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^ THE CARNIVAI^TONIGHT. PASTOR WIDDEMER TO GO ANOTHER GRAND CONCERT OCEAN GROVE MATTERS. BRIEF LOCAL SUMMARY. Wanted Arrangements Complete for. Fine Happenings Personal and Otherwise PUBLIC'SALE Spectacle on Wesley Lake. Rejond 'Wesley Lake. RESIGNATION WILL TAKE EF­ There is but one essential to the total IMMENSE AUDIENCE I1EAKD Hotels are filling u p .•. • ^ ■ WHAT IS GOING ON IN AND _ OF $ 9 ,0 0 ,0 FECT OCT. 1. success of the Wesley lake carnival tonigh t THE CHILDREN'. G. E. Cross pf is a late arrival AROUND THE CITlr. and that is/tho weather. If tho elements at the Chalfonte. Decision ROached at a Stormy Meet- permit this evening will witness a great ~T.. P. Harper of Baltimore is a late ar­ ; $5,000 ■ ’Second ^Appearance of the Voting rival at tho Langdon. „ - Items of FntereBt Too Small for a IQini; Held ln the Congregationa event.. Officer Hoagland has all the ar­ REAL E S T A T E Singers Attracted the Peop’e Mrs.'P. Temple of Ward, Pa., is a guest Headline — Happening;. Personal Church Last Night—Ballots Were rangements completed so far as he and the $ 3 , 0 0 0 Equally as W ell ‘as the First Con­ at the New Arborton. » anil Otherwise That Will Hein to Destroyed and Actual Vote W ill committees are concerned, and with the to close an estate, on the premises, , cert—Enthusiasm Was Intense. J. D. Anderson, wife and daughter are M ake ll»o piHtory ol* Asbury Park, Therefore Never Be Known.. co-operation of the cottagers and Boat boys guests at the Lafayette. Program Splendid. Nfjd line Township ano spending a week west of Grand_Avenue. Width of lot. and is considered a flnal victory for the - "“it was wonderful, wonderful.” Those wishing Jto join the pageant should* W. M. Coiyle and w lfqof New York are at the Neptune Heights resort of J. R. 125 feet, and includes ownership of antl-Widdemerite faction. Such were the expressions heard on all Scott. ., report at the dock at the foot of the toko late arrivals at the Highland House. water frontage to middle of lake, ITigh The call for the meeting was read at^'the not inter than 7;30. No boats not in line will sides last night after the repetition of the Dr. B. B. Perkins and wife’ of Phiflidel- The Steinbach company’s annual fg shoe grqund, shade; no restrictions. Condi­ morning sfcrvlce on Sunday. This was the be allowed out on the lake*. ‘Any boat • not. children’s concert In the Oceap Grovo audi­ hla are popular guostS4it tho L ifayotte. sale will commence at their Mam ninth store on Friday. There will bo a grand signalfor a supreme effort oh the part of joining at the start and not remaining in torium. Miss A. M. Barnes of Gemr.iutowir, Pa., tions made known at time of-sale. Par­ is registered for a'stay at tho Lillagaardj, rush for shoas. Apply to , ■ opposing factions to begin mustering their line during the entire parade will be dis­ It was not decided to repeat the concert ticulars or terms at private sale pf ^ E. Quincy Smith, wife , and daughter of Samuel Simple was arrested by Consta- forces ^or the Anal action. As a^ result the qualified from competition for any awards. until late last Friday, and very little ad­ ble White last night, charged with disor attendance was considered very fair. Washington, are late arrivals at the Ard­ Lamblase’s beach band will occupy a boat vertising was done, but over 9,000 people more. derry conduct. Justice, Dodd hold him p: C, cdVERT The meeting was called to order at 8 under $50 bail for a hoarlng and in default in the middle of the procession. Officer crowded Into the auditorium last nigllt. It Mrs. James S. Yard of Freehold has MILAN ROSS-AGENCY o’clock by ttje pastor, who offered prayer. lie was locked up. * Hoaglatjd will occupy his police-boat_in the^ was a spontaneous outpouring of the peo­ taken quarters at tho popular Alaska The call was then read by Clerk Rhome. Housg. The wil'd of the Soper Hou-*e a t Windham, 208. Bond Street lead. t, ple, ahd look at it any way you please;; it N. Y., in tlie Catskill mountains, is insert­ ' 208 Main SffeetV It provided fcgr action upon the resignation In case of rain the carnival will be held was a magpiflcent triumph and proves that George W. Wollo and family aro wealthy ed In the Phess today. Special induce­ of Samuel A. Patterson lis^a* trustee; the people of Bethlehem who are guests at tho ments are offered to spend tho month of on*the flrst clear iiiglifc succeeding. •' nothing can equal the children iu winning Qu^en. consideration of the financial standing of September at,slits mountain resort. their way into the hearts of tlie people. William R. Winters, news editor of the the church, and to determine whether or Promptly at 8 o’clock Conductor Morgan FORMED A LEAGUE. New Jerso}’ G,izetje,is a guest a t the Alaska COUNCILMAN BOGARl’d not the ’pastoral relations of Pastor 'Widde­ mounted the director’s box, and to the House*.1-, Monmouth Trust : m er should cease. Colored Oitiz^nB start a New Organ- Among the recent ar.ivals at the Lang­ KEITH’S EXPRESS stirring strains of “Marching Through Wife .Prefers Charge of III Treat­ AND----- The resignation of Mt. Patterson was a o izttion and E ‘ect Officers. don are Robort Liddell and family of Phila­ Georgia” on the great organ, four grand, delphia. ment-Hearing Today. £$BURY PARK and OCEAN GROVE cepted, and August 29 was selected a^ the Joseph W. Henderson, editor of the New pianos and the orchestra, toge^i^r with H. T. Dowlin and wife of West Chester, Tho Bradley Beach council was minus date for another meeting to elect his suc­ England Torchlight of Providence, R. I., Hotel Brunswick, the druins df the rough riders’ li^g'ade, the Pa., are numbered among the guests at .the ,2.1)6 of its m mibora during tho deliberations Sale Deposit Company cessor; also to select a trustee to fill the who is now organizing the colored people of Mulford. ... ' )Railroad Depot and side doors of the auditorium, were opened of th at august body last night. v 1214 Bangs Avenue. place of W . L. Meeks, who has declined re- New Jersey Into community organizations George B. Thorn and family of Cross- and through each entered a company of There was to have been -a royal discus­ Monmoutli Building:, Asbnry Park, N. J. Principal Office 800 MAIN STREET election. known as the American Protective League, girls, dressed in the Red ’Cross uniform, wicks, JL. J*, f*,re at their favorite hotel, the New ArtfoYt6’d. sion on tho timo worn flre engine ..question, Goods stored at reasonable rates, Mr. Meeks was then chosen as chairman apOKe in thewA. M. E. Zion church, Spring- each bearing aloft a flag, and in one min- Telephone connection. Miss Mary Stafford ■ is now entertaining • and Councilman Charles Bogart was pre­ of the meeting. Clerk Rhome read a reso­ wood avenue, West Park, last night to atf' Aate filling every aisle in the great btillding. CAPITAL, §100,000. ' P. O, Bor 667, - - - - Asbury PAb k . her friend, Miss Anna Grauff of Philadelphia pared to take an animated part in the lution presented by those opposed to the enthusiastic audience. Rev. J. H. White, It was truly a stirring scene, and the ap­ at the La Pierre. chewing of tho old story. Sad to say, SURPLUS, $25,000 pastor. The resolution called attention to D.D., pastor of the oburch, presided over plause of the vast audience was unbound­ Frank M. Curtis, secretary of Calvary M. Constable Sam White was the bearer of a the recent treasurer’s report, showing obli­ the meeting. Rev. Ebenezer Bird and Prof1 E. church, New York, is a late arrival a t ed. Very* soon the line readied the w arrant for him on tho charge of ill tre a t­ Executes all trusts known to the law. gations past due and liable to be the. cause Jones maue encouraging remarks endors­ the Ocean House. A Good Time platform and finally up to the platform ing his wife. Councilnia’ri Qogart, unwill­ Ilians money on bond and mortgage. of litigation., It concluded with a para­ ing the organization plans of Mr. Hender­ Willlanj L. Burke, jr., a liatter and fur­ Receives deposits subject to check and allow* that raised tier upon tier to the top of rier in the great metropolis, Is spending his ing to forego tho pleasure of tho debate, Interest on daily balances. .—^ :------graph providing that the pastoral relations son. * the organ. Then came the entrance of the vacatiou at the La Pierre. apked the constable if he could not post-' Acts ad Trustee, Registrar and Transfer Agent ? TO. HAVE YOOR EYES existing between Mr. widdemer and the A state convention will be held in New­ Rough Rider brigade, and In true Miss L. Elsie Sternnr and Miss Catharine Pays coupons. church terminate at once. pone the pleasure until after the meeting. Malces demand and Ume loans on approve ATTENDED TO ark about the last of September, at which military style, under the command of A. Hmitb are two Allentown (Pa.) ladies Sam replied that tho warrant forgot to collateral. A motion was made to adopt the reso­ time a state leagup will be formed. By a who are guests at the Highland House. Safe deposit vaults;------L. B. Holt and E. W. Kilmer, marched state .that the arrest to bo made after lutions and this was seconded, providing Miss Sadie H. Young and Miss K athryn mis unanimous vote an Asbury Park branch of around the aisles In twos and fours, with the fconfab, and Bogart w as1 taken to tne A. C. TWINING, President. Benjamin G laser, Scientific that the vote* should be by ballot -The Curl are two popular Philadelphia ladies tho league' was formed last night, with the guns on their shoulders. The effect was who nre pleasant guests a t tho Mulford. township jail and locked up for a hearing G. B. M. HARVEY, Vice President questloi) oT a ballot was opposed by the BRDCK S. KKATOR, Secretary. Optician from Vienna, Austria, following officers: Rev. J . H. White, presi~ magnificent, and it is no woiider that the The Temple League of the Faraday Insti­ today before Justice Dodd. * D. C. CORNELL, Treasurer. friends of Mr. Widdemer. A standing vqte •will be at my store for a short dent; Cyrus Williams, vice-president; R. 6. audience kept up a continuous round of ap­ tute held a lawn fete at tho Jackson House Tho complaint was made by his wife* and was taken and the result was in favor of a last evening which was largely attended. DIRECTORS-: Cottene, recording secretary; Levi Miller, plause until the boys were.on the platform. ho is charged with threatening her with a time. Consultation free. ballot, being carried by a vote of '57 to 35. James E. Sulger of tho Goodyear Rubber O. H. .Brown, ISaac C. Kennedy treasurer; Rev. Ebenezer Bird. The league Here they went through a drill, and though chair. It is said tho interference oi his J. H. Buchanon, Henry Mitchell, M. D This showed that the anti*Wlddemerites company, Philadelphia,‘and his wifoaro en­ D. C. Cornell, John P. O’Brien, will held another meeting next Monday they Had practiced but three weeks, they joying seashore life as guests at the Mul­ daughters, was all Chat saved her from were in the majority. W. J. Harrison, Perry R. Smith, evening at the above named church. would put to shame mans' au older com­ ford. being struck. -He is also accused of chok­ Col. G. B. M. Harvey, Milan Ross, Pastor Widdemer then requested permis­ pany that had been under 'drill for a year. George P. Kroehl, A. C. Twining. The young bcoplo of the Alaska House ing his son. , ’ Bruce S. Keator, M.D. H. H. Vreeland, sion to speak. A heated .debate ensued. AVEST SIDE ROUND UP. Tho boys finally were marched to their are glad to welcome back into their social G. D. W. Vroorfj. Some did not. want him to speak at all, circle Mrs. M. R. Houghtaling of W hite places on the raised seats. Bishop Fitzger­ Plains. P iR VD3 OF THE BABIES. CLAUDE J. WISEMAN while others wanted to limit the discussion Charged W ith Being Disorderly for. ald come forward, and amid profound si­ W. A. Smith andO . T. Plunkett of New to five minutes for each person. The pas­ Drinking in the Street., lence offered prayer. Further Arrangements Are Being FISHING TACKLE JEWELER York, who sang In the oratoria of “Ellj th” HAND MADE RODS to r finally gfct the floor, however, and spoke Lately the beer ark drivers have openly The flret number was “The Pahns” and on Friday evening, are jolly guests at the Made for Event. REPAIRING ON RODS AND REELS for about a half hour. His remarks were been dispensing their beverages on the A rdm ore.' Dr. G. F. Wflbur was o u t yestorday ap. ULOOD WORMS right royally did they sing if. The other LIVE MINNOWS 645 Cookman Avenue. very pointed. He said ft was Impossible to streets of the West Side. Frequent com­ numbers SUtig by the chorus in tho first- Miss Edna Mae Dix, daughter of a pointing the aides who will assist in the SHEDDER CRIBS * force his resignation as proposed because plaints have been made and the township wealthy Philadelphia physician, is spend­ parade of the babies on Saturday next. Tlie part was “The King of Love My Shepherd ing a few weeks iu seashore recreation at J . F . SEGER he had been Installed by a Congregational officers have been on the lookout for the Is,” “Daddy" and the “Swing Song.” Dur- * the Mulford. list of helpers includes' merchants, bank council. He was under contract and that violators of the law. Last night three fel­ ing the singing of the latter selection the Mrs. K. C. Bovell and family of Philadel­ clerks, newspaper mon and others. They 647J Co o km an A v e n u e , Asbury Park C O C A W I N E contract could not be terminated without lows, giving their names as Francis Hellmy- chorus kept swinging In graceful motion phia are staying at tho Alaska House. Mrs. will assist in getting the little ones In line the consent of both,parties. He announced er, John Boyce and John Doe, one of “Bum­ Bovell is delighted with Ocoan Grove and nt the Anbury Park auditorium and guide with the music and made a most charming Asbury Park. that he was not prepared^to say What his ble” Griffin’s drivers, were rounded upon tho lino dywn tho brick walk. V i n C o c a effect. Each number was of .course enthu­ J. L. Tait is a popular citizen of Wjishing- Asbury Park for action would be. Bangs avenue by Chief G ravatt and Officers siastically applauded. ’ - ton who arrived yesterday at tho Arling­ Tho sta rt will bo made promptly a t 3.30 Chapman and Davis while the liquor was OUR NEW PREPARATION Continuing he stated that his resignation' Signor NUtini, the celebrated musician, ton. Mr. Tait Is connected..with tho Amer­ o'clock, and all the participants aro reqnest­ Plealth and Recreation had been twice refused, to his surprise. Ho gurgling down tholr throats. Each were played on the piano .the march from Tann- ican university. ed to be‘a t the auditorium by 3 o’clock, claimed that it was offered In perfect hon­ fined $2 and costs as dfsorderly characters hauser, and while piano selections are not R. B. Wagoner and wife of Albany are that the judges may have an opportunity . But of World Renowned Virtue esty of purpose and that he had not yet and the amounts were paid under great guests at the Ocean House. Mr. wagoner to inspect the different decorations. Tho Bamman’s for choice Groceries. Not popular, as’ a rule, yet so grandly did he is a bVlokl manufacturer and real estate only tho best, but als& tho cheapest' place changed his mind, but proposed to retire as protest. John Doe, he of much mouth, play thkt the audience would not stop dealer"of Albany. judges have been selected, but it is not This preparation of Uopa tones up in town for goods of thqsame quality. We soon as convenient. Reference jwas made doubted Justice Dodd’s right to impose the cheering until he came back and acknowl­ The La Pierre has beeomo t ho rendezvous yet known defi nitely whether all will be aro soiling tho finest Butter made at nearly the wjjole system, ia particularly to a letter from Dr. Bradford to Mr. Smock, fine and said he had ?50 and intended to edged the compliment. ’No encores were for a largo party of aspiring young lawyers able to serve. the same price you pay for Butterine, Oleo- adapted to Physical and Nervous in which that gentleman set forth that tho have the matter carried up to the highest from Morristown. They are frieuds of the There was a largo increase iu the unmber margeriue or fixed up Embalmed Butter, allowed by Prof. Morgan. Siguor Nutin1 well known Vogt boys. which surely no one really relishes. The . prostration, atfd to Imifti up per* duty of every member was to attend church court. Justice Dodd offered him all the as­ of entries made yesterday. MImh Ross was also played a selection on tlie .violin which Claries Zlegenfus is an extensive manu­ drop in price of Coffee • has been faithfully .eons wasted by continued ill and keep up their contribution, notwith­ sistance in hia power and promised free proved him to be a* biaster of this instru­ facturer who has brought his family and a kept biny recording the names of the little folio woo by us until now you can buy a standing the differences. transcripts ot all the proceedings. large party of friends from Aiientown, Pa., tots. pound of'good cqffee at Bammau’s for 15c health. 75 cents, pint bottles. m ent also. which a little over a -year ago sold at 30 “I have done all I could,” be continued, Miss ’Sadie Reiser of Wilkesbarre, Pa% for an extended sojourn at the La Pierre. Endorsed by all Physicians, Valuable Stud [Missing. ' cents. • • “to prevent members from leaving the Tom Darst *s Collar. who toured the country with Sousa’s band, Charles H. Buoll, a graduate of .Y ale and Be sure to try this Loader. On tho other Prepared only by the New York law school* is a rising young' While two gentlemen of woll known church aifd hoped to leave It united when I Perhaps the oddest piece of laundry ever sang “Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark,” with hand tho sharp rise in price'of Tea will be lawyer guest at tho Ardmore, where he an­ sporting proclivities from Jersey City .who ignored by us until forced to change. goaw ay. t have the goodwill and fellow­ received by Charles J. Hause of this city, flute obligato by Mr. John Bradford of tho swers all the hard questions the lady guests are spending tho summer at the Devon­ ■ Alt winter long wo have watched and W. R. HAM, ship of every member of the Congrega­ to be restored to Its original purity, was a Bradford trio. This also completely won ask him. picked up the bargains as they wore offered shire, and who are known respectively as tional cojjgeil which installed'me. They collar brought in by the mail several days the audience, and well it may, for a butter Walter Damrosch said after the “Elijah” and are now in finst-class shape to supply- Druggist and Apothecary, oratorio last Friday .evening that Paul Du- “ Al” and “Jerry,” were strolling along tho ] the wants of the largest hotels and boarding say I am right, have done right and that ago. It was from Thomas C. Darst, for­ voice has not been he *rd uu tlje audit jrium merly of this city, now of Variety Mills, fault had a tenor voice of rifto quality boardwalk last Saturday evening, the one I houses, us well as mlvato families. they are with me. Therefore it will not platform.1 Her high note* showed the most which was eapab'o of being developed to Depend on it If ever we are undersold 167 Main St. ' . Asbury Park. known as “ Al” discovered he had boon re­ be so difficult for me to And a new home. Virginia, apd on It was written to one of finished cultivation and a quality that was rare attainm ent. J something or other is wrong. It'will pay lieved of his dlamondjstud. Ho searched If you who oppdse me take this action to­ the laundry employees a message stating truly rich. She completely won the audi­ The inauy friends and patients of Mrs. II. ‘ to deal with a reliable house. everywhere tn hopes of finding his gotn, but night you will disrupt the church and will that Mr. Darst had preached his flrst ser­ ence, and was presented with a fine bou­ A. Phelps, medical ole< t rician, will bo glad to learn that suoand her daughters, Misses It was in vain. His stud was gone.’ His have it to yourselves. I do not say this as mon in that collar and requesting that It quet. Adellu and Flora, aro hero for tho summer chagrin ovor his loss was so great that lie M. L..BAMMAN ONE OF THE FINEST a threat, but in the way of caution, for I be laundrled and returned. The wilted Mrs. Kathryn McCormick of Philadelphia at 10 Surf avenue, Ocean Grove. vowed ho would’nevor again wear a diamond hope every man, woman and child will re­ linen spoke more eloquently of the sermon also sang two delightful solos. Iu the song H. O. Hildebrand and family will remain “ OUR GROCER” ' farms in Monmouth County, or jewel of anv kind. It is helieved that his main ns Its members. The action has been than the brief messaae. From its appear­ Because” she was applauded between the at tlie Queeu the balance of August. Mr. Hildebrand is a member of the oig firm of friend “Jerry” has the diamond. Its value' R. R. Square and Main St., Asbury Park. near Freehold, containing 103 sprung upon us, and those who are against ance it might be imagined that Mr, Darst verses. She has a flue, voice. Brush & Hildebrand, Philadelphia agents is said to be $i,2fl0. Spring Lake, New Jersey. acres, large faim house, barns me have been quietly mustering their felt some of the heat with whioh wicked The Br&ford trio gave one selection, for the Aotpn Life Insurance company. and out-buildings, all in good forces. Many who are my friends could people are usually supposed to be and though they have been heard agtfin Dr; and Mrs. C. W .'Treverton, with their A “Trjp” by iVh*f>ra(ih. repair, witfl stort:; fanrrfrrg’ ■threaten ad...... -mid—ftg’&iivin-eho—ttUiUtvmuu,— ' .jka£iaixJ.ciiiJ,.i;re i.-\tU8tri vC Mr, .hhi Mi-b. FomiiiHr Brwllny’a trio t» tin? White will not be by the majority, for your vote ‘ eor^tTPutts of AKhuryAh bury KVenuo.fivi ‘GeoryoPuttsof b r.T re v - H a v e - tools and fnachinery, fully i A SeaBhore Romance. perfect ovation of applause. They are erton Is one of the most successful physi­ mountains, roferrodjto in yesterday’s Pni-:ss, of 60 or 70 is not a m ajority of the congre­ artists In every true sensu* of the word. cians oL..8eranton, Pa., and is here for a proved to ba a telegraphic one, and he was equipped, two apple orchards, gation. If assured that the church would A genuine seashore romance has come to Double Glasses 1 light In the announcement of the engage­ During the second part of the program much needed vacation. Ho was an inter­ back again yesterday morning. He was young pear orchard of 2,000 remain united I would leave at once, for a ested spectator at the childron’s concert last m ent of. Miss Rosa Frey of Newark, and the children sang a two part song called looking much better thau for some days _ trees just beginning to bear, couple of months is of small consequence night, aud says: “It ts*the greatest thing I Edmund Vincent Kennedy, a wealthy real “The Fishermen,” by GabussI, a most diffi­ ever heard or saw in my life. I would not past, and in reply to congratulations on his Both near and far in one frame ’ ~ small fruits in abundance. to me.” cult number, but evidwily the children did have missed it for $20.” quick * trip and improved looks he said he At tllf conclusion of Mr. Wlddehier’s re­ estate broker of Albany. Both ybung peo­ Will sell or exchange for sea­ ple were guests at the Edgomere Inn until not think so, for they sang it with a pre­ felt much better. The closed carrtiufp ln We will guarantee to fit y*»ur oyes with them, m arks a half dozen people were on the floor Turn This Feih.w 1‘o w ii. and If nets itisfaotory utt^ru tair trial will change shore property’ from Manas- a few" days ago. While there Cupid en­ cision and confidence that was wonderful. which it was said the fouuder ntade the tliu lenses for two separate pairs without extr^ at the same time, and several personal ar­ A crook is reported to iiavo reached journoy to the Ibtertaken station must qudn to Elberon, or Red tangled their hearts by his pranks and the The difficult modulations were made with­ charge. guments were in progress. Matters, were Ocean Grove nnd commenced operations have been the senator's new-police patrol Hhvo you Headaeh**, Neuralgia, Pain in the Bank. announcement of a fall wedding is the out a flaw anywhere. Again the audience .Eyes ? For relief cot suit Anally quieted and the balloting upon the among the residents and hotel keepers. He hanging around in case of emergencies. happy result. It is said the young people broke loose in a storm of cheers. They resolution, providing that the pastoral rela-. represents himself as an underwriter for will spend the honeymoon in Europe. sang “Love’s Old Sweet Song” in a way LEECH, STILES & CO., W. H. BEEGLE „ tions cease at once, was commenced. While that won every heart present. insurance companies"aud calls at places os­ A Flarterm g Oiler. the balloting was being done an effort to A gentleman fr6tn Gormautown, Pa.j ap­ Printers Enjoyed Concert. The last number, or rather a combination tensibly to examine electric wires, etc., Philadelphia E.y.e Specialists, effect a compromise was in "progress. It of numbers, was the greatest of all. It about buildiugs. Ho is evidently a sneak proached A. H. Do Haven of Ocoan Grove 2 2 6 Main Street The P ress force suspended work several was generally conceded that the anti-Wid- was entitled “Night and Morning in- thief and uses this scheme for getting en­ with a view of engaging the Bradford in­ hours last evening and through the cour­ strumental trio for all of next season lu, ASBUHY PAKK, N. J, demqrites were in the majority and that the Camp.” The children saug ono verso of trance to houses and hotels and then plies 223 MAIN STREET, tesy of Prof. Morgan took their wives and concert work. Their excellent and artis­ resolution would be carried., sweethearts to the Ocean Grove auditorium “My Old Kentucky Home," and with won­ his real profession. Tho police of Ocean / Bofore counting the vote Dr. W. E. Jones Grove have a.cluo to their man and warn tic .playing during tho season has been the EVERY FRIDAY. Hours 9.30 to 5. Mortgage Loans. , to hoar' the children’s musical concert. derful effect there camo t roin the rear gal­ w asglvbn the floor. He claimed to .b e a means .of bringing them many excellent Insurance Written. They enjoyod a- delightful evening and lery, where the festival chorus.was seated, residents to boon the lookout for him. Free examination and all work guaranteed. disinterested party and outlined 'a compro engagements. . • ' came away well pleased with the grand the chorus, without Instruments. Then mise in the interest of harmony. HIb sug­ from behind the organ, in a rich, mellow An Ugly Tumble. Pichic for the Boys and Gtrls. treat. . • Capital, $ 100,000 Surplus, $ 70,000 gestion was that Mr. Widdemer be allowed and full tenor voice, was heard < “Just Be­ Proprietor S. H. VanNoss of the Lynd- Thp ptcnlc for the children who pattiqj- isbnry Park a i Ocean firove to resign, the resignation to take effect Oct. Held for Grand Jury’s Action. fore the -Battle, Mother,” sung by Mr. hurst hotel, on Second avenue, met with a pated in tho concerts at Ocean Grove last 1, and that the vote on the resolution be George Lindsmann, who assaulted John Charles Morse of New York, who, by painful accident yesterday afternoon. In week and last night will take place on not counted. This seemed agreeable, but it Richardson and Inflicted several ugly the way, Is one of the printer boys coming down the back stairw ay of his hos" Thursday, probably a t Berfson Park, Allen- First National Bank BANK was Insisted that action upon the resigna­ gashes upon his body with a penknife, was on the Ocean Grove Times. Mr. telry his foot slipped and he fell headlong hurstt It Is the Intention to give the boys tion bo taken firstr. This was done and the held under 1200 bail by Justice Dodd yester­ Morse should quit setting type, for he has a to the floor below. A gash several inches and girls a grand outing. They deserve it. OF ASBURY PARK Iti length was cut tn bis head- and he was resignation accepted. A motion then pre- day, to await the action of the grand jury. voice th a t should make him, rich. ^Quiet Mattison Avenue and "Bond Street Main Street, AaBury Park, badly bruised. A physician was summoned Our Annual $2 Shoe Sale. vailed to destroy the ballots. then reigned supreme. A bugle sounded {Organized February, 1880.) Main Avenue, Ocean Qrove Pastor Widdemer asked permission to Odds and Ends Sale. “taps.” Gradually tho lights went out In and dressed the wound. We have purchased nearly 5,000 pairs of tan and black shoes, some high, souie use . the church study for ,hifl books until Autumn approaches. In order to pre­ the auditorium. The soldier boys laying low, and they will bo placed on Bale Friday OFFICERS needed by another pastor. The request pare for the selling of fall goods, all the Clearing Up Stile. Geo. F. kaosUL, President. 1 summer stock must go this week and re­ around the stage crawled into their tents. morning at the Mammoth. The regular was granted. • V Soon the lights .In the tents w ent out. We have selected a number of tempting price of the shoes ranges from 13-to 15, but O. tl. Brown, 1st Vice-President. SAFE, DEPOSIT DEFARtMENT duced pricing has been decided on to hurry bargains in the Dress Goods departm ent M. L. Baumah, 2d Vice-President. Messrs. Severance, Coleman and Ferris we are going to sell thorn at the uniform EL V. Daqkk, Cashier.’ the going. , Again from the rear gallery came the for rapid selling this week. price of $9. This is an opportunity of a We would be pleased to have yoo call and were named as a committee to cooperate TlIE STEINBACII COMPANY, sweet strains of “Home, Sweet Home,” and TnE STEINBACH COMPANY, M. H. Soorr, Assistant Cashier. examine our 8a?s Deposit Boxes Pioneer Merchants. Two Modern Stores. life time to secure flrstclass modern foot­ with the pastor in calling a council of dis­ though It was dark, ono could see after, General Furnishers. Two Modern Stores. wear a t your own price. DIRECTORS Wa have rented a groat many of them and. G. F. Kroehl, Mahlon R. Margerum, everyone .la pleased with; tho convenience missal. ward th a t It hap moved the audlenoe to T h e Steinbach Company, . Cured Indigestion. ... ; Uneeda Lunch Room The Mammoth. Cookman and Emory. Oliver H. Drown, William H. Beegle, and Hitety they afford. C^erk Rhome, Trustee Meeks and Deacon We are lookigg for a case of Indigestion tears. . .Then, as if from a band of angels, Bruce 8 . Keator, 8 . W. Klrkbride, t They are 1e fast small safes in ona large Mehegan tendered their resignations, but that cannot be cured by taking Rerinet-lne. WU1 be opened as an annex to the New D. 0. Covert, M, L. Bamman, tafe'or vault, secured hy autrimatio bolt the strains of “Nearer, My God, to tThee” York Dining Room. Lunches10c; regular Dr. D aflirrian’s z-ooialt or Mat^pon. Isaac O. Kennedy, Charles A. Young, a motion to adjourn prevailed before action Price 50cv and $1. For sale at Kinmonth’s. came from tho children. All was quiet as Milan Ross, AlbertXJ. Twining, ' work safl time look as good as can be pro­ dinner 15 and 25c. Mrs> J. w . Rubottom. Refreshing and nourishing beverage at Sherman B. Oviatt, Samuel Johnson, duced, .* ' . . . was taken. § f _ the grave, when again was heard the bugle Opera-House block, Cookman and Bangs Coleman’s pharmacy by the bottle or by th3 William Hathaway. ?tte prices are so low th at one osa not af- Hotels and Boarding Houses sounding “reveille.” Lights were turned avenue, Asbury Park. 187tf glass.—Adv. 109 tf. ' '■ ford to be without »«.box in whio'.s to keep After the Lake Carnival i ’ Supplied with everything In stationery on. The camp was once more ast^r and title papers, securities and pther valuables. line. Borden’s, corner Bond street and The Intelligent reader is Invited to look Comparative Deposits ■> On Tuesday night pay us a visit. We r,$ady for the march. Tho stirring strains Rennet-ine. Prices: 13, *5, *T. *8, *10 per'annum . have tables for large parties. Open until Mattison avenue. * 193 over the/ stock of standard books, now be­ Septem ber 8, ,886 ...... ®a73,794-'57 of Souse’s “Stars and Strides” came out Indigestion relieved nt once by taking ing opened at 807 Kingsley street, one door 12 o’clock. Asbury avenue,'see electric Rennet-ine. For sale at Kinmonth’s Drug *f S, 1888 .403, >94.44 sign.- Day’S. ' ' \ 193 ‘ < Rennet-lne. . like a flash from the children’s Chorbs, and from West End hotel, which is to be sold»at “ ' 6, >893. .... isSj.JSS.I? Store. auction to tne highest bidder. In polnV’ of howuthey; did .sing itl WltlL a_dash an# " 7, 1897...... 638.033.4jr OFFICERS. ‘ Bicycle Academy. ' -;■< The -magic cure for indigestion, Rennet- varldty-and ,flne-Jjinding,.no store..ln..any Ine. For sale at Kinmonth^. spirit th a t stirred the blood of evei^y one Blaok’s Malt Extract Invigorates, SO.centB city in the state of New" Jersey has ever ...... " 7, I 8g8 . . ; » 1 «94;9M-77 Open for business afrain. Instruction, HENRY C. WINSOIt, President. ■ f ■■1 “ a bottle; three for 50 cents. Opposite post- contained a collection comparable with it. ren tal and repairs. , Lake avenue and Heck present. Whbn the chprus of the sonb was GtaO. W. EVANS, Vlce-Preildent. If you have no particular place to go 6fllce. . * 183 tf. . i78tf. FV-fti’ vahmblM received fo r safe1 kwpinj Btreet, J. L. Wiseman, manager. 175.tf thiB evening just drop in to the book auo- reached, as if by magic, each chila^ held free of charge.. • j EDMUND E. DAYTON, Cashier. Foreign Exchange bought and sold. Collec­ tlo n a t 807 Klugaloy stroot and listen to tho Ronnot-ine cures indigestion. For‘sale al Ittennet-ine cures dyspepsia. For "Bale at tions promptly acknowledged. * '. ' - , *, JESSE MINOT, AsVt Cashte.r Black, apotnecary, opposite postofflce. tf expatiatione of the auctioneer. 178 tf. ^jCQnt^nued on Page 5 K inm onth’s. lOOtf. Klnmonth’s. . 166tf. Your buslaee* favors respectfully solicited. THE ASBURY PAmK DAILY PRESS, OUR SUMMBrVISffORS: M S OF (MIRE. THEY (0 HE TO EX JOY SEA- SPECIAL TO GOLF PLAYERS. Captive Naval Officer Well Treated * SIDE PLEASURES. • • ’ . * . hy Filiiiinos. Surgeons Hold Out Hope For R. B; WILSON, the well-known expert from St. Andrews, Scotland, imports Persons M ore or—Less Dlstilnjfui*ilit*tl Who Help to Make the Passing Wounded Dreylus Counsel. l5,0£0+>geI|f"Tlu'bs yearly. They are used by Douglas Ro’land, H, H. Hilton, Roster GIVEN HOUSE TO HIMSELF. Baking Powder Throng— Where They Como From jp ' _ _ mid Where They Stay While at B?tts, W. B. Smjth, H. P. Tolar, Findlay Douglas, and all the leading players. Letter IleeiFlveii In W nshlimtoii Tcllj/| , M ade from pure Ahburv Park. SHOT DOWN IN STREET. * o f t h e SulTer In*** U niluriM l t»y< 'Mj Sole agents fbr America: Slazenger & Sons, 6 East 15th Street,,. Our SoIiIIitn In March cream of tartar. 'One.of the pretty young ladles at the Willard is Mi-s Sadie Geln of Brooklyn. London agents: Wisden & Co., 21 Cranboune Street, W. C. -*■ to Liih 1*1 hum. II I Tlie Westminster Is enterta{\ /jV"Henry Cries, “I M ay Die, T)ut D rey­ Safeguards the food M,. Thompson, a miller ofv Huf«>;jVille, Fa, J , Mr. WilsOitJ is Master^of the Green at the De&l Golf Club, Deal, N. J., where clubs W ashington. Am:. 1 I.—A il is pirn'll fr«»ij|* raying at the Fenimore for a brief rest fus Is Saved!” Manila says: % is Ii. H. Blakely of Trentou Steam laundry. * may be inspected, _— . * “ A liuniltLT i>T Spanish prinnings liaviij against alum. . Jo h n S . Applegate, the prominent law* 111m Young: American W ife Quickly esCnpod from tin* h:‘i ml - _< H' tin- I'jlip itin ^ yer of lied Bank, is registered a t the Cole­ b y I I Im S id e — W o u ld He Aj*»mHHin I le - i t Sail 1‘VriiJiiiiln ilr la< I'nj.m and rcmhi'JJLj |/\JtuIjAlum n bakingDaKing powoerspowders arearc tnethe greaies*greatest man. - - ■ . .. the L'ni.ted Stales fo u ro rd Mp’jk $ menacers tonealtH of the present day* Dr. B. F. Valenrjne, a Brooklyn physi­ pelM PurituerM a I tlie-Point of n. Ite- Professional f cian, is enjoying « few weeks’ rest a t vthe ■ru(>an>*of a raft. ' volver—Excitement In Conrt When •'They ropnrt that Lii>utenant am«nis who _\ven» t-ap for a few days. 221 Asbury avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. Offlce . Never loot sight of in our establishment is always tur^d by tin* etiftny near” Hnier. is ilm< frontntlon of Me re ler I’aUn Flfft hours 0 to 12 a. m., 2 to a p. m., B to 9 p, m. FJNANOIAL AND 00MMEB0IAL, . M. J.t-Shevlin, a leading plumber of Phone 5. # at ]ti‘gan. Lit uiiri.int lL2 to 5 p. m .. Prices are invariably adjusted to the interest of onr customers. York to u i." • strium. .State bonds inactive. Railroad bonds Among t he social leaders In her home city of the thorax, on the right side, at the | 7 to 10 p. m. _ . To R e lie v e SfMiii.lwIi Ciitrrlxon. strong. how stayjng at the, Warwick is Miss Mary he j ght of the fifth «'»r sixth dorsal, ver­ T h is vessel Itad lieeii >e?it 'to H a le r-to Closing prices: k W hito of New Haven. tebra. The heavy flow of blood prevents DR ELLA PRtNTISS JJPHAM 'relieve’the SjtSmi>h LMri isi.n there, which AU-his*m...... 21 N. J. Cent ral 11 eH A.' M. DoNvney, a busy insurance man of Hnr. it ti'iincy — !:»7 x North American. t!U for the moment exploration of the depth 806 , Asbury Park, N. J. had held out ;Vi:airist heavy «>dd< ever New YorK, is a t the* Trenton House fo ra of the won ml. 'I’lie undersigned doctors Offloe V sun u n t 10 a. m., 12 to 2, 6 to 7.80 p. m. c.,0 ., c. & St. L.. -.8 ^Northern I'uctfic. week’s rest and vacation. Patterson, Taylor & Co. since the nccipaIi*>u uf Manila by the Chesapeake t\r <>’.. ~s*«j lin.pref...... Telephone Call *91 American rmi-p*. Th.* landing party was Chicago Uas 1-2 "N. Y. Central...... Among the well known guests at tho Co-' Cotton Oil...... 42 Omaha Il:j lumbla is J. W. Vaughn of Newark, One of prmccling in a small b«»;it up.au inlet the Central rail road, officials. DR. J. D, OSBORNE, near (he Spanish )’■ »r* " hen it \va< ai tlel. |V Hudson.. Ontario .. - K<«-k M and...... llsu Lackau iiiinji. , . J 7" . ,. Vjlyer. Hulli.m.... — ‘diti"n< ihe^AtMcrlcfdr /trii./p-i i*fj)hii,.iJ,.l^ ic o b s of Orange, N. J., an .Furnisher^, for Mien and Hoys Lake fiilon-..'. i . . . .nH,' St. i‘aHL,.^:,.v.M:U^ Architect ana builder J>y profession, is spend in 1 ’hifi[■;ii!:»*s has, b.vn received ;H Lead ...... W t ^n«ar Itetlnery..:lti;i'._ ing a few weeks at the Gramercy. H. S. KINMONTH, W,, D. the war i|epart incut t c.un an .-nicer id tin Louisville *v Sash ; ^ Texas I’a. ttle k 710 Grand aven^le^and at KInmonth & Co.’s Munbiiiian Con. 11T-1-* J’hion I'acitic.'... II)., Miss-Daisy Me Fee ter and Miss Blanche Druir Store, T24 Cookman avenue.’ regular army at Manila. Schrnek, two captivating young ladies, are . Asbury Park, N. J. P. S.—No risk il y o u buy from us. Your money back if you want it. Tlie n rjtcj- t‘f ific letter paiticipai. tl Mis>otiri I'aciile.. Kij Wal.asb pref 2:**v Nurilnvuotern Mil Western L'nimi .. st*>4 at p’osent guest-f ar the Warwick. ill th e a tta c k <■ 11 -I.-is I’in a - and "ay*, lli:n John Colyer of Newark, tiny-well known DR, H; s. TAYLOR when, tire rcjim.-nts ie:i.h--d the jmiiii G eneral. M arket*. manufacturer ot rubber tires for vehicles, IDENT1BT. t)f I’eiMIrz v.m ■< at'Jcr tnai h ic-' l‘r«*i:i S:ih r, ; ■ New York, Aug. I t . ' is a guest at the Ocean, with his wife. (Gradnate ol University of Pennsylvania), 1 ’nln* i|e M-**mti n.Mtly th c r i'-hiiih< Corner Cookman avenue and Emory street, ore rFL O rn - State itTid wi-T-rn f.iirlv a< tiveatjd Miss Margaret White, a noted vocalist of LeUalstre's, opposite post offlce. Entrance the nicii , l .i ! -h. j.:*■.!' fr-uri the rnnk-* -teadi. r: \vin,.*r i-iin-iiK ‘ivinier New Haven, alfords great pleasure to tbe on Emory street. ABbyry Park. ovet^-.'Uic by T!;r - t . sititi-r 11 1 MinWc'.»t« patents, f:;." guests of the Warwick by her singing. ♦fflce hours from 9 a. m. to'STt). 43, S. SGHEUER I SONS-« a Ill the l-’.'ii: 1 *^• 111!i iMt'ant:\v i'iiiy '-'in The’Grand Avenue regrets tho departure . Telephone 931. . * men ..III <-l‘ 7“" r.-:M hcl f li * p.. tut a^i-cc,] ' win:AT So. 2 r.-t *.pt acd'slrnnijon bul'i^h of Mips A Delta Marcell and Miss Harryetta, cnMc-.. after var I e-i~in'o,l‘ uud»*r ..... THE'LEADING V Upon. S-lite i.t' t!!. ■! * 1 \ti.-ie ti! le I **:! *.li two of its fair you if g guests from Newark. QEO. L. G. T 0 4 PX1NS D. D. S, their e.iminainl wli**n it haltcl. i-Hirsfr t^.'I-tmil.IT. I 1 ti.-.; l >c< eml»cr, !«'»«■. 1 KYK ."tat.*, No. 2 western,. .V.'V,.-.. Mrs. -Alvin . Hunsicker of Philadelphia, Leftist, 017 Mattison avenue (theKeator block, were not heard .o' i-.r day- and f. o. I*.. ail.taL. s;.«>l. the f.itnons concert and oratorio soloist, Is new postofflce), Asbury Park. Teeth extracted -bn vtm nr r - i r r n -hrnr* t-nr r —— — -one Liui pleasant guestsait-the-CoI^mbia.^ painlessly without rendering the patient uncon- C ol;S - ST>7i|V:'Trf and ll'riii"alt ThTjrTn«mtnir bcIous. Gas ad minis tered. Offlce hours 0 a. m, GASH GROCERS on caMe- and a dmiand from -hort^T Martin H;pidy, police sergeant of the to B p. to. A ilm iral l»c «*«■>• III. OATS So. s!,(.v: track, white, «tatc. 27a Fifth preclnt of New York, is enjoying his sum mer vacation hy the sea with his wife. Leglmrn: hal.v. A'ig. 1 I.---Admiral Sac.; track, white, western. :-Ta^'>e. CLAUDE V. QUERIN IN THE STATE OR NiW JERSEY Dewey reTnain. d --n b<>ard hi< -Populat'-truests—rrt—the-Gramercy are LAW OFFICES. A12. George L. House and his wife. Mr. House the I'nited Sia:.— crni-er Dlympia. \vhi--h LAKH- Kasy; |irit«e wes-lern steam, is a broker und stock dealer at Cincin­ Transacts general legal business. Ackuowledg- Have rpened a branch in this city, where you can leavv. your order arrived here III Slllelny t'l"!il Xa mRnt« taken for all stales nominal. k nati. . roodib JMC Applebv Bu(ldln*. or have our man call. You can save at least 20 per cent, by trading., pies, Iwinir ill it Ii t.'vi-r. 'Tlie captain .>1 HL'TTKH St roinr: state «biiry, Ualf^c.; state J. C. White and wife are guests at the with us. Give us a call and we will convince you. Samples of all the ve'i-el h ived the vi>iis ..j' ..Jlicial' creamery. I1''1 -a Orange. Mr. White.Is engaged In the real and others in lii^ place. CHKKSK t,»si;.-t: larn^. white, ja^ai»;tjc.. esjUite and brokerage business in New W M . C. COTTRELL goods we carry can be seen. Mr. J a n n s A. Smith. United *Stati*' small, white,'.‘‘lal ic. York. ARCHITECT. KUtiS - Kirm;1 state' and Pennsylvania, lfia consul at* Lenlmrn. accmpauicd by-Mr. Plans ani ppecificattonp rurnlFhed at short no­ alTc.: western, uit'-rraded, llaUc. Forgetting worldly cares in the pleasures tice. Hotel work a specialty. 415 Lakn AvenUf Kdward C. Cramer^ the I'nited State* St*OAl{ Haw -tcady: fair reflnint;. 4e,: at the Clarendon is J. Newman, head buy­ consul at 1’ I ore nee, visited- the Olympic (tonlriiiiua]. !fc‘« I'-si, t IMiie.; refined firm. ing of Butler Brothers’ big New York CORNER COOKMAN AVENUE AND EMORY.STREET for the purpose of-taking leave of Admi­ erusln‘«i. <>e.; pnw deri*d. .V\c. stores. DR. S. Q. WALLACE ral Dewey. TU K1* K ST IN K Ki r 111 at .*11 a*i I Hie. One of the largest shoe manufacturers DENTIST, Special prices £iven to hotels gnd boarding houses. The newspapers fJazzetta Livonies.,- HICK—Firm; domestic. t:‘,aTh-e.; Japan. R. in New Jersey* is William H. Mansfield of OCEASf g r o v e and II Teh-grafo of this place hftve pub­ bSl»c. New Brunswick, now a guest at tho Northwest corner of Main avenue and Pilgrim TALLOW—Steady; city, 4^e.: country, 4?4c. Gramercy. * Pathway. Dentistry Id all its branches. lished biographies of the “Victor of HAY—Firm: shippim;, aUaJOc.; jjnod t-• mai rn f la non I. /• Cavite.” Perhaps there is no better known person choice. 7 jafOc. in the plumbing business than Horace hope th at the ball is lodged in the m us­ You will not be made UBConsdouB, SADDLE HORSES Ileil )len Arrive In Frlnco. White of New \*ork who is located.at the cles enveloping the * vertebral column. but your tooth will be painlessly re­ RUNABOUTS, SURREYS AND Tin? title of •‘majesty” was first giv­ Brunswick. San Francisco, Aug. 1 *1.—T h e east err, en to Lon is XI of France. Before that They must. Imwover, maintain full re­ moved if Algine is used > LIGHT WAGONS TO HIRE delegates to.the supreme irratnl l"d^e. In L. H. Ackerman, a well known law 3’er of time sovereigns wero nsnally styled serve respecting the integrity of the lung dependent Order "f Ib'd .Men. which will Brooklyn, is escaping the heat of the big and spinyl cord." All my carriages htivo fubber tires. .Monthlies furrjsheigned by four doctors— G B O . A., S / P P , 0 0 7 S e wall Avenue They iu*e headed by- Ota lid Powhatan Iienaud. Rcichi'. Itrissaml mid Vidal. BURTON BROTHERS Charles Acker nf Cleveland and UratH “What might have been”—if that little Two arrivals that were greeted with The corrci-pici.h-ut «alled at the resi­ NEAR BOND STREET, ' ASBURY PARK cough hadn’t'been neglected—Is the sad re­ pleasure tit the Madison were .Miss Eleanor DENTISTS S ecretary Kabb- *.f -nt and wo|| a. m-., 12.ro, 3:3T» p. m. J. H. Price of Alexandria, Va., is one of afTt'Cli'd i> tin* ii M>i valuable ol ull .podbt'd- the prominent guests at the Ocean. FJe is bed. lie is conscious and talks to. his HRS. ELIZABETH DILTS, 706 Cookman Ave. bit* us.—.Ilerovi-MU! For Phdadelphla via New York: 6.30, 8.30 wife 'freely, but all his remarks are p.m. colonel in the Seventh regiment of Virginia i For Freehold: 6.30, 10.25 a. m., 3.30, 6.30 and was in the battle of Santiago. about the emit martial. a P- ;i■ •:*•*» ii. l < r-:on. p. m. Pleasantly passing the August days at It np|tears tliat M. I.abori received only Babeskin Soap T Boiled Hi<'f. * mi.■!-■■. lirn’ifl Tematoei. For Newark direct.: 12.50 p. m. Norwood Hall tire M r. atid Mrs. W illiam A. Sunday two letters threatening that he t U. :i.,. i. ■ il-T. ■(. r- .>i. For Point Pleasant and way stations: 9.40 Condit of Boontoif?their non, Louis O. Con- would be sh"f. Kut he treated them. JfV PURE AND SWEET EXAMINATION FREE a. m-. 3 00, 5.20 p. 111. — . dityiyld two attractive daughters, Misses he had treated others of a similar nature J Lt’\'rtti;ov. For Ocean Grove: 6 30 a. m$t -&Q0, 5.20* I r •'.il.i-l. Grace and Alice S. Condit. which he has received frequently for Toilet Bath and Nursery T p. in. . ■ ” "* months pasi, with contempt. m a ils .-iSftjrrVE. Miss Mary E. Carroll, Miss Miriam M. Ledford and Miss Hara Johnston, connected Mine. Lalmri, wife of the wounded M Part Optical Pailoi T Front New York nnd points north: &.}5t lawyer, was pronrptly notified pf the iii vni:u. 6 55,10.22 a. in., 3.28, 5.50, 6.46 p. nr. with the Deering Harvesting company of Cnri'-i-lliHH-

T he Daily P r e s s . Diversions and Amusements Tli\iVL- ^ ‘rniim VrlvrmiH Cln‘«*r W illiam 111 ( liU'iiKO. ESTABLISHED 1887 Entertain tho Guests. A n I d e a l S i t e f o r a ColumWa euchre: Ladies’ first prize, Mrs. Chicago. Aug. I I.--When Ilcnry Hach- W. T. Johnston, sterling, silver purse; sec­ ineisier. presidcfrt *»f the Veteran Society the tJennan Army in I his city, rend a J. L. KJXMONTH ond, Miss'M. K. O’Donnel, silver bracelet. nf dispatch from the a«*tinK C--im.iii ♦*mbfi<- EDITOR ANO PROPRIETOR. Gentlemen's flrst, C. F. Smith, sterling sil­ •«ii«laar to the Bund tit s Krieg ’r Vereiu S u m m e r H o m e ver handle whisp; second, J. B. Knox,' ster­ ? saving tlmt Kmperor Wdliam lmd pi" j ling silver knife. srnii'il a bame-r i«* the soi-iety. thousand-■ Need any Shirts: PUBLISHED EVI^RY MORNING of the 0 a Armstrong, silver.shirt wjdst set; second, ilern’ian s«»ldier< in Ahu'i-ica n baniiei Business Office...... '...... *V) b a n d ,h is oi tier, th a t th e * aim* is-to be he|d. tions from-nniB'ances, clear titles, .rea80nable prices and suitable terms Miss Quinn, half dozen decorated, p’ates; New bright patterns always find a place and welcome in hi^ ■ •ne year in succession by the si>eieties,p! With those points in view, we wonld te pleased.to have yoo.visit third, Mrs. HJ11, Japanese vase.' Genile tin* Kric^er bund. ‘ vl'he banner will be wardrobe. We sell them from 50c- to $2.00. Tlj^MB OF SUBSCRIPTION;: men’s first, Mr. Glin, stein; second, Mrs.- scut as soon as made and wfll be iu Cm Rowers, decorated tray; third, Mrs. Otic year’(strictly in ndvanc )...... $3.00 t auit in.-i.l'- of t wo. inm iths.” One week ...... 1* Kremer, pup and saucer. Since! I.sho, when the <»ermatrs in CJ.i; Single copies ...... i-atfo releb in ted th e tw enty-tifili- anniver- Saturday evening tho guests at the Wil­ Advertisiirg Rates on Application. vsaryj of the Franco*Prussian war, -«i In Neckwear and Fancy Hose lard"**'enjoyed a cakewalk and concert. such . law 'Kathciiug of Germans ha.- About, a dozen couples competed for the taken place in Cbleajro., Delegates an I TUESDAY. AUGUST IB. )81)H. beautiful cake, which was finally awarded present-fiom <'inehmati. St. Louis, t)en we buy a few dozen of each, every week, -and in so doing al­ to ^Iis^'Tabitha Johnson and T. A. Ran- ver, Kansas City. (MeVeland, St. Paul, M inneapolis, 1‘it t .-1 *. g, S t. Jo se p h , .Mo.: Where in addition to the the above thero is a magnificent blnff along'the lows us to secure , the very newest and latest styles. I t is said of business that “compe dolphr After the entertainment delicious Columbus. ().; Little* Rt»ck, Portlaiui. entire ocean fron', landscape architecture, 18-hole golf course, 415,000 The Handkerchief Scarf at present is the real thing, espec­ tition ia the life of trade '■ The same refreshments were served. Or., alnl many other cities. clubhouse, and new railroad Btation, which is conceded to be the finest on ially for wearing with the soft shirt and no vest. Our line in ruTe will hold good in .regatd to About 15 guests of the Coleman House, the matter *of decorating boats and friends of B. F. 8 hanley, accompanied him . A beggar is usually a touching db- tho. entire line of Bliore resorts. this wear is the most complete in town. Fancy Hose in stripes cottages for the Wesley hike carnival. Sunday 'afternoon, on ’his Invitation, on a ject—Berlin (^Id.) Herald. of all colors and especially in R e d , which is the most popular *■ Friendly competition to secure prizee tally-ho ride to Pleasure Bay, wtere an shade worn, can always be had of us at popular prices. for the unique decoration of boats or eltf borate dinner was served. cottages will not only add interest to TITLES GUARANTEED Proprietor Frank B. Conover of the Cole­ carnival, but will help wonderful the man House was serenaded Saturday even­ ly towards making it a success. Thou DRUG-STORE CHAT. Some Have an Idea That ing by the beach band. The affair was en- T|e new Jersey Tide Guarantee and Trust Co. sands of people will be present. The titely unexpected and was much appreci­ committee in charge has worked hard ated. Tlie musicians wero invited in the F a m o u s i o r o u k S o d a . because our store enjoys a reputation for selling high grade to make this carnival a grand success, hotel and sorved with light lunch. OF JERSEY CITY - Dainty Ice Cream Soda that goods, our prices are necessarily high.. Let us set you right but without the hearty cooperation of We are modest in Our advertising, preferring to have our those who live along the lake front, Albemarle euchre, Saturday evening, 10 is the- delight of ladies both At a very moderate cost. tables. Result: Ladles’ first prize, Mrs. and of owners of bouts, to ra:*ke dec­ customers find that we are doing a little more than what we Sheaff, Mexican centre piece; second, Mrs. young and old. We give a Prices are low enongh to guarantee sife and profitable investment. orations the success w»ll be greatly advertise, rather than less. C; R, Cfiskey, sofa pillow; third, Miss May lavish quantity of the best ice To those who desire to build we areTeady to make especially attract­ lessened. Plan to decorate, therefore, Randall, fancy basket. Gentlemen’s first, cream and flavor \yith crushed Watch our window display from week to week. and (hug add.to.the success of the carni­ Mr. Grifiln, Japanese vase; second, Mr. ive terms. v val and theireputation of the reuown- Sheaff, sterling silver clothes brush. fruit or pure fruit syrups as Wu sha'l be pleased to meet visitors at the station by appointment. e 1 t vin cities by the sen. desired. Chocolate, Coffee, ^ Highest references given and required. /•. M issionary Society Officers. Vanilla, Strawberry, Raspber * Justlce-to che Jew. The Woman’s Koreigrt Missionary society ry, Pineapple, Peach and every • For appointment or other information address Dr. MailL-ion C. Peters’ lecture in th e As* of Ocean Grove met in ‘Thornley chapel bury Park auditorium on Thur day miflit yesterd.iy afternoon and elected efiloers to other choice flavor, io cents refutes popular fallacies, and proves that serve during the coming year as follows: the movements of civilization have hung President, Mrs. E. H. Stokes; first vice- Have you ever used Col­ HATTERS AND MEN’S OUTFITTERS upon the Jew. It is not an ingenious specu­ president, Mrs. Kennard Chandler; second, Atlantic Coast Realty Co. lation, hut an astounding marshalling .of Mrs. I. SJmifcons; third, Mrs. William H. gate’s Tooth Powder? If not Next to Postoffice. 6 0 5 M A7TISON AVENUE indisputable facts of history. I It is a story Skirm; fourth, Mrs. Anna Kent; fifth, Mrs. you are missing one of the replete With tht filing InU-^st, and gives J. G. Reed; sixth,‘Mrs.-James Ross; sev­ 3DB3-A.Xj, 3ST. J~. enth, Mrs. J. M. Scovel; eighth, Mrs. M. good things of recent origin. facts very generally unknown, both to Jew Colgate’s Tooth Powder and Gentile, abounding with extraordinary Sparks, Wheeler; corresponding secretary, ' Special jjauertisemeiu^ achievements 'and overflowing" with scenic Mrs. I. Simmons; recording secretary, Mrs. is absolutely pure, free from IMPORTANT NOTICE romame—a romance of Providence. This Anna R. Thompson; treasurer, Mrs. J. li. . Advertisements containing not more than V an K irk. grit, a fii.e polisher of the tooth twenty-live words insftvd under this head'ng lecture will modify ensettfially the. views lor twenty«flv*i cents first Insertion and fifteen The I aw roicarcllnit tbe placing of Flro which the Uentile world holds with regard enamel and is made antiseptic cents each subsequent insertion Valuables Lost and Returned. Escspea In Hotels or this County to the-position of tho Jew, and will lead to kill all disease germs that Mrs. Cleona Reed of the Buckingham ho­ TWO REAL BARGAINS. is now'being Enforced. Christians to grant to him the possession of tel lost a pocket book containing a large may find lodgement in the Acres near Asbury Park, adjoining improve­ the mental, social, moral and spiritual quali­ ments: a-teulan water, etc ; outsirte corporation; sum of money and valuable papers on the fications which history.afllrms. W ith the ex­ mouth. It is a pleasant powder low taxes. Also line corn r tonrding house prop­ Get on the Track beach at Fourth-avenue on Sunday. The erty on Grand avenue. Sale Imperative to meet Wilson Fire Escape $5.00 ception of the few special students of Jew­ legal lequlr*merits. Prices .verv low; terms lost valuablos were returned to her yester­ to use, is put up in larger hand­ The greatest life saver ever Invented. Practical, portable, ish hislory, the facts lieru given will be new reasonable; sell separstely. ('hance of a life and find out how we can day by Mrs. O’Keefe of New York. Hon­ some bottles and only costs 25 f Im**. Apply 10 to la to J. Stanley Ferguson. 134 automatic and reversible. You don’t have to hold-on to the Jews themselves. It will make every Slain avenue. Ocean Grove. 193-98* please you. We kno>v esty is the only policy of Asbury Park’s Jew feel as Lord Beaconsfleld felt when cents. IT HOId I especially recommend it and Excursion to Coney Island. Mu* cliiss xtiv»* or ten m inutes over the pin in cook anrl laundress^ Apply at once 410 for twenty-two years. We most valuable agent in saving of , Asbury Park. 103-94t will issue certificates of my ap­ life. On exhibition at Fire Head­ A grand excuceion to Coney ‘Island via welcome safeguard. hour. (Vrt;M:i r--stless spirits am ongHit think it speaks well for us proval on its adoption. quarters, Where a practlcftUtem- the palatial steamer Republic is announced students thought th^y wunld give him BOARDERS WANTED. that many of our onstraflon will be given l5y^jmff for Thursday of this week, Aug. 17. The i gentle hiiit. so they bought an alarm First-class board and accommodations mav be (Signed) G e o r g e C. Oiimekod, J. L, SctfKEIDER, M a t t i s o n A v e . P h a r m a c y . had In private family. Apply to Mrs. A J. Building Inspector, Asbury Park. Chief Fire Dep’t Asbury-Parki boat will leave the*, iron pier at Long ;liu*k, seyt it to go oil precisely at noon Stevens, 1QS Lake avenue, Ocean Grove. 108-94* regulars are the resi­ Branch at 11 o’clock a. m., arriving at md placed it cm tho professor’s desk dent Asbury Parkers THE WILSON FJR B ESCAPE has t>een adopted and Is now in use by tbeNew Coney Island a t 12.15. R eturning, will when they came in to the next lecturo. LOST. York and many oth.er Fire Departments and has re eived the endprsemTnt of the Na­ tional Association of Fire Engineers and of State Firemen's conventions and firemen leave Coney Island at 5 15 p. in., arriving 3’luy knew that he was jl little absent- Card caste containing railroad tickets. Suitable themselves. Our gar­ Ee&ai notices reward paid fnr Its return to E A. Dugan, Flr.-t generally throughout the country.. a t Long B ranch a t 0.45. This w ill allow minded and expectod that ho would not avenue and Kingsley street. 193-4* dens are beautiful, Aloo, the B A B C O C K FIR E EXTINGUISHER, over 1,000,000 in use. Now on excursionists five liourb’ pleasure at tlie uo tico it. NOTICE. and our ice cream exhibition at, Fire Headquarters. Both manufactured by the Citibted:TOSor^r*'nMany::people: along-rtliis^Hec*-.; .*.,AdJ4ii^Pi^ii,.uhoi]J. .struck ‘tho alarm BICYCLE FOR SAL'E. speaks for itseJfr'- — BABCOCK . FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO., tion of the ciast will doubtless avail them­ went oiT w ith'a cnisHT ‘antT"tlfif All hills .due the estate of John M. Laight, de­ ? * Cn1?apTl’0wff^Tuivrulf*ii g,Ki!ise'JT6T"Tr'TflpycTe'' selves of the opportunity of taking this fine class not in the sv-ret started and took ceased, should he paid immediately to tne sub­ (never used) and leoving town, will sacrjflcf* same 387 CANAL STREET, NEW YOP.K. scriber., quick. 5 8 Cookman ave. 1 1Q3-5*; NEW YORK, BOSTON, PI.TTSBUR0 AND CHICAGO. trip on tho big steamer Republic. A vau­ in the ;joko at onef*,„vThere vp s a round ANNA M. LAIGHT. deville and musical entertainment will be of applause. The professor waited until 189-94 Administratrix FOR SAI.E OR EXCHANGE DAY’S given en route ,to entertain pjissengers. the alarm anil the applause were over A business property, along railroad, with side trick and bund mgs; wonld exchange for vacant Asbury Avenue .Tickets for the round trip will be 50 cents and then said: “Young gentlemen, I Special .HMmisemettts lots. Address Bargain, 604 Fifth avenue, Asbury for adults and 25 cents for children. Direct thank you fur this little gift. I had for Park. 19J-8' trolley connections from Belmar and points gotten it was my birthday. An alarm J, F . CAPKN. GhLDKKT U. HlQDY. REWARD. U P F R O M clock is something my wife has needed * C A PE N & H1GBY HANDS WANTED ' between that place and this city, as wbil A liberal reward will be paid for the return of Tlie Empire Theater and Baths as from points north of Asbury Park, will for our servant for some time. It is a Architects solitaire diamond rln*c taken from the resldenc* 7^4 Brood S tr e e t, Newark. N. J. of Mr. George B. Wilson, Deal, last week./ No enable people to make the trip with com­ very kind remembrance on your part. quoptionq asked. „ * See Electric Sign Days, ON- fort. The professor then went on to finish a Find our Ad. and address In demonstration interrupted by the Mrs. J. F. BRADLEY f u r n i s h e d , r o o h i s . Every Electric Car Concert at the Portland. alarm. —Loudon Tii-Bits. Dressmaking aod Ladiea Tailoring Pleaiant furnished rooms at the be ch and near » v A musical was-given at the Portland Sat­ Main Street and Lake Avenue,' Ross’s. 10 Surf avenue, Ocean Grove. 193-4* urday evening, the proceeds of which were An Kxcltlnn; liner. McCabe B uilding, Ahburt P a r k . L F O R R E N T . “ I the most excitln race I ‘ever S3-tf Formerly with Mra. Bennett , given to the Home Hotel association of rt'Ckon Nice winter home hi Asbury Park for rent from Open DDili 12 o'clock midnlgm M en’s N eckw ear see,” observed the man with the faded New Jersey. The program was well ren­ E. J. STROUD, September 1; 9 rooms new furnished; all Im­ hair, after an interval of silence, “was provements; central location. Inquire 10 Surf dered. Miss Ida Coggeshall sang as a so* avenue. Ocean Grove. 193-99* jprano solo “The Holy City.” A contralto between two Mississippi river steam­ Contracting Painter. H. B. JOHNSON boats. The engineers crammed the WANTED. 'solo, “Eternity,” awas given by Miss Ber Poftofllce bo* 967. v Asbury Park, N. J; furnaces with bacon and everything First class colored chambermaid and wahref b. LEARNERS TAKEN kaus. Mrs. James S. Bolton sang “My Tail at l&H , between Sevei th and Lady's Bower.” Which was followed by a else In the eargoes that would make a CLARENCE u. WILSON, Eighth avenues. 193 D iam onds jtmor—isolo?—UBceftU>ic,n by- Hen ry Voldcrar- hot, fire. The Prairie Rose was the - p S k k e x t . A violin solo, “Oyster Bay Waltzes,” by name of one l>oat and the Minnesota A r c h i t e c t , Bella was the other, but everybody Furnished room In good location; also furnish­ W atch es- Mrs. Ella Rood, ended the delightful even' 186 , LONG BRANCH. ed framed tent; w llLrent reasonable. Call, or ing’s concert. v knowed it whs a race bchveen tlie en­ address 38 Main avenu'vQcean Grove, 193-8* gineers, fur the reason that they’d • • Jewelry AT LIBERTY. WeBt End’s New Director. iiad a fight in St. Louis once. I was on CONCERNING PIANOS. PARK MANUFACTURING COMPANY People say: “ Dohm. I notice your ads. Tell me Cultured I’ocly pianist and vocalist as enter WiUlam A. Daniels of Danbury,’ Conn., the Rose, and we was chlnnin tjie pas­ how can you soil pianos cheaper than borne talner. Could fill position in hotel to end of sea­ Cor. Cookman Ave. and Bond St. taken Prof. L. E. Dare’s place as direc­ sengers on the Belle. It w asn't more’ll dealers and even big New York houses?” This Is son. Address promptly;NO. 127 Press office. < a reasonable question and here Is tlie answer and 192-93* tor of amusements at the West End hotel. 40 f<*et a w a y , a n tho b o a t t h a t g o t explanation: A manufacturer wants me to sell [ASBURY.PARK, ty. J. Tho sacred concert Sunday evening was his around the big bend first we knowed his make of pianos I say to him, “ suppose, in FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 408 EMORY STREET. • selling your piano, I come Into competition with first undertaking at the hotel aud was a de­ would wiji the race"— another make; do you allow me to cut the price?” Centrally located cottage, 14 rooms. In every way equlppfedfor convenience and comfortjboth cided success. Prof.' Daniels is an expert “Which got there first?" asked one of “ We don’t care If you give the piano away; after Repairing 'of * Chronometers and you have bought it. it’s yours. However, we keep for summer and winter occupancy. J E. w ort­ APPLY AT SIDE ENTRANCE UP STAIRS. dancer and an entertaining conversational­ the listeners, tired of the oratory. up prices^in our warerooms.” So saysjthe maker. man, 710 Mattison avenue. 191-96 Complicated j Watches a ist, and has already become popular among “Well, the engineer of the Minnesota Ia not this piano business plain? In tne name of Specialty. common Bense why should yoii pay $300 to $500 F O R S A L E . the guests. He has outlined a.pleasant pro­ Belle gut I here first.” rejolued the man for the same piano I can sell you for $176]to $276? A special opportunity to secure summer home4 gram for this week’s entertainment ‘and is with the fadi^l hair. “Or parts of him You have the . maker’s guarantee, that protects you. I arrt'a piano tuner and select your piano lake front, Ocean Grove, 12 rooms, all Improve­ Engraving while you wait busy arranging tho details for many more. did. ..Jlis Idler exploded."—Chicago parts even before they are put together. Drop ments; price verv low. J. E. Woftman, 7lo Mat- T rib u n e . me a postal and I will explain to you the myste* tlBon avenue, Asbury Park.. 191-98 Sexton’s Livery and Boarding Stables ries of the piano business ana save you a hundred Colored M instrels and Cakewalk. dollars or so. By the way, you can have your BOARDERS WANTED. *—t Chart'll 'I’llrnod Into Snluon. pianos tuned now before the rush, test the work, Thomas & Ogletree’s colored minstrels Olii'-niro. Aug. 14. famou? and pay if satisfactory during the season. The Hanlon, 821 Cookman avenue; open all tbe South of Main Avenue Gates, Ocean drove, N..J. will appear at the Asbury Park auditorium o|r{ . .M etlmdNi ehtireh, th e building in Pianos to Rknt. » W . C. DOHM, year; terms low. , Tuner, DIEIHG B im jlfi tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, Aug. 1<>. whirh I'liiinrs ]•;. Willard resol her es­ 319 Cookman Avenue. FOR SALE OR RENT. All the Latest Style Carriages Always on Hand. Also Shetland Pony and This company of flrstchiss artists were say* a< a gijl graduate and a landmark A fine bargain offered on a 45 room Hoter&t Cart for Children. Accommodations for Straw-Rlde Parties. greeted last season with a crowded house. iu Kvsmsteu since its ereeuon, in 18o7. is Avon by the Sea. Call on B. C. Love, office Post Office building, Avon, N. J . HQtf Those who remember the enjoyable two to pa**s the rest of its days in igaobh Electric Casino Telephone Call, 21 B. n . E. SEXTON. ' service. Moifnted «»n a raft and anchor­ R . S M I T H hours spent there, and that amusing cake­ SELECT HELP WANTED. ed in th»* lake *>!( Evanston beyond tin* Eighteenth Reason walk, will not miss this chance of seeing PALEY’S KflLflTECHNOSCOPIC Housekeepers, cooks, waitresses, laundresses pale'Of the local prohibition laws, the old nurses, chambermaids. Select help furnished. these people a train. The admission is 25 church will be used as a burtiboat, frotr Address o r. call Mra. E. Chamberlain, 97 Main Ladles’ Hair Dresser Professor C lark and 50 cents. Uf course there will he a which beur,. whisky nnd nil the ordinarj* MOVING PICTURES avenue, O. G. - 179-208* Excelsior Laundry Has Opened a School large crowd, so it will be udvisablo to se brands of iuird drinks will be dispensed. A NOVELTY; FIRST SONO BY nOVINO T H E C R O W N , And dealer In Hair Qoods (5N0WFLAKB) For Teaching cureNtlckets early at Williams’ drug store. PICTURES; RETREAT OF FILIPINOS 146 Main avenue. Ocean Gfrove. Open all the Toilet Articles and Combs Second and Kingsley. * G. A. It. ENCAMPMENT, FROM TRENCHES; MR. AND MRS. ear. The most homelike boarding, house in 8i? -Cookman Avenue 5conn Grove. JBteam heat, baths and all im­ i PHILADELPHIA. JAY TACKLING A TROLLEY. provements. Terms reasonable. 262tf I Da>’s Ice Cretin Is Refreshing. Afternoons 3, 4 and 5. UNDER WKST END HOTEL am H it i A most complete modern laundry _ After a boardwalk stroll or auditorium Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Evenings Continuous from 7.15 to.10.45 ' CYCLE INSTRUCTION. - Capacity Increased two-fold / service the crowd usually goes to Day's R a i lr o a d . Professors B. I. and W. L. Baker, expert cycle A8 B U B Y P A R K Domestic flnlBb > lOc* ADMISSION lOc. instructors, 411 Sewali avenue, Asbury Park. If. J. 550 COOKMAN AVENUE Asbury Park and Ocean Grove iCe cream On account of the Thirty-third annual Next week Wheels furnished; lessons at any hour. Bftrtle gardens, and so it will he tonight after the encampment of the Grand Arpiy of the Passengers Laixdlag From the House, ■ 146tf opposite Steinbach'B Mammoth Store. We make "a specialty of flueflne hand work on Republic* to be. hold at Philadelphia oh ladles appfcrel and abhta dress shlrta.• ■ ThisThiade- carnival. The farpo of th e del icloufc ci'eams E M M A B . ______r ______expert Septem ber 4, 5, 0, 7, 8 and 9, th e P en n sy l­ RESCUE MISSION, partment Is under the supervision of an ext and ices sehed have made the two gardens laundress. Drop us a postal and our wagons vania Railroad company will sell excursion :81 South Main St., £?bu*y.Park. Service^very will call aud deliver anywhere. many customers, and once a customer al­ tickets Trom points on its line to Philadel­ night at 7.45: also Sunday 8.15. Bright stfhg ser­ w& * Q K f b . * ways a customer. You will know the An­ phia, at rate of single fare for the round Be Believed of Pain anil tnjofl Comfort. vice; orchestra*^flhort talks: good,speakers; tes­ CHIROPODY trip, except that tho fare from Now York timonies of saved people. Everybody Invited. A. B. HAMMOND, M anager bury Park branch by tho big electric light and Baltimore will ho *3; from Newark, N. PROF. A. CLARK, ICMtf ' G. Wr Quykr, Supt. sign' The Ocean G ro^ gnrde-n\js near the •L, |2'.H5; from Elizabeth, N. J., $2.75, auditorium park. r and proportionate rates from intermediate Surgeon; Chiropodist and Manicure. BAND AND ORCHESTRA. PIONEER'ELECTRICIANS. • Established n Years. points. Prof. A. Clark, the celebrated chiropodist and The Park city Band and Orchestra Is open for “ IT CUTS THE PHLEGM'* T ickets'w ill bo sold on Soptem ber 2, 3, 4- manicure, of Philadelphia, Is again at Asbury engagements; any number of pieces furnished In Th£ Cakewalk is Popular. string or tfrass. For terms apply to G. T. Santobd Prevents, and cure* May Pever and Cold in / LouiE~c’HoNC and 5 . good to return until September 12, Park, this bring his twentieth season; He Is lo­ Director, 021 Mattison ave., Aflbury Park, N^J. the Head. Try It and b« oonvlnoed of ft* merits. • A form of amusement that' has become inclusive; but by depositing ticket with cated at 55Q Cookman avenue, and would be pleased to have anyone who desires hfs services B e r r / v n g A u for tree aamplaat tbe foMowlmr.dragfirtsts: CHINBSe RftUHDRY popular among the hotels is the caftewaik. joint agent at Philadelphia on September 5, HOTEL PIERREPONT. ■Geo. E. WUIt&ma, Kinraootti & OO..B D. wooT- 4^ 9 1 0 KINOSLEY STREET 0 ,7 ,-8 or 9, and the payment of fifty-cents, aa.chiropodlHt tfnd manicure te call and see him. ley, L O.l Grenelle, O. J. Black. T. M. Stewart, Even' tbe pleasures of the dance make way AH orders will, receive prompt'attention^ Spe; Mhj.'KSlsey b<$g3 ~t0' announce tlie openlng o f W. It. Ham. anil H aitwm STetrae pujnnaoy.------Between Flrsfcand Boooud Aves., Aab return limit may be extended’to September eial attention is given to club and deformed nails. temporarily before the grotesque contest her regular season, and Is now prepared to accept B i c y c l e : R e p a i r e r s Shlrta, 10c.; collars and cuffs, 2a each. Goods 30, Inclusive. * ■fO cents and $1. Philadelphia’s First Manicure. guests. Terms reasonable. „ ^ called tor and delivered. Work guaranteed to for the cake. The guosts afrEdgemere Inn- SIDE TRIPS. Thirty years’ experience. Main office. 81 South 95tf . JJotel pierrepont Cookman avenue. 71a COOKMAN AVE. -DeWItta Little Eaitj Risers benefit per­ be satisfactory in every particular. Give me a Tickets for side trips to Washington, - Old Eighteenth street, above Chestnut, Philadelphia, manently. They lend gentle assistance to trial. .* ... and also’ibose at the Grand Avenue l^otel where he has been located for 2 1 years. Asbury' Point Comfort, Gettysburg, Antietem, and . FOR SALE. nature, causing no pains or weakness, per­ participated in the amusement on Saturday Paj-k’s first Chiropodist and Manicure. SOth Sea­ Virginia battlefields will be sold ab greatly son. 660 Cookman .Avenue, Asbury Park, oppo* Roll top desk and Bafe. Address manently caring constipation md liver evening. • r reduced rates. site ptelnbach’s Mammoth Store. Box 982. Advertise in THE PRESS ailments. W . R. Bam . - The-Pee88 contains, all tne news. . . v V ■ TH!Et ASBURY PARK OAIL.V PRESS. ed* wTtll 'ITUt, ho^ny 'plates, situated another m m (CONCERT feCEAN GROVE SUMMER PROGRAM F O E L I T T L E abovq the nectar cups in the center of th e blossom and^ w hich are cglled August 12 to 13—Woman's Foreign Continne^Wrom Page 1. n “pinching bodies." When an ipsect J u s t i c e t o .Missionary Society. The Rev. Dr. Gou­ FOR A DOLL’S HOUSE. 1 thrtiets its proboscis into the nectar, — ------m — r------— cher, President of Baltimore Women’s the plates pinch it fast, and on its de­ aloft a piece of colored paper, tbe whole College, will preach 10,15 a. m. Mrs. E. How to Make a Ladder Oat ot a Sheet H. Stokes, President; Mrs. Kennard parture the insect mu 8t;eithe* carry Off form ing a massive Av&erlcan flag 80 feet f ' - of Note Paper. Chandler. First Vice President; Mrs. Rev the pollen mass.es of the flower or leave long and 40 wide, Pandemonium broke • Take a piece of writing papor- about il. JYheelen Corresponding Secretary; its proboscis behind. Ln the former case loose a t once,, Tho ijfjdlence cheered like Mrs. Rev. VanKirk, Treasurer. three inches wide and nine inches long, the pollen is likely to reach and fer­ mad. To add to the ejjjthusiasm the groat A ugust 15—The Faraday Institute of fold one end three or four times aa tilize another flower. In the latter the Sale flag of the audltoriUTp, which had been Willing Workers. tightly and flatly as possible (see Fig.. unfortunate inaect, deprived of its pro­ rolled up to tho roof and had been unnotlced- A ugust 1 6 —Women’s Encouragement 1 ); then roll tho remainder loosely boscis, dies. Sometimes tho legs as well by the audience, felMout in graceful meeting. Mrs. Kennaid Chandler and (Fig. 2 ) and make two cats across the as the noses of insects are fouijd stick­ folds, and out of Itkfell a thousand MADISON C. PETERS’ Mrs. H. A. Eaton, of Baltimore. ing in the flowers. Only tho bumble­ tiny flags. Then the fcpWal chorus ' ln tho A ugust 18—The regular Camp Meet­ bee appears to be strong enough always ing. Conference and prayer services at rear gallery jolnedjfe-ye chorus and such a 3 oo.p m? in the Tabernacle, Sacrament tp escape amputation.' scene was novJgt^^'oTo ^witnessed in the of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated O’DONOHUES great bulldlmSBpz/ls safe to* say that those CELEBBBTED LECTUBE •Friday evening- at 7,30 o ’clock *in the — - Rhyme For Vacation. whp were never forget It as long Auditorium, Opening sermon, Saturday Oh, the elephant’^ on tho watermelon as they live. . , 10 15 a. m by Rev, J. G. Reed, Pastor of tree, St. Paul’s Church. A-gJngtng df hia home upon the deep *nd bloom* And jthe instrumentalists should not be forgotten.''-Organist Von NordrofI was at TtefiaB Evening, A ugust 20—Sabbath, ip .15 a. m., ing flfa, preaching by Bishop Dubbs. Sabbath, While the noble kangaroo his best. The four pianists, Miss Alice August 27, preachihg by Bishop Fowler. GREATER NEW YORK "Is inquiring for the “too/* W alter Bates, 'Miss Marie Slmmops, Miss And the snakes are riding bicycles, aa happy aa Asbury Park Auditorium' Prominent ministers will preach during can bel Belle Greene and Miss Clara Barlght, the Camp Meeting. seemed as happy as the children themselves. A ugust 3 1—Mrs Osborn’s Missionary Oh, the whale .is soaring gracefully through the Training School in the Temple. Surf warm winter'sky. Miss LInebarger, on the cornet, ^dijl excel ADMISSION 25 CENTS While the jellyfish play football in the tui^iip lent, work, and of course the Bradfords, meetings every Sabbath evening foot of ' field hard by, Miss Cecelia, Miss Charlotte, Mr. John and Ocean Pathway. Twilight' meetings And the ^iger and the mouse M r. Janifcs, contributed much to the suc­ every evening during'during Camp Meet* Are building of a bouse The most elaborate and most elo- ing. In the green and fertile desert, while the rabbit cess of the evening; > Mr. Kay Fitzgerald, qnent defense of the Jew ever made. Septem ber 10 to 17—St. Paul’s 25th a n ­ , - wondcra why.l ‘ son of Bishop Fitzgerald, also one of the Under direction «f Mr. F. Tenny­ niversary exercises. September 10, Jubilee violinists, did good work. Valuable aid Oh, the parenta in this country ot range are striv­ son Neely, Dr. Peters’ book on tha Services, m orning anid evening. Septem ­ ing ‘every day was given also by Mr. H. L Bolt, Mr; ber 17 , St. Paul’s anniversary exercises These famous coffees will be served at .our To foster }n their little ones an aptitude for play, Myron W. Morse and the ladies who looked Jew has gone through seven editions continued. Appropriate services each Rut every glr) and boy after the several companies of the children. in three months. ; ■ *■ „ evening during the-^eek, in charge of Thinks studying a Joy Prof. T. E. Morgan was In his glory, andf On Sale at Board Walk Book Store, former pastors. All services will be held’ ■And play a bore and begs for work to pass the in the chinch. M ain Street Store, A sbury ParR time away! • was fairly deluged with congratulations Ross Pavilion, Ocean Qrove. Prof. Tallie Morgan, Musical Director. —Isabel Hussell McCurdy in St. Nicholas. ^ is training of the children proves him to Miss M. Louise Linebarger,. Cornetistv roll, cutting through the outer bnt.not Jt>o a past master and the Influence he holds Mr. H. Monroe Brown, Organist. ' the center of • the roll (Fig. 8). Bend Forent. of Strange Trpea. over them Is wonderful, Ji N. FITZGERALD, And Long Branch down tho end pieces (Fig. 4), cut The most extraordinary forest in tho A. E BALLARD, through tho middle (top), roll length­ World was discovered by Dr. Welwitseh Illustrated Son^s at. the Casino. Asbury Park J. H. ALDAY, wise (Fig. 5), open it out fiat, when and occupies a tableland some six miles Manager Paley Mas Inaugurated an entire Devotional Committee, you will havo a telescopic ladder. in width, between 300 and 400 feet ne*r departure at the Electric casino—that BEGQOIQili AUGUST 3, FOB TWO WEEKS ’ Colored paper has a beautiful effect, above the sea, near tho west coast, of of illustrating a song with moving pictures. A u d it o r iu m as may bo imagined.—Pittsburg Dis­ Africa. The peculiarity of the trees of Each selbctlon and action of the singer, to­ p atch. • this forest is that, though their trunks gether with the story told In sorg, will be Wednesday, August 16 A l l K i n d s Lovers of good1 Coffee are invited to come in and try are as much as four feet in diameter, shown on the canvas. “The Sweet Kiss” Poppy. liable**. • • * they attain the height of only one foot. Is the title of the song,*and the singer will these famous Coffees, and we assure them a Did yon ever make poppy babies? Np treo bears more than two leaves, b 3 M iss Dollle Murphy. Thomas. & Ogletree They aro tho funniest little dolls im­ and these attain a length of six and a o f M o n e y - aginable. To make them chooso tho breadth of two feet. Thu flowers make Coming again with their Famous ' good cup of coffee and will show biggest poppy you* can find, with a good gorgeous crimson clusters. BE SURE. 4 - by^your urine and all the unpleasant and J. J. PARKER little slits far nose and mouth. At first years, both of Baltimore; Charles Grif­ dangerous effects produced on the system a little white juice will come out, but fith, fnrmer, nenr Benfield, Anne Amn An Illustrated Guide and Souvenir o the by tho use of whiskey and beer. All relia­ this will soon turn black, making quite (IM county: Miss Garretson, who wns Shore Resorts. -decided features. No art is required to visiting Mr. Griffith's home. ble druggists sell Dr. David Kennedy’s improve upon tho lovely little natural Favorite Remedy a t $1.00 a bottle, or 0 bot­ THe Great Jiianiilaoiiiiers^ 111m Reference. tles for $5,00. PRICE 25 CENTS , cap. • Tho poppy baby is now ready, Chief {to commercial traveler seek­ and, I am sure, will pleaso you so much By a special and particular ai rangement ing a place)—Do you know how to talk All Newsdealers and Hotel# C om bs’ Ijivery S tab le that you will want to go on making a with the manufacturers, our readers can Sale of maoKintosiies up goods to customers? whole family of them, using garden try this grand medicine, absolutely free. Applicant—Allow me to turn on this now going on at Kingsley Street, Asbury Park poppies of different colors and sizes—a By simply sending your full name and post A diseased stomach surely undermines phonograph, with a conversation be­ office address to the DR. DAVID KEN­ ' Bet. 3 d and 4tH A vcs. - Telephone Call No. 65. whito alpino peppy for the youngest tween a customer^ and 'myself.—Flie- health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, de­ 615 Mattison Avenue i baby of all. m * . , NEDY CORPORATION, Kondout, N. Y., stroys the nervous system, and predisposes Allenhurst & Deal Stables, Neptune Ave. aende Blatter______‘ mentioning ‘the P uess when a trial bottle to Insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspep­ will last a short time only. So Telephone 21 I. Flower* That Pinch. It Is estimate*’!' that there are 240,000 gf’ Favorite Remedy, together with a tic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol . suits Avc‘ women domestic servants iu London, don’t wait and lose this chance to ______Bfanofi office A peculiar species of elijnbing plant pamphlet of valuable medical advice, will Dyspepsia Cure. It bas cured thousands of secure a waterproof garment for from Brazil has lately been introduced and th a t 10.000 of these are always be sent to you by mail postpaid. cases and is curing them every day. Its In­ in the south of England, where it grows out of sit tint Ions or changing their The publisher of this papor guarantees Si. to $6. Actually worth from gredients are such that it can’t help curing, All” tbo~£at4*st DmIbds In Trnpg, Cartf, Boulevards, liublwr TireW. ami R. Bla’cle COilBS BunaboutB, & BRO. Bus- ii\ (ho open air. Its flowers are provid­ places. 1 the genuineness of this liberal offer. w . R. Ham. $3.75 to $18.00 gles, PUnetoni, Two, Three and Four Stated Surreys. Shetland l'onj for Children.

f - '

ins '• ' r'


; ■ ' GRE1 T BJtflJPKCEMERT . * * ' j 6 THP, ASBURY PARK DAILY PRESS, LABORI M4Y LIVE. Ocean Grove IjoteK F T f 0«a« Grove Hotel#

’{Con tinned from Page 2.

Hear j hat it waa quite linpossirifa fOr'hiin to miss. “A sharp roport was hoard, aiid M. Gas Ranges, $ 1 1 . 0 0 Labori I brew up bis arms and cried: ‘H o! Im '.' which is a common F rench exclamation. and fell flat upon rills’ fuel1. ' T irml thu* or t"'»> "H u ts who IS YOUR DOOR OPEN law the deed ran up. but tin* murderers had vanislied dnwii tlie lane. Help was <7 immediately M-ht fur, and the i;eudariiies Every American woman; has cause t6 be th'ankfui to the quickly arrived and suon afterward Mme. 1 inventor of the Gas Range, fi. r not only has he'saved her the Labori." T he feel in ir in tlie city was imen<«e. necessity of,hauling coal ffom the cellar, but he has also made The fliemH >>f lAreyfus, weepinj; »and wrinffim: thejr hands, rushe*! n.i and f.m. it possible lor her to do her own cooking without the exertion openly Vhnrjriutr the auti-Ib-eyfusanls with a'plot tn d«i a way with the' brilliant ’ of building a fire and.removing ashes. Advocate. Some of them ^ojietily insubol and reviled the izcmjurtnus fur brjug ton stupid to prevent tbe crime. The military. sian-hiiii; for the assav- * Bins with tbe gendarmes, loudly deplore L A 'PXSSXB.XSJE& the tTW and curse the-murderer*. M nt »le t iL*.i:iop in ‘.Vean Grove. Directly on the lake aud ocean. Accommodations M. Labori. on lallinc, retained pres- fjr -i'JJ. clien L-u -yniMin 1 servicH. (Vll ihodorii miproveuieats. St.*tul for booklet. eifcp of mind eu>>tiili M arrange his.dark. ‘ * T. B. SHAY. tnorfteei) walh^t. in w hich'lie carried his papers under his luu'l for" a pillow* tin til Consolidated Gas Co. of New Jersev his wife arrived, when he half j-ai*eil T h e A r li n g t o n himself and Jmpjied* his head ill her lap. L e t A n niih nI ii IOn c h ih '. Arlington Square 619 M attison Avenue A number of laborers who were un­ Leading-hotel tn Ocean Grove. Every convenience; all modern improvements; np- loading a barpe «>f stluies buside the riv­ poimntetinj and service first class; elevnic lights aud bell in every room; exceptional lo­ er, heard the >h«mt< of .“Murder! Stop cation; unsiirpiisij 1 cuisine; New York orchestra. For terms and further, information him!** raided by the pursuers, und one of send for illustrated 1h»oKlet. Speclal'low terms for June. C. H. MILLAR — - - — ASBURY PARK, N. J; •them phi cod himself in the way of the Comer of Ocean Pathway and Beav'h avenue. Location murderer. wh*». eoveruis him. with a re­ unsurpassed; one blook- frqm ocean, near the Auditorium volver. shoittiii: "Let me pass?. I have The Lafayette, _ and other points of interest. Spleucfkl ocean view. Sea­ ■hot. I 'icW’ll:-!” , . son, J ti ne 1 to Octobflr.L iHmelnvood Villa, Lakewood, from October 1 to June 1). n H M m a tBm w sm m w sam& The in:in was -so taken .aback th at he MRS. M. A. PAUL. drew a-kle aud allowed the ussassin to escape. ■ . Ocein Pathway near .the beach. Fiuest location. After shontijm the lawyer the murderer The A rdhiore Modern improvements. >1. M. H’USSEl.L. time iabies £f!ite Cables ran acfo-'S the rii-bls until he reacheil th e milroiid. He crosst-d the embank­ The largest and best eqnipped.hotel on ocean front. C . W . SIMONSON, ment iind followed the track until lie Seaside Hot^I PENHSYLVANIfl RAILROAD arrived at the level orossinc. A. H. STOCKTON. The Ocean Route J O B B E R IN The Standard Railroad of .America A train was just nniviut: at full speetl, Delightfully situit-d. Noar all pointa of interest. and the murilcrer Hashed across the line Liberal table, good service. Rates reasonable. two Famous m soikg stebhiehs H ighland House F D R0SHICRAN8. , in front of the train and toward the On and after Ju«e 25,1899. W ines, W hiskies, Brandies, Etc, woods in the ilirection of the village of Ocean Pathway, neir beAob. Unobstructed ocean view. Near REPUBI-IO TRAINS LEAVE ASDDRY PARK—WEEK-DAYS. Chantepic, where he was lost to view. auditorium ipd all points of inter st Improved and newly AND BOTTLER OF BALLANTINE’S BEERS Colonel* I ’iequart und his brother-in- The W averly furnished throughout Firatclass accommodations for bicy­ For New York and Newark. G 35, 7 20, 7 45, 3 20. cles. For terms address PonofYlce Box J.- • H H. ALCQCK. 0 ^0 a m, 1 20 2 35. 8 35, 5 37, and 9 20 p m. Bottled by Steam Process, and warranted to keep II any Climate law, M. Gust. who. it appeared from For Elizabeth, 7 45, fl 30, a m, 1 20,2 35, 3 35,5 37, later reports, accompanied M. Labori on COLUMBIA and 9 20 pm. his way to the Lycee,- pursued the mnr*. Pitman, Beach and OHn avenues. Near ocean. Open For Rahway, 9.20 a m. 1 20, 5 37. rind 9 20 p m. Dr. Starks Hotel all the year. Oapacitf, 850. All modern improve­ For Mata wan, 9 2p a m, 1 20, 285, If 87 and 920 pm. C o t t a g e and Hotel Trade a Specialty derer forborne distanc'd, but as they were ments. H'iratelaaa I a every respect.- Greatty.enlarged For Long Branch, Q 30, (0 35 Mondays only), 7 20, both heavy men they were unable to and improved. W-. H. L. STORKS, M D. Proprietor. <45, 8 20, 9 20, 10 43, It 04, 11 45 a m, 1 20, 2 25, All Goods Delivered Free of Charge, Telephone Call 6^*. Spring I^ke contijiu^ the pursuit and so returned to 2 35,3 35, 4 07,8 22. 5 87, 5 42, 6 15, 0-10,7 0 20 27 and -^)0iln street. Enlarged and Improved. Fine location. p m, 8 04 p m, Saturday* only. the side of the,.wounded, man, leaving Everything first class. Lowest rates. B x 04. For Red Bank, 7 20,7 45,3 20, a m. 120,235.8 35, the chase of the murderer to a number The riulford WATER J. MULFORD. 5 37 and 0 20, p m. SPRING LAKE BEACH N. J of laborers and peasants, who declare F^ p^ d5,phK - Brood‘ Street, and Trenton, they heard the murderer say when cross­ Main avenue, 0 5», 7 25. rsa, 9 07 a m, 12 38. 3 57, tod 5 85 p m. ■ A pleasapt family hotel at popular raf#>a. For Camden via. Trenton and Borden town, 7 25, ing the marshy fields before.lie reacheil Ocean House E. N. PRENTI8. the railroad; , * ForCarSen anT i’htoJeiphja vt^VToms River, " If I eun't get away, I will go for D irection oCean front. Enlarged and refurnished. Near auditor 0 40 and 1118 il'iiii-t23, and 5,15 piih.' RHODE ISLAND POINT... nuin and-hot_ am? cold sea^ water baths. Large porcbea Good For Toma River. Island Heights and Intermediate them .” - / T h e Q u e e n table and excellent service. All modern conveniences. Open through- Btationq,« 40, 1118 a in. 2 23, 5 IK, and 6 40 p tn. ' Proceedlnjrii In the Coirt. out the year. Steam hoat. Suu. iu parlor. For'*—For booklet and terms,«pply------—>~ For Point Pleasant and intermediate stations, Oa Beautiful Shark River Corner~ Ooean Avenue and Ocean Pathway. Telephone^af. M. CLEMENT. 5 I & IP51* » ^ a m, 2 2S, 268,4 22,450, 5 10, £ The shoojj-nf of M. Laltorl n/»k all the 10 m PROP NEW YOBtt 5 15. 0 02, • dnd 8 55, p m. life out ol the session of the clurt mar­ For New Bninawtck, via Monmouth Junction 8 Ocean Avenue. Di ectly < Now Open For the Season of 1899 tial, and but for the svinpaihV the at­ all appointments. Season June to October. Direct Trbtley Connections for Asbury Park 6 25, 7 50, 0 07 a m, 12 88,' 3.57. and 5 35, y m. tempt is certain to excite throuj&out the. The Langdon M. J. HOLT. and Occan Grove FOUR TRIPS EVERY DAY TRAINS LEAVE NEW YORK TOE ASBURY PARK. country for M. Labori and Dreyfus tbe Corner Ocean aml'Bath avenues. Convenient to all points Under the Management of J. K. LARKINS deprivation of M. l.abun s invaluable of Interest. Appointments are all new and modern. Special Leave Iron Pier Leave New York services to the prisoner would be a se­ The Chalfonte rates for June aud September. Special rates to excuraiou- Pier 10 East River vere blow to the lather's prospects. ists. Look box 2054. 8. W. EHLER8. a m, and 4.65. p ra. LONG 'BRANCH (Between Wall street Fr.£t?LDe8t>ro8ai£ street station, at 5 00,0 00, a m, SH ORB JDINNBRS The murderer apparently chose the and South Ferry) 12 20, (1 20 Saturdays onlyf, 2 30, 8 10, 3 40, 4 20. present time for the attempt because it 7 Seaview avenue. Kept by tfrieilds. Nicely located; half 5 10, and? 00, p m, Sundays, 815, 9 45, a m, aud block from tlie sea; near the hot batlis and bathing 1 1 a .m . 5 p.m.* 8 .3 0 a .m ., 2 3 0 p m 5 15 p m. Restaurant a la Carte Pahfft M ilw aukee Beer w as 'known M. Labori would crush Gen­ New A rborton grounds. HANNAH BOltTON. 1 p m .. 7 p.m . 10.30 “ 4 30 From Oortlandt tftreet staticn. at 5 00 0 00, a m, era] Morder, the former minister of war, Music, Theatricals, ilestaurant Lunch Coun­ 12 20, (1 24 Saturdays only), 2 30 8 08, 8 38, 4 23. w ith his cross ipu-stUming. Twelfth seasoison. Unobst-ucted view of the ocean and ter, Oyster Bar on each boat. 5 15, and 7 00, p m. Sunday 815,0 45 a m, and The news causal an immense sensation bathing‘ ip gro iiids. Sanitation perfect. Electric lights. 5 15 p m ; L iy £i LOBSTEES 3 SOILHD The Lillagaard Special terms.. for June .... aud September. P. O. Box 21M. (On Sunday wlli Btop at Interlaken and Avon In in the courtroom, where the usual audi­ Ocean and Abbott avenues M. B. HERITAGE. place of North Asbury Park and Asbury Park to ence had assembled, awaiting the en- BOUND TBiP et off passengers, . Welsh Rarebits, Soft Crabs, Green Turtle Soup trance of the judges. M. Labori's ab­ a and 5 Pitman avenue, 4 and 0 McCllntock street. This hotel is MP l_ _ A | | ^ open all the year. Sun parlors and well heated rooms for the coot Children 40 Cents« 7 8 CtS tra in s leave PHILADELPHIA (Broad St.) rOR sence liiid just been announced when I l i e A l a S K o . month. The only hotel In Ocean Grove supplied with sea water ASHURY PARK. C la m B a k e D i n n e r s t o O r d e r suddenly M. .lautiay, syndic of the ju­ baths. The location is of the best, 100 feet from boardwalk and At 4 05,JO, 1>3U.-lay,0 50. S lj 44,ii, aam m, , 2« 42,4W, 3 30,30. 4 08, and diciary pres*, n^hed into the room and close to auditorium and pery man jumped *.•• Ocean Grove CLEMENT & CLEMEN T 4 00 p m, week-days. [N orth Sitle o f Sliark R Iver, ’Sc a r A ioh Depet . i»is feet, ami a volley of'questions* was 80 South Main street, Ocean Grove. . Table supplied with milk and hurled ^ M. .Ian nay's head, who, cry ini; vegetables from our oton farm. All modem improvements. Terms WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH Take ASBURY PARK and t u C P A T T “That is all I know.*’ rusJied out of court P a l o A l t o moderate Open all the year. * .■ v _ - H, a TRUAX. LKAVK OROAD STREET, PHI^ADELPQtA. b e l m a r t r o l l e y to Avon J* K. o L U ll, Proprietor again. t'nll-»wcd by a number of his hear­ M i For Baltimore and WashiniftOn, 8 50. 7 20. 8 82, ers. lew and Bad 10 20,11 23am 12 09 (12 36 Limited, Dininf? Car), TELEPHONE 57 F General .M errier replied that he went "D enm nK P Verj* fl<»i><*fi)L The remainder of those preseht were to the Klysee .palace as minister of war. 1 12 (Dininpr Car), 3 12, 4 41 (5 2ft ConCTessionsl compelled t*< remain, as the proceedings Paris, Aug. 1-1.—Maltre Demange tells Limited, Dining Car), 5 81, 6 17, 055 (Dining He recalled flint General de itoisdeffre The Petit Blc.ii that the deposition *»f Car), 7 31 (Dining Car) p m, and 12 05 night week -were-a I'-'Hi to commence, ainl they ex­ could testify in reirard to the orders re- 8 0 C e n t s d y a. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 0 12, 11 S3 am , 12 09, citedly *di-« i|s**e*l the Crime aud vigor­ Genera! ilercier will greatly aid 'in tin1 12 (Dining Car), 8 )2, H 4 41 lw(5 ^?0 ^uiiKresaiOBttiCongressional1 eived. ' argument of the Dreyfus case. Continu­ Limited, Ditiiog Car;, 5 34. 0 55 (Dining Car), ously di le-nnri-d the authors. *M. I tcmaiiL'e s ,iZ4(| upon this declara­ 7 31 (Dining Car)>( p m. and 12 05 night. S hark river amusement company Coloiul Jouau,-t, bi'^ident of the court, ing, M. Demange says that when Cap­ Timetablesuuie lauiaa ofor allan otheroiner trafnBiramB orof the system tion and iiir-isjrd that General MercK»r tain Dreyfus returned to his prison Sat- • when the ne«> icached him, suspcuded repeat (he st:iioin*-nt that li<* had given PATTEN LINE may be obtained at the ticket offices or stations. South end of Shark River B ridce the sitlii>- th*- court martial. urdaj’ he said: “ IIow eouM 1 so far for­ J. IL WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt 1 rdcrs (.i (ieiieral -«!*• I.oisdeft re on thr get the'distance separating a general anil AND THE . B. Hutchinson, Gen. Manager. It append that Mme. ,Labori herself » niobili/ation. broke tin’ n*w> to the court and in­ a captain? Hut it was too strong for formed M. .Lmnay ..f the > the M. C a 'iu iir r« i iei. icvuming his testi­ M. Demange adds that Dreyfus is as BiiaQilG Coast HiecirlG 1 1 Go. CENTRAL R. R.JF new jersey court **r>'ing f«»r a doctor and shouting mony. •he d.d ii>»t ilesire to reply to sure of himself as ever. Meala u la Carte, ' Il^freHhments, etc. that her husband had been shot. certain of »o ii.-ral Meri ier's insinua­ The archbishop of Kcnnes has forbid­ Via PLEASURE BAY Anthracite Coal Dse'l Excluslvcly, Insur­ When , the court martial reassembled, tions. “ 1 do not wi-h to,answ er theni," den the customary religious processions LEAVE PLEASURE fy iY ing Cleanliness and Comiort Clam Bake Dinner* to order. B m,4 16 Mure It* r Get* 0(1 luunily. M ercier has n adv « v. ry effort to mix me E*terhn*y at It Anwln. 8 40, 9 30, *11.30 (Saturdays *1.15) a. m.; 3 10 p. m. P.m. "When General Mvrcier was confronted as deeply as p— iM<> i‘n this affair. Hut r^ondon, Aug. H.—In The Kvening For New York, Newark and Elizabeth via all rail WIIXIAM GRIFFIN, Jr. I have riMnaimd al..of, 1 yflinn, during News Major Count Esterha/.v a train lelis SUNDAYS ’oute, (0 10 Mondny onK) 0 20, 7 00, (7 30 New by M. C’asiniir-I’erier, the former York only). (7 35 except New York), 8CO, 10 55 president of France, the latter denied the progress of ih*- in viatication.'’ the “real truth*’ in regard to the bor­ Leave Pleasure Bay 4.15,4.30,4 15, 5.00 p, m. am, IV05, 2 10, 4 00. 7 I0.pm Sundays from Mercier’s story. As it was M. Labori’s The former pii--h)cut of l'rance then dereau in the Dreyfus ease, saying that Leave N. Y., foot West lith st. 8.^0, 8.40, 0.00, Interlaken Rtatlon, 7 37 a m, 4 18, 8 05 p m. WEST WANAMASSA i*t>mplaince man ye, associate counsel, was his subordinate toward the chief of the was Intended to serve as a substantial a. m. i 4 00 p m. Sundays from Interlaken station, 7 37 quite unprepared for the task,, the few state. basis for an accusation against Dreyfus, * ' ■ a m. 4 18 p m. “As an instance,” said M. Casirojr- who had be«n suspended a b>ng time, and Bacga^e carried Tree *vith passeugera. For Baltimore and Washineton. 7 00, 800, 10 55 questions the latter put were practically t a m. 12 C5, 4 00 p m. Sundays from Interlakea IMPORTED BEERS of little effect, and .General Mercier Peier, “General Mercier undertook to against whom there had already existed Cars3eave Cookman avenue and Main street, escaped Hmrpfy? ------For Easton, Bethlehem, Allentowrf and Mauch without consulting the chief of tlie state, however, could not be used -without com­ Chunk, 0 20, 8 00, (10 55 to Eanton) a m, 12 05, a l lt h T b e s t b r a n d s of W in e s an d lio u o r s “SVhen f J euera I -M et cher w as recalled, in- 2 10, (4 00 to Easton), p m. Sundays from Inter­ reply t«. U»e president -.f the court lie re­ thus lacking in tin* respect he ofved to promising certain personages whom it laken station, 4 18 p m. ^ iterated his belief that Major Count the.chief of the state.” was imperiously necessary to keep in the For Wilkesbarre and Scranton, 8 00 a m, 12 05 p m. COTTAGE TRADE S’OLICXTED Ksterliazy. in spite of the hitter’s own M. * Casimir-Perier next protested background altogether. For Buffalo and Chicago via D., L & W. R, R., declaration, was not the author of the against the assertions made by General 8 00,10 55 a pi, 4 00 p m. Postoffice BOX 9 0 5 ASBURY P^RK, N.Ji bordereau wlmh. th** witness claimed, Mercier’in regard to the role adopted by GnrAlii Still nt Hny. TOJ LOAN..*.. RETURNINQ TO ASBURY PARK. was wiiften 11ii tracing paper and was the chief nf the state in this affair, Paris, Aug. 1-1.—1The office of th e Anti- At Five Per Cent' Leave New York, via Sandy Hook route, pier 8 found in an embassy. whereupon the ueneral interjected that Semite league, in whidi MM. Guerin, N. R , from foot of Rector street. 0 00,10 00, JOHN N. WHITE M. W. JAMES The president asked M. Casimir-Verier he had sp..ki-n of the attitude assumed president of the league, und Max Itegis, II 00 am (100 Saturdays only) 2 00,3 45,4 30 PROPRIETORS by M. ( a.-imir-Perier because he had $1,500 5 80 pm . Sundays to Interlaken station, 1 00 to explain the circumstances of the con the noted Jew baiter aud ex-mayor of Al­ pm . , i Bicycle fes*ion Dreyfus is .alleged to have made swm n tu t» ll the whole truth. giers, sought refuge from arrest on Sat­ Leave New York, foot of Liberty street, all rail to Captaiu Lebrun Uonault. M. (’asitnir- Counsel next asked General Mercier 2 , 0 0 0 rout«, \ 80, 8 $0,10 00 a ra, (1 Saturdays only) urday, .are still besieged. They were . 2 ? 5, 3 80, 3 58, 4 45, 5 88, 6 28 (8 Oi Saturdays I’erier persisted in his statement of Sat­ why the explanations of the secret dos­ guarded throughout-the night by a force 5 . 0 0 0 only) p m Sundays to Interlaken station. 0 00, Repairing urday 111 at lie had never received any sier were not iiu-luded* in the dossier re­ of police armed with revolvers. M. 9 15 a m, 1 30, 4 00 p m , lating to the revision. / - Lease New York from South Ferry; Whitehall t\he de­ besiegers. 3.000 H. P. Baldwin, Gen. Pass Agt.-* 814 COOKMAN AVE. "Moreover.” said M. Casimir-lN'iier. at the right price ls duty^he owes his stroyed the document. At this M..l>e Town Laborer* on Strik«. ”h**re is a letter from M. Dupuy which mange e\pie*>cd a sense of astonish­ 4 .0 0 0 customers ' 1 ask may !»• read.'* ment and 'asked General*Mercier if he Dunkirk, N. Y., Aug. 14.—Onb hun­ BICYCLE TIRES AT PROFITLESS .lfercier Scored. did not hitve reasotis 'for suppressing the dred men in the employ of William C. PRICES. Alexander, who has the contract to build- 6 . 0 0 0 Hand work a specialty. The letter asserted ' that Captain Le- document?- The witness repudiated the At Si* Per Cent*? aBICY0LE8 RENTED AND STORED. V>run iii naulr. when questioned by., M. question. sewere in Fox * and Leopard streets, Dupuy. replied that Ge.peral Mercier had Dreyfus at this point rose from his struck for an Increase,, of 30 cents a day Old Established Repair Shop Goods called for and delivered. *ent him to the president to receive a seat and asked lea\:e tu. explain in regard In their pay/ Under the state law J. W. Hetrick & Son passed May 12 last, it is unlawful to em QN DEAL LAKE Send us a postal and our w agon ^ dressing down f<*r his indiscreet dis­ to the assertion that he had traced on a 625 M attjaori'iAvo. closures to The- rigaro. General Mer* card the itinerary of a certain journey of ploy men more than eight hours a day on HARK GUY state or municipal work, Tbe contractor will call. ” tier^iiere interposed. saying: the general staff. Both the itinerary arid Seator Block. ASBURY PARK, N. J. 5 4 8 COOKMAN ATE. “Captain L«*hrun- Renault spoke to me journey, he asserted, were purely ficti­ refuses to pay more than 15 cents an hour for eight hours work, while the men MoBIllDE BLOCK- regard to the confessions iu the pres­ tious. t Telephone, 129 A. «. W. JAMES, Manager. 1 ence of General Gonse, who! will testify demand ten hours’ pay for eight hours’ M. Cassimir-Perier then said he desir­ work. i:«r*;to. It was then that I1 ordered him ed to reiterate that he.had never prom­ Steam launch direct to Farm from In. ti> &t> to * he president of the^republie.** ised anything to Dreyfus, adding that it >■ Convict Trlo» to^KIII Himself. terlaken station every 20 m inutee. ltegarding General Mercier^ deelnra- was with M. W aldeck-Rousseau (thfen New York, Aug. 14.—Arthur Michaels, A strictly flrat-olass family resort. JAS. J. TAYLOR tlons on Saturday last on the witness one of the vice presidents 9f the senate) a, six months’ prisoner in .Sing Sing, at­ Open all the year.. LADIES Itand, M« (,aslmir-rerier'*snid: alone that he had spoken in regard to the tempted to commit suicide by hanging Have you seen the SAN O'ARTIST “General Mercier'* had no right w hat condemned man. Therefore, M. Cassi- himself from the 'top 6f his cellv door. ■ i . ever to intervene in a diplomatic conver­ mir-Perier reiterated his protests at the He wns rescued by a gallery guard and sation.' 1 would have prevented such in­ letters of Dreyfus referring to negotia­ taken to the prislti hospital. lie will J a m e s "S".Sorca.©xi terference. It was 1 alone who confer­ tions. recover. P l u m b i n g red with the minister, undi I declare that * rJ’hls paused M.. Demango to explain PATENT HUMAN the impression I derived from that con* how Dreyfus came to say M. Oaseimir- Native* M urder Prospector*. T i n n i n g A CHALLENGE versatidn was one of complete calm; oth­ Perier h.-pl pmmiswl him a public trial. Seattfe, Wash., Aug. 1-1.—Hugh Ken­ erw ise the incident; would not have beer, After M. Demange had asked M. Wal* nedy of Saji Francisco, who bus jiist re­ HAIR SWITCHES closed by the framing of a not**. We had deck-Itoujtseaii to intervene with M. Cas- turned here froip Kotzebue sound, Alas­ Furnace W ork tK) telegram fl’om ltorlin that evening. It simir Perier -Hhen • president o f. France) ka, brlAgs the report that the Pickinny No Btema or cords. Can be rolled, puffed Mr. Taylor has been modeling at Asbury was in regard to a n**u* the minister re­ to obtain 'pnblicjiy,- 'M. Waldeck-ltous- brother a of Kentucky were murdered bj or fcaotted to very top. No no •arlrss, Park for seven yaars. One hundred dol- ferred ty Berlin. If there had been any seati reported that the president appear* natives while prospecting-on the Silawik no nets «sed In the cohstruotlon of Bangs, lars has been plaeed with the Asbnry Park livflK Waves, Wigs, eto, - fall at Board of Tra*Jsk to be giv»n to the 'idsnsk*' news in regard to the matter-on the even­ ed favoiabfe to tht* suggbstion and coun-^ In a sand modeling'oontest, who oaa eioal ing uf the GthJ we slnrtild riot liave'w ait- sel, therefore, thought lie- might conv J, E. FLITCROFT HAIK PAKLORS Mr. Taylor. Thte challenge la to nil the e«3 until the Stir'to pubjish the iivte.- mupicnte the fact to Dreyfus. Thomas Rhoades('Centerfleld, 0., writes * We carry a full line of them. Also, sand artlBtaof merit Jntho-world ------After-MM. C-avafgnac and Hanotaux, . Opposite Postofflce- -- f- There- wns n*»t a ♦li**piiteh nddiK‘PH«d-tc n “ I suffered from piles seVM d re lg h t years? UI a M o n d s .’SI LVtfRW ARB,' CUT , 802% COOKMMfl AYENOE fi'iendl.w powi r relative to the incident. former minister of foreign affairs, had No remedy gave me relief until DeWltt’s 'P R A N K TAYLOR, GLASS AND OPTICAL, GOODS OCEAN GROVE pno flight front, opposite postofflce, Aabury Park tor Lons rwtfsh le ord. The incideut ha> been magnified. liesuies', testified , . the court adjourned until Witch Hazel Salve, less than a box of which Weduesday. ■ * : JAMBS . In the event of dipjoinatic cum plications. fjermfJnently cured me.” Soothing, -heal- MRS L. C. BENEDJCT MitorMoimoitli ^m ocrat. ,the president would, have-Communi<-ated njg, perfectly • harmless.’:. Beware of-coun­ A, W. CORNELIUS, - P ress Bpeetal Adverasements briagj lm JOHN K , WALLACE, with Jhe m inister of for.eicn ai^uir.'u,, ^ terfeits. W. K Ham. 6 2 4 COOKMAN AVENUE mediate results. i Shampooing, etc. Editor Asbury P ark Journal. \ J THE ASBURY DAILY TOEgg. Jisbury ParR hotels flsbiiry ParKfiotas - j Jlsbiiry ParK fieteU I1 Jlsbutrv ParK fiotels JMwry ParK fiotels Jlsbury ParK fiotrn CHOICE HOTEL CUT Jl» e popular WEST END bas kept pace wltfci the growth of thla great resort aad hns been Im­ proved ana extended year after year to meet the requirements of the highest class of visitors. . !t Is noted as being one of the largeet and most aelefct hotels Id Asbury Park, beautifully located jery sear tne beach on the most Important avenue of the city, and haa accommbdations for four Hundred guests. During the past year the hotel has been thoroughly renovated. , FLOWERS In the line of amusements, the WEST END HOTEL provides as many as can be found in.any nret.claa8 hotel in the country. With Itemagfitfteene situation, bo close to Ocean, and Lake, and on . tne main thoroutnrard 6f travel to and from tho beach. Its architectural beauty and neat furnish­ ings and decoratUpp, there are but few* to.compane wtth it -Its ball room Id the center of all R. A. & E, N. HALSTOff «. tashlonabie functions, and Is umlenlably the beet la Asbury Park, * • . LARGEST - «rr»Q eB,fcra* amusement hall, and the charming set. of young people who throng to the FOURTH AVE. AND KINGSLEY ST. 602 Cookman Avenue was* END each year make all social affairs uhcommbadlly attractive. Everything ip 'the way of 60 aP? ,Vxnr3r forms ft part oftfo.e equlptneijt at the hotel Tbe beach’ ana famous boardwalk • . , i Opposite PoMolflce are distant but one block, and the view of tne ocean Is made exceptionally fine by the large area of open ground stretching away from the corner ot the hbtol. ,t Asbury Part j. office, being large, airy antf pleasant, Is a favorite resort of guests. The regtater bears ' AND LEADING DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH Greenhouses, Allenhurst clUes.Wnfea cltizen® prominent In the social and business life of the eastern, western and southern 5' 0 » . . TELEPHONE The dining-room Is bright and cheerful, tbe cuisine unexcelled, and tbe service excellent. The parlors and reception ,room are attractive‘and Inviting.. Tbe bedrooms are models of comfort, con­ venience and cleanliness. ' ? HOTEL THE LEADING HOTEL IN EVERY RESPECT The WE8T END has all modern electrical and flre appliances. Watchmen always on duty: tim e dial system used. Electric Elevator. Telephone ana Telegraph offices. Billiard Room ana Barber shop connected with the Hotel. On application at the office the guests dx&y obtalfi any kind jo t vehicle. . . -Tj * Elevator, Casino, Electric Lights, Baths, Bates of the WEST END are as moderate os consistent with the-class of Bevies „ ' GEQ. L. ATKINS & S O N . Vast Qnaq^jgS'Of Sttpplies Have Al­ New management. For rates apd otgter.Information address I ready lieeii (iiven. Telephone 80 A. M O R G A N & P A R S O N S LONG DISPATCH FROM DAVIS.

»»<•<*♦* 11 o r a I o f »• l - ' l o o d n l 1»- lm » Twenty-third season th e 1^‘ptiri'i o f ill*' h a vim- w r o u g h t h.v la -t f h u rr i* HIM* fii 1! 1 * •NVi-t 1 < nuft Entirely Remodeled and Beautified openB J u n e 18. S u p e rlc rin 111 appiM t-; f«>r n'.W. 'I’lio gi lM -ial*- <1 i-;>;tI• li every respect. For terms is^is |.d!ou>: _ ! and booklet uddress ' Tbi' 1 fin- -••II, .it!' or- 'It u. Spacious Piazzas - Superior Cuisine 11..t >.1 I. . .fi,A • ..i t 1., i ! 1 ‘i: .1 -1 r'l.v li.trJH !!! l! ,.{ t .. -.il V French Waiters Elevators e«l .in.! s Ji.-ii •, \ nil.HU ar»v wli.it« i. r >.r ii-) vvl.at 11.1 > I..- l.nl jr..in tl«i>.i.!*ii'. V- Tennis Court Golf Links ASBURY PARK Tin- ii«‘. r.jJJr onr-third .>f tb.* •p'«> *.ub»i«!l emir.-ly i»ii If.a THIRD AVENUE AND KINGSEEY STREET Hotel and Restaurant. American and European Plan. .md l<> a mimII .il.-tr.i* "ii t'it«T4. Ml lln* ("I'm I, is .md me* b it"' but.-r is rut: 111^ ir Cupacity 200. The lai'gest aud coolest rooms, halls and porches .u As THE SELECT AND LEADING FAMILY HOTEL OF THE SEW JERSEY COAST. lb/- trr- fibi]. .\ ;i- ,iJ 1111m Ib.oji-.mds <»f i.ntle . ar. dr»uii<*d. .ii.l ilu- d.-bns r.ii iicl <|.»wn b\ 1 lie FRANK B. CONOVER, Owner and Proprietor ] burj Park/ Superior cuibiue. All modern improvements, including elect)ie Rest location In the T’ark: * elng directly on ocean anti lake. Orchestra daily. Unexcelled rivt-TS i* stro.wirnvrr tlir »'«*mn'whlnhe-wiwfc -•»!— bells In each room. ' • cufcdne. Fish dinners a specialty. Write ror circulars. ~ the nturm ;in>l'iln» d<*ad l».»Ii*'.« of atiiiiinlf di«*iibh,i but.in'*>u( of fho «.ij. HOTEL COLOMBIA (t'.n i*s an> niiinv \ lio»i«;iai!s win* i.m iiul ln« ivtelu'd ON THE OCEAN FROM\ The most popular hotel in the f..f «iom. 1 int.-. Tl.i- sappiif!* oj;$t«’rfd s«nt by ll,* W ald o rf ii-.vi.riiini-iit » ill In 11 > mill'll, but will lust only 1 Situated in that delightful nnd-select pnrt Park... Unexcelled location. few day*, whili* desi it 111 i<»a must eovntima> t<*r FIFTH AVENUE of Town known os NOR’iH A8 BUHY. On Ocean front. m;iny wfi-k*. 01 •...me iimuuIh; unlil Hie h.iu.iii.if , One hundred yards from Elevator. Baths. Evening Dinners. ’grow up from tin* nround-, for wliii.-h live unaiila al least mv ri‘i|uiii>d. beach. Special rates for J«ne and September. > Kingsley Street and . Sunset Avenue I'oyd of fill Kin:|n In needl’d, rqp.’rfally rice, The only German house In beans and ivwlffwh, which have b»-en the mam sijjf- fwnpr and Manager WM. APPLEGATE, Prop. port oatsi*le of fruit. Cheap cotton clothing ii th is city. W. HARVEY JONES, also needl’d, for thousands mailed nuked fr.»n Music daily. R WESTWOOD PItlCE, Malinger. thrir dwellings at ' night when the gale bn.ki*. T erm s. $8 00 per day. M.-diHiiiri iiiv also neetled ^nost pressinglj*, e^pi*- Seventh avenue, near Kingsley htreei*ft. Houst^ cially (jiiinim* and other simple medicim^fl. I *-v P . JO N A S , FAMILY HOTEL The W ashington newv K'«rt3' cool Hiry. rvX>ms . UI. lnlng rotra full timtili’ thiil ;il li'.isi l.iKK) tons of food will hr rt _ v idth of house. Water rnnvt-n’ences on all floors. qnin'd weekly foi several weeks. I have e?usi. Prop. Grand and Sewali Avenues Bath room Gas light throughout. Wire Bprines, hair mattresses. Private cottages each side. Terms moderate. Opeu through the fall and winter. tilted hoards all over the i.datid to reguliiii' ni- OPEN ALL THE YEAR. sisiaiup and 11 yeiiet-jl board here lo conduit tin relief work. Laurel House Bteam heat. Electrlp lignts. rw-«« . | ' % corm*r 8**cond av* nue ami Kingsley ftreet. (»ne Hlnck fro^n W hile I h.ive not yet full data, J b>peat the 04 The Victoria All modern improvements. 1 110 r 0 1 x 1 3 .1 1 0 Unobstructed ocean iiew. Cool Ujcatioir^.^ tiiuatr lh.it ;il least rHJ.iKH people sire hum-!es» Sun parlor. Reasonable prices. and desiim ie.4- Jl.M-i.-f vali.-n propo-M’d, qne |i -nn-J 1 hird and Ocean Avenues Second Avenue and of food pet dnv, ■ oinp.-.-d of seven ouih .4 Kingsley Street First avenue and Bergh street. lieun.s, sex, 11 (Miiii-es of lice and fw o i»un< - */ NOW OPEN. Nineteenth season. The Carltpn codfish. In addition lo (he bmd ordered lo tio Under same management. E. R. RIO HARPS. Mi-I’h.-rs.ui I ask 1h.1l L’.-.Vi'i Imu, almve pr-.p.ir ______MFSH £3 KEMPS, Proprietor The Stafford tions, slioiibl be ••hipp'd next week. Befot.- ilia a ___ • i k _ _ ;(>! Pecoud avenue. Pleasantly situated. One bloek is ..... 1 will ha\e toll data respecting f-> Corner Filth Avenue and Heck Street Open Ail The Year' ‘ / \ f T | f * | j f | / ) | J C ^ from beach. Ocean view. All modern Ipiprove* n i l l V l I V U I l * A V / U O W memB Electric Light, Gjia, Hat hs. (nre m ed4. hut I ft-.tr • ■Mt’tinifc intturs 'tf fit t<-s>ar\ tm- s. veral tur.inthrt. The Wellington 1 fhafl push \\..rl. 011 the nmdn anil give . »n pl.'.\ml'iil to as many as possible. I hope t t Fifteenth Season. For terms address MR 8 A. L. GUY. Corner Flrat avenue and Kingsley, street. Optjn until October 1. The hou?e has'good appointments, is pleasantly situated i ear the beach, ehamabh’ p«>op|e of the Slates will coinlibun- D e l p h i a n with a fine ocean view. Terms moderate. M. L Nil- MKYKll ~ fond, (I'lih'-s, iiieditinert and money. 1 OPEN UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET, 8 . I,. LUKENS. llofer, elii*-I surgenn of the department^ i« < r man of the. board of relief, and auxiliary b-.u w FRANK E. SMITH. James). Corner Cookman ave. it-.- ortianizing .In all tin; towns. Five mlIIMr) EDGEMEREINN t^ n n i m e r c i f l 1 0 ^ * d ^ut* ‘4ntl b street. Open all tne year. Com- posi* l.oi yel heatd fr.un. * Davis, V U I1II11V J V I*4.1 ■ mandfng full view of the sea. Broed porches. Fourth Avenue. Half Block from the Beach. Jirge, airy, comfortable rooma. Bteam heated throughout. Servloe and culrfine excellent. The W ork of Itellef. The Westminster Modern improvements. E. VAN AKEN. Seeroiary liout has not j’ot soul an npi'i al In. govouior-i to aiil iu furnUhinu 210 Fourth A v e n u e B A N T A & S M A R T . Eighth season. 1 Rpt»1»en the ocenn and Sunset lake; ndiof in the lW to Kiean storm suflVi>is. within full' riew of both; within two minutes walk of The Park View the beach. as siip|dii‘'*i. For particulars address MRS. W. L. RICHARDS. has dolayod in order to rocoivc ad.Ji- timial supidii-s. Norwood Hall Open all the year. Enlarged and Im­ General Woshui, ehiff oomtnissnrv. e Hotel Devonshire G rand Avenue Hotel proved. Electric lights and'gas. Fun par oistnhli'-liiiig supply stations at Savannah. iors. Superior table. L: SILL. Proprietor. Corner Fourth avenue and Kingsley street. Superior table service. Atlanta. Now York and t’hiengo for tl., Special terms for the spring and fall months. Seventh Avenue and Webb Street Eighth avenue, near ocean. purpose nf ri*«*i*iving and caring for !••• Recent improvements. Evening dinners. lii>f st»res. Hr.use thoroughly equipped with the Harris patent fire eflcape and alarms. The Colonial • All conveniences, electric lights, etc. TEi.epno.VK— 76-1 FRANK M. COOPER The follow ing nnler lias boon issued by TRAVERS & TRUMPBOUR. A. J. HAMBLEN, Manager So(T«*f a ry Uoot: Now op**n. Enlarged and refurnished. •I!y iiiroeiiofi of tho prosidonf nil r« ii. f For oarticulars aud booklet address supplies soht t«i Porto Itieo will In- ad 815 Third avenue. Foil ocean view. Modern Improve The Franklin E STROUD. ments. Steam hentaud sun-i«irlors for the spring and niittcd to all polls of ihat island fiv. '.d Gramercy Hotel The W yandank fall months. » J^'uMSTOCK & JAMES. duty.” 304 First avenue, near beach. The war depart iniuit has roeoivod I hr ------— _____ ^Sixth-ituiman______"loo-m ira nvemiierocgaimonKT 1 Tv>EMitT--seronrt w>tso»i.~-rnir TheHollywood Tiiimwnii!"T>,|iPL!i'iiii\"Trn m - ,tin« K rtv First Avenue, near, bench ocean view and near t« lakes and bathing crounda. Perfect ” '.1. WESI.KV CROijS, Manager Clifton House sanitary Bystem, artesian water, ua*, electric light. and Poiio l{i**o Steamship eompauy and Under new', literal management. First clans in all its appointments. M. N. MYERS. 213 Second Avenue would reqito>| 1 his -dispateh In* pub lishod generally by tho papers through For rates, descriptive booklet and map showing location address The FeniYnore TlfOS. NOBLE. HARRY J. ROCKAFELLER, Owner aud Proprietor Comer Heck street and Sewali avenue. out tlie I'nited States: Ten Broeck House " TEN HROKCK * JOItALEMON. fcl? Second avenue, Near beach and all places of inter­ "Steani'T Kvelyn o f the Now YorU'ai !• The Lyndhurst est; Special terms-for June and faeptemlM-r. Nkw Man- Potto Kim Steamship company, sailiu; Fourth avenue aiij Kmgsfev street. A04£UKNT. ‘ S. H. VAN NESS. from this port • *n Friday, Aug. Is. foe Nineteenth seiwon. \ One block from ocean. P*.nee direei. w il! take all reliv f snppli. « CoJonnade Hotel PHILIP HILDRP H, Proprietor. O ther R esorts we have room for free of ehaige. Steam THE LENOX 210 Cookman avenue, or Mae. sailing Aug. 31. \yill do tie. Trenton House and Cafe One block from oee..i and Wesley lake. Fourth Ave. one block from Ocean JI'hese vefesols will Kike from 1*1 >0 !<* All modern improvements. Superior tobletable service.set Twenty-third season under present manage- Near Fifth avenue bathing grounds. Complete In all modern Improvements. q K, SlVAUNKR. Shady Glen House .‘ii t» |,,t^ .if supplies < ai 11. and (lie shi i ment. Si>eclal terms for June and September. HRS. J. A. FENN. icenls for i hem shojlld be marked “lie • 302 First Avksce, DURHAH, N. Y. CATSKIL1. MOUNTAINS. lief Supplies.'' -and should lie [iropei!\ Near the bench and promenade A 1 conveniences and comforts for permanent and transleut gueats. Exeel- Daily mail, telegraph, bathing, fishing. Stage morning anil evening from Cairo railroad station. pa eked ami delivered al the pier of ih* Hotel flatthew leut table, the best beds, and m<>er and November. Asbury Park referenres— Mr, S Hem* W ednesday, A ug. Hi. • Ono block ffom ocean. Open all tin* year. Excellent ac- menway,-<515 Cookman avenue, Howard HiiIIck, Dam.y Pukss olhce. S. M. KiXlUTT, Trop’r. N ow O pen. 302 Fifth Avenue, Anbury Park, N. J. commodatlow for guests at mo Now open Remodeled and Improved. 21ai The A shland Fourteenth season. In ihe'hotel. For terms apply to CRANSTON it 11 AND. Managers. Avon Inn; or^r.'T Broadway, N. Y. gives delinite a.-stirun<‘o that all is well M etropolitan Hotel Season. Address MRS. A. GEORGE.. with ih»\ i«.i sJiips. Il also stales ih.n THEODORE OVES q.uiet prevails in Santo Domingo, *tt lea si Sixth avenue, two blocks from ocean. nt those points wlti. li can^bo reached by Nineteenth season. * Flrat-okisa accommodations. Modern Improvements. Appointments first-class. . One block from .Ocean* The N orthern , C. M. JONES. tho w arships, as th e M aeh ias lias i-ieet The Leadley ' Special Hates for June and Feptember. p'atrolltng iilmig the short! for some di* PROUST & LEADLEY T^.T ' ' J • „ Corner Third avenue-and Kingsl*y straet. tafiee. The two vessels will • proeer-.J i- I H 0 Q 1 * 1 1 1 ^ IT Cl 1 C Qne hlock from ocean. SeaHonJrom ycjr lo^November. St. Tlnunas to coal. ! Tamo Avknur, ♦ , MUS. D U. CONOVER. Evening dinners. Prices on application.application.Prices M inot House The W arren l iuler Difti.enll Ivm. CAPT. J. MINOT, Proprietor. 208 Secoad'avenue. Tbfa hotel Is delightfully located. Only one block' from the beach and has all the modern Improvements Snti Frarte.iseo. Aug. M. — Front ad- 200 Turn© Avenue. The W illard MRS. C. M. VAN W1CKLE., vices brouglit here by tlie transport t/on* Now open. Large, cheerful rooms. The W arw ick Teems reasonable*. ' „ tonnial it .is believed the Warren.‘brin'j Corner Grand and Fifth avenues. Opeijn all the year. Opposite wt Pitman Ave., near ing tho, Colorado regiment, which sailed beautiful Sunset Lake. Terms reasonable* 800 Sixth Avenue. Two blocks from board walk; full ocean The Berlitz M. CONKLIN. - the Ocean. frotn Manila July 10 and which \vns ox-' T h e E d w a r d view; modern improvements. Special terms for June... peeled to arrive here pu \Wednesday \ • JAS. M. HAGERMAN & SON. -mm -g m ' Sunset avenue, one block from ocean. All modern injprove- • Tjvcuty-fourtli Season. uoxl, will not reaeli this port earlier than I rljA /V i i m i Q O f l ments. Baths, electric lights, electric hells. Table,flrst-class. next Friday, the JNih inst. -After leav­ 1 1 a t < — J t —A___ _ 210 Second avenue. Eleventh Season. Good Ocean, 1 1 1 V Evening dinner, J. K. DODMAN. WINTKIt SEASON Hotel uladstone CHAS, J. HUNT. ing Manila the Warreii ran up against a Comer, Grand and Blunroe avenues. One block from Electric THE TOWERS, LAKEWOOD, N. J. typhoon, w hieh battered'her up consider­ cars and flve minutes walk from the beach or railroad station. ably, and also had 1 to fact* a-m utiny rw+i ^ O ^ 802 Fourth avenue, 2 blocks frrfm beach. Season April Steam heated. Open all thelyear. Superior tab’e. Commodious among the meti. As a rcnnlt. 24 'of tin* and Fall T h e O r a n g e porches. Special rates for families/. ' M. J. GENUNG. T h e n a w t n o r n e £j5s£mber- 8paclal ^ ^ th° ^ - DOTY. - Warren’s crew underwent trial and were , i j i ___ ^ Third avenue. Ono block frot^i the beach. All modern sentenced for twins* varying from three Second avenue, near the beach. 1 il© Al D em arle ^provem ents. Nowly furnto^ glh£J,g>hgJHNi GATSKILLJVlOUM Tfl[|lS moiit-lrs to two years, and the W arren is -NOW OPEN • Bailing for San FranCisyo With a grocn Q i^iid C entral Hotel Special terms for the spring months. MISS E. M. SCHOFIELD. " ...... ^ XTERHUNE^™pHQt^r, j S O E ^ R H 0 U j S e , 1 ... crew .Q f.i’iliplociV, ______\ . 612 FIR8 T A,VE1^UE. * Windham, N. Y., offers in September special injJucement'i dur­ Mr. and Mra. B. LacSamp, Elston, Mo„ Two minutes’ walk from beach. Open entire year. Now- open under new management. A delightful write: “OneMlnnteCoughOuresaTMtba Steam hetat* Modern improvements. Summer homelike house \ Ml Improvoraenta; convenient to ing this delightful month. Refers to S. W. Kirkbride, lAabury The Philadelphia rates. $tf to |15. Fall and winter prices, $5^to SB. The w ard Villa Park, N. J. • , ” life of oui> little boy when nearly deai.wltk 507 Buniefc Avenp*. Families considered the ocean. • ^IRS.'SALTEB- crouo.” W. R. Ham. ■V— IV J 8 'J- THB ASBURY PARK OQUUV PRESS.


/ POPULAR INDIANA WOMAN COM­ It’s Not Easy to Tell MISSIONER TO PARIS. \ (luper Mtint Re- tiort Klre* lo lliT-M me. Urey fun ft* TO ; • The story of our furnishings " •Robes, Shoes, LightW eight Men's Clothing, Haberdashery ’ DRESS GOODS XZ' A D D r odnd trip 5 0 c e n t s and a hundred and one summer specialties. To hurry the r i l 1\ Cf CHILDftEN, as Cents All grades and weaves of course in stock, but just now going of these derelicts the price markers have ignored cost Direct connections with Trolley from Belmar, Aabnry Park, Elberon, etc. particular interest centres in the light and airy substances figures .and re-marked the sale tickets with a view of selling the slaughter Selected goods in a day or ttoo., This price re­ Known as challies, lawns, batistes, monsselines, etc. We Jjtnusemems jfHnH$ement$ tocked' lipenormously, but the first installment has already vision means crowded stores this week, for our pitrons realize been exhausted and duplicated—(a quiet word in behalf of that special bargain' sailes at our two establishments mean selection and price ticket.) 1 . *H E MYRLSJD fi-ANCEjg exceptional values and, consequently, rapid selling. Of Presenting the moat beautiful combination of light, oolcr and motion ever seen course you will be in early, for the early bird is going to get At the Court of Honor Building, OCEAN AND SECOND AVENUES the piek of the bargains. AS TO CLOTHING Admission 15 cent«5 Children IO cents ■ • Men’s, youths’, and boys . Just what is needed for the revailing weather, either in suits complete or separate gar- THE LONDON GHOST SHOW Iments. The"priees Tange from^Se to $2-4-00: - ■—~r ~— A 3 STX> W A JIG R A PH . ress Goods SOMETHING NEW. THE Ii VTE9T ENffBBT.UN'atEffiS AT ’I'HE— ... Of shoes, we ’ have that general comprehensive line URS. AHTIB GOODWrN CULLpP. nARiONETTE THEATRE, OCEAN AND FIRST AVENUES NO EXTRA CHARGE. Admission »b both Entertainments only IO cent. which is to be expected.of a first class-establishment,-We fancy candidate- for-attorney general and governor. lie has been state repre­ there’s nothing in the way of style, size or make but here it is sentative ami delegate to the national Munt Report Fire* to Her. o be found, and we’re extremely careful of the margin of pro­ c o n v erilio n /o f 1892 aud 1800. . ‘Over every telephone iu Omaha prob­ r a m w i t With the going of the summer gooc|s will dome the advent Chicago society folks will remem­ ably Is posted-this notice, “In case of of the Dress Goods for fall wearing. Our buyers have been fit in this department. ber Mrs. Cullop, who was a Miss Good­ tire call up 37/' but few people* even win before her marriage. For many those who are iu tlu* habit of calling “rubbering” for months and they have succeeded in securing years she made her home at the1 Lex­ up “;17’* iu every case to learn w here the pick of the domestic and foreign markets in autumn dress ington hotel aud moved in the best so­ It is, really understand''what the young ciety circles of the South Side. A woman who represents that number Js EMMA B materials. The advance invoice of these goods will be ready southerner by birth, Mrs.. Cullop posr doing all tlie‘time. She is really a sort for showing this week at both stores. We purchased heavily, COOK’S BEE HIVE sesses all those charms which are pe­ of supervisor of fire and police, before- Sails from foot of First avenue, culiarly characteristic Of the refined whom t*ven th e fin* and police com m is­ knowing that our patrons at the hotels and cottages desire'-to southerner; She is, a most brilliant sioners pah* Into, insignificance. She Asbury Park, for the Fishing conversationalist, a linguist of ex­ replenish heir wardrobes before returning home. The assort­ has a long table off by herself in tbe Bankseat 8 a. m. Bait and line traordinary ability nud a woman of east end of .the exchange room ami ment you-will find cojnplete and the pricing will be a shade or great beauty and queenly graced She there presides over the destinies of tht* included ih hfet ■; '■ Is also an artist of rare accomplish­ city anti Keeps tab oii the" policemen. two lower than our' big city competitors-—so the selling of the MASSACHUSETTS RCBBER CO. ments aud in Chicago was an active Ou this tab.le are several “tickers” in FA R E $X.OO ■ new goods is all in favor of the purchaser. Don’t fail to attend the great member of the Antiquarian society. glass cases, for all the world Ijke those She has traveled extensively abroad found In boards of trade, and on these Ocean sailing excursiorts only and knows Freuch almost as . well as the patrolmen'imike their mark every her own native tongue* hour when they turn in their number at 2 p. ro, After her marriage to Mr. Cullop she at the patrol box. There Is a whirring easily became the leader of Vincennes noise in the glass case whenever they F A R E 5 0 C E N T S society. The Cullop home is a fine' do, and if tbe proper time passes aud mahsion on North Fifth street, in the Now Going on at 615 Mattison Avenue. the report is not made *‘I}7” makes a Capt.L. NEWMAN. CopL FRANK PEiltCE T ru n k s most fashionable residence district of uote of it. 4,ocx5 Ladies,’ Gent’s, and Children’s Mackintoshes to be this city. Here she has entertained It Is at such times that she issues lavishly, and many have been tbe bril­ — — ------$6. $22.00. her orders to ihe police. sold from1 $1. to Actually worth from $3 75 to liant receptions held.' Aside from so­ It Is this mysterious young woman Sale will last a short time only. ciety, Mrs. Cullop- lias-taken most ac­ who is also responsible for tho star-' |THE PALACE tive part in philanthropic works. tling sound <»f ihe gong which rings It may be you require an extra trunk or “grip" for your She was instrumental last year in out like a dea;hknell lu every fire sta­ procuring many delicacies for the sick tion iu the city when a shanty down homeward journey. It is now trunk selling time with us and soldier boys in Camp Chickamanga in the bottoms i-atcbrs tire. tVlien a MERRY-GO-ROUND no other store in the city carries a larger stock. We know by and is always helping the poor of this lire is “rung in." she reaches over and city. The residents of Vincennes and touehes'a blur!* Lmtlon. somewhat aft­ the rapid selling that the prices are all right. All kinds of ber friends generally throughout the er tho similitndl* of a telegrapher’s trunks, all sorts of grips, but all of th?m reasonably priced. state feel that Mrs. Cullop will repre­ key. and ::i niiee a gong sounds in ev­ NOW OPEN sent Indiana in Paris with credit to ery statioii and every ofllce where n Polite attendants. WANTED! herself and honor to the state. lire gong is located. ( '/'he same touclr of the bun on' drops* the chain from Good Music. A H o a p ltn l’n Qoi.€*(t*r B en ell{. the front • f horses in the fire‘depart-, E ig h teen m em bers of tliu laoarded by an old NurseryfMilk * Gun-shot wounds and powder-burn% outs, German who was apparently well off brutees, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, Sailor KlJleiJ l>y Accident. neeot stings ant) Jyr pobioninR—quickly in this world’s goods, bflt he pulled New York. Aug.. 14.-^Milkotana Xak; C re a m BOSTON DENTISTS, Sunday Bathing from, 6 a. m. healed bj OeWitt’s'W jtoh 1 Hazel Salve. out a disreputable looking purse am! ba, a Japanese sailor on ert Y acht club refeatta, off A M E eilU It o n p E R FOR 15 CENTS Vyell, I guess J g e t ch an g e o r i'H 'h a f Southsea, opened wfth a race between the Contractor and Builder Ocean Grove Employment Office Steaks, ehops and other order coot^Dg. tO cent- you arrested. I pny tax for county yachts Bona. < {tsiinbow nnd Ertiperor. dlflhofl. Open day and night, Estimates Cheerfully Jobbing PromptT 47 PILGRIM PATHWAY. ’ Willum's Meteor. While trying to Given Attended to hospital, and- that *11 I stan d . I w a n t 510 HU&ln St., oor, M unroe Ave, 61P LAKE AVENUE ASBURY PARK. AH kinds of finst-claw help furnished on short my change.* , . * weathi'.r I’.ona. Meteor carHed away her* totlce. . ,C W/BOATE, Proprietor. _« feresatl gtfur. and gave up the race.. ABBURY PARk ' n . J. And he got It. . > u _