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FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1960 Average Daily Net Presa Run T he Weather P4G« iSIXTEEN For the Week Ended Forecast of-U. S. Weather Bmpeaa' iianrliPHlfr jEagitfatg 11|grali)i Jan: 9, i960 - merling, Mrs. Frederick Annulll, Clear,' colder tonight. Lowest The, Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pastor Chapman Court, Order of Am­ Mrs. ’Theodore Bchuett, Mrs. Fran- 13,065 temperature A to 15. Fair, little of Concordia Lutheran Church, aranth? will meet tonight at 7:45 Africa Tour Hollister PT A cU Bemardl, Mrs. Richard Forde, Is Your Heart Worth change* in temperature Sunday. About Town at the Masonic Temple. The meet­ a \ Mra. Charles Steurer, Mra. Robert Member of the Audit will have charge of broadcasts, ' Bureau of fTlrcnlaMon. High 35 to 46. sponsored, by the Manchester Mln- ing will be preceded by a family Soule, Mrs. Frahk'Timmona, Mrs. $9.05? M nnrhe»ter-—A City af_ Village Charm iste'rtal Assn., over radio station potluck at 6:30. Mrs. Elizabeth To jTbdd Peck, Mrs. Carl Rohrbach, Prof. t)avld C. Phillips, head of Welters will be chairmen. Re­ By Students the University of Connecticut WIN'F-Sunday at 6:36 p.m. and Mrs. Wallace Rascher, Mrs. Wil­ WiMYVEn next week daily at 7:15 p.m. ' freshments will be served after liam Gellnaa and Mrs, William speech and drama department, Its tih ra ry VOL. LXXIX, NO. 90 (TEN- PAOES--TV MANCHESTER, CONN,, SA-TCRDAY, JANUARY 16, I960 (OlsBSifled Advertising on Pnge A) F'r ic e f iv e c e n t s will talk on "How to Improve Your the meeting. WSCS Topic Troy. riON) Personal Communication” in the Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Ford, • Buy your UFE SAVER SNOW' auditorium of the Connecticut 51 Oakwood St„ will be host and Mr.'and Mrs. Stephen D. Pearl, Robert Lazear, administrative Hollister St. School i*TA has k* • 100 Woodland St., will celebrate appointed a library, co'nunlttee PLOW how! It can bo yonr General Life Insurance Co. in hostess at the Lutz Junior Mu­ asslstanl of the Pomfret School, Red Cross. Seeks Bloomfield Tuesday at 8 p.m. The seum Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. The their 40th wedding anniversary at wlUch will rejuvenate, the existing- cheapoit form of Opens Presid^iicy Race It Figures^ talk, sponsored by the Greater museum at 128 Cedar St. is open' an open house at the home of ^ e lr will present the program at the library. Kishi Flees to the public every day except son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and January 'WSCS, potluck Monday Families of children attendln{{ New Blood Donors Hartford chapter of UConn alumni, Mra Calvin Taggart, 119 Wood- Ufa ifliinaci. ' Delivtit, Jan. 16 (Ab Par is open to the public. Monday. at 6:30 p.m. in Cooper hall. South the school are being asked for lawn St.,' Sunday from 2:30 to book donations., Support is also New blood donors are sought In trolman Raymond Bravler oft The Polish National Alliance. 5 p.m.. Methodist Church. being sought from, area residents the Red Cross .Wood program bnd HoHdios HP to Anti-Treaty to Continue suburban Dearborn* got most Hie Bkghth District Fire De­ of the figures right, but. miftsefi partment will hold a meeting to­ Group 1988, will install new of­ This past summer Mr. and Mrs. and school alumni. are encouraged to make appoint­ ficers tomorrow at 7 p.m. .at 77 The board of directors of the Lazear led a tour of 10 prepara­ Magazines, periodicals, reference ments to give blood ’Tuesday when r SHOW oisily. one important one and lost , a , night at 7:80 at fire headquarters. Manchester J a y c e e s will meet court case. ’* Main and Hilliard Sts. North St. Refreshments will be tory school boys and girls through books and leisure reading books the Bloodmoblle unit .will be at the T o k y o M ob served. Monday at 8 p.m. at the home 'of Africa. His illustrated tectiire will are needed. AH material will be Elks Home on Blasell St. ' from Aims i He flgured.that Joan Mt-ked as s male. held Sunday at 3 p.m. in the meetingUn Luther hall Sunday at St. James Unit of Africa. son, chairman, 40 Harlan St., may the United States and its Allies Business and Professional Wom­ The hospital uses approximately parmanentlir He and hls, baarlaii.Cin't "The policies of the Elsenhower He said Khrushchev ho doubt had Sets Auditions Center Congregational Church. which means that every m'bnth 100 ruit ar war yama. wwe welcomed at Hickam administration have b4en con­ reasons for the cutback and that study figures for a while. aijd' ten scholarshlns were estab­ This program of building up of people must donate Wood for the aul.. Air Fpf*^ base by Gov. William lished. Six boys, and four girls Knight will talk on ’’You and structive,” he said. "They have Khurshchev nriay have been in­ Officer |1ravier had no com­ Auditions for a musical revue, Your Community Bank,’’ using the a school library la In keeping with needs of the hospital alone. i Q u ij^ Adm. Harry Felt, com- fluenced by some internal problem ment. Schem ing were' "recruited” from school.s all the trend throughout the school worked and they are firm founda­ I “R. &. V. P.,” to be presented by Flannel Board visual aid presenta­ AppointmenU for giving blood j n ^ d e r U.S. Pacific forces. Chief tions ‘on- which we can build. If such as the need to relieve mart- the Ladies of St. James at the over the nation. Three, boys from tion. This device, which depicts system to provide additional li­ .lustlce Wilfred 'Tsukiyama and a Pomfret School made the trio, Tuesday may be made now with j elected. I promise I will try to im­ power to ac.comolish Russia’s "• Manchester High School auditori­ the general background of commer­ brary facilities and functions of a the Red Cross office. Recruitment i large group of Americans of Japa­ year plan. Or. Nixon added, the Plantland^s um March 18 and 19. will be held at and others came from as fac away cial business banking in this coun­ library. . nese ancestry. plement and build upon them.” Russian cutback may stem from as California. Tliose young people The committee consist of the workers remind prospective don- j His stand wa-s enunciated last Warden Urifes U n v e ile d St. James’ School, hall Wednesday try, has been used In the Manches­ ors that "the blood you give may , Kishi said he was happy to be the strategy that ground forces are at 7:30 p.m. had one month of'special tra’nlnT ter High School for six years. following workers; Mrs. Robert M'lUtl-Spa- in Honolutu but asked a quiet day night at Gainsviile “before an au­ no longer needed because of new- prior to the trip, one week in Hostesses for the meeting will be McMlllen. Mrs, Irving Mann, Mrs. save the life of your husband, wife i clally ihapad. dience at the University of Flor-1 |‘;'p;"w;;‘pons' By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS There are still openings in the or child.” . 1 htanir fiuia during hiii 16-hour stopover en Law to Break African Violet choral group for both men and MtsslsSin'pi and three in Pom'ret. Miss Mabel Trotter, Mrs. Lpcille William Stevens, Mrs. George Em- itMl el llaart route to Washington to sign a- Ida which frequently applauded hts ‘ v,.hu h fiiieH The tour was concentrated In Sloan. Mrs. Mildred Dewey and auallty. StbaA statements on such issues as civ» , Uv university gym- N^ulian Andrew, Frank, tne women. The production will fea­ tnamel finith. new American-Japanese security bom^Huapect in laat week’s ture-songs, dance'routines, choral the Federation of Rhodesia and Miss Beatrice CTulow. treaty. rights, national defense and fid -; gave him his biggeat hand P rison Gangs arrangements and other speclal- Nyasland In the south of Africa, He was showeied with flowered eral aid to education. 'when he said: "Whatever w-e may I National Airlines plane explo­ and Ghana toward the north. They Nixon's appearance on a think on the question" of .civil rights ; CLINIC ! ties. , . anesthesia at Jefferson Hospital, j | ieis,. traditional Hawaiian symbol Hartford. Jan. 16 (/P) Warden sion, was supposed to deliyer The program committee is head­ also visited Kenya and the Union Philadelphia. , of welcome, before a motorcade versity panel program was billed : j ,^e great majority of Amer- of South Africa. as nonpolltlcal but today’s ftc-.|pj,p^ vi'ill agree there ia no moral Mark S. Richmond has proposed $1 million to a,,^ Fort Lauder­ with Mr Robert feuell. Friday and Saturday Mr. Buell from ed by Jlrs. Frank Phllopena, as­ Dr.. Urweider graduated from i ORANGE HALL whisked him' to the Royal Ha­ dale, P’la., compahy May 5 but B u ^ Greenhouses will be at Plantland and he will have over 500 sisted by Mrs. Roy Thompson, Miss The tables at the notluck will Bowdoln College, Brunswick, I waiian Hotel. tivities in the populous Miami i j,istification to deny any Americans tliat legialatlon he passed to per­ of the latest African violets. Come in and talk oyer your African Mary Ann Leone, Mrs. Salvatore be decorated in the "Winter Won­ Maine, in 1954, and received his;| ' > • He declined to make any state­ area were strictly political. ■ the right to vote.’’ mit the transfer of ringleaders didn’t show up, a Mi^nii law­ Flllorama, Mrs. Rlcharil Lburie, derland'’ them", ''rr ' --- doctor of medicine degree from i The chartered plane carrying | Nixon was a«ked whether he yer says. violet problem^ with Mr. Buell. Bring ip your sick violet for ments to the press. ■the Vice President and his party | agreed wt'.h a CiviJ Kights Com- and trouble-makers from the state professional diagnosis. Mrs, Joseph Massaro, Mrs. Alfred Is chairman for the cvenlpg’s pro­ lIcGill University, Montreal, Can- ■ The prime minister -left Tokyo His failure led to a IIOS.OOOV , , Kargl, Mrs.' Francis Santy, Mrs. gram. ada. in 1958. He interned at Jef-i| 14 hours ahead of schedule but not on his first trip since he .became ■ mission recommendation for leg. 1 prison to county jails in order to age suit filed in Federal DlstriM Edward Cnoinin, Mrs. Joseph ferson Medical College Hospital. I BINGO before left-wing students wrecked an official candidate arrived in • jslation .authorizing ap ^n tm en t j break up inmate gangs-and prevent Court here-Nov. 13. Macri, Mrs. Mario Gada, Mrs. Al­ N0TT»«ft BUT TMG Miami shortly after midnight. On ‘ of federal registrars in cases where ; trouble like th'e recent riot at the The attorney. Roy L. Struble, Philadelphia, and ia now doing, .tlje airport restaurant and tried tap here was a 'morning new s'^ta’.e registrars, refused to regis-; Wethersfield State Prison, vin Baidt, Mrs. Gilbert Saegaert, post-graduate work at Harvard j EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 7:30 J ; HOUSEWARES DKPT. to waylay him and stop his depar­ said the money was for the Aruba ' Clinic Specials Mrs. Edmund Tomezuk, Mra. Ber­ conference, a reception for Mrs. • ter voters becai^e of race, Richmdnd made the proposal Beach (Jlub, a native-owned com­ nard Glovino and Mrs. Samuel Wedding Medical School, Boston, Mass. O R A N G E H A LL — 72 EAST CENTER ST. ^ ture "by, force.” Nixon and a joint reception this j He replied that the admmislra- yesterday in a letter accepting an pany on Aruba in the Dutch West The couple took a wedding trip I Seven hundred members of the invitation from the General As­ MNCH VIOLETS ...... 3 lor $23S Maltempo. to the Poconofi, and Is now living, 0 REGULAR GAMES • 5 SPECIALS • I SWEEPSTAKE ^ TlK aftemoon sponsored by the Re-1 — — Indies. Struble represents the chib. T he Rev. James T. O’Connell ta MMKHWTM CUMM- radical Zengskuren Stviden’ji Fed­ publican State'Committee. (Continued on Page Three) sembly’s Penal Institutions com­ "As I understand it,” he said, general chairman, . and Leo Col­ Unveider-Moll at 51 Carey Ave., Watertown, eration damaged the pestaurant an mittee to discuss general prison "Frank was supposed to d.eli»er II UNCH VIOLETS ...... 2 lo r$2.75 burn is stage director. Misit Jeraldjme Blaine' Moll, Mass. . 1 estimated J8.000 worth an hour legislation with the committee on million to the R. K. Abbott Mort­ before Klsht left. Reinforced by 500 Feb. 16,. gage Co. ip Fort Lauderdale. H* Doubles — Pinks — Purples — Whites daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John newr-omers they then Waited on Tbe warden noted that county told them he wax representing a Moll, Johnstown, Pa., became the the highway to, waylay him. jails will come under,the adminis­ firm called J A P Factors. Rufflos — Bi-Colors — Lavenders — Wines bride of Dr Herbert Urweider of Kishi sped over. little-used back Police Hunt Wcapon tration of the state on Oct. J, "Anyway, the Abbott Company Manchester Dec. 26 in Johnstown. MORE GOOD BUYS DURING OUR roads to his plane while 6,000 po­ making the proposed transfers had agreed to finance a lOS-room IMPORTED ’The bride^oom is the son of Mr. lice held.the studenU in check, at easy to accomplish, luxury hotel for the Aruba Beach TUBEROUS and Mrs. Herbert Ur>veider, 51 9 1 W (JsiJi&ioTL ‘the same time protecting them i ''Such a transfer operation Is Club. HYBRID Princeton St. from iftave-sivingmg right'-w'lngers. ing common practice in many priso'n "When Frank didn’t corns The ceremony was performed by Police arrested 76 students and svstems,” Richmond said. "The aim through, they failed to Uve up to BEOONIAS six uUra-nationalists and said is to break up the. formation of their agreement. Imported From Belgium AMARYLLi; I W« build yuar reuud j the Rev. Park L. Wagenbah in JANUARY Icy Road. .Skid. .Tivo Drowned Christ Lutheran Church, Johns- more would be taken into distody. Baton Rouge. La.. .Ian.' 16 gangs by separating the ringlead­ "The Aruba Club had put up A cold drirjsle dampened leftist- ers from their cohorts before When workmen dragged this sedan to the bank of Limestone Creek near Syracuse, N. Y., yejiterday, $.5,(MKt in cash and-another 110,000 DOUBLES CBISPA In 5 colors • lew at tOWTl. ■■ I Officers today pressed the search , The bride, given In marriage by led opposition to the new pact; but for the blunted edge weapon used trouble can be started.” they found the bodies of .a young couple wedged in the bark seat. John Barnes, 24, and his wife, in securities in escrow. It never FIMBRIATA MABMORATA l.I.OOO persons marched through Richmond said some states have Virginia, 2.'!, drowned after their car skidded off an icy road eastjif Syracuse. (AP Photofax», got it back. S2H3 her father, wore a cream silk bro­ in the fatal hacking of science pro- reciprocal' agreements to transfer THE LARGEST BULBS cade gown, deslgpied in princess Tok.vo to a rally agsunst ift In fessof* Margaret (Rosie i McMillan.' ”So on Nov. 17 Aruba Hied suit HAITgING BASKET dowmtowm Hibi.va Park. Authorities yesterday gave the inmates to out-of-state facilities against Abbott for 1105,000.” BEGONIAS ■ YOU’VE EVER SEEN a week lines with high, neckline and lan­ for the same purpose. tern sleeves. She wore a shoulder- SHIRTWAIST core of their case against Dr. Three Held for Treason New York authorities, mean­ No dewR peymeit length veil and carried a colonial Gdorge H. Mickey, 49-year-old !‘If tile ringleaders of" an inmate Siberian Stjle while, are piecing together the EvofytMn^ Noodod for Window Gardening e bouquet of white carnations. brilliant dean of the Louisiana gang can be transferred to an- tangled background of Frank, the Miss Nancy B. Onley, Rahway, Gunman Kills i Stale University Graduate School o th ^ facility,” Richmond vvrote, heavily insured yorung lawyer ^ s - .VEBMICULITE ROOTONE . SEEDS New Engicoxf a . here, accused of the slaying. j "they would have -to start theip qr- Freeze Eases pected of setting off a suicide POTTING SOIL PLANT SHOOT p e a t |*OT8 N.J., was maid of honor, and Mias UN Askefl to DehoHtice E leading maniifocfurerl Lana Moll, sister of the bride, I The mtirder.weapon was believed • ganizational work all over agahl.” bomb in a plane^^at craahed -with PEAT MOSS FERTILIZERS TRAYS • f One, Hurts 2 In another developmejji .yaater- 34 persons FERTL CUBES PLASTIC FLATS served as bridesmaid- Leo Barrett DRESS to be a tire tool or a blunt ax. GrijumEurc^pe PERL-LOME Seud for free I of Manchester served as best man, Deputies yesterday spent hours day, Richmond told bis gitaH The Iteiiliiattaft Dwtrtet Attop' lllustrefed brochurel and Jerald Moll,..^rother of the Stock Up Now and Savef -near the lonely-tsme-elx ,^0 0 south ftirce th at he knew tb?T ewnse'-tsT Anti-'Semetic Outbursts ney* jBfflce yesterday bride was ring beareivUsherS were In Holdup Tey of the LSU campus where Ur. Mc­ the riot involving some 400 con­ ■ ' ' '3- ■, ' ______■ ■ ’ By tM E As s o c ia t e d p r e s s Frank as a man enmeshed Ih fl- Jack Moll, b ro th ^ o fth e bride; Satin stripe sheath tvith Millan, 39-year-old akeiitant pro­ victs last week and the Identities A Siberian style freeze-up deaiings that could have iTWODisPUYsl Paul F. Adams and Timothy collared V plunge neck­ REG. 4»c MORGAN JONES MULTI-STRIPE Paramus. N. J., Jan. 16 -/Pc A fessor of biology at Louisiana State of the riot le.tders. By THE a s s o c ia t e d PRESS •due to the toughening attitude of loosened its grip on j>art of sno^ wrecked his promising career. Adams. masked gunman killed a salesman University in New Orleans I will discuss this with you at An American representative xt i Jh'* West German government covered Europe today, but itjstfll Friends saw him as a tali, lean Seuthampteu Rd. line. 34 sleeve, self belt, (LSUNO), was killed. The deputies a more opportune time.” the war- toward such outbursts and the I Westfield L0 8*S43t I A reception at the Fort Stanwlx| attractive buttons. Gold, TERRY KITCHEN TOWEL and wounded two other employes the United Nations has called on was bitterly cold. man With a pretty wife and two Hotel followed the ceremony. | last night when he bungled a searched pastures, ditches and the the world organization 4d denounce sudden cold wave that-hit Went Germany hadlt* coldest haiidsome children who lived In an Erfield St. blue, green. Sizes 12 to holdup at a big department store Xlississippi River bank and piled (Continued on Page Three) the outbursts of anti-Semitism Germany chilling enthusiasm for night in four years. Tlie tempera­ expensive Westport, Conn., home, P lantland ’The bride is a graduate of Wind- up items for further examination. <» t h r /* .1 / h w y Tbempsoevllle throughout the world. night expeditions with paint and ture-dived to 18 degfees below zero ber Hospital School of Nursing in 18. Only 3 . 7 e and tried to shoot his way out. Chief' Criminal Deputy J. B. a maji who could be aa happy-go- Rl S-2QS0 Windber, Pa. She trained In He. was captured by the store’s The appeal was issued as a New' brush. (F)'St Hof. ijvuorth Bavaria. lucky as he could be darkly brood­ Kling Jr. and Dist. Atty. J. St..[ York court stunned three youth­ . The resolution was presented to There \ v ^ ' a sudden stop 'to ’WHERE ALL YOUR GARDEN NEEDS ARE SA'HSFIED Dries More Dishes and tlrlM Them Faster! security officers after' 'a plueky Clair Favrot said flecks of fresh; tho U.N. Subcommittee on Pro- ing, and a man with a horror of ISIS TOLLAND. TURNPIKE—PHONE MI fi-2568 customer landed a blow on the President Bags ful American admirers of Hitler swajtil^'-aaubing in Germany. • .1 —. ■ ,1 ,.i.~ blood on Dr. Mickey’s car and holes j by charging them with treason. vention of: Discrimination and Pro­ Aut^ruies guess^ the cold kept gunman’s head with a can of clean­ in his alibi caused the arrest war-j tection of Minorities bV Justice "(Continued oh Page Three) OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LIMITED q u a n t it y : ing fluid. Conviction could bring the death Wie^-andals inside. GARAGES By Popular Demand Several hundred shoppers were rant t6 be issued. Eight Quail on penalty, Philip Halpern of Buffalo. BLIOHT IRREGULARS OF SS.C8 and $4.t8 . Their statement said if they had Halpern. was has served on- the- /A power shortage developed in in the store, one of five suburban not presented the matter to the !, Widespread . anti-Semitic flare- Communist Blast (Sermany. branches operated by Bamberger's ; ups weie reported in the United subcommittee since 19.54, sai^'the REPEAT QUH.TED MATTRESS PADS East Baton Rouge Parish t county I resolution had been drawn ^ip in Biting temperatures were New .Tersey.'of Newark. The hold­ grand jury "we would have been- Georgia Estate States but the hate demonstra- blamed for the death of 12 persons up and shootings were at the base­ tions seemed to. be abatins'''in{ in close cooperation witp, (he State in France. There was a reading Bulletins SPECIAL derelict In our duties." Europe, where they began in West Department. . ^.. Full skirted version of ment credit counter, in an isolated The. defense indicated Dr. By M.4RVIN L. .ARROWSMITH of five below zero IF) In Paris. from the ‘AP Wires * 2 . 9 9 _ - area not crowded a t the'time.-: ■ ' Albany.'Ga., Jan. 16 iA*i—Prenl- German.y Christmas Eve, The-draft, co-gponsprelo accentuate the lines of the 105 degrees In the late afternoon. Reg. $2.69. 81 x 108 . .. .$2.09 Bv FRED 8AITO piney woods to the quail grounds Everett O’Brien in New York who Yamaguchi, Japan, Jsin. 16 IE—A here. ' ■ New York, Jan. 16 iJ’i . If you feminine' figure. Sa.vs Ceil:. It hit 0.3 yesterday;. get both a shave and a .haircut for only 6Q^! As die He showed a, visitor through the aboard two mule-drawn hunting allegedly stole 142,000 worth of Reg. $2.49. F itt^ Twin . . $1;99 (Continued on Page Three) massive cathedral stapds majes­ stock certificates in I>os Angeles. want- to get voiii- man, wear black “The purpose of any dres* is to church whose- floor space is nearly wagons. Highly trained bird'dogs, make a man look at a woman — CHfNA d e n ie s d e f e c t io n saying goes, "Them days is gone forever/" tically among the pinM overlook­ yelping impatiently, were caged in Some j-allroad^ operating unions or white, advises Ceil Chapman, Reg. $2.69. Fitted-Full « . - .$2.09 as great'as, that of Spain’s To­ designer for many of the top glam­ •and 'Whistle.” • Tokyo, Jan. 16 Commun­ ing the serene, medieval, beauty of ledo Cathedral. the back pf one of Jibe wagons. and companies see signs of prog­ But not so with Electricity! While the price of ress in trading ideas for settling or girls of stage, screen and TV. Nat Kaplan,-preceding the Chap­ ist China acknowledged today colorful-r Reg 59c. 42 x 36 Cases Canadian T^s Yamaguchi. Afterw'ajjds, he knelt in prayer During the afternoon the dogs Fojlpwtng her own .advice, .ohe man grand finalf. showed a 'col- that one Of )ts planes crash- evet^ing else has Up, up, dK unit cost of while a liiin played a palestriiia flushed 26 coveys of quail In “frelds contract disputes;...... - lectioii ■«(“flattering, f e m i n i n e landed on Northeast Formosa liflhtweigHf In a rainbow, of Every quarter hour its bell rings, still moist from a rain which let Navy call* off search of . w'aters shows a dramatic group of eve­ Electricity has actually gone way dow n! Today, the over the quiet city, evoking mem­ nomp6.sition;’on- the pipe organ, do­ ning gowns in black, white and a styles, climaxed by a group of 'Ti'iesday, but dented the killed high-faslilon oolors LADY FEFFERCLL TYFE 144 Stolen Bonds ories of one of the great men of nated by Spanish Catholics. up.,only a half hour before the south of Monlauk Point Long Is­ combination of the two, guaran­ evening fashions, the highlight of pilot had defected, a* U.S. and dollar you spend for Electricity buys 47% more serv- ^ Christendom—St. Francis Xavier. "You were lucky,” he said with President landed at Turner Air land, where Air Force jet,crashed teed to 'make any girl a (emme which is a misty gray chiffon Nationalist informants mahr* $UFERFINE MUSLIN "Apostle to the Indies and Japan." a smlie. "We don’t play the.organ Force Base. ,a Strategic. Air Com­ last month. , fatale. ' . short dinner dress, worn with a tain. Peiping Radio said llie Jet see than itdid 23 yegrs agol . # 3 glass, 2 screens « $0.98 mand instalTation. Stormy seas and freezing weatih- To U.S. Priest It was in this community of 40,- except at services. Biit'today is the The Chapmanr show climaxed a white satin greatcoat ^ terrific plane went astray "due to a a 1 J/ l f f ’ thick _ . ______SHEETS ant* COSES 000 peoplw nefcrly-500 miles south/ day for a mechanical checkup,!,’__ er ■ delay's Liner Queen Elizabeth -for blondes, -■— ------meehiinieai fault causing loo* ot if your bill is higher today than it was back^en, a Full piano hinge j for .36 hours' in Cherbourg, France crowded—week ' ftf spring faaWon F ^ S T MUSLIN SHEET MADE New Haven, Jan. 16 iJPt—A west ■ of Tokyo that the Intrepid St, Francis Xavier, opened his! previews presented by the New direction during a training • Expanding door sweep Montreal notary says that some of Spanish' priest began his brief but church in Yamaguchi under the! . . . Senftte Foreign Relations Rome, Jan. 16 —Bright paint­ night.*’ it’s simply because all of us use and enjoy/$o many e Weather-stripped alumlnnm spectacular mission in 16th century 0.ommiUee starts hearing* Jah. 27 York couture group for 235 edi­ t e , 1 1 ^ " Regular $2.99. 72 x 108 ....•• •• the bonds stolen in a big (Canadian atronaige of Lord Yo.shitaka] Engineer Shot tors from all sections of the United ed fabrlca took the Opotlight to­ more electrical servants than we did a ;q(iarter cen­ bucks s ' xSVs'.' bank burglary In 1958 had found Japan. .. Suchi, niter of the province. fT lI .IFF 1 on whether to repeal U.S. veto day among the House of Fontana's ANTI-NAEI FILMS BANNED e Spring loaded door, checks, power over jurisdiction of 'the States and a number of foreign tury ago. It’s easy to see that.... X 1 13i4"hlBh Regular $3.29. 78 x 108 ...... - ; ...... their way Into the hands of a Ro­ ’The original church he erected in The Spanish Jesuit made many I I il'i O’n IF 02111 countries. new spring and summer fashions. {.iondon. Jan. IS'(A5—Britain’* oUed for 10 years man Catholic priest a few weeks 1551 later was destroyed.. The pres­ conversions in the tolerant atmos-1 A. A ■.A^CaAl. '■world court : , ■ , They drew even greater atten­ board of film censors ha* banned e Custom-fitted to your door Regular $3.69. 90 x 108 ...... ent graceful cathedral, built with phere of' the time and when he left ' '' Mysteriously' opened ' switch de-. It took real designing, genius' to the, showing of three gntl-NasI Rectangular shape and lovsiy colors In.unbreekobls, later. intrigue a group of women .litho. tion than her skirts—which fell openings ruil-proef,' dem-proef .basket The testimony that the priest, donations from Catholics through­ a year later the church had taken rails fast 96-car Louiaville and at least three inches below . the movies in Bils country. But It WHILE STOCK LASTS ic^uared corners holds more Regular 69c. 42 x 36 Cases...... out the world.. rfeplaced it, on the But Survives Na.shrille freight train but no in­ had viewed more than 50 fashion faces stiif om>oaItion. Chief with glooming gpid trlmmsd the Rt. Rev. Msgr. A-rmand Bar­ firm root. shows during the week, starting knee and were the longest seen Electricity is the ^^gest Bargain/ . laundry — keeps ironing framt. Just wips to clson. So rette of 'Worcester, Mass., had 400th anniversary in 1951, But during hfs absence—he died juries Imported ■. . . (3ov. Eldmund since Rome's fashion displays be­ Censor John Trevelvan r^luied flat. Won't snag clothes or Regular $2i99- Twin F itted ...... : • • • " some of the bonds-was gfiven yes* One of the most unusual churches G. Bi'own eJ(pected to announce at 7:30 a.m. and ending at mid­ gan Wednesday. to grant a certUlcate for tha' many utss in hems, offlet, in 1552 while trying to carry the, Salisbury, Md.,.Jan, 16 (>Fi — A night or later. But the astute Ceil in your Bpdget Today ! absorb moisture. Easy to slersi. terday. in a trial in. U.S. District In Asia, it is atrbngeiy reminiscent gospel (o China -r- the Oiichi clan railroad engineer was shot through next week he will be Democratic Fontana, one of Italy's top de­ showing of “Operation Spoldel.” - PLUS RegulAr $3.29. Full F itte d ...... Court, but a weeken’il adjburn- of Spain's Segovfa CJastle on the favorite non, candidate in Califor­ turned the trick.. - * "HoIWay on Sylt" and “A DUty SALES keep clean...... , outside. But the interior is floored was de.stroyed by the feuding clan the head yesterday but escaped signers, presented her collection Houseweres Department Is Located In Lower Store Level ment left his connection with the of Mori. serious injury. nia’s June 7 presidential pryfiary. Fo.r the new decade. Miss .Chap­ last night at'a formal dinner party for Anple.” "They attabk living / TAX case tinclear. in stravy-matted tataml In thf man likes new length for evening - persons without giving their side Japanese mahner. The Mbrl carried out one of the Engineer Paul Roswell of DeN for buyers, writers and society in • The defendant'in the trial, Fran­ greatest persecutions of Christians mar, Md.. was mysteriously shot IS ON HUNGER STRIKE dresses, 10, tnche.\ from the floor, her showrooms near the Spanish of the case." he bx|^ttedr INSTALLED FREE Ample Free Parking Rear Of Our Store ' W E G IV E cesco Ferrara, 58, Boston, Is Its great festivals, too, jire often that Japan has ever knoven. while taking a Pennsylvania Rail­ Point of the Mountain, Utah, which she calks the "Forecast Steps. • GREEN STAMFS charged with having handled some a poetic mixture- of Japanese and Yamaguchi Catho.lics who were road freight train through town. Jan. 16 i(P) — A hunger strike Length.” ' Liberty of I.ondon sgppli^.the CYPRUS TALKS OPEN . We welcome charge accounts! of the aecuriti.es taken in two westerii inheritances. /)ot executed fled to the mountains He remained conscious and brought among I'tah State Prliion in­ She also shows her "Ciffidlelight fabrics---’mostly surgh . silk';-and London. Jan. 16 1^1^- 'Five- • Green Trading Stamps are . Canadian bank burglaries that At Christmas tiitie, a-Japanese of the southern, neighboring the 8-car trairi,,to a. stop at a sta­ mates being dlM'ipIlned Wenf In­ Length,” just above 'the ankle,- and dug up some of its old lotus'" and party talks on Cj'prns opehed to­ -given wUh cash sales and also to took 'pla'ce wit)iin weeks of each latern procession winds . through Japane.se ialand of Kyushu. There tion a quarter of a mile away. . to Its sixth day today with IS plenty, of flowin’J^T other floral patterns from the day with Britain under etrong. THE HARTFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY ciutbmers who pay their charge ■i. other in early 1958. Yamaguehi's ancient streets,' still they clung to their faith secretly Hospital officials said the bullet still refusing to eat. Two pris­ gowns. 1890s. Fontana supplied the; color preeeure to cut Its deaBand* for MANCHESTER accounts within i^ftoen (16) days The first was at the CJhiase Na- virtually untouched by time. Like until th e"Mori .revoked the ban entered behind Roswell’s right ear oners in the disciplinary 'cell- For cocktail- and informal eve­ schemes. two Mg military eisclavaa «tt after billing' date. tionale d'Ebonohnie of Montreal'on Kyoto, art early Japanese capital, more than 300 year*'later.. and emerged under,hi* nose. There block ghve up the protest yes- ning wear, this designer likes the One fabric,' a beige and rust- the strategic island. The ctMi- r " AWNING GO. OFEN 6 DAYS ' Jan. 25, 19,58. The other occurwl Yamaguchi was hot bombed in Today the story Is- told again was, considerable bleeding, they day. They were among‘19 who “Beehlye’i- skirt, rounded, draped brown on white,' was used, in a ferepce of Brittsh. Greek aod * M A M C H E S T e R May 4 of that year at the Brock- World War II. aiid again in the cathedral's stain­ said, but fortunately the bullet did launched the hunger strike last and tapering toward thp hemline. suit,' T h e design, showed «C fish Tnrktsh speaking Cypehit eea* 195 Wtst CMttr St. THURSDAYS TILL 9 fM, vllle (OnU Trust and Savings C% Bearded, soft-spoken yMsgr. M. ed glass wjhdow* which picture not strike a bone. Roswell was Sunday in protest against giv­ For afternoon wear she show:s a sw'immin'g hbrlzontaJly atilmss the mualtiee, began dteew lag nfe CORNER MAIN ond OAK. STREETS The 'Brockvlile Job, whieli pro Dorpensgig of Pamplona, Spain, events in St" Francis’ life' and Die treated and released. ing prisoners toeing punished only group of hrillianl prints. Bill for long jacket, which had slightly ita for ttie Itlaai-enl- 9-3091 who has served in Japan for 23 great suffering borne’ by .Japan's Police theorized a target shooter, ' two meals a da.r. Four other* cocktail tirfte her love jemsuns I raised shoulders. * ^* awnmiprioa of Ml (Oonttiraed on Page Three) years, shepherds the flock-of 700 awn CgiChoUc Martyrs. may have flred„tha shot;. •tarted eaUng agala Thonday,, black -r ■culptured and drap«d I Th* other pattenui war* floraL Feb. If. C .. >, ' , : '1 A A ■ I

'N ■ / •\ •.N MANCHESTER EVENING HEHALD/MANCMKSTKK. UUiSN., SA'J UttUAY,- JANUARY 16, lyW) e a g e t h r e e MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANQI^KSTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 16. i960 PAGE TWO Opens Presidency Race Miss Stralas $183^330 Salary Gap Separates Three Held for Treason Sheinwold oni Bridge lect Failed ' iituary Business Bodies Sings Sunddy Teachers^ School Board Unit UN Asked to Denounce To Deliver $1 Million Mrs. Mkir MoonoA Nixon to Continu Mrs. Mary McOeown Moonan, Manchester’ Civic Music A gap o f ’ $183,830 exiqta todays* Among 11 towns in thla regional MAKE SURE « East dealer widow of Edb^arcl Moonan, of 29 ..cated with the Robert R. Tucker*^ Xamed Vice President BLEATIM., Pf?AYIN, OF 'OETTINO GIFT Assn.'Vin hear Teresa Stratas in iietween toe pay scale demands area, Manchester ranks fourtJi. In Mjui of Y w ' « Jacob F. Miller of 103 Adelaide (Oontlmied from Page One) Mt. Nebo PI., died at Manchester the bighTaclmot auditorium at, 3 of Manchester teachers and a sal­ maximum salaries paid, •McCoY- Philip 1. Hoiw»y of 143 Adelaide Agency in Msuichester. BRAQGIK BULL ...... By AUred SbelAwold Memorial Hospital early this morn­ Rd. hM been named vice president Anti-Seinetic Outbursts .UB. Maators Team Champton 4 K 10 8 3. o’clock Sunday,afternoon. . ary Increase considered ''reason­ mick stated. He added' that among Rd. baa iHfen aelected "Man of the i ing after a long illness. Ike Aims if Elected ‘Operational Digital’ in charge of sales at HarUord Ma­ ^DV£RTIS1 4G- ^GENCJ A few we$)u ago -I was plan­ V A 6S ' planes and a strange predilection One of the 1959 winners of the able and realistic" by a Board of towns in the 30,000 to 100.000 pop­ Year” by hla aasoclalea at the chine Screw Co., pivision of ♦ A 7 4 of death. She was bom In County Tyrone; Metropolitan Auditions Miss'Stratus Education subcommittee. Bdrtford branch office of Connectl- A radar target MimVilator for ■ (CoQtiiiued from Page One) and Miue M> daubed ■with swas­ ning to tell all you bridge players ■ is a Canadian of Greek extraction. ulation class. Manchester ranks Standard Screw Co. Ireland, Jan. 13, 1882 and came to fifth in teacher salarloi. and on eut General Ufe Insurance Co. evaluating problems of air traffic tikas .in a Jewish cemetery. how to make sure of getting a gift. ’The district attorney said Frank, this country and Manchester as a (Conttomed from Page One) Adlal Stew nson accept a draft for Barely in her. twenties, she has After two hours of negotiations control has been delivered bj; the Associated with the ^cqmpany When I l^ard that a certain white- WESt EA5t a statewide basis, Manchester pay In malting- the announcement. cate prejudices tutderlying anti- Two freshmen were suspended- A 6 5 2 82, was facing Investigations of young girl. the Democratic presidential noml- created a considerable stir In mOaU yesterday afternoon, the itlanches- Newton Co. to the Crosley Division at Ohio University for painting a bearded/gentleman was going to ' nation? "1 think that is a bridge I ter Education Asen. committee scales rank 23rd among 170 towns. Semitic manifestations. ♦V ^ Q .I If KJ 109741 ' two complaints alleging embezzle- She Is survived by, one sister. tion had not fornmiated' a policy of the AVCO Manufacturing Corp., swastlfta on the door of a Jetwlsh plcket^ my bridge club I waa un­ on this proposal but that question will have to cross when 1 get to it," labeled talk of a $7,000 maximum, The MEA and school board sub­ avionics *i.anufacturer of Cincin­ In New York City, home of moved. It was the reindeer that 4 0 9 8 3 2 4 105 .ment—one Involving a Manhattan Mrs, Catherine- McVeigh of Man­ committees wilt meet Monday at student center.' « g 10 9 8 3 had been -raised whether It would he answered. "I don’t -xpect to get which It sought last year, "obsolete nati. ■ Ohio. .Delive -v of thi elec­ more than two million Jews, a got me; I can't bear to $ee ani­ ♦ 6 real estate transaction and the chester, and several nieces and 6:30 -p.m. prior to the regular ^ , In Detroit, a 14-year-old boy, SOUTH nephews. be effective and whether K would to it." and unacceptable." When pressed tronic device was revealed by R judge ordered the treason charges son of a high schdol' teaCher, ad­ mals out of work and unhappy. So A A Q I 9 4 other regarding a loan for a hos- be coifstitutional. Would he accept ^ po»t as secre­ for a "counter-offer,”, the teacher Board of Education mieeting to dis­ N. Nicola, president cf the Newton] that’s why this grtlcle Is a few She wee a member of St. ,James plaqed against three youths ac­ mitted he had' painted sWasUkaS W 5 piUl- Church. , ' " I f . it does not prove effective tary of state in a Democratic 'ad-> group budged only $200 from its cuss the teachers’ other requests, Co . cused Only of consortin': for an un­ arid Hitler slogans bh a school. He W66lC8 ♦ KJ6 -A complaint' lodged last March I am eure the administration w-lll ministration'? "I would look on maximum demands. including extended sick leave bene­ ■The target simn'.ilor is c.-ipablc The funeral will be held from the lawful purpose—a misdemeanor. told police he was "fuehrer” of a This is the kind of hand in which A A 0 7 2 allege that Frank misused $20,000 John F. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 have an alternative which will be any office 'with great respect," The Board of Eduoation will fits. distribution of payChecks of 'displaying realistic, three di­ » i "As I look at It.” said Magis- Nazl-style clyb. ■ ' you need a gift. You’re scheduled East Soalh ■ West Narih' from k property sale he engineered deeigned to accopiplish 'the same said Stevensob. Again he said meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. to re­ every two weeks, hiring of non- mensional dight trii’kr of synthe­ W. Center St.. Monday at 8:19 a.m. '• irate Milton Solomon, "treason Reports" of new outbursts erime to lose a chib and a diamond un- 3 If 3 A PsM 4 If for a client, tocketlng part o f the followed by solemn high Mass of purppse," he said. that was a bridge -he hadn't come view the MEA demands an(f the. teachers for playground and cafe­ tic targets on a radar sereen. These I exists wHBre one plots a war from Europe. lesri Santa CTaus or Sheinwold Pau .. 5 A Pass B A money hintself.' The Bar Associa­ requiem at St. James Church at 9 Nixon said he opposM) federal to. recommendations of' the school teria duty or. extra payment, to synthetic targets ca.i be aisplayed | I againat society and- hia govem- Three youths were arrested in comes to your rescue. AU Pass tion was notified of the matter. a.m. Burial will be In St. Jamee Stevenson was interviewed yes- board's personnel policies subcom­ teachers for this duty, and putting, simultaneously witn real targets on | i^id to education. I ment.” Trieste last night after they Do you think a finesse will help Opening lead — IfQ The criminal Investigation was Cemetery. '■'It looks good on paper but h terda.y by newsmen as he entered mittee' nurses and.^ dental hygienists who an operating radar indicator. : One of" the defendants, John you? Let me tell you something held up 'after Frank posted $20,000 won’t work,” he said. "I believe the State Department, where he The teachers are seeking a min­ havie degreeS'.qn the teachers’ sal­ In the field of radar, detection. . sang Fascist songs in the streets Friends may call at the ■ funeral J Wallace. 21, self-styled leader of and shouted antJ-Jewish phrases about East; Wh«n he iriakes a to await the outcome of legal pro­ got a briefing for a business and imum starting pay for those with ary schedule. the target, simulator performs a | home this evening from 7 to » and that situation Is and should rgroaln I an "American Socialist Renals- while passlfig a synagogue. three-bid he has a long topless suit It keepe the spirit of Christmas ceedings. tomoryow from. 2 to 8 and 7 to 9. a local and state responsibility." pleasure trip to Latin Ame’rica. bachelors', degrees of $4,300 and a The final budget'requests must number of'important functions. It i with nothing but garbage in the alive Jn them. About a month ago, Attomeys.' Of President Elsenhower's forth­ maximum of $7,500 in 12 steps. can create synthetic problems for ‘ sance Party,” was boastful on en- The three — all teenagers—.were Replying'to a question) whether be submitted to General Msuiager : tering the court. But, .after hear- charged with Fascist syrripathies, side suits. Even without sneaking Daily Question John J. Fallon of Kansas CSty, Mo., I^duia Ellis the Democrats or the Republicans coming trip to Latin America, Ste­ The present scale ranges from a Richard Martin by Feb. '20. ’The air traffic control equipment; train a look at the Vagram you may With neither side vulnerable, the and Daniel" P. Reardon Sr., of St. venson said It waa a algo of Amer­ $4,000 minimum to $6,750 maxi-, radar operators in tactical pro­ ing the judge's comment, he plead­ a penal offense under Italy’s' con­ Coventry — Louis Ellis. 63, of coulJ best preserve the peace, Nix­ Board of Directors will approve ed "I'm insane. I did this in a sp'.ate stitution. be quite sure that West has both player at your right deals and bids Louis, complained that' they had on said this could best be answered ican concern for relations with mum In 13 steps. The .teachers are the 1960-61 budget early in May; cedures; calibrate radar svstoms; the king of clubs and the queen School St., died yesterday at the of intoxication." A Bri.stlsh clothing firm canceled one club. You hold: Spades 6 6 ^ not heard from Frank sifice they^ Heads Shrine Windham Community Memorial by the fact that there has been neighbors to the toutb. also seeking an increment of $400 The fLscal year begins July 1; 1960. lest radar indicators; and be used i of diamonds. Hearts K J 10 9 7 4 2; Dlamd(immittea estimatee an in­ In Holdup Try* chine industries and for the U.S. Westport. Conn., described the the most outstanding contribution Hartford Electric Ught Co., vice In Chicago’s Forest Park area. in West Germany with whom we a high tnimp. Lead out the ace (Copyright I9M. Jbhn's Commandery, Knights brothers. George H. Ellla of Mid­ ably damaged In an election year.” ty candidate for president, "but as Stratas will' offer works by Italian creased cost of $89,215 if s>;s.rting to hia clients, the life insurance, Army, Navy, and Air Force. young lawyer as "a young man In dletown and William Ellis Wjl- composers, ranging from the president and trustee of Manches­ 60 tombstones were tipped over do business.” , snd king of trumps and ruff an­ General Features Corp.) Templar; Scottish R ite'Body , of Compulsory arbitration legisla­ far as I'm concerned Latin Ameri­ salaries were raised to $4,200 and (Continued from Page One) industry and the community dur- ter Memorial Hospital, a former other heart. Draw one more trump. a hurry" with a dynamic person­ liihtotic. tion would have been a strong pos­ can relations are of top priority. baroque to the modern period. the maximum Increased to $7,000, Department Moves ality. He sfid Frank often ex­ Hartford, Connecticut Consistory These will be followed by three inr the past year.” The Lucky Lady Laundry of 11 Town Director, and a member of By no.w, as you have noticed. West Doomed iii Habit of Norwich, and Sphinx Temple of Funeral services will be held at sibility. he said, and declared that We should attempt to restore the The difference ^tween the teach­ grappled with the bandit. A life member of President's cannot follow suit to either spades pressed a fesr of flying. 1 p.m. Monday, at the Potter Fu­ In his opinion this would have been "confidence and goodwill that pre Mngs by Richard Strauss and two ers' demands and a schedule which Maple SL, owned Bj' Ihe Snyder, the Rei)ilbllcan Town Committee "Look. I'm going to get killed in the Shrine of HaYtford, ' Italian operatic arias. The gunman fired. Blanch fell Club, Holway has qualilled 20 or hearts. neral Home, 456 Jafckson St.. Wll- Irtjurious To unions, management vailed under the good neighbor the subcommittee might recom­ is moving its service department Kuala Lumpur—The Malayan an airplane," - Boyd quot^ Frank Marvin Baker was elected vied* Following intermission she will with bullets in the chest and times (or this preeUge group for ' Business Briefs o n Lead a low club toward dummy. president last night. Reelected ilmantic. Burial wtU be In Wind­ and the public. policy.” mend IS $183,330. shoulder and a scalp wound. agents who achieve excellence in to 43 Purnell PI. rhinoceros is a vanishing breed be- os saying. " ^ This was the name given to demonstrate her versatility with The service department handles Thirty-four per cent more corpo­ ^ Wost cannot V, afford . . . to w step ...... 'up cause it is such a; creature of habit, Boyd said he eventually talked were; John Von Deck, 'treasurer, ham Center Cemetery. Calling Spanish and Greek composltiona, The MEA committee submitted - I>eo Zaritsky, 47, Rutherford, quality of service and in sales per­ wash, dry and fold laundry service, rations were formed in Connecticut with the king of clubs. If he dixou j would have three sure club day and using the same paths over Members of the Board of Di­ home from 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow. Washington, Jan. 16 (jTt—Will ever popular, "P a c e . Pace, Mio McCormick, subcommittee chair ture departmirtt as a part-Oma tional Quality Award eght times dollar Insurance policy taken out man, asked; "If we raise the mini­ Snyder said the Maple St. loca­ (rf state's office puts the figures at tricks and could discard a diamond and over. This makes It an easy last April, another $100,000 acci­ rectors arc; Clarence Brown, Aus­ Dio," from Verdi's "I-a Eorza del salesman. He rushed over. The. and has been a member of the Mil­ tion will become s self service de­ 8,117 and 2,324. Forty-seven of them ing from dummy. Hence West must tin Chambers. Alfred Currie, Mrs. Anna C. Swanson Destine. ” mum to $4,200 what concession gunman fired a single shot into lion Dollar Round Table, a na prey for hunters and trappers, who dent policy taken out In November, partment, coin operated. When al­ were in financOT insurance. an<’ real Rockville play a low club. value it for its horn, which is sup­ James Dickson, ■ Walter Ferguson, Mrs. Anna C, Swanson, 83 of would you make in lowering your Zaritaky’s head. The salesman tional organization of leading life estate. Slxty-one were in merchan­ am' three accident policies of $62,- Hutchihson Insists His Wtiy maximum request?” terations-now going on are com­ You play the jack of clubs from posed to have medicinal properties. 000 each taken out in December. Arthur Holmes. Robert MacMillan, 25 Huntington St.^ widow of An­ died why re he fell. insurance representatives. dising. (Continued from Page One) zoology and s.jitlU professor of Jorma Nurmi and Russell Pren­ The countef-offers provide- for a pleted, 20 double load 16-pound zoology. Hammer Notes dummy, winning the trick. Now 1 Malava l.as two’va ietles: The The benficlariee were his wife, drew Swanson, died at her home Another saleamaj), Fnrt C r ^ e r , He has served as president-of washers and 10 high speed dryers, Warren E. Howland was installed lead a low club right back F-ast i.-horn Java rhino and the 2-hom tice. 13-step schedule ranging from 41, Great Notch, tried to grab the Wednesday as a vice president of Middleton was at Biloxi, Miss., "He is just unable to take care i fonrter mode! Janet Wagner, and yesterday after a lon8 Illness. Would Have Built West Sewer Canadian Ties toe Hartford Chapter of Chartered each weighing 50 pounds, will be discards a heart, and you follow ] gumatr; species. The 1-horn Is all She had lived in.Manchester for $4,300 to $7,300, or a 13-step sched- gunman and was jihot in the arm. Life Underwriters and is a former the Connecticut Association of Real i attending, a Southeastern Confer- of his duties, and thejo are being Public Hearing , Uisir children. Ann -Ellen, 4,j.and I ule for its orit^nal $4,300 to $7,500 installed. Estate* Boards. 'ence athletic meeting. assigned to somebody else.” suit with your low club. | but extinct and the 2-horn exists Andrew Carl, 2. 65 years. She was a member of the Charles Jony of R<)ChelIe Park jmaaident of the Connecticut State ■The laundry was Manchester s During a hearing In-Washington Stolen Bonds dhmand with'a $500 limit, exclusive had just bought a can of (gleaning Andre Esperet of Paris has been | letter said the action did Dr. Mickey, a biologist whose This gives West a trick with the j only in small numbers In remote Emanuel Lutheran Church. Har Town Director John Hutchinson’r warnings that things were askewer ! of increnienls, on any teacher's Asaoclation of Life Underwriters. first coin-operated laundry. At State Capitol on'the Jan. 6 crash of the Miami- fluid and heard the short’s and com- named assistant to William P. j not prejudice the charge against work has been recognized in the eight, or nine of clubs. Whsjt's i areas, mony Lodge, and the Royal Neigh said yesterday the .town could be (sic) in the West Ride sewer." He is currently presid.ent of the Snyder,, who bougBt the laundry bound National Airlines DC-.6B Skating bora of America. She was present He concluded:"There is ho ques­ rfx ¥T C D -I 0-8 year, toe re- mptlon. Leadera Round Table of Connecti­ Gwinn president of United Aitcraft Mickey and “ is. without prejudice United States and abroad, and Dr. more, it gives West the chance j ’ I 0 U eOe' ’ mainder of the increase tp become four years ago, says the Maple St. McMillan, had been friends for State Rep. Harry H. Hammer to show hig better nature. If West J r—————r* ■ near Bolivia. N. C., Sen. A. S ed with a 50-year pin by the latter building the. '^controversial West tion, that the project i. • .. February Frank sobbed: , "I will liever . be­ both areas and skating will be will offiefate. Burial will be in He waa againat asaesaing West the trial record yesterday when j Increment. There are learned Lehman had not worked Sfcxhas been promoted to New casting directly from the office Edward H. Glenney: president 1 determine, what' kind of Feglilatlon } DINE and DANCE g lieve the insinuations they ,are from 4 to 10 p.m, at thi Annex East Cemetervi Side homeowners for 40 j^r cent since leaving college. He told them ElnglSnd district sales manager for of the W, G. Glenney Co>.. will be i ------' should be presented' to the 1961 ■ his cousin and her husband. Mr. | f of the Slate, Department of Agri­ k * TESST CHANCE s making about him. I will never be­ and at Charter O'ak^from ,6:.30 to Friends may call st the Watkins- of the $97,446 force main and I and Mrs. Havre Gendreau ofi he lived "through the largess of Hotpolnt.. ' - culture. the 5-minule broadcast in­ among 5,000 delegates and guests j -j- w — ^ -a—^ I T ' legislative session relating to this r and her T 10. These hours wiirbe^in effect ■ Funeral Home. 142 E. Cen- pump station that would have been G)urt Cases friends.” lieve them." ; Montreal, testified about a. visit: 387^teachers in toe school sys Emigh and his family will leave cludes reports of the latest trans­ problem, Hammer said. 9 ‘‘COUNTRY GIRLS” A Covey's Frank, the son of a former New today only. ' \ ! ter St., tomorrow from 2:30 to 4:30 located south'of W, Middle Tpke., jhe paid them a few weeks after teachers in the senool sys Manchester soon for Boston, where actions at Hartford Regional Mar­ J. Loyzim hound Innocent “ The matter of uniformity and RESTAURANT Weather permitting, akatlng^t 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial contribu­ east of the Hockahum River, • I^Tie Home Of Fun and Frolic^ York deputy police commissioner, Four residents pleaded guilty ' the area headqi'arters is located. ket. The program is carried Mon- convention in New 'York City qualifi'cgtions for licensing Jn the 45 E. c e n t e r ST. the late Aaron Frank, had been both areas Sunday will l)e from lO tions may hi made to the church. A bond issue paid by all sewer the first. burgl^y. . ■ McCormick told the MEA group He has been Hartford area'sales da.v through Friday. ' starting Jan. 25. 'bulldirigVade is a very Important to 12 snd from 1:30 to 10 p.m. users of the town (the Sewer De­ this'morning to allowing dogs .to Speaking in French, the Couple request is "not practical manager for .nany years and will Of Zoning Order Violation persuaded to fly to Florida for a told, the court through an inter-| Board of Education,would Warden Urges - John Deme, owner-manager of — one," Harnmer stoted, "and -Ti ; Oak firm j vacation by his family. He had a Oharlee Volungevlch partment ) should have been used roam and . vere gently warned by continue to have an interest in this the radio sUlion, slates the report would urge\a11 Individuals -who] : so oak St.. Manchester ' instead, Hutchincon restated. pretcr that the priest had about | justified in going to the round trip ticket as he stood in Charles (Wolungevich) VoluYige- Deputy Judge Leon Podrove to $20,000 worth of bonds with hirn go^j,.,] Directors and asking .for area. provides prices on the egg, I>ve I f $ o f t 0 7 t have ideas oh\the subject arid are No Cover, No Minimum Martin annour\:d the abandon­ The Emighs have two childrfei L. James Loyzim, 45, of Rt; 31,^week for the new March of Dimes line at Idlewild Airport to board Freeze Eases rich: 97. of 166 Adams St., died at curb their pets hereafter. when he carte to Montreal. ] such a sizeable increase In one Law to Break loultrv; fruit and vegetable mar-1------Coventry, was found innocent by 'campaign by Mr? Herbert W. able to attend'(he heaijng to try a Boeing 707. He carried a small, hla home Thursday after a long ment Wednesday. Mrs. Emigh has been prominently to be present on ^ on Each of the four, Robert H. Por- Gendreau, a notary, had a list j jump.’’ The overall cost would rep- k'rito plus the latest potato prices. : Justice Leroy Roberts in Justice Love, chairman. Mrs. Love was ap­ EHSTUJOODmy 104 scheduled passengers were re­ tin said, and the construction com John R. Wv-nnergren Jr.. 32, of 90 on toe list. (reminded this teacher-group that • (Cont'lnued from Page One) Trual Co. liks^eporled net op­ Loyzim .was charged with s-’l- ty- are s tn d ^ g problems to various assigned to two - substitute planes. (Continued from Page One) .also raised tobacco and vegetables was unwilling to extend anv The Minnesota Mutual Life In- For Rt. 44A ------. on 1 his.1. __ own... farm. He leaves *a aon.lson t: A .. . - Oxford St„ and Mrs. Constance Ferrara's counsel objected to a I Manchester is In the process of erating earnlngs'fqr the year 1959 ing T'V sets and appliances from Assisting Mrs. Love in the local areas .far tbe purpose o f present- "PILLOW TALK" Seventy-six of them traveled safely further its long-standing bid GrOtta of 79 Anaaldi Rd., was fined more detailed report of the Gen-1 staffing an entirely new school den said in a written notice to all aurance <2o. makes the announce­ ' la Color I On the continent, ice stopped John Volungevlch. of Hartford.^ a , .... of $3,929,185, an Increase of 10 per his home where he also conducts mailing were Mrs. Earl F. Dow, g^r^ommendatlons to th^ 1961 to .Miami aboard an Electra jet- Hutchinson restated his claim $6 for the violation.. ' ^ (treaus' conversaUon with the {which will have a la^ e impact on the guards. ment that Bruce M. Anderson, spe- A detour agreement signed by .shipping o: the Danube. Icebreak-' daughter in Uthuania, and several, cent over 1958 earnings which to­ a T'V and radio repair business. Mrs. Frank’ E, Spencer Sr., Mrs. _ slsdiire. , \ prop plane. by Lpriest on the grounds, that it .would , this, year’s budget. State Police have nearly com­ clsJ agent for this area, has been taled $3,575,207. Gross earnings for the Selectmen at their meeting Loyzim was charged in Novem­ ers barged through ice packs, on grandchildren A pair'of young men from East Albert McLain and Mrs. Walter F. Hammer is also parttculariy ,ln- j a i m ; **B0RN t o BR LOVED” Frank and 28 other paaaengera Rhine arid partly opened ail the sewer users should be used be hearsay. Pr^rted the Board must hire 21 new pleted their investigation irito the confratulated for being top agent 1959 w ere $18,711,047, while ex­ last night provides the first public ber, after ethe Zoning Board of ■ ■ that The funeral will be held Monday Windsor accused of taking a wheel In new sales production for Decem­ Hillgen I terested ; In. hearing from Vernon l hoarded the propeller-driyen D ^ B water^vay to a h ip a X to - finance the pump station and and hub - cap from' a Manchester The trial will re.sume Tuesday. teachers for next year at an esU riot and already have turned over penses before taxes were $11,169,- notice that the State plana to im­ Appeals Oct. 5 grant^ him a six at 8:30 a.m. from the Waller N. mated cost ranging from $105,000 ber In New Engl'and slates. Store boxes Will be disttibrited I residents on the sbolition of capl^J ^with a crew of five It t^k off into « Belgium and L u x e m ^ the force main because . . . car were due it. court today hilt In other testimony received considerable informatipn to' State's 912. For the year, net earnings prove a section of Rt. 44A. months extension to continuri ap­ tal punishment.'He is serving on] .V i.. . . 11 .ia Belgium and Luxemhburg It Leclerc Funeral Home, 23 iMaln to $130,000 in addition to salary in- Anderson's nanie will appear on and other activities are • being murky skies at 11.15 p.m. warmed a liUe, but there W * St., and at 9 a.m. at St. Bridget's these are nothing more than ap­ could not appear becajii.se they are Atty. John D. -LaBclle. amounted to $3.30 per share on the ■The agreement provides for de­ pliance and TV sales. However, planned for the drive, add will be ! a sub-committee considering this I SVNDAY m o w . TLME; purtenances of the sewage treat­ yesterday. Canadian policemen de- by present teachers the gold plaque in the home office At 2:31 a.m. pilot Dale Southard jggt, of snow around tka Church. Burial will be in St. Brid- in Hartford County Jail. scribed thehp tools and methods u»en ] _MEA committee "I.t has been thoroughly estab- • bank’s outstanding stock, as com­ touring westbound traffic off Rt. this decision was later reversed announced. y I matter. | ■snwjffl, / ‘PlUoir Talk" 2-d:U-R:«9 ment plant. The remainder of the Isidor Wolf, ---- „ for outstanding agents. He is asso- 44A at South Rd., to Stony Rd. reported he was above toe bad, xuetrian capital. In the Alps the t'a Cemetei;y. Friends may call Prosecutor John N. Lombardo in breakinff into the vaults of the lished," the warden, continued, pared with $3 per share for 1958. by the ZB A , and a warrant .was The National Foundation now GOP Womea Elect - ! "Born To B« Lovad" 4C:4d proceeding hormally | g„g^ was six fc t deep. sewer lines sind laterals should be chairman, cited the trend of teacher "that our basic programs and and Rt. 6. A single eastbound traf­ issued for Loyrim's arrest after atTbe funeral home tonight from 7 asked that the casea against the two banks. pav Increases in neighboring corm Hartford National total re­ supports not polio cases but Mrs. Herbert Wright has been j at 18.000 feet. About eight minutes | _ ____ ' to 9 p>m. and tomorrow from 2 to assessed against the abutting and pair, Richard E. Schwitzer, 23, of general operating policies did not sources at year-end stood at $457,- fic lane Will be kept open through he refused to tell Zoning Agent cases involylhg birth defects and later, an explosion rocked the munities in recent weeks and the project. elected president of the -Women’s 4 and 'TTq 9 p.m. benefiting property-pwnera as all Rockville Rd., aiid Llriyd L. Rama- figure, in the riot in any way, 395,000, a slight decrease from P. Raymond Broga if he discon­ arthritis in children, as well. WED.: "LI'L ABNER’ plane. Frank's body was believed other sewers and laterals iiave argued that teacher pay gams are The State plans general im- Republican Cli|b of Vernon, sue-1 e x t r a : ‘‘Pe p e l e p h e w ; la Color ker. 18, of Harrington Rd., Bfoad not keeping pace with other profes­ either as to its cause or as to the year-end .1958 resources of $458,- tinued sales. The ,T611and, County,Chapter for Deeding Mrs. Elsia L. Seuthwjck. | to have been thrown out through a Hospital Notes WilUam George RIvenburg been and presently are levied.” manner in which it occurred.” \ . provement of the highway- from Loyzim dlaimed that a discon­ Brook, be continued from day to AboulTown sions or ..private Industry. 757,539. Capital and surplus stand the fifst time in 1959 had ihsuf- Others elected are: Mrs. George gaping hole In the side. Frightened He added: "I am only sorrv I day until a court'appearance can The prison. will return .to nor-’ at $30,000,000, with total capital the Notch east for one mile to a tinuance order by Broga only fleiririt funds to carry out its pro­ passengers fastened safety belts William GeorgaJUvenburg, 74, Conrad Strielelmeler of the WESTOWN point in the vicinity of United Schwarz;^'bice president; Mrs. Don­ Visiting hours: Adults 2 to 8 of'll Main St., Talcpttvllle, died have failed to convince and lead be arranged. mal operation Monday, Richmond funds increased from $38,771,563 meant he had'.to delete the word gram and had to draw on funds and donned life belts In case of a - Bristol Auxiliary Poll(;e. will meet M EA. claimed "I must struggle to 1 1 PHARMACY M Methodist Church. . ald-Bl'Loverin, secretary; and Mrs. p.n)i Matemit.r 2 to 6 and 8:80-to .this toornUig-at--the^^anchcater my fellow Democrats Into thinking Lombardo saw “Schwitzei—and- meet' the demands to support my said.' follcnving a complete "shake to $38,240,821. “ Sales” , (rora a sign in front ;of from the National Fo'uhdaUon'~f6 Geotge E. Risiey,'traasurer; Mrs. water landing.' the same way . . . for if I had. with" Manchester Auxiliary Police 459 Hartford Rd.—MI. 9-,B948 A public hearing on the project hia home. Loyzim said before his 8 p.m. Children’s Ward 2 to 7. Mertiorial Hospital. Bofh In 'Tal- Ramake*- were jailed because of of- family. I am interested In. increas­ down” of the entire institution and meet expenses of several cases. Hermina “'Ho«rmanr!~ and' Mrs. we would be building this needed fen.ses 'n ondther county town in a piatpl matc^ Monday night at will be held at the Community arrest that he had sawed off the A quota of 50 cents per person cottvllle Aug. 9, 1885. the imn of 7 at'the , local police indoor target ing my ability to'’make my fam­ the installation of- new and strin­ Hall on Feb. 16. George S. Wilson, were appointed Patients Today: 284 the late Irving and Clara Sriiith projwt, not discarding ft, at this lihich occurred after they were ar­ gent regulations aimed at tighten­ To maintain our continuity word ‘'Sales.” in Coventry receiving a coin card aiiditorR, time.” rested In Manchester'. SchvvitzCr range. . ily secure,” In the only other riakes handled would send in Some contribution. a d m it t e d YESTERDAY; Al­ Rivenburg, he had been a resident ■ Cites Other Coat Factors ing iip on security, discipline and ______Schopl_ Lunch Menus ALL NEW XhreeJHurt of Manchester and Talcottville all The Deniocratic director also; wllLJbt Mle«M»ed 'at the, end of Fe.i^ of mMical service we are Open Useful Bird------lasr night, Mrs. FlorefiCa Gray, 29, 'Mrs. 'Love”"fei t the'"townT-wonltt bino Gagliardone. Bolton: Mrs. —Sunset-Council, Jio ,.45., Degree of McCormick told the teacher control. raise above its capita- contribution Maple Street: Monday, spaghetti Wary DeCarll. Ellington; Manuel his life. ' . I told Mr. Martin as well ruary. he saio, and Ramaker not Pocahontas, will meet Monday group “ You slTouiaiBC-a; little more of Waterfront Park a)^ Ernest He was a retired weaver, for­ until some time in-Aifiril. A// Doy The quail is said to be the most Forsythe, 54, of Daley Rd., were in 19.59 of 12 cents. with hamburg, green beans, cole N. Y. FLOOR SHOW IpLrashes J. DeLean. Mansfield; Mrs. Vir­ as oCh^s that this project can be night at 8 at Tinker Hall. Main SI. realistic about our problems too.” . Open All Day' Sunday useful bird. It destroys' countless Grange Regional Meeting. slaw, apple sauce; Tuesday, seal- ginia Malinguaggio, .37 Seaman merly employed by the Aldon accomplished . . . but onlv If Clarence B. Walker, 25. of 86 There will be a reading of reports, each fined $15 for intoxication and Spinning , MiHs, Talcottville. He Ash St., was given- a 15-day jail He cited the man'y other needs and insects snd, in the autumn, it eats given 60-day auspended sentences East Central Pomona Gange will lo{^d potatoes , with ham, but­ Circle; George Gifford, 28 Camp- properly atsMaed and financed.” and a discussion on reorganization •factors in making the annual hudg-1 PINE PHARMACY j bell Ave., Vernon; Miss..Roxanne was a member of the Talcottville. term for intoxication, suspended SUNDAY an enormous amount ' of weed for lascivious carriage.' Both W re have its regional meeting at 2 p.m. tered com, pickled beets, brow­ JOHNNY W O LFS DLUB 21 DAFE On Icy Road Lauded Tw M'est Bidet’s of the degree team. It is requested et. adding that '84 to 86 per cent | Skiing Is Fun CBNTBB 8T. HI a-SSI4 tomorrow ;at- Coventry Grange nies; Wednesday, beef stew as Lewis. 249 Felt Rd-.' Wapplng; Congregational Church., ■ • Huicbinson’s^atMd led VVest- after five days. that all officers.'not installed at thq seeds. placed on pybation for six montiu. 991 5IAIN ST., MANCHESTER— .MI B-8I00 Raymond J. Perry, 4 Tyler-Cir­ of the Board of Eklucatlon alloca-; Hall on Rt. 44-A. , „ sorted sandwiches, ..Jell-o with No Clover—No Minimum—Ample Parking I Deborah Wehren, 50 Birch Rd.. He is survived by his wife. Ruby Siders to term him a "shining] ex­ last meeting hi present ■ Monday They were arrested after ^ Three men received minor injur Wapping: -Rutb Trewhella, 108 cle, was fined $6 for bresrh of tion nOw„ goes for teachy^r .salaries, j drinking bout at Forsythe's home' ChiircJi Services k cream; Thursday, roast turkey, Renr Of Club Groves Rivenburg; two daughters, ception” on the Board when their night for installation. A social hour le« tn-two of Three skidding acci-’ Bolton St.; Mrs.' Jennie Conrady, Mrs. Louis Turner of East Hart­ peace. will follow after the meeting.. Board Chairman Harold, Gar- Jan. 5. The Rev. James R. MacArthur choice of'm uhed potatoes or but­ ★ PLUS ALL NEW BAND . . . spokesmen vowed political reprisal rity .told the teachers "You have GOP Enrollees High Will use "Out of Nazareth" as hia tered rice; buttered peas, cran­ dents reported yeoterday after­ 33 Earl St., ' Rockville; Domilic ford, and ; Mrs. Ralph Michaels, of againat the Democratic party last Chester J. Berk, 33., of 46 Nor­ Our hall and facilities are available for bonling Bardinl, Stafford Springs; Armand Portsmouth. Va.; two sons. Ed­ man SL. was fined $102. ttte mini­ DRIVE TO .-VRIUVE had consistent 'raises." William. Republicans lead'the Democr'ala sem on topic, during the 10;45'a,m. berry sauce. Ice cream; Friday, banquets, weddings, parties, club meetings, etc. noon by police. fall, after the assessments were Adam* 137, Edgerton. St.;.. Robert ward Rivenburg of Ellington, (Uld voted. , "■ ^ ^ ' mum, for driving while lntoxicate(L. — NoFwieh, Jan. 46-(,fore the Court of Common Pleas The court continued, to Fob. 13- "Drive to Arrive" as the winner In port sent, the printers by the Memorial Hospital and released of Ellington; twelve grandchildren, the board has never cut teachers' ] a work sw lon, tomorrow from 2 to all meals. Mrs. Laurel Anderson. WildwcKid as proteoiion against any further the rase of Andrew R. Gaiira, 23, their statewide driving safet.v slo­ Registrars of Voters."' r after his car collided with one driv­ Rd.. Vernon; ‘Edward Miizikcvlk, 'and five great-grandchildren. of 142 Charter Oak St.„ charged gan contest. T. Joseph Puza of salaries.- «■ i According to parly enrollment 5:30 p.m\at the Quandt Hall on town action. Town Counsel Philip '^ason St. Northeast; Monday, pork and en by Town Health Director Dr. lOK) AveYy St.. Wapping; Mrs. Fuheral services ’ Will be held with mak-ing a faLse complaint and Norwich, chairman of the selection Mrs.atuek apiike-of the board's, Nothing lists the Republicans have 1,270 gravy,, boiled rice, buttered spin- ] DINE-DANCE A FBI. and SAT. Nicholas Marzialo.,36, at West Cen­ Monday at the Holmes Funeral Bayer reportedly will ask 'the 'responsibility to^ee "that we don't I ■ Plan tb-VIsIt*F1rehou*e Margaret Kraw^ky, 134 Longhill Board to rescind the assessments. arson. Gaura Is aceused of setting committee, said yesterday the win­ perao.ns enrolled oh their caucus The North ^ventry. Cooperative ach; Tuesday, " trankfurts and SWEET, Jo*y Mann and ic Hugh Wilson ter and . South Adama Sts. Rd., South Windsor. Home. 400 Main St., at 1:30 p.m., fire -to his own automobile, then ning entry came from Mi.ss Marion leave our children a heritage of ■ list and . the Democrats have 928 sauerkraut, mashed potatoes; Policeman William Pearson said ADMITTED TODAY: Harry H. with the Rev. Robert K. Shirrioda, West Siders said they wanted debts” and reminded the teachers I Nursery and Kindergarten Monday SOFT ★ Starring VFTO L MOTOLA sewer. service but termed the tellings police It was 8toIe.n. E. Clarke of New London. Borne heats water on their caucus .list. The break­ ■will visit the North Coventry Fire­ Wednesday, beef slew, assorted MUSIC b y Dr.‘ 'Marzlalo was crossing 'West Lugg, .57 Elm St.. Rockville. pastor of the Talcottyille Congre­ Court was still ia session at 5.000 slogans were submitted Piiza that they are taxpayers and home-"l down by voting districts follows: sandwiches, cheese wedges: Thurs­ RECORDING ABTIS'T Center St. into Waddell Rci. from BIRTHS YESTERDA"YA stTn to gational Church, officiating. project which would have opened owners too. • , ! house. In case of inclement weather '.he way to providing it a."public pres,a time. said. First District, 80'9 Republicana gn-d the trip will be made on Jan. 22. day, American goulash, tossed Sooth Adaritis when his car was Mr. and Mrs. .■ Walter Nowaks Burial will be in M)..Hope Cem­ HOnER;.. 682 Democrats: Second District, Parent-menibers of the coopera­ saiad, green beans; Friday, sal; LUNCHEON and DINNER SERVED DAILY. hit on the left side by Dickenson's Browri'a Bridge Rd., RD, Rock­ etery, Talcottville. Friends may ulilhy” for which sewer users as 461 Republicans and 246 Dem­ tive school are reminded that when mon loaf, mashed poUtoes, peas, THE FINEST-IN ITAUAN-AMERICAN FOOD car, headed west on West Center ville: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. ■pall at the funei-al home tomorrow a whole should have paid. ocrats. local public schools are closed be­ coleslaw; milk, bread and desserts TRY OUR DELICIOUS PIZZA . St i Henry . Archambault, 38 Indian Hill 'from 2 to 4 and 7 tp 9 p.m. ■ Some 326 West Side peoperty- General Statutes do not require cause of storms, there will be- no served with all .meals. Dr. Marzialo treated Dickgnson ID*'- " “ “ “ skter to ownera were Involvetf in the pro- or keeps it the registrars to keep a record of sessions In the nursriry or kinder­ Vernon Elementary: Monday, SHY-ANN PHONE :» n S-6195 at the «:ene before the Injured , and .Mrs^ R ^ Newbury. posaLs. Homeowners were assesaed Depot Square, Manchester 40 per cent; acre'aga owners, 30 those persons who-do not affiliate garten cla.sses. ravioli, ‘ green- beams, cple slaw; man was taken to the hospital by Hospital Patient RESTAURANT ^ We Cater To Parties, . BiKIHo tUUAY. A son to Mr. Funerals per cent, and the Sewer Depart­ with either party. However this Tuesday, hamburg loaf, buttered ai^slng motorist’ John Areari of and Mrs, Robert Farmer, 47 Bunco HOHER number has been estimated to be ’Mrs. Cheater Federowicz of Formerly Chianti Restaurant' Banquets. Receptions, Etc. ment, 30 per cent. rice, gravy, kernel com, pickles; Bast Hartford. |Dr.: a son to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rich T - Smooth - - Creamy about 910 voters. School St. for tlie past, week was Wednesday, beef stew, crackeira, ‘Mrs. Catherine BigenskI Also' abandoned along with the a patient at Windham Community At. the hospital's emergency I'Therrien, 24 Diane Dr., Vernon: a punip station proposal were plans A total of, 3.108 voters were assorted sandwiches; Thursday, r<»m. Dickenson was treated for a : daughter to Mr. and M rs:, Amos The funera.l of Mrs. Catherine than an eligible to go to the polls to vote Memorial Hospital. She Is expected roast ’ turkey In gravy, buttered for a $43,-650'grartty sewer on W. to return hpine qver thri wriekend. cut lip. and'cuts to the left knee Holt. 138 Center St.; a daughter to Bigenski, of 10 Seymour St., was Wednesday ft the referendum- on noodles, dressing, buttered peas, held today at the Walter N. .Le­ .Middle Tpke. from Deerfield Dr. Meetings Tonight PHONE MItcheU 8-7892 and left wrist. Pearso'n.ls still in-|Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mackey, 346 to Hilliard St. for $43,660 for the purchase of the Skinnrir prop­ creamed onions,' cranberry sauce; vestigating" the aceWent. i Keeney St. clerc Funeral Horne.- 23 Main St., erty by 'the School Building Com­ "The Mr. and Mrs. Club of the FViday, salmon ,loaf, mashed po- NOW—ENDS TUESDAY , which . some 50 abutting property ELECTRIC Second ' Congregational ■ . Church According.' to ,toe report, Dr’. ' ' DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: at 8:30 a.m., followed by a solemn BUTTERSCOTCH mittee for the town. ^ .tatoes, creamed' corn, pickled ^turda^—Shown 5:30/9:00' high: Mass of • wquiem at St. owpera were assessed $40Jo7 with will meet at 8 o'clock tonight at MaraWlo was not injured. Kathleen Flack, 533 Rye St.. South the remaTpder to come from the' * Dline Cards Mailed - beets; dessert and milk served 1 STATE 'Sunday—Shown 4:15-8:80 Peafson said the accident was Windsor; Mrs. Margaret Donahue, Bridget’a Church. the Church Conimunlty House. A Sewer Department. , . A total of- 1,788 coin cards have with all meals. caused partly by slippery roads 87 Avondale Rd.; Mrs. Ellen The Rev.! John J. Delaney was WATER been mailed to local residents this Chinese Auction .will be held dur­ ' Hits GOP Leader ing the program. Lake Street: Monday, Vienna and partly by a car he said was CampBell. 309^ Spruce St.;. John celebrant, • the R.ev. Dennis Hus­ RIPPLE sausage, mashed potato, gravy, parlcBd on the 'north side of West Bray, Union; Andrew 'CavdzZ'a, sey, deacon,'.and the Rev. Stanley . Hutchinson also branded as The Friendly Circle of the First SO GREAT! HELD OVER "'election-year drumbeating" Re­ kernel* com, applesauce; Tuesday, Center St. near South Adams Sti 104 'Main St.; Mrs. Velma King, Hastillo,- sub-deacon.'< Mrs. Ray­ HEATERI . Congriegoitional Church will have vegetable soup, chopped ham, sand­ publican town chali^man John F. a smorgasfbord this evening at the MOREWONI intersection. Pearson said he plans Hartl Dr„ TaWottville. mond Murphy was soloist and pr- wiches. cake squares; Wednesday, 3 DERFUL DAYS DISCHARGED TODAY; Walter .ganlat. An honnrary delegation .of Shea's comment Wednesday that Start Living N otice .vestry of the First Congrrigational spaghetti-meat sauce, parsley . to arrest the owner- or operator of the opinion of Republican Director ICE CREAM Church. , . ' the car, -as yel unidentified, for Meyer, Bolton Rd., Vernon; Rennl the Polish -Women’s - Alliance, waxed beans, peaches; Thursday, Rosen, Chestnut Hill; Erwin Moon­ Group‘246. attended in a body. Qilbert Barnes, who charged last - There will be a dance for teen­ beef stew, coleslaw, butterscotch parking within . 25 feet of ah'in­ fall that the project w m "poorly Batter Today WE HAVE DAILY agers at 8 tonight at the Nathan tersection. ey, 258 S. Main St.; Jason LIbby^ Bearers Were Ignatz Zatkowski,. pudding; Friday, tuna fish au 12 (Jhurch St., Vernon; Mrs. Ctiris- William '. Mazur, John IwanskL, handled, poorly prepared, ^ d poor­ • A ' I Hale Community Center. Oirip- gratin, buttered' boiled _ potato,, Two Injured ly presented", was borne out by the L.A0IES'—-MEN’S , the Electric DELIVERY TO THI^ erons will include M r.' and Mrs. ^In another accident attributed to' tine Ratti, Hebron'; Gerald Rey­ Hlpollt kurlowicE, Heroin Pletrow- - - IT'S DELICIOUS! buttered spinBch,.assorted cookies; s’ki. and Joseph Kissel, Burial was abandonment this week.. Herman “ Jake" LeDoyf and- Mr. milk, bread and butter.served with tay roads, two men, Herman J. nolds,'27 Hoffman St.; Miss Betty Hutchinspn said the Republican Water Heater and Mrs. Joseph P. Eaton. Pazadice, 39, of 503 Bolton St., and' Burt, Upper Butcher Rd.,' Rock­ in the family plot at S|. Bridget’s SKI APPAREL all meals. Cemetery, 'Father. Hastillo read directors "voted 100 per cent ‘ in BOLTON X ------James J. Selbie, 22, of 14 Oakland ville; Harold Newberry, 1139 S. favor of the project and Its rnethpd. W ayl - Mancheeter Evening' Herald Vernon and Talcott'ville news is St., suffered briiised left knees Main St., South Windsor; Mrs. the coiTimittal aervice. NORTHLAND—-DARTMOUTH ' Mrs, Sarah B. Beaurdgard of construction and finaiuing.” . Coventry oorreepondent F. Pauline handled through The. Herald’s when their cars- collided head-on Minnie krebs. East Glastonbury; "Mr, Barnes and Mr. Jacobs,” he HART,: METAL SKIS Bruce (lieder, Scott Dr., Vernon;. Boots— Bindings—Arcesaorlea b i t YOUR PLUMBER, Uttie, telephone PDgrim 2-8281. ^ Rockville Bureau, 5 W. Maib St., o Adams St., north of Hilliard St. said, "are on record as Whole­ livt IITTE* IIICIII.CAIIV AREA telephone TBemont 5-8188. ■ Policeman William Cook said Robert; Ballsieper, ,70 Tanqer St.; The 'hineral of Miyi. Sarah B. heartedly endorsing the entire DlALlR OR SempdytoAddJoba . neither driver ,was hc^p^alized and Cbarfas Warren. Bolton Ftd., -Ver­ Beauregard, 64, Mster pf Mrs, package. As far as 1. know, Mr. non; Allen L-. Sheean, 91 Delmont Elizabeth R. Scofield, 24 EBdridge NASSIFF ARMS CO. TH( HAKflORD Small Cars iTarned no arrests were made. Both caiA (jlohdon voted ^es on occasion and PINE LENOX O n b s /ia ! were tpwed from the acene, , St.; Theresa Fregln, 116 N. School St., was lield Thursday at the aaitf nothing. The only Director 101-5’ MAIN HT.—Ml 0-1047 ^ Champaign-lirbana. III. — Ai «ni»ta»MO<«c S t; Karen Smith, Cross Dr., Ver­ Bouton and Reynolds Funeral ( 1 I CIRIL Detroltj—Waggish TV and radio ■ Cars driven by William Ruhmel Who voiced opposition and. opri- HOUSE OF SPORTS THE HARTFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. atudv made by the University o f of 42 Hyde St. and Sidney Wise, non.:- Mrs. Anne Dzura, 49 Lyndale«| Home, 545, Bedford St,, Stamford, weather forecasters In Detroit sire sistently vqted so was myself." . IILUI COMPANY PHARMACY Illinol* on t^e Impact of the St. ON THE SAME Starts Wedneeday, Jpui. .20 48, o f Hartford, collided at. Icy In­ St.: Mrs. Agn'cs POsplhil, South The Rev. SUcqley F. Henviley, rec­ Lawrence B*away "on • Chicago's Bounding ■' "smoll-car ■ warnings" PROGRAM SHOWN "Having 'gone, IL alone on this Hie Most Poignant tersection of OlZott' St. and Love Willinrton: Mrs, June Miesch and tor of St. John’s .Bplscopa),Ctourch, issiif,” ’ HiJit^inson continued, "I Ice Skate* Sharpened ;299 E. CENTER ST. economy Indicates that the seaway when etoitos are Imminent because AT 7:16-10:40 “ You C*n ToBte T^e Quality” and Moving Story la Lane. No injuries were reported daughter, 22 Greenwood Dr.; Mrs. Stamford, Officialuafed. Burial Was in would be 'remiss in standing Idly Properly TEL MI 9-089S will.be responsible for 38,000 new of ' the nurtlber- of little ckfe ‘that n Oar 'nme and ho arrest was made. Police­ Ann Stager, '251 Oak St, East Long Ridga Union Cemetery In by while the Idle oppoeition pau5.y Jobri in the metropblltaa Chicago had‘ to -be abandoned during re­ "WOLF DOG man Allan Smiln investigated. Hartfor'd. Stamford. tried to lay -claim to any fbre- *- ^ Routci 6 & 44A area In the next alx y«ara - cent floods. 'THEMIRACLF* 1 i J ' 1. J. MANCHEST^ EVENING HERALD, MAfJ^HESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, I960 PAGE ITVE PAQE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,'CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1960

UiMe problgnui and show how a di>' rica” . Four groups; Adults, Senior' •^Wonders o f ihe Universe ^torljpBtpr rect, dynamic polldy could elimi­ High MYF, Junior High UTF, Connecticut Juniors. Feature this week; Pic­ ^tipnm$ Ifpralii nate it M a problem. . ture! from 'the Aflderaons, our Cor.veraely, failure to produce missionaries in Africa. Fellowship POBUSHED S'/ THE ‘Wall Plugs in Sky’ HERALD PRINTING CO.. INC. and deacribe that kind, of solution Yankee Churches hour with refreohments served by II StlMll Strut Methodist Men. ' Muictautcr Conn. might lead to some increased re­ By A. H. O. . THOMAS r FERGUMN spect for the techniques and ap­ WALTER R. FERGUSON . South Methodist Church 8t. James R. O," Church The Salvation Army May Power'Satellites Publlihera proaches of iSisenhower. If we are surprisedrSkT 4nd scooped Lawrence F. Almond Rev. John E. Hanhoo, Pastor 661 Mahi 6t. Foundad October 1. IR l B.iit let us leave it at this. All when our old frlendj.-'Congreasman Percy M. Spurrier Rev. James T. O’Connell Major A Mrs. Walter Lamle. USINESS SERVICES l^IRECTORY By DR. 1 M. LEVITT tricity, it is estimated, for 6 cents ______ExcaM Chester Bowles, winds up aa the Ministers Rev. Joseph H. McCann Oflleefis in Charge Publlahed • Every Evening Kennedy has to do to win his argu­ Author o f • now book, a watt-hour.' Sundaya and■ --Holidaya. lldai Entered ■ at the ment iq,to provide sv.ch solutions. choice of the L ^ ^ g e le s conven­ Itev. John D. Regan Projected power requirementa PoitOfOca at Manchuter. Conn., aa tion, we will hfve only ourselves 9 and 10;45 a.m.. Morning Wor­ 9:30 a.m.,' Sunday School for all Targot for ’Tomorrow’ Second a a u Mall Matter. for future aatellitea Indicate that Let us see, indeed, how a real man to blame. ship. Sacrament of Baptism. Ser­ Sunday Masses at 6, 7, 8, 9, ages. SaUlIltos can be put into the sky to orbit for years. ’This doesn’t by 1964 their power demenda will SUBSCRIPTION RATES in the White House would handle We were sdme months mon, "Veterans of the Cross," by 10:15 and 11:30. 10:45 a.fii., 'Morning service. be in excess of 100,000 watts, pro­ Payable In Advance these things. a(fO, shortly after we had produced Rev. Mr. Almond. Music by Citadel Band. Sermon by serve much purpose, however. If. One Y u r ...... *^£'52 they run out of power. viding another ^ ason for a cen­ MANCHESTER Beauty Gets A a column In which we t6ok the 9 and 10:45 a.m.. .Church School Bridget’s R. C. Church Major Lamle. tral power source. It will probably Three Montha ...... view that the Bowles service in for nursery through junior high. Rev. John J. Delaney, Pastor 2 p.m., Hospital viaitatton by One difficulty barring effecUve MANCHESTER Ona Month ....'...... l.JO UM of communications and soarch be unrealistic for exploratory his first session at Washington i0:45 a.m., Church School for Rev. Stanley E. Hastlllo, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson and Mrs. sateftltes to carry sufficient weight Head Start For 1960 Weekly ...... ■.JO Interesting Justice had aom^ow failed to produce Thomas McCann. aaumtea U their long-Urm power Call for an wpolabneht .soon to Mtvo par Single Copy ...... •<» Senior high. Rev. Dennis R. Hnssey and mass to produce that amount AUTO PARTS If we thought the original con­ the oEectlve build-up of Bowles as 3;30 p.m.. Older Youth, discus­ Assistants 6:30 p.m.. Prayer service. requirements. To bulk! in suffi­ skilled benuttoinns give jroor hair » grnad MEMBER OF cient powor-capaCity seriously of power. 270 BROAD ST beonty treatment! viction of the Apalachin gueats a foreign policy voice which would sion: "Making You# Job Christian,’' 7 p.m.. Evening service. Music THE ASSOCIATED PRESS establish him aa.a likely possibility adds to weight and oxpapso prob- ' Two power stations are con­ Tha Aaaoclatad Pr*u la exclualvaly Susannah Wesley hall. Sunday Mases at 7, 8, 9. 10, 11; by Citadel Songsters and Band. templated, one In east-west orbit constituted an unusual chapter in for secretary of atite In an in­ Sermon by Ckpt. Aubrey Kelloway. lams, already considerable. antltlad to the use of republlcatlon of School of missions: In the Chapel at 9 and 10 a.m. and the other traveling north- CHOICE V A K U m Always At Voor Sendee For all news diapatchea credited to It or the history of American justice, coming Democratic national ad- 4:.30 p.m'.. All classes meet ac­ ■ ’There is one fascinating pos­ QUALITY a MACHINE SHOP SERVICE not othenrlae credited In thia paper minUrtration. Bolton Congregational Church sibility under study by United south. U.S. satellites will be able a B((UIPMENT and alao the local news published here. the day of their sentencing, by cording to departments. Chuich of the Assumption to rendezvous with one or. the All rights of republlcAUon of special Corrective information, not from Bolton, Conn. State scientists that may offtr a SEAFOOD a PARTS (new nnd rebuUt) Federal Judge Irving B. Kaufman, 5:30 p.m.. Movie in color, "Medi­ Adams St. and Thompson Rd., other for servicing.. LOW dispatches herein are also reserved. Bowles himself, but from . friendly cal Missions,” sanctuary. Rev. Joseph Farrell, Pastor Theodore Chajndler Jr,, Pastor BohiUon: The Imaginative con­ a ACCESSORIES provided even more interesting A large amount of guidance and 00 EAST CENTER ST. associates, was soon on the' way. 6:15' p.m.. Families will meet in Rev. Francis T. Butler, Asslktant cept, of-a "wall^lug in the sky.” 43 OAK ST. d SUPPLIES Full service client of N. E. A. Serv­ proceedings for the higher courts tracking equipment will be neces­ TEL Ml 8-8009 ice. Inc. _ _ It seemed that while we in Con­ Cooper hall with box lunches. 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Morning Wor­ ■ Strictly speaking such a dsvlce TEL. Ml 9-9967 a DUPONT PAINT. SUPPLIES Puhllehers Representatives; The to evaluate, aa they will be called necticut. might have had our vis ship. Sermon; “The Ten Com­ sary to enable ^satellites to find and Open Satardny anHi 6 p.m/ 6 p.m., Youjh membership class, Sunday Mss.ses at 7, 8, 9„ 10:15 would rOqulro the orbiting of at contact the "power station, but Julius Mathews Special Agency — New Ion distorted by too much past chapel. and 11:30 a m. mandments: ’Their Value for To­ leaqt. two central power stations York. ■ Chicago Detroit and Boston upon to do. most of this can be kept on the MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF familiarity, or too grea/t an ab- 6 p.m.. Senior High Fellowship day.” Coffee-hour between serv' and the transfer of energy through These hoodlums, nabbed because ground where weight ia not a fac­ COMf»LETE CIRCULATIONS aorption with the gimmicka of the play rehearsal, Wesley hall. St, Bartholomew’s'Churrh' ‘ ices. Nursery in Community Hall space by means of electro-magnet­ HIGH GRADE they all committed Uie error of be­ huckater’s trade, other observers 7 p.m., Juniqr high Fellowship, kitchen for children of parents at ic radiation. Satellitea would pull tor. GLASS The Herald Printing Company. Inc.. Bnrkley School Auditorium tending services. It will probably i>e impractical^ HEATING assumes.no financial responsibility fM ing in one place at the same time in other parts of the country had Cooper hall. ■Rev. Philip Hnssey, Pastor alongside the power station (also # For Anto Windshields typographical errors appearing In ad- had no difficulty in perceiving and 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Church school for the satellites to pass wires Knarf's PRINTING have been convicUd on a charge of 7 p.m.. Senior high Fellowship, fo. four year olds through eighth a sateillte, of course) In their or­ Rotary or Pressure a For Store Fronte nnd oU vertuementa and other reading matter extolling the pure gem-like worth installation of officers and the giv­ from each other for the transfer In The Manchester Evening Herald. conspiring to keep secret the pur­ Sunday Ma.s.<t any flnitan haddie you a.sk them. is done under cover so the weather and LAirNDERlNG ington .Thursday, delivered the first Message by the paalor. 'Theme: for the Sundstrand Corporation of them to store energy and to oper­ Dubaldo for Christmas? If so, why not Another defendant Judge. Kauf­ eral candidate if Kennedy were Church for meeting aa gueats of Bev. Raymond B. Yaskauskas, REPLACE.MF.NT ''^’ill produce these result.a but fin- Did you try some of these won­ is no factor and you are sure of 1« MopI* St.~MI 9.IS74 major speech of the oncoming pres­ 'Triumphant Over Tempta'tlon.” California. He pictures a large ate along certain orbits, but man found "marked with anti­ stopped and Adlai Stevension did Wapping Youth Group. Transport­ Assistant Pastor ON ALL TYPES OF MUSIC CENTER ' nan haddie' Imported from Scot- derful cooked shrimp during'the protect Its finish and loveliness speedy service consistent with idential campaign. •Wlednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Prayer central power station with a fis­ valuable apace and weight may be 501 HARTFORD> R D ^ . social patterns.” ^ riot choose to run. He had become ation will be furnished. and, PraJoe service. 186 MIDDIJE TPKE. WEST ! land and sold at Manchester Sea holidays? They are simply huge with a glass top from the J. A. quality workmanship. Insurance REPA1R8 O N - He used it for a discussion of b y , another observer's flattering sion reactor or a solar power con­ put to other uses. and their flavor is so mouth water­ Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10:15 and 11:30 verter as its energy source. A TEL MI 9-8205 Food, 43 Oak St. is so taste appeal­ White Glass Co.. 31 Blssell St. companies authorize the White toe N. MAIN 8T. V what the presidency Itself—or the Another defendant ,a California opinion; the man the Democratic First Church of Christ Scientlalv a.m. And, looking ahead even further. ing you just cannot rasiat it. ing. They, carry both the green or Glass Co. to do work for them GRILLS. BLBOnUO IRONS. Kln]gdom Hall of Jehovah’s reactor could be put into the sky, We can visualize the principle of Glass protects, yet It allows the man in it—ought to be. lawyer, was described aa "hostile, party would choose for the presi­ Masonic Temple . WItnMscs Succulent, plump oysters served cooked shrimp and either way they which means they meet their rigid NEW SYSTEM rOASTCRS, * PBROOU^Sa, dency if it set about choosing its be lielieves, for about |2(X),000,000. the power package being utilised are a real treat for the entire beauty and grain of the wood to VACUUM CLEANERS, HEAT­ and arrogant toward law enforce.- Emanuel Lutheran Churrh 791 Main St. ACCORDIONS either in a stew or scalloped make show through and it offers ideal, standard of quality. Why not have First, he discussed what the nominee the way a big corporation This would furnish approximately for interplanetary journeys. a most delicious winter irieal and family. LAUNDRY ERS. FANS, SEWING HA- ment and his bar associates. Lived 11 a.m., Sunday service, Sunday C. Heiiry Anderson, Pastor 100,000 watts for four years. protection for tables. Coffee your work done at a placei that presidency ought not to be. He would sot about selecting a new School and Nussery. It woiild be orbtted first, and KINSMAN ORGANS you are sure of the beat in oysters, You will want crackers, coctall DRY CLEANERS o m N E *. with individuals of 111 repute, and Roger Mackey, Intern 3 p.m., Public Ulk,—What Gan This is in comparison to the then when the actuql rocket tables, desks, cocktail ^tables arid offers you the finest in service at found his test for this in a glib, chief execuiU've for itself. 8 p.m., Wednesday meeting. Prayer Do for You?” . IDCOCK as in all other seafoods when you sauce or tartars sauce to go with prices that are most reasonable. Main Plant: 44 Harrison St. after Apalachin resided in the Another observer surveyed U.S. paddle wheel satellite (Ex­ reaches space, the power source Private Instructions your seafood and the entire Jack many other surfaces. No worry frankly partisan description of the Reading room hours xt 749 9 a.m.. Divine" Worship and 4:15 p.m., Watchtower' study: r I frigeration CO, Instruments and Supplies shop at Manchester Sea Food. Lor- Have you considered the use of Phone Ml 9-7758 Air wei* giwreeteed Bowles from the human angle and plorer VI), which has a po;^er would be hooked up aa a trailer, ing and Arthur Ventura, owners August line of foods is carried at over scratches, stains, spilled wa­ ■ conduct of that, office by one home of such an individual." Main St., Tuesday, Friday Satur­ Church School; Nursery Sunday "Prove Yourselves My Disciples,” ter or liquor, no danger of costly mirrors in your home as a way of found:. , (John 15.8)., capacity of about 50 w"atts for a arid the Interplanetary probe of the store, aris proud of the freeh- Manchester Sea Food. The store Another defendant "was ar­ day, 11 a.m. to. 4 p.m.; Thursday School class for 3ryear olds. year at a cost of 1250,000. This would tow ita power supply along Orchestra for Hire 'cigarette bums when you protect changing the appearance of your Dwight D. Eisenhower. In this de­ "Physically, he is the picture of Wednesday, 8 p.m., Group stud­ neas of the products sold here. You is open Tuesdays through Satur­ 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 10:30 a.m., Divine Worship and averages out to 50 cents a watt- wHh it. . with glass and the cost of this room? They make a room seem scription, he achieved the feat of rested in Chicago at a similar an i^eal candidate..is a strong- "Life" will be • the subject of Church School; nursery for in­ ies in the Bible Aid: "You Will Be can actually taste the (Ufference in days from 8 to 6 and from 8 to 9 looking man with good shoulders hour. The power satellite with a (Copyright i960. p.m. Thursdays. protection is very reasonable. Just more spacious when placed cor­ turning the very \drtues which meeting.SO years ago.” the Lesson-Sermon. fants, At both services: Sermon Done on Earth,” (Matt. 6:9, 10) UfutuiReHt^QlU, any fiah that you get here, it has rectly. they are functional, dec­ and a biggish head. His face Is flasiori reactor would produce elec­ General Features Cnrp.) . ' f U ffioAnaa . ; Clams for chowder, cherry phone the White Glass Co., MI- CUNLIFFE have served America and the world Another was. Judge Kaufman The Golden Text is from Psalms ‘The Urgent Cal! of Christ." Pas­ at the following locations: 41 Ekl- a delicacy of flavor that you do orative and add spaciousness and DON WIU1S open and friendly. He has a gobd EVERYTHING IN, not find in many other places. Try stones, clams for frying are al­ 9-7322 for information on the cost so well into weaknesses and lia aaid, "a bootlegger and gambler (42:8). tor Anderson; Report on Texas mund St., 287 Oakland St,, 20 Mar airiness to a room, The White Glass voice and speaks persuasively. He ble St., and 18 Chambers St. theran Church, Wapping, as guests,, ing an Informal 0688100- ebneeming some and be convinced; ways available here and if you of this protection, there is no ob­ MOTOR SALES who would do anything for a fast Selections from the Bible in­ Youth Convention. 250 TOLLAND ST. Co. will be happy to advise you G M 6 8 E btlities. It is always easy to do is serious without heaviness. And Friday, 7:.30 p.m., 'Theocratic in connection with arrangements' our denomination^'ichool. North BOOKS wish to serve them on the half­ ligation. EXPERT AUTO BODY and clude the following: (Psalms, 3, p.m.. Annual meeting of^he Fqr those who would enjoy about mirrors without obligation. FENDER REPAIRS this, to attack the man who solves dollar.” he has that great virtue in a can­ Ministry School.at Kingdom Hall. for Winter Rally. Park C o 11 e aiiA ■ Theological EAST HARTFORD Science, Fiction, Best Sellers j homemade chowder, fried shrimp. shell, telephone Ml 9-9937 and The White Glass Co. display the IS Main St., TM MT-9-4fSl 1(M:31, 33). congregation in Luther hall. A.I.D. Service emblem in their Glass is ■ ideal for ventilators, It problem by patience or by de^ Another was "the perfect ex­ didate. a nice family.” 6:30 p.m.. Hi League meetlrig in 8:30 p.m,, Service Meeting (I Seminary. COME IN . . . BROW.s e ' fish and chips, fried clams or fish­ they will be ready to serve any It also developed, from the na­ Correlative passages from store and Joseph W h ^ and Archie keeping out Fain, snow and sleet ENAMEL and LACQUER grees for not having solved it with "Science and Health with' the Luther hall. Coririthians 14:26), Kingdom Hall Covenant Congregational Church Wednesday, .7:30 p.r>r. Midweek lU 9-6333 cakes without the trouble of cook­ time you Wish. REFINISHING8 ample of the trinity of crime, bus­ tional preaa clippings his friends (Evangelteal Covenant) ' Larochelle. proprietors, are proud without cutting down the light SpocialliiN9 hi Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, Service. "The Polly B” ing them, let Manchester Sea Food Vary your menus with fish and Why qot let the White Glass Co. the blows of an ax. You can never iness and polttlca that 'threatens sent us, that Bowles is an egg­ Zion Evangelical Lutheran Churrh 48 Spruce St. Power nnd Hand Toole you will find your family‘‘asking of It, for it is the official emblem REASONABLE PRICES include the following (p. 289:32), North Methodist Churrh pointing nnd Decorating Tools Gift Department do the work for you. Every 'Thurs­ custom tailor your ventilators and •RAKE SERVICi go back and prove that the use of the economy of the country.” head but one who has his feet on . 800 Parker St. (Missouri Synod) R«\’. K. EJnar Rask, Pastor "TAIoattville Congregational Church day and Friday you can enjoy a for repeats. All fish sold at Man­ of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. FREE ESTIMA'TES the ground; a liberal who has, Garden and'Land Tools and signifies that the "White Glass enjoy protection from the elements the ax would not have solved the Another was a "high liver, con­ Vernon Methodist Church Rev. H. Osgood Bennett, Minister Cooper and High Sts. Robert K. Shbnoda, Minister MANCHESTER delectable meal, without turning a chester Sea Food is purchased in however, graduated from any ab- Rev. "Paul G, Prokopy, Pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday Schopl' with Baby, Household, Party Co. are their Autoglass Installa­ while the light flows unhampered RT. SO— w a p p i n g , c o n n , Front End Alifinnitnt problem, but have prevented Uts temptuous of society.” Vernon, Connecticut hand, Just phone your order to small quantities from small boats into your rooms? soiq>tion wflth the New Deal; a classes for every age leYel from — nnd Banquet Needs that bring in the catch each day. tion Dealer. You are sure that the AT THE DUCO SIGN solution. '' Another "was apparently lead Warren E. Oovell, Minister 9 and 10:30 am., Sermon 10:50 a.m., Pariah House nursery Invalid Needs BOOKSHOP them, tell them what time you will Want to cut down the amount person who has the right stand on Running Away from Life.” 9 a.m., Sunday School. Free bus kindergarten througb-adult. opens. pick up your" order and it will be This insures the fish sold here is dealer who displays this emblem Gonord Ropoh WoHi 10:30 -a.m., (Jhyreh Time Nurs- ANDREWS BLDG. of work keeping your bathroom TEL. MI 4-122S Senator Kennedy even managed ing a double life.” civil rights without, however, tak­ 9 a.m.. Nursery (Children 3 and transportation. ready, piping hot for you. Imagine absolutely as fresh as possible, will give you the finest service and ing positions which offend the 9:30 a.m.. Worship service and 9:30 a.m., Adult Bible Class. . ery. 11 a.m.. Morning worship serv­ 67 E. Oente# St.—Ml S-10S6 clean? Of course everyone wants the achievement of attacking the This was the way Judge Kauf­ under, including Crib Nurse^) ice and Sunday school will be at french fried shrimp and french there is no undue delay to reduce highest quality workman.ship every South. nursery "care for preschool chil­ 10 a.m.. Nursery in the parish 10:45 g-ni.. Morning Worship PARKING tN REAR time. You can have auto glass in- to do this and the-answer is an President for being "above poli­ man "threw the book” at the dren. Sermon by the Rey. Mr. Co- Kindergarten (ages 4 and 5), Jun the same hour. Sermon, "Not So fries, cooked to perfection, ^ d at its delicate-, sweet flavor.-. Stop easy one. Install glass .shower All this- naitional discovery of house during church worship. with Rev. Henry A. Gustafson, in and look at the wide varietiea st.vUed knowing that only the beat tics,” for not using more of a whip Apalachin defendants. ■ Only it vell, "The Answer to Life.” ior and Youth departments (grades 10 a.m.. Divine worship. Text: prqfm or at North Park ‘Theo- Strange.” Greeters are Mr. and TOYLAND such reasonable prices! If you are dopra or glass tub enclosures and the virtues and attributes of 4 through Senior High). do\Vn town you may enjoy any of of fish carried here, you can serve quality glass Is u.sed and while MANCHESTER on his own party, for not telling Bowles began months ago, while . 10:45 a.m., Clfurch School for Luke 2:41-82. Theme: ‘‘Found, Not .kJglcal Seminary of-Chicago, as Mrs. Richard Clark. Ushers are ICE,SKATES, SLEDS, reduce the splashing "on the floor. MASURY wasn't the book of American law 10:30 a.m.. Nursery (Infants Donald Loverin and Donald Clark. these foods at the food bar. fish again and again without re­ every effort is made to do -the Congress what to do. This makes a we were still sleeping through the children from 3 years through 8th Lost.” guest preacher. Sermon: "Under­ SPRING HORSE.S, DOLLS, work swiftly, you knpw that only You can fit your own tub enclosure he threw at them. He did not grade. through age 3), Kindergarten 11 a.m., Gottesdienst. Altar care by Mrs. Polly Bayli#s. RADIOS, CUSTOM MADE. Frozen lobster meat is a great peating your menu. There is a bv taking the measurements to the MEMORIAL CO. fine, ‘glib vein of oratory until one Connecticut suirimer solstice, ap­ standing Through Love.” the best quality of glass Is used charge and prove crimes against 5 p.m.. Junior high Methodist (ages 4 SLftd 5), Phriraary Depart 7 p.m.. Young People's 9omety of 2 p.m., Visitation at convales­ 7 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Fellow­ SMALL APPLIA.NCES CANVAS AWNINGS convenience in making lobster difference in fish and you will White Glass Co,. 31 Biasell St. and Opposite East" Cemetory PAINT praising him as a*-very nice fel­ ’ stew, loboter thermidor and lobster taste th'a't very delighted differ- and all work must be consistent asks who had the best of it in the them. He threw opinion, hearsay, low whose highest chance of fol­ Youth Fellowship organizational ment (grades 1, 2, and 3). •the Walther League. ' cent homes. * ship. GIFTS FOR ALL they will cut the glass for you. If ; newburg_ and it is a most economi- ence when you serve fiah from with satisfactory workmanship. I . . . it 9ood point last session of Congress, the Dem probationary reports on their style lowing in the foosteps of George meeting. 5:30-7:30 p.m., Church - wide 7:30 p.m., Joint,.nfeeting ./1th 7 p.m.. Evening Fellowship Hour 7 p.m,. Junior Pilgrim . Fellow­ you prefer, they wilt install show­ School of Missions: Theme: "A f youn^ people of Our Savior’s Lu­ with the Rev. Gustafson lead­ ship. MANCHESTER cal meal for those , large tins are Manchester Sea Food. Only skilled men-are employe^ tuld er doors or tub enclosures for you. Quality Mamoriols ocrats who had overwhelming con of living, associations and habits, 'Washington, the first President, All young people in 7th and 8th these are trained men. exper­ grrades are invited to attend the An estimate on the cost of sII work trol of both branches, or the man and the offended horror of society lay In the "slept here" department. SURPLUS SALES CO . ienced in modem ’ autoglass in Over 80 Yeare Experlooeo "It is good to be back in Connecti­ first meeting to be held at the will be cheerfully furnished. In the White House, who was, ac at them—everything, in fact, ex­ 169 N. MAIN ST. weighs a pound a foot is as strong stallation technique and methods. Why not pick up the handv leaf­ PAUL'S cut after traveling for much of church. Congp Phone Call You are-sure of customer satisfac­ cording to Kennedy, not much of cept law. 7 p.m., Senior Methodist Youth AT DEPOT SQUARE " as Maixila, rope 9 inches in girth let on the care and protection of Paint and Wallpaper Store October and November," Chet re­ and weighing nearly 2Vi. pound* tion when your A.I.D. "store, the Colt Ml 9-5807 poUtician, and a lame duck poll ■ There will be another equally in­ ported to his constituents a few Fellowship meets at the chfirch. OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. vour auto glass at the J. A. "White ^ 645 Main Street J. FARR—M| S-7I11 Subject of Skit a foot. The synthetic rope, said J. A. White Glass Co. installs gla.ss. Co., It is free and lists things to do tician at that. teresting day In the annals of weeks ago. "In 40 nigh'Ls, I alept to be light enough to -float, does Because of ths demand for their A. A15UCTT1, Prop. Sat, churches ...... to keep your auto glass in show­ Tel. Ml 9-OSOO American Justice. That will be the in 21 different beds." That is the not absorb water or freeze like .services,' the White Glass Co. have Hnrrieoo S t. Mnocheetor As the thin, glib Kennedy as sort of homely touch w'htcli colors In line with their study of foreign room condition for the life of your The United Methodist Church ordinary rope. had to enlarge their facilities and persions on the personal leader day when the firat higher court our home state view ot. Bowles, of Bolton missions, the Women's Mission So- car. The store Is open six days a ship of the President faded out in rules on the conduct and outcome and leaves it to the rest of the Rt. 44A and South Rd. F.I.A.F.* • clty, Community Baptist Church, week front 8 In the morning till 5 SEE US FOR: p.m. and you will find thia a very to the air into which they were be of this trial. nation to steal a march on us by Rev. Carlton T. Daley, Minister Manchester’s ^ a Aluminum Roll Up Awnings will conduct a program entitled, proclaiming his greatness and pleasant place in which to do busi­ Ing delivered, the one clear im' The issue here is not whether we a:-Venett.in Blinds "Congo Galjlng,-’.' by Garnett- K. ness. WATKINS-WEST LIQUORS running him for President. And 9:Sd;a.m'., Church School for all o Storm DooYn presiion which did remain was one like to see. hoodlums go" to" prison. Valentine Perty Young, .Tuesday, at' 8 pjn. The even after we have been alerted, departments. a Combination Windows that Keimedy, rashly or wisely, as We do, if they ever get there. The there is something missing in our 9:30 a n d 'll a,nr.. Morning Wor headquarters meeting will be held in Fellowship FUNERAL WINES-BEER Manchester Awning Co. events may prove, has decided to issue is: when did the law become response. It is we who are un­ ship. S e r m'ou V "Finding God Hall at the church. Gibbons Assembly BEER IN BARRELS begin by attacking-the most popu­ a pfetsel? worthy,- and being scooped serves Through Prayer.’N. 195 WEST CENTER ST. SERVICE FOR ALL OOOASIONM! Telephone Ml 9-3091 The Marcia-Neubert Circle ■will lar image on the American scene. us right. -11 a.m.. Nursery. - present a skit which "will suggest e DELIVERY SERVICE a -...54),m.,_5?chppl of Miaalons. Box FAIRWAY Established 1940 T o Heari Attorney ORMAND J. WEST, a telephone conversation between The politicar wijidom of "such a de^ supper and family fun"Hlghir" -W EST SIDE cision may be debated; whatever Bulletina For Elvis :“tha~iocat -group~and~some - B ^tist Dtpectur 4,000 Prehistoric 7 p.m., Methodist Youth Fellow open Thursdkiy and missionaries in Africa. Partici­ Gibbons Assembly. Catholic the political result, one must re­ ship. I-adle* of Ojiumbus, will hear a PACKAGE STORE We have sad news for a certain Friday till 9 pating'in this skit will be Mrs. R. IU E. CENTER ST. Harry PrfieaiMky, Permittee gret the distortion which immedi­ wearer of his country!a uniform, Paintings Copied B. Edgett and -Mrs. M. C. -Keevers talk by-Atty. Wealey Gryk on'"Will* St. Mary’s Episcopal Churrh • Find It At Fairway .Manchester’s Oldest 365 CENTER ST. - ately appears in the Kennedy ef­ soon to be out of that uniform and a! themselves; Mrs. John F. Gal­ Md Other Law Points of Interest” MANCHESTER— Ml 94186 , Paris—-A French ethnologist. ' Church and Park Sts. lup, Mrs. Lloyd, and Mrs. E. B. With FUest FnotUttee fort to destroy that image. free to resume his career aa public ■ X" ^ e s d a y eveijlng al the K of C .Henry i-hote^^ has Rev. Alfred L .Williains, Rector Keith as missionaries;' and_ Mrs. ■entBTtatnigrr...... --- --— ...... Rev. PreaeoU-Beach 'Jr.',7AMtKtsait f ^brlef buaineBs... mtinUng. ^ f "Elsenhower Has‘heefrTr""weaIr=‘ from the .Taasili region of tlie auto body VVaJler Jacoby as £fie feleph'dn^ * precede the program. ling, Kennedy, will be a dynamic He will have to learn to sing Sahara with 4,000 reproductions of CtO CKond operator. . After Atty. Gryk’s talk, mem- 7:30 a.m., Holy Commuriion. tower of strength and aggressive words. Accompanying these words prehistoric engravings' and paint-<^. A devotional period will be led Mrs will play pirate whist. Mem- Remember A 9 aSn,, First Family Service, ATCH REPAI by Mrs. H. R. Cross of Ore Mary VIC’S nZZA SHOP there will be, most of the time, an ings found pn rocky walls, of the m Mrs are td bring wrapped gift* to Delightful Place To Dine leadership. That Ishis own promise. Office of Inatructlon. Address b y Greene. Circle. Mrs. Joseph A. the meeting. Mrs. John Tierney, 153 W. Middle TnmpIlM actual melody, a tune. gorges of the Wadi Djerat. the rector... Junior . -Choir...Other We respect his right to make it, Lhote arid his team used a new Kowell will p ve a brief "summary ChaJfWAii- aaaigted byr •faer'CoinnflU* w RED EMBER Phone MI 6-3790 -and we will await his. own demon­ When he went into the army, the services at this hour are in Chil JOHN POStMA WRECKER of the use .of the Love- Gift Offer­ tee., wilt be In charge method of taking impressions of dren’s Chapel, for "Kindergarten stration that he means it. He need faahion was, it is true, one of mum­ .the engravings. First, large ing w;hich is a regular part of the OPEN SUNDAYS PIZZA and Nursery Chapel, 41 Park St, SERVICE stewardship of the group. not wait to ‘ get into the White ble and shake. The less understand­ stretches of engraved rock were 310 Moin St. Cunliffe for Auto Body Work 11 a.m., Morning Prayer with The President, Mrs. John Ruff, o o o k Ta i l l o u n g e SPAGHETTI House to make'this demonstration. able the nriumble, ^ e more eloquent covered , with a plastic-rubber sermon by the assistant. SenjA) will conduct a business meeting This is the time of year when'f’^ coating. Then a cloth was laid over Ml 3-6233 Radio Today a m p l e p a r k i n g RAVlOU He himself, in his talk Thursday, the xhake. He himself had done Choir.. .. 41 following the program.^ The princi­ skids produce a rash of dented duplicate the exact shade for you. this sutotance, which, when dry, we Have A DANCING outlined an area in which he could much to moke It that way. But 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer. “ Faith pal item of business 'will be the feriders and doors, also numerous Their shop is-open six days a week EVERY FRIDA y and bPEN DAILY peqled off easily with a perfect and Practice” series foljovti. Nice Selection presentation of the budget for the scrapes and scratches. It is moat from 8 in the morning till 6 .at i provide samples of what his own when he went into the army, there WDRC—IMO BATTURDAT NIGHTS 7:30 A.M. to 11:00 PJI. reproduction’ of, the engravings. Daily: 7 p:m„ Evening Prayer In It Pays to Of Waterproof new year. disheartening to have this happen, night and they are pleased to serve 1:00 New* leadership would be. ’ : was no dearth of able'lmttators in the Memorial Chapel of the Na­ Crystals Refreshments'will be served at but it would be Worse if there was you in any way at ail times.- 1:10 Art JotiDBoh 4:00 BlshoD't Corner RED EMBER SUNDAYS "Today,” he said, "a .restricted the techniques pf being both nriobile tivity. ' the conclusion of the evening by not a reliable place to have this Need a scratch or scrape touch­ 4 '>.M. to lOffiO PJW. Wednesday; 10 a.m.. Holy Com­ Blow' Your Horn members of the Reed-Eaton Circle. damage taken" care of. Cunliffe ed up? Don't be foolish and try to Weather Rts. 6 and 44A — Bolton concept of the presidency is not and unintelligible. They have car­ A Thought for. Today YOUR FAVORITE BRAND 6.M Sport*. New* TEU Ml 9-4445 CSjOUFT MONDAYS munion in the Memorial Chapel of Motor Sales on Rt. 30 in Wapping dey the work yourself, for this may 7:05 Art Johnson enough. For beneath today's sur­ ried on so well that they have, in Sponsored by the Manchester 8:0i' World Tonight the Nativity. at the Duco Sign is a moat depend­ look simple, and easy but it ,1s 8:15 MuMc Till One face gloss of peace aSd prosperity just about the ,.rputlne time, Council of Churches, . ^ Silent selling is t thing of the paM. Yon esn h m . COLD BEER able place in which to , have ex­ work for an expert. .A novice,try­ 12*00-New* . brougkt this particular singing Second Congregational Church Rev. Rask Attends pert auto body and fender repairs ing to do thia work will end up 12:10 Music Tilt One 6 Are Increasingly dangerous, un- the best mousetrtp in the world But it won't sell LIQUORS. WINES 1:00 New*. Sign Off FOR EXTRA MONEY If we would have faith in God S85 N. Main St. done, and their prices are most’ with' the. touch-up showing , up •solved, long-postponed problems—, style to the completion of its cycle. Ministers’ Retreat WTIC—lOSO Perhaps Elvis himself c6uld have we must begin to'exercise -faith. Arnold W. Tozer, Minister unless you blow ypur hom irid beat the drum to DUCOand.DULUXkEFINIlHING reasonable. They will gladly give worse thafi the original scratch, Berube's . problems' that will inevitably ex­ Faith breeds- faith, doubt 'breeds Mrs. Juanita P. Loggie, beside the'eost ot this work is so- •1:00 New* WE PAY kurried if up a bit. But the change Free Delivery you a free estimate bn the cost o f ■^1:16 Your Home Decorator Typewriter Service plode to the surface-dtfring the doubt... After ,the war the follow­ Minister’s Aset. attract attention. 166 MIDDLE TURNPIKE, WEST TThe Rev. K. Ejnar Rask, pas­ any work, ■ • - reasonable at Cunliffe Motor Sales 1:90 Rns* Miller 0 9 Middle Tpke. E. in what it takes to be an'ldol would ’P _____ V • ' -4 '' ^ >f Ml 9-5507 next four yeara"^ the next ad- ing words were found scribbled on MANCHESTER . tor of the Covenant Congregation­ In order to do a ftrst class paint that it is fodlisli to bother with it 2:00 Chicago v*. Detroit Manchester , HIGHEST PRICES be coming, along about this time a wall in a cellar in Cologne, Ger-, New England is proving it want# and has space for new industries. That’s why it leads job it is essential to use the very yourself. , ' ■ 2:00-Monitor ■ jntnist^atiOn—the growing missile lO' a.m.| Morning worship- and, al (Church, will attend the annual 4:46 Royal PoIncl&nA Handicap many, where," German Christians best passible materials, and that is If you ^ e unfortunate enough 5:90 New8 arid Weather Typewriters and Office For' Kags, Paper. Metals gpsp"Tthe rise of Communist China, in any case. - , ^ ■ Church Sqhoril.. Nursery for small the rest of the country in developing industrial parks. Some 114 industrial parks have. HAMY MUU had been sliritering. some. Jews. "I children during worship service. ministers’ Ashram,. appnaore^ by why Cunliffe Motor Sales use Duco to car smashed, Cun- 6:40 Monitof MacUnee Repaired, . Serviced and Scrap Iran the despair of the under-developed ' The guttural mumble is out. It is Phone Manchester 6:00 News and Weather believe in the sun, even when it is Reception -of new members.' Ser­ been established in eix state region^ Another 27 are in the planning 6tage. ,An eadmated. the Blast Coast Copferehefc of the paints and enamels for all their liffe Motor Sales do a marvelous 6:30 Art of Investing \ Rentals C A U . OK OELIVER"rO ^ not /shining. I believe in God, VICHI'S nations .the eixplosive situations in now the, m6st to enunciate words mon by the minister. noMiiroi Evangelical Covenant ^ u r c h at a work. They have factory, mixed job o r repairing cars. You will be 7:00 Monitor even' when He is silent. 1 be- $60 million has been invested for acquiring land, eonstruction, and promotion o f the - PACKAGE STORE Mitchell'3-7043 am az^ at the way a really dent­ 7:45 nConU v*. Holy Crna* • — We Handle Statlunery Along Berlin and in the Formosa Straits, so clearly they, can be heard and 6:45 p.m.. Mu Sigma Chi group new camp site at West;Swanzey, paints and enamels in all the new 8:45 UConn v*. Niagara- U. l(eve in love, even .when It is not to BISSELL ST. arid popular colors, but there v e a ed car can b'e fixed so that yo(i With Offlbee 51achtne Supplies OSTRINSKY the deterioration of NATO, the identified as words. At the same meets, with Mr. and Mrs. Stan ventures ranging from 1,724 to 3 acres in size, ' N. H., next week. . . 9:30 Up Tempo Yonr Mall List As Derired apparent.” Matteson at the church. number Of colors that must! be would never guess Jhat It had been 10:00 Monitor Oeolem In Wonts Matarwln ,. lack of an arms control Agreenien time, the fife and sandpaper type Rev. Roy R. Hutcheon, The retreat will be conducted, 11:00 News 7 p.m., The Junior* High group Monday through Friday. mixed specially. I f your color ia. in-^an .accident. Incidentally, they A. J. BERUBE, Prop. 73) PARKER *T. and all the idotneaUc problems o: of voice ia now the com^ There has Wapping, Community. Our communities are seeking new payrolls to boost their economic structure'or to.replace 11:15 Sport* Final "will meet at ihe church with Mr. • Speakers will be the Rev. How­ one that rmist be mixed, it will Ije have a wrecker available in ca.se 11:3O^.Monit0r m 9-3477— Ml S-6842 Tet. MI-S-8785 or 6 a < S -«1 t our farms, cities suid spools.” - to a cleqr musical note now and - Con^eattonal Church no probleni at all tor any color can your car is not in condition to 12:00 MIdnite Mood* and Mrs. Herb Brown. a faltering industry. A new industrial payroll is a priceless possession, that means more ard T. Joslyn, director cf evange­ 12:56 New", Sign Off If senator Kennedy is the dy­ then. -As .for the shake, the new be duplicated here. If there is a drive, simply call MI 4-1223 for Calvary Obapel lism; and the rfey. Henry A. Gus­ 4 WHAY-#10 and ijjore sophisticated technique Communfiy IBaptlat Church jobs, more dollars in circulation, more prosperity and greater security. tafson Jr., instructor iii the Bijili- special Shade you have in mind this ♦ service. • namic, ;aggres8ive kind of leader (Assamblies of God) when having your car re-painted, 1:00 Big SlKW ’ WHOM H*e he specifies for. the presidency, we seems to ,be to suggest that the Kenneth'L.. Gustafson, Pastor 685 E. Center S t at the Green cal field at the denominational ip- i .4. . . TTiis is an excellent time of year 7;00 Frankie Avalon John R. Ncubert Minister ^,- -.For example, a new idO-man. factory, in an average community ean "mean $590,000 ' sUtuUon;T7'U’th Park your aatisfac- to have ' fauTti machinery painted 7:30 Polish National Horn* *• assume that he has not presumed periformei' la having trouble re-, tion. Inciduentally, a new paint job 8:00-Big Show Chicago, 111. Hla field vrill be “ The to pMvent Its rusting and so that 12:00 Ne-fe*. Sign Off to aspire to' the presidency with- straining it, but ^to restrain it 9:45 a.m., Sunday School, classes MORE personal income and $360,000 MORE retail sales per year, 174 MORE-workers is a '/ery inexpensive way to make '■ V for all. ' 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church School Study of the' ^ible.'’i it wifil .be ready for use when WPOP—1410 ou* having found at least a \oken nonetheless. employed and'112 MORE households. Diacussion gro.ups will be held on your- ca,r look like new for mSny spring comes. You save cost­ 10:45 a.m,. Morning Worship. for all ages. You nimo Itiajoll. . . we h«a juitihe riAt Du Pont a c^r js mechanically perfect yet 1:UU Mtke l^wie** solution of some one.of these'prob- 10:15. a.ni.. Church Activity Pro­ Piint for i(7 .. in colors to match inythini! Hava a "The Minister arid His Time," "The ly repair bills- by protecting your 2:00 Conn uallrodm It haS not been exactly cricket 6 p.m., (Christ's Ambassadors, looks years older than its actual 6:00 News. Weather A Sarvic* lems. gram for children. .Cradle Roll New .plants also mean new taxes for local and state gOYemnients and help to lighten the question on.colof?.; . what to usa?. . , how to doll? Minister and His' Finances," and' machinery with a rOgular paintlrfg of us to change our rules and yputh service. "The Minister amd His Resources.”. age becmiae it is so shabby ap­ 6:15 Comi.- Ballroom O f ’ 7 p.m., Evangelistic Service. through Kindergarten. CALL US for ox^l help on your next painting job. schedule. Welding is also . done . 7;0U Ray Somers Suppoee, in his next, he lets us tastes while Elvis has been serving load on individuals. So blow your hom and always , nineinher to talk up your town TTre Rev. Mr. Rask wdll serve as pealing. "Why not ask eunll(fe Mo­ 7:30 Word of Ufa . Wednesddyv 7;30 p.m.,^ Prayer *10:30 a.m., Morning Worship; tor Sales ,for an estimate' on the right / on the ■. premises,, provid- Sineority ’ HI M M S have his solution for the problem our country. But. We do not expect Consecration of Church Officers. secretary and jrianist at the Ash­ tng'^ convenient and speedy serv­ 8.:00 Ray Somers .[ • F a eK ifta Service. - , , - - and region. . ‘ \ ^ M ’ ram. coat of a iigw paint job for your of Formosa. Or tells us how he Die young, man to suffer Uqduly, Sqrmon Topic: "I'll Be Glad Too,” car? There .is no obligation -on ice /to all customers. Il:l6 Ray Somers Where PemiMal would patch up that hisloricantna- 4:30 p.m., Enquirers' class'for du are sure of expert work 1:0U Del Rayce* OoneMemtloa We still ,8uapect, as we always did, Concordia EvangeUcol Lutheran your part.' > m r —i2sp. Winter ana Garden. Sta. * those .wantli^ to know about 72.3 MAIN Hi.. MANrHKSTKR PHON'*: M l>450‘l Syntfietic Rope Strong d the finest materials when you IS A Tnldltinn < S ts 0>iss SK chrohism, NATO.' Or what he that he can sing if he really/A'snta This message wts prepared by.The New' Engitpd Council.fmr EeoBoiaMi Devebyimeiit . .You see more and more foreign 1:UU Showcase..Nsws ' - Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, Pastor membership"fii the Baptist church. cars on the road these day8 and up ave work done at Cunliffe Motor . would do about the missile gap if to, that, if neceaaary, he pould con­ and ia published by this newspaper aa a pnblw aarii^ bi aoepwutiea -with the New 4:06 World News , 7 p.m.,«Junior High Youth Felr BUY THE PAINT THAT'S WORTU THE WQRK. ’ Providence, R.I.—Hawser made to a short , time ago-having thcmi '^ les for EhiCo'is-another hnme 6; 15 Showcase.* N4(wa he l)ad to do'something more than trol those knee Joints, and that be .8:30 a.m.. Holy (Communion. lowship with Dean Daniel and f / Engieud Daily Newqitpo' Aaaoqiatien arid the New Eag1and"Vaakly PiuIm AaeodtUon. of polypropylene, a eynthetlc fiber, painted was no easy task, for 'im for quality. Let them take care 6:35“ Bill Stein ‘ I \ 40* Mpni ShnsM yap about it. of all your needs for .you, you will 7:000. News might not be a bsejooking fellow . 9:30 a.m., Tha S/endee (Nursery Charles iRomanowtki leading.. Re­ The New Eeglarid Cennefl. Sutler Buildiiig, Beetea IS, Miag ' has Ipvaded the. field traditionally many cases-no color‘formuld ,w m 7:16 Fvening Devotions ' We suspect the road to the pres­ if he ever combed his hair, which in Pariah House). freshments. belonglilg t«r heavy Manila rope. A available.'No' longer need you wor- be .delighted -with the fine work- 7:30 Showcase.'' New« \ 7 p.m., . Senior Youth Fellow­ PAINTS ry for if "no color formula cap be, manship and with their reason 11:06 Music.Beyond thf ottrs. Neva idency might lie wide open bdfore by all the -latest signs, is. another 9:30 a.m., (Jhurch School. polypropylane hawser that Iq 7 12:06 Newt iRoundiip cHid Truckhif C f. ship.- Topic: " "Christian Fellow- able pricea for all work. uybofiy who coUld take any one of ' 11 a.m., ‘The Service (Nui-aeiy in Inchqf .JIa circ.umferenci^ and obtained, Cunliffe Mfitor Rales can 12:14 BUfnr' Oft — thing he had better start practicing. Parish House). -v ’sHlp-” Refreshments. . • • ' ”1 f.*



BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE ■ NOPE i ONLY HMM....IF THERE e MERCHANPtSE, IS NO CASH A re THkRE A N V ' SYLVESTER ; anj' 6IVEN AWAY, CASM AWARtJi! TA6 6 INO WYSAH » IT'S YER TURN T'J THEN I SHALL AniwRTto PriviouB Pi IN TONISHT'5, 60 ON STA6E, FORFEIT MY 1 hereby RBCOMMEND that we IHAUOURATE AMATEUR I PLACE IN THE A PC06RAIA WHICH WILL ENTHRALL BANKER California Coll E E Radio, Sports , SHOW, CONTEST.^. mHT\ BROWN AND ELfeVATB THE YOUt M OF OUR * u ikecto k /a b o u i 62-56 Victmry Smith and Wene Nett IS LIK& 4 AS J ifi sS u v n o p L' FAIR CITY TO NEW HEI&Hrrs/— HAl<-KAFF mominat-Tihrifty ACROSS 9 Wile Today ' TO iNs u R&t h e success o f t h is bol-d INS THE i AS A 7 Seaport (ab.) Boosts Quintet T — r y e n tu r e .x Per son ally Will l e a d t h e j m 1 Part'of ' Hhekey — Chicago. v«, i)«i. HIPPO IN f CON- CBlifomla’i 8 Miser trolt,. 2 'p jji.— Channel 9. Match Game Champs "OWLS CLUB YOUTH MOVEMENT FOR 9 Salient angle TTfe 200lOEMfteD motto Basketball —; fin ein n ati . vs. THRIFT AND PHYSICAL^---- 10 Cease TO DO A / MAN 7 Mountain in In CCIL Race .N'ew V o rl^ 2:15— Channel 22, 11 Head (Fr.) HlOH-1 ORDER- thli atate .30. Om*h«, Jtn. 16 (/P)— Harry Smith HAs had his shAr* of 13 Kind of bullet 12 Art fiJitIn) " WIRE By MORRIS SIMONCELLI Raring —r HlaJeaK, 4:90 — bowliti riche*, but he would have gladly traded everything ,A resurging Manche.sler (Yiannel 22..30. - that went before for the all star championship trophy which High basketball team, hu.s- . .\II-Star Golf, 5 p.m.— Chan­ he, hauled out of the City Auditorium last night. nel 8. ' ------^ ^ X $10,000 rash prira fall into the H A \ \ \ ^ i ^ A tljng and pressing all the way Ra.skeU>all— I'Conn va. .Ni­ after, being behind by eight hands of the 'sandy-haired 8L A L L E Y OOP BY V. T. HAM LIN agara, S:45— W TIC . Louisianian when he emerged aa j points in the first period, up- Sunday All-Star Choice the beat bowler after 100 gruelling .P'ootball— Pro Bowl, 8' p.m. UH-HUH..I HAP TO OH. IT WAS RATHER,, I ended Wethersfield . High 62- Hnea in tJie claaair whicji i* mOst NOW WHERE/ TO THE STABS — Channel 8. TAKE TIME TO SIMPLE,REALLY.. ( MWll VEAHl' NICE NPOW EfiO 'MAYBE.. I .TS, hefoif 1,700 wildly .t heerinR properly called the Bowling Pro- iheltered Aide i 27 California city 41 Incarnation BnsketiHUI— PliUailelphla vik Wayne- Longfellow of SHOW HIM 60ING. I FROM I VVHO KNOWS? j fans at the Arena last nisht. prlettera Aaaociation of American- S7 HJIl in Frisco. 23 Stench of Vishnu WHOS BOSS ODC X HERE? The win gave the local.s sole po.s- Boston. I :.30— Channel 22. 8• Championahip. ^ 4 Kr 1 1- r IT I with a 7-1 mark, they are now fi-1 isulTlx) 1.r iV of New London soccer team, During the 64 game finals, the 32 Baranbf n r ' ovpiall, W'etherafleld, droiTplng its has been named right full­ 180 pound blreball exponent U I Pi uate of Manchester High. .Smith and hl.s fem^lnine counter­ 43 Huge ST part. Sylvia Wene.' were finally CARNIVAL BY DICl^ TURNER J J| I Iodian.4 si oring parade, with an Clearing skies .and warmer 43 Economisers U ; nhexpefled. but very much ap­ weather were promised today as crowned champtona. A howler 4R^telleetual k preciated 12 points, all from 'the dark horse Tony LAms of San gaina one point for every 50 pins 90 Egg dish sr ; ■ out.side. He hit on six of seven field Leandro. Calif., led the way fnto scored and one point for every 91 Wik^heep Rockville Bows l i j goal attemps. Dick Slade pared the second round of the $20!000 game won. PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER 92 Fondle Yorba Linda Golf Tournament. Smith roiilAd hia final opponent 63 Cubic meters : the lo.«er.s with 14 points, including /’^JEEPERS! WWAT A I eight for eight from the foul iine. The ..weatherman pulled out in the televiaed finals of the posi­ WMY PO X lO KILL THE DOWN 41 U To Newington, "YOU PUT ‘^G ERM S!)-' HORRIBLE WAV DECORATII E— Marslva Rij,eis models new lijflitweiKht most of the slops yesterday—fog, tion round, blasting 287-234-247- ME T M A T s t u f f ;,''------i i — —T TO GO.' 1 Japanese 4 t football gear in New Y^ork for Jim Owens, Wa.shington e c u , .Standings I showers, a, reluctant sun and then 204 952 as Boh Chase, of Kansas MY^=CI \ T , \ ' * IT ?r ife. O N ^ ^ r outcut coach. W. L. Pet. i cold, cloudy skies. The 1.50 play- City, who entered Ihp finals only FINJaER.' 3 Footed vases l i Garro Features U * Windham , .8 1 ,889 ers hoped for better conditions', to- nine pins behind, shot 220-199-19.5- IT GOT 3 Garden tool 1 IIE S T K B l .87.5 da.v. NO HELPING HANDS— It’s al! foot action a.5 atpia- CUT 4 Pastries Almost pulling the biggest up.'fel' 23.5 849. The title was never in h I Wethersfield . . , .7.50 9 Boat bottoma If They didn't have much to com­ . maids skim blithely on the water at Cypress Garden.,, in the Central yalley B League doubt a fjer the fir.st two games. ■ Hall ...... 625 plain about' after a study of first- PYa. The precision is perfect and there can be no com- this year. Rockville High bowed to "I've neVecThrown harder in rntr , t.'onard ..500 round. scores. No fewer than 40 life, " aa'd .'-rnfth..^after'it was all I Bristol Central . ,2.50 plaint.s about form. undefeated Newington High. 49-46. pros snd one amateur broke par last night at Rockville before 300 over Celtics Alive^ .Maloney ,167 .T6-36- 72 over the rolling Yorba .'tcowling throughnut^,^^Smith fans. Giving their l^est all-round Bri.stol F.astern . .000 Linda Country Club course. hiir-ned each ball down the'rillley r ia tt ...... 000 performance ' of the season, the Lema, 2.5. ' a pro since 19.55, Ram s'were ahead by aix points. 37- ' with wild furor. shocked the better known per- '31. midway through the third pe­ "I couldn't seem to get much of The opening period .started alow- , („rm ers with a brilliant 33-33 -66. Shaw Confident East riod. and with just two minute.s ■ a hook all day." ■ he 'explained. I ly. as far a.« Manchester was con-ex-Marine Corps corporaf. remaining, held a three point edge. "Speed seemed to be m.v best an- I cerned. The Indians, all sporting service In Korea, did it in However, the 'league leaders swer so r stuck with the fast ball. ■ , . , , , . . new haiiciit did not tally until 5:16 , touch of drir.xle when darkness were too much for Coach Johnny , "I guess' everybody thought I w p i t Can Whip West Stars f«ew York, Jan. lb UP)— The Philadelpliia Harriors R ""? by. and by that time the .. Canavarl’.s largely sophomore five, had Ihe title wrapped up after the LONG SAM BY 'A L CAPP and BOB LUBBERS getting too close for comfort .so the World Cliampion Houston P”'"* He went into todaVs round with ahd pulled it out with a quick second game. I didh'flet down un­ Celtics took matters into their own hand.S la.st night and . two seasoned tournament player,, .smirt at the finish. Big. 6-6. .lim til after the third. But then, w-hat i all mghi Kveo bPTprc they finally Open' Champion. .lulius La s Angeles. Jan. 16yA'i —. " I f you don't tackle him came up with a 124-112 virtotW I Garro made the difference.with 19 s let-down. I could hardly get any .parted the nols. MancheMers de- g and 43-vear-old Jerrv Bar- Despite the East's underdog around the ankles and bring, The rictory snapped the War------, points, his “best effort to date steam on the ball in that last fense was working effectively . * role in the Pro Bowl tomor­ game. rtor*' «mning streak at 10 games enough to keep Wethersfield from hla legs together you might ■ Canavari a.Asigned Skip Olaitder W ilt Charaberlain. as usual, led •Iiiat tw-o shots off the pare were row. Coach Buck .Shaw,, is : to Ihe task of containing the big Ch'a.se '.vho surprused most of the and boosted the t'eU ifs lead to 3 '- leally pilingAip the score. At the confident his passing and run­ as w ell kiss him goodbye." games in the Eastern Division of Philadelphia wrt^44 points, .but I first eight minute mark, the Eagle.s aix formidable threats form er visiting renter, and following the experts here hv even making the National PGA Champion Lionel ning aces can 'A hip the AVesl. Also in the East's offensive game said he did a good joh. hut .finals, got $5.00(1 for second plana- the National Basketball Assn. It 1 tlic C'cllics al.sp^ got''20 from Bill 'had a seven point, l.'i-S lead. . haekfield are versatile Frank Hebert, rangy Paul Harney, dap­ Shaw; 'now coaching the ! Garro‘ was just ' ‘ too big on hi.« 308-12 point total. Joe al#o gave the Celts a -.3 advan- : Sharman anil '21 each Yrofn Tom Second period play picked up Gifford iGiantsi. posing a Ug* in their senes with Philadel- 1 fight where the first period left off. „per Bo Wininger. ,, ... English Ryder „ Philadelphia Eagles. led ..the The Windy City five made Us -loseph. Lansing M ich, received 'Hein.sohn and 1-Tank RaniscjT' W est to a 26-19 victory in the pa-ss-run threat at, left half, ' usual good .showing from the foul $3.01)0 (or hfs third place-finish and pbU with five more to go. incliid-. , . . ^Gvith ...... neither team too sufces.sfiil Harry _ Weetman, Dave and Tom m y .MeDonald, Van Ing Sunday's nationally televised ' point., broke, storing ’ until m idway in the ; t)oug .Sanders, 1955 Pro Howl when he was j line, hitting 14 of 19 attempts for Don ('arler, St. Im iis, pocketed Brorklin's favorite Eagle re- , (NBC> game at Bo.ston H'larler when the Indians'.suddenly ! Helped Scoring I' the 49ers head I a percentage of 73:7. $2,000 for fourth man. ceivei at'right hall'. Olander and Frank Janton each ' -lo.seph had appeared to be chal- Irt the other two games played ^ j eaught ftre.and stayed In high gear I Wet weather rule, helped the Halfback Jerry .Norton of laat ntgh^. Jack Tuvyman »P 3:.30 remaining ; "coring. -The tees were moved up. "1 had (N orm I Van Brork- hooped points. Janton hit for nine 'lenging Chase for second when he the'Chirago ('arriinals will do ▼ “ *H »•! «#». with a Cincinnati floor record of!i ' ^ - * in the hftlf. the iTU^anB pulled up ^ as protection for further damage .lin (E agles) and (Y '.A .) T ittle ; of his II in the second, half, after opened with two wins in hi.s posi­ » NM 4»»T>eR, 1w>. 88 points in leading the Royal.s to -striking dist i4,9ers) , then." jie recalled. the punting for the-Esst He he went in for Richie Soranno who tion round with Carter. But Car­ *‘l want a wife .who will combine youri and Mom’a a 122ri l8 victory over M'"ncapolts ^ on point 1 1 if . wasn't yet time f^^r- them to could be picked up, clesned and ‘ And now I've got Van Brock- . averaged 44 9 yards last sea- 1 fouled out' in the opening minutes ter. a four time champion, rallied Iin and ( Bobby) Layne i Slecl- .son. t?leveland s agele.ss Iwiii ( of the second half The Ram roach lo w-in the last two. Joseph had a qualities. Dad! Mom's cooking and your obedience!" m i40. i i t v V V u r . " W heh-^pejteed up on a form er .site on the Groza, appearing in his ninth court. Wether.sfieia well soaked fairways. ers(. t complimented all his hoys.'' sa v-I''’24,6-247-204-203 ' " series and Carter ~ ' JUDD SAXON BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONBFIELD Pro Bowl, will do the place­ ing they all player)'ve'r\- well. He | Bob Cousy was the big gun i n * them, Was .


' ■ 0 M a n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d , M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n . , S a t u r d a y , J a n u a r y i 6 . , i 9 6 0 P A G E N I N E MANTReal Estate l^ South W indsor BY FAGALY and SHORTEN HoiuebOld Gooda SI T e n e m e n t s 6 3 f o r R e n t H ousehold Services THERE 01 GHTA BE A LAW 6 4 FARMS, ACREAGE and Uttlnga ATTRACTIVELT fumiahed rooms. EAST s id e :-;? room home, glass 1—$12,600—SIX r o o m Capa, quiat MANCHESTER - Need more '■>r Offered 13-A TAPP AN OA« STOVE. T-plece din­ n e w l-room apartment, heat, hot LAROB STORE at 36 Birch Straat. encloaed porch, aluminum storms, street, selling u n d e r FHA apprais- space? See thle charm packed 6 on mes 'Wanted. Call U A R ette set. ■ Whirlpool automatic Complete light' Housekeeping fa­ water, atove; refrijgerator, garage, ' amesltp drive, ''garage. 812,600. al. R.' r. Diraock Oo., Ml I-5248 room home. Full basement. Large Realty Co., Inc. MI 4-8193, Eva- TV SERVICE - Pottert'on'i all cilities available. Prices as Imv as Apply Marlow's, 867 Main St. Near Town Meeting Authorizes " B-T I mAvSN T Pw»VED iN S o T w o h a n d s .• VAXINE.-I ,WhV OOhT voj washer. 17" cnnable TV. All In no children, *76 monthly. Call PI Main St. Parking. Paul 3: Correnii, Bitter. Ml o r Barbara W o o d s , . Mjf 9-7702. lot. Convenient all schools and nlnga BU 9-6786. ^ . mj^es HigiieHi qsality guaranteed 'EASS r I'VE OOMPlE'ElV good condition. Ml 9-8*41. *10 , weekly. Central, Children ac­ HESITAMT iA'E8 Guess ^'lOU HAD NO-1 riNISSI MV 2-8090. - 8-8868 hue. Pries |16,600. * Madeline work and parte, over 47 yeara' ex P0830TTEN HOy TO AlAV f OjEEn, cepted. limited. 14 Arch St. Mrs. m —VERNON — e-room l A n c h , 3 SELLING—BUYING—trading? We TO Pill in on VIHO'S 50:^« ,BUS-NES$( MAIN STREErT—Buildiag for com ­ SihiUi, Realtor. MI 0-1642. X perience. ^m oua for Service since COMB.INATION . o il, and gas Dorsey. ___ -JOUR^ BOOM duplex, hot- water, SCHOOL STREET—6H rooms, new fireplaces, iTxis ft. living 'room , offer you free confldenUal in­ $14,000 for School Planis THE 'H tU Li- .I’tL e.Vj.SS0.. 'fOJt OAV!.' ------A'J.the -■ BiODiHG-^ jm cA sii* mercial business or office , use. 1981. . Phone r a ' 0-4887 for ' l»st range. Will accept any offerT' 21'’- buiu-ln oven and^ stove. Oarage. SOUTH WINDSOR -,-Attractlve 8 spections and arrange all financ­ •VuEl., 8.SH'.' Bw' ' ThPET NEWLY DECORATED room In heat, screens, stotm windows. Will Bubdivide. Ml 9-8229. 9-8. heating system, new plumbing, service. WiOSE GAV*e E X P E R T I M ^ TV. very good condition. Ml B$-acre ^ot. Near new elemental^ bedroom ranch, large Kitchen, ing from start'to finish. .Mitten ; v VU08WNG V0U>'-’ CUUBS.' VOU AlAVID private home, shower, parking. Venetian bitnds, garage. After 8 aluminum atorms, egsUy convert­ K C A i!SE a>^ 9-1178. ■ , p.m., 8-1388. ed to 2 apartmenta. Priced ' for school. R, P. Dlmock Co. Ml - paneled fireplace, walkout base­ wUl work hand and glove with South Windsor votersra ap-#P«»l6ap *i public hearing bald Tbura- , VOutlTHUMP .MI 9-8354. PLAT PmtSH Holland frtndow TOO SOON, Houses for Rent 65 quick agle. 'J. D. Realty, MI 9 - 8 3 4 5 o r Barbara Woods. Ml ment with picture window, patio, you. Member Multiple LiOUtig proved an appropriatibn of $14,'■ day night at the Town Hall. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISiM ENT DEPT.^'HOURS shades, made to measure. .All GcAOiOvA.' NORMAN’S g e nre or Sa ul r i RENTAL age’iicy- We 8-8129. . 9 - 7 7 0 2 . extra large wooded lot. Owner, MI' Service. Call tha Ellsworth Mitten 000 for preliminary plafia for an Pleasant Valley EstaUa waa. metal Venetian blinds at a liiw. I m FURNISHED ROOM—One minute 8 : L i A . M . t o 4 ;.10 P .M . t iK . from .Main Street, light house­ specialise In rentals of all kinds SIX ROOM house, oil hot water 4-8076. Agency. Realtors, MI 3-6980. 8-room addition to' tte Wapping given permlaaion to erect a 6-foot low price. Keva made while ymi UNCLAIMED IV-MANCHBSTER- Overtited $ fflEBBJ- keeping, women only. Ml 9-7989 Call J. D. Realty, Ml 8-8129. ev« heat, on' Bolton-Man^eatcr line, LARGE overaUe Capt Cod. 6^ Grammar School or such other bulletin board on the'Hilton DMva wait .Marlow's. nings Ml 3-1637. $88 per month. MI 9-4898. rtwma, dishwasher, fireplace, rec- room Cape. 6 finished down, $ SEVEN ROOM rambling.. cape COPY CLOSING TIM E FOR CLASSIFIED.ADVT. achool aa tha Public Building Com­ green. FURNITURE iG r GE ROOM in private home, reaUon room, garage, trees, bus, unfinished up. Attached breese- ranch, attached garage, aluminum ■ Albert C. Rica of Rt. B waa ALL MAKES of TV, radio and COVENTRY—4 roo^ house, unfur­ Legal N otice mission deems In the heat Interests MOMJAT Thro rRTOAV 10:80 A.81— SATt RDAT B A.M. ■ c ■ ! new furniture, near bus line, park- ROCI^VILLEU-8 rooms conjfletely ^refined neighborhood, *17.500. way, one-ca.' garage and drive. atornir, 3 rooms unfinished. J7 D. of the town, at a special Town granted a variance to operate an hon,e electronic equipment ex­ redecorated, central' heating, also nished, oil hot air heat,- : storm I ing. -Ml 9-1972. CarRomW. Hutching. MI 0-6132. Deluxe aluminum comblnaUon Realty, Ml 8-8129. - . . ORDEB Oi'' NOTICE Meeting Held last night at the Wap­ auto .Ixxly repair and paint ahop pertly repaired with a Bfi-day To Be Sold At Jii*t 50c On garage • facilities. Centrally locat­ , windows and screens. PI 2-8388. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, Probate screens and windowe, fireplace, ping School. ^ on Rt. 5 property owne4 by Pola PLEASE READ YOUR AD guarantee. Call, Mr. Britney at the TT IT": T h e D o l l a r NORTH KND-One single and one ed on bus line, $80 monthly. Con­ $14,600 BOLTtlN^ Birch MounUin nicely landacaped -lot. Excellent 484% —$99.40 PER month Includes Court, Toivn of Andover. Diitrlct of Manchester 9-104(1. all, small cash. - Beautiful... .8^4 Aiulover, January IJ. 196u. Also approved was an ordinance Brothers. The ZBA stipulate that I double room, parking, board If de- tact B. Cantor.. Realtor, TR 8-3498 Rd. Ehetenaion. 6 room cape, 4 fin- condition. Central locaUim. A true Ealate of Giovanni Peace, late of ne««iOed or -M ant Ada" are taken over the Suburban for R ent ' 66 iahed. fireplace, larg-o cabinet . room ranch, buitt-ln range, fire­ whereby the town may asaasa a no outside storage would be per­ DICK'S WEATHERSTRIP Com ALL NEW . NEVER LEFT I aired. *6 weekly, .MI 9-2469. or L. Goldfarb TR 8-7098. value at only $18,900. R. F. Dthiock Bolton, In aalu Diatilct, deceaaed. renlenc^. The advertiser ahould read hla ad the FIRST DAT IT kitchen, full basement, recreation Co.. Ml 9-S248, Robert D. Mur- place, Carlton W. Hutchins, Ml The executrix on aald estate havlni water connection charge, against mitted with the exception of up ' APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In Hme for the next Inser- pany doors and windows, custom O U R S T O R E THREE., ROOM Unfurnished apart­ ROCKVILLE—Park Street. 4 room 9-8182: submitted her final account with aati property owners who hook In to to five registered motor vrtteles. room, Iqt 180x200, Marlon E. .dock. Ml 8-Bm. atati' to this Court for approval. It la Hon* Th®/Hpr^ld i* only ONE Inrorrprt or oiwlttpd work guaranteed. Call collect Wil- f)NF, ROO.M rtownslaifa, coupit ment, all utilities excepting gas, heated apartment, 175 monthly. Robertaon, ' Broker. Ml 8-8983. Connecticut Water Ck>. lines. 'The No unregistered vehicles, .may be llmantic HA 3-119«. Customer Cancellations ORDERED: That the 2ith day of insertion for anv advertlsemeni and then only to the extent of a j preferred, 7 Lilac St. ' centrally located, *78. MI 3-4824. Also 3 room, apartment with heat V - MANCHESTER—Naw BIB ropmLIBERTY STREET — 7tj room January, 1060. at one o'clock In the charge, which relmbursea the town parked on the premtsefi., under "make Bood" insertion. Error* which do not leaaen the value of •Manufacturer's closeouts and hilt water,' *65 monthly TR MANCHESTER - South - Windsor ranch, built-in G.E. oven and house, 3-4 bedrooms, sunporch. afternoon, at the Probate Office In An­ for coat of the origin;U installa­ terms of the grant. l^A V IN fJ of bums, moth holes ; WELL-HRATED rooma. .1 and 2 THREE ROOM apartment, heat, 5-5126, recreation room, glass enclosed dover. in said Diatrict be, and the Mrt advertisement will not be rorrerfed hr "make good" InaerHon. Factory Canceled Orders Area—Cuatontera wanted.'We sell, range, fireplace, 8 bedrooms, near same is, -aeaiened for a hearing upon tion,' would be $4.44 a foot for and tom clothing, hosiery runs j room cabins, all furnished. Call hot water, gas stove, garage. buy, build, rent and trade reft porch with fieldatone flreplait^e handbags repaired, 'xipper re Unclaimed Factory Shipments bus, school, Pri(:ed to aell al the settlement and allowance of said 150 front feet on standard eised Mancheater iBvenIng Herald I MI 9-0*26 between .5-7 p.m. AduUa only,-*85. Ml 9-2849. dentiai property. We have a tine $15,600. Cali Richard F. DtmocK garage, new G.E.. oil burner. account with aald estate and thla Court placement, umbrellas repaired A partm ent Buildings directs that all persona known to be In­ lots. This assessment is separate South Windsor correspondent El­ ■ TOCS 'cooperation w il l eelection of old and new homea. Co., Ml 0-5348 or Barbara Woods, James parish. Excellent tepfia, from the water company connec­ men's shirt collars reversed' a d TW O \\’EEK S O NLY ' p l e a s a n t tlRATED room near terested in said estate be cited to ap- more Burnham, telepiMnb' Mitchell BE APPRHTiATED dial Ml 3-2711 for Sale 69 All liaUmgs are very reallaticaily M: 9-7702. - . amall amount down. Pricey-^only Pl-L.car at aald time and place by caua- replaced. Marlow's Little Mend I bath for gentleman. Free parking. FOUR ROOM flat for rent. Avery ------tion fee of approximately $150. 4-0674. 3-Pc. M odern Bedroom priced. We have many different '$14,800. Ooodchlld-BartlelU Real mg a copy of this order to bo pui>> Terms of tha ordinance author­ mg Shop’ : 54 High St. St, Ml '4-0604. THREE a p a r t m e n t house with methods for financing. All VI— MANf^lESTER, New ^ting. ty, BU 9-0989. MI 8-79! Ushed once In son^e newspaper having a circulation in said Distfict ann posted ize the town to place tax liens on 'T^oaMTS Dresser, mirror, cheat and bed. excellent’income. J. D. Realty, MI qulrlea are kept confidential. Try Six room cape. Immaculate con­ FURNISHED* ROOM, romplela FIVE ROOM apartment, heat, hot 3-5129, on the public sign post in the Town dl property to Insure payment of the Lost and Found OeVRuBE HOtitiBO, Reg. $1.59— $88 us, make that phone call now. We dition. Attached breeaeway and BOL'TON—6 'toohjotfefslzed cape, Bolton where deceased last dwelt, and South Windtor. PiTrtscBS-J a housekeeping facilities, between water, garage, *90 monthly. MI garage, ameslte drive. Near Man­ fully plastered, j^ sible 4 bedroom sent to the following named persons connection charge. L03'T_Whltg cat. viclnlly Wood- FO l'R TIRES—TSOxl.S. 10 ply, tuhe- B uildinjr-rontractinjr 3-8729. may be able to aolve your houalng i (’enter snd .Memorial Hospital. problem. Phone Ml 9-4886. Wealey chester Hokpital. $18,700. R. F. home. ceramh^Ie bath; fireplace, bv certified mail, postage prepaid: An­ In other action voters approved i«nd St Blue eva and green eye. less. Driven only 1,nno miles, new B usiness P rbperty for Sale 70 toinette Peace. Bolton, Connecticut: Youth Charged ANT KIND of carpentry and rabi- 3-Pe. M aple B edroom I Women oniv. Call .MI 3-,5.53c, Vancour, Broker-Builder. Dlmock CJo. MI 9-8245 or Barbara convenient kiuHty room. Priced use of $5,000 from general fund if seen call Ml’ 9 0S08 Reward. *«!> each. Will aell for S3.N each. THREE ROOM apartment include!, Michael Peace. Bolton. Connecticut: surplus to cover a deficiency in tte net work done. Honeat and relia­ Dresser, mirror, chest- and bed. Woods. MI 9-7702. for immediate sale. S. A. Beech- Elvira Lodi. Bolton, Connecticut: Aldo Tall RI' 9-06.M after .a p.m. WANTED-Mature hiiaineaa couple stove, refrigerator, heat, hot ’vater' ______MANCHESTER —6 room home, ler, Radnor. MI 3-8969, MI 9-8952. Peace. Bolton. Connecticut: Norma amount previously appropriated With Gun Count LOST-^MALL Beagle Temev pup ble workmanship Call R.iacoe and- utilitiea. *88 monthlv. MI INVESTM ENT PROPERTY -1 'Thompson. Ml 3-1*95 for est* Reg. $169— $98 to share rom/oMahle home, Ref- large front porch, entrance hall, DC - MANCHESTER SUBURB—6 Tedford.- Bolton. Connecticut: Inei for the cost of water Installation pv.-, Answers to Mike. Child s pel-I Bu.sine.ss O pportu n ities Help W anted— Huu.sehold G oods >1 ere/uea. MI 9-.’.949. Ml 9-3.531. 3-7925. Schreinoorfer. 4 Deming Road. Glas­ XZ living room,.dining room kitchen, room Cape, 1 year old. .Immacu­ V E ^O N —Latge family 11 rooms, tonbury Connecticut, and Thelma Frac- bonds. Board of Finance Chair­ Vicinity Parker St. Call Ml 9-0RR3. A ulo Driving: School 7-A| mates Hava several piece* of excellent mtly being used as one fam­ A 17-yearrOld South Windsor REAL .MONEY Maker, restaurant I . ■ M ale ..or .Fem ...... ale. STERIIJZED used fuiPiliire. Moat BIX ROOM duplex, central loca­ <>h lit floor, 3 rpoina ami bath on late contfition. Fireplace, altiml- rhln. Bolton. Connecticut, all at man John Madden explained this youth was artested' by Constable BIDiVELL HOME Improvemen 3 Pc, D anish W alnut B edroom w a r m , c o m f o r t a b i .e room, income property. For further In- ily, could easily be converted to least five days before, the date set for MORTLOCK'S M an'hester's lead of It refiniahed. Appliances and tion, oil furnace steam . heat,' ga­ 2nd floor. Large cloaeta. Good con­ nuih'combination doors and win; was proper since water connection anri bar- rombination plus artfli- ; SHORT ORDER cook. Experienred . Dresser, mirror, chest and bed nicHy furnished. Tile bath. formatibn please call two family. Excellent condition. said hearing, Ctearles Jurgelas early last night Announcements mg driving school Three skill I. Co. Alterations, additions gs space heaters. Thoioiighly cleaned rage available. *90 monthly. Write dition, One car garage. Excellent .dows. Over 1 acre land. 8% mi CHARLES H NICHOLSON. Judge. money collected by the town would ragea Roofing and siding experts. tirtnaj income from premi.aes. Do­ only. Apply at Bar-*3 Food Rai king . Convenient location. 3l6 Practically neW oil hot water fur­ and charged with carrying a pistol courteous instructors. Class room ing e.vcellem business. Owner new mattress and furniture at Reg. $319— $-239 Spnice SI Box N, Herald, l(x;atlon one block off Main St. gage miw be aaeumed. R y F. go Into the general fund sui^lus. without a permit. ELECTROLUX (R ' Va c u ii m | 'Aluminum clapboards a specialty Ranch, Rockville. ______J. D. REALTY tlS,9(X). Phllbrick Agency, MI Dimock Co., Ml 9-8248 dr Barbara nace, roof and ahingled aiding. . ORDER OF NOtICK in.slructions for 16 '7 year olds leaving for Florida. Information 40% discount.' LeBlanc Furniture STATE OF CONNECTICUT. Probate Second Selectman Frank Pierce He Is Gilbert Birdsey of 420 Mil­ Qeanerg—Special 869 78 complete ; Telephone -Mi Mortlock. Director' Unexcelled workmanship. Easy THREE furnished rooms. Kitchen FIVE ROOM apartment, furnlahed ; w, o tun o icqo ■ 9-8464. Woods, Ml 9-7702. Large .lot. Exceptionally good buy to qualified buyers. Must he RESrONSIBLF. drivers to operate Hospital. 195 South. Street. Itoi'k- at $12,900. Gaaton Realty Co., MI Court. Town of Andover. District of opened the meeting, and John K. ler Rd., Wapping. Jur^laa aald ha with all tools Also hilly gliaran- ; of Driver Education Ml 9-7*0* budget terms. Ml 9-6498 or TR srhtmL buses. 7:.30-*;.3O a.in. 2:15-. ville. Open 9-*, Saturda.v till 5. TR 3-Pc. Rock M aple Bedroom and 2 bedrooms. Parking. 1.36 Bis- dr unfurunished. includes all utill- -i-o l2 a M l S -l b d f : Andover. January 13. I960. 5-9109. rash. Pric e *10.000 plus'inventory. SIX ROOM Colonial patio, ame- X—BOLTON—4 rooitv^ranch, en­ 9-8731, TR 5-6293. -Estate of Maude L. Woodward, of Chitler acted as moderator. Town received a complaint from 'neigh­ teed factorv rebuilt cleaners. Call. 3:.30 p.m. MI 3-2*13, Ml. 9-0,5.52. MI sell St. ties, easy access to Wilbur Cross j j II------Gaston Realty Co, MI 9-5731, TR .5-2174. We buy entire house con­ Dresser, mirror, chest snd bed aite driven East Middle Turnpike. closed breezew a^ with jalousie Boltof). in aald Diatrict. an Incapable Clerk Charles ,Bnes read the meet­ bors that the youngster waa walk­ Ml 8-8306. ■ , LARSON'S Connecticut'a Writ - tents. Parkway, near bus line. Call fOr'; — ' I 5-6293, , ' 9-421.5. Reg. 269— $168, Priced for quick sale. J. D. Real­ windows, gari^fe, awnings, com­ TALCO’IJVILLE person . . ing call. ing around the nelghbixrhood censed drixmg achool trained appointment. MI 9-4578. j H ouses for Sale 7 2 The Conservator on aald estate hav­ Back Kennedy INCOME 'T/CCTIS prepared in your 1 Certified and approved. Is now of­ B E A l'TinA N S It is off sea.aon but , j ty, MI 3-8129. bination d o ^ ' and windows. H- ing submitted'hia annual account with carrying a pistol. Upon investiga­ Roofing— Siding 16 A pa rtm ents— Flat* Custom built .. and this home la said eatate to thla Court for allowance, The Democratic Town Commit­ home or bv appointmeni. Exper­ fering claaaroom and behind we still need niorc Help. Steady MANCHESTER - 6 room dluplex! FIVE ROOM ranches - 6 and 7 acre' lan^-Tmmaculate contlitlon. tion, the platol turned out .to ha SIX ROOM—Single home pDced at it is hereby ordered that the 23nd day tee last night unanimously backed ienced tax work, 24 hour service. I wheel inatruetion for leenagera iGojUGHIJN ROOFING Company, Help W anted— Fem ale 35, JANUARY ULEARANCE 2-Pc. M odern Living Room ' T e n e m e n t . * 6 3 with garage, heat and hot water; room Colonials, For further de- $14,400.^. F." Dlmock O, MI really built . with three bedrooms, of January. 1960. at one o'clock In the a cap'gun. However Jurgelas said work. Please (olitact Mr. I.,evine. FHA appraisal. Excellent Man­ Sen. John F. Ktmnedy of Masssichu- »n 8-4723 ______j ______• _____ , ______I Sofa and ehair, 12 vear construc­ 9-5245 .-hr Barbara Woods, MI two baths, 'End a completely fin­ afternoon at the Probate. Office in he learned - Birdeey had asked an MI 9-6075. Inc. Aluminum .aiding, asphalt- Saul I,evine Fashions. 7.57 Mqin St. fumlshed. Near bus line. MI taila can Charles Leaperance. Ml setta for the Democratic presiden­ - asbesto* roofing. Also aluminum, tion gilarantee FURNISHED 2'-.. loom apartme-t, 3-7668. 9-7620, chester Green location. 3 extra 9-7Jof. 0.. Andover In aald Diatrict be and it here- unidentified, friend of his to hide a FEDERAL INCOME taxes pre-1 CLERK Baby door swings, reg. *6.50 now Iota Included in this low. - low ished basement with a "walkout" bv la assigned for a hearing upon the PREPARE FOR driver'* teat; galvanized nr copper gutter* and. heal, Applv T .Vloirow, ;26 Birch tial nomination. real .22 caliber revolver ir x him pared, with yoiir savings in mind. Inteie.aling position for woman : *4..50. ‘ i . • R e g . $ 1 9 9 — $ 1 1 9 1 price. S, A. Beerhler, Realtor. N^W LISTINGS in South Windsor; entry. There la a carport and a acceptance »and allowance -of said ac­ In passing two resolutions, the Age.a 16 to 6(1 'Driving and claas leaders. Ml 3-7707. Situations W anled- .St. MI 9 2236 after .6 p m. PLEASANT 5 room apartment.: VERNON-6 room ranch. A-1 con- count with a&Id eatate. and It la. further and not to tell anyone. Reuohable rales. Call MI 9-6246. i room. .Three-instructor*. No wait­ with aptitude for figure work Ex. | Folding training chairs, reg. near center and bus line. Call M I, ditlon. with 3 acres of land that AH 3-6969, MI 9-89S2. 6 room ranch, in excellent condi­ large lot. House is spotless. ordered that all persons Interested In committee backed K-nnedy and en­ Jurgelas took the youngster to F e m a l e 3 8 *6.9* now *5.50. said eatate be cited to appear at said ing. Manchester Driving Acade i r o d FING. SIDING, painting Car-1 perience on ralculalor preferred. TWO ROOM ._ unfurnished apart­ 9-5796 after 5 p.m. ; could be uaed for building. Priced tion, 1% baths. Well landacaped dorsed the action of Gov. A. A. where the' pistol 'was hidden. There INCOME TAX returns prepared by hut not necessary. Cribs from *26 up. 2-Pc. E arly Am erican Livinjf ment, stove, refrigerator' heat. MANCHESTER—Beautiful 3 /b ed ­ time and place by causing a copy of my. PI 2-7249. ( pentry Alterations and addition* | for quick sale. J. D. Realty, Ml lot. Owner going West. 6 room split T. J. C R O C K ETT. Realtor this order to be published one-time In Ribicoff and State Democratic former Internal Revenue agent in , .LlCENSEn woman wishes to take 2 pc. turquoise living room set, room ranch, garage, large lot, he said he found the re'vo.lver and - ' ...... — , ------— ceilings Workmanship guaran - R o o m S e t Apply .Marlow s *67 .Mam St. ..THREE ROOM apartment', unfur­ 3-5129. : level with finished recreation some newspaper having a circulation Chairman John Bailey for support also la rifle. Jurgelas sai'd nklgh- itair home or hv appointmeni. MU . care of childieh da vs in her own reg. *169, now *119. nished Older working couple pre­ extras galore. Full price, *15,8(X). j in aald District and posted on the nubile Garage— Service— Storage 10. teed a a . Dion. Inc., 299 Autumn! rOMI’TOMKTKR ' : ' Foam rubber, 12 year conatnic- room. Painted recently. Other Hal- M I 3 - 1 5 7 7 ing Kennedy. 9-#98*.- ■ . - . > I home. Gall Ml 3-0763. i pc; tan sectional and chair, PORTEit STREET Kxtrs large ferred. MI-3-6246. Short wa. out—8 room expandable j sign post In the Town of Bolton, all at boi-s told him boys in the neighbor­ ' St. Ml 3-4*60 I OPKR.ATOR i tion guarantee LARGE, THREE bedroom ranch inga available. Cape In Coventry, least five days before aald time as- Church Honors Two hood had taken tunia shooting the reg *144. now *99. apailmcnl. 3 bediooms, oil fur­ with attached garage and full home. $8,500. Many more new andi $16,000______and _a cape ^ In Bolton on Openings for skilled complometer . . Reg. $269— $188 nace * , MI 9-.5229 nil 5 p.m. Harold M. Newberry was elect­ revolver recently in woods- near GARAGE FOR RENT. 139 K. Cen-i RAY'S ROOFING.CO shingle and Wringer washers reg. *1.59, now 110 THREE R(X)M flat, first floor. basement. Located In beautiful used fror" *5,000 up. Call the Ella-! almost three acres. Jack J. Lap- SIX ROOM all modern house for ***” *rHAR3,BS H. NICHOLSON. Jud«*. P e r s o n a l s bpefalor doing interesting work. D ogs— Rird.s— F’ets l l S99. Four room flat, second floor. Heat worth Mitten Agen(?y. Realtors, MI | j^n Agency, MI 9-4506. H. E. and ■ale. MI 9-5.459. , ed president emeritus and Ken­ Blrdsey’s home. ' I ter. SI. MI 9-7177. 1 built-m roofs, gutter and conduc­ HEATED 6 loom apartment, with Tamarack Hilla with outstanding neth E. Nichols president of First The youngster was' released tor work: roof, chimnev repairs ■Other numerous values.. • '2-Pc, Modern. Living Room and hot water fumiahed. Sunnv 3-6930. MI 9-5524. J. J Lappen: After 4 :30 MI VAOCUM c l e a n e r s repaired in Company offeis gryid wages, e.\- garage arid back yard. Bus arid convenience to school, shopping, ASSUME > -% mortg^e. *89 C6n|jegationaI Church a't the without bond tn his fatheik cus­ Rav Hagenow, Ml 9-2214: Rav Slop and Shop. rooms. Newly renovated. ' ■ A and travel. Salea executive 4-189L Ml 4-0149 4 3 my own home. shop. Forty years I cellent benefit program, modern MAI.K I’HlHrAHt'A. 3 v3ars old. ; S e t . * . children s .school hsiidy. Hot water i i utilitiea. Quiet neighborhood NBar monthly includes principal, in­ 264th annual meeting Thuraday tody and ordered to appear in GARAGE FOR R9:NT. 1*2 Maple •lackaon. >U 3-*32.5. office^ App'iy transferring to Chicago. Eatate- SWEEPING VIEWS - 814 room , factory experience. All makes, I ('all .Ml 3-2.315 ' .Nylon fabrics, foem rubber. 12 an gas lange ftirnislied, *12() achools, churches, buses. Extra terest. inaurance, taxes. Immacu­ Cadet Singers night. Town Court Jan. 25'. 'tew,rates, free estimates, iree St. MI 3-4751. 1 CHAM BERS FURNITURE like grounifa In fine neighborbood. ranch, baseboard heat, atorms. MANCHESTER AND i vear’ guarantee monthlv .MI 9 in*' large yard. Immediate ocprfpancy. gsirag'e, 150x296, *12.900. Carlton late room cape in desirable Other new officers are: Mrs. Da­ pieln)p--wd delivery, Mr. Miller, , FIRST NATJONAJ. STORKS s e v e n w e e k s oid puppies for 503 E. M iddle Tpke. Custom-built tn I9S6. first quality vid Napper, clerk; Charles W.- .sale. Jl. English Shepherd and Reg. $'299— $197 ROfTKA'ILLE Heated 3’ i Room Flrat floor *90 montWyT second throughout. Taatefully decorated W, Hutchins. kU 9-5132, VICINITY Hollister St. area. 180 foot yard, JA 2-M04>^^ ______Businws Services Offered 13 | Chi nineys 16-A^ Park and Oakland AVe,,. floor **5 monthlv. .Gdrage If de­ extremely well shaded and Perform Well Hudson, treasurer; Mrs. Herbert East Hartford Collie ..Call MI 9-.5096, I apartment in residential area 15 with PhlliDDlne mahogany trim. Elks Pick Leaders CONNIE S TV and Radio Service, sired *5 monlhlw/^ Inquire 16* W OODHILL HEIGHTS *11,900 Rockville—5 room Ranch. shrubbed. Belfiore Agency, MI E. Twining, assistant treasurer; WANTED—Ride frtwn^Oak' St. to ROOFING f Specializing re p a irin g ------— -----'—• THREE PIECE mahogany dining ' minutes to Harlfoid on' Wilbur Sensibly priced at 117,900 making ■vicinity State Capitol. Hours * .30- available all hours. Satisfaction roofs of all kinds. New roofs. gu|. I MANCHESTER Housewives: Die 3-Pr. D en Set— i Cross Highwav. Kitchen appll- Woodland SI, ^U^-8474 excellent financing available.' For Built in 1951. CentrsiUy located. V By John Gruber and William Harris, financial seC- room set - with matching chairsT" A S L O W A S retafy. Fpr Charily Ball 4:80. Call MI 9-882*. guaranteed. Call Ml 9131.5, ter work, chimneys cleaned, le-; increa.siiig demand for .Avon .s Live Slock— I’ohicles 12 .Sofa. Sleeps two rocker-chair ances furnished. MI 9-4*24, TR. details which apply to you call Ml *4,000 assumes lt#% mort­ The Cadet Glie Club of the U.S. Call Ml .3 0714. $16,900 - - gage. Total monthly payments SPLIT LEVEL. 6 large rooina. 3 Deacons Include; Robert H. Bos- paired. Aluminum siding. .391 Fragrance.q Toiletries and Beauty 5-1166 Bu.vn6s.s Locations 9-1278. RuaseU F. Broderick. baths, fireplace', storma, over Military Academy appeared before WANTED^Ride. from North Main , IN SAW work - 'Treesrr'eea cut, Aids, and the continued growth of Reg. $199— $119 Broker. induding tSLXes and insurance; sen. Edward W. Farley, Gaylord Edward Serrell, Edward Edgar Reasonable rat .s. Call PI 2-755* years' e.xperience. Free c.sti- ' OOINO HOUSEKEEPING? i sized garage. Carlton W. Hutchins. a capacity crowd at the High (It. td Park Ave., East Hartford, mates. Call Howie'-, MI 3-.5.361. Ml •he.' Just ‘ FOUR ROOM apartment. Inrluding f o r R e n t 6 4 ’ TH E N EW H OM E FOR *65. L. Paine, John P. Nielsen, Merle P. and (Jharlee Lathrop are‘coichalr- 8 a.m,-4;*0 p.m. working hours. between IttSlM-SO or any time. GOT A GOOD JOB? Ml 9-S132. School Auditorium last night, Tapley, Jasper L. Hunt, Michael .3-0763. . . j ing.s _for represenlati\e.s. If you freshened. Ml .3-61*3.' heat, hot water g sj for rooking, SCTTt STiVINDSOR — 79 Laurel St. Sponsored by the Rotary Club, men of the Charity Ball o f the M I 9-8581 Saturday or Simday ■ j !5-P r.'"K itrhpn Set INDinONED 8-room offlee. I 9 6 0 Paul, and Harold Dellerf. Deacon­ have .spa-'re lime, why not turn it A R E 'l O U H O NE.ST? eleilrir refrigerator and gas 8 room ranch, extra large kitch­ *11.990 Vernon—New 5'4 room 78 DEERFIELD DRIVE—5H room they provided a fine evening ot Manchester Elks Feb. 13 at the Table -4 chairs atove, *92 monthly. Call Ml 9-4(171 5% Main Street location Park­ esses are; Mrs. H. Mills New­ M A M RUBBISH remoVakf^aturea' into dolls I a so >-on loo can get the THEN YOU ARE en. buiii-ln oven, screened pui'ch WITH THE FEATURBJS Ranch. O ram ic-U le bath, built- cape, attached garage. Large entertainment, to which the, audi Armory. ing. Marlow's. *67 Main St. half acre lot. Excellent financing berry, Mrs. Dexter Burnham, Mrs. full-time commercial. ' indusHa^. extras yon want, ('all ('ll 7-4137, Poultry and .8upplie.s 13 R e g . $ 7 9 - - $ 1 8 from 5-7 p m. WOMEN PREFER in range and oven, convenient screened porch, recreation room ence responded with enthusiastic The seml-formal event; •will-fea­ 'Antom obiles for Sale 4 H eating and Plum bing 171 ELIGTBLK !| available.. Marlon E Robertson. Hector Beaupre, Mrs. John . Phil­ residential, service. Attics. cel location. Excellent buy with alumitivm aiding, . attractively ture Bob Halprln's. Sodety Or­ ('LERK-TYPIST SCHAt'BnS TURKEY Farm. 1*R 'lO T A K E 0\'K R ALMOST .NEW -Duplex, .5 rooms, Broker. Ml 8-5958. MEN WANT! only *390 down, 5*4% mort­ applause. lips, Mrs. William Harfti; and WANTED - Caean uaed cara We i lars. yards, burning barrels, card­ n r^ I^ IM G AND heating re- j Hill.atown Rd. Fie.sh fiozen turkey, Free Storage ■ - Free Delivery large living room, picture window, landscaped, *15,500. Owner MI Numbering about 85 aingers, chestra for dancing from ,8 p.m. to biiy, trade down or trade any-, IN PA ID H AU AN U E ADVERTISEM ENT FOR gage available. Mrs. Fred W(X)key. F. Lee Magee board dnir •. show plowing i side­ .,modeling>.,jnstallations. repairs, i Opening foi- atphxpei icnccd cleik- .‘>.5c lb , oven i'ead>'. 6 room house IjOW .Afonthly Payments lovely birrh cabinet kjtrhen. plen- Ma NCHBISTER 7- Sturdy new * Easy to commute from, easy to 9-6642. their first group comprised four 1 a.m. Elaborate plans iura- being thing' Ddugla* Motors. 838 Main.: walks). MI 9-9757. M onthlv Pavm entfw BIDS FOR TH E enjoy, in lovely setting—ideal lor was named auditor. made for decorations to enh&nce All work guarartteeri. 25 vears ex­ typist irt '.«m^1 departnicni. Rn.si- foi rent. .Al.ao ,Reagle.«, I ty eioaet apace. Ceramir tile hath, rdom Garrison CoI(mial Itti baths, *12,900 Manchester—Neat 6 Also C^hristign ' Education Com­ perience, 24-hour''8eiA'ice, Call i - family living. r.™ MONTAUK PARK, VERNON ? S a T a D^!^o" ^fSeg^rsp^^ the music and the cabaret'-fhotif OU>BIt GARB, mechanica spe- lion requii/'S a neat, appearing . 8 ' 2 2 . 1 7 NOR.MAN’S [ centrally Ineateo. heal, hot wateiy CONSTRUCTION OF A hot water heat, full Insulation, Cape. Four finished down, over- mittee; Mrs. Jasper Hunt, chair­ Earl VanCamp. MI M woman tyiili good- typing ability, Venetian hjinds, aluminum ate FIREHOUSE FOR THE plastered walls fireplace with V.A. and F.H.A. financing; . ' aired kitchen, firepiaoe, ga­ ituala. The last spiritual, "Soon man. Mrs. John Phillips. Mrs. Ron­ being planned. dala. fbdt youraelf care. aJwaya i m o RTENSEN TV. Specialized RCA some facility in shorthand helpfiil, ■\rticles For Sale 15 ; ; ; r o o .m .s A4^ H ai'tforrj RH. SPLITS — CAPE Ah Will Be Done,’’ was notable for Everett Moore is ticket ^alr-' g good eelocdon Look behind our television, aervice. Ml 9-4641, ■ windows, attic, cellar, lovel^„5*ard. VER.VON FIRE DISTRICT paneled wall, knotty pine 'abt- rage, ameslte drive, city utili­ ald Roberts; finance! Robert Da­ OdfD'' office, excellent Wrnefil ■NEW FURNITURE nets Large ahade trees. Owner Ranch and Colonial styles. the excellent pianissimo effects m w and is being assisted byi Ron­ 'Offlee. O ouglu Motori. 388 Main. SNOW 'BI^W ERS - Toro ' po-ver M a n c h e s t e r . Ml 9-7**5 VERNON. CONNECTICUT ties, excellent location. A good Immediate occupancy. FHA, VA vis. 'William Harris, Mrs. Herbert RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make-' ■Millinery D ressm aking 19 projrrarji. Apply. and builder Mi 3-4860 buy. achieved. Twining, Adolph Holland, Dexter ald Gates, Edward. Tomklel and handle push or aelf-piopelled AND ARPLIANUER ■ NO'nCE Ls'HEREBY GIVEN, Pick your lot now lor apring con­ j appraised. *600 down. Prices start NEED A .CAR and had your credit cara.____ amplihera ^ ______phonographs_____ ud HAS BEEN IN STORAGE 4 > H 3 - 1 . 5 2 4 at $14,700. Call now for appoint­ Following this opening group Burnham, 'Olive Clapp; invest­ Fesfvante Vlchl. Reservations may EXPERT TAILORING—On ladies' FTRSTI^XTIONAL s t o k e s . Ren Snowbird and Rolen.s Capi TWO ROOM hirnls^d apartment. IS FIN AN CIN G struction. I turned down? Short on changers!^ Over 47 years total ex MONT'HS that sealed proposals are sought $13,990 Vernon St.—Brand new 8 ment to inspect. there Was a change of pace -as four ment; Winthrop Richardson, chsdr- he made ■with any committee mem­ and gentlemen:s clothing. tor Equipment Co. 38 Main St. Before You Puy F'umiture 105 Birch St., 2n^f)oor. members offered a group of popu­ mant? Had a repoaaeMlon? Don 11 penence. peHence 90 daysdava guarantee .^n.^r all lN ^ ^ - ., ■Ml 3-79.58 and requested for the performance Home Open Daily 1-5 p.m. room Ranch, paneled book­ man, Adolph Holland, and Charlea bers o r by tel^honlng the-Elks up! See Honeat Douglas, get Woodland St. Call anytime. I .solrl’-this to a young eoiiple 3 y o t u r p r o b l e m ? lar selections. This crooning quar­ ' work. Potterton'a. MI 9-4.587. 3-2264. Park and Oakland Aves. months ago but they are not get Anywhere Shop at Norman'# according to aperilflcationi of a Sat. and Sun, 10 tili dark cases, walkout basement, shade GOODCHILD-BARTLE’TT Hudson. Club on Btssell St. lowdoom on-the lowear down Ea'sl Hartford » THREE ROOM fumiahed apart­ general contract being let by the-. tet comprised Bob Janoska, Pete *n GALLO.N elcclrie hot V ater'ting married. ment Oonjeenientlv loealed. Call trees, ameslte drive, $500 down. REAL’TY Real estate committee: Allyn and amalleat payments an.vwhere i FLOOR S A N D lN G ^ d refinishing. '•; lank, good ronditinn Any reason-' Firehouse Building Chmmittee, IS R A N C H LIVIN G •’ Directions — Enter Wdodhill Easily fnanced. 3 minutes to Boylan, Johnny Solomon, and Specializing in old floors Ml Ml .3 6y> Wadhams, ’chairman, Robert Sim­ Not A small loan or finance com­ able offej;^arrepted. MI 9--469.5. M usical In.strum enls .53 Vernon Fire District. 'Vernon. Con­ Heights opposite Manchester Shop­ Manchester Green. Skoots Wildermuth, two tenors and mons. Merle pinse. Maxwell Hal- pany plan, Douglas Motors. 333 9-57.50, ^ I M oving— Truckirtg— WANTED Waitie,-!.". over 21. full- HI.ONDE BEDROOM YOUR DESIRE? BU 9-0939 FIVkFROOM duplex, hot' water, necticut. for the construction of a ping Parkade oft Middle Turnpike two baritones. Janoska provided lowell; misaions; Charles Nielsen, liton St. . S t o r a g e ^ 20 time. MI 9-SI02, KITCHEN •Ta b l e . Flreplacp arid U n iNi; ROO.M SU ITE HP7AR THE Kinsman spiner organ. accompaniment on the bass, alter­ COSM A~R^RIGERATKIN Serv- h#4n shower yard, no heat, 1127 firehouse. , - Se6^ the following Jarvia listings 'West at Tqwer Road. Model home *14.200 South Windsor—Just over BUTTER NEEDED immediately — chairman, Mrs. Robert H. Bossen, 1 furnare wood deliv^ered. Also trunk .')-r’U; D IN E T T E SE T Fines! of home organs l.ifetime H jU CADILLAC convertible, good MANCHESTER Paekagr Delivery iullivan Ave , Wapping.'Ml 4 1943. ocaieuSealed propoaala will, bf received mortgages that may be on Woodhill Road. Manchester line. Over 1100 Small cape almost on Bolton line. nating with guitar. Mrs. Whitney Jacobs; commlttee- Ij ire. Repairs all make refrigera- WAITRESS OVER 2,5 yeara of age. loads. Cedar clolhea line polps in- "Weslinghouse'" Ref. 'enjoyment. Dilbaldo .Music Cen-, The group sounded better with -condition thi-(jughout Best offer Elec. by said Building Committee at thej^„^g^ joilara sq. ft. of living area in this 5 Large lot. 4 down. 2 unfinished up. at-large: JPaul Brown, Frank Stomi tora. freezers, washing machines, I-lghi trucking and package deliv-] nighl.a .5-1, only experieneed need sialjpd -MI 9-13.53. "Bengal " Combinaiion Range ter 1*6 W Middle Turnpike, CU Better Built By ery. RefrigpCatora. washers and FOUR ROOM tenement with ail Firehouse Headquarters Company, room ranch, completely redec­ Priced tor very fist sale. Jack J. bass accompaniment rather than Brown. Mrs. '^ayne Henry, Lillian over 6400 takes it. Call Ml 9-*963 dryers, ranges, oil and gas burn­ applv. Walnut Restaurant; Walnut ._"We.stinghouae" I.aiindromaf •Ml 9-620,5 / guitai\ inasmuch a.s the quartet ers. Ml 9-OS*3. All work guaran-' atove moving apeeialtv. Folding .St. S )' improvements including aulomatie No. 3, Talcottyille. Connecticut, >m- orated inside. Nice lot, good lo­ Lappen Agency, MI 9-4506. tiasbury; nominating committee after 6 p.m - FORD ELE(CTRIC watpr heatpr. *2 '"-'^Emer.snn " Televiaion Set hot water heater. Apply .50 Hcril St. numbered no bass singer in its or Storm Doors? teed. ehaira for rent. Ml 9-0752 POPULAR SHEET .mu^'f song til 6:30 p.m. EST on JANUARY *16,900—3 bedroom rancher with JARVIS REALTY CO. cation, minimum down, im­ for 1961: Jewell Burnham, chair­ gallons, less than one ypar old. '■\Vt-stit^house" A'anium 29, 1960, and will then be publicly i full basement, tiled bath. Large lot. NORTH ELM street—6 r(»m ex­ make-up. They sang with profes­ CALL 1986 FORD 2-door a e ^ , * cylin­ PROTESTANT lady would like a Gas water heater. Fireplai e folios, leaching materials. I-aig- MI 3-4112 ' MI 9-1200 mediate occupancy. man. Mrs, John Farnham, H. Mills der, automatic tranamisaion. ex- BIltl-JDING. Remodeling. lobbing.. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co I.xieal-| eoropanion not nvei 6*. Free room (Vl". I includetU'^gal.v innerapring opened^ and read. Should the Con-[carport. Off Vernon St. Selling-be- pandable cape, 4 rpoma finished sional aplomb, which delighted the Newberry, Mrs. R. Chase Lasbuty, screen, andirons, never used. MI est selection in easjefm Connecti­ COZY 5 ROOM flat and garage eeilept condition, pldvat* owner. All work guaranteed Free estim­ moving, packing, storage. Ikiw and hoard. . good home, .-OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M." general contract shall be required room split level. Owners trans­ Rt-apf*. M l 3-0669. To furnish within ten (10) days of *23,500 Deming St.—Beautiful 7 $13,650 preoaration throughout. I .3-5129 .I.-D. Realtv, 470 .Main St. MANAGEME.N'T trainee. Fine op- ferred, will sacrifice. Youngstown HENRY STREET—Near Princeton Two weeks only— room ranch, , ------;------portunity exists for young; man t.O ’’ ..A--./ • the awarding''of the contract, a room apIH level home; 3 ina- 8*2 The Glee Club returned with' a cabinets, G.E. range. Unusual op­ St. Priced at *19,500, A comfort­ clous hed»-oorns. large living fireplace, ceramTc bath, hot water enter ronsumer finance field. Ex­ performance bond in the amount of portunity. Belfiore Agency, MI medley of 18 Civil War tunes,' di­ so*s homo hooting 100 per cent of the contract. This able six rooija home with large robni., full dining room, lovklv baseboard beat .basement garage. vided betwe.en the . Northern and ' Bu.yincAS O pportu n ities .12 panding rompany /requires Ihe 3-5121, . modern kitchen, 14x20 living servires-of a man'willing to work bond shall guk/antec the faithful kitchen, Hrenlace, built-in >2-acfe'lot. Immediate occupancy.. Southern favorites*. These were our w ay I MANCHESTERt '45 j e a n RD. ipom. outdoor, patio, 2-car garage, Easy finanoing. Bolton-Hebron line. hard and anxious to; get ahead. performance o4i4Jie contract in all .. range and oven. 2'(, baths, red- sung In excellent stylo, and pro­ orrORTUNITY t excellent neighborhood. Prompt This r* a rareei oppOrtunitv with respects and the payment o f all w(K)4. paneled fover snd recrea­ LAWRENCE F. FIANO vided the major work of the eve­ Tou get premium quality FOR YOU TO BE Ytl.UR i "OPEN HOUSE" occupancy. Robert J. Smith, Inc., tion 'room, oversized garage, Mpbilheat srHb'RT-98 . . . the many company sponsored benefit.*. labor and material obligations in­ O F F ia A L 963 Main St.. MI 9-6241. '' Paul P. Fiano MI 3-0458 ning, BO far as- the chorus was O W N R O SS ; Prf(prr;r^ F'inanee, 9*3 Main St. curred in connection with' the ameslte drive, and nianv more mok completely effeedre fuel custom fe'atures that go only BROKERS Ml 3-2766 correerned. SUNDAY--1:00 fill’DARK work. Reed Bennct, James Booker, oB additive in use today. And Lunchronefie-whir n i:riti easily ,be 1 NOTICE 57 ARVH4E PLACE—A delightful with a McCarthv built home. The conditions of employment 7 room home adaptable for the L ots for Sale ■ 73 Richard Sthofield, and James you get premium terviea. An- managed snd operated by mtsband' and. minimum wage rates aa set BOARD OF TAX REVIEW interior , Manrhe^er-Lakewood Or- Oaks were heard in solo pusages tomatie deliveries ... a bsl- and wife. 6 day week, short hours.^ ■forth bV the Commissioner of La­ 28,900 for A "60 grosains * ,/ifin n year. S5..50(t' The Board of Tax Review 6f the of this home-ia unusually charm­ cle south.' Snacious S room UNIOlY STREET. Manchester - 7 in .the medley.. All acquitted them- aneed payment plajuand many Ij f l 20 bor shall prevail in the execution Town of Mancheater, Connecticut, Ftnancine'airringed. ■. ing and must be seen -to be en­ ranch, colonial de.slgn. anaciogs B zone lota with city water. $2,800 selvA in excellent fashion. other extras daslgned to make Sfiecial of this couitract. will be in session at.the Municipal' joyed. Over $1,000 worth of extras (.liring roon). flrenlace. paneled each. MI 9-6495. The final group included num­ Oldsmobilo Bids shall be firm and cannot be home heeting rtaUt •att- Building, in the Heating Room, on are included in the sale. Much bitokcaaes. 2 bedrooms, full bers- particularly associated tylth WttH 1>€ N*W .1. D. REALTY THIS SUNDAY ... U'Jy.,. withdrawn for a period of. thirty LAKE ST.. VERNON -Beautiful 8353 the following- days during the thought and care have been given dining room, huilt-lns. ' large the Army an(( W est Point, auch aa .M1 1-5129 -a* F3-16.17- SEVEN ROOM SfLIT (30) days following the date of, 16ls near school, 1.50x180. Manches­ OR A GOOD ft^44 HH-O-RAMA month of Febniar.v J960. to the attractive grounds. Excel­ paneled recreation room.. 2.car Gruber’s “The Army Goes Rolling M o b ilh e o f 1 ^ 6 C-ROOM opening said bids. February 1st, Monday—3 to 5 lent residential area. Robert J. ter. 4 B zpne Iota priced to sell. 'Two year uld fu.stom built limtjc with your familv in mind. garage, wall to wall carpeting, Along,’’ (called the Flejd Artillery "SAPETY-TISTEP" Tlns (dever ruiotle yvill meet' Glarires a'le siue to stray vottr , The Firehouse Building Com­ P.M. Smith, Inc., 963 .Main St., MI J D Realty Ml ysi29. Ml S^ies?. ^ ^ m w ' Uon.venience and economy, ate.accented in .this home throughout bcs'-HPil settlrtin®'. March by the composer) and the •vary diemand from house rlean-; "■*•>' " hen u earins one of these SPLIT LEVEL mittee reserves the right to waive February 3rd, Wednesday—3 to 9-6241. traditional "Benny, Havens," aa l ^ i D . • US€DCA1t--5 'ing to shopping Sew eas.v.' too. '‘flower-of-the-nionth" aprons! Ualhedial ceilinged living ipom add.a that lotich of glamour to any Informality in proposals and 5 P.M. VERNON—125 foot frontage tn SEPJtC TANKS Eini.shed rei" room, large M c C a r t h y enterprises . newest community of-fine homes. closing offering. No 8353 with our Palt-ORam a'' 'Make several foi hi-rthday- he unusual home. Three hediooma, a huge finished'iecreation to reject an.v and all bidSj or to ac­ February *6th, Saturday—3 to 6 ON " 2 ACRES—$12,000. 6 room CLE JIxrD and IXsT.M-LK.I> living room i14 by ITtat. 3 I'oorii and a kitchen equipped with-a glamorous built-in oven and INC. City water, natural ' gas; adja­ Altogether, It was a most enjoy- ts m sizes 32. 34. 36, 3*. 40, 42. 44...' good-.sized bedroom.i. Beauti­ cept the, one contract that, in its P.M; ranch', built 1956,. garage, cellar. Pattern .\o. 269* It.ax api'un ti.'«- lange.. Has one and half baths. .\lkp has large 200 x 100 lawn' judgment, -Nfill pe the best in­ All peraona.'claiiniing to be ag- Carit^0 W. Hutchins-. Ml 9-5132. cent to elementary school and ■kble evening. Th“e boys sing well. WE GIVE MANCHESTER Bust 34.to 46. Size 54. bust 36. 5 ful yard. Uaimdl'S" room and for 'churches. Only *1,000 down. Mr. tue, lint-iron, transfer- 12 motffs: • SEWERS covered lot which i,s nicely laft^sca^d. ■ t- * terests of _ the Town of_yern(m, l^JI 9-4576, With precision, good tone-quality, yds 39-lpch. .MACHINE Cl.E.^NED tripie track .atornt.*. _ Brown. Ml 9-1489, — • and reasonably good ditition. They GREEN STAMPS To orfier, »end 35r' ii> . lot, quiet desirable neig'tborhood. Garth Rd. In Rixtkledgs imd one Artne ( ’abolYThe .Manclva#>fer B>ve-' On Hartford .Road, turn at Bridge Street, take flrat - IMt to. Vernon Firehouse Building and file their complaint at one of MI 3-^472 on the podiuni was evident to the OldsmoMlea for Over CAS, NEW YORK 36. X.V. . SPECIALIST Over 1.500 1.509 Mj'.t«q'. ll.fl. living area.area, inanyu-ut.toni'j(|)|inaii.ru-utrs, all, city utilities. Near bus The ancient city of^ CarOiage, BROTHERS Sand 38c today for vour ropy zone Pattern Number Y .57.5 .5IAiN ST.— PHONE .MI 8-110* Vernon Firehouse , Floyd E. Porde, Secretary once a' rival of Rome In the Medi­ M l 8-1511 o m u f. BVjH. ,«f-the .Fall *■ tVrnler issue of our; }fa\e Drainaso Co. Suturdav and Simday ^ TR 5-V214 — JA 9-5309 .wooded lot. A'lumlnum. storms and and schooJ'. Lpt 60x240. Full price, WANTED—6 room ranch with im­ fii the '60 Album cnmain- Building Committee Paul Korney $18,800. Allqt Clami>ct, Realtor. terranean, wsui located near the •amplalo pattern magamne. Baste jng ijja^ny .Ml 4-1*04 screens, fiberglas insulation. Bel- mediate occupancy. (Contact Alice Ml 3 -5 1 3 5 I lovely designs and free , Mlf.4143 " Auttorlaid Signatur* AdvL No. 57 ' flor* Agpncy, M S-6121. MI S-454S. Clampet, Realtor. MI 9-4S48.r present city o f Tunis. Ftshion. fOi Only'2.Sc a copy!


WATES Pick CORRENTrs About a^owu FOB F'RK.SH Heard Along Main Street BK0CCOLI, RABI and And on Sontp of ’ Mnnchp.ftPT^t Sidp Stpppts^Too Mrs. Meacham REAL ITAUAN ' The Zlpser ?lub' v»ill hold ita HOMEMADE SAUSAGE TOOpthly meeting tomorrow start­ Mrs. Jam es D. Meacham, 1-V ing at 2:30 p.m. There irill be in- ^ cance because it's groundhog day. Sale Is Limited ' Loomis at., a charter member, etallatton of ottiders, Refre.shments i " Busy the night of Jan. 27? If , The legend sMi.va the groundhog will be ser*ed at the close of busi- |not. call Atty. John S. G, Rottner emerges front ,his hole that day. ,was elected president of the Man­ of the Republican Town Commit­ If he sees his shadow he crawls chester WATES at a recent meet­ barJc inside for six more warm and 1 tee for vour $100 tick«U to a "din­ ing at the Italian American club. I secure weeks. , We Stock The Welfare Committee and the ner with Ike" closed-cirriiil TV She succeeds Mrs. Henrietta Ward. Ways and Means Committee of the { One town 'official has suggested affair at the Hote. Statler.' Calt Other new officers are Mrs. Irene Manchester Emblem Club w ill. now; before the tickets run out. piiUing the groimdhog question meet at the home of Mrs Charles i onto the agenda. However, it's.un­ Bennett, vU;e president;.' Mrs. Michael Misovich, recording sec­ HALLMARK POnticeHi, .382 Hackmatack St., 1 , We Goofed Too likely the Board could vote itaelf Monday at 8 p.m. a 6-week vacation from its shadow. retary. Mrsj Alice Magrel, cor­ It ,<;eem,s that when the Manches­ responding secretary; Mr.s. Wil­ ter Junior Chamber of Commerce CARDS Mr. and Mrs. John Glenney, of, (lag Either Way liam M. McBride, trcasiiier. and decided to drop the Christmas Mrs. 'Andrew Suhle, a.ssistant TO Bigelow St;, have returned home, lighting contest it substituted an­ Mosf* of the people who asked MILLER after spending the past six weeks the manager of the State Theater treasurpr. ■ other project so quiet and ahnny- The club will meet Tuesday at with the family of their daughter! moiis that Heard Along heard very this week.why the excavation was PHARMACY and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Roy-j going on '| t 'the theater's Blasell the Italian American club. Weigh­ little about. It. I'iiii (: k i-;i-:n ho\d S. Turkingrton, of Houston, Texas.] St. exit got a succinct answer. ing irr will be from 7 to 8 p.m. The Without fanfare the Jaycee un­ Phone >11 l-mi They also inaited Mr, and. Mrs : dertook to arrange Santa Ctaiis He said it was just a publicity banquet committee will make its Volmar Thornfelt, formerly of' visits to a targe number of Man- stunt for the showing of "Journey plans sfter the meeting. Manchester, and no^^’ Ihdng in St. .chesler homes. The results, we un­ to the Center of the Barth.” The sward committee will if)eet ' Petersburg, Fla. derstand rather belstedl'y. wall Thiirsdav st 7:.30 at the home of gratifying and the effort doubly This Tale Is Timeless Mrs. J. A. MeCarthy. 66 Vernon St. The Friendship Circle of Salva- laudable since It was made with­ The Vernon Consolidation and MODERN AND hon Army will omit its Monday out a bid for public notice. Charter Commission this week SQUARE night meeting. Members "111 at­ WV hold to pur view that Man­ held its first meeting In Town Hall Paiiy Iq Benefit tend the farewell for Ma.ior and chester appreeiates the lighting since the-town recovered ita furni­ Mrs Eric Jackson and Brigadier contest despite, the Jaycees' con- ture from the city after an 8-month and Mrs. Walter Porter at the new \dction that few people care. And dispute. St. James’ ETiiid; Youth Center, at which people we feel the rjvic group should have Conimi.saion members selOed 4 0 j a n jo u t ^ from Rhode Island and Connecti­ given the public earlier notice confortably in the leather chairs, The l-^dies of St, Janies will ; cut are. expected to he present. that it would not run the contest. and even former city mayor Her­ hold s benefit nulitai-y whist and ] BOLTON , But we'll have to admit the man G. Olson, a member of the aetback card party Friday, Jan. ; COMMUNITY HALL Commission, seemed relieved to Santa idea is the better of the two, 22, at 8 p.m. at the K of C Home. Bankruptcy Court and if we muat choose, let it be knew the rontroversy had . ended. Tickets tpay be obtained, after SPONSOKED BV THE Santa. _ ' But as members looked around Masses tomorrow and at the BOLTON GRANGE We really want to have our cake the room for the wall Hock to monthly meeting of the organiza­ Hartford. Jan 18 First and eat it too. It would be good if check the time. Olson grinned like tion Monday, meetings of creditors yesterday In some civic group could pick up the the proverbial cat. The whist, open to the pubhe Sat., Jan. 16th "The clock is in City Hall, and I petitions before U.S. Referee in lighting contest. Perhaps the will be direrled by Mr. and Mrs. 8 P M. to 12 P.M. electric light .company could give know it belongs to the city .be­ Bankmptcy Saul Bermap includ? Edward McKeever. Table prizes such a group a hand. cause I donated It.” ,, . , will he awarded. Proceeds will ' Ml SIC BV THE ed benefit the St. James' school William A. White. 663 Wolcott Will Board See Shadow Meet and Maunder Firemen nxake a rhcck in the basement rerrention'room at Robert Hilderbranrt’s home a/ter the last building fund. RHYTHM RANGLERS Will the Board of Directors' see Every town haa Ita boards and St.. Bristol; assets. $1,075; lia­ flames were extinguished and smnke hlown from the ^jioiise. Chunks of wool Insulation he In the Co-chairmen of the program will DirK ZIMMER, Caller bilities. $12,468.96. its shadow at a, meeting Feh. 2? commissions that meet regularly, I Inch-deep water on The flonr. (Herald Photo by Ofiaral. he Mrs. Alfred KargI and Mrs. The Brownie Co., .42 Crown St„ It seeins likely. The Board's talk interminably, and get no-1 Samuel Maltempn. Refreshments; DONATION 7.V New Haven; assets, $25,411.42; shadow la usually present. where. • f Will be served sfter the game. I liabilities. $100,373.67. But Keb. 2 has apecial signifi­ A member of such a group indi- ] I rated this ^eek that he had taken; Increase Noted j about all he could of this. j "I detest meet-and-eat groups," Playroom Burned Out InTdle Claims THE he said, "and this one doesn’t even eat.” Claims for unemployment com­ A. Non, pensation In Manchester rose i HOTEL In Battista Rd. Home slightly during, the Week ending ] BIBIOOFF PLANS VACATION' Jan. 9, but the jump was less than-i PALM BEACH SHORES, FLORIDA Hartford. Jan., .16 — Gov. Fire burned out a basement ■ the exact cause na.s not been deter­ the one recorded the previous Ribicoff will leave next week for mined. Investigation is underway. week. ’ a vacation In Puerto Rico, a spot game room in Robert .1, .Hllder- Whsttvtr your idti of « perfoet touthtm vacstiofl, il'i wsltlnc for you tt tOo hrand's home a t - 74 Battista Rd. Hilderbranri's parents were in Total claims number-1..353 with I ColeonodM - It turphiiofly roiioitsblo rittt. If you llkt to do ttilnti , . . he has chosen before when seek­ the house wh^n the fire broke out. 363 of these new'clalms. The S ta ir! ing relaxation from his job. last night and heat ,blisterr thoro'i t cersploto onlortointMot proiram. If you llkt to roln, ttwro'o o**r ed the walls in surrounding rooms. Hilderbrahd .eturned from work Unemployment Security pivi,sion j A spokesman at his office said of the State Labor Department re- , n o toot of S m oottn bOKS. Aportmonti witli cooklof tMim i*i or Hr coodl- yesterday the Governor will leave The house today stands with shortly after 5;30 pm. when the booed room*,’ trod parkinf tpata. Plui . . . • Olympic-iln pool and chlldran'i' windows broken and blackened box alarm at School and CTllnton ported 1,260 claims the week end- i Wednesday and return the second ing Jan. 2. pool • Snock bar, dinisl room tod cocktail lounit • Cult Straim aihlni, week in February. where flames leaped to the outside. Sts. was turned in. __ yachtlai facllltlaa. Opan Dac. IS to May 1. Wrlta for color foldtr. Evidence shows the fire started The basement room was charred. The 1-week rise fn claims rep- at the game room fireplace. Fire Kitchen walls up.slairs were blis­ re.senl.s a 7.4 per cent increase. tered and the kitchen telephone During^ the comparable period Hove Your Doctor Chief W. CliCord Mason said, but : w ti$ JUkBtk O tm M fh rk k i wa.s ntelted. Imoke rolled through one year agu claims rose from Advertisement — the house and firemen, from Town 1.662 to 2,113, a more than 27 per Coll In Your Proscription Companies 3 and 4 used air mask^s cent increase. w iim »xoill«iiM Doiivtrod Within The lAlIJNDRY SERVICE and smoke ejectors. The current State picture Is Mrs. Ronald Daigle of 61 Battis­ much the same as the local qne. TEENAGE RECORD HOP . fainet Hour ta Rd. Called the fire department with claims rising 9,615 for a total j e*heve^N«M» DEPARTMENT MOVED after her hu.sband spotted the of 49.7.32. N- flames in the' basement window. The State Labor Commissioner ; The Daigles live ac'oss the road. described the increase from 40,117 ; T-O-N-LG-H-T-7:30 to 11 The call c.ame at 5:24 and Mason tHt COIONHAOES HOTEL / PINE PHARMACY TO PCRNEU. PEACE the previous week as sessonal. . OENTEB 8T. turned in the box alarm at 5:32. During the comparable two i , 8.0. BOX S7« • BIVIEIIA BEACH, R A . TEL. PALM BEACH VI 4-S22I No estimate of damage was weeks oi"lP59, the claims total In- j Legion Home, Leonard St. made. creased from 63,463 to 76,331 - - ADMI.S.SION 7.V At 2;35 a m, today. Town Co. 3 12. 868. • j was called to 26 r'linton St, where The claims increased in most , P’EATURED ATTBACnON — ; a furnac.’ smoke stack blew apart. areas of the state, topped by ; 1 but no fire and no damage were re­ Bridgeport, followed by New "THE BELVEDERES" ported. Haven and Hartford, W aterbury,, M U sicA L COMBO -■'.jj New Britain. ^Meriden and Nor- j Sclioror ,\>var(le

The coiitract for kitchen equip- Winfield China Company I ment for the North F,nd junior high Ji I school has been signed. The Schnrpr 1 Equipment Co of Hartford wa.s I awarded the $19,480 contract. 1' Included in the contract signed .Thursday at the manager',s office, ...... A..-;: are a service counter, cooking range, .30-quart mixer, kitchen hood., refrigera-tor. dishwasher: soiled dish tiay and pass washer, l ' • 5 * * f’* and a clean dish table. Ike Snyder, proprietor of Lucky The' equipment will be fahricaled I^ady Laundry a.nnoiinces the re- I by Portland .Sheet. Metal Woiks. It 9‘*kcroiy / rfiovar of lils"Service Deparlnient j is s(!hed)ilPd for dettverwiTi 90 days. I Shirt Finishing, Dry Cleaning and I The Schorer bid was the lowest Wash-Dry-Fold) from 11 Maple 1 of nine opened Nov. 10. Others Street to his other Lucky Lady I ranged from $19,600 to $23,000. I.>Rundr,v at 43 Purnell Place i back- of Burton's) on the Purnell Park­ ing Lot. WINFIELD CHINA d« u««d by JAYNE MANSFIELD, __lIpon._cT!mpietiaii_<>f,,..fl).VeiB.lions.. P«i!MOJiaL Noti ces 20tb Contury Fox Star the Maple Street Lucky Lady will become completely Self-Service. The same china J.ack Bailey gives to the Queish Luck.v I,ad.v will, as always,-do In Memoriam tri) loviiiR niPiimry of Hobart h . Max­ the Affiliation ot its utmost to give you the very well who pHAAPfi awa>- January IR, 1950 on his famous "Queen for a Day" Program best of service and your-continued patronage is solicited. Open daily (Jone but not fi'iKolien. S tq 6 Thursday 8 to 9. ., The Maxwell family. NOW..«for only |»enniec a day, YOU can \ ...... ^ -A ...... - - __ own a complete set of Winfield Fine China! - Funeral Home, 400 MAIK STREET I Thi» is »n important announcfment Watue »em* ; p^ltouHfvl Kon«l|iaint«d detisnt ort P^Ovnn*frcnf. You con octuotly boko .! guorantod fodn-proof. In Wmfitld Chind, thnn torvt in It. | borthip in thr Oroer is omh only to fanerai directors #^C*HipUttly bond cr«ft«d in 3t tep* of high professional Atanding: it is a distinction shared •roU •pnroboni.. r^Ton limns strongnr. Will not chip, J crock, chnek or br«oh.oi will o^dt* | by carefully selected funeral directors throughout the p^AbicliBtly n 9n?pcrow« gioz* pr«* nary chino. | ' vbnft corrying bocUrio. Droini. dry world. „ . ' ' • lo high glosi. ^Univorsol vorsolillty. Dollcott • r^ully vitrccwf.^Truly^ronicluccnt btouty, durobitity mpko it idnet * An application for membership dinnot be passed tv«n «nd*r condiclighl. formoi or informal itrvict. . ? upon hr the Order itself; membership is granted only after the Order has made direct contact with those PLUS FREE BREAKING REPLACEMENT who are in the best powibie position to know whether : Only Winfield China proloctt you with e the applicant is worthy; families serv^, and the busi* 100 year g u a rq n ttt agqinit defects, ness and professional men of the community in which chipping, cracking or breakage^. Use fine Winfield China every day the applicant lives ■ ' ; with security.

-V The Syinbol which appears below is th f identifying Emblem of membership, and'all users of this Symbol are pledged to give modern, comprehensive service, ta advise wisely, and keep all charges moderate. This handcut glassware, service for eight, js yours Free when you buy your lovely The ■ Ordfer is happy to-present and[ recommend Winfield Qhino during this special intro­ this firm to the people of this community and the sur­ ductory offer sole. rounding territory, and takes pride in making this pub­ lic announcement of the appointment

SEND COUPON NOW... miGtntl.ffl.n: m HOW,,. MAIL To... Please tell me how l can own a com- plelc set of WINFIELD CHINA for only pennies a day. I also understand WINFIELD that mailing this coupon does npl ob­ REGISTRAR ligate me in anyway whatsoever. CHINA COMPANY NAME. UDSESS. 119 Ann Str#«b ^------_ 8 H 0 N E '. Hortford, Gonn. ) sm BOW uilnii (ch.ek ons) □ Pottsry □ , □ chins

\ TV Week JAN. 16 H ini JAN. 22

VIDEO cviatv VnOEK—A lX b u iA t b b s b e b v k o . a . t . d io k d is o n « OO., Ip«.

some things about hUr Jo^. thfti prlM oerembriy 'follow ing aeviaral never even occurred to hlm.’t yekrs of beliig dlsUngulahed as one R ob ert S tach as E liot Ness^ The speaker was Oscar Pralsy, at tbs town’s most Miglble bache­ who wrote the bo<^, ■‘TThe Un­ lors. 'A danghter, EUixabetfa Lang­ touchables,’’ In collaboration with ford, was hom to the couple on Bossman of ^The Untouchables^ Eliot Ness, and came to know the. Jan. 20, 1957. late Federal Agent intimately' dur­ n j BCARIE OUPE VPrevioualy, he had found himself ing the writing. Fraley points out Altbousfa VW7 MTly lii hbi »c t- shlfte)! from ‘^pretty boy" soles, that the story, "The Star WltAcas," rlchnian's sons bo psychopaths, then in production and which will fWC Colorcasts taii career waa wlde- rapists and urfiSeoMmt personali­ be seen on Jam 21, la an excellent t f known as the actor who gmre ties of one sort or another. caae in point. Races at Hialeah Deanna Durbin "her liret' ecrehn His present role be constders ("In this story,” Fraley explain­ Idaa,” career-wlae all was not comfortably "in-between” the in­ ed, "you seize an advantage Im- Always colorful H ialeah be­ "Deaches and Cream" for him. Be­ sipid and the sick. modiately when the mobsters make comes even more colorful ,on. the fore he scored as EUot Neas In Although, Bob won out over five an error and start quarreling NBC-rTV Network this year. The "Ibe Uatoudiables," he had felt stellar applicants who sought the among themselvea. Ness also did that the public was not really role of EJUot Nees, he took a long this often.. But your operation, in network’s "Racing from Hialeah’* aware of his ezistehoe, despHe ez- time making up hie mind. FOr one which you guard ^ u r witness by series on seven Saturdays start­ eellent lertewa for his movie rolee. thing, he waa .taking inventory of having one of yqim men pose as a ing Jan. 16 will be televised in "I granted to achieve, public ac- his. career and wanted to be very flag pole (dpter is something color, NBC Sports Director Tata eeptaace/’ be* says now, "Along: careful oC what he did on tele­ Ness would kave liked, though he S. Gallery announces. with what I had been lucky enough vision. For another, the time he’d never thought of. It.” The NBC Radio Network also , to have—oritieal aodaim." have to prepare for the part waa- 'Native Californian' will cover the races, 'rhia is the As Naas, leader of a dedicated comparatively short He admits Bob, who is 8 feet 1 and weighs fifth consecutive year that NBC is band of Federal crime fichtere, that be woe scared and convinced ISO -pounds, Is a fifth generation carrying racing from H ialeah. Stack g ot a rare opportunity to thsZ he could never learn all his Californian. His father, the late J. Race Course at Miami, Fla. play a fairly nof?nal human being:. Ness lived in C hicago and linea in time, but his agent and dressed to protect himself from Langford Stack, and mother, Mrs. close friend. Bill EUiUfrln, persuad­ Betsy Wood Stack, were social and ed him to ^ve it a try. the.cold and windy winters. This meant heavy uiWlerwear, and re­ cultural leaders in Los Angeles Hie succeas in the role waa where Bob was bom. One of his phenomenal. The moment the search shows he was a union suit man. Bob says It is necessary for ancestors bad opened Los Angeles’ show waa over his telephone rang first thekter in 1849. T h a steadily for five hours with of­ him to follow the Ness undies style while he is in character. Bob’s interest in clramatloa fers for motion pictures and tele­ came to the fore while be was.a C o n n e e H e u t vision roles. "lif a scene should come up high school Btudait. So deep an ANP TRIIXr COMPMiy’S Many Offers where I have to strip off my impression did the theatre make ^ m n e k “It waa unbelievable,” he says. shirt," he,says, "I’d look^sUghtly . .V \ I I .S A. H hat the year round. But Stack con­ a member of John Wayne's famous the authentic reproduction of the siders he gets one good break— “Batjac” company. i9S0’s. Ness waa not a. golfer. Early in 1956, producer Albert n«» MI 3-1171 now I M i In the clothes’ department, Bob ‘1 don’t think Td look well In the Zugsmith cast him to 00-star with FOR PREFERRED wears the same outfits right down knickers the golfers of that period Rock Hudson, Lauren Bacall and to underwater that EUot Ness wore.” Dorothy Malone in the role of the REAL ESTATE ami wore. As far as men’s clothes Just the other day on the set of profligate, psychotic heir to an oU worn at that time, Stack , thinks ‘TTie ITntouc'hables” Bob received fortune in “Written on the Wind.” INSURANCE SERVICE they represent a sartorial low- an unexpected and sincere compli­ Stack won an Academy A'^^i'd point in American history. ment from a man he had never nomination as “ Best Supporting "The women’s outfits pret* seen before. •> Actor” for his performance in this ALDBUNUM M M 7C ty bad," says Bob, "but the men “Bob," said the man, "I wish fflm. . WINDOWS SlS afS DF JARVIS REALTY CO. topped them for poor taste in Ness could have lived to see you On Jan. 24, l9S6, Stack married EEAL.TOBS— INSUROR8 nearly every respect," play him. Tou’d have taught him actress Rosemarie Bowe in k* sur- SALE! tn B. Center SA—Ml tnlllS Alma. Oonib. poors—-2 Glasn t Soreens 1 1/16” Thick SATURDAY Television PROGRAM $39.95 DO YOU KNOW iBstalled F t m BaU Veatan St n » Art Carney Skew ZS. M UWS Sky Kiac Saber' ef Leaden M fOoloreast) Art Carney In "CaU TfS* SI*rT White Haater M Me Back"—a one-man dramatic Manchester Awning Co. F M i B Alto Stiras Bm |w Sales l:U Mewared S ehow which depicts the deteriora­ SM MAIN 8T.—Ml S-7M* CawOepia BawUac r:M Perry Maeea S. M tion pf a likeaMe man. bent for 195 WEST CENTER 8X. JS AIrleaa Patral Stars Raymond Burr in "The tragedy and self-destruction by DeleetWe’a Mary Case of the Prodlyal Parent". alcoholism. Ml 9-SMl—EstabUshei 19« ServieM All Makes Of BeattcM Gaa ' Perry Mason Is retained by a di­ UtkS Oaasmake ' I vorced rrlfe to defepd her ez-hus- Stars James Arness. A mysterious Washers, Dryers, band charged rrtth the murder of gunman takes a shot at a man "New Frontier" his stepson. * and his wife on Dodge City's ■ f Refrigerators and 8tS. Prastoa •( the Taksa 2t Beaanta CZ. M main street. When Marshal DUlon Mr. Wbard (Coloreast) Stars Lome Greene. investijnttes. he is shocked to The Austin A. Televisions At 8ky M as Pernell Roberts,in "House Divid­ iMrn is the result of w m u a i TeH ed." With Civil War talk stirring the .man’s attempt to "reform " 1:W In the states, a Southern sym­ several of the town's dance hall Reasonable Prices SHeat Service pathizer from Kansas tries to rls. CHAMBERS co. TUs !■ Criaie Beieetlve £ ov b n Takae Kaarer* ' —- create trouble among - Virgfnia -M I . . . . -.^-Clty residents. >U Featara I PiMsktaig,. . . AU . WORK GDABANTEED TeeterSay’s Kewereel The., nick Clark Show S SS Fear Jsst Mea M FeetkaU Guests: Bobby Rydell, Paul Jabllee. GSA SS Storage. _ . Film Fvans.'Dale Hawkins. . Rod Folw . emcee and guests 'Stranyer Holiday'’. Claude Ralna I-SS Hteh Bead S SS Jimmy Wakely. Jimmy Jlckens. Local or Heckey Game Or Ths Week m "Siberia." Technicians and ecien- _Lew Chlldre and Wanda Jackson. (fiilcaso at Detroit lt :N ft OonM Be Ton , ZZ. M Long Distoaoe MOVING .WerM’a Beat Maviea S tists are building a whole new "Lady Be Good" _ . country In this cold wUderneas, Markham ss Sesater Levrett SaHeaataW ...... t e ____innliirtlng Fwni^ftm d Rfft tft Stars Ray Milland^ A small modate new mining and lumber - hoy .who..witneaBed:.tbc.sla]ring.4>t TRAILEB-TAN HERVIOE Amerleims ' „ _ J! a petty racketeer is shelterea by *4* BrofessUaBl Bssebhn Game it diBC9veries. I:SS Wanted; Dead Or AUve S. tS Hoy Markham and protected i Fre BMkett^I J{ against reprisal. Bryan RusseU 563 B. MIDDLE 1TKE. OO0, Odd. The ClewB Stars Steve McQueen. Bounty and Joyce Meadows are fea­ . Mwle 1* hunter Josh RandaU seta. his tured. M l S-8187 or Htfd. CH 7-142$ Garfoea raraivsl f sights on a two-ton elephant and a BetuOM Theater S 4:M Fepeyr Theater ; crooked trainer who is using the Early Late Skew SS Brad Davla Shew . * beast to plunder villages and ■Remedy For Riches". Jean Baach Party ^ J; mines. S Hersholt, Dorothy Lovett ■Baelar *From -Hlaleaa ...... JS ------Tha damy- Lewis-Bhsw Oivarce CoVTt ______, M W S d l SeaaoB Premiere a ...... "Emerodhvs. Bmeraon” D ^hiU erliii^ . s:e AU Star Gall _ 11 :M News. Westter and Bparts S. tS BMbbv L«cke va. George Bayer nie. . Cartaia Time . Zt CEEAM FUFF SPEOIAl.. . BARRE GUILD The liaeap . Leave It To Beaver S. U. M ‘TUI The End of Time” . RobMt Jaaler Dackpia BewUax JJ "Pet. Fair,” Beaver's recUess SfUtchum, Dorothy M<^uire. Claee Kid boast Is reluctaatly made good . ttaterday MgU News SI 1VS9 M.G JL. R4MnM w MONUMENTS The Btc Ftebt M by his father, W_____ a^ Wrestling ' 41 B;U “ lateramUeaal Settleaaeat’’ SS Noget For Hire - .. It Early Late Skew. SS eqi inclndlng George Sandera, Doloree Del Klo; U:IB Festare Film S fan TlMrs It ( B in s Guild M om m M ttM ' 5:M The BIr Shew it >:M Mr...Lacky 't . "A ct Of Love." Kirk Douglas, JUST LIKE NEW. ,hHt fum ywir SNit cbtrisM ftM lM l ' Beayal Laaeers Stars John Vlvynn—Lucky, gets tn Danny Robin SrW Bey Beyers { trouble when a bandit gMig tries neoc Tke Faster - 18 ONLY ^dapatad lovtdeiMt. Ctsirit k i.,. Tap Weateras at the Heatory - J to cache thfr loot from a race Late Shaw st Major I.eayae BasebaU M track robbeiv aboard his boat ...... -^‘Rouae- - o f " Rothschild.” ^George n ^ 9 5 •tthwitoMnUon. SabPr of LeadoB n until It can be smuggled out of Arlliu. The CaUfaralaBB J! .the ewuntry. 11:M M«wil W eaker • THIS WEEK Om,Y AT W o R i n Late Marie U -bwreace Welk Bbow t. 4S, JU WiM*9 BmH $ MEMORIAL OOMPANS S;N Anale Oakley _ „ . J Mevte At Nine 18 *‘Sleeperli Wear* DeCORMIER MOTORS 4T0 C enter St.— T el. MI SrTISS News. Weather * Sparta S l;N Have Gas. WUI Travel t **WhlpsAW" Tales of The Vlklnya j* Stars Richard Boonei A rough, “ MidBiKlit News Mjatarir 24 Maple St,, .MaachMter Sileal Servlee _ . W impatient man whose wife is “ Paper Gaflow*'^ John Bentley. Daayrr la My Baslaeas W eld hostage by renegade Indians Dermat Walsh. 1:M Hew To ttmm A Minieaaira J Semands that Paladin guide him Charlie CIuib Death Valter Days ■ to the renegade camp with a I News aad Weather ' ' "Reluctant Gun" ■ ' wagon full of blankets and 'food. f News Leading Flortata Sate Fur Movie at 1 „ ! ! Charley Weaver Shew 4S Storage ^ Exclusive TRIPLE REFINED PARK HILL BONDED PICK-UP W. H. ENGLAND ATLANTIC HEATING OILS Rower Shop Fisher LUMBER CO. Rowers Ry Wiro OPEN .a u DAY L. T. WOOD CO. Ml 9-1443 DRY CLEANSERS. Inc. Telephone Mitchell 3-1129 FE5 BROAD ST.— Ml 9-7111 SATURDAYS 8 B. Canter St.-4ilaB<*eeteF p a g e t h b e b ,* J • ♦ '1 ' • * I iANCHESTER e v e n in g HERALD. MANCHESTER, O O ^., ^TUBDAT, iAWTJAinr 16, 1?W MANCHESTER BYENHIG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1960 PAGE TWO ISN W. mDOUE TTKE. TUESDAY Teferfsion PROGRAM ■ntelMn Ice ” Ah undercovar police W e“t S U N D A Y Television P R O G R A M FLETCHER Srilt FaraaaaUta M. * ! hi* life in the shaking Imnd* A:M CsBtfseiital CIgssf sy a Amcrieaa BaadstAad U an alcolioMc gem 4:8# Mews aad Weathe* Kelly In "Maverick »ad CLASS COMPANY H m T s Mwi ' be Join* In the dangerou* { “ "je rt >:U 10th Aaanal Pro Bowl PojJh^ The ^Maverick brothere get e ^ 8:8# Feaiare. File* S l a K i e k Oakao t t, m Suc5^^rSf5S55!Sr*"l •:M This Oar FaM altempling to dlsTOse of a slrten SiM TIm Sebari »U *y Oaatiaeatal ClaasTssas T "Jackaa* Mall". Wallace diamond worth half a mUllon dol- (Oolor>, , , broliadQu^erets in and tha SfT.*JSner*veMonlgomerye. and Marjorie Main UalvcnitT • ! the Air A V IS O O L A 8 * — M i g (Color) S. 4* lars. . . . ELECTRONICS t:U -New* t:M Newa and Weather 7;6» Newe and Wealfcer JJ Fa pay c Theater SUflSDUUI 0* 0^ 1:00 Paul Wlachell 8ho:p. » TUB ENCLOSURES — GLASS FURNITURE «> F » 7iM T rtU i „ . » Teeasrillh » i t » Prayer - Variety etarrfnc ventrlloqulat Paul f;M Bd S«IHv«n.Shew » Maralag Seaalaar Stars Chuck Connor* In " A Case of ^ t a m k 8;M Tk« Okriitoyherr Guests: Rosemary Oooney ^ g 7:2« Prayer First Shaw Identity." A St. I>ouls man claims -LABORATORIES Tkl« I* The Ule Wliichell. and TrlenAa er: Carol Lawrence. musl^ "Spoiler* of the Forest . that Mark McCain I* hi* son and honey, Knuriilehead Smiff. Milton 7:26 Tswa Crter Cameron. Hillary Brooke. The U t Ibc Ward comedy Star: Billy DMlele elnfr . 8 «w * , plans to use every inaneuyer he ELECTRONICS ■ :4B ChrliUaB Srleeee . DeLhsK’a orchealrO iM d gueata: Ray Bagers Barbara Autry, cowboy Ocno er: Nelson EWdy a^ 7:8# lasighi* Knows to get the boy * cust "Lonesome Trail „ ,, E A S Y T O 277 BROAD Ohrietian Soleeee from Walt Disney's film Toby • Featare F1la*_ _ »:8# TV Startimr "• 2 Thli U The Ufa . 1:10 Brokea Arr.aw . ■ » Tyler." „ MOTOR SAirS "Talk of the Town". Osry i 4:M qairk Draw MeOraw Tha Rod xBkflton-Shaw ?v ** • ;4S Americaee At Work Co-etara John Lupton and Michael Cartoas Flayboaso P A R K H € R E Ansara In "Fathers add . Bona . Sanday Showcase „ « . *• "TOUR OUISiMOBnE DEALER- amt Jean Arthur. —Part I. Skelton ha* Edward E/cci** 2’ "'!: MiOALamp Vnto My Feet "One Loud Clear Voice . Story Komper Basm Big Fletare _ _ Ion Dick Foran and Barbara T kli la The Aeawer pen 1«;M The Uvloa Ward 8:3# Lawman , ~ Facas Phone I’oar Answer Philip Carey stars In Poor Lilli. SERVICE Look Vp Aod Uve >. 40 chief. , „ Stars an^ „ • ■.66 MarJarir Mill* 4 :U News Sweet t.llli" An attraction _ for Thurwday evening# until Sacrifice el the Maaa. . 6:00 Coagaesl ,, • Brown in "The Stranger. After Hew* aad Weather you can depend .on It— "Can Man LlVe JVreverr Dr. !•:•# Bed Haws »a w glamorous women aids the sClen- 10:46 Throaah The Porthole Marshal Troop has e‘ 0 P P « » Safety-T es**Hi Daagh Be Ml 8:66 Sport* 9. “ know-how" and the right Nathan Shock of the U.S. Public Albert Barke Bepsrts 'flfic. delecting abllltiM of FbUlP 11:0 0 laalKhta Health Service and hi* associate* drlnk-craxed gunman, he becomes Tapper „ Marlowe in solving a knife killing equipment' combine to Faith Foi Today the target of an unknown assassin 1#:3# Os The Go 8:6# Hews and Weather BrIeflHK Seaaloa are striving (or further under­ PaWlc • Def emdrr ‘ ■ 7:4# To Tell Tha Trnth l#:#t The Garry Mnore Show . make SERVICK an iropor- standing o f the aging procMS and Phil Silvers Shaw Guests; John Payne Roberta BIk .Plctare •=**jre,?'£'oVb star, in "The Com? Used Cars" Flay Tsar Haaeh 18 SharwfhOd’ snd Kaya Balmro. . 1 \ i; M H O . S A M S ■'1 l!\ i< • iant factor, for our cu«- Sacred Heart to l in i a moans lor prolonging mttleeman" krlth Sylria Aa Hoar With Vaa Mnvie At Serrn 11:16 U rin r Word the Ilf? span o# man.. 11:## I l.aye Lac’ "PerHonality Kid" TV ■Prasfnt# ^ »» « •omera. Matty's Fwaday Fsanle* 6 and 'Hmmy Weather—l.acal Nrw# In “ Tha Parasts of the Night, a 11:30 Camera Three indomitable .Italian lr n m y » " t The Frlre la Bight vACiillonlng group of buslnessmi^ Thla la Oar Faith "Diaiy Dishes.Little A u drey^ and hie family during the depres­ News and Weather a wild . adventure when she bat­ 11:»# Deeember Bride In a mountain resort The Mad Hoaie sion years - „ Caaeeatratlaa Compass . selves with a small Chliie.se r\ UADK), s.v!,i s .V. si uvu i: Command Performaaco tles visitors from ou^er space, - Who Da Vaa TrastT 7:16 Nrw*. noagla# Edward* purported other stories. _ The Rebel *• 336 North Highlights lacquer box. which Is "Robin Hood" Movie A|I# *• Caver Story to nave,ave mysticmvstlc anaand magical Artistry in Flotvers 11:86 Newa Mas Wllhont A Ona > "High Explosive* ' — «* Film New* . _ 6:30 TV College Bowl , J Main St. 7:8# What la The World ..m m \wera 12:00 American I.e|;end

PAGE POUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, I960" r a i ^ D A Y Television PROGRAM NIckB S apparently still Active ia crime. ONE PO LIM •Nil P^nuMlItr tS. SB ^ • B e a i MeCeyd . a. 48 American Baaimaad Bt VHow to Build a B

H O W STRONG 1$ YOUR INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO John H. Lappen, Ipc. ,, We feel that you might profit by having one of preserit holdings appear to meet your, personal ■ }ur experienced investment specialists examine investment objectives, we win tell you . so. tt and reappraise your present portfolio. your portfolio requires re-allgnment, w# win INSURORS ~ REALTORS Our long experience ai)d e x t ^ iv e Research 164 EAST CENTER STREET—Ml 9-5261 make specific suggestions. , facilities are at your Complete ii>osal. If your EDWARD W. KRASENICaS.'Manager. OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 91S MAIN ST. AND SATURDAYS UNTIL NOON TELEPHONE MANCHESTER Shearson, HAmmill 6 Co. BH >1 5 7 1 A N INDEPENDENT AGENT SERVES* YOU BESST ‘ AieeSert-Nw Vari;’ Stock Cxc^npo ’ '