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RED BANK Today Weather Distribution / F* tatfiy, (*** Mi tfr RED BANK Today "JW. ">H« «*•* ••, Urn toolgW, «. High tomorrow, mi<i-60s. see tides and weather 1 Independent Daily f 16,800 page 2. I MONDAY THKXJGHFRIDAY-EST. UTS I BY CARRIER VOL, 83, NO. 100 Issued Dally, Monday through Friday, entered ai Second Clisi Mattel RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1960 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE at the Post Otflca at Red Bank. N. J.. under the Act of March 3. 1S79. 35c PER WEEK Pro-U.S. BuildLily-Tulip Group Plant in Spring Elected HOLMDEL — Construction o( a multi-million-dollar Lily-Tulip TOKYO (AP) - Japans pro- School Cup Corp. plant on Rt. 35 hers I. S. ruling conservatives rolled is scheduled to start in the iack to control of parliament to sprint;. ay but failed to get the all-out Walter J. Bergman, company lacking they had asked of the na- Quiet president, announced Saturday ion's voters. that grading and site preparation The conservatives claimed their work will start within two or 'ictory was a broad endorsement three weeks. if the U. S.-Japan security pact Prevails The company made a tentative and other close ties with the NEW ORLEANS (AP) — An announcement concerning its con- West. uncertain quiet prevailed ir. this struction plans Sept. 29. Their leftist opponents claimed rnuhled Deep South city today At that time, however, Mr. eftist gains proved just the op as it waited for a three-judge Bergman declined to give any posite. federal court to rule on school details, saying only that an of- - Same General Pattern integration. ficial announcement would be The nationwide Sunday ballot- The three Southern judges con- made sometime in the future. ng that returned Prime Minis- In the meantime, the company MONITOR MOON-BOUNCE SIGNALS—Dr Fred B. Dan- sidered these paths of action: ter Hayato Ikeda's Liberal "(])"A school"'board"'request"to!^tinned to lay the groundwork ' iels, foreground, and Dr. S. J. Bauer before the console Democrats (conservatives) to suspend integration until federal r the Pr0Je,c!.'..dec!ded..t°. ^ ' which if used fo control signals boujiced off the moon. power followed the same general state differences are settled. base two additional small' par- attern of elections in Jai-.'.r els of land—and Saturday made iince World War II. It again (2) A federal move to enjoin official. showed a conservative majority state officials and prevent their Near Laurel Ave. interference with school inte- Say Moon Surface battling a slowly but steadily in- CLOSE SHAVE —This car, driven by Joseph Mirante, 25, of 158 Oxford Ave., Fair The firm said it will exercise creasing leftist minority. gration. A temporary restraining Is optioris on nine parcels of order, now effective, expires A middle-road appeal, made by Haven, was on the losing end of a four-car accident in Red Bank last night. On and, totaling 125 acres, on the when the court rules. the Democratic Socialist party, its way to smashing into a building at 18 West Front St., the car felled a street south side of Rt; 35, near Laurel (3) A state motion calling for Is Unusually Rugged was crushed as Japanese voters sign, one-hour parking sign amd a barber pole. Mirante was hospitalized. Two We. repeated thir sharp swing to th dismissal of action against Louis- The plant is expected to be ap- ight and left. other persons were treated for injuries and released. iana officials and the return of proximately 1,000,000 square feet FORT MONMOUTH (AP) - The Communists made theii schools to thfir traditionally n size, with an eventual valua- The surface of the moon is much best' showing in 10 years, in segregated basis. The motion :ion, including construction, ma- stems from a rarely-used inter- more rugged than believed, says creasing their vote from 2.6 t( Car Rams chinery and equipment, of 13 Mercury 2.9 per cent and winning thre Tax Board Reports position act which advocates say million dollars. Dr. Fred B. Daniels, a scientisl Rives the state power to use its seats. It would be the largest manu- at the U. S. Army Signal Re- Building sovereignty as a shield to block Mob Scenes - the federal integration order. facturing concern in Monmouth search and Development Labor- The vote came against a back County. Company officials said Firing atory. round of mob scenes in parlia In Red Bank On Last of Appeals Judge Richard T. Rives o it would be the largest paper cup Daniels of Little Silver an ment, violent demonstration: Montgomery, Ala., chief judge o plant in the world. against the U. S.-Japan securit; RED BANK — A man was hos- FREEHOLD — The Monmout the 5th U. S. Circuit Court of Ap- There will be only one larger Dr. S. J. Bauer of Asbury Par] 1 pact and President Eisenhower ! pitalized last night in a four-car ;ounty Tax Board completed to peals, declined to say when the tax ratable in - the county—The conducting a study of th ruling would be handed down. Fails lunar terrain and the electroi cancelled visit to Japan. Whili accident which sent one car into Gas Station lay reports of action on the las new Bell Labs installation—a re- content of regions between th party leaders played on foreigr a building at 18 West Front St. if the nearly 1,200 appeals con- While city and state officials search center—now under con- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) moon and earth. policy themes during the cam In fairly good condition this iidered in recent weeks. awaited a court decision, New struction here. —An attempt to launch an un- paign, regional and domestic is morning in Riverview Hospital is Holdup Nets The record-breaking case load Orleans public schools closed fo $30 Million ' manned space capsule failed to- In a statement released by thi sues and personalities were, a; a week's holiday. Pupils an Signal Corps, Daniels said th Joseph Mirantc, 25, of 158 Oxford esulted from a great number of The Bell center will have s day. always, important in Japanesi evaluation programs carried out home during Thanksgiving and slopes of the small craters or Ave., Fair Haven. valuation of some 30 million dol- When the countdown reached politics. Pair iy municipalities within the last •vhile teachers attend segregated lars on completion of ths first the moon may be so steep tha With all but one of 467 parlia Police Lt. Charles B. Jones re- tatewide conventions in Baton *ero,"an escape tower shot into ported Mirante's car was headed CLIFFWOOD — A county-wide ;ar. stage (next year) and an esti- the sky leaving the Redstone a space traveler from earth mentary seats undecided, the un Rouge. would find walking there diffi east on West Front St. when it larm has been issued for two Reductions were granted by the mated 75 million dollard on com- booster rocket and the capsule official count gave this break cult even though gravity is onl; crossed the road and struck an men who held up an attendant board in nearly 75 per cent of pletion of the final stage. on the pad. down: one-sixth that of gravity on eart! auto headed west driven by Mar- at Hub Cap Joe's Service Sta he case's brought to it. In the Target date for completion of The 15',4-foot tower shot straight Liberal Democrats 296, Social tin Kretmar, 56, of Jersey City. tion, Rt. 35, and made off will majority of these instances, how- Fire Routs he Lily-Tulip plant is early 1962. up into low-hanging clouds and The final-scale details of th ists 145, Democratic Socialist! (60. ever, the changes were made So far, the company has an- moon's surface are being mea Mr. Kretmar's auto was pushed several seconds later plunged (See JAPAN, Pg. 3) Police identified the attendan with the approval of local asses- nounced no estimate of the num- ured in accord with a new theorj backwards into a parked car back onto the cape. as John Ehlers, 57, of 356 Mata- )rs. 30 From ber of persons to be employed in formulated by Daniels and in owned by George P. Limberes, wan Rd., Laurence Harbor. the plant. The laughing was to have been volving the use of radar signa 25, of 28 West Front St., Red The cases reported today cover- the first in the Project Mercury Based on the many conferences bounced off the moon. Man Accused Bank, and then glanced off He told police" that the men ed Holmdd Township, Asbury Apartments Redstone series. The purpose across the road into a second were masked and armed with .2. Park, Neptune, Neptune City, held regarding the project, coun- was to test the capsule in a He said the moon is con parked car, this one owned by caliber pistols. Wall Township, nradley Beach, LONG BRANCH — A firema ty and local officials have said •pace environment. stantly hammered by meteorites Of Threat To that an estimated 1,500 could be J. R. Oberlin, 40, of 477 Caldwell Mr. Ehlers said the pair tied Belmar, Avon, Manasquan, Bri didn't have to go far from homi If success had been achieved so much so that as new cratei Ave., Belford. elle. Sea Girt, Spring Lake, and for a fire yesterday. cmoloyed. are formed, they erase old ones his wrists and forced him to the The county Planning Board and • chimpanzee was scheduled to Kill Attorney Mirante's car continued for- rear of the station.
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