Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. V. I. Lenin, What is to be done? Revolutionary Marxism 2019 Special annual English edition www.devrimcimarksizm.net
[email protected] Devrimci Marksizm Üç aylık politik/teorik dergi (Yerel, süreli yayın) İngilizce yıllık özel sayı Sahibi ve Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü: Şiar Rişvanoğlu Yönetim Yeri: Adliye Arkası 3. Sokak Tüzün İşhanı No: 22/2 ADANA Baskı: Net Copy Center, Özel Baskı Çözümleri, Ömer Avni Mh., İnönü Cad./ Beytül Malcı Sok. 23/A, 34427 Beyoğlu/İstanbul Tel: +90-4440708 Yurtdışı Fiyatı: 10 Avro Kıbrıs Fiyatı: 20 TL Fiyatı: 15 TL (KDV Dahil) Cover Photo Soviet troops examining the fallen eagle – the symbol of Nazism (Berlin, 1945). Revolutionary Marxism 2019 CONTENTS In this issue 5 Fascism Sungur Savran The return of barbarism: Fascism in the 21st 15 century (1): Historical roots: classical fascism Mustafa Kemal Coşkun Is fascism a non-class ideology? 49 Turkey Kurtar Tanyılmaz Turkey’s economic crisis 55 Topics in the history of socialism Armağan Tulunay The greatest revolutionary woman in 69 history: Rosa Luxemburg Burak Gürel The road to capitalist restoration in the 85 People’s Republic of China: Maoism, bureaucracy, and mass movements Celia Hart Welcome … Trotsky 109 Sungur Savran Captive Bolshevik: Nâzım Hikmet and 119 Stalinism 40th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution Praxis Collective How did the Iranian revolution transmute? 145 Araz Bağban A revolution between two dictatorships 159 Network of Marxist journals Tamás Krausz The Hungarian Soviet Republic from a 179 century-long perspective Katerina Matsa October 1917 and the everyday life of the 185 Soviet masses Jock Palfreeman Marx and human rights 197 In this issue More than ten years have passed since the collapse of the US financial system and the beginning of the Third Great Depression of capitalism.