THE TROLLEY HOUSE FIRE. THU PEOPLE’S SAY. SCHOOL EXERCISES. FESTIVAL BEGflNS TONIGHT. REBELS ROUTED AGAIN. * —— Electric Light Wires ' Claimed fo Aaburj Park’* Financial Manage­ Programs Will B»fc Bearing Upon A Big Event Witt Be Held at Edu­ Rave Omned the Disaster. m ent. Memorial Day. cational Hall. ’ F o r S a l e ATTACK ON 8AN FERNANDO Janies Gegnan, receiver for the Atlantic Enrron Press:—After all the froth and It has boeu cii'etomary for some years on Tho fair and festival of the Church of the FOR RENT Highlands, Red Bank and Long Branch REPULSED* foam of "economy’’ and ‘‘reform’’ In our the Friday previous to Memorial day, May Holy Spirit will be opened In Educational Electric Railway company, has given it as olty government that has recently been 30, to hold special exercises in the public hall tonight, and will be continued tomor­ AT A BARGAIN hia opinion that the lire which destroyed stirred up in our mldBt by a little clique of schools In commemoration of the annual A Hundred Natives Captured—Ninety row and Saturday evenings. A single ad­ the car house a t Shrewsbury early yester­ alarmists, evidently for political purposes, Decoration day observed by the war vet mission fee of 10 cents will be charged. Killed and Wounded—Lnwton day morning, waa caused by crossed wires. it is refreshing to the taxpayers of this city erans. F O U R (4) OF T H E M O ST Withdraws His Troops to Malolos -Tickets good for the three nights.wlllbe sold A 14 room house with bath, on The trolley current'was turifed off at the to read the report ot the olty treasurer and Tomorrow, thoreforo, these exercises -will for 25 cents. An interesting and entertain After a Most Successful Campaign time, and If the fire can be attributed to the former finance committee, as submitted be held in the various schools of this city one of the best avenues in Asbury of Twenty Days. ing program will be rendered each pvenlng DESIRABLE STORES ON such a cause it must have been due to an at the lost council meeting, which shows and Neptune township. and a very enjoyable time is anticipated. Park. Size of lot 50x150. Let Manila, May 2(7.—A force of Insur­ eleotrlo light circuit. ■ th at ABbury Park has not only been run in The members of C. K. Hall Post, No. 41, The program for tonight will consist of a us show you the property and gents. attacked the outposts one mile It is reported that there was an insur­ a thorough and business-like manner, but will assemble at their i^ooms in .the Mikado piano solo by Miss Mattie Bresnahan; recita­ give you price. MATTISON AVENUE. ' from San Fernando yesterday morning.. ance of $53,000 on the property, and also a that It ih in a Bound and flattering financial building, ggrly tomorrow afternoon, and tion, Susie Kelly; solo, Harry Hurley; reci­ General MacArthur, with two bat- revenue insurance of $10,000. This revenue condition. From this report It Is evident ta.fons of the Montana volunteers,, two Commander John A. Borden will detail tation, Sarah Tansey; piano solo, Viola battalions of the Kansas regiment, un­ Insurance secures to the trolley company that Instead of there being a floating in­ them in squads to visit the different schools. Emmons. A prominent feature of the event Also, desirable furnished houses der General Funston, and two guns of the sum of $100 per day, in case of fire, debtedness of ft 0,000, as claimed by these At the Ocean Grove building ths follow­ will be the first appearance of little Carrie the Utah battery, one Hotchkiss and until such time as the road shall bo again alarmists, there iB not n dollar of actual ing program will be observed: Selection, Frey of Branchport, ali years of ‘age, in tor rent for the season at Asbury APPLY TO one Gatling, moved against the rebels, equipped and In operation, Efforts are floating Indebtedness in the strict sense of orchestra; song. “America,” school; recita­ characteristic specialties, viz: Soldier, Park, ‘Ocean Grove, Allenhurst, who were occupying the trenches va­ now being made to get the rpad In • opera­ that term. In fact, thoro is roally a bal­ tion, ‘‘Memorial Day, *99,” Agnes BedeU; Deal and Loch Arbour. 'V Spanish dance, tamborine dance and negro cated at the fall of San Fernando. tion at once by leasing cars frbm the Atlan­ ance surplus In the treasury. It seems that reading, ‘‘Malsle’s Decoration Day,” Cecil character. Mrs. Grace Rowland will be the ' The Kansas troops deployed to the tic Coast trolley road. i this so-called floating indebtedness on Cottrell; drill by Minute men; recital Ion, right and the Montana regiment to the pianist. The program begins each night D. C. COVERT The car house destroyed was a large which a few self-styled reformers so love to “Blue and Gray,” Lulu Ralnear ; reading, at 8.15.1 extreme left, white the battery forjmed chew, is simply money borrowed In antici­ the of the line. building covering a space 53x185 feet. It “Unclo Dayid’s Brother,” Annfe Ballard; The different booths will be cared for as After an obstinate resistance the ene­ was built abont three years ago and cost pation of unpaid taxes and assessments, “Star Spangled Banner” dramatized by follows: Refreshment table, Misses Cahill Bond St , near Cookman Ave, my retreated. They were- flanked by $18,000. The 16 cars destroyed were all every dollar of which will be met and paid seven little girls; recitation, “Sheridan’s and' friends; fancy table, Misses Coiner, MILAN ROSS AGENCY the Kansas men and driven toward the folly equipped, some .of them having air with these same taxes when they shall have Ride,”. Sarah Tannenbaum; recitation, O’Hagan, Griffin, Heighland; graphophone, Montanas, but escaped, leaving their brakes and all the latest improved appli- been coileoted. I t is a temporary loan that “Decoration Day,” B ettr Woodruff;, song. Mra^Sr^ynn-rpostdfmrerM rar -Itfgrshliffi'; —— ------208' Main'Streetf dead .and wounded behind, ances. The cars ^burned lnclnded-four-f-1wilLbe-otno-bxpeiise-whBtever-tcr an y ta t~ “Flag 'of Free,” school; exercise, “Flags .__JT.he-Aroer4carv-losa-wa*~OT]re“kliled~irnti~ shooting gallery, Frank Flannigau, John 12-bench open cars, one 28-foot center-alsle payer who has already paid his taxes, nor to and Flowers,” second and third grade chil­ Timco; war relics, R. D. Hunter; program, 12 wounded. The FUlplno loss was 30 olosed car with double trucks, (two 18-foot the city in general, ns it will be met entirely killed and 60 wounded. Ninety were dren; selection, orchestra. The exercises Mrs. 8. Flynn; entertainment, Mrs. H. A. taken, prisoners, with 100 stands of regular closed cars, and one i 8-foob com by the delinquent taxpayers in lieu of whose will take place at 2 p. m. Robeno. arm s. ( blnatlon freight and passenger car, which taxes it was borrowed, who will have to pay Numerous articles will be gained by com­ Monmouth Trust KEITH’S EXPRESS Lawton Is at Malolos with practical­ waa used on the Belford last ybar. their bills with Interest in full, otherwise OBITUARY- petition. These articles will be awarded on -AND — ASBURY PARK and OCEAN GBOVH ly his entire command. He la with­ The care oosfc a UtfcLQJtl er $40,000. The they beoome liens on their properties. Nor Satuiday evening. Tfie judges are Harl-y drawing t«*the railroad, as the region is futures of the building ^eluded a steam- will the city lose any interest tn the mean­ Charles Augustus Anmock. J. RockafeUer, James D. Carton, M. Bar­ difficult to hold during the rainy sea­ H otel Brunxwiok, beating plant, a motor for operating a time on this money/as It pays the banks Asbury Park people were shocked this rett and G. W. Thompson. Among the Railroad Depot and son. The roads will be Impassable In a pump, a large amount of ploctrioal wiring, five or five and one-half per cent, on it, morning to learn of the sudden death of Safe Deposit Company few days. competitors for the various articles are the {1214 Bang* Avenue. offloe fixtures, etc. The loss on these Is es­ while it receives six per cent, on all unpaid Charles Augustus Aumock, which occurred PrUcipal Offloe... $....806MAIN STREET As supply bases small garrisons will following: . Honm.uth Building, Aabury Park, If. J. timated at a little over $8,000. taxes. Instead of running behind financial­ at his residence on Cookman avenue. Be­ Goods stored at reasonable rates, control.the navigation at points on the Ladles* Gold Watch—Misses M. Barton, Telephone connection. rivers Rio Grande, Haghag and San The walls of the building are ptill stand­ ly during the lost year, as has been claimed ing ono of the oldest residents of the city he Nv Hunter, A. Campbell, G. Garrity. P. O, Box 087,' .... - ASBUBY PAM , Fernando. ing, but parts of them are liable to fall at by some, we find the city has actually paid was very well known. Mr. Aumock was Ladies’ Wheel—Misses J. Carroll, K. Jones, C APITAL, $100,000. General Lawton has arrived at Malo- any time. The whole Interior Is a mass of all current expenses; has bought and paid about yesterday attending to his usual oc­ M. Bresnahan, M. A. Ieola. SURPLUS, $25,000 los with most of his troops. twisted Iron, melted wire, parts of car $3,800 for the fire engine house lot oorner cupation. He returned “home and enjoyed a Parlor Suit—Mrs. Mancini, Miss J. O’Shea, ills remarkable expedition marched equipment, etc. There will be very little Main street and Asbnry avenue; has paid hearty supper. Later in the evening the Mrs. H. Hurley, Mrs. L. Havens, Mrs. L. 120 miles In 20 days, had 24 fights, cap­ salvage. The car trucks are probably not off tbe net floating indebtedness of $3,002.91, fbmily is said to have enjoyed a lunch, Executes all trusts known to the law. tured 28 towns, destroyed 300,000 bushels Wedel, Miss 8. Walsh, Miss L. Hart. Loans money on bond and mortgage. A GOOD TIME seriously damaged, but moftt of the iron besidos cancelling the $1,000 asset of last after which they retired. Early this morn­ Cane—Messrs. John Garritee, Fred Kur- Receives deposits subject to check snd allows of rice, and only1 lost six men killed aud Interest on dally balances. - f- work can be used only as scrap Iron. The year, supposed to have been due from Nep. ing the deceased awoke, and feeling slcl?i nis, Charles Burney, Robert Peterson, jr., TO HAVE YOUR 31 wounded. Acts as Trustee, Registrar and Transfer Agent General Lawton Estimates that his total value of the building, including bridr, tune township for fire hydrants, and still made his way to the bathroom, where ho John Fay. Pays coupons. Makes demand and time loans on approved troops killed 400 Insurgents and wound­ iron work, car trucks, and everything, as it has a balance of $521.67 in the treasury, was found a few moments later by a mem­ Wheelbarrow—Messrs. R. D. Hunter, A. collateral. Eyes Attended To ed twice as many. lies at present, is probably less than 13,000. with unpaid taxes and assessments enough, ber of his family. He was unconscious at Schmidt, J. Burke, J. Mack, R. Harvey, A. Safe d eposit vaults. An attack on the car house was made lost as before stated, to payoff overy dollar of the time, and assistance was summoned! Xlller Praises Volunteers. VanNote, J. Comer. A. C. TWINING, President. &BNJA.AIIN GLASBR San' Francisco, May . 26.—Brigadier September the intent of which was to rob money borrowed. but he died before aid arrived. Drs. Kin­ Phaeton Buggy—Messrs. James D. Car­ G. B. M. HARVEY, Vice President. the safe. Ibis attach was made about 3 The report la clear and concise, and re­ month and Johnson made au examination, ton, H. J. Rookafeller. BRUCE 3. KEATOR, Secretary. SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN General Marcus P. Miller, who reach­ D. C. CORNELL, Treasurer. ed San Francisco from Manila Monday o’clock In tbe morning which was about the flects great credit on tho treasurer, tho and pronounced apoplexy the cause of Set Dlehea—Mrs. J . C. Garrity, Miss N. FROM VIENNA, AUSTRIA ou the Sheridan, says: "While all the hour the building was burned down yester­ finance committee and the city fathers who death. Mr. Aumock leaves a wife and Kelly, Miss M. Brady, Mrs. J. Flanagan. DIRECTORS: soldiers that have gone to Manila have day morning. Four men were In the gang have managed the business'and tho fi­ daughter to. mourn his loss. The funeral Handsome Doll—Edna Sickles, Helen O. H . Brown, ‘Isaac C, K ennedy Will be at tn store for a short time. H. Buchanou, Henry Mitchell, M. 9.. j done splendid service the Twentieth which tried to rob the car house, and all of nances of our oity so well during the past. announcement will be made later. Taylor, Loretta Adrian, Bertha Murray, *>. C. Cornell, John P. O’Brien, Kansas regiment has achieved the them were masked. Douglas Wolcott, the I Bay It is refreshing to the taxpayers to M ary F. Lishtfoot. W. J. Harrison, Perry R. Smith, Jennie Crossen, May McTague. Col. G. B, M, Harvey, Milan Rosa, CONSULTATION FREE greatest distinction. Next to them 1 night watchman^ was shot at but was not read this clear and luold financial report— should„be Inclined to *>ut the detach­ Mary F.Llghtfpot,proprietor of The Dunes Ton Coal—M1ss Mary Guggin and an un­ George P. Kroehl, A. C. Twining. hit. Charles Morris, a motorman, and especially after the recent outbursts on Bruce S'. Keatair, M. D., H . H . V recian i, ment of the Third artillery. When I at Allenhurst, died early this morning at known. G. D. W. Vroom. arrived In Manila, I applied to General George Gifford, a conduotor, who were “economy” and “reform,” as represented by the hotel. Deceased came down from the Rug — Annie Powers, Mamie Scanlon, Otis for the Kansas regiment, but some sleeping in a car, were tied by the heels to a little coterie of politicians. I have re­ city to superintend improvements to the Minnie McGuire. CLAUDE J. WISEMAN one had got ahead of me. They sent prevent their escape. The robbers got $5 cently noticed several articles by different house and caught cold. She had been III Washboard—Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Murray. FISHING TACKLE tae' tbO'Tennessee regiment instead, and HAND MADE BO DR JEWELER from Gifford and a watch from Morris, but citizens, published in the Press, orltiolslng about ten days, and her death Is reported REPAIRING ON RODS AND REELS I nev*r saw braver fighters. General they afterward gave the watch back. these quasi-reformers on i their ridiculous to have been duo to pneumouia. The re­ BLOOD WORMS 6 4 5 Cookman Avenue. Funston may be kept at Manila for While the robbers weie busy with Gifford methods of economy and reform, hinting TROLLEY EXPRESS. LIVE MINNOWS . many months unless the peacemaking mains will be taken to W est Chester, Pa., 8HEDDER CRABS efforts are successful. At any rate, and Morris, Wolcott got out of the car that there were certain reasons, personal tomorrow for interment. house and gave the alarm. When the rob­ and political for their attitude, and I con They Run on All Stfeet Railways at J- F. SEGER there is small likelihood of his getting "• 1 • Pittsburg, Pa. REMEMBER bers found that Wolcott had escaped they fess after having read over and digested tbe TRAMP AND COW. 647J Cookman A vknub Asbury Park back here when is old command Possibly the greatest advance fn the use 1 FOLDINCT ’ comes. Hi* work wan little short of fled without trying to break, open the safe. faotsas sat forth In this comprehensive re- wonderful." port, that 1 am inclined to believe tbat of the trolley car is at Pittsburg, Pa., S H O T V A P O B Fi/gared in Recent Hold Up of Two where an express company, using specially Olympia Docked Today* COMPANY H ELECTION.. these citizens were correct in their opinion. Yonng Women, These reformers may tool all the taxpayers made trolley oars for transportation, has Hongkong. May 25. — The cruiser The Misses Minute and Kate Conover are begun business. These express cars, which Olympia, Admiral Dewey's flagship, somo ot the time and some of the taxpay­ receiving the congratulations oC->pmny GOME TO LOOK Bath Cabinets New Ovptula And Officers Will Be art dlmllar to trolley mail cars, but with ers all of the time, but they cannot fool all will go into drydock today. She will Chosen This Evening. friends over their narrow escapes while on You need not have any Idea of buy­ The essence of a Beautiful Complexion, probably leave for home in ten days. ... of tho taxpayers all of tbe time. After large sliding doors on the sides, are run on Pleasant. Toning, Cleansing, Invigorating, An*’Important meeting of Company H, the way to Little Sliver, and when return­ all tbe street railroads in Pittsburg and ing In order to know all about our all, the man who first cries "stop thief” Is ing from Long Branch to Red Bank. Their Pianos and their various prices and ' Strengthening. Gift to University of Pennsylvania. Third regiment, New Jersey National Alleghany. The work of receiving and de­ terms. Whether you care to buy or The great cure for Rheumatism. For the man to be watched. Philadelphia, May 25.—Professor Dan­ Guard, will take place at Park Hall at 8 grandfather, Alex Paul, Is a patient at the livering packages is a little slow at the not you get identically the same at­ Obesity there Is nothing compared to the Close Observer. Monmouth Memorial hospital, and they bad tention here. VAPOR BATH. iel G. Brinton, M. D.t S. t>„ professor of o’clock tonight. Tbe printed orders set start, but It Is expected to deliver a pack­ American archaeology and linguistics at forth that the meeting Is called for the fol­ paid him a visit. v If you havo only the remotest OUR SECRET SOCIETIES. age or to receive one and give a receipt for thoughts of some day getting a Piano, DON’T the University of Pennsylvania, has lowing purposes : To answer company roil Miss Minnie was held up by a tramp near it in about the time it takes fora passenger it will pay you to spend half an hour T ry to find some nostrum with which to fire presented to the unlvlrslty his entire call; to receive company orders, and to Elkwood Park, in finding out about qualities and collection of books and manuscript# re­ Disciple,’ Degree, Shepherds or Beth­ to board or leave a car. At the suburban your system, but use the Hygienic VAPOR nominate and elect commissioned and non­ “How dare you hold me up?” she de­ terminals’ of the trolley lines tbe express prices We’ll promise to make it In­ BATH to eliminate the poison already In lating to the aboriginal languages of commissioned officers, consisting of a cap­ lehem, Instituted. manded of the tramp. teresting, your system. North and South America. Dr. Brinton On Tuesday evening last, at the Mikado cars are met by automobile wagons, which Tho more people who visit us, the tain, first and second lieutenants, sir ser­ The tramp for the time being was taken more Pmnos we will sell There Is an • Circulars and testimonials free. has long been one of the foremost au­ bulldlngv Corinthian phnpter, No. 18, Dis­ continue the delivery for miie3 into the thorities on these subjects^ and the geants, six corporals and one lance corporal. back, but Inter demanded hor money. Miss country where the condition of the roadway always-present charm about th© idea ciples’ Degree of tho Shepherds of Bethlo- Conover %vas not born to be scared by a • of having a Piano in one’s home. We working material of his Investigations The orders are signed by First Lieutenant permits. These wagons aro electrically like to fan this spark and keop fanning W . R. HAM, is perhaps the most complete in Exist­ John H. Ryno, who is now In command. hem, was Instituted. Twenty members tramp, and in tho twinkling of an eye she wore Initiated In the degree. The officers charged to run 75 miles, and they travel at —even though the process takes years Druggist and Apothecary, ence. The collection represents a work The election promises to excite consider­ mounted her wheel and was out of reach a rate from 13 to 14 miles an hour. and you pay us a dozen visits In the of 25 years and embraces about 2,000 ti­ able Interest. By rank Lieutenant Ryuo Is are: Chief Magistrate, Jennlo Newman; of her enemy. meauwhile—till eventually you decide tles/ In addition to nearly 200 volumes steward, Susie R. Carrlck; disciple, Maggie _ to purchase. __ -167 Main St. Asbury Park. entitled to the position of captain, but Lieu­ Miss Kate Conover was* heldj up by a Fay us a visit at any time. We like' ot bound and Indexed pamphlets bear­ Praul; captain of host, W illiam H. Huls. britTdle cow at Little Silver. Tlie cow ab­ J . M. RALSTON KESIGNA ing on the ethnology^of the American tenant White has a number of followers it. Our object is to sell Pianos, of who would like to see him elevated;to the hart; scroll keeper, Emma F. Garrigan; solutely refdsed to allow the young woman, course, but wo will only begin to talk Indians. Many of the* manuscripts are tax-gatherer, Priscilla McCall; money position. to pass on her wheel. Jliss Conover jumped City Schools WMl Have New Princi­ business when you say we may. originals, and several are the only cop­ changer, E. Allen Fay; keeper of the gate, ies in existence. There are numerous candidates for the a fence; so did the cow, and the Infuriated pal Next Year. T o L o a n positions of sergeants and corporals, and Rebecca Simpson; waEchman on the wall, beast no doubt would have dqne her injury It will be necessary for tho city board of R. A. TUSTING. M any Baltim ore Saloon* Close. Claude V. Guerin is announced as an~fiBpl- John C. Simpson; elders, William H. Car- had not two neighbors, who witnessed the education at Asbury Park to secure a new $2,500,001 Baltlmofe, May 25.—Five hundred sa­ rant for the vacant He\ftenancy caused by rlok, six months, William J. Newman, affair, come to her aid, principal for our public schools next year, Mattison Av. & Bond St. loons. of Baltimore will quit business. the advancement of one of the present lieu­ twelve months, William H. VnnSant, Prof. J. M, Ralston, the present principal, 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Some of them have already closed their tenants to command. eighteen months. INJURED IN RUNAWAY. having declined reelection to the position. Aabury Park, N. J. 1,500 00 at 5 per cent. doors, and others will follow. The cause The meetings of Alleta Council, No. £0t The state of Prof. Ralston’s health is said to of the great shut down is the determi­ Degree of Pocahontas, will be he|d on Fri­ RED BANK EVENTS. be accountable for his action in declining 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0 nation of the Maryland Brewing com­ day night of each week in Mikado hall, in­ William R. HagermanV Team waa pany, which controls nearly nine-tenths reelection. stead of Monday night, as at present, be' Scared at Elberon. Defective Eyes of the output of the city, to abandon Extensive Program Arranged for William R. Hagerman of Ocean Grove Prof. Ralston has been identified with the ginning June 2. $2,300.00 the practice of paying for salopn li­ Decoration Day. occupied a prominent part la quite a serious city and township schools for about twelve censes in order to force their product Red Bank people will have their time -The Daughters of America will hold a years. When ho first came to this city he Do not always mean defective 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0 on the market. strawberry social ahd dance next Saturday rqnaway accident which occurred yesterday vision. If you have frequent fully occupied Decoration day with the was assistant principal of the township headaches, or are unable to con­ 1*500.00 evening, May 27, in the Appleby building. afternoon. The old gentleman had secured Newfoundland Coast Icebound. various events planned. a spirited team of horses la this city and schools under Principal Ireland, and later tinue near work or reading with­ Lodge meetings tonight: out pain or fatigue your eyes are 1,000.00 I- at 6 per cent. St. John1*, N. F., May 25.—The whole At 9 a. m. Arrowsmith Post, G. A. R., became principal. The city and township Fireside Council, No. 171, Order of United took a drive to Long Branch. When re­ probably defective. 900.00 I northeast coast of this island has been will decorate soldiers’ graves at Shrews­ turning through Elberon the horses became was then all one school district. When the blocked with Ice for the last alx weeks, bury and Little Silver. In the afternoon Fraternity. district was divided Prof. Ralston continued Glasses Scientifically Fitted 600.00 I Asbnry Park Lodge, No. 253,1.0. O. F., frightened and ran away. Mr. Hagerman the result being that navigation along Fair View cemetery will be visited by the was thrown out and sustained serious and at the head of the Aabury Park schools. Will Correct the Trouble the coast has been practically' impossi­ in 3C of P. hall, 143 Main street. 500.00j veterans. At night services will be held In painful injuries. His head was cut In two The board of education has a number of We fit glasses scientifically. See ble. The people in many sections are Twin City Council, No. 48, L. O. R. C., In applicants for tbe position. our Specialist, who Is a t . noW destitute of provisions, owing to the Methodist church., or throe places, and he was otherwise The new St. James clubhouse will be for­ Odd Fellows’ hall, 224 Main street. the inability to replace their supplies, Pride of the Park Counoll, No. 15, D. of scratched and bruised, although fortunately mally opened and dedicated in the evening Estate Goes to Relative*. 323 WAIN 5 TREET, W. H. BEEGLE and the commercial operations of al­ L., In Appleby building, 727 Mattison ave­ no bones were broken. The wagon was most 80,000 people have been virtually of May 80. A banquet and ball will' be the somewhat damaged but the horses escaped Tho late Myron 8 . Oould of this olty made BVBRY FRIDAY. Hour. M to ,.JO M a in S tr eet nue. 226 suspended. ___ features. •-* . his will Auguat 23, 1890. Ho latt $50 to Olive Branch Lodge, No. 7, Ki ot P., in uninjured. Examination Freo. Glasses when necessary ASBURV PARK, N. J. Decoration day afternoon the Cavalry Mr. Hagorman was brought to his home Carrie Pitcher, daughter of his slater Al­ and fully guaranteed. Automobile Reaches Syrsonae, Marrow’s hall, West Park. Syracuse, May 25.—The automobile Troop will have their annual sports, consist­ in Ocean Grove and Dr. H. S. Kinmonth mira, and $50 to Mary Howard daughter of making an expedition from Cleveland ing of drill, head cutting, tent pegging, was called to attend to his injuries. Tov his sister Lydia. Both of these relatives LEECH, STILES & CO., nsurance written in response Lst Ua Have Peace. to New York reached the Yates hotel umbrella race, water race, potato race, pur­ day ho is getting along aa well as can be live in Bradford county, Fa. All the rest Philadelphia Eye Specialists, >!e Companies at current rates. last evening. Its cyclometer registered suit, fencing, bareback wrestling, Cossack D. H. Wyckoff has been engaged by Mr.expected. 1 of his proporty he left to his wife, Julia 8. 392 miles, which shows that it is 92 riding and double vaulting. All the games Bradley to spond his time on the beach at Gould, aa long os she should remain his miles ahead of Its schedule. Thq party Seventh avonue during the months of June, Priests Ordained. and exercises are performed on horseback. widow. At her death the property was to Capital, $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Surplus, $70,000 remained in Syracuse last night and July and August. Mr. Wyokoff is a Jus­ Arthur Mason 8hermau, sou of fonder Astory Park and Oceaj frpve -resumed its Journey east this morning The Red Bank bloyale club, will hold a bo divided equally between her two daugh- ferries of five raoes a t 2.3^ on Parkeria trqck. tice of thd peace, but his baaoh duties will Commissioner. H. R. Sherman, and Freder­ , ire, Berenice Pawley, wife of Frank Paw- land expects to.make better than behnore of a peacemaker than anything ick Wl Helsley, son of Rev. and Mrs. C. W? by night. * W i(}y and ifina 8. Gould. In chso his widow Si else. I t is-well known to our citizens th at Helsley of Long Branch, were ordained Eflflemiq ot Cholera In India. R atr Goods* P'avtorr • 1 ~ ' shall remarry, then all his property Is to be b a n k '1. Mrs. L. C. Benedict has reopened her 'Squire Wyckoff has advertised himself for priests of the Episcopal church yeaterday divided Into three parts; one part to go to Bombay, May 25.—Cholera Is raging OF AI3BCBY PARK parlors for the sale of hair goods at 602 years as a peacemaker. His engagement afternoon In St. • Peter’s church, Freehold, his daughter Berenice, another pare to his in Karachi, the principal seaport town with Mr. Bradley will permit him to con­ by the Right Rev. John Scarborough, D.D., Main Street, Asbury Park,. of Slndo. Two hundred and thirty- Cookman avenue, this olty, and* Will be daughter Blna, and the,third part shall go Mattison Avenue and Bond Street tinue to follow tbat calling, and' any of our bishop of "New Jersey. Rev. H. H. P. O rganized F eb ru ary , 188G.) Main Avenue, Ocean Drove two new cases were officially reported pleased to attend to the wants of old. and to hia wife as long as she shall live, and at yesterday and 208 deaths for the day. new patrons. Mre- Benediot has the agency readers, either our own townspeople or our Roche of Long Branch was master of. cere­ her death this part is to be divided equally The official returns show a total of 1,197 for the James Y. Borden patent human oity friends, wishing to adjust' their dlf. monies, and the sermon was delivered by bptwsen his two daughters^. O FFIC ER S cases and 1,099 deaths , since the be­ feyenoes without going to law, should call tho Rev. W. E. Wright. Mr. Sherman will G eo. F . K r o e h l , P resident. hair switches, in which there are no stems O. H . Brown, 1st VIoe-Treddont. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT ginning of tha outbreak. on Mr. Wyckoff a t the Seventh avenne pa­ or/oords; can-be rolled, puffed or knotted to sail for China early in June, where he *will Tennis Tonrnampntl Mi L. Bakma*, 2d VIcs-Frestdont. vilion after June L. work under the direction of the bishop of M. ▼. Daqbb, Cashier. the very t 6p. Nq lace, wires or net used in • Tomorrow afternoon a two-days’,tennis M. H . S o o rr, A ssistant C ashier W e would bo pleased tcijfiave you call and FovrUi Class Foitmiivtera, Shanghai. Mr. Helsley will for a time be ttamlne our Sale Uoposl# Boxes. « ‘Washington, May‘25.—The following the construction of bangs, waves, wigs, etc. tourhamont under the auspices of the K. K. DIRECTORS Oreo. Ito«d Race. assigned to the Associate mission a t Tren­ fourth class postmasters have been ap­ Shampooing. is also attended to a t Mrs. K. club ot this city will commence at the G. F. Kroehl, Hkhlon R. Marg*n__ eToryone Is pleased with the oonvonlonoe ton. . - " pointed:, * i » • penedlot’s parlors. A call will be appre­ Entries for the Decoration day road race Educational hail grounds. The matches OUvor H. Brown, WUlbun H* Boogie. ahd safety they afford. under the ausplcos of tho Oreos Bicycle Bruce B. Keator, B. W. Klrkbrlde, '.They are In foot small safes In one large New York—Bast Leon, E. C. Hurl- ciated. '' Mlzpah Local Union.- arranged for tomorrow aro: Minot and D. a Covert, M. L. Batqmjm, - \ u f» 01 vault, secured by automatlo bolt burt. club will close tbis evening! Riders in­ Wyckoff vs. Ferguson ahd Waton; Macln Isaao O. Kennedy, Charles A. Young,. \ Pennsylvania—Morgan, Gf. H,. Hor- . B icycle Races $Iay SO. Tho annual meeting of the Mizpah Local “ TanROea, A lbert O. T w ining, wont and time look as good as con be pro* tending to participate must fill oat blanks tosh and Brower vs, James and Haggerty, eramn B. Ovlatt, Samuel Johnson, Inoei nickel; &rbtnsvUle, Charles B.jaee, The bloycle races a t the Asbnry Park ath­ In order that handlcappers can assign them Unfon of Christian Endeavor will be held In . W illiam H athaw ay. Tha prices are so low that one oan not af* the Methodist Protestant church at Glen- Sloan and” Stuart vs. Bale and Oliver. lord to be without a box In whloh to keep letic grounds ,will start a t 3 p. m. next plooes in the raoe. The race will bo oyer AlaaM Troops For Manila. Tuesday, May BO. Henry Fournier and hia dola, N. J.‘, next Monday evening, J&df 29, Bryan and Sanford will play in the Bemi- Comparative Deposits title papera, seouritles and other valuables. Beattie/ Wash., May ZS.-^Companies the olty course, and will start at 10 ‘ a. m. flnals without flaying the preliminaries. wonderful j motorcycle will bo exhibited^ sharp. i *_____ , a t 7.45 o’clock. It is expected that every* September 8, 1888...... $373,784-57 Pripes; |3, IS, 87, *9, *10 per annum. H and B pf the Four tenth infantry society will be represented, as it is the meet­ Tho match may possibly extend to Monday. have arrived here .from Alaska. Thesa and Arthur A., Zimmerman wll] ride.- Thdre 8, 1888...... 468, 194m will also be other events, including a .ten- The Steinbaoh’s W onderful Sale. ing for eleotion of officers. “ 6, 1893 . . . . . 489.tlI .I J two. companies have been • stationed at Attention is direoted to Wedel’s Jjig adv, Dyea for the past year. Thpy haye been mile.pursuit race between Ashqr Carver The Price Revolutionizing Anniversary » \ 7. X897...... 638,03341 OFFICBEA* on anotfier page. « 7 , 1898 . . . . . 694,944.7- ordered to-the Philippines- and C.B. Hardy.' Sale, begun Saturday, -will continue aU this $2.25, W orth $3.00. IRNRY C. WINSOR, Pr**lde»t. week, with now goods in all the depart Ono hundred tfhlte enamel bedsteads, heaoeMntf. ., Patrons rolo^hloa reoslved for aafe kseptoj ORp. W. RVAN8, Vice-President, JKennet-ine. monts. 0 brass trimmed, this week only at tho Mam The monthly meeting of the Ooean Grove THE STEINBACn COMPANY, The latest and’best remedy for dyspepsia tDMUND E, DAYTON, Cuhler. Thei latest and best remedy ’for dyspepsia mouth of \ • b o u g h t and. sold. CoLUo and indlo^fifclpn. Pride 50 oents gnu $1. For Epworth League will take plape Cookman and Emory. - Cookmarfaud Main and Indigestion.. Price 60 cents ana $L For ja a a a UINoV, Att't Cuhler Bale a t KlnmontLa—lOi i t St, Paul's ohurch a t 7;S0. . 122-25 The SfKiKDAcn Compakt.—131-26 sale a t Kinmonth’s—104 tf. respectfully solicited..,

m - .: THB ASBURY PARK PA1FW PRESS. POPULAR IOWA G^RL." REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. BRIEF LOCAL SUMMARY. A Sf»v»|wper IVotiinn nnd Al«o Ac­ FOU THE WEEK ENDING MAY 20, 1S99. tive In Cluli Work. NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP. , William F. Morris to Garrett White; two WHAT 18 GOING ON. 1^ ' AND One of the m o st popular of young lots, *150. o a l clnbwomeil in Iowa t*>dny is Miss Jes­ Houston Fields, sheriff, to James B. Mo AROUND THE-CITY. R V 1 ,0 0 sie B. W aite of Burlington, fur two Kee; piece of properly, * ' . ON MATTISON AVENUE NEAR THE POST OEElCE years correspond ing secretary of the William H. Kelly to As.;ph A. Carr; lot at Asbury Park, *1,590. > Items of Interest Too Small for a Iowa Federation of Women’s Clubs. Asaph H. Carr to Ella Carr Westcott; lot Baking Powder She was elect***! almost unaniim nsly at Headline — HanpeninRs Personal at Asbury Park. *l o::o. the last bientiial session in Dnbiujne Ellen A. Clark and husband> to Adelle A. and Otherwise That Will Help to Vamlerveer; lot at Asbury Park, $55.(k!0. Make the History of Asbury Park, Joseph M. Woolley to Frank D. Williams; THE TUTTLE STORE Made from pure Neptune Township and Vicinity. lot at Asbury Park, $1,000. cream of tartar. fb'ustor Fields, sheriff, to Alfred A? '"-G; S. Keith’s express— 300 Msln street. Adams; lot at Asbury Park, *11.000 Cheapest Store in the World William J. Vor.ykees to Harry C. Allen; Miss M. E. Setiuppari of Jekyll Island, Safeguards the food lot at West Asbury Park, *1. On., Is visiting her parents ou Mattison- Ocean Grove association to Benjamin C.> avenue, this city. Professional Cottrell; lot at Ocean Grove, *300 Miss Lizzie Casey of Middletown Is a vis­ , Wesley K, Brailner to Ocean Grove asso­ against alum. ciation; lot at. Bradley Beach, *1. itor at the home of Mrs. Warren S. Conk­ Willisfor*l I>t*y tu Jolin 1 1 . Iaiyton; lot In lin, Ocean Grove. - . OK. JOSEPH H. BRYAN- Successor to Dr. Brace 8 . Keator. 8 1 Aston*} Alum baking powders are the greatest Mt. Pros|»eci' cemetery, $15. Mrs.'F. C. Bonitzof Harrishurg, Fa., Is at avenue, Office hours, 10 to a. m.v 7 to 3 p. m menacers to health of the present day. OCR AS TOWN SHI!*. present entertaining her sister, Mrs. G. .E. Telephone connection Houston Fields, sheriff, to Mary Maloney; Hopper of this city. _____ ROYAL QAK1HQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. land at Long Branch, *185. Rachel it. Wright and husband to Edwimi Daniel Wilson of Middleton, who recent­ Dk. F. F. COLEMAN ly returned from Illinois, was a visitor in Northwest comer Fourth ave; -and Kingsley st. K. Haw ft; laud al Long Branch, *1 ,20 0. Offloe Hoars; 9 tq to ft. m., 1.80 to 2.80 p. m Benjamin A. West to Eugene West; land this city on Monday^ PRESS MARINE ALMANAO. ito 8 p. m, ' at North Long Branch, *700. One of the-groatbst needs of this town is. T elephone I B. Benthiui 1). Taylor and others to James COMPILED BY P. O, BNKDKKER. A. Gufick; land at North Long Branch, *1. gutter crossings. Tlie most economical High Tide. | Low “lioe. |8un ibun Atlantic Coast Realty company to Janies kind are made o l iron. OR. MARQARET B. CURRIE, 41AY. a. m. | p.m. ( a.m. | p.m.ra.m. p.m F. Ackerman; two lots at Deal, $2,800. Theatre goers are enjoying the perform" 129 Main areauo, Ocean Grove, N.J. Atlantic Coast Realty company to Mahton 1 Mon ...... 12.11 12.001 G.OO 6.10 5.00 0.54 ances of the Elroy Stock company at the 17 fo 10 a. m Must ever be new or she becomes insipid. The . . 12.32 1.1*4 6 58 7.20 4.56) 6.55 R. Margerum; lot at. Deal, *1,350. S Tuee...... miss jkssik ». Waite, Herman Lnlmftteio to Harriet M. Presley; opera house this week. Office Hours>2to 5 p.m. constant change of style improves and educates 3 Wed ...... 1.36 2.101 7.5® <8.30 4 57| fl.56 * ) 7 to 10 p. m. 4 Thura.... 2.441 3.17; 8.56 9.32 4.66’ B.57 two years ago and 'lias .since become land at M’est End, *1. The best view of Wesley Lake is obtained 3.40 9.51 10 22 4.55. 0.58 the taste, thus ever elevating the standard of B F rf...... *4.1 Jt very prominent in elnb work in Jown. Harriet M. Presley to Lillie Lahnateln; from the top of tbe trysting*tower at the 6 Bat...... 4.30 5.04| 10.45 11.24 4 Mi 6.59 land at West End, *1. 6.30• 6.1S| 11.34 12.00 4 Kj 7.00 Her popularity is qncli that sh<\ was ac­ Asbury avenue pavilion. OR, ELLA PRENTISS UPHAM. perfection in attire. If a comparison is made, we 7 Snn...... SllUEWSnUUY TOWNSHIP. 8 Mon...... 0.19 B.40I 12.05 12.30 4 521 7.01 corded *tiany charm ing ovations by the 806 , Asbury Park, N. J. think you will find that our garments are not I 9 Tuea...... 7.i 6 7.261 1.00 1.06 4 51 7.02 Rebecca Johnson and husband to Sidney Mr. and Mrs. John Van Hise, who were Office hours bnt 10 a. m., 12 to JJ, fl fcoY.80 p. m 8.101 1.46 1.5u 4 501 7.03 club delegates in ‘attendance pn the 10 Wed...... 7.52 Conover ; land at Red Bank, $2. recently married at Wayside, have taken Telephone Call 891 only ahead in the newest things but also in the 11 Thure ... 8.36 8.53, 2.31 231 4 491 7.W third biennial action in Burl ing ten. 12 Fri...... 0.20 0.33; 3.14 3.14 4 48' 7.05 James H. Hendrickson td Lydia Bennett; up their residence in this city. best. , . IS Bat ...... 10.1*5 10.13 4.C0 8 55 4.471 7.05 Miss W aite is a very handsome young laud at Fair Haven, *SOO. The number of Chinese laundry in­ H. S. KINMONTH. M. 0. 14 Bun...... 10.50 11.65. 4 37 4.36 4.46 7.06 woman, tall and* graceful- nnd of un­ m'iddletown township. IB Mon ...... 11.30 11.39' 5.21 5 2.) 4.45! 7.07 creasing rapidly in this city. How tbdy all 710 Grand ftvenue. ahd at Kinmonth A OoA 16 Tuee...... 12.26 fc.00 6.06 0-L8 4 44! 7.08 usual mental attainment*. She has tak- Houston Flejds, sheriff, to D. Lane Cono­ manage to make a living Is more than we Drag Store 784 Oookman avenno. ; 17 Wed...... 1.19 12.21 0.52 7.05 4.+1 7.09 ■:*u a literary course’in tlie Chicago uni- ver and others ; piece of property, *833. Asbury Park, N. J. -.lRJEbjira 2 10' 1.1 f* 7.40 8 06 4.42' 7.U* D. Lane Conover und others to J. Fred can tell. , 19 F n ...... *^rtKJi IteSv—S-30!— 9.TT1“Tt!4'7:11 VVTidty- U- nuimberof thtLMurtar- r.Sounde.1.1 ke,a ,fairy .talo^ to visitors when 9.20 10 (k) 4.40 7 12 W hn n T v piectM>f- property-,- *1 .-- ...... 20 Bat...... 3.50, 3.05 hoard chib *»f that institution. J. Fred Wherry to Ella Roberts ; piece of D R . I D 8 . T A Y L O R 21 Bun...... 4 3Sj .4-OOj 10.09 11 00 4.39 7.13 they are told the beach was piled high with Patterson, Taylor & Co. IDENTIBT. 22-Bton...... 5.#' 5.20 10 58 11 46 4 39 7.54 Mis-; Wait*’ is the daughter of Mr. property, *1 . ice only a few months ago, but It’s a fact 23 Tues.... 5.4H 0 10 11.45 12.00 4.88 7.14 and Mrs. J. L. Waite of Burlington, Flora V. Evans and others to Rufus Easfc- (Gradnateof TJnlveisIcy of Pennsylvania). " 24 Wed...... G.J 1 7.06 12.86 12.;-8 4 38 7.55 moiid ; laud at Port. Monn outli, $2,000. just.tho same. Corner Cookman avenue and Emory street, ore, 28 Thurs.... 1 7 30 7.W> 1.21 1 22 4,-7 7.16 the J»tt*r "f wh«.iin is editor c f the I3nr- Caroline M. Flender to Horatio N. Terret; Mr, Bradley’s big Japanese sun protectors LeMalstre’s, opposite post ofltce. Entrance 8.20 8.85 2 2 2.10/ 4.36 7 !7 on Emory atttot, Asbary Park. 6 2 2 COOKMAN AVENUE 26 Fri...... lingtuii Hnvkovt*. ARIuuigli but 23 3 10 3 00, 4.36 7.18 pii ceo f property at Shrewsbury and Slid: on the Leach have stood the storms since • fflce hours • T.i 9 ». m. to 6. p. Jtt, 27 Pat...... 9.10 9.2b dlet'own turnpike. *8,850. 28 Piui..... 10 05 10 20 i 3 54 4*0 4,’5 7.18 vears of ago, Mi-s W aite lias had entire hist full remarkably well. They have not Telephone 931. t;3| 20 Mon...... 11.00, 11.15. 4. >6 5.00 4.35 7.19 .ehargb of tie* \v»mian’s department c f Mary F. PbilJipsaml husband to Henry E. SO Tlios .... 22 00 12.0U 5. U\ <5 0*i‘ 4.31 7 2C Taylor; 2 lots in Water ‘Witch Par\r, *1- boon damaged nt all. ASBURY PARK l 81 7 *-*' The'Sumlay Hawkeyo and has made it * 81 Wed .... 12 56 12.24* r, :>b 7 “ 1 Henry K. Taylur t. Percy E Phillips; 2 Hon. Oliver II. Brown of SpringJJLake is 0E0, L. D. TOMPKINS, D.D.S. a much quoted page. lots in Warer Witch Park, $1. Dentist, 617 Mattison avenue (theKeatqr block, Percy E. l’liilii|>s n> Elijah P. Smith, said to have announced that he will not be uear postofflce), Asbury Park. Teeth extracted PRESS CALENDAR. a candidate for state senator at- tho next painleitsly without rendering the patient uncon T'ii sli Inn ii li I** I'lm U rnr. trustee ; 2 hvs i)j Wati r Witch Park, *1._ scicus. Gas admlnlBtered. Office hours 9 a. m a i l o r s l o t h i e r s a t t e r s Edward S. Attwood to Edwin M. Bliss; Republican convention. T , C , H Condensed Idst of Coming Events for Tin1 heavy walking boot11 is no lunger to 5 p. m. lot iu Water Witch Park. *1. The *09 graduating class at the Neptune Quick Refer*1 into. despised, bnt considered quite a neces­ Edwin M Bliss to Mary E. Atwood ; lot sity. But th** same heavy walking boot ill Wafer Witch Park, *1. township high school will hold a reception Thursday, Friday and Saturday. May ■*'•. 2t\ lidlvin M. P/Uss to Edward S. Attwood; and banquet at tbe Hotel Arlington, Ocean You will not oe maae unconsclouB, And Furnishers for Men and Boys and tiT—rFestival by (’huivh cf ibo Holy must bo very well cut to meet with uni­ lot in Water witch Park, >1. Grovo, F iday night, June 10. but your tooth will be painleaely re­ Spirit at Etluvurioiiul hall versal approbation.^ This year the toes Frank K Wallis to Mary E. Atwood; lot m oved Algine is used . The prizes to be awmded by the Oreos Bi­ if Saturday, May *27—Election of two fin* of the walking boot are of very good iu Water W itch i^uic, *!. commissioners for three years in Nep* size. They are neither Vmited m*r ATI.AN I IC HIOIII.ANDS. cycle club at their Decoration day road tune district, No. 1 . race over tlie city LViirsc are on exhibition -quare. bnt medium. The lnyts..ail have Houston Fields, she-iff, to Joseph C. Levi; BURTON BROTHERS P. S.— No risk if you buy from us. Your money back if Saturday, Way 27—Strawberry a id ice the outside side** that in*nn* sufficient 2 lots at Athuitic ilighliiadi, $1,700. in John X. Burtis’ window, Mafn street. cream festival and dance by Star of‘As* width. The h. * ls an* low, set well hack EATONTOWN TOWN'SIIII*. The beach pavilions were almost entirely you want it. bury Counci', No. tis, D. of A., in Ap­ deserted yesterday. Many people were on pleby htthilhi^. nn the >!i;»e, but tier** w a little nn*tv William XI. Kelly to Edwin Hayms; lot DENTISTS! ' enrvt* iiiuh'1 th*> in-t* \\ than ther** w;i- jit EaTbntmvti, the beach, but thoy preferred to sit in tbe Monday. May 311—Fourth anniversary Si­ KHas S. licngMreet, j r , io Theodosia warm sunshine rather than be housed up in monides Court. .Vo I, Tribe of Hen Hur, last year. F.*r ev*tv*lay wear the very Bennett; piece oi pfoj.erty, $1 . COOKMAN AVENUE, ASBURY PARK in K. of P. hall. 54:1 Main street. light* -q w eight calfskin is tbo best, Albert W Bennett t<> Elias S. I.ongstreet, .muparlors or pavilions. ' -A.TJOTIO!sr S A L E jr.; piece of property, * 1. Monday, May 30—Repetition of concert by but s.une feet an* too tender to vein Bishop Fitzgerald, president of the Ocean Uonaullation aud exatuinatlou flee. O F ----- Mme. Crane's pupils iu First Baptist calf-kin. ami tie r** is a dull kid that KAltLTAN TOWNSHIP. Grove association, lias taken one of the W e administer frealt gas; church, Asbury Park. lias very much the same effect, bnt is Benjamin B. Lufhurrow to Charles I. Chandler cottages, on Central Pathway, Lufburrow; land at Keyport,/$225. Tuesday, May 30—Memorial day. infinitely softer. This is not so w ater­ near , and facing Fletcher lake, MATAWAN TOWNSHIP. Tuesday, May 30—Reception and strawberry proof as. calfskin is .supposed to bo, bnt as a summer residence for himself and OUR TERMS ARE CASH can be made with heavy soles, so that- Bartemas Tice to John Tansey; I piece of festival by Olive Branch Lodge, No. 7, property, $500. family. K. of P., Marrow’s hall, West Park. it will answer tbe same purpose. Dur­ F l FURNITURE—rF R O MAl t h e FURNISHINGS • WALL TOWNSHIP. Tlie High School orchestra held a rehear­ Tuesday, May 80—Bicycle races and other ing the summer low'shoes are worn al­ sal last nignt at the Asbury Park building. CLAUDE V. GUERIN events at Asbury Park athletic grounds. most entirely. These are made of tbe William L. Brown, executor, to Lizzie Havens; lot at .spring Lake; $2,000. A chcfrus of high school pupils will render LAW OFFICES. Tuesday, May 8(1—Ten mile road, race of same m aterials as the hoots, but for Carrie F. Tuttle and husband to Caroline Mozart’s 12th Mass at the commencement Transacts general legal business. Acknovrledg A V O N I J V I V Oreos Athletic club over city? course, dress wear there are the patent leathers M. Van Wage n er; lot at North Spring Lake, ments taken tor all states exercises in June, with orchestra occom- Rooms 9-B> Appleby Building. 10 a. m. or tlie kid w ith tbe patent leather fox- *1 . paniment. • ' OF THE BEST QUALITY Saturday, June 3—Formal opening day of ings. Tin; top piece of the new shoe is Mary E. Turbull to Joseph H. Bryan and season at Ocean Grove. others; lots at Avon, *1. Henry A. Chloffi, trombone player in the ConsistiDg of Turkish Rugs, Axminster, Velvet, Tapestry, Moquette and Ingrain more pointed where it rests on the shoe WM. C. COTTRELL Carpets and Rugs; MattingB, Portiers, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, etc., eto.; Tuesday, June 6 —Meeting of State Board than it was last year, bnt the too is . FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP. famous Banda Rosso, was noticed on the ARCHITECT. of Education at Asbury Park. John M. Smith to Amelia A. Mnckey; Asbury avenue pavilion. The organization Plans and specifications furnished at short no­ Parlor, Dining room, Office, Kitchen and Laundry Furniture; Cooking'Utensils, mere pointed also— not tho excessive tice. Hotel work a specialty. 416 Lake Avenue Bedroom Suits, Fine Mattresses, Linen and|Cotton Table And Bed Ware; Silver, piece of property, *1. of which he was a member has recently re­ Thursday, June S—Entertainment at' Edu­ point of two or three years ago, nor the Janies H. Applegate to Kinmonth F. Class and China, in great variety, and of Excellent Quality. All tn Good Condition cational hall, benefit Epworth guards.** ugly round* point that the shoemakers Tuzenow: piece of property, *5' 0. turned to New York from a concert- tour of Henry Johnson to Samuel E. Anderson; tlie country. Sunday, June 11—Third anniversary of tried to introduce last year.— TO LO AN ..... TO B E SOLD First Congregational church and Sun­ Citizen. ______piece of property *1 . A large audience greeted the production day-school a t Asbury Park. At Five Per Celt’ j MARL 1101*0 TOWNSHIP. of tbe “Police Patrol” by the Elroy Stock WESLEY LAKE 1EEB (IQM1BY MM Sunday, June 25—First Sunday service and J. Arthur West to Rachel. M. Woolley; company at the Park Opera House. Tho sermon for summer of 1899 in Ocean Sunburn can be prevented, even at piece of property *1. play was creditably rendered, nnd the mem­ $ 1 , 5 0 0 1 Grovo auditorium. the scjidioiv. bv bathing the face with hue dir THE EXCURSION GROUND, HuDUQI H llfi MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. bers of tlie cast were greeted with well Wednesday, Sept. 20—Reception and dance extract of witch ha feel, immediately aft­ • Aaron H. Rotd to Olive A. (Juaekenbush; merited applause. 2 , 0 0 0 BEGINNING ON of Independence Hook and Ladder com­ er any nurt of outdoor exercise. Use the piece of property, *787.50. pany at Asbury Park auditorium. Attention Is directed to the advertisement extract lavishly, hiving cloths tvet with UPPEIi FREEHOL/I TOWNSHIP. 5 . 0 0 0 it on the fact* for fully five minutes. giving particulars of the sale of furniture WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 3 1 The Weather. Joseph Vincent to Charles H. Chew; lot or Follow the extract by massaging the at Allentown, *025. and furnishings from the Avon Inn which The government weather bulletin received At 10 o'clock sharp, and continuing each day until sold -kjn with some simple retiring cream, will be held Wednesday next, May 31, com­ 1 . 0 0 0 at the Pukss office at noon today says; a ml, if possible, leave the skin in this mencing at 10 a. m., at the old rink build­ S<*ns«>mt?>it* Ail vice. ' BO.NT FORGET DAF OR PL.ACB Fair and warmer the balance of the week. oilv condition for two or three hours. ing, corner Heck street and Lake avenue, 3 ,0 Q 0 The cream should never he washed off. Here is-a bit *-f a;ivi*.*e to treasure np this city. A. D. McCabe will be auctioneer. Or this Extraordinary Opportunity to get Good Hotel or Residence Fine Furnishings. for the rapidly approaching hot weath­ IIK READS TIII2 PHMIIfS. Wipe it off w ith a soft (.‘loth, thus re­ Rev. James S. Thomas of the New Eng 4 . 0 0 0 er. Get your family sowing done-np TERMS—All amounts undei^*20 , cash; all over*20, 3 months’ note with approved security. moving every particle of dirt from the land Southern conference, now pastor of while tin* weather is rcspeetably'cool, .j . ~ C c open pores, and dust the.face with ta l­ the Methodist E. church at S'orwichtown, 6 . 0 0 0 so that y*»n inay have nothing bnt'ease A. D. McCABE, - - - - Auctioneer // cum l)o\V dor. * Conn., paid a brief visit to his brother, Rev. At Six Per Cent/ - j / y and comfort to-look d e a d to. Tbe in­ T. Snowden Thomas, at Ocean Grove. The evitable w« *-i:iy iuendiiig cun be laid , Y ' f visiting clergyman was on his way to Con­ J. W. Hetrick & Son aside for st< rmy days, and then there necticut, having, in company with his will be nothing to prevent one’s enjoy­ 825 Mattison .Ave. brother, visited the native town of both at The King of Reference Works S T j /i- >&■) • MEAT FOR Fit IDA V. ® ment <>f ev* ry bit of fine weather a North East, Md., where they both preached Keator Block. kindly Providence may bestow upon ns. THE NEW WERNER EDITION OF Thromrh ztnl ’.now lodge Ip cotton, ® last S find ay. m f 0 through iiu*k ot z«:d knowledge is lost.— 9 We iiiibt take it according to our means 0 Buddha. C> und strength. If we are win **1 enthu­ Tin* VnulAltinK Wriisi*!. T h e E ncyclopedia B r i t a n n i c a f BREAKFAST. '? siasts, we will jivfer tluit kind of exer­ .» .-*» filewiit Ajiplw. Omelet. “ cise even lieu.-bit roughens onr ski d As I lav .-"r-'Trhrc! qn tin* btjnk nt the THE GLEVELHHD RIDERS u 9 ^ U..U-- I'.iffee. • and fpoi.N th*' .-Uap** *-f onr lmnds.— font of it L'r«*Mi maple t ssjw a weasel 0 — o ' Aro a satisfled lot. The wisdom dls- T h e Pilot m LT'N* ItF.nx. A Bof-teii/IVaV' I r. m u al- *iil? ii-j ll.** brnsli some dis- played in the selection of tbeir mount f. ® linked M;i. :ii< id and Dime**.. tunc?* Jl v.'iiy; A fi*w Ktrunds later lie was knows just how tc steer a vessel to • Parker It K Jam. ® is evident aa the seasons roll around. J ll . - W ill f>**i v * V, It i f t* !I«trsi*i«. standi '}.?.»■ }• tb** . i! rrn.t <»f the tree 9 t* *• e A better wheel has never been built bring it safely through the shoals tv Mr-, (i. !\ iMhhl . r Cnl .mdo bar II v a y : f i fv.ii'i my ev* s. I lay inn- ' ^ hy any ond. and out into the open. Just so the Spri tj : ■- v. ;5I .. i Jj at the tionl* ^ ; ;junj)*'l li)*1 Leantifnl ! • * The admittedly weakest poirtttef a Encyclopedia Britannica is the one 1 O . Fi'if' ’ S:i. • II I! ir.'l; Wol M r ! :.»• • ! •;r :-v:i. by j six : * ‘ till .-'uM'-iily I f.mml absolutely reliable guide for the Q V. .. • . id. i. 1 r:, praia ir Tb- i.-i.-iii.Tj-r.* : * *•' lh■1 ffrei ni.-li bicycle is its chain. With a Cleveland , ® N. a !. , -• ••-. Pr - --..a iw*. '/ voyage of life. One cannot go 1 ® . ■ *. . .“■*. * ■ • . . v ..f tl: ■ * ' i. i !-■-■< (1 ■< lib r V. ' . r t . tv|e. ;i!’ ; i * i n:v own exp* riencc. 1 liuit a dozen set of .such as are found !t tells the mistakes men have made; -litVte. 2 ; . . upon some makes of wheels. 9 L-.a a ••• • : ... ■ A. It i- :t. v/;.l i ■■ t * i v r \}vi is' 1 h*.* n.-imJ tenni- how others havesucceededand why. l\ . lv • • •••• V ^ ■■■■■" . Q >4M'.r ".■’ ■■■■ «•: ii,;..*. i it c l )«■ ;• - - p.r I:.” \ iii< i.t m ; i ' :i . .*i. • l.M;rviitions of ci- *35.00 to $75.00. An intelligent man gets good from Do Vi r 1 • wiitt it - : - V\ ill • ll . M: -. (ir* >'U- tie r *..■ - ; minkf', Oera.sionally the experiences of others and steers • chai.-e * : • ii'':;”', fi.-l-l, h,;iti i**•.■.i;i*S u■!-.(• tn-1 nn«l. a © !'.<• : i*i.t ).>(•;• •• t th-; ■ • a imisirt inio tlie hushes Zacharlas & Co. clear of the rocks they ran against. ft ’ . , . .t f ..1 waur a a 1 • , L-tuuiy.l.t -: * j q .it. i; / t.i driving a few or i ■.:. *i ( . - t»r pr* bank. Jnatl rjinr 7 3 3 MATTISON AVENUE, ASHUCV PARK The very presence of tire Encyclo­ L’* i. lv i.-ri • ..■•*. Fi V tilt p. r... .fnintjh-r vi-iL.r- :ii;■ .*»t M:init>^n and be. t i!.-1. . ■ ir»qtwialy tlu-y.,vanish DngU d. © mi.t tJ.e • • - - id ia dices.' O v- *• <■ ItKPAIlt SHOP ATTACHED paedia Britannica in a house gives the place an intellectual tone. the G.ii'L ii ■ .i'M Lf i hni- \ ,.r-: ago. Now with a ■ ; that <1* li**s the keen- now ir • Q <• ■ k :.v. ... «■>■. tb.exi n«M i q ir;.’. <-./ \ • ••.* *T. si)*1 id \h r jiMpi K-ti.r i.f ;i finufiriiiug e? t «■> • .> .,i, . all prnhabiiity this van A library of thousands of volumes does not offer such an oppor­ judjrrmv.- We Excel in U*.. W'/.U',in’s Journal. ■ a ; : nice! by i-xtri'iue rapid- tunity for successful home study and development as this master­ rr.te o ' ; - n.‘ Qti.ii’ u- > ! •" « ts-iiii.2 Bicycle Repairing o t-!Cl.- i .! : - Mil. • -■ or. - it v . f ; ' : ■' l.i>t if thin is the ease piece of literature. There is no more instructive reading on earth jud;T*' fi ■ • v. * t: . “ ire HncmdH in duinj? than that contained in its 30 volumes. To a life whose currept The pr* mi . * o vV*c ~ BE SURE. tin n i • ; 8 ...... ■ I. c. I. * i ;' * r 1 v iinpus^ii.le. to any Rus?. •. Q) '..r ‘ s. . •• Mi iir Q SOIU* i: runs toward the future, this great work is indispensable. Just Ot i, - v V !i in ; d animal of its size. Cf C’.o Jo' . n.i.k. 1' . .1 ...--a. -rv .. Ik* till'! to need nicdhdno before y ui take now you can secure tlie ’ •i*)*i. f-*iii:e <-f the Miiall rjucuUy re*/. i- ’ 'it! 1 •*-.:!::;o:.t r'-f*iiind out that you nted ir. •;* it;. If »'V ' . • i' I ill-111 .-Pvi11 t lit -t------" . ;;•% L.\t]‘, L'.a-i^i'T^Rr-Bl/iirl, til:.* - ■ j.t in tii'? ea-c of the Encyclopaedia Britannica -pi p.Ja t»r f T('in'uido C-.ii liitn.i. . i. .; in* of them, I ht ii«*ve. - ';ii . ei *.:ipli>hin^ the result ■ j-.- ' 1 i> Dr. David Jvchti.di > Who Does Your For O ne D ollar Cash THE OPEN DOOR i'i% •• !k n.*;dy, and a vr-ry Miiiple way t«i : iy 1 lit* weasels.- Popular • f you nt(*u it, U'to put sumourino paying the balance in small monthly payments. Remember, too, n ^la*>s tan.lilir and let it stand 24 hours: A Tele) lior.e i- an <)|ci, In,, t ;iu.,ui>h \\jj.■!..irude A (.ixMisl’itrrot Stury. that the entire Thirty Volumes with a Guide and an elegant Oak if it thf n has-a sodiment or n milky, cloudy Book Case, will be delivered when the first payment is made. Telephone Seryirc w a I u“iiuw.« uj.-i^i'iy. appoaranec; is ropy or fitriugy, pale pr A imi.Ln ! t. 1 y of n certain town it Cornwall “owned a parrot, which,some­ You will be surprised when you learn the It is to the inert-haut an ontiw fur iuf-'riu-jiUm atoi quotations 3 i/+i*an inlet f*» dhcol^'red, 3 <(ii d<» not iieed a physician, to orders. teir you that y-iu shuuM. Like Favorite how Jicqnir' \ the dienxreonble habit of observing at fretjuent intervals, Dl CORRECT STYLES, LOW COST. Telephot o Servjre kfops the manuiaHurer, tlie rntrehatit an.J ,tiie 'ennsumer in Remedy at once. It speedily euros such cullsttint touch., wish tlm old lady wouhl'die.” This an­ Here it is: - dangerous Symptoms as pain in tlnubaek, ORIGINAL IDEAS, The complete set (Thirty Large Octavo Volumes): It notifies "the producer at.flhatevcr distance of tlie variations'of demand. frequent desire to urinate^ especially at noy (*d the bird’s owner, who spoke to her cnnite .uhoA't it No. 1—New Style Buckram Cloth, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Telephone “ ervice iucrfiisfs sales t,y tlie ex, edition’it lends to tLe tilling of night, Darning scalding - paiu. iiA I,!l.s s ' n 8 And Up-to-Date Material Used “ I think we cfin rectify tho mn’tter;” Machine Fipish Book Paper, ttvoo . — orders. water, the staiiung-of linen by yonr urine replied the good man. “ I^laohiyyoa at the First payment, One Dollar (Fi.oo) and Three Dollars ($3.00) per It keeps the business interests throughout the country in communication with and all the* unpleui-aut and dangerous effeejs month thereafter. * * parr<>t, an’.l lie is a,righteous bird, hav­ .th e m arkets. , . ■ produced ojiihe system by the use of whfskej' No. 2—Half Moroccq, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High Machine Finish ing been' br*,ught up in tho way. lie Telephone Service saves much lime and ns " Time is Honey’’ it savts m o n k y. an*\m beer. All leliubie druggists sell Dr. Book Paper, tfio.eo should jgn. I \s-iil lend yoa iny parrot, It costs less than an errand huy and it does the work of a commercial giant. ’David Kennedy’s Favqrite Kemedy'at *1.00, D a ily P r e s s P r ik t e r y . First payment, Two Dollars ($2,00) and Four Dollars ($4.00) .per and I tnirt his iniluonce wilj reform a hot tie, or 0 bott les for $5.00, month thereafter. " Telopbond.Service bet ween ( [To e niid residence is a* tremendous convculeueh that depraved bin^ of yours." . No. 3—Sheep, Tan Color, Marbled Edges, Extra Quality High MachlneFinish und at the present message rates is an' uniinportaiij ekpeiise. By a special and ]>art ieutar arrangfrnciit rifij.cfirale's parrot Was placed in the’ Book Paper, $75.00. with the inuiuifactliters, our readers can If brie increases, Imsiness t lint the'-Open Dooi” Is crowded, open eaine room with tho wicked,one, nnd ns Flrs.t payment, Three Dollars ($3.00) and Five Dollars C$3.00) per try this gratid.mulicitui absolutely free. By another door; that is, have another telephone, or better,1 a lTiyute Branch eoon as the two had become accustomed month trftreafter. ' • Hxi hange, with trunk lines to the ''Centra),” a switchboard, and us many simply sending joui full irainc anil iKistofihsB to eaeli other the bad bird remarked, “ i ■ ‘A .reduction of 10% is granted by paying cash within 30 days,aft$r the \ statidtie us qray be re.pdred. . . ' addrefis to the DU. DAVID KENNEDY wDh the old hidy would die.” where­ receipt of the work.. ' , • roRWJRATION, Uondqilt, N. Y ., mention­ upon the cdtrgyman’s bird rolled*up his LO W HA T B S -l’BRFE,CT SERVICE ing the FHKf.s, when a trial bottle of Favor­ • F o b S a l e b y ,' " _ eyes and iq, solemn aecehts,added, "W e WHITES’ EXPBES5 »5TJSE LID! ite Remedy, together* wltli a pamphlet or For rates and particulars address the Contract DcpArtneiit,*' * beseech thee to bear ns, good Lord I” - . or call by telephonu without ohurgo : . HARRY A. BORDEN valuable medical advice, will .bft sent yduby Th«* Ktury got out in the i)urishv and infill postpaid. Wagons nt Asbury The New York and New Jersey Telephone Company for Hevtjjil Sundays it wus necessary tc Grove and Nottb Asbury Repots. „ ‘ . Stationer and Newsdealer * The publishers of Iltis paper guarantee oinil tin* litany at the chnrcb services 170 BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH. 81 WILLOUGHBY S T .,'B M .VY. T. .Y: ■ ***& -T p’V M » t’*-/fi e. V.tIH t *'-* * v «»•>»««>,a*vr! B o n d Asfculry P ark .. \ Y;

THE ASBURY PARK DAILY PRESS. rid, “I’ll telf ye near’S I c’n remember, •qui’ I c’ri rem em ber putty hear. As I WILL S (J CCEEDDEW EY DAVID GOES TO^fHE tolS ye, I felt a twitch nt my hair, an’ CIRKIS he said: ‘What, be you think in’ about, THE DAVIS STORE sonny?* J lodked up at him, an’ looked Bear Admiral Watson Ordered to Go By Edward Noyes Weatcott. away quick. ‘I dun no,* I suys, diggin’ We are now engaged in the removal of my big toe into the dust; an’ then, I to the.Philippines. THE NATIONS AT PARIS dunno how I got the spunk to, for I our furniture stock- from the Beach Audi­ was skyer’n a rat,'’guess J was thinkin’ torium to our new building, corner of T COME along to a time when I ’V>6ut mendin’ thjit fence up in 'the ten- New Connonnder of the M anila Fleet waa ’twixt 13 an* 14. The’ was a acre lo t’s m uch’s anythin’,’ I says. la O n e o t the Old Guard Who S a w Cookman and Grand Avenues, where, by Services with Fueraifut iu clrlris billed to show down here in “ ’Ain’t you goin’ to the clrkis,’ he IN 1 9 0 0 the Sixties. . Saturday morning, we expect,to open our Homevillc, an’ cv’ry barn an’ shed fer snyst ** *1 ain’t got .no money t„o go to cir- doors for business. miles around had pictures’stuck onto Iicar ’Xdmfral John Crittenden Wat­ klscs,’ 1 says, rubbin’ the dusty toes o’ cm of orphants, an’ rhinoceroses, an’ son, who goes to rej)laui> Admiral Dewey' one foot over t’other, ‘nor nothin’ else,’ In tiie meantime we will endeavor to fevVy animal that went into tiie ark; at Manila, leaped into sudden und Ve- I snys. an’ girls rldiu’ bareback an’ jumpin’ cent fanie ns the commander of the , give our customers every possible attention I- - David nodded in reminiscent sym­ f tkrpvigh hoops, nn’ fellers* ridin' bure- fleet that was preparing tp cross the: cor'n wTiiine shown. Mill another will pathy, hud rubbed bis bald pull with at the Auditorium, and hope to avoid sub-' S THE time for Its opening At la li lie and make trophic for Spain be an American railroad train that will back an* iurniu’ summersets, an* doin' the back of his hand. , M \ draws nearer,i and the work for run from the Vincennes annex to the just before the close of the late , war. jecting them to any annoyances incident ^ ^ Its comcompletion is being pushed, turnovers on swings; an’ciowns getlin’ “Wa’al,” interjected the widow. exposition to the main grounds every whipped, an' ev’ry kind of u thing As a commodore he had teniporarycorn- to the moving. 'one is better able to realtze,.the magni­ few minutes. To the people of Europe, “ Wa’ul,” said David, resuming, “he muiid of the Havana biockadi', hut when tude of the exposition the French peO»- that could lie pietered out; an' how says to “Would you like to go to where railroad trains are so different, it was anno\ineed that he was to take’ itoje «Te building In the city of Paris. the* was Io he a grand procession at When once settled in our “ home’’ we from those in use in this country, this the ciritis?’ and with that it occurred a flying squadron to Spain he at once Not ohlv does oflr understanding of %e ten o’clock,, 'jib golden chariots, an’ will be an restjng exhibit, nnd will to me tlmt 1 did wiyj.t to go to thut became an object of national and in­ will make amends for any shortcomings of •exposition itself grow with its growth, * scripH’i'.rf itiiegomH, tin’ the bull also, ho doubt, prove nn nejvn'fttngflous cirkis more’tt anythin' 1 evorTvanted to ternational interest. The admiral is tv bus’nis; mi* the gran’ performance at tlie past few weeks. but we also get a fuller idea of the ' otic to one of oUf gtentest industries. before—-nor since, it seems to me. But "very strict diseiplinariail, who walks interest the entire civjliz^d world is two o'clock: ad mission, 23 con is; chil­ 1 tell ye the truth, I was m> far f’m Ip gddilion to the building for an ag- his deck with the..trcml of a mimatnro Watch for latter announcements, r taking in this greaC dfsplny of the 1 dren '.i»dcr at celery; an' so forth. expectin’ to go .’t I „ really * hadn't grieultural implement exhibit and a Greek st/ldier and an eye that Inoksdeep tvorks of pence. Space has*been allot- W.Val, I h.jlliM no more idee o’ £fi>in’ to knowed I wanted to. f looked at him corn exhibit, we will have a govefhtnent down into bis men. In years he is one that cirki?> ‘n I had o’ flyin* to tl^.inoon, an’ then,downvagain, an' began ten­ ,ted to almost every nation i n t he world, building for the use of American Vis* ~of the youngest commanders in tho a l t e r w d a v i s but Hie i. glil be lure the show somethin* W . find practically all of them have made itors, on the Qua! d’Orsay. It is licr« derin’ up a stun-hruise on' one heel navy. Those who know both men say uakeays: T)' CHAS. KRAINZ yns an officer of Farragul’s a I! through will come the works of man’s handi­ But of the many government build­ anyhow, somethin’ waked hie, pn’ I you think you.could git a eoupb* d’ craft, as well ns the resources with tlie war. The admiral is 57 years old. ing's at the exposition none will surpass Went an* looked o ut the vtindo’, ft if7 .jjekits in that-crowd? If you kin, I He ir, a grandson of the famous John ,J. which nature has blessed each,of the in splendor that of Great Britain. It ■there was tlie hull thing goin’ by the think I'll go myself, but 1 don’t want Crittenden, former uflprnev general of co'un:riefl. will stand near the American building house. The’ was more or less moon, an* to g it iny hoots all dust,* lie says. 1 the United States. The countries of Europe are compet­ on the Quai d-Orsny. This royal pavil­ I see the el’phant, an’ the big wugin.s— allowed I cM try.; an* 1 guess tfietn The* nppoiiWmx'nt of pear Admiral ing with each other for the honor of ion-, ns it is cnlled, will be nn adaptation the drivers kind o’ nOddin’ over the bare feet o’ mine tore up the dust .some John C. Watson to succeed. Admiral TAILOR making jthe beat display of their re- of the ICintrstnn u*n«Hnrr1-oii- dashboards—-an' tlie chariots with can* gcttin’ over to the wagin. Wn’al, I'had DiMve-y-'as -comma nd cr i it chief- of the- vas coveiH^-rl don-’t know" ho w nrrmy another scare gettiiV’ the iiekits,' for of ’em—an’ the cages of the tigprs an* Asiatic station is one Of the most note­ fear Rome one that knowed me VI see w orthy incidents in Hie developments lions, an’ all. Wa’al, L got up the next me *\Vith a half a dollar, an’ think I § 1 5 mornin' at -sun-up an’ done my chores; at Manila since the sinking of Spain'.1* must ’a’ stole the money. But I got fleet. Dewey, has frequently intimated nn* after breakfast I set off fer the ’em an’ carried ’pm,’back to him. He his desire to remain at liito post until he ten-acre lot where I was mendin’ fence. got off about a rod or so an’ stopped an’ Tho ten-acre was the farthest off of had finished out his career as an actor BOND STREET looked back. ‘Ain’t you coinin’?’ he In that final scene whieh should pro­ any, Ilomeville way, an* I had my din­ says. claim to tljc world the siihnii.ssion of the ner pail Bo’t I nccdu’t lose no time goin’ “ ‘Be I goin* w ith yon?* I rays. home at noon, an*, as luck Would have Insurgents nnd the establishment of the ASBURY PARK ” ‘Why not?’ he says, "iiless you’d undisputed sovereignty of the United It, the* w a’n’t nobody w ith me that rather go alone,’ an’ he put his linger States. Duty as well as inclination im- moriiin*. Wa’al, I got down, to the lot an* thum b into his vest pocket. Wa’al, an* set to w ork; b u t somehow I couldn't ma’am, I looked at him a minute, with g it. that show out-o’ -my head-nohow. 111s shi ny h o f lan*'bootsTa h* ~fi n e'elb*CfC NOVELTIES A Long List- Aa I said, X hadn’t no more notion oi on’ gold pin. an’ thought of my ragged goin* to th a t clrkis ’n I had of kingdom 1N Of some of the beat families of, our ole shirt, an cotton prints, an’ old chip city* aud Ocean Grove' will teatlfy come. I’d never had two shillin’ of my hat with the brim most gone,"on* my own in my hull life. But the more I tin pail an’ all. ‘I ain’t lit to,’ I says, Ladies’ to the elegance and quality of our thought on’t the uneasier I got. Some­ ready to cry—an*—wa’al, he jest goods aud the low price of name. thin* seemed pullin’ an* haulin’ at me, laughed, an* says: ‘Nonsense,’ he says, Call and see us, and allow us to an’ finTy I gjn In. I allowed I'd see ‘come along. A man needn’t be ashamed Belt Buckles show you our stock and quote that percession anyway if it took a leg, of his workin* clo’es,* he says, an’ I’m AND prices. Some leaders for a few an* mebbe I c'd git back ’ith o u t nobody dum’d If he didn’t take holt of my days : mlssih* me. ’Tany rate, I’d take tho hand, an* In wO:'wcnt th a t way to chances of a lickin’ jest once—fer that’s Shirt Waist Sets 31b can Lime -now Is the time you want It. One gether. \ can will m ike a pall of good Whitewash, bo w hat It m eant—an* I up an* p u t fer the “I ain’t goin’ to go over the hull Scrub Brushes...... 6c, 10c, 16o village llckity-cut. I done them foui Dust Brushes...... 80c,25c,80o show,” proceeded David, “well *s 1 re­ w hltow ash B ru sh e s /...... 10c, 25© mile lively, I c’n tell ye, an* the stub- member Ik. The* didn't nothin’ git away B room s...... 28c, 80o braises never hurt me once. . H. B. JOPSON Mop ana Handle, •*Besi"...... 25© from me that afternoon, an’ once I S-tb can Raked ueaoa, with or without Tomato The English Building for the Paris Exposition. “When I got down to the village it como near to stick!n’ a piece o’ ginger­ Sauce...... seemed to me as if the hull population j 10 bare ••Armour" 6®ap...... 25© bread into my ear ’stead o’ my mouth. JEWELER The Best Soap—and 1 wltl put It against any of Freeland county was there. I’d I had my ten-cent piece that Billy I\ thing m ade—Is “T. & W.’s Boat," 7 large ■ot~ :es, and were the exposition twice Avon, Wiltshire, ana is in the Jacooeon never seen so many folks together in bars f o r ...... as© give me, but he wouldn’t let me buy Cookman Avenue and Bond Street “Dead Stuck" for bugs has no emmt. Try It or more the size that It la every foot style (IG04)> Here the prince of Wales m y life, an’ fer a spell i tBeemed t o me as if nothin’; an’ when the gingerbread REAR ADMIRAJ/WAT90N. and be convinced, 15c and 25c bottlee, and oi apace would be crowded with* ex­ will hold royal receptions, to which not ev’rybody wasa-lookin’ at me an* sayin*: man come along he says: ‘Air ye hun­ (Dewey’s Successor Commander of th e gallon cans for hotel use, #..85. Philippine Fleet.) hibits. The nations of the far east only his own countrymen, but the peo­ •T hat’s old H arum ’s boy Dfive playin’ gry, Dav^?* (I’d told him m y name); aiti preparing to send to Paris the best ple of the world will be admitted. hookey,* an '-1 sneaked ’round dreadin’ ‘Air ye hungry?* Wa’al, I waa a growing pelled him to this course. It was real­ When he Is n o t In Paris the building HIRAM WALTON samples of their peculiar products, and somebody’d give me away; but 1 finly boy, an* I was hungry p u tty much ali ly impossible to find a substitute for G ro c e r M at Chicago in 1893 they’ will form will bo open to the public at all hours. found that nobody wa’n’t payin’any at­ the time. He bought 'two big squares him. For a considerable period he was EXTRACTION one of the greatest attractions of the This building ia now being constructed tention to me—they were there to see an* gin m e one. hiB country’s only responsible repre­ Cor.Monhoi*sd ASBURY PARK in London, and will be transported to Emory bTUErrs exposition. The native craftsmen from the show, on* one red-headed boy more “Wa’al,” he went on, “we done the sentative In the l’hilippines, and the Paris in pieces ready to put together. OF TEETH the semi-civilized and barbarous is­ on less wa’n’t no particTer account, hull programmy—gingerbread, lemon­ period was one in which the responsi­ It will be a fireproof structure neces­ lands of the Pacific and the continent Wa'al, putty soon the percession hove ade—-pink lemonade, an’ he took some bilities were of the gravest sort. JOHN N. WHITE M. W. JAMES sarily because of the vast collection of Many persons fear to have a tooth of Africa are vlelng with their broth­ In sight, an’ the* was a reg’lar stam­ o* that—popcorn, peanuts, pcp’mint The government appreciated his PROPRIETORS art works which it will contain. A11 extracted because of the accompanying ers from the civilized portions of the pede among the boys, an* when It got candy, cin’mun candy—scat 1113' ------! worth and relied upon him absolutely. of the English colonies will he as well su fiering. 111 reali ty there is li ttle p ain . world In providing attractive features by, I run an* ketched up w ith it agin, an’ he payin’ fer ev’ry thin ’— 1 thought It was a tremendous relief to the pres­ The sleeplesness, anxiety, and lack of for what promises to be the greatest ex­ represented as the mother country. an* walked alongside the el’phnnt, tin ident and his cabinet to have such a food weaken the body, and tbe nerves BERNHARD BRISTOL. he was jest mode o' money! An* I rc- hibition of all ages down to the present pall an’ all, till they fetched up inside ’inember how we talked about all th? man in command. Tliey fouiid him in­ become, susceptible to irritation. The tim e. The Prsmlei •( A frica. the tent. Then I went off to one Bide— doln's; the ridin’, an* jumpin’, nn' sura- valuable, both as naval administrator pain results from these causes, not from the extraction itself In this great exposition the United The latest information about the it must *a* ben about Teven or half-past, mersetin’, an’ all—fer he’d got oil the and diplomatic agent-, and bis splendid States will not occupy a second place. tribe of pigmies discovered by Mr. Stan­ an* ea t my dinner—I had a devourin’ ap­ all round capacity and ripe experience By the use of DENTO or NITROUS shyniss out ' stun fence, an’ fust I knowed the folks insurrection. It has come upon quieter M. W. JAMES, Manager. upshot was that 1 lost sight o’ Billy 1*,, was makin’ fer the ticket wagin, an* times which make It no longer impera­ \ and couldn't make out/to ketch a F. E. THOMPSON the band began to play inside the tent. tive to employ the services of the ad­ glimpse of him nowhe/e. An’ then 1 He I taxin* your patience over the lim­ miral. It is felt that he may take his kind o’ come down to earth, ken-hung! DEAI.EE IX it?” said David, breaking off in his well-earned ret-l without detriment to' It was five o'clock, an’ I had better’ll story and addressing Mrs. Cullom more the country. In the future there will four miles to w alky^-mostly up hill— directly} be /nothing for a naval commander to As Pure as an’ if I knowed anything ’bout the old fio hut to visit different points on the “No, I guess not,” she replied. “I man, an’ I thought I did, Iliad the all* was jest thinkin’ of a circus 1 w ent to Island coasts and fulfill the routine firedest lickin’ ahead of me *t I’d ever duties of a peaceful station. Adminis­ Homemade Candy ouce,” she added, with an audible sigh. got/to n ’ th at was sayin’ a good dostt. trative matters will he placed as rapidly Our candies are just as pure “Wa’al," said David, taking a last But, boy ’s 1 was, I liad grit enough to farewell of the end of his cigar, which Us possible in the bauds of civil author­ as those you. tyouIJ 'm ak e at allow ’twas wmh it, an’ off I put.” PRICES : he threw into the grate, “mebbe what’s ities. home. “Did he lick yer much?” inquired In the event, however, of any new Nut, Stove and Egg, per ton S*5.00 They’are better than home­ cornin' ’11 int’rest ye more’n the rest Mrs. Oullom, anxiously. made candy* though, because on’t has. I.was standin’ gawpin’ ’round, trouble arising, the navy and the people Pea, per to n ...... 3.50 **Wa’.al,” replied David, “he done his they are the .prod u,c t of a skilled list’nin* to the band an’ watehin’ the will be most efficiently represented, by best. He was layin’ fer me when 1 candy maker. folks git their tickets, when al], of a Ad mi nil Dewey's successor. \VinckJ6r on a box is a guar­ struck the front gate—I knowed It suddin I felt a twitch at my hair—it antee th a t the candy in it is wa'n’t no use to try the back door, an’, T h e W o r l d ’ii Reer S u p p l y . OFFICE AND YARD : had a way of workin* out of the holes fresh and pure. * be took me by the ear—most pulled it The beer which is consumed through­ in my old chip straw hat—an*somebody off—‘•an* marched me off !tp the barn- out the world in a single year, says the 2 2 Corlies Ave. „snys to me: ‘Wa’al, sonny, what you shed without a word. I never.secn him London Home‘Magazine, would make tankin' of?’ he says. I looked up, an’ Branch—3Y4 Bond Street. bo mad. Seemed likqhe couldn’t speak a lake C feet deep, 3% miles long, and a WINCKLER, American Railway Train for the Par{s Exposition♦ who do you s’pose it was? It was Billy for awhile, but fin’ly lie says: ‘Where mile wide, or 2,3iu acres in area. In this P. Cutlom! I knowed .who be was, you ben all day?* vast lake of beer, says the writer, we Baker And Confectioner, world, and already more than double the forest, nnrt, have no sem en nnona- fer I’d seen him before, but, of course; could easily drown all the English- he didn’t know me. Yes, ma’am, it was •‘ ‘Down t* the village,* I says. 717 Mattison Avenue. the amount of space granted 'os has tions. Their shelters nt night are hutfc “ ‘What you ben up to down there?’he speaking people, to the number of 1 2 0 ,- EXAMINATION FREE been applied for. two or three, feet in height, Thoir anils Billy P., an* wa’n’t he rigged o ut to OuO.OOO, throughout tho entire world, or k illl” ■ays. But thiB exposition is to be an ex­ are bows and arrows and spears. “ ‘Went to tbe cirkis,’ I says, thinkin* we could give a heer-hath tee vary man, The speaker paused and looked into woman and child at the same time in position of selection. In other words Prince In the Circa* Rine. I might’s well make a clean breast j c -ar j g each government is to select that which the fire, smiling. The woman started the entire continent of America, while BsDonj Fait DpliGai Parioi The career of Prince Ghika, n scion of forward facing him, and clasping her on’t. it wishes to occupy the space allotted nn old Kmmuuutm family, is n some- “ ‘W here’n you g it the nionov? lie all the peoples of England.'Scotland, to it. It will be a competition between hands, cried: “My husband! Whal’d Ireland aud France could find standing 603 Cookman Ave., cor. Emory St. Bicycle wlmt rem arkable -one. The prince a t lie have on?” says. countries and not between individual nn early acre Vhowed a marked tendency room on its-bed. “Wa’al,” said David, slowly and rem­ “ ‘Mr. Cullom took me,* I snys. No one can afford to his sight.; hence exhibitors. For this country there are to bohemian tastes. Before attaining “ ‘You lie,’ he says. ‘You stoic the Not Aiway* Itntny, J-.IUirr. the importance of glasses properly adapted Repairing now at work a great numbeij of judges iniscently, “near’s I c’n remember, he to the eygs-.-Jff suffering with your eyes, or his majority he emancipated himself had on a blue broadcloth claw-hammer money pome whores, an* I'll trounce it “ Life is not all sunshine, Harri/T.” If you need glasses, come in for examination in all lines selecting with infinite care from parental influences and married a 0 ! Established Repair Shop coat with fiat gilt buttons, an’a'double- Out of ye, if I kill ye,’ he says.”—From “Yes, 1 know that; but you know very (without charge) and sue wliaiTVe can do that which is best. Only in the most circus artiste, lie wns disowned by his for 3:011. breastcd plaid velvet vest, an’, pearl- David Hamm. well, Julius, there are lots of days when general way has any decision yet been father, but on subsequently inheriting gray pants, strapped down over his I Could carry a chiffon, parasol if 1 had R 1QHT GLASSES. RIGHT nETMODS, It li\sa»d that honest ad's create ionfl* made, and the successful contestants the family estates ho speedily' ran b o o t^ ’vvliieh waS of shiny leather, an’ Not nt All■ ’Donblfnl. it.”—Chicago Kecord. RIGHT PRICES. dencs.ami confidence creates business. for Bpace have not yet been announced. through his money. He then took les­ Hence our success. We have to enlarge n high-pointed collar an’ blue stock First Sweet Thing—Do you believe be All optical goods warranted to give satis­ Soma of the larger exhibits, those sons from his wife nnd obtained an en­ A .New Excuse. pur repair shop. It’S not large enough for with a pin ih it (I Remember won­ rcaljy means business? / faction. which will advertise our national re­ gagement in the circus. He has now Wife—John, what liav? you been do­ the volume of business w e are now secur­ derin’ c’d be real gold), an* a yel­ Second Sweet Thing—I'm quite sure sources only, have been decided upon, •bettered liimselLby obtaining the post in g ? WBtclR Clock Eon Jewelrg B(palling ing. We will also be able to store your Among these probably none are of of manager. low-White plug beaver hat.” of it, love. All his presents are such Husband— Beeh ,’sper men tin* with wheel aud koep It clean for a small sum. At the description of each article of- very useful nr tides,—Ally Slope r. ■ At prices consistent with.good workman­ greater interest or will be of greater liquid air, in’doar. - I t’s ’strcmely sil- ship. h - — —- benefit tb the country than the exhibi­ A scrion* xftifemma. ..attlre Mrs. Cullora nodded her head, e ra lin ’.—N. Y. J o u rn a l. MARK GUY with her eyes fixed on David’s face, D dkntelj’ Explained. W'. C. WISEMAN, Graduate Optician tion o f American agricultural Imple­ •‘What's the matter?” r~ i . Kind-Hearted Visitor—And whntNvns 54$ COOKMAN AYE. ments.* For this exhibit an American “I'm in a dilemma.*’ and as he concluded she broke - out That Wax" All. RlcBIUDE BLOCK your error, my friend? “Wlint are you'doinjf, doctor?” asked annex will- be erected fo the agricul­ “How so?” breathlcssly:. “Oh, yesloh, yes, David ho wore them very clo’cs, an* he Took Convict (up for burglary)—Well, you a man who entered as the physician was tural building of the exposition, and In “I've got two invitations to dinner. sec, Bome^oIks ^thought 1 was a little Dressmakers Old Established Repair Shop' J to® 16 th a t x0IT Bgrae show th a t vary- vaccinating a patient, It will bo exhibited the wonderful Va­ One comes from a woman whom I am 'foozcaloiisfor free silver.—N, Y. World. riety of agricultural implements which afraid to offend, and-4he other woman “Scraping nn acquaintance,” was the reply.—llarlem Life. ' ’ we manufacture. Tills exhibit fs under gives the best feed I”—Cleveland Plain sam^, n ig h t!” 0 There was in her face a Ncir Punctantlon-M nrU. DRB S SMA.KIN G the supervision of Mr. B. D. Woodward, Healer. • look almost of awe, as if a sight of her Teach cr—t'an nny pf yoiyehildren tell t pdccmly Gibe./ Ewry lady wishes botbWyle and fit. To obtain What nn interrogative sentence is? Waiter—Would J’ou like Spanish this give me n call, and ypy will flijd what you PIONEER ELECTRICIANS. the assistant commissioner general, ni«Apprehe»*lbn. long-builed past youth had been shoWn desire, prices reasonable) Will alBO remodel and .*1 don’t know,” said the millionaire, io her fltom a coflip. Patsy (epniidcritly^)r—please, mum, cream With it?..<', ubind.ypur skirts. / • And he says this building vyiU give ua It’s .one o’ them sentences you olvaya shaking his head dubiously; “it seems .Nelthey spoke for a moment or two, Goodman Gonrong—Spanish cream? M r s . m . h . J o r d a n , m ore than 03,000 square feet fo r this put an ear after.—Judge. That’s \yhipped cream, isn’t it?-*~£hica- purpose alone, nnd which is in addition to me there are too many trusts being and It was the widow who broke the si­ ERRANG go Tribune. • 719 Mattison Avenue, Asbury Park. " to the space allotted us in the main ag­ form ed.” |4 . ' * lence. As David had conjectured, she I% re-E m 1 n e n t. ricultural building. “Indeed?” remarked the other,man, was interested at las£, and satTeaning. “Ma, 1 am at the head of my das*,” N o S t i n t . arching his eyebrows. 1 • , - . forward with her hands clasped in her Mrs. J . F. BRADLEY, B icycle R e p a ir e r s Another exhibit which will, attract “Mow's that,. l)ick?” _ Mr. Gablcigh—1 always weigh ray “}Teg. I’m afraid it’s onlya Question lap. i. . ’ - , . ’ ' Dressmaking and Ladies Tailoring £X2 COOKMAN AVEl the attention of Europeaha will be a “Tehcher sjiys i*ni.the worst of all the trords. Main Street and Lake Avenue, | com palace in Which every variety aud of tjme when they’ll compete wfyh each ! “.Well,” she exclaimed, “ain’t'y e goin! bad boys ia school.”—Philadelphia In-* Miss Coldeal-rDo1 you? Yop seem to other.”—Epck, * * .on? did he say. to ye?”. MoCas* BxnuttNo, M Asdout F a b * . tho-hundred .nn)3 rooi’4 u a e a . o f W pat quirer. * . - give pretty good measure.—Puck. W-tf _ Formerly with lire. Bennett . “Ceri’nlv. certn’Iv.” reationded Da- Advertise in 1 hb uaily rasea. THE ASBURY PARK DAILY PRESS. THE FRANCHISE TAX BILL. STATE TO HONOR DEWEY, Special Mmmummu T h e D a il y P r e s s . THE QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY Republlenn-Senatorial Citnca* Aflrreei At Governor** llcqneit Lejftalatore Advertisement* containing not more tbxtr to !’«*« It A m e n d e d . twenty-flve words inserted under this heading ESTABLISH ED.1887 J n s W IH A ppropriate $711,000. for twenty-flve cents first insertion and fifteen Celebrated Throughout the Civ­ Albany. May 25.—In the senate yes­ Albany, May 25.*—An appropriation of cents each subsequent insertion. $75,000 will be made by the legislature J. Ij. k i n m o n t h terday afternoon the tax franchise bill ilized World. was advanced to a third reading, with and approved by Governor Roosevelt WANTED, HDITOR AND PROPOIBTOR, Agent for laundry; one with horse and wagon 'an understanding that a vote would be to be expended under the direction of referred. Address City Steam Laundry, Tren reached today. There were several Im­ the governor in providing for the prop­ >n, N. J. 1S4-V6*1 A BIO DAY AT P0BT TAMPA portant amendments adopted in the er celebration of the return of Admiral PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING S WANTED. (EXCEPT SUNDAY) face of the fact that the assembly com­ Dewey to this country. As the admiral nrltlNb Marine* March In American mittee on tsix.'Klon nnd retrenchment is to land at s%ne time A boy and alKo you- g lady 16years old or over T a l k AT THE to attend lunch counter in lunch room. Call be­ NI red*—America « Snliller* nt K ing­ had reported the bill out without about Aug! l Governor- Uoi.r^velt be­ tween 10 and 18 a. m. at 21814 Cookman avenue lieves the state should do its part In d a il y p r e s s b u il d in g , ston—Hoer t'ongrcHS Adjourn* In b mend ment. 124* Of the anv-ndments one offered by honoring the returning naval hero. 607 Mattison Avenue, Asbury Park. Qnven'N Honor, Senator Arnistn ng exempting the fran­ The governor sent a special message FOR SALE. j he season of outdoor pleasures brings its out TELEPHONE CALLS! London, > May 25.—Banquets and re­ chises of municipal corporations from on the subject to the legislature. A eecond hand grocery wagon for $25. Ap taxation made unnecessary any act lop Shortly after the message was receiv­ door costuming. To be properly clad means to Editorial Rooms...... SO a ceptions \v?re given hy the British em­ ply or address W. J. Payoter, Bradley Beach. Business OfficeH...... BO b bassadors and ministers at all the lead­ on the bill reported by the assembly ed the senate finance committee, to J23-25* committee-on taxation nnd retrench­ which the governor's message had been properly enjoy the outing. Cyclists, Gblfers, Horse ing capitals in Europe in honor Ol BOARDERS WANTED Queen Victoria’s birthday.' The cele­ ment intended fqr the same purpose referred, met and decided to report fa­ vorably a bill, appropriating $75,000 to Also rooms to let at 529 Lake arenue, Aabury men, and ail who have a care for correctness and TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : bration at Windsor was elaborate. Hot Another provides for the relief of local Parh. T L. Forbls. 123-123* m ajesty. is -said to have stood the assessors from the necessity of taking aid In the celebration. The bill was comfort find them in the clothes they wear. One year (strictly In advance-)...... 83.00 reported to the senate last night and One week...... 00 fatigue of the day admirably. All who oath to the accuracy of the assessments < BOARDING. . ordered to a third reading. It will pass Biggie c o p ies...... 01 saw her thought she looked extremely made, inasmuch as the state board is to 611 ; a large new cottage, hand* The Fop Notch of perfection in outdooring well, and it was noted that her bonnet make the assessments, and another both houses. This appropriation of $76,- somely furnished; table ana service first class. • Advertising Rates on Application, was relieved with a little display ol provides tlpit when a corporation ob­ 000 is to be made on the understanding 1,6-128* wear is reafched in our late creations. Every whim that-It will be available for paying the white and cream colored trimmings. jects to its assessment and obtains a WANTED. The birthday banquet given tit the writ of certiorari from a court such expenses of any organization p f the na­ and fancy for outdoor wearing i s fully satisfied, at THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1899. tional guard of the state that may de­ We are prepared to d t painting or calblmlnlng Hotel Cecil last night was attended by writ shall run,only to the state board of of all kinds; address J. Crawford, 15 Pharo many members of the America ti society assessors unless the judge . or court sire to take part In the Dewey calibra­ avenue, W. Grove. ' 123-128* prices consistent with superior workmanship and Menhaden fiBhermen have been fish­ -in -London. -Laird Rosebery, who pre­ granting the writ shall direct other­ tion Which will agree to such service materials. There is practically nothing that’s new ing very industriously within one mije sided. referred to the American guest? wise. without compensation other than trans­ WANTED. portation and maintenance while In of shore of late. This is in violation of jis “representing a gteat commonwealth Last night a caucus of Republican KPboyB (white). Apply and worthy in Men’s Furnishings out what can, senutnrs agreed to pass the bill as New York city. 122-28 Deal Golf Club. the law and some vigorous efforts should of states once part of the British em­ pire, but now nearer than any country amended in the senate in the afternoon. be found in our stock. The newest Neckwear, the be made to stop it. If it is not done at Senator Humphrey offered a slight ■*. Ml** Grant SaDs ro t Roma. TO EET. except the colonies.” Chicago, May 25.^lilr. and Mrs. Pot- A four room flat, well furnished, to let for the once local fishing will be seriously in­ Colonel Taylor of the.society, in re­ amendment intended to restrict to sper newest Underwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Suspen­ ttr Palmer and Miss Ju,li& Grant hftvt aeasoh for four months^ Address No. 12 Dally jured.? Our local fishermen are entitled sponding for the Americans, paid a trib­ clal franchises taxation immunity, the Press offlce. 181-26* ders, G olf Hose., Collars, Cuffs, etc. But one of the municipal corporation amendment of sailed from Cherbourg, France. Miae to protection, which we hope will be ute to the queen and read cablegrams that had been exchanged with the citi­ Senator Armstrong. It wa$ tentatively Grant will remain. In the east with her MONEY TO LOAN. mother, and Mr, and Mrs. Palmer will strongest lines of all is our stock of Fancy Negligee given. ______zens of Tampa, Fla. Among the Amer­ adopted. Twenty-flve senators wrere I have 91,500 to loan on Bond and Mortgage. reach Chicago on June 4, to remain a icans at the banquet were- the United present. Senators CoggeshaU and Ford Address No. 11, Dally Press office, 1*1-26* Shirts, fabrics, colors and patterns, which cannot be short time before going to N ewport for States consul general,.Mr. William Mc­ were, absent,,hut it is understood both THE QUEEN’S EYESIGHT. the season. They have taken Beaulieu, FOR SALE OR RENT. obtained anywhere else in town, and with all their Kinley Osborne; Mr. Hiram Maxim, Mr. will vote for the bill. A fine bargain offered on a 45 room Hotel at D r. Panren*♦«.*«• her Think* nn Opera- Isaac Sellgman, Mr. F, C. Van Duzen, the summer home of Mr, YVUllam W al­ dorf Astor, and there the wedding ot Avon by the Sea. Coll on R. C. Love, offlce Post superiority and exclusiveness, they are even lowet tlnn Should tie Made. Mr. F. B. Blake and Mr. B. F. Stevens. Offlce building, Avon, N. J, 119tf h a v a n a 's h ip p in g c r ip p l e d . Miss Grant and Prince Cantacuzene will London. May 25.—No 'official- state­ The following dispatch was received in price than the ordinary kind sold elsewhere. from the citizens of Port Tampa. Fla.: Ij|gli. .M ..p's strike is causing seri­ The Yale Pre*ldcncy. room noticed she had ilibTeulty in iden­ nes uv-uc** tc shipping. The New Haven, May 25.—The sole topfo SELECT HELP FURNISHED Laundry called for and delivered free of charge. tifying: even th*i=e well known to h*u\ .-•j ;;: i vc <.f x csscls unable to un- of conversation here is the election for Male or female housekeepers, cooks, waitresses,, F or the fifst time at sut h a function the * ! ' .• u i .< (’.ill.-, tor Bliss to ask the Y ale presidency, which will be held laundresses, nurses, .chambermaids Select help All woik guaranteed, and at the same price that queen wore glasses. ’*• ■ - ■ r. ■. rh't-n un Gcnciai Wyman today. There are signs that the wanted AddrehS or call. Mrs. E. Chamberlain, 97 Main avepue, Ocean Urove. ’ 156-42* Her m ajesty’s siirht Is not Inst and Is .i k :it thf wharfs. The strength of Professor Arthur T. Had­ other laundries charge. no worse than that of a majority of. •■■ ■ ;.'■ ■■ .t-pli.-d tlmt this might ley is waning. He has been decidedly TO LET. octogenarians. i M a china nnd „Cn- the leading candidate, but for two days At Interlaken, cottage containing 9 rooms. Ap­ The statement that I»r. Pnuenstecher i.jc-u tl.iise wharfs. the candidacy of Professor George Vin­ ply to William Abels, who will«how the premises examined hor eyt s w In u h»* was re­ ■;.t ilv American sail- cent of the University of Chicago has and give put ticulnrs. John L.Hamilton, owner, 347 West 2Cih street. New York. 98tf cently In London i« nhv'.-ii-dy incorrect, it.-: .• ' j •: ".‘ill *i" I I he landing been booming. Professor Vincent’s as the quo* n uns'tltor: at < ‘imiez,. l*ut it uf \ ing r>* t.*'-.- 1:1th which th.- strength is now regarded as nearly PHYSICAL CULTURE. ia und' rsti ni tliat he was ruiisulteJ St V 1 ■ I s ■ - s ;i •. -111, t‘-f h;i:L"i;_sll"ivs. equal to that of Profi*ssyj* Hadley. School of Fhyilcul Culture in room Fo. 8. Post y ‘tirm}i* T r -:r u tis t a:vd'‘on* fircrK pre-" Nfr>" hit:'.-ft.- 1 I g ’di.uincn s-.r>> involved ...... ___ fe __ Office i ullding. Ltssoas It) fer cing nnn boxing. llented to li'in t-Ypn. ss*‘tl tin* opinion in tli<- strp. . They admit 'they have In Favor of I)rcyft**; FO'Hl PROF. CaRCIOFJM. that an pj-.-ritii ii u t cataract in a few bce^i •;truin,!: sm a month. . They re­ Paris, May 25.—It is understood that RESCUE MISSION. HATTERS AND MEN’S OUTFITTERS , months wiiitl 1 uiy** ooinp!».*te relief. fused :* piun.-sjd to submit the mutter the report of M, Ballot-Beaupre, the The queen b aV* < for Shetland tomor­ 3t South Main st., Asbury Park. Service every to at !-i:i at :on. Th" Mutt.-, .it steamship president of the' civil division of the night ut 7 45; also Sunday 3.15. Bright song ser­ row and will remain at l.iaImorp.1 until Tin-* is th*‘ onlv one not alY-'ctod, that court of cassation, on the Dreyfus re­ vice; d an ••l**«tric button, which In at midnight with a verdict. They E. J. STROUD, FlttjBburK ROchaways ' Canopy Cabriolets shaken, my right flipper Thre withdrew th • stars and stript-s from the found that the accident was due to neg­ Contracting Painter. " 'd ' t l f .- !■• ■ r 1 1: ill I t- passed uinb-1* th*» triumphal arch salut­ how can you Bell pianos cheaper than home Orrell und Conductor1 Magee for reck­ dealers and even big New York houses?1’ This Is tieship inati*- i>; i:■ i c : s At r ed the color**. They were escorted hy less running and Engineer Wlldersmilh 13 uy your drugs where a reasonable question and here is the answer and towns similar s» • *»/. s *• ■ ■ a. !•••! the Port Tiiinpa division of the Florida for having passed the signal at Exeter QUALITY is the one watch- explanation: A manufacturer wants me to sell L I V E L 0 3 STEES BISOIXjEID naval resciw - s. “ his make of pianos 1 say to him, "suppose, in and then backing" up 236 feet, and Train selling your piano, I come Into competition with T w e l v e T l i u ii m i it n i I n Dispatcher James Rnurke is declared word. Welsh Rarebits, Soft Crabs, Green Turtle Soup \ p « 1 i>rk IIuhith \ icPir-in. another make, do you allow me to cut the price?” Chicago. May -A - {*••» ial' to Tiie negligent in not notifying the special That place is this store. “W 6 don't care if yon give the piano away; after Times - lierubi fruin Imluth ?,.v.s: New York, May ^ .—Expressions ol crew of the delay, of the express. They you have bought it. it’s yours. However, we keep food will toward the queen of England up priceefln our warerooma." Bo aayrfthe maker. “Thomas A. Merritt an*J Edgur llolnain recommend that- the independent tower In buying medicines or pre Is not this piano business plain ?, In the name of C l a m B a k e D in n e r s t o O r d e r arrivccl today from lire i Juiden Mar were heard yesterday throughout the system below Reading be abolished and scriptions your object is not to common sense why should you pay $300 to $500 mine, in tin* Seim- river district, with city, for it was tlie eightieth anniver­ that the ten minute rule between pas­ for th e game piano lean sell you for $178tto$278? sary of th*? birth of the venerable You have the maker’s guarantee, that protects J12,000 in gold bri. ks. It rvpres. nt. d senger trains be enforced. find a bargain, but a cure. you. 1 am a piano tuner and select your piano 3 ST ©~ptnjLjCL© IS© igItL 'bB one month's clean up at the mine with ruler. Flags of England were unfurled Cheap drugs may cure, but p a rts even ber« re they are p u t to g eth er. D rop a ten stamp mill and beats all fireyluufr from the windows of many prominent Memorial to ax-Goveruor Flower, me a postal and I will explain to you the myste- firms along • Broadway. The shipping riee of the piaho business and save you a hundred [North Side o f Sbark River, Rear Avon Depot , records for Hie same length uf tiuir !«> Albany, Mr*y 25.—The senate resolu­ more often fail. The best dollars or so. By tbe way, you can have your |10,000. Tin* sin.-k ut the mim- Jumped In-the harbor and along the w ater from tion providing for. the appointment of drugs will always cure if cure pianos tuned now before the rush, test the work, from 05 to >5 today. Tlu^ stock of Min bor« the flag of the United Kingdom. a joint committee by the presiding of­ and pay if satisfactory during the season. Take ASBURY PARI and Several public dinners closed the day. Piaxob to Rent. W. O. DOHM, 1 J. R, SCOTT, Proprietor Emma Abbott mine, owned by Chiiage ficers of the senate and assembly to is possible Tuner, - BELMAR TROLLEY to Avon, and New York parties, w hu h is suppos­ At thes** functions subjects of Great prepare a suitable memorial to, the late Our customers are all satis­ SID Cookman Avenue. TBLBKHONE 57 F ed to be on the sain*- \*hi. a.l\:tn« «l Britain and naturalized Englishmen re­ Roswell P. Flow;er ha%been unanimous­ .cents today ii I.-* ferred P* th*- bond whic'h Existed be­ ly adapted by the assembly. In mov­ fied with “Drugs that Curd.” jfmutttnents tween the two lands In which dwell peo­ ing its adoption Assemblyman Bryan of If you are not a customer we Fig In 1 iik' 1 a tbe S'lihuru. ples speaking a common tongue. Jefferson county paid a glowing tribute T O SUN STOPS Tripoli. .May 25.--A tm-ssenger wlv» to his memory. Speaker Nixon imme­ want you for one. We know was dispatched 07 days ago has arrived M tfK i ii !«•> ’* C o n « m t u ln ( io n * . park Opera House diately named as, the assembly repre­ how to treat you right and here With the iUinuum-'-m- nt of the ur- "Washington, May 25.—President Mc­ sentatives upon tiie committee Messrs. W. H. MORRIS, Manager rival of the Fourcuulany mission at Kinley sent the .following message of T. F. O’BRIEN Bryan und Roberts of Jefferson, Miles keep your custom through AD*, in thfc*'Sahara, where fort Jib a t ions congratulation to Queen Victoria.’ “Jl of St. Lawrence and Roche and Har- fair/ honest dealing. WONDER Wftre set up and a proclamation issu* *l gives me great pleasure to convey on burger of New York. The senate,mem­ Week Beginning declaring that the t’tench had i om*.* to this happy annlvc-Ysary the- expression bers of tin* committee‘Are Senators cdnquer the country. The natives at­ of the sentiment of regard and affection Brown of Watertown, CoggeshaU of HOINDAY, E f i ! ' tacked the mission, but were repulsed MAY 22 which the American people cherish to­ Qsabla aud Donnelly of New York. It is a genuine treat to TIN ROOFING wjth a loss uf ten.iMcn. Tjiu French suf­ ward your majesty and to add the as- A delightful fact: A $1 performance at fered no casual: I-.s. J.ut-r shiekhs cam - buranee of my own cordial respect and drink such fine Soda, as is 1 r . In and expressed i-gtct at the attack. esteem. May God grant to your maj­ A .Texas "Watelrspout. drawn from our fountain. It IMJ Dickens, Tex,, May 26.—A waterspout 10, 20 and 30 Cents The shlekhs - were iii farmed that the esty and to the countries under your pays to save'your thirst till mission was going to Kano, and seem­ government many year's of happiness near here has destroyed much property BEATERS ADD MODERN ed to believe that it would occupy and prosperity.” and stock and deluged an area pf two you reach our fountain, for we Agudes, the capital of the kingdom, uf square miles. Dr. F . T. fcavtdsoa #f Asben. It was reported, tiie messenger Banquet In Havana. Denver was caught In the flood and are “Famous for our Soda.” ® Bold, that a party of 5u of the .mission Havana, May 25.—Havana yesterday drowned. We carry a fnll line of them. Also, who had been detained in tin.- rear w-iv was alive with flags In honor of the attacked i.y natives and suffered sev-st-r queen's blrlltday. and all the ships In BRIEF NEWS NOTES. M a t t is o n A v e . P h a r m a c y . SUPPORTING SHEET METALWORK DIAMONDS, SILVERWARE, CUT losses. the harlmr w»■>»■<* decorated, Thf* ban : (ILASS AND OPTICAL GOODS quel imu rial.} at ib ll-.t.-l im jtatenv Tie . i parmitttit hus been advised J.iWYETOOOI and PUSS LOTTIE O0IBGH N e w OrleiuiN (ii-lM Siller Sef\|ee,' «U* ;i1l»-!,«h‘.| V" • • |.1 J„M, by G : ■ ai- **f the arrival nt Manila New I'rl'-nn*. May 25.--Tht» silver pic and pass'd \Vjth t ,-Mthi: npi.i t. which sailed from San A. W. CORNELIUS, . f ti. :iN 8 PLE\DID SCENIC PRODUCTIONS. A (O f for Kelse, Furnaces service and tin- silver beJJs secured by siasm. A'Mp-ss. y u*-r< mmb by Urn Fran. - -< April 20. COOKMAN AVENUE MONEY? -- - - " ■ tfl — the -citizens of New Orleans have b.*,-n ernor G-neral Lr.-.k.-, Major (b-ncia1 Tie prisi.h-nt has given orifers to presented to the cruiser New Orleans. Ludl'iw. St-rmr Ki »*d»*i a «• M**i a, Mipi i*in>- Tonight—” In Old Tennessee." carry • ait the •commendations of Gen- F riday n ig h t—“ The M idnight A larm .” ’Rtfga SBge^E gi The service consists of the largest court tls< a! S- n-u I*.-tT.■»•!<. La<-i. i <■-. nel Sum men* " f the Second Oregon Saturday night-:“ The District Fair.” * ' 642 MATTISON AVENUE cessories, engraved with local scenes. brevet brigadier general of volunteers T o Loan at Five Fer Cent. Sale now open at Grenelle’a Pharmac^. iTHE PALACE ( lieu I toll ut K 1 nn* ton. and Captain rase of the engineer bat­ * The Fair Will Cbnteat. Kitigs|<>n. tint..* May 25".■■■Some 000 talion a major I.y brevet, $ 500 ASBURV PARK, W. J. San Francisco, May, 26.—Mrs. Craven United S la b s -milit.ia. naval i-c*»'t-v*:s H ie Russian m inister here, M. de lia s been denied" tho right to intervene and qudets.joined tin-,Kingston military filers, has- nidified the tsung-ll-yamen > 1 , 0 0 0 lipoitaitt notice MERRY-GO-ROUND In the JTaJr will contest. r-+»p------— In honoring Quc-i-n \'i< toria.’s birthday. that Russia is unable to accept the Chi­ The visitors caine front Syrncusf*. A u­ nese refusal of a railroad concession 1.500 CONVENTION RATIONAL EDUCA- burn, Elmira. it*?wcgn. -Jlochesti-j* and Is now open -ahd tljat s?l;e will sent! engineers forth 2.500 lo Bicycle Mers. TIQNAU ASSOCIATION, . Watertown, N. Y... nnd topresented the with to survey a line to connect the Third New York battalion tinder the Russjan Miinrhurjan ralRVay with Fe 3,000 These writings ore to inform you jthat We Excelsior Laundry command of Major A. M. Hall-of Oa- EVERY FINE EVENINO Los Angeles, Cal.—Reduced Rites king. . , ' AND allow np incompetent workmanship to leave (SNOWFLAKE) • our workshop. 1 AND via Pennsylvania Railroad. The naval orders Just posted assign We know you prefer conscientious mate­ For the National Kdhcatjonal Association Captain J. B . Coghlan to duty aa com $4,000 rials and expert mechanical skill. If you 812 Cookman Avenue SATURDAY AFTERf/OONS convention, to be held at Los Angeles, Cal., I»«II v.tiiiliu r 1 1 1 . mandant of the Puget sound naval sta­ will allow us to repair your bicycle we can Madrid. M:fy 25, riuin.r Don Kmifio tion Juno 30. by which time, the Raleigh 1.500 assure you of the highest mechanical skill, A moat comprete modern faondcy Polite attendants; good music. July U to 14, the Pennsylvania Railroad At Six Fer Cent. coupled with an experience of twelve years Capacity Increased two-Jpld Castelar, tin* distinguished Republican wllu iVf out cd" commission. The reinain- company, will sell excursion tickets via hig\ officers o f the" Raleigh. Are also^deA In tne-buainess exclusively. W e claim and Domostlc finlab Special care taken of children, j direct routes from points on Its line, to Los orator and Hlatf*smiin, who was attack­ can substantiate the claim—that we are with or without nurses. All wel­ ed by pulmonary catarrh, has suffered tacheU and placed o^A waiting orders oi\ Angeles, Cal., and return, at rate of single better equipped to do your bicycle repairing We make a Specialty of fine hand work on .a serious relapse. Additional • medical .leave.'A- „ \ \ at a lower price than elsewhere and we give lad lea apparel and treats dreas shirts. JThlB Ae* come. fare fbr the round'trip, plus $2.0 0 member­ advisers, have been summoned to the AndrW J. Mathes,! the second of the Monmouth Realty Co. a guarantee with all our yvorb. partment Is under thepuporvlalon of an expert ship fee. "Those- tickets will be sold, good patient. , “ 30 defendants in thel celebrateil Semi Lowest prices la our motto. laundress. ...Drop us a postal ana, our wagons E. SCHHnZLER, Proprietor • ROOMS 12 -13 will call and deliver anywherq* going, June 24to J.uly ?»and. when stamped nole burning cases, has been found guil A^call Is solicited. Send postal and we By joint agent at Los Angeles, good to re­ C l i o u t e t<«oIi j k !*»'Scotland. \ t y . ‘ Mafhes was a preacher and-at the wlll^jallfor bicycle. Ladles especially 'in­ I * A# B. H4HMOHD, Manager turn, arriving at final destination, until London, May 25.—Mp«: Choate,;wife \$ime of the burning of tfie Indians was MONMOUTH BUILDING vited. Yours to serve, September 5. - * of the Unitqd States embassador, has present and praywl lo u o ly to God to For further information address Thos. gone to Scot la mi, .and the embassador save ihc^euls nf tlw bnys^but ffiftde no W. Cor. Mattison Are, and Bond Sf.'f CYCO BICYCLE fO. Purdy, passenger agent Long Branch dis­ will follow in a- rfev ■ i * Co'o' ma” Av-'ir e , K$?*v RE,A,t>-THiE P R E S S trict, 780 ^roafi'streot, Newark, N. J. ASBURY PAR'K, N. J. 534 THE ASBURY PARK DAILY PRESS. GLENDOLA GLEANINGS. HAMILTON NEWS; * Elroy Stock Company. JAMES S. SHERMAN. New Wed (Unit hook. Tho Elroy Stock company will present at lio'dso Social—Decoration Da; Ereot Itome That Will Interest Residents The newest wedding hook is a booklet tho opera houso tonight D. K. Higgins’ JTcw YorU’i Favorite Candidate t o r in white covers with a gold o r‘silver A “Oheap"’ Horae. and Their Friends. great military pjay “In Old Tennessee.” the Speakership ot Ilouae monogram-cn the outside nnfr^nrctty A. S THE EEOWERS United Connell, No. 7, D. of A., hold an Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Slocum of Avon are This Is said to be one of tho best stories o t Ilepreaentativee, mezzotint photographs on the pnj$b of Turn to the sunlight, so do all economical buyers turn to apron and nodktlo social Tuesday atoning, at present staying with their daughter, I ever told of the olvil war In America. The the* bride and the bridegroom, the : May 28, at tho houso of Mr. and Mrs. Shel­ Mrs. Charles Morris, who is very sick. Mrs. scenery, costumes and effects used are all 'James Schoolcraft Sherman, leading church where the err Oniony is perform ­ don TUton. A largo crowd was In attend­ Morris was recover ing and wns about, but new. Mr. Cook will appear as “Jack candidate in tile east for speaker, was ed, the group of bridesmaids and ushers, ance, and the noat sum of (21 was cleared. a relapse was caused by taking cold. Shelby,” a colonel in the Union army, and born In Tltica, N. Y., October 5, 1855. the place where the honeymoon is spent John Hulso, who has for a long tlfne been ’Squire Jeremiah Bennett and his son are will be supported by the entire company. He is, therefore, a young mnn nnd full nnd perhaps oven a' picture of the wed­ J. J. PARKER S on the sick list, Is slowly recovering. trying their skill at keeping bachelor’s hall, of vigor. He was elected first to Hie ding breakfast, taken by flashlight. for their GROCE HIES. No old goods on hand. Nothing but fresh Postmaster Fred Hurley has been very his daughter, Mrs, Benjamin White, who Fiftieth congress and reelected to each First-class Goods, aud at prices th .t recognize no competition. ( It Proved n Oooiiicrnng, Cards for the five year, or wooden, > 11,' but Is now Improving! has for tho past few years kept house for Succeeding congress Blnce as a repub­ wedding umtfveraary celebration' aro of The Glesdola Y. F. 8. Christian Endeavor him, having with her husband and family1, There can he no donbt. that the war lican from the Twenty-fifth, or more oak yellow, tho snrfaco of tho paper -A W ord A.bout Flour Will hold a crystal decoration party on the moved to West Grove. indemnity paid by France to Germany commonly known as the Utica, congreB- grained and shaded to represent the We are offering our FLOUR at last week’s Low Prices, but nt lawn a t the ohurch, Tuesday afternoon and This week Mrs. ^Fane Williams of Aabury after the six weeks’ war, wjuj iH&oom* tolor nnd texture of wood. ,, the same time would call your attention to the state of the market. evening, May SO, and tho evening ot Wed­ Park was the guest of Mrs, DaVid Patter­ ernng Jo score up against Bismarck. Fifteen year, or crystal, weddings The price of Flour havli'g advauced comiuerably, aud it will proba­ nesday, May 81. Supper will be served the son. The good it did to France ia inestimable* aro announced on white cards, the bly go higher. first evening for 25 cents. Ice cream, lem­ The teachers and scholars of the Hamil­ Prior to the war there was an enorbions monogram and the dates at the head of Come to headquarters and buy your onade, cake, strawberries and fruit will be ton M. E. Sunday-school are getting ready amount of money locked np in the form the curd in white letters powdered with on sale both evenings. Proceeds for the for their children’s day exercises, which will of small savings. The appeal of the gov­ crystal dust.' n U a u n e d G o o d s , benefit of tho pastor. If stormy tho affair bo held on the evening of June 11. ernment to die people set this sum into We have some rare bargains to offer you—go.dB that are worth ' -will take place the next fair evenings. Bowman Eisner has left his homo at the profitable motion, and, to tlm gmaze- much more money than we are asking. Ono afternoon recently Archlo Tilton, mill, and gone to live With hia daughter, raent of the world, France paid off her Who Is tho proud.poasessir of, a now horse, Mrs. Thomas Fletcher of Ocean l'Grove creditor in less than half the stipulated PIERCE WHEELS Finest Frint B u tter 28c per lb thought he would take a ride to see what Heights. • j timo. This gave avast impulse to busi­ “ Sind of a horse ho had. His brother Shel- Whooping cough Is at present having full ness enterprise of all kinds, and since A FEW OF ITS RIDERS A HONTHLY MAGAZINE FREE -don accpptod the Invitation to accompany sway in thla neighborhood. Some of the then Franco has steadily become more ASK THEM WHAT THEY THINK OF IT We are having published for FREE distribution among our hlmj but they jhad not gone many yards little ones are having a bard time of it. . wealthy. In Germany the effeets were customers a first-class Monthly Magazine. This work is both educa­ when the animal started to run away. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Kilmer, with a band less beneficial. The huge influx of gold tion ul and interesting, and cannot fail to be a welcome visitor iii every .“Shelly” waa spilled out along tho road, but of workers from the Epwortb League of St. sent up prices with n rush. A mania Clinton G. Carty, Abraham Poland, household. The,first issue will be ready in June, and all our custom ­ Mrs. Morris, John Conover, ers who va ill leave us their address will receive one. Archie clung to the reins and went sailing Paul’s church, Ocean Grove, conducted the for speculation set in, followed by the Herbert Molson, Master Hitchcock, down the highway at great speod. The services last Sunday, at the poor farm, inevitable crihis. Most serious of all, E. J. Rogers, Mrs. Conover, however, was the unexpected discovery Howard -Cross, W. Lungreo, horse ran Into. Mrs. Frank Clayton’B yard In Those meetings are attended with great W. D. Flood, C. Ti. Rearm ore, Coffee ...... 32c Ib such a hurry ns to nearly frighten the poor interest. Next Sunday the meeting will bev of France’s strength. Bismarck intend­ W. Roy a olds, _ Harry Farrell, California White Heatli Peaches— Silver cord ...... 3Vc can woman out of her wits. She started to go in charge of John J. Jeffrey and workers ed to cripple her fofcever, b ut ho only George Ferguson, - Dr. John T. Rose, Best Oat Meal . . . , ...... , . 2 1 B for Sc revealed her Immense power, and this, W. B. Stpelman, Harry Martin, H • d’n Root Beer, will make 5 gallons Root Beer. . Into the house, but stumbled and fell, and from Ocean Grove. , JAMES 8. SHERMAN. / . 10c per bottle ofcourse, necessitated the gigantic mili­ Mrs. Henderson, Mr. Henderson, Roust Hepf. large can ...... 19c not having time, as she thought, to get up James L. Simpson and Cornelius Matthew (New York’s Candidate for the House A. Reynolds, W.,B. Johnson, and escape, crawled to the house on ber are having a dispute over some land. Mr. tary Burdens which year by year weigh Speakership.) Ira Boyce, ■ C. N. Jelltff, Guoel Coff ee in g r a i n ...... 15c lb Good Carolina R ice ...... ■...... Oc bonds and knees. This made her very lu- Simpson has engaged tho best surveyors In more heavily upon Germany,—Cincin­ Walter Mason, Edward Klinkwf, ...... lb nati Enquirer, slonal district of the state of New York. VV. Frail, Charles W. Harrison, Gooel L a r d ...... 5c lb ' dlgnant, and os soon os she regained hor the country to run the line. Mr. Matthews L. Clem In son, Ej E. Hibier, California Prunes . . . . 4 lbs for 250 has been heard to say he has a thousand .He is one ofi.the most-popular- members feet sho sold to Mr. Tilton.: “That Is what of the lower house. A. T. Plerco, William Street, Gordon ry to 8 7 magazines,.great Saratoga in 1895; Mr. Sherman re­ Miss Angie Mount, ’ George UVOTirieti, fey shot in excellent form at targets but at Charles Harris, Mr. Ford, .Condensed bjil i ...... 7c per can and small. It lias’hcen live years on the ceived an academic and collegiate edu­ Kippered Herring ...... 2 iti can 20c b r i e f l o c a l s u m m a r y . live birds was outclassed by nearly every cation. lie graduated from Hamilton Miss Kittle Dynes, Star"Aai»ford, shooter on tho Elk wood grounds. - A num­ road, going aud coming. Bnt recently J. E; banning, Miss ]sabelle Scudder, Sc t'un Corn, a few < a fe s ...... 1. . tic per can college in the .class of 1878, studied law, <\W . Doll II. S. Pope, 7c Con Fn ly J one I’ca.i ...... HappentngSj Personal and Otherwise I sent it to tho magazine that first de­ . . 6c per cull ber of interesting target ami . llve-blrd was admitted to the bur ip lvS.SO, nml Paul C. Pi indies, H. J. AvUd, ’ California Blioed Peaches ...... ltlc cun In Ihc City nnifSuborhs. sweeps followed the main event. clined it. aud it was accepted, with J. W. VanAinan. Mr. War#< liner," thanks and u satisfactory check I Of became at once a member of tlie firm of C. B Raine, Holmes McGill. .Mixed N uts ...... 2 1 bs for 25c • Tonight Mrs. Naylor, an evangelist, will course in that time the oid editurs of Cookinli&m & Sherman. He isjm t nn Miss Julia .Smith, Miss Florence Packer. Toilet Soap ' t ...... 4 enkes for 5c lend tlie meeting at the Hesoue Mission. . Captain James Nugent of Tronton orator, but has the reputation of be­ Theodore Hcrringer. stearner Company, No. 1, died early yester­ this ceitain magazine cither died or re­ Fees Bros, will reopen tlielr hdtel nnd ing a lino.presiding officer.- lie has WHEELS SOLD ON INSTALU1HNTS. day morning in Hie company house of heart signed, nnd it must have fallen into tin* rostaurunt. Main street, Thursday, Juno 1. hands of some new man. who had not ofjLen occupied the chair temporarily, SFBC1JLL FOR SATURDAY failure, the result of over-exertion a t a lire and when some .of the most important . Miss C. M. Young has been elected teacher aeon it before. B ut in five years’ time QU^ REPAIR DEPARTMENT COLUMBIA FLOU^. $4.39 b b l ot tho Bible class Iu St. Paul’s Sunday tho postage fjjf that manuscript amount­ measures were under consideration. A VALUVHLft PUD LI CAT I OX. ^ is s'com! to none. Enameling ant] nick­ One Barrel to a Customer , school, Ocean Grove, lo succeed tho late Dr. ed to $17.30! 1 got thrice that figure for Ilia district embraces tho counties of eling at tho lowest rates. We guarantee it at last, so I am not grumbling!” Oneida nnd Herkimer and has a popu­ our work. JolmWjlsoii. - The Peiinaylvauia Railroad 1800 One will gather from the above that lation of 103,550. in the last election Tho stage In tho assembly room of the Summer Excursion Route Book. CALIFORNIA HAMS 5 % c lb tho “ literary business” means .thisf'if he received 10,434 majority over his G. T. SANFORD Neptune township high school has been Op J upe 1 the passongor department - democratic opponent.------.... covered with a tine new velvit carpot, and it means anything: “Patience and 621 Mattison Avenue tho Pennsylvania Hal I raid company will shuffle the curds I”—Atlanta Constitu­ 14 new oak chairs have al-o been placed on publish the 181)9 edition oi Its summer ex­ tion. Real Rnnarcr. the platform. - - cursion route book. Thla work Is designed The Young Fish—Oh, mother, I see a J. J. PARKER, to provide the public with short descriptive Snylnjf II1 w !*rny«*ri». W. W. Davie Is Moving Stocks fisherman coming. He’s got a jointed James H. Sexton, nptes of the principal .s.ummor resorts of The following story of the old king of W alter W, Davis Is moving his furniture Eastern America, with the ^routes for rod, a silk line, a whole lot of flies and THE GROCER, Stock from the beach auditorium to his new Hanover is told in “Foreign Courts and all sorts of things. reaching them, and the rates of faro. It 604, 606, 608 Cookman Ayenue, store ot Cookman and Grand avenues, and Foreign Hom es'' by A’. M. F .: x The Old One—Never mind him; but FUNERAL DIRECTOR contains all the principal seashore and . “My father went to tbe door of the Other Stores : Cor. Leke Avenue and Main Street, expeot$ to have the goods arranged so tlie mountain resorts of the east, and over fif­ If you should see a little boy w ith a piece t59 Jlaln Street," Asbury Park, Long Branch, doors may be opened Saturday. teen hundred different routes or combina­ royal apartments (with some dispatches of string, a bent pin and a tin can full Manasquan, T el. 69 ASBURY PARK. ‘He will endeavor to give his patrons every, tions of routes for reaching them. The from London), knocked kindly once, of worms, then swim for.*—-N. - Little Falls. book has been complied with tho utmost possible attention during the moving times twice. No answer. He knocked loaded Y. Journal. care, and altogether Is the most complete and louder. The door was opened, and a A.flne, line-of-caskets- on - hand To New goods are also rapidly coming In, and comprehensive handbook of summer page came out, and inside the king’s Belect from. Flower designs a special, which ar© being placed In the ne^ Davis travel ever oirored to the public. Maidenly Inference. ** ty. Open day and night voice waa heard, using oath after oath, Store. Later announcements will give par­ It Is bound in a handspme qnd striking _ Ethel—I was tickled most to death cover, in colors, and contains several maps, winding up by asking: ‘What the when ho kissed me. Telephone, 21-a. ticulars regarding the opening.------presenting the exact routes over which loketa are sold. I t Is also profusely. Illus­ blank blank blank did you want?’ Maudes—Oh, w hat a nice m ustache he Residence, 410 Sewali avenue. trated with fine half-tone cuts of scenery “The page, with a frightened look on must have hod I—Town Topics. A petition Is being circulated for the par­ at the various resorts and along the lines of his face, took the dispatches, saying, don ol Barclay Peak of Mount Holly, who ia the Pennsylvania railroad. Qp ‘His innjeaty waa not to be disturbed, Posit I vet BENJ. ALBERTSON. ADVERTISE IN THE PRESS serving a 80-year sentence for tho murder of On and nfter June 1 it may bo procured “Perkins married money.*’ aa he was saying his prayers.* ** Contractor and Builder, | ila cousin, Katie Anderson. Tlie prisoner at any Pennsylvania railroad ticket office “How do you know?” at the nominal price of ten cents, or upon Efltlmates Cheerfully Jobbing Promttif has four years more of his seutence to application to the general office, Broad Tho New Jersey Catholic, published at “I’ve seen hia wife.”—Detroit Froa Given. Attended to. [servo. street station, by mail for twenty cents. Long Branch, has suspended publication. Press. flio lake v en u e, abbuby park.

P a c t s F ig u r e s [FLAGS W e positively do as advertised., We present you here an array FLAGS Never misrepresent. Deal in W E D E L ’ S V A R I E T Y S T O R E of figures that positively admit FOR merchandise, not wind." Under­ of no competition. These are FOR, sell and always will. Receive not ‘‘slap back” prices or “baits,” more goods daily than any one D E W E Y 6 2 0 C o o km u but cold, hard honest quotations store in the city. W e have every on standard staple first quality DECORATION article advertised. Never raise goods, bought at prices only pos­ Sob w ager’s Old Stand—Betw een Bond and Bm ory S ts . DAY prices— always cut prices. sible in large quantities.- DAY A Business that has GROWN, DOUBLED and TREBLED as Ours has done in the Past Three Years MUST SATISFY AND UNDERSELL. We Defy its Equal in this Vicinity. Stationery Woodenware and Wlllowware lAgate and Enamel Ware Special Bargains. Window Shades, Tc. Bicycle Sundries Toys and Games “ 3 in 1” Oil, l a r g e ...... 10c We have the only complete stationery Step L a d d e rs 10c per foot Double Oat Meal C ookers...... 20c Enam eline, 10c e iz e ...... 5c Our sales are enormous on these The most complete line cf tlie above tore In this olty. goods. Prices are advancing daily. 2 oz. Tube Him or Rubber Cement . 5c Curtain Stretchers, nickel pins . . 11.85 Any size Seamless Cup ...... 5e Toilet Paper, package ...... Sc TIRES AT (JUT PRICES in this city. A Christmas assortment Folding Ironing Boards, large . . 75c Sea in lens H oppers...... 5c Outr present, prices are for shades all the year. • j Ine Cream Note Paper, quire . . . 5c Walnut Towel Arma...... 8c Nickel Plate Toe (Jlips^pair. . .5c Inlon skin and quadrlll foreign note, Towel Rollers, walnut...... lOo Large 00c Berlin Sauce P an , . , , 87c mornted on spring rollers complete with Games, Dolls, Iron Toys. Fine Cup oc Spouges • . * . * . 2c fixtures and slats. String Plugs ...... r lc 25o quality, 10c quire. Coppered Coat Fram es...... lc 8eamless Water Pails...... 85c Spokes, with Nipples...... lc Rolling Pins ...... 5c Seamless 16-qfc Preserve Kettle . . . M)e Child’s Sweepers ...... 19c Everythiog new in stationery will be Large Bath Sponges ...... 8c SHAI>E I'ULLS FREE. ■ Tire Tape, best . . - ...... ■ . . 2 r 200 25c Games . . IO© Butter M olds ...... 5o S traight large Sauna Pots 49c Aiatm Clocks . . . ! ...... 89c ound here. D oorStopx...... 2c Hotel Coffee Boilers ...... 59c iQpnqiie -Shades, com plete ...... 22c Bicycle Oil, none b etter ...... 3c Tea Pots ...... 15c 16 oz. bottle Pure AVitch Uazel . . 15c ! 27c Enamel, 18 colors ...... 2 for Sou Window Screens ...... 25o, 29c, 85c Fringe Shades,-complete Cleveland B’u e ...... 10c FREE! FREE! Blank Books Ball bearing No. 1 goods. We have Coffee Pots ...... 28c 8 oz. Florida W a te r ...... 9 c “ Lace ** '* . 85c Agate BLcuit Pan, 6x12 ...... 10c '• Lace and Insertion . . . . 39c CYCO, 85c CAN A lot of 10e Sun Kites, a little torn, No such stock In town. droppped the cheap screens, and taken Talcum Powder...... 5c Use N k v k k lea k , you can then have up the best. , Our Old 10c Box Paper ...... 7c Shade pulls, heavy . . . k, . . . . . lc one free to every boy buying 10c worth Fixtures . lo your tire vulcanized any time, and of goods. See our Now Ecu board Box a t . . . 10c plugs will stick. Box Paper 9c. *' Cord, per bull., ...... 4 c An im porter’s sample line of Dolls, no Delft Blue Enamel Ware Ex. heavy Finest Cream Square En­ . 4c Bicycle Lamps...... 85c up ”o introduce the most astonishing Garden Hose (season’s guarantee) Ooper Picture W ire . . Gas Lumps $1 50 Op two alike,, while they last, 25c. ie In box paper we wilt sell 600 boxes foot, all brass couplings. Don't buy velopes, worth JOc p ack ...... 4c Porcelain Head Picture Nails. . , lc We control this ware here. A clear Oxidized Drawer Handles . . . *. 8c Pant Guards...... • . . .2c pair Crobonole, his paper at Oo box. Heavy cream unguaranteed hose. Heavy No. 6 Business Envelopes, Frame Guards...... 8c each s in naudsomeembossed boxes; com- white inside and a mottled blue outside; none better 3c Drapery Pins, per doz . . . . ; . 2c Phono harps, Clothes BsBkets, Waste Baskets, 25o Pedals, fine . . . 75c p air Iron Toys, 9 it w ith 20o goods. Any kind of Basket. won't chip or burn. It is absolutely' 8 oz. bottle Liquid B lu d u g ...... 5c Brass Extension R ods ...... 5b Gas Torch and box of Tapers . . . 19c M & W, Inner Tubes...... 99c Steam Toys, ■ ^ > sheets' One note, 50 envelopes to 14-qt. Market Baskets...... 4c pure, none bettpr, none heavier; it’s Vanilla and Lemon Extract, ,5c and 10c Other prices later. Space too limited. Electric Toy&< * :oh in neat box, 25o Corner Brackets ...... 16c Delft Blue and you’ll find it here only. 600 page full bound Ledgers' .... 75c Drums, Decorated Straw Splashers...... 9c ak, 25o quart. < It’s worth buying, it lasts. Grocers and Butchers Books,. d o z.. . 8c Picture Boobs, Best Gas Mantels ...... 15c Sheet Music, lc Sheet Oil Sim s, 39c up Magic Lanterns; Sink Scrubs' ...... 2c Tea Strainers r ...... lc Biid Cage Springs...... , . . lc Full line Gasolene Stoves in few days. Doz. “ “ C u p s ...... 5c Walt for cut prices. Mason’s Fruit Jars Boxes pish M ops...... 8c Parlor Matches, 7c 25 Clothes Pins, lc. “ “ S e e d ...... 0c Lawn Mowers, Guaranteed. Wire Soap Dish ...... 8c Oak Curtain Poles ...... 19c Our FISHING TACKLE did not Safety Rizore .... 4 ...... 91.00 Egg W h ip s ...... 2c Complete with ends and rings. get in on t ime to quote. Wait I Prices Table Oil C lo th ...... 15o yard Warranted Razors...... 1 00 Stove Lifters ...... lc .A li, sizes and colors in stock. Our will be smashed. We want to say right here that there Tinware, &c. * 25o eivlng s t r o p ...... 15c Dover Egg Beaters ...... 8c line of brass goods includes curtain fix­ Notions Is NOT a store In this city giving you the tures, rings, sockets, cups, hooks, Any siz.a Scissors 25c T row els...... 4 c Big jobs in Wash Boilers expected rge Retinned Sauce Pans .... lOo quality Table Oil Cloth at 15o per yard 0 inch Shears ...... 10c screws, eto , etc. this week. Pins, per dozen papers . lOo lotato M ashers ...... Oo that we are. No seconds here; there is Jar Rubbers, fresh, per doz . . . 8c G raters ...... lc We have all the cheap Tinware now T h im b le s ...... to ouble Match Safes . . . • • .... • Oc none better made. 15c per yard. A big job firsts Lnmson & Good- Machine Oil ...... » 3c Finest Pins m ade ...... 5o Best Sheif Oil C lo th ...... 5c Fall Line Hamnmcks, so constantly advertised as bargains offee Flasks'...... 4o now a Knives and Forks, capped Wood Water Palls...... * 10c elsewhere. We undersell. Three dozen Safety P in s ...... 5c paned Trays . . V Oc Beet Stair Oil C lo th ...... 8c CROQUET SETS, BASE BALLS. Four papers Hair Pins ...... lc and bolstered; none finer. Each 5c Pepper Boxes ...... lc Jfater Coolers 99c up Folding 60c. Pocket Scissors . . . 25c • TENNIS GOODS. Horn and Alluminum Pins, dozen . 5c fat Milk C an ...... 10c . Painter’s Brushes Folding 50c Cork Screws . .... 25c Hand Mirrors ...... Oo Hardware Specials %nch PIq Plates ...... 2 for 5 , i Rucksts, 99e fo 87.00. Balls, Nets, Clawson’s Amonia ...... 5c Poles, etc. Porcelain Wheel Casters, any sizs.set Go llokei; plated, solid copper Tea Ket- Every size up to 8-0; Pound Brushes, Pocket Knife Oil Stones ...... 4c Combs, Brushes, Etc. ftles]. . •...... 98o Sash Toots, Varnish and Paper Hanger’s Stormer Bicycles $15.00 Heel Plates, per pair...... lc Ik, pet bottle ...... 8c Brushes. No stock in town better or Express WSgor.a, 8c up. CompasaSawa...... i5c Full size Pompadore Combs . J , . 10cu la v in g (jarcift...... lOo, 15c, 25c larger. Discount to Palntere. i Extra Special. All sizes best Chisels...... 25c licket Knives . , . . 5o to $1.50 Bixby’s Shoe Dressing...... 9o GarJen Sets, worth IOq., 5c. set. ' “ Coat and Vest Buttons, dozen . . . lo“ Pad Lodbs 5c, 8c, 10c. 15c, 25c Stocking Darners, each . t c8o liver Plated Spoona, 8 years guaran­ Blxby’s Russet Dressing '. 9c Macbeth's No. 2 or B Chimneys worth SjerowB, Screw Eyes, Hooks, Nails, tee . . . 50c doz. Chair Seats . . -...... 5cBtxby’aShoe up Polish...... 8c 10c, special this enle ...... 5c Corset Laces, longest ...... lc Gilt Nails ...... lo d o z A fine Broom ...... 25o Hoes, Rakes, Shovels, Etc. &c., all binds, at cut prices. Shoe Laces, pair ...... lc ano Brush . '...... 16o Gallon of Amonia ...... 19c Sand Paper, 2 sheets . . v ...... lc and Scrub . . ■ . 8o W r in g e r s ...... $i;59to!8.25 Whisk Broom s.,...... 10cup Scythe Stones ...... 3c Collar Buttons, dozen ...... 4c Wood Bowls ...... Soup Barrel Covers . . r ...... 10c* 4-Hook Cloth Racks 5c Kid Curlers, dozen . . ► . . 8c, 4c, 5o bp andHandlo ...... * • .17c Double Chopping Knife ...... 5c Potts Irons, set ...... 75e r Looks ...... 10c pair Wash Boards ..... lOo up Varnish Stain Knife B oxes. . * ...... 8c Wall Scrapers, wide'...... 10c Pefcrl Buttons, dezen ...... 5e Folding Tables . . „ . ..99c Potts Iron Holders ...... 8e Rubber Nipples, each . . . . • 8p nd S foot Oars ...... 10c foot Old wood made new. Stains, and Salt Boxes, hard wood ...... 10c Tack Pullers ...... 3c Stove-Brushes, bent handles. . . .10c Lth Tubs i . . . 25c to 15 Varnishes at earns time. Lar,gecanl5o Liquid WGIue ...... 5q Curling Irons . . . 3o up Clear Pine T ubs ...... 55c, 05c, 75c OiTCioth Binding with cornerB . . . 10c Darning Cottoni dpzen . . . . • Qo fotli Pick, large box '■...... 4c Salad S e ts '. . 10c Cedar T u b s ...... Q5o, 75c, 95o Neat Eggs, two for , ...... 5C S le n d e rs ...... - ...... ®oi We Undersell Willow Nursery Chair ...... fjOo Shelf Paper, vride„doz ...... 4C A full line of Notions at cut prices. - Flour P ails ...... Fibre 25c Tubs . . . ; ...... 51 10 Maslin Iron K ettles 19c Up No Misrepresentation Kindling Wood, bundle,. '2c Free Delilivery. Glassware W e Have the Goods No, Waits for Packages Bird C ages...... 08c up Gur Terms— Spot Cash Quick Change Hammock Uooks, Retinned . . . . Bo You oahnot duplicate elsewhere the Flai IrooB 4c„lb. Fly.PaperqSticky)^ eheet. . . > . 2c Yellow .Ware glassware we are offering a t 10c and 15o; Easy Freezers Iron Earn Boilers, Frying Tans cold Curry Combs, solid,back , .'. . . . 10c, A large line of looks as if cut, but It’s the price n ot tho, Brass Lamp Burners, £7o. 0, 4c; No. handles, 5o u p . Feather DuBters . V . . 10c pp glass, 7, 8 and 0 Inch pretty oval glanf ( LITTLE ICE 1 1, 5c} No. 2 / . . . 3 . 7o Waffle Irons ...... 49c up Reservoir Window Brush ...... 45c Is, fro m . • 1 * 5c to 75c dishes at-8o, 4c and'5c each. A bargain Sc— - N OVELS 10 c d JBox . i t • • • 25c REQUIRE! LESS SALT, Coal Scuttles ...... •’’. I . . .15c Fine Halt Floor Brushes ...... 45c ofhargains. . (NO GRINDING We sell snore chimneys than any two .Bargains in cloth bound Books, five d, corlr lined faucet.. . . . 5c FireShovels •....'...... 80 Furrtlture Bekters ...... 10a in set; Damns, Corrollf, Caroyj etc. line . . . . . ; 4c T u m b le rs ...... '. . . s ■ ■ 28c dux. T<* Crvnm perfectly smooth stores In thfft offr, Wfoirvele., all sfzen. Family Scales-gnd Scoop ...... 75o Furniture Dusters...... 25c opticouB. .. . ✓ ...... $4.75 Whiskey Glasses..'. ■■ . . ;. . . 46c doz Lvet.y quo warranted. Come see itv Lamps 10c up. Brackets und Reflectors. Garbage Cans ...... ' . 83.00 Lunch Boxes < 10c, 16o 75o 8ET. 6 THE ASBURY PARK DAILY PRESS. Still no answer, and what was worse, AT THE STILE. It was a sad disappointment. the heads began to disappear from the B ut although Ben. May brook was o Adovm the Brassy lane she come .trail, one after another, as if not caring good boatsteerer, 1 think We hnd never And loitered at the stile— to nortec us further. v (Her grandmamma did Just thesam© rated him a t his full value until then. "Well, that is cool!” smd Ben; “btit There inany years orstwhllo)-— Springingup from his creeping posture, The hole stile hereabout, I wls* IW going aboard of her, whotlhether they For. now are walls to climb: ^ . nnd drawing Ins weapon far back with want me or not. This thing :m ust be hia brawny arinB, he hurled it through ,Tet such a goodly style as this, cWuredJl.w, «|*\ up—so ItAvnhere rrAAulgoes! ** 1 the air. It was a prodigious effort of ■ .Why did it change with time? ..LSMt. He cjsvmbered up the ship’s side nnd 1 0 . 0 0 strength and skill, and we held our Gas Ranges, $ No satin Blippers then she wore;,. IjSjjjfF looked over, then quickly ducked his No green calash, no shawl, boeatli as we witnessed M. But it struck head and came down faster than he had No flfchu primly crossed before, •. the mark ami w*e felt like giving a loud gone up. ^ N o powdered wig at all; ’ . hurrah as we saw it buried deeply be­ Yet at ill she dimpled on the stile The next- moment a monstrous white hind the creature's forward flippers. TWO WAVS TO COOK A s grandma did, they say: bear sprang upon the bulwarks, hold­ Tho’ styles may change, a maiden’s smile The next moment 29 uieir, with Dhstout ing iu one. of his big paws the boat- ; I b Just as sweet to-day. arms, were tugging at the whale line. stecrer’s cap, just missing the wearer’s Then Marjorlt looked up at me, The walrus had rolled off into the One—Clean, Convenient, Economical, gaining And I looked down ot her, head. water, but he had received a mortal "Hours!” cried Ben; "the deck is alive The while upon the stile sat wo wound a. an,d being, besides, only one in popular favor everyday. A s once her grnmlfolks were. with* them,, and they are the fellow’s against 29, he was at such a fearful dis­ And then I'spoke their old, old phrase that have been looking at us, Thera advantage that we got him, in spite of And named a sweet, fond name— isn’t a man aboard of her. 'Why, that One—Dirty, Clumsy, Wasteful, behind the Tho’ stiles have chunged since ancient liis struggles. 1 think he was larger old chap up there wasn’t three feet days>v than a full-grown ox, and his huge One stj'Ie r^^?mins the* same! from me as I looked over. He’s got my age and rapidly going out of use. CAS COAL Vurved tusks gave him a very forinid- —Ab^le Farwulr'Drttttfn., in Woman’s Ilome cap, aud he just, grazed my scalp with a Companion. ^ *al)le appearance. ** sweep of hisNpavv. He struck out like Our try works had.been wrecked by lightning.” the fall of the masts and the general breaking up of things, to say nothing Two other bears followed the flrst-, A Mysterious Crew of the fire. Vet we had managed to evidently excited by what had taken melt enough snow in the big kettles to place, and now there waa nn ominous growling. We drew back hurriedly. Consolidated Gas Co. ot New Jersey By George H. Coomer. supply us with all tlie water wo needed; and now, with some charred fragments Hen, however, would have tried his harpoon, lmd we not restrained him of the wreck, and some matches which the rued had about Hiem for their pipes, from the dangerous neL The white 619 Mattison Avenue monsters were too many for us, and wc T WAS early in the season, nml'of we started a blaze sufficient to broil, or could only,returq to camp as speedily all the whaling ileet our ship had nt least half broil, large slices,of the •walrus, of which all hands partook ns .possible, J greedily, done or not xlone. Nearly Our shipmates wore greatly excited ecu the first to reach the Arctic, where ^ ' ASBURY PARK, N. J. roore than out* vessel hud beeudestroyed starved as we were, it seemed a de­ hy our storj*, nnd all hands presently by ice the previous fall.- A fter get- licious feast. It was our first- full men I set out with us for the scene of our ad \ding well up north we caught two or after the catastrophe to th$ ship, and •ventin'©. As we' reached the spot not whales, but our success was' only if gave us strength and hope. an animal was visible, but we had hard iotlowed by ail appalling disaster. We After this, for some days we jvere Iv mounted the bulwarks when a per­ had just finished cutting in.the thick, • considerably annoyed by fogs, which* fect stream of big, scrambling paw: Jisfcury Park fiotcis Jfibtiry Park hotels oily overcoat of a huge old follow, 60 would conn* up -suddenly, to disappear ©nine pouring out of the main hatchway and tumbling over tbe opposite side of feet long, piling the ‘'blubber",oiideck, i«i a tVw hours. Sometimes they rose Joseph Harris F A M IL Y “yfepTirVitoVy f(5~irs' l t vltig out; \\;Uc& but little above the ice or water, so that 'HiTTnHpT’' TK efirw crc’l 3 “o f -thrnr*—fo u r HOTEL the ship became so hemmed in by the a person upon an elevation of a dozen more* than we had bargained for—but Grand and Sewall Avenueb our superior force appeared to terrify shifting masses of ice that we saw es­ feet could actually see over them. But OPEN ALL THE YEAR. cape to be^ impossible until some fur­ they prevented us from exploring our them. Hen Maybrook killed one of the largest; but all the others escaped, and Steam heat. Electric lights; ther movement df the great floes about surroundings to the extent we might All'modern Improvements. otherwise have done. we were glad to spe them go. SIG/N W R ITER us sliould open a lane for our deliver­ Sun parlor. Reasonable ptlo&s. ance. . . . Our impatience, however, would not An examination of the French whaler But a fearful disappointment awaited permit us to remain wholly inactive; showed that tlie bears, ns our men re­ us. Th‘e sky begun to darken, and a and.we made excursions in various di­ marked, had been "living high.” They 805 SUMMERFIELD AVE. rections, hoping to. discover a wider ex­ had torn off the main hatch, which per­ The W ellington furious gale sprang tip. The reader I • may imagine our sitijution, with*the big panse of open water than was visible haps had not been fastened down, and - Fifteenth Season. ice islands in intftion all about us, grat­ from our first-position. Our longing having once got into the bold, had ------— -Asbury Park ing against each other, and getting for some glimpse of a ship, however worked with tooth and claw upon the OPEHCUNDER SAME MANAQEMENT. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET; nearer and nearer to the doomed ship, great her distance from us, had become barrels of provisions which they found FEAIvE E. SMITH. os the broad, heavy swells raised by intense; for such a discovery/would tell there, till the contents were arrived at. Cine Cables . the wind, .surging against them from us that we were not utterly alone In To our great joy, we discovered that B 1 C Y C L E S I the open ocean beyond, caused them the midst of thot frozen sea. the vessel, which at first must have heen solidly frozen in, was now almost Yon must now be familiar with PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Norwood Hall slowly but surely to change position. One day four of us, Including May- O P E N S M A Y 9 7 t h ’ At last the crash came. With a berg brook, tho boatsteerer who had killed afloat. She had, as w© found from her my prices. PerhapB yon have not The Standard Railroad of America a hundred feet high on one side, and a the walrus, took a much longer tramp papers, been abandoned eight months seen the wheels. They are not the Corner Fourth avenue and Kingsley street. Superior table service. low, level plain of ice on,, the other, we than usdal. We passed through several previous, yet she seemed/ perfectly common ones, but the best on the O n nnd a fte r M ay 21,1899. Special terms fcf the spring and fall months. tight. The Ice continued to break up, were caught as "between the upper and narrow streaks, of fog, with spaces of market. The Yales and Feather- TRAINS LEAVK ABB CRT PA.EK—-WXKX- DATS. TRAVERS &.TRUMPBOUR. nether millstones," so lo speak; hnd so clear air- between, und at length and a fortnight later she was in open stones are certainly marvels of'fceaa- reached an immense berg, of which a w ater. For New York and Newark, 7 15,8 20, 910 a m, irresistible was the sjlock tbafThe op­ ty, but best of all they suit the 2 85 and 5 27 p m. posite sides of the fillip were brought distant view had been obtained from Being once more in possession of a riders. Yon can be suited also. For Ellaab«th. 8 20, 0 10 n m , 2 S3 an d 8 27 p m . our camp, but which was not especially good ship, with nearly a full cargo of F o r R ahw ay, 010 a m 2 S3 m id 3 27 p m . Hotel Clarendon completely together, her stout fciba New wheels arriving daily. Craw­ F o r M ataw ra, 010 . m , 2 83 an d B 27 J> m . crackling like dry twigs. f notable among so many others. In try­ oil, we made sail out of the Arctic, ar­ F o r L ong B ranch. 7 IS. 8 20,0 10. 10 28, U 02,11B0 Opens About May 15. 30a Flflh Avenue, Asbury Perk, N. J. ing to pass around it where it shelved riving In due time at San Francisco, ford’s with full guaranteed tires,, a m , 2 « , * 85. 3 27, 8 <0 an d 7 07 p m . The deck, with all its belongings, in­ F o r Rod B onk, 7 IB, 8 30,010 . tn . 2 85 n d 5 27 p m. Two blocks from the ocean. One of the fiDeat views of the Park and ocean cluding the trypots full of boiling oil, downward to'the level plain below, we where we hadigood reason to he satis- only $25. For Philadelphia, Broad Street, and Trenton, to be had. Near Bunset Lake, boating and bathing grounds. Flrstclass hotel found ourselves at an elevation of 50 led with, the award of the marine 7 » , 7 39 a m , 12 40. 4 07 a n d 3 87 p m .' was pushed bodily out upon the ice, Snndries as low as any dealer can For Camden via Trenton and Bordentown, 7 29, In every respect. GEO. W. WATEBBURY. ~ while all our boats were either crushed or 60 feet, though this was nowhere court, which allowed us a generoua sell them. Repairing, rentals and 7 59am . 1240 and 4 07 p m. near the height of the great ice moun­ amount of salvage. But I think we had For Camden and .Philadelphia via Toms River, \>y the collision or wrecked beyond re­ instruction. p£3 p m. very fairly earned it.—Golden Days. pair by the falling masts and yardsi tain itself; and here we stopped for a Remember the place Laurel House survey of what was before us. or Toma River, Island Heights and intermediate The Victoria which all came down at once with a Pstations, 11 f 8 a m , 2 88 p m. Second Avenue and A fog, not very thick, had gathered prodigious crash, some ot them break­ THE ADVERTISING FIEND. CENTRAL HALL For Point Pleasant and intermediate stations Third and Ocean Avenues Kingsley Street behind us, but, as usual, ithad not risen 11 08 a m , 2 63, a n d 518 p m . ing up and others remaining entire. For ’New Brunswick, via Monmouth Junction. more than a few feet. Where w© now 714 MATTISON AVENUE OPEN APRIL 1. Nineteenth season. O PEN JU N E 15, 1899. In fact, a more complete wreck can He Has Invented a Genuine Novelty 7 59 a.m , 12 40,4 01, an d 5 87 p m . stood the air was perfectly cleat, but a hardly be conceived. tn the Shape of a. Billboard • TRACTS LEAVK NEW YORX FOB ASSORT FARE. MISS 8. KEMPE, Proprietor. Under same, management. strange scene lay before us on the other Cbntrltm tion- Box. M. L. FERRIS, Proprietor We had been trying out’our "catch” From West Twenty-Third Street station, 8 bs a side of the berg. There the mist was so at the moment when the gale sprang m. 1240,825, 825 and 6 10 p. m . Sundays, B 20 dense that it looked as if a person might In Las Callus, N. M., t^erd is a church, a m a n d 4 60 p m , tip, and although the lire had gone From Deebrosses and Cortlandt street ferries at The Stafford the members of which believe that the , dojvn, it was not yet quite out. The walk upon it. Level and motionless as » 1 0 a m , 12 60, 2 30, 8 4 9 a n d 5 10pm . Sundays, a house floor, and about 20 or 30 feet passing of the contribution box should 9 45 a m ., an d 5 15 p m. Corner Filth Avenue and Heck Street Open All The Year | shock to the trypots caused them to Do You Want On Sunday will stop at Interlaken and Avon in in depth, ft appeared like a still, un­ be a source of revenue, even if nobody spiH their oil, which instantly caught place of North Asbury Park'and Asbury Park to Opposite Sunset Lake Special accommodations for bicycles ruffled sea. drop3 in a cent. With one stroke oi et off passengers. fire, and this was soon communicated to We were looking upon-It curiously, genius in the shape of nn improved con­ To Feel Better? For terms address MRS. A. I . GOT. the fallen spars, sails and rigging, as ° TRACTS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA (Brottd St.) FOR ob the horizontal rays of the arctic sun tribution box they have solved two well as to th3\splintered boats. Be­ ASnUItT PARK, I I _ i - 1 /"J f J i 210 Second avenue. El-venth Reason * Good Ocean shone across its surface, when Ben problems. In the flrst place, a sharp Do'you want tdlmproveyour health ? fore the heat be&ume unbearable, how­ A t 6 50»8 SO, II 44 a m . 8 30 and 4 02 p m , w eek Maybrook suddenly started, looking iit eel rod projects several inches below De you want rich, red bl&od T Then days; Market Street Wharf, »la Camden and notei uiaasrone 8Ki,uM.'!3n*r"r-,-'!sBBE. APPLEGATE. ever, we succeeded in saving some of intently toward -something at a dis­ take T renton, 6 10, 7 10, 10 30 a m, 2 80 and 3 80 p m . the lighter yards, with the canvas at­ week-days. Leave Market Street Wharf via T i n r-a l- ¥ I tt r-. ic-r.-r-i 801 Fourth avenuo, 8 blocks from beach. Season April tance. Jam eaburg, 710 a m , 4 00 p m , w eek-days. | ||£ nawuiorne to Nov®11*!*!*. special term a for tho Spring nnd Fall tached, and were able also to cut aw ay m onths. "Look, j’ou fellows!” he cried, "look, the upppr fore topsail, well knowing WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH look! There’s a ship, as sure as I lire! Black’s Sarsaparilla npf - ^ \ \ 7 • i | _ 208 Second aventie. This Hotel' is delightfully located. Only how invaluable such articles would be­ LEAVE BROAD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. I f i C , W 1 1 l f l . r O one block from the beach and haa all the modern Improvement*. See, there are her topgallant masts nnd * T v MBS. O. M. VAN W ICKLE. come to us should we not be shortly res­ . Made of the purest and best o Na­ For Baltimore and Washington', 8 50. 7 20. 8 82, topmasts, just above the fog. f>he cued—a result which was very un­ ture’s remedies. There are lots sf Sar­ 10 20, ll 23a tn. 12 09 <1230 Limited, Dining Car), must be in open water. In the name of saparilla blood purifiers, but none quite 1 18 (D icing C ar), 3 12, 4 41 (5 28 Congressional Becond avenue, near the beach. certain at the best. L im ited, Dining C ar), 0 84, 6 17, 0 55 (Dining N O W O i*M N all that’s ljmky, let’s make a course for so Rood as B la ck ’s. Y o u m ay as well Grand Central Hotel Some provisions and water had been Car), 7 31 (Dining Car) v m, an d 12 05 n ig h t week Special terms for the spring months. her as straight as a whale line.” have the best. 100 doses GO cts. Sold days. Sundays, 3 50, 720, 0 12, 11 28 a m , 12 09. A. TER H U N E, Proprietor. left in the boats after our last whale We started for her nt once, but the on ly by 1 1 2 (D ining C ar). 3 12, 4 41 (5 20 Congressional chase, and these were secured, though Limited, Dining Car), 5 84 fl-55 (Lining Car), 408 8eventh^ avenue. NearReventh avenue sun parlor*. a Open fog was so dense that it became very 7 31 (D icing C ar), p ro. and 12 05 night. the year, steam heat, baths, gas; large and comfortable room*. at the cost of some painful burns on Time tables or all other trains of the system Special term* for winter and spring mouths. 8 . FLYNN. diflieult to keep the necessary course, Chas. J. Black, Apothecary, may be obtained at the ticket offices or stations. our hands and faces—our chief mate, and, besides, the distance was much J. R. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt T p | _ I I / _ - 2 - 1 404 Seventh Avenue. Now open. Large, cheerful room* who wore a full beard, having it near­ greater than we hai) supjmsed. There J. B. Hutchinson, Gen. Manager. - _ O pposite Postoffioe. I | | P W u r W l C K th o ro u g h ly heated. N ear Seventh Avenue Sun P&rloTi ly all singed off. We also got a num­ could be little doubt that we were “ T T Term* reasonable. . ber of harpoons and ladces, tdgether astray, and. once confused, it was not A SOURCE OF REVENUE. w ith a boat ha/chei, a "Jine-tub” ahd easy to right ourselves. The mist lay P lum bin g line; and then the roaring flames were (Contribution Box on Which Advertising GrandM Avenue V Hotel Ion.S^vs^ns^SHa Superior table. L. SILL, Proprietor tzgr* so thick on onr hair and clothing that Space Ia for Sale.) left to finish their work—sending up it formed itself into Jargbdrops, so that CHARLES F. WYCKOFF Comer Grand and Munroe avenuee. One block from Electrio ■ h a M y q f n * n cars and five minutes walk frjm tb« beach or railroad station. from the large mass of burning blub­ we were wet from head to foot. the bottom of the box. This is used to T in n in g , awaken members of the congregation Dealer in A l l v \ / I d l l i i C Steam heated. Open all tho year Superior table. Commodious. ber a column of intensely black smoke, We appeared to have somehow In­ , . f poVches. Special rates for fiitnilie*. M. J. GENUNG. who maj- be taking a nap preliminary OHS, BRUSHES and melting the surface of the ice till creased in size, looking unnaturally Furnace Work to the sermon, and to concentrate the VARNISHES Mixed Paints Two minutea’ walk from beach. Open entlre ju t the w ater ran in streams. bulky to choh other, so that we took on Steam heat. Modern Improvements. Sumssta' attention of those whose thoughts may The Philadelphia ra te s , 18 to $ 15, Fall and winter price*, |5 to S8; Our situation Was forlorn, indeed, the clumsy appearance of Eskimo; be wandering on jthe m atter immediate^ 307 s u n s e t A venue. Families considered. and there was no probability of imme­ such n strange effect had this decep­ HARDWARE AND NOTIONS diate relief. The loose ice had so changed tive, s/did body o f mist. lv at hand. But the most striking thing AU kinds of rt^rlo r and Exterior Painting Cookman ave- about the new box is tbo fact that the done, either by contract or day’* w ork. J. E. FLlTCROFT sl o die y ear. Ooxn- its position that no ship could now We had wandered aim lessly for some Estimates cheerfully given. Commercial^ Hotel mandtngM& full— view&T . of the boa. BroadBn pen * space on Its sides is rented for adver­ large, airy, comfortable rooms. Steam heated throughout, Bervloe and cuisine exoellaot. fin reach the plaee where our mVn ves­ time, v)i**n the boatsteerer, who, with tising purposes. Thus, when oue of Opposite Postofflce terma for the fall and winter month*. E, VAN AE sel hud been destroyed, and it m ight his shouldered harp*,on, was a little in- Of tie© 700 Main St. the congregation drops n quarter into be weeks before an oprn sea would per­ advance, stopped short with a glad ex­ Cor. 5ew«llAr#. I Asbnry Park, OCEAN GROVE the box, he is reminded that "Jon Of Ocean Grwe Hotels Ocean 6rooe Hotels mit a near approach to us. Vet here clamation. was the spot, of all others, where we pays the highest price for butter” oi 3 and s Pitman avenue, 4 an d 6 McCilntock itreet.. ThI* hotel Ik "Hurrah!” he cried; “what’s this? "Asquith gives GO days’ credit on car­ open alla ll'* the y e * r. ~Sun___ parlor* ' and ‘ well...... heated room* for the cool must wait for succor, as we had pre­ Boys, we’ve found her! We’re all right m onth*.. T______h e o nly' hotel In Ocean Grove supplied with aea water, viously obsened the llo»-s and b.-rgs tu pets and furniture.” The cut of the The Alaska bath*. The location Is o f the best, too eet from boardwalk am! now! Here she is, right before Our box herewith reproduced is from Plain close to auditorium-- — -•---- aud * post office. — --N. —H. ~TTKILMKE, fJtrtX} Proprietor* be less conipaeiat this point than else-- noses. Ship ahoy! ” he continued, hail­ where. . .. A T alk. 80 South Main street. Ocean Grove. Table supplied wttn milk 1 _ ing the fog-covered vessel; "take ua vegetables from our own farm. All modern Improvement*. Terma Our first care was to construct a aboard, for heaven’s sake— we’re in dis­ Rifle Invented by a Boy. Palo Alto moderate. Open all tha year, H. A. TBUAX, ;? tent, which, as the wind was still high, tress.” The Austrian war office is investigat­ we found to be quite difficult. It waa A surly fellow put his head over the ing new magazine rifle, the inven­ made by placing our three royal yard a rail, but said nothing. Then another tion of a 37-ycar-old boy named Ivan Now is the Time, Cime Cables In triangular form, *the foot of each and another head appeared, until there Mapan,,of Nowigrail. The gun takes 15 restin g in n hole .which we had chopped were nine iu all; but although we were cartridges at a load, and it is said that CENTRAL R. RJF NEW JERSEY in the ice with our hatchet, while the so near them, they had such a strange, it can be discharged at the rate of 40 upper ends were firmly lashed together. dim, supernatural look, as they peered shots a minute. The invention is about O have your Letter Paper, En­ Anihraclte Coal DseJ Exclusively, Insur- 8 0 C e n t ® These strong spurs were th»*n covered down at us through the fog,“that we had to be tested at the imperial arsenal in with a portion of the canvas we had a half-superstitious feeling, as if at Vienna. velopes, Bill Heads and lng Cleanliness and Comfort secured, while qmnther portion fu r­ last we had found the "Flying Dutch­ The Fly tViu* Fooled. •T nished a carpet o f several thicknesses m an!” | other office stationery print PATTEN LINE for the solid ice floor orf our tent. A fly was found by a companion roll­ The fellows looked ns if they had Time table lo effeot May 8, 18)9. AND THE Aa we numbered ?'.» men, the foo<\ and ing about in agony. "What ails you?” You have the time to attend to it. We bonnets on, and every head was an ex­ inquired {he companion in a sympa­ ed. water we had managed to snatch from tiucts lxavk isiumy park. act likeness of every other. They stared thetic tone of voice, "1 kavje_the paint­ the wrecked wl/alcboats were miserably have the time to show you proofs and give down upon us without Baying a word, er’s colic,” groaned the sick fly1, as an For New York, Newark and Elizabeth via all rail Bdagtle Coast Eleeme Q. R. Go. insufficient for our needs; but we put as If wondering what sort of beings we lo u te , 0 80,8 00 a m , 1812,210, 4 00, 6 80 p ra. ourselves on extremely short allowance, expression of agony swept over his fea­ your work special attention, which cannot be Sundays fromTntarlaken station, 7 87 a m,-4 18 were chut had com e-out of the fog. tures. "I thought I would take a bit P BL , Via PLEASURE BAY and hoped for the besh A few daya "I tell you we’re in distress,*’ persist* For Phllailelphla and Trenton via Ellzabethport, off the b rig h t red cheeks of th a t woman 6 20, 8 00 a m , 10 12,7UO. 4 00 p m. Sundayb previous we had observed a number of ed the . boat-stcerer. "We’re ship*, anywhere during the rush preceding the LEAVE PLEASURE BAY ' over there, and this is the result,” had from Interlaken station, 7^7 a m; 418 p m. seals ii> the open places am ong t?,c wrecked and starving—lost every thing For Baltimore and Washington, 6 20,8 00 a m, Wqek dayB...... 7.20 a.m., 8.S0 p.m. Hr 1212,4 00 p m. Sunday* from Interlake* sta- Ice, and we now felt„tlmt in obtaining in tfie ice. There’s a lot more of ug—29 The D urability of Cedar,* summer - season. Successful men plan their tlp n , 7 87 a m , 4 18 p m . RETURNING LEAVE NEW YORK some of them, lay .our sole hope of avert­ hi all. Let us‘get aboard, won’t you?" Some Egj’ptlan boats made of cedar, For Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown and Mauch Foot W0Bt 13tk a t .0.00 a.m., 2..0 p.m; C hunk, 6 20,8 00 a m .1 2 12, 210 p m . Sundays Battery Park...... 0.30 *> 8.10 “ ing complete starvation. Not^o^jyord came iff reply—nothing probably in use 4,500 years ago, have work so they can give their personal super­ from Interlaken station, 418 p m. The ic? was constantly changing po­ but that stupid, silent stare. been found buried near the banks of the For Wiikesbarre andBoranton, b 00 a m, 1218 p m .. SUNDAYS § For Buffalo and Chicago via D.. L & W. It. B., sition, probdbly from some deep cur­ "What can they hi can?” queried lien; Nile, and furnish an interesting proof vision to it. Yop will not have time next < | Loave Plenaure Bay ...... 3.20 p.m. 800 am .400 pm . Sundays from Interlaken “ N. Y., foot West IStb s t ..; .0.00 a m rent beneath it;-and on the morning of "they can’t be Yankees; no American o.f the pcftver of that wood to withstand s ta tio n ,«18 p m .— the third day there appeared a tempor­ ••• “ Battery Park 8.80 would act in such a way aa this; ■ it’a the ravages’ of tlm©.______summer. ‘ You will have, time during the next RSTUIUtCTO TO ASBORY PARK. ary channel of open water at no great barbarous. — they must be a nock oi £l*fc»hoe. Behind a sm all lee hqmmock. fouls. IIold on,- though—i gut&s we can Five Cnlcea. six weeks. Why.not attend to it ? Leave N ew Yo rk , fo o t o f ^Liberty stre e t, a ll rail Baggage carried free with paaseDger*.- make out what craft this is—I’ll see.v VI wish tq pay you, Lor, five cakes,1 route, 480 6 50,8 80. 11 80 a m , 1 45,415, 440, Take car which leave* Asbary Park no. clpse to thiB opening, we discovered a 615 p m . S u ndays to Interlaken statio n , 9 00 a thurrG 20 a.m . fo r 7.20. a.m . boat.- F o r afternoon He passed around to the stern, looked eald a traveley to a railway restau­ boat, take car not later than 2.20 p. m. S'rndaya walrus,, apparently asleep. Binding qur m , 4 00 p m . ' , r.hA nfliriH, whale line to one of the. harpoons, up find spelled out "Languedoor— rant keeper, Leave Now York from South Ferry, Whitehall "But you had only four—a sponge stre e t, 8 25,11 26 a m, 140. 8 65,4 85,6 10 p m . crept in a long row.towards the hq llhvre.’[ She was .a French ship, atoll B undays to In terlak en s ta tio n ^ 65 a m , 8JJ5 p m. events—*tfie nmpe told .us’ that much.- cake, a cocoanut calie, an almond cake J. H. OLHAUBEN, Gen'lfiupt. * mockl wrth one .of our boatrsteerero, H . P . Baldwin, G en. Pass. A gt. Dome^ Ben .Maybrook, a young fellow, "Yes, these * chaps are Frenchl” said and « currant chke.” , , ■ . <*> 22 years old, in the lead, harpoon In Ben, "and they can’t understand Eng­ MAnd a stomaeli-nke,” added the trav-i T h e D a i l y P r e s s P r i n t e r y ©let.—Brooklyn Eagle. hand. \The walrus; howeyer, discovered lish; but then they might«say *Bome- John N. Burtis DAILY PRESS ns before we. bad approached as near, thlpg to us in their own lingh, anyhow. Im parting Kn 6 W le d a r« . to him as we hud hoped to get. He was Hey, you fellows up.there!” he con­ 6 0 7 Flattison Avenue UNDERTAKER tinued, oncd more hailing the queer- VPaw, -what is a treadmill ?” SPECIAL"ADSA about floundering into the-wafer, ahd **A treadmill, Johnny, is a stairway icLtPHONE 5 » A 708 Mattlaon Avenue our empty etomaphs fairly cried' opt loo^fing crejv, "parlez vous Francals? I say, don’t you know your own lan- that you climb and e.llmb without ever w ith despair a$ we saw him move. ^An- getting upstairs.*'—Chicago Tribune. Oofflnff and Btnfal Caskete op band or BRING !MM Elf IA TE RESULTS cither moment apd he Would be gone, aaimrc?” , fnralBbed to order? I - “j**l V* t h e ASBURY PARK' <*»< i f •ir

U isvr.l. An WI- 1 -mti i I-W.... ■ ■■—■ ■ .. ^

ASBURY PARK VISITORS . . . — ~ rr—g*——> ,i—j GUIDE------w i 1-" ■ ——------—

Too much stress cannot be laid upon the fact that Asbury Park is both a . Asbury Park has no lack of facilities for the amusement and diver- summer and winter resort. The climate isj such that the city is a tisement of visitors, no matter what may be the predilection of the delightful place of residence all the year. A number of hotels fitted and sojourner. Scores of hotels during the summer season have dances furnished for winter guests remain open the^rentire year; ^unparlors almost nightly, card parties, tennis playing and all social amusements. have been built at Asbury, Fifth, Sunsetjand Seventh[avenues, and on the Public amusehient places for people, of all ages are open all summer. Fishing pier, foot of Fifst avenue, for the use'of^winter residents, and the For those seriously inclined there are churches of every denomi­ city is rapidly becoming popular as a winter^ he ire- A£ftw of the nation, frequent lectures, concerts and diterary entertainments. The surf ativan.iagesj'of Asbury Park are briefly indicated on. this jage, with much bathing is the best in the world; the fishing and boating are unexcelled. valuable information in condensed form.

AJEIRY P/TK; ClilRCBIS. ASBURY PARK IN WINTER. FIRST FBtfcFiaiRIJtM lUlBCH, — —- - * ‘Com er ol G itrd Btd S ttc ru aveLHct. The early part of October witnesses the Rtv. A. G.T ale D D., j smoi fcciutts departure of the greater part of the vast throng a t 10 :30 o ’c lc c k A.M. a n a 7:3 0 P .M .' . that for four months has promenaded the broad FIRST BAl-TIfcl CHURCH’ - plaza, bathed in ocean and pool, danced in a conret ofKrain'stiteTanETTange avenue,. _ BCQre^>fLballraoma,.boat£d-nn the lakes.and goe- Rev. Z. Claik Marten,' paster. Sciviieh sipped on hotel and cottage piazzas. Some of a t 10 :30 a .m . and 7 :30 P.M. the large hotels close their doors, although a TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH! number continue open until November, while Comer, of A si my and Grand avenges. others remain open the entire year, t. Many cot­ . Rev. A. J. Miller, rector, beiviccs at tagers, however, remain, some of them far into 10 :30 A.M . a n d 7 :3 0 p M. Early celtbia1 November, and the number making this city tiou at 7 :3 0 a .m . their permanent home is constantly increasing. WEST MINSTER 1 RESI YTFRIAN CHURCH - For about three months, dating from December Stvall avenue, neai Grand. Rev. Gecige 1st, the town ia not unlike other towns of good size scattered throughout tlie country. The J Mingirs, D. D., pastor. Services at permanent winter population of Asbury Park • 10 :3 0 a .m . and 7:3 0 p.m . and her suburbs varies from ten to twelve thou­ FVANCFL1CAI. LLTHPBAN CHURCH, sand peisjns. The commercial business is ZHmr. Grand and Munroe avenues. RtV..G. A. very good ; an increasing trade from the sur­ Ge in n e r, pastor. fc e n k u at *0:45 a .m . rounding country keeping the shop keepers and 7:45 p .m . moderately busy. FIRST METHODIST CI1URCH. It is needless to recile the ordinary advan­ Grand and First avenues. Rev. G. B. tages and attractions of the town as a place of Wight, D. D., pa6tor. Scivkta at 10:30 winter residence. Suffice to say that Asbury A M. a n d 7 :3 0 p .m . Park’s stores, her banks, her schools, her CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Roman theatres, and her churches arc all up to the Catbclic). Second aid Ecnd standard. The railroad and street car service stre e ts'. R tv M, 1 L. Gknton, pattor. Is good, the mail aud telegraph facilities per­ Mast a t 9 A. M. fect, and in short there is lacking none of the latter da^ improvements for enjoying life that REFORMED CHURCH, the average American now cdnsiders indispens­ Grand and Sew all avennes. Rev. Peter Stiyker, D. D., pastor. Services at able. It is a popular fallacy with those unac­ 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 P.M. quainted with the facts that this shore is a very FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH * bleak and banen spot dur ing the days that the ' First avenie and Em.ory stuet. Rev. , Ice King holds sway. Such is not the truth. Howard T .Wic.dcmer, B.D., pastor. Sun- On the contrary, the average temperature is .day services a t 10.30 A . M . a n d 7.30 p. M. about four degrees warmer than New York. ASBURY PARK AUDITORIUM, The cold north and northwest winds are broken M.E. Htwe, concfp’d’g cccy’ Occupies by the hills west of the town. Snow seldom square bounded bv Kingsley ttreet, Sun­ remaii s longer than twenty-four hours, and * ■* set, Sixth and Ocean avenues; electric long spell of cold, hard weather is a rarity. railway passes. Concerts and literary Yet. notwithstanding the proximity to the entertainments week nights, occasionally, ocean, the air is comparatively dry and eer- at popular prices; religious services by -ainly very invigorating. The saady soil arid dislinguisbed preachers and laymen oh the abundance of balsamic pines., in the near Sundays from June to September. neighborhood are responsible for this. Invalids WHITTIER HALL, ana persons in poor health gain strength dally, Religions Society of Friends. Sabbath and each succeeding year witnesses more and afternoon at four o’clock. Comer, of more the fact that our fame as a health resort la Second Avenue and Emory S.reet. soon bound to rival the town’s pleasure prop­ erties There is much going on here fn winter. Live Bocial organizations furnish sufficient entertain­ ment. Public meetings of various kinds are held. The society is of the best, and there is no lack of charming company. While tho ASbURY PARK AMUSEMfMS; town is devoid of excitement • there is no stag- lation, and every one finds enough to occupy PARE OPERA HOUSE, nis time profitably and pleasantly. One never- Corner Bangs avenue and Emory Btreet. failing source of pleasure and recreation is tho Wm. H. Morris, maroger. Prices 25, ocean and boardwalk. ' Many prefer the ocean 35» 5°. 75 and $ 1. Cooled by electric fans. in winter. To look at its blue waters now aa PALACE MERRY-GO-ROUND, they roll in upon the sands and surround tho Corner Lake avenue and Kingsley thousands of1 joyous, careless bathers, one would street. E. Schnitzler, proprietor. Organ never imagine that these same waters could in and orchestrion mnsic. Parlor for ladies. a few houra develop such force and fury as to Fare, 5 cents. endanger the strong bulkheads and piling, and CRYSTAL MAZE, draw thousands to witness their orgies. Dur­ Lake avenue near Kingsley street. E. ing a storm every one able to do so turns out Schnitzler, proprietor. Admission, 10 cts. to see the mighty struggle of old Neptune. OBSERVATION WHEEL, Clad in rubber from heaa -to foot, men, women Lake avenue near Kingsley street.^ E. ,ahd children station themselves along tho Schnitzler,. proprietor. Similar 1 to boardwalk or in sheltered nooks in the pavilions •famous Ferns Wheel at World’s Fair andigaze npon the troubled waters. The cry Of Fare 10 cents. “ a wreck’ is all that is necessary to bring out every male citizen, even though ft be in darkest ROLLER TOEOCGAN CHUTE,' . night. The brave life-savers never lack for Third and Ocean avehuee, Asbury Park volunteer assistance, and the writer has on Amujement Company. Fare, 5 rents. . many occasions lent a hand in the work of bringing to shore the shipwrecked mariners. But it is not only in time of storm that the LIBRARY IIALL, ocean is worth visiting. On clear, cool days Corner First ai:d Crrrd nu:i:e>. l ubiic snch as are common here in the months of De­ lil.iaiy opt 11 cm t j I 1 it's 3,2105 p. ji. t cember, January and February, many scores of people promenade the boardwalk or sit for EDUCATIONAL HALL, hours wrapped in great coats and furs and gaze In Ediicatu t:al Square, Giand avenue out on the never-ending sea. Invalids in their between Second «and Tliiid avenues. easy chairs, propelled by their trusty servants, Was 011c ot the Centennial buildings in ride along the beach and drink in the purest and Philadelphia in ’76 and was retrieved to most invigcrating air upon God’s footstool Asbury Park. ★ ★ IDRIVING AND WHEELING . AQUATIC OUTINGS ★ There are many beautiful drives in Asbury Park and environs. The BATHING in the surf along the finest mile of ocean front in the world; ★ highways leading north and south are 'macadamized and kept in splendid condition at all seasons. 2500 bathing houses on the beach and 6000 suits to hire at 25 ★ . One may take a drive south to the pretty towns of Belmar, Spring Lake cents, with private bath house and attendance. ★ Beach, Manasquan and Point Pleasant, amid lovely scenery. ★ Northward through Elberon, where may be seen the cottage in which FISHING from the ocean pier at the foot pf First avenue. ★ President Garfield died, the cottages of the late Anthony J. Drexel SAIL to Fishing Banks, several miles out to sea, on yachts; boarding ★ and George W . Childs, and the summer residences of many famous ^ / a n d landing by surf boats from the foot of First avenue. ★ and wealthy people in business and the professions. Through Hollywood and famous old Long Branch to Red Bank, passing PLEASURE. V O Y A G E S by yach\s from foqt df First avenue, several ★ over Rumson Road, said to be the most beautiful drive in the world . ★ hours’ sail. — a country road lined with magnificent residences set in wide lawns. ’ ★ Wheelmen come from all parts of the country to enjoy these famous roads. FISHING ^.ND BOATING on Deal Lake. Crow’s Negt, Eighth ave­ ★ The carriage and omnibus service is complete and economical. Fare by nue near Main street, is located on the south bank of this beautiful vice versa \ ★ stage from station to any hotel or cottage, or , io cents. Carriage fare, 25 cents for each passenger. Belt Line Electric ★ sheet of water. railroad fare,. 5 cents. Sunday railroad passengers take trains at CR AB FISH IN G and clam (figging in Shark River, two miles south oi ★ Interlaken station. Asbury Park; take Asbury Park and Belmar Electric Railway, ★ Atlantic Coast Electric Railway line, affords quicx and frequent transit to. Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Allenhurst, Deal, Elberon, Hollywood; 5 cents ; or stages, 10 cents. " . i West End, Long Branch and Pleasure. Bay; where daily boats “ ‘ B A R N E G A T B A Y — Delightful sailing and first-class fishing; south, 40 co'nnect for New York. Fare, round trip, from Asbury Park to • Pleasure Bay, 30 cents. minutes by railroad. %

• \ • ;. A ■ • .

, i.-.V • A .- i v f - v •••••'• •• '■'.r.wc::: tv •' 8 ASBURY PARK DAILY PRESS. BABY IS STILL MISSING Selected With Care New York Kidnaping Case Stumps the Police. Is the story written on every article of our immense line of spring and summer fabrics. No reckless buying such as A NEWSPAPER MAN SUSPECTED. characterizes too many stores. Captain McCltifiky Thinit* That a • Every department is now replete with the best offerings of •‘Fnke Tipster** Stole the Child to Create a Sensation — Reaauni For the season. Suppose you are in need of some specialty in Thl* Theory. New York, May 25,—Baby Marlon Clark Js still In the hands of her ab­ ductors, and the police, after following with small success several clews of Dress Goods more or less promise, now base their hopes'of restoring the infant to her par­ $ ^ . 0 0 EACH Would it not be well to look through the line while still un­ ents largely on the offers pf reward made yesterday. There were four such * broken and make the selection ? " offers, aggregating 94,000. One sum of i _ i $500 came anonymously- through on evening newspaper and another 9500 came from Theodore B. Starr,’ who Including horn reproducer and one record meant hia offer to be anonymoub, too, Capes, Wraps, Jackets and- Furs and he was displeased when Captain McClusky gave publicity to it We have an almost endless array of the newest productions It is certain that at least two persons were in the plot to abduct the child, and and all sizes, from the child’s' reefer to the stout lady’s require­ if the note to Mrs. Clark, hinting at a ransom, was not written by the nurse ment. | ■ then a third person, probably a man, is W E D E L ’S disclosed as one of the conspirators. "Whether It was the nurse or a roaai who wrote the letter, it has required no -VARIETY STOR^E Opened with a rush Saturday and will con­ expert examination to 1 disclose one Im­ Tailor Made Suits and Skirts portant fact—the letter was written by person who is familiar with~“c. 2 0 0 0 0 3 i» 1— 7 7 2 30 years. For the last eight or ten bury Park. Low rent and very small expenses ships Essex and Alliance and the gun­ or a boarder, or a place to place Us in a poeltion to do better work at lower Hew York 0 1 0 3 0 I 0 1 M u— ti 8 l years she has been in the habit of going Batteries— Hawley and I'.-ltz. deymour nery practice ship Lancaster, in Hamp­ board, or a chance to learn prices than any one els*. and Grady. \ * to Ireland every autumn xmdof return­ ton Roads. The board went aboard the Call and be Convinced At Pittsburg— - R. If. e ing in the spring. When she presented supply Bhip Glacier to inspect her pre­ a tr ade, oralmostanything We carry a full line of sundries. ■ ----- Pittsburg.... 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 9 2 u 'J 0— ti Pi 2 her card for examination, the inspector paratory to her voyage to Manila with Tandems and single wheels to rent. B a ltim o r e ... 0 n0 0 1 2 2 I u o u t— 7.*43 ; that anybody wants, you’ll Send postal and we will call for your wheel. said to her: provisions for the army and navy. The Batteries—I.eCver and hoWt-rman; Me-. ship was put through her paces, m ak­ Ginity and KoUmaun, “ What line of steamers do you take find him or it by telling J. EDGAR SOOY At Cleveland— n. if. E. ing a fast run to the Virginia capes and for Sullivan county?” return. Her general stability test, it la your want to the people IliiSgOKllil SlB. Partrid*«:ISctaK!son'« Cleveland.!. 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 3 - 6 12 2 “ Steamers is it! I goes by rail.” tVash ton.. 2 0 0 0 3 1 2 U 0- 8 14 stated, jtvaa satisfactory to the board. of Asbury Park through Batteries—t'ursay and Zimmer; Dineyi* “ If you’re living in Sullivan county, She will probably not be detained any The best stoch of Fisblogr Tackie <8 and McGuire. how is it you’re stopping in Ireland ?” iongrer." ______. the want columns of the The choicest Use ol Cigars mi. Tobacco At Chicago— r. >i. e “ To dig me pertaties.” The largest assortment of Pails, Shovels, Chlcugo.--. 2 0 I I 0 4 a 0 0— 7 10 * Brant** Great-irrnnd*on Dead. “ How is that?” Windmills, etc. Phlladei’it.. 1 0 S 0 3 J 2 "3 1-14 10 ? New York, May 25.—Joseph Kirby, I* K B S S . .. W ill b e found a t th e Btcre of B atteries— Ka toll and Donahue; Fitield “ Shnre, I plant me pertaties on a bit the great-grandson of Joseph Brant, W. » . NICHOLS Frazer und Me Kurland. of land of me own in Oireland in the the famous Mohawk chief of Revolu­ OPERATORS At St. Louis- - > j ■It. II. E Bt. Louis... u l'M 0 I) o-1 0 0a : spring before I comes to Ameriky, and tionary timeq, died after a brief illness ml coomaii eve. Boston :i 1 3 0 u 2 • - u8 0 13 t I goes back iu tho autumn and I digs at the Mills hotel. Kirby had spent Special if ordered this week: Calcutta Bamboo TO MAKR Batteriea- Young and Criger Lewis and ’eui.” many years of his life In Canada, where Rod*. Nickel Mountings, f 4 >5 <>; German Sil­ v e r, >6 .5 0 . B e rg e n . v “ Then they don’t raise potatoes in he had dabbled considerably In politics. EDWIN A. WEIS M uiidJjig of the Club*. SHBDDER CRABS AND BLOOD WORM5. Sullivan county ?” .. ^ He was at one time high sheriff of W. I.. P.C. W. L. I’.c. Hamilton, Canada. UPHOLSTBRBR Brooklyn. 23 lo .697 Baltimore 17 15 .531 “ lndade do they. I plants pertaties Pine Furniture Msde to"Order * Specialty Night Shirts SL Louis. 22 10 .088 New York 11 19 .36; in Sullivan county when I comes back Chicago... 20 I! ^25 Louisville 11 20 .351 from Oireland in the spring, and I digs Buffalo S trik er* a t Worlc* Carpet* altered and relald. Mattresse* renovated. Cincinnati 18 11 .621 Pittsburg. 11 20 . 351 Furniture repaired and upholstered.; Unrolling Buffalo, May 25.—The harbor will Boston...'. 19 12 .611 ’Wash’ton. 9 23 ’em before I goes back to the ould sod -AND- probably be clear of grain laden boats 6 Philadol'a 19 12 .618 Cleveland 6 22 in tho autumn. ” ia COOKHAN AVENUE. before the end of the week. With the Now Wall Papers This was satisfactory, and tho old Opening of i’eekakln Cum p. big force of scoopers at work yesterday ASBURY PARK MAILS. woman was allowed to go.— New York 2 ,000,000 bushels of gijoln had been ele­ From England, from France, from Albany, May^O.—Governor Roosevelt ail over the world, come the new will ride to the state camp at Peeksklll Sun. . vated up to 6* o’clodk, and the work MAILS CLOSB. WJU1I 1 PA PE K 8. . Women’s Night Gowns at the head, of Squadron A. and went on rapidly* with night shifts. The Troop C of'New York city, who will adoption of the new system brought For 'New Vork, and pomte north : 7.80, For mere than a month , they have been CHOP SUEY. about by The strike* was attended by no 11.40 a. in., 8.80, 6.00 p. m. coming, and now they are leavim? again,. open camp on Sunday,*June '4, for the S*or FblMelpbl-s ani points wrath s 7,00 o oosrtrol so many patterns qf the finest season of 1899. The governor will *be trouble of .any consequence. Ths coal U.40 a. m., 8.80,8.00 p,'ss. .Even King Humbert of Italy cannot re­ hpavSru who left the Erie docks ar* to rt that thepeople are fast besoming awaro accompanied by Colonel Treadwell, A d­ sist tho current crazo for collecting China Fdr Trenton t 7.00, 11,40 a, m ., 8.30, 8.00 of the, fact that t o “ sea It ail” they mnat jutant ^General Andrews, Colonel Lee report .for work 1 at noon today, and S brlc-a-bruc.— Albany Argua. come here. ■ » of the English army, who was assigned President Keefe of the "International 1 F§i Freehold 7.80,11.40 a. m., 8.80, 8.00 It doeest follow that a lot ef money moat The Chinese blue b°°X i8 °nt- No na­ Longshoremen's association, said that p. in. _ be expended to secure a delightful and har­ by his government to take «observa- tion ought to ho able to Issue na blue a tlons of the maneuvers of the American the coal heavers on the Lehigh/ and For Point Haaaadt and tray stations: monious effect for a room. It’s all in the. STEINER & SON blue book, as China.— Houston Post. Lackaw anna docks would be at Work B.6Q a. m., 12.501 R,K) p. m, headwork—the army during the Spanish w ar; Captain Ooean 0ro?e~7.8O a. p. tn. enlighten1, you. ■Wentworth, m ilitary storekeeper of Tho “ open door” in China, if theso In­ again today. They are the last of the Perhaps a vtoulhi ternational complications continue to pile New Yofk city, and Major General Roe strikers to reatfli an agreement, all . of MAILS AKRTVi ------up, will havo to bo changed to a .“ storm ASBURY PARK N. J. and his staff. the other docks having bden.manned. Strom New tfors ana points north : 7.D6, JACOB 0LL, J r . I, door.” — New York Press. 10 22 a. in., 1.18, 6,22 p. m: Honor toy the ifoej*. China is deterjninedto resist Italy’a do-' Maroband'a Arrival at Port Said. From Philadelphia and points south: 7.Q5, 5 4 * COOK AN AVE. Pretoria, Transvaal-Republic, May 25. manda. China threatens to become aa *1.58 a. m., 5.40 p. m. ' Port Said, May 25.—The French cruis­ Adjoining Btetol largi stom.\ —Tho voIksraQd, or parliament^ ad­ confirmed and cliVon ic \a resister os Tur­ from Trenton: 7.03, J.0.E8 a, n , 6.40n, ta. *s er D’Assfis, with Major Marchand o,n journed at noon yesterday in honor of k e y .— tfew York Telegrpm. From Freehold : 7.05,10.22a, nn, hi?, 8.23 ASBURYPARK. \ •the birthday-of Queen Victoria. board, has arriv’ed -here. * She has not M< ' , China’lioa tho choice of saying whether communicated with the shore and so folnt pleasant aad way stations : 8.00 a. she will bo peocealxly sliced, and quartered avoids quarantining upoi^ her . arrival ui., 12.12, 4.00, 8.30 p. sh. W eather Fort}cn*t. or whether Bhp will bo put on the rack For Oeean drove < 8.00 -a. m., 12.1S 6.8® Read The Daily Press at Toulon. Falr^ wto^mer; fresh southerly wirlds. and torn to pieces.— Indianapolis News. p.’tn.j: ..... Advertise in THE PRES^