Bibliography Religion in Central Asia
BIBLIOGRAPHY RELIGION IN CENTRAL ASIA (TSARIST PERIOD TO 2016) CAP PAPERS 169 (CERIA SERIES) July 2016 Aurelie Biard1 I. General Background: Sources 1. Methodology ARAPOV, D., “Islam v arkhivnykh materialakh vysshikh gosudarstvennykh uchrezhdenii rossiiskoi imperii (1721-1917)”, Ab Imperio 4, 2008: 253-266. DeWEESE, D., “Survival strategies. Reflection on the notion of religious ‘survivals’ in Soviet ethnographic studies of Muslim religious life in Central Asia”, in MÜHLFRIED and S. SOKOLOVSKIY, eds, Exploring the edge of empire, Berlin: Zürich: Lit, 2011: 35-58. KEMPER, M., “How to take the Muslim peripheries seriously in the writing of imperial history?” Ab Imperio 4, 2008: 472-482. KEMPER, M., and S. CONERMANN, The heritage of Soviet Oriental studies, Abingdon: Routledge, 2011. KHALID, A., “Searching of Muslim Voices in Post-Soviet Archives”, Ab Imperio 4 2008: 302- 312. KHALID, A., “The Bukharan People’s Soviet Republic in the Light of Muslim Sources”, Die Welt des Islams 50(3-4), 2010: 335-361. 1 Aurelie Biard is a Spring 2016 IERES Visiting Scholar and a researcher at the Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI) in Paris and an associated researcher at the Centre for Turkish, Ottoman, Balkan, and Central Asian Studies (CETOBaC, CNRS). She holds a Ph.D in Political Science from Sciences-Po Paris. Her main publications include “The Religious Factor in the Reifications of ‘Neo- ethnic’ Identities in Kyrgyzstan,” in Nationalities Papers and “Power, ‘Original Islam’, and the Reactivation of a Religious Utopia in Kara-Suu, Kyrgyzstan”, in Central Asian Affairs. 1 KNYSH, A., “A Clear and Present Danger: Wahhabism as a Rhetorical Foil,” Die Welt des Islams 44(1), 2004: 3-26.
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