MARXISM LENINISM MAOISM Study Notes New Vistas Publications Marxism-Leninism-Maoism: Study Notes First Edition: April 2002 No. of copies 1500 ISBN 81-88293-02-4 Front cover: Proclamation of the Paris Commune outside the Hotel de ville, 18th March 1 871 (Engraving, Le Monde illustre’, Paris, 1871) Back cover top: Lenin addressing workers, soldiers and sailors, from Armoured Car at the Finland Station enroute Petrograd on April 3, 1917. Gave a stirring call to Socialist revolution. Back cover Bottom: Mao, reviewing Red Guards arrived from all parts of the country and assembled at Tien-An-Men square in 1966 to support GPCR. (China Reconstructs, 1976-December-Supplement) Price India Rs. 100.00 Out side India $5 (Postage Extra) Printed & Published by: P Govindan Kutty New Vistas Publications 475-5A, Govindpuri Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019 E-mail: new
[email protected] Printed at:R.K.Offset Process, M-28 Naveen Shahdara. Delhi-32 Publisher’s Note The emergence of Marxism marked a turning point in the history of human civilization. All positive aspects, which were achieved in the course of development of human civilization till then, were appropriated and synthesized by Marx and Engels. And this resulted in the emergence of Marxism – the Proletarian world outlook. It is the proletarian world outlook which declare that the task of philosophy is not only to interpret the world but to change it. So it explained the laws of development of nature and society, analysed how to change society, put forward the great importance of social practice and clearly indicated the very orientation of class-struggle which would ultimately lead to the establishment of classless society.