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28148 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 1, 1984 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL My congratulations to each of you on Elevation of the standards of the secretar SECRETARY <CPS) your achievement of the CPS certification. ial profession became a fact for 62 CPS can You are to be commended for your efforts didates who passed all six parts of the ex and commitment to reaching this goal amination and became the first to achieve HON. RICHARD L. OTTINGER which has become recognized as the the Certified Professional Secre~ary rating. OF NEW YORK "Emblem of Excellence" for the secretarial Since that memorable occasion with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES profession. first examination some 34 years ago, the Monday, October 1, 1984 It has been my privilege since joining Pro CPS program has become recognized and re fessional Secretaries International in 1975 spected internationally. Today the exam is e Mr. OTTINGER. Mr. Speaker, I to meet and become good friends with many administered in the United States, Canada, would like to call to the attention of of the District of Columbia Chapter mem Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and through some of my colleagues the new 1984 CPS's who bers. Winnie Woodhull and I go back a the affiliated organizations of Professional received their certificates through the number of years when we were division Secretaries International. District of Columbia Chapter of Pro presidents at the same time. As you might With the exception of two of the thirty fessional Secretaries International. expect, we commiserated with each other on four years, the number of candidates sitting The certificates were presented at a several occasions during that year about for the examination has consistently in DC chapter dinner meeting this some of the challenges, both good and some creased with the total number certified now not so good, that we were experiencing in being 18,398, of which 1,141 were certified month where the awardees and other our leadership roles. members of the chapter were fortu this year. And, we are very pleased to have nate to have as the guest speaker, And, of course, it has been and is a dis the opportunity to honor three of those to tinct honor for me to claim as a very special night. Joan Brown, CPS, from the Institute friend our own International President, Twenty years ago in 1964, there were 1390 for Certifying Secretaries, PSI. I com Sylvia Cash, CPS. candidates for the examination. This year mend the following names of those Again, I thank you for allowing me to there were over 5,600 candidates; however, secretaries who have been certified by share in this very special event. when one looks at the statistics for the the Institute: Each of us here tonight has with us cer number of persons employed as secretaries, Raymond J. Camara, CPS, Haynes & tain credentials by which we are and can be we are falling way short. There should be Miller; J. B. Wallace, CPS, Saidman, identified-our driver's license, our social se four to five to six times as many candidates Sterne, Kessler & Goldstein; and Jette curity card, certainly our credit cards which sitting yearly for the exam. Ward, CPS, Zimmerman, Semler & most of us have far too many-those things Our International President stated in her Pritzker. which identify us personally. acceptance speech at the PSI Convention in This year certification was awarded Mr. Webster defines the word "credential" Toronto that, "Certified Professional Secre to 50 secretaries in Washington, DC, as "something that gives a title to credit or tary is indeed the CAPSTONE of the secre confidence." That is why we are here to tarial profession." Virginia, and Maryland, bringing the night, to honor three who have added a new Our president wants to see strong empha total to 736 in the Washington metro credential, the Certified Professional Secre sis on CPS during the 1984-85 PSI year, area. tary rating. more publicity on CPS, more candidates sit The CPS examination was instituted And, also, to reinforce our pride in those ting for the 1985 examination, more recog in 1951. To attain the CPS rating, a who have already reached the CPS goal; nition for those who become certified, and a secretary must meet certain education also, to give encouragement to those candi better working relationship between PSI and work experience requirements and dates who are aspiring to this goal; and and the CPS societies. pass the 2-day, six-part examination before the night is over, we hope that those These societies can be a valuable resource who have not made a commitment to sitting to PSI and the Institute for Certifying Sec on behavioral science in business, busi for the CPS Examination will make a deci retaries. As our president stated in her ness law, economics and management, sion to set this as either a personal goal to speech, "It is time that we stop discouraging accounting, office administration and achieve or to encourage someone else to but rather encourage these societies to help communication and office technology. become involved in the program. PSI in promoting CPS." The Institute en In bringing the CPS rating to the at The 25th Anniversary Issue of The Secre dorses this goal and is looking at ways to im tention of my colleagues today, per tary Magazine featured an article from Feb plement a better and stronger relationship haps my remarks will help to open the ruary 1948 issue. The article was entitled between PSI and these societies. "ONWARD TO CPS" and was written at a I understand that the Washington area door through which we here in the time when our association, then known as has a long-standing CPS society, and I com House, as well as members of manage The National Secretaries Association, was mend those of you who are members of this ment throughout the business world, attempting to establish the CPS program. society for the work you have done in pro will come to recognize the merits of To quote from this article, "Just as an moting the CPS program. the certified professional secretary. iceskater skates his way to fame, just as any President Cash and I have just returned I hope you will join with me in con sportsman fights to win a name, so shall we this past weekend from the annual planning surmount the obstacles that lie before us in session of the Institute. As you know from gratulating the new CPS recipients. order to make Certified Professional Secre my introduction, I'm what they refer to as a CPS PRESENTATION: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA taries a reality. "new kid on the Institute block," having CHAPTER, PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES Let's not sit idly by hoping for someone just embarked on the beginning of a three- INTERNATIONAL, SEPTEMBER 18, 1984 else to lay the groundwork. It's human . year appointment. nature to be a 'doubting Thomas' and to be It was exciting for me to work with this OUR CREDENTIALS ARE SHOWING unconvinced until something is well estab group of professionals dedicated to achiev Madam President, CPS Honorees, Other lished and has proven itself. But, secretaries ing the two major goals of the Institute, Special Guests, Members of the District of who are farsighted enough to join and stay those being: <1) to prepare and administer Columbia Chapter. with NSA are sufficiently farsighted to real the annual CPS Examination program, and It is indeed a pleasure for me to be here ize, without the concrete evidence, just what (2) to promote the CPS program. tonight to share with the District of Colum CPS will do for every one of us." The Institute Annual Meeting can unques bia Chapter in this special occasion. It is CPS did become a reality when the Insti tionably be termed a "work session." We left truly an exciting and memorable night for tute for Certifying Secretaries was estab our rooms shortly after 8:00 each morning the three who are being honored as new lished in December 1950, the application and did not return until 5:30 and sometimes Certified Professional Secretaries-Ray was filed to register the CPS program, and later each of the three days, but it was a mond Camara, CPS; J.B. Wallace, CPS; 281 candidates took the first CPS Examina work session of "love" on the part of every Jette Ward, CPS. tion in August 1951 at 15 testing centers. Institute member. These members give will- • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. October 1, 1984 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 28149 ingly of their, their talents, and their When opportunity appears, think "I can do world. Sleek word processors have replaced knowledge because they believe in the CPS it; not, I can't." Thinking success conditions old-fashioned electric typewriters. The day program and examination and because they your mind to create plans that produce suc of the old manual typewriter with sticking are committed to doing all they can to cess. keys is long gone. The time when secretaries ensure its continued recognition as the cer Secondly, remind yourself regularly that only spoke when they were spoken to is a tification program for the secretarial profes you are better than you think you are. Suc thing of the past. The secretarial job was sion. cess does not require a superintellect nor is once looked upon as a means of security for The Institute planning session was filled there anything mystical about success. And, the individual. Today, it is a springboard to from minute to minute with brainstorming; success isn't based on luck.