New Opentype Fonts on Folio 11

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New Opentype Fonts on Folio 11 New OpenType Fonts on Folio 11 Postscript Name Preferred Name AdobeArabic-Bold.otf Adobe Arabic Bold AdobeArabic-BoldItalic.otf Adobe Arabic Bold Italic AdobeArabic-Italic.otf Adobe Arabic Italic AdobeArabic-Regular.otf Adobe Arabic Regular AdobeHebrew-Bold.otf Adobe Hebrew Bold AdobeHebrew-BoldItalic.otf Adobe Hebrew Bold Italic AdobeHebrew-Italic.otf Adobe Hebrew Italic AdobeHebrew-Regular.otf Adobe Hebrew Regular AdobeThai-Bold.otf Adobe Thai Bold AdobeThai-BoldItalic.otf Adobe Thai Bold Italic AdobeThai-Italic.otf Adobe Thai Italic AdobeThai-Regular.otf Adobe Thai Regular AmigoStd.otf Amigo Std Regular ArnoPro-Bold.otf Arno Pro Bold ArnoPro-BoldCaption.otf Arno Pro Bold Caption ArnoPro-BoldDisplay.otf Arno Pro Bold Display ArnoPro-BoldItalic.otf Arno Pro Bold Italic ArnoPro-BoldItalicCaption.otf Arno Pro Bold Italic Caption ArnoPro-BoldItalicDisplay.otf Arno Pro Bold Italic Display ArnoPro-BoldItalicSmText.otf Arno Pro Bold Italic SmText ArnoPro-BoldItalicSubhead.otf Arno Pro Bold Italic Subhead ArnoPro-BoldSmText.otf Arno Pro Bold SmText ArnoPro-BoldSubhead.otf Arno Pro Bold Subhead ArnoPro-Caption.otf Arno Pro Caption ArnoPro-Display.otf Arno Pro Display ArnoPro-Italic.otf Arno Pro Italic ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf Arno Pro Italic Caption ArnoPro-ItalicDisplay.otf Arno Pro Italic Display ArnoPro-ItalicSmText.otf Arno Pro Italic SmText ArnoPro-ItalicSubhead.otf Arno Pro Italic Subhead ArnoPro-LightDisplay.otf Arno Pro Light Display ArnoPro-LightItalicDisplay.otf Arno Pro Light Italic Display ArnoPro-Regular.otf Arno Pro Regular ArnoPro-Smbd.otf Arno Pro Semibold ArnoPro-SmbdCaption.otf Arno Pro Semibold Caption ArnoPro-SmbdDisplay.otf Arno Pro Semibold Display ArnoPro-SmbdItalic.otf Arno Pro Semibold Italic ArnoPro-SmbdItalicCaption.otf Arno Pro Semibold Italic Caption ArnoPro-SmbdItalicDisplay.otf Arno Pro Semibold Italic Display ArnoPro-SmbdItalicSmText.otf Arno Pro Semibold Italic SmText ArnoPro-SmbdItalicSubhead.otf Arno Pro Semibold Italic Subhead ArnoPro-SmbdSmText.otf Arno Pro Semibold SmText ArnoPro-SmbdSubhead.otf Arno Pro Semibold Subhead ArnoPro-SmText.otf Arno Pro SmText ArnoPro-Subhead.otf Arno Pro Subhead BakerSignetStd.otf Baker Signet Std Regular BickhamScriptPro-Bold.otf Bickham Script Pro Bold BickhamScriptPro-Regular.otf Bickham Script Pro Regular BickhamScriptPro-Semibold.otf Bickham Script Pro Semibold GaramondPremrPro.otf Garamond Premier Pro Regular GaramondPremrPro-Bd.otf Garamond Premier Pro Bold GaramondPremrPro-BdCapt.otf Garamond Premier Pro Bold Caption GaramondPremrPro-BdDisp.otf Garamond Premier Pro Bold Display GaramondPremrPro-BdIt.otf Garamond Premier Pro Bold Italic GaramondPremrPro-BdItCapt.otf Garamond Premier Pro Bold Italic Caption GaramondPremrPro-BdItDisp.otf Garamond Premier Pro Bold Italic Display GaramondPremrPro-BdItSubh.otf Garamond Premier Pro Bold Italic Subhead GaramondPremrPro-BdSubh.otf Garamond Premier Pro Bold Subhead GaramondPremrPro-Capt.otf Garamond Premier Pro Caption GaramondPremrPro-Disp.otf Garamond Premier Pro Display GaramondPremrPro-It.otf Garamond Premier Pro Italic GaramondPremrPro-ItCapt.otf Garamond Premier Pro Italic Caption GaramondPremrPro-ItDisp.otf Garamond Premier Pro Italic Display GaramondPremrPro-ItSubh.otf Garamond Premier Pro Italic Subhead GaramondPremrPro-LtDisp.otf Garamond Premier Pro Light Display GaramondPremrPro-LtItDisp.otf Garamond Premier Pro Light Italic Display GaramondPremrPro-Med.otf Garamond Premier Pro Medium GaramondPremrPro-MedCapt.otf Garamond Premier Pro Medium Caption GaramondPremrPro-MedDisp.otf Garamond Premier Pro Medium Display GaramondPremrPro-MedIt.otf Garamond Premier Pro Medium Italic GaramondPremrPro-MedItCapt.otf Garamond Premier Pro Medium Italic Caption GaramondPremrPro-MedItDisp.otf Garamond Premier Pro Medium Italic Display GaramondPremrPro-MedItSubh.otf Garamond Premier Pro Medium Italic Subhead GaramondPremrPro-MedSubh.otf Garamond Premier Pro Medium Subhead GaramondPremrPro-Smbd.otf Garamond Premier Pro Semibold GaramondPremrPro-SmbdCapt.otf Garamond Premier Pro Semibold Caption GaramondPremrPro-SmbdDisp.otf Garamond Premier Pro Semibold Display GaramondPremrPro-SmbdIt.otf Garamond Premier Pro Semibold Italic GaramondPremrPro-SmbdItCapt.otf Garamond Premier Pro Semibold Italic Caption GaramondPremrPro-SmbdItDisp.otf Garamond Premier Pro Semibold Italic Display GaramondPremrPro-SmbdItSubh.otf Garamond Premier Pro Semibold Italic Subhead GaramondPremrPro-SmbdSubh.otf Garamond Premier Pro Semibold Subhead GaramondPremrPro-Subh.otf Garamond Premier Pro Subhead GarthGraphicStd.otf Garth Graphic Std Regular GarthGraphicStd-Black.otf Garth Graphic Std Black GarthGraphicStd-Bold.otf Garth Graphic Std Bold GarthGraphicStd-BoldCond.otf Garth Graphic Std Bold Condensed GarthGraphicStd-BoldItalic.otf Garth Graphic Std Bold Italic GarthGraphicStd-Condensed.otf Garth Graphic Std Condensed GarthGraphicStd-ExtraBold.otf Garth Graphic Std Extra Bold GarthGraphicStd-Italic.otf Garth Graphic Std Italic HadrianoStd-Bold.otf Hadriano Std Bold HadrianoStd-ExtraBold.otf Hadriano Std Extra Bold HadrianoStd-ExtraBoldCond.otf Hadriano Std Extra Bold Condensed HadrianoStd-Light.otf Hadriano Std Light HYGoThicStd-Medium.otf HY Gothic Std M HYGungSoStd-Bold.otf HY GungSo Std B HYKHeadLineStd-Bold.otf HY Kak Headline Std B HYKHeadLineStd-Medium.otf HY Kak Headline Std M HYRGoThicStd-Medium.otf HY Rounded Gothic Std M KozGoPr6N-Bold.otf Kozuka Gothic Pr6N B KozGoPr6N-ExtraLight.otf Kozuka Gothic Pr6N EL KozGoPr6N-Heavy.otf Kozuka Gothic Pr6N H KozGoPr6N-Light.otf Kozuka Gothic Pr6N L KozGoPr6N-Medium.otf Kozuka Gothic Pr6N M KozGoPr6N-Regular.otf Kozuka Gothic Pr6N R KozMinPr6N-Bold.otf Kozuka Mincho Pr6N B KozMinPr6N-ExtraLight.otf Kozuka Mincho Pr6N EL KozMinPr6N-Heavy.otf Kozuka Mincho Pr6N H KozMinPr6N-Light.otf Kozuka Mincho Pr6N L KozMinPr6N-Medium.otf Kozuka Mincho Pr6N M KozMinPr6N-Regular.otf Kozuka Mincho Pr6N R LogoArlStd-Bold.otf Logo Arl Std B LogoArlStd-Light.otf Logo Arl Std L LogoArlStd-Medium.otf Logo Arl Std M LogoArlStd-Ultra.otf Logo Arl Std U LogoCutStd-Bold.otf Logo Cut Std B LogoCutStd-Light.otf Logo Cut Std L LogoCutStd-Medium.otf Logo Cut Std M LogoCutStd-Ultra.otf Logo Cut Std U LogoLineStd-Bold.otf Logo Line Std B LogoLineStd-Light.otf Logo Line Std L LogoLineStd-Medium.otf Logo Line Std M LogoLineStd-Ultra.otf Logo Line Std U MarigoldStd.otf Marigold Std Regular OxfordStd.otf Oxford Std Regular PelicanStd.otf Pelican Std Regular RotisSansSerifStd.otf Rotis Sans Serif Std 55 Regular RotisSansSerifStd-Bold.otf Rotis Sans Serif Std 65 Bold RotisSansSerifStd-ExtraBold.otf Rotis Sans Serif Std 75 Extra Bold RotisSansSerifStd-Italic.otf Rotis Sans Serif Std 56 Italic RotisSansSerifStd-Light.otf Rotis Sans Serif Std 45 Light RotisSansSerifStd-LightIt.otf Rotis Sans Serif Std 46 Light Italic RotisSemiSansStd.otf Rotis Semi Sans Std 55 Regular RotisSemiSansStd-Bold.otf Rotis Semi Sans Std 65 Bold RotisSemiSansStd-ExtraBold.otf Rotis Semi Sans Std 75 Extra Bold RotisSemiSansStd-Italic.otf Rotis Semi Sans Std 56 Italic RotisSemiSansStd-Light.otf Rotis Semi Sans Std 45 Light RotisSemiSansStd-LightIt.otf Rotis Semi Sans Std 46 Light Italic RotisSemiSerifStd.otf Rotis Semi Serif Std 55 Regular RotisSemiSerifStd-Bold.otf Rotis Semi Serif Std 65 Bold RotisSerifStd.otf Rotis Serif Std 55 Regular RotisSerifStd-Bold.otf Rotis Serif Std 65 Bold RotisSerifStd-Italic.otf Rotis Serif Std 56 Italic RussellSquareStd.otf Russell Square Std Regular RussellSquareStd-Oblique.otf Russell Square Std Oblique RyoGothicPlusN-Bold.otf Ryo Gothic PlusN B RyoGothicPlusN-ExtraLight.otf Ryo Gothic PlusN EL RyoGothicPlusN-Heavy.otf Ryo Gothic PlusN H RyoGothicPlusN-Light.otf Ryo Gothic PlusN L RyoGothicPlusN-Medium.otf Ryo Gothic PlusN M RyoGothicPlusN-Regular.otf Ryo Gothic PlusN R RyoGothicPlusN-UltraHeavy.otf Ryo Gothic PlusN UH RyoTextPlusN-ExtraLight.otf Ryo Text PlusN EL RyoTextPlusN-Light.otf Ryo Text PlusN L RyoTextPlusN-Medium.otf Ryo Text PlusN M RyoTextPlusN-Regular.otf Ryo Text PlusN R SerpentineStd-Bold.otf Serpentine Std Bold SerpentineStd-BoldOblique.otf Serpentine Std Bold Oblique SerpentineStd-Light.otf Serpentine Std Light SerpentineStd-LightOblique.otf Serpentine Std Light Oblique SerpentineStd-Medium.otf Serpentine Std Medium SerpentineStd-MediumOblique.otf Serpentine Std Medium Oblique ShannonStd-Bold.otf Shannon Std Bold ShannonStd-Book.otf Shannon Std Book ShannonStd-ExtraBold.otf Shannon Std Extra Bold ShannonStd-Oblique.otf Shannon Std Oblique SMGothicStd-Bold.otf SMGothic Std Bold SMGothicStd-DemiBold.otf SMGothic Std DemiBold SMGothicStd-Light.otf SMGothic Std Light SMGothicStd-Medium.otf SMGothic Std Medium SMMyungjoStd-Bold.otf SMMyungjo Std Bold SMMyungjoStd-DemiBold.otf SMMyungjo Std DemiBold SMMyungjoStd-Light.otf SMMyungjo Std Light SMMyungjoStd-Medium.otf SMMyungjo Std Regular VisigothStd.otf Visigoth Std Regular Updated OpenType Fonts on Folio 11 Postscript Name Preferred Name AachenStd-Bold.otf Aachen Std Bold ACaslonPro-Bold.otf Adobe Caslon Pro Bold ACaslonPro-BoldItalic.otf Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Italic ACaslonPro-Italic.otf Adobe Caslon Pro Italic ACaslonPro-Regular.otf Adobe Caslon Pro Regular ACaslonPro-Semibold.otf Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold ACaslonPro-SemiboldItalic.otf Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold Italic AGaramondPro-Bold.otf Adobe Garamond Pro Bold AGaramondPro-BoldItalic.otf Adobe Garamond Pro Bold Italic AGaramondPro-Italic.otf Adobe Garamond Pro Italic AGaramondPro-Regular.otf Adobe Garamond Pro Regular AGaramondPro-Semibold.otf Adobe Garamond Pro Semibold AGaramondPro-SemiboldItalic.otf Adobe Garamond
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