Asbury Park Daily Press
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ASBURY PARK DAILY PRESS. THIRTEENTH YEAR. NO. 220. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1899. ONE CENT DREYFUS W ILL BE FREE TICKETS ABE SELLING. MUCH BANOS ON DECISION. JOTTINGS OF AN IDLER. QA1NES4NDERS0N. WELL AUTHENTICATED BE- ENTERPRISING MEN TAKING CLATTON DIVORCE CASE RE SEEN. IN A SAUNTER ABOUT BRILLIANT WEDDING ON THE POET OF P All DON. SUBSCRIBERS’ NAMES. OPENED FOR REVIEW. T H E T O W N . W E S r S ID E . Real E s t a t e FOR SALE. Aurore Discovers New Facte—Says The Scheme Has Broadened Since. Efforts to Have the Decree Reversed Excursionists to the High lands Poor Ceremony Performed at the Howard Prisoner's Innocence Can Bo More S ta rted —M ay R esu lt in F o rm a tio n ’ and Set. Aside—Mrs. Clayton Al H ill Climbers—Distinctive Types o f Residence in the Presence of Many Conclusively PrtWed—Congressman of JSocial Organisation—Enthusi leges Offense, if Anyi Was Con- Bathers at Each Group o f Houses. Guests—Rev. R. A. Bolen Ofllci* I n s u r a n c e Levy Receives W ord That Pardon astic Approval la Expressed at tho donet^, and W ill Try’to Prove Her Two Local ICcNidents Have An Ad ated— Showers o f Rice for Depart Ia at Hand. P ro je c t, Assertions. venture in Philadelphia., , ing Bride and Groom. A twenty-five room, The project of keeping open the Empire I f the court of chancery reverses the de Of course everyone had a good tlmo—who M o r t g a g e s Faris, Sept. 15;—Tlie Matin tills morn One of the most fashionable weddings pool and baths during the entire wiuter Is cree made some time ago, granting a di ever went on a picnic that did not? But the among the colored folks which has ever oc boarding'-/ house in ing assorts that tho cabinet lias agreed meeting with considerable approval. As vorce to Alonzo Clayton of this .city, that bills were awfully steep, at least for the curred in this vicinity took place in' West lo pardon Dreyfus ami that -the decree has been before stated it is’ proposed to is gentleman will be In a serious predicament, ladies. It would bo mean to tell the names Park yesterday. North Asbury Park will be signed Sept. 31). / sue 200 tickets at $10 each, to guard against as he has married again .slnco the decision of all those that rolled down tho inclines The young groom was Edward W. Gaines Many o f the provincial papers publish any great loss on the part ot the company. was rendered. like balls in a bowling alley, but such acci of Philadelphia, and the bride Miss Emma This morning the subscription lists wrrre Testimony for and against a reversal of dents were numerous; though fortunately near the beach. articles insisting on the granting of a A. Anderson of the West Side. pardon. distributed and a number of the enterpris the decree was heard this morning in the more amusing thau painful. One little girl Tho ceremony took placa ut the residence ing citizens of the town are enthusiastically council chambers before Vice-Chancellor rolled down, a' most distressful morsel of The Figaro says that many officers of of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Howard, 1134 Easy terms. circulating them. Milan Ross, T. A. Miller, Pitney, and a further.hearlng will bo held, humanity, and shortly after her mother Im West Mattison avenue, at 4 o'clock, and the. army are asking that Dreyfus be William J. Cooper, Walter W. Davis and a later. Charles E. Cook of this city appear itated tho performance. Another fair dam was performed by Uev. It. A. Union, pastor pardonetl. number of others have the lists and are con ed for Clayton and David Harvey, jr.,* rep sel carried her'skirt askew all day to con o f tho Second Baptist chifrch, West Park. Countess Prokeseliostein, president of fident of obtaining the necessary number of resented Mrs. .Clayton, on whose application ceal the strains of an early mishap. The bride wnq attended by Miss Lucie tire Austrian Keil Cross society, has writ subscrlljers. the matter has been reopened. Tlie lighthouse.climbing.Was ajso attend^ Gaines^as. maid of_ honor, mid Ulysses S. Tbe schem9 has broadened considerably The beginning of the legal troubles of the ed with more or less danger, particularly Bolen, son of the officiating minister, acted ten a letter o f condolence to Mine. D rey MILy\N ROSS AGENCY D. C. COVERT fus. since flrst broachod and now .virtually is ill mated pair dates back to April, 1807, when from tho Iraie individual who had charge as groomsman. the establishment of a social club, the mag Alonzo Clayton, through Charles E. Cook, of tho lights. He was wrothy over tho In The judge advocate o f the council o f re After the co'romony an elaborate luncheon nificent baths and amusement hall forming lifs attorney, filed a bill for divorce against vasion of his domains and showed but scant was served by a Now York caterer and run vision has received the dossier. It is be one of the handsomest clubhouses in the his wife Elizabeth on statutory grounds. courtesy. 2 0 8 M ain Street 2 0 8 Bond Street and merriment reigned until train time. lieved tho council will ren d i* a decision state. The case was tried In the chancery cham The adventures of the pleasure seekers The event was witnessed by numerous iu a fortnight, when, it is rumored, the In addition to tho holders of the season bers in this city before Vice-Chancellor Pit would 1111 a volume, but lack o f space pre friends of the young couple and many were government will immediately grant am tickets being entitled to as many baths as ney on July 6. 1897. Decision was reserved vents a narration of their exploits. the useful and costly presents. A t tho sta nesty,, wholesale or comprehensive pardon they care to take between Oct. 1 and June by the vice-chancellor until Aug. 27 follow * * m tion, as well as at tho house, there was a to every oue connected with the Dreyfus 1, they will be entitled to all the social ing, when he advised a decree in favor of Warm water, a smooth surf and clear crowd gachorod to throw rica and speed events, such as dancing, muslcale s and en the complainant. affair, including Dreyfus, Colonel Pic- skies are the conditions that make tho bath them o « their honeymoon. They left on tertainments of all kinds which are now Nothing more was done in the matter un ing still so popular. A t the Asbury, Fourth the 5.35 train for Philadelphia, where they quart, M. Zola aud General Mercier. contemplated. A magnificent opening re- til last spring, when Mrs. Clayton, through and Seventh avenue grounds the number of will spend a week, after which thny will M onm oiitli Trust The Aurore publishes a letter from coption Is being considered ana will be her attorney. David Harvey, jr., filed a bill bathers almost equal those of early sum PI188 a week In Washington. They will be- KEITH’S EXPRESS Professor Andrade of Montpelier univer for review to reopen the decree and set given In a few days if the reception of the mer. Ea-jh group has had Its distinctive pfin housekeeping about Oct. ; iu a cozy -AND- sity to MT Monis, minister o f justice, in tickets warrants the event. aside tho divorce and the matter was heard type o f bathers. little cottage awaiting- them at. Chester, Pa. ASBURY PARK and OCEAN GROVB regard to a new document which proves Among the new departures proposed Is this morning. Mrs. Clayton, In her bill, al A t 8eventh avenue the pretty girls bathe. The wedding party excited considerable DreyfUB’ innocence and gives a new fact the building of shuflleboard parlors and leges that between the date of trial and the Not to say that at no other group do they Interest at tho station, as both the young date the decision was rendered her husband that constitutes ground for a revision of iobably reading and Bmoking rooms. The condescend to disport in the surf, but at people are good looking and exceedingly Hotel Brunswick, aicony on the extreme eastern end o f the condoned the offense, If any there was com Sale Deposit Company Railroad Depot and the case. The document is a letter giv Seventh they seem to abound. Needless to fair in complexion. The handsome bride 1214 Bangs Avenue. gbuilding Is to be enclosed as a ladles’ sun- mitted, by coming to her house and resum say there the young men were. was the recipient of most of the rice that ) ing the date on which Cojonel Schwarz- parlor and other conveniences and pleas ing marital relations. She claims he re Principal.Offloe.......... 806M AIN STREET Fifth avenue seems to have been the was showered upon thorn. Among those JMonmonfe Building:, Asburj Part, H. J, koppen, the Germnn military attache, ut ures installed for the entertainment o f the turned In tears and entreated her to forget group for portly bathers. There -those in who witnesso! the ceremony wore: Goods stored at reasonable rates. tered his first cry of conscience to a per members. the past and again live with him. I f her clined to corpulency enjoy the pleasure.