Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1981 Daily Egyptian 1981 4-22-1981 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 22, 1981 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1981 Volume 65, Issue 139 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 22, 1981." (Apr 1981). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1981 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1981 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Unforeseen 'twist offate' led to new posts for Somit's wife 8v Sol.~an :\lillPr Bt'fore C01 'I~ to SIl'. Post :'olar~lX'nte, is an amateur ~~w, ":dilor malntamed a music career painter. that Included travling Tht' st'cond of three At tht' i1g1' of SIX. :-oiora Post throughout f:urope. and childrt'n, Post began her knl'W that she would pia) plaYl'd With stJ('h symphomes musical career at the age of musIc proft'SslOnalh' But the as the San Diego Symphony thret' wht'n her mother coinddl'nl'p IIr 'teaehing and till' Brookh·n Philhar· t'nrolled !ler for pia no lessons. musIc al a tUlin'l'Sllv wht>re momca-ShP has 'taught con· ")Iy motlll'r insisted that ht>r hu... hand. Albert Samit is temporary and baroque oboe all three of h~r children take pr£'Sldmt is a ··twist of fate" at :-oiew York l·mver;'l tv and plano Ie;sons." Post sa id. "In that !'ht> l'Ould not han' for· ~':rk('jty l'niversity o( :"\ew thoS(' day!' lessons were 11.50 st'en t'ach. so we all went and Post. the IIilml' she USt'S Sht' has added not only an that's how It began." professionally. now finds antlqup harpSichord arid a When sht' was about six, hers~1f ID the intNt'st ing chpst full of mstruments to Post dt'cided that music position of comblDi ng her l"niVf'r~ll~ tlouSt'. rut a quiek would he ht>r caree!'. musi('a) cart'eT WIth teaching laugh and ~!: abundance of .,' alwa\'s knew that's what an obo(> dass as a \'lsitIDg energy as wt'll. I wantt'd -to do, I don't think assistant proft'ssor and at'· Post grew up in an arlistic that my parents were in much ling as first lady of SIl··(" atmospht'rt' in Bavshore. ofa position to object because ,Sht> reserves the Mmp :\ora :"\ Y .. wht're her 'father. , was \'ery stubborn," she Somit P{IIt for social oc· Ht'nry Post. dt'signs fur· .;ald. casions.1 Olture Her mother. West: 9 teams to stay in AlA W Daily 'Egyptian By Randy Roguki championships for women. The Staff Wrilel' NCAA does not plan to establish Southern Illinois University a tournament in badminton. Ten of the 11 women's however. so that sport will stay Wednesday. April 22. 1981~\'01. 65. :'-40. 139 at"letics teams appear headed with the AIAW. for at least one more year of competition in the Association Other sports which West will of Intercollegiate Athletics for recommend remain in the Women at a time when many AIAW are track. cross countv comparably-sized schools are gymnastics, softball, fierd Conunoner criticizes Reagan's switching to the National hockey., tennis, golf and Collegiate Athletics sWImmIng. Association. West must let AIAW officials know by May 1 which teams will 'attack' on the environment Charlotte West, women's remain with the AIAW. She athletics director, said Tuesday intends to make recom­ newly generated profits from and and the Student that she will recommend to the mendations to the IAAC on By Joh. Scbn. rntercollegiate Athletics Ad- SUff 'hiler ' oil deregulation in mining in­ Programming Council. He teresta rather thaD oil received ".008 for bis ... ~c.._i"""''''' =:~·1~.Jv~~.~0~ WIIetfIer In r-maI IeehD"e 01' IJl'OCIudioa '-:a_ lIIinIDf .. teams, and lillel, 10, remain Mace. vice ","ideDl for ~-In his lecture, Commoner wHh the AIAW. buroom debate, HIe.....age 01 University relations, :~~:~~:t:;:O:: said the realities 01 a-onomics Barry Commoner is clear. aLco indicate that _ sbouJd rely Basketball will be recom­ West said she expects little Disturbed by the "beligerent their benefit to the nation. but mended for NCAA competition, objection from Mace or the behavior" of the Reagan ad­ rather by their benefit to their more on solar power. He SIIid West said. Volleyball will be IAAC to her recommendations. ministration and unsatisfied stockholders. CommOlle1' said. the laws of supply and demand recommended only if the NCAA She said the women's depart­ with Democratic alternatives. "The issue is not the way in dictate that non-renewable creates a qualifying tour­ the outspoken environmentalist which environmentalists are energy ('osts wj.jl continue to ment has -carefully COI15idered rise as energy supplies nament for Missouri Valley both athlebcs associations in calls for fundamental changes causing trouble with the Conference teams. an unlikely in the priorities of powerful (;S. economic system." said decrease. He said solar power two staff meetings within the does not have this drawback. prospect. accordinl to West. last month, meetings enhanced corporations and the economic Commoner. "The issue is that by a "great divergence" of policies of the U.S. government. the decisions governing the "It doesn't matter how much ". have no indication what­ Speaking to an audience of structure of our E'ntire system or how little solar energy we soever that there will be a opinion which West said exists use," Commo..'lt!r said. ''The in. the department, more U;lln 500 in the Student of production are not made in tournament in volleyball," the interests of the country. but sun will alw.lYs behave the West said, '''Ille NCAA has been Center Monday night, Com· "WomeD's athletics moner said the Reagan ad­ in the interests of profit." same way; it just keeps on rather slow in oIferin1 women's everywhere is in a period of pouring out the energy." championslli.. , .. ministratioD's "attack upon The author of several essavs chaos." West said. ''1'he NCAA environmental qualily" is due and books about environmental Claiming that nuclear power That slowness. West said. to false assumptions in the concerns, Commoner is is expensive, unecessary and encouraged most of the =oa::cw'!:stc;., m.:~~ regarded as one of the leaders unsafe. Commoner advocates women's coaches to side with station." ~=:!~r ~::ic ~~'ed in the environmental the use of solar power directly through wind power and soJar the AIAW. West .... id she and The NCAA made itself at­ 221,000 votes as the 19110 Citizens movement. His lecture, one of the coaches have little in­ Party presidential candidate. several (;arth Week events on collectors, anO mdirectly tractive by relaxing regulations through fuel production. He formation from the NCAA as to for women for a four-year said Reagan is wrong in how women's teams, other than "interim period." West said she believing that productivity wiD ~':J:'i:~~c~l ~: Sft B.-\RRY pale 11 basketball, will qualify for expects most schools, including rise as a result of increased Student Environmental Center national tournaments. SIU-C, to move to the NCAA profits that big corporations within two years. will receive through "We don't know what kind of deregulation of oil prices and qualifying times we would need. But she said that for next year relaxation of environmental whether there would be at least, SIU-C women's teams standards. regional competition or have better chances for post­ Earlier in the day, at a anything," West said. season play with the AlA W, Citizens Party public meeting where they are guaranteed at Jim's Pub in Carbondale, The NCAA cleared the way opportunities for competition in CommOlle1' criticized what he for acceptance of women's state tournaments. sees as the practice 01 allowing sports in January when it bigger corporate profit at the decided to set up national With the NCAA. teams expense of the public. He competing for national likened Reagan to an anti-Robin flus championships are chosen by Hood character who steals from selection committees. And the poor and gives to the rich. fJode though the NCAA. unlike the During the evening lecture, AIAW, pavs travel expenses for Commoner again stressed the teams selected. SIU -C would connection between energy, the have less hope of acquiring environment and the economy. national recognition, aceordmg "We can deal with the energy to West. crisis while improving the She said the potential for economy and the environment , national exposure could be if we decide at last that this further reduced in the NCAA country should be run in the because limited finances might interest of the people." he said, (illS say. it was whell .om.. •• SUff ,hoto by Ric.. Saal sporu bee......... ar that the force the organization to cut The 64-year-old Commoner back the number of teams in­ said oil companies have already :'\i('"'' .ftidM Ie Itecome the vited to national cham­ Barn Com • ..er. ftlvt ....Rlftltlllitl ...... Ie ....dience of m ... :'\ion-Cb ••vi.lst "'.Ietics shown disregard for national "-see ....... PIOnships interest by iDvestinl tbeir .... :.. .. die .... CellCer ....y iii.... Reagan formally urges News Roundup---. 56 "xpoled 10 tmI1" in Japara TO"'.'t: .AP' "'ir~'·si" ml'n \\I'n' t'xpost'tl to con tal1l1mtro waste in IhI' nudE"ar pOWI'r plant accldl'nl on Ihl' planes sale to Saudis &'a of ,Japan and thl' plant's I'xt'culivl'S may bl' in~ictlod on cnm:nal l'hargl's.
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