Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC December 1979 Daily Egyptian 1979 12-12-1979 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 12, 1979 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_December1979 Volume 64, Issue 72 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, December 12, 1979." (Dec 1979). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1979 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1979 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily 73gyptian Wednesday. December !2. 1m-Vol. 64. No. n Southern Illinois University Gus says wben Maee gets through dlnying up tbe athletics fee. some aibletes wiD be more equal than others. lAC endorses proposed increase in athletics fee By Paula Donner Walter' November board meeting that mentioocd that the Faculty Although Women's Athletics of the Admi"strat:ve and Staff Writer an audit of the athletics Senate asked that the board Director Charlotte West did not Professional Council, all voted The Intercollegiate AthletICS department would be con- delay action unless the increase specifically say she was in favor 1.1 oppose the fee increase "at Committee voted Tuesday to ducted. At that time, Lesar said is supported by a student of the increase, she implied the this time." That motion was recommend that the Sill Board he did not expect the audit to be. referendum. Brown was pdr­ need for it. citing the lil"ited defeated. 6-4, of Trustees apprt've the completed by the December ticipating in the lAC weeling as budget of her program. Brown then made a motion proposed $10 student ~thletiC!l board meetirg. a proxy for GSC representative "Anyone who questions the that the committee ask the fee increase. provided Ui!'t dv" However, Lesar issued a Pat Ostenburg. need (for the increase) hasn't increase oe divided equaily press release late Tuesday Committee action supporting done their homework Last :::.:un~~~ !~~I:i:;nau~~ between tlle men's and women's afternoon in which he indicated the increase was also opposed spring, women made a con­ is completed. That motion was athletics departments. that figures presented to him by . by Chris Eames. a represen­ servative budget request of just defeated, 9-2, with Eames Committee Chairwoman the internal a\idltor support the tative of the Undergraduate over ''800,000. That request was .:asting the other yea vote. Shirley Friend said that the need for the fee in~rease. Lesar Student Organization. not wt at we really needed and In the discussion prior to the recommendation will be for­ was unavailable for comment ''The specific requ'!St (by we got a fraction over $500,000. vote supporting the increase, warded to George Mace, vice on the clarification of this an- Mace) is not backed b~ enough concern was expressed as to the president for University nouncement. specific reason!! for Ute in- During discussion of the other funding alternatives relations. The position taken by the crease. It is too vague and there moti,JO to oppose the increase. available. 1M action, which was passed committee comes two days are other alternatives we can Larry Taylor, associate "We recommended earlier by a 7-4 vote, came after the prior to the December Board of look at," be said. prol!SSOr of English. urged the that all alternatives for the committee defeated two other Truste<"s meeting, at which the At tJMt point, James Walker, committee to take a stand on athletics funding be sought. Mr. motions, one tt' oppose ~ in­ fee is scheduled to come up for a a community re~tative, the Issue. crease and one to recommend vote. questioned Eames status as a "t-.ot tat.Jng a stand. Me way :~~rvo~:~r =~::,S;:: that the board delay ladion until Gary Brown. p!'eSident of the student representative. or ar.other. might be saying to the problem. 'fnat solution an audit of the athletics Graduate' Student Council. the board, 'Do what you wa.,t to needs to be addressed by the department be completed. urged the committee to delay "You only represent 2,000 of do,' • he said. Board of Trustees," said Betty Acting President Hiram action until the audit authorized 22,000 students that cast votes Taylor. Eames, Brown and Mitchell. assistant professor of Lesar announced at the by Lasar is completed. He also for you," Walker said. Tom }icGinnis, represe!'attive English. F-Senate recommends Group seeks camlloigners postponing U:thle~!cs fee lor Kennedy' .. ', By Slwlley 0._ .•... ....i~-'" .Il Eall. II It ltrat ~'If" Matt WrltI!r' - - ,...... ~ . have made a t'eCOmmendatlOft By .Jeffrey Smyth The Faculty SCDate to the board to reject the in- Staff Writer unanimously voted to recom- crease entirely was not passed. The Southern Illinois Citizens mend to the Board of Trustees Aristotel Pappelis. professor for Kennedy is soliciting per­ that it postpone consider.ltion of of botany, said this original sons t6 campaign for the the athletics fee increase until resolution "was bad. Students presidential hopeful in Iowa the student body has a chance to should have a vote in this one. over Christmas m{'ak. ':'he indicate whether it supports the We should keep our nose clean." group wants to stir up interest $10 increase. Derge also said he' felt "un- in Kennedy before the stat£: David Derge, professor of comfortable about this caucus Jan. 22. political science and originatai· re5(.lution. Let's propose a The Iowa DemocratiC Party of the resolutron, said the senate refet-endum to determine what will pay lodging for solicitors, wi" not support the increase atbk.-tics fees are paid and get who will spend a couple of days untJl the students have passed a . out of the business of budgeting canvassing for the referendum indicating support the athletics department. l'ttassachusetts Democrat. for it. The original resolution DavidDerge However the group will not "It seems to me to be the most rejecting the increase was :1!pay transportation or food democratic way to do it," Derge initiated becau.w it was felt the leave school. The senate also decided to costs, according to Southern said. increa:;e would "impinge on -no specifte guidelines were again table the philosopblcal Illinois group chairman Steve The Board of Trustees wiD academic programs,' Faculty outlined . y !ne board to indicate statement of g>!Dera' edUC8Jon Katsinas. consider the increase at its Senate President Lawrence how the m6i1ies will help in the at SIU-C and refer It back to Katsin:!!t said the group does Thursday meeting. ~ said:. "On the face of it, University'S compliance with committee for further not expect a high number of Derge said he was not sure if It IS essentially a student con­ Title IX. clarification. The statement students to participate because the board wiD even look at the cern. but it's clearly an was ori~inally tabled by the of other plans made for the seqate's recommendation at its academic one also." -deficits are not permitted in senate in September. holiday break. So far seven meeting. According to The original resolution would academic departments and Jon Muller, associate people have signed up. Chrisanne Blankenship, vice have rejected the increase on errors in boukkf'eping are not professor of anthropology. said. "Most people will be going president of the Undergraduate the basis that:. allocated additional f~,nds. "The problem iwith the !1Ol11e or have alrea<!y planned Student Organization. it would -coupled With other fee In­ -flO COM"elation can be mule statenent) is quite obvious. :lOmething £':)1" break: Katsinas lake until the middle of creases it may create a for the success of athletiCS Different people reading the said. " It is going to take t'ebroary to initiate such a financial hardship for some programs and alumni con­ statement can come up with two someone wl.o is committed to go referendum. students and force them to tributions. very different interpretations." out and campaign for us. We are not going to get the average (Continued on Page 2) City sets hearing to discuss drinking age Blast rocks this. Watkins said it must By Mary Ann McNulty employed. TI'.e cGmmission The advisory board makes ~fission deflDed tavern as "a liquor recommendations on liquor prohibit 18- to 2O-year oIds fr.. m Soviet Slaff Writer being in bars. The Carbondale City .Council liCt!nse-holding est:JbHshment related issues to the Liquor NEW YORK 4AP} - An which receives over 50 percent Control Commission. which is Archie Jones agreed. saying has schf!duled a public hearing it would be too hard to enforce explosion rocked the Soviet for 7 p.m. Monday in the City of its revenue or income from composed of City Council Mission to the United Nations on the sale of alcoholic the law. which prohibits alcohol Council Chambers to discuss members. consumption. with different age Tuesday night, shattering who will be allowed in Car­ beverages." Councilman Watkins said he groups 10 the bar. windows on both sidPs of the bondale bars come Jan. I. The Carbondale police asked "is in favor of recognizing the block and injuring three police right of those over 18 to work in Mayor Hans Fischer At the Carbondale Liqu<l!' the Liquor Advisory Board to disagreed with council mem­ officers, authorities said. Control Commission ltJeeting recommend that only persons Iiquor-licensed establishments, TlW' blast occurred around 10 but to permit customers bers, saying. "I think it is very Monday, Commissioners Archie older than 21 be allowed to enter difficult to glibly prohibit p.m.
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