Mosaic data files: Documentation of harmonized variables, Version 1.9

Dr. Siegfried Gruber University of Graz Southeast European History and Anthropology Mozartgasse 3, 8010 Graz - Austria +43 316 380-2377 email: [email protected]

April, 7th , 2015 Table of Contents

About Mosaic data files and their distribution ...... 1 Overview of variables ...... 3 General overview ...... 3 Table 1: Harmonized variables of Mosaic data files by data level and alphabetic order ...... 4 Table 2: Order of harmonized variables in Mosaic data files ...... 6 Variable description in alphabetic order ...... 7 age (age) ...... 7 country code (country) ...... 8 enumeration identification number (id_enum) ...... 10 first name (fname) ...... 13 group quarter status (gq) ...... 14 household identification number (id_hhold) ...... 15 household size (hhsize) ...... 16 household weight (hhwt) ...... 17 last name (lname) ...... 18 literacy (lit) ...... 19 marital status (marst) ...... 20 occupational code in OCCHISCO (occhisco) ...... 21 occupational title (occupat) ...... 36 person identification number (id_pers) ...... 37 person weight (perwt) ...... 38 place code (place) ...... 39 presence of person at enumeration (presence) ...... 61 quality flag age (qage) ...... 62 quality flag household (qhhold) ...... 63 quality flag household relationship code (qrelate) ...... 64 quality flag marital status (qmarst) ...... 67 quality flag sex (qsex) ...... 68 region (region) ...... 69 relationship to household head (relate) ...... 73 relationship to household head original (relateor) ...... 76 religion (relig) ...... 77 sex (sex) ...... 78 type of enumeration (enumtype) ...... 79 urban-rural status (urban) ...... 80 year of enumeration (year) ...... 81

About Mosaic data files and their distribution

The Mosaic project distributes European historical census microdata. Every interested researcher can download data for his/her own research free of charge. The only condition is that you register as a user with the Mosaic project and cite the data properly. Please keep in mind that most data released by the Mosaic project is not representative of a region or country, especially in cases where the data stems from research concentrating on one specific settlement.

The following requirements exist for a data file to be included in the Mosaic project: • The data source should list individual persons, preferably by name • The data source should list all persons of a settlement or area, not only household heads, men, or adult people • The data source should list individuals by residence units (houses, hearths, domestic groups, or households)

Characteristics that should be either given explicitly or possible to infer: • Age • Sex • Relationship to household head • Marital status • Place of enumeration • Year of enumeration • (first name) • (last name)

Harmonized Mosaic data files are distributed via the data section of the Mosaic website ( ). There is a zipped file available for each dataset, which contains three files: • a CSV file with codes for each variable • a CSV file with value labels for each variable • a readme file with the citation you must use for this dataset and a short description of the dataset

The CSV file with codes for each variable can be imported into any software able to read CSV files. Scripts are available for importing CSV files into SPSS and R.

The CSV file with value labels for each variable can be used by persons who do not want to use statistical software for analyzing the data, but prefer to use a spreadsheet program like MSExcel or Calc.

Note: These files use Unicode (UTF-8) for character encoding, the “.” as the decimal separator, the semicolon as delimiter of columns, and lists the variables in the first line of the file. If your software uses the “,” as the decimal separator, you have to open the CSV file with an editor and replace the “.” with “,” before importing the file.

1 Data checking Basic checks have been performed to ensure that Mosaic data files do not contain obvious errors. Errors could happen at different stages of producing these data files: • Enumeration of the census (including a possible copying of the data) • Transcribing the census • Coding the census Additional problems arise from missing data or illegible data. The basic checks can only check about impossible combinations of persons’ characteristics (like grandparents being younger than their grandchildren), but not about possible other errors. If there are changes made to the variables id_hhold, relate, age, sex, or marst, they will be flagged in the variables qhhold, qrelate, qage, qsex, and qmarst.

The following checks have been performed: All values must be included in the list of acceptable values. Every person and household needs a unique identification number. Every household includes exactly one household head. The only exception are incomplete households. The number of married men and women has to match each other. Mosaic census files do not include societies which allowed same-sex marriages and only a few societies which allowed polygamy. Couples must have the correct relationship codes. Spouses and children of the household head must be really their spouses and children and not spouses or children of other members of the household. Age and marital status are checked for children being married. Marital status and relationship codes have to match each other. Age and relationship to the household head have to match each other.

Geo-referencing of places All places are coded and geo-referenced. The table of places with their latitude and longitude will be made available in future.

2 Overview of variables

General overview

This file contains the documentation of the 30 harmonized variables of the Mosaic data files. These consist of variables of three different levels: • 4 variables defining the data set, • 8 variables defining the household, and • 18 variables defining the person.

Variables defining the data set: These are variables which are the same for all cases of one data set. This information is provided either as part of the form used for the enumeration, or as information on material accompanying the enumeration, or as information from other sources.

Variables defining the household: These are variables which are the same for all persons of one household. Some of them are the same for many or even all persons of one data set (e.g. region). This information is partly provided by the enumeration form, but sometimes derived from other sources. It includes also one quality flag variable.

Variables defining the person: These are variables which pertain to individual persons. This information is generally provided by the enumeration itself, but some variables have been constructed and added, like four quality flag variables.

The following table gives basic information about all variables: • variable name • variable label • number of digits or characters • kind of data (numeric or alphabetic data) • origin of data (original or added data) • comparison to IPUMS-International • comparison to NAPP • data level (data set, household, or person)

In general most variables are designed according to their IPUMS-International ( ) and/or NAPP ( ) counterparts and can therefore be used easily in comparative research with data from these databases.

3 Table 1: Harmonized variables of Mosaic data files by data level and alphabetic order variable variable label no. of digits or kind of origin of IPUMS- NAPP data level name characters data data International country country code 3 numeric original or CNTRY: 3 digits CNTRY: 3 digits data set added enumtype type of enumeration 2 numeric added not existing not existing data set id_enum enumeration 6 numeric added SAMPLE: 4 digits SAMPLE: 4 digits data set identification number year year of enumeration 4 numeric original or YEAR: 4 digits YEAR: 4 digits data set added gq group quarter status 1 numeric added GQ: 2 digits GQ: 1 digit household hhsize household size 4 numeric computed PERSONS: 3 digits NUMPERHH: 4 digits household hhwt household weight 4 (2 decimal numeric computed WTHH: 8 digits (2 HHWT: 4 digits household places) decimal places) id_hhold household 14 numeric computed SERIAL: 10 digits SERIAL: 10 digits household identification (identification within (identification within number sample) sample) place place code 15 numeric original or many different many different household added variables variables qhhold quality flag 1 numeric quality flag not existing not existing household household region region 6 numeric original or many different many different household added variables variables urban urban-rural status 1 numeric added URBAN: 1 digit URBAN: 1 digit household age age 3 numeric original AGE: 3 digits AGE: 3 digits person fname first name 32 alphabetic original not existing NAMEFRST: 32 person characters id_pers person identification 15 numeric computed SAMPLE + SERIAL + SAMPLE + SERIAL + person number PERNUM PERNUM

4 lit literacy 1 numeric original LIT: 1 digit LIT: 1 digit person lname last name 32 alphabetic original or not existing NAMELAST: 32 person added characters marst marital status 1 numeric original or MARST: 3 digits MARST: 1 digit person added occhisco occupational code in 5 numeric coded OCCISCO: 2 digits OCCHISCO: 5 digits person OCCHISCO occupat occupational title 30 alphabetic original not existing OCCSTRNG: 30 person characters perwt person weight 4 (2 decimal numeric computed WTPER: 8 digits (2 PERWT: 4 digits person places) decimal places) presence presence of person 1 numeric original RESIDENT: 1 digit RESIDENT: 1 digit person at enumeration qage quality flag age 1 numeric quality flag not existing QAGEGB person qmarst quality flag marital 1 numeric quality flag not existing QMARSTGB person status qrelate quality flag 1 numeric quality flag not existing GRELGB person household relationship code qsex quality flag sex 1 numeric quality flag not existing QSEXGB person relate relationship to 4 numeric coded RELATE: 4 digits, RELATE: 4 digits, person household head ERELATE: 2 digits RELATEI: 4 digits relateor relationship to 45 alphabetic original not existing not existing person household head original relig religion 4 numeric original or RELIG: 4 digits RELIGION: 4 digits person added sex sex 1 numeric original or SEX: 1 digit SEX: 1 digit person added

5 Table 2: Order of harmonized variables in Mosaic data files number variable range of column numbers number of columns 1 id_enum 1-6 6 2 country 7-9 3 3 year 10-13 4 4 enumtype 14-15 2 5 id_pers 16-30 15 6 id_hhold 31-44 14 7 qhhold 45 1 8 fname 46-77 32 9 lname 78-109 32 10 relateor 110-154 45 11 relate 156-158 4 12 qrelate 159 1 13 age 160-162 3 14 qage 163 1 15 sex 164 1 16 qsex 165 1 17 marst 166 1 18 qmarst 167 1 19 relig 168-171 4 20 lit 172 1 21 occupat 173-202 30 22 occhisco 203-207 5 23 hhsize 208-211 4 24 place 212-226 15 25 region 227-232 6 26 perwt 233-236 4 27 hhwt 237-240 4 28 gq 241 1 29 urban 242 1 30 presence 243 1

6 Variable description in alphabetic order age (age) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has the age in years of the person. Fractions of years are omitted. There is no distinction made between years at last birthday or at next birthday, the data is in this variable as recorded in the source. If the year of birth is recorded in the source material, the age will be calculated be subtracting the year of birth from the year of enumeration, not taking into account the day of enumeration within the year. The maximum age allowed is 125 years, all ages above will be recoded to 125 years (and the quality flag qage will be recoded, too). This is in accordance with NAPP. It is a numeric variable with 3 digits. codes: 0 less than 1 year old 131 nursing 132 weaned 133 child 134 adolescent 135 adult 136 old 999 unknown comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. The codes are the same as the variable AGE in NAPP.

7 country code (country) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable identifies the country of the data set. This is generally the country to which the place of enumeration belongs today. Exceptions are cases where the place belongs now to a different country, but was part of a larger enumeration. It is a numeric variable with 3 digits. The codes assigned to each country are those used by the UN Statistics Division and the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). ISO 3166-1 ( has the current codes and ISO 3166-3 ( has the codes for countries which have been deleted from ISO 3166-1. codes: 008 Albania 020 Andorra 040 Austria 056 Belgium 070 Bosnia and Herzegovina 100 Bulgaria 112 156 China 191 Croatia 196 Cyprus 200 Czechoslovakia 203 Czech Republic 208 Denmark 233 Estonia 234 Feroe-Islands 246 Finland 250 France 276 300 Greece 336 Vatican 348 Hungary 352 Iceland 368 Iraq 372 Ireland 380 Italy 428 438 Liechtenstein 440 442 Luxembourg 470 Malta 492 Monaco

8 498 Moldavia 499 Montenegro 528 Netherlands 578 Norway 616 Poland 620 Portugal 642 Romania 643 Russia 688 Serbia 703 Slovakia 705 Slovenia 724 Spain 752 Sweden 756 Switzerland 792 Turkey 804 Ukraine 807 Macedonia 810 USSR 818 Egypt 826 United Kingdom 891 Yugoslavia 999 unknown comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. It uses the same codes as the variable CNTRY of NAPP and IPUMS-International.

9 enumeration identification number (id_enum) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable is the identifier of each enumeration within the whole data collection. It is a numeric variable with 6 digits. The first 3 digits indicate the country and the last 3 digits the enumeration within the country. The country is here the country which made the enumeration. codes: 040001 Austria 1857 census 040002 Austria-Hungary 1869 census 040003 Austria-Hungary 1880 census 040004 Austria-Hungary 1890 census 040005 Austria-Hungary 1900 census 040006 Austria-Hungary 1910 census 040010 Austria 1850 conscription 040020 Albania 1918 census 040101 Austria 17-18th c. Status Animarum 040201 Austria 17-18th century list of inhabitants 056020 Belgium 1814 census 100201 Bulgarian registers Rhodope mountains 156010 Ancient China population register 191101 Dubrovnik 1674 Status Animarum 203101 Leitmeritz/Litom ěř ice 1669 Status Animarum 208001 Schleswig-Holstein 1769 census 208002 Schleswig-Holstein 1787 census 208003 Schleswig-Holstein 1801/1803 census 208004 Schleswig-Holstein 1835 census 208005 Schleswig-Holstein 1840 census 208006 Schleswig-Holstein 1845 census 208007 Schleswig-Holstein 1850 census 208008 Schleswig-Holstein 1855 census 208009 Schleswig-Holstein 1860 census 208010 Schleswig-Holstein 1864 census 250001 France 1836 census 250002 France 1841 census 250003 France 1846 census 250004 France 1851 census 250005 France 1856 census 250006 France 1861 census 250007 France 1866 census 250008 France 1872 census 250009 France 1876 census 250010 France 1881 census

10 250011 France 1886 census 250012 France 1891 census 250013 France 1896 census 250014 France 1901 census 250015 France 1906 census 250032 France 1811 census 250036 France 1831 census 276001 Mecklenburg- 1819 census 276011 German Customs Union 1835 census 276012 German Customs Union 1840 census 276013 German Customs Union 1843 census 276014 German Customs Union 1846 census 276015 German Customs Union 1849 census 276016 German Customs Union 1852 census 276017 German Customs Union 1855 census 276018 German Customs Union 1858 census 276019 German Customs Union 1861 census 276020 German Customs Union 1864 census 276021 German Customs Union 1867 census 276031 1871 census 276032 German Empire 1875 census 276033 German Empire 1880 census 276034 German Empire 1885 census 276035 German Empire 1890 census 276036 German Empire 1895 census 276037 German Empire 1900 census 276038 German Empire 1905 census 276039 German Empire 1910 census 276110 Münster 1749/50 Status Animarum 276111 NW Germany Status Animarum 276120 Konstanz 1774 Status Animarum 276121 Freiburg region Status Animarum 276122 Speyer region Status Animarum 276201 NW Germany list of communicants 276301 NW Germany list of inhabitants 276311 Calenberg-Göttingen-Grubenhagen 1689 head tax list 368101 Babylonian slave counts 380050 Venice 1724 enumeration 380101 Rome Status Animarum 380201 Legnago 1430-32 enumeration 380210 Ancient Roman census 440010 Lithuania 1764 Jewish census 616101 Poland-Lithuania listings 642005 Wallachia 1838 census 643001 Russia 1897 census 643015 Russia 1795 revision list 643017 Russia 1816 revision list 643102 Russia Roman Catholic confessional lists 643201 Russia 1814 private enumeration 643211 Russia listings of state estate households

11 643212 Russia listings of private estate households 688008 Serbia 1863 census 688012 Serbia 1884 census 724101 Spain 1752 Catastro de Ensenada 756101 Switzerland church listings 792001 Istanbul 1885 census 792002 Istanbul 1907 census comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets.

12 first name (fname) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has the first name of the person. If there is more than one name, all of them are listed. If the first name of the person is not listed or illegible, it will receive a code (see below). If first names are not included in the data file, because this field was omitted during data entry for some reason, this variable will be filled with a code (see below). It is an alphabetic variable with 32 characters. If the information needs more than 32 characters, it is truncated. codes: !! missing first name ** first name not included in data file ?? illegible first name comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. It has the same length as the variable NAMEFRST in NAPP.

13 group quarter status (gq) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable classifies all housing units as falling into one of two broad categories: households and group quarters. Group quarters are largely institutions and other group living arrangements, such as rooming houses and military barracks. Housing units are given one of four codes combining the IPUMS and British rules for identifying group quarters. The British rules for identifying group quarters are that the household has 12 or more people, and the ratio of people unrelated to the head to total household size is > 0.8. Housing units with a total of ten or fewer people are always categorized as regular households (GQ=1 or GQ=2). Housing units of 11 people are categorized as group quarters only when all residents are unrelated to the head. Once a unit has more than 10 people unrelated to the head, it will always be a group quarter under the NAPP definition. Its classification under the British definition depends on the ratio - not the total number - of unrelated members. Thus housing units with large numbers of unrelated individuals may not be group quarters under the British rule if the ratio of unrelated to total members of the housing unit falls below 0.8. This variable is constructed automatically. It is a numeric variable with 1 digit. codes: 1 Household with 0-4 persons unrelated to the head 2 Household with 5-9 persons unrelated to the head 5 Households with 10 or more persons unrelated to the head, and group quarters under British rule 6 Households with 10 or more persons unrelated to the head, but not group quarters under British rule 9 unknown comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. This variable has the same codes as the variable GQ in NAPP.

14 household identification number (id_hhold) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable is the unique household identifier within the whole data collection. It consists of the household identification number within the respective data set and the dataset number. It is a numeric variable with 14 digits: 3 digits for the dataset number and 11 digits for the identification number within the respective data set. codes: No codes are used. comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets.

15 household size (hhsize) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has the household size or the number of person records in the household. It is a numeric variable with 4 digits. This information is sometimes available in the source material, but only the constructed variable will be used (number of persons with the same household id). This household size includes all persons enumerated in the census including absent people. codes: No codes are used. comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. This variable has the same length as the variable NUMPERHH of NAPP.

16 household weight (hhwt) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable indicates how many households in the population are represented by a given household in the data set. It is necessary to apply this variable to produce accurate statistics for the "weighted" samples, specifically in those where the household records in the sample data represent differing numbers of households in the population. Most of the data sets are not weighted, i.e. they have the weight “1”. It is a numeric variable with 4 digits (2 decimal places). codes: No codes are used. comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. This variable has the same length as the variable HHWT of NAPP.

17 last name (lname) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has the last names (or family names) of the person. If a relative of the household head (codes 201 – 1061 in the variable relate) has no last name recorded in the source, it will be added the household head’s last name. Exemptions are cases of parent-child-groups within the household, where the father or mother has a last name different from the one of the household head. Children of these parents without last names will be added these parents’ names and not the name of the household head. Non-relatives (codes 1100 – 1303 in the variable relate) without own last name will get the last name of a previous relative (e.g. last names of a person with code 1141 will also be used for persons with codes 1142 – 1146, the same applies to codes 1206 – 1207, 1219, 1302) otherwise it will have the code for “missing last name”. If the last name of the person is illegible, it will receive a code (see below). If last names are not included in the data file, because this field was omitted during data entry for some reason, this variable will be filled with a code (see below). It is an alphabetic variable with 32 characters. If the information needs more than 32 characters, it is truncated. codes: !! missing last name ** last name not included in data file ?? illegible last name comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. It has the same length as the variable NAMELAST in NAPP.

18 literacy (lit) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has the literacy of the person. It is a numeric variable with 1 digit. codes: 0 not recorded 1 illiterate 2 can't read, can write 3 can't write, can read 4 literate 9 unknown comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. The codes are the same as for the variable LIT in NAPP.

19 marital status (marst) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has the marital status of the person. It is a numeric variable with 1 digit. This information is not always explicitly stated in the source material, but deducted from the relationship to the household head. codes: 1 married, spouse present 2 married, spouse absent 3 separated 4 divorced 5 widowed 6 never married/single 7 unmarried union 9 indeterminate/unknown, blank, or missing comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. The codes are the same as the variable MARST in NAPP, with the exception of code 7, which is an additional code. coding instructions: If a person has no information about its marital status, it will receive the code 6 for “never married” for ages 0 – 20 years and the code 9 for “unknown” for older persons. If a person is listed as “widow” in the column “relateor” and “married” in the column marital status, she will be coded as “widowed” in the variable “marst” in case no husband is listed in the household. She will get the code “1” in the variable “quality flag marital status”. If a woman is listed as “daughter-in-law”, but being unmarried and having a different last name than the household head, she will be coded as “unmarried union”. The same code will be applied to her presumed partner (if present). Both will get the code “1” in the variable “quality flag marital status”. If in a couple both are reported as being widowed, but the wife is reported as “his wife”, both will be coded as “married, spouse present” and the variable qmarst will be coded “1”. If in a couple both are reported as being unmarried, but the wife is reported as “his wife”, both will be coded as “unmarried union” and the variable qmarst will be coded “1”.

20 occupational code in OCCHISCO (occhisco) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has the occupational coding of the person. It is a numeric variable with 5 digits using the OCCHISCO classification, which is used by NAPP and based on the HISCO classification. codes: 0 not coded yet 01100 Chemists 01200 Physicists 01300 Physical scientists nec 01400 Physical science assistants and technicians 02000 Professional engineers, specialisation unknown 02100 Architects 02200 Civil engineers 02300 Electrical engineers 02410 Mechanical engineers, general or nfs 02420 Industrial machinery or tools engineers 02430 Mechanical engineer (motors and engines, except marine) 02440 Marine engineers 02450 Ship construction engineers 02460 Heating, ventilation and refrigeration engineers 02490 Other mechanical engineers 02500 Chemical engineers 02600 Metallurgists and assayers 02700 Mining engineers 02800 Industrial engineers 02900 Professional engineers nec 03010 Surveyors, general and nfs 03020 Land surveyors 03030 Mine surveyors 03040 Hydrographic surveyors 03090 Other surveyors 03100 Draughtsmen 03210 Technicians 03220 Civil engineering technicians 03230 Electrical engineering technicians 03240 Mechanical engineering technicians 03250 Chemical engineering technicals 03260 Metallurgical technicians 03270 Mining technicians 03290 Engineering technicians nec 04200 Ship's deck officer or pilot

21 04210 Ships officers nfs 04220 Ship's masters and captains (sea) 04230 Ship's masters and captains (sea or inland waterways) 04240 Ship's masters and captains (inland waterways) 04250 Ship's navigating officers and ship's mates 04260 Ship and boat pilots 04270 Marine superintendents (deck) 04290 Other ship deck officers and pilots 04300 Ship's engineers 05100 Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related scientists 05200 Medical scientists 05300 Agronomists and related scientists 05400 Life sciences technicians 06110 Medical doctors and physicians (UK: Medical doctors only) 06130 Surgeons 06140 Specialised physicians 06150 Specialised surgeons 06160 Public health physicians 06170 Oculist 06190 Medical doctors, nec 06200 Dentists 06300 Veterinarians 06400 Pharmacists 06500 Medical and related assistants 07110 Trained nurses 07210 Nurses nfs 07220 Medical nurses, untrained or level of training unknown 07320 Midwives 07330 Monthly nurses 07500 Opticians and optometrists 07600 Healers and therapists nec 07920 Osteopaths 07930 Chiropractors 07940 Sanitarians 07990 Other Medical, Dental, Veterinary and Related Workers 08000 Mathematicians and actuaries, etc. 09000 Economists 11010 Accountants 11020 Auditors 11090 Accountants nec 12110 Lawyers 12120 Barristers 12130 Solicitors 12200 Judge 12220 Justice of the Peace 12300 Notary 12900 Jurists (except Lawyer, Judge or Solicitor) 13100 Teachers in higher education 13210 Teachers (unspecified) 13220 Teachers (secondary)

22 13230 Teachers (primary) 13240 Teachers (pre-primary) 13250 Teachers (of the disabled) 13300 School administrators and principals 13920 Governesses 13990 Other teaching personnel 14120 Ministers of religion 14130 Missionaries 14140 Members of religious orders 14190 Other ministers of religion 14900 Workers in religion nec 15100 Authors 15220 Editors 15230 Journalists, reporters and correspondents 15900 Others writers 16110 Artists nfs and art teachers 16120 Sculptors 16130 Artistic Painters 16140 Cartoonists 16150 Engravers and etchers (artistic) 16190 Other specified creative artists 16200 Designers 16300 Photographers 16400 Engravers 17120 Musical performers and musicians nfs 17130 Music teachers 17190 Others in music 17200 Dancers and dancing teachers 17300 Actors and related workers 17400 Producers, performing arts 17900 Performing artists nec 18000 Athletes, sportsmen and related workers 19100 Librarians, archivists and curators 19200 Social scientists and historians 19300 Social workers 19400 Personnel and occupational specialists 19500 Interpreters, translators and philologists 19920 Patent Agents 19930 Underwriters 19990 Other professional, technical and related workers nec 20100 Legislative officials and heads of government 20200 Government administrators 21110 Proprietors, nfs 21112 Executive officers, nfs (U.S. only) 21120 Manufacturers nfs 21122 Executive officers of manufacturing concerns nfs 21130 Manufacturers or proprietors of specified manufacturing concerns 21132 Executive officers of specified manufacturing concerns 21140 Proprietor, mining, quarrying, oil and natural gas extraction 21141 Oil Producer

23 21142 Executive officers of extractive industry 21150 Proprietor, railway company 21152 Executive officers of railway concerns 21160 Proprietor, other transport and communications 21162 Executive officer of other transport and communications 21170 Proprietor, public utilities (i.e., water, gas, etc.) 21172 Executive officer of public utilities 21180 Proprietor, finance 21182 Executive officer finance company 21190 Other owners of large scale productive enterprises 21192 Executive officers of other large scale productive enterprises 21194 Publisher 21210 Contractors nfs 21220 Construction contractors 21230 Builders 21290 Other specified contractors 21330 Capitalists 21340 Speculators 21390 Investors nec 22110 Superintendents and managers nfs 22120 Superintendents and managers, manufacturing 22130 Superintendents and managers, mining, quarrying, etc. 22140 Superintendents and managers, railways 22150 Superintendents and managers, other transport and communications 22160 Superintendents and managers, public utilities 22170 Superintendents and managers, construction, except railway construction 22180 Superintendents and managers, commerce 22190 Superintendents and managers, nec 23110 Foremen and supervisors nfs 23120 Foremen and supervisors, manufacturing 23130 Foremen and supervisors, mining 23140 Foremen and supervisors, railways 23150 Foremen and supervisors, other transport and communications 23160 Foremen and supervisors, public utilities 23170 Foremen and supervisors, construction, except railway construction 23180 Foremen and supervisors, commerce 23190 Foremen and supervisors, nec 24100 Inspectors of manufactories, companies etc. 31010 Civil servants, title unknown 31020 Tax collectors 31030 Tax assessors 31040 Customs officers 31050 Postmasters or postmistresses 31060 Clerks of court and other court clerks 31090 Government functionaries, nec 32000 Typists, stenographers and secretaries 33120 Bookkeepers and bookkeeping clerks 33130 Cashiers, bank or office 33140 Bank clerks 33142 Bank tellers (US)

24 33150 Money collector 33160 Cash desk cashier 33170 Toll collectors 33180 Collector (cash or account) 33190 Bookkeeping, account and cash handling workers nec 33210 Railway clerks (UK) and railway agents (CA/US) 33220 Baggage agents and baggage men 33320 Agent, water transport (principally steamship and steamboat) 33330 Agent, land transport (non-rail) 34000 Office machine operators 36010 Conductors, nfs 36020 Railway guards (UK) and Railroad Conductors (US/CAN) 36030 Sleeping- or pullman-car attendants 36040 Bus, tram or streetcar conductors 36090 Transport conductors, nec 37020 Postal, mail and telegraph clerks 37030 Mail carriers aka Postmen (UK) 37040 Messengers 37050 Mail sorters 37090 Post office, mail, and message workers nec 38010 Tel. operator 38020 Telephone operator 38030 Telegraph operator 38090 Other telephone/telegraph operators 39000 Clerk, nfs 39100 Stock, weight and shipping clerks 39130 Stock records clerk 39310 Office clerks, specialisation unknown 39320 Correspondence clerks 39340 Legal clerks 39350 Insurance clerks 39390 Other correspondence and reporting clerks 39400 Hotel clerk or other receptionist 39500 Library and filing clerks 39600 Railroad, railway clerk 39720 Timekeepers, railway 39730 Timekeepers, factory 39790 Timekeepers, undefined and nec 39900 Other specified clerks 39990 Proofreader (U.S. only) 40000 Sales workers, nfs 41000 Working proprietors, nfs 41010 Dealer, merchant etc. (Wholesale and retail trade) 41015 Merchants, specified large-scale wholesaleing 41020 Hirers out 42000 Buyers 43010 Agents nfs 43020 Commercial travellers 43030 Manufacturers and sales agents 43090 Other specialized agents

25 44110 Insurance, real state or securities salesmen, nfs 44120 Insurance salesmen and agents 44130 Real estate agents 44140 Brokers 44150 Stockbrokers 44160 Patent Agents 44190 Insurance, real estate and securities salesmen nec 44200 Advertising salesmen 44320 Auctioneers 44330 Appraisers 45120 Salespeople, wholesale or retail trade 45130 Clerks in shops and stores 45140 Fashion models 45190 Other sales personnel men, shop assistants and demonstrators 45220 Street sellers, pedlars and hawkers, non-food items 45230 Street sellers, pedlars and hawkers, food items 45240 Newsvendors 45250 Canvassers 45290 Other street traders for coffee and food 49020 Pawnbrokers 49030 Scrap and junk dealers, scavengers 49090 Dealers and salesworkers nec 51020 Hotel keepers and managers 51030 Restaurant keepers and managers 51040 Boarding and lodging house keepers and managers 51050 Pub, saloon, tavern and coffee house keepers 51060 Ship's pursers 51090 Other hospitality and entertainment keepers and managers 52020 Housekeeper 52030 Stewards 52040 Matrons 52050 Butlers 52090 Other housekeeping service supervisors 53100 Cooks 53101 Cook (Domestic) UK only 53103 Ship's cooks 53220 Waiter or waitress 53230 Bartender 53290 Other food and drink service workers 54010 Servants nfs 54020 House servants nfs and maids 54030 Personal servants and valets 54040 Nursemaids 54050 Companions 54060 Chambermaids and room attendants 54090 Other specified servants 55100 Caretakers and janitors 55200 Charworkers 55230 Window cleaners 55240 Chimney sweeps

26 55250 Refuse collectors and removers 55290 Other charworkers, cleaners and related workers 56000 Washing and laundry services 57020 Hairdressers 57030 Barbers 57040 Bath attendants 57090 Other barbers, hairdressers and related workers 58100 Firefighters 58210 Policemen and detectives, employer unknown 58220 Policemen and detectives, public service 58230 Policemen and detectives, private service 58240 Sheriffs and their deputies 58290 Other law enforcement officers 58300 Watchmen and guards 58410 Military, rank unknown 58420 Military officers 58430 Other members of the armed forces 58500 Prison keepers and guards 58900 Other protective service workers 59100 Guides 59200 Undertakers and embalmers 59300 Prostitutes 59920 Bookmakers (sport) 59930 Croupiers 59940 Nursing aids and attendents 59950 Errand boys and errand girls 59960 Practical Aid (Veterinary) 59990 Other Service Workers nec 61110 General farmers and farmers nfs 61115 Husbandmen or cottars 61117 Female farmer 61120 Major landowner 61220 Field crop farmers 61230 Orchardists and fruit farmers 61240 Market gardeners 61250 Nurserymen and florists 61260 Livestock farmers 61270 Dairy farmers 61280 Poultry farmers 61290 Other specialised farmers 61320 Farmer and Fisherman 61330 Cottar and Fisherman 61400 Farm managers, formen and supervisors nfs 62110 Farm workers, specialisation unknown 62113 Farmer's sons and other male relatives 62200 Farm workers (field crop and vegetables) 62300 Farm labourers, orchard and fruit farm workers 62410 Livestock workers, general or nfs 62420 Cattle workers, except specified dairy 62430 Sheep workers

27 62440 Pig workers 62450 Fur-bearing animal workers 62460 Horse workers 62461 Grooms and horse keepers (Domestic) 62463 Grooms and horse keepers (Not domestic) 62470 Horse breaker 62490 Livestock workers, nec 62500 Farm workers (dairy) 62600 Farm workers (poultry) 62710 Gardeners nfs 62711 Gardener (Domestic) 62713 Gardener (Not domestic) 62720 Market garden labourers 62730 Nursery labourers 62740 Landscape gardeners 62790 Other nursery workers and gardeners 62800 Farm machinery operators 62920 Other animal workers e.g., dogs, elephants 62930 Other plant workers e.g., gathers of herbs etc. 62940 Groundskeepers, etc. 62990 Others in agricultural or husbandry 63110 Woodsmen and workers in the woods, nfs 63120 Lumbermen, loggers and kindred workers 63130 River drivers 63140 Wood cutters and choppers 63190 Others in logging and wood cutting 63220 Foresters and wood wardens 63230 Forestry workers 63240 Timber cruisers 63250 Forest fire-fighters 63290 Other forestry workers 64100 Fishermen 64920 Fish farm workers 64930 Oyster farm workers 64940 Whale hunters 64950 Whale or seal hunters 64960 Seal hunters 64970 Trappers or hunters 64990 Other fishermen, hunters and related workers 71120 Miners 71130 Quarrymen 71190 Others working in mines and quarries 71200 Mineral or stone treaters 71300 Well drillers, borers and related workers 72000 Metal workers, specialisation unknown 72100 Metal smelter and furnacemen 72200 Metal rollers 72300 Metal melters and reheaters, and workers in metal melting mills 72400 Metal casters and workers in metal casting plants 72500 Metal moulders and coremakers

28 72600 Metal annealers, temperers and hardeners 72700 Metal drawers and workers in metal drawing 72800 Metal platers and coaters 72900 Other (specialised) metal workers 73100 Wood treaters 73200 Sawyers and other titled wood/sawmill operatives 73300 Papermill machine operators and paper makers 74000 Chemical workers, product nfs 74100 Drug workers 74200 Gunpowder and explosive makers 74320 Charcoal burners 74330 Coal gas makers 74340 Tar makers 74390 Other coal product makers e.g., coke 74420 Salt makers 74430 Alkali and soda makers 74500 Oil mill workers 74620 Paint and varnish makers 74630 Dye makers 74640 Ink, blacking, colouring, etc., makers 74720 Tallow chandlers, candle makers and grease makers 74730 Soap and perfume makers 74740 Glue, size and gelatine makers 74750 Wax and polish makers 74920 Fertilizer and manure makers 74930 Starch makers 74940 Turpentine makers 74990 Specified chemical workers nec 75000 Textile workers, specialisation unknown 75100 Fibre preparers 75200 Spinners, doublers, twisters and winders 75300 Weaving and knitting-machine setters and pattern-card preparers 75400 Weavers 75500 Knitters 75600 Bleachers, dyer or textile product finisher 75700 Rope makers 75920 Net maker 75990 Other specialised textile workers nec 76110 Tanners or fellmongers, specialisation unknown 76120 Fellmongers 76130 Tanners 76140 Leather curriers and finishers 76190 Other specified leather curers 76200 Fur and pelt dressers 77100 Millers and related workers 77200 Sugar refiners 77310 Butchers 77320 Pork butchers 77340 Slaughterer, meat cutters or meat packer 77350 Sausage makers

29 77360 Fish butchers 77380 Meat cannery workers and other meat preservers (not sausages) 77390 Other workers in meat preparation 77400 Cannery workers and other food preservers 77500 Butter, cheese and dairy product makers 77610 Baker and confectioner 77620 Bakers 77630 Confectioners and pastry makers 77640 Candy makers 77650 Chocolate makers 77690 Other baked goods makers 77700 Tea, coffee and cocoa preparers 77820 Brewers 77830 Maltsters 77840 Wine workers 77850 Vinegar makers and workers 77860 Distillers 77870 Makers of soft drinks 77880 Bottlers 77890 Other drinks makers and workers 77990 Other food and beverage processors 78100 Tobacco preparers and tobacco factory workers 78200 Cigar makers 78300 Cigarette makers 78400 Other tobacco product makers 79120 Tailors and tailoresses 79130 Dressmakers 79190 Other garment makers 79200 Furriers and fur workers 79320 Milliners 79330 Hat makers 79340 Straw hat makers 79390 Other hat makers 79400 Glove makers and related workers 79520 Seamstresses 79530 Sewers and sewing machine operators 79540 Embroiderers 79590 Others hand sewers 79620 Upholsterers (except vehicle) 79630 Vehicle trimmers and upholsterers 79640 Mattress makers 79690 Others working in upholstery jobs 79920 Sail, tent and awning makers 79930 Umbrella makers 79940 Artificial flower makers 79990 Other cloth and related product manufacturing workers 80100 Boot and shoe makers and repairers 80200 Specialised occupations in the boot and shoe making industry 80320 Saddlers and harness makers 80330 Trunk or bag maker

30 80390 Other leather goods makers 81120 Cabinet makers 81130 Chair makers 81140 Wicker furniture makers 81190 Other furniture makers 81210 Woodworkers 81220 Sawyers, woodworking 81230 Wood turners and handle makers 81240 Wood planers 81250 Wood carvers 81290 Other woodworking machine operators 81300 Coach, carriage and wagon makers 81400 Wheelwrights and cartwrights 81500 Coopers, hoop makers and benders 81600 Clog makers 81710 Box makers nfs 81720 Wooden box makers 81730 Paper box makers 81790 Box makers nec 81920 Wooden tool makers 81930 Ski makers 81990 Other makers of wooden products 82000 Stone carvers or cutters and stone yard workers 83120 Blacksmiths 83130 Hammersmiths 83140 Foregemen 83150 Farriers or horseshoers 83160 Specialised makers of forged metal products 83190 Other blacksmiths, hammermen and forgeing-press operators 83210 Tool makers nfs 83220 Tool and die makers 83230 Pattern makers nfs and nec 83290 Other tool makers and metal markers 83310 Metalworking machine operators 83320 Metal Turners 83390 Other metal working machine operators 83400 Machinists 83520 Metal polishers and finishers 83530 Metal grinders and sharpeners 83540 Cutlers and cutting instrument makers 83550 Cutler (knives, forks, spoon) 83590 Other metal grinders, polishers and tool sharpeners nec 83600 Gunsmiths 83700 Locksmiths 83820 Saw makers 83830 Saw, spade, shovel and half wood/half metal agricultural instrument type things 83840 Chain makers 83850 Nailer and nail makers 83860 Wire makers

31 83890 Other metal workers nec 84110 Mechanics 84120 Millwrights 84130 Machine makers, builders and fitters 84140 Engine and locomotive builders 84150 Sewing machine makers and builders 84190 Other machinery fitters and machine assemblers 84220 Watch and clock makers 84230 Optical instrument makers and workers (not opticians) 84290 Other specialized instrument makers (not musical instrument makers) 84300 Bicycle makers 84900 Others in machinery 85100 Electrical fitters and electrical equipment assemblers 85500 Electricians and wiremen 85600 Telephone and telegraph installers 85700 Linesmen: telephone, telegraph and electric 85920 Electrical products inspector or tester 85990 Other electrical fitters and related electrical workers 87120 Plumbers 87130 Pipe fitters 87220 Welders 87230 Braziers 87250 Flamecutter 87290 Other welders, braziers, solderers 87320 Sheet metal worker, general 87330 Coppersmith or copperware maker 87340 Tinsmith, tinner or tinker 87350 Boilermaker 87390 Other sheet metal workers 87420 Structural metal workers 87430 Rivetters nec 87490 Other structural metal preparers and erectors 87520 Ship and boat builders 87530 Shipwrights and ship joiners 87540 Ship's carpenters 87550 Block, mast and tackle makers 87560 Caulker 87590 Other ship builders 88020 Jewellers 88030 Goldsmith 88040 Silversmith 88050 Working with gems and stones 88090 Other jewellery and precious metal workers 89120 Glass makers 89130 Glass bottle makers 89190 Other specific glass makers 89200 Pottery and porcelain makers and workers 89300 Brick and tile makers 89400 Glass engravers, etchers and finishers 89500 Pottery and porcelain painters

32 89620 Cement makers 89630 Lime burners 89700 Clay-based products makers 90100 Rubber product makers 90200 Tire makers and vulcanisers 91020 Paper and paperboard products makers, except boxes 91090 Other paper product makers 91100 Paper and paper board product makers 92000 Printers nec 92110 Printers nfs 92120 Compositors 92190 Other compositors and typesetters 92200 Lithographic printers 92300 Stereotypers and electrotypers 92400 Lithographers 92500 Photo-engravers 92600 Bookbinders and related workers 92800 Textile printers 92900 Other printers and related workers 93110 Painters, nfs 93120 Painters, construction 93130 Painters, ship 93190 Other specialised painters nec 93200 Decorators 93320 Lacquerers and enamellers 93330 Japanners 93400 Gilders 94110 Musical instrument maker nfs 94120 Piano maker 94130 Piano tuner 94140 Organ builder 94190 Other musical instrument makers and tuner 94220 Basket makers 94230 Brush makers 94240 Broom makers 94290 Bristle and straw workers nec 94300 Non-metallic mineral product makers 94910 Other production or related worker, specialisation unknown 94920 Animal stuffers, taxidermists and shell workers 94930 Linoleum makers and floor cloth makers 94940 Toy and doll makers 94990 Production and related workers nec 95110 Mason nfs or combined 95120 Bricklayers 95130 Stone masons 95140 Plasterers 95150 Paviours 95160 Marble mason 95190 Others in construction 95200 Cement masons and finishers

33 95310 Roofer, specialisation unknown 95320 Slate and tile roofers 95330 Thatchers 95390 Other roofers 95410 Carpenter and joiner 95420 Carpenters 95430 Joiners 95440 Scaffolders 95490 Other wooden construction workers 95600 Pipe coverers and Insulators 95700 Glaziers 95910 Construction workers nec 95920 Paperhangers 95930 Carpet planners 95940 Whitewashers 95950 Demolition workers 95960 Marblers 95990 Others in building construction 96100 Electricity generators 96220 Engineers (US) nfs 96230 Stationary engineers and engine men 96240 Stationary firemen and firemen nfs 96900 Other stationary engine and related equipment operators 97120 Ship boat loaders and dock workers 97130 Railway freight handlers 97140 Porters 97150 Packers 97190 Other freight handlers 97210 Riggers nec or nfs 97220 Ship riggers 97300 Crane and hoist operators 97410 Navvy, excavator and diggers, nfs 97420 Road builders, workers and labourers 97430 Railway builders, workers and labourers 97440 Waterway and harbour builders, workers and labourers 97490 Other road, railway and related construction labourers 97900 Material handling equipment operators nec 98120 Seamen 98130 Boatmen and canalmen 98190 Other crew of boats, ships, etc. 98200 Ship's engine men 98320 Railway/railroad engineers and enginemen 98330 Railway/railroad firemen and stokers 98420 Railway brakemen 98430 Railway signallers 98440 Railway switchmen and shunters 98490 Others skilled railway workers 98510 Drivers, nec 98520 Drivers (private) 98530 Drivers (personal, for hire)

34 98540 Drivers (public) 98550 Delivery men and drivers of goods 98560 Drivers (general haulage) 98562 Carter (agricultural) 98570 Teamsters (inc. mine driver, etc.) 98590 Others drivers 98700 Lock and gate keepers 98720 Lock keepers 98730 Gate keepers 98900 Other transport equipment operators 99120 Labourers nfs 99130 Common labourers or general labourers 99140 Day labourers (e.g journalier) 99150 Worker nfs 99200 Factory labourers (unspecified) 99300 Occupational title unclassifiable 99420 Assistants nfs 99430 Helpers nfs 99440 Helpers of relative or helping at home 99450 Apprentices nfs 99500 Ambiguous responses 99998 Alternative occupation (Sweden) 99999 No occupation/Unknown comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. The codes are the same as for the variable OCCHISCO in NAPP.

More information on HISCO is available in M.H.D. van Leeuwen, I. Maas and A. Miles. (2002) HISCO: Historical International Standard Classification of Occupations. Leuven: Leuven University Press.

35 occupational title (occupat) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has the occupational title of the person as it has been transcribed from the original source. It is an alphabetic variable with 30 characters. If the information needs more than 30 characters, it will be truncated. codes: !! missing occupational title ** occupational title not included in data file ?? illegible occupational title comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. This variable has the same length as the variable OCCSTRNG in NAPP.

36 person identification number (id_pers) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable is the unique person identifier within the whole data collection. It consists of the person identification number within the respective data set and the dataset number. It is a numeric variable with 15 digits: 3 digits for the dataset number and 12 digits for the identification number within the respective data set. codes: No codes are used. comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets.

37 person weight (perwt) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable indicates how many persons in the population are represented by a given person in the data set. It is necessary to apply this variable to produce accurate statistics for the "weighted" samples, specifically in those where the person records in the sample data represent differing numbers of persons in the population. Most of the data sets are not weighted, i.e. they have the weight “1”. It is a numeric variable with 4 digits (2 decimal places). codes: No codes are used. comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. This variable has the same length as the variable PERWT of NAPP.

38 place code (place) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable identifies the place of enumeration of the person. It is based on the contemporary administrative units to which the place of enumeration belongs today. It is a numeric variable with 15 digits. It consists of: • the country code (3 digits), • the LAU-2-code (9 digits), • and a running number within the LAU-2-code for all villages belonging to the same LAU-2 (3 digits).

The LAU-2-code is provided by Eurostat. LAU-2 stands for Local administrative unit and was previously known as NUTS-5. It is the smallest administrative unit used by Eurostat and corresponds generally with the smallest locally governed areas (“Gemeinde”).

Belarus: Instead of the LAU-2 code the postal code is used.

Greece: The LAU-2 codes for the region Attika (NUTS-3: GR300) include an “A” which is replaced by “10” (e.g. A40801 for Kythira becomes 1040801).

Russia: The place code consists of: • the country code (3 digits), • one zero (1 digit), • the OKATO code (8 digits), • and a running number within the OKATO code for all villages belonging to the same OKATO code. An online search engine for the OKATO-code is available at: =

Switzerland: The place code consists of: • the country code (3 digits), • the NUTS-3 code (3 digits, without CH), • two zeros (2 digits), • the Gemeindenummer (4 digits), • and a running number within the Gemeindenummer for all villages belonging to the same Gemeinde (3 digits). The Gemeindenummer is generally available in Wikipedia.

39 Ukraine: The place code consists of: • the country code (3 digits), • the KOATUU code (10 digits), • and a running number within the KOATUU code for all villages belonging to the same KOATUU code (2 digits). VariableCode VariableLabels 040000020518001 Feistritz 040000020531001 Zweinitz 040000020534001 Obermühlen 040000021001001 Sirnitz 040000021007001 St. Lorenzen 040000030101001 Stein 040000030301001 Waidhofen a.d. Ybbs 040000030908001 Gmünd 040000031303001 Maria Langegg 040000031629001 Laa an der Thaya 040000031644001 Poysdorf 040000031719001 Perchtoldsdorf 040000031929001 Obergrafendorf 040000032131001 Weinzierl 040000040201001 Gleink 040000040601001 Freistadt 040000040614001 Pregarten/Aist 040000040614002 Pregarten/Greising 040000040614003 Pregarten/Greisingberg 040000040614004 Pregarten/Halmenberg 040000040614005 Pregarten/Meitschenhof 040000040614006 Pregarten 040000040614008 Pregarten/Gmeinerhof 040000040704001 Ebensee 040000040705001 Gmunden 040000041005001 Enns 040000041005002 Moos 040000041005003 Rhein 040000041201001 Andrichsfurt 040000041414001 Raab 040000050101001 Salzburg 040000050201001 Abtenau 040000050205001 Dürnberg 040000050304001 Berndorf 040000050321001 Koppl 040000050337001 Thalgau 040000050401001 Altenmarkt - Land 040000050401002 Altenmarkt - Dorf 040000050402001 Hofgastein 040000060201001 Aflenz Markt 040000060202001 Aflenz/Döllach 040000060202002 Aflenz/Dörflach 040000060202003 Aflenz/Draiach

40 040000060202004 Aflenz/Feistring 040000060202005 Aflenz/Graßnitz 040000060202006 Aflenz/Graßnitz-Seebach 040000060202007 Aflenz/Jauring 040000060202008 Aflenz/Tutschach 040000060219001 Thörl/Palbersdorf 040000060219002 Thörl 040000060219003 Thörl/Einöd 040000060219004 Thörl/Hinterberg 040000060219005 Thörl/Margarethenhütte 040000060635001 Raaba/Dürwagersbach 040000060635002 Raaba 040000061314001 Stanz im Mürztal/Brandstattgraben 040000061314002 Stanz im Mürztal/Dickenbach 040000061314003 Stanz im Mürztal/Fladenbach 040000061314004 Stanz im Mürztal/Fochnitz 040000061314005 Stanz im Mürztal/Hollersbach 040000061314006 Stanz im Mürztal/Possegg 040000061314007 Stanz im Mürztal/Retschgraben 040000061314008 Stanz im Mürztal/Sonnberg 040000061314009 Stanz im Mürztal/Unteralm 040000061315001 Veitsch/Niederaigen 040000070604001 Fließ/Dorf 040000070604002 Fließ/Berg 040000070604003 Fließ/Urgen 040000070604004 Fließ/Hochgallmigg 040000070604005 Fließ/Niedergallmigg 040000070604006 Fließ/Piller 040000070605001 Flirsch 040000070607001 Grins/Gmar and Grist 040000070608001 Ischgl 040000070608002 Ischgl/Mathon 040000070618001 Pians 040000070618002 Pians/Quadratsch 040000070619001 Prutz 040000070621001 St. Anton am Arlberg 040000070621002 St. Anton am Arlberg/St. Jakob 040000070624001 Serfaus 040000070628001 Tobadill 040000070629001 Tösens 040000070940001 Zell am Ziller 040000090001001 Wien/Gumpendorf 040000090001003 Wien/Schottenfeld 040000090001005 Wien/Herrengasse 040000090001006 Wien/Gaudenzdorf 040000090001007 Wien/Ringturm 040000090001008 Wien/Leopoldsdorf 040000090001009 Wien/Kaiserebersdorf 040000090001010 Wien/Josefstadt 040000090001011 Wien/Neubau

41 040000600910001 Fötschach 040000600910002 Gottsbach 040000600910003 Leistach 040000600910004 Pichl 040000600910005 Preg 040000600910006 Preggraben 040000600910007 Ritzendorf 040000600910008 Schütt 040000600910009 St.Benedikten 040000600910010 St.Lorenzen 040000600910011 Untermur 040065063900001 Tilliach 056000034003001 Avelgem 056000034022001 Heule 056000034040001 Waregem 056000034042001 Zwevegem 056000036007001 Ingelmunster 056000036008001 Emelgem 056000036008002 Izegem 056000036008003 Kachtem 056000036015001 Rumbeke 056000037002001 Dentergem 056000037002002 Markegem 056000037002003 Wakken 056000037002004 Oeselgem 056000037007001 Meulebeke 056000037010001 Oostrozebeke 056000037011001 Egem 056000037011002 Pittem 056000037015001 Kanegem 056000037015002 Tielt 056000037017001 Ooigem 056000037017002 Wielsbeke 056000037017003 Sint-Baafs-Vyve 100000000597001 Arda 100000004801001 Bogutevo 100000023025001 Barutica 100000067547001 Smiljan 100000067653001 Smoljan 100000069345001 Stojkite 100000073105001 Trigrad 100000080371001 Čepelare 100000083274001 Široka laka 112000000000001 Karolin 112000211480001 Sloboda Mikolaiowska 112000211631001 Kochanowicz 112000211817001 Orzechowo i Prozorki 112000211950001 112000213010001 Szklow 112000222340001 Wolozyn

42 112000222365001 Rakow 112000222370001 Kamienia 112000222380001 Miadziol 112000222415001 Kurzeniec 112000225030001 Czarnawazyckim 112000225083001 Wolozyn 112000225154001 Szereszowie 112000231102001 Zuprany 112000231335001 Lipniszki 112000247760001 Mozyr 191000001988001 Dragavine 191000001988002 Gojanovici 191000001988003 Kuna 191000001988004 Ljuta 191000001988005 Lovorno 191000001988006 Mihani ći 191000001988007 Moljevina 191000001988008 Nartice 191000001988009 Nosanovici 191000001988010 Oprasi 191000001988011 Pridvorje 191000001988012 Rudeš 191000001988013 Vignji 191000001988014 Žarkovina 191000005983001 Čepiku će 191000005983002 Cotesi 191000005983003 Lisac 191000005983004 Mravnica 191000005983005 Podgora 191000005983006 Podimo ć 191000005983007 Smokovljani 191000005983008 To čionik 191000005983009 Trnova 191000005983010 Trnovica 203000554821001 Moravska Ostrava 203000554821002 Vitkovice 203000554821003 Proskovice 203000554821004 Nová Bela 203000554821005 Stará Bela 203000554821006 Hrabová 203000554821007 Hrabuvka 203000554821008 Nová Ves 203000554821009 Privoz 203000554821010 Výskovice 203000554821011 Zábreh 203000554821012 Mariánské Hory 203000554821013 Nová B ěla, Mitrovice 203000561681001 Steinschönau/Kamenický Šenov 203000598348001 Krmelín 203000598348002 Svetlov

43 203000598348003 Starý Dvur 203000598739001 Stará Ves 250000001026001 Bâgé-le-Châtel 250000010025001 Bagneux-la-Fosse 250000014394001 Maizières 250000015021001 Boisset 250000018022001 Barlieu 250000021241001 Échevronne 250000024053001 Boulazac 250000029073001 Guimaëc 250000033394002 St. Emilion 250000033504004 Sauternes 250000033523001 Targon 250000034027001 Beaulieu 250000044150001 Saint-Aignan-Grandlieu 250000046030001 Bio 250000047019001 Bajamont 250000052366001 Ormancey 250000055025001 Baâlon 250000060188001 Cuise-la-Motte 250000062403001 Hallines 250000064097001 Barzun 250000064483001 St. Jean de Luz 250000064501002 Sallespisse 250000065099001 Bordères-Louron 250000071017001 Ballore 250000072381001 Voivres-lès-le-Mans 250000076460001 Nesle-Normandeuse 250000077015001 Baby 250000083008001 Bagnols-en-Forêt 250000085013001 Bazoges-en-Paillers 250000086018001 Basses 250000090094001 Sevenans 276001051060001 Uedemerbruch 276001051060002 Keppeln 276001055001001 Holstendorf, Dorf 276001055016006 Grömitz, Kirchspiel 276001055033001 Johannsdorf, Dorf 276001055035001 Luschendorf, Vorwerk 276001055041001 Klein Bockwold, Dorf 276001055041002 Süsel, Vorwerk 276001055044001 Gronenberg, Vorwerk 276001057011002 , Gut 276001057024001 Gross-Harrie, Dorf 276001057024002 Klein-Harrie, Dorf 276001057044003 , Gut 276001058001001 Hohenschulen 276001058053001 Sprengerfeld, Dorf 276001058135002 Rendburger Schlossgrund 276001058145001 Schönhorst, Gut

44 276001060088001 Todesfelde, Dorf 276001060092001 Wahlstedt, Dorf 276002000000001 Altona, Købstad 276003153012001 Seesen 276003154005001 Frellstedt 276003154017001 Räbke 276003154026001 Wolsdorf 276003154030001 Lelm 276003453001001 Barßel 276003453003001 Cappeln 276003453005001 Emstek 276003453006001 Essen 276003453007001 Markhausen 276003453010001 Lindern 276003453011001 Löningen 276003453012001 Molbergen 276003453013001 Scharrel 276003453013002 Ramsloh 276003453013003 Strücklingen 276003454005001 Börger 276003454008001 Dörpen 276003454010001 Emsbüren 276003454020001 Heede 276003454029001 Lathen 276003454032001 Schepsdorf 276003454033001 Lorup 276003454041001 Aschendorf 276003454041002 Papenburg 276003454044001 Rhede 276003454045001 Salzbergen 276003454047001 Sögel 276003454057001 Werlte 276003456025001 Wietmarschen 276003460001001 Vestrup 276003460001002 Bakum 276003460004001 Lutten 276003460004002 Goldenstedt 276003460006001 Lohne 276003460008001 Steinfeld 276003460009001 Vechta 276003460009002 Oythe 276003460009003 Langförden 276003460010001 Visbek 276005122000001 Höhscheid 276005162024001 Neuss 276005515000001 Albachten Niederort 276005515000002 Albachten Oberort 276005554004001 Ahaus 276005554004002 Barle 276005554004003 Ortwick

45 276005554004004 Quantwick 276005554004005 Sabstätte 276005554012001 Borken 276005554012002 Bührdarp 276005554012003 Große Klucht 276005554012004 Grütlohn 276005554012005 Haus Pröbstinck 276005554012006 Homer 276005554012007 Hoxvelt 276005554012008 Krukelinck 276005554012009 Leyhaußer Klucht 276005554012010 Marbeck 276005554012011 Newe Klucht 276005554012012 Rhebrugge 276005554012013 Venne Klucht 276005554012014 Wehrte 276005554012015 Westenbrocken 276005554040001 Raesfeld 276005562004001 Castrop-Rauxel 276005566016001 Bevergern 276005566076001 Rheine 276005570008001 Beckum 276005570020001 Enniger 276005570020002 Ennigerloh 276005570020003 Ostenfelde 276005570020004 Westkirchen 276005570028001 Oelde 276005570048001 Diestedde 276005570048002 Liesborn 276005570048003 Wadersloh 276005958044001 Allendorf 276005958044002 Amecke 276005958044003 Hagen 276005958044004 Stockum 276005958044005 Illingheim 276005958044006 Dörnholthausen 276005958044007 Seidfeld 276005958044008 Bruchhausen 276005974024001 Lippborg 276005974024002 276005974024003 Assen 276005974024004 Brönicke 276005974024005 Dorf 276005974024006 Ebbeker 276005974024007 Frölich 276005974024008 Osker 276005974024009 Polmer 276005974024010 Hovestadt 276007133103001 Stromberg 276007133103002 Sünninghausen

46 276007137221001 Rhens 276007137221002 Waldesch 276007232123001 276007232123002 276007232123003 Kälbermühle 276007232123004 Laymühle 276007232123005 Speichermühle 276007232123006 Neuhimrath 276007232123007 276007232123008 Preist 276007333019001 Eisenberg (Pfalz, Stadt) 276007334017001 Lingenfeld 276008111000001 Stuttgart 276008128138001 Triebsdorf 276008128138002 Wohlbach 276008135010001 Dischingen 276008135010002 Iggenhausen 276008135010003 Schrezheim 276008135010004 Hochstatt 276008135010005 Seegmühl 276008237040001 Betra 276008237040002 Dettensee 276008237040003 Dettingen 276008237040004 Dettlingen 276008237040006 Dießen mit Haidenhof 276008237040008 Priorberg 276008325057002 Fischingen mit Wehrstein 276008417025002 Bittelbronn mit Henstetten 276008417025005 Hart 276008417025007 Imnau 276008417025008 Stetten 276008417025009 Trillfingen 276008417051001 Bietenhausen 276008417051002 Höfendorf 276008421000001 Gögglingen 276008426090001 Oggelshausen 276009463000001 Coburg 276009473170001 Untersiemau 276009473170002 Scherneck 276009473170003 Stöppach 276009473170004 Weißenbrunn am Forst 276009473170005 Ziegelsdorf 276009473175001 Weitramsdorf 276009473175002 Schlettach 276009473175003 Weidach 276012067036001 Beeskow 276013003000001 Rostock 276013003000002 Kabutzenhof bei Rostock 276013003000003 Riekdahl 276013003000004 Bramow

47 276013003000005 Dierkow, Dorf des Hospitals zum St. Georg zu Rostock 276013003000006 Dierkow im D.A. Toitenwinkel 276013003000007 Toitenwinkel, Hausgut 276013003000008 Toitenwinkel 276013003000009 Evershagen 276013003000010 Schmarl, Dorf 276013003000011 Schmarl, Hof 276013003000012 Lütten Klein 276013003000013 Stuthof 276013003000014 Bartelsdorf 276013003000015 Dalwitzhof 276013003000016 Kassebohm 276013004000001 Schwerin 276013004000002 Ostorf, Dorf 276013004000003 Ostorf, Feldmark 276013004000004 Haselholz 276013004000005 Krebsförden 276013004000006 Zippendorf 276013004000007 Görries 276013004000008 Ostorf, Hof 276013004000009 Ostorfer Halse 276013004000010 Ostorfer Kaserne (a.d. Schwerin) 276013004000011 Schwerin, Ziegelei Gesewinkel 276013004000012 Schweriner Fähre im D. A. Schwerin 276013004000013 Neumühle 276013004000014 Schelfwerder 276013004000015 Lankow 276013004000016 Groß Medewege 276013004000017 Groß Medewege Jaldmark 276013004000018 Klosterberg-Ziegelei bei Groß Medewege 276013004000019 Klein Medewege im D.A. Schwerin 276013004000020 Carlshöhe 276013004000021 Paulsdamm 276013004000022 Friedrichsthal im D. A. Schwerin 276013004000023 Alt Wickendorf 276013004000024 Neu Wickendorf 276013004000025 Wickendorf (Carlshöhe) 276013004000026 Buchholz 276013004000027 Kaninchenwerder, Insel 276013004000028 Fasanerie 276013006000001 Vor Wendorf 276013006000002 Mittel Wendorf 276013006000003 Hinter Wendorf 276013006000004 Lenensruhe 276013006000005 Groß Flöte () 276013006000006 Övelgünne 276013006000007 Pachtgut St. Jacobshof 276013006000008 Müggenburg 276013051009001 Bentwisch 276013051009002 Albertsdorf

48 276013051009003 Harmsdorf 276013051009004 Klein Bentwisch 276013051009005 Klein Albertsdorf 276013051011001 Blankenhagen 276013051011002 Billenhagen 276013051011003 Mandelshagen 276013051015001 Pastow 276013051019001 Elmenhorst im D. A. Doberan 276013051020001 Gelbensande 276013051020002 Willershagen, Dorf 276013051020003 Willershagen, Hof 276013051022001 Graal-Müritz 276013051037001 Klein Kussewitz 276013051037002 Volkenshagen 276013051040001 Klein Stove 276013051040002 Gross Schwaß 276013051041001 Kröpelin 276013051041002 Hanshagen 276013051041003 Gut Duggenkoppel 276013051042001 Fulgen 276013051051001 Gross Stove 276013051051002 Niendorf 276013051051003 Sildemow, Dorf 276013051051004 Sildemow, Hof 276013051053001 Wahrstorf im Rostocker District 276013051054001 Vogtshagen, Dorf 276013051054002 Vogtshagen, Hof, zum Hospital heil. Geist gehörend 276013051054003 Vogtshagen, Hof 276013051054004 Busterich 276013051064001 Kösterbeck 276013051064002 Fresendorf im D. A. Toitenwinkel 276013051064003 Fresendorf im R. A. Güstrow 276013051066001 Rövershagen 276013051066002 Landkrug im D. A. Ribnitz 276013051066003 Purkshof 276013051066004 Behnkenhagen 276013051066005 Landkrug im D.A. Ribnitz 276013051068001 Oberhof, Hof 276013051068002 Oberhof, Meierei 276013051068003 Klein Freienholz 276013051068004 Groß Freienholz 276013051086001 Niederhagen 276013051086002 Satow, Hof 276013051086003 Büdner Colonie Satow Oberhagen 276013051086004 Satow-Oberhagen 276013051089001 Damm, Dorf, im D. A. Schwaan 276013051089002 Schlage Hospital zum St. Georg zu Rostock 276013051089003 Hohen Schwarfs 276013051089004 Beselin 276013051089005 Kessin

49 276013052017001 Zarnekow 276013053003001 Damm, Dorf, im D.A. Dargun 276013053007001 Bernitt 276013053007002 Neu Bernitt 276013053017001 Lissow 276013053031002 Devwinkel 276013053031003 Bauhof 276013053031004 Magdalenenlust 276013053031005 Gleviner Burg 276013053031006 Primerburg 276013053031007 Stasewitzerburg 276013053031008 Brunnen 276013053031009 Bülower Burg 276013053031010 Friedrich-Franz-Eisenbahn 276013053031011 Grenzburg 276013053037001 Klein Gischow im R. A. Bukow 276013053086001 Grünenhagen 276013053094001 Lübzin 276013053094002 Diedrichshof 276013053104001 Boldebuck 276013054028001 276013054028002 Altona 276013054028003 Bellevue 276013054028004 Eulenkrug im L. A. Eldena 276013054045001 Lehmkuhlen 276013054054001 im D. A. Schwerin 276013054054002 Groß Rogahn, Dorf 276013054054003 Groß Rogahn, Hof 276013054065001 Lübesse 276013054065002 Hasenhäge (bei Schwerin) 276013054067001 Gut Gösslow 276013054067002 Jessenitz, Hof 276013054067003 Jessenitz, Dorf 276013054067004 Gut Bandekow im R. A. Schwerin 276013054084001 , Dorf 276013054084002 Pampow, Hof 276013054099001 , Dorf 276013054099002 Stralendorf, Hof 276013054101001 Boldela 276013054111001 Gut 276013055044001 Mirow 276013056004001 Alt Schwerin 276013056004002 Jürgenshof, Gut 276013056004003 Alt Schwerin, Glashütte 276013056004004 Alt Schwerin, Gut 276013056004005 Mönchbusch 276013056004006 Ortkrug, Hof, im D. A. Schwerin 276013056004007 Jürgenshof 276013056023001 Kratz 276013057002001 Althagen

50 276013057002002 Niehagen 276013057022001 Dierhagen 276013057022002 Neu Dierhagen 276013057022003 Dändorf 276013057057002 Jahnckendorf 276013057057003 Carlewitz 276013057057004 Bartelshagen 276013057057005 Emkenhagen im Kloster Amte Ribnitz 276013057057006 Brünkendorf 276013057057007 Dänschenburg 276013057057008 Kuhlrade 276013057057009 Bookhorst 276013057074001 Wilmshagen 276013057074002 Petersdorf 276013057074003 Alteheide 276013057074004 Hirschburg 276013057074005 Klockenhagen 276013057074006 Neuheide 276013057074007 Klein Müritz 276013057074008 Neuhof 276013057094001 Wustrow 276013057094002 Barnstorf 276013058001001 im R. A. Schwerin 276013058001002 Meteln, Hof 276013058001003 Moltenow 276013058001004 Neu Meteln 276013058001005 Böken im R.A. Schwerin 276013058003001 Insel Lieps im Schweriner See, zu Gallentin gehörend 276013058003002 Gallentin 276013058003003 Bahnhof Kleinen im D. A. Schwerin 276013058003004 Kleinen im D. A. Schwerin 276013058005001 Groß Wolterdorf 276013058005002 Klein Woltersdorf, Erbpachtgut 276013058007001 Benz, Dorf, bei Wismar 276013058007002 Warkstorf 276013058007003 Warkstorf, Erbpachtgut 276013058007004 Gut Benz im R. A. Schwerin 276013058007005 Preensberg, Erbpachtgut 276013058016001 Brüsewitz im R.A. Schwerin 276013058016002 Groß Brütz, Gut, im R. A. Schwerin 276013058016003 Eulenkrug im R.A. Schwerin 276013058016004 Rosenberg im R.A. Schwerin 276013058016005 Gottmannsförde 276013058016006 Wahrholz 276013058016007 Paulmühle 276013058019001 276013058019002 Nienmark 276013058019003 Cramon 276013058020001 Dalberg im D. A. Schwerin 276013058020002 Wendelstorf

51 276013058025001 Steffin, Erbpachtgut 276013058026001 , Dorf 276013058026002 Drieberg, Hof 276013058026003 Drieberg im D. A. Schwerin 276013058026004 Dragun (Neu), Dorf 276013058029001 Jamel 276013058031001 276013058031002 Pertinenz Bergfeld 276013058031003 Klein Welzin 276013058031004 Groß Welzin im R. A. Schwerin 276013058032001 276013058032002 Wendischhof 276013058032003 Charlottenthal 276013058034001 Grevesmühlen 276013058049001 276013058049002 Tannenkathen 276013058053001 276013058053002 Moorbrink, Meierei 276013058053003 Kirch Stück, Hof 276013058053004 Kirch Stück 276013058053005 Anlage B. 276013058053006 Groß Trebbow im R. A. Schwerin 276013058053007 Barner Stück im R.A. Schwerin 276013058063001 Triwalk, Dorf 276013058063002 Triwalk, Erbpachtgut Hof 276013058063003 Maßlow 276013058064001 Lübstorf 276013058069001 Klüssendorf, Dorf 276013058069002 Klüssendorf, Erbpachtgut Hof 276013058069003 Martensdorf, Dorf 276013058071001 Mühlen Eichsen 276013058071002 Goddin 276013058071003 Groß Eichsen 276013058073001 276013058073002 Kartlow 276013058073003 Kartlow, Erbpachtgut Hof 276013058091001 Diedrichshagen 276013058095001 Seehof 276013058095002 Hundorf 276013058102001 Frauenmark 276013058102002 Neu Frauenmark 276013058108001 , Dorf 276013058108002 Zickhusen, Erbpachthof 276013058108003 Zickhusen, Hof 276013058108004 Driespeth im D. A. Schwerin 276013058109001 Wisch (Herrschaft Wismar) 276013058114001 Dalliendorf 276013058114002 Dalliendorf, Zieglerei 276013058114003 , Dorf 276013058114004 Dambeck, Hof, im Amt Schwerin

52 276013060001001 276013060001002 Goldenstädt 276013060001003 Alt Jamel, Dorf 276013060001004 Neu Jamel, Hof 276013060003001 , Dorf 276013060003002 Barnin, Hof 276013060009001 Cambs im R.A. Schwerin 276013060009002 Ahrensboek im R.A. Schwerin 276013060012001 Malchow, Dorf 276013060016001 Bergrade, Dorf 276013060016002 Bergrade, Hof 276013060035001 Dinnies im R. A. Sternberg 276013060036001 Karbow, Dorf 276013060036002 Karbow, Hof 276013060045001 Langen Brütz im R.A. und Schwerin 276013060048001 Zittow im D. A. Schwerin 276013060048002 Zittow im R. A. Schwerin 276013060048003 Görslow 276013060048004 Görslow, Schäferei 276013060056001 276013060056002 Erbpachtmühle 276013060059001 Alt-Godern im D.A. Schwerin 276013060059002 Godern im D.A. Schwerin 276013060059003 Neu-Godern 276013060060001 Consrade 276013060063001 Raben Steinfeld 276013060063002 Raben Steinfeld, Carsthof 276013060067001 Stralendorf 276013060098001 Matzlow, Dorf 276013060098002 Bahlenberg, Dorf 276013072043001 Güstrow 276013073055001 Zepelin Wulfshagen 276015002000001 Halle/Saale 276015082241001 Krina 276015089030001 Schlewipp-Gröna 276015089030002 Leau 276015091375001 Söllichau 276015091375002 Tornau 276015091375003 Durchwehna 276016067019001 Ernstroda 276016067023001 Fröttstedt 276016067042001 Laucha 276016067064001 Kleintabarz 276016067064002 Nonnenberg 276016067072001 Rödichen 276016067072002 Schnepfenthal 276016067072003 Salzmannschule 276016067083001 Gospiteroda 276016073076001 Cumbach 300001040801001 Kythira (Cerigo)

53 348000000544001 Újsz őny 348000001144001 Kisrozvágy 348000001640001 Tóthújfalu 348000001693001 Orgovány 348000001734001 Kiscsécs 348000002092001 Kisigmánd 348000002375001 Semjén 348000002395001 Mohács 348000002668001 Kecskemét/Czethal 348000002668002 Kecskemét/Csalános 348000002668003 Kecskemét/Halesz 348000002668004 Kecskemét/Monostorpuszta 348000002668005 Kecskemét/Nyírpuszta 348000002668006 Kecskemét/Széktó 348000002668007 Kecskemét/Téglás 348000002668008 Kecskemét/Úrréti puszta 348000002699001 Tóthszentgyörgy 348000003022001 Tardos 348000003351001 Szák 348000502154001 Deménd 380000006175001 de…Trivelle 380000006181001 de Vigazolo 380000021027001 Reschen 380000022114001 de la Mezana 380000023044001 Legnago 380000023044002 de Villabona 380000023044003 de la Ponzina 380000023044004 de S. Petro Leniaci 380000023044005 de Vangadicia 380000023044006 de Vigo 380000023044007 de la Mota 380000023044008 de…Vigi 380000058091003 Rome/San Marcello 440000001314001 Wilno 440000001316001 Snipiszki 440000002902001 Szawle 440000003301001 Olita 440000003330001 Krakopol 440000003408001 Onikszty 440000003469001 Traszkuny 440000003910001 Wylkowyszki 440000006258001 Malaty 440000006529001 Ligumy 440000006536001 Linkow 440000006546001 Pokroie 440000006642001 Nowe Miasto 440000006724001 Pukniany 440000007315001 Komaje 440000008101001 Wilkomierz 440000008223001 Polesie

54 440000008276001 Uszpole 440000008967001 Musniki 528000000654001 Baarland en Bakendorp 528000000654002 Borssele 528000000654003 Driewegen en Coudorpe 528000000654004 Heinkenszand 528000000654005 Hoedekenskerke 528000000654006 Nisse 528000000654007 Oudelande 528000000654008 Ovezande 528000000654009 s-Gravenpolder 528000000654010 s-Heerenhoek 528000000664001 Goes 528000000664002 Kloetinge 528000000664003 s-Heer Arendskerke 528000000664004 Wolphaartsdijk 528000000678001 Kapelle en Biezelinge 528000000678002 Schore en Vlake 528000000678003 Wemeldinge 528000000687001 Arnemuiden 528000000687002 Kleverskerke 528000000703001 Kruiningen 528000000703002 Yerseke 528000000717001 Biggekerke 528000000717002 Serooskerke (Walcheren) 528000000717003 Zoutelande 528000000718001 Oost-Souburg 528000000718002 West-Souburg 616306091508001 Wohynia 616306091901001 Wlodawa 616306121207001 Woitsdorf 616430570602001 Ciswice 616430570602002 Wilkowya 616430570602003 Felicyanowo 616430571701001 Sobotka 616430572005001 Macew 616432640203001 Neu-Wedell 616502010603001 Petersdorf 616502010603002 Hartenberg 616502010603003 Kiesewald 616502010603004 Heidelberg 616502041501001 Ohlau, 2. Stadtbezirk 616622420601001 Berent/Ko ścierzyna 616622436101001 Schidlitz/Siedlce 642000006627001 Bradesti 642000013524001 Nămăești 642000014085001 Gro și 642000014851001 Gălășești 642000019999001 Vl ăde știi de Jos 642000043073001 Tătari

55 642000043563001 Slobozia M ăcsineni 642000044328001 Str ămbu 642000044505001 Vizirii de Sus 642000044560001 Cazasu 642000046554001 Aduna ții ot Po șta C ălm ăț ui 642000046803001 Cremenea 642000047006001 Fundurile 642000048842001 Macrina 642000049206001 Săpoca 642000049313001 Plopeasa 642000065869001 Edera de Jos 642000066401001 Socetu 642000066526001 Dr ăgod ăne ști 642000066768001 Con țeștii de Sus 642000068280001 Caza ți 642000069900001 Moflea 642000070174001 Mile știi de Sus 642000070673001 Zvorcani 642000071547001 Panaghiia de Jos 642000074750001 Gabru de Sus 642000082680001 Flore ști 642000085840001 Sânsimion 642000094161001 Pribegi 642000100521001 Giurgiu 642000100610001 Olteni ţa 642000101564001 Sterianu Petrescului 642000102213001 Buda Crinceni 642000102473001 Runcu 642000102543001 Cop ăcenii Bojoreni 642000103130001 Găneasa 642000104047001 Letca No ă 642000104387001 Poenarii Niculescului 642000104582001 Surlarii Rumâni și Sârbi 642000104831001 Roata 642000107234001 Corni 642000115959001 Voiniceni 642000116545001 Deda 642000116590001 Damieni 642000118281001 Santandrei 642000119331001 Sangeorgiu de Padure 642000125347001 Slatina 642000125873001 Bobice ști 642000126022001 Mănăstirea Brâncoveni 642000126647001 Comanca 642000126674001 Horezu 642000128105001 Eno șești 642000129184001 Studina 642000130231001 Vulture știi de Sus 642000130302001 Găvăne ști 642000133394001 Ru șii și Fulga

56 642000133919001 Lapo șu Nou 642000135431001 Hibude 642000140244001 Benesat 642000140583001 Archid 642000140583002 Co șeiu 642000140823001 Cri şeni 642000140958001 Sancraiul Silvaniei 642000151932001 Crevenicu Mare 642000152760001 Meri șani 642000153543001 Coturani 642000154834001 Țig ăne știi Da șliului 642000166985001 Vulture ști 642000172812002 Piatra Iepii 642000174496001 Cucoiul 642000176686001 Vărc ăneasa 642000178689001 Aduna ții de Olteni 642000699640001 Leamna 642001526617001 Cr ăngeni 643045263564001 Chernitsyno 643045263564002 Kaloshino 643045280594001 Medvedkovo 643045280594002 Poluyurlova 643045280594003 Raevo 643045280594004 Saburovo 643045280594005 Yurlova 643045290554001 Vykhino 643045290558001 Kapotnya 643045290558002 Ryazantsevo 643045290568001 Chagina 643046206501001 Troitsko-Zotovo 643046206802006 Shelepino 643046206825002 Bochevino 643046206825007 Vyrypaevo 643046206825008 Chechevilova 643046206825009 Nikol'skoe 643046206825011 Lidino 643046206825014 Pushkino 643046206825016 Leonovo 643046206843009 Novotroitskaya 643046222804005 Dubenki 643046234802009 Afanasovo 643046234807014 Pogorelki 643046234807015 Beleninovo 643046242501001 Ozery 643046243825001 Avsunino 643046243825007 Ponarino 643046243825008 Mistsevo 643046243831020 Zevnevo 643046248501001 Novorozhdestveno (novoe) 643046248870006 Mikheevo

57 643046248870066 Abakshino 643046248888007 Nikitskoe 643046248888012 Yan'shino 643046248888013 Fominskaya 643046248891007 Mikhailovskaya sloboda 643046253831001 Meshherino 643046411000001 Alekseevo 643046411000002 Denisievo 643046411000003 Kishkina 643046438000001 Mityaevskaya sloboda 643046438000002 Sandyri 643046483000001 Kobyl'ya luzha 643061217839001 Krasnoje Sobakino 643061217845001 Mishino 643061217867001 Slabotka 643061217867004 Lokna 643061240551001 Saray 643061240869004 Ozeriha 643061250850001 Pokrovskoye 688000034300003 Orašac 688000034300009 Arandjelovac 688000034300012 Garaši 688000034300013 Jelovik 688000034300015 Markovac 688000034300016 Gornja Trešnjevica 688000034300017 Vukosavci 688000034300019 Brezovac 688000034300021 Bukovik 688000034300023 Vrbica 688000034300024 Banja 688000034300025 Kopljare 688000034300026 Stojnik 688000034310022 Topola 688000037000001 Krusevac 703000500488001 Luká čovce 703000501336001 Radva ň nad Dunajom 703000501492001 Blatná na Ostrove 703000501662001 Janíky - Horné Janíky 703000502359001 Iňa 703000502651001 Plavé Vozokany 703000505561001 Tesáre 703000508438001 Rudlová 703000508675001 Brusno 703000518174001 Bacurov 703000518760001 Sielnice 703000520471001 Medzilaborce 703000520829001 Ostronica 703000523950001 Švábovce 703000524611001 Kamenica 703000525219001 Šarišské Dravce

58 703000526240001 Silická Jablonica 703000528862001 Medzianky 703000555860001 Ve ľký Lapáš 703000556653001 Radošovce 703000580554001 Cenkovce 724000018051001 Colomera 724000029051002 Estepona 756040000132001 Hirzel 756040000142001 Wädenswil 792100000212001 Istanbul/Be şikta ş 792100000212002 Istanbul/Eminönü 792100000212003 Istanbul/Fatih 792100000212004 Istanbul/ Şişli 792100000216001 Istanbul/Üsküdar 804052048130301 Ljubašivka 804052048300601 Krušinivka 804052048400301 Potašnja 804052048420301 Pjatkivka 804052048540601 Luguvate 804052048860301 Jalanec 804052198440101 Kriklivec 804052328200101 Hristište 804052418420101 Obodivka 804052418420201 Tatarivka 804052508480101 Rogizka 804562308560101 Niewirków 804562468980501 Hory ńgród 804612248480101 Kołodno 804612248810101 Stary Wi śniowiec 804612348290101 Katerynburg 804612348760101 Stary Oleksieniec 804612381010001 Łanowce 804612388090101 Białozorka 804612388300101 Wyszgoródek 804612588180101 Dederkały 804612588950101 Szumbar 804682035560001 Jampol 818000000001001 unknown place in region Antaiopolite 818000000002001 Tanyaithis 818000000003001 Apias 818000000003002 Arsinoe 818000000003003 Bacchias 818000000003004 Dionysias 818000000003005 Ibion Eikosipentarouron 818000000003006 Karanis 818000000003007 Kerk(esoucha?) 818000000003008 Kerkesis 818000000003009 Mendes 818000000003010 Nilopolis 818000000003011 Philadelphia

59 818000000003012 Philagris 818000000003013 Polemon Divisio 818000000003014 Samareia 818000000003015 Soknopaiou Nesos 818000000003016 Tebtunis 818000000003017 Theadelphia 818000000003018 unknown place in the region of Arsinoite 818000000004001 Peptaucha 818000000005001 Trimeithis 818000000006001 Ankyronpolis 818000000006002 Herakleopolis 818000000006003 Machor 818000000007001 Hermopolis 818000000008001 Lykopolis 818000000009001 Memphis 818000000010001 Oxyrhynchus 818000000010002 Sinary 818000000010003 Talao 818000000011001 unknown place in the region of Prosopite comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets.

60 presence of person at enumeration (presence) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has the information, whether the person was present at the enumeration or not. It is a numeric variable with 1 digit. codes: 0 not recorded 1 present 2 absent 3 obviously dead 4 double entry 9 unknown comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets.

61 quality flag age (qage) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable denotes whether the age differs from the age information in the enumeration. The reason for such a change is generally an incompatibility with other information about this person in the enumeration, as e.g.:

HEAD 50 years WIFE 45 years SON 50 years DAUGHTER-IN-LAW 25 years

The information about the age of the son in this household is obviously wrong, therefore his age will be recoded into “unknown” and the variable qage will be changed from 0 to 1.

The second reason is an age above 125 years, which will be recoded to 125 years.

It is a numeric variable with 1 digit. codes: 0 age not altered 1 age altered because of inconsistency with other characteristics 2 age altered because over 125 years comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. The codes of this variable are only partly compatible with the variable QAGEGB in NAPP.

62 quality flag household (qhhold) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable denotes whether the household borders differ from the information in the enumeration or whether the household has some specific characteristics. The reasons for such a change in household borders are that obviously erroneously a household was divided into two households (e.g. two military barracks with the same address), or that two households were combined into one household by omitting a household separator between them (e.g. same household number, but different addresses and two household heads).

It is a numeric variable with 1 digit. codes: 0 household status not altered 1 household status altered: combining two or more households 2 household status altered: one household separated into more households 3 household with strange characteristics 5 incomplete household comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. The codes of this variable are not compatible with any variable in NAPP.

63 quality flag household relationship code (qrelate) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable denotes whether the code for the relationship to the head of the household differs from the term used in the enumeration. There are several reasons for such an alteration: 1. The term refers to the head of a family within the household or the previous person, but not to the household head.

HEAD HIS WIFE HIS SON HIS WIFE HIS DAUGHTER will be coded as: 0101 head 0201 spouse 0301 child 0401 child-in-law 0901 grandchild

2. The term is obviously wrong.

HEAD 30 years WIFE 30 years SON 5 years SON 50 years DAUGHTER-IN-LAW 50 years will be coded as: 0101 head 0201 spouse 0301 child 1061 other relative 1061 other relative

3. There was no person indicated as household head. Every household has to have a household head (even group quarters). In case nobody was named household head in the source material, the first person of the household will be selected as household head (unless there is a clear indication of a possible head of a household being enumerated not as the first person, as e.g. the director of a hospital enumerated as second or third person) and all subsequent persons will be coded according to their relationship to this person.


4. There is a second household head enumerated. There can only be one household head per household. The second one has to be recoded according to other information about this person. If there is a clear indication, that two households were erroneously merged into one, both stay household heads and the second gets a new household number together with all the members of this household. This change will be reported in the quality flag of the household (qhhold).

5. The information of other persons in the household can be used to clarify the relationship to the household head.

HEAD 40 years WIFE 25 years WIDOW 50 years BROTHER 15 years MISSING 11 years MISSING 8 years will be codes as: qrelate 0101 head 0 0201 spouse 0 0601 parent-in-law 5 0801 sibling-in-law 1 0801 sibling-in-law 5 0801 sibling-in-law 5

It is very likely that the children following the widow are her children and that the relationship “brother” refers to the wife of the head and not to the head. Therefore the widow should be the mother of the wife.

6. There are households or persons, which are enumerated as separate units, but it is obvious that they were actually part of a larger household (e.g. as a servant). If this larger household is known, the household identification number of this larger household will be used, if the larger household is unknown, a separate household identification number is used. Such households have no household head.

If code 1 and code 2 are possible for the same person, take code 1.

It is a numeric variable with 1 digit. VariableCode VariableLabels 0 relationship status not altered 1 relationship status altered because relationship refers not to household head 2 relationship status altered because it is obviously wrong 3 relationship status altered because no household head was enumerated 4 relationship status altered because of more than one household head 5 relationship status altered because of information from other members of the household 6 relationship status alterd because person is a member of a larger household, but we don't know this household

65 comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. The codes of this variable are only partly compatible with the variable QRELGB in NAPP.

66 quality flag marital status (qmarst) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable denotes whether the marital status variable differs from the marital status information in the enumeration. The reason for such a change is generally an incompatibility with other information about this person in the enumeration.

It is a numeric variable with 1 digit. codes: 0 marital status not altered 1 marital status altered comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. The codes of this variable are compatible with the variable QMARSTGB in NAPP.

67 quality flag sex (qsex) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable denotes whether the sex variable differs from the sex information in the enumeration. The reason for such a change is generally an incompatibility with other information about this person in the enumeration. If both first name and relationship indicate a different gender to that in the sex variable, the sex variable is altered. If there is still a problem, i.e., the relationship is not gender specific (i.e., head) then the sex is altered in the following ways:

• For those people where the relationship to head of household is gender- specific, alter the sex if relationship and first name refer to a different sex than the sex variable. For those people where the relationship to head of household is gender- specific, alter the sex if relationship and first name refer to the same sex and the sex variable is unrecorded.

It is a numeric variable with 1 digit. codes: 0 sex not altered 1 sex altered because relationship and first name imply different sex 2 sex altered on basis of first name only comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. The codes of this variable are only partly compatible with the variable QSEXGB in NAPP.

68 region (region) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable identifies a region covering the place of enumeration of the person. It is based on the historical administrative division at the time of enumeration. These region codes are not exclusive to each other, because the area covered by them can change over time. Therefore the same place can have two different region codes for two different enumerations.

It is a numeric variable with 6 digits. It consists of: • the country code (3 digits), • a larger region within the country (3 digits). VariableCode VariableLabels 040200 Habsburg Empire/Archduchy of Lower Austria 040400 Habsburg Empire/Duchy of Carinthia 040500 Habsburg Empire/Duchy of Styria 040600 Habsburg Empire/Archduchy of Upper Austria 040700 Habsburg Empire/Duchy of Salzburg 040800 Habsburg Empire/Princely County of Tirol with Vorarlberg 056401 Belgium/Départment de la Lys 100601 Bulgaria/Rhodope region 112101 Poland-Lithuania/Polesia 112102 Poland-Lithuania/Brest Litewski Voivodeship 112501 Poland-Lithuania/Central Belarus 112502 Poland-Lithuania/Minsk Voivodeship 112601 Poland-Lithuania/Witebsk Voivodeship 112602 Poland-Lithuania/Połock Voivodeship 191400 Habsburg Empire/City of Zagreb 191910 Croatia/Roman Catholic Diocese of Dubrovnik 203410 Bohemia/Roman Catholic Diocese of Leitmeritz/Litom ěř ice 203700 Habsburg Empire/Margraviate of Moravia 250025 France/Département Bouches-de-l’Escaut 250026 France/Département Bouches-du-Rhin 250102 France/Département Seine-et-Marne 250212 France/Département Aube 250214 France/Département Haute-Marne 250224 France/Département Oise 250232 France/Département Seine-Maritime 250241 France/Département Cher 250251 France/Département Calvados 250261 France/Département Côte-d'Or 250263 France/Département Saône-et-Loire 250302 France/Département Pas-de-Calais 250412 France/Département Meuse

69 250434 France/Territoire de Belfort 250511 France/Département Loire-Atlantique 250514 France/Département Sarthe 250515 France/Département Vendée 250522 France/Département Finistère 250534 France/Département Vienne 250611 France/Département Dordogne 250612 France/Département Gironde 250615 France/Département Pyrénées-Atlantique 250623 France/Département Lot-et-Garonne 250625 France/Département Lot 250626 France/Département Hautes-Pyrénées 250711 France/Département Ain 250722 France/Département Cantal 250813 France/Département Hérault 250825 France/Département Var 276010 Germany/Government District of Sigmaringen 276030 Habsburg Empire/Anterior Austria 276040 Germany/Kingdom of Württemberg 276045 Germany/Roman Catholic Diocese of Constance 276231 Germany/Government District of Trier 276232 Germany/Government District of Koblenz 276250 Germany/Roman Catholic Diocese of Speyer 276420 Germany/Government District of Düsseldorf 276421 Germany/Government District of Münster 276422 Germany/Government District of Arnsberg 276430 Germany/Prince-Bishopric of Münster/Oberstift 276431 Germany/Prince-Bishopric of Münster/Niederstift 276501 Germany/Kingdom of Hanover 276531 Germany/Duchy of Braunschweig 276560 Germany/County of Bentheim 276570 Germany/Principality of Calenberg-Göttingen 276571 Germany/Principality of Grubenhagen 276600 Germany/Duchy of Schleswig 276610 Germany/Duchy of Holstein 276620 Germany/Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 276751 Germany/Government District of Merseburg 276765 Germany/Duchy of Anhalt-Bernburg 276786 Germany/Duchy of Sachsen-Coburg 276788 Germany/Duchy of Sachsen-Gotha 276810 Germany/Government District of Potsdam 276811 Germany/Government District of Frankfurt 276881 Germany/Government District of Breslau 276882 Germany/Government District of Liegnitz 276930 Germany/Government District of Danzig 276960 Germany/Government District of Posen 300910 Greece/Ionian Islands 336001 Vatican/City of Rome 348100 North-Eastern Hungary 348300 Hungary/Great Plain

70 348500 Hungary/Northern Transdanubia 348700 Hungary/Southern Transdanubia 368001 Babylonia/Nippur province 380301 Italy/Republic of Venice 440001 Russia/Vilna 440002 Poland-Lithuania/Wilno Voivodeship 440201 Russia/ 440202 Poland-Lithuania/Troki Voivodeship 616111 Poland-Lithuania/Wielunskie County 616211 Poland-Lithuania/Krakowskie (Lesser Poland) 616221 Poland-Lithuania/Silesia 616311 Poland-Lithuania/Chelmska Land 616411 Poland-Lithuania/Greater Poland 616412 Poland-Lithuania/Ostrzeszow County 616611 Poland-Lithuania/Kujavia 616621 Poland-Lithuania/Warmia 642110 Hungary/Partium 642120 Hungary/Transylvania 642221 Wallachia/district Br ăila 642222 Wallachia/district Buz ău 642227 Wallachia/district Slam-Râmnic 642311 Wallachia/district Arge ş 642313 Wallachia/district Dâmbovi ţa 642314 Wallachia/district Vla şca 642315 Wallachia/district Ialomi ţa 642316 Wallachia/district Prahova 642317 Wallachia/district Teleorman 642318 Wallachia/district S ăcuieni 642319 Wallachia/district Mu şcel 642322 Wallachia/district Ilfov 642411 Wallachia/district Dolj 642412 Wallachia/district Gorj 642413 Wallachia/district Mehedin ţi 642414 Wallachia/district Olt 642415 Wallachia/district Vâlcea 642416 Wallachia/district Romana ţi 643451 Russia/ 643621 Russia/Ryazan Governorate 688310 Serbia/Jaseni čki District 688510 Serbia/Kruševa čki District 703200 Western Upper Hungary 703600 Middle Upper Hungary 703700 Eastern Upper Hungary 724600 Spain/Andalucía 756022 Switzerland/Canton Fribourg 756040 Switzerland/Canton Zürich 792340 Ottoman Empire/Vilayet of Constantinople/Istanbul 804021 Russia/Braclav Governorate 804031 Russia/Roman Catholic Diocese of Luck 804061 Poland-Lithuania/Zhytomyr County

71 804221 Poland-Lithuania/Podolia 818100 Roman Empire/Province of Egypt comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets.

72 relationship to household head (relate) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has a code for the relationship to the household head. It is a numeric variable with 4 digits. If a change has to be made to this code in relation to the term used in the source, this has to be marked in the quality flag variable qrelate. For more information about this topic see this variable. codes: 0101 head/householder 0201 spouse 0202 2nd/3rd wife (polygamous) 0203 concubine/mistress 0301 child 0302 adopted child 0303 stepchild 0304 adopted, n.s. 0305 adopted/fostered child (Great Britain) 0306 fostered child 0401 child-in-law 0402 step child-in-law 0501 parent 0502 stepparent 0503 adoptive parent 0601 parent-in-law 0602 stepparent-in-law 0603 retired people with special benefits from farm (karfolk) 0605 retired person (last name of this person or its spouse is the same as the last name of the household head or head’s spouse) 0606 retired person’s spouse 0607 retired person’s child 0608 retired person's grandchild 0701 sibling 0702 step/half/adopted sibling 0703 step sibling 0704 half-sibling 0801 sibling-in-law 0802 step/half sibling-in-law 0901 grandchild 0902 adopted grandchild 0903 step grandchild 0904 grandchild-in-law 1001 other relatives, not specified

73 1011 grandparent 1012 step grandparent 1013 grandparent-in-law 1021 aunt or uncle 1022 aunt, uncle-in-law 1023 step aunt or uncle 1024 great aunt or uncle 1031 nephew, niece 1032 nephew/niece-in-law 1033 step/adopted nephew/niece 1034 grand niece/nephew 1035 step nephew/niece 1036 adopted nephew/niece 1037 grand step nephew/niece 1038 grand nephew/niece-in-law 1041 cousin 1042 cousin-in-law 1043 first cousin 1044 second cousin 1051 great grandchild 1061 other relatives, not elsewhere classified 1100 partner, friend, visitor 1110 partner/friend 1111 friend 1112 partner 1113 partner/roommate 1114 unmarried partner 1115 housemate/roommate 1120 relative of partner 1131 visitor 1132 companion and companion’s family 1139 allocated partner/friend/visitor 1141 retired person (last name of this person or its spouse is different from the last name of the household head or head’s spouse) 1142 retired person’s spouse 1143 retired person’s child 1144 retired person’s grandchild 1145 retired person’s parent 1146 retired person’s child-in-law 1147 retired person’s other relative 1200 other non-relatives 1201 roomers/boarders/lodgers 1202 boarders 1203 lodgers 1204 roomer 1205 tenant 1206 spouse of roomers/boarders/lodgers/tenants 1207 children of roomers/boarders/lodgers/tenants 1208 pauper (staying with others at expense of municipality) 1209 other relative of roomers/boarders/lodgers/tenants

74 1210 employees 1211 servant 1212 housekeeper 1213 maid 1214 cook 1215 nurse 1216 other probable domestic employee 1217 other employees 1218 apprentice, journeyman 1219 relative of employee 1221 military 1222 students 1223 members of religious orders 1225 spouse of employee 1226 child of employee 1229 slave 1230 other non-relatives 1239 allocated other non-relatives 1301 institutional inmates 1302 families of inmates 1303 foundlings/orphans 9993 the same as the previous entry 9994 numbered item (indicates being the same as the previous entry) 9995 not coded yet 9996 unclassifiable 9997 unknown 9998 illegible 9999 missing comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. It uses the same codes as the variable RELATE of NAPP (with the exception of the additional codes 605-608, 1141-1147, 1206-1207, 1209, 1218, 1225-1226, 1229, 9993 – 9995).

75 relationship to household head original (relateor) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has the information about the relationship to the household head as it has been transcribed from the original source. It is an alphabetic variable with 45 characters. If the information needs more than 45 characters, it will be truncated. codes: !! missing relationship to household head ** relationship to household head not included in data file ?? illegible relationship to household head comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets.

76 religion (relig) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has the religion of the person. It is a numeric variable with 4 digits. codes: 0000 not recorded 1000 no religion 1001 Atheist 1002 Without religion 2000 Buddhist 3000 Hindu 4000 Jewish 5000 Muslim 6000 Christian 6100 Catholic 6110 Roman Catholic 6120 Greek Catholic 6200 Orthodox 6210 Old Believer 6300 Protestant 6310 Lutheran 6320 Anglican 6330 Reformed 6340 Pentecostal 6350 Adventist/Seventh-day adventist 6400 other Christian 7000 Other 7001 Bahai 7002 Sikh 9999 unknown comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. These codes are inspired by NAPP and IPUMS-International, but not identical with the codes RELIG or RELIGION.

77 sex (sex) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable has the sex of the person. It is a numeric variable with 1 digit. This information is partly not stated explicitly in the source, but derived from other information, like relationship to the head of household or first names. codes: 1 male 2 female 8 illegible 9 missing/blank comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. The codes are the same as for the variable SEX in NAPP. The codes are the same as for the variable SEX in IPUMS-International with the exception of code 8, which does not exist there.

78 type of enumeration (enumtype) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable identifies the type of enumeration of the record. It is a numeric variable with 2 digits. The first digit indicates the group of enumeration: 10 – 19: census listings 20 – 29: church listings 30 – 39: tax lists 40 – 49: other enumerations codes: 10 census (unknown whether de jure or de facto) 11 de jure census 12 de facto census 13 ancient census 21 status animarum 22 list of communicants 23 confessional list 24 soul register 31 head tax list 32 revision list 33 other tax list 41 list of inhabitants 42 conscription list 43 household register 44 list of slaves 99 unknown

Note: De jure census includes also enumerations which were published as de facto censuses in case the enumeration includes also data about absent people and a question about the presence or absence of people. comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets.

79 urban-rural status (urban) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable identifies the enumeration place as being urban or rural. It is a numeric variable with 1 digit. codes: 1 rural 2 urban 9 unknown comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets. The codes of this variable are compatible with the variable URBAN in NAPP and IPUMS-International.

80 year of enumeration (year) availability: This variable is available for all data sets. universe: This variable is available for all persons. description: This variable identifies the year of enumeration of the record. It is a numeric variable with 4 digits. codes: 9999 unknown comparability: This variable is fully comparable across all data sets.