REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. in the City of Campbell River Council Chambers (Main Level), 301 St. Ann’s Road, Campbell River, BC. The agenda presents the recommendations extracted from the reports that comprise the agenda background package. To request a copy of a specific report, please contact the appropriate department.


6 1.1 Finance Manager's July 14, 2009 Report regarding 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements. THAT Council accept the 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements as presented.


2.1 Adjournment THAT the Meeting to consider the 2008 Annual Report adjourn.


3.1 Resolution to move In-Camera THAT Council move In-Camera under the authority of Section 90 (1) (b), (c), (e), (g), (i), (j) of the Community Charter.

3.2 NOTE: Issues discussed In-Camera are not open to the public.



5.1 Layne Marshall and Rachel Blaney, Campbell River & Area Multicultural & Immigrant Services Association (MISA) to share their vision of establishing a collaborative partnership with a common vision of Campbell River as welcoming and inclusive for immigrants and others representing a diverse heritage who wish to become an integral and sustainable part of the social, educational, economic and employment community. [See Item 13.1]

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7-12 6.4.1 Manager, Information Services' July 16, 2009 Report regarding City Hall Meridian Phone System Upgrade. THAT Council approves the withdrawal of $50,800 (rounded) from the Equipment Replacement - Computer Reserve to cover the equipment and installation costs of the upgrade to the City Hall Meridian 1 PBX 11C Phone Switch and Meridian Voice Mail System and that the General Manager, Financial Services be authorized to amend the 2009 Financial Plan as required.

13-22 6.4.2 Finance Manager's July 14, 2009 Report regarding 2008 Statement of Financial Information. THAT Council approve the 2008 Statement of Financial Information.


23 6.5.1 Building Inspector's Report to June 30, 2009. THAT the Building Inspector's Report to June 30, 2009 be received.



24-25 7.1 July 8, 2009 correspondence from the Honourable Gordon Campbell, Premier. THAT the July 8, 2009 correspondence from the Honourable Gordon Campbell, Premier advising that during this year's UBCM Convention, Mayor and Council may request a meeting with a Minister on specific issues by August 14, 2009 be received.

26-29 7.2 June 30, 2009 correspondence from the Washington State Board on Geographic Names and the British Columbia Geographical Names Office.

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THAT the June 30, 2009 correspondence from the Washington State Board on Geographic Names and the British Columbia Geographical Names Office be received;

AND THAT the June 30, 2009 proposal from the Washington State Board on Geographic Names and the British Columbia Geographical Names Office requesting selection of one of four options and comments regarding the adoption of the name "Salish Sea" to describe the inland waters adjacent to Washington State and southwest British Columbia be completed.

30-31 7.3 July 10, 2009 correspondence from Donald Walters, President, Island Cogeneration No. 2 Inc. notice in writing to the City of Campbell River that Island Cogeneration will bring an action under the Rules of Court of the Supreme Court of British Columbia regarding property tax rates. THAT the July 10, 2009 correspondence from Donald Walters, President, Island Cogeneration No. 2 Inc. notice in writing to the City of Campbell River that Island Cogeneration will bring an action under the Rules of Court of the Supreme Court of British Columbia regarding property tax rates be received.


32-33 8.1 Dogwood/Fir Street Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3385, 2009. THAT Dogwood/Fir Street Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3385, 2009 be adopted.

34-35 8.2 Elk River Timber Road (ERT), 14th to 16th Avenue, Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3387, 2009. THAT Elk River Timber Road (ERT), 14th to 16th Avenue, Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3387, 2009 be adopted.

36-54 8.3 Manager Legislative Services/Deputy City Clerk's June 20, 2009 Report regarding Cemetery Amendment Bylaw No. 3384, 2009. THAT Cemetery Amendment Bylaw No. 3384, 2009 be given first, second and third readings.

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55-67 8.4 General Manager, Corporate and Protective Services' July 15, 2009 Report regarding Road Closure - 4th Avenue Road End. THAT 4th Avenue Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3305, 2008 be given first three readings and that Council waive the requirements to post a Notice on the road to be closed.




68-76 11.1 July 7, 2009 Regular Council Minutes. THAT the July 7, 2009 Regular Council Minutes be adopted.




77-80 14.1 "Attraction and Retention Strategy for Immigrants to Campbell River" from the Campbell River & Area Multicultural & Immigrant Services Association (MISA). THAT the "Attraction and Retention Strategy for Immigrants to Campbell River" from the Campbell River & Area Multicultural & Immigrant Services Association (MISA) be received;

AND THAT the City of Campbell River sign the "Attraction and Retention Strategy for Immigrants to Campbell River" as a key stakeholder.


81 15.1 July 14, 2009 correspondence from Barry O'Neill, President CUPE BC encouraging UBCM to make an issue and support communities and stakeholders regarding the failure of Catalyst Paper, Zellstoff Celgar and others to pay their property taxes. THAT the July 14, 2009 correspondence from Barry O'Neill, President CUPE BC encouraging UBCM to make an issue and support communities

Page 4 of 82 Regular Council Agenda - Tuesday, July 21, 2009


and stakeholders regarding the failure of Catalyst Paper, Zellstoff Celgar and others to pay their property taxes be received.


82 16.1 July 6, 2009 correspondence from Marv Everett, President, Maritime Heritage Society, inviting Mayor and Council to the 4th Annual Discovery Passage Boat Rodeo at Robert V. Ostler Foreshore Park on August 23rd. THAT the July 6, 2009 correspondence from Marv Everett, President, Maritime Heritage Society, inviting Mayor and Council to the 4th Annual Discovery Passage Boat Rodeo at Robert V. Ostler Foreshore Park on August 23rd be received.


17.1 Adjournment THAT the meeting adjourn.

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Report To Council

TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Manager DATE: July 14, 2009 SUBJECT: 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements

Recommendation: That Council accept the 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements as presented.

Background: The 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements were prepared in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles, and according to Public Sector Accounting Board and Provincial legislation guidelines and recommendations. The City’s auditors have provided an unqualified opinion regarding the financial statements.

Discussion: The 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements include the following sections:  Introduction  Departmental Highlights, Objectives and Measures  Financial Statements  Statistics


Notice of this public meeting and the availability of the 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements have been advertised in accordance with the Community Charter. The 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements were circulated to Council on June 30, 2009 and were made available for public inspection at City Hall and on the City’s website.

Debra L. Law, CMA Finance Manager

Page 6 of 82

City of Campbell Report To Council River File No.: 2009-06-01

TO: City Manager FROM: Manager, Information Services DATE: July 16, 2009 SUBJECT: City Hall Meridian Phone System Upgrade

Recommendation: That Council approves the withdrawal of $50,800 (rounded) from the Equipment Replacement - Computer Reserve to cover the equipment and installation costs of the upgrade to the City Hall Meridian 1 PBX 11C Phone Switch and Meridian Voice Mail System, and that the General Manager, Financial Services is authorized to amend the 2009 Financial Plan as required.


Sixteen years ago, our current telephone switch (a Meridian Switch) was installed at City Hall. Since then we had one minor software upgrade to the switch.

Since the switch was installed, we purchased a yearly equipment maintenance contract. Basically, the equipment maintenance contract required Telus to repair or replace components of the system if and when they needed to be repaired or failed. Telus spent a lot of time and resources in order to bring us back up and operational again. It should be noted, that as long as Telus enters into an equipment maintenance contract with us, they are required to keep replacement parts and supplies for our equipment. As our system is considered a "legacy" system, Tel us is no longer willing to enter into the same equipment maintenance contract as before.

For the 2009 year, due to the age of our telephone switch, Telus has now inserted what is called a "Best Effort Clause" into our agreement. This new section to the agreement reads:

"TELUS shall provide maintenance and support on equipment deemed either Manufacture Discontinued or End of Life by the manufacturer by using reasonable efforts to replace defective component parts with like equipment. Reasonable efforts for the purpose of this clause shall mean TELUS for a period of 2 business days shall search all known available sources for a replacement part. If a replacement part cannot be found within this time frame, the Customer will be advised that there is a requirement to upgrade to current technology."

As some members of Council may recall, we had some significant issues with our Telephone Switch and Voice Mail system last year. In October, 2008 our Meridian Voice Mail System experienced a significant hardware failure. It was three and one half days from the initial hardware crash before the Voice Mail system was once again operational. All stored voice mail was lost and staff productivity loss was 4 days. In May, 2009 the Meridian Voice Mail System backup device experienced a hardware issue, which has since been rectified, where the backup tapes were compromised. Backups for this outdated system are an operational challenge.

Previous to our difficulties in 2008, in May 2006, we experienced a power supply failure on our City Hall Meridian Switch. Staff productivity loss was 1 day.

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City of tati,CampbellRiver

Our existing system does not support current and future business needs to:

• Supply additional service lines for the Emergency Operations Centre on the switch. • Display the names of outside callers on the handsets. • Support Voice Over IP technology. We now run both data and voice lines. • Easily manage basic business functions such as adding new voice mail accounts, re- setting mailbox passwords and managing the size of voice mailbox. • Retire outdated phone switch equipment over time by consolidation of a number of our existing phone switches. Options: Given the situation we face due to advanced equipment age, Council has the following options to consider for the City Hall Phone System: • Option 1: Upgrade the Phone Switch and Voice Mail System for a price of $50,739.61 for an extended working Life of 5 - 7 years. a Option 2: Replace the City Hall Phone Switch and Voice Mail System for a price of $300,000 and have a working life of 10 Years. • Option 3: Status Quo. Accept the Maintenance Contract with Best Effort Clause with the possibility of still being required to upgrade for a price of $52,489.61 and an extended working Life of 5 - 7 years and with a minimum down time of 10 days.

Discussion on Option 1: Upgrade the Phone Switch and Voice Mail System for a price of $50,739.61 and an extended working life of 5 - 7 years

The existing City Hall phone desksets cost $300.00 - $600.00 depending upon set features and will be compatible with the proposed hardware upgrade, a considerable saving to the City. The City has several phone line cards for direct in dial phone lines which are able to be reused.

If we have a hardware failure of any kind on the Meridian Switch and hardware replacement parts are not able to be found within 2 business days by Telus, these are the consequences:

• City Hall will have no desk phone or faxing services. During the 2 days of the Telus search for parts/equipment, we will have only Blackberry and Cell Phone services and a single emergency line coming into City Hall reception. • After 2 days, the City will be forced to pay the $50,739.61 and also we will have to wait at least eight more days until Telus can either assemble all the software and hardware for the upgrade and find and free up the needed technical staff skilled with our particular upgrade.

Detailed Costs (Please see attached quote from Telus for the proposed upgrade) $ 47,395.61 Telus Hardware, Software and Implementation Costs $ 1,344.00 New "Power Over Ethernet" Switch for Community Centre Switch Failover $ 2,000.00 Overtime Costs for IT staff to check all phone services after the upgrade $ 50,739.61 Total

Discussion on Option 2: Replace the City Hall Phone Switch and Voice Mail System for a price of $300,000 and for a working life of 10 Years.

A completely new phone system at City Hall, including hardware, software, implementation, training and replacement of the majority of the existing desksets can reasonably be expected to cost $250,000 - $300,000. Technology is changing at a much greater pace in 2009 than

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City of Campbell River

it was in 1993, so 10 years is a realistic expected service life for the new equipment. In the trying economic times Campbell River currently faces, this is not a viable economic option at this time.

Discussion on Option 3: Status Quo. Accept the Maintenance Contract with Best Effort Clause for a price of $52,489.61with an extended working life of 5 - 7 Years and with a minimum of 10 Days Downtime.

When we experienced the power supply failure on our City Hall Meridian Switch Telus replaced it the same day. As a result, staff productivity loss was limited to 1 day. In the worst case scenario under the Best Effort Clause with spare parts not able to be found by Tel us in 2 business days, we can expect the City Hall Phone System to be out of commission realistically for 10 days.

Detailed Costs (Please see attached quote from Telus for the proposed upgrade) $ 1,750.00 Staff Costs to man the single line phone and dispatch messages $ 47,395.61 Telus Hardware, Software and Implementation Costs $ 1,344.00 New "Power Over Ethernet" Switch for Community Centre Switch Failover $ 2,000.00 Overtime Costs for IT staff to check all services after the upgrade $ 52,489.61 Total Communication: With good planning, the upgrade can be completed over one week-end without any disruption to staff and be transparent to the public. Visitors to City Hall and staff will be notified of the date of the downtime and duration of the any service disruption, if a short one is required.


There is a balance of $84,659 in the Equipment Replacement - Computer Reserve that can cover the cost of the upgrade to the City Phone Switch and Voice Mail System. Given that the most cost effective option is an upgrade of the existing Phone System at City Hall, we would direct the work to Telus.

Hardware and Software upgrades will extend the existing switch service life 5 - 7 years with full software and hardware maintenance. Telus have indicated that portions of the existing Phone Switch configuration will still be usable at the end of this period, but that the majority of the handsets will need to be replaced at that time.

The City Hall Phone System for voice, voice mail and fax communications internally and with residents of the City is critical to City Operations. The age of the existing system creates an unacceptable business risk to City operations. The City will gain at least the following with the upgrade:

• New Voice Mail System which will be much easier for staff to use for setting up new user mailboxes, resetting user mailbox passwords, adjusting mail storage limits, cleaning up old messages, etc. • New Phone Switch features will include the ability to identify by name and number all outside callers. Lack of this feature in the current switch is a major inconvenience for staff. • Calls to other City facilities can be transferred from within City Hall after the upgrade. Being required to call an additional number is a major inconvenience to outside callers at this time. The system will be Voice Over IP enabled reducing communications line installation.

Page 3 of 4 Page 9 of 82 City of Campbell k River At the time of the upgrade the Community Centre will be set-up with a Survival Remote Gateway (SRG) that will make it the temporary back-up phone switch for City Hall in case of failure while repairs are underway.

Given our current and foreseeable economic constraints, Option 1 which it to upgrade the phone switch and voice mail system for a price of $50,739.61 and with an extended working life of 5 - 7 years is the most prudent approach.

Mary Ellen C&lIaghan Manager, Information Services

Reviewed and Approved

Doug Chapman General Manager, Financial Services

Page 4 of 4 Page 10 of 82 Close Budgetary Quote

Refresh ACCOUNT MANAGER: City of Campbell River QUOTE PREPARED BY. Proposal Number: June 29 update for Community Centre Failover All Pricing is in Canadian Dollars

Equipment Part Number Product Description Qty Extension Option 11 Upgrade to Communication Server 1000 E NTW B 17AB System Upgrade Kit to CS 1000E CPPM - SA N0134948 Full Application Site Move Sum 1 NTDUO606E6 Cable Ethernet RJ45 M-M 25cm 2 NTDW63BAE5 ASSY, CS1000 MGC 100BT ADAPTER 2 NTE906EB 1 Enh IP Set License 16 NTE906AD 1 ENH TDM LICENSE 18 NTE980HA H.323 Access Port License 10 NTE980 MA All Sys 1-MUS Con License 4 NTE980 RA All Sys 1-RAN Con License 4 NTHU62AC CPPM Signaling Server 1 NTW B22AB Conversion to MG 1000E 1 NTE957MN SW Upg R6 (up to 99 users) 96 NTE960JC System Upg to CS1000E CPPM SA 1 NTM44OCC Compact Flash SIW Inst Kit 1 N0172251 56k USB modem 1 N0183046 Tandberg RDX USB Backup 1 N0188706 Spare 80GB RDX Backup Cartridg 518,658.71 New Call Pilot Voice Mail system and misc Parts NTUB202B CP 202i EMC Kit for Opt 11C Wa NTUB24CA 5.0 Migration Utility Kit 1 NTUB56DAE5 CP 202i USB/Monitor Kit (ROHS) 1 NTZE07EA CP(F) Voice Channels 2 Add 3 NTZE19AA Multimedia Mailbox /Voice-20 1 NTZE19CA Multimedia Mailbox /Voice-100 1 NTZE19JA CP 10 Voice Seats 1 NTZE39AB CP_M1 CS1000M E SIW Intgratn 1 NTZE4001 Callpilot New Sys (NO Charge) 1 NTZE80DAE5 CP5.0 202iE5 Sys 1 AL2500EO1-E6 Ethernet Routing Switch 2526T with 24 101100 ports 1 N0119574 CAT 5 PATCH CORD 25FT, RJ-45 PLUGS WIRED 1-1, 2-2 5 TMAU- Centrecom Micro transceiver S13,452.11 Survivable Gateway, Community Centre EIW phones N0021175 Power Cord (C5) NA NT9T4001E6 BCM50 Power Supply Wall Mount 1 NT9T6700E5 BCM50 Walimount Bracket

Page 11 of 82

NTATO100 BCM50 RJ-45 Adapter Kit NTDW93BA R3.0 NA CS1000 Bdle 1 NTYS03BDE6 IP 1120E Eng Text KCaps wlo PS 8 NTYSI4AAE6 AC Cord NA 1.8m IEC320-C13 8 NTYS17BAE6 Global PS IPPhone llxxl2xx200x $6,046.79 Total Parts for both sites $37,665.61

Description installation Services Note services may change depending on requirement for fP network testing $9,730.00 $47,395.61 Plus Taxes

Page 12 of 82

Report To Council

TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Manager DATE: July 14, 2009 SUBJECT: 2008 Statement of Financial Information

Recommendation: That Council approve the 2008 Statement of Financial Information.

Background: The accompanying Statement of Financial Information for the year ended December 31, 2008, has been prepared under the requirements of the Financial Information Act and Section 168 of the Community Charter. This legislation requires reporting of specific financial information and Council’s approval of all included statements and schedules.

Discussion: The 2008 Statement of Financial Information package is presented in the same format and on the same basis as 2007, and includes:  Management Report  Schedule of Remuneration and Expenses  Schedule of Severance Agreements  Schedule of Payments Made to Suppliers  Schedule of Guarantee and Indemnity Agreements

Communication: Legislation requires that a copy of the Statement of Financial Information be available for public inspection, and distributed upon request. A signed copy of the Statement of Financial Information is also sent to the Ministry of Community and Rural Development.

Conclusion: The Statement of Financial Information package concludes the required financial reporting cycle for the 2008 fiscal year.

Debra L. Law, CMA Finance Manager

Attachment: 2008 Statement of Financial Information

Page 13 of 82


Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) For the year ended December 31, 2008 (Unaudited)


Statement of Financial Information Approval 2

Management Report 3

Schedule of Remuneration and Expenses 4

Schedule of Severance Agreements 5

Schedule of Payments Made to Suppliers 6

Schedule of Guarantee and Indemnity Agreements 9

Page 14 of 82 City of Campbell River Statement of Financial Information Approval

The undersigned, as authorized by the Financial Information Regulation, Schedule 1, subsection 9 (2), approves all the statements and schedules included in this Statement of Financial information, produced under the Financial Information Act.

Doug Chapman, CGA General Manager Financial Services Chief Financial Officer

June 30, 2009

Prepared pursuant to the Financial Information Regulation, Schedule 1, section 9

2 Page 15 of 82 City of Campbell River Management Report

The accompanying statements of the City of Campbell River are the responsibility of management. To ensure their integrity, objectivity and reliability, management has selected appropriate accounting policies that are in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles for local governments as recommended by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.

The City of Campbell River maintains a system of internal accounting controls designed to provide reasonable assurance for the safekeeping of assets and the reliability of financial records. The audit firm of Meyers Norris Penny LLP, the City's independent auditors, has audited the accompanying financial statements. Their audit opinion letter is incorporated in the financial statements.

The Council is responsible for ensuring that management fulfils its responsibilities for financial reporting and internal control and exercises this responsibility through Council. Council meets periodically with management and the independent auditors to satisfy themselves that management's responsibilities are properly discharged, and to review and approve the consolidated financial statements. The external auditors have full and unrestricted access to Council to discuss the audit and their related findings as to the integrity of the financial reporting process.

In management's opinion, these statements have been properly prepared within the framework of the accounting policies summarized in the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements and fairly present the financial position of the City of Campbell River as at December 31, 2008.

Doug Chapman, CGA General Manager, Financial Services Chief Financial Officer

June 30, 2009

Prepared pursuant to Financial Information Regulation, Schedule 9, section 9

3 Page 16 of 82

City of Campbell River Schedule of Remuneration and Expenses For the Year Ended December 31, 2008

Elected Officials Remuneration Expenses Adams, Andrew Councillor $ 20,286 $ 6,145 Cornfield, Charlie Mayor 3,904 651 Grant, Roy Councillor 20,286 4,488 McDonnell, Roger Mayor 52,481 5,975 Mennie, Ryan Councillor 1,319 0 Moglove, Claire Councillor 1,319 0 Ostler, Morgan Councillor 18,968 1,104 Ruehlen, Laird Councillor 18,968 817 Stewart, Ziggy Councillor 20,286 7,076 Starry, Mary Councillor 20,286 5,174 178,101 31,430 Employees Baikie, Ian Deputy Fire Chief 93,884 15,980 Baker, John Firefighter 83,339 87 Bellefteur, Kelly Firefighter 77,178 3,311 Brown, Gordon Public Works Manager 103,312 6,442 Callaghan, Mary Ellen Information Services Manager 99,663 2,239 Christenson, Dawn Special Projects Manager 97,342 2,404 Ciarniello, Laura Human Resources Manager 84,885 5,824 Dawson, Ken Firefighter 86,982 0 Frank, Nancy Financial Planning Manager 90,087 * 2,562 Graebner, Richard Foreman I 79,250 0 Halstead, Bill City Clerk 100,857 2,908 Harley, Robert Bylaw EnforcementI Property Services Manager 84,971 30 Holbrook, Bruce Fire Prevention Inspector1 Firefighter 78,853 0 Lagos, David Fire Prevention Inspector1 Firefighter 75,764 1,069 Law, Debra Finance Manager 84,511 * 3,477 Mackay, John Director of Operations 107,293 2,740 Massee, Tyler Airport Manager 79,956 3,348 Milnthorp, Ross Parks Rec & Culture Manager 66,529 5,479 Morris, David Materials Management Manager 96,257 * 9,932 Parker, Grant Operations Supervisor 75,523 3,603 Paul, Timothy Deputy Fire Chief 82,276 0 Raines, Doug City Manager 144,003 * 4,287 Samson, Larry Fire Chief 108,452 7,968 Sirett, Michele Recreation and Culture Supervisor 79,563 3,923 Stanton, Paul Planning Services Manager 100,605 2,205 Stevens, Tom City Manager 163,569 * 18,779 Stewart, Andrew Firefighter 75,685 1,664 Stewart, Graham Utilities Supervisor 80,946 * 3,836 Vaton, John Michael Firefighter 83,519 705 Wark, Lynn Project Supervisor 75,314 4,205 Wharton, Reid Firefighter 83,703 1,467 Willis, Timothy Firefighter 81,363 0 Consolidated total of other employees with remuneration and expenses of $75,000 or less 10,647,441 313,741 434,217 13,750,976 $ 465,647

Reconciling items Employer's portion of CPP and El 668,928 Change in accrued wages and benefits, severance agreements, non-taxable benefits paid to third party, allocated overhead and other 1,418,040 Wages, salaries, and benefits per Consolidated Financial Statements $ 15,837,944

*Includes unused vacation payout

Prepared under the Financial Information Regulation, Schedule 1, subsection 6(2), (3), (4), (5) and (6)

4 Page 17 of 82 City of Campbell River Schedule of Severance Agreements For the Year Ended December 31, 2008

There was one severance agreement for which a liability was accrued between the City of Campbell River and its non-unionized employees during the fiscal year 2008. This agreement represented 22 months of salary and benefits compensation.

Prepared under the Financial Information Regulation, Schedule 1, subsection 6(7) and (8)

5 Page 18 of 82 City of Campbell River Schedule of Payments Made to Suppliers For the year ended December 31, 2008



7 Page 20 of 82


Consolidated total paid to suppliers who received aggregate payments of $25,000 or less 3,484,676

Payments to suppliers for grants and contributions exceeding $25,000 CAMPBELL RIVER VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT NO 2 57,929 CAMPBELL RIVER PUBLIC ART 37,771 HEART OF THE CITY IMPROVEMENT 31,128 MUSEUM AT CAMPBELL RIVER 136,000 TIDEMARK THEATRE SOCIETY 165,166 VANCOUVER ISLAND NORTH FILM 50,000 477,993 63,062,956

Reconciling items Debt and lease principal repayments (2,889,161) Property tax collections for other governments (22,i58,776) Wages, salaries, and benefits 15,837,944 Payments allocated to employees for the purpose of employee expenses 313,741 Change in accounts payable and accrued expenses, employees' portion of payroll costs and benefit premiums, payments for non-expenditure items and other 1,054,605 Total per Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities $ 55,221,309

Prepared under the Financial Information Regulation, Schedule 1, section 7 and the Financial Information Act, section 2

8 Page 21 of 82 City of Campbell River Schedule of Guarantee and Indemnity Agreements For the Year Ended December 31, 2008

This organization has not given any guarantees or indemnities under the Guarantees and Indemnities Regulation.

Prepared under the Financial Information Regulation, Schedule 1, section 5

9 Page 22 of 82 Land Use Services Department 301 St. Ann’s Road, Campbell River, B.C. V9W 4C7 Telephone: 250.286.5725; Fax: 250.286.5761

Building Inspector 's Report to June 30, 2009

Construction New Single New New New Multi-Residential New Additions, Value of all Permits New Industrial Building Permit *Total Permit Month Family Duplex 2 Commercial Buildings with 3 or Government & Alterations & permits (rounded Issued Building Fees Fees Dwelling Dwellings Building more dwellings Institutional Demolitions to nearest & $1,000)

# of Buildings #f# of units i January 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 $448,000 $3,231.00 $3,366.00 February 17 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 11 $2,654,000 $13,442.00 $14,688.00 March 19 5 0 0 2 6 0 0 12 $2,772,000 $21,720.00 $23,297.50 April 33 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 $3,170,000 $22,265.00 $23,650.00 May 15 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 $1,599,000 $8,509.00 $9,275.50 June 16 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 $1,843,000 $12,582.50 $13,305.50 July August September October November December Totals 111 26 1 1 2 6 1 1 79 $12,486,000 $81,749.50 $87,582.50

Comparison to Previous Year(2008)

June 23 9 1 1 0 0 0 0 12 $3,492,000 $23,021.75 $24,536.75 Page 23 of82 2008 ytd to June 239 122 29 5 7 79 2 0 74 $79,155,129 $431,988.25 $463,284.10

Year to Date % -54% -79% -97% -80% -71% -92% -50% 0% 7% -84% -81% -81%

*includes all building related permit fees

Total number of inspections for June 147

Total number of inspections year to date 765

2001/002 07/08/09 12:49 FAX

Office of the BRITISH COLUMBIA U.B.C.M. 2009 Premier The Bcst Place on. Earth

DATE: July 8, 2009 TO: City of Campbell River FROM: Katherine Bergen, U.B.C.M. Meeting Request Coordinator VIA FACSIMILE: 250-286-5760

Please see the attached letter from Premier Gordon Campbell regarding the 2009 U.B.C.M. Convention. Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me directly at 604-775-1600.

Please complete the on-line meeting request form by no later than August 14, 2009.

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07/08/09 12:50 FAX 2002/002

gbagl BRITISH COLUMBIA The Best Place on Earth

July 8, 2009

Mayor Cornfield and Councillors City of Campbell River 301 St. Ann's Road Campbell River, BC V9W 4C7

Dear Mayor Cornfield and Councillors:

I am pleased to know that this year's UBCM Convention will be focusing on British Columbia as A Province of Champions.

As we confront a chan ging world with global economic challenges. British Columbians continue to show innovation and receive accolades for our collective efforts and initiatives focused on keeping our province strong. Through working together with communities and building partnerships, we have come a long way; but there is an awful lot to do in the years ahead.

I will look forward to seeing you at the Convention, and my caucus colleagues and I look forward to working with you to make your community an even better place to live.

If you would like to request a meeting with a Minister on a specific issue during this year's convention, please fill out the on-line form at www.corporate.nov.bc.cafUBCMI. The invitation code is MeetingRequest2009. If you have any questions, please contact my UBCM Meeting Request Coordinator, Katherine Bergen at 604-775-1600.

I look forward to seeing you at the 2009 UBCM Convention.

Sincerely. f4r2ddlet

Gordon Campbell Premier

ps: Please join us at the annual Provincial Government Reception on Wednesday. September 30' at the Vancouver Convention Centre.

BRrrisH COLUMBIA Province of Bnpsh Columbia #740, 999 Canod,: Vlacr o:r Of`_icc of ih Prrrrle, HAVwc Vancouver BC VGC 3zi

Page 25 of 82

GroG Geographical Names Board of Canada United States Board on 5 E La Commission de toponymie du Canada Geographic Names


To: Distribution List June 30, 2009


You are likely aware that the Washington State Board on Geographic Names and the British Columbia Geographical Names Office received a proposal to adopt the name "Salish Sea" to describe the inland waters adjacent to Washington State and southwest British Columbia. The proposal is to add the name "Salish Sea" as a collective or umbrella-name to encompass Puget Sound, Strait of Georgia, Juan de Fuca Strait (Canada)/Strait of Juan de Fuca (USA), and their connecting channels, straits and passages, rather than remove or replace any existing place names.

These waters form a portion of the international boundary between Canada and the United States, hence federal naming authorities will also deliberate on whether to approve, deny, or defer the decision to adopt the name "Salish Sea" for national and international purposes. To avoid any confusion that would result from overlapping consultation processes, and to reduce the administrative burden on all parties, the four jurisdictions have agreed to share a single questionnaire, and use the British Columbia Geographical Names Office in Victoria as the single distribution and receiving point for all results.

We request your comments to help us gauge public support for the proposal to adopt the name "Salish Sea" and to determine the extent to which the name is already established and used by communities in the region. A map and information about the proposal has been included, to assist you in providing comments. Your reply is requested by July 31, 2009. Between August and late autumn, each Board and naming authority will meet and review the responses received from you or the group you represent. Any resulting decisions to adopt, deny or defer approval of the name "Salish Sea" will be based on conformance with established geographical naming principles, including comments received through this consultation process.

Thank you for your interest and participation in the naming process. R ECEIVED JUL 0 6 2009 Office of the Mayor City of Campbell River

Page 26 of 82

Mayor and Council June 30, 2009 City of Campbell River 301 St. Ann ' s Road Campbell River, BC V9W 4C7

"Salish Sea" proposal

We request your comments to help us gauge public support for a proposal to adopt the name "Salish Sea." A map and information about the proposal is included to assist you in making comments.

The proponent describes this entity as an estuarine inland sea that is distinct from the Pacific Ocean to the west of Juan de Fuca Strait (Canada)/Strait of Juan de Fuca (USA) and the marine waters north of Strait of Georgia: salinity, tidal patterns and climate create habitat conditions that support plant, animal & marine species unique or limited to the inland sea area - an integral ecological unit that should have its own distinct name. Further, the proponent maintains that the name "Salish Sea" is becoming established in the region, and cites the Tribes and who meet in the annual Gathering, the participants at the Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conferences (co-hosted by Environment Canada and Puget Sound Action Committee) and assorted community groups throughout the region, as important populations that routinely use the name "Salish Sea".

The proponent also identifies improved ecosystem management as a compelling reason to adopt the name "Salish Sea," however, it is important to note that adoption of this or any name does not imply protection, or obligate agencies to manage the entity being named. The single outward evidence of adoption of this name might be the addition of a label on maps, charts & atlases produced by provincial, state and federal governments.

O I was not aware of the name "Salish Sea" before 2009.

0 1 agree with the proposal E I oppose this proposal 0 I have no objection to this proposal

Comments: (please attach an additional sheet if necessary)

Please sign and return to the British Columbia Geographical Names Office by July 31, 2009. If no response is received by this date we will assume that you have no opinion about this proposal.

Signature Printed Name


Date: Telephone Number or email:

BC Geographical Names Office Integrated Land Management Bureau Facsimile: (250) 952-4188 BRITISH PO Box 5375 Stn Prov Govt COLUMBIA Tlrc B,,.t?lace on Earth Victoria, BC V8W 9M5 scan /email: [email protected]

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Chair and Trustees, Islands Trust Chief and Council, Chemainus First Nation Snohomish County Council Chair and Directors, Capital Regional District Chief and Council, Comox Indian Band Skagit County Commissioners Mayor and Council, District of Central Saanich Chief and Council, Whatcom County Council Mayor and Council, City of Colwood Chief and Council, Esquimalt Nation Clallam County Commissioners Mayor and Council, Township of Esquimalt Chief and Council, Island County Board of Commissioners Mayor and Council, District of Highlands Chief and Council, San Juan County Council Mayor and Council, City of Landford Chief and Council, Kwiakah First Nation Jefferson County Commissioners Mayor and Council, District of Metchosin Chief and Council, Kitsap County Commissioners Mayor and Council, District of North Saanich Chief and Council, Lyackson First Nation Mason County Commissioners Mayor and Council, District of Oak Bay Chief and Council, Thurston County Board of Commissioners Mayor and Council, District of Saanich Chief and Council, Mamalilikulla-Qwe'Qwa 'Sot ' Em King County Council Mayor and Council, Town of Sidney Band Mayor and Council, District of Sooke Chief and Council, Chief and Council, Chehalis Business Council Mayor and Council, City of Victoria Chief and Council, Pacheedaht First Nation Chief and Council, Colville Business Council Mayor and Council, Town of View Royal Chief and Council, Pauquachin First Nation Chief and Council, Hoh Tribal Business Community Chair and Directors, Comox Valley Regional District Chief and Council, Tribe Chief and Council, Jamestown S ' Tribal Council Mayor and Council, Town of Comox Chief and Council, Chief and Council, Kalispel Business Committee Mayor and Council, City of Courtenay Chief and Council, Qualicum First Nation Chief and Council, Lower Elwha Community Council Mayor and Council, Village of Cumberland Chief and Council, Scia'new First Nation Chief and Council, Business Council Chair and Directors, Cowichan Valley Regional District Chief and Council, Sechelt Indian Band Chief and Council, Tribal Council Mayor and Council, City of Duncan Chief and Council, Chief and Council, Tribal Council Mayor and Council, Town of Ladysmith Chief and Council, Sliammon First Nation Chief and Council, Nisqually Indian Community Council Mayor and Council, Municipality of North Cowichan Chief and Council, Snaw-Naw-As First Nation Chief and Council, Nooksack Indian Tribal Council Chair and Directors, Nanaimo Regional District Chief and Council, Chief and Council, Port Gamble S 'Klallam Tribe Mayor and Council, District of Lantzville Chief and Council, Nation Chief and Council, Suquamish Tribal council Mayor and Council, City of Nanaimo Chief and Council, Chief and Council, Puyallup Tribal Council Mayor and Council, City of Parksville Chief and Council, Somas First Nation Chief and Council, Quileute Tribal Council Mayor and Council, Town of Qualicum Beach Chief and Council, Tlowitsis Tribe Chief and Council, Business Cte Chair and Directors, Powell River Regional District Chief and Council, Chief and Council, Indian Tribe Mayor and Council, City of Powell River Chief and Council, Chief and Council, Sauk-Suiattle Tribal Council Chair and Directors, Strathcona Regional District Chief and Council, Tseycum First Nation Chief and Council, Shoalwater Bay Tribal Council Mayor and Council, City of Campbell River Chief and Council, Tsleil-Waututh Nation Chief and Council, Siletz Tribal Council Chair and Directors, Sunshine Coast Regional District Chief and Council, T'Sou-ke Nation Chief and Council, Skokomish Tribal Council Mayor and Council, Town of Gibsons Chief and Council, We Wai Kai First Nation Chief and Council, Spokane Business Council Mayor and Council, District of Sechelt Chief and Council, Wei Wai Korn First Nation Chief and Council, Squaxin Island Tribal Council Chief, Sechelt Indian Government District Chief and Council, Stillaquamish Board of Directors Chair and Directors, Metro Vancouver Regional District Chief and Council, Suquamish Tribal Council Mayor and Council, Village ofAnmore Jennifer Maxwell, SOE Reporting, MoE Chief and Council, Indian Tribal Community Mayor and Council, Village of Belcarra Jamie Alley, Oceans and Marine Fisheries Branch, MoE Chief and Council, Board of Directors Mayor and Council, Bowen Island Municipality Tom Ethier, Fish & Wildlife Branch, MoE Chief and Council, Upper Skagit Tribal Council Mayor and Council, City of Burnaby Scott Benton, Parks and Protected Areas Division, MoE Chief and Council, Yakama Tribal Council Mayor and Council, Delta District Municipality Fraser Basin Council Mayor and Council, Village of Lions Bay Harbour Master, Port of Victoria, Washington State Historical Society Mayor and Council, City of Harbour Master, Nanaimo Port Authority Clallam County Historical Society Mayor and Council, City of North Vancouver Harbour Master, Vancouver-Fraser Port Authority Island County Historical Society Mayor and Council, District of North Vancouver Association of Canadian Port Authorities San Juan Historical Society Mayor and Council, City of Port Moody Pacific Pilotage Authority Canada Jefferson County Historical Society Mayor and Council, City of Richmond Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary )CCGA) Pacific Kitsap County Historical Society Mayor and Council, City of Surrey Canadian Coast Guard - Pacific Region Mason County Historical Society Mayor and Council, City of Vancouver Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ocean Sciences Division Thurston County Historic Commission Mayor and Council, District of West Vancouver Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Can Hydrographic Serv South Pierce County Historical Society Mayor and Council, City of White Rock Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Inst of Ocean Sciences Association of King County Historical Organizations Transport Canada, Marine Safety Museum of Snohomish County Historical Society Chief and Council, Hamatla Treaty Society BC Aboriginal Fisheries Commission Skagit County Historical Museum Chief and Council, Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group Native Fishing Association (Vancouver) Whatcom County Historical Society Chief and Council, Kwakiutl District Council Daryl Hargitt, Lands Operations, INAC Chief and Council, Malahat Treaty Office Alain Jacob, Surveys & Imaging, INAC Jenny Summerhays, NW Region, WA Dept of Ecology Chief and Council, Naut'sa mawt Tribal Council David Brown, Cartography & Geomatics, LAC Sally Toteff, SW Region, WA Dept of Ecoiogy Chief and Council, Scia 'new Treaty Office Gilles Champoux, National Defence HQ Jay Manning, Ecology Mgr, WA Dept of Ecology Chief and Council, Sencot 'en Alliance Dr. Danielle Hamelin, Parks Canada Gordon White, Shorelands Assmt, WA Dept of Ecology Chief and Council, Sliammon Treaty Office Melanie Losier, Bureau de la traduction, TPSGC Phil Anderson, WA Dept of Fish & Wildlife Chief and Council, Snaw-Naw-Au Treaty Office Dr. Philip Golding, GNBC Washington State Maritime Cooperative Chief and Council, Songhees Treaty Office Cindy Warwick, Foreign Affairs & International Trade National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Chief and Council, Sto:lo Nation Society Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard Chief and Council, Sto:lo Tribal Council Elizabeth Kanalley, USDA Forest Service Chief and Council, Te'mexw Treaty Association Meredith Westington, NOAA Office of Coast Survey Chief and Council, Tlowitsis Tribe Douglas Caldwell, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chief and Council, T'Sou-ke Nation William Logan, Coast Guard Office of Civil Engineering Chick Fagan, National Park Service Robert Bewley, Bureau of Land Management Douglas Vandegraft, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

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July 10, 2009 City ofCampbell River 301 St. Ann's Road Campbell River, BC V9W 4C7

Attention: Bill Halstead City Clerk I General Manager Corporate and Protective Service

Dear Sirs:

Re: Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 3382 (the "Financial Plan Bylaw") and Tax Rates Bylaw No. 3383 (the "Tax Bylaw") Adopted May 12, 2009 - 2009 Property Taxes - 4405 Island Highway - PID 001-233-432 (the "Property") - Registered Owner - Elk Falls Pulp & Paper Limited ("Elk Falls") -Lease in favour of Island Cogeneration No.2 Inc. ("Island Cogeneration") - Island Cogeneration Portion of Property Taxes

Pursuant to section 286 ofthe Local Government Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 323 this letter constitutes notice in writing to the City ofCampbell River ("Campbell River") that Island Cogeneration will bring an action under the Rules of Court of the Supreme Court of British Columbia and a Petition under the Judicial Review Procedure Act, R.S.B.C. 1996 c. 241 for: 1. An order and declaration quashing and setting aside as void or, in the alternative, voidable, that part of the Financial Plan Bylaw that contemplates an increase in the tax rate for Class 2 Utilities and that part of the Tax Bylaw that sets the tax rate for Class 2 Utilities; and 2. An order and declaration quashing and setting aside the 2009 Property Tax notice issued by Campbell River and addressed to Elk Falls as to the portion for Class 2 Utilities attributable to Island Cogeneration. The grounds for the Petition include that the Financial Plan Bylaw and the Tax Bylaw are ultra vires and ofno force and effect as: 1. The Financial Plan Bylaw and Tax Bylaw were enacted in a manner contrary to the duty of fairness and the rules of natural justice;

2. Campbell River acted improperly by holdings meetings and discussions regarding the Financial Plan Bylaw and Tax Bylaw in-camera contrary to section 89 of the Community Charter! which requires meetings to be open to the public;

3. The Financial Plan Bylaw was enacted contrary to section 166 of the Communitlj Charter, which requires "public consultation regarding [a] proposed financial plan before it is adopted";


4. Campbell River acted improperly by appointing, in-camera, a Financial Task Force on Major Industry Tax Reduction (the "Task Force") to advise on the proposed bylaws and permitting the Task Force to hold meetings and discussions, in-camera, in respect of matters relating to the proposed bylaws;

5. Campbell River acted in bad faith by enacting the Financial Plan Bylaw and Tax Bylaw thereby increasing the tax rate for Class 2 Utilities in excess of 55% without notice to or consultation with Island Cogeneration, who is the sole ratepayer affected by the increase;

6. Campbell River acted unreasonably in enacting the Financial Plan Bylaw and the Tax Bylaw; and

7. Such other grounds as counsel may advise.

As a result, the 2009 Property Taxes for which Island Cogeneration has been assessed is $1,480,971.56. This amount reflects an increase of $532,971.54 from the taxes assessed for 2008 despite no change in the assessed value ofthe land.

Yours truly,


Donald Walters, President

Cc: Mayor C. Comfield o Chapman



WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions the Community Charter in relation to establishing and closing highways, Council may, by bylaw, close a highway, or a portion of it, to traffic and remove the dedication of a highway; AND WHEREAS public notice has been given as required by Section 94 of the Community Charter by advertising in the Mirror newspaper on July 10, 2009 and July 15th, 2009. NOW THEREFORE Council of the City of Campbell River, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as “Dogwood/Fir Street Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3385, 2009.” 2. That the unnamed Road dedicated on Plan 1076, District Lot 69 Sayward District, shown on the plan marked as Schedule “A” attached hereto and forming part of this bylaw, is hereby closed and stopped up to traffic of all kinds. 3. The Highway Dedication of the parcel described in Section 2 is removed. 4. This Bylaw shall take effect upon the adoption thereof.

Read a first time on the 7th day of July 2009. Read a second time on the 7th day of July 2009. Read a third time on the 7th day of July 2009.

Approved by the Minister responsible for the Transportation Act under Section 52(3) of the Transportation Act on the 9th day of July 2009.

Adopted on the day of 2009.



Bylaw No. 3385, 2009 Page 1 of 2

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Bylaw No. 3385, 2009 Page 2 of 2



WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions the Community Charter in relation to establishing and closing highways, Council may, by bylaw, close a highway, or a portion of it, to traffic and remove the dedication of a highway; AND WHEREAS public notice has been given as required by Section 94 of the Community Charter by advertising in the Mirror newspaper on July 10, 2009 and July 15th, 2009. NOW THEREFORE Council of the City of Campbell River, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as “Elk River Timber Road (ERT), 14th to 16th Avenue, Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3387, 2009.” 2. That the portion of District Lot 1424, Sayward District knows as the Elk River Timber Road shown on the plan marked as Schedule “A” attached hereto and forming part of this bylaw, is hereby closed and stopped up to traffic of all kinds. 3. The Highway Dedication of the parcel described in Section 2 is removed. 4. This Bylaw shall take effect upon the adoption thereof.

Read a first time on the 7th day of July 2009. Read a second time on the 7th day of July 2009. Read a third time on the 7th day of July 2009.

Approved by the Minister responsible for the Transportation Act under Section 52(3) of the Transportation Act on the 9th day of July 2009.

Adopted on the day of 2009.



Bylaw No. 3387, 2009 Page 1 of 2

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Bylaw No. 3387, 2009 Page 2 of 2

Page 35 of 82 City of Campbell REPORT TO COUNCIL River Legislative Services

File No.: Bylaw File No. 3384

TO: Mayor & Council FROM: Peter Wipper, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy City Clerk DATE: June 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Cemetery Amendment Bylaw No. 3384, 2009

Recommendation: THAT Cemetery Amendment Bylaw No. 3384, 2009 be given first, second and third readings.

Background: In 2004, the provincial government passed new legislation that replaced the "Cemetery Act" and created the "Cremation, Interment, and Funeral Services Act". The BC Consumer Protection Authority is mandated to ensure that funeral service providers adhere to the provisions of the act. As a result, the City was inspected by the authority on its cemetery practises & operations. Some of the deficiencies that were highlighted included the need to update the City's cemetery bylaw to "refer to current and applicable legislation" and that the interment licence (Schedule "A") required reworking to bring it in line with new consumer protection legislation.

Discussion: While looking into these housekeeping items, it was noted that the fees have not been updated since 2006, and it was decided that with the increasing costs of inflation the fees (Schedule "C") should be increased based on the Canadian Consumer Price Index (CPI), which would result in an increase of 4.5% over the current rates.

Operational Considerations: The fee increases will not impact operations.

Options: 1. Adopt the revisions. 2. Do not adopt the revisions. 3. Recommend further revisions.

G:\Legis/ative Services\Clerk and Deputy Clerk\Reports\2009\Cemetery Bylaw Amendment 3384.doc Page 10f. Page 36 of 82 Communications: If Council authorizes the amendment the funeral homes will be advised of the fee increases and the bylaw will be updated on the City website. Respectfully submitted,

P.F. Wipper Legislative Services Manager/Deputy City Clerk


Ref: G:\Legislative Services\Clerk and Deputy Clerk\Reports\2009\Cemetery Bylaw Amendment 3384.doc Page 2 01 Page 37 of 82 CITY OF CAMPBELL RIVER PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BYLAW NO. 3384


The Council of the City of Campbell River, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows:

1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Cemetery Amendment Bylaw No. 3384, 2009".

2. "Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987" is hereby amended by:

a) replacing "District" with "City", "Treasurer" with "Chief Financial Officer", and "Cemetery Act" with "Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Acf', throughout the bylaw;

b) replacing "Division 7 of the "Regulations for the Control Communicable Diseases" made under the "Health Act" with, the "Health Act Communicable Disease Regulation" in Section 12 and Section 18(b);

c) replacing "Regulations for the Control Communicable Diseases" with, "Health Act Communicable Disease Regulation", in Section 13;

d) replacing "Division II of the regulations under the "Cemetery Act" with "the regulations under the "Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Acf', in Section 25; and

e) deleting Schedules 'A', '8', & 'C' and replacing with Schedules 'A', 'B', & 'C' attached hereto and forming part of this Bylaw.

Read a first time on the day of 2009.

Read a second time on the day of 2009.

Read a third time on the day of 2009.

Adopted on the day of 2009.



Page 38 of 82 SCHEDULE "A"


Elk Falls Memorial Cemetery - 8900 Gold River Hwy (Hwy 28) Campbell River Cemetery - 3200 Island Hwy (Hwy 19)

Phone Fax

This authorization acknowledges that the information provided and services and products selected by me are accurately reflected herein. Under 'Control of Disposition' provisions of the Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Act of BC I certify that I am the legally authorized representative of the above named deceased. Further I certify that I have the full legal right to authorize use of the above identified lot, do hereby authorize the interment of the above named deceased under the terms and conditions outlined herein and accept all responsibility for costs associated with the authorization. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless The City of Campbell River, its officers and employees, from liability, costs, expenses or claims resulting from this authorization.

I acknowledge that city staff overtime wage rates may apply for weekday burials when graveside is not vacated by 3:00 PM.

Signature of Authorized Person Printed Name Relationship to Deceased

Street Address:

Postal Code: Phone:

Terms & Conditions: The issuance of a Right of Interment does not entitle the holder to require the City to inter the Human Remains or Cremated Remains of the designated person in the Lot unless the holder complies in all respects with the provisions of the Bylaw, including, without limitation, the payment of all Fees related to the Interment.

A Right of Interment may be surrendered to the City at the discretion of the Administrator. A refund, equal to the purchase price less the Maintenance Fund contribution, will be issued to the Interment Right Holder provided: a, there are no interments in the designated Lot; b, the Interment Right Holder or his executor provides written notice to the City for intent to surrender the right; c, the original license or Right of Interment is surrendered; d, an Administration Fee is paid; and e, any Fees associated with the removal of any Memorial that is on, or embracing the surrendered Lot, is paid.

Upon approval of the Administrative Authority a Right of Interment may be reclaimed by the City if; a, the Interment Right holder would be at least 90 years of age; b, a minimum period of 50 years has elapsed from the date of purchase; c, a minimum 90 days has passed since notice of intent to reclaim has been sent; and d, the City has made diligent attempts to contact the Interment Right Holder

Cemetery Amendment Bylaw No. 3384, 2009 Page 2 of 4 Page 39 of 82 SCHEDULE "B"

The Licencee is hereby notified in accordance with the terms of the Regulation under the "Cremation, Interment, and Funeral Services Act that memorial markers made only of stone, concrete, bronze, brass or other rust proof metals are permitted in the cemetery. Prior to the installation of a memorial marker on the above licenced grave space, a payment of for installation and Cemetery Perpetual Care fund purposes is required to be made by the purchaser to the City of Campbell River.

I agree to accept the above written licence upon the terms and sUbject to the conditions above expressed.

Signature of Licencee

Cemetery Amendment Bylaw No. 3384, 2009 Page 3 of 4 Page 40 of 82 SCHEDULE "C"


Elk Falls Memorial Cemetery - 8900 Gold River Hwy (Hwy 28) Campbell River Cemetery - 3200 Island Hwy (Hwy 19)

GRAVE SPACE Resident Non-Resident Adult - 12 Years & older $ 1,028.00 $1,292.00 Child - 2 Years to 11 Years 627.00 762.00 Infant - Newborn to 1 Year 314.00 414.00 Stillborn 314.00 414.00 Cremated Remains 314.00 414.00

One-third of the above fees are contributed to the Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund.

SERVICES Opening & Closing Grave for Burial Adult $ 1,123.00 Child 543.00 Infant 447.00 Stillborn 301.00 Cremated Remains 301.00

Opening & Closing Grave for Exhumation Adult $ 2,245.00 Child 1,088.00 Infant 948.00 Stillborn 602.00 Cremated Remains 434.00


Deeper Depth - to permit second burial in same grave $ 524.00 Burials on Saturday, Sunday or Statutory Holidays - cremated remains only 514.00 - all other burials 1,028.00 Transfer of Licence 63.00 Placing of Memorials - includes Care Fund Contribution of 33 1/3% 254.00 Grave Liners (Concrete) (plus all applicable taxes) 596.00 Grave Liners (Fiberglass) (plus all applicable taxes) 393.00 Overtime rate to accommodate late burials (per hour, first three hours) 254.00 Overtime rate to accommodate late burials (per hour, after three hours) 340.00

Cemetery Amendment Bylaw No. 3384, 2009 Page 4 of 4 Page 41 of 82 CONSOLIDATED July 26, 2004 CONSOLIDATION FOR CONVENIENCE PURPOSES ONLY OF BYLAW NO. 1639, 1760, 1836, 1896, 1944, 1966, 2058, 2164, 2274, 2399, 2499, 2622, 2707, 2754, 2834, 2901, 2955, 3044, 3117, 3175



The Council of the District of Campbell River, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows:

1. In this Bylaw, unless the context otherwise requires:

"District" shall mean the District of Campbell River.

"Treasurer" shall mean the person duly appointed as such from time to time by the Council.

"Caretaker" shall mean the person or persons duly appointed from time to time as Caretaker or Caretakers of the cemetery or cemeteries of the District of Campbell River.

"Cremated Remains" shall mean the remains resulting from cremation of a deceased human body.

"Cemetery" shall mean and include any parcel or tract of land owned, used or maintained by the District of Campbell River as a cemetery, either within or without the Municipality.

"Infant" shall mean any person up to the age of one year.

"Child" shall mean any person one year old up to and including 11 years of age.

"Council" shall mean the Council of the District of Campbell River.

"Mayor" shall include the Acting Mayor.

"Medical Health Officer" shall mean the person duly appointed from time to time by the Council to act as Medical Health Officer for the District of Campbell River.

"Minister" shall mean that member of the Executive Council charged by order of the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council with administration of the Cemetery Act and includes a person designated in writing by the Minister.

"Municipality" shall mean the District of Campbell River and the area within the boundaries thereof.

Page 42 of 82 Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987 - Consolidated to 3175 Page 2 of 13 "Resident" shall mean: (a) a person who is or at the time of his death was the owner, as defined in the "Local Government Act" of real property within the Municipality, or

(b) a person who at the time of his death was resident and had resided continuously for not less than six months within the Municipality, or

(c) a person who was the owner of real property within the Municipality for a period of not less than five years within the period of ten years immediately preceding his death and who was, during such five year period, resident within the Municipality.

"Non-Resident" shall mean any person who is not a resident as defined in this Bylaw.

The use of words signifying the masculine shall include the feminine.

2. The following lands owned by the District have been set aside and used for cemetery purposes:

Old Campbell River Municipal Cemetery legally described as: Lot A, District Lot 54, Sayward District, Plan 3884, and

The North One Hundred and Sixty-Two and Four Tenths (162.4) feet of the East Two Hundred and Sixty-One and Four Tenths (261.4) feet of Lot A of District Lot 54, Sayward District, Plan 3551, containing Ninety-Six Hundredths (0.96) of an acre as shown coloured red on Plan deposited under 93814-I;

That Part of Lot 13 of District Lot 132, Sayward District, Plan 2309, described as follows: Commencing at the North East Corner of said Lot 13, thence Southerly along the Easterly boundary of said Lot 13, a distance of One Hundred and Ninety (190) feet; thence Westerly and parallel to the Northerly boundary of said Lot 13 a distance of Four Hundred and Sixty (460) feet; thence Northerly and parallel to the said Easterly boundary to an intersection with the said Northerly boundary; thence Easterly along the said Northerly boundary to the point of commencement. To which parcel the Registrar hereby assigns the distinguishing letter "A".

New Campbell River Municipal Cemetery legally described as being: Lot 692, Sayward District, deposited under Land Title Office No. P112304 (Crown Grant No. 4775/1218).

3. A copy of the plans of the cemeteries shall be filed with the Minister and copies shall also be kept available for public inspection in the Municipal Office and at such other places as may be deemed necessary. 4. The Council may grant to any person paying the fees therefore, according to the scale of fees specified in Schedule 'C' hereof, a licence for the exclusive use by him, or his executors or administrators, of any one space which may be vacant and unlicenced in the cemetery, and upon payment of said fee therefore, such person or persons shall be entitled to receive a licence in the form of Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this Bylaw.

Page 43 of 82 Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987 - Consolidated to 3175 Page 3 of 13 5. The Council reserves to itself the right to refuse to sell or transfer use of more than one grave space to any one individual.

6. (a) If the holder of a licence to use and occupy grave space in the cemetery shall at any time desire to dispose of or transfer to another person his right to use and occupy grave space in the cemetery, he shall first furnish the Treasurer full particulars of the name, address, occupation or other description of the person to whom such disposal or transfer is desired to be made, and the consideration to be paid therefore.

(b) Upon receipt of the transfer fee prescribed in Schedule 'C' to this Bylaw and upon compliance with the requirements of this Bylaw by the licence holder and the person to whom the licence is to be transferred, the Treasurer shall effect the desired transfer by an endorsement upon the licence to that effect and shall record the same in the books or other records kept by him for that purpose.

7. All licences issued for use of grave space in the cemetery shall be subject to the provisions of this Bylaw and all Bylaws now or hereafter to be passed by the Council.


8. (a) The fees for interment, disinterment, use of grave space, and care of graves, and the charges for goods offered for sale by the District for use in the cemetery, and any other cemetery fees shall be those set out in Schedule 'C' attached hereto and forming part of this Bylaw.

(b) The fees set out in Schedule 'C' to this Bylaw shall be paid at the District's offices at the time of application for a licence and at the time of purchasing any goods or services sold by the District in connection with the operation of the cemetery.


9. (a) No body shall be interred in the cemetery until a permit to inter the body has been obtained from the District and the fee for interment, as set out in Schedule 'C' hereof, has been paid to the District.

(b) No body other than a deceased human body shall be interred in the cemetery.

10. All permits for interment of deceased persons in the cemetery shall be in the form of Schedule 'B' attached hereto and forming part of this Bylaw.

11. All applications for a permit to inter in the cemetery must be made to the Treasurer at the District's offices during regular office hours on all days of the week except Saturday, Sunday and statutory holidays.

12. Any persons who makes application for an interment permit, or who requires an interment to be made, shall provide the Treasurer a statement of the name, age, date of death of the deceased, date and time of interment, whether or not death was caused by a communicable disease, as listed in Division 7 of the "Regulations for the Control of Communicable Diseases" made under the "Health Act" and such other information as may be reasonably required.

13. (a) Where the Medical Health Officer directs, pursuant to the "Regulations for the Control of Communicable Diseases" or otherwise, that a body be buried in the cemetery during any period when the District's offices are closed, permission to inter in the cemetery shall be obtained from the Treasurer. Page 44 of 82 Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987 - Consolidated to 3175 Page 4 of 13

(b) The cemetery Caretaker or the person who performs a burial under the conditions of subsection (a) of this section shall furnish the Treasurer full particulars of the interment, and the representative of the deceased shall furnish the Treasurer with full details of the deceased, as required by Section 12 hereof, together with such fees as may be required in accordance with Schedule 'C' and the person who permitted the interment shall report the matter to the Treasurer.

(c) The information required to be given to the Treasurer, under the terms of the subsection (b) of this section, shall be made and furnished to the Treasurer as soon after such interment as the District's offices are opened.

14. No deceased person interred in the cemetery shall be exhumed without a written order being first obtained from the proper authority in accordance with the requirements of the "Cemetery Act" and the presentation of such order to the Treasurer for his examination.

15. It shall be unlawful for any person to cremate or bury a deceased person within the limits of the District of Campbell River, save and except as authorized under the terms of the "Cemetery Act" and the regulations thereunder.


16. No body shall be interred in the cemetery except in compliance with and subject to the provisions of this Bylaw.

17. The holder of a licence to use and occupy grave space in the cemetery shall not allow or permit an interment to be made in the grave space to which the licence refers, nor shall he transfer or dispose of the said grave space to another person, unless such interment, transfer or disposal shall be made pursuant to and subject to the provisions of this Bylaw.

18. (a) Where the body of a person who died while suffering from a communicable disease is to be buried in the cemetery, any instruction given by the Medical Health Officer respecting the interment shall be fully and carefully followed by those who perform the interment.

(b) Where the body delivered to the cemetery for interment is subject to the direction of the Medical Health Officer, under the terms of Division 7 of the "Regulations for the Control of Communicable Diseases" made under the "Health Act", the person delivering the body to the cemetery shall inform the Caretaker, or duly authorized assistant acting on his behalf.

19. (a) Each interment in the cemetery shall be made in a grave dug to a depth sufficient to provide for not less than one metre of earth between the uppers surface of the coffin or grave liner and the level of the ground surrounding the grave.

(b) Not more than four interments shall be permitted in any one grave. Interments shall be done as follows:

(i) Adult, Child & Infant Grave Spaces

The first interment will be in accordance with the requirements of subsection (a) of this section. The second, third and fourth interment shall be as cremated remains and the requirements of subsection (c) of this section shall apply.

Page 45 of 82 Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987 - Consolidated to 3175 Page 5 of 13 (ii) Adult Deeper Depth Grave Spaces

The first interment shall be at a lower depth than the second interment, and the requirements of subsection (a) of this section shall apply to the second interment. The third and fourth interment shall be as cremated remains and the requirements of subsection (c) of this section shall apply.

(iii) Cremated Remains Grave Space

No more than a maximum of four cremated remains interments shall be allowed in any one cremated grave space and the requirements of subsection (c) of this section shall apply.

(c) Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection (a), (b) and (d) of this section, cremated remains of a deceased person may, when in a container, sheathed and sealed in not less than 4 cm. thick of concrete, be interred in a grave to provide not less than .06 metre of earth between the upper surface of the concrete-encased container and the level of the ground surrounding the grave, or may be interred at a depth permitting the concrete sheath or block containing the cremated remains to be sued as a base for a small memorial marker placed flat and level with the surface of the ground surrounding the grave.

(d) A concrete or fiberglass grave liner shall be used for each adult interment, except in the case of cremated remains interred according to the requirements of subsection (c) of this section and except where a concrete or steel vault is used.

(e) Where soil conditions or other circumstances peculiar to the cemetery dictate, the Treasurer shall decide whether a concrete or fiberglass grave liner is to be used in a grave space.

19. (f) Where a concrete liner is required, such liner shall be of a reinforced concrete not less than 5 cm. thick and shall consist of two side walls and two end walls and a cover to bridge the coffin over its entire length.

(g) A cremated remains grave space may be purchased as a memorial plot, upon presentation to the Treasurer of a copy of the Death Certificate, without a requirement for the interment of remains. All other provisions as contained within this Bylaw shall apply.

20. No person shall inter any body in the cemetery except between the hours of eight in the forenoon and four-thirty in the afternoon.

21. No person shall inter any body in the cemetery on Saturday or Sunday or any statutory holiday unless written permission of the Treasurer is first obtained, except in the emergency conditions as specified in Section 13 hereof.

22. No grave shall be dug or opened by any person other than the Caretaker or other person duly authorized by him, or by the Treasurer.

23. No vaults or other methods of interment above ground level shall be permitted in the cemetery.

Page 46 of 82 Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987 - Consolidated to 3175 Page 6 of 13 CEMETERY CARETAKER

24. A cemetery Caretaker may be appointed by the Council, and the duties of a Caretaker so appointed shall among other things be:

(a) To dig and prepare, or cause to be dug and prepared, all graves required to be dug whenever ordered to do so by the Treasure, or the person acting for him.

(b) The direction of all funerals in the cemetery to the correct grave site.

(c) Installation of all memorial tablets, markers and monuments, and construction of their foundation or bases.

(d) Carry out, or cause to be carried out, the general work of the cemetery to maintain it in a neat and tidy condition, including the maintenance of paths, gates, fences and other cemetery improvements.

(e) Maintain records, as required, and submit to the Treasurer whatever reports are required by him.

(f) Complete such other work as may be directed by the Treasurer or the person acting for him.


25. The Treasurer shall maintain records as necessary to the administration and management of the cemetery and as required by Division II of the regulations under the "Cemetery Act".

26. The Treasurer is hereby authorized, on behalf of the Municipality, to grant a licence in the form set out in Schedule 'A' hereof in respect of any grave space in the cemetery, according to the scale of fees and charges specified in Schedule 'C' of this Bylaw and subject to the provisions of this Bylaw.

27. The Treasurer or authorized person shall issue all permits for interment required by this Bylaw, except as otherwise provided.

28. Upon issuing any permits for interment in the cemetery, or upon receiving an order for exhumation from the proper authority, as required by Section 14 hereof, the Treasurer shall notify the Caretaker before the time of the intended interment or exhumation giving the name of the deceased and the number and location of the grave space concerned, and any instructions of the Medical Health Officer relative to the interment or exhumation.

29. (a) A fund shall be established to be known as the "Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust Fund" and such fund shall be administered in accordance with the requirements of the regulations made under the "Cemetery Act" for the establishment and administration of a Municipal Cemetery Care Fund and in accordance with the procedures hereinafter set out.

(b) A bank account shall be established to be known as the "Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust Fund Account" into which the Treasurer shall pay all funds received for Care Fund purposes and all such funds shall be deposited in said account, and there held pending investment as hereinafter provided.

Page 47 of 82 Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987 - Consolidated to 3175 Page 7 of 13 (c) On all licences for use of grave space sold, the Treasurer shall pay into the "Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust Fund Account" from the amount received for each licence sold at the fee specified in Schedule 'C' hereof, 33 1/3 percent or $15.00, whichever is the greater, except in those cases where a different amount is approved by the Minister.

(d) On all licences for the use of grave space and on all contract or agreements for the sale of such licences, the amount required to be used for Care Fund purposes shall be specified.

(e) Any owner of a memorial marker desiring to install same in the cemetery shall pay to the Treasurer, prior to the installation of such memorial, the fee as specified in Schedule 'C' as a contribution to the "Cemetery Care Fund", and such amounts when received shall be paid by the Treasurer into the Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust Fund Account for investment hereinafter provided.

(f) Investment of funds received for Care Fund purposes shall be made as required by the regulations under the "Cemetery Act" applicable to Municipal Cemetery Care Funds.

(g) The income from the "Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust Fund" , including any appreciation therefore, shall be used for the sole purpose of upkeep and maintenance of the property licenced and the cemetery of which it forms part, and the principal sum of such fund shall not be reduced otherwise than in accordance with an order of the Minister made pursuant to the regulations under the "Cemetery Act".

30. A separate accounting of all monies received under the provisions of this Bylaw and of all monies expended hereunder shall be kept by the Treasurer and any surplus remaining of receipts over expenditures shall be paid at the end of each financial year into a fund to be known as the "Cemetery Fund" and shall be invested by the District in accordance with the provisions of the "Local Government Act" and the interest derived from such investment shall be expended on the upkeep and development of the cemetery.


31. No person shall place on any grave space in the cemetery, a tablet-type marker until the amount as set out in Schedule 'C' hereto has been paid to the Treasurer for Care Fund purposes in respect to each memorial.

32. A maximum of two tablet-type memorial markers may be installed on a grave space, provided that the installation fee for each marker, as set out in Schedule "C" hereto, is paid and the requirements of Section 31 hereof are fulfilled and subject to the following:

(a) Memorial markers or tablets shall be laid flat with the top surface flush with the ground level.

(b) No marker or tablet shall be installed greater than 50 cm. (20") long and 30 cm. (13") wide. Markers or tablets must be at least 10 cm. (4") thick, but not more than 15 cm. (6").

(c) Markers or tablets may be of natural stone of (strong) mix concrete. Bronze, brass or other rust proof metal plaques may be affixed to the top surface of the marker or tablet, in which case the top surface of such plaque shall be laid flat and flush with the ground level. Page 48 of 82 Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987 - Consolidated to 3175 Page 8 of 13

(d) No material other than as provided in subsection (c) of Section 32 hereof may be used for markers or tablets.

33. No grave or grave space shall be defined by a fence, railing, curbing, hedge or by other marking save by a memorial marker or tablet, as set out in Section 32 hereof.


34. (a) Cut flowers, wreaths and floral offerings may be placed on graves, but may be removed by the Caretaker when their condition is considered by him to be detrimental to the beauty of the cemetery.

(b) No artificial flowers shall be placed on graves or elsewhere in the cemetery between the dates of March 31st and November 1st of each year.

(c) Flowers may be laid on graves or placed in metal vases which have been inserted into the grave so that the top edge of the vase is level and flush with the ground level.

(d) Vases or containers, other than as specified in Section 34 hereof, will not be permitted. 35. No person shall plant, remove, cut down or destroy any trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, bulbs, turf or rocks in the cemetery other than an employee of the District authorized to do so.

36. All persons are prohibited from damaging or defacing any memorial monument, fence, gate or structure in the cemetery, or any improvements in the cemetery.

37. No person shall enter the cemetery in a vehicle after sunset, or drive a vehicle in the cemetery at any time at a speed of more than 15 kilometers per hour, and all vehicles and their drivers, while in the cemetery grounds, shall be subject to the directions and orders of the Caretaker.

38. No person shall solicit orders for markers, tablets, memorials, cappings or like works within the limits of the cemetery.

39. All persons and funeral processions in the cemetery shall obey the reasonable instructions of the Caretaker, but any person not behaving with proper decorum within the cemetery, or disturbing the quiet and good order of the cemetery may be evicted therefrom by the Caretaker.

40. The discharging of firearms, other than in regular volleys at burial services, in prohibited in the cemetery.

41. Any person who willfully destroys, mutilates, defaces, injures or removes any tomb, monument, memorial or other structure placed in the cemetery, or any fence railing or other work for the protection or ornament of the cemetery, or any tomb, monument, memorial or other structure aforesaid or lot within the cemetery, or wilfully destroys, cuts, breaks or injures any shrub or plant, or plays at any game or sport, or discharges firearms (save at a military funeral), or who willfully or unlawfully disturbs persons assembled for the purpose of burying a body therein, or who commits a nuisance, or at any time behaves in an indecent and unseemly manner, or deposits any rubbish or offensive matter or thing in the cemetery, or in any way violates any grave, tomb, tombstone, vault, memorial or other structure within the same, shall be guilty of an infraction of this Bylaw and liable to the penalties hereof.

Page 49 of 82 Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987 - Consolidated to 3175 Page 9 of 13 42. The cemetery shall be deemed open at 7:00 a.m. and closed at 8:00 p.m. Any person in the cemetery, without special permission of the Caretaker, between 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. in the following morning, shall be deemed guilty of an infraction of this Bylaw and liable to the penalties hereof.

43. Any person who commits an offence against any of the provisions of this Bylaw is punishable in accordance with the "Offence Act".

44. Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the administration of the cemetery shall be carried out at all times in accordance with the "Cemetery Act" and regulations made thereunder.

45. This Bylaw becomes effective on adoption at which time Cemetery Bylaw No. 1255, 1982 is repealed.

46. This Bylaw may be cited as "Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987".

Read a first time on the 2nd day of March , 1987.

Read a second time on the 2nd day of March , 1987.

Read a third time on the 15th day of June , 1987.

Reconsidered, finally passed and adopted on the 6th day of July, 1987.

Original bylaw signed by:



Page 50 of 82 Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987 - Consolidated to 3175 Page 10 of 13





Campbell River, B.C.


Permission is hereby given to to have the remains of interred in Section , Division , Plot in the Campbell River Municipal Cemetery, on the day of , 20 ,at a.m./p.m.


Next of Kin Address: Undertaker:

To the Caretaker of the Campbell River Municipal Cemetery.

Permit No. Treasurer

Page 51 of 82 Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987 - Consolidated to 3175 Page 11 of 13


The licence is hereby notified in accordance with the terms of the Regulation under the "Cemetery Act" that memorial markers made only of stone, concrete, bronze, brass or other rust proof metal are permitted in the cemetery. Prior to the installation of a memorial marker on the above licence grave space, a payment of $ for installation and Cemetery Perpetual Care fund purposes is required to be made by the purchaser to the District of Campbell River.

I agree to accept the above written licence upon the terms and subject to the conditions above expressed.

Signature of Licencee


Page 52 of 82 Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987 - Consolidated to 3175 Page 12 of 13

Bylaw 2955 July 02, Bylaw 3044 - Sept 03, Bylaw 3117 – July 04, Bylaw 3175 – July 11/05 SCHEDULE "C"

GRAVE SPACE Resident Non-Resident Adult - 12 Years & older $ 984.00 $1,236.00 Child - 2 Years to 11 Years 600.00 762.00 Infant - Newborn to 1 Year 300.00 396.00 Stillborn 300.00 396.00 Cremated Remains 300.00 396.00

One-third of the above fees are contributed to the Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund.

SERVICES Opening & Closing Grave for Burial Adult $ 1,075.00 Child 520.00 Infant 428.00 Stillborn 288.00 Cremated Remains 288.00 Opening & Closing Grave for Exhumation Adult $ 2,148.00 Child 1,041.00 Infant 907.00 Stillborn 576.00 Cremated Remains 415.00


Deeper Depth - to permit second burial in same grave $ 501.00

Burials on Saturday, Sunday or Statutory Holidays - cremated remains only 492.00 - all other burials 984.00

Transfer of License 60.00

Placing of Memorials - includes Care Fund Contribution of 33 1/3% 243.00

Grave Liners (Concrete) (plus all applicable taxes) 570.00

Grave Liners (Fiberglass) (plus all applicable taxes) 376.00

Page 53 of 82 Cemetery Bylaw No. 1639, 1987 - Consolidated to 3175 Page 13 of 13 Overtime rate to accommodate late burials 190.00/Hr


File: B/L 3305 TO: City Manager FROM: General Manager Corporate& Protective Services DATE: July 15,2009 SUBJECT: Road Closure - 4th Avenue Road End

Recommendation: That 4th Avenue Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3305,2008 be given first three readings. That Council waive the requirement to post a Notice on the road to be closed.

Council Policy: Council Policy requires that signs be posted for one month on roads and rights ofway that are to be closed. Staff submits that there is nothing to be gained by posting a Notice ofRoad closure as this site has been identified as a development site as a result of the rezoning and Development Permit applications. Furthermore this right of way has never been developed as a road.

BackgroundlDiscussion: Council has entered into an agreement for sale with 573594 Alberta Ltd. for the sale of the 4th Avenue Road end subject to conditions set out in the attached agreement for sale. On the issue ofthe conditions: A. approval of a development permit for the Eagles Nest Motel site, which was achieved at the August 26, 2008 meeting; B. the landscaping is dealt with in the Development Permit and will require a landscape plan prior to obtaining a Building Permit. C. The property has been rezoned D&E The property transfer will take place following approval ofthe Road Closure F. the SRW will be registered concurrently with the registration ofthe Road Closure Bylaw. The Agreement for Sale Obligates the City to complete this action by August 21, 2009.

Communications: This bylaw and the disposal ofthe land will be advertised as required by the Community Charter.

Conclusion: Adoption of Bylaw 3305 will facilitate consolidation of the road with the Eagles Nest Motel property as part of the develo ment approval recently granted by Council.

W.T. Halstead General Manager Corporate and Development Services

G:iLegislative ServicesiClerk and Deputy ClerkiReportsi2009i4th Ave Road Closure. doc Page 55 of 82 CITY OF CAMPBELL RIVER PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BYLAW NO. 3305

A BYLAW OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL RIVER TO AUTHORIZE THE CLOSURE OF A ROAD. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions the Community Charter in relation to establishing and closing highways, Council may, by bylaw, close a highway, or a portion of it, to traffic and remove the dedication of a highway; AND WHEREAS public notice has been given as required by Section 94 of the Community Charter by advertising in the Mirror newspaper on July 24, 2009 and July 29, 2009. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the City of Campbell River, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "4th Avenue Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3305, 2008" 2 That the portion of 4th Avenue dedicated on Plan 2090, District Lot 72 and Part of District Lot 73 shown as half road allowance in the crown grant of Parcel B, 0070621, both of Sayward District and shown on the plan marked as Schedule HAlt attached hereto and forming part of this bylaw, is hereby closed and stopped up to traffic of all kinds. 3. The Highway Dedication of the parcel described in Section 2 is removed. 4. This Bylaw shall take effect upon the adoption thereof.

Read a first time on the day of 2009. Read a second time on the day of 2009. Read a third time on the day of 2009. Adopted on the day of 2009.




(") LAND ACT. 0' '" ,~~f ='"'I 'f ('l) j) ""'""".".• ,'",.",••.•,....<_,•• ,.~ D£C//IIA/..$ III Q,.= o ('l) Q,...... /') ~ ~ c' '!" = Rem. LOT / ~ eo PLAN //693 ,. 'S (J) III Rem. LOT / o ~ PLAN 1/693 :r Z D.L. 13 ;l! CD ? ~ c.. w ~ l: W 1-'13 '5f' '" ~ Q -CD VI ~ HALF ROAD ALL Ol'/ANCE hi PARCEL 8 » ROAD Q D01062f Q 4th AVENUE oe 4th AVENUE :L

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hi STRATNCONA. FILE 01265 f)f.N ....Q hi par:agr,aph C on

!"",.graphs A ~.AutH.rr ~21,2009.



573594 Alberta Ltd. 6671 Elm Road Lantzville, B.C. VOR 2HO

(the "Purchaser")

THE SUM OF: Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars to be held in trust by the solicitor for the Vendor.


(a) Closed Road between 431 Island Highway (Lot 1, Plan 11693, DL 73) and 391 Island Highway (Lot 14, DL 73, Plan 3686) outlined in Drawing No. ASK1 prepared by Robert Boyle Architecture Inc. and designated as "4th Avenue" having an area of 1,120 square metres, more or less (a copy of which drawing is attached as Schedule UN' hereto).

(the "Property")

FOR THE PURCHASE PRICE OF: Three Hundred and Eighteen Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy-three ($318,373.00) Dollars for the Property, payable as set out in this Offer (the "Purchase Price").

The obligation of the Purchaser to purchase the Property, and the obligation of the Vendor to sell the Property are subject to the following conditions precedent:

A. The Vendor's municipal council granting a development permit for the use of the Property, the Adjacent Lands, and the Easement Area generally in accordance with the plans submitted by the Purchaser for the rezoning application on terms and conditions satisfactory to the parties.

B. The Purchaser entering into a binding agreement to undertake to landscape the surface of the Easement Area (as defined herein) in accordance with the mutual requirements of the Vendor and the Purchaser's Landscape Architect, and in accordance with any requirements of the development permit referred to in paragraph A. Such landscaping to be completed in conjunction with the development of the Property and the Adjacent Lands.

JJ0 167/Contract ofpurchase and SaJeJDec. 18,2007/PJ/sc

Page 59 of 82 C. The Property, together with the lands at 371 and 391 Island Highway, Campbell River, B.C., (the "Adjacent Lands") being rezoned to C5 under the Vendor's Zoning Bylaw (the Purchaser being responsible to submit the necessary applications, and for all costs associated with that application).

D. 573894 Alberta Ltd., or its assignee or nominee, completing the purchase of the Adjacent Lands and providing the Vendor with the registration documentation from the Land Title Office to show the Vendor that the sale of the Property has been completed.

E. The Vendor raising title to the Property and for the Easement with all costs thereof to be paid by the Purchaser.

F. The Purchaser and the Vendor agreeing to the grant of a Statutory Right of Way over the Property, of a width of not more than six (6) metres, for a foreshore pedestrian walkway to be constructed by the Purchaser with the final design of the said walkway and the terms of such Statutory Right of Way being satisfactory to the City, and the design of the walkway being satisfactory to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO).

G. The Purchaser and the Vendor agreeing on the terms of an Easement of up to four hundred and seventy (470) square metres, generally as shown on the Drawing No. ASK1 prepared by Robert Boyle Architecture Inc. (the area of such Easement is referred to in this Agreement as the "Easement Area"), to be granted by the Vendor to the Purchaser, for underground parking, storage facilities, maintenance or service areas, for the benefit and use of the development of the Property and the Adjacent Lands. The terms and conditions of the Easement are to be to the mutual satisfaction of the parties, and the grant of the Easement, inclUding the consideration to be received by the Vendor, is to comply with the requirements of the Community Charter.

The obligation of the Vendor to sell the Property, and the obligation of the Purchaser to purchase the Property, are subject to the fulfillment of the conditions precedent set forth in paragraphs A to G inclusive, and unless each condition is waived or declared fulfilled by written notice by the Vendor and the Purchaser on or before the date that is six (6) months following the acceptance of this Offer by the Vendor, (except for the conditions set forth in paragraphs A and G, which must·be waived or fulfilled by written notice of the Vendor and the Purchaser on or before the date that is twelve (12) months fonowing the acceptance of this Offer by the Vendor), then the obligation of the Vendor to sell the Property and the obligation of the Purchaser to purchase the Property shall be at an end, and the Deposit shall be returned forthwith to the Purchaser.

liO 167/Contract ofPurchase and SalelDec. lS, 2007IPJ/sc

Page 60 of 82 Goods and Service Tax is payable on all property purchases except previously occupied residential property which will be used as the principle residence of the Purchaser.

The Purchaser hereby offers to purchase the Property for the price and on the terms and subject to the conditions herein set forth.

1. TITLE: Free and clear of other encumbrances except: subsisting conditions, provisos, restrictions, exceptions and reservations including royalties contained in the original grant or contained in any other grant or disposition from the Crown registered or pending restrictive covenants and rights ofways in favour of utilities and public authorities, existing tenancies set out below, it any, and except as follows: the exceptions and reservations referred to in section 35(7) of the Community Charter, subject to the Vendor's agreement to make application to discharge the right of resumption under section 35(8) of the Community Charter concurrently with the transfer of the Property to the Purchaser.

2. PAYMENT OF PRICE: The Purchase Price, of which the Deposit shall form a part, is payable as follows:

(a) by way of the Deposit to be applied to the Purchase Price on closing;

(b) balance on closing by way of cash, solicitors trust cheque or bank draft.


The Purchaser shall, concurrently with the registration of the Form A Transfer of the fee simple title to the Property, register aplan in the Land Title Office consolidating the Property and the Adjacent Lands such that the Property and the Adjacent Lands are consolidated into one parcel.

4. COMPLETION: The sale will be completed (the "Completion Date") on the date that is thirty (30) days after the waiver or fulfillment of all of the conditions precedent set out in paragraphs A to G inclusive, at the appropriate Land Title Office with the Purchase Price to be paid subject to the following:

(a) Tender or payment of monies by the Purchaser to the Vendor will be by certified cheque, bank draft, cash or Lawyer's trust cheque.

(b) All documents required to give effect to this Contract will be delivered in registrable form where necessary at least one (1) business day before the Completion Date and shall be lodged for

110 167/Contract ofPurchase and SalelDec. ] 8,2007/PJ/sc

Page 61 of 82 registration in the appropriate Land Title Office on or before the Completion Date.

(c) Time shall be of the essence hereof. and unless the balance of the cash payment is paid or such formal agreement to pay the balance as may be necessary is entered into on or before the Completion Date, the Vendor may at the Vendor's option terminate this Contract and in such event the Deposit will be absolutely forfeited to the Vendor on account of damages, without prejudice to the Vendor's other remedies.

5. CLEARING TITLE AND NEW MORTGAGE: If the Purchaser is relying upon a new mortgage to finance the Purchase Price the Purchaser, while still required to pay the Purchase Price on the Completion Date, may wait to pay the Purchase Price to the Vendor until after the transfer and new mortgage documents have been lodged for registration in the appropriate Land Title Office. but only if. before such lodging, the Purchaser has:

(a) made available for tender to the Vendor that portion of the Purchase Price not secured by the new mortgage;

(b) fulfilled all the new mortgagee's conditions for funding except lodging the mortgage for registration; and

(c) made available to the Vendor, a lawyer's undertaking to pay the Purchase Price upon the lodging of the transfer and new mortgage documents and the advance by the mortgagee of the mortgage proceeds.

6. COSTS: The Purchaser will bear all costs of the conveyance arid any costs related to arranging a mortgage. The Vendor will bear ali costs of clearing title.

7. POSSESSION: The Purchaser will have vacant possession of the ll Property at 12:00 noon, on the Completion Date (the "Possession Date ).

8. ADJUSTMENTS: The Purchaser will assume and pay all taxes. rates and local improvement assessments and other charges from, and all adjustments both incoming and outgoing of whatsoever nature will be made as ofthe Completion Date (the "Adjustment Date").

9. RJSK; All bUildings on the Property and all other items included in the Purchase and Safe will be and remain at the risk of the Vendor until and including 12:01 a.m. on the Completion Date. After that time the Property and all included items will be at the risk of the Purchaser.

11 0 167/Contract ofPurchase and SalelDec. 18, 2007IPJ/sc


In this Section:

(1) "Contaminants" means any explosives, radioactive materials, asbestos materials, urea formaldehyde, underground or above ground tanks, pollutants, contaminants, deleterious substances, dangerous goods or substances, hazardous, corrosive, or toxic substances, hazardous waste or waste of any kind, or any other substance, the storage, manufacture, disposal, handling, treatment, generation, use, transport, remediation or release into the environment of which is prohibited, controlled or regulated under Environmental Laws.

(2) "Environmental Laws" means any and all statutes, laws, regulations, orders, bylaws, permits and other lawful requirements of any federal, provincial, municipal or other governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Property or the Easement Area now or hereafter in force relating to the environment, heath, occupational health and safety, product liability or transportation of dangerous goods, including all applicable guidelines and standards with respect to the foregoing as adopted by any of those governmental authorities from time to time and under the principles of common law and equity.

(3) The Vendor makes no representation or warranty with respect to:

(a) the condition of the Property or the Easement Area, including without limitation, the presence or absence on, under or over the Property or the Easement Area, of any Contaminant, or any other substance, matter ar thing in concentrations or at levels which may exceed the limits prescribed by Environmental Laws;

(b) the suitability of the Property or the Easement Area for any purpose intended by the Purchaser, including without limitation whether the use of the Property or the Easement Area for any purpose is in compliance with municipal zoning regulations or any other applicable law or regulation; and

(c) the availability and sufficiency of municipal and other services to the Property or the Easement Area.

(4) The Purchaser agrees that it is purchasing the Property and acquiring the Easement Area "as is" and that it is solely responsible to satisfy itself as to the condition and fitness for its intended use of

110 167/Contract ofPurchase and SalelDec. 18,20071PJ/sc

Page 63 of 82 the Property and Easement Area in all respects, including without limitation, the presence on the Property or Easement Area of any Contaminants and the sUitability of sub-soil conditions for the Purchaser's proposed development, and the Purchaser does not rely upon and representations made by the Vendor or any other related party including the Vendor's Council members. employees, officers. representatives or consultants as to the condition of the Property or Easement Area or the suitability of the Property or Easement Area for any use.

(5) The Vendor expressly waives its entitlement to a site profile, if applicable, under the provisions of the Environmental Management Act (British Columbia) as amended or replaced from time to time.

11. DEROGATION OF STATUTORY POWERS: Nothing herein shall be interpreted as prejudicing or impairing the Vendor in the exercise of any statutory powers under the Community Charier, the Local Government Act, or any other enactment, all of which may be exercised as if this Agreement had not been executed. Provided the foregoing shall not restrict or limit the rights or remedies of the Purchaser resulting or arising from a breach or non-performance of the terms of this Agreement by the Vendor.

12. ASSIGNMENT: The Purchaser may, in its sale discretion and without notice 10 the Vendor, assign all rights of the Purchaser to a holding company designated by the Purchaser, or the Purchaser may nominate a holding company as nominee of the Purchaser to complete the purchase of the Property as contemplated by this Offer. Upon assignment or designation of a nominee, the Purchaser shall be relieved of all further obligations under this Offer, and the assignee or nominee shall be entitled to all benefits. rights and interest herein or arising form this Agreement.

13. NON--MERGER: The terms and conditions, and the obligations contained herein, shall not merge in any subsequent transfer or conveyance of the Property and notwithstanding any such transfer or conveyance, the parties shall continue to be bound the provisions of the this Agreement.


(a) In this Contract any reference to a party includes the party's heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns; singular includes plural and masculine includes feminine;

110 167/Contract ofPurchase and SalelDec. i8, 2007IPJ/sc

Page 64 of 82 (b) There are no representations, warranties, guarantees, promises or agreements other than those contained herein, all of which contained herein will survive the completion ofthis sale;

(c) Time is of the essence.

15. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE: This offer shall be open for acceptance until 5:00 p.m. on December ~, 2007 and upon acceptance, or counter-offer, in writing and notifying the other party of such acceptance there shall be a binding Contract of Purchase and Sale on the terms and condrtions set forth.

16. COUNTERPARTS: This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts or by facsimile, each of which shall together, for all purposes constitute one and the same instrument, binding on the parties, and each of which together shall be deemed to be an original, notwrthstanding that all ofthe parties are not signatory to the same counterpart or facsimile.

573594 ALBERTA lTD. by its authorized ) signatories: )

/f'5 E4k/ID j Print Name: ) PrintNam~ ! )


The Vendor:

(a) hereby accepts the above Offer and agrees to complete the sale upon the terms and conditions set out above; and

(b) declares and represents that the Vendor is a resident of Canada as defined under the Income Tax Act.

Vendor's Acceptance is dated ~~St;JLd\ , 2007

II0 167/Contract ofPurchase and SaleIDec. 18, 20071PlIse

Page 65 of 82 City of Campbell River by its ) Authorized signatory: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

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COUNCIL MEETING, TUESDAY, JULY 7, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. in the City of Campbell River Council Chambers, 301 St Ann’s Road, Campbell River, BC. PRESENT: Chair - Mayor C. Cornfield, Councillors: A. Adams, R. Grant, R. Mennie, C. Moglove, Z. Stewart, M. Storry, T. Stevens - City Manager, R. Milnthorp - General Manager, Parks, Recreation & Culture; D. Morris -General Manager, Facilities and Supply Chain; R. Neufeld - General Manager, Operations; R. Buchan - Land Use Manager, D. Chapman - General Manager, Financial Services; L. Ciarniello - Human Resources Manager; W.T. Halstead - General Manager, Corporate and Development Services/City Clerk; P. F. Wipper - Deputy City Clerk


1.1 Resolution to move In-Camera 09-0272 Moglove/Grant THAT Council move In-Camera under the authority of Section 90 (1) (a), (e), (g) of the Community Charter. CARRIED 1.2 NOTE: Issues discussed In-Camera are not open to the public. 2. COUNCIL OPEN MEETING


3.1 Additions to the agenda. 09-0273 Moglove/Grant THAT the agenda be approved with the following additions: ● Chamber of Commerce request for letter of support (New Business) ● Hosting AVICC Conference (New Business) ● Federal Funding for Trails (Information) CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS/PRESENTATIONS

4.1 Bruce Whyte, Cultural Tourism Advisor with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts presentation on the Ministry's cultural tourism initiative.

Mr. Whyte provided a 15 minute PowerPoint presentation on cultural tourism and how it could be developed and benefit Campbell River. Mr. Whyte explained that Campbell River has many opportunities to develop community cultural tourism, which would help add to its economic base. Mr. Whyte Page 1 of 9 Page 68 of 82 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, July 7, 2009

suggested that the City consider supporting an accelerated planning process geared to generate business activity within one year. This would require that the City commit staff and logistical support.

Rivercorp CEO, Mr. Bradbury explained that cultural tourism would not replace Campbell River's existing tourism initiatives. Mr. Bradbury reported that visits to the City's visitor information centre have increased substantially over last year.



5.1.1 Council Covenants and Meeting Protocol. T. Stevens provided an overview of the Council, CAO covenants and the protocol for conducting meetings.

Councillor Stewart expressed his disappointment over Council's 2009 strategic session and budget deliberation, and the decision to fill management positions in light of the City's hiring freeze.

Councillor Grant recommended that the protocol for conducting meetings be amended by replacing "them" with "it" in bullet 12, and by replacing "focused" with "focus" in bullet 13.

09-0274 Mennie/Adams That Council endorses, signs off and implements the: •Council - CAO Covenant •CAO - Council Covenant •Protocol for Conducting Meetings as amended. CARRIED L. Ciarniello left the meeting at 8:18 p.m. 5.2. CORPORATE AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES


5.3.1 Capital Works Manager's June 29, 2009 Report regarding Tender No. 587 - Penfield West Park Construction. D. Morris provided an overview of the tender process. R. Milnthorp provided an overview of the project, cost breakdown and explained how the public was involved in the planning process.

Councillor Stewart expressed concerns over the City's ability to maintain it's parks in light of the existing budget constraints.

09-0275 Moglove/Grant THAT Council approve the award of Tender No. 587 - Penfield West Park Construction to the lowest priced Tenderer, Wacor Page 2 of 9 Page 69 of 82 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Holdings Ltd. at $312, 593 (GST excluded). CARRIED



5.5.1 General Manager of Operations June 29, 2009 Report regarding Neighbourhood Traffic Management Policy and Procedures. R. Neufeld explained the merits of adopting neighbourhood traffic management policy and procedures and answered questions from Council. In response to Councillor Adams, R. Neufeld confirmed that staff will investigate the possibility of using DCC's or other forms of funding to implement traffic calming measures. In response to Councillor Adams, R. Neufeld recommended that Section 7.0 of the neighbourhood traffic management procedures be amended by adding the statement "Any traffic calming decision will come forward with a corresponding funding strategy for both the initial investment as well as the on-going maintenance." In response to Councillor Grant, R. Neufeld confirmed that staff will bring back a report that clarifies if traffic fine revenue could be used to fund traffic calming initiatives. Mayor Cornfield requested and R. Neufeld confirmed that the road classification terminology contained within the Traffic Management Procedures will be standardized with consistent wording. 09-0276 Storry/Stewart THAT Council adopt the "Neighbourhood Traffic Management Policy"; AND FURTHER THAT Council approve the "City of Campbell River Neighbourhood Traffic Management Procedures" as amended.

CARRIED 5.5.2 General Manager of Operations June 29, 2009 Report regarding Murphy Street Traffic Calming. R. Neufeld highlighted the issues facing Murphy Street and possible traffic calming alternatives. R. Neufeld stated that the public open house would be scheduled for July with recommendations forwarded to Council in September.

09-0277 Stewart/Moglove Page 3 of 9 Page 70 of 82 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, July 7, 2009

THAT Council direct staff to arrange for a public open house to gather input related to traffic calming alternatives for South Murphy Street corridor as soon as possible. CARRIED In response to Mayor Cornfield, T. Stevens confirmed that the RCMP will be asked to increase radar speed enforcement along Murphy Street until traffic calming measures can be implemented. 5.5.3 General Manager of Operations July 2, 2009 Report regarding Highway 19A Building Canada Fund Resolution. R. Neufeld provided information and answered questions concerning Phase 1 of the South Island Highway Improvement project.

09-0278 Moglove/Adams THAT Council approve a financing strategy to finance 1/3rd of the South Island Highway Improvement Project - Phase 1 via a combination of 1.35 million from water and sewer reserves, $1.585 million from development cost charges, and with the balance from Strathcona Regional District contributions and borrowing subject to the remaining 2/3rds of the funding being secured through the Canada-British Columbia Building Canada Fund - Communities Component. CARRIED 5.5.4 General Manager of Operations June 29, 2009 Report regarding Airport Extension Building Canada Fund Resolution. R. Neufeld confirmed that the overall project cost is $8.3 million which would leave the City's portion of $2.8 million. Council had a general discussion on how the City's portion would be funded.

09-0279 Grant/Moglove THAT Council approve a financing strategy to finance 1/3rd of the Campbell River Airport Runway Extension project via borrowing subject to the remaining 2/3rds of the funding being secured through the Canada-British Columbia Building Canada Fund - Communities Component. CARRIED 5.5.5 General Manager, Operations' July 2, 2009 Report regarding Downtown Revitalization Tax Exemption. R. Buchan highlighted revisions made to the Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw including the addition of "renovations" and "certified LEED Gold or Platinum Buildings". Mayor Cornfield requested and Mr. Buchan confirmed that the proposal will be referred to Rivercorp, Chamber of Commerce, Downtown BIA, and the Pier Street Association for review and Page 4 of 9 Page 71 of 82 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, July 7, 2009

comment. Councillor Storry requested that the public open house provide general information various development cost charges.

R. Buchan explained that the proposed tax exemptions would only apply to "improvements" not "land". 09-0280 Adams/Mennie THAT Council direct staff to prepare a Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw incorporating the following features: 1. For the land area as defined by Map 1 in the General Manager, Operations' July 2, 2009 Report, 2. New improvements and the increase in assessment resulting from a renovation can be exempted, 3. For a period of three years for commercial and five years for residential buildings for portions thereof beginning from the issuance of the building permit, 4. 50% exemption for commercial uses, 5. 100% exemption for residential uses, 6. 100% exemption for 5 years for any certified LEED Gold or Platinum building, 7. Including a condition for tax recapture;

AND THAT Council direct staff to communicate this initiative by: 1. Referring the proposal to DAC for comments, and 2. Holding a public open house;

AND FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to report back to Council once the communications have been completed for direction prior to drafting the bylaw. CARRIED The meeting recessed at 9:43 p.m. and reconvened at 9:50 p.m. 5.5.6 General Manager of Operations' June 29, 2009 Report regarding Ocean Pacific Marine Supply Ltd., 1330 Island Highway - Incomplete Works and Outstanding Permit Requirements. 09-0281 Stewart/Grant THAT staff continue to work with the applicant to resolve the outstanding Development Permit issues. CARRIED R. Buchan left the meeting at 9:57 p.m.



6.1 June 9, 2009 correspondence from Union of British Columbia Municipalities advising that the resolution regarding the local government election date will be Page 5 of 9 Page 72 of 82 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, July 7, 2009

brought to the UBCM convention in September 2009. 09-0282 Moglove/Adams THAT the June 9, 2009 correspondence from Union of British Columbia Municipalities advising that the resolution regarding the local government election date will be brought to the UBCM convention in September 2009 be received. CARRIED 6.2 June 9, 2009 correspondence from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities regarding a call for nominations for UBCM executive. 09-0283 Moglove/Stewart THAT the June 9, 2009 correspondence from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities regarding a call for nominations for UBCM executive be received. CARRIED 7. BYLAWS AND PERMITS

7.1 General Manager, Corporate and Protective Services' June 29, 2009 Report regarding Bylaw 3387 - ERT Road Closure 14th to 16th. W. T. Halstead provided an overview of the application to close the road.

09-0284 Grant/Stewart THAT ERT Road (14th to 16th Avenue) Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3387, 2009 receive first, second and third readings.

THAT Council waive the requirement to post a Notice on the land to be closed, ERT Road 14th to 16th Avenue. CARRIED 7.2 User Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3378, 2009. 09-0285 Moglove/Grant THAT User Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3378, 2009 be adopted. CARRIED 7.3 General Manager, Corporate and Protective Services July 2, 2009 Report regarding Dogwood/Fir Street Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3385. W. T. Halstead provided a brief overview of the Bylaw. 09-0286 Grant/Storry THAT Dogwood/Fir Street Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3385 be given first, second and third readings.

THAT Council waive the requirement to post a Notice regarding the land to be closed on Dogwood/Fir Street. CARRIED Page 6 of 9 Page 73 of 82 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, July 7, 2009


8.1 Councillor Mennie congratulated the community at large for participating in the largest Canada Day celebrations ever. 8.2 Councillor Adams: ● congratulated organizers of the July 1, 2009 Salmon City Jam skateboard event; ● congratulated organizers of the June 27, 2009 Rob Brind'Amour Cystic Fibrosis Golf Tournament, which raised $84,000; ● reported on the retirement/farewell dinner for Fire Chief, Larry Samson and Public Works Manager, Gord Brown. 8.3 Councillor Grant reported on the Seniors Honour Roll. 8.4 Mayor Cornfield reported on the:

- Timberline Graduation ceremony and recognized the Graduating Class for helping to establish a legacy fund to aid people in our community.

- "Transformation on the Shore" carving competition.

- Seniors Day held on June 30th.

- Dedication of the hospital's new secure observation room in the memory of Phyllis Hards.

- The City's Jeans Day contribution to the Phyllis Hards Foundation. 9. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORTS

9.1 Financial Task Force on Major Industry Tax Revenue Loss' June 5, 2009 letter and June 1, 2009 Final Report regarding Recommendations on How to Manage a Major Industry Tax Revenue Loss. Councillor Storry read the Financial Task Force's June 5, 2009 letter and thanked the Task Force for their efforts.

Councillor Moglove expressed her disappointment on how Council handled the Task Force report and recommendations from the perspective that the recommendations never came up for discussion or debate.

Councillor Stewart highlighted the Task Force's recommendation that the City develop for a communications strategy.

Mayor Cornfield reviewed how the Task Force recommendations were incorporated into the 2009 Financial Plan.

09-0287 Moglove/Stewart THAT the Financial Task Force on Major Industry Tax Revenue Loss' June 5, 2009 letter and June 1, 2009 Final Report regarding Page 7 of 9 Page 74 of 82 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Recommendations on How to Manage a Major Industry Tax Revenue Loss be received. CARRIED 9.2 Campbell River Olympic Torch Relay Committee's Grant Application. 09-0288 Moglove/Adams THAT Council endorse the Campbell River Olympic Torch Relay Committee's grant application to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts for up to $40,000 of funding to assist with the hosting of celebrations associated with the November 2, 2009 arrival of the official 2010 Olympic Torch. CARRIED 10. MINUTES

10.1 June 23, 2009 Regular Council Minutes. 09-0289 Stewart/Moglove THAT the June 23, 2009 Regular Council Minutes be adopted. CARRIED 11. OTHER MINUTES

11.1 June 18, 2009 Community Advisory Commission Minutes. 09-0290 Moglove/Stewart THAT the June 18, 2009 Community Advisory Commission Minutes be received. CARRIED 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS

12.1 B. C. Seniors Games R. Milnthorp provided an overview of the City's involvement in the upcoming 2010 B.C. Senior Games and reported that a promotional event for the Games will be held at 1:30 pm on July 8th at the Community Centre.


13.1 Chamber of Commerce Request Councillor Adams reported that the Campbell River Chamber of Commerce have developed a Campbell River economic transition and opportunity and growth and labour market strategy proposal. The Chamber is requesting a letter of support from the City for their funding application. 13.2 Hosting AVICC Conference In response to Councillor Adams, T. Stevens confirmed that staff will look into the City hosting the Associations of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities Annual Conference in 2012 and report back to Council.

Page 8 of 9 Page 75 of 82 Regular Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, July 7, 2009

13.3 Cultural Tourism Initiative 09-0291 Storry/Grant THAT Council support the Cultural Tourism proposal and refer it to the Rivercorp Board of Directors with a recommendation to continue working with the Ministry of Tourism Culture and the Arts, to prepare an implementation and funding strategy along with terms of reference for the proposed Task Force and report back to Council. CARRIED 14. INFORMATION

14.1 June 12, 2009 correspondence from Robert Peel, President, Campbell River Senior Centre Society to Pat Joyce, Secretary, Comox Seniors Association informing them of a registered senior's society in Campbell River. 09-0292 Moglove/Stewart THAT the June 12, 2009 correspondence from Robert Peel, President, Campbell River Senior Centre Society to Pat Joyce, Secretary, Comox Seniors Association informing them of a registered senior's society in Campbell River be received. CARRIED 14.2 Federal Government Trail Funding In response to Councillor Moglove, R. Milnthorp confirmed that staff will provide clarification on which organizations are eligible to apply for the Federal Government Trail Funding. 15. ADDENDA ITEMS


16.1 Adjournment 09-0293 Stewart/Moglove THAT the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 10:38 p.m.

Mayor C. Cornfield, CHAIR P.F. Wipper, DEPUTY CITY CLERK

Page 9 of 9 Page 76 of 82 Attraction and Retention Strategy for Immigrants to Campbell River

Partners in the Accord: Campbell River & Area Multicultural & North Island Employment Foundations Immigrant Services Association (MISA) Society (NIEFS) A114 - 740 Robron Road 870C 13th Avenue Campbell River, BC V9W 6}7 Campbell River, BC V9W 4H2

Campbell River & District Chamber of School District No. 72 Commerce 425 Pinecrest Road Enterprise Centre Campbell River, BC V9W 3P2 900 Alder Street Campbell River, BC V9W 6A7 North Island College 1685 South Dogwood Street Campbell River Economic Development Campbell River, BC V9W 8Cl Corporation (Rivercorp) Enterprise Centre Youth 4 Diversity (Y4D) 900 Alder Street Carihi Secondary Campbell River, BC V9W 6A7 Timberline Secondary School District No. 72 City of Campbell River Dogwood Road 301 St. Ann's Road Campbell River, BC Campbell River, BC V9W 4C7

Purpose: We, the signers of this Accord, formally establish a collaborative partnership with a common vision of Campbell River as welcoming and inclusive for immigrants and others representing a diverse heritage who wish to become an integral and sustainable part of our social, educational, economic and employment community.

Vision: Campbell River is a welcoming and inclusive community for immigrants and others representing a diverse heritage who wish to become an integral and sustainable part ofour economic and employment community. People realize their full potential, racism is eliminated and cultural diversity is valued and celebrated. Community capacity is strong and well integrated with broader regional and provincial efforts. Broad, long-term partnerships across sectors and stakeholder groups serve as a catalyst for systemic improvement that enables immigrants to participate fully in the life ofour community.

Outcomes: Outcomes ofachieving this vision include the following:

Campbell River smoothly and easily integrates newcomers into the employment community as productive contributors to the local and regional economy Key stakeholders drive a process to strengthen collaboration, networking capacity building in the community

9 June 2009 Page 1 of Page 77 of 82 Partners coordinate community action on immigrant settlement, elimination of racism, enhancement of multiculturalism and workplace diversity, and building and sustaining Campbell River as a welcoming and inclusive community The community appreciates and celebrates its cultural diversity, and formally recognizes the important historical and contemporary contributions immigrants have made to the economic and social fabric ofCampbell River

Partnership Principles: Leadership in all partner organizations is committed to supporting our shared purpose, principles and desired outcomes through concrete, specific and measurable actions Each organization has unique strengths to build upon and to contribute to the community The partners collaborate on matters of common interest and mutual gain in advancing the principles ofthe Accord The partners commit to a process involving open communication and effective planning The community benefits when organizations with complementary aims and objectives coordinate their activities

Accord Principles: The community and our economy benefit from joint planning and proactive service coordination to enhance the effective and efficient linking of business workforce needs with the supply ofappropriately skilled workers Partners proactively identify economic drivers and the needed infrastructure, skills and human resources to support a robust, sustainable community Programs and services are client-centred and meet community and labour market needs Joint planning and proactive service coordination enhance the effective and efficient delivery ofemployment and skill development services for new Canadians in Campbell River Participation in community consultation reflects Campbell River's diversity To advance the vision ofthe Accord and serve the best interest ofthe community, common strategies (1) derive from the partners' diverse goals and values and (2) identify the shared benefits key players will realize

Action Plan: To build the foundation upon which this Accord wiH stand, partners to the Accord will:

Meet by 30 June 2009 to identify how and when to link future initiatives, and to establish a plan for achieving the Accord's objectives Create strategies to seek and receive endorsements of other stakeholders and the community at large Reflect in their strategic and operational plans their commitment to support this Accord, its vision and principles Identify strategic objectives that link partners' programs and services Develop a SMART action plan that includes concrete actions with measurable reportable outcomes Build strategies for communicating within the Accord as well as between members and the community at large. Prepare a community asset map with key stakeholder ofthe needs, supports and services available to support a welcoming community for imjmi~~rants

9 June 2009 2 4 Page 78 of 82 Attraction and Retention Strategy for Immigrants to Campbell River

Key Stakeholders:

Campbell River & Area Multicultural and Immigrant Services Association

Rachel Blaney, Executive Coordinator

Helen Henley, Board Chair

Campbell River & District Chamber of Commerce

Colleen Evans, Executive Director

Andy Leitch, Board Chair

Campbell River Economic Development Corporation

Brad Bradbury, CEO

Kent Moeller, Board Chair

City of Campbell River

Charlie Cornfield, Mayor

9 June 2009 Page 3 of 4 Page 79 of 82 North Island Employment Foundations Society North Island Employment foundations Society

Doug Preston, Executive Director

Nickie Polson, Board Chair

School District No. 72

Helen Moats, Chair of the Board

Thomas Langridge, Superintendent & CEO

North Island College

Chris Gibson, Chair ofthe Board

Dr. Lou Dryden, Pcesident

Youth 4 Diversity (Y4D)

Judy Nguyen

Page 80 of 82 C!!l~a:DI

CANADIAN UNION OF PUBUC EMPlOYEES BRmSH COLUMBIA DMSION 510- 4940 Canada Way, Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 413 Tel: 604-291-9119 Fax: 604-291-9043

July 14, 2009

Richard Hobson President, UBCM 60, 10551 Shellbridge Way Richmond, BC V6X 2W9

Dear Richard;

RE: Industrial Property Taxes

I am writing on behalf of the 80,000 members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees in British Columbia on an issue of grave concern to our members.

CUPE members believe in communities. We live, work, volunteer, pay taxes and join in activities to strengthen our communities.

The failure of Catalyst Paper, Zellstoff Celgar and others to pay the property taxes they legally owe threatens the health, well-being and sustainability of communities around BC and our members who live there; communities that have been a tremendous source of wealth for all British Columbians. This is unacceptable.

These actions are a direct threat to the ability of democratically elected local governments to represent and act on behalf of their communities.

The pressure on public services in these resource dependent communities will be relentless.

I encourage the UBCM to make this issue an immediate priority and support these communities and other stakeholders, including senior levels of government in finding a solution.

I would be pleased to discuss this matter with you further. You can also contact CUPE's Local Government Liaison Heather Inglis though my office.

~__ Yours Sincer~---'~'-. ~--~--....::::.....-.-:-:::::.--~­

Barry O'Neill President CUPE BC Division

c.c. Garry Macisaac, Executive Director, UBCM Mayor Ken McRae, Port Alberni Mayor Stewart Aisgard. Powell River Mayor Charlie Cornfield, Campbell River Mayor Tom Walker, North Cowichan Mayor Lawrence Chernoff, Castlegar

BONisl-COPE-15 Barry O'Neill, President P:\2009\Letters\8arry\Og-07-14.richard hobson.UBCM.doc Mark Hancock, Secretary-Treasurer Page 81 of 82 ./flatitime 4titage CENTRE

July 6,2009

Mr. Charlie Cornfield City ofCampbell River 301 St. Ann's Road Campbell River, B.C. V9W 4C7

Re: 2009 Discovery Passage Boat Rodeo

Your Worship the Mayor:

On August 23rd the Maritime Heritage Centre will be presenting the 4th annual Discovery Passage Boat Rodeo at Robert V. Ostler Foreshore Park. This year's event promises to be another day of interesting and exciting family entertainment. In addition to previous year's activities the 2009 Boat Rodeo will include Bathtub Races which will add a new dimension for "kids" ofall ages.

As Organizing Committee Chair for this year's event I cordially invite you, your Councillors, and your families to come out and enjoy a day offamily fun. Furthermore, I invite all ofyou to enrol in the blindfolded dinghy races and perhaps even put out some challenges to City staffand/or other local dignitaries.

I and the other members ofthe Maritime Heritage Society sincerely hope that you will find the time to share this day ofcommunity focused family fun with us.

P.O. Box 483 621 Island Highway. Campbell River, BC V9W 5C1 Phone: (250) 286-3161 - Fax: (250) 286-3162 [email protected] - Page 82 of 82