THIRTEENTH YBAR. NO. 1 2 4 . ASBURY PARK, Nfew JERSEY, THURSDAY, WAY 2 5 , 1 8 9 9 .—EIGHT PAGES ONE CENT THE TROLLEY HOUSE FIRE. THU PEOPLE’S SAY. SCHOOL EXERCISES. FESTIVAL BEGflNS TONIGHT. REBELS ROUTED AGAIN. * —— Electric Light Wires ' Claimed fo Aaburj Park’* Financial Manage­ Programs Will B»fc Bearing Upon A Big Event Witt Be Held at Edu­ Rave Omned the Disaster. m ent. Memorial Day. cational Hall. ’ F o r S a l e ATTACK ON 8AN FERNANDO Janies Gegnan, receiver for the Atlantic Enrron Press:—After all the froth and It has boeu cii'etomary for some years on Tho fair and festival of the Church of the FOR RENT Highlands, Red Bank and Long Branch REPULSED* foam of "economy’’ and ‘‘reform’’ In our the Friday previous to Memorial day, May Holy Spirit will be opened In Educational Electric Railway company, has given it as olty government that has recently been 30, to hold special exercises in the public hall tonight, and will be continued tomor­ AT A BARGAIN hia opinion that the lire which destroyed stirred up in our mldBt by a little clique of schools In commemoration of the annual A Hundred Natives Captured—Ninety row and Saturday evenings. A single ad­ the car house a t Shrewsbury early yester­ alarmists, evidently for political purposes, Decoration day observed by the war vet mission fee of 10 cents will be charged. Killed and Wounded—Lnwton day morning, waa caused by crossed wires. it is refreshing to the taxpayers of this city erans. F O U R (4) OF T H E M O ST Withdraws His Troops to Malolos -Tickets good for the three nights.wlllbe sold A 14 room house with bath, on The trolley current'was turifed off at the to read the report ot the olty treasurer and Tomorrow, thoreforo, these exercises -will for 25 cents. An interesting and entertain After a Most Successful Campaign time, and If the fire can be attributed to the former finance committee, as submitted be held in the various schools of this city one of the best avenues in Asbury of Twenty Days. ing program will be rendered each pvenlng DESIRABLE STORES ON such a cause it must have been due to an at the lost council meeting, which shows and Neptune township. and a very enjoyable time is anticipated. Park. Size of lot 50x150. Let Manila, May 2(7.—A force of Insur­ eleotrlo light circuit. ■ th at ABbury Park has not only been run in The members of C. K. Hall Post, No. 41, The program for tonight will consist of a us show you the property and gents. attacked the outposts one mile It is reported that there was an insur­ a thorough and business-like manner, but will assemble at their i^ooms in .the Mikado piano solo by Miss Mattie Bresnahan; recita­ give you price. MATTISON AVENUE. ' from San Fernando yesterday morning.. ance of $53,000 on the property, and also a that It ih in a Bound and flattering financial building, ggrly tomorrow afternoon, and tion, Susie Kelly; solo, Harry Hurley; reci­ General MacArthur, with two bat- revenue insurance of $10,000. This revenue condition. From this report It Is evident ta.fons of the Montana volunteers,, two Commander John A. Borden will detail tation, Sarah Tansey; piano solo, Viola battalions of the Kansas regiment, un­ Insurance secures to the trolley company that Instead of there being a floating in­ them in squads to visit the different schools. Emmons. A prominent feature of the event Also, desirable furnished houses der General Funston, and two guns of the sum of $100 per day, in case of fire, debtedness of ft 0,000, as claimed by these At the Ocean Grove building ths follow­ will be the first appearance of little Carrie the Utah battery, one Hotchkiss and until such time as the road shall bo again alarmists, there iB not n dollar of actual ing program will be observed: Selection, Frey of Branchport, ali years of ‘age, in tor rent for the season at Asbury APPLY TO one Gatling, moved against the rebels, equipped and In operation, Efforts are floating Indebtedness in the strict sense of orchestra; song. “America,” school; recita­ characteristic specialties, viz: Soldier, Park, ‘Ocean Grove, Allenhurst, who were occupying the trenches va­ now being made to get the rpad In • opera­ that term. In fact, thoro is roally a bal­ tion, ‘‘Memorial Day, *99,” Agnes BedeU; Deal and Loch Arbour. 'V Spanish dance, tamborine dance and negro cated at the fall of San Fernando. tion at once by leasing cars frbm the Atlan­ ance surplus In the treasury. It seems that reading, ‘‘Malsle’s Decoration Day,” Cecil character. Mrs. Grace Rowland will be the ' The Kansas troops deployed to the tic Coast trolley road. i this so-called floating indebtedness on Cottrell; drill by Minute men; recital Ion, right and the Montana regiment to the pianist. The program begins each night D. C. COVERT The car house destroyed was a large which a few self-styled reformers so love to “Blue and Gray,” Lulu Ralnear ; reading, at 8.15.1 extreme left, white the battery forjmed chew, is simply money borrowed In antici­ the cent.er of the line. building covering a space 53x185 feet. It “Unclo Dayid’s Brother,” Annfe Ballard; The different booths will be cared for as After an obstinate resistance the ene­ was built abont three years ago and cost pation of unpaid taxes and assessments, “Star Spangled Banner” dramatized by follows: Refreshment table, Misses Cahill Bond St , near Cookman Ave, my retreated. They were- flanked by $18,000. The 16 cars destroyed were all every dollar of which will be met and paid seven little girls; recitation, “Sheridan’s and' friends; fancy table, Misses Coiner, MILAN ROSS AGENCY the Kansas men and driven toward the folly equipped, some .of them having air with these same taxes when they shall have Ride,”. Sarah Tannenbaum; recitation, O’Hagan, Griffin, Heighland; graphophone, Montanas, but escaped, leaving their brakes and all the latest improved appli- been coileoted. I t is a temporary loan that “Decoration Day,” B ettr Woodruff;, song. Mra^Sr^ynn-rpostdfmrerM rar -Itfgrshliffi'; —— -------- 208' Main'Streetf dead .and wounded behind, ances. The cars ^burned lnclnded-four-f-1wilLbe-otno-bxpeiise-whBtever-tcr an y ta t~ “Flag 'of Free,” school; exercise, “Flags .__JT.he-Aroer4carv-losa-wa*~OT]re“kliled~irnti~ shooting gallery, Frank Flannigau, John 12-bench open cars, one 28-foot center-alsle payer who has already paid his taxes, nor to and Flowers,” second and third grade chil­ Timco; war relics, R. D. Hunter; program, 12 wounded. The FUlplno loss was 30 olosed car with double trucks, (two 18-foot the city in general, ns it will be met entirely killed and 60 wounded. Ninety were dren; selection, orchestra. The exercises Mrs. 8. Flynn; entertainment, Mrs. H. A. taken, prisoners, with 100 stands of regular closed cars, and one i 8-foob com by the delinquent taxpayers in lieu of whose will take place at 2 p. m. Robeno. arm s. ( blnatlon freight and passenger car, which taxes it was borrowed, who will have to pay Numerous articles will be gained by com­ Monmouth Trust KEITH’S EXPRESS Lawton Is at Malolos with practical­ waa used on the Belford last ybar. their bills with Interest in full, otherwise OBITUARY- petition. These articles will be awarded on -AND — ASBURY PARK and OCEAN GBOVH ly his entire command. He la with­ The care oosfc a UtfcLQJtl er $40,000. The they beoome liens on their properties. Nor Satuiday evening. Tfie judges are Harl-y drawing t«*the railroad, as the region is futures of the building ^eluded a steam- will the city lose any interest tn the mean­ Charles Augustus Anmock. J. RockafeUer, James D. Carton, M. Bar­ difficult to hold during the rainy sea­ H otel Brunxwiok, beating plant, a motor for operating a time on this money/as It pays the banks Asbury Park people were shocked this rett and G. W. Thompson. Among the Railroad Depot and son. The roads will be Impassable In a pump, a large amount of ploctrioal wiring, five or five and one-half per cent, on it, morning to learn of the sudden death of Safe Deposit Company few days. competitors for the various articles are the {1214 Bang* Avenue. offloe fixtures, etc. The loss on these Is es­ while it receives six per cent, on all unpaid Charles Augustus Aumock, which occurred PrUcipal Offloe... $....806MAIN STREET As supply bases small garrisons will following: . Honm.uth Building, Aabury Park, If. J. timated at a little over $8,000. taxes. Instead of running behind financial­ at his residence on Cookman avenue. Be­ Goods stored at reasonable rates, control.the navigation at points on the Ladles* Gold Watch—Misses M. Barton, Telephone connection. rivers Rio Grande, Haghag and San The walls of the building are ptill stand­ ly during the lost year, as has been claimed ing ono of the oldest residents of the city he Nv Hunter, A. Campbell, G. Garrity. P. O, Box 087,' .... - ASBUBY PAM , Fernando. ing, but parts of them are liable to fall at by some, we find the city has actually paid was very well known. Mr. Aumock was Ladies’ Wheel—Misses J. Carroll, K. Jones, C APITAL, $100,000. General Lawton has arrived at Malo- any time. The whole Interior Is a mass of all current expenses; has bought and paid about yesterday attending to his usual oc­ M.
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