November 2015

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November 2015 November 2015 100th anniversary of the death of our diocesan founder June 13, 1842–December 18, 1915 Our diocesan family is built on faith but, like all Not long after his consecration, Bishop Lorrain foundations, it was also built by the efforts of our presented his first message to the faithful of this region. predecessors. This December 18th will be the 100th “Yours is all that God has given me of health, of anniversary of the death of one such founder whose strength, of heart, of intellect—to you I belong not only enduring legacy resonates to this very day. as your friend, but your servant. For the least among you, Bishop Narcisse Zéphirin Lorrain was the first with God’s help, am I willing to give all that is left of my Bishop of the Diocese of Pembroke. Historical l i f e .” records show us that he was a man passionate about Given the vast territory for which Bishop Lorrain constructing a strong and vibrant faith community. was responsible, one can only imagine the intense He was born on June 13, 1832, in Laval County, devotion that drove him to physically visit many of Quebec. He began his studies at the College of St. the far-flung missions, with his only mode of travel Thérèse, having earlier received religious instruction being canoe or on foot. Upon his arrival, he would from his parents. Upon graduating with a Baccalaureate proceed in conferring the Sacrament of Confirmation honours with distinction, he transferred to the Grand on those hardy settlers who had been waiting for years. Seminary in Montreal to pursue studies in theology. The borders of the diocese then were far wider than In due course, he was ordained to the priesthood in today, reaching out as far as Abitibi, Albany, Moose the Cathedral of Montreal by Bishop Ignace Bourget Factory and Temiscaming. His travels clearly showed in 1867. Two years later, he was appointed pastor in that with the growth in population there was a need to Redford, New York. establish new missions for the faithful, particularly in His ten years of pastoral work and teaching to the western reaches. the faithful in Upper New York State came to notice What enfolded was truly herculean: in the form of a direct order from Archbishop • 14 new parishes were established – Bonfield, Albany, Édouard-Charles Fabre for Father Lorrain to return East Aldfield, North Temiscaming, Point Alexander, In embracing the motto ‘Non recuso laborem – I to Montreal. However, records indicate that Father Griffith, Killaloe, Astorville, Whitney, Coulonge, don’t run away from work’ Bishop Lorrain’s actions Lorrain felt his work in ministering to the people of Guigues, Haileybury, Calabogie, Ile-aux-Allumettes; held true. Redford was too important, so he delayed his return • 10 stone churches – Gower Point (LaPasse), Chapeau, Back in Pembroke, the Bishop’s residence was to Montreal. Douglas, Mattawa, Vinton, Osceola, Eganville, completed in 1887. He was the curate of Paroisse Saint-Henri in Montreal Quyon, Arnprior; In 1898, Bishop Lorrain was officially granted the briefly until the death of the Vicar General. Fr. Lorrain • 5 brick churches – Ville-Marie, North Onslow, title of Bishop of Pembroke by Pope Leo XIII. In a was named Vicar General, holding the post for two Cobden, Calabogie, Bristol; private audience with the Pope, Bishop Lorrain was years. At some point, Archbishop Fabre delivered the • 37 framed churches; asked if he was satisfied with the priests who worked news to him of his new task. • 7 chapels – East Aldfield, Bonfield, Wilno, Whitney, with him in the diocese. His response is a testament to “Monsignor, you edified me for the past two years. Killaloe, Astorville, Guigues the collective efforts of the clergy in those days and his Here are the papal decrees by which Pius IX has named • 4 hospitals – Pembroke, Mattawa, Albany, Ville- admiration for the members of the faith. you Vicar Apostolic in the County of Pontiac. It has been Marie. “Yes, Holy Father, I am satisfied with my priests. They 3 years since the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda are laborious devoted missionaries and attached to the has asked us to find a candidate to evangelize the Further showing just how mammoth this effort was is poverty in which they are forced to live. The faithful of the immense territory in Northern Quebec and Ontario.” the shear geography that encompassed this expansion, Vicariate are good, they hold on to the faith, they love the In hindsight, Father Lorrain’s recall to Montreal from Englehart to Gower Point (now LaPasse), from Holy Eucharist, they love the Pope.” was simply a formality to avoid any objections in Quyon to Bancroft. In 1908, the Diocese of Pembroke was divided, with the naming of a Bishop to the region whose original It was also during this period that the Oblate a new vicariate formed to encompass the regions of mission was in the United States. He was consecrated Fathers constructed 13 chapels in various aboriginal northern Ontario and Quebec. Designated the Vicariate Bishop of Cythera and Vicar Apostolic of Pontiac on missions in the James Bay-Lake Temiscaming region. Apostolic of Temiscaming, it would eventually go on to September 21, 1882. His primary residency was a town Improvements were also made to 23 parishes and become the Diocese of Timmins in 1938. nestled along the Ottawa River called Pembroke. missions, and 6 new convent-schools were built. continued on next page… Ecclesia the newsletter of the Catholic Diocese of Pembroke November 2015 …continued from previous page On December 18, 1915, Bishop Lorrain departed In 1918, an additional region was established in the into our Lord’s embrace. Words will never do justice in Bishops of the Diocese of Pembroke form of the Prefecture Apostolic at Hearst, eventually acknowledging his commitment to solidifying our Roman becoming its own diocese in 1938. Catholic community that prospers to this very day. Bishop Narcisse Zéphirin Lorrain, D.D. May 6, 1898 In 1912, Bishop Lorrain’s health began to But let us follow his lead by recommitting ourselves Bishop Patrick Thomas Ryan, D.D. August 7, 1916 deteriorate. The Holy Father designated Father to our faith, rising forth when the opportunity is Bishop Charles Leo Nelligan, D.D. August 16, 1937 Thomas Patrick Ryan, parish priest in Renfrew, as present, adhering to the teachings of Christ, enduring Bishop William Joseph Smith, D.D. May 19, 1945 adversity in the knowledge that our faith will see us coadjutor Bishop of the diocese (Titular Bishop). He Bishop Joseph Raymond Windle, D.D. February 15, 1971 would eventually be formally consecrated to the role through. Bishop Brendan Michael O’Brien, S.T.D. May 5, 1993 of Bishop on July 25, 1912, by Archbishop Charles H. The Diocese of Pembroke would like to extend its Bishop Richard William Smith April 2, 2002 Gauthier of Ottawa. appreciation to Father Joseph C. Legree for his efforts in However, he remained pastor of Renfrew until 1914. recording the details of Bishop Lorrain’s story in his book Bishop Michael Mulhall D.D. June 30, 2007 He then became administrator of the diocese as Bishop ‘Lift Up Your Hearts’ which was the primary source for Lorrain’s health continued to decline. this article. Message from the Bishop: Bishop Narcisse Lorrain “Seek the Lord all you humble of the land” (Zeph edition. These gifts have left an indelible formation 2.3) to the culture and tradition of the Diocese which we The 18th of December 2015 marks the 100th live today. Even though the steady growth of Northern anniversary of the death of Mgr. Narcisse Lorrain, the Ontario over the past century has led to the erection first Bishop of Pembroke. On this occasion, I would of many new dioceses from the original Vicariate of ask all the faithful to pray for the soul of Mgr. Lorrain Pontiac, the spirit of a people formed by faith, struggles, and to express our love for all of our faithful departed geography and good humour still remain vibrant in by renewing our commitment to pray for our beloved our families, parishes and communities today. I have dead. Let us not forget the precious nature of a Mass spoken many times in the past eight years across the offering for our deceased, especially when we are diocese of the importance of the Ottawa River to the touched by the experience of the death of loved ones. identity of this Church of Pembroke. In its creation, the Our attachment as a Diocese to our first bishop is idea born was that it would be geographically defined very important and the articles and information of by all those lands drained by the Upper Ottawa River. this edition of Ecclesia hope to foster our attachment At Pembroke on the banks of the Ottawa River, Mgr. and faith of the people was made evident in receiving to this remarkable man. Why is this attachment so Lorrain took up his residence among the people. the sacraments. This had a profound effect on the important? There is a great wisdom in appreciating The Episcopal ministry of Mgr. Lorrain has been Bishop and his assistant Fr. Proulx of Montreal. Who and giving reverence to the first experiences of the strongly identified with the striking journeys that he were these people? They were First Nations people often life of an institution or the life of an individual. These undertook to the James Bay region of the Vicariate. travelling between winter and summer residences. They experiences often become formative for us. Our first In the visit of 1887, he was able to travel by train were the families of settlers attempting to farm some home, our first school or job, our first love often create from Pembroke to Long Sault (Temiscaming) before of more arable land.
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