Mapping of Adobe's Type 1 Fonts to Opentype

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Mapping of Adobe's Type 1 Fonts to Opentype Type 1 PC File Type 1 Mac Outline File Matching OpenType format Mac Menu Type 1 PostScript FontName Type 1 Mac Menu Name Type 1 Win/PC Menu Name Matching OpenType format font Matching OpenType format Win/PC Menu Name Notes Name Name Name Prefix Aachen-Bold Aachen Aachen ACB__ AacheBol AachenStd-Bold Aachen Std Bold Aachen Std Bold ACaslon-AltBold ACaslon AltBold ACaslon AltBold AWAB_ ACasAltBol ACaslonPro-Bold Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Adobe Caslon Pro Bold 2 ACaslon-AltBoldItalic ACaslon AltBoldItalic ACaslon AltBold + italic style AWABI ACasAltBolIta ACaslonPro-BoldItalic Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Italic Adobe Caslon Pro Bold + italic style 2 ACaslon-AltItalic ACaslon AltItalic ACaslon AltRegular + italic style AWAI_ ACasAltIta ACaslonPro-Italic Adobe Caslon Pro Italic Adobe Caslon Pro + italic style 2 ACaslon-AltRegular ACaslon AltRegular ACaslon AltRegular AWARG ACasAltReg ACaslonPro-Regular Adobe Caslon Pro Adobe Caslon Pro 2 ACaslon-AltSemibold ACaslon AltSemibold ACaslon AltRegular + bold style AWASB ACasAltSem ACaslonPro-Semibold Adobe Caslon Pro SmBd Adobe Caslon Pro + bold style 2 ACaslon-AltSemiboldItalic ACaslon AltSemiboldItalic ACaslon AltRegular + bold, italic styles AWASI ACasAltSemIta ACaslonPro-SemiboldItalic Adobe Caslon Pro SmBd Italic Adobe Caslon Pro + bold, italic styles 2 ACaslon-Bold ACaslon Bold ACaslon Bold AWB__ ACasBol ACaslonPro-Bold Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Adobe Caslon Pro Bold 1 ACaslon-BoldItalic ACaslon BoldItalic ACaslon Bold + bold style AWBI_ ACasBolIta ACaslonPro-BoldItalic Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Italic Adobe Caslon Pro Bold + italic style 1 ACaslon-BoldItalicOsF ACaslon BoldItalicOsF ACaslon BoldOsF + italic style AWBIO ACasBolItaOsF ACaslonPro-BoldItalic Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Italic Adobe Caslon Pro Bold + italic style 2 ACaslon-BoldOsF ACaslon BoldOsF ACaslon BoldOsF AWBOS ACasBolOsF ACaslonPro-Bold Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Adobe Caslon Pro Bold 2 ACaslonExp-Bold ACaslonExp Bold ACaslonExp Bold AXB__ ACasExpBol ACaslonPro-Bold Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Adobe Caslon Pro Bold 2 ACaslonExp-BoldItalic ACaslonExp BoldItalic ACaslonExp Bold + italic style AXBI_ ACasExpBolIta ACaslonPro-BoldItalic Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Italic Adobe Caslon Pro Bold + italic style 2 ACaslonExp-Italic ACaslonExp Italic ACaslonExp Regular + italic style AXI__ ACasExpIta ACaslonPro-Italic Adobe Caslon Pro Italic Adobe Caslon Pro + italic style 2 ACaslonExp-Regular ACaslonExp Regular ACaslonExp Regular AXRG_ ACasExpReg ACaslonPro-Regular Adobe Caslon Pro Adobe Caslon Pro 2 ACaslonExp-Semibold ACaslonExp Semibold ACaslonExp Regular + bold style AXSB_ ACasExpSem ACaslonPro-Semibold Adobe Caslon Pro SmBd Adobe Caslon Pro + bold style 2 ACaslonExp-SemiboldItalic ACaslonExp SemiboldItalic ACaslonExp Regular + bold, italic styles AXSBI ACasExpSemIta ACaslonPro-SemiboldItalic Adobe Caslon Pro SmBd Italic Adobe Caslon Pro + bold, italic styles 2 ACaslon-Italic ACaslon Italic ACaslon Regular + italic style AWI__ ACasIta ACaslonPro-Italic Adobe Caslon Pro Italic Adobe Caslon Pro + italic style 1 ACaslon-ItalicOsF ACaslon ItalicOsF ACaslon RegularSC + italic style AWIO_ ACasItaOsF ACaslonPro-Italic Adobe Caslon Pro Italic Adobe Caslon Pro + italic style 2 ACaslon-Ornaments ACaslon Ornaments ACaslon Ornaments AWOR_ ACasOrn ACaslonPro-Regular Adobe Caslon Pro Adobe Caslon Pro 2 ACaslon-Regular ACaslon Regular ACaslon Regular AWRG_ ACasReg ACaslonPro-Regular Adobe Caslon Pro Adobe Caslon Pro 1 ACaslon-RegularSC ACaslon RegularSC ACaslon RegularSC AWSC_ ACasRegSC ACaslonPro-Regular Adobe Caslon Pro Adobe Caslon Pro 2 ACaslon-Semibold ACaslon Semibold ACaslon Regular + bold style AWSB_ ACasSem ACaslonPro-Semibold Adobe Caslon Pro SmBd Adobe Caslon Pro + bold style 1 ACaslon-SemiboldItalic ACaslon SemiboldItalic ACaslon Regular + bold, italic styles AWSBI ACasSemIta ACaslonPro-SemiboldItalic Adobe Caslon Pro SmBd Italic Adobe Caslon Pro + bold, italic styles 1 ACaslon-SemiboldItalicOsF ACaslon SemiboldItalicOsF ACaslon RegularSC + bold, italic styles AWSIS ACasSemItaOsF ACaslonPro-SemiboldItalic Adobe Caslon Pro SmBd Italic Adobe Caslon Pro + bold, italic styles 2 ACaslon-SemiboldSC ACaslon SemiboldSC ACaslon RegularSC + bold style AWSBS ACasSemSC ACaslonPro-Semibold Adobe Caslon Pro SmBd Adobe Caslon Pro + bold style 2 ACaslon-SwashBoldItalic ACaslon SwashBoldItalic ACaslon SwashBoldItalic AWSWB ACasSwaBolIta ACaslonPro-BoldItalic Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Italic Adobe Caslon Pro Bold + italic style 2 ACaslon-SwashItalic ACaslon SwashItalic ACaslon SwashItalic AWSWI ACasSwaIta ACaslonPro-Italic Adobe Caslon Pro Italic Adobe Caslon Pro + italic style 2 ACaslon-SwashSemiboldItalic ACaslon SwashSemiboldItalic ACaslon SwashItalic + bold style AWSSB ACasSwaSemIta ACaslonPro-SemiboldItalic Adobe Caslon Pro SmBd Italic Adobe Caslon Pro + bold, italic styles 2 AGaramondAlt-Italic AGaramondAlt Italic AGaramondAlt Italic GGI__ AGarAltIta AGaramondPro-Italic Adobe Garamond Pro Italic Adobe Garamond Pro + italic style 2 AGaramondAlt-Regular AGaramondAlt AGaramondAlt GGRG_ AGarAltReg AGaramondPro-Regular Adobe Garamond Pro Adobe Garamond Pro 2 AGaramond-Bold AGaramond Bold AGaramond Bold GDB__ AGarBol AGaramondPro-Bold Adobe Garamond Pro Bold Adobe Garamond Pro Bold 1 AGaramond-BoldItalic AGaramond BoldItalic AGaramond Bold + italic style GDBI_ AGarBolIta AGaramondPro-BoldItalic Adobe Garamond Pro Bold Italic Adobe Garamond Pro Bold + italic style 1 AGaramond-BoldItalicOsF AGaramond BoldItalicOsF AGaramond BoldOsF + italic style GDBIO AGarBolItaOsF AGaramondPro-BoldItalic Adobe Garamond Pro Bold Italic Adobe Garamond Pro Bold + italic style 2 AGaramond-BoldOsF AGaramond BoldOsF AGaramond BoldOsF GDBOS AGarBolOsF AGaramondPro-Bold Adobe Garamond Pro Bold Adobe Garamond Pro Bold 2 AGaramondExp-Bold AGaramondExp Bold AGaramondExp Bold GEB__ AGarExpBol AGaramondPro-Bold Adobe Garamond Pro Bold Adobe Garamond Pro Bold 2 AGaramondExp-BoldItalic AGaramondExp BoldItalic AGaramondExp Bold + italic style GEBI_ AGarExpBolIta AGaramondPro-BoldItalic Adobe Garamond Pro Bold Italic Adobe Garamond Pro Bold + italic style 2 AGaramondExp-Italic AGaramondExp Italic AGaramondExp + italic style GEI__ AGarExpIta AGaramondPro-Italic Adobe Garamond Pro Italic Adobe Garamond Pro + italic style 2 AGaramondExp-Regular AGaramondExp AGaramondExp GERG_ AGarExpReg AGaramondPro-Regular Adobe Garamond Pro Adobe Garamond Pro 2 AGaramondExp-Semibold AGaramondExp Semibold AGaramondExp + bold style GESB_ AGarExpSem AGaramondPro-Semibold Adobe Garamond Pro Sb Adobe Garamond Pro + bold style 2 AGaramondExp-SemiboldItalic AGaramondExp SemiboldItalic AGaramondExp + bold, italic styles GESBI AGarExpSemIta AGaramondPro-SemiboldItalic Adobe Garamond Pro Sb Italic Adobe Garamond Pro + bold, italic styles 2 AGaramond-Italic AGaramond Italic AGaramond + italic style GDI__ AGarIta AGaramondPro-Italic Adobe Garamond Pro Italic Adobe Garamond Pro + italic style 1 AGaramond-ItalicOsF AGaramond ItalicOsF AGaramond RegularSC + italic style GDIO_ AGarItaOsF AGaramondPro-Italic Adobe Garamond Pro Italic Adobe Garamond Pro + italic style 2 AGaramond-Regular AGaramond AGaramond GDRG_ AGarReg AGaramondPro-Regular Adobe Garamond Pro Adobe Garamond Pro 1 AGaramond-RegularSC AGaramond RegularSC AGaramond RegularSC GDSC_ AGarRegSC AGaramondPro-Regular Adobe Garamond Pro Adobe Garamond Pro 2 AGaramond-Semibold AGaramond Semibold AGaramond + bold style GDSB_ AGarSem AGaramondPro-Semibold Adobe Garamond Pro Sb Adobe Garamond Pro + bold style 1 AGaramond-SemiboldItalic AGaramond SemiboldItalic AGaramond + bold, italic styles GDSBI AGarSemIta AGaramondPro-SemiboldItalic Adobe Garamond Pro Sb Italic Adobe Garamond Pro + bold, italic styles 1 AGaramond-SemiboldItalicOsF AGaramond SemiboldItalicOsF AGaramond RegularSC + bold, italic styles GDSIS AGarSemItaOsF AGaramondPro-SemiboldItalic Adobe Garamond Pro Sb Italic Adobe Garamond Pro + bold, italic styles 2 AGaramond-SemiboldSC AGaramond SemiboldSC AGaramond RegularSC + bold style GDSBS AGarSemSC AGaramondPro-Semibold Adobe Garamond Pro Sb Adobe Garamond Pro + bold style 2 AGaramond-Titling AGaramond Titling AGaramond Titling GDTTL AGarTit AGaramondPro-Regular Adobe Garamond Pro Adobe Garamond Pro 2 AJenson-Italic Adobe Jenson Italic Adobe Jenson Regular + italic style JSI__ AJenIta AJensonPro-It Adobe Jenson Pro Ital Adobe Jenson Pro + italic style 2,4 AJensonMM AJenMM_590 BD 12 OP AJenMM_590 BD 12 OP JER__ AJenMM AJensonPro-Bold Adobe Jenson Pro Bold Adobe Jenson Pro + bold style 1,4 AJensonMM AJenMM_590 BD 8 OP AJenMM_590 BD 8 OP JER__ AJenMM AJensonPro-BoldCapt Adobe Jenson Pro Bold Capt Adobe Jenson Pro Capt + bold style 1,4 AJensonMM AJenMM_590 BD 72 OP AJenMM_590 BD 72 OP JER__ AJenMM AJensonPro-BoldDisp Adobe Jenson Pro Bold Disp Adobe Jenson Pro Disp + bold style 1,4 AJensonMM AJenMM_371 RG 8 OP AJenMM_371 RG 8 OP JER__ AJenMM AJensonPro-Capt Adobe Jenson Pro Capt Adobe Jenson Pro Capt 1,4 AJensonMM AJenMM_371 RG 72 OP AJenMM_371 RG 72 OP JER__ AJenMM AJensonPro-Disp Adobe Jenson Pro Disp Adobe Jenson Pro Disp 1,4 AJensonMM AJenMM_371 RG 12 OP AJenMM_371 RG 12 OP JER__ AJenMM AJensonPro-Regular Adobe Jenson Pro Adobe Jenson Pro 1,4 AJensonMM AJenMM_506 SB 12 OP AJenMM_506 SB 12 OP JER__ AJenMM AJensonPro-Semibold Adobe Jenson Pro SmBd Adobe Jenson Pro Lt + bold style 1,4 AJensonMM AJenMM_506 SB 8 OP AJenMM_506 SB 8 OP JER__ AJenMM AJensonPro-SemiboldCapt Adobe Jenson Pro SmBd Capt Adobe Jenson Pro Lt Capt + bold style 1,4 AJensonMM AJenMM_506 SB 72 OP AJenMM_506 SB 72 OP JER__ AJenMM AJensonPro-SemiboldDisp Adobe Jenson Pro SmBd Disp Adobe Jenson Pro Lt Disp + bold
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    Adobe offers one of the largest collections of high-quality typefaces in the world, bringing you the combination of typographic excellence with the convenience of round-the-clock availability. Whether you're communicating via print, web, video, or ePaper®, Adobe Type gives you the power to create, manage and deliver your message with the richness and reliability you've come to expect from Adobe. The Adobe Type Library Online Adobe Font Folio™ 9.0 Adobe Type Basics Adobe Type Library Reference Book Adobe Type Manager® Deluxe The Adobe Type Library Online With more than 2,750 typefaces from internationally renowned foundries, such as Adobe, Agfa Monotype, ITC, and Linotype, as well as award-winning individual type designers and distinguished design studios, the Adobe Type Library offers one of the largest collections of high-quality type in the world. Choose from thousands of fonts in the PostScript® Type 1 format, offered in broad range of outstanding designs and exciting styles. And now you can also select from hundreds of fonts in the new OpenType® format, which offers improved cross-platform document portability, richer linguistic support, powerful typographic capabilities, and simplified font management. Whether you're publishing to print, web, video, or ePaper, Adobe typefaces work seamlessly with most popular software applications. Best of all, you can access any of the high-quality Adobe typefaces you need, anytime you need them, directly from the Adobe web site. You can browse, preview, purchase and immediately download any font from the online Adobe Type Library at your convenience - day or night. Simply visit in North America, or at the Adobe Download Centre at in many other regions of the world, including Europe, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and more to come.
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