. F FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1960 Average Daily Net Presa Run T he Weather P4G« iSIXTEEN For the Week Ended Forecast of-U. S. Weather Bmpeaa' iianrliPHlfr jEagitfatg 11|grali)i Jan: 9, i960 - merling, Mrs. Frederick Annulll, Clear,' colder tonight. Lowest The, Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pastor Chapman Court, Order of Am­ Mrs. ’Theodore Bchuett, Mrs. Fran- 13,065 temperature A to 15. Fair, little of Concordia Lutheran Church, aranth? will meet tonight at 7:45 Africa Tour Hollister PT A cU Bemardl, Mrs. Richard Forde, Is Your Heart Worth change* in temperature Sunday. About Town at the Masonic Temple. The meet­ a \ Mra. Charles Steurer, Mra. Robert Member of the Audit will have charge of broadcasts, ' Bureau of fTlrcnlaMon. High 35 to 46. sponsored, by the Manchester Mln- ing will be preceded by a family Soule, Mrs. Frahk'Timmona, Mrs. $9.05? M nnrhe»ter-—A City af_ Village Charm iste'rtal Assn., over radio station potluck at 6:30. Mrs. Elizabeth To jTbdd Peck, Mrs. Carl Rohrbach, Prof. t)avld C. Phillips, head of Welters will be chairmen. Re­ By Students the University of Connecticut WIN'F-Sunday at 6:36 p.m. and Mrs. Wallace Rascher, Mrs. Wil­ WiMYVEn next week daily at 7:15 p.m. ' freshments will be served after liam Gellnaa and Mrs, William speech and drama department, Its tih ra ry VOL. LXXIX, NO. 90 (TEN- PAOES--TV MANCHESTER, CONN,, SA-TCRDAY, JANUARY 16, I960 (OlsBSifled Advertising on Pnge A) F'r ic e f iv e c e n t s will talk on "How to Improve Your the meeting. WSCS Topic Troy. riON) Personal Communication” in the Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Ford, • Buy your UFE SAVER SNOW' auditorium of the Connecticut 51 Oakwood St„ will be host and Mr.'and Mrs. Stephen D. Pearl, Robert Lazear, administrative Hollister St. School i*TA has k* • 100 Woodland St., will celebrate appointed a library, co'nunlttee PLOW how! It can bo yonr General Life Insurance Co. in hostess at the Lutz Junior Mu­ asslstanl of the Pomfret School, Red Cross. Seeks Bloomfield Tuesday at 8 p.m. The seum Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. The their 40th wedding anniversary at wlUch will rejuvenate, the existing- cheapoit form of Opens Presid^iicy Race It Figures^ talk, sponsored by the Greater museum at 128 Cedar St. is open' an open house at the home of ^ e lr will present the program at the library. Kishi Flees to the public every day except son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and January 'WSCS, potluck Monday Families of children attendln{{ New Blood Donors Hartford chapter of UConn alumni, Mra Calvin Taggart, 119 Wood- Ufa ifliinaci. ' Delivtit, Jan. 16 (Ab Par is open to the public. Monday. at 6:30 p.m. in Cooper hall. South the school are being asked for lawn St.,' Sunday from 2:30 to book donations., Support is also New blood donors are sought In trolman Raymond Bravler oft The Polish National Alliance. 5 p.m.. Methodist Church. being sought from, area residents the Red Cross .Wood program bnd HoHdios HP to Anti-Treaty to Continue suburban Dearborn* got most Hie Bkghth District Fire De­ of the figures right, but. miftsefi partment will hold a meeting to­ Group 1988, will install new of­ This past summer Mr. and Mrs. and school alumni. are encouraged to make appoint­ ficers tomorrow at 7 p.m. .at 77 The board of directors of the Lazear led a tour of 10 prepara­ Magazines, periodicals, reference ments to give blood ’Tuesday when r SHOW oisily. one important one and lost , a , night at 7:80 at fire headquarters. Manchester J a y c e e s will meet court case. ’* Main and Hilliard Sts. North St. Refreshments will be tory school boys and girls through books and leisure reading books the Bloodmoblle unit .will be at the T o k y o M ob served. Monday at 8 p.m. at the home 'of Africa. His illustrated tectiire will are needed. AH material will be Elks Home on Blasell St. ' from Aims i He flgured.that Joan Mt<rey, President W. L. Wagner, 128 Barry de-'cribe many of their experiences. subject to the approval ot^ the 12:45 to S:30 p.m. 27, was going .50 miles an hour Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meet Rd. in a 40-m.p.h. zone. He figtirod Monday at 8 p.m. aft Odd Fellows The Newcomers’ Club of the The tour was the result of a school staff, headed by Principal Dr. Frederick P. Becke^, direc­ Honolulu, Jan, 16 (JP)—Ja­ Manchester YWCA will hold a pot- qourse on Africa in the Interna­ that 10. miles over the limit hall. Mrm. Beatrice Bjork, a- lodge A family supper, scheduled to-, Thoinas Bentley, before being put tor of laboratories at Manchester pan's Prime Minister Nob Miami Beach, Fla., Jan. 16* At GainesvUle, the vice Prest- and gave her a ticket. member, trill present a product luck Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Com­ tional Affairs Program at the Into circulation in the library. Memorial Hospital, recently point­ tSSBLI MMMI- dent used his strongest words ,‘ln munity Y. Members are,to bring night at 6:30 at Center Congrega­ Pomfret School during the last A fall Na-ttesa Buke Kishi, who left ToK^o (/P) — 'Vice President Nixon But the girl pointed out to demonstration. Mrs. Virginia tional Church, has been canceled Guest Speaker Donations may be left at the ed out that obtaining blood la not AJ'-Hta*? A** amid a violent airport demon­ urging that there be no cutbacks in Municipal .Tudge George Mar­ Keeney and her committee will their own platea cups and cutlery, year. It was felt that much could school office during school hours. strictly a matter of supplying ehrofna-piittdtuk- has opened his campaigrn for manpower because of an announce­ in addition to a covered dish. because of predictions of freezing be accomplished in international N. WlUlam Knight, vice presi­ ln|. stration, arrived in Honolulu ment by Nikita S. Khrushchev that tin - that Bravier misled one serve refredunents. rain tonight. Checks should be made out to the hospital needs. Tijere Is the ques­ the pre.<!,idency with a warn­ figure; relations And understanding if dent of the business development Hollister St. School PTA.* aboard a charterej^apan Air ing against an.’C' defense cuts the Soviet Union in so strong it Emanuel Lutheran Church will tion of having donors available in mcTit.rm "Irook, .your honor, on (he The annual meeting of Center some of the students in the course department, the Connecticut Bank Equipment Hiitable for library the event of a national emer­ SNOW-TItAS Lines plane lasy night four will cut 1,200,000 from its forces. hold its annual congregational could actually visit the continent WMItU. lift- and a pledge to continue the "Under no circumstanc«is should traffic ticket he has me Ckmgregatlonal Church will be and Trust Co., will apeak to the use is also needed. Mrs. John Nel­ gency. lima (aima) minutes befonrrnidnight. Eisenhower policies and build m»>-ked as s male. held Sunday at 3 p.m. in the meetingUn Luther hall Sunday at St. James Unit of Africa. son, chairman, 40 Harlan St., may the United States and its Allies Business and Professional Wom­ The hospital uses approximately parmanentlir He and hls,<parly of 15, includ­ upon them if elected. reduce their strength," he said. ' 'The Judge dismissed the sanctuary. '' 3 p.m. pinDmclal assistance was sought be contacted to arrange for these 100 points of blood per month, lubrlcatad ing. Forclgn/Minister Alichiro Fuji­ case and suggested Bravler by the school from private sources, en’s Assn. ’Tuesday at 8 p.m. In donations. - . - > baarlaii.Cin't "The policies of the Elsenhower He said Khrushchev ho doubt had Sets Auditions Center Congregational Church. which means that every m'bnth 100 ruit ar war yama. wwe welcomed at Hickam administration have b4en con­ reasons for the cutback and that study figures for a while. aijd' ten scholarshlns were estab­ This program of building up of people must donate Wood for the aul.. Air Fpf*^ base by Gov. William lished. Six boys, and four girls Knight will talk on ’’You and structive,” he said. "They have Khurshchev nriay have been in­ Officer |1ravier had no com­ Auditions for a musical revue, Your Community Bank,’’ using the a school library la In keeping with needs of the hospital alone. i Q u ij^ Adm. Harry Felt, com- fluenced by some internal problem ment. Schem ing were' "recruited” from school.s all the trend throughout the school worked and they are firm founda­ I “R. &. V. P.,” to be presented by Flannel Board visual aid presenta­ AppointmenU for giving blood j n ^ d e r U.S. Pacific forces. Chief tions ‘on- which we can build. If such as the need to relieve mart- the Ladies of St. James at the over the nation. Three, boys from tion. This device, which depicts system to provide additional li­ .lustlce Wilfred 'Tsukiyama and a Pomfret School made the trio, Tuesday may be made now with j elected. I promise I will try to im­ power to ac.comolish Russia’s "• Manchester High School auditori­ the general background of commer­ brary facilities and functions of a the Red Cross office. Recruitment i large group of Americans of Japa­ year plan. Or. Nixon added, the Plantland^s um March 18 and 19. will be held at and others came from as fac away cial business banking in this coun­ library.
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