
f h i r ^:-y. 1 - ■ I I

V ' ...... ‘ '■ ’ ■ r ' Th« Wwithfr />■ ’ r • • ’ /I A^Iffe Net Press Run i-t-'X'-«.s$a6a-j - 4. ForecMt of D. K Weather Baieee> '8 , 1952 j ■ -•' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, €ONN^ ^yED^fESDAY, O' -i,. For the Week Ended 1 ^ H f l 1 '■-•'■'' ••• ■ ■__ Oct. «. 1B« ______. ' • -T TV OonalderaMn Moadlanao, eoel, Plart lohit ' lod,.Vl0d£69 h«ve i»«vc i.™ fcfvw..* ----■ ..— t)ct'..i i — »*, indixU 4 recepUon; IT t T - UUU .t"Ciiowg menta wHt be available^ There wiU 1 0 ,6 7 2 wUM poeSIble light la to W a tonight ux. •fop--Melegxt** i » . «t. ; Beni»r«:«, and Ptiday. Mtonanai loglglit, 45-: . i -, -1 • *#.ii’vx«»-tw*ase^ ...... vuv-jt, . ■ ^^square dancW; ^ 'CTifi'i«h‘'A ia »y 'itt d'p.Tit. s»tiiir*0ti' Dance;-^;- 'S * In^f and e Dflillooft ullnc^e Member ,ar the Audit V place at the mectlpg opr^ t iieaoW> ♦ bureau at Ctrenlationa ^ah(phe$f€i^A CUy^of yiUage Charm a Ma*« for the delegatee and nsem- ■ . •' •■ 'vv: '’ / : _ a.;There will be,priies for •/ Add 23 Members «•; «■ S»S: bera in S t Bernard’* Church at 8 There are » 2,7^ ^ r t h « xin. will bejollow'ed by a break- King David Lodge, lOOF. and _ ^atuiifea, _ _ . - quakes.per dav/bn earth, Says th# i l ^ ■ >' . . teeof*ri*ngeineiit*, arid Rev.'John (TWENTY PAGES) . , P R IC E . F IV E C S m fart 'at 9 a.m. in the Elks carriage Sunset Rebekah Lodge NoyS9 of i r t l f m v i^ National Geographic Society. - , - (Claaaltted Ad'-erttslng oh Page 1.8) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1952 ' . ' t y I MikKiMM- X ■ ■ e m b 1V. Cntholic f i . - a.uum 'v.-ill be the epeeker. houiie on North Park street. The Manchester will hold a joiht Hal- thpir. friends are cordially invited VOL. .LXXI1, NO. 8 convention-and banquet at 6:30 -----■ . t'T-'T-^------^ nlfht in the K. ot C. ' venUon to b«r Held in RockvHi» \ p.m. wiU be held at the sArte place. / . ■ '7 ' AU members are welcojne to at­ 4 ■V tend both this breakfast and the Front Line Aid in Korea banquet, and are advised to make reservaliapa with the president^^ Mrs. John Hayfordr-^ Oct, 11. H&use*s Mrs.'^Hayford and the following delegates were elected-; Mrs. Ed­ :/■ gar Noel. Mrs. W illard Begley, Mrs. John Tierney, Mrs. Arthur \ Smachettl. Alternates are Mrs. Ro­ bert Culver, Mrs. Howard Beaiipre, Mr*. Charles Hubbard. Mr*. Timo­ thy Horan and Mrs.- Paul Newman, / .’.vaagaggsBiit y'. Ryan ' and jifr*. Morton Tlnktf y were' apjmlhted a committee to y' inzEi 4 f0 12 bring In the name of a successor to tho> president. Mr*. John Hay- .fftrd._a,t_the,ne^t m Mr*. Wreckaite of T h r^ Trains Outside London \ Hayfprd and her children will leave' Claims Taft soon to JOiti her husband, who has been tranyferred-to-Jltlwaukee. ■— *-iv" ' -V Mr*. Richard Post. Chairman for the Girl Scout commUnion break­ 11 Extra Feesi Ig Dicfatmg fast. Nov. 2, in St. James’ Hall^ s G A B SHXKT reported plans well under way. A h | Catholic Girl Scouts in town arc 1 Hit 0001 To General Th« tmartMl •Mlties M >velcom* to attend. It was also , voted to donate the sum of $3 to Fhnrar that •sf bey'i W fdrebe the Girl Scout Fund drive. Washington, Ocl. 9— {/F)— 1 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ' h • eeh«rd)fiii,(Mftl Howard L. Do.vle/told House I Adlai Stevenson and Bresi* • H* «•« w W It *• Jitvestigators today he earned ■ dent T'ruman let loose today **••1—efkeei* Court lo Aii8Wer 88,6,000 in outside legal fees with/ a (jirie-two Democratic •prvM h up whli « chill cunt kill purtch at Dwight^senhower, between 1945 and 1950W hile /the Republican presidential - On Referendum Irralri Photo. serving as U. S. attorney for faeeauMtbi" candidate. — :— — Hcrt’i M tr that ktaps its Am U nm .southcinAllinois. eumiwMr CMin efsn T/Sgt. Jacob Laguaa effectively The total, he agreed, was nearly _ In Kansas City, Stevenson, tk* Hartfordj^JOct. 8-- i4’^—It Is how •vtii wfcM strvM k* cbM,. ^ y •scWitg Ml selen debunked all the old wisecracks maby and Austria. Now sYatloned double his salary but he conlend- Democratic nominee, called an««n- — aad Hwy're alt up tjo.,-tke Connecticut Supreihe at Omaha. Neb., Lugu.za l!s iiv^an- — ------, cd hi* outside practice was *o hower i’the honorary candldats •ed tWy't* < abo'jt Ol cooks and the choW they chester on leave. He la ataylng lallmtiiM is A8B|i'brtw>A^ Ravtrl Court of ' Error* to an*wer the Two wounded UN sordler* receive medical Sid at front line medical station on the western small he never kept record* or Pf«»Went.” Ha aatd Sen. Ro)>- w^dieWel sling last night when he served a with his brother-in-law, Andrew ert Taft of Ohio really la dictatiar que*tlon of whether a referendum spaghetti supper, -at the. I^FW To.mko, at 29 Bretton road and _ arnre than f 000 Chliese’ Beds opened up With a barrage of attacks that rettorw ra'I 'c maintained an outside office. This A ll year round, nothing quenched hlraert ^ ‘IHnU of coffee from an aid-man , private practice, he aaid. was en- the GOP campaign.' .... - ^ will be held in New Haven iitt the Home at Manchester Green. , •'jiist reiaxtng.” Membera o f the Anderson-Shea thirat like really oold beer. unconscloti*. w e lv m plasma preparafoiy to M-lWg evacuated to safety. (N EA Telephqto). llrely le»al and did not in%»olve Truman told a Criiwd M Aarfar- ‘ Nov. 4 election on a council-mana­ - During part of the time he spent son, Ind., that IfiaanlHni^ "h u Port and their veteran guests were Ballantine bream for flavor. F of . _1______— . ------—^^------:— ■ . ■ < ' I ca.'c.s which concerned the govern­ ger charter for the city. unkind in Japan, Luguza ran an A ir Force ment. ^trayed almoat evarythtna I / ready to take back the lightneMi yea! For dryness, o f course! The state'* high court reserved hotel there. 'Ibis resort hotel thought he stood for." , -^4 ^ 7 tlirnga they had aaid in the past accommodated about 50 families of File* .'\mended Return. about the culinary ability of serv­ But first, last, a ^ alWays, . Ike Talks TbMgkr^^l '7” ^ '^ its opinion yesterday after hearing Air Force members. Doyle also testified; he had filed I argument* by attorney Thomas G. ice cooks. And just tO silence any His job was much like that of a Ballantine brews for flavor. The South Kdi^earis Win Crest an amended Income tax return last California. He will deliver a luajori rumor that the sergeant can Qpok J Meeker of New Haven, represent- club steward. He managed the fine, full Savor that chill can’t killl week to. jo v e r 1.3.000 in outside at Lo* An^a. ii ^ipg the council-manager' support­ in spite of and not because o l^ ls legal fee.s which he said he over­ service training, Luguea learned me,*s. the bar, and other hotel Pour yourself a gUaa from a ai:30 p. m. e.s.t., ABC radio.) ers, and corporation counsel George facilities and .turned the profits looked in 1945. I ^ e crowds hailed Steveiiaon G. EiCenio of the Ekn City. to cook in the Army. Of course, he bottle or can tight off the ice. has hsd IT ye»rs practice by now back to the “ club.'' Vital White Horse Hill. • He said 'he made the return and, aa he moved Into the DemocraUc The arguments started during ThougJ] he will be forced by Air Take a full sw Jlpw! See what paid the tax on this extra amount Tfhl* t* a general view ef wrecl ___ In a freak oolUslon at Harraw, Eng- strongHqld of Miaaouri, It^m ah’s the summer when the council-man­ in the Army and the Air Force, of hoine Btate. CEHOllSESSffli which he is now' a member. Force policy to remain in the we mean by deep-flavor brewedt^ after learhtng that a House Ju­ land, 'during the height nf the momli ynfterday. /^W’reckagc here ia piled high aa reecoer* ager advocates sought to block a I.’iigilza. who'a been a cook and United States for about six more Seoul* Friday, Oct. 10—(/P) y-r ^ _ • ______diciary aubcommittee had suh- push search for snn’lvara and TIrephote Jat tdralnl- barrage. / dollars of quick profit* from sur­ a' total of 848,488.09 as U. a. at- people. BAUANTlNBfBEiR proxy. ■ and will be at the wedding, fi the bottom of a OO-fOot mound of stratibn ]^)itieal decisions were '— 0 • ■ ! An Anftericati olfic.cr at Whjte plus government ship deals by a A new American note to the reporter* or photographers Will debris piled up by yesterday's larfely to blame for the Korean “ And God help America if he Horse said the South Korcans/ten- (Conti ined on Page Twelve) P. Ballantins A Sona, Newark, N . J. .^ever becomes President of the group headed by former Rep. Jo­ Kremlin said the Imposing o f rc- he pdmltted to the 30 mianite fantastic coljtrtoi)-bf two expressea war. Ben. Richard Nixon of Cali- gaged in a “ terrific hand to, hand seph E. Caae.v (D-Ma.ss.) and other atrictloris on foreign diplomats Shinto wedding ceremony. The and a ,*uburhan ^ I n in the Har­ fernta, the GOP vice j^resideatlai United Statea by proxy.’,' battle” using bayonet*, rifirfs and Lewis, without being apeci’fle, prominent m'en. The Meacham was "grossly viblarea the traditions hririe and groom will pose with row railroad aUmni). • candidate, echoed that theme to­ rock*. He said Red losses/must be one of several strips involved in nd rqstoms In international in­ day. ,. 1 made it clear once more to the the j&nperor and EmprfW*Prjpip for Meanwhile, one of the many in­ staggering.” Casey's complex- transactions. Eden Assert^:tercourse developed over genera­ nearly 3.000 cheering delegates he pbotoglapha later. jured.died in hospital. Nixon and OOP National Chair­ There wa.3 no e*tWa'te of the 2-,,-A probe into the role of New- tion*.’’ • ^ man Arthur Summerfield alaoJUt personally oppose* Gen. Dwight D. lx)Id Ji^orris. fd'rmer.special eprrup- ■ f /Rescue worker*,-some of .whc^ Eisenhower, the RepubUcan nomi­ number of tanka dueling, but the It said nothing, how'eyer, about | back at a atatemont Btovf American officer Mid aeveraP ex­ tion hunter for the 'Truman admin­ Russia Fears retaliation and authorities fore- j had 1>een on duty since sooiT'after made la st. night alxnit EMii)Bb- nee for President. changes between R'ussian-built istration. in the story of the the scrash yesterday morning, /• Lewi.s has not come out-for the east that the Truman administra­ wer's' IwcklMne. T-36 and An>n. Stevenson. In fact, he twitted taken place. . Pre*ld(!rit to cleeide whether to ex­ statement Stevenson“has/each*d The RIBICOFF Record fn Two MIOs through siibsidlary firms. He has pel Soviet Amba.ssador Genrgi N. Doctor* said the first basket of an all-time low in poli^al cam­ newamen—to the appreciative ap­ U. S. sabre jet pilots reported denounced tqe government repos- mangled remains taken from one plause of the delegate*-—that he Scarborough, Eng., Oct. 9---(A3— Zarubin or hit back in any other Retrial y^id by paigning.’ - t they' ahpt^down two Commimlst ae.sslon suit Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden coach were those of at I ^ t three fitevehson said, in^befarring to MIG-l.'m and damaged three other* Wk.v. . District JudgeuWe AAlbert Bryan said today Russia shows signs of ' The. note replied to the Oct. 3 and possibly five .persons. Elsenhower's.endomment of cir- (Continued on Page Four) in aig battle* in MIG alley over ruled today that l>ecbecause Casey's wavering in fare of growing west­ Soviet 'demand for the recall of Coiivi^ed Man A locomotive from one of the tain Republican senatorial candi­ w e " , / northwest Korea. / ern military might. Kennan Nm the ground that he three trains/ sheared atraight dates:' /. • -/r' ,- „n American officer at tte ,^ConHnued~ oil j^ g e Twelve) And he made what appeared to voiced "slanderous attacks hostile through the ,Coach yester-day, re­ "M y opponent ha* been worrying ,.hite Horse hill fight now In Its Hartford,, ict. 9--(43— Francis Ti*umaii Appoints be another hid for Big,, Four talks to the Soviet Union." Kennan had ducing -most o f 4te wooden struc­ about my tuimybone. I’m worry­ b u r t h day, said t,he,. Koreans were with Moscow- as long, .as they can said in Berlin on -Sept. 19 that *h - convicted . w . murderer, ture to aplintera. fighting at a "bloody pace ...... - . ■ .1 should know In about a month ing about bis backbone." Czech Eiivo; rges be "constructive.’* /■ American's life in'Mn-scow is not A government Invesiigation al Cliagges Ike Waatetnl against the Chinese who \ fifv * Eden told a cohveirtion of the much different fi'om the, ex- whether the Supreme Court, . - . . - j. used up o n e . division in the battle Which already ha? once turned | The pteaidert teed off against British Conservative party he I perienres of American dipiomals i " I " , ''hi'.'nira 7or i th* of the accident—Britain's Eisenhower's talk o f bringing of- " Washington. Oct. 9- (A3 yPresl- and a r e starting on their »econd thinks the "SjoVietS are begin interned in Germany After > P""* ' “ " I worst train disaster in 37 yeS ra- flcleney and ellrqinating wastojn dent Truman today name^'George---- - He - estimated------— the' Red.* had Ipst 2,500 orkers ftT doubt whjether we cSn'he dlvld”-’ Harbor. i _ 1 1 ' . 1. / ' *h which two fast expresses piled goyernment by saying the general Wadsworth, veteran carai/er diplo- I g.oOO killed and wounded in tWee , ed and destroyed by direct say* Stntettient True L ‘l***’'' j into a jam-packed dnmmuter train hadn't done m-.ich along those lines mat, as Ambaasador tO/CommUnlat/Communist ’Hav* of fightiag around White to Jdbs! methods.’' ~ The Soviet demand meant that; Smith a second appeal - y e s te ^ y , I railroad station In / Czechoslovakia. / Horse. A Chinese division•' --anally Back /n the Military establishment while < I "I think that there is doubt In Kfnnan, then in Geneva, could n ot, and lawyers ja!d it wouln be he was A rmy Chief o f Staff. Wadsworth, -foriner United ttumbers about 10 ,000. 1 I the mind* o f some of -them a* to return to the Moscow po.st hi* had about a month before a decision - The U. R. Eighth Ariny said (COlitlnued on Page Twelve) Sen. John J. Sparkman, the PRICED AS LOW AS Congresiman Rihicoff- States Ambassado/,to Turkey, will Thompsoriville, O.ct. 9—(iPl—- \vhether the West ran be over- filled less than five nxonths.' 1* reached. . ^ replace Ellis p/B riggs who has about 6.000 Chinese ha^dug in on Tw'enty-flve hundred striking thrown or Intimidated by a pre- Democratic vice-presidential n w l- corifen with Leon /ou- the crest and northem^lopes. With ,/^ e State Department told Mas- . Grover 8. Hart.newly hired aa nee, told a Columbur, O., audience been shifted t«/envoy to Korea. Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Company'{. ponderant force." Eden said. "In- a night Watchman at the Indian NO CHARGE houx, leader of- French Wadswort)y is/a foreign service nearby Arrowhead/ ridge, the row that' "Ambassador Kefinan’a that Eisenhower "talks loud and workera' have been asked by the ® aWad. the Soviets are counting on Harbor Yacht CHub In CJreenwtch; Fifth Hurricane officer with .36 years experience. peak dominates /the Chorwon statement accurately arid in long about programs of which he anti-Comnitmist Labor company to return /o work 'py > .^ronomlc.. probtem's, on internal moderate language described the was shot and killed by a burglar # For Complete Outside or A natlve/-'of Buffalo, N. Y.. he v a l l e y and the Relent Invasion V Movement and Kobel M on^y. V 1 rivalries or. dlflerences Iretween position of foreign diplomats ac- on July 23, 1949, hfa Oral night Churns Atlantic joined the State department in route to Seoul. / -r The production workers struck i the western powefs.” ____ (Continued on Pnge Nlaetoea) Peace Prize winner. They r Up to 15.000 -Red* attacked on the Job, I 9I 6 as a clSrk in the American last month in the midst of a dis\ | See* Propaganda Shift Smith, a Noroton reaU»-nt then Inside Antenna c o n> u 1 a t/e general’s office at across the w/stern and central (ConUaued on Page Twelve) met on RihicofT^ first trip pute between the CIO and, the\i Eden said he b*aed hia belief In 23 years old. and George Lowden, Miami, Fla.. Oct. 9 — (AP) — Belriit. Syr/a. — ^ fronts MoiK^y night In the biggest to Europe in 1949. AFL, both of whom seek to be \ Soviet wavering on "a cerUin 23, of Stamford., were arrested a The fifth Atlantic hurricane of the Hla transfer to Czechoslovakia Communist; offensive since May. the legal bargaining agent for the i\*hift of eifiphasia in Communist # 1 Year Pictufe Tube 1951. H e ^ fighting has continued few days later. The Fairfield season' whipped the ocean into eomes a day after Secretary Ache- /iocai here. I propaganda.” ’County .Superior Court convicted Bulletins Telegrams from plsnt-matvager | ’.'They are now reiving on their towering- waves today about 2,000 Warranty (Oaminoed op Page Four) (Cont)itiwd OR Page Four) Smith of first degree murder. PER WEEK James Jackson went to Joseph | old theory that the capitalist News Tidbits Lowden, now serving a life term mile* southeast of Miami and 800 from the AP Wires / Peraro, local president of the Unit-I world would tear Itself to piece* in prison, pleaded guilty to sec­ miles east of Puerto- Rico. # 10 Day Ex^hdnge Privilege ed Textile Worker* (AFL) and to if left to Its oiyn devices." , 1 Culled from AP Wires ond degree murder. ' Angry 100 mile an hour winds, Daniel Gallagher, local adminls- Eden addressed a cheering, Sentenced to C^ialr . , churned about the center and ships - BEGIN OIL TALKS “ Thii Candifl Congressman” t'rator for the Textile Worker* shouting convention in debate on ’■i - la>ndon. Oct. 9—(4’>—'Hio Tho*e who attend United I Smith, sentenced to die In the were ordered to, get out of its ii. I U. S. Trained Saboteurs jUnibti of America (CIO), la s t.* resolution which attacked anti- I ’nited State* and BritOli * ■' ■/■'if' -t - .! elgctric .cba iu *ojighJ/a_newMlTlaL path. Tfiie Weather Bureau.' at San night.-artci^g^that^tha men. retqrn Amerlcshiam ..on U»e_ patt_pf.-the uia/Tm*YldT)JbSr repSriWTiWoaT THE SATURDAY EVENIJNQ fO S T . 'to work pending'’* .decision of the\ Socialist party.' . ' ' " liutlreran Cbureh ^nferenewr-at-r was t\irned down- by' tHe Sn-;- N; Se*tt|e, W**h.v hear-Warning from Iprerntf'Cmirt'In July, ISst year, extendisd butward 100 miles to the MollaiimirtI Mowiadegh's ' lfB«tp&Ie vnaersfandinf’ of V. ST foreign , ’ -Tfrai'a" said’he WDiiW reply , to powers even greater end stand rtiitvlii mifoaia far o f f ^ rveady Jto-. open-,-^negotiation* -with The. hurricano.. was drifting (8137,300.000)' worth of royal-' ~dffairs.Sueh'naHeniflrecoMitioncameonly-iasf}um2itdwhef*thc-Saturdad^idngPaj§- the;''tMognaak.today. Gallggher?re»c nMrtWtatJapUatiEfirtofa it ^ sioWiy; BorthwariJ and did: hot"bf- In two iwataltmeirti / tBa// ■ - ■ ’ CIO tlie Reds. If they seek them- aonvIHc. Fia.::rejwt new Revised!'^»n es^|^aW , 1 ^ 0 ^ .published tt~feature length artittle by T, S^ M ur^iy-etUitl^^ • the A m e r tq a m .ti^ w 4 ,1. jjjiM-.'Iiat- Oefe, | y I r -. R4lt IlLEVI^/JECpOIAIi Stniaira-'VeiWon/SrnBme"as "an areas. It was designated Easy by tion to be hrid at once S^d cha!-q buildup was backed by Defense 'from Conhecticut". - • ~ ed (jMrmhn saboteurs centered in .■•nqixidizatlon" If and wfiea a war "attempt of the devil to discredit those-grounds sought a new trial, the Weather Bureau for E, s the B.%BE SKULLDCOOERV the holy word of God.’’ ^ SATISFACTipN ev’iowing Ribicoff'f Cengrasiienat coraar, ami radio. -Within three months he was pro- F>hnkfurt today but no one was came. » (Continued on Page Seven) (Conflnned on Page Seven) fifth letter in-ttie alphabet. ' . Oct. * t-(43— Freoch I "doing much talking. ■ Zlnn said American officials had. (Continued en Pnge Seven) T "Ck>mmunism will never take officlBl* announce today that to . posing and getting approvml imirortant amend­ lUthor Murphy .wrots: raids Communist olTIc** yeo- Low s $ 0 .5 0 Jfv. ments to ECA legislation. In September, nino •There was a closed door .meet- ,assured him they were already dis- + root in the soil of lodia”, say* 00 . months after being,sworn in, he was a'ppointed ■ / Ing hera at whlrJi the Germans banding the group when Its head- high n ffidal of tltat , country, trrda,v police had dlacoverSd " 1 . . a few weeks after election, at the 1949 said the Americans were repre- quarters In Frankfurt was raided speaking today in Hartford . s ., evidence of n general plan for.« Price J GUARANTEED ses.sion. while mo.sf new cbngressmen weWS to a conference committee, a job that rarely sented and the Americans- flatly by (^rman police last month. He Bailey Makes Fourth Try demoralization of the army. goes‘t’o new men. Ifi October of that year, as Red Deputy Premier Sees Usually pessimistic about Repub­ w andering around like sparsely feathered birds denied It. Nobody could get in to gald deputy-U. S. High Commis- lican chances in state during a nS-' The $3.50 cIrarKc for labor only if paid when call is completed. a conference-committee member, he helped just dumped from tk i nest. RibicdfE was.' flnd out. who was there, since it sioner Samuel Reber had express- tional ■ election. Deputy State JOURNAL FOR ADUAI No charge if your .set is in servi^ guarantee. appointed to the Foreign Affairs Committee. break.a deadlock on the proposed Knowlaad waa )>elng held In the police head- regrot at the incident. In addi- p Comptroller (Carles P.. Harper . To Stir State Republicans Atlantia. Oct. 9 — (43 — Tbo • • 1 V amendment calling for distribution of Euro­ End o f U. S in Third War J ALWAYS T He began intensivx homework and became io quartefis building. I tion, he said, the Americans of- says he Is optimistic this year Atlanta Journal, the aouth'i 1 quickly steeped in his.subject that two months' pean aid ‘on an equitable basis .. . . M or* JolU His/Colleague* ] fared to meet in joint session with Vetti'an Australian ' statesman largest newspaper, today an­ later he was representing the 'Administratioftc/. and "more, Rihicoff was called on. to pilot The case began yesterday when the Germans to explain things. Moscow, Oct J 9—(43—S o'v let, that if "American aggressors” William Morris Hughn reported BV TH E ASSOCIATED PRESS , should, not be Ignored merely be- nounced Its support of Gov. Ad­ -i. . . in foreign-policy debates on television important legislation through the House . • •* August 2lim. palnister-president I • Comment I* Received Deputy J'repiier Nikolai Bulganin' kindle the flame of a new w ^ d gravely ill In Sydney.. Peiping Democratlc S t a.t e Chairman cause we are not ilecUng a gov- lai Stevenson of Illinois. } AT BRUNNER’S Of HedM, told . Firit American rea'ctlon from told the big. 19th all-union Com- war, it will be their last one. T^e announcement says Chinese Com- John M. Ballev.’ after three ' ernor this year. I don’t blame the ParnaiMent at Wiesbaden there Bonn yesterday w v that Zinn's niunUt party Ckingress— last night deputy ------premiaiIjIj. however, appealed munirtt pay widow of Dr. Sun atraight weeks during which he Republicans for not wanting it TANKER IN d a n g e r - ^ a . _ . . _ a - . . — . . 1^ . W F a W.a 'as* i . ’ Y . .' . . *..’ a. a ^ __ at . f' hkd bMB a German secret'sabo------I « U...U WU..V. - ...... ther strengthening, pf Ya'-*en. founder, o f Chinese Re­ failed to smoke out a Republican talked about. It cap’l be defended.' - New York. Oct. 9—(43— T1io,. take group trained and supported Later, the office of the high com- the United SUtea as a fighting the Soviet stale., public, equivalent of 82S.000 Jar reply, stepped befo're a microphone Bailey, who ■ has Arraosed to -Navy toaker Waclssa I* agroaad' • by the Americans. Briefly, Zinn piissionSr'commented: i power -r. ■* Pollltt stressed principally the publication'', rights tpr h^r collgrted for the fourth time last night and make a broadcast each-Wednesday oa Poiaris Reef in Froblaher Bay jolted hi* colleagues with these "When illegal and Internal Bul'eanin and British' Com- .significance of the Congress for works. "M y Struggle for New reltetated there ought to be some, night until the election, keeps Mk- In aortheasteni Canaria and to ' assertions: political actiyltiea of member* of ,Sl,rt-.Marry Ponitt joined W orkerrof the World.-'Die Bnrish dlscusslon about taxes and other ’ ing what Governor .L o d p s Re­ The Americans had secretly China." danger of being locked |q bj’ ico, the brganiaatlCn referred^ to Sen. Stylee Bridges, describing' state Issues in the political dam- publican administration is. going r .trained and firiaheed to.the tune of ^ parade of apeakers to the td do kfiput balancing the budget the MUttary 8ea. TranaportaMoii Were first brought to the attention podium of the Congrea*—appar- delegates here from Communiat Gov. Stevenson as a "country club palgn.. service reported todayi. 50,000 marks ( 8 U j ^ r » month/ of the office of the U.S. high Com­ parties of 45 foreign countries. W e have, in both parties, can-..and increasing the salaries of ftato group recruited from the anti­ ently the largest, meeting bf Com- edition of President Truman bbn- YOU'RE BETTER OFF WITH missioner, aaaurancim were given Observers recall no previous Com- tclf," claims Stevenson turned ISO didates who can;'well discass the employeit . t . v communist Bund , Deutscher Ju- munist leaders In hlrtoiy—qfter f'Are you." lie asld, directing hi* piTt OFF BAc® •nsmp niuhlst gathering that in ^ d e d so nriillioli surplus Into a 37 million national Issues,” said Bailey. "I gend (League of Gerqian‘'YouUi). .... that V. 8. authorities had Maxim -Z. Baburov,' chairman of remarks to the governor, "going to Waaldngton, Oct.. R—WD—Tito , d e p a r t m e n t many leaders, or such a number dollar deficit Iti Illinois . . . W il­ feel that there la much in the atate “ T h ^ men, Ml Oerinaii war vet­ been'unaware of such activities. tha. State ftanning commission, aak for a 33 1/3 per cent increase Supreme Ooart today pot *B THURS. and FRIDAY n I p I p n F F SENATOR . Today Zinn tokL newamen ' ah outunid obj^tivea of the current from so many different ebuntrtes; liam A. Dawson. 73, founder of govgniment at H a r t f p r d that ' untU Dee. 8 argamSato on tito erans. would go underground if Moscow newspapers . disclosed Eaatern Conn. Flprirta Club and needs attention and should be dis­ in the sale* tax 7 W ill yhu Increase rVIDIwwl I UNEXPIWED TFRM the Russians overran Wert Ger- American' . representative Was fivb year plan. ’ the corporation tax, or what new, conatltattewaUty .of oegregalton meeting ip Frankfurt with Oer- Stresses soviet Slrengtli today. OiAt ,,deputy ‘ Pretpier nuiwu'ynisn for almost 4 0 'year*; cussed during the campaign. t of and wklt* chlltoea ip , many and emerge later as re- ' '"The; waste and extravagance UNTIL 9:30 V O U :■[ MOC R A J 1C PULL THE SfC/'ND LtVFR aistance fighters and aabotetirs. Emphasizing the Strength o f the diea fit Windham Community HoSt (Oonitoood M Pago Throo) . pobite eckaiola. (Ooatiinad r. Melba Phillips. 46, Brooklyn CbUtge phySIdS teflfch- Faiiol Truck Reluctant SwiB»-~Miss Sayijuslice •rr'gffdDF. Sgrnt Riddinaji. Brooir- Bailey in dtli -Try ^HnwreteOining H rad Seeks M a lyKCtrtMtiphyBloIoiy teacher. Baptiils Set Dewey CHttrges Democrats - .'V ... STATE -■Avi?He»oww 5a . i j uv:i^'a'0 ap- self-incriihli)atlan ah^l be.., va­ The Hartford Baptist Xssocla- 1..500 feel west of the Ansaldl Con- I \ - . > itchool the presence of Justice, law and s u b j e c t s tlon, a 163-year-old organization know w.hat Dewey meant when presidential nom in ee, Govemdr jpuiauon Meetings are arranged on a piicatinhs__for exceptionsAo cated. PLi'B . . SHORT In -a statewide radio, and tele-' nked-up wrth -the *?** “b u t , -foi-' ■each town; Oir order, ■ in ahoi^. of - government, comprising 26' Baptist church of vision- address laid; night,, th e New ife said ’'Jrm' 4:h«wr‘ The Alabaiiia ! atR zoning regulattopi Monday, Oct. Last week, six city school teach­ I X ATUAE a t 2;26-«:69-9:00 driver escaped' Injury;. are* rOi^oM high school jrfan- jy|y 22. David Teomans of An­ atated David Gilchrist, new direc­ ers were fired by the board of edu­ Hartford, Tolland, and Litchfield York Governor ripped into Gov Senator did not elaborate PatriiCk J . Ward, a Democratic Charles M. Ransom, 17. of ,46 20,- at 8 p. m. In Munic^pil tor of the (Jonnectclut UnUed counties, will hold US annual meetr, Adlai E. Stevenson and Sen. Concerning . Dewey's comment State Senator from- Hartford and 403 West Center Street Telephone 7853 nina boarda Columbia has solved dover was named chairman for cation for refuilng tp answer aub- SUN.. MON„ TUBS. Earl street, who was driving the I ta ^ -n Im nieJyte problerii for an^the three-town research ^ i d . Building. World Federalist? at the falljwp- commmee questions about Com- Ing Sunday at First Church, Winf J. Sparkman of Alabama on his candidacy. Sparkman said; head of the United Automobile truck owned by a local produce ndrt?nite period\ ' S Working with Yeomans are BAin- The Sheridan ^rporatiy aeeks |ier meeting of the MancMester muntsnK Last Mohday, the board sted. holding up to TV-vieiF>rs Ur4 of­ "He ahniild know, h e's. an ex­ Workers tCIO) Political Action dealer, waa arrested and charged Hf»r Aarremilit Reached f ard of Coventry, as secretary; and pe'rmiaaion to ^ d d o n r of ^ two Chapter o f. the United World ;Fed- of higher education, dlamiased This is the assoctatiim through ficial Alabama ballot ahov^g; pert on being removed from of- committee., was the only leader with rerkles* driving and failure were^old at the| dark D. Baily of Hebron a* Boors to its gilding at-'Main and 'eraliSta held last night In the base­ three fa^ ty niemhera/of city- O N E M I N U T E which the newly established Com- A rooster emblem. the flee. The American people have re-1 willing to be qiioted by name, how- to carry hla license. close of’the anfidal ty-n meeting'tressureV. ^ - - . y '... ^ Pearl ' a t r ? ^ . Th^/noors would ment d f Keith's store. owned colle^ for the*aame rea­ mlthity Baptist Church of,. Maft- word* "white' aiiprem^y” above moved him twice, in 1944 xtu * i" everiv Ransom lost control, according heW Tueadav night thiil an agree- Se|«trt Cfkmntfiea Heads <'pntain f ^ r apartment? eaoh. The Mr. /Gilchrist, a young lawyer, son. , T O Z E R O emster will ofncially jfttabllsh It and the .words "M the right;’ 1948." “* I D^arlng the DemocraUp ma- Jo police, after the truck's right ■reachedXwith the| S e le ^ y ‘o h M W jh e_v^ _h u a land tww dw not conlalh the who, ^rior to taking over this Job, .relatlonahlps with other-^churches below It. ■ ■ Stevenson was 'not immediately jbrity In Hartford woujd/ntil at vvjteel? ..trayelcfl on ,*..«.rayei.por-, ■was a znembier of the--legal tl*p irt- * Jim Wrtprr available "for' cofittfi'enf.‘' T'fSr^a'n '‘ all-time‘‘'high, •KertMiyy' ■ am"f*qnlfeBVe Einbinder is seeking ex­ tan Railroad in New Tork, slated church Is completed./' rooster and . the banner^f >wite presidential nominee, Dwight D.: in several factories showed-that company. The truck, traveling that the organization wholeheart­ Chicago, Oct. ■; 9— IJP>—^T. A. It was pointed out by D o^ ld I trjv curriculum; Dr. Alonao G. tension , of perrhlasion to ere<;t Tlih theme of \.Yyi -meeling will supremac.v — Ku Klux K lail- — Eisenhower,, spoke over the New j the workers were "evenvhelmlng- east, then-went about 1.50 (feet edly supports the United Natlona Sick of Lincoln. Neb., is the newly z: T^tGe' chairnian of the local'Grace of Coventr3^ finance, Cag group- dwellings In accordance elected president oKthe American be ("Today’s (Challenge to the ■Jim Crow banner — f*>'*"X York State ABC-TV network and ■ ly, for Stevenson.” Jenn Hnillh onto the north' side of 'the road m and believes that its~membw the "e^ectm-a for^ Steyenson\ snd Board.' that since Columbia lain V a lter S. Keller of Coveng W i t h a|f>proval given by the board L ifa epnvantton, an u l^ a n c a - buaU the state NBC Radio Network, —A. atate-CKXleader .aald: "Never Where ihe X ft wheela cllmbect an i must transfer to ~ it- -stiffIcient Spalf.kmRn 7h tfila year I952;X/^' cloiest to W^illimantie and because ! Transportation: Winism PrttT H arrh 8, 1061, Oh the north aide nesa aaaoclation. \ Prlnclpot speakers are Rev. Kd: in my e.xpertenca have I seen so Miss Jean Smith of 334 North v^embankment.' The truck flipped^ authority to enable It to maintain ..-The avmbol -was placed on the Sick, prealdent of tike Security ' Win H. TMllcr,- of West Hartford; many working people. on~ their own sotibol Street, a junior St the 'bqmpif tely -ever-/ and landed- <>n **■* Keen of Hebron, area popuIat,iOn; street.* Einbihder has bSen de­ law and order a t the World leveL general aecretary of the Connecti­ Alabama ballot around 1901. It wlteel* facing westerly. The scci- tpien to retain the^. ratio and The naovement to strengthen the Mutual Life Insurance '^mpany, Initiative, asking for Stevenson, John Horton of Hebrbm sHeiHra cut CMuncil of Churches, at 3:45, waa iKldpted at the behe.*t of whlt?^ Vrgehtine I^'ader Teachers College of Connecticut, denU^curred at 4:20 p.m. . layed In starting • construction of United Nations into an organiza­ succeeds Fraser B. Wilde, president buttons and car atteker*. Thomas Birmingham . of Andover, the dwellings because of varioit? on ‘Today's (Challenge to the supremacy leader* In resctlon to A Bristol labor leader said a ^ e New Britain, has been selected as TheNcehicle was heavily dam- ^ communication sent to, Wll- tion, capable of enforcing worW of the Connecticut General'Life In­ the ..pbat-piyil war period when 11 sides,',, according- to lim intic OfflCiala which atated public relations antTpubJicIty': materiat shortages, be has told a surance Company, Mariford. Christian Citizen”; Dr. Theron M: Siicciiiiihs at 66 semlmeiJt for the- Republican co-chairman of the annual Home-1Aged on law to ensure peace throughout notthern opportunists allowed ^ _ ___ /BPatrolmana 9 * —> 1s * n 4 Isymond Peck, who in- thatSpolumhia the first town Keen, personnel rebourtes and Elpri zoning official. The area la in th? world ha-s spread throughout Chastain, newly appointed execu­ presitlentlal noftilnee, Dwjght D- coming Week End which will nard. Hudak ojf. Xitdbver as chair­ Rural Residence Zone. ^—:— tive secretary of the American mass negro Voting and many white •Eisenhower, which has b^ ft noted ! 19 v6s ligated. to rWuest such a policy, alio New England so thjstConnecticut Buenos Aires. Argentina. Oct, 9 man of the legaj^mmlttep/ Six of the applications are for Baptist Home Mission Society, at voters were diafr^chised. in factories there was-"beginning j One of the traditlonsl week ends granted the reque.st. THREE HAPPY KIDS. .Elsbeth Sigmund of Zurich and two Is now a part'oTiChewIy organized^ In advance of' Dewey's apeedh. permission/or extension, of per: the'inv supper aUPlirF hour;niMU , andbiiu Rev,rvrv-. Donald — ---- j vi‘ Retired Gen; Arturo Raw- to fade" because of "Elsenhower’a TCC homecoming welcomes , Slk-Tcwn Study Group pet goats star in "Heidi," movie based on the..famoue children's New England region. The present BURNSIDK v:,V., . 'However, . Columbi*;s action mission t» conduct various types president of the United World Fed MWMftmna \ B .‘ (Jloward. executive .e c r\ *r y o l,*^ " s's"”’the son, who served as president of tie«up with Taft iBenafor Robert back college alumni and features CALL of .busipeaaca. book. ' . tl>e’American Baptist Cnn tabeoUs discussion groups at 4;,15 death was not announced. School, clsss of 19.50. She is the m atter. AndoVer, Hebron \ and W reester. Maas!, Oct. 8— CRntep Rtre«t, B u aln w III. ' \trftht movie atiir outside Holly- i t l:U Teck. (:U-t:4« “When I flrat saw’ these ballots 66 Truman is comihg. to Connecticut A; James Kirkpatrick, light man­ John and Bemlce Rieg seek per- 4 - covering the following phases -of Rawaon, , was the ^n of a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred­ 160 F,a*t Center 8 ^ Tel. 2-68*4 Coventry form pne group wbll Ainanonymoua public apirited citl- I thought I Miould call for .one or famous Argentine military family. next week. MMnsfield. Ashfogd suid ChipHn ufacturing (gauges for aircraft mltaion to build an addition to the Swiss film company. Prae- the general thenta; erick 0mlth of Manchester. Mn, credited by police with solving Industry), SJ* Charter Oak street, 8«L 1 P. M. A Oreut "Peace," Rev. Kenneth L. Max­ both »jf them to retire a* candi­ He assumed the presidency after "He-'a our boy,” he declared. comprise the other three towns a 831.0(H) bank robbery, has turned rear of the Shady Glen Mitk B*’’,) sens, looked all over eastern G^ll Instructors Rida’ Show! SU N 0A Y dates. But, after all, It's up to Truman waa branded a vicious Bolton at iU' tow-n meeting Residence a K j Charlea Luce, 840 Middle turnpike east. Resi­ well, pastor of Central Baptist leading the June; 1943, revolt by a 8600 reward bver to the wife of Switzerlknii to find a girl for the Church, Hartford^ (sponsoring them. i! slandered last night in a campaign of his school's examination ques- authorised the naming o t '' ’ four parking lot m connection with car dence Zone AA, to house an air 4ND OP DESIRE” "W hat they will do to remove /army officers n about the arrest of Bdvrard S. company's scouts picked Elsbeth New York. Oct. high of First Baptist Church. N ^ Bu.sh accuseit/rruman. who has their examinations equipped with other InterAted inquiring land street. Residence A; Charles them." break'With the Axis. \ / a homemade walkie-talkie radio. Myler of Sterling—Juat aS he was Gibson, to Sell religious lte,ms, Navy Plane Flies out of a scramble of boys and girls school teacheri and four- college In Britain; "Education and Social Rswson resigned theXext day been campaigning across the as to what/atepa will be taken in. In a achoolyardX and she is now Speaks Flgiiratlvelv SO they could broadcast the ques­ L Arthur Drug StoratJ taking his four-year-old\aon to a 172 South Main street, Residence structors h?ve been subpoenaed to ttVlfare.” Dr. William H. Flaharly, and was siicceeded by Gen. Pedro country fo^Che DcDiocratlc ticket, Joining thf re^onal bodlei. "Heidi." somewhat against her appear Saturday before the U. S. 'Dewey’s office later explained It tions to friinds outside the class- r iioU R S S A. M. to 11 P. M. 1 doctor. Mvler—withoiit criminal B. state deputy commissioner of edu­ P. Ram irex, who gave Juan .Peron of impl.'riftg that General Ei.sen- In the initial meeting. 12 , towns record -said he needed money to 111 Polio Victim better Judgment. \ meaivt the withdrawal demand-bn KirkU’'Ar ^v*/Mil rixim and receive the answer* back. Four applications for permission Senate Internal Security subcom­ cation, and Roger M. Thomp.soft. his first Important government hower “ couldn't be trusted with *\ met Jtily/10 to formulate plans for pay medical expenact and help hit "Heidi" is the stocy of a little mittee probing Communism in the Stevenson and Sparkman “figura­ to erect additions to dwellings chief of the,biir(Uiu of fcderal- post and a boost toward the presi­ atomid .secrets." the-stuiH of a regional achbpi in family. Police said this apparently SWiaa girl, who lived in the moun­ nation's schools.______. state-local relations of the State tively." ' ' view of the steadily, increasing closer to property lines than Hartford, Oct. 9—(iP)—A Navy Terming Sparkman "a man who dency he now holds. Calling the Prestd"eht’B state- was to. . regulations allow Ih Residence plane In here yesterday car­ tains with her grandfather and The high school teacher. 4'i-year- Department of Education; "Hu­ ntents "presumptuous" ' as well a* hiA school-age population. Last night the publicly unldentL Iwiped her .best friend back to has spent his whole public life Zonea A will be heanl.. rying as its passenger from flench old Cyril G raze,, went oft depart: man Right* and Civjl Liberties,” fighting,to suppress the rights of "vlcjoua slanders," Bush declared Add* to Problem fled Informant received a 8500 re­ Health on a diet of goat's milk mental trial yesterday before the Slegmar F. Blamberg. siipeivisor n.v moM MOSCOW / Adding to their problem O’aa the They are: Morocco; slx-year-old Noreen Lee American citizens." Dewey added: m)body ever "held important ward. He Immediately turned the Hallwortk, a polio victim. and cheese. The book wks first board of education on charges of of inter-group relations, state AMESITE DRIVEWAY dUHcuUy -of sending pupils to garage,. 347 H o llis t e r street “The Democrat candidate* for t— Mrs. G ie ir s t Aecrets so well" as did Eisenhower sum over to Mri. Myler. At flrat Noreen,\S daughter of a Navy publische4 in 1880. It ha^been Insubordination and unbecoming fommisatoff "bn civil rights; and re Prealdent .stand I Berlin, Oct. 9 look for Its (white su-: the Moscow airport for the de- FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1D ^12 NOON to 7 P. M. the Navy has transferred him to on with her usual schedule of ,which also suhpoeaaed: Dedication of new pariah house. prkniscy slogan) early removal,. 1 parlure of Mrs. Kennan and' her the Naval base at New London. school and vacation. Her parents I Dr. Joseph Pressler, 45. Brook­ Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 4 U t \Sen. Sparkman and Gov. children. Christopher and. Wendy. ’ p r o f e s s o r c r i b s Noreen'a parent.*. Petty' Officer did not Help much. lyn College physical education p.m. StevefKson are no more responaible The crowd 'included moat of the REGISTRATIONS STILL BEING TAKEN and Mrs. Robert S, Hsllworlh, are "We don't care whether she teacher; Edwin m rry Burgum, 58, Tuesday, Oct. 14 tor thiS\slogan than Gov. Dewey. U. S. emba.ssy personnel and Brit- Turin. Italy. Oct. 9 (/D -A pro­ S 8 « O H E O N L Y ^ 8 8 « natives of Torrlngton. becomes a movie star or not," her English professor \at New York \ Fashion review, sponsored By StHl Support* Adlai | i.sh. French and Italian members fessor ha* been, arrested here on YWCA, Community Y. 8 p. m. "The Negro voters will not per- of the diplomatic corps. charges of selling advance copies father. Robert Sigmund, said later. ______' \_Y— FLORA B. JOHNSON’S NOTICE TO AUTHORIZED 'But the movie people were nice, Wednesday, Oct. 18 V'Open house" • for community m S T R l i U T O R her teacher said it was all right, Hospital Notes so we said yes." patjsh house, Emanuel Church,' 7-9 r i i SCHOOL OF DANCING In arcordaaee with, our agreement you are The movie people brought Els­ p.m\ authorized ta offer one of our new beautifully \ Saturday. Oct. 18 'Ratlrata Today ...... 141 beth around by telling her she OakGriU A A opening meeting, Hollister gift boxed ; ADMITTED YESTERDAY: 'would have many opportunities to Bchool, 8:.30 p.m. | 'Mrs. Jacqueline Meissner. South I romp with the goats, which have BOLTON CENTER COMMUNITY HALL A G»ry Pr48aklp Air-Cpnditioned October 24, 26 i Windsor; Mrs. Stella Wasik, 27 ' a large part In the picture. Els- Gr»cv K^lly tiiWr DAnl< Harvest Bazaar of Cornerstone A. ■ I Dorothy road; Mrs. ^K’*"'** Phelps, beth likes animals. **RainboH if FINE FOOD if 9UALIT¥4il^ORS "HIGH \ Cliib in State Armftry. 'Andover Lake: William Oellera.,71. | Elsbeth lives in Kemptthal, a Rbiind b a l l e t ; t o e , t a p , c h a r a c t e r a n d -PCeP£N$£T My HfaoiikWr*’ Also Rotary Club's Minstrel, 3 ‘Haynes street; Mi'S. JoBephift«|small village about 12 miles from NOON" (I I Pea; led Paa. AateaaMa Pencil (In 4>*t«r) BUSINESSMEM’S Waddell Sfthool. ‘ / INTERPRETIVE OANCINS /Marks. 48 Spruce Jstreet; Mrs.'j^urfeh. Her father is an account-1 y:IGeG:aSr»;3D Thuniai Spicial Hatantoy. Oct. 28 / Our regular $4.50 value * Celia Kode.s, 37 Edward streetr |aht. He ?atd he' couldn't' qulte! TRS^WSTITiri n r * E E i # & r A LA CARTE MHS Cla*> 1942 Reunion, Rain­ FIVE Thomas Cl&idale, Andpver; M is. | imagine his daughter a.* star. In a LUNCHEONS bow Club, Bolton, 7:30 pm. on receipt of this con- REGISTRATION - i C A L L , 2 . 1335 pnn and 88c. YEAR ThereSa liinflsty. East "Hartford; i movie] She likes to play with a SERVED DAILY C H IC K E N Sunday. Oct. 6 Mi-s. Miriafh Ferris, 14 Elro box of bricks rather than with EXCEPT SATURDAY F R IO A S S E E Reformatlon\ service at Center WRITTEN I street; George Schaller, 195 Norfy, dolls and enjoys her model rail- (A GRADUATE OF THE CHALIF NORMAL Satinfaction or Money BackT A qnaliiy net of TeL Wladsor Locks X-S079 Church, 7 ;,30 p. ^Main street; Mrs. Hilda Palm a- way. ROAST REEF Wednesday,Oct. 29 SCHOOL OF DANCING, NEW YORK) Standard GUARANTEE YOU RISK NOTHING! ’tier. 40 Marshall road. | "She's a regular tomboy,’ 'the y R A V IO L I Wedding Gown^ageant. Temple Mandfq^^re / ADMITTED TODAY: Louise 'father said. “She learned to swim Chapter, Masonic \xcmple, 8 p.m. (HOME MA|>E) _ . ----- Nos'. 8 ■■■■■■■■aiBOO NOT fKiNFUPE WITH INFERIOR MADE S-PC. Anderson. Bolton road; Donald without Anybody, telling hier and, Saturda.vyJ 'IN O K S n U Calhoun, Rockville. |when ane was eight, T saw her Aiinual HarvesIS i)(ance, Gibbons A h BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A ]one day swinging on a single bar Aasemhly, CZ. I j . of C., Country ARTHUR DRUG STORE 942 MAIN ST. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. David and jumping off with a half som- Club. Farnell, 46 Ardmore road; a ersaiilt ' -- Sim SS SWKM). /■ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. George ■The parent* will chaperon the flNClfl (MOT, aUTOMATIC Rink. 95 Middle turnpike west-. children - in the cast during the Bnhrrt HAND KNITTING 4(19)1 WTiiy ArmoiroBV Red Deputy Sees UlCTOt II. U M 4IS «s««* '.-Utr: DISCHARGED ^YESTERDAY: shooting in the mountains. Els­ FRIDAY Thru SUNDAY 2 I ’ » William Fox, 316 Su'mmitSummit atreet; beth vrill get a bank account "KING FRIDAY. AI.A8KA AT (1:46-9:20 Mrs. Mildred Cashman. Rockvll'e; when the picture is finished, but m U. S. End imWar MANY OTHItf KWUElAMa Mrs. Annie Tomm, 29 Collage probably not a very big one. KONG" C^^lt at 8:16—SAT. Cont, 2:16 „ " V, M66«WiO SN6 SUU CMOn ■'7 CIRCLE EASY TIRMS timik itocs Praesens Is having financial dif­ street: Mrs. Ix)rra1ne Kennedy. 1.5 M l — aad — II. I* i» cauof 5 « » Waddell road; William Robert.", ficulties and “HeWI” Is counted 1 ‘ \ (Ckmtlntwd from Page e) ‘W - fVKopfp- South Covr-ntry; Milton E. Hicks. on to help the company back on IHirKo -/ t V j Las-renty P. Beria (head ofVthe 39 Haynes street; Taylor baby its feet. "Leopard Man” Elsbeth. who doesn't want to govieJ police organization), has Y A RN Please Take Notice girl, Rockville; Flora Nelson, 71 l ; \ i A — Delmont street; Mrs. Kathe,rlne be a star and doesn't take too Su f J. called for vigilance against Amet"- Lawuenre. 180 HiUstown. road; kindly to a schedule of rising at Ican spies, which he sai(l were SUN lO W L Rie. Flrtrian Fay, 130 Birch street: dawn, taking a long jeep -ride to p R tt^ I rl., ••WINNINO being s(;nt incessantly into Ritssia, IMPORTED FROM HOLLAND ITKAM" tSd “ I.OAff In his speech to the Ciingress Monday, October 13th Mrs. Lucilli Parentesu snd son. looatiotf and submitting to hours SHARK" HEATER snd ;of photographing, is becoming a Tuesday - piiblished -in full .only Gilesd: Ml'S. Ruth (Briggs tuDmvwu..m TMI ••CMIlf' ______dsughter. 7 Morse road. I little more philosophical about. today—Beria declared: (6ATS. UNflHWttTHt A#-! DLSCHARGED TODAY'; Le-' the whole thing. After one partIc- Coat. Every Night From Dosk. "The vigilance of tlie Soviet isaovio. NON Tie tAii.~90»l SOCK and SWEATER is a Legal Holiday IK .land T. W(X)d, 26 Robert road;lulsrly bad day. she said': "The people la the koene.st weapon In ' NOMICAL TO UH. KNITTING Drive out toaight as early as 9:16 the struggle against enemy In- j Harold Porcheroh, RFD 2: Mrs. | movie people were sfill nicer . , . or as late as 8:80 In are i ; Nettie White. Rockville: Mr*. Dor-| about it than my teacher would fllltrators and there la no doul)t j complete show .• It's a real thrill that by. heightening and sharpen- j SPORT YARN it Cox and daiigbter. East Hart-, have been.'' show! WORSTED «'ford: I>eslte Hale. 571 Center | ------_------In^ their vigjlance, the Soviet peo- i OMT COLUMBUS DAY street;, Frank Fairweather. 66 pi* will be able to'' render: harmless i VEST ^PkCS . H|AV« 0¥TT ' NIAVYWdCHT HOUX M SM8US U" SKID KINO (carry over) , Walker strert.. Mrs. Geraldine Pinay Scores”' agents of the Imperialist war-| |W8ATNiae*O0T WATKrtOOl NAS imAjroca^ AU. auiMM. f Bramlev. 32,5/Jlilliard street ; -Mrs. mongers, no mattei; how many! AtMT TWIU twilL - aultuiB n (ifts M le 4* I4IATT. TIACTION OUCK 10 UATI so* MIS (O il. . Alma UaPlsiile, 72 Durant street. STATE they send to us and,Tno matter how KNH( ' ■ ■ ' Minpr Victor) they disguise thejn'^” t 'J' ' ... IK>J4|(MIATB PROPS ( ^ rta also confidently; predictext : There, will be no business transaeTed^ .VVasbMyrtimrc Oct, 9.- ; (AV—The th a BAvlcia tariuinapft-:lii 'Paris.' Oct. 9—TilP'i-'--The .Freiich /sTTTra record obtl^reak of infantile paral- GAIA HOUOAT WHAfNOtTAGt \**0^ fiiture war, t ■ • ; ' • parliament - today - ahalved (p:„'j>r<>-' FtAsio igaetc OF ''' " If any - gnemy; daws'' to * ;;«s-'i*'..'apj^ -Ute; jeeted- -foreign .affairs.-debate, liu- that'''dav"liV^ J X ' Puh'i(‘' Health Pers’lce- figure's .Ift- ns ‘ with- ■War;' thhi)' ■rhe'''‘Bh^tS' 7 pcQp]^~8tandiftg a t the head. 4 OZ. yte:./d»feateus record year, grouprng of aggressive Imperialist roK ML ays Ideal for Afghans, gloves. posed last 'Tuesday.a twd-day de state?, and be jibl'e to defeat and is i With two and a half montha atill ropesn add bate on the' ^ r o p e s i North tame the rampapt aggressors ^and to go in this year, there have been African policies of-Foreign Minis­ MOUUW • STAIWAM 24 COLORS 339 more rases than the 1949 year's warfnongers." CUT TO HT AM ter Robert, Schuman, who has been The Congress has been told re­ 23 COLORS ' i total of 42.033, which the Health under hot fire from the deputies LOW. r tie iD i MLTfMP 1?! We will ser\ e ibc public as usual Thursday ; . ' rservice lists as the previous record for allegedly bungling negotiations peatedly that the Soviet Union is 1. ' year. However, partial data avail- a bulwark of peace and, with the WIUCHISTIR with Tunisia and making too many Communist world rallied around e U A I I I N ^ IU 99M MOMIBI ip- ! able on' 1916 marks that yeaf down conceasiona to Germany.., CAPS SOX ■ ‘ the worst of all for polio. ' It. can stave' off war. No speaker' R U D S / S H U U t , WIATMIR STRIP E\cning from 6:30 until 8:30 and Saturday Pinay reluctantly agreed To the 'has made the suggestion that the If' 10N9 WOOL New cases dropped'last week for I debate. Then the aftsenoWy threw ICAIUI 110 , (ATOM. eOTTON A M M U N tnO N j the second consecutive week, after world acluallj; Is oh the brink of A8MV TWIU MO 100% VIRGIN WOOL out the agenda calling fWr the'for­ •OOM I a stretch of five straight week* in eign policy debate. Today the rules war. TNI u n *M AU 12V The impression has been given AU KIN94 OS OAM Morning until Noon I which new records had'been set. committee prixluced a new agenda SHOT ' " TAIMT SIAO- M l I t * • FAST-COLOR MOTH PROOF < The to?l. last week .was 3,227 ^ that the chief task for the SoyieU which call* t b f )li*rti»«iou only of Is to proceed-with the new five % 9 9 TRNM 1 0 ft. I BABY ] new rases, compared with a cor.- domestic legislation and puts off rerted total of 3,639, for. the week any forei^ debate at least until year plan, whicji already haa been ___ *>-» In operation for 18 tnonlha. The • MATCHED DYE LOT ' ended Sept. 27 after parliament's new re«;*B*, un­ 1,192 voting delegates also are YARN til OcL 21. - * tidclng up a propo.sed reorgaftigi- FIX YOUR CAR HEATER NOW assure* you of con»l*tent color asallabUlly, No IxdheiaoBaa Ilager Beavers Dam Streams tlon of the party admioisliwtlon. ' itialrhlng of dye lot*—ahades are alway* the same, Ro-o^oara . .'■V Columbia Falla. Mont. — lA')— M.ARKETB c l o s e OCT. 19 «Casa*'lf iMHCLGAIOT A telegram from the secretary win alway* n*a.tch. ■. ' ' R- High in Montana's Rockies oft A New York; Oct. 9 — TAP) — of th* J*pane*«,C^mmimi*t party. ! creek a few mOcs from here, beav- Financial and commodity markeU T ft f P L f M Kiutai Toicudar was read at yester-: ^ I ers are - building existing dams throughout the United StaUa will ON THE SAlidE SHOW OPEN H L 9 EVERY EVENING fi(,4TlONAL BANK OF MANCHESTER day’s session. In it the'Japanese y \ ^ higher ' and starting new- one*. be, cloiwd'.Monday, Oct. 13. in ob­ RM leader charged that the United 1 oz; .. 595 Main Siraft r i * ^ . causing farm ers to wonder how servance of Coiupnbus' I birthday, f U S M N I i l jRUtes, aided by Japanese reac- S T O R £ S ^ f!® 1 they ‘ are-going to water their which falls on Sunday. Various M oa 96M t t f * MIWOUII 'Honarles. ...Iq, trying to drag the stock: - 'rae reduced tuneam flow UvesUM-X reporU will 9e Usued as Japanese peiiple inth an aggressive e u u » 9 MA9* S t IS now being stlidied by the atata 13 M ambar: Fedflrral Rasierve Syiiam usual by the Dspartment of Agri:; DANOMM u . war. He claimed 'the Americana Fish and Gaftie Department. culture. are trying to mask their Ihtenttona 681 MAIN s t r e e t * ply .fine baby yam In S. •oft paatel 'Ffdaral Daposil Insuranca Corporation. m m * 9 coiora. . - .Canadian stock* and g rain -ex- .with lies about threats of aggris,- ‘ , MANCHI58TF,B.,;=f :=— Every .Atlanlie Qty bea.Uity cliaitgea also will be clooed .Mon- aion.coihlng allegedly from the dl- contest misses by K inUIloa'mOea (iay, Oct. 13, Thanksgiving Day. - ■ ■ 'ALSO- A tr;. reclfon of the Soviet Union. •HIIWI9I the one our foresla put on avery Euro^an otarkela will b4 opOn DeJegatea Yreqifently Interrupted U' •315 TRUMMILL ST., HARTFORD fall.. as uauaL J tlM reading of the telegram with applauia. publlahed acimunU aald. -\- • ‘ V ,V ' ., r- ' 'V . / 1 ,L" 7 A ' I 7 •n; *=i' -iX ■'f :

/ / .->v ■ :'-7 PAGEFIV* MANCHESTER nEVENING HERALD;"MANCHESTER, CONN^- VAY, OfTOBI'^R ...... iiA vruirfiTER EVENING HERALD, MANdHESTER. C O )^ THCRSDAY, OCTOBER ». 19S2 FAQETOtm Chester' Memorial Hospital, 'f'He' R a n d a l return* - pixwpUyv The Alice Scsfgel, MrS.'-Olive Rose, vealed that several - new acts of ... ootpoista on nearby jruig'er—rldga * r iJoyd Grant; Rdward Curtin, Mel­ professional and amateur .standing maternal ghandparenta , are Mr. WpN»-r-J4il9 n > • X .y «' /vfV r WTBT—IfSO W apping) ,/sale___ is being■ cbnducte'd by the and Mrs. Raymimd JM'arts of .Silver, lost tn the • Reds-Monday nlghtv • I'B'buU); VV'jndSO!: VoluntoeT Fito.'De* vin -Stead, 'KerinetK. Qtiinit, Fred have. been. Inuluded in the ? Show r^ingHthig'. continuW all diy-yeBs W D R O - 1 S 6 0 4 t t k n WHAlf-z.filO ptansr • . lane;-'East',''Hartford.' ...ilN. , WC€C—1291) -Ka-tATAEV M. F „ - n o — lOfiO - partment. Tk^tey. .Edw'firtt'T’aAtlila finff'Vie'' ! terday for a hill east of the MUn- Nattopfal Parks tor Daliy. Bev'ent .Vrrlval Assets of WKNB— 840 - I^stera Standard>Tim« WNHC—Ch. 0 Ultifi League Note* , idung valley on the eastern front In hidusirUil Fin •Vdd New .Tct* Mr. ami Mra, Norman Peterson 'Manciutaler Evening Herald Members; hr the ;UIU* League Wapping bureau, Mrk, .Annie Col­ Schools Fixst ' Late In the afternoon the ' Taft to Rule To Be Featur Alumni Team have hceh asked to Dexter Burnham, .rhalrinan o'f of Deniirig street.' are parent.* of 'aoldiera broke contact and .4!DD—-WPRC-.^U Happen* Every D iy ;. (;J d—WDRC>.--T*wh Petrol. th e' general committee /has re­ a daughter born Monday at Man- lins, telephone Manrheatel* 4410. A sharp Increase In large fires, turned See thaVpatoicii lan't ’ Cei-Vic Artims. , WON8—BlHsJeiikln* Show. turn in their uniform,* not later I Afe Closes igh that itintarferes with W T H T ^ a l T irney. | W TIC—W eather; Frank Atwood, than Saturday to George Mulleh; llUnUi Sc1t€tuh"\ Pleated has jKen striking hard blows at the piled WTTC—Backatage Wife. . ' w rcc—P'rodurilon Newareel. . Al Club M ating h o m e c o m f o r t nation's industrial plant capacity water'diatribiition from a sprinkler e uniforms .will W cleaned and If Ike WONS—Jack,Downey>--Muaio Shop. I 5VHAY—Cup of ^ (fite Club. :?cStored. Makinir N>»' Voters At Fire Drills Held s' . in recent years. ’ , l^d. Keep Are hose attached to '.5VJIAY—New*; I'Alka Ikm, I \VTHT.^Mu*lc, Ne*ra. ;iAlex«ildei^*^ Annual An- The National Fire Protection Aa- gtandpipe outlets. WKNB—Newa; Nutmeg'Billroom. |;4s—VVTHT—MorningDevottona. ■Wappinge OCt, 9 — (Special) — , I.egtOn Minstrel Meeting Aifain on Saturday terday Morninfi Wfrf* 1 ICKClS o o t, (OoattoMd from Pag* Om ) 4:1S^\VQN8— Jack Dua-iiey a Mulle W...... KNB—New*.' , Tonight will find the comifilUee.t dit Submitted to Grn- soclatlon reporta that the num ^ (2) Keep aisles wide, clean and Shop". M . ■■ ■' *:i»—WONS—Early Edition. Slides, depicting a'tw ir'of Amey- MORIARTY Bros. of fires involving the losi of $^8o,- clear at all times. 'W DRC—St. Lou'.e/Matliiee. W TIC—New*. . Ican 'national parks, will be shown connected with the Legion post HOUSE’S BOYS’ SHOP Both Fire Chief James ^ ^ p 1 7 P had never expressed himself 7 i*t—5VOf(C—Newatlm*. / min.strej show, ■ meeting at Com- j 315 CENTER ST 5 era! M fnufr; Tou«*bfi» .wla then preceded to WTHT—Eddie,Arnold Time: WKNB—Pclonla, \ sored f>y Abe Miller Post, has I \fcir your boy from leading makers and consistently priced t6 give M ine This year the NEPA estimates with self-tloslng fire-door*. Keep WCCC—Good Horning Mufic. \ of Mrs. Henry John.xon on Long OIL BURNER Manrhuiter closed out iU ISttl-- month. Voters will he made/ evacuate the school buildings at make It clear by indirection he la WTIC—YoungvWldder Brown. called the session for 7:30 p. m. -against the general if only.for the the total firs loss will ly J855.000,- stalrv aya clear of obstructions/ WCCC—Ne*’a; Mualcal Scoreboard. 7 ii4 -W O N 8 —New*. _ . \ Hill road. ’’ y^u the most value for your money. 1 B3 fiscAl year with « balance sheet that day in the town, clerk's of the'official fire drills fbr all- Die 000; of this, approximately J2N0.- Never block doors. Mark exits 4i4S—W TIC — The Womin In Uy WCCC—Good Morning Music. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Ellmvorth Katr- Included on the committee which 1 schools held yesterday morning. W. Va„ Oct. 9 — (/P) tosaon Sen. Taft la backing Eisen-. iiou!»e,. . \ ■ 7 Its -W T IC —Weather. , . also numbers ifienibers of the post j REPAIR rtftwtn* 113.897.305 in a.w ts. a c- fire inft|ie Muniripat. Building 000,000 will be the Industrial loss, plainly. 7 jj*.-WCCC—Newa; Good Morning banks. community tosidents, took These drills are held annually dur­ overpowered guards last j Mvtr. ' ' ■ ■ WKNB—Newa; Repeat Matinee, Buxiliarv. are: Mrs. Gladys Burn-, cordlnir to the annual audit report from 9 a.' m. to 8 p., lit' more than an hour long The NFPA says there are many (4) Use care with flammable f :oa—WDltC—Newa; Ok; Record Shop. Mualc, \ . . . the pictures .iwhilc on tour this ..IX ' \ C. E. HOUSE & SON, INC. : ing Fire Prevention Week, under W KN B—New*: Music, WTIC—Bob Steele. Morning W«tch. ham. Mrs. Mary Chick^, Mrs. \ aubmitled by Town Auditor Hib- ■ The second, session. \ which Ight amid gunfire at a atrucki tirgdg. against Taft and the T-H reasons for the up-surge In Indus- liquids. ^Provide metal contain- surnnkr In wM^hington state. Mrs the supervision of Chef Schaub, ■ W H AT^SfOry QUfeii. ^ WDRC—The Mush* Box. Fairbanks will show the slides and toard Alexander. Included in this will, be held in the .samAjilace coal mine back In the mountains Act, Lewis warned the convention liial fires; for example, heavy in- ere with tight-fitting lida for oily WTHT—Newa. Joe GIranX'ohow. WKNB—Phil Male Show. and Superintendent Illlng. ragg.and waate inaterials. Be^w^^ do the.. JifitrATion..,.^ ..... , r-a, liowever. la lA, - and. lU^nng .thc-sAnic hoiusA ' u . The •ttme-tt -took -tTr empty ^ frmn’ !easenger, lyrld there wa" Fire Prevention Week, Ol-t. 5-11, j or cut-out devices to prevent ovei* acorea. WONS—Bin Jenkln* ^low, ocra'tic rally, sponsored bv/Xthe becoming president in 1919. WO.NS—Cecil Brown. New*. 5VHAY—Jestin g with W’aiop. Operation^ durtnr. thii last fiscal, when pic^ts forced their the non-profltr fire protection as-1 load See that belts and pulley* .State Federation of'^Dejiwrallc Lewis took the floor to ask, that F.TfBtng ; liSD—WCCC— Newt Breakfast Newi- 2 year of $13evi Drake P\M~ gency equipment w;ill be located m many strikers w i^ down, in the those selected; ment.'B* sure sprinkler vslve* are ful In the event of fire..* ilJ.V-WTIC-Weather. ^ard To CheSose/Trom! Dwrt"ment.a is J3.929.000. iThe 1 lib Library Trust Fund, which Other gtitot speakers will be May Ask Fund Hike WDRC—Guy Lonihardo. • WO.NS—New*. Called for and delivered front of Marlow's store. 867 Main mine. ^ Earlier 'Lewis Issued a strong •;30—WON'S—Newar Music for Amer­ WTHT—Breokfaal Club, W ater and■ Sewer Department's’j turned over to the town thi^-ear. iBailey. chairman of- the State WTIC—Theater of Melody. promptly al no extra street, so that it ms'y he examined Sheriff Wilson said Clay County hint to coal mine operators that ! Nations would be a vantage ground ’ ica. The Finest In bended debt Is J861.000,— ’ The fund was set up by Drake in mocratlc party, Senator Wil­ WTHT—Sereiio Gammell. WHAT—Italian Program. by the public. The public is Also authorities w'ere unable to cope they may be due to be tapped . for the infiltration of the United D :l.v-W DRC—Mualc Off the Record. charge. The bulk of Manchester's a.s.sets, 192.1.- and the Income f r ^ it waJ liam' Benton. Rep. A. A. Riblcoff Senate Prober \ WCCC—Newa, MWir-il Scoreboard. invited to inspect, the appalatus with the. situation snd called OJ again for an increase in the wel­ I States. , \ W T ir—Vivlai- Kellema. WONS-(Tello-Te*t. aa shown In Alexander's audit, is paid' to his daiighter.^rs. Edith and -^ om aa Dodd. All the con- tVKNB—The Ed Sweet, Show. at Bhv time during, the week at the Governor and State Poyce/for fare fund royalty. "Next Monday I proposa to opeq 4;4:^W TIC—Three Star Extra. CALL 2-9814 De$t^n found tn the capital fund. ; Qulmby. with the p^viaibn . that gfesamen from the five congrea- W R C —Newa. *:*• —WON'S—Crean Patleraon. nv of- - the - fire houses in the South Complaints were made by dele­ hearings In New York City by th» 5\'ON'S—Crean Palteraon. Broken down, the capital fund upon her death, on^fourth would help. sional districts will also be present. Committee Set WTHT—Stock newa; Sport*. Manchester Fire-DistriOt. gates who said the miners were Internal Security Committee of WCCC—12 Hundred and 90 Hit*. ^W orkm anship consists of J4.03S.203 tn town- be bequeathed todhe Manchester Cspt. C, P. Taylor sajd^he sent All local Democrats, both men • ;U —WONS—Sporta. WTIC—New*: You anc Tour Child.’ ...... l-Jtst night the departinent held not getting enough benefits from the United States Senate-*-iiear- IiD* -WDRC—Beulah. PINE PHARMACY OwnH properties, J3.691.463.14 to Piiblic Library. /She died on May extra stale troopers in>6 the arM/ and women, are invited to at­ -WHAY—lU llan Program, and tW total inventory, a t!'» demonstration at Memorial Field Ings'that will take engnusanca of WTHT—Weather; Journal of the Air. f : 44—5VDRC—Bing Croahy. be raised by future ,L He would not say many. He tend. Reservation may be made by i the fund. On UN Matter WON'S—Fulton- I*ewla. Jr. Material lime C o u n ted to J82.895 ; on how to extinguish oil. gAsoline explained they haVe- no power to a truly startling situation." WTIC—VlctovH- LIndlahr. bonds. J1.986.494J14 In cash rai.sed , that lim< contacting Mrs. Msr.v R. Vslents. I The miners union recently won /_ WTIC—Republ'c’an Stale Central WHAT—Fa,mou» T rials; For All Makes Of Cars f securities and cash.!And electric fttes. Fire prevention enforce an injuifctlon Issued ear­ He 'said he expects there are Committee. for the construction of the Ver- ; consisting displays in store windows through­ 99 Branford streetj' Hartfoiyl. hr a 10-cent per ton Increase in its WK.NB—q JI* Call. / . The securities were turned over to lier in the week limiting/picket welfare royalty, raising the pres­ Salt Lake City, Oct. 9-, IA5 — those connected With the UN who 2 : l i —WONS—Tello-Teat. l*;*#--WDRO—Arthur Godfrey. Cutting done In our oirn nojbLydall school find additions out the town are also getting con-- Mrs. Helen jritzp ltrick or Mrs. The U. S. Senate Internal Security will refuse to aniit'er the question WTHT—rimer Davi*. WTHT—MV True Story. also have a custom to the -South and Bowert schools Leon ^ Thorp, former library- activities. That ig the s h ^ ff's Job. ent per tonnage assessment by the WDRC—Mualr; Jack Smith Show. shop from the rough stone treasu^r. last March, and he in siderahle attention. Katherine Bourn olj thia town. committee will open a probe "Are you a Communist?'’ \ WTIC—Welcome Traveler*. aa well as In money left over in ■Diylor safd. ^ ’ | coal mlrie owners to 40 cents. With 7 :*®—WONS—Gabriel Heatter. VVCOJC-Newa; 12 Hundred and 10 line of covers in fiber, plas­ to the finished memo'riaL tiirn/transferred them to the town The judges for the essay contest Monday in New York into possible He declared nia committee will WTHT—Silvdr Eagle. ■ th® nc^QAinlJi -of alf;®Rdy compl^teti Do.drfll c a ll^ la/it^gh t's action an estimated 500.000,000 tone ex­ WHAY—Symphony Hall. Hit*. treasurer. being held in the local schools will subversive Influences of persons "go, into the United Nations and WKNB—Ncw*i Through the Years. tic, satin twill, nylon and school projects, and In antlcipat- -"TbA Worst mob I hk^t’e ever seen." pected to be produced this coming W TIC—N'owa/if the World.. WHAY—Italian, New*; Mu»lc,. judge the papers over the week conected with the United Nations. bring forth a realixation of what WDRC—Peggy L e e . sd grants from the Sfate School end snd the prires will be swarded ,^ ’iden ls/20 rnHes east of here No Reflector^ y'ear, royalty payments to the l* :li—WON’S—R4ul* Stone. leopard skin. Made to fit No donation is too small to aid the continuation of your^J*ublic Health welfare fund would total' some­ Sen. Pat McCarran (D-Nev.) we have set up in our midst when 7;4.-,_WDRr-Ed Miirrow. I»;2S—W TH T—Whiapering Street*; Bulling Commission tor the first part of next week, at a, ^iver a narrow-, rjitted dirt road and , announced plans for the probe last WONS—Marque Time. your car. Prices start at MANCHESTER school construction. \ Report yuerieg about '6<1. lyrUea northeast of where near 2200^^000,000 a year. we set the UN up in New York W TtC—One Man * Family. 5VONS—Newi. V Program through the work of your Public Health Nursei.^Send your con­ lim e to he announced by PrinCi night at a meeting in his honor 10:9#—WDRO—Arthur Godfrey. \ rnll-TInvr Accountant Lewi* in answering delegate with the loftiest of ideals.” 71.5.5—WON.S—Newa. WTIC—Di^ible or Nothing. \ Edson Bailey Charleston-. Crash Result given by the American Coalition tribution to: . ,, , to" MEMORIAL Topping a list of recomm Ther.e h^-e been several minor complaints about the welfare fund, There waa no direct indication 1 :00- WDP.C — Meet Mlille. -■'WONS—G u y . Li'nihardo. On Those Who of Patriotic Societies . ____In McCarran'*______talk as to whether ' . - WONS—.Ia7.z N(K-I'urne. WKN’ B^M y»tery Voice, Per Set tJofts made in the report _Ih/>n...... , outbrgaks^ of violence since the said; W TIC—Roy Roger*. j U;4S^WtHT—When * Girl Mtrrlci. $ 13.95 COMPANY the hiring of a full-tiiu^ciwj«8tkhflhd Thratfr. WON'S—Ladlea Fair. State COR. PEARL and HARRISON d etrim e n t to records and : One of Ihb responses to the re- a s ‘ a d isp u te o v e r th e dl.sr1 jarge ; midnight when he was thrown mittedly haa nibt yet achieved per­ Americanism snd National se­ But following the address, a WONS -Tho Ilan .: KamJl.v WTHT.—Lone Journey. WINES AND LIQUOR VALUES “ STREETS” /.'^of an employe. Spokesmen- ■ o 1' f' the ; from the vehicle after a motorist fection.'Why 7^ Chiefly becauae we curity." apoivvsman for the Senator, when g ;4/^_VVTHT— Attorney W TIC—Strike It Rich. ~ 22 GREENHILi^ STREET f " Oppoalto East Oemstery jenerally assisy the assistant.'r,nt notices in The Manchester asked for precise targeU of the |:WI -W TM T -Amatour Hour. W H A Y -Italian Newa; Muaii (Coatlii^ frotn Pag* Oae) mriependent union said welfare ! who did not sec the cycle until too have not had enough money to McCsrran in hi* address at the WHAY NVw.h: Nirht WHtrh. . II ;I.V_W TH T—We. the Women. Service Station TELEPHONE US7 Or 5S0T superintendent^ Fred Thrall, is p^y^runj- Herald announcing the late struck it with the right front promised investigation, ssid "it "imperatii-e ■/■The.se Waxworka. 12:15—WDRC—Aunt Jennie'* Stories. PROOF 80T 2.99 the pos:'..on has hot vet been sible Xav of life which if followed teapied up yesterday in a mas* the rates for the industry were *0 WTHT- Late B6b E. Lloyd Show. w K-NB—Bltig Croahy. . r rom Sink Urainf! avoid hitting it. / WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUCT lined 1 by,toe a'.ioholK with patience and d^.cht raid • agalnac Kowon in high- -due to its hazards and o<- Business In C OLOR W TIC—NowP. \ W TIC—Down Honiera. Aleaander* report, in il raeversnee and deterrriinstlon. 'ortheakt Korea. Pilots .said their WHAY—.Night WatclK WON’S—H R. B*ukfi*ge. 4 YEARS OtD ciipationsl ailment* that they 11 :;o—WDRC—Public Sf'fv^e Program W.THT—Luncheon Muaic, description of the Water an :i deliver him from the coipppl-^ 'homh.s s«ere "right on the target" South Bend. Ind. (API *- Mr*. I Probe VJ. S.-Aided could riot afford to pay for it. I3:?5—WONS—Women'a Page. and caused countless explosions. 11:30 W TIC—Still of tlio Night. Rawer Department operaf.>r Sion to dnnk. Thus way of life m.i of 7^2 South The delegates rose tn a stand- WDRC—Svniphony Hall. • 12 :.5»~ WDRC—Romance of Helen Trent 1 Kowon IS a vital Communist siin- I.^uise Johnson. 27 ll;.Vi-WONS—New*. ■ W KN B—Van on Hie Street. LYNNBROOK touched on the coptroversy that be followed by the alcoholic'al^e, W TIC—M arjorie Mill*. plv and communicationa center 25 Msin street. wA* surprised when Reicli Saboteurs 12:00-'WTIC — News; j^tari In 8IENOEO WHISKEY last »-irter when .it was pu^lfi^-iioii K f no /-ne e.fe can f.ilkiw it forXim . when he concluded hi* speech. PERRY'S WDRC—New*. WHAY—I a Roe* Program. that the department had No akohAlic can be pers a^JM or miles north of Wonaan. the pulled a baA^’ squid from a WHAY—Night Watch. S-N ewa. 86 T —Newa. more than $100,000 fri-yn' the gen­ forced into true aobnety d-egard- The battered force of Poiith clogged lavatory '\drain in her CANDID COLOR PHOTOS Tomorrow PRpOF ^ 3 .2 3 (CoBttonedD From Pace One) Some men work hard to save eral fund/ The coaUxXeray ted -to le«* of rrhaf kind, of p^ple he Koreans on White Horse i* bat­ home. Leg* Of the W^egged mem­ theto money so thev can retire.* i:IHl W TIC—Frank Atwoofl. V5 an ; independent aujn of the de­ tling an estimated tyi:o Chinese TEL. MANCHESTER 2-2Z2T WDRC—Farm Program. 7.9 2 meft.s Obviously there are vari­ ber of the octopus fstriilv wound man...... official.".. to discus* the case. ! play gpl7 and have aa much fun «:l.5 WDRC—llyinrt Time. GAL ' partment. which/turned up po ous methods of bribing about re.^im.ents: around her finger when she poked; jr'^||ni,fr,rt police said an American as their caddiu, W TIC—Newa. . WHISKIES IN THIS PRODUa — — AGAINST A PRICE RISE! scapdal but dim contain a num­ p eriod s ’o f abstinence from liquor "The men's morale W very h.gh. It into the drain to investigate. j civilian clothes was meeting in A’DRC—Our Gal Sunday. 4 AND 6 YEARS OLD ber of recommendations. H wa.s B—The Patteea. - such JLS jail,.but soon- as the but they are tired after 60 hours Dr. John D. Mizelfe. profe.ssor nfjpoijA headquarters with Hesse IT —We the Women, indicated there„that the dcf;art- ‘ ^ "^ed aifd the fear eortinimis fighting, reported MaJ. zoology at the University of Notre^ government representatives. News­ u—.Mualc for Milady. ment cqUid have sold bonds it | thg alroKCol)cs w ill »ir,evita- Gen Kim Chong Oh , commander Dm'me. jund local honspwov^a ne^d j S—Crean Patteraon. OLDtOG CABIN men were barred. But at Bonn rep­ 1 ;**—WDRC—New*, \ owned /father than Isoerow from bly yield to hi* comnulVe Live In. .9ince v{_ is made up of men snd The .'loiith Koreans fought the they have not h»en known to lur WTIC—New*. / general f ind, and Alexander .s re.- Luve in fresh wster. The Bund Deut^her Juf®nd 5:15—Maot Ihf Star*. 1:»5—WKNB—Baaebill Matinee. / women J*^ o . from personal ex- Chinese with crensiie.s. yifle hiilts angnly defended iUeU..At A .newa. .5;'50--Howdy Dnndy. •' ■porr ■coTtten'rts shaT -wnh the dc- peri.er.ceT'^^^w- more a^dul to e ; snd b a sn et." in i see-saw battle fi tW-Tw'niirlit TIma. 1:15—WDRC-:-M« Perkin*. : partment closing the year with a conference.* representatives of the lo m c iN U ■fi 1,5—L'n'ti-rt Fuml. W TH T—Show Tune*. drinking ptoolqm than most people 'jf, which the rre.st changed handr organiM^ion said that, they had B .10—AliwTt CratPllA. WONS—Yankee Foot.' Show./ cash bsTshfe of alrhost j 70 000 "it in-the wor-liL it\(i/'es not bring to moie than a dozen lime.s ' B 40—Wnalhrr fiiriM-aat. WTIC—Juke Bo* Jingle*. / had nothing to do with it, were op­ « i45—Woric.' Nrwa Tod«y. 1 isa—WDRC—Young Dr. Majone. can he p'sinly seen that it wa.s not. .'^ar upon the alr>)qollc any direct D-ad of both sides littered the A b ou t T ow n 5VKNB—Afternoon Varletl^.- necessarv to redeet-. the /H,,r..ls, Ifhrm of persiis.sion > r force. One -,|„pf, jy,, ndgelines and ih e val- posed lo th,e whole thing and that 7 -.no—Fraarntt Biiah, ^ 1 0 ClUB a man named by Zinn aa head of < 7: jo—Sportamap'a Club.' ’ WCCC—New*; Mancheater Matinee. whRh we-c ra-ned *,« an inve.st- ,,f t.he first pr.nCiple.«NM AA ,«et jrva The Smith Koreans said thev The Mary Chi.Rhma-i fro^p of the 7:40—A. Riblcoff. > I :45—55’DRC—Guiding Light. the sabotage group had long ago, . WONS—Sports Realew/ men’ . . ' !>„.(, re the new memh<*x of th> g,ile.i at least 2 000 Reds S f.’ond CnnpTejrational A’’omen’s 7 :45—Canicl New* Caravan.. l/^ROOF 8^ 2 9 3 o U M O N i quit the Jugend for personal rea- 5 00—Groucho Marx. Ii*a—WDRC—Second' Mfi. Burton. Alexander sa d th^ depart deparimenl ment ^ pro .p la If yoU arr £o>^ to j 1^-^tr ve.^lrrdav the OMdrar I-ea^oe will meet tomorre*" at H “ V S:30—Chance nf a Lifetime, 5A'KNB— New*: Af)/rnooh Varieties. ^ hJ^fJ been'-'a .eht ahort when if ’hart enicr in'o thi* wav of h i e . , hurl.^d then ,-human eea pf p rr.. with Mra. Ralph Blodpett of aons. J ' a 00-^The Doctor. 5VTIC—The Doctor’*'W ife. A ^ . 8 5 to from operat-.nj: earmn£« ri'7 Woodbridjee j*tre*/ Rua- Th* West German and West fi 50—4 Star Playhoiiae. WCCC—Mualc. "HRST WITH THE FINEST IN TELEVISION" are rea’^y pf nc to trv !n maXe hodscs ajramat Ihr alope. Their iq oo—Martin Katie. ' WONS—Connecticut Ballroom. r and a ^eduction m the mater.al.« :t -v ifk. th en you vou j.R fj; tillr r v .Rhella lanoed on Ih^- seil Taylbr ar_d ' 'Herbert Berlin pres* gave the story a big 10:30—AdlalSlevenann. • ' ?W TH T—New*. Top Hit Time. Y ll^entam' 24h for addition* sdnu- tn vmitseif tha' ' s'.cohol i' jW , ,, the rate pf one evrrv Mt-Csinn will be hoate«^e«. ride. Some . West German newz> 1 1 :00—ForeiKn Intrigue. WHAY—<^n House. ^ i RED CROWN z. 11;.30—Rotiert Slontgomcry Presents. 2 :l6,-iWDRC—Perry Maion. / L /^^ pq*,fipm< r t a f v : d>- VO' r mas’rr and that. .you cannot ' tbrfV. nnds ^ • !'papers bannerlihed Zinn'* slate- hape 12:30-N'ew’i. WTIC—Cinderella Week-end. ,/ 90 -5THs. h 2 , 9 9 t/ V ^per.' a*'fi propf^r'v owr.f’ R bad ! 'u.jrh i' m ar.\' • wa,v T h e ^ i ^ K 5 cave way, hut on< e WS''.S group* ‘ ment. Several condemned the whole Tomorrow 2:30—WDRC--Nara Drake. EASY TERMS other*. WCCC—New*/ Mualc. PROOF BOJ' A^^^ntnb'jte-i only ^ZT.^02 lowar'V form u'jthivjt dancer to ..V4u,jraelf more aln>^ed back. Will hold a nim.nage aale tomor­ Idea of a aahotage group, A. M. . and ev^nt-ml .leEtr'.y.'tyon " ; row from a m . in eWir*h Announcement! 7 :0O—^Today. ’ WTIC—SIldtAHernoon ^ w a; In- 1 X th« ner.* •rnnytrr’-ctTnTT. At l i pNnt. a p’aloc.n leader exprea-sed di*5ellef. 9:OO^Te*t Pattern and Mu*lc. *!<> new’* from _ £ ;t A .9 1 ^ Another controvp-*y that flared miaAion romc frjrm'. the heart radjoe/e— The high WTIC—Life Oto Br Beautiful. The value of AiCoh>lir!« Anony- ' 11:.30—Strike I f Rich. ROBIN HOOD prograhi ,waa.al5<» toi.. hfd <»r .n ta in " AVe m o »\:\] ii> ^ ..S e n d ua ^irmahd AA>at. J r . aon of Mr. tchpol band made a goodwill tour PINE PHARilACy SOLIMENE, Inc. P. M. WONS—/*>« DoWrfiey'a Mualc Shop. Mirun fo\itv! ;n the exp erien i'e ^f 12 flO—The Spirit of Brotherhood. WTHT-7>New*; .Top Hit Time. ^ th e re p 'T t D i'*er*or J o h -' W l>aT- more grenades and maV^me gun and Mr.a. Ormand Weat of.Bolton, of jl l the town* in Hampton Coun' 90 STH 9 0 0 m'ar.v thou.aanda who have 'fr-’ind ««4 CENTER ST.—TEL. t-ffiU 12:1.5—Love Of Life. 5VHAY/-Newa4'’ Open Houae. 80T A . T T *'• fe n .h a d rh a r.:e d the town'R .^.n«'.r- arnmrtnition." ' formerly of thia town, who atudied ‘ahow it* appreciation for new WKNB^Newa; Requeat Matinee. PROOF «obf*.ft\’-an d pe.K e of m 'nd ir. the IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE 12:.30—Search For Tomorrow, / . a n ce cnfi-.n-.:’ *ee had bee- ^ K’ghTmg «)e\v heavier A» mid­ i:nder Frederic F. AVemei. U the haSlid uniform*. The 55-piece band ■ 12:45—W h»f* Cooking? 8; IjtowDRC—Houaeparty. hundre’da and hundred.^ of Alo«o- r>H- organiat of the Community 1:30—Garry Moore Show.' / Bo*d of Life. V ^ 6 .9 5 n h r night the R>eda rloaed to hand lo woi*e new 'outfiu of royal blue twill f oi^nt and that y* d hnlira .anopvmou* c*-oi:ps thronch*. 2 00—Double or Nothing. / .’cec-Neiva; Mualc. hand battle Fighting fljired on the Bapti.^t Church oh Fa:at Center w ith white brsid: trim. purchMed j W TllT—Ballacore*. Top Hit Time. w . ' .* »Tni»sed. ci*'.nE av "ne example oT t ''I t t^'e w/srld whmh affnnt*! c^m- , atreets * ^SAVf MOHiy" MR. FRANCIS J. M ELLUZZO 2 3(lt-Tlie Guiding Llghl^/ w h s l hf- fb r 's • ijere^'^. .. th.e \/5rr.T.;*.- creat, on th e s^lopea. and in the with public contributions. 2:45—Mid-Afternoon New*. WTIC—Pepper Young Family. par*. h'.p tc tho'.c peor'!r pfo 3:00—The Big Payoff/ WJtAY—WHIAT-rJ»mboref. tee*s tncomprter, r the fa^ • tha* a shallow valleys leading lo the top Rums "/loj '* '5 tor frarf.ii hoth'sldes K '>*•" HAS JOINED OUR ORGANIZATION •8 .10—Welcome Traveler*. 3; 44—WCCC—Jr . DIac Jockey. Miehigar. po*.ve»- \rhjih h.ai AMillery Are Aom both . .««idf.< m SAMiAtv nMifcntN 4:00-r-Ka*.e SmiUr: WTIC—aighh“To Ilapplnea*. Ti.!ir.„ hsttiilinn -.re,r'r.;,neA/^. •rpem-ined/^'incer,8hverr" ...soctetv., at»t' the.-i'toe-r antMi*antMi*! flDT tinlK im iu I thix^mrstatto furtKrf mM a rnit^ exp]^.;m , detoit wKat ^or^in New H. t« Clonn, CaMltrlnlilng DOT^” 2.78 XJtifli .tohe.i.ptolJem.sTItVFen.sUwpre -sn,!- -whXt • fihdlnB r lery fire ^itftdeiT *i« VhefKW theirrijlid^t; n ext-W e«1 ire * d a y,— Ad«l ilsa riie w e rriT Rase-teeth No charge Michigan shovel-w*sii4-Fa4«»t i* F><.i i rehahilii^tion ' ami hspfi In *s red r*al earb(^rt#*ei^ej_bff*w_^^ _to AI.'.;.!/: a ,m ... L tl..C T iiae(ifc- b a t hai4 - he^-jlohvinatiM ' M 4^ * f^red I c M a ia iM l ^ "ni'ehfT6'nr“'r,'ir. Ttrr^nrr!' prli tahoiis batteied againaVUhe SouU' Iru.itee'‘aTTarge. the w^rnrg time lire r« r* E l PKAOOR covers ali moSile eeth more flrmly; so they , , iitdnAsnU if SIDE OR INSIDE specific.tlly mentioned ir 'hr flrrt, deny, the enemy the top of White, Company of Hartford, designed the fe#i<'rTlore" confif’ortahle. Does not ‘Sour. i ►ROOF BOT * • 7 ’* I « YEARS OID ANTENNA ( DuMONT TELEVISION-TECHNICIANS p'olicy that any char.gr.s'rpartr Horse mnuhtatry. so we mii.it with­ apeciallv engraved cover which won rhe<’lts ' plate ftdor lienture breath), Arw Envoy O l FASTEETH at any drug ator#,..^ S f S i f s t U t / d u ring th e y e a r should-he .covVre'd draw. first priie In the American Photo­ 1 YEAR PICTURE by endorsements. At fi am the South Koreans engraver;! A.aaoclation bontest U ien •verywbera praise Fluid OIDSPAR The'rrport al.soi takrs n"lr < ' '.h--■■ I ' (oyt'retl While H<>rse with a har- during the pa>t year The ct>ver Heat fojf iU unfailmg dependa­ M Tontlno^ frm a ers of the Photoengraver** Bulle-,! LAND SURVEYING "'Veara of reliable eefviee .With 90 5IH 9 O A rti.v io.Brd an ' A m erica n d ip ^ - Rcmcmbfr! Ssltlsfac- 10 DAY EXCHANGE ger Martin ha.s iritrodiiceri here. counler^ittac k. tin published during Ihe"year, M practically no maintenance," . . . PROOF BOT M .a W ma< at th^ cmb«.«.«v in Prague...... ' . 1 This budget. Alexander says, while- ^ :At 11:10 a , m they were two* Edward L PcRris, Jr. “ World’s beet automatic oil haat,‘" 5 YEARS OID PRIVILEGE Price My enthusiastic homeowners.' tion guaranteed alwaya it produce^ additional ir'ormation talkVii for a TSfcond time with \Vil« -Ihuds of .the- .\av up Jie .iuH, The KI KTAN SAVS NO Reglttered Lanfi HiarTCjrW' .that "may- be desirous. " plai es a R O K < iiniiiiar-.'lpi pimV.i.scM' hy la- ■ Wnetber you need a eonvaraion The $:i.5fl charge for labor only if paid when call is completed. .lam Oat IS. inftpn.^nne’d AASocipted 15.Praetor'RflEtd Maaehaalcr burner or a-tompleta new heating.. at Brunner'a. greateri burden on Ihe i ootroller ■ tin his men .voiild noli!. Rabat. Morocco. Oct, 9 uF.— PicK^ reportet ■ystem, it willrill pa;pay you to to* Fluid GOVERNMENT HOUSI Nii'Tcharge if yoiir set is ID service guarantee. offlre and he recommenfla that ai;- . Or. .VrVowhrml riiL;^. just Wf.sl Thz siiltsn of Morocco's sposdy TH. IflII Oatis was anralcd April J.T Baat first. AEktua (or ’ (uU ' dfUUa. W M ITf OR 0010 dthf r budget machine be purfha.sed If^sM. on c.Kpionagc ch arg cs.d e- of 'iVhitc Hoi.sf, Frcnc.i troop,* tt- rfjfctio n of P'rsnch Indcpsndsnce .and an additional employe be h ired ' N^jiced by th^-V S. G*>.\'crnment tachi'.i the U. Second In- propo.xal.x. indicated today the rul- . L' .T t 3 .1 9 to operate it ioimediately. ^ . .as pbony: scnl/*nced by the fantiy I'lvi.sion la.-ij night threw ' er may. hope to see Moroccan de- The ne'w bud^t. whit h pinpoints ('amrminists t . a niaxinpim of ten batk an a.s.sa .it byChinese, mand.s Tor more self-rule put be- MANY NA7IONAUV KNOWN BRANDS expenditures ratoer -than lumjuiiK years in pn'*oh The Ke.l.s pieinrrei* the French foie the .ynitfd. Nations General -Frankie'’ come* to Bolimetie, iito-t tiilth a complete ktiowMse BUSH FOGARTY Prescott AVAKAtll AT AAP UOUOl STORES s them under fairly general head- • Wadsworth will lake up the this 111(11 ning wit(h,Jorig range rifle Assenihly qpe.hlng In New ;Yqrk Fresh Sea Foods Now In Season ef all phases iff the Automobile Hales and Hervlee business galMd fighf lo get’ Oatia released. In re- fir*. ; M ' ■>’ ' Tuesday.' , ’ i ' i ' * through kis many year* of experience. You will find him qtialifled BENBLieMCMMIATE OPEN / lun,ung tn the. United State.s. for South of ranmunjoiii, on the -The' sultan handed FV ench,co­ FISH AND CHIPS WITH OUR FRIALATOR-, to diacuaa your gutomoMle^-iequIrementa nnd prohlema SM ffi4V brothers Prrttonal Ntiliers mer .Amba.s.sador Briggs said Ihls weMern end of- the 1^5-mile bat-llonial aflthorlUe* s note yesterda.v ■ " - . . . f . • you expert hdxice. “Frankie" any* ' ' TUI I. S. SEIATOI 236 Center S tr^ t fight was'.No. 1 on the embassy's tie line. Allied troop^ repulse^ rejectihe a* Insufficient the pro- Our jfiew 'jjanlU ry procoM ffiyes you « d****j®“*«.‘**'“ 1*^ Telephone 2*4^39 THURS. M i FRIDAY list. • . , three Chinese probing a’tacks last possisi they mjdr last month to Jn. Memoriafij . . tulden brown food —• Sealn in. th« ftaxor! Come in, » m "COME IN; AND LETS «ET ACQUAINTED" Wadsw orth-ha* been am bassa-. night, meet the Moroccan demand*. WW*r A k CiaOWaiia M a r tWesr^lMhi UNTIL 9:M P. M. d e p a r t m e n t The • Arab-Asian bloc In the i trv thtm! FRIED OVSTgRS AND CLAMS PACKED WNHC-TV Te IcriBg m*raor«- of mv dosr m oto-r. dor to Tiifkey for the past Tour Northwe.xt. of, Yohehon UN g e i F^*bh w Awwvig UHfe EAST CENTER years. He has served extenalvely Uroopss thi.x morning'- recaptured United Nation* already is pressing TO TAKE HOMEi CALL 2-80(13. 1 I S Ura El«anor T. rv,itaJd*oa.- who |>a»»»il uxnei'i »w*yO;ob*r I. iJtt throughout the Mlddlx-Ettt. the!four outpost poi^itions lost to the to'get the question of Independ­ SOLIMENE, Inc. Spociol Nixon FHIht! -IL. l i L. j L Balkahfi and the Xtedlterraneati' Red* a 'fe\y haurs earlier..- ence for Morqcxxi. and Tunisia, an­ -TOUB DODGE AND rLYMOUTH DEAIXB" • I East of V^msong. on the Cenr other French North African col­ CC^OMTY BESTAURMIT "S treet lares. He l* ,59 .years old. IPONSORBO BT TMB RIPUULICAH e a s t c e n t e r STyC. TELEPHONE 5191 tral front the Reds attacked with ony. before the General Assembly. 143 NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER AM CENTEB STBEET , rHONR WOl er.ilW A- HAT! CIWTtAL COMMITTH i^boaphoni* wlB bum If it Ir tank* but' it'ereT/Jcepulsed.' Ullj; France _i*/.fighting aueh a mov*. icoMMV cMAaNoir Daugbur. 'dxpoabd to air. ■oldiers failed to clgliAinE.il la gn intemgl quaatiqn.. M... '■•’T A ., r .1 ■ \ '■ - r .;. •.' - i, V" A V.-. ■i.'. I . >• ■ : H a : " : ■ v'; - 1

':r ■■ ■ V ',‘". .. .V .-‘ :.r' ^ •. ■ ^ --irr± ± ; x ; ■H- ■ I' ■• -V . K ' '-'A/.! . — ^ .|.. „...■« 1^1.,i., — ■ ~ r ~ ' - -rjr- r O C T O B E R iAGE-SSVBil- ' ■ ■■•', 1 : V Bfj^T^(;?has vFtt igyEN ikc HERAlA). MANC?lHE8TiBR, CONli^.> "l^t^.RSDAV; OG^X?fefeR t9S2 ^ ain's' new atOpiic Weapon In the Monte Bello islands is. *'alao it de- f e l O B S P C ^ District Fir#in«n - - ___ y _„iprreplloii. . / t e i e & c i A s . .tere.ny«-.waX ■■, • -•ri:- —wat r r»^c.v>»~tn>s‘A.''sunvrr***7i:ik jBfliyii twii UWUd Nation* Itonelm cbWttbfi A story in yesteraty* Firemcit of the ^th Utilities Herald ierroneoUsly reported R ussia realms haps beginning to doubb>.\Vhethcr HOT SAUSAGE ' \ tfitttrli^st^r: Into the aituaUon after what 00 Workers Retrial Bidp^ th a t Eugeno "W. Conner", 43, of we caij be destroyed b;;y-^lrect reKarded aa American bungiing Coi^necticut District, will, parade toiiiorrow methods." I MOTHER GOOSE T h e O pen night from the parking lot at 18 Cross streetyB.biiOi Coven­ ^ and the result was just 'toiat it had television Monday evening Js. hghsoundtngxbu^actumiy empty “ cal union Here bolted the CIO over I ing ust^diiring njght fires will acrvlnfrta three'.ycar- .term .in the. i flpurishlng young-t;raes." tion as one in which America was \ j s;isa be on d la^ y . - woiVien'sV ■ prison a t . W etumpka. to th^.(3qhi\ef car and crashed iplpossible 'at this;;*tage" to esti- CHOICE GRADE PINEIICR8T to be and what it should, be. The Submit, the beat yardstick by; •, i,Vi dissatisfaction -with the resu lt of Into the r<'ar end of it. tnate the opportnnttte.i whioh oup Warning of Riu*-slan a^m lc de­ limgie'Capr willing to Share only respon­ ■The f parade will terminate Ala. , , 1 little fellow in the Whltw House Which to judge, tills, .man who V rith |. JuN^Uie enlv the TWUA-CIO .national oonven- greater unity and growingf strength velopment.'!. Lord Ale.-rander said: MgMMm O y _____ sibility for its own mistakes. W s Just about to U k e wtt an a ■ lio n ...... ■ ■■ ' ’T-’- ‘ the wielcddng activities'stress' - Shannon- told -the -court .yester­ may open for our diprowscy; "Wh'H ‘T :donht tf "we ean bjHiim a»^ m 0Mtm i S§o5 aTCD FRC88 all his business and social »ock-| day th a t h'cK te."!timony. Avas "tre­ RIB RO AST _ ,ii •zeioBtrair wild tour of the country, but\that The local union affiliated with ing "Fire Prevention" during we* have to do la to be ready to air squadrons as th^v can mu.sler Chunter this feeling with the ob­ these requests for support of ap- mendously i hM»itant.'*\ ’ mid car­ explosion and ^i^ash of a B-29 merely' added tp the cheerfulhess to cori-ect his wife in public. the AFL, while the workers at the the national observance of this seize them. J ’ . and We can never egiial them in servation. that, next to the of the picture. He, was thrashing proved projects. ^ protfram. ried great weight withThe Jury bomber, 18 miles sduth of here yes­ Eden, taking note of sugifestfons manpower re.sourrcs so that we Pinehurst' will have Farm Fresh White Rock Prylti^’J I am reminded of an apropcs Bigelow-Sanford plant at Amster-- which convicted Smith. / . terday '• . . Koreans themselves, Americans about desperately, like a fish in a Therefore. 1 respsctfully suggest dam, N. Y., remained in the CIO. for personal meetings between tfiust have .superiority iri the: Chikens.-at $1.89 ea. .Rnbart Farm Fresh Conti. T g rk l^ true stony whjch relates that vi that instead of looking for an alibi Lorin W. WlUis Fairfield Coun­ The craft, on a training flight scientific development 6i weap-1 have taken the brunt bf the effort net already beached.b TThere lier was no­ « professw In English at Harvard Now the CIO seeks a joipt elec­ eastern and western leaders, said: fi2c |b. and .more of those wonderful tender large 7 to 8 thing to fear in the speefacle. It^ to avoid supporting such organiza­ RAF UST8 DEAA ty State's Attorney disputed this. from Travis Air- Forca Base at "I know there are people who ons;” -; - - -...- - ' ~ ...... in Korem and the Canadian vein College wsf attempting in a pri- tions as the Boy Scouts and the tion of employes of the firm th lb. Roa.sting Capons at the low price of 69c lb. —Amsterdam-airf Thompsonville; to Iverneas. Scotland. Oct. 9—dP)- He said her origirtpl testimony Fairfield, Calif., was blown apart think that everything might be ^****^ bimly beaten he himself sconced^ Girl Scouts you thank the Al- determine w lilch organization The Royal Air For-:e today official­ was corroborated other wit in midair and plummeted to earth. solved by dramatic encounters oT ASKS FI.AG DI8PIJVV ” T peprMAtStlTM: ^ reflected our fixe and power, and freahman th ^ he- would flunk in mlghty that we in this country are nesses, and was not the sole link „Debris was scattered over a this kind. Such meetings are not Hartford, Oct. 9- (g*!—Gov. John | I Spectsl Aseaey — Nr* he had nothing to lose, nP matter English unlessXhe stepped up the ..should be the bargaining agent. ly listed three of*lts airmen killed that danadn^d done well for her what he did. *; blessed with this bulwark against and 1,1 Other* believed'dead in the. between Smith arid thc\crlme. mile-square are* of timbered farm- of course excluded—they never Lodge has asked for appropriate j Featured At Pinehurst Grocery x Detroit *nS .Boston. studying tempo\greaUy the boy either communism or any other . AFL wants'a single election here. - I T '. frai*AP. o r own sise power, and that, in The matter has been brought be­ crash of a four-engine Sbackleton 'Deprecating the, Impon^nce of 'land.-- ' ""■■■ ...... have been—but ills essential that programs in Slate colleges: schools I H ere In OoiiBe<;tlcBl, lU nga coih^ented; Sir at a party devastating attack upon the Air Force investigators searched they should take plare for a con- t'TIA N D V 's'' ...... any cfse, a true coalition has to were aerene. And the Repnbli- fore the/NLRB in Boston. plane in the sea off northern Miss Springer's change ot heart, nijd other'pertinent places in Con-'i last evening, one oK ^e girls made American way of life. Willis told the court: * the wreckage for a clue to the atruettve purpose and on agreed nectlcut on Pulaski Day this Sat-1 be fii association of nations equal caas, It miut be confesaed, were granihiaucal e rr^ and’ I knew Guess I should have addreiw Scotland. cause of the accident. , age^a, otherwise they nierely urday. Lodge also^alled for a dis-j SMAU LINK SAUSAGE ,\ not alone In their belief thft the -V- The coastal command plane was - “No form of tnith is so tinic- in privilege and prestige, even if enough to correct h ^ ', to which this letter to the Boy Scouts^d liable as a recantation." raise raise hopes and leaVS" a World play'of state and hatlbhal flags Th‘{. Vtypotraph^ ;;,tw campaign bad been Won, the vic­ the astonished profes^ sadly re­ Girl Scouts and asked th^m to engaged In air-sea firing practice :iiifli**t«r *t«nlr« HenUci. mey are not equal in size and Children’s Show Those who have the things we worse off when the conference hak honor of Polish patriot Casimtr | tory wrapped np, nnd. fU candi­ plied: *'Plty, you dtimt know read it to the folks. ' / when It crashed into the water ye.--, broken down -than It waa before." Pulaski who fought on the side of or PINEHI'RST ilniilE STYLE power,. ...v™ dates carried' In by landallde. terday near Tarbat Ness, ttescue ' II DIE I-N CRASH want never seem to appreciate Disolsr edrertlslnf______rioylos heals: enough' nbt to", \ \ WILLARD; p . ROGERS them aa much as think we iWftrent of War the American colonies in the revo­ fv —^•— What they expected, with: their Coming to Slate workers picked Up tnyee bodies Portland, Ore.. Oct. 9— —An .. BtSSur-l 9. m- Yet all this happened, we arc I have always matntaii^d that •would. 'F Elden said ra* explosion of B ril- lutionary war. . COUNTRY SAUSA8E MEAT 'Toi Tu*sd*T 1 A ***- sure, Hot because of any monop- partisan hopes, wns modest com­ what this country needsiccua in''publictil I^UUIIA pianks Snpi^orters amid bits of floatlng,^wf*ck*ge. Air Force crew of 11 died In the ^ l^ sS S S « r-5 p. m._.TUjrfa*T. pared to what aapposedly cool ...... - • ■ . 7 .- ...... ‘nTsssdsi; 1 P -S i. pliaUe Intent upon our part, or be­ office is a.^ tle moreire reftnefnent.rsftnei To the feiitor, ...... y' Afree cartoon and weetern show chaiacters, like onraelves, dis­ little mere culture,e, on\the W rt Through tha columns of your Pinehurst I* offering Prim* Grade ttenulhe Spring Lnmb tW* ^ rn a s r-t a. »• ThiS51^‘ cause of any instinct on our part for children is being presented si "Itar S4lerdiL3^*l P> bl covered In onr. suppoaedly ob­ of f its ofiice-h<4ders.I. B u t\I n e ^ r newspaper, I''wish to express my week. We are sure, that leg*, chop* or tender boned and rolled K Cl555d^**<.fln*t'10.;*> a na ea.- to. hold our Korean allies in- jective observatlbn and correla­ the State theater Saturday after­ shoulder*-from this lamb will please .voU ... i ?Ui^«?pnbUeatlow eseept Beturdar— expected to see the day th k t "BiliV sincere Appreciation to Uie voters noon starting at 2 o'clock, under B A m .. / '______si^ficant and unimportant All tion of treads. Onr memory Is ientbn would show his real colors ,bf iMan«nester who inade it pos- / kind to us, and refuses to rMall, bic/Wr me to be elected to the the sponsorship of the "Kiddy Thursday, October 9 the touches which may/ to some bjr correcting anyone in public, F air" store at 1089 Main street. STEWINB FORELEBS OF UMB l* 19* off-hand. Just how nmay hua- even if he did force a smile to les­ M of Directors. To all those of our allies, have transformed drisda of thooaands of votes theri^ worked so hard to Insure my « The doors of the threater are OCR DELICIOUS SEASONED sen the insult to his ' charming »>cheduled_to open a t 1 o'clock foX •k StCTCnson O tu» Agreed the Korean operation fipm its were in the plnmllty .We, pn wife, ------election and to thoSe who gave original atmosphere of a United dieted for the BepubUcaiis. time and furnished their automo- this show,, for which there will/ti* LAMB PATTIES m 05« ^ TWs ta a poUtlcal campaign, and The place for "Bill” Benton^is no admission charge, ncketk^ for Nations action into an atmosphere Theh, of course, came the elec­ back in private life and thcyfuace Ijllcs to r transportation, to The ' Serve Wild Elderberry' or Currant -lelly with your lamb. _ _; _ _ j^vsm or Adlai Stevenson has tion night shock. 'What happened Manch^ter Evening Herald for the special matinee may be^^taln- of brusque Anterican domination for "Bill" Purtcll is in tha/eolc of ed at the “Kiddy Fair" aw e. ^Mueaimbed to that fact as much as was unbelievable, impossible, and United States Senator J0T in fact their cooperation in the printing Pinehurst uses onl.v Government inspected Westen^ ^ e n«rt on*. Hiat is why he wlU probably atemmed from the very highway robbery besides,’- But, of news Items and i^idvertislng—to The regular perfonphnee . of in any other role, to help raise the "Sudden ' Fear," fesMiring Joan Reef in Hamburg or lean ground beef. Save . . . «errf generosity and sincerity of our ef­ eventually, it ha^ to 'be admitted dignity and standards of public of­ all. many, many thanks. ^pot be found agreeing with what that it had happmed. , T. L. Fairbanks. CrsWfofd, will begifi Immediately meat loaf. .\ ^Osneral Eisenhower said out fort in Korea. We have been will ficials. Sorry "Bill” but you asked ing to do more there than others That over-confidence, ' they said for it. after the sperial.^ildren's mati­ • S e s ltle . about “whole^^hog" federal later, was a plain reason why the nee and will nm'continuously the PINEHURST REGULAR were end able to do. and illard B. Rogers There are 83,840 acres of lakes ^wemmpnt, even though, if he Republicans lost. It was, said the in New Mexico. rest of the VALUES! the dynamics of our'contribution ^wem not a campaigning nominee, post mortenjs, the great Republi­ ------have probably carried over. In­ can mlstbke. On 8epiitlng ^jhls evsijr Instinct would be to So. this year, there is cheer­ To ti^ Editor, I nocently enough, into our man- ■ Friday evehing, a group of Cop^killei^^nters Hamburg LR. . .. ^ - — . ___I mcrr>mpny pf thfi ful 'news for Bepubilcans. They T ~aS^o not suffering from over-con- tative-ettisehs-spent- some ^ speaiibi rf i,-mffereht klhd and------our policy- makers and “ ‘ ad­ ^ ;lime studying the. local . Boy Scout ;Plea of Iiiiioeeiit PteneS the Ynmni'. r . SerV'o teas hnmboras ninde frimi 2*’/^']!:' " " ministrators have probably had They are in absolutely no dan^ situation in preparation for the ♦of corruption"—that corruption In annual drive to start Nov. 1. ■very little idea that they were, do­ get. of losing this .election FINENURST LEAN RROUND BEEF u 79i ■fwTflch w hat is taken ts not money However, some of us were rather Providence, R. I., Oct. 9— — \ ing other nations an injustice or (ionnectirut or elsowhviv, for Headquarters shut power. He charged that there that nsitter, because they as­ disappointed that the men who Louis Di Fraia. 27, was held wlth- Again this week we will have Mixed Rib Corned Be*f (bOMl'^ talk |most loudly about enlighten­ ^has grown up a bureaucracy which an Indignity by our American as­ sume that it Is “in th« bag." FOR out bail when he waa arraigned in GENUINE SPRING Birds Eye Frozen Foods In) a t ISc. Ib. . . . MorreO's ready to ea t H am s and Tender Cnr*:^' sumption of responsibilities. ing the youth of today regarding V. Superior Court today for the mur­ Brisket Corned Beef. * »has developed the "whole-hog" They are completely without the challenges, which will confront We have slipped, quite natural­ false cheer. Thi^ haven't the der of Patrolman Charles W. ildea for the functioning of the and at times confuse him in the Fatnaude of Pawtucket, R. 1. ly, into the behavlw which rai.sos slightest disposition to think it is future, were noticeably absent. federal goverirtnent, th which pro- all over, in their favor. On four other charges resulting an edge in th e feelings of our be.st Now let's be factual and .see from the bank holdup, spectacular LB. / ’jjecta are uSM a* the opening In- They hay6 the grim aspect of Just wha^ the Boy Scout and Girl friends. Our very seal in a United people who do not concede them' chase and siege before his capture, Cottpon inside o d i afatrumenis toward a control of Scout movements mean and have bail was set at 880,000. Pleas of ^peopla/uemselves. Nations operation has led to the sclvcs,.im)re than a fighting chance. meant to Manchester and how Even the profes.slonals among innocent were entered for him. CUT M O M HEAVY STEER BEEF PEAS 12 OZ. PKG. 2 For 39c J apbstlea of the whole-hog feeling that we regard that closely knitted both ''Jllbjects are The dlmunitive escaped mental operation as an American monop­ m, to whom getting pepped up to the lives of Manchester men, box worth lO o*^ General Elsenhower _ said, Jor a campaign is automatic hospital patient, his right arm In 8 OZ. CAN oly. And, w ith o u t having domy women and hoys and girls. a cast where it was hit by a police interested not in money for second nature, are not exchanging There arc more than 1,000 boys anything definitely wrong, yv/o the usual brand of optimism, bullet, sniffled a couple of times as ■"^themselves but In power for them- enrolled in the Bqy ^couta. We are he stood before Judge John E. ORANGE JUICE 2 F or 35c purchato of Lip* Ifsslves. They thirst to govern. They have failed, irt some degro^/to do have trouble maintaining the told th a t there are about the saptic bold front in public. In private, Mullen and heard the indictments 'ara^ealots. And in the long run what might have .been vme. The number of Girl Scouts. We^’are against him. one thing we have neglrtted to do their word to one another 1s sober further told that there" are about rthey can do more harm to you and and concerned—and hungry for FRESHLY G IO U N D CHICKEN PIS Individual 4 U carefully enough add thoroughly 4,000 M anchester graduates from 2 6 c ^to your families than a hundred the absent miracle—which .would the Boy Scout and Girl Scout Rcpiges, Refrigerators iU Y 2— SAVE 25e ^ \ - /■ £tax collectors dipping Into the till enough, is to imp^ne how we our be sotpe authentic revelation of a organization. If there 'are three i "tocal and state governments selves m ightfeeling, if we stirring, deep among the roots of persons to the average family, and ' Washers and All Local Stocks were one.,bf the smsiller mem­ the people, toward their cause. that 18 a \>ery conservative figure, LB. 6 OZ. mhould assume a greater Influence The contrast with four years Other Appliances Featured At Reduced Prices bers of tbe same coalition. the Uvea of more than 18,000 men Quotations Furnished By NEW ^---- ^DOLE'S FROZEN .tin the planning,. Ih the execution ago Is so marked, so complete, women, boys and girls have been 1 And; although this requires Coburn A MIddlebrook, Inc. iof plans, and in the admlnisirs' that one "is automatir-ally forced touched directly or Indirectly by Market Closed Saturday* PINEHURST FAMOUS very special and conscientious ef- to ask whether It is not too i i h J W . H A L € COBB RIB END, UP TO 8 LBS. PLUMP, MEATY, MILK FED PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 For43e ■^0 Btion of resource development pro- these two organizations, both of MAMCMSSTM C0M» 1 p. m. prioen IjecU, and when federal projects it is an important thing. For much, whether the bines of which are dedicated and practice Bank Stock* r * • •/ !♦ 4* 4m ♦YafBr MVfs.A v.v»..1.4 I8S3 are not as far fconvthe real moat successfully the moulding of ^iiave demonstrated that they ar^ It is In thffi* phase of oiir world Bid Asked PORK ROAST Lb. 57c FOWL 4 3 c mark as were the premature First National Bank ______i______l^aying for themselves, local/ Snd leadership that ,it will be detci joys of 1948. mined how strong bur 'coalition of Manchester ..... SS 88 Mtate governments should hbve ah- But. in any case, the Republicans Hertford National TO BAKE. BROIL OR FRVl CENTER CUT FRESH BUTTER 85o opportunity to take over - the fi- realiyjs and how well it.will s^ic.i are-acknowledging an uphill fight, Batik and Trust ... 29 31 hoping, meanwhile, that they are ■^sneing, take ov*r the projects for tog:ethe>,. in crisis, and how long Hartford Conn. Trust .83 87 FRUITS and .really just as wrong about things Manchester Trust .... 67.i.: — PORKCW PS Lb 89c SWORDFISH Jtheir own- people, and get their rer it will last, and how fruitful it in 1952 as they were wrong about BURDETTE HAWLEY OOVALETTESi 4 BOkES/ ' win- be in pioneering the world's Phoenix State Bank CUT FROM HEAVY /St^EB BEEF. BONELESS / ^ o n out- of hock to the federal" them in 1948. and T rust ...... 57 61 government. way toward gt«eater and more In­ Fire Insurance Camiinnlee L b : 4 9 c s o r t W EAVE T IS S I^ 8 ROLLS $ 1 . 0 0 J "To: do this we need an admlni- clusive systems' of collective Nepal, a sVnall state on the Teacher Of Piano A etna F i r e ...... 56 58 Lb.'7 3 c Haddock Fillet VEGETABLES security. northern border* of India has seven Hartford Fire ...... 148 153 POTR( ^ration which believes in keepihg million people. TOMATO SOUP (CAM PKLL'S)^ BEGINNERS AND ADVANCED PUPILS National Fire ...... 69',4 71',4 T' STEWING FANCY EATING OR COOKING ■ covemm.ent. close to the pepple, Phoenix ...... 101 106 FANCY NAHVlf 10 C A N S .. need an administration made .-The Transfigured Ash Life and Indemnity Ins. Co*. . 3L bf. STUDIO S3 COHAGE STREET _ A etna Casualty 90 95 2 9 c HOLLYWOOD WAX PAPER ...... "not of whole-hog men, but of The first touch of frost has CAPONS OYSTERS XPPLES f c en who are eager to see that the WEEK END SPECIAL A etna L if e ...... 92 97 |s~ Extra heavy. ^ come, which is, by thfs time, TELEPHONE 3270 . Coim-t. General '...... WO 155 ^ ates and localities are allowed sometbin|; of a niercy. By this H artford Steam Boll. .4 1 44 FA :^Y MELLOW BARTLETT vand encouraged to do their jobs." 1950 B U IC K CALO token, all can agree that the Travelers ...... 6 5 5 675 CAMPBELL'S This, which Eisenhower believes, tangy section of autumn has ar­ PnbUe UtlUtlee ' SHURFINE V SEDANET Conn. Light Power ... 15'(| 1614 PEARS 6 ^ ' 29c / Js also what Stevenson frequently rived, after long mellowness. ^irofessed to believe, before the Gra.v. Model 48D Special. Conn. Pow er ...... 38 40 , 12 Oz. gar But the actual coming of a Radio 4nd heater. Hartford Elec Lt...... 47 V 49 STRAWBERRY JAM ■campaign. Now, we suspect, his frost was anti-climax. The "real Celling price 816,11. Hartford Gas Co...... 36 39 FIB.M R IPE \ SHURFINE. ytactlc will be to charge that Eisen- change in the "weather occurred Bo. New England r 2 Lbs. "Piower"s statem ent of such prin- T el...... 32 34 CHILI SAUCE 12 Oz. Bottle one sundown last week, when the RANANAl 29c 27 c ciples meaiis that Eisenhower, is $1495 Mnnntactnring Oompoales day had been cloudy nnd thundery At Shobr Bros. Am. H ardware . IT 19 -\against progress, has become the C L O R O i '•'; Gals. and oppressive. P'lnally, a west Arrow Hart, Heg. ... 39 42 FANCY SWEET SEEDLEra . Q*' -1®f* 33c Vpiptlve of the public utilities lob- SOLIMENE, INC. IT'S A 4 IN 1 p r o d u c t ; wind had begun to blow, brlnpui;; Assoc. Spring ...... 29 82 14 OZ. ^Iss, and Intends to tear down „ 634 CENTER ST. Bristol Brass ...... 13’,4 15',i Blenchrs, removes stains, deodorizes and 'dfslnfecte. a break in the clouds. And, in the Collins ...... --....1 2 5 145 BOTTLE -Hoover Dam. few momenta while it wa.s hang­ GRAPES / " m But the pre-campaign Steven- E m -H art ...... ;... 84 88 ing on the we.stern rini, the sun Fafnir Bearing ...... 36 39 aoA at least, kneiC and respected found its way through to pick up H a rt Cooley"...... 34 37 LARGE WHITE NATU'E / CAULIFLOWER 29e '^eSe views, and frequently ex­ Landers, F rary, Glk. . 23*4 25 a .few scattered scenes—here A pressed them himself. They repre­ New Brit. Mach. Co. . 33 3ft DEL MAIZE HElX.M AN'k section of cloud It touched with sent the non-partisan truth, whicli /N orth and J u d d ...... 27 30, CAULIFLORfER^’' 25c FARMER mOWN'S/ ' . ■sUdden pink, here-a section of red IRussell Mfg...... l« - W . NIBLETS 15 OZ..Cana 3 3 ^ MAYONNAISE P t. gar 41c Is that federal power, like all barn, far-off ah upper story win- Stanley W orks com. . 49 62 'other power, corrupts until it be­ NABISCO PREMIUM FARMER BROWN dbw pane, which answered back, Terry Steam ...... ,92 ' 102 SPINACH 25c comes a reckless and extravagant ..; Tonlngtoa..,, 4 2 ^ CLEANED and WASIfED and finally, by -what seemed al­ HM ia'faltselt U. S. Envelhpe'ebm; .. 6* T* CRACKERS 1,b. Bdx 23c most a symbolic artist's-stroke of; ■ U. 'S. Envelope.pfd. .. 63 - 68 , 8 Oz. Pkg. 2 9 c e in b ^ ^ M e iN fO S A iqcusslii^ through the •cloud cur-j "■ -Veeder'Roiot" ./-...-/i:...-/- 30i4 -;" SPINIDH iAh: ■ 'i'o ten d A Coa*li4lon .Thn idjotnffuoudknw nrraoa JO fains, One giant ash, ' ' | B iS Q IflO C . V/i Ua. Pkg. HOC m t B r _ be eonstrue/d^ s 'n g tu ^ mnriratn.-T" If-:' YOB - are ■ trylBg'ifo'-^lead' a For periaps-five* mifluteB the! SCHICK "ao" k* eoddleAlItelied T|uicRim^iiixnuiQnr~ ' COFF FAJfClY TEN.BBR RASCAL rm uNnAie; cARRon."*!!^^ ,.-^^4-PS*UUsai=:wfelch_wc.-«t— .ash.-Stood there, against a dulLanttj Cnddt* Co*»; V . -V / V . SM -iC. 1 ]^s hnpossible to be too ' careful sunless background, while the sud-1 . DeatKs Last Night QUAKER OATS 8 Lb. Pkg. 3 S C Onr own'special, BEOkEW FAHCV CELERV ISf] ^ b o u t the SertsltlvHtie* of other den and ab.solute clarity of the air, ’ NO fiNfi LIBBY’S ' ' ; 7 ■ • " 1 V rations. We can't try .too hard to the clear and. brilliant focus of thi- WflCNT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TIDE .. LA R^i. FACkAGE ...... ♦ . . . . 30c SWEET JUICY Imagine what might offend and sun, magnified and' intensified its srocnwo MAOf Nd"RISK 10-DAY TRIAL! New York—Dr. Loula T. Wright, PINEAPPLE JUICE 46 Or. Can, 2 9 c . Every Day Low Prices ■ v flisconcert our alhes. For, human color^ into a glory no ash has ever fll, Negro surgeon who .pioneered doi. j^nd national natura being what it known before. . * . / in the use of the wonder drug SWEET LIFE , IVORY SNOW. 2 LARGEYACKAGES ., 55e ORANGES 39c w i t h t h e ' aureomycin on human being*, the ' '.4t, even our moat conscientious The aslr is'-far from being " a CIGARETTES c. i.„ $ 1 % first Negro aurgeon to be appoint.; PRUNE JUICE Qt. Hot. 3 1 c Popular brands. • j ^ncentration . on 'the potential natural member' of autumn's bril­ ' ed to the staff of a New York IVORY SOAP. 2 LARGE BARS ...... 2Se || LARGE FLORIDA Jeelings of others would be no liant dress parades. Its turn, when, INVISIBIE NYLON NEW SCHiCK-ao' City hospital andV^* SWEET LIFE • BIS^UICK * e Jornplete guarantee against seen in company with those„-.of SUROiCAL tUSnC STOCKINGS to become a . svirgeon of the ffew' GRAPEFRUIT S '* ' 29c 47 iSnistakea. rpaple and oak, is to a drab yel­ . ' ■ - A . i . York City Polii:* departm ent. SALAD DRESSING PL gar 2 7 c JC JY ad'a ••##*•«*•••••• a, •••O* 30C Austin. Tex. — Mra. Ernest O. Up in Canada, a" Canadian ofl • TWO-WAY STKCTCH VERMONT.MAID low. and only the mo.st • extra­ ^ No ‘Mfs” or “buu”-lry this grand, new Tliompson, a former opera, singer f\ctT has been abruptly retired ordinary brand of lens work could • tAUNDBIt fASflY who aa Mav Peterson wan known S Y R U P e A .. e > jfram the anny, 11 years ahead of bring out the r other hues latent . electric shaver in your own-home, on your ’ aa the "Golden Girl of the Metro­ 27 52 • ^EAA lONGFt fformal schedule, because he hap- nftd suggested underneath this politan Opera," and wife rOt the ~ own face-^«iul love it-H>r return.it for Texan railroad commiaaloner mem- j||ened to be "the officer who, in dominant . yellow. But in ' the KING ARTHUR ' •INVISIBLE . $10.95 .' instant refund of every penny you paid! t)or • ^orea, ^ ^dispatched Canadian change of the weather and the • SEAMIESS P air , OrarleatlMi. W. Vn.' — WUliam F L O U R . . c .^ .$ .voops ■ to' Koje illand to stand change |)f air there was the per­ ‘ Edwin (Cousin Riley) Wilson, 69, 51 55 10 1.05 iiuard with the. original. American" fect moment for'A picture, which B^y Ouribilknit'and enjoy...' ■ LAYAWAY FOR x M a iS^ ; hum orist w'hoae atory-telllng won btm a prominent place in show g 6 r T O N C o d C A K E S > -' 23e Jroopa there afte r the prOsoner the sun m.ade nnd took, of the ash the fullett measure of rF You may place a deposit on his Xmas present now. 10 ' business. Born in Upper Falls. W. ■'■tA j^tbraalta bad produced a serious ablaze in soft farewell to summer, lief from voricoM veins, day free trial starts afteP^ he receives rayor. • V Va. Died Monday, inlsis. Brigadier Alan '.B. Conn4Uy gay hail to fait ' swollen and tired legs and , Washington — Mrs. Lyle C. Wil- STORE HOURS JIlipatdM d,the Canadian troops on NO CHARGE FOR CREDIT ' ion, 50, wife of the W ashington STORE OF MANCHESTER, INC. th is MlssldB . yritbottt co— ltm y other leg’ conditions. ( manager W theUnited Pree*. r- Born in 8L. JeoM. Minn. A.M .to F.M. §ls )wiM ffbvsnimenL The laM - L. ---,------— •- OPEN mUKSDisY EyENINa in * P. M ^P EN FRIDAY EVINme m Y p; M. 8 6 I M that Us govsnunsnt m jm i ; ' la 1946 there were three femiue PLENTY OF FREE PARKING MProved, . mESGRinioiis ' Immigrants to' the United' f r e e our good friend, — :: fo r every male, wfhich reflect^tt" the PARKim CarefnJUy Compounded ' large ‘number of . war brides our best fif«td^:-4be call JEWELERS biwight beck by soldlern. '/Chnadlan troopa.'waa An effort ArllMr bniglSfore PreseripMon Vharmiey 977 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER hrinff. other nations of the f- r m lleia SLs |M. ■i" - .V ----- • A 4 .'■'..-i . 1 ■ I ' » ; ■ r !« “ ■( ./• - - ‘ i r- u - ^


/ . '• i ' • -U- ‘T"" 'V,*. — . - , j . A . f ■ -I - • ' ,1 -■■•'■■ ,—

T , ’P A O i ' S ^ ' ^ MAKCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, COilN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9,. i m ItA i^ E S T E R EVENIN(3 ■HLftAtBV#ANGMES’I'EU. CONN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER .9, 19S2 - FAOIiEIGHT Manchester'a ■■ Tobacco PestivaT rgi*' , BVI" -vT* ..'4toS refresifBtttttf phiied *way/t^. T w o ^ l 0 . t * C 1 3 1 *tlOB : evening. / , T h i r I y M o d e l s qiMirm. will he the brtdp ah'd will . . i Tuesday" .Bigtt they were again have uiree attendants. Coats and P'oT ^ other friends, ElwaVsTOPS in Draft Call Interrupts X;W jd Perfciiriii accesaor.lea .will be w orked 'into r o r Elalhe, Oibi^ of ihls town each scene. . " \ and Mrs. Getlnide^Berthiume of Guests will be invited to see the^ LOWESTjj^ice— Hlt AtSlvleSIiow w ork of som e of the, courses set M r.' and Mrs. Abram Matchett Leicester, MasX. 'we>e hosteaaea Howes’ Greenlancl/job Of'M' cKee atfeet h«ve been honor-,|Mid’' ... . a--,1 , luncheon.\ l u n c h e o n up by the Y during the evenlhg, 1. • ■ ' * ed by ,two additional bon voyage ; They sailed todayNm 1 B r l t a n - .and Biy^added attraction w ill be the ylatid. The fall and winter fashion re­ draw ing of door prises. parties;* ifondav night a group,nlc for Belfa.st, Nortftgi of relatives and friends ' from ; Their address while the he: FOR Former MHS^rack Star ||^ipg| A & P ^ S lo re view sponsored by the lifancheater The public is invited to attend, A l and there will he a sm all adm ission I RockvUle. ‘Andover, W orcester, j ’c-o Mrs, Arehle Graham , PIKE Branch of the Hartford County Ha<) Been al New Air . u _ « fee. Com Pltm^entary- entahr, Ucketa-JtaveUcRetiL^y e m f^ a p d .this town m e t ^ t ^ x gold Oiie Prwhict TTCCA and Being' put "OB hy the thciiughout // A “I, , • > ■' NBase in Thnle ai» Siir- been given to ' m em bers d T the f honrie m r a shctal Tim e arid To Ve^ rpWh^ - tripa / W rlrose Dress Shop next Ttiesday tJV C A . ^ 2 ^ a m ^ them ’ with gifts. Gam es ; land. . . evening at 6 difloqk ’at theiMllom r ' v<^or for 3,, Months A sm a^, retail tea store in N e w ET York. Oily, operated hy a New m unity Y promises to he an out-. 51 MIDDLE TURNPlki/WE^T— TEL. 8338 B y OA l I t RIUNOTON EnglaM cr, was the first of the standing fell faahion event. M iss, .lanice W halen, professional atyl-i •’X forint. Mlinchpster HiRh /|Fbod Stores which thi.s O p^ oH y 8 A. M.-9 P. M .-^pon AjI Doy Sunday hare^ob.^erving the com pany’s i.st, w ill assist .w ith the. shc>V, and . J - S c h o o fV ro M crtitnlfy i’o.ptn'R ' 9 .3/d. anniverKary, ■ M rs. Helen Page Skinner will act Fraa dialli^ty ••n sill csiah orders of S.'S oh^ore. A lf orilers must thi» tow-n'* ffrst''^n triJju tio n ;^ 0 oams as romnicntalor. \| /fA^£> / (/'U as /George Huntington HartfoVd of bo calted In ^ fo ra 8 P. M. to be d e llv e r f«H h f»»™ r ^ | ^ ^ the new “PperaUcn. &u£.Ja>',”Yh e ^Augusta. M e., openw i tlie original .^The, fashion,show will he.held in the gym nAsium ’ where the chairs X Defenee l>p«rlmenf'e has* K rJid-fronted A * P on Vefey street, M oia Roost Betf oating for lest mohqy when you buy M anhattan. In October. IS.'iP. At will he. arranged as in an arena, "Choice Native Poultry Direct From the Form To You!" \ Thule. Greenland- Dick that tim e tea was a luxury itern a n d t h e 30 modela will com e oit SPECIALS FOR THURS, FftL, First N ational's woll-trim m od 7-inch Rib Rocist. I captain of the ^ 9 ,^ V lifTrie but young‘Hartford maimfied to onto the platform In the m iddle. W ith this ■ arrangem ent they 'Will ■ der Coach Pete W ipren «m l )tol>W bring the com m odity within reach BROILERiS, FRYERS, ROASTERS, FOWL You pay for only th^ 7-inch cut '* tho boat of tho rooit - which wolpht II m end M iti lou , "-- 4 ot. aix: achOlasUc„trahk . .recpril?> if eveiyone> pockclboc/k, __ . be seen on ajl Jour sides. ' j AR Poultry Cleon^ and. Drawn Ready. To.jCook! The program w dlrconsislTif five- tnon tho 10-inch cut bu^ flvos at much pooH bwtinf. ' haa Juaf returh-hpioe a ft^ spend “ly buying whole cargfoea of tea / y from C h ina riipt>er-ShtpS 7 4 ^ •t ^ iile as a suri’eyo,. Hart^nrd bypassed excesaK'e fees ing clothes .‘ iiitablc for college an d i u. s. cH pici - 7-iN CircuT -"cpT^ptrewriiiAW^wisiTHf^^ Tw o weeks aRo TheHerald fol­ and corhoiiaamBs dem anded by the high school girls, the professional lowed lip, the Defense Dep^rl- big Im port^s of that efa. Volum e or business girl, tea hour or after- j T-BONE AND SHORT / m enfs release on /Thule \nth the sales at iptw.prices has been A A P noOn w ear for all ages, piom A n d i CUT FROM HEAVA'WECTERN BEEF / announcem ent tl)aV Lie-ster D ew ey, poliev since t V firm w as founded form al attire and finally, a bridal party. Misa Carolyn W hjtrher. a 7 0 -year-old farm e r’cable splice! In' recent yem;s. the one-m an RIB END. MORRELL’S . ^ A&P-grocery'stores have almost ONE AMONG MANY for the Sontliern Ne\v England LB Telephone Odm pany. had accepted alt passed from the^'arabe. Today When you select poultry here you choose a position,to help install, a com -- the com pany operates-nM ^ern self- PORK ROAST ^^ 53c municatioris aystem a^ Thule. ser\‘ice stores and in cotitiast to from Fowl which we already hove selected Dew ey, who resides at "li "Unn- the first A & P with its onXprod- omoiig many. ,For eoch Fowl thot we Consid­ NO WASTE, EXTRA LEAN inore drive, Irtt Friday, Sept. 2 6 . - uct. the big A & P Super Markets now regularly atoek jtlore tnxfi er good enough lor our trade, many, not con­ RIB ROAST for Thule. It wiii this announde- m ent that pursuaded the Howes, 4 ,0 0 0 different item s. TAILOR BON ELE# POT ROAST Here in New England, the com ­ sidered up to our stondohis, hove boon re- w ho live'at 13 6 Dem ing street, to pany has m odernized scores ofrit-s -Thotlfy The Herald that Dick was [tete^ , You ore doubly roossurod os to Poul­ BONELERS / ' CUT PIOM HIAVY WISTIRN CORN-PID STIIR MIP outl'ets since the end of AVorld W a r VShfhM to odvis* oH hit then »-orking there. Dick arrived II, and also has erected m any new- try qudityw hon you buy Pdiilfry hdreJ ■ONI IN - U. S. CHOICi ^ borne last week. CHUCK ROAST super markets in communities customers that his now RIR OWEN R0*ST “ 89c •/, There is only one reason w hy throughout the area. The A *P CALL US NOW! / Fit fory k King’s Sunday dinner. D ick is hom e at this tipie. .Uncle stores inrorpnratc all of the latest 'location is 566 Contor Sam caught up with him and shopping conveniences. / NO WA^TE. NO SHRINKAGE

ordered hirp to take a physical ------H - i - . /' exam ination fo r Induction into the In the Highland bagpipe ^ e bag St., comer of |^cKee St. FARM FRESH EGGS DAILY anned tofoea on Oct. 1 . Th e letter -Is filled w ith air by m eads ,of a MANCHESTER CENTER e NEXT DOOR TO SEARS ROEBUCK, 505 MAIN ST. ^ COOKED DAISY HAM 79c PLUMP, MEATY, MILK-FED FRESH, TENDER, FRYERS or BROILERS reachaA^im at Thule and he flew- "blow pipe’- -through whlcli ’.ihc TELEPHONE 2-8098 — OPEN THURSDAY TIL 9 P. M. hom e Sdlhout having time to let piper blows air into the reservoir, mOLE OR RHANfc HALF TURKEYS hia ftot«rview ed. H e w e nt to Bo.s- ■ 8 R> 59* Thule.'Now Dick ha.s been called hom f,'taken his phyaical, pa.s.i^^' it. u id expects to b« callc^ inter. aerrilW in about a m onth. Haddock Fillet LB 43V Swordfish V S9c Thi< Defense EVpartm enl re- Tomato Juice . - ...... $1.00 -----REG P R IC E ^ vealad 'ln the Life m agazine etoiy 7 Cans of Jessoii^Sweet Peas ...... $1;00 /yT. CHOCK FULL OF RAISINS o f S e q f f . 2 2 all it w anted on Thule, $1 lb 5 No. 2 (’ans of Golden Cream | 7 « Cod Fillet LB 3 7 c Smoked Cod Fillet 47c ao D i^ w as ’unable to add. further Raisin Bread H e ^ d «tell US that tl>e day he left Style Corn ...... ^.. .$1.00 SPIOAL « for In |ile ‘. his selective service - , r eg u la r 29 paperV'Toached hi.s hom e and hi.s t , /, parents bad to notify the ^a ft / 1-UB LOAF board he tvaa and of his Butter Cnrnib Cake // em ploym isnt. C y /v U ^ ^ atm Credit ^rultd and \Je^etaLiei T h u trip w as a cnancei for Dick j Vienna i , to get eom e adventure and at the ' HERE YOU WILL FIND THE FINEST SW IIT tALIFORNIA - LARGI SIZI ■am e tim e save , m oney, for the ! 15- pay at Thule Hi’ high and there is) ------X f v X T ! IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC little to spend it on. CHEESES - EVERYTHING FROM Asked in a letter by his m other I b r e a d HONEYDiiv MELONS - * DESSERT TO COOKING CHEESE 39 „^how he liked Thule, D irk answ ered. | eiD VINI-RIPINiD " i t ' a m good w ay to beat the heat." ! PIRST NATIONAL ^ A t this tim e of year, Thule is be­ i^ a n n e r ginning to get the early wm ler. | CHEESE FOOD « ^jb loaf « It is cold and Uie].'Tnd.s are strong. ; F o r th e w h ite st w hite washes you ever dreamed of— 49 89 TOKAY CRAPB - - Dirk said this morning The men 2 19 at Thule are deviled out w ith fur- and the brightest colors—change now to new blue CHEXR— and (^coiiqm^I WHITE ■ COLORED OR PIMENTO lihed parkas, boot's and heavy m it­ the Blue-Magic washday wonder. For CH EER brings you a FINAST FANCY EASTERN MOUNTAIN / t e n s . miracle whitening agent. AMERICAN CHEESE. *• 63< Bartlett Pears SWEET JUICY 2 us 29* 'I It gets ao cold at Um e.s that if 4> / * - ’ Not a bluing—more^eflective than ordinary bluing, it’s 46-OZ you were Ip touch a metalie ob­ Tomato Juice 2 dHttau '°^'rSfS^37t I .lorlM ’i Cniy*n ‘.£ 3 % \ ' A . ject with your fing,er. the skin the reason why CH EER can guarantee that you’lf rinse out NATIVE WHITE w ould fall lose, he .‘.aid. B reathing the whitest, brightest washes possible! MY-T-FINE - JUST REDUCED! Bordra’i S r. 21.% 33c I P a k fl- t t t snuSiiM *WC 31c Cauliflower HEAD 1 9 * too heavy « ill rau.se a frosting of 1 / JUST M DUCIDI the lungs. Thc.se are Ihing.s every­ Chocolate 2-LB PASCAL OR WHITE one has to get used to ’Tem ffiira- Celery BCH | 9 e » tures m April and .lune are about j KRAFT VELVEETA'f?^ 33 ® LOAF 99< 1 0 t o 4 5 degree.*/Jul.v end August ! NABISCO - FRESH CRISP' - ALL PURPOSE are beautihil m onths in Greenland. RUTABAGA, - GOLDEN Howes added, and these are the, LB PKG WMrooL C U SPARKLING LB 4 < only m ontti^ 'hat the dtarixir ds Premium Crackers open for shipping -^ipCe the welter freeze.* again ah ^ t/^e p t. 1 , / I atlas e-z seal . GINGER ALE ,\ever Dark I NEW •The sun shine*. all t^-^.tiir.e In PTS DOZ 8 9 Large Variety ol 28-OZ BTLS O Q the summer. .Dkk saw, aiul just' Preserving Ja|;S 1 .0 3 rolls'aiound in the sk\. It nev­ Popular Flavors contents er gets dark One d a v D n k i n d ' . ’ V . Certo ptuiT picTiN 8-OZ BTL 23c 3 a fellow worker to..k .a long hike MADE »Y AND SOID ONIY AT FIRST NATIONAIHORES out to one d'tile oeau'.if’il ireen-. ^ s t r a w b e b r Y or l»nd irehfi’g* Thev Mere ,trone Good Luck Jar Rubbers ^ 3 25< for many hour.*, bu; not; once d i d ' Sa s p b e r r y p r e s e r v e s darknes* halt their trip. They met P o ro w o x SUPER SEALER LB PKG 1 9 . Eskimos, on the yo'truey and in-d PURI MIRABU. w h o le a sigTi conversation with them III??: FRUIT AND SUGAR ■ LIKE A.* souvenirs; the Eskimos cave r iN A S T 12-OZ JAR them seal claws that are useil for i t O Z f / y HOME MADE^ ' making dlm.e-store lewelry. | Hawaiian . Dick would t/>^be' back a t! ■, Y e s , e v e n the color of c h e e r is different! It's blue in the Thnle. hut Is r 0^ y . , ^ t 6’ 'a’n'sTver’ h ts l box—blue'in the water. And\just watch those mag'ic blue SUPER MARKET country’’,* call, H e^iJ spcndinc . PINEAPPLE JUICE ‘S' 19. '.hls ’tim e-now 'eBtchm m Vm -o'lrdos 1 t a - granules burst into oceans of'peppy. brwhUwhile suds^ -1041-Mokt Street, Monebefter/ k ; j i 3C *'‘a t :'M H.c;-',ecpet ia JT V -X e ',<'TC‘«A'i husky, dirt-chasing ^da. that givVYOu the cfcancaf luaabca A NEW OIlilCIOUS F«bzev FC)bO OflW^T, JUST lIK f IRISH ..-cpunl,ry. / a u d ./-; f p otb s’ll ... Jw i.us,,;,..- ., poMubU.'. Cie»t/er than any adap yi^.can buy 1 • W ith .three, classm aS'ey C i r In . th~e ho ar-- g a n fe-'- ef.—T-lie-AV-ocUl-r — Senes Tjies^ay m B ionklvn rnnl.' i ONE 6-oz TIN 'Ma k e s im n n is OF pu re o r a n g e ju ic e Ir.g hi.* favorite team , the Van- I kees. to tV)c I ha.iiimonshin j ORANGE JUICE 2 tins 2 7 c ■ ' H>-* father F'lchard \V: Howe'- . Is em,ployed by' tffe Pta'e BoaTd . B R O C C O L I GARDEN GREEN lO-OZ PKG 23c of Educa'.ih- Tiuk is the nlde,=tJ ■ BROOKSIDE FRESH EGGS P E A S SWEET TENDER 2 10-02 PKGS 35c of six (hildrcn tha' Include Carol,'.' / MEDIUM SIZE - GRADE A Gordon, ■ l>a'.".d..'.^u*an and B a r-; WHIIESr POTATOES / FRENCH FRIED 2 -9-02 PKGS 37c FROM NEARBY FARMS DOZ 5 9 c bars. ’' W hen his totir of d'lly £ ' com es to an etid an'! there i.* *till work to he done a’ Thule Dirk; hopes he ran c-n’'’'b.'rck. The ex-- ; perier.res are .■ipniething he wil', never forge,*.. ’ ■ - FIRST r n a t io n a l stores O f the estim ated' 2 .5 9 0 k n o w n kinds of snakes, about '2 5 0 k i n d * '■■W . > have poison .apparatus developed D ouble-your-m onpy b a ck if you don’t agree that new C H EER gives you the cleanett, whilegt uxuhes^.pokUble I far enough to,, be dangerou./ • .J •BREEZE - SU R F ; UFEBubv SOAP LIFEBUOY SOAP LUX TOILET SOAP N e w blue C flE tR gets glbthes cleaner than any-soap you can LUX FLAKES R1NSO . LUX TOItET-SOAP buy. And nefw C H E E R gets clothes uihifer than any leading W indaliil'lbr soap, in hardest water. C H E E R not only rem oves grease and '■"I N EW "CROP O F YO I N d LGEPKG 3 1 c LGEPKG 3 0 c 2 LGE PKGS j 5 5 c 2 fcEGBARS 1 5 c - 3 bath bars 3 2 c 2 5 5 c 2 1 5 c 3 UTHIAU 32c graying dirt,^but dulling soap h im as well. N(HaNS^. New b lu e C H E E R —with ita axcluaive formula—ia tha CHICKENS complete washday suds. Use C H EER lor CDgrything—from RYERS--56e 1b. ■ » » / the heaviest, dirtitiat ejothea to the finest washable colon P. S. Yeu'll love blee CHEER fpr diihesl in your famjly wash. . * - ROASTERS-59C lb. Makes oceans of^ich while suds in a jiffy— A IR W IC K ’ a r s h m a l l o w CAPONS—68e lb. gets glassware' and dishes sparkling dean, S W A N S O A P S W A N S O A P SILVER DUST . GLIM M A Z O L A O IL BABO GL£ANSFR M . . -I Bpisdal PrlcM For Frerzerf without wiping . . . no scum, no him of any 4 ’-. JCHEER Is THRIFTY I Am I the ^ b o y it Dioooeizii PLUPP \ ■ Dbllverj* ‘te Manckaster kindl And go gentle on handst,' ; - . : , ®*«"t EcenoMiy Slzel . . 2 *fo>I«s 1 5 e IGE PKG 2 9 c * 401 BTl 27c : 140ZTIN 1 2 c Friday Eveiilngg . . 2 LGEIARS 2 5 c SWOZ^BTl 5 9 c QT ' 6 9 c pT 3 5 c 7VAOZJAR 21< li. A. FRINK 0 1 9 & 9 . ThaProettr A Gambte Corapuy. C K E R it tbRLtrmdR^HRacrk «f » anTpurpoRf mR<-1 1 ,.Y . '...x,..-. "T“ 4 M O « m A t a —Wapplav ini [ II II III • / - i. ■ ■, I ,7, : !► • .4 • , H*." ' -1: ■• V 1 ’’ :.• \ ■ : ■. ' « D'. : ■

_*-..._ '—y W‘ ' ~ - MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. tpUftSPAY. OCTOBER 9. 1952 ^MANCHESTER EVENING HE^ALDt MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1952 X- A ^ T E » ^...... ■ .- .: ...... :■------. ;v .,..’ ■ -• ■-«« . .--X . - 7 E l E T .X.. ...» i •• ■« • •U|M> all 'tfiose 'wfio ’ may’ be thCeresled, SWanidh, Camping (Ftor AH Bolton the committee hopes that any cou­ Worth. Coventry G rade Students^ ^ Ne^Nash Presented to jiliss America ple in the community who would .X X like to' attend , and ' who has not . Open Rummage Sale . Tl(e Ladies of^SL'Maurlce open- W rite Veteran Indicated in£sntion to be present, ruinmage sale at Plan to Run Benefit hance < will <;ontact Mrs. Stephem .. at edl a thrjee-day rum I t f s a i s s Tuesday C linic 2-2265 or Mrs. DeMars. 6420.'The tha noine____ „of „i-B.Mrs. WlUlam Minor H art &i Battle on' ’toirkhd road today. The sale regular meeting the group will wiU continue tomonrow and Satur- To Aid Auii> Crash Victim For. Children follow the supper.:_____ from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 Books at Library . .V ...- ...... y ■ ' Oovmtry. Oct, 9—(BpecUl) p.m, Mrs. Henry Sheckiey, chair­ Coventry, Oct. 9 .(Special) -^;O ct. 15. 2j; and 29, it will be rep- - a Books recently received ,a£ Bql- man'of the arrangements eommitr X W tl soldier, wounded to recent Bolton. Oct. 9— (S]^ial)ir;-Mr8. ton Public Library include the'fol­ A benefit dance for Roland E. Col- i Firehouse in North XOTSOB flclitlnK, U not lacklnc for Roy Bosworth, health, chairman tee, btates there is a good selection lowing action tiU(A': h f w'int^r Clothing, as well as can- bum who has been^ hospitolied | that' over 2,000 for the local unit of p TA. has an-: ■ .Abbott, The Neighbors; Corbett, n.«ii t^isae days. At least 28 iet- ''nihg jafa. and other miscellaneous more than 13 months will take. | Borins were sent to non-residents, tars. written by pupils of ^ d e six nounced plans for a ^ibcial clinic The, Richer Harvest; Cunry; Fire' at th^ s^ ool Tuesday^ at 9:30. a. in the Wirier; • Grey, Wildar^; items. \ , place Nov. 1 from 8-12 p. m. at , Nb formi ^are being sent to local at the George Hersey Robertson Manchester Evening Herald Itol- 'm. Vaccinations and "Uiree-lnin- HHabe,i Walk in Darkness; Inhea ton bureau, Mip. Joseph D’ltalla, the Nathan H j^ Comm^tty ^ SAool, have been sent to Cpl. Les­ one’” booster shots for diphthqrirtV .CampbcH'sCl Kingdom; Jo.>)Celyii,' whooping cough ahd tetanus willvill 'Hostage: H O’Rourke, Gun ^moke telephone 8545. ' _. ~~ . ter. Mrs. Norbert St. Martin ^ Elected Chalnnan e ter U GlgUo. t e a undertaken the project to Ssu.st Mrs. Richard Jodry , has been OlgUo, son of Mr. 'ejid Mrs. be administered by the school Ow r Big Muddy; Roberta, 'They Because the driverb^ early-day nurse. Miss Margaret Danehy. Wanted to Live; Slaughter, ^ S t the family financially. Colburn was! elected program chairman of the PhlUp Glgllo o f , South Coventry, Confstdga wagons smoked long, ■'a patient at Hartford H os^al fpl-1 Young Mothers Club, replacing wee wounded about three weeks There will be a .charge of 60 cents Side General; - and White, ’^he thin, cigars. It to beUevedx^e ab- Rnrther-Information regarding ap­ Merry-Month o f Mpy,- - lowing an automobile accident and I Mra .William PhiKlps,. resigned, -I ago during a hlD skirmish on the Also the following non-action: biremated name of the wagons, later transferred to tbb civilian xhe ^ b will meet Oct. 21 With Korea battlefront. Earlier he had pointments and^ transportation •’stogle.V became the name of the may be obtained from Mrs. Bosr Kimbrough. Through Charlie’s Buy package today!, wing at the Rocky Vetemni the Mothers Club of North Coven- rOported that the enemy aUach on 1 cigars. I t 0 Home and Hospital/ He has a try at the Connecticut Light and tii« eompany had resulted in the worth at 2-0*10 or Mrs. Willianiv Door; McNair. Square ' Dluice: Allison. 2-1657. daughter Susan. His wife is the Power Company in Wlllimantlc. 1514 oz 1 0 ^ killing of several nieh and vround- former Betty SqbireS of •South Food and washing will be demon- CANS .CAN Ing OTOthera Head Supper Committee 2 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stephens Coventry, strated. OCEAN . V ti IQ C todiKbl^Prkoft ‘ ■ ^ P o rld was received Sept. 2fl by Shortly after winninjg the title of 1953" in AUan- Board Footed Bills Personal Mention a new - 1 I head the committee arranging n stux. - _ ::ity. Neva Jane LanfTey Was pte------spaghetti supper tomorrow at 6:30 — U^p'mmrBve middle of, Sepletn- Earl Kelly. EMI. is Oinnr -16^ fu be teansfcrred shorUy Nash Ambassador by H. C. Doss, vice presidi it in charge of Nash ber the Cox(entry Board of Welfare day leave from Charleston. S. C. SUPER-RI0 H T "~ ^ . UY CQpKID pltal near Tokyo. was crowned queen p. m. for the United Methodist We’re 2 sales. • The southern beauty from Macon Couples Club. Mr. and Mrs. had footed the hospital bills. Tues­ He arrived by plane over the week A&PMincaMeat 3 V Ibe soldier has a sister, Yvonne, alter compettng wtth 82 state and territo.— contestants,------in talent . day night Mrs. Ruth Welles, board end from California. wdib Is a' pupil in grade six, tmder Frank Ulm, Mr. and Mrs. John imORENOU^NGI poise^ evening gown and swim suit. Nash MOtori la a sponsor of the Garibaldi and Mr. and Mrs. Lau- OPEN chairrhan, said that over |2,000 has Mrs. Lydia U. Clark of North Nabisco Premium Soltines Pt«^* 5 9 'lUTTHAlF 49* them. liam Turklngton. •Til 9 tinued coast at the hospital will Today’s Event Calendar i» 2 3 « = For Tiirkinglons be over $3-’i weekly. ’Thursday gatherings include AlkP W hole Green Beans CAN CENTER SUCES 8f HAM Puts On Blue Bonnet I O p M FrI. Will Need Whefilchai" Herb Club at 11 a. m. Caprilan<}s 1 IB 4 .0 Z 0 % ltC 3W IB n i t i M i'S . Colburn hopes to be able W ardens Alerted Mr. aii^ Mrs. William ID. Tur- R ockville R esident Herb Farm; -Oreen-Chobot Post. Bisquicic AKO 2 D BKG Baittvilla Broilers 4^-6 Ibi-Piligrim 10>!4 Iba —Adnilros F .N .E ! g n d Sttt. to get her husband home as soon American ’ Legion, Rifle Club, 8 kipgton, formerly of Holl street, as neces.sary treatments are com­ Whol* WhMl or Whilo 1 IB 9 K C In Sm itl|Xa8e T il 6 f . M . p. m.. State Armory at Wllllman- JANE PABKEB IF ■ ** tendered a surprise house­ A t State M eeting pleted at the hospital. When he Is tic; pinochle party. 8 p. m.. Pine Firm Type Bread warming Saturday night at their able to be discharged, Cdlbum will Lake Shores Conrrniinlty Club­ TURKEYS require a wheelchair. Proper re­ house; executive committee of .E v e r y d a u lakeville, Oct 9 — (AP)\pon- new home, 108 West Center street, Rockville, Oct. 9— (Special) — novations will be necessary at WHITI STILL LOW PRICES! rRady-t c x o o k X | S C aaetlcut game wardens have ^ e n I l l » » I 1 1 » » »M » » f » Nathan Hale Community Center, 15‘ by a group of 50 of their relatives The opening session tomorrow of their home in South Coventry 8 p. m., that building. SNRICHEO BREAD ONLY U LOAF FUUY DRAWN LBOT enlisted in the' three-months Old Fsp.ohf Merlieb tfnJ AmiiwwMiy is «e«> Gropibf ruit Sections a m i CANS 2 9 search for Connie Smith. 10-year^ and friends. The- guests brought the two-^day 58th annual Great ■which will Inchide a ramp and s with them all the essentials for a inf seen . • • and we Iwve ene #1 Aa Wg> bathroom. Mrs. Colburn is em­ .The Manchester Evening Her­ SAVE UP TO 4c A LOAF 1 IB 2 O Z .|^ C Equivalent to 6-9 lbs Ba|ttvilla or 12'A-15 Iba X eld daughter of a wealthy Wyo­ Council of the Degree of Pocahon­ ees< awani* in m f smisifce* Wrteiy yw i ming rancher, who disappeared uU, which :waa enjoyed in the ployed at the Mansfield State ald, Coventry bureau, Mrs. Charles R ed S ou r P itted C h erriesI IONA CAN Pilgrim Regular, Round Dratted at 55c a lb July 16 from Gamp 'Sloane near gaM room. They also presented tas will find a local rarident amoiig WHAT IS m .... , WAIT A f » m i Training School and Hospital. L. little, telephone *CovAntry to Mt. and Mrs. Turklngton a set the leading lights; The state c" 27'^ CAN » to Manchester to enter the employ 200 society leader, you . will-love the Property Tax IJsflng October It Choose fostivel Time trace o f the girl, bother search of more delegates. Entertainment is lvo l7-INCH CUT United Aircraft Corporation. id^wlll be concerned with perti­ s w o ^ to! on a form supplied by Sat., Oct. 11 — 9 A. M. other mess hupt of tha area at nent business. welcome Its economy. Two pounds veel dl die wey frem lewe (e tel yeu ibis RIB ROAST HIA.VYSTESKe«F .. u75* ihil tlBM. Mr. Turklngton is perhaps the of BL.UO Bonnot cost lest than one thie E X ’*! uL. ssessors and approved HALE'S STORE Jiffy Pie Crust RKG 10' most prominent Orangeman in WAVIEST ItoEen Type Provolone Cheese u 69^ There has been no trace of Con­ pound of high.priced spreadl So- liiSMW leeeeew'f>ri«et Let yqur fendfy by the \ax commissioner, of all SOROPi'IMIST CLUB Manchester. He is a past master of If the toicrease in television sets ’! a^ ^ 2 9 ' nie since her disappearance. She remember the lettts^... F... N... EI NATIVE eniey a deScieu* reari ley ef veel dinner el aiich protWly belonging to him, OP MANCHES’TER P e a n u t B u tter KRUNCHY lUNCH SUaD SWORDFISH , to the daughter of Peter Smith, of Washington Loyal Orange Lodge continues at its present rate, some Buy AO-VegeUible Bluk Bonnot L 4 . and subject xjo taxation in Coven­ experts say the number in the CHICKENS '4hi* lewerl yrke ef i' Sundance, Wyo., and the grand­ No. 117 of this town, also a past Margarine and get^’all thrae*’ — try on Oct. X Bryon' W, Hall: FROZEN annrage jai UVE CHICKEN LOBSTERS daughter of former governor and master of the District lodges, and country should reach 53 million by Flavorl NutritionI Eoonom-e-et PM lIi chairman of the\Board, of Asses­ S tr a w b e r r y P r e s e r v e ’ I'BT' torn Nels H. Smith, of Sundance. a Mason. No special gathering of 1960. SPICED HAN BBc«a u .5 « « sors. said ycslerdaXthat a nurobet' SHOULDER of persons ■ are of 'Uie mistaken LIBBY'S A n n P a g e C u rra n t J e lly 2 'm°r' 3 S P m R lim C E D H A N to n R - u .4 9 ^ opinion that no lists itoe necessary - - ___ m I *T to be filed because of tlVr«vaIua WATCH FOR Ann l^go Mayonnaise 31' tion of the entire town — PEAS 2Vk?s 3?" VEAL M Ff«>li ANN QT M j e LOAF CHEESE BSm R u .S 9 « plcted by tl\e New E „ GRAND OPENINO FAGE lAP praisql Associates. Inc. of « ^ t 10 oz Salad Pressing JM m aTEAAS ANO 4 OZ Hartford. X Libby's Frozen Brussel Sprouts PKG 2 9 "c [0PSD9 t M t r / /u .2 1 « OF MANCHESTER’S CAN Warns of Peialtles \ tooz Oxford Mushremms PIECES Hall emphasised tha fact that Libby's Frozen CouRflower PKG 2 3 " QUICK OR unless these lists are filed with ?jto FIRST KOSHER C re a m o f W h e a t REGULAR 30^ HONEYDEW board on or before Nov. 1. a 10 6 0 Z m" I 15'.^ ' Libby's Frozen Orange Juice 2 CANS 33^3 3 " ANN A 13'.^ OZ percent fine will be added tty each UCATESSEN • PAGE ^ CANS JUMBO CHICKEN F a o c y list not given in and sworn to ac- |1 1 0 Z Prepared Spaghetti 6 5 " ValB Buy the Part You like cordii>g to law. SEIKAT. HERALD, Libby's Frozen Strawberries 2• PKGS 65^ SIZE 8-9 EAI The board is at the Town Of­ PKG tW T MELONS TOMATO 6 0Z Our Own Tea N E A P P L E fice building Monday through Sat­ 16 OZ « to C B 'n W O ronge Juice FROZEN F»ri7FN 2 CANS 2 7 " U6S u. 89* urday from 9 a.m. to 4 p!m. On Ann Page Beans 3 CANS FANCY (Not on C o h p i^ Day ahNioi’T’Rut EVERYDAY BAXTER'S » O Z Tokay Grapes RED 2 b 19 ' French Fried Pototoes f r o z e n ' whot truly fino food you eon buy boro without >nE lSnu.89* l U I C E r " .G i r Yankee Baked Beans 2 ■ 47^ SNOW/WHITE I | | C poyhig premium pricot. Cauliflower LARI W vniies >*.39* GOLDEN, SUGARED, CINNAMON SPECIAL REG. 23c can HEADS I OUnf 14 O c. A&P Fancy Peas 2 Y READY-TO- 10OZ CAMPBELL'S U . 1 9 * 46 O i. Can Spinach 2 T Home Freezer Owners JANE PARKER D0NUTS<^r.19' Io n a P e a s wanoard cans ’ USE 2CELLO BAGS 0 3 CELLO TOMATO SOUP <^10c Spoiiisli Bar Coin „ 29' Iona Tomat^s M lad M ix REGALO BAG 00483153484853482353485348232323532323482323535348234823482323535323 or Locker Holders 2 S R . R O L L A&P Whole Kernel Com 2 S 9 * ® 64 TEA BAGS FOR THE PRICE OF 401 A 1 IM Cole Slaw SLI FROZEN RIB ROASTS OF BEEF u .. 69t 64 TEA ALUMINUM FOIL 2 9 c r OUR OWN TEA BAGS BAGS ’ Green Giant Peas 2' 39 ■ ODN w N m a d e SAUSAOE MEAT X Sto / A U B Toniips ACANS PIUSBURY ; 6 i i NMlarTeoBogt ^,^..4Suu- A&P $liced Beets WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF THESE E E g | Pldnt kef «>4iw w hole Irish Potatoes stmd*rd3 2 5 NATIVE U ^ 2 9 c V TWO%EMS, PLEASE ORDER EARLY PIE CRUST 1 2 i I ChffSNprfMimAaKU’ TelCan ANN PAGE U B 3 PZ SUN 15 0Z 10’/i oz A&P Tomatoes CAN Seedless Raisi MAID PKG '/ 1 Green Beans Cut'j 't i u NP Lb.1 TOMATO SOUP 4 N lllE T S ' ‘ CANS 2 5 ' 7'// I I Os.'/ This is Pork Weather Iona Tomato Juice Dotes DROMEDAR \2 3 ' fw CORN ON THE COB 2 ® ” ’ 3 3 c ] Vseuum I PTBO Z ^ its aRd VeRetables SMALL LEAN PORK^OULOERS ...... L b. 4 9 c Ann Pngs Syrap JAR 39" Daily Dog Food 4 ,'.i:,3-CAiJS* 7 ' RIB END ROAST POI Lb. 59c CREAMY I LB i544 0Z,4ggre fA m W M R COFKBI 1 Helves Ann Pnge Peonut Bufttr SMOOTH JAR C a lo C at o r D o g F o o d 2 CANS HUNTS CATSUP 1 6 c FRESH NATIVE^ PEACHES LEAN SPARERIRS Lb. 49c Lb. 49c 2 cans2 9 " Bunch LITTLE LINK SAUSAGE’.... > a • • a a* Ann Page Salad DrMsing jI r 29" A n c h o v ie s PACKER'S LABEL Eight O'clock CoHoe BAG 7 7 * HAWAIIAN NO. 2 CAN 1 9 c GENinNE ^RINO BROCCOLI DEL M ONTE VEGETABLES e x t r a l e a n f r e s h h a m s ,.... Lb. 45c 12 o z IW BC -In BlnckbeiTy Jelly annpaoe JAB Z T A&P Red Sockeye Salmon 4 ]^ PINEAPPLE CHUNKS 2 5 c Red Circle CeKee lus 7 9 ' LEGS OF LAMB “ 79c PASCAL DKD BRS S: 1S«|WB0U UETS s : V:.. N obisco Grohoffl Crockers |:oldi5tredm Pink Salmon CAN"' 4 9 ' 'COM ^ *& ‘a< v2 S t]C 0 H ‘ST a 1 8 * All Beef Cut From CELERY 1 5 c DM Dutch deonser ■ ' x '.f ’ f in Fish r>'isT iJ:# BekerCeKee ">^81' c • • . C m A H Y ’S PlnUTAN swER nu a i9*linuai u* U, S* Good or Choice IWnceMeot UB12 0Z X, CALIFORNIA JUICE Grondmethtr'i CAN Admiral Domestic SardingS 3 cans19" STOMCH \ ■U* / 23«sminDT0IUT0B'^*29* •\ RIB R O A S T (PYEN) ...... L b. 7 5 c S e l e c t e d READYr^O EAT HAMS “ 65c LIGHT NOt BLOCK <^C K ROAST ...... ,^ L b. 4 9 c Herb O x Bouillop Cubes<^*? 1 B^ C A ri a V ORANGES “ “ 3 9 c D EL MONTE FRUITS 2 Sultana Tuna Fish MEAT BQNELESi CHUCK ROAST ./^Lb. 8?c Fresh FruH s EANCT ■ ^ A-Penn Motor Oil 1.25 eOTUE 5 9 ' tfueoT ncrik 39*|raBnB lis - K 3 9 * EXTRA GROUND REEF . *...; . t l I Lb* 59e A ir-W ick AIR r e f r e s h e r FRESH .. . V r Baking Powdor 4 0 2 ^ HATIVrPOWL _ ^^l5c 2 i & 2 T * CUT STEW /* X ’-- • • • v: lUMFOtO CAN PRIC45 SHOWN IN THIS AD g u a r a n t e e d THROUGH SATUROAV, and V eg^qbles GREEAPEPPERS rM ir cocRUk is;' 19*1 CMRngiT a -19* i , ' a i'a T iu e — ------. ' B a b y b e e p u y e r ^ x . / ..4S FBESHLV GBOrNtl 2 I 9 e nuRCoaniL a s* m a iaaauL m 39*| 2 ELM CITY (SEALED) SUCED BACON .. Lb. 43c nWIT in U U M a 3S* ntOITin UUM IS 93* 1 ARMOII^ TREn NALSOAP IA B 4 J PALMOUVE SOAP PALMOLIVE SOAP CASHMERE BOUaim GREENING APPLES 2 ^ ^ 2 5 c LEAH HAMBURG “ 59c Keeps You Fresh - ’ 1' KACHB a r t s w 23* ■UTURRUt a 29* ■ j Lunpbaon. Meed ' Round The Clock Doee Not Scratch A Coftate-Palmollve product A Colgate-Palmolive product 'A Colgate-Palmolive product ■' f . NOWHIRE - - HIT NOWHERE! STAHL-MIYER d a i s y h a m ...... L b '. 7 9 c FIRM ' a 11 oviict CAN 49* . ruMci 3 14TN ewis 32* DAon ruiiB : a 23* D d m n i n B 3 3 * GROTE A WEIGEL COTTAGE HAMS ... Lb. 85c 2 ■FT"**'*** 37* 2 ”Ji&i«.^15' 2>(CC4KIS|5* 3UTaC4HS3y WILL YOu'nNO : o - SUNKIST LEMONS 6 ^ 2 9 c wnniEMiB a 3S* NUTMEG BRAND Frozen Food LEAN SMOKED SHOULDERS ...... ,* L b. 5 9 c BIBOS EYE REHER TOILET TISSUE FANCY, (TAUAN 1 SUPER SUDS YE FAB , AJAX aiANSER CODFISH a x i s ' 1 Woidcirf ____ 3*****25' ORANGE JUICE 1!'^35c PASTRIES POPULAR ^^^-^iMARKETS 1 A Colgate-Palmolive product A Colgate-Palmolive produd ■ A Colgate-Palmolive product A Colgate-Palmolive product Gorton's Rsady-To-Fry PRUNE PLUMS 2 u ^ 2 9 c a' Remember, wtiea yeu buy (12) er nwre Scow 73»»*'*35' than those R 2 55' ttatl P6CXAU 3Qf LAW P60UU 20^ . r4CXMt^2' ^ Scott Soft-Wovo 2 *•*,**27' !• wim rtcMAU 21 * HAND PICKED, NATIVE BIRDS EYE ' BAKED FRESH DAILY 974 Mail S t Freefa r k lH g Next te Store packayee of frbzaa foo4e yaa raetiva1l% in MeINTQSH APPLES 2 ^ 2 9 c MARSHWALLOWS FRENCH FRIES J I^Gc oflv'- --'v.'x- '■ ;x U CHOY PIKHMICTS (KTASON 1 .It UVA SOAP w s m w L Campfire , SCIa PIMI r A Colgoti-Palmolive pitiuel u U g E. G R E EN Diitncr MiNuiaiAtLBs hm ss* r PALMOLIVE SOAP C A S H M E R E PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE 1 Soap that gets the dirt Liquid shortening < 46IPK6 12* Gets Clothes. Really Cleon CloiMor : pkf H B ntbs EYE lO U Q U E T ^ SUPER SLJDS V E L 3 0 c I H - i 9 c B (YB’lth Chlorophyl) ni« 25* eiMiMF tn rtt|9 * lipm 33*. ICEBERG LETTUCE f ■ *' I " “ *‘ t ' . H o e i k t ' 2 *4*9* FF****ri 55' Soap , 3««*lY

l^39c N — PEAS .1 1 1 2 Rag, 15c 2 15c ■’1 ■ ' * . r FANCY. FRESH / 2 Lge.-PkKS. 5 5 c 1 3 Bath 32c . 3 Bath 32c F A B pJ^; 30c| Cleaning Tissues R u n ch M 2 ^ - -1 DRIFT NATIVE BEETS 2 OUCKIR J ACKS. MAZOIA SAIAO ON. Dovddtti'S Fttorjar^y rc. Repeating: RENUZIT CLEANSER Leaves No S^iap Filat 1 GOLDEN COOKIES SUNSHINE 1 ^ cxindy^ confactlon For Cooking and Sialadf SUPER RRM. NATIVE OCTAGON YoUat Tliaur . 1 NEW ENGLAND STYLE AJAX DEODORIZED GAL l a 2 9 2 GALS, 2 3 9 uau PACKAte 3RF ^MCMUU25h ' UUM2.15 DtvaPs 2 * 4 * 1 5 ' CHICKEN PIE5 41e 1 ASSORTMENT, SOAP 1 l-CLEANSER.'. ILRISFY CRACKERS 1 GREEN PIPPERS 2 ^ 1 9 c [ (RUY 2—SAVE 25cl Locker Plant "r - ■ . * I'X vf' Plyr. ___ 3 B u b 2 3 c , x Pkr. 26C x 1 T E L .B 4 2 4 - .. '*1

I .

1 T : . L _ - 'Xy y ' / F A G & T K IR lI T iS H t - f MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALD. MAN€|HESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1952 -5*1== 2 ^ MANCHESTER EVENINCy HERALD, MANCHESTE.Ri CONN., THURSDAY, O C jO ^ R 9^ 19S? /1*,iniko ...... '"S7 ter School begnipftg Monday is air] vine Fire Depsrtment tbl* eveninc l».t!.re ..X ...... - . ;. .. M lOii.riiii M3 ElUnfitoh .•ollows; hammirg and / gravy,'] z . KockvlUe . . pt 7 o’clock OR. .the ijeri-ws I'il- , .-*9, • Washekl pol^oea.- wax beans, bread Ih the centof of tKe cUy., land biiUer and'jelly sandwiches,- E4ST HARTFORD: ---- a ’ • . ' Tnllltr ...... \/..<~«lT ”474 4.*! i i ’is.. Fire Pretention W ^k Dispiay at Watkins U..S. Gains slarm will b e ‘ sounded from/one Somers Naiiied I milk sad fniK^ of the boxe.x in the conteycslllng raz*iir*/)i4> -' j Tuesday vegetable -soup and SA FI M TS Doyle Says out all ftiemen and-.equli^e.nt. All tiui!...... tiw TELEPHONE 8-321 Death To ll News Tidbits eissl^r Is Named Speaher Phllllm If*! ifit t.Cl Tw; By Slalt* (yroup ,| ^5ra.ckers. tuna fish-and egg salad Tankejr of three fire’ pumps will/Oe tlehion- ...... fn tm ):n Mx , . --'’wiches. buftersriatch pudding, Ciilled from AK Wires itraled. ' X / , ri, Oeneieat ...... t14 iU'. 101 140 ^.ftre truck 1 * ^ 0 stationed at For Goiivoiilijtrti in'*'*'-;, . , . , Extra Fees For Little League JSanquel S. Ctevhewekl ...... 7 17P I,*!.', Ill 17. / / . , fdnesday roast pork and A t Harroi^ the Slate Armory each rvenins ...... :.,-.2 .X57 170S ' . . .e' . i gravy, ji'va.slii'd potatoes, hutt,er’ed ^i'.irlng the ToUhnd Cmii>ty Frod- T..|ll» Elmory S. Land, president sj( Air feal ZjihnFr’* F.llirij^on. Oct, fSpecian - ' c r •'Inach.-bread and butter, Transport Assoclatioh, predicts Ro^ville, Oct. 9 (Special).—-The-by all business and professional l^ ts show fojriiise in ca-xe^ emer-■ r-if,,,;,,, ...... -R:., 101 97 2S:i H it$ 86,000 ;ville, Oct ».. .. a* . n>9 lofi • xi.v The ^ate FrderaM'on of \Vo(n ' Thitrsiiay baked macaronj and Reaches 94 some Jet trans^rts will be Used fln al^ v\veni en i for Rockville'a. Little | people In Ro<-kvllle. peiicv.-. / - / ' i • en’s {Rubs which eriihrai'e.s the Ef- (•; ' -n '-l-xl. hn\ buttered within five years.. Former Queen (CoaUnned troM P *f* ' Lmguefa is the annual banquet for' "The Chamber, of Commerce " inhibit to \ I i,vA" ...... \CV3 . n I llr^ o n group, will hold its autumn beets, bread and butter, rhocolsle (ObntlBiMd from Page O a t) Narriman of Elgypt leaves Laus­ j?he**fo^'leam foiir 'teams, Vand and their coaches! prges, not only *11 Its members. -p,*The Holland sf^niand Cotint.yCoiint.y Froihicteriro.luct* ■ uh-haftsith-hani* ...... ifli 122 321 mcetinr Orl. 23 a( -the ^Rfoers pudding. group had transferred the ship to re held Saturday evening at 7 hut all business people In the city show 1 .3 I--'*!* I stale. Donald G. Woodall, an Ameri- Gormans, who hive been nre.rent ’ tsx returns will, be referred to the systems in Nhw York City, Lon­ ponies linked with the China In- , \C7iatterton will hi ma.ster of cefe- Wometi will met tomorrow at l/.M Set KeM*r\Htlon 1>Hte^ | "7^ \ e * n j»er\1ceman attached to a •evetal time* during their ,^ay. in WiCiyi* 99 I24 XIS tJ. s Air Force* ihalirtenancr de-1 Justice department- and the In­ don end B io ‘13b; Janeiro, dies In ternational Foundation, headed by y , antes. Featuring .the entertain-., P- m. at.the. Umon Congrega^oiuG ^ ■ ‘ Eimchenn -niU he ; reeer\‘ed xiit 1 WINTER le^^iOTnCTl)^lcn ternal Revenue bureau. .Middletown. Ohio. \ Morris. . j j .w ’ ment to be provided for the young- Church. At this tirtie plan* Will be Rockville. 92 '59 * 12:30 p. m. for u tiich reflervfitinn« ] pot in Britain, waa listed anims The jjov^mment contenaea t«e steni Will be an hour long movie made , for - ,the World. Community Recent .Vrrxal |P2 12“ 2M iihouUl be miric Inter thnn Oct. 1 those killed. A Mrs. Jean Woodall In reply to axqueation by Keat­ Bolivia police arrest number of Born Monday at Hartford Hos­ i49 12.1 119 . DON'T 'UVlE IPEA OP HXINOr ing. Doyle agreed th|s should be vessel in effect was financed and *how\of the 1951 World’s- Series. Day services lo be held l^ov. 7. 97 — 97 20 with Mm. Edwin McIntyre, —preaumably hia wife—also was former army officcra itjd civilians, \ Superior Court pital, a SOM lo Mr. snd Mrs,-W si- -njsT LaMwa NOT 40 mot— done. \ charging them with piv^lclpation controlled by alien Chinese who This picture and others which will — , , Mbimtnin mnd. Somers. Throw Thom Away UaM as killed. ooN-r soot 'BOUNP wnu wibe«, Judge William J. Shea ’>(111 pre rOr Srhmelske. 1 Hale street ex- COA ■ Collier told newsrrien that Ju st­ In plot against govrrnmeqt . . . Iliad been denied the right lo ac- he shoim. have been .secured TucF.day han been designated aa still plenty of wear left In *1^1^ Xir Kprrt 'WUd in IF you PONT KNOW VA4ATS WATT / q f t ^ it from the commission,, and through me efforts of Henry T. side at the yesslon-Of the ’rqlland egs*.- ■« N T ^ . a- meet»nc dav tor deacbhft In. the. ton that Woodall, w as the son of ice department altornV’S "re per­ National^ Restaurant Assoeialjon County Superior Uourt lomftmow tersiom^^ mixvi iN'o T.rsiirK/- The Riwiixille hiirXiu ..r the Ellington Con- shoe* TeiHHisrA here.^ -y- mitted to practice law on the out- plans lo' million dollar campaign in vidl»tion of its American regis- North, who., will personally ’ take 14..t.s Wsker^ lS'^ ^ ^ l i e. and Mra.--Bmme.tt a. .Woodall . iial^e Of Ihlg entcrlHliiiiit-iil'pari at—lO-a-jm MiUicJic-leiL/LveuJig,JUcfaa' cnied al One .Market .street, Tele- of 1249 N. 54th street. East St. 'of the progra In Uie Short Calendar achedu jsfttnb . IM complete plan.' for Laymen .pun- sftn riitYEr Select n tZ while nnr loula, ni. He was an airman sec­ any practice that in any w-ay or a 'meal. \ Attohieys for Morris and other . 92 jihnne l.opkville. 3-8136. In addition toXhe 56 players snd the following'.cases are llats: roT't^’k 9.1 MO day Oc' ' Shoe 'Re|t«lrlng of the B et­ ond class assigned to. Headquar- A-va •- |! manner coniiir.iaconflicts WILIIwith iiic the inicicsiBInterests Reuben Ship, author of "Lire•IJfe oi of companies Evolved insisted the assorlfnent of styles is ebaches of the lOxiT teams, other The Valj«y Oil Company, Inc. Hnr»n . ?9 l!3 School I.»nc-h Menu ter Ktnil Done While You tsrs Squadron, 59th Maintenance j. I InltUaFV , It*^ Slate s governments,^,^ „ ,how for seven years, Meacham still' was under Ameri­ vs. Alfred D. Barry, d.b.a., et als. The menu for the-Elllngton (jen- coipTietel You’ll find ^ ^ J I Doyle's name/came into s sub u b - ,, ^.itneases before guests will include nine umr're.s, !S7l IfifiO Walt. Group Depot. . • entified by two witneases before can control. \ demurrer; Louis E. ,Clark, et at ft new textured fah- committee, testimony yesterday use Un-American Activities lesjflie officlsls, president’s of the VFW Flower Drivr , 15 51API.E ST R E E T Mr*. Nettle Lawrence, of Green In New York, Morris' law office vs. Catarina S. Olabrese. default ftirs, the tweeds, the during a, hearing on Justice de­ committee as member of Commun­ four ,'oluhs sponsoring the Little (ipp. First National Store Mend. N. Y., was listed as miss­ said he was out of the ^:lty and not 'for failure to appear;. Eleanor Am’ . . Parhltig I..ot partment decisions concerning the ist Radio Workers’ Cell in Holly­ 'Lehgtie teams, and about slxtv of fleeces, the- flaUering ing. Her husband. Thomas* Law­ D c B t h B ' injimedlately available f o r com­ the parents and friends. Rockville ! Morency, et al. vs. Bernard Kris- Kty» I On IJiilil Saiurday rence, who was pulled out of the prosecution of the Pabst Brewing wood and may be deported, to r« 1/earn Tn Drive Safely colors, the Soft/furs Company earlier this year on a ment. ‘ and 'Vemon w ill. he renre.sented ] t°<7-\default for failure . la plead, I-./'hrmtlt wreckage uninjured, told rescuers: native Canada under McCarran bv Mayor Frederick Berger, and Louia I. Naglack. et al vs. WUllam Oii Dual Uontrol Car* 5 . , .all the details to James E. McGugsn charge of violating pure food laws. Act . . . Republican. nominee for Houston Wasson, a memt>er of 602 1716 Manchester C*hapter, No., 17, For An Eiwlv Appointment •T-tried to pull my wife, towards the law firm, said he was qlilte First Selectman Herbert T. Pavani. i Janiak, permission to amend, TottlH make these the—preG me and couldn’t. She kept^saying Jam es E. McGugian «>f During a Washington conference U. S. senate in Rhode Island unin­ ■ ' llrraUl rhotn. t Di.sabled American Veterkns. Gall on the m atter last February, tentionally gets Democratic tele­ sure the district court decision both of whom are listed as speak- 1 One divorce cn.so- is scheduled »7RNEST A. $,AR.»40N tlesl coals you’ve ever ridge street died early this morning The dangers of smoking in bed, several pieces of old apparatus and a dt.splay of fife cxUngulshers / 1 Arthur/VI iiiui LeRoyt-jcivvi,. Swanson vs. Ylr-Vlr- 101 — . launched its annual Forget-me-not •I can't move.' ” Boyle was quoted as saying he has Would be appealed. He aald that , PHONE 2-4870 seen! Ask about our The three trains Involved In tf)c at the Manchester Memorial Hos­ gram, signed by Senators Ke- are all included in the exhftit noW occupying on^>f the show windows at Watkins store. The disp ay •ds w-ilKlie p re-! ginia Arlene Price Swanson, judge- ] ijn irt.'i !!J; '’‘(*i;ive-today and,, wlli continue It RUMM "always taken my oath of oflflci! fauver, Fulbright and Douglas, would be decided definitely after a The annual aWarda crash carried more than 1.000 per­ v’s event. The! ment; also three domestic rela-j f 114 iiw Budget Plan! pital Aftbr a long illness. serldukl'y and have never done any­ waa prepared by the South Manchester Fire Department as part of Fire Prevention Week, now being reading of the decision, a copy of aented at . SaturdaVa e<-ent. The slM 10(1 sox • tonirhrrow and Saturdav. when sons—-many: of them school chll- mjjllj asking, for "the largest check pos­ obseiwed^ throughout the nation. Both the SMFD s^d the MFD are sponsoring several programs in tions cases, James F. VanCIake vs. i •KtO ’ ' - • *1 ■*' * I He waa born br Glasgow, Scot^ thing or \«ill. do anything 'which sible for volunteers for Stevenson which had not yet been received dinner will be serveii^' the Kitch­ pj ftenlbeis of theiuhnpter and its ^ dt«h. 8dm* 600 were jammed into nonnecOi^ with fire prevention this week en committee of/The Rockville Ethel M. VanCIake, modification of | [, ST SAL land, and came to this country aT will cajise me to fear any inves­ radio and TV fund.” at the firm’s office. judgement, contempt'; Dorothy G. ... nuxiliarv vill-4ie,»»n the streets the local commuter train when a Seventeen - year - old Central Lodge of Flka. /^ WistESLIY h Scotland-to-London' expreag,. thun­ the age of 17, settling in New tigation whatsoever." . , 1 Evidence at the trial in June Pisblotta -VS. Joseph PieciottarH'-otik*4SiS ------* • . V- ^ \ ■ > with thf blue ftoiver* of remem- * Fur-Tfimmod -Stylos -Llnt«mmM _Co«4»- London where he ^as in business Recommend Seizure Falls. R. I.. Air National Guard in eastern Pennsylvania; At New and July gave this picture of Adx-lsopy Committee St-smlstd M«4-'i4f dered a t 70 rpilea an hour into its Margaret Lee vs. Emil LeC/ Alt-j 0 so 171 I'l-ince., Cnhtrllmtions from’ the DR. ,r. H. SIMPSON for many years. He had lived id The Food and Drug administra­ reservist dies - after reepiving York, the GOP vice presidential New Canada Map transactions involving the Mea- A meetirig-'of the Adviaory rom- SOUTH rHQDIST tear coaches as'''it stood ,lh Har­ mittee foi/fhe Rockville swimming mony pendente llte. counsel fees, .'iriidrufllt ---- ins ’ t(w ■ ^’’le are used locally to help dt?r ] Mahehesier for the past 28 years. tion recommended seizure of 100,- roqiine Injection ^ typhoid Claims Taft candidate wayeij - a newspaper chaifi: $58 $35 row station. pool wiR'be held at the Elks Home allowance for , support of minor ■'vowki ...... i j; iui sblejJ yeterrihs and their families, NOW ASSpCTATKD ■( .'.'Cl rRCH Besides his wife he leaves four 660 pounds of corn grits, usecl'for _m '. . . Lebanon Chamber ,f>f | headlined "Stevenson Says T*** Being Published A group of Chinese Interested In • and lO -hi'lng a litfle cheer to ph- From -Op^KiMte Side’ daughters. Mrs: Alice Manning of beer, after an Inspectinn of* the Lacks 'Backbone’.’ and declared t"- Oct. ,2fi at 8 p.m. • ' \ I children pendente lite.. r. Mllsn'sl* ...... S ‘ A,-minute‘after the splintered __-putles gives v ote, of confidence j obtaining tankers to transport oil tlents In vctei'.an hospitals. , M’ l T ll Franklin Center. Quebec. Canada, Pabst pMnt at Peoria, 111., disclose^ to Premier' Amir Khalid Shehab "Eisenhow er has proved hlS Hhnry, Fairchild of the firm of] Four accu.sed will be presented, Tut sis . ; ...... T h v ^ M 9 A ' Open Tuesdaj' through Saturday 9:80 A, M. to 5:80 P. BL commuter coaches were stfewn Ottawa, "Canada—(Ah—A new for the (Chinese Nstlonalist gov­ Kftne srd Fairchild, architects, will „n ciiminal ca.seS. The 'ilr-sl i.s I This year as in the past many Mrs. Doris Schrelber of Kingston,. "shocking, unsanitary" cpndittons and grant* power for reform*. Is. Dictating backbone with hia leadership in /^filxei^B^Dorcn^ Friday; to 8:80 P. M. — over the tracks, a northbound ex­ ernment formed a- "United Tanker /'pe present to e .lin tn the com- ] Howell W. W right of Bolton road, I.. A. While (Tl veterans, are ho.spilalizcd and un­ DR. WARD K. GRKKN N. H.. Miss Florence McGugan pnd last "year, the- subcornmlttee was World War JI and following the map of Canaan, the first new one able ' In rare for them.selvca. press ' out of ;^ndon ploughed Miss Helen McGugan. both of this told. An inspector said he fpund Corp." United Tanker had three mittee pjans for the pool and field | Vernpn rhaiged with a.-sault with STiid-ll 'R 114 ^-ar. He la a man who hps back­ in 22^years, will soon be roiling off American cltiaens as directors ...... -, lax t(*i eiigh the annual Forget-me- DENTIST through the wreckage from J|he town; three sons. Jam es A. Mc­ insects and rodent filth in the house, siso wading and spray pool. intent to m'*rder. V.'right who wa.s L,p?p[r bone and he is running against a the presses giving an up-to-date holding 75 per cent of the voting , RUrl' -...... 109 ll.’i drlves, conducted by the Dis­ _X- cppo*Tt*»dlredtlon, Gugsn of Burlington, Vt.; Harold grain. - ;, T o Genferal gang that doesn’t know what He win listen to suitable suggeit- arrested July 16 by County Detec­ (’-Illlch ...... <>4 114 topographical picture of the coun* stock for which they psld a total abled Ameriran Veterans, orgnn- . fi:NAiT Fotcesmedlcal — per«>"- C. hwJugan of Groton Long Point The seizure was postponed, and E , S. Bfesfs backbone is," Nixon asked if there tion that might help toward proper uve Arthur-A._Kosa la a former I. r.enovspi ...... a,'. 141 nT^nearbylearby ||asea helped'in n. — —^ ^ • try- from the 49th parallel to tlie of 86...... / construction and aimpllflcd and ^ patient al the Norv. ich State Hos- 0. Onc.-i-sl Iz-amns. ,'ome mea-'urc of help M l from and Raymond A. McGugsn of this eventually dropped upon decision ■ (Continued Ffora .Page One) was anything "more aplneless” OPEN EVENINGS c / V.'.'■ treatingV ththb^Injured h^lnjured an^dand getUng North Pole. • The remaining 25 per cent of the low’-roat maintenance. . pjtal He waa arrested upon a com- ...... 4^*9 612 560 167! BndVht-er c'an be given to these to\tm; and a brother, George Mc­ of John T. Grigsby, an attorney in. . -7 , than the Truman administration’s rien those more fortunate who them off' in ambulances to nearby Gugan. and several grandchildren. Newfoundland which joined the stock vvBS held by China T r a ^ g n is honed that Profe.ssor Jo-1 * ,^81 ho placed something in .Mlcliei’s S-rv’r* (I I BY APPOINTMU^^T the Juatice department's criminal knoU's nothing," wftile his' GOP foreign policy. "No, no'‘ came show that they remember fty buy­ hospitals. ^ Funeral arrangements are In aection.'Grigsby testified the com- Russia for confederation in 1949, gels on- the and Industrial Development Corp. seph Ro," V s of the 1 niverslty of wife’s coffee la.sl spring which rii.-i-l:‘ rs from the crowd. ing thesA little blue flowers. Hacking and cutting through the £i\xrge o f ' the Avery Memorial yany Intencled to deMroy the cem- counterpart, 3en. Richard Nixon, map as part- of Canada for the controlled by Chinese alhMls. The M«spftchvi.'’?tts. who has been ap- made her ill. He is i cilifftcntcd by from 2 to 5 and 7 to It -p m. to- struction of lhe_grain prevented a (OoDtimied trofn-Pftg* Ot/ft) cies of Sen. 'Taft (R-Ohio.) 7. written by Seabury I.ewis, i N'orbert King are, charged with K inihcrt ...... '9R 102 1T9 ?I9 throughout the night. At on? time, inorrow for the convenience of civil suit against the, company and Ilcan, took a rap at Democratic roads ^hown will be those'\in the with the Casey group to purchase Humphrey said after the general president. Rockville Chamber of. sr.son.'T he hoys pre inmate.' of th» 104 96 291 Bcotlwid Yard announced the death thereby lessened any deterrent north and the Alaska HlghweV "od the Meachdm from the Maritime Ir'fUnfl . 97 in? 201 REMEMBER friends. credited to the Soviet- govern-* claims that the country "never had held a reconciliation meeting with Commerce/. [ Man.'Rcld .'’tate H(y.'"lfnl enri it i toll had reached as high as U6, effect the prosecution would have the Mackenzie Highway. com m i^n after the commission P -rlln . . 97 106 100 .10.1 ment." , it so good" b/ saying expenses Taft. Eisenhower (11 pledged to Open I,cfter to (Itlzens [charged that the accused set fires .‘iflwgrrlP ...... 90 ICT 197 hut later said this was in erroh. John N. Smith had on other brewers. have gone up and the dollar has tumed'uow-n United's application 9? ia> 191. The wreckage was cleared away The 180-w-ord-----message, dc- cut the budget by 10 billion next "Thp Rockville Chamber of j to two different barns in the Mans Amorrt^ ...... '...... - John Newton Smith. 83, grand­ Doyle, under' instructions, even­ dropped in-value. SlstefM Join the Waves to^rchase the surplus vessel In IN M A N CH ESliR I' with almost surgical delicacy tn llvci-cd to the foreign office by year and 2l> billion the following itSown name. Commerce is glad of the oppor-1 field area, one n ’ the t s'-’'’ TotRln ...... , . 471 .•ins .527 1506 father of Mrs. Helen Rider of this tually prosecuted the company on And Sen- E>tes Kefauver., Ten­ KRl)>h Mnliirn fill the remote hope some of the pas­ rriminsl—-charges T" after recom­ Counselor EUm’ O'Shaughne.ssy, year, although last May the gen Buffalo—(/Pi - In Wftrld W a ^ ■Judge Bryan ruled that United f unity to join In the .support of i school and other belonging to a town, died late Tue.-day night at nessee Democrat, answered GOP ieral pleaded with Congress not to 1 .Innnp .., ...... , «6 161 sengers might still be alive despite mending against this action be­ concluded by saying the U. S. Gov­ II, five sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Tanker Com., with Its American the drive for the William Horn- farmer. •1 Priclpii ...... *2 W) 162 the passing of more than 24 hours. the Windhari Cormminity Me­ ernment rejected the Soviet charges of corri.btion in g;overn- cut so much as one bUlion from Witz Memorial Pool and Field, Fire Drill Beniinder ■^^lirrirk ...... 11.1 94 32) cause he said it would damage the ment by saving Democratic Sena­ Herdizk served a total of / 19’ directors, did not qualify as a U. ,S. Twice befqre railway official de­ morial Hospital after K long ill­ charges against Kcnnan. foreign aid; (2| agreed with Taft citizen corporation w-ithin the House. ! In observance of Fire Preven Pabst reputation. The court found tors- h'im.seif, Fulbright of Arkan­ that any amendments to the Taft- years in the armed service^Now MAI uartled St. Louie over both radio and ; Cemeterj’. vision. (10:30/p.m. e.s.t,—CBS : Friends may call at the Potter shipment here in quest ion . . . The The latest Soviet restriction on E xcitin g! Delighting! Yea, Give Bridal Shower Funeral Home. 62 Church street. present matter seems to have l^en Amerlcfln/MIICI IL Ull and IlHU other8JHICI western v» cnuapi »» diplo-MUriLf- radio-Dumont .s.-w..-- — TVj- brought to attention because' of mats was an order preventing: J .Eisenhow said a 1950 state-; everybody’s saving oa tWillimantic. from 7 to 9 o'clock he State department. | tomorrow evening. an allegation that the Justice de­ Iheni In effect from traveling more'] ment by_/l Miss Anil Civiello. who 1s to be partment was in error in permit­ leaving /Korea outside the an-,| ^ eir favorite LO FT'S Candiaa thah 25 miles away from Moscow-. nounce^defense perimeter m the , .z - married on Nov. 8 to M. Joseph ting destruc.lion of the .material bo-- When this w-as imposed^the United attheveryN Kelly of New Britain, was honored fore rather than after a lawsuit. States retaliated by re'quiring So­ Paclfi/. had encouraged If not in­ with another pre-nuptial -shower vited the Korean war. ' Vf/.- . V F u n e r a l s "We are. confident that there viet diplomats to give 48,-hour ad­ told a wildly applauding 92ndBirthda}r1 Tuesday night at^the home of htr was nothing improper in the ar vance notice whenever they pro- He told a 'nverflow- mother at 164 South Main .street. .loan :\nn Hippie rangement worked out by our at posed to go more than 25 mlle.s ] throng DISfANCE Co-hosteases were Mrs. Anthoin:- from .Ipwritown Washington. ing th e.^ o w Palace Arena IM l .Charles J. Marr of - 23 Lyncss torncy. which actually expedited Clviello. mother of the bride-tOybC. *- addiloln the American am- ! the United Nations y\ tm s WEEK w isYr siieol vcill conduct funeral serv­ disposal of the matter instead at Into Korenn peace: Snd Mrs. Michael Civiello. siMer- delaying it." ba.s.sador in'Moscow-■M._,.. for years has "sw-indled" ices for Joan Ann Hippie, 8-yCar- talks, with the result, he In-law. old daughter of Mr. and- Mrs. been aeronipanied whenever he Thirty-ftur giiest.s from Man­ leaves the embassy by Ru.ssian tyit Reds are now half again a-, chester. Hartford and Rockville Frank B. Hippie of 37 Pioneer i-ir- Strong as they were before nego­ lic, t.pmorrow at 11 a. m. at the Ghiiiese Eslabli^h "guards." were present at the miscellaneous tiations. / Quish Funeral Home. 22.'’> Main Ike Defends Self shower. Miss Civiello wa.s pre­ 5dreel. Mr. Marr is a leader in the All.MY ('O U , 47,000 sented with a corsage and many Golleclive Faniis Washington, Oct. .9 — (/fi *— Eiaenhow-er’a attack on adm ii^. I of The .\nny today Kstied a ijeaft .stration foreign policy edf ‘'’’/’o '’ I Stefd with streamers of while, ! Hong Kon'g—(A. Chinese Com- call for 47,000 men In Decem­ bined with a defense of hiipself | fuchMa and peacock blue and the •Idiin leaves besides her parents muhists have eslahli.she and are, 'mostlj|- U riulrV /'’ .I - freshly-ahelled Pecans. Public Records ,,and until the hour of the serviceon reclaimed land along-the coast. year age groups. attack bn Eisenhower from for- I I I tomorrow. Interment will be lit the Reports say the reclamation eign policy to national economy as j ■ familv plor^...... in the F.a.st Cemetery, work hone by com-icts. former Mt. 9ftj). agered Japane.se moun- he wh-istle-stopped ' through II-1 / Warrantee Ileeils I ■ '------I Nationalist troops.dependents of lain. which has erupted 17 times in linois, Indiafia, and Ohio to But-, Henry M. Corry and K(hfl ■rlvEIttiV.ME.V CONI'ENE [liquidated landlords . and un^m- i,^rerorde,d .tapane.se history, falo. N. r . . ^ I ■ \ Corry to John J Baker Bndg/piir:. Oct 9 J ’* C lergy-’ ployed workers. 1 last, arliye in 1708. He said ih a speech at Cleveland | Teresa M. Baker, property '; men of the A-menian .\poslollc j -. ^ that Elahnhower has "moaned and ] Lewis street. i Onhodox Church arrived here to- groaned about high prices” even; as the Republicans plan, lo “muf-; % P o u a A ■ FredertA“H. sTef^t‘‘ and John ] ^''h^chftftll'jiVeVedra'dioee^n^-*^^ O tlldl' U tS dep'what’Si left of priee cohlfbis.’'- • Allen PartrWge to Carlton B-1 sembly .Saturdav and Sunday."*'''^ -' • ^ ,'\Vlth heavy .sarcasm 'lYuwan W ith odvertising! "E’elsh; property on tnomis'street.; Rrv.,Afailj»op.'Tir'an.1s-the: ■feferred - to .Eisenhower’*-.talk e ft ^ BiiUdlng Permits- ■-= leader of the yhurcb which em--- Frpm Sam eLFam itf^T^e efficiency and elimlhaling waste j .To O w Je s.,B czzuh.,Iur a t o a - 1 brac«?e^J>forik/and Smith- AnjerJe*.. In government by saying the [ Armyha.s "iriiproved a great deal; tlona and’additiohi to dwelling (•jlifornis, 'T— . ' ---- -7^ ■ 5 5 lirnimore dfri-e, $600 ' / In a riiessage to H a rry TCrlltbr- iH U k€k0eotesi0 By 05VEN CRUMB s'iierW-oml'Strattuh,"a 'father pon­ can candidate w-as its chief-pf-'r To Frank Burt for altcialiou inn. chairman of the parish coirn- derous moniker for a fellow only and additions to ” C M o o o lm t o InlXJFTSauper-amoooth if anything- about the real Is­ " \ ^ 1 1 diaoover this about a B u ick:’ tiona arid addition.' to a dwelling 000 Connectrrut people who have 'in his aiitobiography. Barnum rooch your potontiol customors. You hovt to inform tho puMie thrifty traveler. , ' . Milk, Chocolate. Iv'ttflh cousins.' says a meticulous' sues" and that "the Republican i thing—and plenty of move-about room for CmrdUeU C hm rriaa . ^ at 103 White street, 8700 blood ties' with (he brave nation of wrote that he stumbled across the The more you drive it, the more you Hke it; To John J. Klein for alleratioiis local author, who makes it his snolly-gosters don't want him to I ,.-4( .■ ’ ■ ' arma, Icga, fhouldera. But word* can’t do juatice to a Buick in morion. .1 Maraschino Cherries , reguiarlyJI.OO/ Armenia, and the ancient culture business as a genealogist to verify midget on a Visit to Bridgeport, the kmder your trip, the louder your praiae. and additions to garage on Foley of a gifted race, represent a prcci- pbnn., in November, 1842. The j learn, i$oforo';'yMr, cosh rtgisttr con ring up toios. Only you can. • in luscious cordigl r, atreet. $250. such things. In Washington, Chairman Ar­ There’t DynaHow Drive* taking all the chore ou.s a,'*.'.'! tn the cau.se of good yill- G. A. Cleveland Shrlgley. the showiiiy^n’s fortunes at his famous and I/JETS famous « , To Ralph Anilerson t(>T gaiag*' That’a* what people tell ua. And wc’ll tell , out of driving, and giving ypur whole ride a zenahip In our'stat'e " author, says he was especially Ainericari Museum In New York thur Surnmer>ield of the Republi­ When will you come, aample thia experience ChtJwlate. Milk or Dark. and porch at 104 Columbus .street, was starting to ebb and he need­ can national committee assailed j You'll find this/wwspopor on offoctivo. oconomieoi and immodioto you why. aatiny aniootbne$B without trace of jerkineit yourself? ,11,000. ■ ’ I ■ careful in his family tree tracings 11E\ EAll" NINE UITED • because he found at the di’itsel ed a new- attraction. Stevenapn for a reference in^ Mil-I Km CM drnw a Aafc* tkrtt, ft»r, Av* kmmdrti or driving tenaion. ecctuerm. trtm/md ttedels e n subject to cbengs New ]5<>rk. 0f 23 t ’oUimbla University pro-i Shrigley is trying to bring the casually mentioned little Charlie Eusenho.ver’s endorsement of Re-| „ J, - . . .? from a high-pompreaaion,_valve-in-head Fire­ cest en ether Series, \0ptienel et extra cest.^ Police Arrests Stratton. Barnum looked up the publican Senators McCarthy-(Wis) f(-HM»rs w h II eritlolz,ed Sen, memory of liny 'Tom out from us show you how this nowspopor con bring you profits! Y’em can remp up kith kills, cruise straigkiaseays, ball 8 Engine that whipa out milea like a tarpon [ 0 S P K IA I SWCflOW " Itirhard Nixon’s |H)lltieal expcAse under Barnum’s hulking shadow child, who yas 2 feet tall then. ! and Jenner (Indl without naming, 7 ' Chocolates and Home Clarence A. Taylor. 26. of Rock- ■ and sighed him.up through his i them-, eaid "my opponent has4becn !| ease through trafie^tangled towns, clock off hour fund, are cited in the files of the by writing a biography of, Tom reeli oft line. Style Candies, lib. M,19 ville, V m arrested yesterclay by ; House Un-.\merlcan .\rtl\Hle* hiriiself. Shrigley discovered that father. Charles Sherwood Stratton I vvo.rrvftg about my funnybpne. I ’m , after katir of relaxed and pleasurable drivingr- 9 U H There’! the aolt, atendy, aplid, iwerve-free go­ Chief- Herman O. Schendel on a eobnnlttee. Barnum and Tom were descendea promptly became General Tom i worrying about his backbone.’ amd ie da mere tired than a neighborhood jannt ^ WHEN BtlTEK AUTOMOBILES ABE BUILT (D o m c o u ti parking violation' charge.' I ■ from a TTiomds Sherwood, who Thumb, aged by Barmim’s .active , Summerfleld-hit back: ing of b eoil-tpring-euabiemed ride that’i welt Tim MINTS lib. Dbnald D Strong. 17, of 142 Hol­ Prudlgioiis, \enerahle Patrihrrh turned up In America at Boston mind from 4 to 11. , 1 Sat Out World War II wptUd make you. Worth the million-plua dollara itcoat to engineer. ((.,1. lister street] was arrested and ! Basinger, Fla - i.Pi Noel Rabon in 1934 and - later moved to Fair- Added Eitt^lUMiment ‘*Fbr a man who sat out World ! <3)NHU OKKftUn Repuiariy *2.47 charged with failure to rtop at the Raulcrson.,.catllerrian arid farmer field. Cdnn. Barnunl tacked on the seven ; ii in a swivel chair Ip Wash- H o w come thif oomfoH-riefa ground-covering ...... % lb. -5f r years to increase Tom’s valiie ap Therc% all this and more—much more—that :stop aign at Spruce and East Cen­ who died recently at life age( of Barnum Mimv on Rclallooshlp ington. Gov. Stevenson-is scorcely •biUty in a Buick? WILL BUILD THEM ♦2.87 ter atfeeta yesterday by Patrolman 103, had 322 descendints, Includ- ' If Barnum was aWar* that he an attraction, in the same w-ay he entitled to question anybody’s advertised, the midget as "just liioln ae Graham.^ - ing the fifth generation. - was rtlated- to his mpney-making 'backbone.' Even the youngest i®mtri}fatrr Earning l|rralii ■ ' I The widower was sisiyvived by midget, he was careful not to arrived from England." aceorilins to the. showman’s biographers Anverichn- school child knows i I ahko Wpak avary .Saturday end I Own TV Show avary foutih Tuaiday- ' NA$’AB QUITS POST 13 of 17 chlldreii. lio gTandchildi splash the fact before the, pubUc, where Ike Eisenhowhr was during ] -Two oraol tatawkicai Warta Sea Iha TV I i.. N(L-inentlon of their kinship ha* .who accepted Barnum’s story of the Capdies of \ ren,, 165 g^al-grandchUdren and World War II. but 1 wonder how [I • r ’ • . ...______■’ ’ i> II I I I —t-..’'-,— *•—-*-*^ Tekraa. Irma, Oet. 34' great-great- vamJchildren. shown up in thousands of letter* the mesting of the pair. Shrigley has received from all: After years of tours with Bar- many people know that the 'closest.] I 'i. Fareiga Mlnlatcr Hosqeln Navab Adlsi Stevenson got to combat | ■ / . . GARRIES YOUR MESSARE HOME 82S MAIN STREET stars is estiniated t(Z be. iriilllons over the world since 'he began num in* Ametjea, Europe and eVen w eM rfiil tonight titot he l|aa was a faet set of tennis atf the GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. ■ Tnelgned. 9 * d ^ ln czi’ to. give a of limea moirg perfect a vacuum reaesirch oh Tom Thumb 'by way^ A ustriilia,'.Mill Tom Thumb. .was . lav­ ■ V and throughout Connecticut Army-Navy ’ Coiuntry C lu b, a t , yeMah. A career dlpImAat, be than can be^produced. on earth, of letters to editors of hundreds ishly married—at Bamum’s .ex-, ZBB MAIN STKUT MANCHESTER pense-zCo LSvinia Whrren, a midi Washington.’' s»na nppetwted foreign minister it>* estimated .that In space there of datlly newspaper*. y‘‘ ^ - — ■'■*“ 01 ' *' " mm Jnly M wM])p aetilag.n* nm- are some .14.000.hydrogen atbms ' Tom Thtirab waa bom Jan. 11. get ichool teacher tinder contract . Arid Nixon took iip th * aam *} lMMi«ap 8* tfe* Netkerliads. par cuAc foot 11638, and chrlstehed Charlaa to.the showmai^ ’t theme today on a jarklstle atop tour J vl ■ / \ I ... r 'f -d -V-:: X;. /■ mi:..

MAKCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. COii^N>. THURSDAY. OCTOfeR 9; 1952 •^ G E FOTjUt llfiN- RY H^l^RHRkRr,ER GASNIVAL BY DICK TOHNER] {Ttejc£s^-*t! V •AnweansTij-Ae-l lSA''As «l-W:’ViauUW» ■ i • jMsotnia-T/veFttB IBY, TO«TAlNE. jr»X V'w-Fi'y^^flrymvX-A.xrJL i i.W-ii.'iiiihrfeei»M-W*l£»W.Ht k.**wat-.<«Ue«

V EPITAPH testimonial tVillUun Jay (W'eU street JournelV X DP. FO&NKJOOLi: A-jriim from the north brought a Here, lies the body of William Jay. Miss Helen Estfs, Faenliy Adriner Who died maintaining hia *ight of THURSDAY, OCT o S e R 9 " ' Compiled by Stndenta of Mancheater High School PSYCUIATBlST , sawmill from a native of Arha VOL. ’XX. NO. 6 ■V I who was anxious to leave wsyj part of the .country. A ftey the He was right, dead right, asyha money .was paid the new owner sped aldngj ' saW: "I would appreciate rnty ad­ But he’s just ss dead as if he’^ Legion of Honor Music Festival been wrong. / ' , B o o te rs Indians Drub Bristol, vice you r.iight give mE aa/to the Seniors Elect Farrell running of this, mill-” / ••Well,” replied the former own­ Horace'Oreel^is^ credited with S ec o n d W in Set:lor O ct 30 k K er as he got into his yar. "I'm making this Mappy retort.to the For First CCIL ^ 1 afraid any advice I, could give you congressmaiv who was, boasting ; 7 As Class President 1 wouldn’t amount to' much. The mill that he was a self-made man. Annual Conciert 16 Be ’’That.y said Oreelify. "relieves Soccer Tt^ni DoWiis Donahue, Ritchie and was left to me by my grandpap, At ’Bushnell; 17 MHS and the patch where I got the the A M g h ty of aT great respon- Torrance Chosen Vice] Become A Votet Bristol High by g^3*2 - fi. I- PowyWow I timber wea my wife’s, so I didn'^ sibilltii ' Roach Score TD^a President, \Moriartyj ■ 4 Students to THk^’Part have . Ux..invest enything at the Ik e or A d lair Be sure to be­ Count^la GCp- ,,Qam!S Hurry!; Hurryi-Hurryi- Get your - Gridde» Doi«n My two ojdest boys cut the . Man of Acithh come a voter so you may cast chest X-ray here! For only a CP for nothing and my cousin 0ur'^youngster romps with'' con j Treasurer and Martin The Manchester High soccer ATI-State Music Festltml., Ume, 30-7 at Miuzy /ineld your ballot In the forthcoming like the proverbial’a u tU i^ wind, quarter you can protect, yourself \ the logs dowh to the mill slant drive, . in Election team defeated Bristol High. 3-2 against the dreaded disease, tuber­ Our strength and patience sap­ Secretary presidential eWtlbn. . Fresh* \ free charge.. Me and my young­ last Friday. T h lrC C IL contest was is in the air again! Tllla gala eyent,, culosis, which takes a number of Manchester High arilocd kept lU est boVrun the mill, so that d l^ T ping. men and sophomores and all James ‘•Jfia*” Farrell was elect- i upper classmen w’ho ■ were not the second win fo^Man■ ir^anchester out the cherished goal of every hjgh lives each year, not excludlnl; high head above water lit the OCLL by coat nothing- Well. sir. .1 rim/hat All day he stays alert, alive — beating the-pretdoualy imdefeeted to lead hia claaa, for thie second; made voters in 1P80. will have of three Atarts. Theyhalave lost only school bAustetan, will take place tn school students. You may Appear danged. m ^ for tWo years apn lost . tVe 'hever catch him napping. William HiJl Hfkh of W est to be the healthiest person on the Bristol eleven,i,.30 to 7, at M u i^ ___ ; • - farYlCrTBt I-»1« A u TV ncciRi ____ -tl»a—oppoj -Hartford- Oot. - 29 — 30, clfmaxtng seven thoia m'asrntany'-yeanh-'Wben-thX Hartford. \ / . campus, but who knows wbate FTeia, BriitetnaHler tit* a g h u r ^ jprs selected their class officers . Thursday, Oct. 16, ’’ betwrtn Mister.’ In this clpse ball game the win­ with the evening festival-concert going on in y.our lungs? fine crowd sXw Jim Roach and BtU iR e - l’ll never forget you, never!, lasriM day. Other officers Include; 11:20 m. and 1 p, m. ^ Ihe at the Bushnell Memorial on Hltchie toth crpss the goal Im* former Franklin lunchroptn. ning marker was kicked by, Larry Jon^s—I want poirtid of c(xM- She— I'll tell you something that P rism a Torrance, vice president: | twice Bill Donahue ew ry for Duff in the first extra perk^. At '^^'roffowlng l i . j r ilst of students! A npun is the name o f a pers^, roach poison. Will make you forget me. Mary A^n Martin, secretary; and' th's time the score was tied 2-aU. 6he ^chdoWn.' .... . /'’■ “ ma^ Nf*4«r.wt. Im'. from Minchest'er High School who P>a=e or thing! Pronouns, ver^s. D n ig ^ t —Wlll.yob\take ILwith He--'What’s that? James Mpriarty, treasurer. 1 Up to this time the scoring for Bristol jumped right pn.tbe Rad - 9 - S i . you? . \ ... \ She—I'm married, and my hus­ An outstimdlng member, of the Manchester had been taken care are participating In the music | adverlm; adjectives., etc., are poUr- and White defense and matched 65 'If you thinl<>that advice you ia v e Y n e is worth ten bucks, ■Jones—No, I’ll send the roaches band was Amateur boxing champ Olass, “ Jazz"' has received numer­ X-Coiintry Splits of by center Gary Bogll and wing festival: i ing- out j. o t the mouths . ^ of somet. .o ^ ^ o ; en^5 p li? . to ^ Gall Frankenbcrger, Ronald ° ut atudlous seniors who have to / \ yOU’RE crazyl\ in after it. /' in this state. . , ous-honors during his four years at Newman. Both of Bristol's tallies our atudlous seniors who have t^l their panU got dirty, George He- MHS. Among them are president were scored by Maher, the inside Larcheveque, Mary LouThom as.fK *!^® '*'” l®";^Ta88 tacka nc^.-and ihohd hit fOr six frohi the 2 ysTd of the Junior class; Boys’ State; First Two Meets Norma Jones, Jack Loeffler and | riudy ^^elr Jia ^pages g e s of ^gr^m r ^ : ar! OUR BOARD!’T. H(i: with MAJOR HOOPLE DA1L\ CROSSWORD PUZZLE right. I>oria Oomllo line and Don1 Green kicked the WAY B Y J. R . W IL L IA M S t i the Hartford Clvltan Award, and The game was played at Mt. Ne- Earl Carron; also Jean Rogers, One class thought they weT* pret­ extra pointIt to setI the Indians bjuk /0-9 vice president of the Connecticut MarshaO Altkea Peter Mitchell, Roger Turkln^on, ty lucky and privileged Ih/gettlng PAP.'; JAK& INJDEE0 I* A' IF H6 6UDDe*0UV HA$ T M. U. t> P9H. 6M.. Answer to Previoue Puxxie Manchester High's cross-country bo.- On Tuesday, Oct. 7, Manches­ . T To have beauty is enviable, to 7-0. PRACT|CIM<3> 1 W'ATCH? rVE. Confederation of Student Councils.. Naomi Werbner, Jeanne WhitehUl, out 'of it but they had^ another p a r a d o x f W M E (^ K HE FUN06, TNN A^SUSPlClOOS Ca»r. 1W1 fcf Wt* ••»>»**■ *«»e. team divided Its flr.st two starts ter Ig host to Wethersfield High One’s first impression of this be smart is admirable, but when The Bristol kick waa'fumbled AM? A KJOTIOKI TO Student Council haa played a ma­ of the season, dropping the open­ and on Friday the locals travel to Martha Diana, G ail McCann, thought coming wli*i)” el profes­ and Bristol had' poBi eeelon on the OET INTO THE 6EAD.'Tri06E REPORTS OH AS A ^L3TLeXPirODiNS fruits IV. I . h .'. > both are combined In one person, "All thi* mail iddrataad to ‘Horn* Ownar’ in tha toxy f f l jor role , lh his extra-curricular ing meet to a strong Hartford BUswoi^ High. week s I^tonnaire !• that ».e » a ^ an ouUtand- Charlea Cronjn, Beritsu'd Lyons, sor" passed out /ojose lovely Manchester 25. Hemond faded' to C.AME AND HlWtPeATifiG eVERVT^ HlS MASTER VOTH a mimeographed sheets. iXMlPE INJ HiS BACH-*' Knoll addition!' Toll thorn amirt-Bloeko to atop forward­ I program, and for hia efforts “ Jazz” Public team last Friday at Keney Maneheatbr Bristol pretty big boy and kind of qWet, individual. I f you are saying Philip Gunther, and Vemer Gus­ pgsa and pktit an aerial that Roach TACICLETOU DICK AiOU ’i^ARRy iN TOWM -YEE’n C A L M S was elected treasurer of the Park, but coming back to win over tafson. RIOHT NOW.' H O U ZO N tA L i Hentschel ...... Wilde too, but then that’s only one’s to yourself, "Thar ain't no, such took oh the 10 and ran back to A*JO Or^iLV A F VET T H E »slevNJ6pAPeRi ing it on to. ua!" Our band And orchestra are organization in his junior y e ^ Norwich Monday in a close meet » goal first impression. IVs a different [critter!” ,then you have never met Once again, for the seventh con­ the 30. Roach ran aroiuid end to WAVE 1 Tropical fruit 1 Game flsh run on Norwich’s own course. really hopping! “ Auf Wiedershen", and vice president for the preseiu Sullivati ...... Balllaryeon case when he’s out on the foot- : .thl* week s Legionnaire, D p r i£ secutive year, the Connecticut the^ mid-stripe and then paosed to SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH 7 Two-whe«l«d 2 War lod school year.- Hl-Y is another In the Hartford meet. Frailer of right-hack Music ESducators Association, Inc., 'Blue "Stardust” , "Deep ,3 Number ball field, the basketbadl court, or i ^ Bill Ritchie on the BrUtol 42. Oon- carriage "stand-out” In his long IWt of Hartford nosed' out Turklngton oC Mitchell ...... Gaskl sponsor o f the eyent, has -been sue* Purple’’^ ' "Manhattan Serenade” tinuing to pace the Mancheotar at­ 13 Ascended 4 Onager the track. He's still big, naturally, ' __ "®t about a^moiRh^and ^ Im lf and mahy other populai>and seihl- activities... During' his sophomore iffsnehester In 13 minutes, 45.6 left-back ago. you saw, her _ picture on the cessful In obtaining the services tack, Roach slipped through the 5 Required . but there is no trace of a shy. claastcal songs are to 'b e . on th* 14 Corralled’ year, he served as treasurer of this Reconds, to cop first place for the Gpogins front page of The Herald—the rea­ of three outstanding conductors to Bristol defense and went all the 6 Genus of gSCM Owls. Hartford captured third,' reticent nature in Marshall Aitken pi«l^am for the coming year. Be 15 Feelings li /: .■ club and this year he has been right-half son; she was one of the fpur lovely provide bispirational leadership for way to .make the gcor* 7-6, Tha l\ 7 Binders -v fourth, fifth and seventh places, Bcchard then. - sdre to atend the concerts; 16 Acting by I elected chaplain. He also lepre- attendants to the beavit.iful queen the 650 boys and girls who will extra-point try failed as Roy Mc­ -D 8 Steering while Michaud, Long and"Hlglcy When It comes to sports you they're bound to be the best ever! turns ' i sented the Manchester Chapter of center half on Manchester’s float in the Cigar come from 70 Connecticut towns Guire's placement fell short. apparatus (pi.), placed sixth, eighth, and ninth for . Beland have to go -a lon^ way to find the 17 Compass point 24 Girl’s name 44 Double >'the Hl-Y on Youth and Govern­ one' who can play in three totally ■Valley Harvest j;estival. and cities to participate. Red Ritchie put ManclAster out 18 Coarse cotton 6 Wile ment Day. “ Jagz" earned hia letter Manchester. It was a 20-30 Blue ’ ieft-lialf ' a 25 Heavy, blow 45 Girl’s name , different ones, and piny them as And as for her brains, let me When the ISO membere of^ihe k- fuU day of enjoyment and in front- when he went over from drilling 10 Roman date and membership in the Vdrsity and White victory. N ew m an...... • Smith AU-State'Orchestra assem^ forj^cltemOTt Isdn jtore for mem- the three. Roach intercepted hia 28 Verdi opera 47 Female of re(| The Indian jayvees prevented a well as he. Marsh- is, along with put It briefly—charter member of 20 Body of water II Withered ' ” M" club by p ^ lcip atin g on the outside,^ght' their first rehearsal, they^11 face bers of Sock and - Buakln- . . this Sat-1 second pa#s of the .game on the 40 clean sweep by tripping the Hart­ F o r tin ...... Y...... Maher Jimmy Roach, co-captain of both the National Honor Society, having 31 Wash Ughtly 12 Feminine 29 Frosted deer / . football and basketball teams. an outstanding AmericM conduc­ urday. A t 8 a.m. the day will start and rah it to the Bristol SB. ford Jayvees. inside right the MHS football and basketball l>een inducted Into this esteemed again appellation 30 From hiihself <8 Arrow poison This” year his noUege course sub­ teams. He has played center with organization In May of her aopho- tor and educator; David^R. Robert- with a bang, for these 40 members I interference penalty gave Minchea 32 Drupe fruits 49 Weight 6f jets include fengllsh, tiigonom At Norwich, the Wlgran-men B o g ll...... Chqquette 23 Vocally 19 Last of the scored a narrow 27-28 victory, the varsity football team for four more year, along with the five son, director of the/Oberlin Con­ who will be traveling to New ter the ball On the locals 30 with 39 Inset India (pi.) etry and solid geometry, center / 26 Symbol for teens Turklngton taking first place In straight years. He played with the other students from the class. of servatory of MuaUr and conductor York! Sight seeing, lunch a t the a few yards to go for the first 41 Eagle’i nest 51 Amount)i^ab.) mechanical drawings, aeronautics GentUe ....____ I^hkowskl Tow n and Country" and the high-1 down. ---- neom r — 2Ulural------15 minutes flat for Manehesterr ------nHsiartefU'"^^ jayvees for two years and Is-naw- -152 having the-hlgbest-mariM-l 4 42 Weird . 5 3 DiminuyviLpf and nriodern probleins. Roach got the. .27Incursion 22MUUkei - su m m a ry of- Manchester’s. Duff ...... Zahkne .with the varsity baakethall.,team,. their clasA. . Ing both, .lOoimhhus: (QWo) I light of the day "The King M d l ” It. „v. 31 Camera's eye 23 Exclamation 43 Highest point Louise \ '‘Jazz’ Isi 'the' soh hf Mr."'ah‘d places: 1, Turklngton; 2, Michaud; Rgaln as center. Marsh Is captain Besides the National Honor Citizen has ated, "Mr. Robert- will make this trip unforgettobje. I Five aucceaeiva IS R oiiia Mrs. Richard J. FarreU. . outside left 32 Cerium, (ab.) 3, Long: 4, Hlgley; 5. Starin, Leese, Goals—ManchMter; Bogll. New­ of the MHS track teafi) and is Society, Doris’ activities Include son's dart as a conductor has | (Let's hope no one gets lost.) brought the ball to // 1 2 ! <» r k ■1 r $ 0 1 li Besuly to FlU-ln Hoffman, and Enders placed 12th. their star hlgh-jumper.'As of last French Club, 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens, 1, 2, much to do with the excellehce’ of BUI Ritchie took o ver''^ hauling 33 Fruit of a ( Ready to “flil-in” in the event of man. D »ff—Bristol; Maher 2. Sub­ cereal grass 16th, and 13lh, respectively. stitutes^ MHS Ryan, Seavey, Mln- year he had racked up a total of 3; Somanhis and Quill Staffs, 6; his ensemble ('The Oberlln Orches­ Congratulations and a hearty chore. Again the extrAvpoint tiy the president’s absence is Priscilla welcome to the new freshmen failed, making the acor* llinchaR- 34ThediU a H Jenkins of Manchester won the ick, Guay, feennett, Peresluha, ■100 points in track. Current Affairs Club. 4; Library tra). They know what he wants Torrance, another outstanding members of the "World Staff." ter 12. Bristol 7. 35 Heights (ab.) jayvee race In 15:56 In a losing Lautenbach. Bristol—Peters. Van- Marsh'-s subjects In school this Page Club, 3; Student Council Rep­ ind/t; ■ 'O' DO A/ member of the class of '53. Active year Include English, modem prob­ tu n in g to deliver.” They’re bound to do a terifflc job Juat ^ te r Jthe aeqond .halt 36 Fruits of poets 5 " cause, as Norwich won, 22-33. ray, Pavelchak. resentative,.; 1. '% 3 'P wiluam:; A MV6T6gy = In many clubs, she is at present a The team this year was hurt by lems, mechanical drawing and / Appearing, before an AU-State and we're looking forward ' tO started, Tom Burbank reooVend m o t w e c ^’ o e : g b a v 37 Hindu Bill Bayer ’54 Throughout her high school PT B" U member of the National Honor So­ double sessions, and by the loss of aeronautics. He is 18 years of age career, Doris has followed thi Chorus of MO will be no novelty having them on our staff this a Bristol fumble, giving the garment \ i i ciety, Student Council, Sock and several lettermen through gradua­ and stands 6-3 In his stocking feet. college course, and this year h^ for Clyde R. Dengler, Director of year! and White the ball at mid-f A I» RV OOPS Ontv A l)oK BY y. T. HAMLIN 38 Early Buskin, French Club, Y-.Teens, and tion, but a good Season Is predicted As an MHS letterman he holds subjects include English IV, )>1tin Music in Upper Darby. Pennsyl­ Roacb, on Tunning playa, took ' . English (ab.) Current Affairs. For the past two and coach Pete Wlgren hopes (o Virginia Hanley membership in Varsity “ M” Club, III, French III, modem problems vania. In his regular choruses he! We’d better watch our P's and baU to the 3. Again Ritchie added^ I CAN'T g e t ANYTHING H s u HOfJEST.eENlE, AWKIGHT.SO IVL CALL MY 39 Sultanlc f T in )L years, Priscilla has served as again annex the CCIL title this open to sJl letter winners. and chemistry, of which she lists meets with approximately 1000 for I Q’s kids, from now on! A brand 1 6 more points, making Hi* boot* v d On t d o u b l e • hobgoblins... ON THE MEW-SCREEN rf HAS AN decree L. i chairman of the business commit­ ycRF. Marsh rooted for the Cleveland French III as her favorite. weekly rehearsals. He is director 1 new. parent-teacher club haa been 118-7; Manchester, CROSS r^ -BUT th e y ll take BLIT A OOG.SO I OONT i>///, U Heafds Y-Teens ACCIDENT-.' sou p s sr~ yy// tee of Sock and Buskin and chair­ ^ The Indians take on Bristol In Indians this year but would rather Her immediate aim In life is to of the University of- Pennsylvania 1 formed to discuss situations in Another comhination ot Briatol T K MUTT O O SWMPIN CAKE OF the, KNOW IF YOU CAN M man of the Social committee of their first home meet oryOct. 10. MUTTI BRING a l l e y b a c k . 43 Fruit is used not say anything about it. He lists, enter the Middlebury School of Summer Session chorus. I M.H.S:, namely—us! It’s a new fumbles and Roach rw n to f■ Addefi 'g o t aw a y OUKJK.WILL 5 T Y-Teens. Thia year she is serving Roger 'rurkjB'gton, ’54. Virginia Hinley was elected as his pet peeve, unnecessary talk. FROM it I CANT to make this Languages in Vermont, where she The All-State Band director, I idea;.Jet’s hope it runs amoothly!I 6 more. Jim Moriarty riacovared • 46 Sea eagles P as vice president of Current A f­ president at the first meeting of As for plans after graduation, hopes to prepare herself for a Frederick C. Ebbs of Baldwin*! Clmtter has Just about run out) Hemond fumble oh the 48 and Jim HA>NG h e r e rU ALL CAY.' 47 Possessive ' fairs. She was honored in her jun­ Sophomore Y-Teens Tuesday night Marshall -says he would like to career Of teaching modem langu­ Wallace College in Berea, Ohio, I'll have more news, hot off thf Roach and Bill Donahue took the G O eeitt! pronoun i ior year when she was elected to iiradiiate Enrolled In the Drama Room. New members enter UGonn. His ambition la to ages, In particular, French and comes to Connecticut well recom- press for you tn a couple of weeks bsdl to the Briitol 12. A pUUiig 1& Ml 4-i serve as vice prlnclpal'during Boys’ SO South E were welcomed Into the club. -bBcofne a member of the Connecti­ Spanish. meijded. Dr. Edwin Franko Gold­ when the POW-WoW is in session penalty put the ball oq the' 1-yard and Girls’ Day. Priscilla ha^'tol- MtsS McAdams opened the meet­ cut State -Police. line. Roach rushed over to make American R" w Her favorite songs are. "Zing a man recently described the Bald­ again. Bye! , , sH Wy lowed the College course during her At T e a s e r College ing by welcoming the new mem­ Marshall is the son of Mr. and win Wallace Band as "one of the | the score 24-7. arrow poison M Little Zong” and ”Auf Wieder- Gail Todd '53 four years at MHS. and tht> year bers and by explaining the rules to Mrs. Walter Allken of 17 Tyler sehenf," and she likes to listen to top college bands in the country.” Donahue intarcaptad a futile T, ■. aie. e. a SM. en 52 Line anew U) p 5 T her subjects include Fhiglish, all those present. She commended circle. Briatol pass on the^SO and need ew>. 1M> ti m* »tr*n. M. 54 Mother (coll.) Faye Knudsbn, '52, daughter of Eddy Fischer and Doris Day. In He lias been in hia present position I physics. French II and mbdern Marjorie McBrterty and Suzanpie Bemie Lyons '5a since 1648. to the goal, knifing tt)Toa|(b and 55 Prester !T- Mr. and Mrs. John Knudson of viewing the present national situa­ Students Discuss b - « problems. Marcel on the fine job they did in Mr. Ebbs flr^t achieved national I dodging the whole Bristol squad tion. Doris Sums up her opinion "Will you eall my dentist end postpone my appointment? 56 Puffs up Priscilla is the daughter of Mr. Newington, haa Enrolled this fall selling MHS book covers. Miss Mc­ thus* "I Like Ike." recognition as conductor of the | without much aid from blocksrs, I wen a football bet from him and ho might take it out dhi ST Musical 5T- i1 and Mrs. Andrew Tortance. as a freshman at Danbury State Adams stressed, the fact that 9 With this gal’s brains and beau­ Hobart,‘ Ind.. High School Band. ‘How to Do’ Work! for the final MHS tally, ssttiiig studies One of MHS’R representatives to Teachers College. these two girls had given much M ovies oil l l s i i me with that grind*' *f hlel" A June graduate of Muuchestrr ty, It Would be well for us to keep In a short period of eight years; I the acore at 30-7 Manchester then Nutmeg Girls’ State and secretary time and effort to make .this pro he ' not only maintained and ad-1 missed their seventh extra point High School, Faye is m arring In an eve on her, for she is assured • "How To Do" was the subject of of. last , year’s class. Mary Ann jeet a success. L i b r a r v of having great success In what­ vanced the high standard* which in a row. - ■■—-/ - . CH**’S M’EI.KIN. P'-'-tepr Calling Ahiaiza RY RUSS WINTERBOTHAM Martin has again been elected to music' " education, at Danbury, Election of officers was then oral reports given recently by the BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES More DiHy Work! BY EDGAR MARTIN ever she attempts. characterized this i^reat band, but Ehtgllsh I classes of Mrs. Mildred Saturday at Mt. NabD, ths In­ the ''minute-maid" post..An active where she re^ntly partlcipMed in held, with the following members developed tlie organization into an diana will play/host to the East VariovAs uses dV the library as Doris is the daughter of Mr. and Ekirly. ^HE'L.L WAVE member of Y-Teens for four years, DSTCTs orientation program. presiding for the coming year: outstanding marching unit while, Hartford Hornets. The kick-off Is ?OR M V . M V X W VOVTH RSCH illustrated b^'^mories have been Mrs. Peter Condlo of 186 Oak Among the many Interesting re­ A fc-OOD CHANCE MISS ^ O T S .VOttfWS Mary Ann was president of the Activities, in orientation week president, Virginia Hanley; vice at the same time losing none of ^XJRV • VX!.6000 .MK shown to English I ciasse's. street, . \ ports given was one done by Nellie slated for 2:15. Last season A ^ e c vane T O ‘Su r v iv e . ' organization in her sophomore include a faculty tea, class meet­ president, Suzanne Marcel: sec­ its effectiveness In concert work. Hartford fell 34 to 18 before the ViVTH t h i s W t 'R t VOR The s'tudenLs went- to the library Mary Y«ii Potter. 53. Rider, She had two New York BClEF^ Hit? e»ET •^RACE year and program chalrman ln her ing, sports program, picnic, pro­ retary, Faith Cohen: treasurer^ Having participated in the pre- powerful Red and White offense. HEL/V'ET’^ i—ALL M\LV< V O O Junior year. -As a member of the fessional movie, toiir of Danbury i.l^aula Firestone. Lenore Zwick fpur different times during their Yankee baseball scrapbooks; She CAPTlvErAON festivsil. rehearsals held at Hart­ showed-how one waS done the 'cor­ AIGuey, 1». Library Club, she was elected vice and block dauice. Students also was selected as musician fo r the regular English periods. The first ford and Stratford on Friday, Sept. PLAN’?’... O P you! rect way and the other incorrect­ president of the State Club. Among wero-greeted by the president of coming year. time, Mrs. Gerard, the librarian, Rockville Forces 26, the members of the All-Slate her other activities, are Somanhts the college, by upperclassmen who The group then spent the rt- explained how to use the reference organlMtlons know that the high ly- Staff, Student Council Alternate, explained college functions, and maindcr of the evening playing books and showed a movie en­ calibre'^ of the music to be pre­ Ann SUllaon brought in an apple .1 nI . Y. Tnp Planned and High School World typist. by. leading citizens of Danbury games with the Freshman Y- titled “ How to Use Compton’s Pic­ Beat High Jayvees formed will constitute a real chal­ ■tuck with cloves. .She explained Outsldb of high school, Mary Ann Who invited the. freshmen to.take Teens in-'7F. tured Encyclopedia." lenge in the achievement of artis­ that was the old fashioned way to . By Sock-Buskm Is ah active membBT o f the St. part in community activities. Lenore Zwick ”55 The second time a short quiz, tic musical standards. keep moths out of cioaeta aa told which proved to be fun, was taken The Jayvee football team Sat­ her by her grandmother. \ Jamea CYO and the Children of urday lost a tough contest (13-0) Tickets sre now avsUsble in. y Mary. This year her subjects In­ by the classes on what they had X Marahall McCreedy showed how against the combined forces of the most Connecticut high schools. A The coming production o f "Slath­ clude Shorthand II, transcription, . learned the previous-time and a capacity audience is expected and .to make model airplanes,-He er o f the Bride” end the "trip t o - movie, the. "Dewey Decimal Sys­ Rockville varsity and .Jayvee foot- brought in real models of planea English; modem problems and A ball squads. ' both students and parents sre New York to see “The K1»K arid P* Cappella Choir. tem,” was showm. urged to purchase. their tickets and also demonstrated with nu­ were the main points dlscuaaed at Mary Ann Is the daughter of officers ' of Senior Class A movie. "Card CataSog,” was The soph-frosh team journeyed merous diagrams. to RockvUle expecting a close but before coming to Hartford for the the Sock and Buskin bustneas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin. viewed on the third visit and the Oral reports were also given on well-fought game. It turned put to concerL No assurance of a ticket meeting held on Friday, Oct. 3, In / Elected to collect the claRI dues fourth period was spent aceing an­ sale the evening of the concert can "First Joto” which were mainly the I>rama Ropm. other movie called "R e a d e r’s be a rough battle. baby-aittihg and working on to­ PRISCII.I .VS POP Anywiiy, He Tried BY AT, VFW’'*RPR Ik James Moriarty, a popular and fS'; 'be made. President Bob Morriaon opened MICKEY FINN Dory Would LANK I-EDNARD capable member of the senior class. f-* ' Guide.” The star of the game was Rock' bacco. vine’s riifht halfback. Cooper, who the meeting. He and the club’s ad- . I'M GOING TD 4ROLU '‘ TH A T'S, feTTER THANK Being treasurer is nothing new to 'Talks were given preceding, bach Barbara Person "55" * AMP, OF COOBSf. HtH'THUMPH! TMAT’S THE WST OF ’EM ARE NbTHMG IIL PICK VOOUPAT scored both touchdowns, In the visor, Mrs. Helen Pag* Skinner, ------j. fsnGHT SCHOOL! WASTING OUR EVENINGS Jimmy, In his Junior year he was movie by Mrs. Gerard. told of -the rehearsal schedule of w ON BOWLING, POKER BKIAAGUMENTNIAS j WHAT THEV7« POPES-Oft FOSSKSfHAT I THE CORNER OF treasurer of hts class and this year All Uie students agreed that a first one coming l.n the first quar­ ter on a ruih around-left end from From Here the three-aCt play "Father of the AND LISTENING TO ruotE OtP AUCS AM YoW. ytAHP THAT FINN HAS BULT / COUNTING ON. PEPUTES ANP constables I MAM ANP AUPISON he.Was elected to that post on the great deal h^d been learned by the the 9-yard line. An '80,yard run Bride” and of the stage committee -' X t h e / f i g h t s GOM6TDH&PMM,GCMOOU!Vt iwNATPIP 'OPA WIW-AWAKE O > THEY MCW H« FNENPS! -ATEkWOXaPCK!, Student Oouncil. Sports has taken Instruction given them and that I 4 Senior Y-Te^s OOGAMZATION THAT ^ ASLEEP half the TIME . again by Cooper, accounted for the Wanted: One Point i-under-the-supervlrion eft ------2 IMEARbONEOFtM MAKW* GSUE HWE up much of Jimmy’s spare time as they would use the library more. A sancH usT nnmt m LvONtX n sAvr HAS KEPT THE CdUNTV I jMKA/SMOiHLPwr T m tm ro ^ he partlcipates on both the footlmll Barbara Person '55 final six' points for Rockville. In Both the football and the soccer the last few minutes of the game Elects Officers I - Thme"ThAMA whbu/hni aremrs going to Hew MDK-ANP tMt G0TAM6HANOI FAUaFCNIMEf y jM T B tfo n e f and baseball teams. The National teams are suffering from the same IT! Seven times the Manchester 111. Both could use juat one point. York on Saturday. Opt 11. were . a Honor Society and Boys' round out team was within 10 yards of -divided into convenient groups' of the list of his hbiiibrs. Outside of •yhe bboters lost gamea to Hali l. Helen Davis was elected pres! French Classes touchdown but Just couldn't seem High and Wethersfield High by one dent of SenlorY-Teens at a meet- six. ' liigh school, Jimmy is a member of to push the bail across the line. Th e second hsU 6f the meeting "ifO . His subjects this year in­ point. The football squad f r i l ^ to Tuesday night. 'Dther The Ja.vvee.s next contest will be rack up wins against Windham " . was held that night at the Bowr clude English. Latin III. solid Submit* Artii^les in Mansfield Saturday afternoon, era School wehere the club had 'geometry and trigonometry, and and Middletown by one point. T h e “ ""cers are as foUows: vice preal- Oct. Jl. one seems as hard to get aa ont dent- Mary Pat Cal ahan; nscre- adjourned to see the production o f U.S.\ history. Forbes Warren '55 hundred i |tary, Janet Hentchel; and treas- "The Kind Lady” by the Oentor. jhnmy i* the son of Mr. and Articles of French du tie s , cus­ toms, and civlUzatiott are being Broadcast Hall Contest Thespians. ' * Mrs. J ^ e s Moriarty. Marilyn Rogers *84. Cara Rottner '53. tobmitted by Miss tow 's French t, WKNE - of New Britain will. . ■4,, eC,yyg:' n and III classes. Bogli and Provost broadcast over their aUUon the Torrahee, social; “K- T ‘ . — ~ £!ach article is briefly summar'- Mancheater High veraue William Ized by the 'studenti^ to highlight Hall High football game Saturday wrvloe; Viola Britton, CAPTAIN, EASY (iivinfi It Back BY LESt.IE TURNKR FPUCKLES AND HIS FPIENDis C ontagious L>i 1)1. U. BLQSSEH, .Will Make Voters,, the most important - news. The. : Head Promt Crnup Oct. 18. Phll^^ Hato and Dave-Stone “ <• Pcench I. students .aummarize . to*' # 0 n a v - y s w i i M W f i vidmch t w s is nte MAVBETlMf; iKrtpitfedF of the WFKNB staiY -will SitoHkiuit (P*^®?***-^ I.Z5...TMF Slt-*TR«i)KS FOR. TSK-'Parff MENTlOri Er ,am --¥ SK-GiroUT/~ / articles in Englishi^Freitch ligand , .f • PB»ig»wtwflW6CT SUtl M - T^urs^y^Octi 16 -:.jE^'-dato-. PTom':-..was a- W.play..by4>lHy..acc«iht\aimul4^*>“ . Au t« Orlvtog Instonctlaa. .WKMTOC "njeiNRHW!^* ti: . IT! W ASA^. tfraivmsan-i lusm eerp^r m r atudehtojsurtmarito’We; he#f' HiaSOLOl SYLyesTtR> (MAY t see. nMta-topic bf the. Student ^Council. taneousjy with the game l|lSt«ad ‘^ 2 * 5 ! On Dual controlled! Qiura :,.i VESy ^ lETench. .. .. recording It for later telekto.- 4 ^ TvDPLimtt5v SURE 'tou iNrEfte$riNG Through i these projwts Miss 'WleMihg oh’ TUesday “and the Ttlale- MCE’SHIRr. WEREKIT SUj?E HE WHV HE SOLD LITTLE------IT/ Every Anjericari Has been keep­ of the pi|om was changed from Oct. Booters ve. Weathermen I PHON*E 2-4370 FOUND MM SK-LADT) ing tabs on the coming presiden­ Low seeks to acquaint the stu­ All three home soccer games of noldron Thompson Greta Fro- but w h y - GOT ITi kHO DIDN'T k PINT O' AN INTERV'EW- 24 to Nb-v. 7. Gary Bogll and Bob 810001 INTELLI&ENr tial election, and now the'time ha* dents. with the everyday life of the MBS soccer team have been kCCUSE HIM- »? !> ' SK-TMANKS the French people and to create Provost' were appointed to head SOWECT/ YEKYMUCH/ come for all MHS students, who the prom committee in planning played on a wet field; The first Pw °>y" M'" have /tot done so to become eligi­ .Jamea nurell, James Moriarty, an Interest among the students' to ^ m e. agalnsV Meriden, was V e rU e ^ M o ^ n , Janette Treasurer ■ the dance this'year. ble voters, enabling .them to vote president learn of the French government, toyed wWle thi weatherman’s ^ political situation and the cul­ President Pat Shlrer,. presiding In the forthcoming school-wide over the council fcjr the first time diction came true. Bristol was AnlU Gagliar presidential election- sponsored by tures of' art and music. beaten before the grass dried aftqr ‘ none, Current Affairs Club. All fresh­ Carolyn BengUon, 54 since her returti from Europe, con­ Following the business meeting, gratulated the representatives on morning showers. - Most recently. men. sophpmPreS “and any ■ upper­ w;&ei7m ;rnbred’We"n;^ oodpecker cartoon and the splendid Job done in the SAA a community sing were enjoyed. L'-— classman who was not made, a 2 to 1 after the goals were dried. voter during the 1950 election, wUl drive. It was reported- that there Gall Swanaon, 63. have the opportunity to become a Cooking Classes wSs an 87 per cent school mem­ Best I d SUte ! l ! ( - ! • .voter on O ct 16, betweeh 11:21 bership this year, . not quite The footbail ggrne programs a.m.-l p.m; In the former Franklin Make Posters measuring up tb[the 89 per cent originated by faculty manager lunchroom. school record, although there are Dwight Perry are among the beat more members this year. Special high school programs In the state. BV MICHAEL O. B U G S B U N N Y To become eligible to cast one s V IC F L I N T \ Piece Of I'aprr vote In the achooU election one Posters have-been made by Miss honors gO to Gary Bogli, Priscilla The blank programs, supplied by LOLm.'JuSTTHEMANl LOUIE THE V., must be a signed voter. 'Ibis Incurs Beverly Southwick’a first year Torrance. George Dormiec, and___ the Coca-Cola Bottling Tompony, ManchetUer*$ Piano V ic PB3P5 MS CIPATET I'M SURE I PTNlT PICK IT UF BE­ 1 couup u *e ALL t aOTTA PO ■'a sfinple ceremony, modeled after cooking cIsMea in connection with Nancy Scott, whose homerooms!jhave been filled with pictures of JM LOOKING PORL? VT LETTERBOX A U'L N\0RR AM7 AS HE STEPSON it-, FORE 1 ENTEREt? etbASON'5. Hovvs FOR HELfhN^ eu*WMoe p frt^ MOVJ I « GPBAIt the, towm’s system. In which the their study of the aevep basic food ail had 100 per cent membership. both the MHS eleven and their ^ Diaiributor for cooLP if HAVE Fa lle n o u t o c PRACnCB.euT A CieuNCHIE AN' groups. * y ' - Some arrangements for the com­ opponents, and local merchants' m e wrri-i A Little ) oRtTiNARv-BATS I'M TOO MAIM. IT IN.' ■proepective voter reads f r i ^ the THE POCKET OF SQWEONE bination outdoor sports rally and • S O H M E R PFTECnvE WORK?, HUNGRY Connecticut ConsUtutlon. takes an The students haVe spent a great advertiaSmenta. f HERE...THE MURVEREBSt deal of time outside of School sports dance'to be held'Friday eve.r Coming AttrscUona oath, and then iigns a voters’ list. •GULIMNSEN Sally Newcomb *53 working on these proJects.’"Many ning were made. The high achool football, team were drawn, by hand'wblla.othera The subject '"of Tag Day, the Will play host to E’aat Hartford • W U R U T Z E R were made'from magazine i.eut-, ^-oject—to—raise" money for the Saturday, Coach Richard Daniel­ outs: These .jiectera. are'attractive school library, waa discussed, and son will carry hia forces to Ella* •HARDMAN and colorful with many types of it was voted tor-let the Studgirit worth High Friday to try and re­ r^’raWcMiK'’! food diaplayed. Council alternates handle -u ie peat tost year's victory. .Coach ). Wklteosaa, Schrafft, P; R .8, 4 A few of the outstanding potters drive. Palmer of the JV soccer squad w ill were done .by Avard KHueatis, T h r council was divided Into Journey to Briatol Satunlay for y > ’ Candy Cupboard ' J KEMP’S Francine Obremaki, •Elfeanor Pan- committMs, and the rest of the their IDst ball game. . ~ eiera, Jane Kessler and. Rarolyn: meeting waa spent in Individual Things took pretty tntereatlng tneoiyontsd Pftsellia TOrranoe; Mary Ana Martta, Kaye. committee meetlnga. VRQM HERE. Fornltim- and Marie wwtm Vttm tK9» - • - Becratary ' • Virginia Hanley, "SS. -Roger Turklngton, '34. ‘ A1 Guay, '53 • ‘Read Heralj Advis -I lajeiLeas. V ■y-. 'S' 7 - '•V '-V V '. - .J"' L 1 ..h. . .w,. ■ ■.■/• ■ h - f — • PAGE SEVENTEEN rp- MANUHEST&R EVENIKQ HERALD, MANCHESTER. C0NN« THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 9, " X : r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD; MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY. CCTOBER &, 1€I52 / ■ f 'A 6 E " S l X t E E N THE Noire Dame’s Reason lo Cheer erald le \ By J /P TW5 i 6 I 9 H EARL W. YOST 20 Pros Set \fiOmK DAMS. ajrt* Editor Indians Didn’t A i A S T O ^C .A U S. Sjiandoul Player'S Got Savings Awards b o w l n g I; For Country | Low-Scoring j/ I X \ ^MPmEYN THE STAJiDB «, "Thst columh stir* up * lot of I \ covering th.^U^52 World Series ^ - I Cliil> Finale Yankees Tilt Expected for « wire service .^w** John j In. They come from New York, iNEAV An.v* club /,w«rd Reardon, betterv^known ■ siX^verywhere.'' Reardon, who broke . f Hi'Ri H i.r.Atit t; i ■ r.«TAI HAAT I.EAni'K ( eater Ceate, Me. J I4> nek Grm m The current StateT)pen rhamp. possessing the following should In New York Silk City takes a\spotless rec­ Beans around the Nattonaj League into umpiring, at the ripe old age v,|U ...... »0 HI »* »7 GoUe ...... ,\»3 »» 114 901 - the pro champ, and three winners b"! a shoo-in for a pennant in any Barber Shop S^ategists ord into their Sundaji afternoon for 24 years when he .wa.s’'pne of of L5, gets queries from fan* who Mnore ...... 107 M 1J« 134 .8. W’«1krr ... laj »s HI .111 of the Manchester Open, inriuding Week End Football ...... 10* W nw 3»f GnAello ,...... IIP. 114 »» 111 league: game «t lit. Nebo witfKthe Mid­ the moat' reapected membet* of w’rite him In care of the National Henry Bontempo who ’annexed the 1. Three 20-gani* pitchers. Clevelond., O ^ . 9— The Snarl ...... 1 1 7 . *i »:?!>!> r.nRlle ...... «4 t07 )>l 111 dletown Hillsides. Whrkel ...... »« 137 131 ri« .e»elrl« ...... a\ 11} ti» title for the second time last 2. The Amerii ari League * sec­ Agree Stengel Did Wrbn^ SO.rtOO or m ore^ans expected for, kickoff comes, at 2 o'clo^ two the preaa box ramp at EbbetV, place where they think he might On lladio^ Teevee . . 4af- . Gardra l!l .. __ -Y-ork- •V-""/' ■ .------‘ '^oilier. smuCtty^^irned hVle A. Johniion m n i" ifiS Mctjnichlln ...... as — Ii TW the ”Prb7StfhTheF tburnsmehi TiT Giants bm er get sealed early. By THE-ASSOCIATED PRESS , win.stcd. 7-0 and scored a 7-6 w.,^ two year* ago. 1 tera in hla pbeket was from a fan BO 109 Ornirlll ...... '107 .ss — the Mamhester Country Club Siin- ^^’^ V h e ' firsU an d r(< ,runa-'bat- agree* "hat the IM - The jAearia^ - is -Usually oVer (Esstetn Standard Time) . -oter the Ea.st Hartford Merchant’s Reardon la now in the beer dla.|who-W aited in-anawer on ^ 4lia- M Ra. 3ft) - ;L, Zwirk .. .’.. , . . 1.., tot R4 ’ 4 d».V. This w ill he the ennrtiiding teihinibrn.’ . wai the nmst exciting \\/rld Se- Tow]e. . . 9A 102 3S7 MrMilllii) . I’ll W -tot quickly between the two club^ who Saturday-PM while the Hillsides opened last trtbutlng biiainea* In Southern Cal-1 mond pusgler.ixzlpr. TheX fan ■ aeni the 133 13! 107 .351 .vent of a grand golfing season 5. The second .and fifth pigge.st Des' evei pls.V'O’ hav/m et in five rinse defensive t»oml* ■ . Anii,r*on . Radio—ABC 1:45 Maryland vs. week beating Pawtucket, R. 1., Ifornia. a tw’o miUlon dollar busi­ letter lo CSeey Stengel and asked 7$ — 7* Barrera ... 113 '»*- 3tl here. producers of hits. / that it be fonleardedrto Reardon. >E ri'RTIN, Edgewood pro. 6. 'The leading manufacture\ of in eight, goes *jol^ with that, Georgia at Athens, Ga., Bob Fin- 25 to 0. ' ness that he entered upon hla re- TrtmlR isn iVt 529 MK3* TolaU .553 "s42 aVW ufet. negan announcer. ' ' The Hillside.* feature a fast tlrerrienl a* an a rb ite r. He la a fea.- SEMI-PRO UMPIBWS give 4g tW Slate Open tlllist while triple,*, ■ , ^ • \ adding that the l9 S i aet. Marring jyigS 1:45 Texas A. * M. v.s. running backfield of former >Hd- tur^_ c.oliimnia^ for NEA w’ith Bean*-the moat Uquhtr^ Villa l.••■l•a <11 FraploKringle of Oxford, raptured , ■rif* first” aVd serTrOd hom \ the Dean* and .Ihw Cardinals Michtgan State at East l-nnsing.Dlletown High athletes an^^ ,‘^h e Un’lplre"‘»erle8 c a r­ w’ho ever timpired think.* 1'®’* . a ' g.-(jrayh . 92 i3:i Til .tlS R p< f,rl -n o TO*’ t u - s r i ; Xhe StdtF PGA event ih Norwleh run hitlers. ' \against the Ticers, w’aa the anly ried by The Herald several time* 102 107 insGri 31f>31* Puy.yo__ H4 ^,.ai^ee_AyM ^ aga.. In- additinn to. — Any l ea 111-ought— hiili ------iviia over a fte r“tK(F’Rjral 7*0' en JHWl Mictr." At Heifer and ocnc Kirby. .alumni^ Thtir W r leagii* IS 91 ”359 V (Also on TV). combination nfof VO youth, speed and a week, The, aerlea has met w’ilh been up and they ha\en t\ ln«5 } p k so AA 3-yR M. \V«tk»r-. g: ._.. L37. 314 1 Bontempo. th'' Manchester C leveland w asn't, \ ' I ^ H I S A 'EA B'S tatERTF.S w aa ao a half minute*.-Three of the four ’ ta to* 113 30* Open victors Tncludcs Harry Nci- 1. E arly W ynn won 23 gam es. w eU- managed'^th'af itW a* rtrtark- ' toprhdown* In the 14-IS second power might set the skids under fine reader, interest In Manchester. try to make vou look bad by iK^ick- nuharha .— 107 S7 29ft p Corr^ntl NBC 2:00 W ash ii^ to n vs. IIU- the locals, who th\is far haven't Beans anawera tnVky play altua- tleblgdt of Ayoii. iP.'jl rhamp- ablv-'free/’Of11 rfV" YJi 1 second guessing. tm cameMn the first quarter, and nois a t C ham paign, nr..".'Bill\ Stern. In'g you With thick Total, . . .5 . . tTs ITt "tM M7"3 r.AlJl...... I Ihe barber .shop at rateg lata . tB.sted defeat. , ■ tiona artd provldea anawera to Of 'em stay tip *11 night drefimingj x.nk Mriktiditt No. l c»i loji, an a Ajex «8B.knt;k\ hopie.,cUit> \ Still the other was hefore half time. CBS 2:.30 Football rounrt)m of never Tail to have their say, and Pat Bolduc, wearing the big 2,1. baseball question.*. up w’av* to »tlc.k you." ...... W JS . W TdIaIb 52R 592 1591 pro and iP’iO wlnnW. Last ■ year was the second 20 or more games conducted irom BDHnii ieGkV JiH The event will be |Hayed Hf four- fault CaSgy Stengel on '.hrerj I ^om Gorman straight that Goach Paul Brown's will pilot the Blue and White of- "HOW DO THEY PICK the um- " T h e late H ank O'Da.v fixed these 1 ^ Brown ...... M G »» in.1 109 105 91 Yogi B44IT« New York by Red Barber. .wtreafor the »eriffa?'! 1 Mkcd, "The. sia lbaU be.Rt hojl.’ UlaI llk^he popular count s, club edged the Giants for the right Television- NBC-TV 1:15 Te kind. When they'd come to him with j 'wn i ey------»i— iw—a*, aea “tmrrTT Plummer and Steve Kosakow'ski. National League uaea a rotation t5 99 97 271 KontlrA —^ 93 190. tourney that Hackney Tntroduejm ■,/THey'>onTemI” M an ag er "RTengei' to represent the American Divi­ A. & M. vs. Michigan State. Mel a hoOby-trap question, he'd say. 215 massacred Sain, and sure .enough Pretzel .Jacobs and Gene Bergen B. Cnapp^ll . — 9* 115 2in Korbln here several years ago. A pro w’itl erred in hrlngTrig young Tom Gor­ sion in the playoff for the pro grid Allen, Russ Hodges and Bill Henry, 'Did you aee it happen?' "'r’^* sir Hurl 10ft 1*9 ■the CTomptoh cloutcr. beeame tJie will be back operating the half- , 101 214 plav with three local, antateura. m an in to relief of Eddie T^opat championship. to 64 stations coast to coast. "Weil. then, gel the rule boo TotAlB 4S5 ua9 In the ninth inning nf the third Archduke when hi* alngle tled\t back spots. Mlvsing frfim the rule book w’lll cpver.lt. That' lut SDhiAiiki •JI7 199 M^e than 60 local golfer* ^ill and hi'a double won IL \ The same two clubs, unbeaten CBS-TT^ 1:45 Ft. Knox Army Vs, compete for merchandiae net ama­ game.esperlfclly with the auperior backflehl will be Hal Parker\Fhn >IIHdBFrB N*. 1 "Giving, you an idea of how\ after two gamea, again are top Great Lakes Navy at Chicago. Red 'em up every time.' 494 ^5^5 basenmners. Jackie Rohinaon and has retired from Uie game, ...\ ...... ■. 112 21ft 4 teu r aw ards. E ach pro w’ill be the | corllendera for the division champ­ Grange and Jim Simpson, to 18 Dreaaed in a dark brown ault tlv guest of hi* threesome and the'x Brooklyn felt about Sain, when \ Coaches Swede Salmonson ' anthv wsk\ . . . \ ...... '— 95 91 iRS ! Pee Wee Ree*e on. Gene Hermanski, the former ionship. stations as far West as Omaha. witty Bean* looked right at home __ \ ___ 105 79 I2ft 3101 Rb.v'b Tournament Committee wfill pro. i E\EN THE NEWKBOYR. fol- Aside ‘ from the San Francisco Alex Ferguson think they have in the pres* box with the top .mltiH 10! 13* 109 j n^ntilrf'rp ...... lift Brooklyn outfielder, visited hla eld rtltU ...... 91 155 119 3R5 99 vide the refreshment*. | j lowing the ganie hy radio butalde 49ers. who gave the Browns their ' Sunday—PM .solved the problem’ of the line w’riters in the country, Grantland OTHER PROS already signed up ; teammatea' dugout hefore the next VH B IC O iS . depth in the acquiring of Bob . • I the park, foresaw the double steal game. Billy Cox greeted him with; only regular season licking, only t Pro gamea television—Dumont Rice, Red Smith. Arthur Daley, ...... *M7 .AM IRIS r. ArelA ,. to play are Charlie Shrjmard. one / ♦ A T W O -H '/4 V the Giants were able to hold the Douglas and Paul .Nangiafleo, John (Carmichael, Dan Parker and nl# fUth .323 wa* aec-j which enabled the winning nma inning of the atxth atart. tation took place at the recent league banquet. - / w.hole w’orka. Watch 'em the next rUtJYhjiAy Johnny Lattner Classed the only time In history. Cleveland Omaha. / . , for their first road ghme of the I lo acore and put the horna on Yogi "Mize waa due to bat tn the * •' - / ____ Dumont 2:00 Pittsburgh Stccl- time you go .to the park. A player Ml. 4lBmF« I -~ ^ r . Wooda.’and Leo Chizinakl of Chip- , ond in hitting. lost two regular 19S0 season tilt* season. - .ToUlF ... 551 1595 I nanee. I »’it« ,104, Bobby i Berra. The" consenaii* now 1* ninth, and the ,two-run lead was ors at Philadelphia Eagles. Joe, doesn't th in k for him self an.v , zi,r,ray ...... ft* not enough," they contend. to the Giant* nnd had to ra*h In more. He'*'* robot, ha* every move (tiiEron ...... *’ First foursome will tee off at ' Avila with 102 pnd At Rosen with ; that the ralcher w;*s eroaaed. Best Back Since Lujack Viflopy Smiles Alumni Keajn^iie Haiif|iiet Tucker, to Pityburgh and Johns- ■ mndl** ...... T Snideh'a record: home run on two field goal* and a safety to ______/ ■ — ■ ------plotted out,'ter him via aigns. All Jl^na'a 10-30 in the morning. Skip Hen- 101 led the loop in run.*. | STENGEL IS ALSO taken oyer win a. division playoff. The Brown* town. P a. / ' , ,1, LiipArrhino promptly cut the margin tn one ABC-TV^:30 Dallas Texans at this signewagglng lake* lime. N. Lupirrhino ...... 13« 107 ^’3 (iri'son popular golf editor of the' 4. Rosen's' 105 and ■ Doby's 104 j the coals for bringing in Johnny lone 1950 TD against the Hilii^hrAtid' ... nivo*^ : ...... i n 141 I . _ . m • . eaar ...Wwhom has ^ beep A eveS ^ one-two in the vital\^ns- i ggin after Carl Eraktne had blown run, and Joe CoIIina atruck out. . season Lattner topped the Irish Chicago Red Grahge, to St. j "Another thW they ought to ...... 91 95 S ; Hartford Times with the baaea fdU in the ninth. /B y MI^BBAY OlOERMAN came a* a gift In a game Nevv York Maaon ^ .. :i3( lournev director of the Open here ,bRtted-in depart ment a four-run lead bv yielding five In in playing time. He had the lead­ Louis, Jvmes. Minneapolis. Rock i abolish ia throw’ing the ball *,round^ound Tot»ln .Ml 13 .Aiiru.'t '\ ...... 94 12: Havlhg analched Mize too craick- /New York—(NEAl—In the won. A klekoff rolled free to the ...... 99 104 will run this ,5: Avila was seconiVin hits with the fifth of the fifth game. "Chiifk ing ground-gaining average, five Islancif^ndianapolis, Lansing, Co- the infield after e'eVory out,” T^ana Narttr Mritlnrilst ,N». 7 for several years, ly, Dreaaen ahduld have had Hank W ake that followed Notre Dame's Giant one where a Brow n fell on It. Mannt ...... 90 104 97 291 ' tourney also. . . . 17P, Rosen tied for fifth with t7j,^ pressen had Joe Black working in opening game 7-7 tie with Penn- :'yard.s, intercepted th»m ost pa.sses, The Giants' defensive feats lurotius, Detroit, Boston, Omaha, added. The colorfulful^Weat Cdkater 2A0 . .V...... 523 574 .3:S 1S3.7 Bauer, highly effective againat for Hie rule now Tvjr'r ...... 89 97 104 : Lijcal golfers are reminded that 6. Avila led in triple.* with 11. the bull pen. but decided to go gylvanlRr ftn young half-, was the second leading scorer. against the high-scoring Briwi ,nati,_ Lo_uisvjlle, D ayton. \v*a responsible for ______si nan ______M ______21 jno f lHH f kiantl <1> 7. Doby w ith 32 -and lAike F-aa- Jeftrhand pitching, hat for Collina____ 119 j ri5 ni> 'V TTT r.'. ' im ....- J07 »rr The.v "Witt provide- dinner and cad- along - with Ersklne when he aaw back sat. head Iwwed, in.thc glu^. 'He-dc^ havg good endurance," •tended to overshadow Ui^t offen­ in effect in the Natlofi^ LSgiie unlmca ....*...... ^ IP’. 107 107 againat -Freacher, Roe. Irv Nqren. • ■ Cfv ' Vbich ■'prohibit* a protest of a '’t^irrttl ...... 172 3W I Fr^pln'' m -JI4 a* ^ '•riles ter the viaiting pro*. ler with 31 showed the way in ,Saln.___ ThYl'a how little regard the dressing room and, muttered, '"Dm confesses the cautious Leahy. "He sive performance. Yet in half their Q. Did the Immortal Walter — : Lik-r.* ... in 109 home runs. . . | Brooks’ boaa had for Sain, whom could haVe played firat has*;’ is a very strong boy." Johnson ever pitch a no-hitter? half-aw’ing call. 495 1459 StilUvan n.v 99 The aecond gueaaert admit they / way I played I shouldn't even have laat season games they tallied 24 . V . 95 ' Dinner re*ervtll«ns *hou1d he ■You figure It out. Here »a* a the D«»dger* belled to a fare-th ea- Sports in A. Yes, in 1920. The auiHrlallvc Beana will never have lo Worry-. I ------.larvm afe hard preaaed to find fault, but been out there today." / Lujack. now his backfield coach, or more points. " Mf leiffan ...\ - *1 made at the club by tomorrow aide with aiiperlatlve Mlnglng well betere he left the Brave*. He This season Coach gteve Owen Waahliigton right - hander, who BEANS He made good money as an urhpire smith Mrihndiat N*. I_i4i Barkua . ... •— knew tHst Duke Rnider always a gripe gofa w ith th e ticket^_____^ Johnny Lattner needn't have goes a step farther: 107 night.-U. All ...vtirinant*paiticipanui *tesre askedasaea : ^ goods hitting, excellent run-pror awatled been so seif-depreciating. ".lohnny's the kind of hoy who advertises still more offensive Gene Filipski, who is expected won 20 or more games for 10 REARPON ($ 12,000 to $15.000'a season) Wid lu ^?7 ^ 101 mn 294 ' Total* .MS ,M< 47* l.’>3« (.,11 the (i,ih now. T he 19-year-oid kid from Chi­ welcomes ihc chij.nce to play **>0 or power, and the Giants trimni«l to star for Villanova this season, atriiight season,*. *luniped to eight his beer business Is doing all right, ' ‘nirhmonrt . . . , . . . . sc. 97 *7 101i 274 * _ the long baaeball. In Doby, Easier Dallas. 24-6, ami rhllndelphia, 31- AIro; Bfarr to mRk# f r e - ...... ft9 in.ilO.t ilO.T 29:> i cago did everything but dry fin minutes. He's good now, but sta rred for A rm y du rin g 1950. vletorle* that season. 9.5 103 .lift . lift* 5vir and Roaen (alxth with 28), the Frank Leahy's handkerchief. He he's going to be belter." 7 The Browns meanwhile, were Q. How m any day.* off doe.a a 'big qu^nt appearahe** on the lucra- ...... ------> -- Lank'- — 95 i Tho»^<-inlpn(linK to play- in 1hp Tribe had three who hit 71 home Navy Top Defensive Grid scored the only Irish touchdown, wallopin:? the chaipl^ion Los Ange­ John Gurski of the Navy eleven league team get a season— Joe live chicken salad cirenU. Total* .547 -571 • Tamoraki 109 81ft i$vpnt who have not notified the nin*. i If there's going to be anything e” ’ ' -1 while the American League punted, pas-sed, played almost all les Rams. ,37-7, and shading Pitts­ is the third end in the last four Berg. Nt. Jam ft Nil/ 3 <8i : (;icis« ISt aaS Touniiiment Committee are urged •W’ha f s answ er? M aybe it lo cheer about for old Notre Dame, umpires are aelected by the com­ leHlJiVlRI 109^ 310 'VhitR . . burgh, 21-2(), _ years to captain the Middle teani. .\. The average nKijor-leagirt' 114 ;i:lV 1 Stnoink 140 .3,58 to do AO At once. A li*t wra pul wa* psychological ■ the. trad itio n ­ Eleven in Nation Today the way on defense. nil be yoiing.sters like l>attner missioner. A man must have served A. .At^f . Only an off-balance lurch by who prov’ide it. His clutch talents In beating Philadelphia, the eliib's w’hedule Ineludea 23 day* K. rRtrWjl 121 34.3 Kompanik 100 204 the hulleUn boArd peveral al lakeside ei foldo. Hardly that, Giants .showed they still have a at least six years before he gets Sports Mirror r. 105 29.5 ifijio weeka Ago. ThlA ftrat. liet war Penn's Kd Bell jarred his elbow were never better evident than Jack Ricslcr. Navy end from off during the reg u lar Heawon. TwRrnnM** 101 296 TntRl* however, for prior to the Yan­ rugged defense, despite the retire­ ,_any conaideratlon for series a.ssign- j Maatkatta? 9lolor Sal^a (It \ tf’ AOv»nd out IocaI golf wentiment kee*' clinching nf the flag on Sept New York, Oct. -Navy’aeS, Denver. 164: 6, N ebr^a, loo$e from the ball after Lattner during the last ba.sketball season .\uburn, N Y., won numerals as a Q. Who's the .senior member of 'me'nts." Beans replied. He .added. spun free with a pass for the pos­ when he scored a la.st-second field ment of linebacker Otto Schnell- ■ member' of the St. Bonaventure the National League's umpiring Today A Year Ago The New Total* 5.V) 1.579 M azzolt 1.71on such an event. Many who 26, the Indians copped 18 of 24. n-nn-.-t. finding out Ihla year thike. 172.3; 8, Marylapd, 179.7, baeher. Brown always had considr "The National I-eague system of j Km i* - .. IS* sSv signed this list are of the opinion sible winning TD late in the goal to upset New York Univer­ freshman eleven in 1949. s ta fr’ York "yankees trouneed the New MrCtjrrv After the World Champions went to gSving^ up »' ^ttchita. 18..Sr 10. Penn.M».fi. ered the three key men in Owens sssignlng umpires Is best because Tlon k«lhFraft <4> ins .T’li it automatically entered them in going. sity in overtime, —- - A. BUI S tew art. BUI h as been York Giants, 13-1, to Uke * 3-2 Varrirk . ahead. Aug. 23. the Indians won 1 R.URHINO DEFENSE—1, N8«y. defense were Schnellbacher and a i the men get a chance." Rear­ f*. Hampton 9'» TaFeart lU SM the event. This is not so, for an- nine straight. They bagged 16 of yardage, the Middle* are a bunch 2.iFordham, 21; S, Tuline, 7i; It's a tribute to the IPO-pound ,\T SIX-l'TlK.T TWO he's a rep- Assistant athletic director eiilling 'e.m for 19 years, worked don, w’oi’ked in many classlca be- lead In the World .‘ierle*. Han*on .... 94 104 Junior'that Leahy lets him linger tac'jilps A1 Dc Rogatls and Amie Low ry M. Stoops is beginning hi.s tmir’AVorld Series. The veteran Five Year* Ago - .loe Kuhel Brennan . .. 9'. 90 17 in one sweep. So. as. A1 Lopez of miaera. - e, UCLA. 72; 6, Georgia Tech, 76.7; lica in stnn lure and disposition fqn» putting the mask and protec­ ; Tottla .. *90 1*75 entries A'-t and 7."" many who signed rr'.he the in a game for Mi or more minutes f>f St.anfr.rd's Boii Mathia.l. His Weinmclster. ' 26th year on the staff at West was struck on the right side In w’as nsmed to manage the Wash- j H*>|n ...... VI2* 9.3 pointed out. it can’t be said that In games so fsr thi* season, g Syracuse, 76; 7. Arizona. 79.3; The two tackles—playing on the tor in the moth balls. Each series H. Hampton first b'Hlletin have not now Indi- the Indians doubled up. The Yan­ Navy's two rivals. Yale and Cor- „ Nebraska. S1.7; 9. West Vlr- HE'S THE FINEST all-around Fenwick High School exploits in Virginia University. 1951 hy a foul tip off Eddie /im p gets $2,500, plus $18 per day Ingrton Renatoc* ter 14>48 C. Hampton Knatfka’ Taamrat t|| outsides of tlie five-man defensive Ten Years Ago Ossie Bluege | ’’U r.lon.i,.n 97 si.', rated their de.aire tn play Sunday. kees won the pennant theniaelvea. nelt, together averaged only 3‘» 97. io_ Colum bia, 08.6. back' at Notre Dame since Johimj’ (Tiicago rateit tiim All-America ■Stankj's hat, and for l.he first time for expense*. Srhinrl.tka line—eoiistantly hurried Otto Gra­ in his-long cai^.r foreeif to quit a signed to m anage the S enators for - TouHy ...... 54.5 \ 9 7 531 I.573 IS Ml Please contact the club or a mem- were jilat too good, with 20 of the Lujack. He was a popular pr?- mention a.s a prepsler. Tall .lohnny In 13 .veara. Coach Charley The Irishman still maintsin* he Armnd * Lon* Man , r m” iVd Hne P*»" Brigham ham a* the fleveland qiiarterhark game because of injury. He worked the 1943 season. 4 ’ Zn irk . .. ' 117 .310*^her of the rohimittee. last 24 to the one that made It •eason All-America selection. stalled as an end, switched to the attempted lo pass. Srhnellbarher ‘ Il'-rnrj* Sliujln. Walker'S’ San Jose State water never blew a decision in his 24 Braityait) ...... 92 9 \ 91 Golds Yoiteg. 27.4; 2. Southern Metho- Head Coach Nino Boggini, left, and Manager Manny Solomon of Brown and Beaupre's ■Alumni Lit­ with a broken wrist, broken toe Twenty Year* Ago Waller Vltfn»*r ...... 92 9K' Gooi rich . 94 .10,3 j ■ ' ------positive. , AB a rCBlllt, NftVy tops tne ha j i -**^ a* 9 AleWeme 9DT* 4 Vlr«/ Last year in Ijis first varsity backfield. stopped fiillbaik 5fur|on Motley polo .teams have won 171, tied nine vears in the big show’. He said tle League baseball team fla.sh their best smiles after rereiving tiophy from Commi.ssioncr Mel Cush­ and two broken fingers. H agen w ith a 69-65 for hla la.st Matta.«(*iv ...... IK1 R2 V15 297 nL I Hollv Mandley was re-elected Although the Indiana lost a lion s major college football teams ^ wibiligt^n He's a strong runner with just from galloping through the renter and lost 110 m atches. M that he atpppcd from the plate Qui’lltrli ...... 9 2 90 83 26.5 Total* .... team captain fOr the Connei;ticut enough touch of elusivencss to ing at recent banquet. Boggini giiided the Bees to both rounds of play in the circuit. "into the bleacher* laat spring two rounds, and total nf 281. won MrCufTN ...... 117 1.33 1 22 . 372 num ber of hig one.a.”They at least and was able also to keep tirahiim Hiltnakl 109 .119 Slate Golf Association *1 its meel- started oiij iiiiawerl hy . 'Yankee make him a constant all-the-way when I w’as contracted to write the, $2,500 St. Louis Open, Golf from, passing Into the hole, behind t Totala ...... ■ .50.3 49.S 499 ^4^? Witkowakt ?9t in HavetK Monda.v njght. threat. For a change of pace the The Umpire' series for NEA Serv­ Toubnament. ' Ahraltl.a .. II n I f o r m a, Thev copped three the renter of the Giant line. VI Luca* ---- KW .iM Phil Holwa>rSir^i(lent of the lo­ straight at Yankee .stadium on i«l.y by ‘JiS,"’Sj' !. Irish have him pass occasionally So few hien did Owen need to ice." W here it used to be clo.se «(. firldffata Nn. 2 (M ts* ri* cal club, and Win Turklneton, Charles Kayos Reynolds^ decisions that hurt one side or the Billy L^es. youngest memhej nf K.^mltli ...... their first eastern swing a very NCAA * Service Bureau. oh thd tag end of lateral.s. ru.sh the passer that he had plenty ...... 90 ■ JJJ* , ISbambfra i tournament TC chxlrmzn, attendr.j occurence in the Bronx, VAIJd WAR ABLE to gain only 'Tulane, W.8; 8. Southern Metho­ Local Sport bther. trick' queatlAi* became hte the’ Brooklyn Dodger pitching > ...... 1.31 90 103 MS I \ dist, 43.4; 4. Wyoming, 45.S; ”5. Johnny, who's registered no left to cover receivers, especially 1 .9nllt'tan ...... 96 the session representing the |i Their blggc.it mistake waa not six yard* against Navy on the occupationalcupatlonal hazard. 1 stsf, will be 23 on Dec. 13. »« — , IS4 , Tni«l« _... 541 52ft M9 1*3* |ed Oregon State, 44.7: 6, Colorado, beefs with the NLKB becau.se of on third down, the Browns' "pos­ F/r s t /n T a s t e / ' 5fMcN>plv .... __ ... 107 105 '78 290.1 MCC. Holly led his atate team | p,,uing away while Casev Stengel ground while (^ornell had to settle O’NpMI ...... — 98 105 44.1; 7. Iowa, 44; i, Oklahoma. his full-time load in this platoon session play down." The . Browns Wants Rex Layne Next 204 to victories over Maaaachuaetta Benjamin, the RKO-Pathe for two meaaly y»rds. The two Ivy Chatter Flynp ...... 91 98 94 3« , 44; 9. North Carolina, 43.8; 10, era, adniiLs a slight pi-cference for usually pass on third down to ends and Rhode Island Ihia year. He produced and old Cleveland fan. school* piled up » tot*l of 260 offense, which is only natural. Lu­ who run in a "x out" pattern, and . Total* ...... ___ __ 510 489 497 ISIS ' la also vice president of the Man­ Perhap* the percentage# natial- yards against Navy through the Misaouri, 43.6. jack says he's a shade better with Owen u.sed his extra men near the CIIRI.STIE MCfX>RMICK, form­ Cincinnati, Oct. 9 IFi — Ezzard • that the left hook made ihp knock- Ofilpp r«in(A«' Nar 1 (SI 1 er Drake griddgr and for many Charles, former world'.s heavy- ""t blihr’ possilde. 13' MARINE PLYWOOD RUNAROUT Smith ...... 87 11.3 105 105 chester Country Cliih. ly allotted tn pitching and hitting air. a hall clutched to his stomach. sidelines to stop that. CrancAH ...... 97 95 101 1 When it comes to. aerial defense, RpUJSNTLESa years ii fir.st class football referee, "IC wa.s a combination of 108 League Starts In winning baaeball are too high. Oct. 24. the eve of the N orth weight champion, wants a ertick at WITH MASTERCRAFT TRAILER $250.00 T3rown ...... / ...... 115 93 98 107 1 Tpe Indiana, aecond In hitting, Brigham Yriung is the • leadef., is again operating the electric punches." said Charles. Sm.mIp!* ...... <_____120 Carolina game. Will he his 20th the present title-holder. Rocky 120 97 ^^7 were next - to laat In fielding, far Three team* lj»ve made only. 82 Auatih. Tqx.—(NEAl—T ax a s birthday, prompting Johnny Latt­ -dock at home games of the Uni­ 10' RACER $75.00^ U N TIN G ROWS $5.00 HillnPki __ .-... 98 101 10.3 109 Stengel Will Gel R eeltH l 0'L c‘iii y - versity of Connecticut football Marciano but he wants to take The former heavyweight champ New York, Get. 9 (API - behind In the eaaenttal double-play yards on paaaea againat B. Y. U. moved into the 1952 football cam­ ner lo recall: said he did not believe he was hit­ JUST RECEIVED!!! 1 Tolilii ,. ,. r...... 518 5.V) 511 1.W9 ■he National .Hockey League paign with a record of 84 atralght team .this sea.son at Storrs. on Rex Layne first. / department. for an average of only 27.4. / "Ijist time riiy birthday fell the tin g any h ard er th an in' recent NEW FTIESH AMMUNITION-SHOTGITN SHELLS wing* Into tta '35th season to- Two Year Contract Save for Avila at aecond ha.ae. The punting team leader*- are games in which it had scored, was night before a game was, in high yiiipires’ Prexy (Tharles. 189.' needed less JKan fights, hut "just hitting sharper.". ITHACA Ig GA. FEATHER LIGHT REFEATER / Rt. Mary's (Bi Ight with the dmndipg cham- Held, to lass than two-touchdowns PETE ST.\r5I. one of Manches­ ‘ STTlUh / ...... '.:m M IftS 3«« the InHiene had a leaky infield. It IlUnoia and Tulaiie. each avayaging school, and I really had myself a two rounds la.st night to Ipfng a WINCHESTERS. MARIAN ilO-SO’a AND 3.5 CAI.. n!ffo/fi ...... ton Detroit Red Wlnga playing on only Bix,occa*lona. ter's best all around athletes in (Thai’lcs ha.s a fight witli C esar ...... 104 92 93 288 New York. Oct. 9 (45— AH Old not make the big play often 46.8 yard* per hoot. / celebration. Scored three touch­ Brion in New York on Oct. 24 and u s e d g u n s b o u g h t , s o l d . R E PA IR E D VplwSn ...... 91 87 97 277 •S^rfs •Historic Spqfs Veteran .umpire .limmy O'Leary the pa.st quarter rentiiry, leaves knockout on Bcrnie Reym^ls, 187, Th^mMff , enough. The defense,leader* (based on downs." . HU.VTING SUPPLIES — SlfOOTERS SI'PPUES ...... ' 8K 87 104 277 The. Indian* lacked balance and George Morris of Vicksburg. was reeietded president of, the the ranks of the bachelors Sstur- of Fairfield. Conn., in «/fiationally he. rciternted that alter that, he ' ly' H*n*^n ...... 93 97 • 97 285 rti* *re! C asey Stengel, who m anaged the averages.^: •Museums •Churches wants Layne. 125; 2, Mias., and H al M iller of Klng.>;- Manohester Chapter o^ the Stay day. The bride-to-be is Miss Ruth televised bo)it w hich ,0 yards When it was bver, the 31-year- E. AndprPon ...... 91 98 |04 29.3 reputedly for 1100,000 per year. L O W COST ,Other olfleer!) named for another ..\IM’R O X IM .\T EL Y 80 per cent lar ring.side top. mon. the pitching hurt. When, in\a single game. vear were: Robert Meleski, vire- old C harles .said, "I'd really like to fiprion ...... 101 90 92 288 This would make him far and of the sliideiil.s at 5tanrhcster High C*rI*on ...... 105 V? 127 .150 awav the highest ^paid manager after Rob Feller twfee failed. Man­ presidenl; Ray Ramadell, treas- fight Rose Layne. After that. I ' rella'bic cente'r, who played fob ager Lopez placed the entire bur­ Round Trip FARE liave purclia.-ed. S.A.A. member- |n baaeball. almost twice the ijal iirer. and F.arl '>'oBt. secretary . want to do what everyone else ToUl* ...... 494 509 517 1540 Detroit for 12 years. 1* now coach den on the Big Throe, the load shiiis for the 19.32-.53 schooj year. wants to do fight Marciano." A steak dinner wa.s served Jiefore Of the Black Haw'ka. Alao mlMlng «ry reputedly" Ppaid " * l I-*o Durocher showed. Lemon and Garcia each MANCHESTER 500 SETS OF Alembership rates are $2.7,3 and The soft-spoken C I n e I n n a t 1 Schedule from the Red Wing*' lineup Is 'oUtheth e New YorkY irk O!Giants. Among the business meeting. each ticket entitles a 'student to INJURIR.<* HIT, ARNOLD lost two'.'Rey games. Negro heavyweight said that he rugged ' defena.emHn Leo Reile. Re — : active ballplayers, only Stan Mu Otherwise, the bench coi'ild have [ree admission .to alt liome athletic felt he must'lick Ijiyne In order to Saturday, Oct. II Stand New-In Stom ’ ' , ...... 1 . / traded to the Ranger* In a deaDaial of the St. Lout* Csrdlnal* 1* Milford, Oct. 9—(4»)—In^'ries atood improvement. SEAT COVERS .event-s, including basketball games. get a^hot at Mareiano. Layne won High ’VS, Ea.st Hartfprd, 2—Ml. which sent Reggie Sincltlr to De-1 »uppo«ed to he in that claaa. °”‘> $ 3 ,4 5 T;j. which resulted from an upset vic­ Hank Greenberg has his work a referee's des’lsion—given b.v for­ Nebo. ' tro it. 1 ' Thw'oply other manager to win cut’ out for him throughout the BRAZING-SOLDERING mer heavyweight e h a m p J a e k Toronto Inaugurate* It* season i fojif coh'aeciitive world series Children lender 11—Half Fare IIIGIII.IGHT Of a recent assrrn- StmOHy. O et. 12 tory last Sunday over St. Mirhael'i Winter. The infield must be men­ Specialized Work fiuaranteeil bly at Manchester Higli was the Df-mpsey—In a bout In ^ I tnb a at home Saturday night againat l;enampionshipa w*» .loe McCarthy, Children I'nder .t—Free A n d U p Silk City vs. Middlelo.w’n. 2—Mt. : Oollege are plaguing the Arnold ded, even if It mean* sacrificing $12 9 5 introduction of six new "cheer I'ouple nf inonths ago. Nebo. ’ 'I. • • : College football team. Coach Ray Chicago, while Detroit visit* MopXaiao of the Yankees. Riindav train leaves .Manches- ' UNION WELDING CO.' Ch.arlcs' knockout* of the 25- pitching or hitting or both. INSTALLED FREE leaders." football players Jitnmy Saturday, 0«’t. 18 . Stnviak reported la.st night that treal. The ^aton Bruins take^the It waa Joe McCarthv who said: te r a t 9;'»9 A. >1. Metalie and Ovy-Aret.vlena vcar-old Reynold.* also knocked AU <-s t a r t , Roach. Tommy Benoit, H any Gris­ Silk City vs. Middletown, 2— 18b.pound fullback Ralph Cnnaig- I ire for thetr Hd-llfter on Sunday "Give me three to throw the ball, iq llilllanr St.. (Bear) wold. Berme Alemany and .lazz the Connecticut lio.svywcight. who Shot ” " Mt. Nebo. Ho of Suffern, N. Y.. will be Out night when they play Jfoat to four to hitji^ and two to make the Return train leaven South Sla. Tel. 2-8397—Manchester, Conn. Farrell The gndders were dressed fights out of Cliffside. N. .U, right CThapel H ill. N. C. (NEAl — "tlon, Biiston, at 8:t.1 IV .M. Saturday, Oct.' Ig ALL GAUG nf next Sunday's lineup againat Montreal. Other games night double plav. and I'll win three hig CAMPBELL .as members of the opposite .«e?£. out of the boxing profes.sion; ac­ Brandela at Waltham, Maas., hc- include Toronto at /Detroit and Halfback Chalmer* Port of North cording to Reynolds' manager, . Hall vs. Hig*. 2—Mt. Nebo. pitchers, tour genuine heltera and AUTO SUPPLY cauae the star has water on the New York at Oilci? h l ^ o . CaroUn* i» alao a two-time All- a Phil Rizziito and a Billy Martin. Joe Vella. .Sunilay. Oct. 19 THf JAMfS HANIFY COMPANY PBOviOFNCf » t WinchMtar, Waitom. Ri^nqteii. Ptfan Southern (Conference h a • ,e b a 11 29 BISSELI. ST.—TEU 5167 GEf^GE "G.XS" SMITH, veter­ Silk City at Stratford. knee, and haa been given a rest. The Indiana of 1952 further dem­ M.\N CHESTER an tclW ^at the Manchester Trust "This wa.s positively hi.s last 10 90.. 12 90.. U 90.. 20 90.. 410 90.. 21 90. Ooni'glio scored the two touch- '.TOO pitcher. i NEV! HAVEN fight,".said Vella, while’Reynolds onstrated tWit baseball la a team R A I LR O A D Compiiilk ■"'I' ’•'"'T , dnv I a that beat St. Michael'i. Don gam e. 0UT-0F4INE shortly-for Detroit where he will waa taking a .shower. "If a boy I i 8eo-l . a .big freshman from. Nor- Athei -fea.— (NEA);HrC,e n I e r The largest attendance for any | lake up residence. tJeorge is ciir- doesn't have it. it is no'rca.son for H o y t M Ijo w ' wicJi, was alao on the casualty list H urle Jones and (juartri-befk World SFrieii game wa* 86,288 reliny • ibe tteasiiTeT’ o f - th e M « i- hint to b»? A punching bag..'!., .. .. ^ i-auCfeTing leg; and ohoulder hurt» '-BiUF“-Rurt-®f’ G****'2te Tech were ” h-h-th« Boston Brav’fa, faced the - m (iheslir High' Booster -Club. : -' ,./,There w’ss ”;ncver much do'ubtAf/, |; which will keiep him out of the yalndlctiwtan* of the4r high aohnqt .Indiana At- Cleveland, on Oct.. W, ALU CAUIER R IR T AND FIST o L- about the outcome of last’night's 1 : Btainieia game, _ , senior claeae*. 1948. jwrap'.'TT'lffffrtgfrrtb the body hueb l.EE FKACDHI.V .ebJoylbK METAUIC SHELLS ^ m Bevnold.* In the,opening.roiuul. . 5 MANCHESTER MrrnBEUFEiN hi* a»iBi»t--vacattniy:rttt .;.Marlbff-/‘ FROM .2rCAtlBEIt to^45i'7D WINCHESTfR^ Vineyard and the fishing has been ' ' Tn the Sccohil,’ CharlcTT 'hunjf'tf: 7 good'according to a post card. teriffic left .to the body and fol- BBWLimnffiEEIi: oparKiuig I lowed it up with a right to the chin TELESCOPES. BINOCULARS.' COMPASSES N EW EN G LA N D ’S 1.0 IS AND LfCII.LE Smylhc that sent Reynolds toppling to FINEST ALI.EVS , TRADE witnessed the si?tth game of the the canvas ■ at one rninute, 40 ALL HUNTING ACCESSORIES World tieries last Monday at Eb- seconds fiT the round. Plenty Of Free Parking BEER AS BEER Everyone agreed tliiit the final \ JO H N L. CARUSO, Prop.— 240 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST BALGH-PONTIAC InD. bets Field in Brooklyn. HI POWERED RIFLES. SHOTGUN. PISTOLS • F o r -An Bowler* ALLOWANCE right hand punrh was the blow H.\L Tt KRINGTON used an up that ended the fight, but ^Tisrles ^ FORMERLY BIG BUCK'S IN STOCK HAS AVAILABLE FOR to d ale ■ banner heading jn In.st and Vella also were In agreement SHOULD BE. .IN On Your Car For A T h u rsd av n ig h t's edition in c.on- U S E O l'R LAV a W AY p l a n neclion with the Silk O ty football game with East Hartford at .Ml. Immediai# Delivery Nebo. Tlic heading, one which we, EXTENDED SdimiAt’sFULL thought w^s a good one. read. "Un- : f NOW READY TO SERVE YOU N e w D O D G E Up Sllk'OtV Stops East Hartfonl, | 1 Master "Socsen's End'* etbsoouh on «B Dthin9 19SA PONTIAC EXECUTIVE CARS Here'* ivhat we do: 7 to 6 " Several reader* asked the | Hurry White We Are w'ritcr what the htTiding meant. ■ T HAMBURGS. HOT DOGS SANDWICHES focUa. Tok* odvan»o9« of Hilt opporttinity E QUART BOTTLE 1.Correct easier For the information of one and all: Gaudef's Guor .\LFA H.U'KNEV fired a dertifled^ l^tchmakerhmaker and SOLIMENE 4. Inspect, tighten, a d ju st 67 round veslerday afternoon at guaranteed rod^ I '.year.ear. Only Store— Built On Courteous, Personal Service steering. - reliable repltteenient parts'are I N C O R P O U A T E D thfe M anchester C ountry Oul}^ i SPECIAL HOT NOON LUNCHES Modern Rest Rooma used. ^ course. Alex' score is amazing ^s ' ' For Ladle* he had; three double bogies., ,| BALCH-PONTI AC Inc. C SWING INTO CARUSO'S DRIVE-IN FOR THE KIND AUeya opw for league bowling DODGE JOHNNY .VS'DREOLl report* i • » OF FOOD YOU'LL $ING ABOUT. PROMPT. iss ctrmR STRin , \ t i l . i-^ w s DEPENDABILITY applications for the written ex -1 434 CENTER ST. COURTEOUS SERVICE AT ALL TIMES "NiVER KNOWINGLY UNDER SOLO OR OVER-TRADED" ammatlon of the Central Connecti-. "HOUSE O F SFORTS' Tel. Ma^. 4882 or 2-0672 A M U , n L VALUE cut Asaociatioh oT Foolball Of- j G ailfleL s TELEPHONE .2-1647 MOTOR SALES ficials are now being accepted _by ; 1015 MAIN’STREET Secretary Christie McCoranick of OPEN DAILY 6:30 A* M. Iq 11 P. M. SOI Broad Btreet. Nanchester 240 Hen'ry street. Written e^arn8 BZr^CENTER ST.— PHbNE 5101 or 5102 ■1 ; 0, will be held on' Oct. 28 at Halt j of,Marlow's TEL. S-tOU a n y t i m e High In "West Hartford; rv* ' , ,l V'rt ,'li -i V . ' t J: MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCtoSTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1952 ) PAGE n i n e t e e n

B oaiM p fn r fUilii Hoiuflfl for Sailfl _ ^ TooJ.at* To ClMsify , S o l d i e r . A n g l e s ■ ■■ MANCHKSTKR SUNSET RIDGE BOLTON—High elevation, ifiliLUUhg, healthy climat; ______MALE HELP , _

SO Tm iE SESTxTtm'LESS WH6>8 dOLNd HOUsSgSm N G Complete line of Children’B\^ • J.JS01. ^ ~ ter Oak atreet. InaulraInquire *10 Cbar-Char­ Uehed garage. VeatibuM, open nl^ three years old. Tile bath wjth many extra*. Built for a ter Oak street. •raA'rSWHAT t WANT Furniture; .Cribs,. Mattressei* stairway, fireplace, tile bath, arid lavatory, breegeway, attached discriminating owner. Immediate Wilmington, Del:—1A8—Pfc. im O 'Studebaker (!!^mmander I TO TAKE OVER hatchway. Oil heat, copper plumb­ gairage, ame'site drive, comblna- occupancy.' Rtaaonabie price tarting rate $1.15 per Reginald Freeman of Newark, N.J., Bidding on the eight-claasroom : Plav Pens, High Chairs, Caf- . RoiiwiM wlthont Board FURNISHED Ei|Ve room ilngle for a veteran of seven years service, addition to tha Bower* School haa-r" / 4-Dr.— Heater, ov^drive. UNPAID BALANCE ' rent. Available’ November I'atrita- ing, amaaite drive. Metal Combina­ Uon 'screens and storm- windows. Suburbah Realty . Co. Realtors, hour. . ' 1950 Studebaker Chi CHRYSANTHEMt MONTHLY p a y m e n t s rtages, Walkers, etc. Complete NEWLY tWCORATED, ' beauti­ tion doors and wlndoWa, shingl* Owner transferred. Immediate oc- 541 Main'street. Phone 8215. ' has made an old-fashioned flah beah re-opened, with .the deadline ‘ tjl May 1st, tel. 6172. \ fiy a weekly habit for fortimate for the submission of the new bids . Starlight Coupe. — WAN'TED—A tX Auto_ mechanic. __ 321A3 fiimishings for the entire fully furnished rooms for tiw or axtarier. A buy at $iS.i00. cupaiicy. Price reduced to $18.500. Plants in root, till* 82 UApply In person. Don Willis' Ga­ NEW FlfRNITURE AND home. Appliances and TV. three. Cbmpletb light housefiwp H O U I^ Il LE - ;SlX-Rdom ~RaiicTi ~FiTst «li(i second shifts. meiT'or hi* "Hiift at the Aberdeen set at 4; p.m. on <5ct. 2D, x-; heater, overdrive. APPLIANCES Hoihe, -‘ock faced red block with 48 hour weeRT full -insur*- Proving/ GroundU, ' The new bids were called rage, IS Main, street. ing faiillUe* avSilablr. centraL BuMness Loeations BOLTON — New home /Clearing 1950 Studebaker Champibi pots. Boiiqiietsv corsages; O O B S O N m iilP n bU c MgCket for which la now in storage— Reasonably priced. Ghikjren ac- OVERSIZE SIX ROOM BRICK full celiac and gttached garage. .An ardent angler, he flshea about aftbr the Board of Directors Tuca- , : for Rent completion- Four rooms ilnlahed, ance program. Pontiac 4-Dr. — y i cyl. '2-Dr. Sedan— Radio, heater,' sal# With \flve room living quar- WANTED — Man to work in serv­ originally sold to a jitMinig couple CHAMBERS FURNITURE cepUble , M ra..Dor*eK -I4 Arch, C ^ B COD—Garage, living room All plastered' wall*. Thermopane three times a week in post waters day night/ejected all bid* thlit’" Full shed dormer, fireplace. Rougp had already been received because , \ floral /designs. Orders ice station. Salary . $75 a week to but unfortiinately are not getting o f f i c e ROOMS for rent. HOuge withNrireptjsce, dining room, cabi­ window, plaatio tiled kitchen u d a* relaxation from hia dutiea Standard shift. overdrive. ra. Call wafford Springs 6W3. At The Green — - 'eecond floor. heat and plumbing to iecond floor. the low bidder on the project, the start. Can aiso use man part marriej and Hale Building. See H. B. net kitejMn, porch, three twin size bath, oak floors throughout. , We have .several ojien- .chief of the 'outgoing- record sec­ COPY CLOSING TIME 1950 Willys Station Wagon— | icen for spring plants. time. See Van for ; Interview. BEDROOM ST .CnVKLY runiUdiad .roora. bedroon^ ceramic tils bath. Lava­ AmeMtc driveway. Quality con- Venetian blinda. electric bdt tion of the Proving Ground Separa­ Bonvlclnl Comp*ny of Torrington, 1951 Ford 2-Dr.y/Sedan — Open 10 A. M'. to 6 P. M. Houe«. . ? atrucUon. 200 foot fronUge; Rural ings for men in oiir ex- i had failed' to submit alternate Radio, heater, overdrive. Van's Service Station,'4*7 Hart­ LIVING ROOM 3 t housekeeping facilities tory, abundance of cleseU. metal water .heater, air-conditioned oil tion-Center. Two month* ago he FOB CLASSIFIED ADVT. Many extras. / Will FenalOk .15 residence. Price $13,600. panding operations. Fac­ plans as had been requested. 19^8 Frazer 4-Dr. Sedan- ford/toad. S-PC. DINEtTE SET sv a l^ e. Private entrance. Oou- combination doora and windows, heat. Anderson pressure seal decided to treat his buddies rather MON. THRU FRI. HOLDEN’ s ' ..Evenings 7:30 to 8:30 tory. experience helpful.. WANTEt* — rienced typist, “PHILCO” ELECTRIC REF. ple pm arred. Inquire 167 Maple 'Wanted to'Rent « 8 landacaptcd lot, one year young. weatherstripped windows ' and than throwing back most' of the General Manager Richard M*r- : 10:30 A. M. 19.50 Mercury 4-Pr. Sedan— adio, heater,, overdrive. Ash he caught. tin told the board Tuesday night atenograp general office ‘•BENGAL" COMB. RANGE street. / Priced to aelU / screens, built-in dlneUa in kitch- Age to 40 years. One owneiy low mileagre. 194X Studebaker Conv, Coupe 81 Oaklart^ St;— Phone 3748 GENERAL Electric Refrigerator. |50 REW Aiys. 4 or 5 room un MANCHESTER— AA and rural Scrounging around, he procured that' Town Counsel John 0. La-' SATURDAY 9 A. M. worker, day week. Good Situations Wanted— "NORGE" WASHER Attle apace. Recreation boom in ‘ . \ ■ Ranio, heater, overdrive. Excellent coridition, $40. Al*o furnished apartment urgently residence zone*. 6 room Cape (2od. an old electric stove and a skillet. Belle had recommended gH bids be starting Phone 3068. P. Female “ 38 . "HOOVER"' VACUUM ROOM IN private home for two Rear glassed in porch. Picture cellar. City water- and aewer, '.X Many Low/Cost Pre-War Cars ■ OppositKstudebaker /' solid maple kitchen table with 2 ■ needed by couple with well be­ His fame aa a cook apreqd and the rejected. LaBelle was rOportsd as 1941 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan— and G reighl. , "EMERSON” , TELEVISION gentlemen dr it^ai^rled couple, SIX ROOM. BRICK and SHIN- windows, fiieplsce. gaiage, excel­ Near CVmnecticut Co. biw line. Apply In Person . x o tn t ALL TYPES curtain* laundered^ mattress and box spring haved 5 year old daughter.. Phone fish fries'are now a weekly insti­ saying that acceptanc* of tha Bon- BE appreciated Radio, heater.. Gair^ chairs. Reasonable. Phone 49W w rit* Bo* Q. MeraW. OLE ENOLISHCptsONIAti^Un- lent condition, two acres. Priced Price $15,500. Henry Esedu ExcellCTt Transportation In my home. tution. vicini bid, in ■vlew'of that com- and ironing done Mohawk nig*, inlaid, lamps, tables, afterT F m.. . / 6533, quaaUonably ona o f Mancheater’* for, quick sale.'___ _ Several Pcp-War CariL.FQr. GIRL AVu ted. An>ly | PLBAflANT-Fuenjahad -room with, Agency. Henp' sno Thelm* J«I' RFENCBR RUBBER u.:,s;"nie secret, 1 guess, la in,.the. pany-'a Xailura : ta- mast - the . CAN D^ CAIL 2-4333. dlahea^pota-and '7»an*. n n « ir ‘)iein «: itoreellent neighbor­ ..." '■ ’ '' ■ 'v ' fries Eacott; Real Bat'ate-Ihiur ' Good Transportation Men State Theater. > PHONE ME IMMEDIATELY ELECTROLUX GAS refrlgehitor. kitchen privUake*. Couple or URGENTLY NEEDED unfumlsh- spices I use.” aayi Freeman. ding requirements, might raault in hood. Spacious living robhi, large ance, 258 High street west (cor. p r o d u c t s CO. LLCH PONTIAC, Inc. ■ HAR’tFORD 6-0358 Good mnnlng condition, 3o5. Call working girl# preferred. Phone ^ apartment by three adults. fireplace, generous dining room, MODERN 514-ROOM home, flra- "Some natives on Okinawa gave leggl action being brought against 1940 International / 1 i TonJ Phone 2-4990 after 5:30. cKee), Telephone Manchester the town by an unsuccessful bid­ A, OPENING IN Reliable home for AFTER 7 P, M. 46-4690 Manchester 2-8565. 2-4428. very modem kitchen, breakfast )lace, tile bath, rear terrace. At' Chapel S treet, me some rare apices when I left Center St. — Manchester Panel. WANTED—HousekeeperliXNl two child day care. Cali 2-8801. s r - and I use them in small amounts. der or in the aUte’s refusal to ' SEE IT DA'V OR NIGHT ^ YOUNG COUPLE with savan nook, tile lavatory down. _ Three ached garage. Radiant heat, wall l » t And Fonnd Roofing—Sidinf \ .men. Live in. Cal' 7874, KELVINATOR Ref^eiator. Good ROOM IN private home for work­ I also fry in pure bacon grease grant aid for construction. - ..... 4 Phone 2-4545 If ■yoiChave ho mMna of tranapor- months old baby need 3 or 4 comfortable_lwln site bedrooms to wall carpeting in large living BOL'TQN—6-room single, attach­ Studebaker Sales and tatlon I'll **nd■Tia my\iimom ^ a iito TOTfor yyou. running rondltio^ and appear­ ing girl. Centrally loca^. CaU room and hall. Anieslte driveway. for a aort of counter-flavor.’’ "fhe Torrington company had LOST—tA D T S Bold wrist watc: /- room furnished^ rent. Call Mrs wtth tile bath up. open attic, three ed garhge, open porch, hot water entered a bid of $189,000, the low­ Open Eyenings Until 10 P. M. CLERK-TyPISTS Doga—Birds—Pets 41 No obljgation! ance. Phone 789 3-4913 between 10 a. m. and 2 p. FuUY;,.landscaped lot. Irnmedlate on btiir o r—rirlnHy— St.— CHORCHES MOTOR SA.LES SW*»g G®. AUball typ«a4»f-i n!, V _ _ ...... Day 8088. \ porches. . Basement recreation haati—kmsUy- pine-kitchen- cabi­ est of ibc. on,theproJect-for"WhicR- A —L - BJ~ E R ''T —’-,..8 ■ m. ' ' ' • occupancy. Price $19iB()0. »tTr«t »nd Main. lUwnrd,. Inil hot water heat. All util­ nets, artealin well, large lot Ruth Milhti $250,000 hgs been appropriated by WANTED 43 Allynyn St.. H a lford , GAS HOT WATER ities. Lovely landscaped lot. Rea­ (!!hoo8e B ig P lots Roorn 21. W.1 Main>tr««t. I Plymouth club coupe. P»y •* lit­ 80 Oakland Street teed wof^c. Phone 2-893a for y^ahlpment just arrived. Kelly’a NEWLY DECORATED room. On MIDDLE-AGED pquple with shade tree.*, new, vacant. Call Mc­ the town. sonably priced. tle se $9.90 weekly. No red tape. I eatlmatea; Excellent Working Lquarium, 29 Sunset street. Open HEATER AND TANK bus line. Heated near bath, auto­ school aga child urgintly need un­ MANCHESTER Large Colonial Kinney Btothns, Irtc. 6060 - .2' Housewtyes may get an ego- Meanwhile* construction is ex­ l(08T“M«^y in- bt ObuBlaa Motor*. 333 Main. ' ■ Manchester— Phone 2-9483 l-'t X 9 . furnished hbi.ie in 'Manchester. 3931. For New Schools pected to begin shortly on the two- > that Conditions USED HOT air furnace matic hot water. Reasonable. 219 custom-built 1948, wtth center boost from, an Imaginary adver- twe€n Leonard. Spruce^nd Plor FOR GUARANTEED ROOf Reasonable rent. BuMnAN section hallway, fireplace, lavatory flrat room expansion and renovation of 1949/l9S(1950, 1951 Automdbilea, a* and TWO\YEARS old male Boxer. ^burner." Phone 2-5844. Center strfeet. Phone 2-5379. tlaement printed in a current ence atreeU. Plraae /etm ;n to 1940 DODGE coupe. Priced to aell stay on in any kind of i I 50 gallon pump. Oil tank preferred. Must move bjl. Novem- SOUTH WINDSOR floor. Ceramic tile bath secon'd BROAD BROOK—a large magazine; Wanted; Domei- the South School. Martin Tuesday -ij^klyv-W riU en-tfuaranUa, a iflgu. ,e as 19.90 weekly. Lowest Ntimerous Employee / ell trail -b e n l et. Beet rafarencaa. iC.— K- tshad—rooms,—full- ‘ lia r,... Savitnnah —lAb—The present ■night wits authorised to c o n t y .t -TtiBASANT - ROOM— in— privata LARGE SEVEN and A HALF floor,' hot water oil heat.- garage tlc: •Eemater~A~H 'conking, cleaning; Buy it on your, own terms. (3ole miance rates. Possible your dgr pair*. Call Coughlin ^07. V B e n ^ t s Good wHpt children, $25. Phone Stewart, 27 'R,uaaeH street; West stairway, picture windo/: large trend In building school* In tp lone with’ the Frechette end Florisn receive reward. • \ Phone 2-2.558. for kei^seue or fuel oil. Prac- home. Quiet neighborhood. Handy ROOM CAPE COD—2 unfinished. Amesite driveway, combination laundering, sewing, meal planning, clown. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. 7524. high lot; near new achoOl and the building in a large tra ct. of Company of Hartford for this Motor*. 4164. to Cheney’s ajid Center. Place to Springfield, Mesa. Built 1950. Only a short distance screens, atorm window*, awiiing*. shopping, chauffeurlng. Care of l o s t —OUtVE Green fumitu:^ (3REAT EASTERN Roofing— and Apply personnel Office Licaliy new. 10 gallon handy shopping. Very fea*on*ble/*hd land, according to Savannah dele­ project. The Hartford company Construction Co Applicator* of COCKER Puppies, champion sired. park car. Phone 2-3044. from the Fox-Mart in a nice neigh­ Priced at $18,900 fo r quick sale children. Salary at employer'* op­ gates to tha southeastern confer­ blanket. Vletalty of Autumn and NEED TRANSPORTATION?/ I 8 CU FT. SERVEL refrigerator WANTED—Garage, vicinity bf Owner leaving state.\. Exclusive low down payment. Aaaoc tion. No time off.” bid $109,718 on this project, and Bird and Flintkdte. Guaranteed Lak)INTE:_ , Red and black, A.K.C. registered. I borhood. A quaMty home on a 125’ ence of the American Institute of School atreete. Finder please call W'anted .Autos— Two years old. Phone 2';i4S4. tank with spout. See .1. BOOMS BY the week. Gentlemen Benton or East Center etreet^ with Henry Eacott Agency. Realty, Broad Brook, Tel, Oommenti the magazine; “ No estimated six months aa the period Mac’a Interior Deroratlnfi:. 6134. Clean Pre-War Cara 12 roofs and al'ding; Life-time alum' Nine week* old. H- C. Oiaae, preferred. 17 Spruce atreet. Phone- Phone 4435. . .X ISO' loL Metal combination d®®rs ^Architects at Atlanta. of construction. The town has Motorcycles PLASCOMOLb CORP. 'hnil windows, awnings. Many fine Bor Locks 2-6736. .^oman In her right mind would inum clapboanT end combination Harmony HillX Hebron Road, ZEIflTH TELEVISION *et, six The group said ' the average propriated ^130.000 for Uie JoK Written Guarantee* H ay^ or C. Butler at Pine- 2-2494. features. Easily financed. iKairly iwer that ad. but Mrs. Average- l o s t —Female Boser, fawn color WANTED—1946-1948 Ford from storm wtndovrii and acreent. For 156 West Main St. South' Bolton. Mahcheater 5427. months old. Call 2-1746 after 5:30 COUPUB EXPECTING would like MANCHESTER—English Colonial ANDOVER l a k e -D irect from school built lent year was located with black mask. Answer* to three o" four foom apartment. $15,500. -Housewlfe has the job on 20 acrea-i'>three or four lime* About 38.000 sheep were shorn 1942 CHEVROLET CLtlB COUPE private party. In good,.cdndiUon free estlmaUa call 8271. Evening* p. m. , . liurst fel^rocery. ' W>RM ROOM to single person Two car garage, fireplare, hteam ow'ner, new well built and com-, anyway.” Deanna. Cali 464.V Reward. Rockville PUPPIES FOR Sale\at Quonaet I' ...... - Call 2-9970. the size of elementary and high in North Clarollna in 1952. 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN . for traveling. Cash. Call 2-2577. 8303. Albert V Undahy. Owner, Near Cheney’s, x ^ l 8217 or 288 heat, excellent condition, vacant, pletely.flniahed. 6 room Cape Cpd BefoXe we get to feeling too Hut. West Vernon aiyeet. Tour 30E Main Street aphool fracta o f tha past. LOST—Bank Book containing aum 1949 BUICK CLUB COUPE <39iarter Oak etr^t. Exclusive With Bowers school. Price $15,800. home. Attached garage, breeze aorry foK^iiraelves, let's dream up 1939 PLYMOUTH "T U D O R ----- W E s p!>e: 6 i a l 1ZE in r^ fin ^ a n d Interviews 9; to 12^ choice, $5. COMBINA’nON Gas and oil stove, \ -Th* architacts racommend atnie- . of money. Finder call Glaston­ way, domestic hot water heat, another ai 1939 PONTIAC TUDOR Business Services Offered 1.1 siding.// Highest Quality ma 1 to 3 Daily / 4-4. Good condition. Call 2-4256. ROOMS FOR.rent, M and $15. Prl- Houacfl for Sale 72 two fireplaces. Reasonable offer tuPea spread over a comfortable bury’ 3-3649, teriaW. Workmanship guaran Machinery and Tools , 62 vatf entriUice and telephoi^'Non- WARREN HOWLAND REALTY PARKER STREET—Twelve years "Help Wkpted; Male; Must be N o t i c e 1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN considered, Phone Coventry willing to algiv life-time contract. area*, connected by side corridors, teechteeth A.A A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn Poultry And Supplies/43 HOMART AUTOMATIC Cellar emokera. 374 Summit. 2-0086. 543 'R^oodbridge Street old. 6*4 finished rooms all pis*- with related actlvitlea housed to­ ANTIQUES RefinUhed. Repairing TRACTORS, New and crawle/ 7-6531. If contract hrokbn must pay w'hat- COLE MOTORS itreet. Phone 4860. drain pump. Nearly new,.$35. Call NEAR VERNON INN tered wall*. Steam-gaa hea.t, open gether. Zoning Board of Appeato dohe on any furniture.' Tieman, p y iX TTOE aalea position open at | b r o a D BREASTED bronze tli Phone 8800 Anytime ever law demat^. Yard work, Annonnceinents CALSO SERVICE CENTER Burton’*. Apply in person only. 2-0276. new, used equipment. Garden LARGE FRONT room wit^h kitch­ stidrway, recently redecorated i-ftory ' achools are aafast, In accordance with the require- 189 South Main street. Phone keys, frerti froxen, ready anytime^, tractors with equipment. Cement small house repalrV discipline of 5643. en privilegea for gentlemen or Site of 26 acres suitable for ATTRACTIVE SIX Room Cape Screena, atorm windows and door*, archlbMta said, and 85 per cent of menu of the Zoning Regulatkms 91 and 438 C entv Street Roofing WANTED—Waifreas. Full time or 8 to 20 pound.*. Schaub’s Turkey mixers. FOrdaon, Oliver, Maasey- children, perrhanent WMort. aonie DRAPERIEB Made to order. Any couple. Centrally located. In drive-in theater, super mar­ Cod, >ii mil* ftom- new Bowers awnings, amesite driveway, ga­ Wanted—Real Estate 77 school/uildlnga constructed lOat for the Town o f Jgaacheater, Phone 4164—2-0980—4165 part time. Apply Center Restali-1 Farm, 188 Hlllatown Road. IRLOR OIL Heater, used Very Harri* parts. Terms. Dublin Trap’; help with hniiaehpld choXM. Should atyle. ReaStmable. For informa­ MANCHESTER Welding Service. ROOFING— SpeclBllxlng in repbir apartment housa ^Allen Really. ket, highway furniture store. School. Recently redecorated. rage. large landscaped lot with year wer^ without baaementa' Conn., the Zoning Board of rant' 499 Main street. Phone 2- ihtle. Phone 397.5. tor Co.. North Windham Rokd. vegetable garden and older ahade have automobjie and muaVhe able tion call 2-3#q9. 19.51 CHEVROLET tudor deluxe Portable equipment. General Ing roofs o f all kinds. Also new 5105. , ■ \ Ideal location 800’ frontage. Lovely flowering tAiruba surround- to provide shelter. No aala peals win hold a Public Hearing aedan. Beautiful fathom green fin­ welding, boiler and furnace weld­ roofs. Guttar work. Chimneys 8172. Willimantlc 3-3217. trees. Immcdist* occupancy. Price on Monday, October 20, 1962 at MUSCOVY DUCKS. $1..50 each c a n n i n g Pressure cooker. Ca- LARGE/ltoOM. complete kitchen Ing hoiiaa and lot. /T im ken oil WONDER WHO TO CALL No Sane Man Would CHRISTOPHER ROBIN pre-kin- ish. Low mIleagn.Like new. For ing. 'Phones ~2ri658 or 2-8762. cleaned, repaired. 26 years’ ex­ Investigate this opportunity. $13,500. T h i e v i 8-.00 P. M. in the Hearing Room SECRETARY— Experienced. Dl- and up. Call R. Glenney. 3-3314. pacltV reven one quart lara. Near- z: priviie-'«a. Reasonable. Call heat, automatic gas hot water Putting It that way, no inan\in dergarten aclmol.'CTlldren 34 *the beat In values'see Bob Oliver, perience. Free eatimatea. 0411 ABOUT BUYING OR Bliig? "Tie of the Municipal Building on' the DOORS OPENED, keys /fUted, veriifled work. 87 hour five day rood condition.Tel. 2-9586 Musical In8tniiiiOT''ts , 61 2-91 le'after 4. ,x /■^ARTHUR A. KNOFLA heater, amesite drive, full insula hia right mind would answer sii^ to 5. Mr*. D. u Bansrd. director . Center Motors. ______Howlev. Manchester 5361. following applications; ' '79 Lakewood' Circle.'Phone 2- copied, vacuum eleaner*^ Irons, week. Palary $50. Davi* and Brad­ Articles for Sale 46 / ______------' — \ ‘ Realtor tion, combination atorih window* SIX ROOM CAPE COD — Fire an ad but the Average-American- Watchman ACCORDIONS, A)| sizes, new and ROOMS FOR Rent for ladies or snd. screens. About $2,500 cash place, large kitchen, combination SELLING REAL ESTATE James Kelly for extenalon of 1896.' Transportation arranged. 1948 OLD.SMOEILE aedanette guns, etc., repaired/ Shears, ford Lumber Co., 200 Tollend Husband has the job anyway. permission to sell tropiert fish and Heating— Plumbing H atreeet, East Hartford. Phone BRUNSWICK Bo o l tables for BENGAL JVE, on* yeiir old. used. 18 monthp'to pay. Cheaper men. U ght housekeeping faclll- 875 Main St— Est. 1921 needed. Phone owner 8MS. acroen*. atorpi window*, awnings If we re going to look at mar fully equipped. Privately owned knives, mower* etc. p/it Into con­ sale. In good condition. Inquire than renting: xAll musical Inat.ruV Get reliability. Call the or cvblsnd night_ to have sign for aame, in home at for dition for- cb'mlng need#.^- Bralth- C a . LORENTZEN. Alterations, Hartford 8-2127..______Call 2-1715 ftcr 5 p. m.___\ . tiea_. Phone 2-5092 evenings. In­ ..... rPhoMCjQffke 64,40_„___ eslt# drive. Clean and attraC' riage - from such a bualneap-Hke Exvellent condition. Priced 36 Oalr atreer. Phone 2-1041. mefRi a'cCMtvA'in t«fle.” PMvi8R^^ quire 176-178 Spruce aTrert. lgANCHESTER-=Stx poourhomer tive. Prica liJ.SOO. gaiilzation 4:ha1r gets things watrliRMin fo r t W M n rt^ 'e o a t-a 'fg p Sunset Street, Realdenee Bon*- -quick--eale. . Phone 2'.2889... waite, 52 Pearl at^et.______copper water-piping. New., work. Evenings 2-5938 or-2-4278 point of view, at least let’s,lobk at ■Persomln AVON PRODUCTS offers wonder; ELECTP.IC'Portable radio; phono­ '■•lessDnrfm’'bejrlttners. Chester Ar- Beautifully-paneled. Recreation dbne. For every real estate it from the husband's angle as well Wast# Material- Go.' woke- up from B ;- ■■ 24-hour irervlcej,^ancheBter 3636. ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port- graph comblnanpn. Six months PLE A SA N t ROOM at the Center room, den, laundry, two fire­ a short nho and wms promptly put Ulllan Smith for extenrtoB of refrigeration .Service, com­ f'ul earning opportunity to smart, cordioiV'Btudios, 91 Union street. a* from the wife's. WANTED—Rider to vicinity ot ' able and standard" typewriters. MANCHESTER. SIX ROOMS— service call back to sleep iy a gang of burg­ permission to conduct beautY par­ mercial. and doinegtlc. See our EFFIClh'.NT Plumbing and heat­ aggressive woman, ^ rtte District ] old. Call 2-8801 b /o r e C p. m. T el.^ 0 9 . for gentleman. 14-16 Wadsworth NEW SIX Room single, full .two places.. oil hot water heat, breezk- That will keep u* from feeling Travelers In»iirance Co. Working 1934 P'DNTIAC, In good nmning All makes of adding machinea Five finished, one partially finish lars who a)ugg* tied a ^ g f g i d lor in home, at 28 KeRrtagton display of guaranteed used refrlg- ing. Plugged drains machine Manager. Box 27, North Bran­ atraet. story, fireplace, tile bath, lava­ way, garage, large lot, .quiet loca­ aorry for ourselves. Sure, women condition. Phone 2-3330. sold or rented Repairs on all BUY NOW FOR ChrLstma-. G. E. NEw T U-SED and rental inatni- ed, recently redecorated, good him. ■hours 8 to 4i30. Cali 3085. erator*. GeOrge H. Williams A*- ford, Conn. tory, Immediate occupancy, $15,- tion plui many little extras. Very iARVIS REALTY give up a lot for marriage. So do Street, Residence Zone A. cleaned. Phone 6497. makes. Marlow’s. tank cleaner with all attachments, ,'inents. Reedp, mutes, strings, PLEASANT ROOM for gentleman. hpuaekeeplng, oil burner. Insulated The watchman\a*M he recover­ 1946 INTERNATIONAL K. S ixiclate*. 269 Tolland Turnpike, 500. S. A. Becchler, Realtor. reasonabl.v priced.' Carlton W. 654 Center Street men. * James Kirkpatrick ior e»tan- WANTED—Driver to Pratt and WANTED— Junior or senior girl 34 piece Roger* ailverware, ma­ stands, all accessories. Methods. Next to bath. Near Cheney's and Hutchins 2-5132 or 0231. Garage 13 x 24, smealte driveway Sure women take on a lot -of ed consriousness iRter about two slon of permMon to use building with 14' rack body. 63 South Main Manchester. Phone 2-3585, nights PLUMBU4G and heating, special- LOAM, Dark rich cultivated Grade Phone 6969. Manchester 4112 ■ Whitney from vicinity of Waddell to baby ait afternoons. Call | hogany case, Jewelry ahU twb Factory-trained repairman. Ward Main atreet. Phone 2-9659. Labge .landscaped lot with older work and reaponslbllity when they hours, Untied jhe W otted ropes and premlaea for Ught manufac­ street. 7691.' ixlng in repairs, re.modtling, cop­ No. 1, $3 CU.. yard. Grade No. 2, School, second shift. Call 2-4284. 2-9846. piece knife set. 16 piece c o ^ e and Krause, 87 Walnut. 5336. (COVENTRY—Three room* and CAPE COD— 4 large rooms plu* shady trees. Immediate occupancy. marry. But so Cu men. with his teeth and caiM police. turing purpoae#/*at 334 Charter per water piping, new construc­ $2 CU. yard. Delivered in truck REAL QUALITY U.SED CARS CARPENTER will frame unftnlsh-1 snack set. vegetable bruih.\glri'* sun porch, artesian well, near expansion attic. Oil heat. Alum­ Price $11,500. CASH BUYERS waiting for 4, 5, Sure, the contribution that wives Detectives said the hdeves en-. Oak Street, Reaidence Zone AA. tion. Time-payments arranged. load lots. Screened sand and all Boarders Wanted 59-A AT LOWER PRICES ed upstairs rooms. Reasonable. | Me n t o h a r v e s t potatoes. vanity caee. Handy-drier^ 1 5 /e c e PIANO BARGAINS. Used spinel* lake; winterized. $3900. Aaeool- inum stomi windows. Large lot. 6 and aeven room singles, and make, to marriage is often over­ tered th^ plant through/an un Dave Binblnder for extensloii: of Edward Johnson. Phone 6979 or sixes stone delix'ered. Order now. locked window while tha/guard Automobiles for Sale 4 Call 2-4291, Part or full time. Louis Buncet Aluminum cook wear pKi* a lady’s and small grands. Also studio up­ MOTHER And baby will share ate Realty, Broad Brook. Tel Price $10,800. 25 year mortgage. two-family house* in Mancheater, looked and taken for granted. But parmiaaiott to erect group tHrell- Our country ovenhead saves you 5044. Nuasdorf Construction Co. Phone right. Traded In during our re­ MANCHESTER — Colonial. Fire­ sl^pt. Loot Included about 529 West Center street. Phone or a man's Bcnrus^Wrlst watc TOW five room hoiise with two Windsor Loc!is 2-6736, Madellrs Smith, Realtor, 2-1642 place, tile bath. 1*4% mortgage. Bolton, Coventry and Vernon. just aa, often the husband's con­ Inga in accordance with approval money on nmv and used cars. FOR OIL Burner service and in- ] 3408. cent Berkshire Festival Sale, $2,000 from the office safe. 1948 CHEVROLET convertible. HEATING From. A to Z. Con­ 8116. These items are ’ worth $.500! ■gih)*, $10 each. Rockville 5-5798. or 4679. Early occupancy. Howard R. Haatings, 2-1107. tribution Is tahen for granted, too. given on March 9, 1981, on the / stallatlon by 15 years exper­ (jood buys from $295 to $495. 3 VERNON CENTER -r- Two Acres So let's not be. too imnretaed North rtde of LydaR Bt.. (Approx. Lustrous green finish, Excellent 1952 Dodge Tudor Sedan—Fully version burners, boiler-burner Everything for only $99.9,5. Only ienced oil burner serx-ica man. WAN^TED — Good, all around 60% OFF on famoua make Bat­ nil years to pay. Open Thursday (^ear. Main road to Rockville. NEW FOUR Room expandable CONSIDERING SELLING bv that mythical advertisement COURT rtced to sell at Center Motors. Call Manchester 2-1731 or 2-8003.1 All work guaranteed. 'Time pay­ handy man to work In gas station ner's, 358 Eart Center street. ingM. Gosa Piano Company. Tenements " i i Seven room single, arteainn Caps Cod being sacrifleed. Owner- YOUR PROPERTY? "no woman in her right mind ral Residence Zone.’’' an<} garage. Steady, year 'round down, $1.00 weekly. Calso Serv­ water, oil h^dt Asking $11,000. died suddenly. Oil hot water HENRY EACOTT AGENCY Without obligation to you, we would answer.” Concord, N. H.. Oct. 9r-T-'iflPI 461 Main Street. 1951 Dodge Coronet 4-Dv, Sedan ments arranged Moriarty Broth­ Manchester. Open Thursdays and Asylum atreet, Hartford , _ 4 , Ajiarlments-’—Flats—: Henry A Thelma Jeffrie* Eacott L. Brewer for permlsaioa to WINDOW SHADES made to order work. Van's Service Station, 427 icenter Tel. 4184, 4185, or 2-0980, This one will sell fsat. For sp- heat, .full cellar, six miles out. will appralae or make you a caah The name of Hugh Gregg wtU re­ — Gyrnmatie transmission,. This ers, Tel. 5135. ^Friday*'til 9:30, Saturdays 'tH 5. 99.- REAL ESTATE— i n s u r a n c e Put in busine.** terms, no man erect, breeaeway and attached and installed. Venetian blinds ROCKVILLE—Two room furnish­ Large lot. Only $9,800. Carlton W. main on the Nov. 4‘‘ ballot aa the 1948 PONTIAC streamliner sedan- car is like new in all roNwrla. Hartford Road. PEAT HUMUS, excellent soil conr potntraent please phons Howard 266 High St. Wert. (Cor. McKee) offer for property. See u* before In his right mind would answer an garagk. to dwelling which wtU be ette. Hydramatic, lustrous green. and curtain roda. 24 hour service. LE.NNOX Furnace authorlxed deal­ HOT Po i n t Electric stove, Hot ed apartments with private bath. R. Hastings, 2-1107. Hutchins. Phone 2--5132 or 6231. you sell. ad for a husband, either. Republican nominee for goventtw locatcd\4' from east rtde Une dition'er snd top dressing. Man­ Tel. Manchekter 3683 after the State Supreme Court A beautiful one owner car. One 1951 Plyniniith Cranhrook 4-Dr, Fi.slimsles gladly given. Fsgan er. Fusnaces repaired and servic­ WOMAN TO Work in dry cleaning Point refrigerator. A-1 condition. VOSE MIRR Apiano. like new for Also light housekeeping room*. BRAE-BURN REALTY (All rights reser^-ed, NB»A Service,' which ia 4: cloMr than reguIaUons chester 8515. cleared him o f a ocharge he vou would be proud to own. For Sedan—'Loaded with extras. A Window Shade Co.. Route 44 at ed. Earl Van-Camp. Tel. 2-5844. atorr from 9 to 2. Pleasant work. <2all 2-3417 after 5.* . $3.50. ( 2 a /8911 anytime. On-bua line. Apply 24 Grove MANCHESTER — Four room W EST SIDE—3 bedrooms, den, BOLT»N—Roaedsle Section, nesrr Phone 6273 Inc.) allow,. a t ^ 4 7 Hollister Straat, the best in value* buy at Center beautifi.il car with / very lowt Bolton .Notch. Phone 2-4473. Call 2-8268 or 2-0.537. MAKE MOWING A PLEASURE. atreet. Apartment No. 9. home. Wall to wall carpeting. living room with fireplace. Cabi­ made excessive primary campaign Reaidence 2lohe A. IDS trumpet. Three ly new four room single. Oil heat, hfotor Cales. 481 Main atreet. mileage. / ' COMPLETE FURNACE repair­ $2 down, $2 weekly. Buy the ni G. E.- MONITOR top refrigerator, GRAND R> Aluminum atorm window# s ^ net kitchen, tile bath, rumpus BUYERS WAITINa—Single and DRY SPELL HELPS expenditures. Charles Luck, for axtension of STONE AND Brick mason, also year* old. condition. Call picture window. Nice corner lot. The court diamtased a bill In ing aen’ioe. Gaa. oil or coal. Win­ Worcester Power Mower, in perfect working condition, 48 FOUR ROOM apartment, central Bcrreni. New oil burner furnace. room. Oil heat, combination ■win- Lake privilege*. Immediate occu­ two-famOy horn*#. For efficient permisalon to uaklot for paridng , BUY A "ONE mVNER CAR " 1949 Dodge Coron*!^ 4-Dr. Sedan cement work Valentino Bellucci, ter air conditioning system* In­ Help Wanted— Male 16 X Avondale Road. 8464. location. Heat, iVght, hot water, Fully insulated. Near bus line. doWB throughout, large-double lot and coafldentlal service call, A. equity yeiterday brought by Eu­ —Radio and he^er. A wonderful mous Briggs-Stratton /piotor, pancy. $8,500. Term*. GoodchUd Hartford, Ort. 9— /-Last July's cars in cxmnectlmLwIth car -re­ Easy Terms 80 Bircli atreet. Phone 2-1601. stalled and serviced. T. p . Aitkin, refrigerator and gtove. $95 per l2p X 121 lot. Nice-shade treea. Extensive ahrubbery and garden*. Rcale, Broker. 2-1919. drought has turned the crop of gene S. DanleU, J r , Franklin city pairing business .on p^perty JSast Phone 4164. COLEMAN Blendair upright furn­ PIANO ACCORDION, 80 baa*. Agency. 7925. 1950 Studebaker Champion Conv. buy. 5 McOabo street. Phone 6793. FULL OR PART TIME month. October 15th occupancy. Immediate occupancy,. $10,000. Priced to sell quickly. Call 2-0211. Havana seed tobacco in Connecti­ solicitor who was a 'Republican of 624 Middle Turm POWER BURNERS and Range ace, one year old. Excellent con­ Very good condition. Reesonabl*. Reference* req'ilred. Write Box Carlton W. Hutchins. Phone 2- FOR QUICK RESUI.TS in selling candldafe for governor two year# —Radio and healer, red. Clean 1950 Dodge '/ Ton Panel—Excel­ Burners expertly cleaned and FOR -SALE—Men’s r e f i l l and re- MOVE RIGHT in—this well kept cut Into one of exceptional high Residence. Zoile A. g u a r a n t e e d Fast plumbing JOBS AVAILABLE lasfed work and d'-ejri shoe*. Sam dition. Phone Mancherter 8764. Phone 4653. 5132 or 6231 SIX ROOM Cape Cod. Five years your prf'perty call Suburban quality which is bringing 10 per­ ago but becam* a Democrat as a new rar. lent rondlUon. serviced., lA i us service and re­ X. Herald. home. Six room, two unflhished. , Mae Holden for permlhaiaB tb and heating, alteration and new Yul.vez. 15 Mapl^ ' street, opp. old. Large lot. Owner muat sell Realty Co,, Realtors, 841 Main cent, mpre thaJi laat year!* price, recently. 1950 Butek- SManette-fRadio and pair your wawjihg machine or re- Shed dormer. Garage. Hot water cioaduct florist Imrtnaaa at ^ O a k - 1949 Ford'S Cylinder ^ Ton Pick­ work. Perma-glas.s, gas, electric COUNTERMAN. MEAT First National parking lot. t h r e e ROOM apartment with MANCHESTER Ekat Side — quickly. ' $9,800. Carlton' W. heat. Oil. Excellent oak floors. atreet. Call 821 i). tobacco growers say. Growers say - ’•Had the court fbuiid ■ agsinrt land S|t., Residence Zone A. heater. Gray. frlgerator. M e t / .Service. 2-0883. bath. Furnished. New Bolton Duplex four and four. Largs Gregg hi* name would have been up—A /very clean truck. it, hot water heaters sold and in­ Hutchlni, 2-5132 or 6231. Comfortable room*. Storms and that the tobheco Is selling at 30 Walter Laclarc for extension/t 1950 Plymouth Deluxe Club Coupe stalled at reasonable rates. Time DEPARTMENT [BOLTON — Building stone and Road. Phone 6389. room* with extra larga attic, lot to 60 cents a pound. stricken from the ballot. —Gray, low mileage. Very clean. 1940 ^ord Tudor Sedan. FLOOR PROBLE solved with SIX ROOM Capa Cod. fully finish­ screens. Nicely landscaped lot. permission to have free staatfini pavmenls ahrarged. Skelley flagstone. .Bolton Notch Quarry. 100' X 150'. One side available on Desirable section. Resaonably Legal Notice ground sign locatep ' closer to' 1950 Chevrolet 2-Dr. — Green. linoleum asphalt Jle counter, GROCERY »nd STOCK Salesmen - AttentionI FIVE ROOM unfumlihed i^ mbdem d sale. Asking $14,000. For appoint­ ed, large lot, garage, juat oyer ^ New Arrivals Dally Bros. 2-8714. Phone ?-d617, Stanley Patnode. priced at $12,500. H. B. Grady. street line than rcgulatioBS allow Hurry'on this one. Expert workmanship' free esti- ■oleh Pentioc, Inc.. Ims openings, for 2 mon flat. Fireplace, aunporch, garage. ment please call Howard R Hast­ Mancherter line, only $9iM)0. S. A \Ve Specially In Square Dealing mates. Open evenings nes Fur­ $125 per month. Adult* only,. R ff- Beechler, Resdtor. Phone 6969, Agent. 8009. AT A COURT OF PROBATE hrid ■t 23 llU n Btreri^ Burtnea* Zone 1937 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan — Black. Millinery— Dressmaking 19 CLERKS CINCC; ALL Aluminum comblna- ings, 2-1107. at Mancheslrr. within anS tnr niture. Oak atreet. Phon#\2-I041. tl^ windows No painting, no our sdos doportmont. This is o raid Oppi^hlfy 1 erencea required. Write Box D, n . Good motor. ROLLING PARK—Six room sin­ Dlatrlrt .i>f,„Manr:h**tfr. nn the 4fA H orace Kimball - for permiaaion BARLOW MOTO^i SALES changing, no atoring. Free esti­ Herald. MANcrifiSTER — New 8-room FLORENCE STREET—2 family tZy of October, A.D.. 1*SJ. _~r’ 1948 Plymouth Club Coupe—Spe­ LINOLEUM P.emnanls 50c square MANCHESTER mon with solos oxporionco-—not nocossdrily out6< gle. Fireplace, hot water, oil heat Preaenl. JOHN J. WALLETT, to eroet hood over front entrance Wapping Conn. —Phhne 5404 FOR DRFJUSMAKING and altera­ mate given, no obligation. Call ranch noma. fuU!-;cellar. oil hot flat 6-8, Steam heat, 2 car garag*. cial deluxe. Radio. hea.ter. Gray. yard. A.«phalt tile, wall c o v e t /g f u r n i s h e d copper - plumbing, full tile. bath. ■ Z’ William Tunaky. 2-9095. morivo. Socuro pMitton thdt hos unlimitod oom- NEWLY t-vo room water heat, tile bath. Very large Storm' w indow*'and screens* In A. BrunFtti*^. 8r^ win b e jocotedll* cloiHr . tQ. ! 1948 Plymouth Special Detuxf 4- Open Evenings avd Shpdays bone by reliable, welT-traio' tions call Janet Meek. 4652. PUBLIC MARKET apartment with all utilities. On room*. Plastered garegy. Amealte Aluminum storm windows and good condition. Immediate occu­ Uta of M«nch#Mftr. In *Ald Dliliirt, dP* atreet line than regulations allow D r —Radio and heater, low mtle- men. All Jobs' guaranteed. Hsl ing possibilitios with o progfrossivo. compotithfo at 12B Avondale Road, Reaidence J947 DODGE Deluxe . bh^iness j POULTRY—Manure for gardena, bus line. Avallahle for rlx months. drive. Fine location. Cartton W, door*. Well landscaped. Immacu­ pancy. Priced $14,800. cpaupd. _ - •age. ■ - //■■ Linoleum Co:, 56 Cottage atreet. Moving—Trucklnf—> ..... 805 Mam'Street Pontiac doolor. CaH Mr. Andorson for oppoint- Rent $20 weekly; Snitable for one late condition. Quick occupancy. • On motion- of Mary R. .Bruoatta. at. Zo m - A ." ------coupe. Good, clean condition. Low lawns; shrubs; Supply limited. Hutchins. 2-S132 or 6231. Mid ManchfBtfr. administratrix. I Phone 2-4022, ev^lngs 6166 or Storage v person. Inquire 65 Lincoln atreet. LINCOLN STREET—4 rooms plu4 John knd Bernice Rieg for per- 20NEED EXTRAFr a ^noney? 10-12 Minimum delivery 10 bushels. mont. Priced reaaonable. Phone 6273. OKDBRBD: Ttiat pIx mnr.lh* from/ SOLIMENE. Ino. mileage. Private owner. Call 8109. 'x •Aa 4th day of October. A. D., 1«J. bC I miarton to btjild addition, JCT x •k, part time; will give Phone evenings 8971, G. A. Carl­ Hartford, ' . Brae-Burn. 2 unfiniahed. hot waUr oil heat, Dodge-Plymouth Cars .2-1459. AUSTIN A, CHAAIBERS CO., hours a we#; fireplace, laundry In basement, and the aame are limited ana\allowrci Id’, on rear o f Shady Glen Milk a .Tob-Rated Trucks )ortunlty,/for substah- son, 136 Summer srtreet. Topi In Mix-Ma4eli Pio^os for the credttora within which te brihf ___ . COMPLETE BboKKFXpiNG pay^ local/^nd long distance moving, you an opportunity MANCHESTER — Lovely Cape plastered walU, full tile bath. Negr Bar at 84P Middle Turnpike East, 1941 PONTIAC nub coupe, radiq_ roll and tax service for, the amail- in their clatme aaalnat aatd eataie, Anc* 634 Center Street p a ckln /storage. Call 5187. Hart­ tial earning*, a s j^ c h as $100 a Cowboy$ And Ind la n s Ood, four rooms and expandable bus line, shopping center and the aaid admlnletrafrlx la dtracteA: In I Residence Zone AA. Phone .5101 or 5102 hCMrr In goodfnndition A good business. Call 2-4795 .after 6 .week or more. For detatia-write Baich-Pontiac, Inc. Pers^ally Endorsed Used Cars ford 6-142.3. DOUBLE CEMENT set tube. 155 CENTER STREET 'TEL. 2-4545 garage end nice lot. G. I. or F. schools. Quick occupancy. Price give publfe notice tqwiha credltota to Tile Sheridan Corporation for ' ' Safe Place To Buy' Used Cars! fstnd.v rar. Murry to Douglas , p. m. ' Sfix 78. Buckjhnd, Conn. brlnx In their rlalma within aald time ■ / Motor's. .333 5'atn street AUBAIR AKD Berry Trucking Phone 2-9902. "Never Kmnrlngly Underanld or Over Traded” , COLOR H.A. This one la sound value' at $10,700. allowed be publlahins a copy M this I permlarton to add one or two j $12,000. And that's not all. Six order in a'nme newspaper haelnk a clr- floors, containing 4 apartments 1947 OHE\NiOI.ET, FleetmS.ster. COJdPLF.TF. Repair., by,.Stuart R. Co, R ubbish / ashes removed. WANTED—Man for general ator# ELECTRIC RADIATOR heater. vT R A N S reR room Cape Cod $9,800. Seven PACKARD STREET — A rooms nilatfon in aald probate dtstrici. within each, to butldliig which is to be . two-door sedan radio, heater. 1940 BUIC.'K .‘Jperial F.xrcllciil Wolcott on washing machines, Dump truck ayatlable for loam, work. Must be able to handle ten dava from the date of .(hie.order, Dormeyer mixer and miacellane- roqrn Dutch colonial $12,900, plus 2 unflnUhed. full shed flormar, Traded For The Fabulons Hiihon eracted on lot which does not con­ Very good ronditihn. Blue flni^. comlition. -Reasonable. Phone vacuum cleaners, motors, small gravel, etc. Phores 2-2591. counter work. Excellent pay for and ‘ re'luha. make to :hle c«7Urt of the Dougla.s Moto^J. 333 Main street, oii* item*. Phone 2-9570. Many others from $6,900 up. Call garage; atorm window*, and notice irle»n> tain the' necessary land area re­ 2-2248. appliances. Pick up and delivery'. experienced help. Apply Turnpike the Ellsworth Mitten Agency screens, combination doora;, fire­ JOHN J. WALI.ETT. JiK.'Ie. quirement for said additions, on 'A -! repair. Sales. 180 Main. MANCHF.STKR —Psekage Deliv­ Super itarket, 151 J4iddl* Turn­ SAVAGE GU.N., 16 gauge^ 3 ahot(| 1939 PLY510UTH Tudor. GoocT "t/l .8F.LL - Ur! V Hsnsen wants Realtors. 6930. place, nicely landscaped, hot Water AT A CrOURT OF PROBATE hri<.' 1949 BDIOK the northeast corner of Main and I 8597. ery.' Local light trucking and pike West. automatic, 28-Inch barrel. Rea.eon-^ oil heat, laundry in baseipent. low priced transportation, $145. tiV sell hns Ford deluxe convertjr. package delivery. Rehigeratora. "SlmseJSS'L By ReM at Manchesl-r. within, snd fnr th- I Pearl StreeU, Buiinesa Zona in . Written guarantee. Name vour able. Call 663U------EXPANDABLE Cape Cod lea* Quick occupancy.. \ Disttirt of MihohKter. nn thr 7th bie.' railio, heater- nexv battery \ a n t i q u e s Repaired and refinish- . wa.shera . and stM'e m /d n g a CARPENTER Snd helper for new It's Been, Of Coareflf tav of Oolnbor. A.D., 1SS2. Oak Lodge Inc., for permlarton own terms. Cal.«o Servicenter 43fi A i r C T l O N than two years old. Large cornpr Super 56s, Sedanettei and'top Good runnmp condition I ed 20 vear; of the best. Dwyer speejaity. Phone 2-0752, home, con-rtruetjon. Steady work. TWO 50 GALLON wooden wine] OAKWOOb ROAD—5 rooms comT j»r»»nt. JOHN J. WAI.LETT. I to maintain free standing, lighted Center street. 2-09^0. lot. two Mocks from Waddell Judze. Fully equipped. ground sign, 7' xr 10', which is k>- 1.51 Pearl .street. ' Products • Wert .street, Bolton. Call 2-1421 afteir 5:.30. barrel*. S3..50 each: smell good, AN OUTSTANDING j^AI.E—OVER 500 CHOICE ITEMS slete, lavatory, full bath, fireplace, Estate of Emma S Simler aka. Emma RUBBT.'3H Disposal, aahes, / t c school. All city utilities. Back I trated approx. 80' from south rtde BEFORE YOU Bu\‘\ a used tar ! .5326. 12 Glenwood street. CaU 2-4187. lot water oil heat, rear porch, full Blmler or Emma F. Simler. late of' 1941 GA^ILI-AU Personal car. cellars cleaned. Contract or tri WANTED yard enclosed by double picket ahed dormer^ open stair esae, laun\ Mancheater. In aaid Dlelrlct. deceased. I of Wilbur Cross Highway, east of . see Gorman Motoi iSales. Bntrk Four door sedan Inquire Don ■wire fence. Fireplace, Urge sunny_ The executor havlnz exhlblte,' hia Sales and Service, 285 Mam YOUR KNAPP shoe counselor. sient. 2-4988, Funiitttrt; China, Class, ' dry in basement. Near school and admlnlatratlon ■ Affounl wtth aalc.' ea- ' dak Lodge. Rural Reaidence Zone. Willis Garage. IS -Mam street. Shoes all.sizes,'Widths. Also hoots. kitchen. Hot . water oil heat, cop-' Oak Lodge Ipc.. for permlaoion . street Phone 2-4571. Open evp- IMMEDIATELY Diamonds— Watches— bus line. 30 day* occupancy. \late *rt thia Court for allnwanee. it' la W ■ F Sullivan, 60 Mountain riA N O 'S COMPLETELY re.ftni*h- per plumbing. Immediate occu- VORDERED: That the I.7lh day of I to maintain free standing, lighted nlngr. 1939 DODGE fo"r-door In verv Jewelry 48 Bric-A-Brac,' Franeis Baeoa Baby Braai IMS ed. Dw'-er Products, Wes'! street TURRET LATHE pahev. 347 Middle Turnpike West. CHARLES LESPERANCE rtober. 1952. at ten ri'clork. .forenoon. ground sign, 7’- x 8', which is lo­ goc'd condltion./Call 2-00.59 or ..street, Rockville .5-5964. * the'Probate OITire'ln, the Municipal, Bolton. .5326, ,,, LBX5NAP.D W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ Te), 8932.. 21 St. John Street ttlldinz ID aald Mancheater, he and' cated approx. 30' from south rtde 1950 PONTIAC Sedanette 6 cyl­ 2 • .8 T '• T ' - \ OPERATORS . Fiana, Mahogany Casa. G H m O L E T inder, Immaculate mmivtion. / / _ ~ / •______X______pairs, acijustB watches expertly. Real'Estate and Insurance thq aam'e in aaetaned Cor a hearinc on o f Tolland Tpke. (Opp. exit from b u l l d o z e r For hire, Rea."on- Painting—Papering 21 Reasonable pric'es..- Open dally. . ■ j ^ ------>■ ------;------48 DBXMONT STREET, tlx room the\ allowance of aatd admlnlatratlnn I Rt. 15) Rcstdence jkine AA. Local one owner car. 1949 Ply- 1951 ('HEVROLET tKo-donr sfyle- FirM and Second Shifts single, oil sUam beat, garage. with paid eataie and this Court dlrecta Todpr. Fully e«iuipped. I ■ m.outh special deluxe cluh coupe. able rate. Call 2-06.''iO. Thursday evening* 129 Spruce * PHONE*3620 * lhat\notice of the time and place aa- Oak Lodge Inc„ for permisrtoh . line deluxe. Radio, heater, Power- p a i n t i n g and.- psperAanging ImraedUte occupancy. Inquire 82 Dougla.i -Motor.*, 333 .Mam. glule. In beautiful . condition INTeW a L GRINDERS street. Phone 2-4387. Amariean Layion Hall — Manehastar, Conn. alZnM for aald hearlnx be alren la all I to maintain free standing, Iqpltad , interior and .exterior,;^Jli^blnet Dehneiit. ttreet. peranra'known to be Intereated there.- I ground sign. .6' x A, which is loi* ■1-h'roiighntit’. Green flni'sh. ■ Doug- • Hbusfhnid Servfces ''building and building 'Tiiohf^t- (On Lrannrd St., which nma off-Main St., opposite State Armory) BATBEflRY ESTATES in tn.appear and be heard thrteon‘ by — .. .Q X K O W .V p R . _ _ SURFA^'GRINDERS CAPE dbo-Home, six rooms, two publtenina a cop.v of thin ,*r,.>r In aome_ cated approx. 48' from north rtde J?u'. lng-Call'Clig,^-4298. . . . Fuel and Feed 49-X ' BOLTON «ewa,'MiMtr ..iwiciaic. •. rjrcnlatlon. in O f f CaTed- ' .'-t ■ 13sA. rtn»R(dsli*!d;7 Hrt'water Fl've rikwb riwch h(D^^ I o f 'Tolland Tpke. W est of Hoeka- - - -Rova! 4-dno»! MAKERS a*!,.' Diatiict. at leaat five daya-befpre IW iIttllSON- Uni River) ReSidenra Zone- AJ-^t1 5939' CHRYSt'ERr-Ri...... P a i n t i n g , 'Exterfor aiidl'l'nterthr; WOOD;-, .aewohed;' diy,‘ ■tnv*':’iiir^1 BatnriafrOoHriior f l , 1SB2 nt lOiMI A.M; "'^W"'pWflibfj!ig7;4eii^ athd'tawn*; foot fr^ * Jbta:' 8)tuited!:htgh ftr The day'pTaald tiearinz; a-htThy maitlhf ^iwMiiisoa sedan. Radiosdiobheiter. lieat c,overs;| I^LA T FIN ISH :..H olland window paperWintflhg." ceilinga reflniah- flrtplae* lengths. Delivered iis]* Mga. , CtaW «a, a pin at $11,900. tha hilla of Brttoit Fsaturing pic­ :a reratercA letter oh -or brtoiw PBeeleakcf.' » a; I Oiak Lodge Bicr. for. permlarton .- . . — . ’ dL'IVnf. 2 Stiifivah.'* ''1 t shade* • —is made/ ^ eg A - A tom -mm measure. AH' A *f' ' Good Starting RiiW--- __;ober V |MI. aheofy of thIa order ;o [ to nMphIW>_ fro*, standing, Ughtad -.4200.v Deluxe 4- color f rfam. Easy terrris. Do :g- I Phone 2-1383. paymaat $S60Q., Immedlata occu ing available. To inspect these su­ afreet, Manctieaier. Conn.; Dorothy J, [ permission to sell rcligi(3US bortts handba*;* repa'red zipper re 'Rare 18th Century Frenrh Chippendale Bom he Chest, Rose* Simler. Brid*e atreet. Mancheater. DCr—Jet black . Radio header. la« Motors, 333 Main Street. CANNING Tomatoes, 4 pounds pancy. Arking price $13,600. S. A. burban homes, contact; Chnn., auardian ad :lltem fdr Robert M50 I in home and for permlarton to sell placement, umbrellas repalced, PAINTING and Decorating. Inter­ Apply Personnel Office wood with Inlay. Set of 4 17th iOatury Dutch Mhpancy. 1 year pM. First time her prejirninary xdmlnlftrxtlon arrount Charles VV.. Lathfop for permis­ 1951 -DeSoto Deluxe 4';Dr — Radm values huy gt Center Motor iSaleis. teration>. addition* and ' dormer Interviews 9 to 12 5:30. 1 Stand*, Empire P l e ^ Stenciled Settee. Small Vletorlaa Roa*- Pattern No. 5300 contains 19 Pattern No. 8882 U a aew-rit* Youngstown kitchen. Ceramic tUe 0*11 Jones Furniture and Flpor on the market. GI mortRage, with Mid c«tAte‘ to thia Court for al sion to trect a free atanding, im- ■ heater, seat covers. Low mlle- 461 Main street. _ . erection. Call Frank Contoi*. 1 to 3 Daily " motifs measuring 'frolri 4 1-2 perforated pattern in alzea 10, 12 bath. Combination storm win­ lowance. it !■ . Covering 36 Oak, Tel. 2-1041. WE BUY and sell good used furni­ Carved Spfa..Much'flae-decorated china, rholee Hems In Royal QRDERED: That tho 14th day of lighted ground sign, 26" x IT 't •ge- Hartford 8-7735: . Manchester Inches to 1 1-2 inches, transforing M. 16, 18, 20. Sisc 12. jarkin, l T-4 buyer may Msume.' |2,500 dows and screena. Hatchway. Hot ture, combination ranges, ga*| Wareeater, Royal Vienna, Canton, Dicadea, Royal Bonn, Limoges, October. I952.*at'ten o’clock, fore.coorf. which wiU be located approx. 12’ 19eg CHEVROI-ET Fleetlme two- 2-3997. Courses and Classes 27 and laundering directlona plus yards o f 39-Inch: skirt 2 1-4 yards. water oil heat. Owner forced to gt the Probate Offieo lo tfia Municipal 1950 FoLd 2-Dr. Deluxe—Heater-, door aedai]. Radio, haajer Newly range* and heaters Jones Furni­ Ironstone, Staffordshire, etc. Very fine Cut Glass, Crystal Stem­ cash to buy. i -• sacriflee. Shown by appolntipent BuUdInir In Mid ■ IfaiKheater. be and from sidewalk St 100 E. Center • new tire* and aeat covers simple' directions fOr making a ' '' overhauled motor, transmusmon. SPECIALIZING In repair*, altera­ DIESEL- Heavy equipment. Men PINEHURST GROCERY ture Store. 36 Oak. Phone 2-KKl. ware* some Pattern Glass. Sterling and^ Plated Silver. 2 Pqlr eowboy vest with fringe. For this psttsm/'^siend 30c in only> Elva Tj^Ier. 2-4469. the Mme la aaaiirned for a hearinff. on Street. Business Zone III. coins, your name,' aodreas, size de­ the allowance of aaid admlniatratlon Albert O. Therrien for permis­ 19.54) Dqdge Meadowbrook 4-Dr.— Call 2-473T.,..' tions. finishing attic roonyi* and are bei.ig' selected In thL» area to Sevres Candelabra. OIL PAIN'nKGS:---ltatlan*iiicboWl aad others. Send 25c in coin*. yoUr name, CHARLHS LESPERANCE account with aaid exHte and thia 'Court Dark green. Radio, heater. .Low- ba.serrrent play room*. Reasonable , be trained for high pay Job* as Has An Opening For sired, and the pattern number to Lots for Sale 71 directa that notlcf of the Jtme and sion to erect garage attached to 1951 FORD Country Squire. \Vay Few smaU O RnSN TA L RtTGS. Rogers Group, Large -folio CAi mileage. rates. Free eatimate*. Phone Diesel' njerhanic*. tractor bull- address and the pattern number SUE BUENETT. THE MAN- place aMlantd fdi^ Mid haarlnf he dwelling by breeaeway, which wlU- ' below ceiling price. Call'Rockville U'e need Ranch Home*,. Horae Priuf* Various rioeks, Lamp*, Herhanleal Toys. Curio* CHESTER EVENING HERALD, Phone 3620 flren.tia alt par#o|t* known tb he inter* be 3’ from east side hn* whidii is 2-0650. ' ' , doZer-.-qind crane operalora ma­ One Meat Cutter to ANNE CABOT. TBS MAN- eatec*' thcrela tb and be h<*ard 1949 Plymouth. Special Deluxe 4- '5-423J. ' Coleninls and Cape Cods and CoUeetor’a Items. 1189 AVE. AMERICAS. NEW OAKLAND Street 100’ x 200' lo t 3' closer than regulation* allow at ------rine Digael. parts man and ~many 0BE8TBR KVKNINO HERALD. WHITE STREET — AttracUee thereon ffy. pobllahfhr a eop’y of thli Dr.—Radio, heater, two tone 1949 CHEVP-OLKT Crmvcrlible. One Counter Man . at fair prices for our cash 1180 AVE. ABfBRICAS, .NEW YORJt gd. N. Y. AU utilities in. Phone $535.. orto'er In aoma hkwapaper having a x:ir‘ 32 Devon Drive, Rertdance Zone other jobs in thU rapidly expand- four, mom aiagM, cxpandahle at- gray. Fully equipped. In exiieiient conr Florists— Nurserleii ‘ 15 caateoierB. iQakk, tereteo An tmportaat aalo of ru n and taitereattng oMrtnge. L m *.'.(| YORK fid. N. Y. cttUUon_____ In pAldpaid IDiatrict, at leaat five ln,g induatry. Ig j’ou, are mechan- —no tape, . ' Tldehinen. Rekdy for you now-r-B*aie tk, full dormer, flrepkee, pictiu* SabarMs |6r Sak 75 daya before the * <»; 194r 8tu(Jeb(^er' Champaon 4-;Dr. earning* yoiu o'x-e-lt to youraelf tend thU Hearing. Bob Oliver. Center Motor Sales. hyacinth*, d^odiia,^ crocua, Ulle*. Needlew’ock is chock-fuU of grand This new Issue is filled with MnatkM *creer.s. stonn aanh. Yard 'BOLTON—New four , room house, thia' order aMrepaed to Florence -M THE HOME OF FtIfNDLY SERVICE to find , out whether or pot you Sentiff, 133 weat atreet. Manchester, ZONING BOARD OF A P iy A IH -yRadio, Mater, Eoo^.'.iirq*. -461 Main.. largest / glze. 'Ghryaanthemum designs, 'j^ua exciting features and ideas for smart, practical sewiag faacad in. Saada tre«a. Immadi- French road. AU modern con­ 373 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER ! -'planU. Perennial* evergreen*. can qualify. For free Informatton PINEHURST GROCERY JARViS REALTY veniences Over acre land. Ceptrtr CaniLv Itfdtvtduatly and aa auardian ad Wilkam H. Btarti. Ki Raksrt.M. R«M I Rn , gictlsneri d gift pottera printed in the book, for a new 'season; gift pattern ala occupancy. $14,000 terms. littoi for MblUIm .. fantiim. mminor. George H. Marlow, Beerrtary 1940 HUDSON sedan., Very clean, ' shrub*, fruit treea.'Woodlano Qar- without obligation' wnte; Trac­ 9® mata. ' laatds tha book. Me. GooflchlM A fiaey. RaaltarA T92S^ . B^tnga Itoalty Co. noaa BB^ JOHM j; WALL!,wtT, BROWK-BEAXTPRE 302 Main Street , ' 291 MAIN ST.,'Pho«o 9198' RAYMOND R, R E ^ , phOM 74M __ - ' 9 good tir«*v Running condition, 1^ dens, 168 Woodland street. Phone tor Traming Service, Inc.,-Box P PHONB 41U - M . BlaMU 8t, ^ . Phone 7191 $95. 14'8 Lenox street. 8474. /H erald. , . 1 ' 1 ..t - ' 4.- '•U ) ... /

'.g V4-..;e,4r >* i 7 ■r

T ;■ :4 " , / . ■i THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9^ 1952 o m o r r o w • ' '■'fs f a q e t w e m t y 4iattri|gHgr- jj^ralb l ^ mm^ntarR WiU Be Made in Town Clerk’s Office

"■’ Attorned -AnMiOilT «hd WSSley' ^’^'r*i«mljar» - a t iiCanjpJwy; .CmifijSlij Gryk and' John D. LaBelle, Ella KnighU of Columbus, and the K ytH ie DaRjf Net 1*re8S ttiin I ■ Foreenst of il. S. iVa BareM Abolit Town M. Quish, Katherine Bourn and Mancheater Laymens Retreat For the Week Ended a '" William beHan attended the meet­ League are»a*ked to. meet tomor- Guest at Shower Oct. 4, 195t ing held at the Hotel Bond ball- rownlght at~8:4S at the K. of C. m o ^ Fair cold tonight with frodt; Amtmg the b lrth \ recorded «l fOom in Hartford last night (or the H om e, from where they will pro­ minimum 84. 44atiirdajr a' o liie ceed to the W. P. Quish Funeral Miss Elaine' Burkhardt of 18 « ■ the Hertford Hpepitm, on ^Blhlc to- j 4;30 p. m. It .will be 'conducted commerclat course. He plans to, crepe paper, below which a wheel-1 D oyle night will be on “Thf Ten Com- j bv Father Valler J. Relily. S. J. enter the Public Accounting field . harr'w in the. same color scheme ■ - mndments."’ These Bible- i Reservations%aji be madeby tele­ upon'eonapletion of-his education, held-nh4«y or the glttsr * - ^ ^ Sion and prayer meeting.' are held | at the Hartford Institute of Ac- ; each Thursday night at 8 o clock | phoning or writing to the' Rever­ Follow^g opening of the gifts, l¥lndicale(d end Mother Su^rior. Convent bf counting and ultimately become ' the guests^ere seated at indivi­ Frozen Food Spdeiats In the, Federation Room of the a Certified Public Accountant. Center Congregational C h u r c h Our Lady of IheXCenacle. Wads­ dual tablea ^ e r e they enjoyed a ‘— and anyone interested is invited, worth street, MiddlMp't n. buffet lunch including a shower COFFEE REAL SPECIAL— lIRDS EYE Wa.8hingtoh, Oct, 10—:(/P) ; Francis E. Miner,, 34 Linden cske decorated imgreen andjrellow. *:-H6u8e investigators today ’ street,- is In Tndranspolis, Ind. this j T.«WTsne# J. Gaskell. seaman, i. Mr. and Mrs. .John F,^Bau.so1a of MIS! Burkhart wdll become the Fre.sli Ground Ike Dons Spanish Altire sent financial records to the . AA«UXlU.S-_^—T-avrrwne# J. liaSKeil. srniiinn. V - » -. a -i...... trm - Vi ...... - WOrO 1 v/eek attending the Jiatlonal execu- ; of" MrT7nd“^ AndoverLahe have- rec4«-ed word j tlve committee meetings of the 1 bride of Emit Schultz >0f Spruce • ^ t l c Justice Department and In­ La. OMkell of 13R Florence ?lrert. of the birth of a stieet on Saturday. iOlrt. 18. at CHICKEN J^eSuy iifticip al^ in operation rine .<=gt. and^ Mrs. R m V d C. I American Legion. Mr. Miner ia, SNOW CROP ternal Revenue Bureau which serretar.v of the Connell for Qom- 2:.30 p.m. in the North Methodist might prompt an income tax Main Bra^, aboard the escort air* j ^ ’ i mander committee. IChurch. . ■ VTounded Moved BaidC from Fronl Lilies craft carrier USS Mindoro. ’ Oceanside, Calif. . 6RAPEFRUIT A l l F a c t s investigation of Howard L. Mass Mor \ AND Doyle, veteran U. S. Attorney ior jLhe..-Sp,uthern District. of ORftNBMIHGE ■4 Illinois. The documents concerned Doy­ le's outside legal earnings of at Yie r s h e y ^ 1 3 c Phoenix, Ariz., Oct. 10— least 886,517 above- his salary be­ Base o g o l d ,j>(e d a l (yP) —General Dwight D. tween 1945 and 19.50 and the in­ come taxes he paid on them.' His- SNOW' CROP Eisenhowier said today he Seoul, Kor4a, Oct. 10*—\ POTATOES Arriving In Phoenix. Eisenhower subcommittee yesterday that he massed- I6,000i - fresh troopsi S L t. 2 Cans WB* asked this question: had "overlooked" A $5,000 legal "May we have an an-swer direct­ fee he retsiv.ed In 1945, and had within easy striking distance BAG ^OY Ifi Ozs. 1 9 c ly ■ from you to the question filed an amended income tax re­ o/ the blo^-soaked hill. ' . whether you intend to make public turn last week to cover it. 7 Intelligence officers 'said the ★ ★ before .election time your Income He said he discovered the over­ Comm.unlsts could commit. twa ★ meet boys tax returns or a financial state­ sight, a fee' from the AmericAn fresh divisions to battle At any 25 LB. ment giving substantially the Distilling Co., one of his private time. BAG Coulioii in Box of •ame information." | clients, after the company's attor The fanatical Chinese atomied TENDER. MEATY. GENUINE SPRING TENDER, SUPREME QUALITY Elsenhower replied: ney told him the House committee up the slopes with screemg And "Of course. If anyone is inter­ had subpoaenaded the cancelled curses' and pushed valiant SouUi Premium ested they can have a report -as chepk. Korean defendera .off the lidge ■oon as it is completed. It is vir­ Even with this added payment, line; - PREMIER SLICED tually all a matter of public record committee counsel Robert Collier The bone-weary UN troofM - Fr e m ie r Crackors Worth anyway.” said the committee had faund scrambled right back to tha tep / ■ May Wllhhold Part Do'yle’s outside legal income for and battled the Reda hand to hand LEGS OF This statement came after re­ In a drenching rain for half an 1945 WM al/least $250 more- than BEETS ASPARAGUS Towanl ports that Eisenhower had no In- reported, in his tax returns and hour before surrendering thp Ciaat -■V-l tentiorr at-thi.s-tifrtt^>f making hls^ ifilght b«y$3.000 nib're again. 6nancial affaira public. iQoylexAsfifled h* kept no files Rlittbp Brawl 2 C an s All Green Cut Spears Purehan of Elsenhower's statement t h 1 a on his private, law practice and The wild fighting broke off at morning did not make clear his ^ ly personal financial records 9 p. m. with the ^Ih ese in con-, whether he Intended tp open his Pkg. consisted j<6t scribbled memos troi. The South Koreans hugged TBNDER.^ASTY Lipton Soup Mix full income tax returns for public which he usually destroyed. He the south slope 150 yards from inspection. But some of his aides said he had no record of his 1945 the top. Public Market Home Cure 89c said the statement did not mean Income. Earlier reports said a “hilltop RIB LAMB CHOPS necessarily ’ income tax returns Rep. Keating (R-NY) remtqded brawl” swirled around the peek ;x' would be opened. Doyle that the income tax law >c- In almost pitch darkneM. Rede MEATY They left the Impression that a quirea taxpayers to keep a full set and South Koreans fought It out financial statement of some kind of books and that criminal penal­ ' wounded men to rear line eld. stations In Korea bs the Chinese Bede c o n tl^ with grenades, rifle butte and Fresh FruH and Vegetables will be thrown open (or inspection, Mggest offenslvo of the year. Minutes efter thbi picture wm taken, enemy srtll LOIN LAMB CHOPS S1.19 however, which they say would ties are provided for failure to do bared bayonets. CORNED BEEF give virtually, a complete story of Dwight D. Elsenhower, OOP presidential Candida^ so. by, but no men were InJwr^ (NEA Telephoto).______' It was the seventh time today Missing tlirrks- that savage closc-tn fighting haa THRIFTY ^ IpreIm ier c u l t iv a t e d ! GRANDMOTHERS the general’s financial pdkitlon. Hpnnlaii aombrero and aerape, presented to Urn. his a ^ v “' A N 1 S T Bch. — Off-Record Talk —-.... SiUi Diego. CaMf.. airport. Following ^ pniwde Ifaroiigh the down­ Doyle said he knew .thia and add­ swept across, the rubbled crest f t BONELESS BRISKET t" 89c LARGE DESSERT FANCY Last Sunday, in an qff-the-rec- town aectton of the city he spoke to a huge CMwd at a ^11 park. ed that his inability to account the Vital t>eak, ' V SHOULDER LAMR CHOPS 89c Crowd waa estimated by police oltlclala to be ton thousand people. for the missing checks of 1945 A pelting rain atarted Juat altar ord conversation with several d a ^ .T t aosked the weariad aol- dozen newsmen, Elsenhower had (AP XL’lrephoto). '______* was “the most negligent perfor­ 3IEATY / BLUEBERRIES MINCE MEAT | SPIN AC H Lb. indicated he ■ did not intend to mance a man can make so far as dlers who have'been-fighting eoA- R IB C U T S 35c Lb. I make a-public statement of hlf keeping account of money is con­ ttnuoualy more than four daya. LAMB FOR STEWING 35c personal finances. x cerned." A front line officer aald It WM He agreed with Keatingig thatLnav th^ j BO dark bn the crest that the fta- At thst time, he said; Count 108 Dead Issuer Truman public of Korea.j Lb. 1 LB. SOUP BUNCHES 23c "I don't tee why I AbouM danca Coal Strike proper procedure would h e t b f ^ to the other fellow’a tune. I ward hla financial recordards t o ^ e _ tw* grope thelf TENDER CHUCK - 89c JAR 8EEDLE.S.S haven't decided, but/as of how, III Train Wreck Justice department,/ /'i. By THE ASSOCIATED PRE.S8. cioiAWith the Reds, From Nearby Coventry The 58-year-old attorney' wm » Only Identlflcatian don't think I'll d o ^y th in g aboutJI Wednesday / President Truman charged He said the South Koreans had- / A For Harrow, Eng.. Oct. 10—(4*i— summoned by the Chelf /p-Ky.) GRAPEFRUIT 2 2 3 c subcommittee, which is^vestiga- Conviction 4oday that Gen. Dwight D. F ren^ Hail one simple rule for fighting in the A FREE HEAD Of CABBAGE But upon a rri^ l in Phoenix this The recorded death toll from dark: If they felt a shaved head Fresh Dressed Yeung FOWLS 39e morning, the/geperal's press sec- Wednesday's triple train craah ting the Justice department, for Eisenhower is being .“just questioning about _ ^ is outside in the hand-to-hand fighting .they Given with each pHrchaie of corned beef. Teader, dellrlniis. reUry. Jan^s C. Hagerty. told re­ Considered here rose to 108 loda.v. plain dishonest” in his cam­ knew it must belong to a Chinese. Sweet Potatoes 2 i,b.. 2 5 c porters: / . Digging In the debris went activities while V . ^ Attorney at Of, Delaney paign for the presidency. Pinay over That was ail the Identification ■'V ONE PIE "The/(feneral bas..not got a com on slowly. Springfield since yl835. This was Accusing the general and hla they wanted. MciNT08H > plete^port yet. If anyone has any Washington, Oct, 10— UP) Railway officials said they the first open hearing concerning backers of spreading loo.se c h a rts 'The officer srtd the only sounds Cooler Weather J^alls For Public roi^nterest they, of course, can —The Wage Stabilization feared more bodies still were a U. S. Attonury's office although about Communism and corruption W to liS . from the hilltop Were "the screams SUGAR CURED BACON *^^598 P U M P K IN / , ^e a look." Board began consideration to­ burled In the .w reckage. several have/oeen probed by the Heid Unfair In government as a smokescreen to when someone is knifed and the HUNTS Lb>. 2 9 c Elsenhower's campaign mana­ aubsommlt^. hide the issues. Truman declared: moans of the wounde.d.” Because ailred, rello wrapped. APPLES ger. GOV- Sherman Adams of New day of the wage raises won la st night 94 Injured atill The cimmlttee recessed indefi­ Market Home Made Sausage were In hospitals. Another 63 Boston, Oct.VlO—(/P)—The Telling Half Tniths Paris, Oct. 10—(JP)- Pre of the darkness, the big guns of o ^ U A S H Hampshire, was asked if this by the United Mine Workers nitely i ^ h no announced plans (or "The Republicans /flier Antoine Pinay' -was both sldea-wece silent. EC0N03IICAI., BONEI.ESS mgant reporters would be able to Union headed by John L. had been released ^ e r treat­ future/hesrlngs. Collier said Doyle U. S. Circuit Court of Ap- pgign are telling more imii-wumn / , Tomato Sauce these (Irianclal statements. ment. by, the p'reneb iiress The .Routh Koreans' launched Lb. TOKAY GRAPES 2 & 25c Uewis. might be recalled later for ques­ peals toda.v set aside the con- —more deliberate, unvarnished lies liailen their attack fjroiiva line about 100 2 C an s tioning on other matters. in any other campaign of today as “the man yarns below the crest st 8:.30 p.,m. SMALL BREAKFAST LINKS u. 69c SMOKED (Coaanmd on Pago Ten) .vktloa of Denis \V, Delnnei: 3 C a n s I*urely L6cal Matter former Collector'of Internal 'my reconectlo'n." " who knew how to sdy no to TOey apparently ran headon into Each Cincinnati, Oct. K>—<^)t“ Doyle testified that on his in­ The President hurled this new the Americans.” /'The pre­ the Chinese, who were pushing HOHEYDEWS 29c John L. Lewis was reliably come tax return he had reported Revenue, who was given a broadside st the OOP high com­ their, way slowly forward. TASTY SAUSAGE MEAT Jb59c Tories Launc one- payment of $7,500 from the two-year sentence and fined mand In a‘speech pTtepared for de­ mier’s “n 6 /-^ ^ 4 iis refuaul reported today to be con- to accept an Aimrican outline “ The ROK# stormed back to the Firms PrQtesi 8i(lerin(f a nationwide American Distilling Co. in 1945 $10,500 for accepting bribes livery at Rochester, N. Y. / crest less than two hours after a strike unless the government but had no record of receiving and falsifying tax liens. Though his campaign im n was which reporjredly, detailed fresh bsttslion (about 750) of FANCY ITALIAN^SAUSAGE Lb B9c Red Purge another $5,000 from the.aanie com­ crossing Gov, T hom as,^ Dewey’s, how the U. & expeHs France screaming Chinese drove them-; MEAT DEPARTMENT Plan: to Drain Wage Stabilization board ap- pany. He said he represented the The decision leaves It up to th"e home state on s 436-n«le run to from-the top to the base of the hUl xn compan.v on "purely local matters." Attorney General whether a new New York City, Truniaii avoided to employ U: S. aid. \ * •• • ^ • jiroves the union’s recently trial will be ordered or whether The outline, according to'Amerl- mass. negotiated pay boost by next Trade Unii> ns and said thia and other private st Rochester any mention of The Chinese surged forward in You learn In. school thalY’ou can “prove” a problem by Windsor CanW legal accounts were permissible the case will be dropped. Dewey. xan officials, was a written sum­ Wednesday. Delaney’s right to a fair trial be­ mary of/remarks which U. S. Am­ FOR THIS one / “casting out nines.” Biit/liere are some nines that don't Scarborough'; E n ^ Oct. 10—(4>) He said Gov. Adjal Stevenson, (Ooatinned on Page Ten) PII.LSnURY'S Lewis sent hlS chief legal lieu­ (Continued on Page Ten) fore an unprejudiced Jury was the Democratic presidential nomi­ bassador James C. Dunn made to Windsor Lock?, Oct. 10—(/Pi—A tenant, Welly Hopkins, flying — B r 11 a 1 n's CoBiiervatives de­ want to be cast out 'caiuse each one rep/^sents a very state Highway department plan to clared war today'on CJommuniata denied him by an avalanche of un­ nee, is "of the same mold” n.s three PinayJs Budget Secretary Felix FIRE BRAND from the .United Mine Workers favorable publicity before the other New Yorkers -Sen. Herbert Gatllanl Monday when Dunn de- worthwhile reduction in food cost.ior yoo: . _ empty the Windsor .Locks canal union convention here to confer in the nation’s tfade unions. CAKE M IX here to erect a temporary bridge The decision, which followed trial, in the circuit court's opinion. H. Lehman and the late Alfred E, llvgred an official •letter saying Britain Reject^ RATH’S BLACKHAWK BRAND—AI.L SIZES was under Ore today from 'two today with thq WSB in Wash;ng- complaints thbt the Churchill gov­ I'nanlmous Derision Smith and Franklin D. Roosevelt. much the U. S. might give J PINK SALMON Revised Bible The decision was written by As fo r Eisenhower, Truman said ranee in military aid in the cur­ White. Golden. Chocolate paper manufacturing companies. TTie problem, it was understood, ernment ittaU the movement’s 1 Lb. Tin Representatives of the C. K. union supporters like stepchildren, Judge Csisrert Idaghidcr and was the general has learned nothing,, rent fiscal year. U. S.- officials New , Re^ Plim FRESHLY CHOPPED FxtraSpecial Lb, Dexter Company and the Windsor may complicate the current po- got msiMroacking from 4,000 dele­ Issue Studied unanimous. Concurring were about most n( the election issu said the summary was not an of­ DAISY h a m s 69c Locks Paper Company said empty­ Urical situation. ; . gates pt the party's annual con- Judges Peter Woodbury and John during a lifetime in the Arm.'"- ficial communication or memoran­ 2 Lbs. ing the canal would force them to Lewis, who seemed to be on the ventiC— Hsrtigsn. and: , dum in the diplomatic sense. On Prisjraers $1.10 BONELESS. CHOICE BEEF > auspend all operations. Ti)ey ex­ verge of endorsing Democratic A/esolution was adopted pledg- By Lutherans The publicity which preceded “ Since he left the A rn / he HAMBURG,^” 59c BUMBLE BEE plained that: production is depend- presidential nominee. Gov..fv.L Adlal ins/the Conservatives to resist the Delaney's trial in Boston stemmed hasn't even attempted to master (Continued on Page Ten) . ent on water and that electricity is Stevenson of Illinois, affei-, sp' lo sin g of union control "into , the the complex problems / f civil, London. O ct,/l0—^ the 'oiiUaw 'ibe' clog^ a.bdp,,.,'..;!,.; ". . .Danbury Medical tij^ety .renews against Communism fpr.- selflin AlfTody Oppoea Prtnelplas V EA L CHOPS Ijert Hill isid today he-has been bisic daily wage miners to G. C. ■'Barker, who apurpbsea.' Truibati hod answered cries •It was not acceptable anyway,.^ la touch with rejpresentatlv«-of; f If iWpHlw A l— CAPONS FOIL , An announcement that Govempr parents promise to pay veterinar­ Hartley labor relations act pro-1 ian's -bill. Archbishop Reyes At leant five A m er^na were Red Deputy Hints 46 Oz. vided the political fare Served up Lodge soon will begin campaign'in Greek Election Set Milk producers of six norlh- killed and three others Injured LOPS, SMALL STEW OYSTERS, FRESH TASTY LAM B FA T T IE S 2 ^ StJ)9 Fpoliiiaii Kills 2, to Democrat# in New. HavAn i M t (Tonnecticut and will discuss state —ohe of them . aeriously—In S li9 isaues,' but not, his associates, said, , eastern states push enlistment of Of Philippines i)ies Britain's tslple tirain smash New, Better Arms FRYING CHICKENS night at a big parly rally. F o p lV o V F * IlllM * r 14$: dairymen in fight against sale of Hurts Lady Derby Senator Paul H. Douglas (D.- because . Democratic Btate Chair­ r u r they csll 'imitation dairy Wednesday Which claimed $08 ' , J — t SHRIMP. ah rut up. rmdy for thr pnn. • _ man John M. Bailey h M been M k - ), '____ Hl.i, the chief speaker, declared produelt".C ol. llsrley S.. Jones, Washington, OcL 10 — (/P) — lives and Injured 170 more. Moscow. Oct^ that Republican leaders, including Ing him to. / former' chairman of Air Mfiteriel Archbishop Gabriel )t. Reyes of Viet Union’s war mlnUter. haatoW Our iMultry doim rf^t kat frask tuittys, Presedt, Eng., Oct. Ift—(A5— A presidential candidate Dwight D. A debate in' Bridgeport be(weei», Athens, Greece. OcU '10— —- INDICT CHINA TKADER wm the rival candidates '(Or the (our Kihg Paul , today set Nov. 16 as Command's B-47 .production com­ ■the Philippine Islands died today the Ail-Soviet Communist Party teen-aged apprentice footman Elsenhower, concurred w«h Demo­ at Georgetown Hospital. He wm Washington, Oct. 10—