Leon Trotsky Part 3 of 5
, I _, 1$' I ,.,92 Pdvmam. 65-29162-120 92 mu 1, 1941 0 i PI-tmsozm? 5.15:1 mi S=F7GI;@.T mt:-.=;'-"rnvre Honorable Adolf A. Berle, Jr. ,5. Maiutant -Sac:-star? of State r?§ Ehpartmunt of State Hashingion, D. C. »-- J Qé Paar QT. Berle: l "51? __ Rota:-ancn is main to pravioua ccrrezzpordcrzae 11. regarding the current investigation of the case 1' #4 ' pertaining to "Jacques Barnard van Uenlrcuchl, wit? aliases, at al." 3 . $ . 1 Trarmzutted . harowith , for 0 y ur ir.1crrn:.tior:, is a copy or the report of Spacial Agent G. A. L-!ah&.':, dated . Va:-ch 1.4, 191.1 at Nor Haven, Connecticut, concerning tki iif flit?-@'I"n All aubacquont reports rocaivod by this Bureau regarding thu above-nmtionod lnvutigation will ha promptly trumngt-t-1-Q be you tar ym::~ 1.-»rcr-1-latia. ' -535 .._;;Y Sincernly yours, y ¢ 5 %.~§ P| 92*9292 Ii IF-h-» ' '-- If P%§3?5§Y:511?<7rr¢3 :?::_¢';i ll M A i if L; {.7 A ad ---___ 4-; - .1-__ ll ,-,6?! :4». 9 .1 G ." -F5.-¢ -- 3 7 J4 " A _ ._.___- - FEDERM R|.;rtEMJ 1»! inn -| ,u-.11» I95:I * W ' pf»~ - F - {Lb rliranrmrm . J 1 ' . - | ___ ......-.. .,...;..,, -' ._4__ . L . » r 0;,i I._ U, I .___........ , .é V I | ------ 1 .,/92__. _ "'2 / i ,_____,h._. -vii;-|-nu, :1.» _, '92'"0 ' '- S'-;».
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