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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 383 823 CE 068 618 TITLE Adult Education and Development, 1994. INSTITUTION German Adult Education Association, Bonn (Germany). Inst. for International Cooperation. REPORT NO ISSN-0342-7633 PUB DATE 94 NOTE 816p.; Issue 43 contains photographs that may not reproduce well. For the 1993 publication, see ED 379 399. AVAILABLE FROM Institute for International Cooperation, German Adult Education Association, Obere Wilhelmstrasse 32, D-53225 Bonn, Germany. PUB TYPE Collected Works - Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT Adult Education and Development; n42-43 1994 EDRS PRICE MP05/PC33 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Adult Education; *Democracy; Developing Nations; Distance Education; Economic Development; Educational Development; Ethnic Groups; Foreign Countries; *Health Education; *Indigenous Populations; *International Cooperation; Literacy Education; Migrant Education; Multicultural Education; Nutrition Instruction; Politics; Womens Education IDENTIFIERS Africa; Asia; Brazil; Colombia; France; Germany; Latin America; Nicaragua (Managua); Nigeria; Tanzania ABSTRACT The publication is a half-yearly journal for adult education in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Issue 42 includes the following: "Adult Education for Self-Reliance in Community Health Education Programmes" (Kweka); "Promoting Good Nutrition" (Mangvicat); "Incorporating Health-Improvement Activities in Adult Education Programmes in Nigeria" (Momodu); "The Need To Develop Critical Thinking Skills in a Core Training Programme for Primary Health Care Workers" (Cornielje); "Democracy and Adult Education in Tanzania" (Mushi); "Role of Voluntary Action in a Contemporary Context" (Tandon); "Make It Global--Make It Local but Always Do It Democratically" (Vio Grossi); "Literacy Skills as Building Bricks for Trade Union Democracy" (Ireland); "Micro-Enterprise in the Informal Sector of Managua and the Long Road to Vocational Competence" (Overwien); "Experience of a French Adult Educator" (Adebisi); "Managing Tutors in Distance Education" (Tong); "A Learner-centered Approach to Training the African Manager" (Ronan); "European Adult Education"; "Development Education in Germany" (Hager, Niemann); "Volkshochschulen and International Contacts" (Durste, Fenner); "Adult Education and Lifelong Learning"; "Indigenous Education and Social Organization" (Tamayo); "A Letter to a Television Network and Its Response" (Samlowski); "A Concept for Bilingual Intercultural Education for Indigenous Women" (Jauregui); and "The Political Challenge of Indigenous Education in Latin America" (Prado). A supplement to issue 42 is titled "An Introduction to Indigenous Education in East Africa" (Ocitti). Issue 43 begins with the history of the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association and a description of the institute's 1993 activities. The following articles are included: "Development-Oriented Adult Education Balancing between Impoverishment and Emancipatory Learning Processes" (Hildebrand); "Policy and Practice of Literacy" (Hinzen); "Migrants and Ethnic Minorities" (Leumer); "New Challenges in Development Education" (Apel, Niemann); "Current Action for the Promotion of Women in the European Union" (Plesser-Loper); "What Comes First and What Comes Second" (Samlowski); "Adult Education in Transition in Central Europe, the CIS [Commonwealth of Independent States], and the Baltic States" (Strewe); "Trends in the Development of Adult Education as a Profession" (Duke); "The European Dimension of Adult Education" (Sussmuth); and "Learning in Civil Society" (Tendon). International cooperation and international developments in adult education are illustrated by 22 documents from 1960-1994. Appendixes include abbreviations and lists of the Institute's publications. (YLB) e. Adult Education and Development Nos. 42-43 1994 Institute for. International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association U.S. DEPARTMENT Of EDUCATION PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS Office of Educal,onal PesearCh and Improvement MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTEDBY EDU. ATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC1 C Th.s document has been reproduced as rcro.vecj from the persOn Or orpanizattOn Originatingd C Mn ie, Changes have been made to improve rPrOdJclion ouledy Pomts of wee Or OP.mOnS slated.' lets clOC. ment do not neCessanty represent &boat TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES OE ell pos.Ion or pOlcy INFORMATION CENTER IERICI 2 110111111k - AND DEVELOPMENT tiJNSTITLITE FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION 1 OF THE GERMAN ADULT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION 'A I 7 . ipo "°'1?" Alli_4116 . y,v 1,1 maall 4 74. 4 1-4r-772-16'" el" Ito 1:2 HEALTH AND NUTRITION wwwwpra ww. rWINVO K DEMOCRACY AND POLITICS /' EDUCATION AND TRAINING CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE INSTITUTE 111110111111=1, ..11.111. 1994,, LEARNING AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLE L I. AND -DEVELOPMENT is a half-yearly journal for adult education in Africa, Asia'and Latin America. At first, in 1973, the journal was intended by the German Adult Education Association (DVV) to help keep in touch with past participants in DVV further training seminars and to sup- port the work of projects abroad Today, the journal is a forum for dialogue and the ex- change of information between adult educators and authors in Africa, Asia and Latin America, both among themselves and with colleagues in the industrialised nations. It is intended to disseminate and discuss new experiences and developments in the theory and practice of adult education. The main target group consists of adult educators working at so-called middle levels in teaching, organization or administration. Increas- ingly, staff in related fields such as health education, agriculture, vocational training, cooperative organizations etc. have been included, as their tasks are clearly adult education tasks. We also aim at adult educators at higher and top levels, academics, library staff and research institutions both in Africa, Asia and Latin America and in the industrialised nations. We herewith invite adult educators from all parts of the world tl contribute to this jour- nal. Articles should bear a considerable reference to prc :.tice. All fields of adult educa- tion and development can be treated, i.e. adult education should be regarded in its widest sense. We kindly ask you to send us articles of about 1500 words; footnotes should be used as sparingly as possible. Responsible for contents are the authors. Signed articles do not always represent the opinion of the German Adult Education Association. You are invited to reproduce and reprint the articles provided acknowledgement is given and a copy is sent to us. ADULT EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT is published by the Institute for Interna- tional Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (IIZ / DVV). Address: Institut fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschul-Verbandes (IIZ/DVV) Obere Wilhelmstrasse 32D-53225 Bonn Editor: Heribert Hinzen Secretariat: Gisela Waschek Composition, Layout. Repro: DK Kierzkowski, Bonn Printer: Thenee Druck, Bonn ISSN 0342-7633 .NSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL COORS RATH:,40C THE GERMAN ADULT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION ,NSTLTUT DE LA COOPERATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA CONF EDERATION ALLEMANDE POUR L EDUCADON DES ADULTES 'NST:TUTO DE LA COORERAOON iN1E2NACIONAL OE lA ASOCIACION ALEMANA AtA EDUCAC,ON DE ADM TOE -mo'rs, UO MEMIlYHAPODHCMY COT VYANYMECTDY HE MEL,K0s1 ACCOUNALW HAMOUHbOt .14,6EPCATE TOD NSTITUT FUR INTERNATIONALE ZUSAMMENARBEIT DES DEUTSCHEN VOLKSHOCHSCHUL-VERBANDES .V. 4 D DEVELOPMENT Adult education for self-reliance In community health education programmes Joyce Mannvwat Promoting good nutrition: The role of the adult educator Incorporating health-improvement activities in adult education in Nigeria Huib Cornielje The need to develop critical thinking skills in a core training programme 'DEMOCRACY AtiliPITICS' Democracy and adult education in Tanzania Rajesh Tandon The role of voluntary action in a contemporary context. Implications for Institutional development Make it global make It local but always do it democratically Timothy D. Ireland Literacy skills as building bricks for trade union democracy: The experience of the Construction Workers' Trade Union In Joao Pessoa, Brazil AND DEVEttIPME T EDUCATION AND TRAINING Bernd Overwien Micro-enterprise in the informal sector of Managua and the long road to vocational competence 91 Abdul -Raul Adebisi Experience of a French adult educator 109 James Y W Tong Managing tutors in distance education 113 Nessan Ronan 1. A learner-centred approach to training the African manager 123 CONTRIBUTIONS' FROM-TH aNSTITUTE NZ/ DVV European adult education - without limits and beyond borders? 133 Evelyne Hager / Rolf Niemann Development education in Germany 145 Hartmut Di rste/ Manfred Fenner Volkshochschulen and international contacts 163 ICAE Adult education and lifelong learning: issues, concerns and recommendations 175 LEARNING -AND INDIGENOUSPEOPIt Jorge Alberto Tamayo R. Indigenous education and social organization: case study of three ethnic groups in Colombia 187 Michael Samfowski A letter to a television network and its response 204 Maria Luisa Jauregui A concept for bilingual intercultural education for indigenous women 211 Alfredo Prado Prado The political challenge of indigenous education in Latin America 227 6 Editorial Health and nutrition are major areas where adult education can play a keyrole. We have therefore made an attempt to collect materials and case studies to reopen anew a dialogue between those in the field of adult education and those working in national or