OLD ENGLISH NEWSLETTER Published for The Old English Division of the Modern Language Association of America by The Department of English, University of Tennessee, Knoxville VOLUME NUMBER ISSN - O E N Volume !" Number ! Summer #$$% E&'()* R. M. Liuzza, University of Tennessee, Knoxville A++),'-(. E&'()*+ Year’s Work in Old English Studies: Daniel Donoghue, Harvard University Bibliography: Thomas Hall, University of Notre Dame C)/(*'01('/2 E&'()*+ Research in Progress: Heide Estes, Monmouth University Conference Abstracts: Dana Oswald, University of Wisconsin, Parkside Bibliography: Melinda Menzer, Furman University E&'()*'-3 B)-*& Patrick W. Conner, West Virginia University Antonette diPaolo Healey, Dictionary of Old English David F. Johnson, Florida State University Catherine Karkov, University of Leeds Ursula Lenker, University of Munich Mary Swan, University of Leeds A++'+(-/( () (4. E&'()*: Teresa Hooper The Old English Newsletter (ISSN $$5$-"675) is published for the Old English Division of the Modern Language Asso- ciation by the Department of English, University of Tennessee, 5$" McClung Tower, Knoxville, TN, 57668-$!5$; email
[email protected]. The generous support of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists and the Department of English at The University of Tennessee is gratefully acknowledged. Subscriptions: The rate for institutions is 9#$ US per volume; the rate for individuals is 9": per volume, but in order to reduce administrative costs the editors ask individuals to pay for two volumes at once at the discounted rate of 9#:. Individual back issues can be ordered for 9: each. All payments must be made in US dollars. A subscription form is online at http://www.oenewsletter.org/OEN/subscription_form.pdf.