


1968 Zero Growth (ZPG) is founded

World rate peaks at 2.1% per year (today it is 1.1%)

1969 United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) becomes operational

World Bank Department of Health, Nutrition, and Population becomes operational 1970

Earth Day is celebrated for the first time

Title X program for low-income Americans is created

Humans’ (amount of we use) begins to exceed the earth’s (ability to provide resources and absorb ) 1972 becomes legal for anyone, regardless of marital status, thanks to Baird v. Eisenstadt Supreme Court case

USAID’s Office of Population begins supporting training and Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) 1973 Abortion becomes legal in all 50 states in Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case

Helms Amendment to Foreign Assistance Act prohibits USAID from promoting or funding abortion 1974

World population reaches 4 billion

World Population Conference in Bucharest, organized by the UN and attended by representatives of 135 countries

1974 declared World Population Year 1975

Loretta Lynn’s song “The Pill” is released

ZPG creates Population Education (PopEd) to bring population studies into K-12 classrooms


First home pregnancy testing kit is marketed

First baby is born from use of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in Oldham, England


China enacts its coercive one-child policy

1982 USAID issues policy paper stating that family planning programs will be based on fundamental principles of voluntarism and informed choice 1984

International Conference on Population is held in Mexico City

President Reagan announces his disastrous “,” aka Global Gag Rule 1985 Scientists confirm hole in ozone layer

1986 President Reagan withdraws all funding for UNFPA 1987 World population reaches 5 billion

UNFPA changes name from United Nations Fund for Population Activities to United Nations Population Fund, keeps original acronym


Annual population change peaks at 93 million (today it grows by about 82 million people each year)

United Nations Environment Program establishes Intergovernmental Panel on (IPCC) to assess risks associated with human-induced climate change 1988 Annual population change peaks at 93 million (today it grows by about 82 million people each year)

United Nations Environment Program establishes Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to assess risks associated with human-induced climate change 1989

World Population Day (July 11) is established 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development () takes place in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil


President Clinton rescinds Global Gag Rule 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) convenes in Cairo 1997

ZPG hosts its first annual Capitol Hill Days, bringing 125 activists to Washington, D.C., for a weekend of advocacy training followed by visits with members of Congress

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a floating junkyard of mostly debris stretching hundreds of miles across the North Pacific, is discovered 1998 WHO creates Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR) 1999

World population reaches 6 billion

2000 World leaders convene at Millennium Summit to develop Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

World Bank endorses 1994 Cairo Programme of Action 2001 President Bush reinstates the odious Global Gag Rule

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are announced; they do not include reproductive health 2002 ZPG changes its name to

USAID Office of Population/Reproductive Health formally establishes Population- Environment program so foreign aid for family planning can be used “in areas where population growth threatens or ” 2005

Reproductive health targets are added to Millennium Development Goals

2006 Former Vice President Gore releases An Inconvenient Truth, bringing international attention to climate change

China surpasses United States as world’s largest carbon emitter 2007

Total carbon emissions from developing nations exceed those of industrialized countries

IPCC releases its 4th assessment report, noting human-caused climate change is “unequivocal”


President Obama rescinds Global Gag Rule

World hunger reaches historic high of 1 billion people 2010

Global ecological footprint is 1.5 earths (50% larger than in 1970)


World population reaches 7 billion

PopEd releases its new World of 7 Billion curriculum and video contest 2014

Atmospheric levels of global CO2 exceed 400 ppm at Mauna Loa, HI recording station, the highest concentration in human history

2017 Trump defunds UNFPA and imposes an expanded version of the Global Gag Rule


Trump administration proposes Domestic Gag Rule affecting Title X — the nation’s family planning program for low-income individuals

Population Connection celebrates its 50th anniversary and the 250,000 members over the years who have worked tirelessly toward global population stabilization