Scientific and technical Synchronization of the acoustic evidence in the assassination of President Kennedy R Linsker∗ and RL Garwin1 IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, P. O. Box 218 (1101 Kitchawan Road & Route 134), Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA e-mail:
[email protected] H Chernoff1 Statistics Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA P Horowitz1 and NF Ramsey1 Physics Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Science & Justice 2005 45 207 – 226 Received 17 November 2004 accepted 23 May 2005 We have revisited the acoustic evidence in the Kennedy assassi- de 60 Hz y metodos´ de correlacion´ para obtener calibraciones nation – recordings of the two Dallas police radio channels upon de velocidad para grabaciones hechas en los dos canales, analisis´ which our original NRC report (Ramsey NF et al., Report of espectrales para buscar instancias de segmentos repetidos du- the Committee on Ballistic Acoustics. National Research Coun- rante el play-back del canal 2( que pudiera resultar del salto de cil (US). Washington: National Academy Press, 1982. Posted surco)y metodos´ de correlacion´ y espectrograficos´ para analizar at was based – in re- instancias de posibles conversaciones cruzadas usadas para sin- sponse to the assertion by DB Thomas (Echo correlation analysis cronizar ambos canales. Esta publicacion´ identifica graves errores and the acoustic evidence in the Kennedy assassination revis- en la publicacion´ de Thomas y corrige errores del informe NCR. ited. Science and Justice 2001; 41: 21–32) that alleged gunshot Reafirmamos la primitiva conclusion´ del informe NCR de que sounds (on Channel 1), apparently recorded from a motorcycle los pretendidos disparos de arma fueron registrados un minuto officer’s stuck-open microphone, occur at the exact time of the aproximadamente despues´ del asesinato.