Timeline / 1860 to After 1930 /

Date Country Theme

1860 Italy Political Context

The right to vote is reserved for a small elite of men who have certain levels of income and education: only 2.2% of the Italians can vote.

1860 Italy Cities And Urban Spaces

The unification of Italy leads to urban expansion outside the old city walls, which have lost their defensive value. Medieval urban buildings are often demolished in order to build monumental architecture.

1860 - 1870 Italy Fine And Applied Arts

In opposition to academic painting, the movement (, Vincenzo Cabianca and Silvestro Lega) experiments with “spot painting”, based on the strong contrast between light and shadow.

1861 Italy Rediscovering The Past

The pre-unification laws on the protection of cultural heritage of the individual Italian states remain in force even after unification. Until 1902, different Italian regions are thus subject to different disciplines.

1861 - 1921 Italy Cities And Urban Spaces

Urban growth in Italy: Naples is the biggest city (1861: 447,000; 1921: 772,000), but population growth is higher in , the “political capital city” (1871: 244,000; 1921: 692,000) and in , the “industrial capital city” (1861: 96,000; 1921: 719,000). (Rounded to nearest 1,000.)

1861 Italy International Exhibitions

First Italian National Exhibition of Agricultural and Industrial Products and Fine Arts opens in .

1861 - 1921 Italy Migrations

The Italian population grows from 22 million in 1861 to almost 33 million in 1901, to 38.4 million in 1921. Part of the increases are due to annexations of new territories. During the same period average annual migration to European and Mediterranean countries is 99, 000 in the 1860s and170,000 in the 1910s, peaking in the 1900s at 251,000. Average annual migration to non-European countries is 22,000 in the 1860s and 213,000 in the 1910s, peaking in the 1900s at 351,000. (Figures, rounded to the nearest 1,000, include both permanent and temporary migration.

1862 Italy Economy And Trade

Law on the unification of currencies passed: the lira becomes the Italian currency.

1863 - 1889 Italy Cities And Urban Spaces Date Country Theme

Construction of the 167.5 m high Mole Antonelliana in Turin, initially conceived as a synagogue. It soon becomes the city’s landmark building.

1863 - 1885 Italy Fine And Applied Arts

Opening of applied art schools, often attached to museums: Industrial Museum of Turin (1863), Artistic Industrial Museum of Rome (1873), Naples (1882) and Palermo (1885).

1863 Italy Travelling

The Club Alpino Italiano is founded in Turin. Its goal is “to promote the knowledge of mountains, and especially of Italian mountains, their ascent and scientific expeditions”. In 25 years, membership reaches 4,500 with 34 local branches. By 1900 it had built 57 mountain huts.

1864 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

A governmental survey reveals the existence of 443 friendly societies (Società di mutuo soccorso), all located in Central and Northern Italy (Milan has 38 societies with a total of 9,923 members, Turin 13 with 14,864 members). Their number and membership grows considerably over time until the development of modern welfare.

1865 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

The new-born Italian state approves a civil code that places women in a subordinate position in the family. Boys and girls can inherit equally, but married women need “marital authorisation” to manage their property. Male and female adultery are treated differently. The “defence of honour” is accepted as attenuating circumstance in murder cases.

1865 - 1867 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

The worst of the five cholera epidemics that hit Italy during the 19th century kills more than 160,000. The most affected towns are always Naples and Palermo.

1866 Italy Political Context

Italy participates in the Austro-Prussian War on the side of Prussia and annexes Venice.

1866 Italy Economy And Trade

A law confiscates the properties of religious orders and congregations, and establishes a state fund to support the clergy and monks.

1867 Italy Political Context

Uprising in Rome demanding unification with Italy. At the same time, Garibaldi leads an expedition of volunteers that enters the Papal States and tries to seize Rome. Roman rebels are defeated and executed. Garibaldi is defeated by Papal troops backed by a French expeditionary corps (France protects the Papal States). Date Country Theme

1867 Italy Economy And Trade

Law on the abolition of religious bodies: the real estate properties of 25,000 religious bodies are auctioned.

1867 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

Around 60 per cent of men and 80 per cent of women are unable to sign their marriage certificate because they are unable to write.

1867 Italy Travelling

The Società Geografica Italiana is founded. In 1869-70, it organises an exploratory expedition to East Africa, in 1875 to Tunisia and in 1876 to Ethiopia. Many other journeys to Africa, and also to Central Asia, South America and Papua follow. Such travels generally combined scientific purposes and political agendas.

1868 - 1883 Italy Migrations

Different circular letters by the Minister of Interior place obstacles on migration: migrants are supposed to have work contracts or to prove they have enough funding to repatriate. Such circular letters have only limited effect. Landowners put pressure on government to discourage migration.

1868 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

Gualberta Alaide Beccari (a feminist with republican ideas, much influenced by Mazzini) founds the periodical La donna, which campaigns for women’s rights. La donna’s main contributor is Anna Maria Mozzoni, who since 1865 had campaigned against “marital authorisation” and for women’s right to vote.

1870 - 1912 Italy Political Context

In 1870, taking advantage of French defeat at the hands of Prussia, the Italian army captures Rome, which becomes the capital of Italy. The Pope considers Italian rule on Rome to be illegitimate and bans Catholics from participating in Italian political life. In the following decades the ban is progressively lifted to counter socialist growth.

1870 Italy Cities And Urban Spaces

Renewal and urban modernisation of Rome starts with the opening of a long road linking Porta Pia (where the Italian army broke into the city in 1870) to the Quirinale Palace, residence of the King (formerly a papal palace). The headquarters of some ministries are located along this road.

1871 Italy Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

Fréjus Rail Tunnel under Alps, between Italy and France, inaugurated (12.8 km long).

1871 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion Date Country Theme

24 December: first world performance of the new opera by Verdi, Aida, set in ancient Egypt, at the Khedivial Opera House in Cairo.

1876 Italy Rediscovering The Past

In Rome, Luigi Pigorini founds the National Prehistoric Ethnographic Museum, enriching with new acquisitions the ethnographic and prehistoric collection previously belonging to the Kircher Museum, founded in the 17th century.

1877 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

The “Coppino Law” makes elementary schools mandatory and free of charge.

1880 - 1887 Italy Economy And Trade

Italy is hit by the international agricultural crisis and annual per capita income decreases.

1880 - 1889 Italy Migrations

Average annual Italian migration (temporary and permanent, to nearest 1,000): France 37,000; USA 24,000; Argentina 39,000; Brazil 22,000.

1880 - 1887 Italy Migrations

As a consequence of agricultural crisis, mass migration starts.

1880 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

Anna Maria Mozzoni and Paolina Schiff (an academic) found the League for the Promotion of Women’s Interests, the first feminist organisation in Italy.

1880s - 1910s Italy Travelling

The growth of a European middle class and the improvement of transportation make tourism possible for increasing numbers of European citizens. According to very tentative estimates, 450,000 foreign tourists visited Italy in 1897 and 900,000 in 1911.

1881 Italy Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

The first Italian telephone services run by private companies start operating.

1881 Italy International Exhibitions

The first Italian National Industrial Exhibition is held in Milan.

1881 - 1901 Italy Migrations

2,251,463 people migrate from Italy; 67 per cent of them go to the USA.

1881 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion Date Country Theme

At La Scala Theatre in Milan, premiere of Excelsior, mimic ballet by Luigi Manzotti, music by Romualdo Marenco. Through 11 allegorical scenes glorifying 19th- century scientific and industrial progress (steam-engine, electric light, telegraph, Suez Canal, Fréjus Rail Tunnel, etc.), it celebrates the triumph of Light over Obscurantism.

1881 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Giovanni Verga (1840–1922) publishes the novel I malavoglia (published in English as The House by the Medlar-Tree), which describes the life of a family of Sicilian fishermen. Verga was the most important author of the Italian realist school known as verismo.

1882 Italy Political Context

Electoral reform: the right to vote is extended to 7 per cent of the Italian population, by lowering the age limit (from 25 to 21) and the level of income required.

1882 - 1896 Italy Political Context

Italy’s first African war: in 1882 Italy starts colonial expansion in the Horn of Africa; in 1890, Eritrea becomes an Italian colony. Afterwards, Italy attempts to penetrate into Ethiopia and suffers a crushing defeat at Adwa (the biggest African victory over a colonial army): Italy loses 4,000 Italian and 2,000 colonial soldiers. The Crispi government resigns.

1882 Italy Political Context

The Triple Alliance formed (Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary).

1882 - 1884 Italy Cities And Urban Spaces

On the occasion of the 1884 General Exhibition of Turin, construction of the Rocca (castle) and the Borgo Medievale (medieval village) in Parco del Valentino (Valentino Park) in order to promote appreciation for 15th-century Piedmont architecture. In 1884, the Municipality of Turin buys part of this area, where it will later locate the Civic Museums.

1882 Italy Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

The Gotthard Rail Tunnel between Italy and Switzerland opens (14.9 km). The construction work had started in 1872.

1882 Italy Fine And Applied Arts

Brera Picture Gallery, originally created by Maria Teresa of Austria in 1776, becomes an independent museum.

1882 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

In order to fight malaria, Parliament approves a law on drainage of swamps. Malaria plagues about one-third of Italian territory, where 10 per cent of the population lives. Date Country Theme

1882 Italy Travelling

The municipality of Cervia (on the Adriatic Sea) builds a bathing establishment explicitly intended for the middle class: previously a prerogative of the elite, beach tourism starts to become a more widely practised activity.

1883 Italy Cities And Urban Spaces

A credit-fuelled “construction fever” explodes in Rome and in the other urban centres.

1883 Italy Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

In Milan, the first thermoelectric power station in Europe is inaugurated.

1883 Italy Fine And Applied Arts

Inauguration of the National Gallery of in Rome, in the Exhibition Palace by Pio Piacentini. It is intended to focus on “national” art.

1884 - 1885 Italy Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

First experiments of electric street lighting in Turin and Milan.

1884 Italy International Exhibitions

The General Italian Exhibition in Turin attracts 3 million visitors.

1884 - 1885 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

Cholera epidemic causes 7,000 deaths in Naples and 2,500 in Palermo (out of a total 21,000 deaths). The government starts programmes of urban renewal in Naples and other towns (the most effective tool to prevent new epidemics).

1885 Italy Cities And Urban Spaces

After the 1884–85 cholera epidemic hits Naples (the fourth cholera epidemic hitting the city since 1835), the government starts a redevelopment plan to clear Naples of slums and improve its sewerage and water systems. Similar renewal plans will be extended to other cities.

1886 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

Legislation passed prohibiting children under the age of 9 from working in factories and mines and those under the age of 12 from working at night.

1887 Italy Economy And Trade

Adoption of a protectionist policy aimed at boosting industrial development.

1887 Italy Economy And Trade Date Country Theme

Federation of Italian Cooperatives is funded (from 1893 known as the League of Cooperatives).

1887 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

After long silence, Verdi composes a new opera on a text by Arrigo Boito: Othello, based on Shakespeare’s tragedy. In Othello, Verdi adopts a more fluent narrative structure that goes beyond the traditional division into separate units (arias, duets, concertatos, choirs).

1887 - 1914 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

Thanks to improved public health services and living conditions there has been a strong decrease in the annual number of deaths by disease since 1887 (e.g. deaths from measles have decreased by 73 percent; from diptheria by 86 per cent; from smallpox by 99 per cent).

1888 - 1889 Italy Cities And Urban Spaces

Construction of Piazza Esedra (now Piazza della Repubblica) in Rome, designed by Gaetano Koch. The newly built palaces with porticos around the square are opposite the Terme di Diocleziano (Baths of Diocletian) and connect the area of Termini railway station to via Nazionale, providing an attractive entrance to the city.

1888 - 1890 Italy Economy And Trade

Tariff war with France.

1888 Italy Migrations

The first law on migration introduces measures aimed at preventing a married woman from migrating without her husband’s consent; at preventing men to migrate to avoid military service; and at granting migrants some protection against abuses.

1888 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

First comprehensive law on health services.

1889 Italy Rediscovering The Past

Establishment of the Museum of the pre-Roman Antiquities of Latium in the 16th- century Villa Giulia, in Rome. The museum would be later renamed the National Etruscan Museum.

1889 Italy Rediscovering The Past

Establishment of the National Roman Museum, in the stunning structure of the Terme di Diocleziano (Baths of Diocletian) in Rome.

1890 - 1899 Italy Migrations Date Country Theme

Average annual Italian migration (temporary and permanent, to nearest 1,000): France 26,000, USA 51,000; Argentina 37,000; Brazil 58,000.

1890 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

The Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni (1863–1945) has a great success, marking the beginning of verismo (Italian realism) in music, which intends to portray the world of peasants and the poor through strong and passionate drama. The singing style changes radically, leaving behind the aesthetics of bel canto and turning to reciting, even shouting, and spoken parts in the most exciting dramatic moments.

1890 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

For the first time, trade unions organise celebrations for May Day as the International Worker’s Day.

1891 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

First Chambers of Labour (territorial trade unions) founded in Milan.

1892 Italy Political Context

Italian Socialist Party founded.

1892 - 1898 Italy Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

Hydroelectric power plants are built in Tivoli (1892) and Paderno d’Adda (1898) and the power they generated is transported to, respectively, Rome and Milan.

1893 - 1895 Italy Cities And Urban Spaces

Construction of Piazza Vittorio Emanuele (today Piazza della Repubblica) in Florence, after clearing the area of the Ancient Market.

1893 - 1894 Italy Economy And Trade

A comprehensive law on banking establishes the Bank of Italy, which starts operating on 1 January 1894.

1893 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Manon Lescaut by Giacomo Puccini (1858–1924) has a great success in Turin and Puccini becomes the most promising opera composer of the new generation.

1893 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

At the age of 80, Verdi composes his last opera, Falstaff, an opera buffa that opens new avenues towards the theatre of the 20th century. The music underscores all the subtle nuances of the psychology of the different characters.

1894 - 1913 Italy Economy And Trade Date Country Theme

The chemical industry takes off. The production of fertilisers grows from 85,700 tons in 1894 to 1 million tons in 1913.

1894 Italy Travelling

The Touring Club d’Italia is founded. Its main goal is “to make Italians know Italy”. It conceives of tourism as a tool for the cultural growth and modernisation of the country.

1895 Italy Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

Gugliemo Marconi makes the first successful experiments of radio broadcasts.

1895 - 1913 Italy Economy And Trade

Major growth of iron and steel industry: cast iron production rises from 9,000 tons in 1895 to 426,000 tons in 1913; steel production rises from 50,000 tons in 1895 to 933,000 tons in 1913.

1895 Italy International Exhibitions

Opening of the First International Art Exhibition of the City of Venice, known as the Venice Biennale. The exhibition – organised to bring the city out of isolation – meets with great public acclaim (224,000 visitors).

1896 - 1914 Italy Economy And Trade

Sustained economic growth (except for short crises in 1900 and 1907–08); industrialisation makes a leap forward.

1897 - 1898 Italy Political Context

Widespread demonstrations and riots against high bread price. The government uses the army to repress protests: in Milan 85 demonstrators are killed.

1898 Italy Political Context

Anarchist Gaetano Bresci kills the King Umberto I, in revenge for the protesters killed in Milan in 1898. Victor Emanuel III becomes King of Italy.

1899 - 1904 Italy Cities And Urban Spaces

Construction of the new Synagogue in Rome (architects: Vincenzo Costa and Osvaldo Armanni), an imposing building of eclectic style, with decorative elements inspired by Assyro-Babylonian architecture.

1899 - 1920s Italy Cities And Urban Spaces

Construction of some remarkable Liberty-style buildings, such as the Villino Florio in Palermo and the new building of Palazzo Montecitorio (seat of the Italian Chamber of Deputies in Rome), both by Ernesto Basile, some pavilions for the 1902 national exhibition in Turin, and the small Coppedè neighbourhood in Date Country Theme Rome. Overall, however, Liberty style leaves a smaller mark on Italian cities than eclecticism.

1899 Italy Economy And Trade

In Turin, Giovanni Agnelli founds the car factory FIAT.

1900 - 1909 Italy Economy And Trade

Annual per capita income increases by 18.5% during the decade because of industrialisation.

1900 Italy International Exhibitions

In the 19th and 20th centuries, Italian companies participate in many international exhibition, such as the 1900 Paris World Fair.

1900 - 1909 Italy Migrations

Average annual Italian migration (temporary and permanent, to nearest 1,000): France 57,000; USA 233,000; Argentina 73,000; Brazil 30,000.

1900 - 1909 Italy Migrations

Italians who had migrated to the USA, Argentina and Brazil repatriate to Italy in large numbers during the 1900s: the annual average is 119,857 from the USA; 31,712 from Argentina; 19,864 from Brazil.

1900 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

Law on “state quinine” passed: in order to fight malaria, the state will produce quinine and sell it at a low price not only in the 5,000 pharmacies, but also in the 27,000 tobacconists.

1901 - 1914 Italy Political Context

Almost uninterrupted rule by Giovanni Giolitti, who allows more freedom of action to trade unions, introduces some social reforms and makes some openings for Socialists and Catholics.

1901 Italy Fine And Applied Arts

Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo paints The Fourth Estate, showing workers on strike. The painting will become an icon of the workers’ movement.

1901 Italy Migrations

Comprehensive law on migration creates the Commissariato generale per l’emigrazione and introduces other measures aimed at ensuring migrants’ welfare, such as medical inspections on boats.

1901 - 1910 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion Date Country Theme

Giacomo Puccini consolidates his reputation. He develops a very personal language that is deeply rooted in the Italian melodic tradition, despite his attention to international trends and his choice of exotic subjects (Madama Butterfly, La fanciulla del West, Turandot).

1901 Italy Travelling

Liguria (the region of ) is the Italian region with the highest number of foreigners (12,000). It has a mild climate that attracts foreigners escaping north Europe’s harsh climate for health reasons. All through the 19th and early 20th centuries, many foreigners affected by tuberculosis and other illness resided in Italy for extended periods.

1902 - 1909 Italy Rediscovering The Past

First Italian national laws on the protection of cultural heritage. The new laws establish the principle of inalienability of national heritage and create a state administration (with national and local branches) dedicated to caring for cultural heritage.

1902 - 1903 Italy Rediscovering The Past

The Italian state buys the 15th-century building of Villa Borghese in Rome and the park around it, including the astounding collection of paintings and sculptures that the villa housed. The villa will be transformed into the Borghese Gallery and Museum.

1902 Italy International Exhibitions

First International Exhibition of Modern Decorative Arts in Turin, featuring the best production of architecture, furniture and applied arts.

1902 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

Legislation passed prohibiting children under the age of 12 from working, women from working in mines and under-age women from working at night. First provisions for maternity leave (four weeks after delivery).

1904 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Luigi Pirandello (1867–1936), Italian dramatist, novelist, poet and short story writer, publishes the novel Il fu Mattia Pascal. In 1934, he will be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

1904 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

First general strike at a national level held as a protest at police violence against workers (in repeated instances, the police had opened fire against workers on strike, killing several of them).

1904 Italy Reforms And Social Changes Date Country Theme

Law on free distribution of quinine to peasants and workers in malaria-infested areas.

1905 Italy Economy And Trade

Nationalisation of the railways.

1905 Italy Travelling

The Automobile Club d’Italia is founded.

1906 Italy Rediscovering The Past

Ethnographer Lamberto Loria (1855–1913) creates an Ethnography Museum in Florence.

1906 Italy Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

Simplon Tunnel between Domodossola (Italy) and Brig (Switzerland) inaugurated. The construction works had started in 1898. At the time, it was the longest tunnel in the world (19.7 km).

1906 Italy International Exhibitions

International Exhibition in Milan to celebrate the opening of the Simplon Tunnel. The main focus is on transport. There are 35,000 exhibitors, coming from dozens of different countries, and more than 5 million visitors.

1906 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Italian poet Giosuè Carducci (1835–1907) is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

1906 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Sibilla Aleramo (pseudonym of Rina Faccio, 1876–1960) publishes Una donna (A woman), a fictionalised memoir that describes a woman’s desperate struggle to assert her individuality in a male-dominated society. The book is considered a feminist manifesto.

1906 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

The Confederazione Generale del Lavoro (CGL – national confederation of trade unions) is founded. Argentina Altobelli becomes Secretary General of the Farm Workers Union (the first woman to become national union leader).

1909 Italy Fine And Applied Arts

Filippo Marinetti publishes the Futurist Manifesto in Le Figaro.

1909 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (b. Alexandria, Egypt, 1876, d. Bellagio, Italy, 1944) publishes the Futurist Manifesto. The Futurist artistic movement emphasised Date Country Theme speed, energy, vitality, and the power of machine and technology. Marinetti also glorified violence and war, which he considered “the world’s only hygiene”.

1910 - 1919 Italy Migrations

Average annual Italian migration (temporary and permanent, to nearest 1,000): France 44,000; USA 157,000; Argentina 32,000; Brazil 13,000.

1910 - 1912 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

Maternity fund for female workers established. Voluntary pension fund established.

1911 - 1912 Italy Political Context

Italo-Turkish war: Italy gains possession of Libya and the Dodecanese Islands.

1911 Italy Cities And Urban Spaces

In Rome, inauguration of the neoclassical monument to King Victor Emanuel II (built after clearing the Capitol Hill area of medieval buildings) and of the new building for the National Gallery of Modern Art, built for the Fine Arts International Exhibitions, combining elements of different styles (neoclassical, neo-Renaissance, Liberty).

1911 Italy Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

Italy is the first country to use a plane in war (the Italo-Turkish war, for the conquest of Libya). Planes cannot carry heavy weights, so the pilot carries in his pocket 1 kg bombs that he drops manually.

1911 Italy International Exhibitions

To celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Italian unification, international exhibitions are organized in Rome, Florence and Turin.

1912 Italy Political Context

The right to vote is extended to all men above the age of 30 (or aged 21 if they completed primary school). The Pope allows Catholics to vote.

1912 - 1920 Italy Fine And Applied Arts

Giorgio de Chirico’s first metaphysical paintings (L’enigma dell’ora, 1912; Le muse inquietanti, 1916; Ettore e Andromaca, 1917; Il Grande Metafisico, 1917).

1912 Italy Economy And Trade

Law establishes state monopoly of life insurance and creates the Istituto nazionale delle assicurazioni (INA).

1913 Italy Fine And Applied Arts Date Country Theme

Umberto Boccioni made the sculpture Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, considered a masterpiece of Italian Futurism.

1913 Italy Migrations

Italian migration reaches its peak: 870,000 Italians migrate abroad.

1913 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Grazia Deledda (1871–1936) publishes the novel Canne al vento. Thirteen years later, she will be awarded the Nobel Prize (the second woman to be Nobel laureate in literature).

1913 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

Average life expectancy, which in 1861 was 30 years, is now 47 years.

1915 - 1918 Italy Political Context

Italy participates in World War I on the side of the UK, France and Russia, despite widespread opposition to entering the war. On the Austrian front, Italy suffers a crushing defeat at Caporetto in 1917, but wins in 1918. In Libya, Arab revolt: Italy keeps control only of coastal towns. Casualties are 650,000 military deaths, 950,000 wounded, 600,000 prisoners of war or missing.

1915 - 1918 Italy Economy And Trade

When the war breaks out, the state takes a leading role in organising industrial production. Dramatic growth of steel, mechanic, chemical and textile productions. Workers in industries of strategic value are submitted to military discipline.

1918 - 1919 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

600,000 die in the Spanish influenza pandemic.

1919 Italy Political Context

Introduction of universal male suffrage and of an electoral system of proportional representation. The Popular Party (antecedent to the Christian Democrats) is founded. Mussolini creates the first Fascio di combattimento (embryo of the Fascist Party).

1919 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

Law 1176/1919 abolishes “marital authorisation” and allows women to practise most professions and to take up public employment. But some limitations on women working persist: they are still not allowed to become magistrates, diplomats and police officers or reach the highest grades in the civil service.

1919 - 1920 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

The “Two Red Years”: 2 million unemployed. Introduction of compulsory old- age, unemployment and disability insurances. High inflation and decrease of Date Country Theme salaries. Intense workers’ mobilisation: strikes and occupations of land, factories and shipyards. Trade unions achieve minimum wage, 8-hour working day and recognition of factory commissions.

1919 Italy Travelling

The Ente nazionale per le industrie turistiche (ENIT – a state-funded body aimed at promoting tourism in Italy) is founded. In the last decades of the 19th century, local associations and bodies aimed at promoting tourism started to be created, under public or private initiative.

1920 - 1922 Italy Rediscovering The Past

Philosopher, senator and minister of education (1920–21) Benedetto Croce promotes the approval of the first law on safeguarding the natural landscape.

1920 Italy International Exhibitions

First Milan Fair of industrial products: 1,233 exhibitors (including 224 foreigners) and 360,000 visitors.

1921 Italy Rediscovering The Past

Inauguration of the National Museum of Palazzo Venezia, in the 15th-century palace that used to house the Embassy of the Republic of Venice in Rome. The museum progressively focuses on applied arts: ceramics, furniture, silverware, jewellery, arms and armours, carpets and a variety of other items dating from the Middle Ages to modern times.

1921 Italy Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

The number of motorvehicles grows rapidly; by 1921 there are 30,000 motorcyles, 34,000 cars, 1,000 buses and 22000 trucks circulating in Italy.

1921 Italy Economy And Trade

Electricity production is 4,450 million kWh.

1921 Italy Reforms And Social Changes

Some 12 per cent of men and 20 per cent of women are unable to sign their marriage certificate because they cannot write, a considerable improvement in literacy rates since 1867.

1926 Italy Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion

Puccini’s last opera Turandot, which he left unfinished, is performed at La Scala in Milan under the direction of Arturo Toscanini.