FAREWELL TO A LEGEND: MARION PHELPS, 1908-2013 $10 Quebec VOL 7, NO. 2 SPRING 2013 HeritageNews Cow Shows and City Potatoes Farming Heritage: 4-H Clubs and the Visionary J. N. Lamy Heritage Successes East and West The Gaspesian British Heritage Village and the Fairbairn House Busking the Metro, Being Unilingual Emerging Writers Reflect on the Urban Scene QUEBEC HERITAGE NEWS Quebec CONTENTS HeritageNews EDITOR Editor’s Desk 3 RODERICK MACLEOD The Castle’s many tenants Rod MacLeod PRODUCTION DAN PINESE; MATTHEW FARFAN Letters 4 The view from the Alcan floors Anne Joseph PUBLISHER Potash from the north Beverly Prud’homme THE QUEBEC ANGLOPHONE Naming North Shore communities Gary Briand HERITAGE NETWORK 400-257 QUEEN STREET Timelines 7 SHERBROOKE, QUEBEC J1M 1K7 Keeping heritage alive and well on the Gaspé coast Jessica Campbell The Fairbairn House: making Gatineau Valley history accessible Jessica Campbell PHONE The Westmount Glen Arch: celebrating a vital bridge 120 years on Barbara Covington 1-877-964-0409 A bank of art: the Musée des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke Jessica Campbell (819) 564-9595 FAX 4-H 14 (819) 564-6872 Quebec’s young farmers celebrate 100 years Alyssa Fourneaux CORRESPONDENCE
[email protected] Why I Don’t Know French Yet 19 WEBSITES Elizabeth Dent WWW.QAHN.ORG WWW.QUEBECHERITAGEWEB.COM Farmville 22 “Charging to the Potato” in Maisonneuve Jessica Grosman PRESIDENT KEVIN O’DONNELL A Day Underground 24 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & Nisha Coleman WEBMAGAZINES EDITOR MATTHEW FARFAN Marion Phelps 27 (February 9, 1908 – January 22, 2013) Frank Nixon OFFICE MANAGER KATHY TEASDALE The Great Wealth of the Ottawa Valley 28 Quebec Heritage News is produced four Joseph Graham times yearly by the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) with the support Edwardian Escapades 29 of the Department of Canadian Heritage and Quebec’s Ministère de la Culture et Recreating the Richmond Nicholsons Dorothy Nixon des Communications.