
Inside: l Reaction to the Crimean referendum – page 3 l Demonstrations in support of – page 4 l Bicentennial of Taras Shevchenko’s birth – page 5

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXII No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 $1/$2 in Ukraine U.S. and NATO allies Ukrainian government prepares condemn Russian for Russian invasion of mainland by Zenon Zawada ‘land grab’ in Ukraine – The Ukrainian government has begun preparing for RFE/RL a Russian military invasion of Ukraine’s mainland after top Russian state officials offered numerous indications of their The United States and European Union have con- plans to occupy and federalize Ukraine’s southeastern regions demned Russia’s formal annexation of Ukraine’s after having successfully occupied the Crimean Republic. Crimea as illegal and vowed they will not recognize it. The National Security and Defense Council decided at its Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, March 19 meeting to activate Ukraine’s Armed Forces into full meanwhile, has said the conflict is moving into a “mil- combat readiness. Two days earlier, the Verkhovna Rada itary stage” and that Russian soldiers have opened voted to ratify a decree issued the same day by acting fire on Ukrainian servicemen. President Oleksandr Turchynov to partially mobilize the mili- His statement came as reports from Crimea said a tary and organize the nation’s armed forces for a state of war. Ukrainian soldier had been shot dead in an attack. The partial mobilization “is stipulated by the continuing Details on what occurred were not immediately clear. aggression in the Crimean Autonomous Republic that Russia Ukrainian acting President Oleksandr Turchynov is covering up with the grandiose farce under the name of released a statement later on March 18 saying ‘referendum,’ which will never be recognized by Ukraine or Ukrainian servicemen, including those in Crimea, had the entire civilized world,” said the decree’s explanatory note, been authorized to use weapons to defend themselves. reported the Interfax-Ukrayina news agency. The statement accused Russia of responsibility for The wartime preparations were prompted by Russian “the blood of Ukrainian soldiers.” soldiers escalating their aggression on Ukrainian territory, The soldier’s death was the first reported in Crimea which included the killing of a Ukrainian soldier in since thousands of Russian troops deployed in the ter- Symferopol on March 18 and the capture of a natural gas ritory shortly after former Ukrainian President Viktor distribution station in the Kherson Oblast on March 15, Yanukovych was ousted from power in late February. marking the first incursion into Ukraine beyond Crimea. In Washington, White House spokesman Jay Carney During the weekend of March 15-16, pro-Russian protests called the “attempted annexation” of Crimea, signed by and clashes erupted throughout southeastern cities in what Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, a “threat the Ukrainian government said was a campaign orchestrated to international peace and security.” by the Russian government with the goal of creating enough He said Washington would impose more sanctions unrest and violence to provoke a Russian military invasion. in reaction to the move. “Those actions have incurred “The staging of not very numerous, but quite aggressive pro- costs already,” Mr. Carney said. “They have done dam- tests in Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk and other cities are being age to Russia’s economy, to its currency and to its carried out by foreign forces,” Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk standing in the world. Further actions, further provo- said in a video-recorded appeal released on March 18 that was Yevgeniy Maloletka/UNIAN specially directed to the residents of southeastern Ukraine. The command ship Slavutych of the Naval Forces of (Continued on page 11) Ukraine, seen docked in Sevastopol on March 13, flies (Continued on page 10) the naval ensign of Ukraine.

INTERVIEW: Sen. Chris Murphy says the U.S. stands with Ukraine

by Zenon Zawada and along Instytutska Street. Upon his return to the U.S., Sen. Murphy KYIV – Among the biggest supporters of did not echo Sen. McCain’s view that the Ukraine to have emerged since the Euro- U.S. should be offering military aid to Maidan began is U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy Ukraine, stating that its army doesn’t have (D-Conn.), who paid his second visit to Kyiv the capability of handling modern equip- last weekend since the launch of the pro- ment. He said he thinks sanctions against tests in late November. Russian petrochemicals and banks would His first visit was on December 14-15, be more effective. 2013, during which he visited the now- Sen. Murphy serves as the chair of the burned Trade Union Building, which served Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s as the Euro-Maidan’s headquarters and Subcommittee on Foreign Affairs and has from which he watched the Okean Elzy sponsored three Senate resolutions on concert on December 14 alongside Sen. Ukraine since December 2013, including John McCain (R-Ariz.) condemnation of the Russian invasion of They both addressed the Maidan from Crimea. its stage the next day. He also has sponsored a bill that was For his second visit on March 14-15, Sen. supposed to be voted on March 13 that Murphy was accompanied by seven fellow offers economic aid and imposes sanctions senators, Republicans and Democrats, who on Russian and Ukrainian officials respon- met with political and civic leaders and vis- twitter.com/chrismurphyct/ sible for the conflict in Ukraine. ited the dozens of memorials for the fallen Sens. Chris Murphy and John McCain and their Senate colleagues pay their respects heroes that have emerged on the Maidan at a shrine to the fallen of the Euro-Maidan. (Continued on page 9) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 No. 12


Fake ‘referendum’ in Crimea U.N. attempts to defuse crisis Putin OKs draft treaty on Crimea UNITED NATIONS – U.N. Secretary- MOSCOW – The Kremlin said on March sets a real watershed for Russia General Ban Ki-moon is heading to Russia 17 that President Vladimir Putin had and Ukraine amid the escalating crisis over approved a draft treaty to make Crimea by Pavel K. Baev Moscow, it is more or less clear what is Crimea. Mr. Ban’s office said on March 19 part of Russia. The move came shortly after going to happen in relations between Eurasia Daily Monitor that he will meet with Russian President Mr. Putin formally informed both houses of Russia and the United States-led coalition March 17 Vladimir Putin on March 20, before travel- Parliament of Crimea’s request to become of the willing, which includes all stakehold- ing to Kyiv on March 21 for talks with top part of Russia – the first legislative step The only real result from the hastily ers in the European security system. First, Ukrainian officials to push for a peaceful required by the Russian Constitution if the organized and crudely manipulated politi- the narrow and secretive circle of President resolution to the conflict. Meanwhile, the peninsula is to be annexed from Ukraine. cal act in Crimea last Sunday (March 16) – Vladimir Putin’s courtiers will be banned Security Council has scheduled another On March 17, Mr. Putin recognized Crimea which should not be called a “referendum,” from travelling to the European Union and meeting – its eighth devoted to the crisis in as an independent state in defiance of the because it had nothing to do with a free the United States because of their involve- Ukraine. At the Security Council’s seventh international community’s insistence that expression of popular will – was that it did, ment in Russia’s military intervention in meeting on Ukraine held on March 15, it remain part of Ukraine. He signed that indeed, happen. A last-minute postpone- Ukraine (Kommersant, March 14). Other Russia vetoed a resolution that would have order just hours after Crimea’s Parliament ment would have been awkward for the personalized sanctions, including the freez- declared the referendum in Crimea illegal. declared independence from Ukraine and policy makers in Moscow, but it would have ing of bank accounts, will be enforced in Thirteen of the 15 members of the Security formally applied for membership in the still left them with some freedom of order to bring home the message that Council voted in support of the resolution; Russian Federation. (RFE/RL) maneuver for checking Russia’s transfor- Russian elites, who value their cosmopoli- China abstained. The U.S. had proposed the mation into a “rogue state.” tan lifestyle, should start adjusting to their resolution on Ukraine, which did not name Putin, Crimean leaders sign treaty Instead, now they have to act on their country’s new status of international pari- Russia, but declared the referendum about own “choice” for the 2 million inhabitants MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir ah. Russian oligarchs still think that their Crimea to “have no validity.” It affirmed of Crimea to secede from Ukraine and join fortunes will exempt them from any pun- Putin and Crimean leaders have signed “the sovereignty, independence, unity and the Russian Federation. They have to act ishment, but they are taking notice of the treaties making Ukraine’s Crimea and the territorial sovereignty of Ukraine” and quickly before the “patriotic” fervor in misfortune that, last week, befell Ukrainian city of Sevastopol part of the Russian urged “all parties” to refrain from “unilater- Russia, induced by a heavy dose of propa- gas trader Dmytro Firtash in Vienna Federation. Addressing a special joint ses- al actions and inflammatory rhetoric.” ganda, gives way to a painful realization of (http://www.forbes.ru/mneniya-column/ sion of the Russian Parliament ahead of the (RFE/RL, The New York Times) the material consequences of these actions konkurentsiya/252012-arest-firtasha- signing ceremony on March 18, Mr. Putin (http://polit.ru/article/2014/03/13/aci- novyi-povorot-v-gazovoi-voine). OSCE chair calls for diplomacy said to a standing ovation that “in the dent/). The Russian authorities are afraid It is harder to evaluate the impact of the hearts and minds of people, Crimea has BERN – Swiss Foreign Affairs Minister that any back-pedaling would bring this next set of sanctions, which will have to be always been and remains an inseparable and OSCE Chairperson Didier Burkhalter sobering realization closer. enforced after Moscow tries to establish part of Russia.” He said Crimea’s secession- considers the latest steps, taken on March And so the bewildered Europe, which the annexation of Crimea as a fait accompli. ist referendum on March 16 was democrat- keeps expecting the continent’s largest The Kremlin was obviously under the 18 by the Russian Federation regarding the ic and in full accordance with international state to rediscover political common sense, impression that the disunited West, led by status of Crimea, a breach of fundamental law. He said results of the referendum – in will most probably see the first execution of its compromise-oriented politicians, would commitments of the Organization for which Crimea’s secessionist authorities forceful annexation since the end of World never be able to agree on a meaningful Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said 97 percent of voters backed joining War II already this week. resistance to Russia’s determined offensive and not compatible with international law. Russia – were “fully convincing.” He said In the coming days before the legislation These unilateral actions also contradict the Russia “could not ignore the pleas [for on annexing Crimea is approved in (Continued on page 14) Helsinki Final Act, he said. OSCE countries help]. We could not leave Crimea and its have committed themselves to a security people in trouble. It would have been noth- community where each participating state ing short of betrayal.” The treaties were has an equal right to security and none of signed on March 18 by President Putin; the OSCE countries should strengthen its Crimean Parliament Chairman Vladimir Russia can play with several options security at the expense of the security of Konstantinov; secessionist Prime Minister other states, Mr. Burkhalter went on. He Sergei Aksyonov; and Sevastopol’s self- after plebiscite in Crimea emphasized that the day’s events must not declared mayor, Aleksei Chaly. Mr. Putin mark the end of diplomacy to overcome the also said Russia did not want – and did not by Vladimir Socor whether a slight opening toward a negoti- crisis, and that frank and honest dialogue “need” – the partition of Ukraine. But he and determined efforts to build bridges are Eurasia Daily Monitor ated solution on Crimea might dilute the denounced Ukraine’s new leadership for now more important than ever. The Swiss March 17 Western sanctions that a blatantly unilater- allegedly opening the doors to “national- al Russian “solution” is about to trigger. OSCE chairmanship will continue to pursue ists” and “neo-Nazis” and said Russia will The Crimean plebiscite on March 16 was At this point, Western sanctions threaten its role in this regard, Mr. Burkhalter con- always defend the interests of Russians and pre-determined – indeed, pre-rigged – to to roll forward, driven by moral indigna- cluded, calling on all actors to contribute. endorse Crimea’s accession to Russia, fol- tion. Russia knows from experience that (OSCE) (Continued on page 12) lowing Russia’s military occupation of this such sentiments can be short-lived (they autonomous republic in Ukraine (see lasted barely one year after Russia’s 2008 Eurasia Daily Monitor, March 4, 14). invasion of Georgia). In the wake of Crimea, The two questions on the plebiscite bal- any meaningful Western sanctions would he krainian eekly FOUNDED 1933 lot were: 1.) Are you in favor of Crimea’s have to be introduced and reliably institu- T U W reunification with Russia as a constituent tionalized now, before the moral-political An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., part of the Russian Federation? or 2.) Are momentum dissipates. a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. you in favor of restoring the Republic of Moscow, presumably aware of that, Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. Crimea’s 1992 constitution, with Crimea’s might try to avoid presenting an immediate Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. status as a part of Ukraine? Crimea’s de case of overt territorial annexation. It could (ISSN — 0273-9348) facto leadership and Moscow campaigned falsely signal some degree of Russian “flexi- heavily in favor of the first option, clearly bility” by leaving the status of Crimea un- The Weekly: UNA: pre-judging the plebiscite’s outcome. clarified, or having it “deferred,” pending Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 Notably, the option of some “independent” eventual determination through negotia- Postmaster, send address changes to: statehood was from the outset excluded. tions. If Moscow decides to signal, however The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz But this does not necessarily mean that falsely, that it considers a negotiated status 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas Moscow will hasten to consummate an for Crimea, it would need to do so immedi- P.O. Box 280 unvarnished annexation of Crimea. Russia ately, only to backtrack cynically after a Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] is strongly placed to temporize and consid- suitable interval. er options for Russian rule de facto, short of Russia can easily afford to wait for some The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: www.ukrweekly.com outright annexation, alongside the front- months before fully “legislating” Crimea’s runner option of incorporating Crimea into incorporation or some other, fig-leaf status The Ukrainian Weekly, March 23, 2014, No. 12, Vol. LXXXII the Russian Federation. for the territory. Moscow can use the March Copyright © 2014 The Ukrainian Weekly Each of the available options presents a 16 plebiscite as a basis for ruling Crimea de mix of advantages and disadvantages to facto, at the same time maintaining some Russia. The Kremlin must calculate which ambiguity about the ultimate political and course of action in Crimea would most legal solution. Such ambiguity would also ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA effectively advance Russia’s political objec- serve Russia to manipulate with the Crimea Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 tives in Ukraine as a whole. Moscow’s cen- issue in Ukraine’s domestic politics. and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 e-mail: [email protected] tral objective is to gain acceptance as an The Kremlin has already set the “legal” arbiter of Ukraine’s internal constitutional Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 e-mail: [email protected] arrangements. Russia must also sound out (Continued on page 14) No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 3 U.S. president: referendum in Crimea ‘will not be recognized by international community’ Below is the statement by President tional unity again over the weekend, when order that expands the scope of our sanc- greater toll on the Russian economy. Barack Obama delivered on the morning of Russia stood alone in the U.N. Security tions. As an initial step, I’m authorizing Going forward, we can calibrate our March 17 in the James S. Brady Press Council defending its actions in Crimea. sanctions on Russian officials – entities response based on whether Russia chooses Briefing Room of the White House. And as I told President Putin yesterday, the operating in the arms sector in Russia and to escalate or to de-escalate the situation. referendum in Crimea was a clear violation individuals who provide material support Now, I believe there’s still a path to resolve Good morning, everybody. In recent of Ukrainian constitutions and internation- to senior officials of the Russian govern- this situation diplomatically in a way that months, as the citizens of Ukraine have al law, and it will not be recognized by the ment. And if Russia continues to interfere addresses the interest of both Russia and made their voices heard, we have been guid- international community. in Ukraine, we stand ready to impose fur- Ukraine. That includes Russia pulling its ed by a fundamental principle – the future of Today, I’m announcing a series of mea- ther sanctions. forces in Crimea back to their bases, sup- Ukraine must be decided by the people of sures that will continue to increase the cost Third, we’re continuing our close consul- porting the deployment of additional inter- Ukraine. That means Ukraine’s sovereignty on Russia and on those responsible for tations with our European partners, who national monitors in Ukraine, and engaging and territorial integrity must be respected, what is happening in Ukraine. First, as today in Brussels moved ahead with their in dialogue with the Ukrainian government, and international law must be upheld. authorized by the executive order I signed own sanctions against Russia. Tonight, which has indicated its openness to pursu- And so, Russia’s decision to send troops two weeks ago, we are imposing sanctions Vice-President Biden departs for Europe, ing constitutional reform as they move for- into Crimea has rightly drawn global con- on specific individuals responsible for where he will meet with the leaders of our ward towards elections this spring. demnation. From the start, the United undermining the sovereignty, territorial NATO allies – Poland, Estonia, Latvia and But throughout this process, we’re going States has mobilized the international com- integrity and government of Ukraine. Lithuania. And I’ll be traveling to Europe to stand firm in our unwavering support munity in support of Ukraine to isolate We’re making it clear that there are conse- next week. Our message will be clear. As for Ukraine. As I told Prime Minister Russia for its actions and to reassure our quences for their actions. NATO allies, we have a solemn commit- [Arseniy] Yatsenyuk last week, the United allies and partners. We saw this interna- Second, I have signed a new executive ment to our collective defense, and we will States stands with the people of Ukraine uphold this commitment. and their right to determine their own des- Fourth, we’ll continue to make clear to tiny. We’re going to keep working with Russia that further provocations will Congress and our international partners to achieve nothing except to further isolate offer Ukraine the economic support that it Crimean Tatars appeal to Verkhovna Rada Russia and diminish its place in the world. needs to weather this crisis and to improve The international community will continue the daily lives of the Ukrainian people. and to Ukrainian citizens of all nationalities to stand together to oppose any violations And as we go forward, we’ll continue to of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial look at the range of ways we can help our The following statement addressed to the place in the lands or territories of indige- integrity, and continued Russian military Ukrainian friends achieve their universal Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the people nous peoples, unless freely agreed with or intervention in Ukraine will only deepen rights and the security, prosperity and dig- of Ukraine – Ukrainian citizens of all nation- requested by the indigenous peoples con- Russia’s diplomatic isolation and exact a nity that they deserve. alities – was released on March 15 by the cerned (Article 30); e) the right of indige- Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people. The nous people to access to and prompt deci- English-language text published here was sion through just and fair procedures for the posted on March 16 by Euromaidan PR resolution of conflicts and disputes with (translation by Regina Vasko). States or other parties (Article 40); f) noth- Canada’s PM: Crimean referendum ing in this declaration may be interpreted or The Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people – construed as authorizing or encouraging is ‘illegitimate’, ‘has no legal effect’ the supreme representative body elected any action which would dismember or The following statement was issued by lation from the international community. by the Crimean Tatar people, impair, totally or in part, the territorial integrity or political unity of sovereign and Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper in * * * Ottawa on March 16. Prime Minister Harper on March 18 issued the safety and freedom of all Crimean independent States (Article 46), the following statement when he announced Tatars• under and conditionsall Crimean of residents a genuine regardless threat to The so-called referendum held today that Canada had imposed economic sanc- of their nationality, National Sovereignty of the Crimean Tatar was conducted with Crimea under illegal People• based adopted on theby the Declaration II Kurultai on of the tions and travel bans against an additional military occupation. Its results are a reflec- 17 Ukrainian and Russian officials. unavoidable aftermath of a direct military Crimean Tatar People on June 28, 1991, tion of nothing more than Russian military intervention• fully recognizing and plans the for magnitude the annexation of the control. Our government is taking a strong of the Crimea by foreign state, not done everything in its power to restore This “referendum” is illegitimate, it has stance in our support for Ukraine. We will - the• rights believing of the that Crimean the Ukrainian Tatar people state and has to no legal effect, and we do not recognize its continue to take action to limit the capabili- ity to the present and future generations of determine the status of the Crimean Tatars outcome. As a result of Russia’s refusal to ties of individuals responsible for under- the• Crimean acknowledging Tatar people, the utmost responsibil as indigenous people of the Crimea, which seek a path of de-escalation, we are work- mining Ukraine’s sovereignty and territori- - has resulted in discriminatory acts towards ing with our G-7 partners and other allies al integrity, and for facilitating Russian mili- tions, deprivation and repressions that the the Crimean Tatars by the authorities, to coordinate additional sanctions against tary action against Ukraine. Crimean• remembering Tatar people all thesustained losses, sincehumilia the We address the people of Ukraine, their those responsible. Russia’s continuing actions are illegiti- annexation of the Crimea in 1783, and the representatives in the Verkhovna Rada of Any solution to this crisis must respect mate and a deliberate violation of the rights loss of their centuries-old statehood, Ukraine, with the following: the territorial integrity, sovereignty and and freedoms of the Ukrainian people. 1) We reaffirm our recognition of independence of Ukraine as well as the President Putin continues to defy the inter- of the genocide of May 18, 1944, when the Ukraine as a sovereign and independent Constitution of Ukraine. Mr. Putin’s reckless national community, and until a diplomatic Crimean• in an Tatar effort people to prevent were forciblythe recurrence deport- state within the existing borders. and unilateral actions will lead only to solution is reached, we will consider fur- 2) We strongly condemn the act of ed from their historical homeland, Russia’s further economic and political iso- ther actions and repercussions. aggression by the Russian Federation and nonviolent struggle for their rights, their plan for the annexation of the Crimea, • reaffirming the traditional methods of considering it as a blatant violation of the norms of the international instruments that international law that destabilizes the Turkey’s statement guarantee• on the basisthe right of the to generally self-determination recognized existing system of international relations. enshrined in the U.N. Charter, Resolution 3) We do not recognize the Crimean ref- No. 1514 (XV) of the General Assembly of erendum of March 16, 2014, aimed at on Crimean referendum the U.N. of December 14, 1960, the changing the territorial jurisdiction of the Crimea as legitimate under the internation- The following press release from the Turkey attaches special importance International Covenant on Economic, Social al laws and the Constitution of Ukraine. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of and priority to the security and welfare and Cultural Rights, the International 4) We categorically reject any attempts Turkey, was issued on March 17. of our kinsmen the Crimean Tatars, who Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of to determine the future of the Crimea with- are an essential element of Crimea and December 16, 1966, the Declaration on out the free expression of will by the The result of the unlawful and illegiti- have been subjected to great sufferings Principles of International Law Concerning Crimean Tatar people – the indigenous mate “referendum” held in Crimea on in history. This has been particularly Friendly Relations and Co-operation among people of the Crimea. Sunday, March 16, 2014, and the de facto emphasized by Turkey in international States in accordance with the Charter of the 5) The right to decide in which state the situation that will prevail following the organizations at every turn. United Nations, adopted on October 24, Crimean Tatar people should live belongs steps that will be taken in conjunction We consider that the developments 1970, and other documents, exclusively to the Crimean Tatars. with this referendum will not bear any that may take place in Ukraine and espe- 6) We are convinced that the restoration legal validity for Turkey and will not be cially Crimea in the near future can also the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people recognized. have negative effects on security and sta- September• on the basis13, 2007, of the which U.N. Declarationsets out, inter on and the realization of their right to self- On every occasion, Turkey places a bility of our region. In this framework, alia: a) the right of indigenous people to determination in their historical homeland strong emphasis on finding a solution to we draw attention once again to the fact self-determination (Article 3); b) the right of should be carried out within the sovereign the crisis in Ukraine on the basis of this that creating faits accomplis by military indigenous people to autonomy and self- and independent state of Ukraine. country’s independence, sovereignty, means is extremely inimical, and we call government (Article 4); c) the right of indig- 7) We believe that any power in the political unity and territorial integrity, on the parties to come together with a enous people to participate fully, if they so Crimea should be formed and should oper- within the framework of democratic view to finding a political solution to the choose, in the political, economic, social and ate only under the condition of freely principles, and in accordance with law problem on the basis of the above-men- cultural life of the State of residence (Article and international agreements. tioned principles. 5); d) that military activities shall not take (Continued on page 18) 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 No. 12 Obama’s Boston visit draws Ukrainian protesters by Peter T. Woloschuk discussion for 25 Democratic activists who spent $35,000 apiece to spend two hours BOSTON – President Barack Obama with the president. Picketers were primari- spent four hours in the Boston area in the ly students who came from Harvard afternoon of March 5 at two events raising University, the Massachusetts Institute of funds for the Democratic National Technology, Emerson College, Boston Committee and was faced by local commu- University and other neighboring institu- nity pickets, who braved temperatures that tions. The president waved at the group as dropped to single digits after sunset, he rode by. demanding that the United States step up Later, a dinner was held for the presi- its aid to Ukraine in the face of Russian dent and 75 major contributors to the aggression. Democratic National Committee at the The president came to Boston from New Artists for Humanity Epicenter in South Britain, Conn., where he has pressed for an Boston. Here again there were pickets increase in the minimum wage. There too armed with Ukrainian and American flags he was met by Ukrainian demonstrators. who demanded firmer action from

The first event in the Boston area was at Vitaliy Moroz President Obama. the Charles Hotel near Harvard Square in Picketers urge President Barack Obama, who was visiting the Boston area, to protect Both pickets were covered by local Cambridge and consisted of a roundtable Ukraine from Russia’s aggression. media. Ukrainians picket Obama Albany Ukrainians protest at university speech at area’s Lukoil gas stations

ALBANY, N.Y. – Local Ukrainians demonstrated on March 15 at the area’s Lukoil gas sta- Natalia Szwez holds a sign asking passers-by to “Pray for Ukraine” during the rally tions to protest the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In Watervliet, some 50 protesters gath- on March 5 at Central Connecticut State University. ered at the Lukoil station on 18th Street and Second Avenue. The group received support from the passing public with honks and thumbs-up gestures. In addition, several patrons by Alexander Kuzma a speech on raising the minimum wage. of Lukoil who pulled in left with- During the rally, demonstrators distrib- out filling their gas tanks. At the NEW BRITAIN, Conn. – A large contin- uted leaflets to the long line of students, Albany New Scotland Station, gent of Ukrainian Americans held a rally on faculty and guests waiting to attend Mr. three protesters received many the campus of Central Connecticut State Obama’s speech. They sang the Ukrainian signs of support from local traf- University in New Britain on March 5 to national anthem and chanted “Sanctions fic and were told demand that President Barack Obama yes! Putin no!” that business had defend Ukraine and impose sanctions on The rally received extensive news cover- increased at the Russia for its unlawful invasion of Crimea. age in the statewide press, including pho- next-door Mobil Demonstrators gathered at St. Josaphat tos and articles in the Hartford Courant, the station. Small Ukrainian Catholic Church, located about New Britain Herald, the Waterbury demonstrations one mile from the Central Connecticut State Republican and WNPR, and television cov- also took place at two Lukoil sta- University, campus and marched to Kaiser erage on Connecticut’s CBS, NBC, ABC and tions in Schenectady. Auditorium, where the president delivered Fox stations. – Andrij Baran Philadelphia community says: ‘Don’t support Putin’s war effort’

Andrea Fylypovych PHILADELPHIA – Philadelphia-area Ukrainian community activists demon- strated in front of the Lukoil gas station on City Line Avenue in Bala Cynwyd, Pa., on March 15. The message delivered to passers-by and drivers via megaphone: “Lukoil supports Putin’s war effort, don’t buy Russian gas.” No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 5

TARAS SHEVCHENKO BICENTENNIAL Stand strong and Canadians celebrate Shevchenko anniversary The release below, from the Ukrainian Canadian and their right to self-determination, the words of Taras you will overcome! Congress, was received on March 9. Shevchenko remain close to their and our hearts. The statement below, issued by the Ukrainian Congress Shevchenko’s poetry contributed to the growth of Ukrainian Committee of America, was received on March 10. The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) invites national consciousness, and his influence on Ukrainian Ukrainian Canadians to celebrate the 200th anniversary of intellectual, literary and national life is still felt to this day. This year, as we commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko, poet, painter and humanist, As the entire year of 2014 will be devoted to the recog- our national prophet, Taras Shevchenko, we must remem- as we join the world in dedicating 2014 as the Year of nition of Taras Shevchenko, the UCC encourages communi- ber that Shevchenko endured the hardships of servitude, Shevchenko. March 9 has been a special day of gathering ty organizations to remember the impact of Shevchenko’s bondage and national censorship. In his works, and remembrance among Ukrainians for many decades, work throughout the year and commemorate his life and Shevchenko voices the cries of the oppressed, and with his celebrating the birth of Ukraine’s bard recognized for his legacy through art, word and song. fiery words highlights the multidimensionality of social significant artistic work and contributions to the formation “We encourage our community, particularly our youth, and national drama, representing the Ukrainian nation in of a Ukrainian national identity. This year we invite our to be involved in events remembering Shevchenko,” says all its various forms. community to undertake commemorative events and proj- UCC President Paul Grod. “This year is about commemora- Shevchenko urges the people to love their homeland: ects throughout this special bicentennial year. tion and continuing Shevchenko’s legacy by creating new Love your Ukraine, Few men have had a more profound impact on Ukraine works of art or written word about what this world- Love her in turbulent times, than Taras Shevchenko; his contributions are immeasur- renowned poet means to us today.” In the last most difficult moment, able. During the 47 years of his brief but relentless life, We also invite you to share video vignettes and photo- Pray to the Lord for Her. Shevchenko produced numerous poems and artworks, graphs of your events and activities on our special Facebook And while urging Ukrainians to love their homeland, which are valued and respected by nations around the page at www.facebook.com/UCCShevchenko200. This site Shevchenko writes with pain-filled words about the world. His most prominent work “Zapovit” (Testament) was has been established to help promote your events as well destruction of Ukrainian society under foreign, mainly translated into over 100 languages. And today, as the citi- as share with communities around the world the activities Muscovite, rule. zens of Ukraine rise up in the name of democracy, freedom of our Ukrainian Canadian community. Shevchenko recognized the problem of the Ukrainian nation not only in foreign occupation. It pained him to write about the nation’s traitors for whom there was noth- ing sacred and who used the people for their own advan- tage. It is about these traitors that Shevchenko wrote : Washingtonians celebrate People! People! For a piece of rotten sausage you would give up your own Mother. Like the prophet Jeremiah, Shevchenko wept over the Shevchenko anniversary ruins of his country, whose people failed to defend their rights. Examining the tragic life of the Ukrainian people Shevchenko wrote, We looked on in silence... like mute slaves! To them Shevchenko appealed in his work “Epistle” addressed: “To the dead, the living and the unborn,” he called them to: “Come to your senses, you fools! ... Come to your senses! Be decent people – otherwise it will be bad for you. The fettered will soon become unchained and the time for judgment will come! And Shevchenko, as the unsparing critic, at the same time is almost divine in his love that conquers the despair of the injured soul which seeks mercy and a bright future. He is a poet of words, truth, freedom, glory and love. And the word within his creative arsenal is the weapon that he uses in the battle for a better future for his people. Shevchenko emphasizes the meaning of words as a weap- Yaro Bihun on in defense of his ill-fated nation, when he writes: Members of the Ukrainian community in Washington gather in front of the Taras Shevchenko monument in obser- I shall arise today! For them! vance of the 200th anniversary of his birth. For my imprisoned people... Ukrainian American immigrant family and being intro- and in their defense I will place the word. by Yaro Bihun duced to Shevchenko’s poetry was shared during intermis- It is now, in the 200th anniversary year of the birth of WASHINGTON – The 200th anniversary of Ukrainian sion by the Rev. Wasyl Kharuk of the Ukrainian Catholic Shevchenko, that his words become weapons on the Euro- poet Taras Shevchenko’s birthday has been and continues Shrine of the Holy Family in Washington, who then emo- Maidans of Ukraine and particularly in Crimea, where the to be honored throughout the month of March at various tionally recited Shevchenko’s “I was born in a foreign land.” people stand in defense of their civil and national rights events in this capital area – in front of his memorial, which The second half of the program featured two preludes against Russia’s tyrannical and unprovoked invasion. May this year also marks its 50th anniversary, and other ven- by Vasyl Barvinsky, Stanislav Liudkevich’s “Humoresque,” the words of Ukraine’s greatest bard, Taras Shevchenko, ues. Mykola Lysenko’s “Moment of Despair” and Borys continue to inspire the world to stand unified and strong These community-wide Shevchenko celebrations Liatoshynsky’s “Cry for Freedom.” Then, concluding the with the freedom-loving people of Ukraine against oppres- began on Sunday afternoon, March 9 – his birthday – at the concert, everybody joined in singing the Ukrainian nation- sors and international criminals like Vladimir Putin. Lyceum in Old Town Alexandria, Va., where Ukrainian al anthem. American pianist Thomas Hrynkiw honored the Ukrainian After a brief reception, some in the audience drove into poet laureate’s memory with a program of works not too downtown Washington to the Shevchenko memorial for an frequently heard here by eight Ukrainian composers. evening of song and recitation of Shevchenko’s poems in Connecticut Ukrainians At the outset, Svitlana Shiells, the director of The honor of his anniversary. The program included the recita- Washington Group Cultural Fund, which sponsored the tion of his “Testament” in Ukrainian and English, as well as concert, led the audience in reciting Shevchenko’s in a number of Ukraine’s neighboring European languages, honor Taras Shevchenko “Testament” in Ukrainian and in English, then added the as well as in Russian by some members of the Yale HARTFORD, Conn. – The Ukrainian American context of his birthday anniversary happening at this time University Russian Choir who also sang Shevchenko’s Community of Greater Hartford commemorated the 200th of dramatic historic developments in Ukraine. “Reve ta Stohne Dnipr Shyrokyi” (The Mighty Dnipro anniversary of Taras Shevchenko’s birth (March 9, 1814) Mr. Hrynkiw began his program with “Ukrainka” by Roars). with a Ukrainian cultural program at the Ukrainian Shevchenko’s contemporary Ukrainian composer Iosyf Later in the week, there was a surprise visit to the National Home of Hartford on Sunday, March 9. Vytvytsky, and continued with works by Lev Revutsky, Shevchenko monument on March 13 by Ukrainian Prime Over 300 guests filled the main hall for the program fea- Viktor Kosenko, Mykola Lysenko and Nestor Nyzhankivsky. Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who came here for talks with turing students from St. Michael Ukrainian School, the Born into a family of Ukrainian immigrants who came to President Barack Obama, the secretary of state and other Yevshan Ukrainian Vocal Ensemble, the Halychanka Pennsylvania in search of work early in the last century, Mr. U.S. government officials and leaders of Congress. Ukrainian Choir and the Zolotyj Promin Ukrainian Dance Hrynkiw also shared a story about the early years of his The Washington Group Cultural Fund will hold another Ensemble. youth, how he was attracted to piano playing and how he Shevchenko commemoration event on March 28 at the A memorial wall to honor the heroes of the Maidan was happened to get his hands on some of the old notes by Embassy of Ukraine: a book presentation by Peter erected in the main hall. FoxCT News aired a report on the Ukrainian composers he played that afternoon. Fedynsky of his English translation of the poet’s work, “The 10 p.m .and 11 p.m. newscasts that evening. Another recollection of being born and growing up in a Complete Kobzar: The Poetry of Taras Shevchenko.” 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 No. 12

COMMENTARY The Ukrainian Weekly The Russian invasion continues Don’t just sanction Russia, deter it The political farce that was the Crimean “referendum” of March 16 has been declared illegitimate by the United States and other Western powers. According to by Job C. Henning cyber attack on Estonia in 2007 and the various news reports, the voter turnout was more than 83 percent and some 97 per- and William Courtney invasion of Georgia in 2008; the Kremlin’s cent voted for Crimea to join the Russian Federation. Of course, they did so under new strategic doctrine in 2010 that falsely duress, as Russian forces occupied the Ukrainian peninsula. And then there is the The initial Western response to Russian claims one of the “main external threats of question of who exactly voted. Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians who live on the penin- aggression in Crimea has emphasized war” is NATO’s expansion eastward to sula, and those Russians and others who wanted to remain part of Ukraine, largely diplomacy and economic measures, and a Russia’s border; and Moscow’s persistent boycotted the vote, which they saw as unconstitutional and predetermined. But temporary show of military support to but inaccurate characterization of NATO there were “political tourists” in Crimea who apparently were allowed to vote. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) theater missile defenses as threatening Tellingly, there were reports that 123 percent of Sevastopol’s residents voted. allies bordering on the former Soviet Russia’s nuclear forces. The U.S. and the European Union reacted by announcing new sanctions directed Union. With Russian forces now occupying To reduce risks to Ukraine, Georgia and against leaders in Russia, Crimea and Ukraine. “Today’s actions,” the U.S. said in a some positions in the southern mainland other Black Sea littoral neighbors of Russia, March 17 statement, “send a strong message to the Russian government that there and massing on Ukraine’s eastern border, France should announce that it will not are consequences for their actions that violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity stronger – and permanent – U.S. and NATO deliver the two modern, large helicopter of Ukraine, including their actions supporting the illegal referendum for Crimean sep- defense measures are required to deter aration.” However, those sanctions amounted to, as The Washington Post put it, “a assault Mistral-class ships it is building for slap on the wrist” for Russia. Indeed, some of those sanctioned reacted by mocking Russian aggression and raise its costs. Russia as long as its troops occupy neigh- the U.S. measures. On March 20, more sanctions were announced against individuals, There will be no return to a Cold War, but boring territory. One ship is planned for as well as one Russian bank, in response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea. Russia is now a military adversary, even as delivery to the Russian Black Sea fleet in But what is missing, still, is the strong response Ukraine expected in view of the it remains a partner in other pursuits such 2016. 1994 Budapest Memorandum that provided security guarantees to Ukraine in as the International Space Station. The West should provide more and exchange for Ukraine’s decision to rid itself of nuclear weapons – at that time the Without robust military steps, the West immediate defense aid to Ukraine and third largest nuclear arsenal in the world. (The message being sent worldwide each cannot achieve the two ambitious goals the Georgia. Early priorities ought to be intelli- day the memorandum is ignored is that it is foolish to denuclearize when your part- White House defined on March 6: the pull- gence sharing on nearby Russian forces, ners can guarantee nothing.) back of Russia’s military forces to their technology for cyber defense, and systems The U.S. is reassuring its NATO allies who are concerned abut Russia’s actions in bases and the restoration of Ukraine’s terri- for secure command and control. Anti- the neighborhood – as President Barack Obama said, “we have a solemn commit- torial integrity. Further, a weak response armor and anti-aircraft weapons would ment to our collective defense, and we will uphold this commitment.” But the U.S. is would risk escalation of Russian aggression help these countries deter and defend not reassuring Ukraine, its strategic partner, that it will act to halt its dismember- against its neighbors, and undermine the against invasion. America should provide ment by Russia. Thus far, the U.S. has said the right things. “Ukraine’s sovereignty confidence of U.S. allies and friends in them to deter Russian forces poised along and territorial integrity must be respected, and international law must be upheld,” America’s policy of extended deterrence. the Ukrainian border. Media reports say Mr. Obama said, and he condemned “Russia’s decision to send troops into Crimea.” One or more of them might conclude that Ukraine’s interim government asked for But U.S. actions have had zero effect. What is quite disconcerting is that Mr. Obama they have to pursue their own nuclear U.S. weaponry, but the request was revealed his cards by saying outright on March 19, “We are not going to be getting weapons programs. deferred. A CNN poll in early March found into a military excursion in Ukraine.” Earlier this month, the Lithuanian that just over three-quarters of U.S. respon- Meanwhile in Ukraine, former Ukrainian ambassador to the U.S. Oleh Shamshur ambassador to the U.S. voiced concern dents oppose providing military support to was quoted on March 20 by the Voice of America as saying said the Ukrainian gov- about the viability of NATO’s Article 5 guar- Ukraine, no doubt reinforcing Washington’s ernment is pressing for three things: stronger sanctions targeting the Russian econ- antee, i.e., that an attack on one means an omy, “mak[ing] it really painful for the ruling regime in Russia”; military technical hesitancy. As the consequences of Russian preparation “because our army is in pretty bad shape”; and enhanced cooperation attack on all. A credible military response aggression sink in, and if it widens, senti- “to prop up the Ukrainian economy.” to Russian aggression will be important to ments may change. Ukrainian community members from our area, meeting on March 20 with their quelling such doubts. To build further confidence in NATO’s congressman, Rodney Frelinghuysen, suggested that the U.S. and its allies take these In December 1994, in return for collective-security commitments to mem- steps: designate Ukraine as a Major Non-NATO Ally; provide the immediate military Ukraine’s agreeing to give up remaining bers in its eastern area, Washington should assistance being sought by Kyiv; meet with Ukraine’s representatives during the NATO Soviet-era nuclear weapons, the United return to Europe a third brigade combat foreign ministers meeting on April 1-2; extend a NATO Membership Action Plan to States, Russia and the United Kingdom team. If requested by Poland, it ought to be Ukraine; and move up the joint NATO-Ukraine exercises scheduled to take place in July. signed the Budapest Memorandum, pledg- based there. Anxiety there is high – and Time is of the essence. ing to respect the borders of Ukraine and with reason. In suspending Russia’s obser- Our Kyiv correspondent reports that the Ukrainian government has begun pre- abstain from the use or threat of force vance of the Conventional Forces in Europe paring for a Russian military invasion of Ukraine’s mainland after top Russian offi- against it. In addition, nuclear powers Agreement in 2007, President Vladimir cials offered numerous indications of their plans to occupy and federalize Ukraine’s France and China provided unilateral secu- Putin expressed a possible need to mass southeastern regions (read his story beginning on page 1). And, speaking from rity guarantees. In 2009, Presidents Barack conventional forces on the border of new Brussels on March 19, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said he believed Obama and Dmitry Medvedev reaffirmed NATO members, particularly Poland. An Russia would not stop at Crimea. “It’s crystal clear for us that Russian authorities the Budapest pledge. The Western guaran- augmented NATO position in Poland now will try to move further and escalate the situation in southern and eastern Ukraine.” tors must now make good on their solemn would bolster deterrence and incur fewer The Russian invasion continues. The world must act now to stop Mr. Putin. commitment. risks than if in the future Mr. Putin follows The West has taken temporary but through on his warning. important military steps, including added Non-Black Sea NATO states should combat aircraft support to a NATO Baltic increase their warship rotational presence air policing mission and the dispatch of in the sea, consistent with the Montreaux March Turning the pages back... sophisticated airborne warning and control Convention limitation on each of them of aircraft to Poland and Romania. The AWACs three ships and 21-day stays. While Seventy-five years ago, on March 25, 1939, The Ukrainian deployment will improve air situational respecting Turkish sensitivities, NATO 25 Weekly reported on the annexation of western Ukraine (known awareness over Ukraine and increase some might review the relevance of the conven- as Carpatho-Ukraine) by Hungary after Hungarian troops invad- warning times. tion’s limits. Warship deployments could 1939 ed during the previous week in 1939. But this action was met An effective Western military response support NATO contingency planning for with “the strongest resistance by its inhabitants, especially their to Russia’s aggression, however, must be any escalation of Russian aggression, such defense corps, the Ukrainian Sitch Guards, who ill-armed and more forceful and have a lasting effect. as the use of its Black Sea Fleet to intimi- untrained have nevertheless fought the invaders every foot of the way and are continuing One place to begin is by revisiting the date shipping that uses Odesa and other the fight to this very day.” wishful 2010 NATO Strategic Concept. It The Associated Press dispatch from Bratislava, Slovakia, reported that Hungarians were ports of littoral states. meeting strong resistance from hundreds of Ukrainians. Thousands were reported to be liv- expresses a desire to pursue a “true strate- At its summit in September, NATO ought ing lives as Robin Hoods in the Carpathian Mountains in their fight against the annexation. gic partnership” with Russia, while making to deepen its ties with Georgia, which seeks “In the Theresia valley … Ukrainians have entrenched themselves strongly with plenty of no mention of its posing adversarial risks. to join NATO, and Ukraine, which might machine guns and ammunition, and an ample food supply, because of available game.” This thinking appeared to ignore Russia’s now want a closer link or membership. Prior to the annexation, Hungary assured the Ukrainians that under its rule they would Georgia has met key criteria for defense reform, civilian control, and free and fair enjoy the fullest autonomy. However, American press reports detailed oppressions and Job Henning is non-resident senior fellow elections. America’s multi-year train-and- denationalization of the Ukrainians. Hungarian rhetoric included references to “Sub- at the Center for the Study of the Presidency equip program has sharpened Georgian Carpathian Russia” and that “Russian is the dominant language,” despite it being clearly and Congress and a Truman Project fellow. military skills and confidence. NATO mem- Ukrainian. Official announcements were printed in Hungarian and Russian, but not William Courtney was U..S ambassador to bers have conducted many years of military Ukrainian, the Russian flag was raised in Uzhhorod, and uniformed Russians were becom- Kazakhstan and Georgia, and special assis- ing increasingly active in the city, regarded as the capital of Carpatho-Ukraine. training and exercises with Ukraine. tant to the president for Russia, Ukraine and The purpose of all of this was “To hinder the chances of the Carpatho-Ukrainians of In response to Russian aircraft flights Eurasia. Their commentary appeared on cooperating with their kinsmen under Poland, the and Romania toward the near Turkey, its air force has scrambled March 18 in The National Interest (http:// goal of a free and independent Ukraine.” fighters to patrol the Black Sea coast. NATO But this did little to change the drive for Ukrainian national freedom, for Ukraine had nationalinterest.org/commentary/dont- just-sanction-russia-deter-it-10070). It is (Continued on page 13) reprinted here with the authors’ permission. (Continued on page 14) No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 7 UCC denounces Crimean “referendum” FOR THE RECORD as unconstitutional, illegal, illegitimate Ukrainian American Bar Association The Ukrainian Canadian Congress issued “Mr. Putin has once again shown his con- the following release on March 18. tempt for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and denounces Crimean referendum independence. In addition to Russia’s inva- The “referendum” that took place in sion of Crimea, there are provocations and The commentary below was released by Russia or an option that would result in pur- Crimea Sunday [March 16] under the ille- threats of military intervention in eastern the Ukrainian American Bar Association on ported Crimean independence. Second, gal occupation of Russian armed forces and southern Ukraine. These present a sig- March 13. occupying Russian forces have prevented who have invaded sovereign Ukrainian ter- nificant threat to Ukraine’s statehood and any outside international observers from ritory is unconstitutional, illegal and illegit- European security. The international com- The upcoming referendum in Crimea as entering Crimea. Third, the referendum will imate. The Constitutional Court of Ukraine munity must act decisively to prevent a full- well as the circumstances surrounding the be conducted while Crimea is filled with ruled the “referendum” to be in breach of scale Russian invasion of Ukraine,” stated referendum as created by Russia and its Russian tanks and troops. And, fourth, the several provisions of the Constitution of Paul Grod, national president of the local agents are an outrageous violation of referendum will be conducted while Ukraine. The “referendum” is also a breach Ukrainian Canadian Congress. the civilized norms of international behav- Russian-supported thugs have been terroriz- of international law, and the Ukrainian The UCC welcomes the decision by ior developed and adopted after World War ing pro-Ukrainian segments of the Crimean Canadian Congress rejects its results. Canada to impose additional economic II. More specifically, such conduct is illegal, population with beatings and kidnappings. The prime minister of Canada, the Rt. sanctions and travel bans against Russian illegitimate and immoral. The referendum, invasion and occupa- Hon. Stephen Harper, stated that: “This ‘ref- and Ukrainian officials responsible for The referendum is illegal most funda- tion are also immoral, this because of who erendum’ is illegitimate, it has no legal undermining the sovereignty and territo- mentally because under the Ukrainian the perpetrator is and who the victim is effect, and we do not recognize its out- rial integrity of Ukraine and for facilitating Constitution no portion of Ukraine has the here. Today’s Russia is the proud successor come. As a result of Russia’s refusal to seek Russian military action against Ukraine. In right on its own and by itself to conduct a state of the Soviet Union, the very same a path of de-escalation, we are working addition to the sanctions announced by referendum regarding secession. Then, the Soviet Union whose leaders committed with our G-7 partners and other allies to Canada today, the United States and the antecedent invasion and occupation of mass murder and other crimes against coordinate additional sanctions against EU announced sanctions against such offi- Crimea by Russia was itself illegal. Pursuant Ukrainian humanity by, for example, delib- those responsible.” cials. to the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on erately starving millions of Ukrainian peas- The “referendum” was not recognized by The UCC expresses its deep admiration Security Assurances to Ukraine, Ukraine ants during the Holodomor of 1932-1933, Canada, the United States or the states of the for those serving in Ukraine’s armed forc- agreed to surrender its nuclear arsenal in executing hundreds of thousands of European Union. Russian President Putin es, who have acted with bravery and return for written assurances by Russia, the Ukraine’s elites, destroying the Ukrainian signed a decree Monday [March 17] recog- honor in the face of severe pressure from United States and Britain that, among other Orthodox Church and then the Ukrainian nizing Crimea as an independent state. a foreign occupying power. things, Ukraine’s territorial integrity would Catholic Church, and committing numerous be inviolate. other predations. The same Soviet Union in Russia now has not only failed to per- whose concentration camp Vasyl Stus died form under its pledged assurance but has as recently as 1985 after spending 23 years itself carried out an invasion and occupa- in Soviet detention for the crime of writing UCCA does not recognize tion of a portion of Ukrainian territory. This patriotic Ukrainian poetry and standing up invasion and occupation also violates the for Ukrainian cultural and linguistic rights. Charter of the United Nations, to which Lastly, it is also ironic in a perverse sort “referendum” in Crimea Russia and Ukraine are signatories, which of way that Russia and its local agents have The statement below, dated March 17, Ally (MNNA); requires all member states to refrain from posted referendum billboards in Crimea was released by the Ukrainian Congress the threat or use of force against the terri- juxtaposing a purported “Nazi” Ukraine Committee of America. Membership Action Plan (MAP) to Ukraine, torial integrity or political independence of with a Russian Ukraine given that in 1939- Georgia• Extend and other an countries immediate in the NATOregion any other state. 1941 it was none other than the Soviet The Ukrainian Congress Committee of to solidify Euro-Atlantic structures; The referendum is illegitimate because it Union that was Hitler’s close partner in America (UCCA), the representative organi- will be carried out under circumstances that perpetrating what Yale historian Timothy zation for the over 1 million Americans of NATO-Ukraine exercises; are laughably prejudicial. To begin, the choic- Snyder has termed the “Bloodlands” and its Ukrainian descent, does not recognize the • Move up planned July bi-annual joint es posed by the referendum have been full partner in starting World War II by March 16, 2014, plebiscite in Crimea. As manning and bring the NATO Response rigged so that a voter cannot vote against jointly and in full coordination attacking this so-called “referendum” was unconsti- Force• Stand to a higher up NATO state Crisis of alert; Centers to full secession and in favor of continued integra- and dismembering Poland. tutional as per the Constitution of Ukraine tion within Ukraine; instead, the voter will This statement was authored by UABA and in direct violation of international law, the United Nations and the Organization only be able to choose unification with member Bohdan Vitvitsky, J.D., Ph.D. there can be no consideration of alleged for• SecurityDeploy internationaland Cooperation monitors in Europe from “results.” (OSCE) to eastern and southern Ukraine to Considering the massive presence of for- prevent further destabilization; eign military and paramilitary forces, it About Russia’s disinformation campaign must be acknowledged that individuals assistance and provide military experts to were made to participate in the polling strengthen• Assist Ukraine’s its forces military from further with technical Russian under duress after the invasion of Ukraine’s aggressive measures; regarding policy territory by the armed forces of the Russian Federation. in Central Europe to provide a first level of The commentary below was released by tion of society. Indeed, the disproportionate The farce that is being called a “referen- protection• Re-institute for our the alliesMissile from Defense imposing Shield the Ukrainian American Bar Association on favoring of the , while also dum” cannot even be considered a scientif- threats; March 4. removing most incentives for learning or ic sociological poll. There is evidence of using Ukrainian in large parts of the coun- non-citizens casting ballots, individuals the G-7 in an allied location, or symbolically The Russian government is deceitfully try, could potentially undermined Ukraine’s casting more than one ballot and an alleged in Ukraine;• Expel Russia from the G-8 and convene attempting to justify its invasion of Ukraine very cohesion.” Mr. Vollebaek, also participant rate of 123 percent in the city of under a pretext that ethnic Russians who expressed his concern that the 2012 legis- Sevastopol – acts reminiscent of the Soviet multilateral organizations such as the WTO reside in Ukraine are discriminated against lation was not properly adopted in accor- era. [World• Suspend Trade theOrganization], Russian Federation OSCE and from the because of their use of the Russian lan- dance with existing Ukrainian constitution- The UCCA welcomes President Barack like if it does not heed all the legitimate guage and their ethnic background. The al and procedural law. Obama’s executive order imposing sanc- calls to comply with the international obli- Kremlin disingenuously claims that the Prior to its alleged passage, the 2012 tions on the Russian Federation, his support gations of said organizations; new Ukrainian government recently passed “Ukrainian Law on Language Policy” law for international condemnation of the so - legislation “banning” the Russian language. was severely criticized by leading called “referendum” in Crimea and the read- tions to OECD [Organization for Economic The Kremlin’s disinformation campaign is Ukrainian legal scholars, the National iness of the government of the United States Cooperation• Freeze Russia’s and Development] membership and applica other clearly intended to foment ethnic tensions Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and other to “help our Ukrainian friends achieve their international organizations; and destabilize Ukraine. Regrettably, Western institutes of higher learning and numerous universal rights and the security, prosperity 6th Fleet into the media has been blindly reciting this disinfor- ministries within the Yanukovych govern- and dignity that they deserve.” Black Sea. mation as if it were fact without doing any ment itself, as divisive and failing to protect As Russian forces continue to amass on •The Sail United the United States States must stand strong in due diligence whatsoever as to its accuracy. the rights of all Ukrainians irrespective of the Eastern border of Ukraine, while inter- defense of Ukraine’s territorial integrity. The “Ukrainian Law on Language Policy” their ethnic background. nal propaganda through official Russian Vladimir Putin’s continued recalcitrance was unconstitutionally adopted in July of The Venice Commission of the Council of media outlets heightens the call for “protec- and blatant occupation of a sovereign 2012 and signed by then President Viktor Europe, in reviewing the 2012 “Ukrainian tion” of ethnic Russians in Ukraine to fever country – if not countered – will under- Yanukovych. High Commissioner on Law on Language Policy” legislation in pitch, the UCCA calls on the United States mine the very foundation of international National Minorities Knut Vollebaek of the comparison to European standards, stated and the international community to: law, as well as regional and global peace Organization for Security and Cooperation that it failed to provide a proper balance and security. in Europe (OSCE), told the Ukrainian between the development and use of a Parliament that the 2012 legislation did not state language as a unifying factor in soci- • Designate Ukraine as Major Non-NATO meet European standards since its ety and the development and protection of Visit our archive online: www.ukrweekly.com “approach to language policy is deeply divi- sive and is likely to lead to future polariza- (Continued on page 14) 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 No. 12 No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 9

because it’s a very easy narrative. This isn’t a proxy war American community in Illinois. I’m here because of the Sen. Chris Murphy... between East and West, between the U.S. and the EU and big Ukrainian American community in Connecticut. Russia. This is about whether or not the Ukrainian people At this time last year, I didn’t know much about this part (Continued from page 1) get to decide for themselves their future. Russia is using of the world. It’s been through the education of the every tool it has, including unconscionable levels of military Ukrainian diaspora in Connecticut that I’ve been able to He spoke with The Weekly on the morning of March 15 at the Intercontinental Hotel in the heart of Kyiv. Sen. force, to try to dictate terms to the Ukrainian people. step up and lead on this issue over the course of this con- Murphy expressed confidence that the House and Senate When Sen. McCain and I were here in December, we flict and this crisis. To the extent that many of us have been would approve the financial aid and sanctions legislation stood on the Maidan not telling the Ukrainian people what effective in promoting the cause of a free, independent and early this week, but that has yet to happen. we thought their future should be, but supporting their sovereign Ukraine, it’s been because of the advocacy and right to grieve their government and decide their fate for education that we’ve gotten from the Ukrainian American * * * themselves. I understand it’s convenient to think about this community in the U.S. The last time you were here [in December 2013] fight in terms of East versus West, but this is really about And what could they be doing? there was a rock concert on the Maidan. Now there are whether Ukrainians get to decide for themselves what memorials to fallen heroes. What are your impres- their future is. There is still a minority of members in Congress who sions of the distinctions between now and then? hold relatively isolationist views, who don’t think the U.S. What legislative efforts have you been involved in? It was incredibly moving to be there yesterday and to has an interest in this region. They are a minority of mem- think about hundreds of thousands of people who have been The Foreign Relations Committee passed by a wide bers. I think we’ll be able to get a Ukrainian aid package part of the transition from a very celebratory day, when we bipartisan margin last week an aid and sanctions package. passed through the House and Senate. The Ukrainian were here in December with a million people on the square, It’s $1 billion in loan guarantees and very strong sanctions American community has to seek out those members of to today when the atmosphere is still part celebration, but against the Russian government. We’re going to get that Congress who belong to the Tea Party movement and con- also one of mourning as well. I really have a sense of awe for bill passed through the House and Senate in the coming vince them of the imperative of the U.S. to invest in this what people went through to get to this moment. weeks. Our job is not done until we’ve delivered along with part of the world. I’ll leave with the impression that it’s more important Europe a package of aid to Ukraine to keep their economy than ever now that the United States stand with Ukraine to moving through this turbulent time and a package of sanc- make sure that this journey to independence, sovereignty tions against Russia that makes it clear that there are con- and a corruption-free government is completed. sequences for their actions. The sanctioned: I don’t know how much you’re familiar with this, but Who’s to blame for the legislation not getting passed there’s an intense information war going on. Even in this week? U.S. releases a list the U.S. media, there are all kinds of alternative sourc- I don’t think it’s worthwhile to get involved in a blame es of news. I now understand why they’re alternative, game because we’re ultimately going to pass the legisla- Following is a list of those now subject to sanctions because they’re not entirely accurate. The Russian nar- tion. There’s wide bipartisan agreement that we should announced by the United States via executive orders of move forward on an aid package and a sanctions package. President Barack Obama. It was provided by the White House, Office of the Press Secretary, on March 17. The list We tried to pass the bill on Thursday afternoon. There was includes seven Russian government officials, two Crimean a Republican objection on the floor, but Sen. [Harry] Reid separatist leaders and two former officials of Ukraine. made clear that the first thing we take up when we come back at the beginning of next week will be the bill that we Vladislav Surkov: Surkov is being sanctioned for voted out of the Foreign Relations Committee. his status as a presidential aide to Russian President I think people have seen from our visit here this week Vladimir• Putin. that there’s unanimity between the Democrats and Sergey Glazyev: Glazyev is being sanctioned for Republicans in the Senate that we’re going to pass a strong his status as a Presidential Adviser to Russian Ukraine assistance bill through the Senate very soon. President• Vladimir Putin. Leonid Slutsky: Slutsky is being sanctioned for The issue of sanctions against Russia is uncharted his status as a State Duma deputy, where he is chair- territory in the sense that the target now is the closer man• of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian entourage of Putin, very influential businessmen. Do Integration and Relations with Compatriots. we know whether they’ll be effective or not? Andrei Klishas: Klishas is being sanctioned for I think it’s impossible to predict what will change the his status as a member of the Council of Federation of mind of a single individual in Vladimir Putin. But we can the• Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and as deliver a serious blow to the Russian economy and to the chairman of the Federation Council Committee of circle of advisors and friends and oligarchs around Putin. Constitutional Law, Judicial and Legal Affairs, and the There’s no doubt about that, if we move sanctions in coor- Development of Civil Society. twitter.com/chrismurphyct/ dination with our European allies. Valentina Matviyenko: Matviyenko is being sanc- Members of the bipartisan delegation of U.S. senators Who knows whether that’s going to change his mind. tioned for her status as head of the Federation Council. walk toward the Maidan. But I believe that he marched on Crimea because he didn’t • Dmitry Rogozin: Rogozin is being sanctioned for believe that there was going to be an economic price to be his status as the deputy prime minister of the Russian rative paints this picture of the West sending CIA paid from the U.S. and Europe. At this moment, we have to Federation.• agents into Ukraine, having planned for this revolt a call his bluff and make it clear that this action doesn’t come • Yelena Mizulina: Mizulina is being sanctioned for long time ago, training Ukrainians and supplying them without consequences. her status as a State Duma deputy. with AK-47s. This is promoted quite widely. From your The pandemonium that will ensue if we allow Russia to Sergey Aksyonov: Aksyonov is being designated perspective, just how far from reality is that? unilaterally change its borders is hard to overestimate. This for threatening the peace, security, stability, sovereign- The Russians have invested a lot of time and money in is an issue that every single nation in the world should care ty or• territorial integrity of Ukraine, and for undermin- their propaganda machine, but I hope that no one’s paying about, Europe first and foremost, but the U.S. not far behind. ing Ukraine’s democratic institutions and processes. Aksyonov claims to be the prime minister of Crimea attention to it here. I certainly know that people aren’t pay- The FBI requested the arrest of an influential ing attention to it in the international community. For any- and has rejected the authority of the legitimate gov- Ukrainian oligarch. Are such arrests and criminal ernment in Kyiv. one who’s spent any time on the Maidan in the last two to prosecutions a potential tool in the future? [The three months, it’s laughable to think that that movement Vladimir Konstantinov: Konstantinov is being Austrian government arrested billionaire natural gas was anything other than organic. designated for threatening the peace, security, stability, trader Dmytro Firtash on March 13 at the request of But Russia is deeply fearful of a free and sovereign sovereignty• or territorial integrity of Ukraine, and for the FBI. He remained imprisoned in Austria as of Ukraine. They are deeply fearful of a flourishing democracy undermining Ukraine’s democratic institutions and March 20 with bail set at $172 million.] on their borders. So Russia is going to do anything, say any- processes. Konstantinov is the speaker of the Crimean thing in order to stop the Maidan from reaching its logical We don’t use our law enforcement process as a diplo- Parliament, which on March 11, 2014, declared inde- conclusion, which is a Ukraine that’s sovereign, free and matic tool. We pursue lawbreakers regardless of what the pendence from Ukraine. oriented towards Europe. international consequences are. I don’t foresee the FBI Viktor Medvedchuk: Medvedchuk, leader of being used as a tool to influence Russia. I think that’s what Ukrainian Choice, is being designated for threatening There’s a widely held belief in Kyiv that Russia’s sanctions are for. the• peace, security, stability, sovereignty or territorial goal is not so much to conquer Ukraine in the 19th integrity of Ukraine, and for undermining Ukraine’s century sense, but to create enough chaos here to pre- That’s the impression that some analysts at invest- democratic institutions and processes. He is also being vent the new government from getting its foundations ment banks have been giving. But you’re saying that designated because he has materially assisted, spon- set. And to create enough instability to force the West could be their interpretation, maybe, but it’s not the sored or provided financial, material or technological to withdraw or throw up its hands and say, “It’s not U.S. government policy to use law enforcement organs support to Yanukovych and because he is a leader of worth it anymore.” Do you agree with that assessment, to influence foreign policy. an entity that has, or whose members have, engaged in that there’s a threat the West will be forced to surren- I wouldn’t be shocked to see other such arrests in the actions or policies that undermine democratic pro- der in Ukraine in the mid to long term? coming weeks and months, but it’s not the policy of the U.S. cesses or institutions in Ukraine and actions or policies that threaten the peace, security, stability, sovereignty This isn’t a fight between Russia and the West. This is a to use law enforcement as a diplomatic tool. question of whether the Ukrainian people get to decide for or territorial integrity of Ukraine. What are your impressions of the efforts of the themselves about their future. We met with a number of Viktor Yanukovych: Former Ukrainian President Ukrainian community in the U.S., and what could they be members of the new government, as well as activists from Yanukovych is being designated for threatening the doing in the coming weeks to positively influence events? the Maidan. We’ll meet more people today. Everyone we’ve peace,• security, stability, sovereignty or territorial met with told us in very clear terms that they are not going I’ve become a champion for the Ukrainian cause in large integrity of Ukraine, and for undermining Ukraine’s democratic institutions and processes. After abandon- to allow Russian aggression to dictate terms to the part because of the very active Ukrainian American com- ing Kyiv and ultimately fleeing to Russia, Yanukovych Ukrainian people. munity in Connecticut. I really can’t imagine what more the called upon Russian President Vladimir Putin to send Ukraine, by and large, wants an orientation towards Ukrainian American community can be doing. Sen. [Dick] Russian troops into Ukraine. Europe. I think the media wants to reconstruct the Cold War Durbin is here this week because of the large Ukrainian 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 No. 12

Odesa, a half a percent of its 1 million pop- laid out in detail how it plans to alter the Ukrainian government... ulation, reported Interfax-Ukrayina. Ukrainian government and its territory, call- Only a few hundred turned out in ing for the creation of an international group (Continued from page 1) Luhansk, the UNIAN news agency reported, to establish a federal state without Crimea. “Law enforcement organs have gathered and only 600 turned out in Mykolayiv to hold It called upon Ukraine’s Parliament to evidence of the involvement of Russian a “people’s referendum” to support federal- hold a constitutional assembly with equal intelligence services in organizing the dis- ization and creation of a Novorosiya (New representation from all of Ukraine’s regions turbances in the east of our country. We Russia) district consisting of the Mykolayiv, to prepare a new federal constitution that have arrested saboteurs,” he said. Kherson and Odesa oblasts, reported nikves- provides for federalization, military-political The Russian media has dubbed the pro- ti.com. Ballots were cast without even ele- neutrality, state status for the Russian lan- tests “Russian spring.” They all had similar mentary proof of identification. guage, the protection of ethnic minorities characteristics, such as ballots being dis- The Russian intelligence services “truly and non-interference in religious affairs. tributed asking residents whether they don’t understand Ukrainian nuances very Once a referendum is held to approve support federalization and joining a union well,” said Petro Oleshchuk, a political sci- the new constitution, the Russian Foreign with Russia, a vague reference to the ence lecturer at Taras Shevchenko State Affairs Ministry said, elections should be Eurasian Economic Union planned for University in Kyiv. “The arrest of certain held for the “legislative and executive launch next year. ‘ringleaders’ played a role [in the low atten- organs in each subject of the federation.” The March 16 demonstrations in dance]. The pro-Russian protests aren’t the The Russian government would then guar- Kharkiv and Donetsk were particularly spontaneous Maidan, but a process well- antee to defend the new territorial integrity aggressive, both comprising crowds voicing coordinated from abroad.” and sovereignty of Ukraine. their approval of an appeal to the Russian By nightfall on March 16, National “In the current situation, in which the government to send its military to protect Security and Defense Council Secretary crisis has gone quite far, federalization will the Russian-speaking population from “fas- Andrii Parubii declared that the Russian inevitably become an instrument for split- cism” and “lawlessness” in Kyiv. agents failed in their “Russian spring” oper- ting and legitimizing Ukraine’s division,” In Donetsk, about 1,000 protesters ation in the eight southeastern oblasts, said Volodymyr Fesenko, the director of the stormed the oblast prosecutor’s office to leaving them lost and not knowing how to Penta Center of Applied Political Research demand the release of Pavel Gubarev, the further proceed. in Kyiv. Its only advantage is “the split can Russian-backed governor of the oblast. “At 12:00 [noon], so-called protests were occur relatively peacefully, under the moni- Activists also stormed the private office of planned along with the declaration of so- toring of foreign observers.” Serhii Taruta, the state oblast administra- called people’s governors and takeover of Another political expert, Oleksandr tion chair, who represents the Presidential state oblast administrations,” he told the Sushko of the Institute of Euro-Atlantic Administration in Donetsk. Channel 5 television news network. “They Cooperation in Kyiv, said Russia’s plan is to Three days earlier, Dmytro Cherniavskyi, planned a peaceful march towards Kyiv for expand its territory to the Dnister River in a member of the Svoboda nationalist party, March 21. As of today, we can say that their Moldova, incorporating its Prydnistrovia was killed in clashes between pro-Russian plan wasn’t fulfilled and fell through.” (Transdniester) region, taking over the and pro-EU forces that injured more than That hasn’t stopped the Russians in their Black Sea coastline and preventing Kyiv’s 50. Pro-Russian forces in the Donetsk plans to federalize the southeastern access to the sea. “This plan won’t necessari- Oblast have also been blocking Ukrainian Ukrainian oblasts. ly unfold this year, but everything is possi- military equipment from being transferred On March 17, the Russian Foreign in reaction to the Crimean conflict, without Ministry issued a statement that essentially (Continued on page 11) police intervention. In Kharkiv on March 16, about 1,500 pro-Russian thugs stormed the office of Prosvita, a Ukrainian cultural and literary organization, and carried out its books, including literature about the Holodomor, onto the building’s doorstep for burning. Two days earlier, pro-Russian activists tried to break into the same building, which serves as the headquarters of local nationalist groups, prompting a shootout that left two pro-Russian activists dead. The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) reported on March 16 that it had arrested a group of individuals in the Zaporizhia Oblast who planned to destabilize condi- tions in the oblast and confiscated from them firearms, cartridges and explosives. Yet the pro-Russian protests themselves were poorly attended: up to 3,000 in Kharkiv, a tiny fraction of its 1.5 million population, reported local journalist Viacheslav Mavrychev; and up to 5,000 in No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 11

critics said removes safeguards for the Secretary of State John Kerry. The state- Ukrainian government... Ukrainian language and will allow citizens U.S. and NATO... ment did not give details about any retal- to live in Ukraine comfortably ignoring iatory measures the Kremlin might take (Continued from page 10) (Continued from page 1) Ukrainian. against the United States and European ble,” he told a March 19 press conference. Mr. Yatsenyuk assured people in south- cations will lead to higher costs.” Union. Russian President Vladimir Putin made it eastern Ukraine that the Deep and On March 17, the European Union and Speaking to students in Washington clear he’s interested in annexing southeast- Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement the United States unveiled sanctions tar- later the same day, Mr. Kerry chided ern Ukraine in a March 18 address to the would be rewritten to take into account “the geting some 30 Russians, Ukrainians and Russian officials for their interpretation of Duma that has been compared by observers worries and concerns of whether the free Crimeans. events. “I was really struck and somewhat trade zone will lead to negative consequenc- to Adolf Hitler’s 1938 speech to the Mr. Carney added that the Russian surprised and even disappointed by the es for industrial regions, which is the east Reichstag on the seizure of the Sudetenland, economy was likely to suffer. “Russia is interpretations and the facts as they were above all,” he said. ethnic German lands in the Czech Republic. articulated by [Russian] President [Ukraine and the European Union are to taking action that reverses some of the “After the Bolshevik Revolution, for vari- [Vladimir Putin],” Mr. Kerry said. “With all sign only the political portion of the work that that nation had done to estab- ous considerations, may God be their judge, Association Agreement at an EU summit in lish itself as a responsible leader on the due respect, they really just didn’t jibe significant territory of the historic Russian Brussels on March 21.] international stage,” he said. “It isolates with reality or with what’s happening on south was included into the structure of the Mr. Yatsenyuk also promised a new Russia, it undermines faith in Russia’s the ground. The president may have his Ukrainian republic of the union,” Mr. Putin Constitution that would transfer significant commitment to rule of law and therefore version of history, but I believe that he and said in his speech, referring to the decision authority and financial resources to oblast, undermines the incentive that global Russia for what they have done are on the by the Bolsheviks to merge southeastern city and district governments, particularly investors might have in investing in wrong side of history.” Ukraine with central Ukrainian lands in cre- in the spheres of health care and utilities. He Russia. That effect has a negative impact Thousands of Russian forces have been ating the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. promised the creation of local police forces on Russia’s economy and on the Russian occupying Crimea since late last month. “That was done without taking into too. people.” The Russian State Duma was expected account the national composition of its resi- “Local nuances will be taken into account U.S. President Barack Obama and to overwhelmingly back the treaty as soon dents and today that’s the contemporary in the spheres of education, culture, history German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke as March 19. southeastern Ukraine,” the Russian presi- and their heroes,” he said. “All the innovations about the crisis by telephone. Ms. Merkel’s In his speech to Russian lawmakers on dent said. related to the decentralization of government spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said the lead- March 18, President Putin said Crimea’s A scheme similar to the Crimean scenario will be reflected in the new Constitution, ers agreed Ukraine’s territorial integrity secessionist referendum was democratic is currently being attempted in the Donetsk which we should write together.” had suffered “unacceptable blows.” and Russia’s annexation was in full accor- Oblast by Russian agents, Mr. Fesenko noted, Yet Mr. Yatsenyuk is not the person who Ms. Merkel and Mr. Obama also agreed dance with international law. while adding that it won’t work without the can convince the southeastern Ukrainians to He also dismissed Western criticism as presence of Russian soldiers, without whom that the March 16 referendum on seces- resist Russia’s pull, Mr. Oleshchuk said, sion held in Crimea violated Ukraine’s unfair to Russians and Crimeans. Mr. Putin the state organs can’t be taken over. especially after Luhansk local industrial Constitution and international law and cited Kosovo’s 2008 unilateral declaration That’s why the Ukrainian government magnate and Party of Regions leader that targeted measures against Russia of independence from Serbia, which has has kicked into action. On March 13, the Oleksandr Yefremov has voiced his support been recognized by Western nations but Verkhovna Rada authorized the launch of a for federalization. were a “logical” response. not by Russia. National Guard of volunteers to assist the “Yatsenyuk has a certain image in the east A statement from the EU’s leadership armed forces. More than 40,000 have signed as an ‘agent of American influence,’ national- said “the European Union does not and ​​ up within two days, said acting Defense ist and Maidan leader, which doesn’t inspire will not recognize” the annexation of With reporting by RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Minister Ihor Tenyukh. trust in his words,” he said. “They are Crimea and Sevastopol. Service, Reuters and Agence France-Presse. Mr. Yatsenyuk released a video-recorded demoralized. Not everyone, but partly. Some Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Copyright 2014, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted statement on March 18 aimed at southeast- support Ukraine’s integrity, some support Lavrov called Western sanctions “abso- with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ ern Ukrainians to assure them that they separatism. The majority is biding its time, lutely unacceptable” and said such mea- Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, would see an improved government that which makes the east vulnerable.” sures would have consequences. Washington DC 20036; www.rferl.org (see accommodates their needs. Mr. Oleshchuk estimated the odds of a The Russian Foreign Ministry said Mr. http://www.rferl.org/content/nato-russia- The controversial 2012 language law Russian military invasion of Donetsk as Lavrov delivered that message in a tele- crimea-ukraine-biden-international- would remain in place, he said, a move that 50/50. phone call on March 18 with U.S. law/25301448.html). 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 No. 12

Crimean capital. The Crimean television The Crimean referendum to join Russia it agreed to a request for annexation from NEWSBRIEFS channel ATR has aired what is believed to be held on March 16, 2014, is illegal and Mikhail Burla, Transdniester’s parliamen- the last known images of Mr. Ametov alive. threatens Ukrainian sovereignty, territorial tary speaker. Mr. Burla on March 17 urged (Continued from page 2) The video reportedly shows Ametov passing integrity, national and world peace, and Russia to incorporate the mainly Russian- through a line of pro-Russia “self-defense” international order and security. It violates speaking region. Traian Basescu, the presi- Russian-speakers there. “The main perpe- forces in front of the Crimean Council of the Constitution of Ukraine, its laws, gener- dent of neighboring Romania, said he fears trators of the [Ukrainian] coup were Ministers building on Symferopol’s Lenin ally accepted norms and principles of inter- that Moldova is “in great danger.” In 2006, nationalists, neo-Nazis, Russophobes, and Square, where the protest was held. Mr. national law, and every conceivable princi- Transdniester held a referendum similar to anti-Semites,” Mr. Putin charged. “These are Ametov then approaches a group of armed ple of democracy. Countless international the March 16 referendum in Crimea. exactly the people who are still up to this men wearing green military fatigues, after organizations and most countries around Transdniester declared independence in day in control of life in Ukraine.” He denied which two men in unmarked uniforms led the world have already stated that under no 1990 over fears Moldova would reunite Western accusations that Russian forces him away. Local media have reported that circumstances is the Crimean referendum with neighboring Romania. Transdniester’s had invaded Crimea, saying Moscow had when discovered near the Bilohirsk district legitimate; therefore, its results will not be independence is not recognized by any sent troops in the region in line with a trea- village of Zemlianychne, Mr. Ametov’s body accepted nor recognized by the internation- state. (RFE/RL) ty with Ukraine. In a first immediate showed signs of a violent death, with his al community.” The statement goes on to response, Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign head bound with tape and his legs shackled. note: “The annexation of Crimea by Russia Five-day truce reportedly reached Affairs (MFA) rejected Crimea’s annexation Mr. Ametov’s funeral in Symferopol on will have grave implications for the interna- KYIV – Ukraine’s acting defense minis- by Russia, as well as its self-declared inde- March 18 came amid growing anxiety tional legal order that protects the unity and pendence. A senior official of the MFA said ter, Ihor Tenyukh, says Russia has agreed among the nearly 250,000-strong commu- sovereignty of all states. The referendum’s on a truce in Crimea until March 21. that “what happened today in Moscow has nity of Crimean Tatars, most of whom are predictable outcome, despite being illegal Speaking in Kyiv, Mr. Tenyukh said the nothing in common with democracy, law, believed to have boycotted the controversial and illegitimate under both national and truce was reached with Russia’s Defense or common sense.” (RFE/RL) March 16 referendum in which voters chose international rules and principles in the Ministry and Russia’s Black Sea Fleet on to secede from Ukraine and join Russia. Crimean Tatars mourn activist first place, is almost certain to push Crimea March 16. The announcement came as vot- (RFE/RL) into an unresolved status. For years to ers in Crimea cast ballots in a local referen- SYMFEROPOL – Crimean Tatars are come, Russia will use this uncertainty UABA: referendum is illegal dum asking whether the peninsula should mourning the death of Symferopol resident around the peninsula as leverage in a dead- break away from Ukraine and become part Reshat Ametov, 39, who was found dead on LOS ANGELES – The Ukrainian American ly game which the people of Ukraine have of Russia. Russian soldiers have been March 16 – nearly two weeks after he went Bar Association on March 17 issued a state- never intended to be a part of.” Speaking of blocking Ukrainian armed forces inside missing after participating in a March 3 ment on the Crimean referendum noting the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on their bases in Crimea since the Kremlin protest against the Russian troop presence that “it violates Ukraine’s Constitution, Security Assurances, the UABA under- deployed troops across the peninsula on in Crimea. The body of the local activist, domestic laws and general principles of scored: “…the United States, Great Britain February 28. Warships from Russia’s Black bearing marks of violence and torture, was international law.” A summary of the state- and Russia have all undertaken a commit- Sea Fleet – which is based at the Crimean discovered by police in a forest near a vil- ment (the full text of which is available at ment to provide guarantees against threats port of Sevastopol under a long-standing lage about 60 kilometers east of the www.uaba.org) reads: “It is self evident that or use of force against the territorial integri- agreement with Ukraine – also have been ty or political independence of Ukraine, in facing off against Ukrainian naval vessels in exchange for Ukraine’s accession to the a tense standoff. Minister Tenyukh said that Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear under a five-day-truce, Russia has prom- Weapons and giving up the world’s third ised that “no measures will be taken largest nuclear arsenal. Ukraine has com- against our military facilities in Crimea” TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 plied with its end of this agreement, and the until March 21. He said Ukrainian military or e-mail [email protected] time has now come for its other signatories facilities on the peninsula are “therefore to adhere to their obligations.” (UABA) proceeding with a replenishment of SERVICES PROFESSIONALS Readout of Obama-Putin call reserves.” Meanwhile, Ukrainian forces on the mainland remained on high alert on WASHINGTON – The White House on March 16 – one day after the Defense March 16 released the readout of a tele- Ministry in Kyiv said Russian forces had phone call between President Barack tried for the first time during the crisis to Obama and Russian President Vladimir enter Ukrainian territory north of Crimea. Putin. The readout reported: “Mr. Obama Ukrainian border guard spokesman Oleh emphasized that the Crimean ‘referendum,’ Sobodan said about 120 Russian soldiers which violates the Ukrainian Constitution on March 15 took control of a natural-gas and occurred under duress of Russian mili- distribution station near the village of tary intervention, would never be recog- Strilkove in Ukraine’s Kherson Oblast, nized by the United States and the interna- about 10 kilometers north of the adminis- tional community. He emphasized that trative border with Crimea. The head of Russia’s actions were in violation of Strilkove’s village council, Oleksandr Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integ- Ponomarev, said the Russian troops told rity and that, in coordination with our him their operation was aimed at “ensur- European partners, we are prepared to ing the protection of the gas-pumping sta- impose additional costs on Russia for its tion” and the Sea of Azov wells in the actions. President Obama underscored that Strilkovoye gas field that are operated by there remains a clear path for resolving this Chornomornaftogaz, a subsidiary of crisis diplomatically, in a way that addresses Ukraine’s Kyiv-based, state-owned the interests of both Russia and the people Naftohaz Ukrainy. (RFE/RL) of Ukraine. He noted that the Ukrainian gov- ernment continues to take concrete steps Kyiv dissolves Crimean Parliament that would allow for the de-escalation of the KYIV – The Ukrainian Parliament in Kyiv crisis, particularly as it prepares for elec- voted on March 15 to dissolve the regional tions this spring and undertakes constitu- Crimean Parliament. An overwhelming tional reform, and he asked that Russia sup- majority of 278 lawmakers voted in favor port the immediate deployment of interna- of the measure, with one abstention. tional monitors to help prevent acts of vio- Seventeen legislators did not take part in lence by any groups. President Obama reit- the vote. Kyiv’s Verkhovna Rada debated erated that a diplomatic resolution cannot SERVICES the issue on March 15 in a special session be achieved while Russian military forces presided over by acting President and Rada continue their incursions into Ukrainian territory and that the large-scale Russian Chair Oleksandr Turchynov. Legislators in military exercises on Ukraine’s borders only Kyiv are upset with the Crimean exacerbate the tension. President Obama Parliament’s holding of a referendum on said that Secretary [of State John]Kerry con- the peninsula on whether to leave Ukraine tinues to be prepared to work together with and join Russia, scheduled for March 16. [Russian] Foreign Minister [Sergei] Lavrov The Ukrainian government has declared and the Ukrainian government to find a dip- the referendum illegal. But Russian officials lomatic resolution to the crisis.” (White have said they will “respect” the will of the OPPORTUNITIES House) people. Meanwhile, Mr. Turchynov accused Moscow of being behind the deadly vio- Moldova’s president warns Russia lence that has occurred in eastern Ukraine Earn extra income! over the last two nights. Mr. Turchynov said CHISINAU – Moldova has warned Russia The Ukrainian Weekly is looking in Parliament on March 15 that “Kremlin against any move to annex its breakaway agents” in Donetsk and Kharkiv “are orga- for advertising sales agents. Transdniester region in the same way it For additional information contact nizing and funding” mass pro-Russia pro- has taken control of Ukraine’s Crimea. Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, tests. Three people have died and dozens of The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. President Nicolae Timofti said on March 18 that Russia would be making a “mistake” if (Continued on page 13) No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 13

Russian incursion into Crimea, outside of its and replaced by Russian stations in Organization for Security and Cooperation NEWSBRIEFS bases, to be a violation of international law, Symferopol, the de-facto Crimean govern- in Europe (OSCE), of which Russia is a of international agreements of which Russia ment’s deputy premier said the problem member, has slammed “extreme censor- (Continued from page 12) is a signatory, and a violation of the territo- was purely a technical one. But Luke ship” and attacks on journalists in Crimea. rial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine,” he Springer, RFE/RL’s director of technology, others have been injured in clashes (RFE/RL) said after the meeting on March 12. The says that although a technical problem between pro-Russia and pro-Ukraine sup- president added that the West would be could account for an inadvertent switching OSCE to send observers for May 25 porters in the past two nights. Internal error, for the problem to persist for this Affairs Minister Arsen Avakhov said two forced to “apply a cost” if Russian President WARSAW – The Office for Democratic Vladimir Putin did not change course in the length of time “requires human interven- Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of people were killed and several wounded in tion or worse, lack of human intervention.” a shootout in Kharkiv overnight on March dispute over Ukraine. Prime Minister the Organization for Security and Yatsenyuk said his government is ready for Russia-backed Crimean Information Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) announced 14. (RFE/RL) Minister Dmitry Polonsky admitted on talks, but will not abandon its fight to pro- on March 3 that it would send an election March 9 that the channels had been U.S. vessel in more Black Sea drills tect Ukraine’s sovereignty: “It’s all about observation mission to Ukraine for the May blocked. He said that because the region freedom,” he said. “We fight for our free- 25 presidential election. The announce- WASHINGTON – The commander of a now considers itself a part of Russia, dom, we fight for our independence, we ment came after the office received an invi- U.S. military vessel said on March 15 it will Ukrainian TV channels will have to reapply fight for our sovereignty and we will never tation to observe from the Ukrainian carry out more exercises with NATO allied surrender.” (RFE/RL) for new contracts. He also cited “moral rea- ships in the Black Sea. The U.S.S. Truxtun sons,” according to ITAR-TASS. “All authorities, in line with ODIHR’s role as the took part in drills with Romanian and Yatsenyuk addresses Security Council Ukrainian TV channels are rigidly censored OSCE institution mandated to observe and Bulgarian ships in the Black Sea last week a by the ‘illegitimate’ authorities in Kyiv in assess elections for their conformity with few hundreds kilometers from Crimea UNITED NATIONS – Ukrainian Prime violations of fundamental principles,” he OSCE commitments and other internation- where Russia has deployed troops after Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk told the U.N. said. The Russian channels that replaced al standards for democratic elections, as protests toppled Ukraine’s pro-Moscow Security Council on March 13 that his the Ukrainian ones, including Rossiya 24, well as with national legislation. The mis- president. The United States said the exer- country has faced a military aggression NTV and Perviy Kanal, have been criticized sion will comprise a core team of experts, cises were routine and had been planned that has “no reason and no grounds,” but he by pro-Ukrainian activists for toeing a based in Kyiv. ODIHR will request 100 long- long before the crisis erupted. But they said it was still possible to peacefully fiercely anti-Kyiv line. The de-facto authori- term observers to follow preparations and coincided with air drills carried out by U.S. resolve the crisis with Russia. “We urge ties have also used more overt methods of the campaign in the regions of the country and Polish fighter jets in Poland and NATO [the] Russian Federation to pull back its cracking down on independent journalists. in the weeks leading up to the vote, and reconnaissance flights over Eastern military forces deployed in Crimea to bar- Ukrainian station 1+1 said through a press 900 short-term observers to monitor elec- Europe. (RFE/RL) racks and to start real talks and negotia- release on March 6 that it had been ordered tion day proceedings, counting and tabula- tions in order to tackle this conflict,” Mr. by pro-Russian Crimean authorities to ter- tion of election results. As part of the obser- Oligarch Firtash arrested in Vienna Yatsenyuk said, speaking as tensions esca- minate its broadcasts and some Ukrainian vation, the mission will also carry out com- lated ahead of a referendum in Crimea, prehensive monitoring of the media cover- PRAGUE – Dmytro Firtash, a 48-year-old journalists have been prevented from now occupied by Russian forces, on wheth- Ukrainian oligarch who has long been entering the Crimean peninsula. age of the campaign. The ODIHR mission er to join Russia. He said that Russia’s “mili- wanted by U.S. authorities on suspicion of TeleKritikia, a Ukrainian NGO, has counted expects to be joined by a mission from the tary aggression” in Crimea is undermining bribery and criminal conspiracy, was 61 cases of “violations of the right to free- OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, as well as global security and nuclear nonprolifera- arrested in Austria on March 12. He was dom of speech, obstruction of journalistic delegations from other parliamentary insti- tion. “The way our Russian neighbors – and taken into custody the evening of March 12 activity and attacks on the media” in tutions, in observing procedures on elec- I believe that if we start real talks with in Vienna without incident. Viennese police Crimea since mid-February. And The tion day. (OSCE) Russia, they could be real partners – acted, spokesman Mario Hejl said the detainee undermines the entire global security and was arrested on the basis of a request from nuclear non-proliferation program,” Mr. Washington. A Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Yatsenyuk said. “As after these actions, it Ministry spokesman said Ukraine’s ROMAN BUKOWINSKY will be very difficult to convince anyone in Embassy in Vienna had confirmed Mr. the globe not to have nuclear weapons.” Firtash was arrested at the FBI’s request. JUNE 8, 1944 – MARCH 13, 2014 Turning to Russian Ambassador Vitaly He had been under investigation since 2006 by the FBI and is being held in Vienna Churkin, Mr. Yatsenyuk – who until then It is with a deep sense of sadness that we inform the pending extradition proceedings. Mr. had been delivering his address in English friends of Roman Bukowinsky that he passed away on March 13, Firtash is one of Ukraine’s richest men and – asked him in Russian whether Russia really wanted war. Russian Ambassador 2014 at Morris Hills Center in Morristown, NJ at the age of 69 after has close links to Russia. He made his receiving the sacraments of the Church. Roman was the son of the money in the gas, chemicals, media, and Vitaly Churkin said Russia did not want banking sectors and was a key backer of war in Ukraine, while urging the interna- late Peter and Julia Bukowinsky. He was a graduate of St. Basil’s recently ousted Ukrainian President Viktor tional community to respect Crimea’s right High School in Stamford, CT, and Catholic University of America in Yanukovych. He was one of the owners of to self-determination. (RFE/RL) Washington, DC. Roman was an accomplished artist, iconographer RosUkrEnergo, a gas-trading company that U.S. to assist in asset recovery and sculptor before suŽ ering a stroke 20 years ago. He was served as the intermediary in gas dealings employed at Dunbarton Oaks in Washington, DC and taught at Sts. between Russia and Ukraine. On March 14 KYIV – On March 8, the U.S. Embassy in Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic School in Jersey City, NJ. He will it was reported that the U.S. government Kyiv announced that following-up on will request that Austria extradite Mr. Secretary of State John Kerry’s announce- be deeply missed by his friends. Firtash. Austrian authorities said the oli- ment, “the United States has deployed an garch had been placed in “extradition cus- interagency team of experts to Kyiv to Roman-Zenon and Maria A. Mykyta tody,” the first step toward a possible extra- begin working with their Ukrainian coun- dition to the United States. Vienna district terparts to identify assets that may have court said on March 14 that Dmytro Firtash been stolen by the Yanukovych regime. The “filed an appeal against the decision.” The full team is now on the ground. These Ділимося сумною вісткою, що 18 лютого 2014 року court added that it had set bail for Firtash experts are in contact with their counter- відійшов у вічність на 97 році життя at $174 million on the understanding that parts within the Ukrainian government and найдорожчий Батько та Дідусь if he pays this and is released, he will not will assist Ukrainian investigators in docu- leave Austria. (RFE/RL) menting stolen assets and identifying their всесвітлої пам’яті current location, in order to facilitate the Obama meets with Yatsenyuk future return of assets to Ukraine. While інж. Роман Тарас Галькевич asset recovery is a lengthy and complicated WASHIGNTON – In a strong show of sup- народжений 2 лютого 1917 р. у Львові port, U.S. President Barack Obama met process, we are happy to be able to contrib- Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk ute to the effort.” (U.S. Embassy Kyiv) Закінчивши студії у Львівській Політехніці, опинився у Ді-Пі таборі at the White House on March 12. Mr. Obama Ukrainian TV off the air in Crimea у Міттенвальді, а опісля поселився з родиною в Cohoes, N.Y. Після ви- told the Ukrainian leader that Washington ходу на пенсію в 1982 році переїхав з дружиною до дітей до Вінніпеґу. will stand with Ukraine in ensuring that its PRAGUE – When it was first reported Роман все своє життя був відданим громадським діячем, щирим укра- territorial integrity is maintained. “We have that the terrestrial signals of Ukrainian- їнцем, який безмежно любив рідну землю і як міг старався для неї. been very clear that we consider the based television stations had been blocked У глибокому смутку залишилися: дружина - Марія Ольга з дому Туркевичів the world that they have all become діти - Оксана Шулякевич з чоловіком Любомиром Turning... Russian overnight. The American press - Богдан Галькевич з дружиною Марійкою also noted that the Ukrainian national внуки - д-р Маркіян (Юлія) Шулякевич (Continued from page 6) movement is too powerful to remain - д-р Ждан (Келі) Шулякевич quelled for long anywhere. - Андрій Галькевич tasted it briefly, and it was prepared now to “All this Hungary and the other oppres- сестра - Анна (Василь) Ґоґоша fight for that freedom harder than before. sors of Ukraine should realize before it is too late, before they experience disaster at сестрінок - Орест (Бетсі) Ґоґоша з родиною But from all of this misery came the silver ближча і дальша родина в Америці, Австралії й Україні. lining – that the Ukrainian population, lan- the hands of a thoroughly aroused 45 mil- guage and culture were recognized as lion Ukrainian nation.” Похорон відбувся 28 лютого 2014 року в Українській католицькій being separate by the American press cor- Source: “Hungary’s Perfidy,” The катедрі Святих Володимира і Ольги у Вінніпезі, Канада. respondents, making it difficult to convince Ukrainian Weekly, March 25, 1939. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 No. 12

part of the Russian Federation” is, instead, Saturday fit into such a campaign plan Russia can play... resulting in the creation of an “independent Fake ‘referendum’... (http://newsru.com/world/15mar2014/ and sovereign state” of Crimea, which mvdkharkov.html). (Continued from page 2) (Continued from page 2) would then initiate procedures for its Russian public opinion is strongly in stage for pursuing a flexible approach in accession to the Russian Federation. The (http://www.gazeta.ru/comments/ col- favor of embracing Crimea and broadly the wake of the Crimean plebiscite. “declaration of independence” describes umn/lukyanov/5952017.shtml). And yet, supports the use of troops for stabilizing Presiding as it does over a lawless state, this as a temporary status, pending a nego- despite the damage to its own economic the situation in eastern Ukraine. Only 36 Russia’s leadership attaches a great deal of tiated accession. Russia’s Ministry of interests, the European Union is well aware percent of respondents express concern importance to the outward appearance of Foreign Affairs instantly issued a statement that it needs to take further extraordinary about the risk of war (Novaya Gazeta, punctilious legality. characterizing the “independence declara- steps – including ones that seemed incon- March 15). It takes courage to express a The Russian Federation has constitu- tion” as legally valid (Interfax, March 11). ceivable even a month ago. Mr. Putin’s lieu- dissenting opinion; nevertheless, tens of tional and legal procedures in place on In practice, this declaration has intro- tenants, on the other hand, cannot quite thousands of Muscovites marched on accepting territories into the Russian duced “independence” as a third option: comprehend that their demonstrative dis- March 15 against the military intervention Federation as new constituent entities. The not on the plebiscite’s ballot, but rather for regard of Western pressure is only adding and in support of Ukraine’s independence procedures authorize incorporating a terri- post-plebiscite political-diplomatic maneu- to the West’s resolve. Gazprom, for (http://echo.msk.ru/blog/old_dweller/ tory from another sovereign state, pursu- vering by Russia. Undoubtedly, Moscow instance, was previously seen in Europe as 1280272-echo/). The police did not try to ant to the expression of those inhabitants’ dictated the addition of the “independence” a partner too valuable to antagonize. But disperse the unexpectedly strong rally. will, and subject to the consent of the sov- option. “Accepting” an “independent state” now its CEO, Alexei Miller, is on the short However, independent media voices, ereign state affected, under inter-state into Russia would be presented as less bra- list for sanctions and the company’s including Internet publications, are being agreements (Interfax, March 11, 16). zen than seizing a part of another state’s European assets are seen as legitimate tar- silenced one after another. In the case at hand, however, no territory and annexing it without a half- gets for economic penalties as well (http:// Clearly, street protests, important as Ukrainian government of any color would decent interval and pseudo-legal cover. newsru.com/finance/17mar2014/gaz- they are for preparing a shift in public consent to ceding Crimea (or any territory). Crimea’s new, Moscow-installed leaders promsan.html). opinion, are not going to slow down Mr. To circumvent this legal hurdle, the anticipate a “transitional period” of six Any pragmatic calculation shows that Putin’s military crusade against the Maidan Spravedlivaya Rossiya (A Just Russia) party months to one year for consummating the costs of re-incorporating Crimea into movement in Ukraine (Nezavisimaya recently submitted amendments in the Crimea’s accession to the Russian Russia are prohibitively high. Yet, such esti- Gazeta, March 12). U.S. President Barack Russian Parliament to eliminate the Federation as a federal republic (Interfax, mates are clearly not being taken into Obama made yet another futile effort on requirement for the foreign sovereign March 16, 17). account by the advocates of correcting the March 16 to dissuade Mr. Putin from break- state’s consent. This “simplified procedure,” Crimea’s “independence” broadens “historic injustice” (Novaya Gazeta, March ing the basic norms of international behav- if adopted, would “legally” authorize Russia Moscow’s options to play with during the 14). Further sanctions are certain to ior. And the lengthy meeting between U.S. to incorporate a territory from another post-plebiscite period. The Kremlin will be increase this burden on Russia; but the pol- Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian state into Russia on the basis of a referen- able either to precipitate Crimea’s acces- icy planners in the EU have to take into Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov on dum in that territory, or an appeal from sion or to drag it out, taking into account account the possibility that the Crimean March 14 confirmed that the space for dip- that territory’s local authorities requesting international reactions and Ukraine’s inter- peninsula, whatever its symbolic value to lomatic compromises is non-existent accession to Russia. nal situation. “Negotiating” the terms of many Russians, may not be the real goal of (Kommersant, March 15). The Kremlin, however, has temporarily Crimea’s accession allows time and space the Kremlin’s feverish aggressiveness. In Economic sanctions could push the postponed action on these amendments in for Russia to maneuver. It can define the fact, Mr. Putin has never shown any senti- Russian economy into a deep depression – the parliamentary committees (Interfax, scope, pace and technicalities of the annex- mental feelings for this beautiful but badly and its affluent elites into a quiet panic. But February 27, March 6; Rossiiskaya Gazeta, ation process, seeking to leverage its flexi- neglected resort. Rather, he remains anx- the sanctions’ impact needs to be rein- March 11). ble options against Ukraine and the West. iously obsessed and preoccupied with the forced by some extraordinary measures On March 11, moreover, the Crimean specter of anti-government revolutions in that would shock the overzealous interven- Parliament adopted a “declaration of inde- The article above is reprinted from the region (http://gefter.ru/archive/ tionists in the Kremlin. Cyber instruments pendence” clearly designed to delay the Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from 11640). could prove useful, but some old-fashioned implementation of the plebiscite’s out- its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, Sending troops to Crimea seems ill- penalties, like for instance the multilateral- come. Paradoxically, the vote “to become a www.jamestown.org. advised if the aim is to succeed in detach- ly ensured closure of the Bosporus for the ing it from Ukraine. But it makes more Russian navy, might produce a strong sense if the intention was to demonstrate impression. That would certainly consti- Russia’s determination in deterring and tute a violation of the Montreux discrediting the revolutionary break- Convention (1936), but Moscow is hardly through toward a new democratic and in a position right now to appeal to interna- European future for Ukraine. In order to tional law. torpedo such aspirations, Russia must pro- ceed from the first “victory” in Crimea to The article above is reprinted from the main theater of counter-revolutionary Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from struggle: eastern and southern Ukraine. its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, The bloody provocations in Kharkiv last www.jamestown.org.

Parliament will be drafting new legislation About Russia’s... to comport with European standards so as to properly safeguard the rights of all (Continued from page 7) minorities and all citizens of Ukraine. minority languages in accordance with Western media – especially those with European standards. international reach – must fulfill their jour- On February 23, 2014, the Ukrainian nalistic obligations and stop being unwit- Parliament repealed – in one sentence – ting enablers of disinformation talking the 2012 “Ukrainian Law on Language points emanating from the Kremlin and its Policy.” There is absolutely no mention in public relations firms in the West, and must this legislation of banning anything. do independent due diligence as to the In an effort to deescalate the ethnic ten- accuracy of their reporting. Failure to do so sions resulting from the Kremlin’s disinfor- will only artificially create ethnic tensions mation campaign (which has been fueled in Ukraine, thus fulfilling the goal of the by erroneous Western media reporting), Russian government to destabilize Ukraine interim Ukrainian President Oleksandr so as to camouflage its invasion of Ukraine Turchynov vetoed the February 23, 2014, in full violation of all international stan- repeal legislation, and the Ukrainian dards and law.

nuclear-related countermeasures, no more Don’t just sanction... withdrawals of U.S. nuclear weapons from (Continued from page 6) Europe should take place. Prudent but potent Western defense could support sustained joint air patrols steps will increase uncertainty in Kremlin over the sea, led by Turkey and together thinking and unease about consequences with Romania, Bulgaria and Georgia. of aggression in Crimea or beyond. They The West should employ military power will also provide more space for diplomacy to deter Russian aggression against neigh- and political resolution. Two decades after bors, but there is no reason to believe that the collapse of the USSR, a strong defense Moscow plans nuclear attacks. While remains essential to achieving a Europe Western responses need not encompass that is whole, free and at peace. No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 15 Ukraine steals spotlight at Sochi Paralympics

by Ihor N. Stelmach Nikolay Polukhin, the favorite, by 11 seconds. rifles which provide aural cues to assist them in hitting the Following a third overall performance in 2006 and a targets. Team Ukraine stood tall at the 2014 Winter Paralympic fourth in 2010, Ukraine achieved an even better result in Oleksandra Kononova held off a strong Russian chal- Games held in Sochi, Russia on March 7-16. Standing ova- Sochi: second best (based on total medals) among 45 com- lenge to claim biathlon gold in the women’s standing tion tall. Beginning with a triumphant protest during the peting nations. Five gold medals, nine silver medals and 11 12.5-kilometer race on March 14. After a strong start Games’ opening ceremonies, amazing medal-winning per- bronze medals left the Paralympics power with a total of Kononova looked to have faded, but the 23-year-old surged formances the first day of competition and a best-ever sec- 25 medals. Biathlon was Ukraine’s elite discipline (16 med- back to add a gold medal to the silver she had won in an ond overall finish, Ukraine’s star shined brightly on als), while cross-country skiing surprised with another 10. earlier 10-kilometer race. In doing so she denied Russia’s Russian soil. The women were the big winners with 16 total medals, Alena Kaufman a third gold medal. All but one of 31 Ukrainian athletes boycotted the open- and the men won eight medals (one silver medal was won Grygorii Vovchynskyi survived the challenge of ing ceremony’s parade in protest of Russia’s invasion into by a mixed-relay team). Individually, Lukyanenko won two Norway’s Nils Erik-Ulset in the men’s 15-kilometer stand- Crimea. The spectacular march of 45 nations around Fischt gold medals (four overall), Juliia Batenkova and Oksana ing race to win his first Paralympic gold medal in biathlon Stadium saw a lone Ukrainian athlete, solitary flag bearer, Shyshkova each captured four total medals with the for- on March 14. Vovchynskyi won two medals at the Nordic skier Mykhailo Tkachenko, who carried the mer winning two silvers. Vancouver Games in 2010, but this was his first gold medal Ukrainian flag, who was greeted with a thunderous ovation after shooting clean at the Laura course in the mountains Gold medal performances by the capacity crowd. This after Ukraine decided its ath- above Sochi. letes would remain in Sochi despite the ongoing standoff Ukraine won its second gold medal on March 9 when Silent protest with Russia. Lyudmyla Pavlenko was victorious in women’s 12-kilome- Ukraine scored five medals on the first day of competi- ter cross-country skiing. Pavlenko finished in 38 minutes Some members of Ukraine’s Paralympic team staged tion, with Olena Iurkovska winning a bronze medal in the 54.3 seconds to seal her sixth career Paralympic medal, her “silent protests” against the turmoil in their country by women’s 6-kilometer sitting biathlon competition. The first gold and her first win at a major championship since covering their medals during award ceremonies. Ukraine’s first Ukrainian medalist dedicated the medal-winnng victo- 2005. cross-country skiing relay team covered their silver medals ry to her country’s independence. The silver medal went to Ukraine-born Oksana Masters as Russian rivals collected their gold medals on March 15. “I devote my first medal in Sochi to an independent of the United States, 21.7 seconds off Pavlenko’s time. Ukrainian team official Nataliya Harach said: “It is a Ukraine,” she said in a post-competition press conference. Lukyanenko won his second gold medal of the silent protest fighting for peace for everyone… because the “Every time I race, it will be for Ukrainian independence Paralympic Games on March 11, shining brightly in the situation in Ukraine did not change.” and peace in my country.” 12.5-kilometer visually impaired biathlon. Lukyanenko Sochi Shorts: Oleksandra Kononova, Maksym Yarovyi Ukraine won two more bronze medals in biathlon that built on his success at the 7.5-kilometer event, once again and Olena Iurkovska each won three medals…Ukraine’s day, while Maksym Yarovyi claimed silver in the men’s beating Russia’s Polukhin, who settled for second best. athletes attended the formal closing ceremonies of the 7.5-kilometer sitting event and Vitaliy Lukyanenko took Visually impaired biathlon involves blind or partially Games…Oksana Masters of the U.S. team won two medals: the first of his gold medals in the visually impaired class. sighted athletes competing with the help of sighted guides. a silver in women’s 12-kilometer sitting cross-country ski- Lukyanenko beat Russia’s five-time world champion In the shooting portion of the event, athletes use modified ing and a bronze in 5-kilometer sitting skiing…

Soccer the Walt Chyzowych Memorial Fund, founded in 1994 after lost against Argentina Condors 2-3 on February 7 in the namesake’s passing, and honors an individual who has Buenos Aires at the National Boxing Federation Stadium; In the UEFA Europa League, all three Ukrainian clubs exemplified Walt Chyzowych’s spirit for the game of soccer. Ukraine defeated Germany 4-1 on February 14; Ukraine were eliminated from the playoff round after Dynamo Gene Chyzowych retired in 2013 from coaching soccer at lost to Italy 0-5 on February 22; Ukraine won 3-2 against Kyiv’s• 0-2 loss against Valencia on February 20 and its 0-0 Columbia High School in Maplewood, N.J., after 51 years – the U.S.A. Knockouts on January 17; and Ukraine defeated tie with Valencia on February 27 (the first-leg match, origi- notching more than 750 wins. “This is a very special Algeria’s Desert Hawks 4-1 on January 11. Ukraine advanc- nally scheduled for Kyiv, was moved to Cyprus, and the sec- honor,” he said in a statement. “Walt was my brother, but es to the playoffs against Russia in the quarterfinals on ond-leg match played in Spain); Shakhtar Donetsk tied the was also my mentor and best friend. To be named the 2014 February 28, with a venue to be confirmed, followed by a Czech club Plzen 1-1 on February 20 and lost 1-2 on recipient and be included with previous recipients who second-leg meet on April 4. The Otamans are in second February 27 in the second-leg match; Dnipropetrovsk have made such an incredible impact on U.S. soccer is both place in Group A, with 25 points and an 8-2 win/loss Dnipro won 1-0 against Tottenham Hotspur and lost 3-1 on heart-warming and humbling.” match record, and a 36-14 fight record. Italy tops Group A February 27 in the second-leg match. with 26 points. Futsal Brazilian soccer player Maicon Pereira de Oliveira, 25, Featherweight Vasyl Lomachenko (1-1, 1 KO) suffered Ukraine lost 1-2 against Portugal on February 3 in its was killed in a car accident on February 8 in Donetsk. his first professional loss against Mexico’s Orlando Salido quarterfinal match of the Futsal Euro competition. Ukraine Maicon, as he was known, played for Shakhtar Donetsk, as (40-12-2, 28 KO) on March 1 at the Alamodome in San • defeated Romania 1-0 on January 30 in Antwerp, Belgium, • well as Illichivets Mariupol, Volyn and Zoria. In Brazil he • Antonio, Texas. Judges scored a split decision after 12 as part of the Group A regular play. Ukraine tied 0-0 with played for Flamengo, Fluminense and Alagoinhas Atletico. rounds, 116-112, 115-113, 113-115, that saw Salido retain Belgium on February 1. Italy defeated Russia in the final, his WBO title. Shakhtar Donetsk won its first trophy of 2014 after held in Antwerp on February 8. Ukraine topped the Group winning all three of its matches at the G-Drive United A slate and finished with four points after two matches Middleweight Evhen Khytrov (2-0-0, 2 KO) won by Supercup• on February 6 in Israel. In the final match, played. TKO after the fifth of six rounds against Julius Kennedy Shakhtar defeated CSKA Moscow 2-1, with Dario Srna and Boxing (7-7-1,• 3 KO) of the U.S.A. on February 21 at Shipley Arena Taison scoring for Ukraine. Second place was won by in Westminster, Md. Metalist Kharkiv, after it won 2-1 against Zenit St. Heavyweight Vyacheslav Glazkov (16-0-1, 11 KO) Petersburg. Shakhtar finished with nine points, Kharkiv defeated Tomasz Adamek (49-2, 29 KO) of Poland on Super welterweight Taras Shelestyuk (6-0-0, 4 KO) with four, Zenit with three and CSKA with two points. March• 15 at the Sands Casino Resort in Bethlehem, Pa. The won by first-round TKO against Mexico’s Francisco Flores judges scored unanimously after 12 rounds, 110-117, 111- (2-3,• 1 KO) on February 21 at the Edgewater Hotel and Dnipropetrovsk Dnipro and Metalist Kharkiv fans 117, 112-116, and Glazkov picked up the IBF North Casino in Laughlin, Nev. were cited for their aggressive behavior during a Ukrainian American heavyweight title from Adamek. Premier• League match between the two clubs in October Middleweight Maxim Bursak (29-1-1, 12 KO) lost by 2013. Both teams were fined 200,000 hrv; Metalist’s Diego Featherweight Oleg Malinovsky (11-0, 3 KO) defeated unanimous decision against Jarrod Fletcher (17-1-0, 10 Souza and Dnipro’s Ruslan Rotan got into a spat in the 75th countryman Dmytro Aushev (1-3, 1 KO) after six rounds on KO)• of Australia on February 1 at Salle de Etoiles in Monte minute, and the board ruled that the Kharkiv player be sus- March• 14 at Sport Life Club in Kyiv. The unanimous deci- Carlo. After 12 rounds, the judges scored 111-115, 112- pended for two games; and Dnipro head coach Juande sion was scored 60-54, 59-55, 60-54. Also that night, wel- 114, 111-115. Ramos was fined 7,500 hrv and suspended for one match terweight Illya Prymak (1-0, 6 KO) defeated countryman after failing to remain in the technical area. Ihor Fanian (14-6-2, 7 KO) by unanimous decision after Lightweight Ivan Redkach (15-0-0, 13 KO) won eight rounds. Judges scored 79-73, 77-75, 79-73. Super against Tony Luis (17-1-0, 7 KO) of Canada on January 17 Ukraine has remained in the 18th spot of the FIFA welterweight Stanislav Skorokhod (6-0, 4 KO) won against at the• Cook Convention Center in Memphis, Tenn. Judges rankings since December 2013, with France in the 17th Andrei Abramenka (20-4-2, 4 KO) when the Belarusian scored unanimously after 10 rounds, 99-90, 97-92, 97-93. spot• and Russia in the 19th spot. Spain tops the list, which retired after the second round of eight. is updated monthly, and includes 209 national federations. Lightweight Dmytro Bohachuk (6-17-1, 3 KO) lost by The latest rankings were released on March 13. Heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko (61-3, 51 unanimous decision after six rounds against Ricardo Silva KO) is set to face Samoan-Australian challenger Alex Leapai (4-0-0, 1 KO) on December 26 at Kursall in Berne, Ukrainian soccer coach Gene Chyzowych was awarded • (30-4-3,• 24 KO) on April 26 in Oberhausen, Germany. Light Switzerland. Judges scored 54-59, 53-60, 63-60. the 2014 Walt Chyzowych Lifetime Achievement Award on heavyweight Anatoliy Dudchenko (19-2-0, 13 KO) faces Middlewight Boris Akopov (4-13-1, 3 KO) lost to Mischa January• 18 in Philadelphia. The event, sponsored by Dmitri Sukhotskiy (21-2, 16 KO) of Russia on April 4 at the Nigg (4-1-0, 4 KO) of Switzerland after a KO in the fifth Philadelphia Union, and held in conjunction with the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia. round of six. Akopov led on points (40-36, 40-35, 40-36). National Soccer Coaches Association Convention, was held Light welterweight Artem Ayvasidi (10-5-1, 5 KO) tied with at the Field House Sports and Beer Hall, located inside the Ukraine’s Otamans defeated Germany 5-0 on March 8 Philadelphia Convention Center. The award is presented by as part of the World Series of Boxing tournament. Ukraine (Continued on page 18) • 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 No. 12

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Hillsborough parish remembers Maidan’s “Heavenly Brigade” by Eugene L. Brenycz those who gave their lives on the Maidan since December 2013 for a free and inde- HILLSBOROUGH, N.J. – On Thursday pendent Ukraine. evening, March 13, the parishioners of St. The Rev. Orest Kunderevych, pastor of Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in St. Michael’s, offered the panakhyda in Hillsborough, N.J., gathered with members front of 80 attendees; prayers were said for of the local community for a panakhyda the deceased Ukrainian heroes. The service (requiem service) and a remembrance in ended with the traditional singing of the church hall to honor the sacrifice of the “Vichnaya Pamiat” (Eternal Memory) and a “Nebesna Sotnia,” or the Heavenly Brigade, prayer for peace in Ukraine distributed by

Andrew Brenycz Women and children of the parish hold photos of those killed on the Maidan. the Philadelphia Archeparchy of the tional Ukrainian folk song adopted on Ukrainian Catholic Church. Kyiv’s Maidan (Independence Square) as a The church hall was beautifully decorat- salute to the fallen heroes. ed for the commemoration service by Parishioner Eugene Brenycz made a parishioners Nadia Gakalo and Maria short introductory statement in both Wowk. A cross composed of 106 candles, English and Ukrainian, saluting those who one for each of the victims, was set before had sacrificed their lives. Joining him in the stage. Women and children from the reading the names of the Heavenly Brigade parish family stood side by side, each hold- were parishioners Ihor Shymkiv, Yuri ing a candle, a rose and a photo of a victim Wowk, Mary Makar and Ewhen Brenycz. of violence bought about by the The attendees then saluted the fallen Yanukovych regime. with chants of “Heroes never die!” The pro- Parish members read the names of the Heavenly Brigade who gave their lives on The remembrance program began with gram concluded with the singing of the Ukraine’s Maidan. the playing of “Hey Plyve Kacha,” a tradi- Ukrainian national anthem. Lithuanian Canadian community expresses full support of Ukraine MONTREAL – The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) Montreal branch was invited by the Canadian Lithuanian Community, Montreal branch, to participate in the 96th anniversary of the declaration of Lithuanian independence in 1918. The commemoration was held on February 16 at the Our Lady Gate of Dawn Church hall in Montreal, a church and community center over 100 years old. The keynote guest speaker was Joana Kuras-Lasys, pres- ident, National Executive of the Lithuanian Canadian Community, from Toronto. Her opening remarks, to the over 200 guests present, referred to the crisis in Ukraine, conveying grave concerns about the price being paid by the people on Kyiv’s Maidan (Independence Square), their growing loss of life from attacks by government riot police and snipers. She expressed full support of the Lithuanian- Canadian Community. Speaking on behalf of the UCC Montreal branch, President Zorianna Hrycenko-Luhova stated, “we are reminded of the Representatives of various ethno-cultural communities at the 96th anniversary of Lithuanian Independence cele- (Continued on page 18) brated in Montreal, president of UCC Montreal Zorianna Hrycenko-Luhova (fifth from the left). Northeastern Pennsylvania shows solidarity with Euro-Maidan Holiday celebration dedicated to Euro-Maidan

SCRANTON, Pa. – During Northeastern Pennsylvania’s 10th annual Malanka held on January 11 at the Parish Center of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church New Ukrainian Wave, Passaic of Scranton, tribute was paid to those in Ukraine demonstrating in their quest for true PASSAIC, N.J. – The Ukrainian American Youth Association’s Passaic branch hosted democracy and an end to Russia’s domination. The 115 participants of the Malanka a beautiful “Yalynka” celebration on Sunday, January 26. The annual event was dedi- from the region’s various Catholic and Orthodox parishes took time out to show their cated this year to the Euro-Maidan and included a Euro-Maidan “vertep,” hymns and strong support for the millions of freedom-loving Ukrainians. Preceding the evening event, liturgy was celebrated by St. Vladimir’s pastor, the Rev. Myron Myronyuk, prayers, as well as a collection of donations ($926 was raised) in support of Ukraine’s who included special petitions offered for Ukraine. At the Malanka, attendees gath- Maidan. This dedication reflected the organization’s support and reinforced the group’s ered together waving the flags of the United States and of Ukraine while singing the video message sent on November 21, 2013, to the Maidan: “Ukraine, we are with you!“ Ukrainian national anthem to music provided by the Fata Morgana band. – Lilliana Chudolij No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 17

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Philadelphians protest Russian aggression

The Ukrainian Museum

Bohdan Pechenya PHILADELPHIA – Hundreds of Ukrainians, together with Poles, Georgians and “Strings Attached” presented Lithuanians, assembled on Sunday, March 9, near the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia to protest the Russian invasion of Crimea. Waving Ukrainian, Polish and Georgian flags, at the Ukrainian Museum and holding placards that read “Stop Russian Aggression,” they chanted “Putin hands off Ukraine” and “Boycott Lukoil.” Local television stations picked up the call for the NEW YORK – On Saturday, February 8, The Ukrainian Museum hosted a book boycott of Lukoil and prominently featured it in their news coverage. There have been presentation of “Strings Attached: One Tough Teacher and the Gift of Great multiple demonstrations/rallies on Independence Mall next to the Liberty Bell since the Expectations,” the story of Jerry Kupchynsky, a Ukrainian-born music teacher, beginning of the year in response to the critical situation in Ukraine. The demonstrations whose “tough love” teaching approach inspired his students to achieve their life are organized by the Ukrainian Human Rights Committee and Razom. potential. The multi-media presentation included readings of excerpts from the book, – Ulana Mazurkevich enhanced by film clips, recorded music and live performances on violin and viola by Ms. Kupchynsky and Ms. Lipman. Notable was the fact that the full-house audience included a large number of first-time visitors to The Ukrainian Museum, who learned about the event from social media. Pictured in the photos are: (above) co-authors Joanne Lipman and Melanie Kupchynsky with the museum’s program coordina- tor, Hanya Krill; and (below) members of Ukrainian National Women’s League of America Branch 113, co-sponsor of the well-attended event. – Lesya Rakowsky

Max Pyziur

New York City honors heroes of Kruty and Maidan NEW YORK – The New York City branch of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) orga- nized a memorial service (panakhyda) in honor of the heroes of the 1918 Battle of Kruty, as well as the fallen heroes of the Euro-Maidan in Ukraine. The service was held at St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church following the noontime liturgy on January 26. Dozens of children and students from the Ukrainian American Youth Association, Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization, Self Reliance School of Ukrainian Studies and the Federation of Ukrainian Student Organizations of America (known by its Ukrainian acronym as SUSTA), along with community representatives from the UCCA New York, Organization for the Defense of Lemkivshchyna, Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine and Women’s Association for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine, participated in the solemn service. Representatives of the Belarusian community also attend- ed to lend their support. The procession began at the front doors of the church and continued up the main aisle. Ukrainian national and UCCA organizational flags led the way, followed by children dressed in traditional Ukrainian shirts and blouses, and At the memorial service for heroes of Kruty and the Maidan that was held in St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church in New York. then students and community members who carried pho- tos of the fallen Euro-Maidan heroes, as well as wreathes before to support Ukraine in its struggle for democracy In addition to the Ukrainian national flag and flags from and candles to honor the victims. and human rights. We want Ukrainians on Maidan to know local community organizations, the Georgian and UCCA New York President Ivanka Zajac commented on that we honor them, support them and are ready to help Belarusian flags were visible among the hundreds who the event, stating, “It is more important now than ever them in anyway that we can.” attended the service. 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 No. 12

dent, Ottawa branch of the Lithuanian (U.S.A.) and Dong Mei Wang (China). Lithuanian... Canadian Community; Daiva Jaugelis- Sportsline Zatkovic, vice-president, Montreal branch Athletics (Continued from page 16) of the Lithuanian Canadian Community; (Continued from page 15) Ukraine won three medals – two brutality of the Soviet Communist regime Silvija Staskevicius, president, Montreal Alain Chervet (5-0-2, 4 KO) of Switzerland bronze and one silver – at the 15th IAAF and Russian occupation by current events branch of the Lithuanian Canadian after six rounds, with judges scoring 58-56, World• Indoor Championships in Athletics happening in Ukraine… with the fall of the Community; Martin Stauvers, vice-presi- 57-58, 57-57. on March 7-9 at Ergo Arena in Sopot, Soviet Union, the legacy of a corrupt, crimi- dent of the Montreal Latvian Council; Poland. Olha Saladukha won silver in the nal regime, still pervades the country.” Katrine Kraulis, representative of the Ukraine hosted a fight night at the women’s triple jump (14.45 meters), She mentioned the work of Eugene Latvian Community of Montreal; Joana Sport Life Club in Kyiv on December 26, Andriy Protesnko won bronze in the men’s Czolij, president of Ukrainian World Kuras-Lasys, president, National Executive 2013.• Super welterweight Illya Prymak high jump (2.36-meters), and Alina Congress, who attended the Vilnius Summit of the Lithuanian Canadian Community; (6-0, 6 KO) defeated Aleksandre Benidze Fiodorova (424 points) won bronze in the in November 2013 and who spoke in the Misha Fuchs, president, Czech and Slovak (13-13-2, 6 KO) of Georgia after a unani- women’s pentathlon. Ukraine’s medal tally Lithuanian Parliament, and she noted the Association of Canada; and Karl Rausepp, mous decision after six rounds, 59-55, placed it in 19th place. steadfast support given by Lithuania. president, Montreal Estonian Society. 59-55, 59-56; super lightweight Viktor Ms. Hrycenko-Luhova thanked the peo- Also present were Roberts Klaiše, hon- Postol (24-0, 10 KO) defeated Behzod Hanna Melnychenko won gold in the ple of Lithuania for giving safe haven and orary consul of the Republic of Latvia in Nabiev (22-6-1, 16 KO) of Uzbekistan after heptathlon at the 2013 IAAF Combined medical aid to Dmytro Bulatov, one of the Montreal, and Arunas Staskevicius, honor- 10 rounds, with a unanimous decision by Events• Challenge. The event combines no leaders of the Auto-Maidan, who was kid- ary consul of the Republic of Lithuania in the judges, 100-87, 100-87, 100-87; feather- less than 16 meetings, and even elite ath- napped and tortured by secret government Montreal. weight Oleg Malinovsky (10-0, 2 KO) defeat- letes have a difficult time completing three forces. She ended by stating that “injustice Following the opening speeches and ed Nikoloz Berkatsashvili (20-8-0, 8 KO) of competitions. By the end of the year, only anywhere is a threat to justice every- greetings, Honorary Consul Staskevicius Georgia with a TKO in the third round of 10 male and 16 female athletes had com- where,” aptly reflecting the Lithuanians invited those present to sign a petition pre- eight; and super middleweight Ruslan pleted the requisite three meetings to qual- community’s concerns for the final out- pared by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Schelev (10-1, 6 KO) lost by unanimous ify. Melnychenko, who finished five hep- come in Ukraine. urging the Canadian government’s support decision against Marat Kulumbegov (12-0- tathlons this year, recorded victories at the Among the distinguished guests at the of Ukraine. The signed petition was mailed 1, 7 KO) of Russia, 78-74, 78-74, 77-75. IAAF World Championships in Moscow, celebrations were Andris Kesteris, presi- to Ottawa. with 6,586 points; and 6,308 points at the dent, Latvian National Federation in The event was concluded with a cultural Super welterweight Sasha Yengoyan meet in Talence, France, program. (28-1-1, 19 KO) of Belgium defeated Igor - Biathlon Faniyan• (14-6-2, 7 KO) with a KO in the sev- Canada; Loreta Gudynaitė-Savitch, presi enth round of eight at the Spothal Izegem Ukraine won its first gold in the junior immediately take action along with inter- in West-Vlaaderen, Belgium, on December relay competition at the 21st Biathlon 25. Light welterweight Ivan Grynyuk (7-3- Crimean Tatars... national organizations (the U.N., the OSCE, European• Championship in Nove Mesto na the Council of Europe, the European Union) 1, 3 KO) tied with Kobe Venerkerkhove (23- (Continued from page 3) Morave, the Czech Republic, held January aimed at the realization of basic rights of 18-4, 6 KO) of Belgium with a split decision 29-February 4. Brygynets Zhuravok, expressed will and consent of the Crimean the Crimean Tatar people laid down in the after six rounds, with judges scoring 57-57, Dotsenko and Artem Tyschenko scored 12 Tatar people. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous 56-58, 58-57. out of 12, and finished in a time of Peoples, and to ensure the expression of 8) We urge the Verkhovna Rada of Middleweight Evhen Khytrov (1-0, 1 1:14:32.0 seconds. The competition attract- free will by the Crimean Tatar people for Ukraine to accede to the U.N. Declaration KO) defeated Christian Nava (2-5-1, 0 KO) ed athletes from 33 countries, with 15 on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. execution of their inalienable right to self- events held throughout the tournament. of •the U.S.A. with a first-round TKO on 9) We urge to recognize the status of the determination in their historical territory December 18 at Webster Hall in New York. Anastasia Merkusheva, who normally com- Crimean Tatar people as an indigenous of the Crimea. The fight was scheduled for eight rounds. petes as a junior, qualified for the adult people of the Crimea, and to support it by Chairman of the Mejlis competition. Tyschenko won silver in the the legislation of Ukraine. of the Crimean Tatar People In amateur rankings of the AIBA, Maria men’s pursuit race. Yana Bondar won 10) We urge the Verkhovna Rada and Refat Chubarov Badulina of Ukraine tops the women’s bronze in the sprint, with a time of 26.22.2 the highest state authorities of Ukraine to March 15, 2014, Symferopol 69-kg• division, followed by Raquel Miller seconds. No. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 19

Ongoing AutoMaidan New York, vehicular protest with stops March 30 Taras Shevchenko Bicentennial Concert, “Remembering every Sunday throughout Manhattan, 516-702-2906 or Chicago the Words of Our Poet,” Ukrainian Institute of Modern New York https://facebook.com/events/763095557043243 Art, St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, www.uima-chicago.org or 773-227-5522 March 24 Seminar with Sofia Dyak, “(Re)imagined Cityscapes: Lviv Cambridge, MA (Ukraine) and Wroclaw (Poland) after 1944-1945,” Harvard March 30-April 11 Display of Shroud of Turin replica, with presentation by University, 617-495-4053 or [email protected] Scranton, PA the Rev. Archpriest Daniel Troyan, St. Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church, 570-342-7023 March 25 Presentation by Alexander Lukin, “The Clash of Values in New York the Modern World: Prospects for Eurasian Integration,” March 31 Seminar with Yuliya Ladygina, “Writing World War I: Cambridge, MA Olha Kobylianska’s Late Fiction, 1914-1936,” Harvard Columbia University, www.harriman.columbia.edu University, 617-495-4053 or [email protected]

March 26 Presentation by Arnoldas Prackevicius, Thomas F. March 31 Symposium, “200th Anniversary of the Birth of Taras New York Remington and Alexei Pikulik, “Does Russia Call the Shots Cambridge, MA Shevchenko,” Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, in Eastern Europe?” Yale Club of New York City, 617-495-4053 or [email protected] [email protected] (rsvp only) April 4-6 Lenten Retreat, League Of Ukrainian Catholics of America, March 26 Ivan Franko Memorial Lecture by Sofiya Dyak, “Doing Sloatsburg, NY St. Mary’s Villa Educational and Retreat Center, Ottawa Histories in Ukraine: Public Engagement, Historical 201-846-3960 or [email protected] Dialogue Addressing the Past in Contemporary Ukraine, Labelle Hall (Chapel), University of Ottawa, April 5 Pysanka workshop, Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and www.ukrainianstudies.uottawa.ca Winnipeg Educational Center, 204-942-0218 April 5 Film screening, “I am Ukrainian,” by Yulia Marushevska March 27- Art exhibit, “Petro Bevza and Mykola Zhuravel: Following New York and “A Whisper to a Roar” by Ben Moses, The Ukrainian April 20 the Inner Light, An Art Project Celebrating the Museum, www.ukrainianmuseum.org or 212-228-0110 New York Bicentennial of Taras Shevhcenko’s Birth,” Ukrainian Institute of America, 212-288-8660 or April 5-6 Ukrainian Easter Bazaar, Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic www.ukrainianisntitute.org Silver Spring, MD Church, 716-903-5485 or 240-669-8566

March 28 Book presentation by Peter Fedynsky, “Kobzar,” Embassy April 7 Seminar with Vitaliy Mykhaylovskiy, “ Regional Peculiarities Washington of Ukraine, [email protected] Cambridge, MA of Noble Communities in Ukrainian Lands in the 14th-16th Centuries,” Harvard University, 617-495-4053 March 28 Photo exhibit, “The Hutsuls,” featuring work by Youri or [email protected] Ottawa Bilak, Ukrainian National Federation – Ottawa-Gatineau, Villa Marconi Historical Center, 819-775-5066 Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions March 29 Etched pysanka workshop, Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors Winnipeg, MB and Educational Center, 204-942-0218 and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected]. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 No. 12

Subscribe to PREVIEW OF EVENTS Friday, March 28 the Ideology of the Kyivska Hromada: A Saturday, April 5 Construction of Modern Ukrainian Myth.” The NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific NEW YORK: Join us at 7 p.m. to meet Yulia English-language panel will consist of Roman Society (NTSh-A), together with the Ukrainian Marushevska, the Taras Shevchenko University Koropeckyj (University of California), “Note Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S.A. student in Kyiv, who captivated the world in the he 19 in Taras Shevchenko’s ‘Haidamaky’ ”; T (UVAN) and the Harvard Ukrainian Research Euro-Maidan video titled “I Am a Ukrainian” Vitaly Chernetsky (University of Kansas), Institute (HURI) invite all to the scholarly con- that went viral overnight. Filmmaker Ben ference dedicated to the bicentennial of Taras “Shevchenko’s Writing in the Context of Moses will present the video and his film “A krainian Shevchenko. Opening remarks will be deliv- Global Anti-Colonial Resistance”; Anna Whisper to a Roar” (2012) about courageous U ered by George G. Grabowicz, president of the Procyk (Kingsborough Community College of democracy activists in five countries (Egypt, Shevchenko Scientific Society. Ukrainian- the City University of New York) “Reflections Malaysia, Ukraine, Venezuela and Zimbabwe), language papers will be presented by of Young Europe’s Political Thought in the who risk it all to bring freedom to their people. Oleksandr Boron (Shevchenko Institute of Poetry of Shevchenko”; and George G. Admission includes reception and gallery Weekly Literature, National Academy of Sciences of Grabowicz (Shevchenko Scientific Society), access): $15; $10 for members, seniors; $5 for Ukraine), “An Early Prose by Panteleimon “Taras Shevchenko: The National Poet students. Tickets are available at www.ukraini- Kulish and Prose Writings by Taras Revisited.” The conference will take place at anmuseum.org or by calling 212-228-0110. The $90 per year the Ukrainian Institute of America, located on Shevchenko: The Comparative Aspect”; Oles Ukrainian Museum is located at 222 E. Sixth St. Fedoruk (Shevchenko Institute of Literature, 2 E 79th New York, NY 10075, at 11 a.m. For Saturday, April 12 $80 for UNA National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), additional information, call 212-288-8660. “Symbols and Image of Taras Shevchenko on Sunday, March 30 YONKERS, N.Y.: Branch 2 of the Organization the Euromaidan”; Mykhailo Nazarenko (Taras for the Defense of Lemkivshchyna (known by members Shevchenko National University of Kyiv), “A NEW YORK: The Roma Pryma Bohachevsky its Ukrainian acronym as OOL) invites you to Folklore Image of Taras Shevchenko: Typology School of Dance invites you to its concert cele- a Lemko Pysanka Decorating Workshop, and Parallels.” The conference will take place brating 50 years of Ukrainian dance education taught by Basia Barna Andrusko at noon-2 at the society’s building, 63 Fourth Avenue in the tradition of Roma Pryma Bohachevsky. pm at St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church, For an additional (between Ninth and 10th streets) at 5 p.m. For The concert will feature students of the Roma 21 Shonnard Place, Yonkers, NY 10703. Cost $5 get an online additional information, call 212-254-5130. Pryma Bohachevsky School of Dance, affiliat- is $20 per participant ($15 for OOL members) ed schools and the Syzokryli Ukrainian Dance which includes all required materials (eggs, subscription Saturday, March 29 Ensemble. Tickets priced at $40 for orchestra dye, wax, use of tools, etc.). Each participant NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific seats and $30 for balcony seats are available will create a unique and beautiful egg using as well Society (NTSh-A), together with the at the Kaye Playhouse box office on 68th the Lemko drop-pull technique. The class is Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Street between Park and Lexington avenues, open to adults and children age 12 and older. USA (UVAN) and the Harvard Ukrainian the Roma Pryma Bohachevsky School of Space is limited and registration is required at Research Institute (HURI) invite all to the sec- Dance, or by calling 718-357-6288. The con- www.lemko-ool.com/pysanka_workshop. For ond day of the scholarly conference dedicated cert is sponsored by Self Reliance (New York) more information, contact Basia at andrus- to the Bicentennial of Taras Shevchenko Federal Credit Union. [email protected] or 267-918-9172. which will consist of Ukrainian-language and Please contact English-language panels. Opening remarks Subscription Dept. will be delivered by George G. Grabowicz, PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES president of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service Ukrainian-language papers will be presented provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian Tel.: 973-292-9800 ext. 3042 by Tamara Hundorova (Shevchenko Institute community. Items should be no more than 100 words long. of Literature, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), “Taras Shevchenko and Populist Information should be sent to: [email protected]; payment should be sent to Published by the Ukrainian Concept of Culture”; and Ihor Hyrych Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ (Institute of Archeology of Ukrainian National 07054. NB: If e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments; simply type the National Association Academy of Sciences), “Taras Shevchenko in text into the body of the e-mail message.