 000 and we exceeded that goal and raised a net $20,009.00. All net proceeds from the fundraiser are donated back to various charitable organizations within the Cabarrus County community. Trey has served the club in a variety of ways. He has always been an active participant in the club’s service projects such as Meals on Wheels, Hospice Christmas tree project, Salvation Army bell ringing, clean-up of Franke Liske park and the basketball AAU tournament, which used to be our primary fundraiser. In addition to his Rotary involvement he is an active member of New Hope Wor- ship Center, the Cabarrus Regional Chamber of Commerce, and the Young Professional Network. He also supports various nonprofit groups such as Habitat for Humanity, Operation Christmas Child, Life Pregnancy Care Center of Cabarrus County, the Homeless Shelter of Concord, and The American Red Cross. Originally from Morehead City, NC and a graduate of Elon College, Trey and his wife Michelle moved to Concord in 1995. In 2009 Trey’s business was nominated for Small Business of the Year Award through the Cabarrus Regional Chamber of Trey Siner Commerce. Trey’s business, Trey W. Siner Insurance and Investment Group just recently celebrated their 10th anniversary. In his spare time Trey enjoys spending time with his wife Michelle and their two daughters McKenzie and Bailey. Trey exemplifies the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self”. We are proud to honor Trey Siner as the 2011-2012 Distinguished Rotarian for the Rotary Club of Cabar- rus County. 23

Distinguished Rotarians

Charlotte The Rotary Club of Charlotte is pleased to select John H. Tabor to receive the 2011-2012 Distinguished Rotarian Award. John has been a member of the club since 1999 and has embraced Rotary in so many ways through his service as President Nominee, Secretary, Director, Pro- gram Chair, and Foundation Chair for the past 5 years. He and his wife, Lee, are both Rotarians in our club and they have hosted exchange students and their daughter, Allie, participated in a year-long Rotary Ex- change in Chili. John’s computer skills have benefitted District events, such as the Foundation Banquet and District Conference. John is a Paul Harris Fellow - Level 4, a member of the Paul Harris Society and he and Lee are each Benefactors and members of the Bequest Soci- ety. Our club owes a great deal of gratitude to John for John Tabor his commitment to increase awareness of what Rotary has to offer.

Charlotte—Evening Our club would like to present the Distin- guished Rotarian Award to Laura Collinge. Laura has played a vital role in the charter- ing of the Rotary Club of Charlotte- Eve- ning. She is responsible for recruiting sev- eral of the clubs charter members and con- tinues to recruit prospects on a regular ba- sis. She will serve as President Elect the remainder of this year, as well as the 2012 -2013 term. She has contributed substan- tially to the establishment of our initial Board of Directors, constitution, bylaws, and in countless other ways. She has been Laura Collinge a driving force in the chartering of our club and has proven invaluable to the growth of the club.


Distinguished Rotarians

Charlotte Dilworth South End Remus Strother Turner, Jr. is better known to his fellow Rotarians and others as Ret, Someone has said when one thinks of Ret, what comes to mind is his constant smile, his giving spirit, and his ever positive attitude. Those characteristics have been evident in his several Rotary mission trips to Latin America, in his two years as co-chair of Charlotte Dilworth South End Rotary’s annual fund-raiser, and in his service on the club’s board of directors. He is a Multiple Paul Harris Fellow. Ret has donated his professional services on medical mission trips to Latin America, and to the recent North Carolina Missions of Mercy event in Charlotte that provided dental service to hundreds of underprivileged patients. Ret served on the Charlotte Bioethics Re- Ret Turner source Group Board for several years and presided over the group from 1998 - 2000. Ret and Diane have three children: two sons, Adam and Ryan and a daughter, Christine. Charlotte East The Consummate Rotarian: 4/18/1922 – 11/13/2011 George graduated from the Mercersburg Academy in Mercersburg, Pa. in 1941. He enlisted in the US Army Air Corps and became a flight instructor at Freeman Army Airfield in Seymour, Indiana. He served his country during World War II as a B-17 pilot stationed in Europe. George was a member of the 8th Air Force, 401st Bomber Group, 612 Squadron, 1st Division and flew thirty successful missions over Germany. Upon completion of his military service, he returned to the States and attended the University of Virginia on the GI Bill. George was a member of the SAE fraternity and graduated from the McIntyre School of Com- merce at UVA in 1949. Mr. MacBain went to work for the United States Gypsum Co. in 1949 beginning his career in Lynchburg, Virginia. It was there that he met the of his life, the former Beverley Ann Lang to whom he was married for 58 years. He was later transferred to Newport News, Va., Richmond, Va. and finally to Charlotte in 1964 where he retired as Regional Sales Manager in 1988 after a 39-year career. Mr. MacBain was a member of Myers Park Presbyterian Church and served as Deacon and Elder. George embodied the spirit of Rotary and was an active Rotarian for over 25 years, still soliciting silent auction items from his hospital bed! In his retirement years he was also a devoted volunteer at Crisis Assistance Ministry and Friend- George MacBain III ship Trays. 'Big G' is sorely missed by his loving family, his many wonderful friends, and his Rotary Club. He was an exceptionally kind person, was quick with a cute joke and was oh so smooth on the dance floor! He was a life-long supporter of 'The University' and relished friendly bantering with his fellow ACC buddies. He was a true Virginia Gentleman!


Distinguished Rotarians

Charlotte International Marc is a charter member and he jumped into the fray and has taken responsibility as our secretary and has helped balance the books. With a number of personal responsi- bilities, he has continued to actively help to get things done within the club. Marc is a graduate of the University of Penn- sylvania, 1971 and did community service work in many countries in Europe, Asia and the Pacific through 1986. In 1991, Marc and his wife Jyoti opened Talley's Green Grocery, Charlotte's first natural foods supermarket, which they operated until 2008.

Marc Friedland

Charlotte North Georgetown Law School - LL.M. (Master of Laws, Securities Regulation) University of New Orleans - MBA (Finance) Delhi University - LL.B. (Bachelor of Laws) Delhi University - B.Com (Bachelor of Com- merce)

Sean Gautam


Distinguished Rotarians

Charlotte South Since June 1994, the Charlotte-South Rotary Club has had a dedicated Rotarian in Thomas J. Smith. In 2009-2010 Tom Smith served as Club President, aggressively using the match- ing points concept to increase contributions to The Rotary Foundation. This successful model is still in use today and Tom continues to share his RI Foundation points with club mem- bers. To further engage members of the club and develop an additional fundraising source to our club’s golf tournament, Tom co-founded the club’s wine dinner. Tom is a graduate of the Rotary Leadership Institute and has inspired other Rotari- ans to enroll in RLI. Tom has served on the District Vocational and Ethics Committee (2010-2011) and as such was involved in District 7680’s Four Way Test Video. Currently, Tom is serving on the Charlotte-South Rotary Club Foundation Board of Directors and has accepted the position of Assistant District Governor for 2012-2013. Tom is a graduate of Wake Forest University and Emory University. Professionally, Tom is Senior Vice President of the Asset Resolution Group at BB&T. He and his lovely wife Paula reside in Charlotte. “Papa Tom” to grand- daughters Ava and Madelyn (and one on the way), Tom and Thomas Smith Paula have a full house when all the kids come to visit! Son Douglas and wife Laura reside in St. Petersburg, FL, son Tho- mas of Charlotte, stepson Brian and wife Lindsey of Wilming- ton, NC and stepdaughter Shannon and husband Jeff of Wax- haw NC. Charlotte South Park Brian is a natural born Rotarian and the epit- ome of “Service Above Self”. From the first days of his relatively short Rotary career, he has been involved in all and headed many of our club’s fundraising, community service & international service efforts. Quietly yet stead- ily, Brian is always one of the first to volunteer and consistently leads by example. “Distinguished Rotarian” is a title most befitting of Mr. Brian Smyth.

Brian Smyth


Distinguished Rotarians

Charlotte Top-of-the-Week Assistant Governor (AG AREA 5), David Hare is a true Rotarian at heart. He has been a member of the Charlotte Top-of-the-Week Ro- tary Club since 1980 and has had 28 years of perfect attendance. David is a past president and a Paul Harris Fellow. This is David’s third honor as Distinguished Rotarian of the Year and he is also a past recipient of the Distin- guished Service Award. David is a proud hus- band to Kim and father to two beautiful daugh- ters. He loves to sing, play tennis and tackle crossword and Sudoku puzzles. David truly embodies the term “Service Above Self,” in all he does both locally and internationally. He goes above and beyond the call of duty for the David Hare club, its members and Rotary at large on a daily basis.

Charlotte University City John Noonan has done a tremendous job this year with our program and taking on some of the meeting setup every time.

John Noonan


Distinguished Rotarians

Charlotte West Marty White is a partner and attorney at Johnston, Allison, & Hord of Charlotte, NC. He is a graduate of Gardner Webb University (summa cum laude, 1993), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (J.D. with Honors, 1996), and Naval Justice School (Honors Graduate 1996). Marty served in the U.S. Navy as part of the JAG Corps (1996-2000) where he received the Navy Commendation Medal and Navy and Marine Corps Medal. As an attorney, Marty’s practice areas include complex business and corporate litigation, construction litigation, arbitration, and mediation.

Marty currently serves as Charlotte West’s Vice President and will be the club’s President-Elect during the next rotary year. Since his club induction, Marty has immediately volunteered his leadership and tremendous enthu- siasm and work ethic toward a number of key service and club growth initiatives. In particular, Marty originated a new fund raising project that raises money for clean water and various club service projects. He is a highly active member of the club’s membership team and one of the pri- mary leaders of the club’s new wine tasting event which raises money for the club’s annual scholarship fund while serving as a fellowship opportunity for club members and their guests. Marty is a Paul Harris Society member. Martin White Marty is married to Heather White, a local obstetrician. They have four children, ranging in ages from 12 to 1. They are members of Covenant Presbyterian Church. Marty is also an active board member at Charlotte Christian School where he serves as the chair of the Trustee Committee. Cherryville John W. Porter has been selected as the distinguished Rotarian for year 2011- 2012. John is the president of the Rotary Club of Cherryville. He previously was president in 2007-2008 and 2008-2009, also a past distin- guished Rotarian in 2008-2009. He is a dedi- cated eight year member of the Cherryville Ro- tary and a Paul Harris fellow. John and his wife Nancy are parents of two children and two wonderful grandchildren.

John Porter


Distinguished Rotarians

China Grove Chris, born in Hickory, NC to Pastor and Mrs. Roger Beaver lives in Concord and has bee a Rotarian for over 10 years. He holds a BA in Secondary Mathematics Education from Lenoir-Rhyne University (1997) and am MA in Mathematics Education from UNC-Charlotte ( 2005), a Certificate in K-12 Special Education from Pfeiffer Univer- sity (2001 and a Certificate in KL-12 School Administration from Wingate University (2010).

Chris currently teaches Mathematics at South Rowan Senior High (1998-present) where he has been Rotary Interact Advisor for sev- eral years

A Rotarian since 2001, Chris is a Paul Harris Fellow, has served as President Elect 2006-2007 and President of The China Grove Club 2007-2008. He has been Club Secretary-Treasurer since 2008.

Chris Beaver He and his wife Christy and 10 month old daughter, Caleigh live in Concord and are active in Mt. Herman Lutheran Church, Concord.

Club President Freda describes Chris as the hub of our Rotary wheel. He keeps us on track and on target. Concord

The Concord Rotary Club selected Concord City Manager W. Brian Hiatt as the club’s Rotarian of the Year for 2012. Hiatt was presented with the award at the club’s March 14 meeting, after being selected by his peers within the organization for the collective work he does both in the community and with the club. Hiatt will join other distinguished Rotarians of the Year as they are honored at the annual District 7680 conference in Asheville, the week- end of April 20. The award was first presented during the 1993-94 Rotary year at the District 7680 confer- ence. Each of the clubs in District 7680 has the annual opportunity to honor a member of their club for a distinguished tenure as a Rotarian. The award is presented to a Rotarian who has exemplified “Service Above Self” in daily life both as a Rotarian and a member of the community. “I am extremely honored,” said Hiatt. “I have been a Rotarian for almost 25 years and have always been amazed by the work of both individual clubs on a community level and the Rotary organization around the world.” Hiatt has been a member of the Concord Rotary Club since 1998, and is a past-president and Paul Harris Fellow. He is also a past-president of the Lake Hickory Rotary Club. Hiatt added, “I appreciate that the Mayor and City Council and my family have supported my involvement in Rotary. I am particularly proud that the Concord Rotary Club, although 90 years in age, still visibly impacts our City through community service projects.” Active in the community, Hiatt serves as president of the Academic Learning Center and is on the board of directors for the Cabarrus Economic Development Corporation and the Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County. He is a past-president of the United Way of Cabarrus County board of directors, and served as the chairman of the United Way’s Cabar- rus campaign in 2002. He is also a former board member of Hospice of Cabarrus County. Brian Hiatt He is currently the president-elect of the North Carolina City and County Management Association. Hiatt was a member of the NC League of Municipalities board of directors from 2004 through 2008 and now serves on its general government legislative action committee. Hiatt has served as Concord's City Manager since 1998. He came to Concord from Hickory where he served as Assistant City Manager for over 10 years. Brian is married to Julie, and they have two children, Andrew and Erin.


Distinguished Rotarians

Concord Afton Sunset

A graduate of Christian Brothers College in Memphis, Tennessee, Larry began a career over 35 years ago as a tennis instructor. Even- tually he ventured into the “real” work world in the business of institutional brokerage. He now works for Duncan Williams, where he is dedi- cated to assisting others both personally and professionally. As at his work, Larry has truly exemplified “Service Above Self” in the com- munity with his tireless efforts in assisting in the opening of the Cabarrus Spay and Neuter Clinic and more recently in the chartering of the Rotary Club of Concord Afton Sunset. He has been an invaluable asset in membership devel- Larry Dickerson opment and promotion. Residents of Concord, both Larry and Bonnie, his wife of 30 years, along with their son Charles are charter mem- bers of the club. Davidson Ellen has been a wonderful addition to the Davidson Club. She brings leadership, struc- ture and an all around willingness to get things done. She has a genuine desire to help others. I have enjoyed getting to learn more about her and working beside her as we try to make things better in our community and world-wide, one step at a time. —Natisha Rivera-Patrick, Pres.

Ellen Donaldson


Distinguished Rotarians

Gaston Breakfast Magie DeShon has been a member of the Gas- tonia Breakfast club since April, 2010. She quickly settled in and had a strong desire to be involved. Magie has been the leader for our monthly Sunday morning breakfast that we provide to the Salvation Army residents. Not only has she flawlessly organized this project and is on site every month, she participates as a cook or a server whenever there is a need. Magie has opened her home for fellowship, and we most recently inducted a new member at her home. Her answer is always "yes" when- ever she is asked to help out in any way. Her smile and her gentle spirit are contagious, and she not only is a member of our club, she is Magie DeShon truly a Rotarian.

Gastonia Former State Master Councilor of the Order of DeMolay in NC, 1972 Former International Congress Secretary of DeMolay International, 1973 Former Chapter Dad and Chair of the Advisory Board of the Gastonia Chapter, Order of DeMolay Member of Holland Memorial Masonic Lodge # 668, Gastonia, NC since 1974 Enjoys walking, golf and Beach Music Married to Candy Rapier since 1974 Two daughters - Mary Catherine Grooms of Gastonia and Courtney Renee Grooms, currently residing in Boston Worked in the Grooms’ family business, United Electronic Supply then JMT Automation & Controls, Inc., Gastonia, from 1971 to 1997 when it was sold to The Cross Company. Past President of the Carolina’s Chapter of NEDA, National Electronic Distributors Association, 1977 Tim now works with TriVita, a health and wellness company based out of Phoenix, AZ Member of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church since 1975. Activities there include serving: Currently serving as chair of Ushers and Greeters Activities within the Episcopal Diocese of Western NC include serving on the Board of Directors of Lake Logan Episcopal Center, the Board of Advisors for Lake Logan Episcopal Center, and the Episcopal Foundation Served on United Way fund drive Former member of the Board of Directors of both Gaston Skills and With Friends in Gastonia Past Chair of Gaston Together Tim Grooms Past Chair of Gaston Chamber of Commerce Former member of Board of Directors of Covenant Village Retirement Center, Gastonia Former Chair of the Board of Advisors, First Union National Bank, Gastonia Former Chair of The Gastonia Civic Center Committee, a mayor’s task force, 1991- 1995


Distinguished Rotarians

Gastonia East I had the pleasure of assisting our rotary club serve dinner to the children of the boys and girls club of greater Gaston. The dinner consisted of a hot chick fil a sandwich in a foil bag, carrots, chips, and a cookie for dessert along with drinks. The sandwiches were donated by Luke Ellington a member of our club who owns one of the local chick fil a stores. On this occasion Luke provided 75+ sandwiches. While watching the children receive their meal I noticed a little boy carry place his sandwich in his book bag. I was told that it was not uncommon for a child to take food home for a sibling or to eat later when they were hungry. In fact this particular child did it often. From that moment on, I would never think of a chick fil a sandwich in a foil bag in the same way. It struck me how impor- tant it was to the children. What an impact Luke's contribution of these sandwiches means to children living in poverty. The amazing thing is that Luke has given thousands of sandwiches to children and adults in need. What a difference he has made in providing one of our most basic needs to these children. Thank you Luke Ellington. - TJ Solomon, II

Luke is a graduate of Wake Forest University (1991). Married to Terri Luke Ellington Moten Ellington, wife of 19 years, and father to Anna, Clara, and Sam- uel. Franchise Owner and Operator of Chick-fil-A at Westfield Eastridge since 1993. Member of Gastonia East Rotary Club since 1993. Currently serves as an Elder at Gaston Community Church, and a Den Leader at Cub Scout Pack 4. Gastonia Evening The Gastonia Evening Rotary was chartered March 2011. Karen, a charter member, is 2nd term Sergeant at Arms and is an enthusiastic member always eager to be a part of our clubs service to the community. Chair of the Fundraising Committee she encouraged -3- Gas- tonia clubs to join forces for a successful New Year’s “Party with a Purpose” . We have high hopes that this event will continue for years to come allowing us to con- tinue to do our part to eradicate Polio. For this reason and others she was awarded the Distinguished Service Award. The club also honored her with the Paul Harris Fellow Award.

Karen, (AAI) Accredited Advisor of Insurance is a Prop- Karen Guffey erty, Casualty and Life Insurance Producer with Watson Insurance Agency Gastonia NC specializing in Executive Accounts. Karen is currently engaged to Paul King and co-owner of King Sporting Goods.


Distinguished Rotarians

Greater Statesville Renee Edwards just retired from the Iredell – Statesville School System where she most re- cently was the Director of the Prime Time for Kids program. Married to Tom Edwards. Renee and Tom are moving to the beach and she will be looking for a new club. Renee has served as 2008/09 President 2007/08 President Elect 2006/07 Club Treasuer 2005/06 Club Secretary 2004/05 Club Secretary 2003/04 Club Secre- tary. She has 9 years of Perfect Attendance. She has been awarded the Service Above Self Award and the Paul Harris Fellow award by the Greater Statesville Club.

Renee Edwards

Hamlet Reba has been a member of Hamlet Rotary for 13 years. This is the third time she has been elected Distinguished Rotarian by our club members. She has been a past recipient of our club’s 4-Way Test Award. Reba is our club President this year. She has been our CART Secretary for 10 years and chairman of the Richmond County Christmas Parade, sponsored by Hamlet Rotary for the last 4 years – a HUGE responsibility! Reba was born and raised in Richmond County. She has a passion to give back to her community and feels her service in Rotary ex- pands her opportunities to serve mankind. She has two grown children and three grand- Reba Dille children. Reba is the Financial Center Leader of BB&T in Hamlet.


Distinguished Rotarians

Kannapolis Mr. Kincaid was elected to Kannapolis City Council in November 2011 after being appointed to fill a vacant seat in 2010. His current term expires in 2015. Mr. Kincaid and his wife Teresa have owned and operated Caremoor Retirement Center since 1993.

Mr. Kincaid has long been active in the local community. For the past 15 years, he has been a member of the Kannapolis Rotary, of which he has served as Past President as well as a Paul Harris Fellow. Tom Kincaid was very instrumental in getting Kannapolis Rotary Club “Rotary Hall” in Kannapolis as the official meeting location in Kannapo- lis. Kannapolis Rotary won many awards under his leadership during 2010-2011. He has also served on the executive board of the ARC of Cabarrus County, on the executive board of the North Carolina Long Term Care Association and as an elder at Bethpage Presbyterian Church of Kannapolis. Mr. Kincaid presently serves as the City’s representative on the NCDOT Technical Advisory Commit- tee, Kannapolis Educational Foundation, and Arc of Cabarrus County. Tom Kincaid Mr. Kincaid holds a certificate and licensure in long-term care admini- stration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In addi- tion, he studied cardiopulmonary medicine at Wake Forest’s Bowman Gray School of Medicine. Kings Mountain Brenda Lovelace is a seven-year member of the Kings Mountain Rotary Club, most recently serving as Chairman of the Service Projects Committee. This year in that capacity, she led the club to implement a new Rotary Logo Back Pack Project, which provides food every weekend for forty children in elementary school who would other- wise go hungry. Brenda has secured wide-spread club member support, community volunteer support, as well as District funding via a District Simplified Grant for this worthwhile project. Her goal for next year is to extend the Back Pack Project to 100 elementary school students in Kings Mountain.

Brenda is a Senior Vice President with First National Bank and has been in banking for 46 years. She is a graduate of Bessemer City High School, Gaston College, and the NC School of Banking. She is a member of First Wesleyan Church in Bessemer City, where she serves as the Sunday School Superintendent, a Sunday School teacher, and as a member of the Christian Education Board and the Auditing Committee. She is a past Chairman of the Finance Committee and the Pre-School Board.

Brenda has also been very involved in the Kings Mountain business and civic commu- nity. She has held various positions and been associated with numerous projects for the Kings Mountain Business and Professional Association, Mountaineer Partnership, Chamber of Commerce, YMCA, Communities in Schools lunch buddy program, and the Kings Mountain Little Theater.

The daughter of the late Charles and Laura Neal, Brenda has been married for 44 years Brenda Lovelace to Edward Lovelace. The couple has two children, Todd Lovelace and his wife Kelly, and Erin Lovelace and her husband Daven Hunsicker. They also have three grandchildren, Erin, Samantha, and Luke, and one great-grandchild, Kaytlin.

The Kings Mountain Rotary Club applauds Brenda for her commitment to “Service Above Self” in every aspect of her life!


Distinguished Rotarians

Lake Norman—Huntersville

Kandi Ranson joined the Rotary Club of Lake Norman-Huntersville in 2001. Our club has always benefited from Kandi’s leadership skills and experience. She has selflessly used her vocation to help our club move forward by serving as Treasurer multiple times, and has continuously served as a member of our Signature Fund Raising Event – The Annual Wine Spectacular. Kandi has been a Chair and Co-Chair of our Signature Fund Raiser several times, and for the 2011 event, she stepped up to be the Chair after the selected Chair had vacated their post.

Kandi’s tireless contributions to our club embody “Service Above Self”. Among Kandi’s many accomplishments, she helped not only serving as a club officer (treasurer) and Chair of the Annual Wine Spectacular, but she was also a key contributor to our club gaining its 501c3 status. She is always involved in club projects and making sure that we always keep our pencils sharp on the numbers, not only for the benefit of our club but also our Beneficiaries.

In 2011, the Governor-Elect, Chris Jones, asked Kandi to serve at a few district level posi- tions and she selflessly again stepped up. Kandi serves as the district’s 501c3 treasurer, as the Chair for the District Governor’s Installation Banquet, as the Chair for the District Founda- tion Banquet and has also attended a few District Finance Committee meetings. She accom- plishes all of this while being a partner of one of the area’s leading accounting firms.

In 2004 Kandi was awarded our club’s Distinguished Rotarian, and because of her dedication to Rotary and our club, she has earned this honor again for the 2011-12 Rotary year. Kandi is a Paul Harris Fellow and a regular contributor to the Rotary Foundation.

Kandi Ranson It is the practice for the Rotary Club of Lake Norman-Huntersville to award its Distinguished Rotarian 1,000 Paul Harris Fellow points from the club points and to also offer registration to the District Conference paid for by the club. We thank Kandi Ranson for her dedication and tireless works for our club, Rotary District 7680 and Rotary International. She is a fine example of what being a Rotarian is all about

Marshville Our Rotarian of the year is Mr. J.C. Griffith. He has been a faithful member since it's inception in 1976 and is a Paul Harris Fellow.

JC Griffith


Distinguished Rotarians

Matthews James (Jamie) Justice is the Assistant Town Manager for Matthews, NC. He works with the Town Manager to oversee the functions of the Town Government. The Assistant Town Manager acts in the manager's capacity when the manager is absent. He is responsible for the adminis- trative services of the Town including Finance, Human Resources, Infor- mation Technology, and Risk Management. The Assistant Town Man- ager is also responsible for the Economic Development Program. Jamie Justice joined the Town in 2008. Previously, he had served for 11 years as Town Manager for Mooresville, NC and Troy, NC. Mr. Justice has a B.A. in Political Science from Methodist University and a Master of Public Administration in City/County Management from Appalachian State University. Born and raised in Charlotte, NC, he is married with two children and enjoys playing with his two boys, reading, and all sports.

Jamie joined the Matthews Rotary Club in May of 2009. Prior to joining the Matthews Rotary Club, Jamie was a member of the Mooresville Rotary Club from 2006 to 2008. Since joining the Matthews Club, Jamie has provided leadership to the Club’s Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Auction and has played an integral role in planning and executing the James Justice Club’s Annual Bluegrass Festival and Chili Cook-Off event. Jamie is always willing to lend a helping hand and work with others. He is an exceptional role model for other Rotarians and is truly an example of “Service Above Self”.

Mecklenburg County—South Steve Baune graduated from college with an engineering degree and was recruited by Eastman Kodak to work in their Rochester, New York offices. He received his MBA from Rochester Institute of Tech- nology while working for Kodak. He spent 27 years working for Kodak and took an early retirement from the company in 1998 finishing his career there as the General Manager and VP of U.S. Consumer Sales.

He and his wife moved to Charlotte in 1998, and he became CEO of Coats North America, a textile company. In 2002, he became Presi- dent of CPAC Imaging, a chemical company based in Atlanta. After taking the chemical company private, it was sold to a competitor in 2010. He joined Gibson Guitar Corp., Nashville, Tennessee, as its President for North America early in 2010 and retired one year later to spend more time with his wife and family in Charlotte....he has 2 married daughters and 6 grandchildren.

Steve joined the Mecklenburg South Rotary Club in May 2011. He is Steve Baune also a volunteer SCORE counselor helping entrepreneurs and is responsible for client education for the Charlotte chapter. He is also a Board member of Beds For Kids, a nonprofit whose mission is to provide a bed and other essential furniture to every child and family in need in Charlotte. 37

Distinguished Rotarians

Mint Hill

Roy Messer

Monroe Jack Hargett, Union County’s 2011 Man of the year is the owner of Long Wiring Co., Inc. based in Monroe. Jack is a life-long member of the Central United Methodist Church in Mon- roe. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees. He has served on the Capi- tal Improvement Building Committee, and was the Middle School Sunday School Teacher and Youth Counselor. For many years Jack has been active in the community and continues to be today. He is a current member of the Monroe Rotary Club where he served as President in 2009-2010 and was the Club’s Rotarian of the Year that same year. Jack is also involved in many other community activities including serving as Vice-Chairman of the Union Academy Foundation Board of Directors, Chairman of the Union Academy Foundation – Phil Hargett Memorial Fund, and Chairman of the Union Smart Start Board of Directors. He served as Vice-Chairman of the Union County Community Shelter Board of Directors (2006-09) and currently serves on the Facilities & Finance Committee. He serves on the Rolling Hills Country Club Board of Directors (2005-08) and is currently serving on the Rolling Hills Long Range Planning. Jack serves on the Carolinas Electrical Contractors Association (CECA) Board of Directors and as Vice-Chairman of the CECA John Moore Electrical Assistance Fund. He is a member of the Union County Chamber of Commerce and currently serves on the Executive and Finance Committees. Jack also serves on the Union County Community Foun- Jack Hargett dation Board of Directors, the Citizens South Bank – Union County Advisory Board and the United Way – Union County Campaign Committee. Jack is married to his wife Carrie and they have 4 children. He enjoys coaching his childrens’ sports activities, attending his childrens’ sporting and dance events, the occasional round of golf and working in the yard.


Distinguished Rotarians

Monroe—Union Breakfast "Service Above Self" is more than just a motto, it is a way of life. No one epitomizes this more than Gary Bodford. He gives of his limited time and makes that limited time available to anyone in need. He has acted as an advisor to help resur- rect the Rotaract Club on the Wingate University campus. That club in the last three months caught on fire and has accepted almost one hun- dred applications for membership. He serves at every Rotary function that we have, serves on the Board of Directors, and multiple committees. When we lost our President Elect last Decem- ber, no one would step up to take that posi- tion. Having served just two years ago as our Club President, Gary again put his service to Ro- Gary Bodford tary ahead of his personal life and became our President Elect. I am truly blessed to have him as a friend and Rotary is fortunate to have him as a member.

Mooresville Brenda Hawkins has been a Member of the Mooresville Rotary Club for three years. She has served as Club Secretary and will become Presi- dent Elect in July.. She has participated in all of the Chili Cook-offs which were sponsored by Mooresville area Rotary Clubs and she sold ice cream at the Duck Race. Brenda has been an acrtive supporter of the Rotary Farmers Market in Downtown Mooresville and has helped it grow in recent years.. She demonstrates the four way test on a daily basis. Brenda is not just an active participant in Rotary, she is distin- guished by her attitude. She is always positive, energetic and enthusi- astic. Her involvement in volunteer activities in the Mooresville commu- nity brings recognition to the Mooresville Rotary Club and to Rotary International. Brenda is married to long time Rotarian Rich Hawkins, who is also very active in volunteer activities in the community. Brenda is the Founder and President of Speakability. She has a BA in Speech Correction from Greensboro College and a Master’s Degree in Speech-Language pathology from South Carolina State College. She is an active practicing speech pathologist with over 17 years experience Brenda Hawkins in clinic, school, hospital, and home settings. Brenda is member of the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) with a Certificate of Clinical Competency in Speech Pathology, a member of the North Carolina Speech-Language and Hearing Association, and licensed by the NC Board of Examiners in Speech-Language Pathology.


Distinguished Rotarians

Mooresville—Lake Norman

Cotton Ketchie, a Paul Harris Fellow, joined Rotary in 1994 and served as Sergeant of Arms for many years. He has since participated in many district functions and graduated from the Rotary Leadership Institute in 2011. He is currently serving as president of the Mooresville/ Lake Norman Rotary Club and has strived to make belonging to Rotary fun for its members. A goal during his presidency is to get more club members involved on the district level and for future leaders to attend RLI. A large group of the Mooresville/Lake Norman Club attended and manned a booth at the District 7680 Duck Race. He has also been working hard to encourage his members to attend the District Conference in Asheville. Cotton attended the Foundation Banquet in November where he served as official photographer for the event. He is quick to let members know that in order to find out what Rotary is all about; one has to be more involved in their own club and also attend District functions. Cotton gives much credit to Karen Shore, Bob Wilson, and Dick Skaff of the Mooresville/Lake Norman Club, and to Mark Markanda and Allen Langley on the District level for making Rotary one of the priorities in his life. Cotton’s classification is Artist and he was selected as the featured artist for the 2004 North Carolina Governor’s Conference on Tourism. This event honors North Carolina artists for their contribution to art reflecting the culture and heritage in our state. In 2001, he received the Order of the Long Leaf Pine Award from N.C. Governor, Mike Easley. The coveted award is the highest honor presented to individuals who have a proven record of extraordinary service to the state and their community. He has begun a new phase in his professional life. In addition to painting and photography, Cotton is now a published author. He has written four books, two non-fiction ones about growing up in the rural South and two novels. He is currently working on his third novel. Cotton stays very active in his community serving on the Regional Advisory Board of Wells Cotton Ketchie Fargo Bank and the Mitchell Community College Endowment Board of Directors. He has served on the board of directors of SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now) for ten years, past director of the Mooresville/South Iredell Chamber of Commerce, and the Mooresville Tourism Authority. Cotton and his wife, Vickie, own and operate “Cotton” Ketchie’s Landmark Galleries, Inc. in downtown Mooresville. The couple just celebrated their twenty-fifth anniversary. They have five children and nine grandchildren.

Mount Holly The Distinguished Rotarian for the Rotary Club of Mount Holly is Angela Saunders. Angie is currently serving as the Secretary of our club and is doing an excellent job. She has certainly distinguished herself in this role, but her real value to the Rotary Club of Mount Holly is the energy and enthusi- asm she exhibits in all that she does for Rotary. She has taken a key leadership role in almost every aspect of our club this year: Rotary Foundation, Board of Directors, mem- bership growth, attendance, community service, fund raisers, and social events. She has truly exhibited the characteristic of "Service Above Self" as a Rotarian and as a member of her community. Angie Saunders is the Community Office Manager for Community One Bank in Mount Holly. She and her husband Tim reside in Gastonia and have two chil- dren. Rotary is not the only avenue of service for An- Angela Saunders gie. She is very involved in her church - Flint Grove Baptist and is the incoming Board Chair for the Mount Holly Cham- ber of Commerce. It is my pleasure to submit Angie Saunders as the Distinguished Rotarian for the Rotary Club of Mount Holly for 2012. 40

Distinguished Rotarians

North Mecklenburg County Denis became a Rotarian in February 2006, and over the past six years he has served in several leadership positions, including Club President 2010-2011. Under his leadership, the Rotary Club of North Mecklenburg County achieved the District’s highest honor, Best of the Best Club Award. His leadership has allowed our club to accomplish great things in the year he served as President, and beyond. Denis is the President of Aquesta Insurance Services, one of the area’s largest insurance agencies. As a responsible business leader, he has maintained many leadership roles in several civic organizations in our community. In addition to his service to Rotary, Denis currently serves as: - Board Chair of Rotary Club of North Mecklenburg County Foundation - Past President and Board Member of the Denver Area Business Association - Vice Chair of Community Affairs and Board Member of LKN Chamber of Com- merce - Board Member of Mooresville /Lake Norman United Way - Board Member of Big Brothers Big Sisters Big Day at the Lake Denis has been recognized for his civic leadership and involvement with the follow- ing awards: - Rotary Club of North Mecklenburg County Rotarian of the Year 2007-2008 - LKN Chamber Robert T Cashion Business Person of the Year 2008 - Rotary Club of North Mecklenburg County 2010-2011 District Club of the Year The Rotary Year, Denis serves as Past President, which traditionally has been a position of advice with little responsibilities. However, Denis agreed to take respon- Denis Bilodeau sibility for our club’s Vocational and International Service. He has diligently worked in these areas, and has agreed to remain on the board next year as Fundraising Co -Director. Denis continues to demonstrate strong leadership and civic responsibility to those around him, and I believe he has earned the coveted award of Distin- guished Rotarian. North Wilkesboro The Rotary Club of North Wilkesboro has a storied history in our nearly 50 years of service to the Wilkes County area through a myriad of community events and financial contribu- tions, as well as consistent support of The Rotary Foundation. That legacy will no doubt continue thanks to members like Steve Rizoti. From day one, Steve, as the saying goes, hit the ground running at the North Wilkesboro club, and has proved to be a tireless volunteer in many areas. He has been instru- mental in getting materials for our 14-acre fairground’s upkeep at little or no cost, and is just as quick to pick up a hammer or saw, and go to work. In addition to his willingness to do physi- cal work, Steve can always be counted on for events like the club’s annual Christmas party for foster children, where the kindness in his eyes speak volumes about the man. Steve Rizoti even took on the daunting task of helping to revise the club’s by-laws and is a hands-on, active chairman of the Mem- Steve Rizoti bership Committee. He is an honest businessman, has a truly beautiful family, and the Rotary Club of North Wilkesboro is proud and fortunate to have him as a member. And prouder still to name Steve Rizoti as this year’s Distinguished Rotarian.


Distinguished Rotarians

Rockingham .

Anne Edwards

Rowan County Jerry is a graduate of South Rowan Senior High School and Catawba College. He served our country in the US Army. And for the past 43 years Jerry has been a CPA at Sherrill & Smith CPA. For Rowan Rotary, Jerry is a charter member and has had perfect attendance for 18 of our 25 year existence. It is this type of faithfulness that demonstrates Jerry’s high level of commitment to the Rotary principles. During this time Jerry has provide steady, strong leadership for club projects and caring friendship to our members. Jerry led our club’s Homeless Shelter service project for the past 12 years, organizing membership duties and assign- ments. This service project feeds and brings a sense of comfort to hundreds of the homeless living in our commu- nity. Jerry faithfully serves on all our service projects and frequently is one of the last members to leave to be sure that the project leaders always have adequate support, even to the last minute when other help seems to drift Jerry Freeman away. Jerry’s leadership roles have included many terms on the Rowan Rotary Board of Directors. Jerry and wife Rickie live at 180 Bost Street, Mooresville, NC. 42

Distinguished Rotarians


Reid Leonard

Shelby A member of Shelby Rotary Club since 1979, Joe Ogburn is a Paul Harris Fellow and Sustaining Member. Joe is one of the members that steps forward to volunteer for everything. So far, in 2011-12 he has been a participant in housing and hosting the GSE team, World Series Team host, Habitat for Humanity homebuilder, Rotarians at Work at the Fair, Tailgate for Children’s Home and YSE students from 7680 district at GWU, Bell Ringing for Salvation Army. In addition to these service activities, he took on the role of Club Treasurer 2010-2011 and has now signed up for another term in 2011-2012. The reason for this nomination is really the behind the scenes work Joe has done in our Youth Study Exchange. Since 2003, he has served in a key leadership role within a group of our members and community citizens committed to assuring an excellent experience for incoming exchange students. The club has been the host for 10 in-bound students in the past 10 years. The club has also hosted 11 outbound students in the past 10 years. Joe has taken the lead in finding homes, coordinating district activi- ties, rides to conferences, RI trips, allowance, all the insurance, hospital bills, assuring compliance with club requirements, counseling, etc. His expertise with details and organizational skills has also created a best Joe Ogburn practice for any Club Treasurer, specifically in the areas of in reimburse- ment for expenses, collecting dues, strategic planning that includes a financial forecast and managing within budget. We are pleased to nominate him as our Distinguished Rotarian of the Year for the Shelby Rotary Club.


Distinguished Rotarians

Shelby Breakfast Patti loves Rotary for what it stands for and for everything that Rotary does in the World!

She is always thinking about what she and our Club can do to support all of the things that Rotary promotes. Patti and her husband were at the Duck Race on the River last Fall and helped serve hotdogs and hamburgers which was our club’s fund raiser for this event; she encouraged our entire club to attend the Charlotte Clubs’ group meeting when our International President, Kalyan Banerjee, was speaking, she attended the District conference in 2011 and was a great representative of our club. She was responsible for taking the silent auction gift, and also participated in supporting this fund raiser. Patti has attended most of the mini District conferences held around the District in order to learn more about membership and her responsi- bilities in our Club. At every club meeting she attends she is always encouraging all of us to become more involved in the projects we have on-going. She encouraged a program to celebrate the 107th birthday of Rotary in February, and brought the ‘BIRTHDAY CAKE’.

Patti has also taken on the roll of Community Service & Club Service Projects chairperson for the next Rotary year, 2012 – 2013. Patti was the Membership Chairperson for Shelby Rotary Breakfast Club for the current Rotarian Year. Patti has regularly attended the monthly meetings of SRB Club, and offers very thoughtful suggestions as to the handling of personnel issues that have come up from time to Patti McMurry time.

Patti works at Hospice of Cleveland County, and has been there for several years. The caring attributes that she uses in her daily work, are most definitely reflected in her personal contributions to Rotary, and her understanding of what Rotary means to the world. Southwest Cabarrus Marion’s commitment to service above self has benefited his club, his profession and his commu- nity. Marion has served in many roles for the Ro- tary Club of SW Cabarrus. Whether the task was training new Rotarians, leading the club, selling tickets or simply telling a joke that makes the whole club blush, Marion’s dedication and pas- sion are always evident. In Marion’s professional life he is a Professional Land Surveyor registered in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Missis- sippi. His family consists of his 3 boys, Justin, Brian, and Adam and a new daughter in law, Lau- ren. He currently serves as Vice President of the North Carolina Society of Surveyors. He serves on the council of Mount Hermon Lutheran Church Marion Sandlin and is a Past President of the council. He is a member of the Cabarrus County Building Industry Association and has served on their board. He is one of the owners of CESI in Concord, N.C.


Distinguished Rotarians

Statesville Layton Getsinger has steadfastly served his community and his country as a career Naval aviator and Vietnam War veteran. Following his military career, Getsinger served as associate vice chancellor for Ad- ministration and Finance and executive director of Business Services at East Carolina University. After leaving ECU, Getsinger took over as Chief Operating Officer of CopyPro, Inc. Concurrent with his profes- sional career, Getsinger also found time to volunteer for the University and served as chair of the Alumni Association in 2005. Getsinger has been recognized over the years for his leadership and courage, which include receiving the City of Greenville Certificate of Appreciation for services rendered during a hostage situation; induction into the 2000 George Whitfield Hall of Fame in 2000 and Phi Kappa Phi Honor Soci- ety in 2006, named a 1999 Outstanding Alumni Award recipient, named in Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities and Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals, as well as numerous commenda- tions for his military career. Layton is a member of Rotary International, Statesville Rotary Club, and has served for several years as Club Secretary. A Paul Harris Fellow, Layton Getsinger his service to the Rotary Club has been outstanding, he doesn’t hesitate to volunteer his time, talents and expertise. He has made a tremendous effort toward marketing the Rotary Club, diligently submitting new mem- ber news, guest speaker reports, and fundraising event updates to local media. Layton lives with his wife, Jane, in Statesville, North Carolina. Statesville/Fourth Creek Diane Davis has been a member of The Rotary Club of Statesville / Fourth Creek since 2006. She is a senior financial plan- ner for Wealth Plan Financial Partners of Davidson NC, and is a graduate of Wake Forest University. She is a member of Fourth Creek’s Board of Directors, serves as the treasurer of the Laura Laws Memo- rial Golf Tournament, and is the editor of Fourth Creek’s weekly bulletin. Diane is an outstanding Rotarian, and truly exempli- fies “Service Above Self.” In the words of one of our members, “I have watched Diane Davis Diane work tirelessly in the background to make sure our projects are successful.”


Distinguished Rotarians


Dana Benfield

The Jeffersons


Distinguished Rotarians

Top of the Lake—Mooresville Gary Applegate has been a Rotarian since 2009. Since joining, Gary has been instrumental in supporting fundraising including a co-chair of the Top of the Lake Road Rally in the 2010-2011 Rotary year. He has participated fully in committee work including his leadership of the Vocational Committee this 2011-2012 Rotary year. His accomplishments include: Personally hosting a Rotary Youth Exchange Student Supporting Two Inbound RYE Students Encouraging and facilitating two outbound RYE student ex- changes Implementing a new Interact Club at Pine Lake Preparatory School Sparking Rotary involvement in the Town of Mooresville Sister City exchange Overseeing the activities of the Lake Norman Interact club ensuring their participation in the TOL Rotary Events Conducting Vocational Tour in Mooresville Connecting Interact and the Mayor's Council for Youth Gary Applegate Planning to implement new Signage for the City of Mooresville Celebrating Rotary. Gary, his wife Laurie and their two children, Conor and Emily, live in Mooresville.

Troutman Geni O'Toole is a charter member of The Rotary Club of Troutman, one of the "core four" people who persevered to establish a new Rotary club in the very small town of Troutman, NC. The Troutman club owes its very existence in large part to Geni's creativity and tenacity, for, if it were not for Geni's participation, this club may not have chartered. Chartering is just the beginning of her legacy of work on behalf of the club. Under the new Rotary Club Leadership Plan, Geni served as the club's Public Rela- tions Chair until this Rotary year. Geni has devoted countless hours and resources to the task of publicizing The Rotary Club of Troutman through various media, and created numerous Rotary identifiers for club sponsored events. Driven by her desire to support the club's focus on improving the lives of children within the community and abroad, Geni applies tireless effort to all Rotary events, virtually insuring their success. In addition to Troutman's messaging, Geni currently serves as Marketing Chair for the annual Great Chili Cook-Off, a joint effort driven by the Rotary Clubs of Mooresville, Mooresville-Lake Norman, Mooresville-Top of the Lake and Troutman. She creates and provides web, print and social media content for the Chili event; the quality of her work is exemplified in her award-worthy Chili logo used to identify the event this past Fall. Geni also works on material at the Disrtrict level, with her latest contribution in this arena, that of the new district logo for Seminar for Tomorrow's Leaders (SFTL). Geni O'Toole's skills and expertise as a creative marketer are not without precedent. Geni is a principal of OLA Design Works, an award winning marketing agency for “Living Smart” products and services. Geni defines the “Living Smart” concept as that which promotes physical, fiscal, social and environmental health. In her vocation, her Geni O’Toole experience positioning small businesses and Fortune 500 Companies has given her the insight into how best to promote Rotary and it’s mission. Residents of Troutman, Geni and her husband Keith enjoy renovating old homes and spending time on the lake. She also experiences great joy and satisfaction just digging in the dirt - hoping something will grow .


Distinguished Rotarians

Union West (Indian Trail)

Shelley DeHart is a native Californian proud to call North Carolina home. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Masters in City Planning from San Diego State University. For over 15 years, she has dedicated her professional life to public service working in local government. She moved to the Charlotte area in 2003 and has worked with the Town of Indian Trail almost eight years. She is currently the Planning Direc- tor for the Town of Indian Trail. Shelley is a Member of the American Institute of Certified Planners and has been a member of Union West Rotary for over three years. The last two years she has served as Public Relations Chair for Union West Rotary. Shelley has been married for 18 years to her wonderful husband Shelley DeHart Mark. Together they have a son, Mitchell and a fat Jack Russell Terrier, Abby. She enjoys spending time with her family and handcrafting jewelry.


Todd Moore


Distinguished Rotarians

Waxhaw—Weddington Mike has been in the financial services industry since 1994. As a member of the Biedrycki Sulli- van Wealth Management Group, Mike is a cli- ent liaison and relationship manager. He is skilled at identifying and coordinating the deliv- ery of the Merrill Lynch resources that are most likely to fulfill clients’ goals and objectives. Mike finds it rewarding to be an integral part of the financial lives of clients and their families. Mike graduated cum laude from Indiana Uni- versity of Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s de- gree in Business Management. He is a board member of the Waxhaw-Weddington Rotary Club and is on the American Cancer Society Michael Lanphier Leadership Council. He is also very active in the community and is a volunteer for numerous nonprofit organizations. Mike and his wife, Cyn- thia, live in Waxhaw, North Carolina, with their daughter West Stanly Fran is a charter member of the Rotary Club of West Stanly. He has been active in the club since its inception and is instru- mental in the success of our annual golf tournament which raises funds for our college scholarships each year. Fran works tirelessly within the community to recruit new members for our Club and is always willing to step in and help with any need that the Club has. Fran is a devoted husband and father. He is married to Sheila and has two wonderful children, Bran- don and Heather. Fran has made his career in the insurance industry where he has worked for over 30 years. Fran has served on the board and has been chairman of numerous local organizations such as IFPAC and National Association of Insur- ance and Financial Advisors. Fran has been involved with the NC Department of Transportation’s “Adopt a Highway” program for over 15 years. He delivers meals twice monthly to the elderly in his community through the Meals on Wheels program in Stanly County. Fran is a strong member and part of Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT). He volunteers a good amount of Fran Albritton his time to this foundation. (The MDRT Foundation is the phil- anthropic arm of MDRT. Since its formation in 1959, the MDRT Foundation has granted more than USD 26 million to charitable organizations serving people in 67 countries and all 50 U.S. states). 49


Please Thank our Friday Dinner Sponsor $2000

Bill and Georgia Belk

Best Wishes for a FANTASTIC conference!


Please Thank the generosity of our $1500 donor


Please Thank our Saturday Breakfast Sponsor—$1000


Please Thank our Governor’s Reception Sponsor—$750 Rotary Club of Charlotte South

Mailing Address 11828 Hawick Valley Lane Charlotte, NC 28277

Meeting Address Zebra Restaurant 4521 Sharon Road Charlotte, NC 28211


Please Thank our $500 Sponsors

Silent Auction Table Sponsor

Thursday Night Dinner Sponsor

Breakouts Sponsor Luther & Sandra Moore

Congratulations and Best Wishes for 2011-2012 From Luther & Sandra Moore District Governor Nominee Assistant Governor for Area 4 Serving the Rotary Clubs of Charlotte-Evening, Charlotte, Charlotte-South, Charlotte-East, Charlotte-South Park, Meck. County South.


Please thank this $250 Sponsor:

Please thank these $100 Sponsors:

Ineke Van der Meulen 704-905-5002

In-House Field-Trips: Africa-Australia-China- Ecuador Egypt-Haiti-India-Italy -Mexico Native American- Netherlands-Peru


Please thank these $100 Sponsors:

Please thank these $50 Sponsors:


Please thank our $20 Business Card Sponsors:


Please thank our $20 Business Card Sponsors:


Please thank our $20 Business Card Sponsors:


Please thank our $20 Business Card Sponsors:


Please thank our $20 Business Card Sponsors:


Please thank our $20 Business Card Sponsors:


Please thank our $20 Business Card Sponsors:


Please thank our Registration Sponsor


Rotary District 7680 Mt. Kilimanjaro Climb to End Polio April UPDATE

Rotarians from District 7680 will climb Mt. Kilimanjaro September 10-15, 2012. We will be the first US Rotarians to summit the peak as a group. Paired with the Kili climb will be a local walk at Crowders Mountain State Park on September 15, 2012. Macon Dunnagan (Charlotte-South) will lead the Kili climbs. We are very excited to announce that 31 Rotarians are currently signed up to participate in the wonderful event to help rid the world of Polio. Each climber has committed to raise at least $3,000 toward Rotary’s signature project to End Polio Now. There are openings for climbers. website communicates the progress of the climbers fund- raising activities, with each climber having their own page to personalize and distribute to prospective donors. Rotarians are encouraged to show support and “LIKE US” at!/groups/122613807853512/ AND!/pages/Push-for-the-PEAK/216007738483055

Each Rotary club in the District has been asked to pledge $250 to have their name listed on the light-weight banner that will be carried to the summit and included in the memorable photograph with the successful climb. Clubs should show their support of climbers by sponsoring individual climbers.

T-Shirts are available for sale at the conference. Visit the Mt. Kilimanjaro booth to obtain your Polarmax t-shirt for $25. Cash, Check, and PayPal accepted.

Individual sponsorships contain the following levels and are available through September 2012: Level 5 - Top Peak – Uhuru - $500 (Picture of Company logo with climber at peak, climber wears Company logo on backpack & Sponsor gets t-shirt) Level 4 - Kibo Huts - $250 (climber wears Company logo on back- pack & Sponsor gets t-shirt) Level 3 – Third Cave - $150 (Sponsorship includes t-shirt) T-Shirt sales - $25/Polarmax t-shirt with Kili climb


The Rotary 7680 Kili Climbers wish to thank these corporate sponsors: Irwin Belk Foundation Aetna Rotary Club of Charlotte Towers Perrin Charlotte-South Rotary Club Aon-Hewitt Consulting CapTrust Grant Thornton National Gypsum Jesse Brown’s Outdoors Shelby Breakfast Club Peak 10 Data Center Solutions Rotary Club of Gastonia East Artisan Graphics Wells Fargo Insurance Services

Sponsorships are still available. Levels correspond with stopping points on Mt. Kili. Available levels are: Level 5 - Top Peak – Uhuru - $5,000 Level 4 - Kibo Huts - $2,500 Level 3 – Third Cave - $1,500 Level 2 – Second Cave - $750 Level 1 – Simba Camp - $500

To confirm your limited availability sponsorship, please contact your local climber or Sponsorship Committee: Joni Stanley, Ineke Van Der Meulen, Bob Wilson, and Justin Whitesell.

Each climber is available to be guest speaker at your club meet- ings to encourage support around the District. Just ask them about it!

If you are interested in participating in either Kili climb, there are oppor- tunities. Contact Janet Newton at 704.616.0908 (cell) or JMNew- [email protected] to put your name on either list.

T-Shirts are available for sale at this confer- ence. Visit the Mt. Kilimanjaro booth to obtain your Polarmax t-shirt for $25/each and sup- port the Kili climbers.