CAP PAPERS 169 (CERIA SERIES) Aurelie Biard1

I. General Background: Sources

1. Methodology

ARAPOV, D., “Islam v arkhivnykh materialakh vysshikh gosudarstvennykh uchrezhdenii rossiiskoi imperii (1721-1917)”, Ab Imperio 4, 2008: 253-266. DeWEESE, D., “Survival strategies. Reflection on the notion of religious ‘survivals’ in Soviet ethnographic studies of Muslim religious life in Central Asia”, in MÜHLFRIED and S. SOKOLOVSKIY, eds, Exploring the edge of empire, Berlin: Zürich: Lit, 2011: 35-58. KEMPER, M., “How to take the Muslim peripheries seriously in the writing of imperial history?” Ab Imperio 4, 2008: 472-482. KEMPER, M., and S. CONERMANN, The heritage of Soviet Oriental studies, Abingdon: Routledge, 2011. KHALID, A., “Searching of Muslim Voices in Post-Soviet Archives”, Ab Imperio 4 2008: 302- 312. KHALID, A., “The Bukharan People’s Soviet Republic in the Light of Muslim Sources”, Die Welt des Islams 50(3-4), 2010: 335-361.

1 Aurelie Biard is a Spring 2016 IERES Visiting Scholar and a researcher at the Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI) in Paris and an associated researcher at the Centre for Turkish, Ottoman, Balkan, and Central Asian Studies (CETOBaC, CNRS). She holds a Ph.D in Political Science from Sciences-Po Paris. Her main publications include “The Religious Factor in the Reifications of ‘Neo- ethnic’ Identities in ,” in Nationalities Papers and “Power, ‘Original Islam’, and the Reactivation of a Religious Utopia in Kara-Suu, Kyrgyzstan”, in Central Asian Affairs.


KNYSH, A., “A Clear and Present Danger: Wahhabism as a Rhetorical Foil,” Die Welt des Islams 44(1), 2004: 3-26. KNYSH, A., “Sufism as an Explanatory Paradigm: The Issue of the Motivations of Sufi Resistance Movements in Western and Russian Scholarship”, Die Welt des Islams 42(2), 2002: 139-73. POLLOCK, S., “Historians and Their Sources: Discourses of Russian Empire and Islam in Eurasian Archives”, Ab Imperio 4, 2008: 234-252.

2. Bibliographies and Reference Books

DAFTARY, F., Ismaili Literature: A Bibliography of Sources and Studies, Londres-New York: I. B. Tauris Publishers, in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, 2005. DUDOIGNON, S. A., “Central Eurasian Studies in the European Union: A Short Insight”, in S. A. DUDOIGNON and H. KOMATSU, eds, Research Trends in Modern Central Eurasian Studies (18th – 20th Centuries): A Selective and Critical Bibliography of Works Published between 1985 and 2000 1, Tokyo: The Toyo Bunko, 2003: 156-211. DUDOIGNON, S. A., and C. NOACK, eds, The Kolkhozes of Allah: Migration, De-Stalinisation, Privatisation and New Muslim Congregations in the USSR, and After (1950s-2000s), Berlin: Klaus Schwarz, 2013, 500 p., ill., cartes, index. DUDOIGNON, S. A., eds, Central Eurasian Reader: A Biennial Journal of Epistemology and Critical Bibliography of Central Eurasian Studies, 1, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz, 2008: xx- 641 p.; 2, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2010, XVIII-643 p. DUDOIGNON, S. A., H. KOMATSU, Y. KOSUGI, eds, Intellectuals in the World of Islam, through the Twentieth Century: Transmission, Transformation, Communication, Londres-New York: Routledge, 2006: XVIII-375 p., glossaire, index. DUDOIGNON, S. A., H. KOMATSU, Y. KOSUGI, eds, Intellectuals in the World of Islam, through the Twentieth Century: Transmission, Transformation, Communication, Londres-New York: Routledge, 2009: XVIII-375 p. DUDOIGNON, S. A., KOMATSU, H., eds, Research Trends in Modern Central Eurasian Studies (Eighteenth - Twentieth Centuries). A Selective and Critical Bibliography of Works Published between 1985 and 2000), Tokyo: Toyo Bunko [Toyo Bunko Research Library: 3], in association with Abstracta Iranica, Tehran - Paris, 2 vols, 2004-2005. FRANK A. J., Popular Islamic Literature in Kazakhstan: An Annotated Bibliography, Hyattsville, MD: Dunwoody Press, 2007, XIX-3. JUNTUNEN, M., and B. SCHLYTER, eds, Return to the Silk Routes: Current Scandinavian Research on Central Asia, London - New York: Kegan Paul International, 1999, 189 p., ill., tab., annexes. KHĀLIDĪ, Q.-‘A., An Islamic Biographical Dictionary of the Eastern Kazakh Steppe, 1770- 1912, A. J. FRANK, and M. USMANOV, eds, Leyde: Brill (Brill’s Inner Asian Library), 2004. KOSUGI, Y., Y. TONAGA, A. ADACHI, S. YAMANE, and T. NIGO, eds, Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies / Isuraamu sekai kenkyu, Kyoto: Kyoto Daigaku Isuraamu Chiiki Kenkyu Sentaa – ASAFAS 1(1), 2007. MANSUROV, O., and Sv. JACQUESSON, “Bibliographie karakalpake”, Cahiers d’Asie Centrale 10, 2002: 249-267. SUBHAN, A., A Descriptive Catalogue of Central Asian Documents, New Delhi: Northern Book Centre, 1997, XIII-196 p., index.

BABADJANOV [BABADZHANOV] B. M., “Ibrakhim Khazrat”, in S. M. PROZOROV, eds, Islam na territorii byvshei Rossiiskoi imperii: Entsiklopedicheskii slovar’ 1, Moscow: Izdatel’skaya firma “Vostochnaya literatura”, RAN, 2006: 155-6.


BABADJANOV [BABADZHANOV] B. M., “Khusainiya”, in S. M. PROZOROV, eds, Islam na terriorii byvshei Rossiiskoi imperii: Entsiklopedicheskii slovar’ 1, Moscow: Izdatel’skaya firma “Vostochnaya literatura” RAN: 2006: 431-2. BABADJANOV [BABADZHANOV] B. M., and A. K. MUMINOV, “Gulam-ata”, in PROZOROV, eds, Islam na terriorii byvshei Rossiiskoi imperii: Entsiklopedicheskii slovar’ 1, Moscow: Izdatel’skaya firma “Vostochnaya literatura”, RAN, 2006: 114. BABADJANOV [BABADZHANOV] B. M., and M. KAMILOV, “Khudzhra”, in S. M. PROZOROV, eds, Islam na territorii byvshei Rossiiskoi Imperii: Entsiklopedicheskii slovar’ 3, Moscow: Izdatel’skaya firma “Vostochnaya literatura”, RAN, 2001: 117-118. DUDOIGNON, S. A., “̄Īshān ‘Azīz Khvādzha”, in S. M. PROZOROV, eds, Islam na territorii byvshei Rossiiskoi imperii: entsiklopedicheskii slovar’, Moscow: Nauka, 2010. DUDOIGNON, S. A., “̄Īshān Sayyid ‘Abd al-Rakhmān-Džān Avliiā”, in S. M. PROZOROV, eds, Islam na territorii byvshei Rossiiskoi imperii: entsiklopedicheskii slovar’, Moscow: Nauka 5, 2010. DUDOIGNON, S. A., and ZEVACO, A., “Ravshandilān”, in S. M. PROZOROV, eds, Islam na territorii byvshei Rossiiskoi imperii: entsiklopedicheskii slovar’ 5, Moscow: Nauka, 2010. KRÄMER, A., “Otin”, in S. M. PROZOROV, eds, Islam na territori byvshei Rossiiskoi Imperii: Entsiklopedicheskii slovar’ 3, Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2001: 77-9. PROZOROV, S. M., eds, Islam na territorii byvshei Rossiiskoi imperii: entsiklopedicheskii slovar’, 1(1-4), Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2006.

3. Oral Sources

TOKHTAKHODZHAEVA, M., XX vek glazami zhenshchin Uzbekistana, Moscow: Natalis, 2008.

4. Published Documents

Abu Raihon Berunii nomidagi sharqshunoslik instituti, 2000. Kratkii katalog sufiiskikh proizvedenii XVIII-XX vv. iz sobraniya Instituta vostokovedeniya Akademii nauk respubliki im. al-Biruni, Berlin: Das Arabische Buch. [IVAN Ruz] DeWEESE, D., “Muslim medical culture in modern Central Asia: a brief note on manuscript sources from the sixteenth to twentieth centuries”, Central Asian Survey 32(1), 2013: 3- 18. FRANK A. J., and J. MAMATOV, eds, Uzbek Islamic debates: texts, translations, and commentary, Springfield: Dunwoody Press, 2006. KARIMOV, E., and D. ABRAMSON, eds., Religion Made Official: a Comprehensive Collection of Documents on Religion from the State Archives of Soviet Uzbekistan, 1920s-1960s, Almaty: S-Print, 2009. KOMATSU, H., S. KARASAR, T. DADABAEV and G. KURMANGALIYEVA, eds, Central Eurasian studies: past, present and future, Istanbul: Ercilasun, T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2011. LEVI, S. C. and R. SELA, Islamic Central Asia: an anthology of historical sources, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2010. PAUL, J., “Hagiographic literature in Persia and Central Asia”, in E. YARSHATER, eds, Encyclopaedia Iranica 11(5), New York: The Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation, 2002: 536-539. WOOD, W., “A collection of Tarkhan yarlïqs from the khanate of Khiva”, Papers on Inner Asia 38, Bloomington: Denis Sinor Institute for Inner Asian Studies, 2005.


II. Religion - Central Asia

1. General

ABRAMSON, D., “Foreign Religious Education and the Central Asian Islamic Revival: Impact and Prospects for Stability,” Silk Road Papers, march 2010. AGADJANIAN, A., “Revising Pandora’s Gifts: Religious and National Identity in the Post-Soviet Societal Fabric”, Europe-Asia Studies 53(3), 2001: 473-488. AKINER, S., “Islam, the State and Ethnicity in Central Asia in Historical Perspective”, Religion, State and Society: the Keston Journal 24(2-3), 1996: 91-132. AKINER, S., “Post-: the Islamic factor”, in U. HALBACH, eds, The Development of the Soviet Successor States in Central Asia, Cologne: Bundesinstitut für ost- wissenschaftliche und internationale Studien, 1995: 43-54. ALEKSEEV, A., “Sunnito-shiitskie otnosheniya v Tsentral’noi Azii: istoricheskaya retrospektiva, in I. L. ALEKSEEV, A., et al., eds, Mir islama: istoriya, obshchehstvo, kul’tura, Materialy mezhdunarodnoi islamovedcheskoi nauchnoi konferentsii 11-13 dekabrya 2007 g., Moskva, RGGU, Moscow: Izdatel’skii dom Mardzhani (Fond Mardzhani – Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi gumanitarnyi universitet), 2009: 59-64. ALEKSEEV, I. L., V. O. BOBROVNIKOV, P. V. BASHARIN, and E. S. MELKUMIAN, eds, Mir islama: istoriya, obshchehstvo, kul’tura, Materialy mezhdunarodnoi islamovedcheskoi nauchnoi konferentsii 11-13 dekabrya 2007 g., Moskva, RGGU, Moscow: Izdatel’skii dom Mardzhani (Fond Mardzhani–Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi gumanitarnyi universitet), 2009. ALLWORTH, E., eds, Muslim Communities Reemerge: Historical Perspectives on Nationality, Politics and Opposition in the Former and Yugoslavia, Durham: Duke University Press, 1994. ALTOMA, R., “The Influence of Islam in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan”, in B. MANZ, eds, Central Asia in Historical Perspective, Boulder: Westview Press, 1998: 164-181. BALCI, B., and S. de TAPIA, “Mouvements migratoires entre la Turquie et les Républiques turcophones du Caucase et d’Asie centrale: les impacts religieux”, Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales 26(3), 2010: 133-152. BALDICK, J., Animal and shaman: ancient religions of Central Asia, New York: University Press, 2012. BENNIGSEN, A. and F. BRYAN, “Islam in Central Asia”, in J. KITAGAWA, eds, The Religious Traditions of Asia, London: Routledge Curzon, 2002: 239-246. BENNIGSEN, A., “Islam in Retrospect”, Central Asian Survey 8(1), 1989: 89-109. BONORA, G., L. N. PIANCIOLA and P. SARTORI, eds, Kazakhstan: religions and society in the history of Central Eurasia, Torino-New York: U. Allemandi, 2009. BOURDEAUX, M., “Introduction”, in M. BOURDEAUX, eds, The Politics of Religion in Russia and the New States of Eurasia, Armonk, NY: Sharpe, 1995. COOPER, A. E., Bukharan Jews and the dynamics of global Judaism, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2012. DUDOIGNON, S. A., “Islam d’Europe ? Islam d’Asie ? En Eurasie centrale (Russie, Caucase, Asie centrale)”, in A. FEILLARD, eds, L’Islam en Asie du Caucase à la Chine, Paris: Les Études de la documentation Française, 2001: 21-80. FEILLARD, A., eds, L’islam en Asie, du Caucase à la Chine, Paris: La Documentation Française, 2001. FILATOV, S., “Novoe rozhdenie staroi idei: Pravoslavie kak natsional’nyi simvol”, Polis 3, 1999: 138-149. FOLTZ, R., Religions of the Silk Road: premodern patterns of globalization, New York: Palgrave, 2010. GROSS, J.-A., “Approaches to the Problem of Identity Formation”, in J.-A. GROSS, eds, Muslims in Central Asia: Expressions of Identity and Change, Durham: Duke University, 1992: 1-27.


GROSS, J.-A., “Introduction”, in J.-A. GROSS, eds, Muslims in Central Asia: Expressions of Identity and Change, Durham: Duke University, 1992. HANN, C., “Civil society, Civil Religion, and Postsocialist Civility”, in C. HANN, eds, ‘Not the Horse We Wanted!’ Postsocialism, Neoliberalism, and Eurasia, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2006: 153-176. HANN, C., “Introduction: faith, power and civility after Socialism” in C. HANN, et al., eds, The Postsocialist religious question: faith and power in Central Asia and East-Central Europe, Berlin: Lit., 2007:1-26. HUNTER, E. C. D, “Syriac Christianity in Central Asia”, Zeitschrift für Religions–und Geistesgeschichte 44, 1992. JOHNSON, R., Oil, Islam and conflict: Central Asia since 1945, London: Reaktion, 2007. KARIM, M., “Globalization and Post-Soviet Revival of Islam in Central Asia and the Caucasus”, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 25(3), 2005: 439-448. LEWIS, D., After atheism: religion and ethnicity in Russia and Central Asia, Surrey, UK: Curzon Press, 2000. MALASHENKO, A. and L. POLONSKAYA, Islam in Central Asia, Lebanon: Ithaca Press. 1994. MCGLINCHEY, E., Chaos, violence, and dynasty: politics and Islam in Central Asia, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011. MONSUTTI, A., S. NAEF, F. SABAHI, eds., The Other Shiites: From the Mediterranean to Central Asia, Worlds of Islam 2, Bern et al.: Peter Lang, 2007. MUMINOV, A. K., “Novye podkhody k izucheniyu protsessa islamisatsii v Tsentral’noi Azii”, K novym standartam v razvitii obshchestvennykh nauk v Tsentral’noi Azii. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, Almaty: Daik-Press, 2006: 77-91. NAUMKIN, V., eds, State, religion, and society in Central Asia: a post-Soviet critique, London: Ithaca Press, 1993. PIANCIOLA, N. and P. SARTORI, eds, Islam, society and states across the Qazaq Steppe (18th–early 20th centuries), Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenshaften, 2013. POUJOL, C., “L’islam en Asie centrale: la part des héritages, le prix des transitions”, Les études de la documentation française, 1999: 37-53. POUJOL, C., L’islam en Asie centrale: vers la nouvelle donne ?, Paris: Ellipses, 2001. RASHID, A. The resurgence of Central Asia: Islam or nationalism? London: Zed Press, 1994. RO’I, Y., eds, Muslim Eurasia: Conflicting Legacies. London: Frank Cass, 1995. ROY, O., “L’islam, facteur de la politique étrangère (Asie centrale et monde arabo-persan)”, in C. JAFFRELOT, eds, Le Pakistan, Paris: Fayard, 2000: 235-257. SAIDBAYEV, T. S. Islam i obshchestvo: opyt istoriko-sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniya, Moscow: Nauka, 1978. SHAHRANI, M. N., “Muslim Central Asia: Soviet Development Legacies and Future Challenges”, in M. MESBAHI, eds, Central Asia and the Caucasus after the Soviet Union: Domestic and International Dynamics, Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1994: 56-71. SHAHRANI, M. N., “Reclaiming Islam in Uzbekistan: Soviet Legacies and Post-Soviet Realities”, Journal of Turkic Civilization Studies 2, 2006: 77-103. STRASSER, A., S. HAAS, G. MANGOTT, and V. HEUBERGER, eds, Zentralasien und Islam / Central Asia and Islam, Hambourg: Deutsches Orient-Institut (Mitteilungen: 63), 2002. TAZMINI, G., “The Islamic Revival in Central Asia: A Potent Force or a Misconception?” Central Asian Survey 20(1), 2001: 63-83. TOLMAS, C., eds, Bukharan Jews: History, Language, Literature, Culture, Tel-Aviv: M+ Publishing House, 2006. van BRUINESSEN, M., Religious Practice in the Turco-Iranian World: Continuity and Change, Utrecht: University of Utrecht, 2004. van GORDER, A. C., Muslim-Christian Relations in Central Asia, Abdington, OX: Routledge, 2008. WARIKOO, K., eds, Religion and security in South and Central Asia, New York: Routledge,



2. History and Theology

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3. The Tsarist Period

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