LENIN ON NATIONAL SECURITY ROBERT 7\ff:\OR LIMA-AN ANSWER TO MUNICH R . A.. MARTil\Ei'. tllld H.-\RR Y ROB INSON POLITICAL MASS ORGANIZATION ·wiLLIAM Z. FOSTER U TE fPLOYMENT A D ·w.P.A. by FLETCH ER and VANCJ:. HARRISON GEORGE- CLASS FORCES IN CA LI FORN IA FAR MING CLASS CO FLICTS IN THE SOUTH . 185o.6o by H ERBERT B IEL John D ewey>s L ogic R eviewed by Philip Ca1'ter TWENTY CENTS Another Notable Number! NATIONAL ISSUES A SURVEY OF POLITICS AND LEGISLATION FEBRUARY CONTENTS Editorials: The President's Message; Roosevelt's Jackson Day Speech; The Coster Case; The Lima Conference; Tom Mooney is Free; An Un-American Award for Mr. Dies. The 1940 Budget . Alan Max Tory Politics and W.P.A. John Page National Defense Adam Lapin Old-Age Pensions: "Sixty After Sixty" W. D. C. Rehabilitating the Railways Robert Stark Undermining the Wagner Act Frank Peterson Anti-Lynching Legislation H. W. The State of the Union H. B. And Other Features Published monthly by the National Committee, Communist Party, U.S.A. Editor: GENE DENNIS • Single copies 15c, yearly subscription $1.25 Mail this order blank today WORKERS LIBRARY PUBLISHERS P. 0. Box 148, Station D, New York, N.Y . .. Enclosed find $1.25 for a yearly subscription to National Issues. Name Address City State . VOL. XVIII, No. 2 FEBRUARY, 1939 'Jhe COMMUNIST A MAGAZINE OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MARXISM-LENINISM PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE U.S.A. EDITORS: EARL BROWDER, ALEX BITTELMAN, V. ]. JEROME CONTENTS Review of the Month A. B. 99 Lenin-His Meaning for Us Today ROBERT MINOR 114 Lima-An Answer to Munich R. A. MARTINEZ and HARRY ROBINSON 128 New Methods of Political Mass Organi­ zation . WILLIAM Z. FOSTER 136 Unemployment and the \Vorks Program in 1939 CHARLES FLETCHER and JOHN VANCE 147 Class Forces in California Agriculture HARRISON GEORGE I 56 Pitfalls of Pragmatic Logic PHILIP CARTER 163 Class Conflicts in the South-185o-I86o HERBERT BIEL 170 Notes on Two Economic Cycles . GEORGE WALLACE !82 From the World Communist Press 188 Book Reviews CHARLOTTE TODES 190 Entered as second class matter November 2, I927, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, I879· Send checks, money orders and correspondence to THE CoMMUNIST, P. 0. Box I48, Sta. D (5o E. I]th St.), New York. Subscription rates: $2.00 a year; $I.oo for aix months; foreign and Canada $2.50 a year. Single copies 20 cents. PRINTED IN U.S.A. ,.!'~"' 209 "Labor with a white skin cannot be free while Labor with a black skin is branded."-KARL MARx. The NEGRO and the DEMOCRATIC FRONT by JAMES W. FORD $1.75 "Comrade Ford's book is a real achievement in the forward march of the Negro people. Here, in simple terms, concrete experience and prac­ tical policies, is the democratic front program that will eventually put the Negro masses on the way to freedom. Every member of our Party should familiarize himself with its invaluable contents." William Z. Foster • The CIVIL WAR in the UNITED STATES by KARL MARX and FREDERICK ENGELS $2.50 All of Marx's and Engels' writings on the American Civil War-which they termed "the first grand war of contemporaneous history"-are gathered in this volume. Their contributions to the New York Tribune and to the Vienna Presse as well as a voluminous correspondence pre­ sent <ll panoramic picture of the conflict. Marx and Engels showed the Civil War as a clash of two social systems, analyzed the forces arrayed against each other, discussed Lincoln's policies and explained each turn in events. • WORKERS LIBRARY PUBLISHERS P. 0. Box 148, Station D New York, N.Y. REVIEW OF THE MONTH Congressional Outlook and Struggle of the Masses. Anti-Spending Cry Is Cover for Monopoly Sabotage. Can People's Gains Be Preserved Without Ad­ vancing'! Road to Recovery Lies Through Curbing Big Business. Dying Capitalism and Monopoly Profits. Business Can Still Earn a Dollar. How to Fight for jobs. Capital Investments and Nationalization of Banks. Dangers of Reactionary Demagogy on Economic Issues. john Garner Builds a New Middle. Lima Conference Made Important Beginning. Our Economic Relations With Latin America Present Many Problems. United States Must Orientate on Democratic Forces in Latin America. Imperialist Contradictions and Anti-Fascist Policies. Trotskyism in Latin America. Mooney's Freedom Is a Victory for the People. His Future Plans. The Daily Worker on Its Sixteenth Year. UDGING by the looks of things dur­ talist system continues to deepen, J ing the first few weeks of the when within it an economic crisis con­ Seventy-sixth Congress, the conclusion tinues to develop, and when out of . is inescapable that the masses of the it all grows and spreads an offensive people and their progressive organ­ of international fascism abroad and a izations will have to fight, and fight revitalized offensive of pro-fascist re­ hard, to protect what they have, and action at home. to consolidate the gains already made, Within such a national and inter­ using these as a basis for further ad­ national setting, no progressive gains vances. Moreover, as we shall try to are likely to have much permanence prove further on, the question of ad­ or security unless followed up with vancing further the progressive cause consolidation and advance. In plainer of the people is not a matter of language, it would mean that to stand luxury or general desirability. It is a still is to be . forced back; and to be matter of life. forced back in the present world situ­ Many of the gains won by the ation is to be forced onto the path of masses in the p;,tst years, on the eco­ fascism and .:war. Whatever else the nomic and political fields, will be ex­ majority of.the American people may tremely hard to maintain without still lack complete unity on, or clarity, thorough consolidation; and such con­ this majority is definitely opposed to solidation will prove nearly impos­ the path of fascism. It remains there­ sible without further advances. This, fore to be demonstrated to the masses it might be said, is true with respect of the people that, in order to avoid to all gains made by the masses under th~ path of fascism and war, they must capitalism. But it becomes most de­ fight for the consolidation and ad­ cisively true in a period like the pres­ vance of the progressive gains. It is ent when the general crisis of the capi- the task and duty of the forces of the 99 100 THE COMMUNIST democratic front to unite their efforts business improvement which took and to rally and lead the masses in place. Big business reaction, notwith­ this sort of fight. Only thus will be standing all this, beats the old drums, achieved a united action for social and and insists that it alone can give the national security, for the struggle country recovery and employment. against the fascist aggressors and the Continuing with the demagogic pro-fascist monopolies. tricks of the last elections, Joseph W. For the outstanding fact of the Martin, minority leader of the House, situation is that big business reaction, declares in the name of the Republi­ represented politically by the leader­ can delegation: ship of the Republican Party and by "The paramount objective is to restore the the reactionary Democrats, not only solid prosperity of the country-to put our refuses to learn, not only fails to show w,ooo,ooo unemployed back to work. Perma­ the slightest readiness to abide by the nent jobs at American wages are the only will of the majority of the people, but index of recovery." (The New York Times, January 3·) -following the November elections­ is unfolding an even wider offensive This is presented in a fashion as against the people. Trying to cover up though it were something new, or that its continued and persistent sabotage his party was the first to discover it. of the nation's economic recovery as He said, of course, nothing on how well as its opposition to the nation's this is to be accomplished. Nor did democracy and security, big business he mention the fact that the Repub­ reaction once more beats the drums of lican Governor of Michigan, Frank D. opposition to government "spending Fitzgerald, was recommending to the and regulation," fraudulently blam­ state legislature (at about the same ing these for the economic crisis and time as Mr. Martin spoke) "a labor unemployment. relations act" which aims to prevent It matters little to the spokesmen labor from fighting for precisely this of reaction that these cries have been objective-"for permanent jobs at exploded and discredited many times American wages." This is only one before. It apparently also matters recent example of Republican Party little to them, though it may be caus­ sincerity. And here is another. ing them some slight worry, that con­ Commenting on the President's siderable sections of smaller and even opening message to Congress, the New middle business are becoming dubious York Herald Tribune, the Republican of the genuineness and honesty of the paper which says it is for progress but reactionary cry against government against liberalism, undertakes to en­ spending and regulation. Certainly, it lighten its readers on the problem of couldn't escape the attention of many recovery as follows: of these business men that the gov­ "The truth of recovery is so obvious that ernment's relief and recovery program, the President has difficulty in concealing it adopted by the Sev.enty-fifth Congress beneath his bright new words.
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