Wanted Arrangements Complete For

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Wanted Arrangements Complete For ■■ ■ " . <■ i •. , •( r ' THIRTEENTH YEAH. NO. 193. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, TUfSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1899.—EIGHT PAGES. TWO CENTS ^ THE CARNIVAI^TONIGHT. PASTOR WIDDEMER TO GO ANOTHER GRAND CONCERT OCEAN GROVE MATTERS. BRIEF LOCAL SUMMARY. Wanted Arrangements Complete for. Fine Happenings Personal and Otherwise PUBLIC'SALE Spectacle on Wesley Lake. Rejond 'Wesley Lake. RESIGNATION WILL TAKE EF­ There is but one essential to the total IMMENSE AUDIENCE I1EAKD Hotels are filling u p .•. • ^ ■ WHAT IS GOING ON IN AND _ OF $ 9 ,0 0 ,0 FECT OCT. 1. success of the Wesley lake carnival tonigh t THE CHILDREN'. G. E. Cross pf Brooklyn is a late arrival AROUND THE CITlr. and that is/tho weather. If tho elements at the Chalfonte. Decision ROached at a Stormy Meet- permit this evening will witness a great ~T.. P. Harper of Baltimore is a late ar­ ; $5,000 ■ ’Second ^Appearance of the Voting rival at tho Langdon. „ - Items of FntereBt Too Small for a IQini; Held ln the Congregationa event.. Officer Hoagland has all the ar­ REAL E S T A T E Singers Attracted the Peop’e Mrs.'P. Temple of Ward, Pa., is a guest Headline — Happening;. Personal Church Last Night—Ballots Were rangements completed so far as he and the $ 3 , 0 0 0 Equally as W ell ‘as the First Con­ at the New Arborton. » anil Otherwise That Will Hein to Destroyed and Actual Vote W ill committees are concerned, and with the to close an estate, on the premises, , cert—Enthusiasm Was Intense. J. D. Anderson, wife and daughter are M ake ll»o piHtory ol* Asbury Park, Therefore Never Be Known.. co-operation of the cottagers and Boat boys guests at the Lafayette. Program Splendid. Nfjd line Township an<l VIcinKy. On first, mortgage, with Bond in the way of decorations, and the other Andrew J. Case of Trenton registered There was another storm j^eetingof the great features, t|fe event cannot disappoint “I am not riOh, but I would not miss it yesterday at tho Chalfonte. Fine bathing these days. ' SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, Search and Insurance Policy. members of thd First Congregational church any one. The great calcium fountain is as­ ‘Mr MO.” W. W. Buckingham of Now York Is a Luke cnrniyal tonij-ht... Don't miss It. v - ' hqld last night, which finally terminated in late arrival at the Arlington. ’ These ,are gilt edge securities sured, and it will stand in the lake midway “I came 200 miles to see and* hear this A strom; boy is advertised for today, t(^' at tbe hour of 3 P. M., one of tbe most the acceptance of tho resignation of the between the. bridges. Flrewbrks will .be concert, nnd I could qome another ^00 miles George W. K. Taylor , of Brooklyn is a make him,self generally useful around a desirable sites for improvement in As­ late arrival at the Ocean House. store. and \Vill bear investigation. pastor. Rev. Howard T. Widdemer, to take put up from both bridges. .to see It again.” bury Park, north side of EightluAvetjue, effect Oct 1, 1899. ’ The vote was unanimous “The grandest thing I ever attended.” ’ G. W. Gilbort and wlfo of Millorsburg Miss Emma Scott and Miss Mary T)aniels The parade of boats will start at 8 o’clock aro late arrivals at the Lillagaard. of Groversvilie, N Y., a>o spending a week west of Grand_Avenue. Width of lot. and is considered a flnal victory for the - "“it was wonderful, wonderful.” Those wishing Jto join the pageant should* W. M. Coiyle and w lfqof New York are at the Neptune Heights resort of J. R. 125 feet, and includes ownership of antl-Widdemerite faction. Such were the expressions heard on all Scott. ., report at the dock at the foot of the toko late arrivals at the Highland House. water frontage to middle of lake, ITigh The call for the meeting was read at^'the not inter than 7;30. No boats not in line will sides last night after the repetition of the Dr. B. B. Perkins and wife’ of Phiflidel- The Steinbach company’s annual fg shoe grqund, shade; no restrictions. Condi­ morning sfcrvlce on Sunday. This was the be allowed out on the lake*. ‘Any boat • not. children’s concert In the Oceap Grovo audi­ hla are popular guostS4it tho L ifayotte. sale will commence at their Mam ninth store on Friday. There will bo a grand signalfor a supreme effort oh the part of joining at the start and not remaining in torium. Miss A. M. Barnes of Gemr.iutowir, Pa., tions made known at time of-sale. Par­ is registered for a'stay at tho Lillagaardj, rush for shoas. Apply to , ■ opposing factions to begin mustering their line during the entire parade will be dis­ It was not decided to repeat the concert ticulars or terms at private sale pf ^ E. Quincy Smith, wife , and daughter of Samuel Simple was arrested by Consta- forces ^or the Anal action. As a^ result the qualified from competition for any awards. until late last Friday, and very little ad­ ble White last night, charged with disor attendance was considered very fair. Washington, are late arrivals at the Ard­ Lamblase’s beach band will occupy a boat vertising was done, but over 9,000 people more. derry conduct. Justice, Dodd hold him p: C, cdVERT The meeting was called to order at 8 under $50 bail for a hoarlng and in default in the middle of the procession. Officer crowded Into the auditorium last nigllt. It Mrs. James S. Yard of Freehold has MILAN ROSS-AGENCY o’clock by ttje pastor, who offered prayer. lie was locked up. * Hoaglatjd will occupy his police-boat_in the^ was a spontaneous outpouring of the peo­ taken quarters at tho popular Alaska The call was then read by Clerk Rhome. Housg. The wil'd of the Soper Hou-*e a t Windham, 208. Bond Street lead. t, ple, ahd look at it any way you please;; it N. Y., in tlie Catskill mountains, is insert­ ' 208 Main SffeetV It provided fcgr action upon the resignation In case of rain the carnival will be held was a magpiflcent triumph and proves that George W. Wollo and family aro wealthy ed In the Phess today. Special induce­ of Samuel A. Patterson lis^a* trustee; the people of Bethlehem who are guests at tho ments are offered to spend tho month of on*the flrst clear iiiglifc succeeding. •' nothing can equal the children iu winning Qu^en. consideration of the financial standing of September at,slits mountain resort. their way into the hearts of tlie people. William R. Winters, news editor of the the church, and to determine whether or Promptly at 8 o’clock Conductor Morgan FORMED A LEAGUE. New Jerso}’ G,izetje,is a guest a t the Alaska COUNCILMAN BOGARl’d not the ’pastoral relations of Pastor 'Widde­ mounted the director’s box, and to the House*.1-, Monmouth Trust : m er should cease. Colored Oitiz^nB start a New Organ- Among the recent ar.ivals at the Lang­ KEITH’S EXPRESS stirring strains of “Marching Through Wife .Prefers Charge of III Treat­ AND----- The resignation of Mt. Patterson was a o izttion and E ‘ect Officers. don are Robort Liddell and family of Phila­ Georgia” on the great organ, four grand, delphia. ment-Hearing Today. £$BURY PARK and OCEAN GROVE cepted, and August 29 was selected a^ the Joseph W. Henderson, editor of the New pianos and the orchestra, toge^i^r with H. T. Dowlin and wife of West Chester, Tho Bradley Beach council was minus date for another meeting to elect his suc­ England Torchlight of Providence, R. I., Hotel Brunswick, the druins df the rough riders’ li^g'ade, the Pa., are numbered among the guests at .the ,2.1)6 of its m mibora during tho deliberations Sale Deposit Company cessor; also to select a trustee to fill the who is now organizing the colored people of Mulford. ... ' )Railroad Depot and side doors of the auditorium, were opened of th at august body last night. v 1214 Bangs Avenue. place of W . L. Meeks, who has declined re- New Jersey Into community organizations George B. Thorn and family of Cross- and through each entered a company of There was to have been -a royal discus­ Monmoutli Building:, Asbnry Park, N. J. Principal Office 800 MAIN STREET election. known as the American Protective League, girls, dressed in the Red ’Cross uniform, wicks, JL. J*, f*,re at their favorite hotel, the New ArtfoYt6’d. sion on tho timo worn flre engine ..question, Goods stored at reasonable rates, Mr. Meeks was then chosen as chairman apOKe in thewA. M. E. Zion church, Spring- each bearing aloft a flag, and in one min- Telephone connection. Miss Mary Stafford ■ is now entertaining • and Councilman Charles Bogart was pre­ of the meeting. Clerk Rhome read a reso­ wood avenue, West Park, last night to atf' Aate filling every aisle in the great btillding. CAPITAL, §100,000. ' P. O, Bor 667, - - - - Asbury PAb k . her friend, Miss Anna Grauff of Philadelphia pared to take an animated part in the lution presented by those opposed to the enthusiastic audience. Rev. J. H. White, It was truly a stirring scene, and the ap­ at the La Pierre. chewing of tho old story. Sad to say, SURPLUS, $25,000 pastor. The resolution called attention to D.D., pastor of the oburch, presided over plause of the vast audience was unbound­ Frank M. Curtis, secretary of Calvary M.
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