.F f h i r ^:-y. 1 - ■ I I V ' ......‘ '■ ’ ■ r ' Th« Wwithfr />■ ’ r • • ’ /I A^Iffe Net Press Run i-t-'X'-«.s$a6a-j - 4. ForecMt of D. K Weather Baieee> '8 , 1952 j ■ -•' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, €ONN^ ^yED^fESDAY, O' -i,. For the Week Ended 1 ^ H f l 1 '■-•'■'' ••• ■ ■__ Oct. «. 1B« ____ ___ . ' • -T TV OonalderaMn Moadlanao, eoel, Plart lohit ' lod,.Vl0d£69 h«ve i»«vc i.™ fcfvw..* ----■ ..— t)ct'..i i — »*, indixU 4 recepUon; IT t T - UUU .t"Ciiowg menta wHt be available^ There wiU 1 0 ,6 7 2 wUM poeSIble light la to W a tonight ux. •fop--Melegxt** i » . «t. ; Beni»r«:«, and Ptiday. Mtonanai loglglit, 45-: . i -, -1 • *#.ii’vx«»-tw*ase^ .... ..vuv-jt, . ■ ^^sQuare dancW; ^ 'CTifi'i«h‘'A ia »y 'itt d'p.Tit. s»tiiir*0ti' Dance;-^;- 'S * In^f and e Dflillooft ullnc^e Member ,ar the Audit V place at the mectlpg opr^ t iieaoW> ♦ bureau at Ctrenlationa ^ah(phe$f€i^A CUy^of yiUage Charm a Ma*« for the delegatee and nsem- ■ . •' •■ 'vv: '’ / : _ a.;There will be,priies for •/ Add 23 Members «•; «■ S»S: bera in S t Bernard’* Church at 8 There are » 2,7^ ^ r t h « xin. will bejollow'ed by a break- King David Lodge, lOOF. and _ ^atuiifea, _ _ . - quakes.per dav/bn earth, Says th# i l ^ ■ >' . teeof*ri*ngeineiit*, arid Rev.'John (TWENTY PAGES) . , P R IC E . F IV E C S m fart 'at 9 a.m. in the Elks carriage Sunset Rebekah Lodge NoyS9 of i r t l f m v i^ National Geographic Society. - , - (Claaaltted Ad'-erttslng oh Page 1.8) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1952 ' . ' t y I MikKiMM- X ■ ■ e m b 1V. Cntholic f i . - a.uum 'v.-ill be the epeeker. houiie on North Park street. The Manchester will hold a joiht Hal- thpir. friends are cordially invited VOL. .LXXI1, NO. 8 convention-and banquet at 6:30 -----■ . t'T-'T-^------------------------------------^ nlfht in the K. ot C. ' venUon to b«r Held in RockvHi» \ p.m. wiU be held at the sArte place. / . ■ '7 ' AU members are welcojne to at­ 4 ■V tend both this breakfast and the Front Line Aid in Korea banQuet, and are advised to make reservaliapa with the president^^ Mrs. John Hayfordr-^ Oct, 11. H&use*s Mrs.'^Hayford and the following delegates were elected-; Mrs. Ed­ :/■ gar Noel. Mrs. W illard Begley, Mrs. John Tierney, Mrs. Arthur \ Smachettl. Alternates are Mrs. Ro­ bert Culver, Mrs. Howard Beaiipre, Mr*. Charles Hubbard. Mr*. Timo­ thy Horan and Mrs.- Paul Newman, / .’.vaagaggsBiit y'. Ryan ' and jifr*. Morton Tlnktf y were' apjmlhted a committee to y' inzEi 4 f0 12 bring In the name of a successor to tho> president. Mr*. John Hay- .fftrd._a,t_the,ne^t m Mr*. Wreckaite of T h r^ Trains Outside London \ Hayfprd and her children will leave' Claims Taft soon to JOiti her husband, who has been tranyferred-to-Jltlwaukee. ■— *-iv" ' -V Mr*. Richard Post. Chairman for the Girl Scout commUnion break­ 11 Extra Feesi Ig Dicfatmg fast. Nov. 2, in St. James’ Hall^ s G A B SHXKT reported plans well under way. A h | Catholic Girl Scouts in town arc 1 Hit 0001 To General Th« tmartMl •Mlties M >velcom* to attend. It was also , voted to donate the sum of $3 to Fhnrar that •sf bey'i W fdrebe the Girl Scout Fund drive. Washington, Ocl. 9— {/F)— 1 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ' h • eeh«rd)fiii,(Mftl Howard L. Do.vle/told House I Adlai Stevenson and Bresi* • H* «•« w W It *• Jitvestigators today he earned ■ dent T'ruman let loose today **••1—efkeei* Court lo Aii8Wer 88,6,000 in outside legal fees with/ a (jirie-two Democratic •prvM h up whli « chill cunt kill purtch at Dwight^senhower, between 1945 and 1950W hile /the Republican presidential - On Referendum Irralri Photo. serving as U. S. attorney for faeeauMtbi" candidate. — :— — Hcrt’i M tr that ktaps its Am U nm .southcinAllinois. eumiwMr CMin efsn T/Sgt. Jacob Laguaa effectively The total, he agreed, was nearly _ In Kansas City, Stevenson, tk* Hartfordj^JOct. 8-- i4’^—It Is how •vtii wfcM strvM k* cbM,. ^ y •scWitg Ml selen debunked all the old wisecracks maby and Austria. Now sYatloned double his salary but he conlend- Democratic nominee, called an««n- — aad Hwy're alt up tjo.,-tke Connecticut Supreihe at Omaha. Neb., Lugu.za l!s iiv^an- — ------------- , cd hi* outside practice was *o hower i’the honorary candldats •ed tWy't* < abo'jt Ol cooks and the choW they chester on leave. He la ataylng lallmtiiM is A8B|i'brtw>A^ Ravtrl Court of ' Error* to an*wer the Two wounded UN sordler* receive medical Sid at front line medical station on the western small he never kept record* or Pf«»Went.” Ha aatd Sen. Ro)>- w^dieWel sling last night when he served a with his brother-in-law, Andrew ert Taft of Ohio really la dictatiar Que*tlon of whether a referendum spaghetti supper, -at the. I^FW To.mko, at 29 Bretton road and _ arnre than f 000 Chliese’ Beds opened up With a barrage of attacks that rettorw ra'I 'c maintained an outside office. This A ll year round, nothing quenched hlraert ^ ‘IHnU of coffee from an aid-man , private practice, he aaid. was en- the GOP campaign.' .... - ^ will be held in New Haven iitt the Home at Manchester Green. , •'jiist reiaxtng.” Membera o f the Anderson-Shea thirat like really oold beer. unconscloti*. w e lv m plasma preparafoiy to M-lWg evacuated to safety. (N EA TelephQto). llrely le»al and did not in%»olve Truman told a Criiwd M Aarfar- ‘ Nov. 4 election on a council-mana­ - During part of the time he spent son, Ind., that IfiaanlHni^ "h u Port and their veteran guests were Ballantine bream for flavor. F of . _1_____ ________ _— . -------------- -—^^----------- :— ■ . ■ < ' I ca.'c.s which concerned the govern­ ger charter for the city. unkind in Japan, Luguza ran an A ir Force ment. ^trayed almoat evarythtna I / ready to take back the lightneMi yea! For dryness, o f course! The state'* high court reserved hotel there. 'Ibis resort hotel thought he stood for." , -^4 ^ 7 tlirnga they had aaid in the past accommodated about 50 families of File* .'\mended Return. about the culinary ability of serv­ But first, last, a ^ alWays, . Ike Talks TbMgkr^^l '7” ^ '^ its opinion yesterday after hearing Air Force members. Doyle also testified; he had filed I argument* by attorney Thomas G. ice cooks. And just tO silence any His job was much like that of a Ballantine brews for flavor. The South Kdi^earis Win Crest an amended Income tax return last California. He will deliver a luajori rumor that the sergeant can Qpok J Meeker of New Haven, represent- club steward. He managed the fine, full Savor that chill can’t killl week to. jo v e r 1.3.000 in outside at Lo* An^a. ii ^ipg the council-manager' support­ in spite of and not because o l^ ls legal fee.s which he said he over­ service training, Luguea learned me,*s. the bar, and other hotel Pour yourself a gUaa from a ai:30 p. m. e.s.t., ABC radio.) ers, and corporation counsel George facilities and .turned the profits looked in 1945. I ^ e crowds hailed Steveiiaon G. EiCenio of the Ekn City. to cook in the Army. Of course, he bottle or can tight off the ice. has hsd IT ye»rs practice by now back to the “ club.'' Vital White Horse Hill. • He said 'he made the return and, aa he moved Into the DemocraUc The arguments started during ThougJ] he will be forced by Air Take a full sw Jlpw! See what paid the tax on this extra amount Tfhl* t* a general view ef wrecl ___ In a freak oolUslon at Harraw, Eng- strongHqld of Miaaouri, It^m ah’s the summer when the council-man­ in the Army and the Air Force, of hoine Btate. CEHOllSESSffli which he is now' a member. Force policy to remain in the we mean by deep-flavor brewedt^ after learhtng that a House Ju­ land, 'during the height nf the momli ynfterday. /^W’reckagc here ia piled high aa reecoer* ager advocates sought to block a I.’iigilza. who'a been a cook and United States for about six more Seoul* Friday, Oct. 10—(/P) y-r ^ _ • ______ diciary aubcommittee had suh- push search for snn’lvara and TIrephote J<y radio from Lowdoa) The DemociwUc candidate famk’ special-election called-for Sept. 16 month* (he has served here since oenaed hi* bank account and his tho^ OccMion to E E N -b^ the ■ Board-of .Aldarmcn.and jnW »erg«ant, b« .‘h* ^atiusty)V taignza -I* aager- far ►eWT/—ri,™ yr-H sxJW W ue.'«.‘ JSoutii l& irQ ail tl4op,a GRtlv , . l 1 „ . , . ^ ^ 7 I t R lI tHS ’ ■Ihcdme* liiix retiif^ It*’ 'iMVestt-”'' ’f'-.... warm iSlfth a asked instead for a Nov. 4 refer­ scHmcc*, his spjvsd in JEpan,. today stormed through a haiT ^ Korea, Africa, Italy, France, Ger- overseas duty again. i gation of hia"6Tnce. on the President since the heart endum. of Re,d fire and drove Chinese I Robert Collie'r, airbcommittee Japan Princess o^ the campaign. I forces from atop White Horse ; counsel, said this additional return U. S. Blasts Death To^ Man et ladependenee Taft to hill, focal point of battle in Tanker of ■ still left a $250 di.screpancy be- TeyWed Fanner In an obvioua play on w'orda, he ‘ i the big Communist drive I tween Doyle’ s private legal earn- hailed Truman as "A man o f h i/ I ing for 194.3 and the $15,000 he dependence”—the President cosim noi’th o f Seoul.
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