The General Council – Rome IMC Newsletter N°32

Rome, December 08, 2015 Feast of the , beginning of the Extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy!

INTRODUCTION Dear brothers, our vocation of people consecrated for the mission is very beautiful but also very challenging; it drives us on new and unknown paths and processes. But throughout this process the most important aspect is the love of life of which our vocation should be a sign and a witness, a life lived with others, especially the poorest and neediest. «The multitude of those who believed was of one heart and soul, and no one considered his property all that he owned, but they had everything in common. With great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and all enjoyed great favour. None of their members was ever in want, as all those who owned land or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles’ feet; then it was distributed to each according to his need» (Acts 4,32-35). Francesco during his visit to South Korea spoke of consolation. Let us meditate on his word: «There is a word that attracts me a lot: consolation. Consolation: the presence of God in any of his modalities. Our Holy Father Ignatius always tries to confirm the decision of the reform of life or of the election of the status of life through the second way of “election”: the consolation. Consolation is a beautiful word for those who receive it. But it is difficult to give consolation. When I read the Book of Consolation of the Prophet , added Francesco, I read that to console, to console his people, is a work proper to God. When one lives a painful situation, if he can face it with love, it becomes a seed of consolation for this person». God’s people, the Pope explained, «need consolation, to be consoled, the “Consuelo”. I think that the Church is a field hospital at the moment. The people of God ask us to be consoled. Many wounds, so many wounds that need consolation... We must listen to the words of Isaiah: “Comfort, comfort my people.” There are no wounds that cannot be comforted by the love of God. We have to live in this way: looking for Jesus Christ so as to bring this love to console the wounds, to heal the wounds».

1. Protector of the year: BLESSED IRENE NYAATHA “Very Dear Consolata Missionaries: Sisters, Fathers and Brothers, During this new year dedicated to mercy we want to continue praying and look at Blessed Irene as our annual protector. Papa Francesco presenting the Jubilee year of Mercy explained: «A question is present in the heart of many people: why a Jubilee of Mercy today? Simply because the Church, in this time 1 of great changes, is called upon to offer in a more evident way the signs of the presence and closeness of God. This is not the time for distraction, but rather to remain vigilant and to awaken in us the ability to look to the essentials. It is the time for the Church to rediscover the meaning of the mission that the Lord entrusted to it on the day of Easter: to be a sign and instrument of the Father’s mercy (cfr. John 20, 21-23). Blessed Irene Stefani is characterized precisely by her mercy. It is the name that without her knowledge was given her by the people of Gikondi: Nyaatha, and she is still called so.” This is the way that the exhortation letter that the Mother General of the Consolata Missionaries Sisters, Sister Simona Brambilla, and myself have prepared to accompany us through this year. At the end of the letter that you will receive in a few days there are even specific proposals; I invite you to attend to them and put all the possible effort to carry them out. May Blessed Irene be the one who leads our steps towards the renewal of the Institute and of our mission with a spirit of mercy. Good Walk! Prayer Blessed Irene: Blessed Irene, Nyaatha , our sister, Intercede for us the gift of Mercy! 2. TOWARDS SOME LEGAL DECISIONS The Direzione Generale, considering the legal status (under Church Law) of a number of missionaries and countries falling under its jurisdiction, as well as the continental process undertaken by the Institute, is oriented to create some new Delegations, to modify some others in order to encourage the Continental process which was started by the Institute and thus achieve the definition of the legal belonging status of some missionaries who feel the need for such clarity. In short, the main reasons for this legal clarification are: To make each group responsible for its life and mission; To ensure a more direct and closer link with the Continent they belong to; To foster a certain decentralization from the Direzione Generale. In concrete the concerned groups and communities are: • Our Asian presences: Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan, which could make up one only region of Asia. • The Region of Spain: it could become a Delegation. • The Canada, Mexico, USA groups: they could become a new Delegation, though maintaining a certain group autonomy. • The Congo-Isiro and Congo-Kinshasa groups: they could be constitutes again as Region. • The Polish community: it could be united to the Region of Italy. • The Angola community: it could be united to the Region of Mozambique. 3. RECOVERY OF OUR MEMORY For some time there has been talking, within our Institute, of the importance of our historical memory, recovering our historical memory is essential for building the future.

2 Without memory there is no future. Peoples who lose their memory are people without a future. An Institute that loses its memory has a future built on the sand. The Holy Pope John Paul II had written about cultural heritage, “from the encounter with the Cultural Heritage contemporary man must be able to re-read the history of the Church and of the Kingdom and to recognize the mysterious fascination of God’s saving plan.” We, Consolata Missionaries, run this risk considering the little effort we make to not lose, in fact, our memory. Our memory is not just made up of the cultural heritage we have collected in the course of many years. Memory means also not to forget the many witnesses, the many Consolata missionaries who marked a time, an era, and a presence. The more time passes, the more we older missionaries have a responsibility to inform our younger missionaries about our history. We need to tell young people the events and the characters of our Institute. This telling helps to give meaning to our existence, it allows us to find our roots, giving meaning to what has been and what has happened. Memory is the story commented by the experience of the missionaries and of the lived mission. In our tradition we have different tools that have characterized our history and which, for various reasons, we have abandoned without recourse to other important tools. I think about the diaries of the Missionaries, all that material we have in those texts which we preserve with sacred attention in our General Archives. We all know that, right in the Diaries, the Founder drew to keep in touch with his missionaries, in order to give advice knowing the reality and walk with the missionaries on the paths of the mission. Also in different Regions we have small or large museums where we gathered the signs of history, the cultural goods, signs of our presence among the people with whom we have shared culture and bread. We cannot abandon these cultural schools; we have the duty of keeping them alive and open so that also the people may know, understand and accompany. Finally, there are the exhibits, the studies, the writings, the work of many missionaries who, thanks to their skills and competencies expressed art and culture. Our task is to preserve, to make known, to study this material so that forming ourselves on the history of yesterday we may write that of tomorrow. However, in conclusion, I cannot fail to remind everyone that the greatest gift we have is our missionaries, their example and their testimony which, if not forgotten, becomes the seed of our future. This challenge, this task, this gratitude that we still must have, is open for all of us. I invite everyone to mobilize so that everywhere: a. Let us go back to writing the DIARIES of the MISSION and of the MISSIONARY, unique and even irreplaceable source for drinking from our own well! b. Let us recount and put in writing the testimony of our missionaries of the past with a privileged attention to the communities and the missions we have achieved together. c. Let us collect and store the material produced by our missionaries: artwork, drawings, projects, photos... d. Let us create “places of the memory”: Museums and/or Cultural Centres, expression of the life of our Institute, participation of our people, of the contribution of the communities and people with whom we have built and we are still building paths. e. Let us take care of, update and keep in order our Regional Archives: a sign of respect, solidarity and communion with every missionary belonging to the Consolata family. Dear ones, let us do everything possible so that, in the places where we are, we can retrieve both the cultural heritage that characterizes our history and, above all, the examples, the testimonies of those who have gone before us, so as to not forget and to continue with

3 zeal and passion our mission. 4. ASIA IN OUR HEART In August, with father Ugo Pozzoli, General Councillor for Asia, we visited our presences in Asia. This visit was rich in mission and meetings and I would like to share with you some thoughts so that this “Asian mission” may be more and more an expression of our mission and of our Institute. As per tradition, each visit is accompanied by an official letter from the DG to the missionaries of the Region, underlining some aspects of the mission and providing some guidance for the future. In this circumstance we consider most important and significant to send a letter to the Institute about Asia, rather than just a letter to the missionaries who live and work in Asia, believing that you love and fall in love with what you know! Aspects of Asia and of the Asians Asians make up 54% of the world population and Christians are only 2.3%, which means simply the practical difficulty of the Church in Asia in formulating and communicating the Christian faith in a manner consistent with local cultures. Another demographic data needs our attention: the number of followers of Islam in Asia. Islam had 1 billion and 57 million members, that is, 23% of the world population, the most widespread religion in the world after Christianity. Approximately 2/3 of the world's Muslims live in Asia. A hallmark of Asia, compared with other continents, is the fact that it is a land of cultural and religious pluralism. But the land is affected by a massive poverty, which means an extreme dependency and economic polarization called global South and global North. Oppressive social systems still exist in many countries characterized by the Dalits (former “untouchables” of India), sex tourism, “bought wives” especially in Korea. There is also much confusion and militarization policy characterized by numerous ethnic and religious conflicts in many countries, the communist regimes, military rule especially in the case of Myanmar. Despite their rich traditions and cultural and religious heritage, Asian populations witness and experience many imbalances. Christians are a small minority in almost all of Asia. Aside from the Philippines and East Timor that are home to two-thirds of the Christians of the whole of Asia, and perhaps Korea with a 25% of Christians, in other countries these do not exceed 1 or 2 percent of the population, somewhere (as in Thailand, Japan, Mongolia, Cambodia) they are also less than 0.4 percent. “How to raise the awareness of the Institute on the Asian reality and the mission, carried on in the Continent for the past 27 years, remains one of the priorities, if not the top priority, for these and the coming years. We talked about it at all the meetings held during the canonical visitation. It is not easy to see how to proceed; we know that something must be done if we want to give life to the desire of the Chapter and answer to prayer that the church is doing for some time: go there where the vast majority of people still have not heard the name of Christ. Dear confreres, we have before us a special time to be dedicated to the renewal of our lives. The drafting of this letter actually coincides with the period of Advent, feverish waiting for the novelty of the Gospel that is made flesh in the person of Jesus. To the importance of opening up to the new, if you remember, we had dedicated our first message addressed to the missionaries of Asia and to the whole Institute: “New wine in new wineskins”. It was a message that resumed and expanded, in the light of a reality that we as Direzione Generale were slowly discovering, the mandate of the General

4 Chapter which asked the Institute to have a particular consideration for Asia. Today, travelling towards another Chapter appointment, we would like to share with you the spirit of that time. Every day we are asked an exercise in intercultural openness, ductility in the application of our projects, serious and profound analysis of that which is our religious and missionary life in the name of a missionary community Project, but also of the reality in which we live. This openness requires a serious study, made of application (first in the study of language), but also sympathy for cultures and traditions that in most cases have ancient roots, much older than ours. We say this in particular to those who recently have approached the Continent. You have in your hand the future of our presence in Asia, you are mission, as Pope Francesco remembers in Evangelii Gaudium, and from you will depend tomorrow the fertility of the encounter of this immense continent with our little Institute. Put yourselves into it with passion, trying to understand and know, because only if it is known in depth, a reality can be truly loved.” (From the letter of the Direzione Generale to the Missionaries in Asia!) For this, more fundamentally, are we ready to plunge into the reality of the poor lives, full of conflicts, of the Asian people? Are we really ready to open the door of our Institute to let in the winds of change, so that we can change? Are we confident that we intend to work together with the laity, having them not as employees but as partners in carrying out our apostolate, our mission?

5. THE MISNA AGENCY After a long and painful discernment the Superior Generals of the four Italian Missionary Institutes, namely: Comboni Missionaries, PIME, Xaverians and we, Consolata, decided to formally close the agency MISNA. In the spirit of sharing, here I would like to make known to you the contents of the letter that we have produced and sent to the proper authorities to communicate our decision. I think it expresses, better than all, the real reasons for such choice. “In our periodic meetings of the past seven or eight years, we General Superiors of the four Italian Missionary Institutes, we have devoted much time to reflect in particular on the various growing problems Agency MISNA. We were looking for some solution at least provisionally, pending a final decision. On November 9th, we gathered to only deal with the topic MISNA. A thorough analysis of the various aspects of the current situation was made. Clearly some issues emerged which were not easily overcome and which we briefly expose in this communication. First of all it was detected the serious difficulty on the part of our Institutes to ensure appropriate staff and specialized management for an agency like MISNA. Often we struggle to find people prepared for some of our internal departments: education, administration; this difficulty is most felt with regard to social communication. The economic issue, which was heavily loss-making and worrying for our Institutes, was carefully examined. Even with the new Statute of “social enterprise” we are not sure that costs will decrease; indeed they could increase, given that the question of the “Fund Raising” cannot guarantee a simple solution. In addition, while we highly appreciate the CEI for its generous support so far granted us, if in the future were to decrease its contribution to MISNA, our Institutes should shoulder other expenses that we all would

5 be unwilling to approve. Finally, we asked ourselves what is currently the impact of the Agency MISNA on our society and missionary world. Compared to a few years ago, the situation is significantly different. We also consulted experts in the field; they consider that the world of social communications, which is continuously evolving, needs further changes and updates that at this historic moment our Institutes cannot accomplish. In light of these and other considerations, honestly and in mutual agreement we came to the decision to end the activities of the Agency MISNA by 31 December 2015. We confess to you that it was a difficult decision, but necessary, with the hope and commitment to continue to animate with other forms God’s people on the missionary activity of the Church in the world. With the best wishes in the Lord we are pleased to extend to you our respectful regards. Fr. Luigi Menegazzo, Sup. Gen. Xaverian Missionaries Fr Tesfaye Tadesse Gebresilasie, Sup. Gen. Comboni Missionaries Fr. Stefano Camerlengo, Sup. Gen. Consolata Missionaries Fr. Ferruccio Brambillasca, Sup. Gen. PIME Missionaries” A difficult decision but necessary. Remains a commitment for us all to continue to tell the mission, to be both formed missionaries and informed missionaries. 6. PRESENCE IN THE COMMUNITY OF THE SISTERS OF THE EUCAHRIST AT PORTA PIA The Direzione Generale, responding positively to the specific request of the apostolic Commissioner of the community of the Sisters of the Eucharist in Via Nomentana, near Porta Pia, Rome, has opened a temporary community. Being a presence of study and discernment, the missionaries residing there belong to the community of the Casa Generalizia. Presently in this community there are two missionaries: Father Ariel Tosoni and Father Giacomo Mazzotti. We express The General Directorate for responding positively to the specific request of the Commissioner of the apostolic community of the Sisters of the Eucharist in Nomentana, near Porta Pia, Rome, has opened a temporary community. Being a presence of study and discernment, the missionaries residents belong to the community of the General House. Currently in this community there are two missionaries: Father Ariel Tosoni and father Giacomo Mazzotti. We express best wishes and good mission to the two missionaries and all their collaborators. Finality: Three are the goals of our presence and service in via Nomentana: Charity service: the intention is that of helping and accompany the community of the Sisters who are in a difficulty and in need on account of their age and number. Service of AMV: considering the structure and the place, we think that it could be a concrete and positive response to the desire of the community of the Casa Generalizia, expressed from some time and present in our programming, to qualify our presence in the Diocese of Rome and in the territory from the missionary perspective. Economic Service: with a specific project it could be a possible economic investment for the Institute looking to the future. Time: currently we have signed an agreement for a term of one year and in this document there are many practical suggestions that guide our presence (March-April 2015 - March-April 2016). It is hoped that this agreement will continue in time. 6 7. ACTS OF THE DIREZIONE GENERALE A – Admissions to the Priesthood Admitted from the Delegation of Ivory Coast: Ndirangu Deac. Njoroge Odunga Deac. Jean Baptist Ominde B – Admissions to Perpetual Profession and to the Order of Diaconate Admitted from the Delegation of South Africa: Kaney Std. Obadia Paraboy Ole Kaney Muriithi Std. Peterson Mwangi Admitted from the Region of Brazil: Auma Std. Paul Okoth Mbeyela Std. Heradius Germanus Ochieng Std. Oloo Oiye Std. Onyango Admitted from the Region of Italy: Balayangaki Std. Danstan Mushobolozi Menya Std. Geoffrey Omondi Musyoka Std. Gregory Nzau Admitted from the Region of : De Brito Std. Luiz Antonio Kaibe Std. Wilfred Gikondi Kariuki Brother John Gachoki Odhiambo Std. Stephen Alfred Otieno C - Assignments Assignments of the Novices from Martín Coronado, Argentina The Direzione Generale has assigned the 5 novices of the Novitiate Martín Coronado, Argentina, to the Formation Apostolic Communities of Cacém and Cali as follows: NAME COUNTRY ASSIGNMENT OF BIRTH Baseggio Nov Leandro Augusto Brazil CAF of Cacém - Portugal Erazo Giraldo Nov Carlos Andrés Colombia CAF of Cacém - Portugal Cândido Pereira Nov Sandrio Brazil CAF of Cali - Colombia Hernandez Martinez Nov Oscar Mauricio Colombia CAF of Cali - Colombia Pelaez Epitacio Nov Elmer Mexico CAF of Cali - Colombia Assignment of Students Student Residence Assignment Ong'era Std Geoffrey Boriga Brazil (seminary) Korea (Stage of two years) Restrepo Eusse Std. Luis Andrés Kenya (Seminary) Colombia (Seminary) First Assignment of the Deacons admitted to the Priesthood Deacon Residence Assignment Ndirangu Deac. Raphael Njoroge Ivory Coast (studies) Ivory Coast

7 Odunga Deac. Jean Baptist Ominde Ivory Coast (studies) Ivory Coast Assignment of the Deacons entrusted to the American Continent Missionary Residence Assignment Nyawach Deac. Domnick Otieno Kenya (Seminary) Venezuela Kasuba Nsontien Deac. Bienvenu Italy (Seminary) Amazon Mugerwa Deac. Joseph Brazil (Seminary) Amazon Waiganjo Deac. Patrick Murunga Brazil (Seminary) DG (Mexico Group) Other Assignments Missionary Residence Assignment South Africa – Director of Agalo Fr. Fredrick Oluoch Mozambique Professed Students Aiardi Fr. Rino DG (USA) Region of Italy Cobalchini Fr. Claudio Brazil Amazon De França Pinto Fr. Ronildo DG (Mexico) Brazil Kalima Fr. Cassiano R. J. G. South Africa Mozambique Kirimi Fr. Jasper Njuki DG (for Asia) DG (Taiwan Group) Mazzotti Fr. Giacomo DG (Congo-Isiro) DG (Casa Generalizia) Murillo Sepulveda Br. Nelson Colombia Kenya Oduor Fr. Chrtispine Okello Kenya Venezuela Prinelli Fr. Felice Colombia Italy Rodrigues da Silva Fr. Gilberto DG (for Asia) DG (Taiwan Group) Zuccato Fr. Osmar Amazon Brazil A – Director of the Professed Members in Cacém, Portugal The General Council nominates the confrere Ermanno Fr. Savarino as Director of the Professed Members in the Formation Apostolic Community of Cacém. B – Director of the Professed Members of Cali, Colombia The General Council nominates the confrere M’nthaka Fr. Kennedy Kimathi as Director of the Professed Members in the Formation Apostolic Community of Cali. C – New Roles in the Congo-Kinshasa and Congo Isiro Groups The Superior General with the consensus of his Council has nominated: - Father Matthieu Kasinzi Mbuta, as coordinator of the Congo-Kinshasa Group, substituting Fr. Symphorien Fumwasendji Kapumba. Fr. Matthieu will also be the representative of the Institute with the ecclesial and civic authorities of the Country. - Father Cyrille Kayembe Asagnion, as parish priest of the Parish of Mater Dei, substituting Fr. Antonello Rossi. - Father Dieudonné Nesapongo Ambinikosi, as coordinator of the Congo-Isiro Group, substituting Fr. Flavio Pante. - Father Bambilikpinga-Moke, as administrator of the Neisu Hospital, substituting Fr. Richard Larose. D – Councils of the Congo-Kinshasa and Congo Isiro Groups The Superior General with the consensus of his Council has confirmed the members of 8 the Group Councils, as follows: A – Congo-Kinshasa: Superior: Fr. Matthieu Kasinzi Mbuta Councillors: Fr. Cyrille Kayembe Assagnon and Brother Benoit Katula Makiong. B – Congo-Isiro: Superior: Fr. Dieudonné Nesapongo Ambilikosi Councillors: Fr. David Bambilikpinga-Moke and Fr. Flavio Pante E – Coordinator, Administrator and Formator in the Mexico Group The Superior General with the consensus of his Council has nominated: Superior and Coordinator: Fr. Daniel Wolde Sugamo Administrator and Formator: Fr. Alessandro Conti F – Creation of the Formation Community in Abidjan, Ivory Coast Responding to the request of the Delegation of Ivory Coast, the General Council creates an IMC Community which will house the Centre of Formation/Philosophical Seminary “Blessed Irene Stefani” in Cocodi, Extension Agre, Djogorobité 2, Abidjan. G – Suppression and creation of local Community - Brazil The Superior General, having received the favourable response of his Council, approves the decision of the Regional Council of Brazil to transfer the local community of the Philosophical Seminary of Curitiba from its present location in Rua Nossa Senhora Consolata, 12 to a new house in Rua Ângelo Mazzaroto, 333, CEP 82320-170, Curitiba. H – Creation of the Community in Mamelodi, South Africa Responding to the request of the Delegation of South Africa, the General Council creates an IMC Community in Mamelodi, St. , Skhosana-Xaba Drive n. 19543, Mamelodi East. I – Suppression of the Community in Madadeni – South Africa Responding to the request of the Delegation of South Africa, the General Council suppresses the IMC Community in Madadeni. The Parish is entrusted to the Diocese of Dundee. J – Exclaustrations 1. Escobar Gómez Fr. Carlos With decree of July 9, 2015 the Holy See grants permanent exclaustration to Fr. Carlos Escobar Gomez in view of his final incardination in the Archdiocese of Londrina, Brazil. 2. Parra García Fr. Mario León. With decree of July 11th the Superior General grants to Fr. Mario León Parra García permission of exclaustration for three years to allow him to carry out his priestly ministry in the Diocese of Cádiz y Ceuta (Spain). 3. Njoroge Gichui Fr. Francis With decree of July 28th the Superior General grants to Fr. Francis Njoroge Gichui permission of exclaustration for three years to allow him to carry out his priestly ministry in the Diocese of Botucatu (Brazil). This decree suspends also the other decree 058/2015 of March 31st with which Fr. 9 Francis had been assigned to the Region of Kenya. 4. Cortés Diaz Fr. Enrique Antonio With letter of September 29, 2015 the Holy See grants to Fr. Enrique Antonio Cortés Diaz the extension of the permission for three years to allow him to carry out his priestly ministry in the Diocese of Almería (Spain). 5. Kaggwa Fr. Gerald Ssuna With letter of September 29, 2015 the Holy See grants to Fr. Gerald Ssuna Kaggwa the extension of the permission for three years to allow him to carry out his priestly ministry in the Diocese of Richmond (USA). K – Dismissals Nyakenyanya Fr. Sosimi Atandi On July 20, 2015 the Holy Father has confirmed the Decree of Dismissal from the Institute of Fr. Sosimi Atandi Nyakenyanya in accordance with the norm of cc. 696- 700. Otieno Fr. Jacques William On August 18, 2015 the Holy Father has confirmed the Decree of Dismissal from the Institute of Fr. Jacques William Otieno in accordance with the norm of cc. 696-700. L – Dispensation from the Vows and the Diaconate With decree of September 10, 2015 the Holy See grants to Salazar, Deac. Julián Andrés the request of dispensation from Diaconate and the obligations from Religious Profession. 8. CALENDAR OF THE DG Father Stefano Camerlengo December: 11-15: canonical visit to the Seminary in Bravetta. 16-26: Visit to Angola January: 13-21: canonical visit to the Region of Italy. 22-31: visit to the Ivory Coast February: canonical visit to the Region of Italy (March 5, 2016) Father Pendawazima Dietrich December: 11-15: Canonical Visit to Bravetta, Italy, 19-28/12/2015: Christmas in Grumello del Monte, Bedizzole. January 2016: 01-11 Rome; 12-20: Canonical Visit to Torino, Italy; 21-31: Rome February 2016: 01-20 Canonical Visit to Italy Father Ugo Pozzoli December: 06-09 Poland – visit; 13-21 Spain – Continental Council and visit; 23- 29 Torino January: 05-11 Portugal – Continental meeting Ad Gentes; 13-24: Region of Italy – Canonical Visit February: 17-05: Region of Italy – Canonical Visit March: 11-13: Rome – Continental Meeting of Administration and International Cooperation Father Salvador Medina December, January, February: Rome Father Marco Marini December: 16-26: visit to Angola January / February 2016: visits to Kenya and Ethiopia CONCLUSION 10 Continuing with the reflection proposed by Pope Francesco on consolation: «…The parable of the prodigal son well represents what is the attitude of God before our wounds. God consoles always, always hopes, always forgets, and always forgives. There are many wounds in the Church, wounds that many times we cause ourselves, practicing Catholics and Church’s ministers». «Do no longer punish the people of God! Console the people of God! Many times our clerical attitude causes the clericalism that does so much harm to the Church. Being a priest does not give the status of clerics of the state, but one of a shepherd. Please, be shepherds and not clergy of a state. And when you are in the confessional remember that God is never tired of forgiving. Be merciful!» Pope Francesco to the Jesuits in Seoul on July 15, 2014. “communities that are inspired by the Mary, Mother of God and ours, model of evangelical, fraternal and apostolic life; a woman who loves, welcomes and serves with goodness, joy and humility; who brings together and encourages the disciples of her Son, every day of history; who discerns, creates unity, space and service for all; who enriches the Church in its capacity for welcoming, listening, sensitivity and tenderness; who always reminds us what is central in the Gospel (“return to put the heart in”) and supports us with her maternal protection to continue the mission of her Son, in the today of our personal, communitarian and institutional history, with attitudes of listening, of sacrifice, of compassion, of understanding and sensitivity, so that all men and women can feel “loved by the Love” and live according to their dignity as sons and daughters of God, of whom we want to be sent and witnesses of peace, justice and reconciliation in the Church and in our missionary family, in our everyday lives”. Courage and ahead in Domino! Father Stefano Camerlengo, imc Superior General