
(Sltaroortl) 2liEetkjm.; Vol. LXI. ir?r.m»,^°/»^oVV.V"T“*-| ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 18,1915. lITSSSaNo. 33. ~ ....I 1 Mill II ■■ — ■ ■ ■■ — ■ ■ ... HvuuuMinnuB. LOCAL AFFAIRS. Much for So Mach”. The company is ao&mtanntMi. well balanced, its plays clean and higii class. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK. Next Sunday in the Methodist church, Strand Theatre. sermon at 10.30 a. m. Motion pictures at Eden Fair. 7.30. “The Fall of Constanti- DON’T TEMPT FATE In bankruptcy—George F Wentworth. Subject: Union Trust Hancock County Savings Bank. nople,” in three parts. This a hand-col- Free W Tickle. Company I pamphlets—J ored when less than a cent a «ill Probate A als. masterpiece. The parts will be in- day protect your valuables, papers notice—Nancy Maddocks et ME. —Louisa J Whitney. terspersed with music. ELLSWORTH, etc., in the Burglar and Fire-proof vault of the Adinr notice—Joseph B Babson. H C Austin A Co—Undertakers and furni- Miss Clementina Butler, who has been ture. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $100,000 missionary to Mexico for many years, and Banoor, Mb: Assets, $1,700,000 who was obliged to escape in disguise Doe Business college. burrill national bank, from Mexico, will speak in the Methodist OF ELLSWOBTH church on the Mexican question Friday Receives to Check SCHEDULE OF MAILS evening, at 7.30 o’clock. Deposits Subject AT ELLSWORTH POSTOFFICE. Rupert Trueworthy, wife and three Even though just intereakod, won’t call and have In June 1915. you the effect 21, children, of Butte,. Mont., were guests

— — over of A. 1. Richardson and wife. double key-system the only safe one demonstrated ? We MAILS RttCRIVED. Sunday LIBERAL INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS IN Week Days. Mr. True worthy is a former Ellsworth do whether will gladly so, you conclude to rent or not. man. This was his first visit here since From West— 8.55, 7.11,11.16 a m. (except Mon- made on or before the he went West several years which day), 4.21 (except Sunday), 6.18 p. m. ago. department deposits From East—12.23 (except Sunday), 6.85, 10.87 A party of about twenty boy scouts first of each month draw interest from that date. a. m. m. and 10.87 mails not distributed Open Daily 9 to 4 p. m. Sat. 9 to 1 p. m. p. (10.21 from Stonington, with their scout master. until following morning.) Rev. Mr. Blake, struck Ellsworth Mon- MAIL CLOsis AT POS^OFFICB day. The boys are on a two-weeks’ Going West—11.56 a 9 m; 8.46, 5, p in. “bike” on the mainland. Monday even- Going East—6 JO, 3.45, 6.46 m. p ing they were guests of Mrs. Pettengill at SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Sundays. the Strand. Arrives from the west at 6.66, 11.16 a. m., 6.40 p. m. Closes for west 8.45, 5, 9 p. m. The State board of assessors will meet We can guarantee to yon the best of banking service, at the court house in Ellsworth to- EDISON DIAMOND DISC Registered mail should be at postofflce half morrow, and in Bar Harbor Friday, to and would very much appreciate your account. an hour before mail closes. meet assessors of Hancock county towns and secure information to enable them to CONDENSED TIME TABLE. equalize valuations and investigate charges WEEK DAYS. PHONOGRAPHS of concealment of property from taxation. Trains arrive at Ellsworth from the west at 6,55. 7.18, 11.16 and 11.68 a. m., 4.21 and 6 18 p. m Rev. J. W. Tickle, wife and baby are Trains leave Ellsworth for the west at 7.37 a. spending a few weeks of their vacation m., 12.28, 4.11, 6.35,10.21 and 10J7 p. m. with friends in Surry. Mr. Tickle “The best to accumulate is to will ns SUNDAYS. way money resolutely If you tell why everything This is the instrument that does preached at Harbor last Arrive from west at 6.56, 7.18, 911 and 11.16 a. Prospect Sunday and better m 6.40 p. m. Leave for the west at 8J9 a. m., morning, and at Sullivan in the evening. save and bank a fixed of no mat- has its day something not require to have the needle portion your income, , 4.11, 5J5,10.21 and 10.87 p. m. Mr. Tickle got his first glimpse of wild takes its place, we will tell you why Maine deer on his ter how small the amount.” We interest on chanced. All Records are in- way to Prospect Harbor, pay $1. the Edison Diamond Disc Phono- WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. two handsome fawns allowing him a close graph is taking the place of passing destructible, and prices average view. For Week Knding at Midnight Tneaday, Hancock instruments. Come in and listen. Frank of a member of Bank, lower than others. Thomas A. Aug. 17. 1916. « Field, , County Savings Free demonstrations at any time. [From observations taken at the power the Urban Stock Co., which is playing station of the Bar Harbor & Union River Established 1873. Me. Edison out classes all other inven- here the first three clays of this week, Ellsworth, ! Cylinder Records furnished on Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation is given in inches for the twenty-four hours died at Bar Harbor Sunday. He was notice. tors in this as in other things. at day's ending midnight.[ taken suddenly ill after the matinee per- Weather Precip- Temperature conditions itatiou formance Saturday, but recovered suf- ficiently to take part in the evening per- were asked all the bidders interest have manifested in behalf of 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon painting for, they formance. f-*oon after the he our during our here. Wed 60— 78— clear clear performance being present. Wilson and Salisbury’s sec- company stay had another and died soon after While we regret to leave Ellsworth, we feel Thurs 61— 82— clear fair attack, ond bid was $100, Mr. Pio’s 'bid $85, and J. A. THOMPSON that it is to our advantage to locate in a shoe Fri 65— 59— rain cloudy .25' midnight. C. H. & C. A. Beal allowed the first bid to center. Auburn has ten shoe 66- large factories; Sat 80— fair fair Mrs. F. C. Burrill is a stand. The contract for was entertaining painting is near the sources of supply; has a low MAIN STREET ELLSWORTH Suu 6?— 75— cloudy cloudy house party at her cottage, “Rest-a- therefore awarded to Mr. Pio. and insurance rate. The rate Mon 64— 81— fair fair power freight at in honor of her is much lower. facilities are Tues 66— 70— rain fair .03 While,” Shady Nook, The annual reunion of the Ellsworth Banking larger, guest. Miss Inez of R. and experienced shoe labor is plentiful. Giles, Edge wood, high school alumni association held last I. Among the guests are Misses Hazel Also, the United Shoe Machinery Co. main- Thursday evening at the home of Miss Miss Julia Rogers, of Orrington, visited* Giles and Christina Doyle, of Ellsworth, tains a branch there, which is of great ad- Alice H. 8cott, on School street, was a de- to the several factories. friends in Ellsworth last week. Roswell and Frank Horton, of Seal vantage lightfully informal affair—a combination W'e are also pleased publicly to thank Col. E. F. Redman and wife, of Dorchester, Harbor, and Ernest Sprague, of Portland. house party and lawn party. The piazza C. C. Burrill and his associates for courtesies Cl HOTEL Mass., are visiting in Ellsworth. Misses Erva Giles and Winifred Doyle RONE’S was decorated with Japanese lanterns, and extended to us while connected with the M. L. Kim of is in Ells- have been recent guests of Mrs. Burrill. business interests of Ellsworth. Ellsworth ball, Norway, the rooms with sweet peas. There was no 8 Hancock and Main St.s., 5 worth for a few on business. The old Ellsworth AULT- WILLIAMSON SHOE Co. days schooner Franconia, speech-making, no formality, just a Miss Isa be lie"Gregg, of Bar Harbor, is now owned in Harrington, was run down social mingling of old schoolmates and COMING KVKNTS. X Fine, Neat Rooms. Good Table with best $ visiting her nephew, Sheriff F. O. Silsby. by the steamer Onondaga off Chatham, friends, which made the evening a bright Mass., last Wednesday night, in a thick in the those Mr. and Mrs. John Leland are guests of spot year. Among present ELLSWORTH. meats obtainable 5 fog. With a hole in her Mr. and Mrs F. W. at West Tre- twenty-foot side, from out of town were Miss Clio M. Chil- Lunt, Wednesday, Aug. 18, at Hancock hall— attention. she wal kept afloat by her cargo of lumber, cott, of New York; Dr. James P. Whit- X AUTOMOBILE PARTIES given special mont. Urban Stock Co. 25, 35 and 50 cents. | and towed into Boston by the Onondaga. more, of Marquette, Mich.; Frank A. Mc- Luncheons served between meals. dinners ? Miss Lotie Johns, of Boston, is spending regular Special The Franconia was bound from Windsor, of , Pa.; Miss Lucy R. Thursday evening, Aug. 19, at home of of her vacation with friends in Ells- Donald, part for Mrs. John A. Peters—Musicale for benefit on advanced orders. N. S., New York, and the Onondaga of Mass.; Mrs. Martin H. 8 arranged telephone 5 worth. Osgood, Peabody, was coming up the coast from Savannah. Shute, of Texas; Rev. A. J. Lord and wife, of Village Improvement society. Tickets* and of New anonaaaoo«gfflPocg»ooocK»>ooootow>oocHXH3epc«giaacrocBOH3qoo Frank W. Cook wife, York, No one on either boat was injured. of Meriden, Conn.; and Dr. Daniel E. Brown 50 cents. are his James L. Cook viBiting parents, The meeting at the Baptist church last and wife, of Brockton, Mass. At the Tuesday evening, Aug. 24, at Nicolin and wife. Sunday evening developed into a union business meeting, officers were elected as grange hall—Dance and lupper by Nicolin The of this Miss Phoebe Hendricks, of Woonsocket, service, many of the people from the follows: Dr. Lewis , president; grange. Higgins’ orchestra. Object was Mrs. Julia R. 1., the gueat of Niccolls Congregational and Methodist churches Mrs. Mary Malone, first-vice-president; Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sept. 29* week. second last being present, and Pastors Mathews and B. B. Whitcomb, vice-president; 30 and Oct. 1, at Hancock hall—Methodist Miss Cath- Advertisement Misses Ruth and Leta Mitchell, of Chic- Rosa assisting in the service. Rev. A. J. Miss Alice H. Scott, secretary; church domestic and agricultural fair. Charles E. Alex opee Falls, Mass., are visiting relatives in Lord, of Meriden, Conn., was the preacher, erine Hurley, treasurer; is to inform reader of The Amehican, who has need of any kind of in- COUNTY. every Ellsworth. and bis theme, “The Three Gardena,” was ander and Miss Carrie Harrington, mem- and settle committee. Thursday, Aug. 19, at Court house in eurance that all our policies combine broad protection prompt of presented in a way that held the ctoaest bers of executive Mias Charlotte Taylor, Attleboro, Ellsworth — of State board of attention. That Mr. Lord is beard Meeting ments with the rates. is the of Mrs. Charles E. always lawn on the lowest possible Mass., guest The party, given grounds assessors. 20, at Bar Harbor. with was evidenced the Aug. Alexander. pleasure by of Mrs. C. W. Hodgkins by the Baptist that filled the room. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, l_. congregation Ladies’ aid last after- C. W. & F. MASON, Harry C. Acborn, of Brookline, Maas., society Wednesday 7-10 —Hancock teachers* Sabine M. whose at Sept. county E son Jellison, death Old noon and evening, was a decided success, ELLSWORTH, MAIN has joined his wife and little here for convention at Ellsworth. \ Town on 7 was in his vacation. August briefly reported and the ladies were well pleased with the PAIR DATE8. The American last week, was born at results. The cooked food table was in The ladies of the Methodist society will Waltham sixty-one years ago. He came charge of Mrs. Henry Estey, assisted by Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, C. C. BURRILL & SON hold a cooked food sale on Saturday after- to Ellsworth when about fifteen years of Mrs. Anna B. and Mrs. William Aug. 31, Sept. 1 and 2—Bluehill fair. 21. Higgins noon, Aug. and lived here until about three age, years Grant, and they had a tempting display. Monday Sept. 6 — Alamoosook grange -INSURANCE—- E. Walker, of Exeter, N. H., has when he Harry ago, went to Old Town. He The candy table, always an attraction, was fair, East Orland. Mrs. Walker here for the remainder of this and foriegn countries. joined was employed for years as carriage painter more attractive than ever with Mrs. P. A. Representing some of the leading companies Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 8 and 1867. of his vacation. in the shop of the late Henry E. Davis, A. Killam and Mrs. Herman Robbins ready Money to Loan on Improved, Productive Real Estate. Established 9—Eden fair. Stanley Johnson and wife, of Portland, and followed the same trade at Old Town. to satisfy the sweet tooth. The ice cream was Wednesday,Sept22—Narramissic grange spent Sunday with Mr. Johnson’s mother, He twice married. He leaves by his counter was looked after by Mrs. L. W* Orland. Mrs. Ada Johnson. first wife one son—Harry M., of Bucks- Jordan, aided by Mrs. Martin Jellisonand fair, of and two by his second wife—Walter Mrs. W. and these ladies soon Tuesday, 28—Pamola grange fair at Going Out Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Littlefield, jr., port, C. Bellatty, Sept. of Ellsworth, and of Hancock. of Pawtucket, K. I., are guests of Mr. and M., Sherman, Lowell, worked themselves out of a job, the de- Mass. is survived three brothers— — Mrs. E. F. Robinson, jr. He by mand for their commodity being so great Wednesday, Oct. 6 Mariaville grange Business Webster, Frank and John, all of Surry. that the was exhausted. The fair. Miss Alice Maney, of Bangor, who baB supply Burial was at East Orland. of the Mrs. Nellie REUNIONS. been the guest of Miss Elizabeth Doyle, president society, After we will road from had an easel of little August 15, returned home yesterday. Work on the State Bangor lo Curtis, display goods, Aug. 19—Wilbur family at grange hall, Bar Harbor via Holden, Dedham and Ells- and she “easily” disposed of the greater East brook. sell for cash All ac- The service between EllBworth only. jitney is of wares and took orders for worth, progressing favorably. Frank part hqr 25 — at Oak counts and Bar Harbor, established by M. B. Aug. Gray family grove. unsettled Nov. 1, L. Holmes, engineer in charge, expects more. The apron and fancy work table West Young, bas been discontinued. 3edgwick. that the road will not be closed except was a center of attraction, with Mrs. will be left with an 26 — Murch at 1915, Mrs. Qlenn A. Lawrence, of Rockland, hours Charles Wormell in assisted Aug. family Bayside perhaps for a few at a time. One- charge, ably hull. i3 her grange with her two children, visiting par- half mile of work from Holden to the Mrs. H. F. Wescott and Mrs. F. T. for collection. by Aug. 28 — Giles at town attorney A. W. and wife. family hall, ents, Judge King Dedham line and a half mile in Dedham is Smith. Music was furnished by Miss Waltham. t son of M. of Bar are now A. her new Edison Harvey, George Tower, finished. Crews at work in Hol- J. Thompson, using A jig. 30—Morrison family at Morrison’s Look For Cut Prices Later Harbor, formerly of Ellsworth, died yes- den, half a mile east of Holden Centre, a phonograph. The grounds were pretty in grOve, Otis. terday at the home of Robert Higgins, in half mile this side of Holden station and the evening, with lantern decorations. Sept. 11 — Saunders family at West Center. another on the Phillips lake hill. On the A little blaze of tireworks wound up a Surry. 11—Haslam N. hill the road is being widened and event. Sept. family at town hall, M. Leach & Co., Miss Maud Raymond, after a few weeks by blasting pleasant profitable Waltham. Work is Geo. P. Leach at home help, returned last week to Can- out the ledges. shortly to begin and Nora M. in North where a mile of con- ton, Mass., where she is employed in a Ellsworth, SHOE FACTORY MOVING. South Maine j Sbbrrttsnncnta I’eoobscot, cbildren’s hospital. struction is to be done. Haynes hill, just the Green lake is in bad Mrs. Stillman J. Gurney, of Newton beyond road, very Expects to be .Making Shoes in Auburn condition as a result of washouts during Last of Next Week. Unitarian Christianity Highlands, Mass., who has been visiting the heavy rains. The Ault-Williamson Shoe Co. has Linnehans Auto Mr. Gurney’s mother, Mrs. H. W. Dunn, Livery committee on fire work on shoes left to-day for her home. The city department practically completed here, Explained met at the aldermen’s room Monday even- and its machinery is now being loaded on Frank E. Tilden was found guilty in the Water Ellsworth Literature sent free. Address ing to open bids for reshingling the cars for shipment to Auburn. The com- St., SoUifW/M/Bv Ellsworth municipal courj last Thursday | southern roof of the fire house on Frank- pany will go into a there a building already TELEPHONE 117 53 W, Ellsworth, Maine Smith & Head ElUwwtt of illegal possession of liquor, and paid GARAGE Tickle, lin street, making other necessary repairs equipped with power, and with consider- fine of flOO, and coats, ffi.18. and repainting the building. Bids for able shoe machinery that can be utilized. The school will have a Baptist Sunday carpenter work and painting were to be It expects to be making shoes in Auburn at Contention Cove tc-morrow, the SHOE picnic submitted separately. Bds were received the last of next week. About twenty REPAIRING Motor Boat will be weather The trip OF ALL KINDS AT permitting. as follows: A. M. Foster & Son, car- bands will go from Ellsworth to the and automobiles. W. CURTIS made by hayracks W. C. Auburn with the TO or week. A. penter work, $50.50; painting, $55. factory company. Mr. REDUCED PRICES LET by day C. I. and wife left yesterday for 1. R. Ault will retain his home in Ellftworth, Me. Staples Wilson and Salisbury, painting, $120. Ellsworth foi 8 APPly to ALBERT N. CUSHMAN, a visit in Portland, going by automobile. Frank R. Moore, carpenter work, $51.12. the present. Rubber Heels Maine. Mr. Staples’ sister, Mrs. F. W. Phillips, of C. H. & C. A. The reasons tor the removal of the fac- _ Ellsworth, Doors, Windows, Roofing, Beal, painting, $104.50. W. W. Fairhaven, Mass., with little daughter Harry L. Pio, carpenter work, $45 50; tory from Ellsworth were briefly stated Screen Doors, Window Screens, them. Astrid, accompanied painting, $98.50. It having been voted to in The American a few weeks ago. The An Old Suit Milk, Fresh Eggs Moulding and Gutter, The Urban Stock Co. opened a three- award the work separately to the lowest officers of the company said this morning Df»ES3ED poultry engagement at Hancock hall Mon- bidder, contract for the carpenter work that there was really nothing to add to looks like new after it has beea Hardware, Sheathing Paper, Wall nights' j DAILY DRLIVKRY day evening, playing to a good house. was awarded to Harry L. Pio. Mr. Foster that statement, but gives The American repaired, cleansed and pressed by Notify me by card or tt my borne and 1 Board, Glass, Putty, Zinc, The opening bill was “Within the Law". informed the committee that he would not the following announcement: ! will call. „ Lead. Last evening “The White Sister” wsb pre- accept the painting contract except with Id announcing our move from Ellsworth tc FRIEND and new bids for we wish arHf L WkllMtn, BLLS w o rt h!*m a ink sented, and to-night the bill will be “So the carpenter work, | Auburn, to thank the citizeus for the Prompt Work. Reasonable Prices JBatnal Benefit Column. afternoon a short time ago with a friend of CAPT. TAPLKY'S TALKS. gate, off Long Island, N. Y., she was DAmumnus. yours. We talked of yon, but only talked commanded by Oapt. Robert Redman. MAD««". P and we would EDITED BT M*UST good. Grammte I thought Review. West Brook.vllle’. Ship- The Silver Cloud was lost on Nantucket like to have with us. you building Bey*. Shoals, 12, 1886, in a northeast ft* Motto: “Helpful and Hopeful." Aunt Sue is still on the travel, and no letter snow storm. She was from New SUNDAY_SCHOOL. Wish would write ns of York, yet! you your The purposes of this column are succlnc y [Written for Tkm America* by Capt. Oeorge for Winter All hand* travels. I met your nsmesake the other day, grain loaded, port. Lesson VIII.—Third For stated In the title and motto—it Is for the rout. si H. Tapiey, West Brookaville.l Quarter, and we did talk some about you and Uncle C. were lost. benefit, and alms to be helpful and bopefull Was in hopes I would see you back East this There were built In the early fifties, at Aug. 22, 1915. Being for the common good. It Is for the com To-day, August 4, 1915, looking down of in- summer. North Brooksville, the following vessels: mon use—a public servant, a purveyor the aod not a sail or tbe This awful war still on. How I wish I bay seeing spar medium for the In- goes Schooners Pbebe Ann, K. H. Moulton, H. formation and suggestion, a of one vessel, takes me back could see peace declared. One hardly dares sailing eighty SERIES. terchange of Ideas. It* this capacity It aoltclts D. Urindle, snd Elisa Jane, and brig THE INTERNATIONAL to look at the papers. years, when, thr**e and one-half years old communications, and Us success depends largely Emma W. Richardson. at the 1 saw and Com- Bar Harbor is overflowing with summer time, my first schooner, on the support given it in this respect Above the third narrows John Lym- aud autos this summer. the first 1 had ever boarded. be but the name of people Text of the Lesson, II Chrorv xv, 1-15. munications must signed, burner built the schooners Brooksville Sympathy to the sick and afflicted, and good Her name was the Cook. She was writer will not be printed except by permission. Mary Those Verses, 1, 2—Golden Text, wishes to all. Jennie. snd the John .Lymburner. two 1 Memory Communications will be subject to approval or owned by tbe late David Wasson, snd vessels were launched from a beach off Jas. none j iv, 8—Commentary Prepared by rejection by the editor of ihe column, but Just before your letter was written commanded by my father, Capt. Robert which Lymburner, a brother of ; Rev. D. M. Stearns. will be rejected without good reason. Address Aunt Sue was heard from. Tapiey. 8he was lying at her anchor in Joseph the builder, when a boy, learned his first ail communications to Lunt’s cove. Before going into tbe coast- j In the story of Jeroboam we had a The AMERICA!*, in a log dugout, end who took RECIPE. ing trade she was a Marblehead grand- seamanship sample of all the kings of the ten Ellsworth, Me. the first command of Donald McKay's Graham Brown Bread—One and one- banker of about sixty tons burden. She j tribes, for there was not a good king four-masted four decks!)ip, the Great half cups graham, one cup flour, one-half bad stubb masts and a tour-foot quarter- in the in the world si among them. They all walked THE RKTCHN. one sour the largest ship i cup molasses, and one-half cups brake, a brick fireplace in ber cabin, with Republic, of Jeroboam. sou of Nebat, who that 1861. ways By John Rurroughg. milk, salt, one tablespoon melted lard or a wooden smoke stack above tbe deck. time, made Israel to film There were a few He the old scenes with eager feet— with the one sought butter. Steam three or four hours. She was wrecked some Sixty years ago, oeginning J 3-ears after on the ; I the kings The sceues he had known as a boy; the old Cook, up to —Just eight, think—umong This recipe was given me by a man. I Cuckolds, off Booth on a return schooner, Mary 1875, of those fountains sweet. bay, trip of Judah who did in the eyes of -Ob! for a draught our tieet of vessels bad increased right call it Mrs. hleanor Harvey’s brown bread. from Boston. 1 think she was the coasting taste of that vanished only lesson And a Joy!” to sail. there is not' the Lord, and Asa of today’s Her brother passed it on to me, and it vessel owned at West Brooksviile at that thirty-four To-day Ills fa- the fields, he mused by the streams. one of vessel owned in West was one of them (verses 1, 2). He roamed surely is floe. Needs to steam a long time. part any He threaded the paths and lanes; Brooksville. Had 1 the lime snd MAKES ther, Abijah, son of Rehoboam, reigned time.—Irish Mr. Wasson in the Her- patience DANDRUFF his dreams. Molly. built, 1841, brig Lord On the bills he sought youthful 1 could go on and tell the end of about all only three years (xiii, I, 2). The rison. She was built and launched from In the woods to forget his pains. and his a over of toe above-mentioned vessels. gave him army victory Dodge’s shore. After fitting for sea, she QUICKLY VANISH because Ob, sad. sad hills; oh. cold, cold hearth! ttie the army of Jeroboam they 3:nong (frrangrre. sailed for St. Peters and was wrecked on No one likes dandruff, but to In sorrow he learned thy truth — get rid relied the Lord d of their fa- the Nova Scotia coast on the of it must do more upon — passage you than to One may go back to the place of his birth wash thers (xiii, 12. 18). Ills words in xiii, This column is devoted to the Grange, es- down. John was in com- your hair. The cause of dandruff cannot back to his Capt. Douglass lies He go youth. to the of not in the 12. are always helpful—"Behold, God pecially granges Hancock county. mand, and Parker Candage, of Biuehiii, hair, but on the scalp and The column la to all for the in the hair and with us for our open grangers was roots, just as Himself is captain." Dear M. B. Friends: chief mate at tbe time. twice discussion of topics of general interest, and daily you use a germicidal tooth While the story of Asa Is told In part First of 1 wish to make an announce- The following year 1842, David, and his all, for reports of grange meetings. Make letters power or cream to cleanse your teeth of a In the book of Kings be cousin, John Wasson, built and launched, chapter ment to you which 1 hope will gladly short and concise. All communications must of germs, so you should use Parisian It three from the same the Wasson. (I Kings XV, 8-24). occupies received by all. Dell and her John will be signed, but names will not be printed ex- ways, brig Sage twice daily to drive dandruff xvli, of com- Those were about 190 tons — from chapters in Chronicles (xlv, xv, open tbeir house and make welcome there. cept by permission the writer. All brigs large yonr scalp, prevent its return the first two telling of his thirty-five August 26, the family of M. B’s. We ap- munications will be subject to approval by vessels for tbe times. While owned here, protect your hair from falling out and the editor, but none will be rejected without the Wasson was sailed three different nourish its growth years of faithfulness and blessing and preciate this invitation very much, for we by proper Dandruff good reason. makes your hair fall out. the last telling of five years of disobe- have taxed their hospitality a number of captains, namely, Capt. John Douglass, Putman Sage makes Dandruff fali out and What a that such a good want them to let us wait Capt. Galen Norton and Capt Brooks dience. pity times. We just I ham In. your stay v with such a long reign should and do no extra work, in Tuesday, Sept. 7 — Field-day grange Grindle. Capt. Grindle died on tbe pas- king upon ourselves, A delightfully perfumed hair and his later In wandering connection with the event. meeting at Bluehill mineral sage home from Vera Crus, Mexico, in 1 waste years spring. | scalp treatment easily applied at such is man We for a and 1848, and was buried at sea, when within from God! But always hope good attendance, j Saturday, Sept. 11— Meeting Green home, very inexpensive and obtain, We one who cannot be thirty-six hours of New York. able from G. A. Parcher or when he turns away from God. assure every there, j Mountain Pomona with at any Mariavillegrange. After tbe above-named bit or cannot think of Asa as a lost man. that a letter or card of remembrance building brigs, t toilet counter. Saturday, Sept. 11—Meeting of Hancock David Wasson tbe though he acted so badly at the last, makes a bright spot in the after-dinner purchased following Pomona grange with Harvest Home schooners: of of but he lost part of the full reward boor when we gather together and listen Wave, Wells; Napoleon, grange, West Ellsworth. Bunker’s of West Sedg- which might have been his (II John to the messages from the absent ones. It Island; President, 11-1,1). is understood if the day is not fair, the wick; Elisabeth, of Salem. 8; I Cor. 111. 250. CLARION HEATING STOVES CAMTINK, About 1853, Mr. Wasson establisbed a and rest on side and reunion will be tbe first pleasant day { Quietness every about were Aug. 7 fifty present. The is now known as Wasson’s the Lord God thereafter. plant at what are offered in of a whole hearted seeking, ZZZj and second great variety first degrees were conferred where with bis son William marked the first ten or more of Now I have some enjoyable letters from wharf, be, years four. Ice-cream and cake were sizes upon and son-in-law, Capt. Jere Jones, built styles and for all kinds of his reign would ache lying in that position so long? GREENWOOD, 383, EA3TBROOK. in New whole) toward Tbs children did gome fishing, Annie S. central offices Maine, Massachusetts, fect (or Him (chapter xvi, being A regular meeting wae held Aug. 14, I believe. irSh This ninth Terse is and has been high line, with sixty members and tour visitors Aunt Maria, I did not meet any one so and Vermont. for long years a continual strength and present. Two candidates were instructed Hampshire cramped and twisted in bar constitution comfort to me and Is In me in the third and fourth A har- working as that cousin of yours. I think from your degree*. an a whole vest was named with Increasing desire to have description I really ooold draw her picture, sapper enjoyed. The question to Oyer 3,100 localities connected Mart for Him. and to see no one save and I was never guilty of drawing a straight be discussed at next meeting, “Will col- is to be and can a toll Jesns only. The Spirit of God brought line. She pitied, maybe prayed for lege education unfit boy* or girl* tor farm those central offices be reached by a message of encouragement to Asa \>y After our dinner, John and I went to call on life!” Discussion wUl be opened by Azariah. whose name means the some Waterville friends. They have a Vernon Haelam. call. a student in I noticed a strength of Jehovah, which Is found In daughter, Colby. plain gold band on the third finger of her left lesson verses 1-7, and the exhortation All For the Mon, its hand, and I wondered if N. was the author There are 189,000 in Boston and verse for us also who A poiaoc wae cent for • telephones In 7 la believe, of it. by dying “Be and let not partahlooer, who had always sternly ye strong, therefore, I am glad to say that everything was in there are 193,500 stations in the re- your hands be weak, for your work apple-pic order at the bouse where we ate our refused to have anything to do with vicinity; shall be rewarded." Salvation la never ; dinner—plenty of eveything, even to him before. He hurried to her bed- mainder of Vermont has of works, bnt to him that work- kindling wood near the stove, which goes to Massachusetts; always ! side, found her In a most contrite mood Ida is a eth not but belleveth iltom. 5): but show 6ol is s good provider. genial lv, and made the beet of his ! soul, and makes every one happy around her. opportunities 35,000 stations; New has 50,000 we are thus saved by grace In order to Hampshire Nothing cramped or twisted there, Aunt In a long extempore prayer, ending serve the Living and True God, and Maria, as you would see if you knew her. with a sonorous “Amen!" are in all true service unto Him shall be re- stations; and there stations All days come to an end, and s6did that one. 78,000 The last word made her alt up with warded (Luke Xlv, 14; Rev. xxll, 12; A motor boat, agreeable company, young sudden Maine. people mixed in, good things to eat, a aea that energy. "Aye,” she exclaimed; always the exhortation of is like glass, will give any one a page to look "that's It! It's a' for men and nowt < back to with very agreeable feelings, don’t From one of those tele- Eph. vt. 10, “Be strong In the Lord for the poor women In this world!”— any nearly 550,000 ! you think so? and In the power of His might” Asa, Exchange. Kindest thoughts for s!l the clsu. Sym- thus cleansed the | can talk to other being encouraged, pathy for all tne sick and sorrowing ones. phones you any telephone land of Idols, even destroying that of Ikish Molly. _ Island of Manhattan. in his own mother, but this cleansing was New In there were the Island England. Chiefly In Judah and Benjamin, many Dear Aunt Madge and M. B.'»: other days How are all this dreary weather? And of Manhattan and Manhattan Island. of the high places still remaining In you ; New is not the limit of communi- where are we all? Aunt Madge doee not seem were different bodies. Island of England your Israel, over which he had no control; They to have many nieces Just at present. of and Ma- | Manhattan was applied to the land oc- and yet many out Ephraim, Aunt I a cation, however; tell the toll Well, Madge, epent very pleaaant the old of New just operator nasseh. and Simeon, and other tribes cupled by city York, now the of Manhattan. Man- fell to him In abundance when they [ borough where want to send voice. hattan Island was h little knoll of land you your saw that the Lord hla God was with In the limits of what Is now Third, him; all because he was seeking the | There will be no on a Lewis streets and East charge particular Lord with all his heart and soul | Houston and river. At tide the knoll was an toll call if are (verses 8-10). They also renewed the high party you not connected and there Island. altar and offered sacrifices, with the person whose name you have was no more war until the thirty-fifth Two House*. to the toll year of his reign. But the next year given operator. "That's a pretty nice house you’ve the king of Israel came against him. built there. Subbubs, but It’s rather and, Instead of relying upon the Lord, thrown In the shade by that new man he made a league wttb the king of New sloe next door.” England Telephone Syria. This brought a reproof from “Yes; that's the contractor’s house, the Lord by Ilananl the seer, who re- I built out of the profits he made on minded Asa how the lord had wrought and mtnei"—Boston Transcript Telegraph Company for him the Ethi- marvelously against C. C. Cutting, Manager opians because he relied upon Him and Friendship. bow foolishly he had now acted by re- I In the hour of distress and misery tying upon the king of Syria (xvi. 7-0). the eye of every mortal turns to friend- Asa. being out of fellowship with | ship. In the hour of gladness and eou- the Lord, gave place to the devil, be- vtvlatlty, what la our want? It Is came with the seer, and put him angry friendship.—W. 8. Landor. in and some of the prison oppressed I ■ people (xvi. 10). Near the doee of his To h»ve reign he became greatly diseased In his feel|strong. good appetiter*od£di- ReatioQ, sleep -*oandly and enjoy life, use feet, but In this also he turned away --- «--*- i »nt» fair. bo*f. 100 SO Sfefenttauntnt* MARIAVILLE __ "**t porker, 100 go ___atfactismrata. LIST OF PBBMIUM8 Beat ram, any broad, SO 25 COMPLETE Beat OFFERED. awe, any bread, BO 36 Brat pair lamtW, 50 36 Domestic ngMONSTRATIONB TO BR OIVBN IN Manufactures. POTATO JUDOIMG AND HOKB CAN- lit 2d NZNO. Prem Prem Woolen stockings, 26 10 You uncork that Knit agricultural fair of Maria- mittens, 26 10 The annual Braided will ba bald at the grange ball rag, 28 10 rilla grange Drawn Wednesday, Oct. 1915. rug, 28 10 in MariavlUt, 6, 16 cent*. Crochet rag, 28 10 sunshine tank to hall, Admission Patchwork and supper wlU be served at quilt, 26 10 Dinner Silk » each. Confectionery, soft drinks quilt, 26 10 25 i*,,!, some Prince Albert smoke* sift into will be sold on the grounds. Crary quilt, 25 10 by letting joy ,nd cigars Sofa an address and pillow, 25 10 a or makin’s There will be demonatra- your system via jimmy pipe ciga- Sofa quilt, 25 a potato Judging contest- 10 tic0-probably Worsted knit rette, for you never got such fun out of tobacco direction of George N. trimming, 26 10 under the Worden, Crochet with from Uni- trimming. 25 10 in all life. county agent, speaker your of Maine. Also a demonstration tidy, 25 10 versity Lace-trimmed with canning oulflt by apron, 25 10 in home canning, Mexican Get that P. A. flavor? Get that P. A. aroma? of the domestic science de- work, 25 io Miss Ourdy. Woolen because A. can’t U. of M. yarn, 25 10 Go to it mighty 'cheerful, P. partment, Knit gloves, 26 10 Base ball games during the day. bite 1 Puff away like you hit motion Toilet set, 25 10 perpetual TO EXHIBITORS. Drawn-work handkerchief, 25 10 in the first round 1 And keep fired-up till the and antmali exhibited for a Best All articles exhibition fine needlework,75 50 cows come nome. ror ns entered 10 premium must be by o’clock Collection doilies, 26 10 4 o’clock on of sure Prince Albert and rema'o until day fair. Pillow sham, 25 10 facta receive One person will not first and never grouched any other premiums on same exbiblt. All Flowers. append man’s and won’t agricultural prodncta must have been lit 2d tongue grown by tbe exhibitor thiayear. Prem Prem grouch yours! The general committee of arrangements Collection cut Bowers, 50 25 is composed of Martin A. Garland, chair- Single variety, 88 25 Get P. A. man; Roland Salabury and Ora R. Frost. jimmypipejoy’us Miscellaneous. PREMIUM LIST. and cigarette makin’s happy, Agricultural Products. lit 2d then you’ll personally un- lit 2d Prem Prem in derstand that no other Prem Prem Honey comb, 25 10 pipe Collection ol Green Mountain p6- pickles, 26 10 and tobacco ever Sample Loaf white cigarette 26 10 bread, 25 10 tatoes, f f was or ever can Sample print butter, 50 25 be like Sample New Queen potatoes, 25 10 •• Collection preserves, 50 25 .. Gold Coin 26 10 Prince Albert. The patented process »» Lifter Mortgage po- Horse Drawing fixes that—and cuts out the bite and the 26 10 tatoes, at 10 a. m. That’s and Hubbard 25 10 parch. why pipe peaceful Two squash, Two horses, 3 00 2 00 ** Watered Hubbard 25 10 men call squash, One horse, 2 00 1 00 cigarette peaceful in 26 10 Urged weight, According to weight of each. All who 25 10 Three citrons, enter contest must furnish certified Two pumpkins, 26 10 weight-bill of horses. Largest pumpkin in weight, 26 10 Three cab beget, 26 10 Largest cabbage in weight, 26 10 BOYS’ AGRICUL- Sample table beets, #25 10 Largest beets, 26 10 TURAL CLUBS Largest table carrots, 25 10 largest parsnips, 25 10 [State Leader Boys* Agricultural Club Work, in Farmers’ Week Course, University of Sample Huta Bags turnips, 25 10 Maine, 1915 ] Largest turnips, 25 10 No movement in recent has been Sample onions, 25 10 years of more value or more benefit Smoothest green tomatoes, 25 10 permanent than the formation of agricultural clubs on this Largest green tomatoes, 25 10 be a sport and take a chance for boys in the rural districts. Hurting Plate ripe tomatoes, 25 10 no idea the in New York in 1888 and to because you’ve of bully Cauliflower, 25 10 spreading say-so, nearly every state in the Union, with an of the Best tilled peas, 25 10 f goodness, of the joy’us satisfaction, enrollment at present of more than 200,- Trace rteld corn, 25 10 and restfulness and that sort the club now- stands contentment Trace sweet 25 10 000, project among KYou corn, the foremost educational movements in that hits man who Sample oats, 25 10 of thing, every gets recent Sample barley, 25 10 years. 2? chummy with P. A. Yellow-eyed beans, 25 10 Clubs were first formed in Maine in 1913 under the of the extension Be«t display of agricultural auspices Hammer this home for what ails your smokeappetite, 1 00 50 department of the college of agriculture. products, introduced to During the year 1914, thirty potato and because no time to lose getting V Fruit Department. you’ve poultry clubs were organized in ten and a rwneen 1st 2d this real and true man-tobacco that’s ace-high counties and twenty-seven towns, with a Prince Albert ie eold everywhere because Prem Prem So wherever on total enrollment of 300. the demand for it is universal. wide no matter how you swing it, jimmy nearly Forty-two run short drop in the yard Plate Baldwins, JH 'JBm'"*• ‘ua. 25 10 you happen to just per cent of those enrolled reported at the handiest shop that sells tobacco and buy the or makin’s 1 25 10 a red pipe cigarette Duchess, close of the season. toppy red bag for jitney piece,5c; tidy and Ben Davis, 25 10 tin, 10c; handsome pound half-pound The average yield per acre of potatoes tin humidors; and that classy crystal-glass N. C. 25 10 nound humidor with strongs-moistener top. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winiton-Salem, Bellflower, by those reporting was 343.5 bushels. The 44 25 10 Mtidings, J2- average cost per bushel was 31 cents. The 25 10 l Astrachsns, w as the cost yield excellent, but per bushel KlTTERY TO *{ 25 10 decorations, in the center of which was a CARIBOU. Greenings, was a little high, due no doubt to lack CPU NT Y NEWS COUNTY NEWS. 44 25 10 large birthday cake with one candle. McIntosh, of business methods iu of proper handling Master received Romeo Phelix, aged twenty-two, 44 Wolf River, 25 10 Caspar many gifts. the crop. BBOOKLIN. STONINGTON. was drowned while 25 10 Among those present were Winifred, Lewiston, Sunday Porter, Two are carried on in the projects clubs, Miss of is at Haven Arthur and of are 10 Brown, Atlanta, Ga., Charles, Manford, Albert, Charlotte and Calley wife, Boston, bathing at Sabattus lake. Wealthy, 25 and The of potatoes poultry. plan for a few weeks. Ruth Hazen and Hiram of their son Elmer. 4* 10 Caspar, Smith, guests To! man Sweets, 25 is and is made of The annual meeting of the Maine State organization simple up Jessie and Abbie Dora *• Snow, 2b 10 Mr. Chase, of Providence, R. I., spent a Ingalls, Blodgett, A. E. Long, of East Bluehill, is local, general county and Htate clubs. and Merle Jellison. board of trade will be held at Bangor on 44 25 10 few dajs last week in town. Myrtle Shapleigh, with his brother, Long. Northern Spy, local club is in town or A formed any and 22 Plate 25 10 Miss Olive who has been em- Mrs. Abbie of is Wednesday Thursday, September Stark, community in the Htate w here six boys Kane, Welch, Rockland, 44 25 10 at Miss is at home. Beede her son, Welch. and 23. Oravenstein, between the ages of ten and eighteen ployed Cole's, Fred is ill. visiting Capt. George 44 Autumn 25 10 The bodies of two who had been Strawberry, years are interested and a local leader can Mrs. Alice Dodge, of Roxbury, Mass., Roy Treworgy is visiting his parents. Mrs. Frank S. Warren is home from Old tramps, Plate Williams Favorite, 26 10 The is her Mrs. Lizzie Stan* where she has several killed by a train, were found beside the be secured to supervise the club. visiting mother, son Orchard, spent 44 Mrs. Nellie Young and Earle are King, 25 10 weeks. tracks near Burnham early Saturday members meet and elect their officers— ley. visiting in town. ( ra 25 10 morning. Nappies, president, vie-president, secretary and Clarence Stanley, of the steamship El Mrs. Eben Eaton is at the White Moun- largest 25 10 Archie Cousins spent two days recently apples, treasurer—and the same form is followed Urb, is visiting S. E. McFarland and tains with her son for the benefit of his Delmont Hatch, of Bradford, aged twen- 4* ‘25 10 with his mother. Nodhead, in their meeting as is used in any business wife. health. ty-six years, one of the proprietors of a 44 y Pears, 28 10 Charles Smith, wife and son are visiting at w'as drowned or social organization. widow A. for camp Eddington pond, 44 Mrs. , of Chief Justice Miss Rev. B. McAlister is substitute Plums, each kind, 25 10 club is made of Martha Beede. while The general up boys of is the the Rev. Mr. Blake at the Methodist Sunday, swimming. 25 10 Fuller, Washington, ID. C., guest Quart cranberries, who live from the centers and are Paul Curtis and Lin wood Curtis spent and who away of Mrs. Schuh. church during his absence. Wardens Hanna Snow, have Best of in Bar Harbor. display apples grown unable to join a local club but wish to Sunday just returned to Portland from a trip by 60 25 Miss Hazel Herrick, of Somerville, The Hatch family held its annual re- exhibitors, grow the potatoes or poultry. These boys Mrs. Charles Eldridge returned to her along the coast westward, collected 6,777 Mass., is the guest of Miss Helen Mayo union at Oceanville Aug. 12. About forty Cattle Department. enroll directly with the Htate leader who home in Gardiner short lobsters in the At Saturday. members of the were five-days’ trip. “lone for a few weeks. family present. lit 2d is in charge. This affords the boy” Mrs. Alton of Southwest Har- Turban Creek, near Cape Porpoise, 2,788 and of Law- Billings, The and Deer Isle a cnance iu uu nuiLciuiiig. Eugene Freethey family, Stonington Sunday shorts were taken from blind Prem Prem bor, spent a few days recently with her eighteen are held for each local rence, Mass., are visiting Mrs. Warren school convention will be held at Ocean- Full-blooded Ayrshire, Dur- Contests each year mother, Mrs. Edwin Dow. cages. Ford for two weeks. ville 20. A large attendance is ex- club, at which essays are read on “How I Aug. ham, Hereford, Holstein, The ladies’ aid society of the Methodist Mrs. Frederick W. Hill, of Bangor, wife 2 1 00 Made and Marketed my Crop”, and re- Warren Ford and Alfred Joyce have pected. Jersey or Guernsey bull, 00 church will have a farce and ice-cream of President Hill of the Eastern TruBt & cords presented showing in detail the gone to Appello, Iowa, to work in a can- I Mrs. Louise Cleaves and daughter, of Full-blooded cows of any sale Friday evening, at the town hall. Banking Co., died at Camden Sunday, total cost of and an exhibit of nerv for a few weeks. i Wollaston, Mass., are guests of Mrs. Elsie breed, 100 50 production, Auer. 16. L. after a long illness. She was the daugh- also of J. L. her Full blooded yearling boll of potatoes or poultry. Miss Gertrude Parker, of Boston, who Knowlton, Thurlow, ter of the late Thomas N. Edgery, of Ban- Prizes are offered for the best grandfather. any breed, 1 00 50 usually has spent her vacation at home, returned gor, and was prominent in charitable exhibits. Tbe con- WEST THE MONT. Full-blooded records, essays and to her work Rev. Mr. Blake left Monday with about work. yearling belter, Saturday. 1 tests for the general club is held in conec- Miss Julia Clark spent a few days re- of his Scouts for a hike any breed, 100 50 Gleason Alien and Herrick twenty Boy Rev. W. of Good Will of Llewellyn George Hinckley, 50 26 tion with the county association clubs, cently at Seal Harbor, the guest of her through the different towns across the Full-blooded calf, any breed, returned to Boston Thursday, after spend- is laid up at with a or before Dec- Farm, Friendship Grade 100 60 that ii held each'year on j cousin, Mrs. Ed. Childs. Reach. He will be gone about two weeks. cow, any breed, ing a few days in town. broken ankle. Mr. Hinckley went to 1. The association is made 50 25 ember county Miss Mildred Reed, with niece a yearling, any breed, of D. | Dorothy, Frederick J. Smith, of Mississippi, and last Wednesday to address of the winners at the N. V. Tibbetts, Washington, C., Friendship 50 25 up in membership of Mass., is her of of the Latter calf, any breed, his at the “Homestead” Dorchester, visiting grandson Joseph Smith some Y. M. C. A. boys at their camp on an and the contests. has joined family Two-year-old steers, 100 50 local contests general mother, Mrs. Emma Reed. Saints with his wife and at Haven for a few weeks. Day church, island off the coast. Stepping from a 50 Prizes are usually offered. This contest Yearling steers, 1 00 Fred Nason and wife, of Portland, who daughter, is in town for a few weeks look- small boat to the rocks, he fell, receiving Yoke is in charge of the State leader. Miss Nellie Flye, after three weeks with oxen, 100 50 directly have spent two weeks at Mrs. Nason’s old ing after the interests of the church. ! the association of her the Misses Dollard, returned | injury. The State agricultural cousins, the of her Mrs. W. After his vacation he will return to Horse Department. ! home, guest mother, men in of the to Dorchester, Mass., Saturday. I Business of Bangor have made clubs is made up membership A. Clark, returned home Thursday. Worcester, Mass., where he is at school. lit 2d and is plans for the erection of a $100,000 cold winners from the county contests, Mrs. H. M. Pease and Miss Esther, v.-ho He is and has several Prem Prem Dalton Reed took his family back to highly educated, in that A \ the Christmas re- been friends in Islesboro storage plant city. centrally held each year during have visiting letters after his name. Colt, four years old, f1 00 50 Prizes ! Hardwood island Sunday. Mrs. Reed and located lot near the tracks of the Maine cess at the University of Maine. and Belfast, returned home Saturday. 50 have recovered from measles. Aug. 16. Nihil. three years old, 1 00 for as at the baby just Central railroad and of the Charleston are offered and competed of two 50 Miss Goodwilley, Arlington, His Mrs. cared of & Electric years old, 100 contests. sister, Ashbury Lopaus, division the Bangor Railway “ local and county who hns been the guest of Mrs. WEST SEDGWICK. one 100 50 Mass., for them. is available. The will year old, At the contest held at the University Company, building A. W. Bridges, returned to her home Fri- Work has on the new State road. under one 1 00 50 Mrs. F. Eaton and daughter of begun be of concrete and steel. year, last December, seventy-six boys and girla Luella, Draft 2 00 1 00 day. Newton are and wife have returned horses, pair, and ten local leaders were present, and Highlands, Mass., spending Lynwood Gray James Kelley, seventy-five years old, a Mrs. Minnie Carter and daughters, of at Mrs. home from West Brooksville. SHEEP AND SWINE. in were awarded to thirty-six August Mrs. Willard Gott’s. veteran of the Civil war and a former p430 prizes their home Lynn, Mass., returned to of of Mrs. is a and It was the great- Grant, Leeds, sister Gott, Julia and Hazel Grindle have gone to man, was found hanging in lit 2d different boys girls. in Winterport Saturday, after spending two weeks at her home. Prem Prem est event of their lives. guest Long Island to pick blueberries. the attic of his daughter’s home at Mil- Sow 1 00 It has town. with pigs, 2 00 That la only a beginning. | Charles A. Rideout and family, of Ar- Miss Stella Carter, of Sargentville, spent bridge, Thursday night, by Charles Hay- to the Charles West, of Roxbury, Mass., spent with her Car- opened sb avenue of approach lington, Mass., who have been guests of Sunday parents, Llewellyn ford, his four-year-old grandson. Kelley un- the week-end with MrB. who is ter and wife. A Medici do Chest For 3Ac. country boy that heretofore had been West, I Mrs. Schuyler Clark, of Southwest Har- is believed to have been mentally unbal- the summer with her 16. X. • cheat you hare an excellent remedy the club we spending mother, and Mrs. L. A. at will Aug. anced. Before he cut •orl!Lthi8 dreamed of. Through work, bor, Clark, Manset, ___ hangiug himself, Toothache, Bruiser, Sprains, Stiff Neck, Mrs. A J. Bsbson. Backache, Rheumatism and for to give every boy a chaDce to earn spend the rest of the month with Mrs. his throat and wrists with a knife. Neuralgia, hope BLUEHILL. most emergencies. One 25c. bottle of Sloan’s be a who has been wife. more money, get a better education, Mrs. M. E. Taylor, visit- Rideout’s uncle, G. W. Lunt and Robbers who are believed to have come Unimeut does it all—this because these ail- Invitations have been issued for the be of more service to bis friends in Rockland the two 16. Thelma. ments are symptoms, not diseases, and are better citizen, ing past Aug. of Miss Miriam and gone in a swift automobile, robbed cauacd and inflammation. If and State, make homes wedding Georgia Webb, by congestion community weeks, returned to the home of her son, of and Clive Stover of the East Corinth in the you doubt, ask those who use Sloan's Lini- school" better and Bluehill, Fickett, postofllce early brighter, opportunities New York, which will take ment, or better still, buy a 25c. bottle and S. H. Pease, Saturday. WEST SURRY. place Satur- hours of Wednesday morning of last prove it. broader. 18. Use Femme. Aug. at the summer home All druggists. Aug. day evening, 21, with between and Maitland Gray, of Brewer, is visiting his of Mrs. Irving Hopkins at Harrington. week, escaping $1,000 Children's 111*. Worms Cause Many I grandparents, Capt. G. F. Gray and wife. $1,200 in money and stamps. They were the child of SURRY. Worms, by thousands, rob and made a thor- couaii- Anderson and of South Constipatluu Causes Must Ills. evidently professionals, nourishment, ntunt its growth, cause Mrs. E. a birth- ivory wife, Margaret Gaspar gave Accumulated waste in feet of the safe with nitro- nstion. Indigestion, Nervousness, Irregular were weea-end of G. your thirty ! ough job, blowring in honor of her Everett A. Surry, guests Capt. bowels causes of CASTOR IA Pever and sometime* Spasms. day party son, absorption poisons, tends to the in Appetite, all F. and glycerine, muffling explosion heavy Worm Killer give* relief from at Gray wife. produce fevers, upsets digestion. You belch Klckapoo Gaspar, Wednesday afternoon, Aug, 11, feel For Infants and Children these. One-fourth to one of these pleasant stuffy, irritable, almost cranky. It blankets, getting all that the safe con- kill and the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Herbert D. Chandler and of Bn’t — it’s oandy loienges. taken na directed, Gaspar. wife, Keene, fas, you your condition. Eliminate tained, and then making a successful get- child s this poisonous waste one or two of In 0as For Ovar 30 Yaars remove the Worms, regulate your Fourteen young in celebrat- N. H., John Oliver and daughter Ethel, by taking a-way. Early Friday morning the Maine health and vitality. people helped Dr. New Pills a bowels hnd restore Its King's to-night. Enjoy full, Central station at was the drat of their bnet’i of North were of 1. E. free bowel movement in the Madison entered, Get nn original Me boa from your druggist. ing anniversary Buckeport, guests morning—you health and feel so Get an the safe blown and *46 atolen. It ia Don’t endanger your child a A lunch waa the Lufkin and wife grateful. original bottle, con- can birthday, dainty served, Saturday. M believed to have been the work ot future when so sure and.simple a remedy taining pills, from yonr druggist to-day for the decorated with 16. L. 26c. be had.. table being pettily baby Aug. Mine automobile gang. auomiwmnui. -*7= BIRD LAW. COI NTY -Y. M. C. A.

\ MISTY MAINE drainage. MYSTERY. movement. Hen, looking down into a MOUNT RAINIER. envaeee, on* eee* nothing but clean snow, Metropolitan Papers Find Pen Food pilad In layers; slightly compacted and In Yarns of Submarines. BIRTHPLACE OP TWENTY GIANT loosely granular snow, oalled neve in the ms ] papers, who origi- Bwiss aa the currant 'iJit. _ nated^TSj.^PoUtan Alp*. Gradually, tbs yarns of submsrines sssn on tbs GLACIERS. drain. Land la sweep* it under the When to dralnaga eoast. are mslcing the most ol a along, oompacts, ot the .orpine water Irom the fertile subject. The annual pressure end the surface meltings, Into IM removal sea-serpent GRKATMT SINGLE MOUNTAIN — BE- **0™ **>• Maine coast ", the surface of the toil with auffl- is pigeon- bard, dense, bine ice. and holed. Tbs New York Herald TWEEN GLACIERS GROW LUXURI- to fit tin land of Monday In contrast to this and efflcieney dresses tbs in glowing marvelous Taut rapidity up yarn a little local oolor ANT MASSES OF WILD FLOWERS. of naefnl as follows: of ice an the of wild the successful production apeotacle gardens "L This surplvs water may be from ..Pi*°.d..Ad“lr*1 v*“ Tirpits, chief of flowers surrounding the glaciers, pushing, staff of the German and A frozen octopus of enormous bulk excessive rainfall, from seepage admiralty past wherever the rock and ice will permit, op Mriodic supreme gorgeous nuisance to the ttritiah whose armored rises three or from glittering body the These are Irom higher land, navy, sent the word bis giant slopes. flowery spot* *„ter whistling through miles into the with or more facial sky, twenty called — chilulahs about two months ago parks Spray Park, St. Andrews that he had on hand a huge wrinkled arms reaching down of need for drainage are few young U boats Park, Henry’s Hunting Ground, Paradise, '^'^indications which could travel 6,000 milea. The fol- among thousands of acres of the most aa and of planta known water lov- lowing Senator Summerland, many others. tbsrrowtb day Stephan Pichon, for- gorgeous and luxuriant wild flowers, to ■ mm m i wet condition of land In aarly Minister of foreign affairs for tm nj plants, jnerly from each GARDENS OP WILD FLOWERS. arose squirt, Unger tip, a river of ice absence ol ueefol Held plants, France, quietly in bis place in the ■omroer, Senate chamber and water into the below I “Above the writes John to remarked that tbe valley forests,” Muir, condition of sourness the soil. of ind the patrol the Atlantic coast of Canada and Surely a quotation from the Arabian “there is a zone of the loveliest flowers, Effect ol drainage. The effect upon the United States German g by undersea Nights I Or a ghost tale to chil- Sfty miles in circuit and two miles i raiders was frighten nearly land following the application ot a only a matter of -Jays, hours' tM or perhaps minutes. And dren on Hallowe’en I wide, so closely planted and luxurious that system la quite apparent in the to-day persons •borough wbo go swimming in their But no, however this is a it seems as if to make an water Maine, hang figurative, nature, glad open Pt that follow. Surplus ia re- clothes near the Y. M. results C. A. pool and true statement of an actual fact. There space between woods so dense and ice so thus evaporation from won't go near the water. moved, preventing exists such an Ice-armored were the are kinds of Auto- It might be wondered at that of really octopus deep, economizing precious many j surface. Evaporation from the sur- Maine, lbs all the Atlantic coast should have in these United States. It is a justifiable ground and trying to see how many of her and the effect ol tbc sun’s states, THEREloading guns—"'m“ counteracts takeu to tbe Pump face practice of knee-bending and description of the most interesting moun- darlings she can get together in oue be had at very low pnces. in warming up the aoil, the result be- pompadour but the fact re- rays development, tain in Uncle Sam's dominions, and per- mountain col- mains that Maine alone has a wreath—daisies, anemones, But it is of that that ltie seed* in tl!® •oil wil1 not good excuse typical sportsmen ing for haps in the world. umbine, erythroniumB, larkspurs, etc., heat to germinate early in anxiety. majority prefer Remington-UMC Pump and bsve sufficient Three weeks a Mt. Rainier is in which we ago woman who could the state of Washing- among wade knee-deep and guns in the hands of the average man. and that in the ground be Autoloading tbs season plants recognized again only if she happened miles southwest of Tacoma. waist the corollas in ton, fifty-six deep, bright myriads If shoot at or in the field, go to the not start to grow until the growing to be shrieking, was at a you will standing point It is one of that celebrated of to this traps on tbe rock bound coast of tbe range touching petal petal. Altogether Remington-UMC Dealer in your community and wuon is far along. frightened State when she saw far off to the east a volcanoes which were supposed to be is the richest subalpine garden I have ever let him show you these guns. You will know him water also Alia the pore space in Surplus black spot. She thought nothing of it extinct until, within the year, Lassen found, a perfect flower elysium.” bv his display of the Red Bail Mark of Remington- thus cutting off the supply ol air st the moment and continued to knit a and tbs soil, Peak broke forth The lower altitudes of the are UM C—Sportsmen’s Headquarters— be knows size again. Rainier, though park roots. Drainage removes this sur- fifteen sock for her deserving hus- the difference in to the one of the timbered guns. band. Time as "is the supporting most remarkable densely with fir, cedar, hemlock, showing tbe needed air to get to the passed slowly, cus- plus tom in Maine, but about 5 o’clock ahe single-peak glacial systems in the maple, aider, cottonwood, and spruce. in Sold by your home dealer roots and to tbe organisms the aoil. happened to look in the direction The again world, emits steam from certain crevices, forested areas, extending to an alti- 680 of the soil from the acid of tbe one-time It was a U boat. and other leading Toe freeing speck. evidence of tude of about decrease It is useless continued internal heat. 6,600 feet, gradully water the to argue. Tbe woman, a merchant m Maine laden, stagnant Improvea in of an staid matron, out of Seen from Tacoma or the vast density growth after altitude of condition of tbe aoil and al- completely sym- Seattle, unitary with the entire war 4,000 feet is and the broad Remington Arm.Union Mataflic Co. / pathy situation, mountain to n>< ■ m reached, high, Cartridge V ol are appears (USBragnr) Now lows the growth plants that affected looked right out over the rippling between the Woolworth Buildin, YorkCit, sea so seem the plateaus glacial canyons pre- aetd soil. and saw a U boat, with a periscope which leavel, insignificant ridges l» a detrimental way by sent scenes of diversified appeared to be focused between her about ita base. Yet these ridges them- incomparable iuu ivibiitv right I, Milas euiuirnt; ui starlit to suit eyes. 8be gulped, sprang, ran and selves are of no mean height. They rise beauties, seemingly arranged every drains. Tbs first classification ot drains shrieked. taste. 3.000 to 4,000 feet above the valleys that Uatltoais anti would be: Surface and underground All bands to tba centre of tbe township! Steamboats. legal Notice*. What was it? She told them. half cat throagh them, and their crests average ^ drams. Surface drain* ere usually more By past 8 o'clock the story waa a “pippin”. 6.000 feet in altitude. Thus at the south- STATE OF MAINE. easily constructed and will take care ot She had looked COUNTY County op Hancock ss. down the periscope and west entrance to NEWS" the Mount Rainier this 29th of on execution sgreater volume o( water at tbe least first bad seen the Kaiser up. Von day July peeking issued on a waa behind him and National Parle, which Congress created to TAKENdated July 12,1915, Judgment coat; but wbite the flrat coat ia less, tbe Tirpitz they certainly SEDGWICK. rendered by the Elis worth municipal court were up to She could tell it protect this natural marvel from cost of maintenance la then the something! private for the county of Hancock at a term thereof greater their faces. looked by Uoeh, they sneaky! encroachment, the elevation above sea A. N. Dority and wile went to North- begun and held on the first Tuesday cf July, belter forms ot underground draios. Well, the of this inci- to wit—on the 9th of July, 1915, in favor of report amazing level is 2,000 feet, while float east Harbor Sunday. day Weeds grow the dent swept through Maine, and the fact mountain, FACTORY LOCA- Josephine Patterson, of Boston, in the county usually along open QUARRIES, of Massachu- that tbe woman disappeared that close by, rises to an altitude of 6,040 feet. “Uncle Ton’s Cabin” was presented of Suffolk and commonwealth ditch, and the apace left without being night, setts against Frederick W. Flint, of Somer- and that no one kuew her name, and that last week is wasted and besides A VERITABLE COLOSSUS. here by a travelling troupe. MILL SITES, ville, in the county of Middlesex, common- tbe slope of no one ever TIONS, FARMS, planted had seen or heard of her be- wealth of Massachusetts, for twenty-five and causes an But so colossal are Dr. and motored to the fields undue loss of time in fore only served to convince every one the proportions of Hagerthy family HOTELS 94-100 dollars, debt or damage, and twenty-two that Ashland SITES FOR SUMMER and 9-100 costs of suit, and will be sold cultivating the fields In small irregular auylhing might happen. Clammers the great volcano that they dwarf even Thursday, returning Friday. dollars, put on their shoes for the first time in at public auction at the office of Wm. B. areas. mountains of this size and give them the Miss of is in the of Ellsworth, in said years and deserted tbe fishermen Hope Wilson, Boston, visiting and CAMPS Whiting, city beaches; to the highest bidder, on the 11th day Underground dralna are subdivided ac- drew in tbe worm and called it a and appearance of mere foothills. In height her W. N. Means and wife. county, day, grandparents, of Sept. 1915 at ten o’clock In the forenoon, cording to tbo material uaed to conduct ship-owners panned a life-size of Rainier is second in the United States Located on the line of the the described real estate and all the picture Rev. G. W. F. Hill and of are following the American flag on the side of wife, , title and interest which the said Fred- the water away through tbe ditches. seagoing only to Mount Whitney. right, their interned vessels and went home in a visiting Mrs. Hill’s mother, Mrs. A. F. erick W. Flint has and had in and to the Three laid ao aa to leave an Mount Rainier in round num- of Feb. the time poles open cold perspiration. Mince then no one in stands, Cole. MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD same on the 20th day 1915, when the same was attached on the writ in space between tbem end buried beneath Maine regards tbe Atlautio as a bers, 10,000 feet high above ita immediate regular took a the same suit, to wit: a certain parcel of land, ocean. It is a rivulet Lorlng Eddy, Bangor party deep- give to those desiring to make tbs surface have been uaed lor temporary merely of doubt and base and covers 100 square miles of terri- opportunity with buildings thereon, situated in South a tine damp spot to stay away from. sea fisITing~ in bis big"motor boat- last a in location for a new start in life. Deer in the of Hancock and State fin ins. tory. In shape it is not a cone ta- change Isle, county All of the elements that sounded fear- simple week. of Maine, known as the old homestead of Stones tbrown a loosely into a ditcb or ful and interesting in tbe various storiea pering to slender, pointed summit like Wm. Small, late of South Deer Isle: also all Mise M. Louise Paris has Water Powers, the title and interest in and to another laid so as to form an conduit e few and rumors were published in tbe eastern Fujiyama, the great volcano of returned from Undeveloped right, open Japan. parcel of land, with the buildings thereon, in were a Miss inches acrn-a, after being covered, form a newspapers. They usually punctu- It is rather a broadly truncated mass re- Lnbec, accompanied by friend. Unlimited Raw said South Deer Isle, which parcel of land ated w ith marks and Material, question spoken of Lawrence. a was one Colby to Wm. more permanent end more efficient drain. sembling an enormous tree with conveyed by Stephen !u a light and cheerful manner. But stump H. Small and by the said Wm. H. Small con- Tbe be*t underground drainage material when these clippings reacbea Maine the spreading base and irregularly broken top. Schooner| Maud S., frojn Vinalbaven, and veyed to Wm. Small and in any and all real estate or interest therein Willard E. Small when all things are considered ia tbe land editorial giants removed tbe question Its life history has been a varied one. has been loading wood at Smith Bros’, had as heir-at-law of Wm. H. Small, as con- marks, referred to the rumors as de- Good Land tile. Laud tiiea are bard burned Like all vocanoes, Rainer has built ita wharf for John Thurston. Farming in vol. 477, page 594 and vol. 477, page clay from no in and up veyed spatches place particular, 495 in said Hanock county registry of deens, tabes ordinarily one foot In to cone with the materials ejected by its length, vary- proceeded describe the effect of a tor- Mrs. Q. M. Byard and son Lloyd, of Await Development. to which deeds and records thereof particular in own cinders and ing diameter from one to twenty inches. pedo, and wondered whether it could be eruptions—with steam- Haverhill, are with Mrs. reference is hereby made. Mass., Byard^s F. Tbe most sent up a village street to sink a school- shredded O. Silsby, common tiiea ueedlon the term particles and lumps of lava and parents, J. G. Eaton and wife. house. Residents of Maine, with the Sheriff. are from tour to inches In diameter. with occasional flows of liquid lava that Communications regarding locations eight blinda drawn and a dark shade over the ■ Misses Dons and Ruth of Tflal- subscriber, Samuel A. of Higgins, are will attention Whitney, Tbe water enters et the between tbe lamp, read it have solidified into layers of hard basaltic invited and receive of Suffolk, common- Joints sitting-room all, sighed den, Ma'ss., are visiting their grandpa- THEBoston, county tiles and is and moved farther inland as dawn rock. At one time it attained an to the wealth of Massachusetts, hereby gives notice carried along by gravity. Tbe heavily altitude F. G. when addressed any agent of began to break. rents^ Higgins and wife. that be has been duly appointed executor; of (all may vary Irom one Inch to num- of not less than 16,000 feet, if one may MAINE or to the last will and testament of any Excursion boats which were wont to Aug. 16. H. CENTRAL, ber of inches in one the inclination of the lava MARGARET J. late of B09TON. hundred feat. Six ply from tbe mainland of Maine to many judge by steep ABBOTT, in the of Suffolk, commonwealth of inches in one hundred of the countless ialanda the coast and cinder visible in its flanks. county feet carries away along layers BOUTH INDUSTRIAL BUREAU, Massachusetts, deceased, and bonds aa of given tbe wtter very nicely. carrying great throngs happy natives, Then followed a great explosion that de- PENOBSCOT.j^Jg-^ the law directs. And he has appointed Boyd now make the trip with a captain; a crew Marion Miller, of Portland, spent Bartlett of Castine, in the ot Hancock, Tbe depth ot the drain tile ia stroyed the top part of the mountain and _Miss MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD county important. of three and four mighty nervous stokers. last week Miss bis duly qualified agent in the State of Maine. It a’few'daya with Rthel Gray. need out be below frost line If it baa Theae men tiave to go, but the reduced its height by some 2,000 feet. PORTLAND, MAINE. All persons having demands against the es- passengers Miss Sarah of North tate of said deceased are desired to present •afflcieut fall, because water from tbe have a cboioe in tbe matter. It has be- The volcano was left with a Lowell, Penobscot, beheaded, the same for settlement, and all indebted come clear what that choice and is the guest of and sou above is tbu* very is, capacious hollow crater surrounded by a Maynard**Norwood thereto aie requested to make payment im- caught by Ireaxiug, as a result the of men opinion steamship wife. Bp >9MH mediately. Samusl A. Whitnby. shutting off tbe of water rim. (apply before regarding the violation of Belgian neu- Jagged Eastern Lines August 8,1915. tbe water in tbe drain and the Kaiser’s la some- Later on this great cavity, which meas- Miss Beulah Wight, who has been work- Steamship become* frosen. trality activities, ALL-THE-WAY-BT.WATBR Tbe to make the ear- notice water is io this way aliowsd to drain thing kindly-diapoaed ured nearly three miles across from sonth ing at the BayToiTMr. and MrsTOeorge subscriber hereby gives that drum tingle. he has been duly appointed executor •w«y leaving the tl'e dear. Itsbould.be to north, was tilled by two small cinder Littlefleld, is at~home. THE Every sow and again, Just when it ap- BANGOR LINE of the last will and testament and codicil of tvlow reach of tbe conea. Successive feeble added plow, and under ordi- pears that there may be some mistake eruptions ■Mrs. Stillman Grindle, who has been OBADIAH ALLEN, late of MOUNT DE- about the matter and that the U boats are to their until at last formed nary soil conditions two and ooe-balf height they with her sister in Portland;the past three Turbine 8teel Steamships CAMDEN and SERT. off the some- feet not lurking Just coast line, a low rounded dome — the emi- BELFAST deep i> desirable. Under ordinary together months, returned home Monday. in the county of Hancock, deceased, no bonds thing happens that gives Maine a fright- Leave 2.00 2.45 the terms of said will All conditions a four-inch til* for laterals end nence that now constitutes the mountain’s Bangor p m, Winterport, pm, being required by ful relapse. ■Mrs. Preston Sellers and brother, Fred Bncksport 8.30 p m. daily for Searsport. Bel- persons having demands against the estate bum x u main* It la to take months to summit. The higher portions of the old Rockland and Bos- of said deceased are desired to the eight inches tor sbonld going explain of are fast, Northport, Camden, present Staples, Waterville, spending their there- SsfVe tile purpose. away tba frantic marksmanship of the crater rim rise to elevations within a few ton. same for settlement, and, all indebted British cruisers Niobe and (Boris for in- vacation with their parents, Frank Staples RETURNING—Leave India wharf. Boston, to are requested to make jpagnaent immedi- hundred feet of the summit add, especi- at 5.00 stance. closed in on a L' boat and and wife. p m, daily. ately. They when viewed stand BAR HARBOR LINE Mel\illb L. Allbn. shot it into ribbons to find ally from below, out "Iitr* '.an Often fulls. recently, only Frank Brown and of Leave Rockland 6.16 a m, for Bar Har- August 8,1915. was a as mask family, Lynn, daily, that it derelict schooner that had separate peaks that and ... In I be June bpldly bor and intermediate land ngs. ■Rathra leave American Afagasine, tween wMI known and in Mass., who have been here three weeks, Bar Harbor 2.00 m. and fairly papular •earn to overshadow the central dome. p daily. forJfauekUnd subscriber notice that Wsiler Priuuard Keiuu tells in n for a intermediate hereby'giVes the llret tbe Atlantic long period. Maine returned home Saturday. They were ac- landings. he has been adminis- “e* BARD TO ESTABLISH ALTITUDE. BLUE HILL LINE THE dnly appointed series ot love does not believe that any such silly mis- trator of the estate of ttorlee entitled, “The companied by their cousin, Mrs. Roland Leave Rockland at 5.15 a for Bine- Bird take could be made, and the British m, daily, House Men.” The Bret is The altitude of the main summit has for Grindle and hill and intermediate JOHN 8. LYNAM, late of EDEN, elory has no intention of daughter Frances. landings. billed admiralty arguing Return leave Bluehill 1.00 m, for Rockland no “The Song Sparrow”, end to the many years been in doubt. Several figures 16. L. p in the county of Hancock, deceased, bonds about it. Aug. a id intermediate landings. being required by terms of decree. All it seems have been announced from time to blluwing extract taken from It two Alt things considered, mighty time, SEDGWICK LINE persons having demands against tbe estate of that is Leave Rockland daily at 5.15 a m, for Sedg- are to eisrseters discuss bird metiug sad human likely something strange floating no two of them in agreement with each NORTH SEDGWICK. said deceased desired present the same along the Maine coast, but whether it is wick and intermediate landings. Return, for settlement, and all indebted thereto are neii.ig: other; but all of these, it is to be ob- I leave Sedgwick daily at 3 p m, for Rockland a sea-serpent or a derby hat no one south Bertha Hinckley is the guest of Florence requested to make payment immediately. "•Du more and intermediate landings. Fred C. Lynam. you ever reflect,’ said Alec of Canada is in a position to state. served, were obtained by or less Allen. August 8, 1915. Psruum. -that the bird* never make k approximate methods. In 1913 the United R. G. Clapp has gone to Bangor for a Steamers of the Mount Desert Lines con- misuse in we States Survey, in connection notice thst mating? It’e only poor Geological few nect at Rockland with Bangor Line steamers subscriber bereDy gives Uncle Sam’s Buffalo Herd. days. from and to Boston. he has been executor blundering humane who ail mixed with its topographic surveys of the Mount THE duly appointed get up METROPOLITAN IINE of the last will and testament of is our The government’s herd at buffalo in the Rainier National Park, made a new series Mrs. S. W. Treworgy had an ill turn mating.’ Steamships Massachusetts and Bunker Hill MARY F. HIGGINS, late of EDEN, Wichita national forest, in Oklahoma, of measurements methods Sunday. leave north side of India Wharf, Boston, every “'ie», there’s that Sally Fisher, she’s by triangulation in the county of Hancock, deceased, no hoods has been increased by the arrival of ten day at fi p in, due New York at 8 p m. Same msrned a Jewl’Mid Mrs. Plumb. Cen’t at close range. These give the peak an Clarence Maguire spent the week-end in service returning. being required bv the terms of said will. All demands the estate no calves, according to a report received elevation of feet. This last it Rockland. MAINE STEAMSHIP LINE persons having against of happiness come of marrying a Jew, I 14,406 figure, said deceased are desired to present the same in The Steamships North Land and North Star from the supervisor charge. herd, should be is not to be in er- for settlement, and all indebted thereto aro added, likely Mrs. Harry Thurston has gone toCaatine leave Franklin Wharf, Portland, Tuesday, now requested to make payment ’•'I’d which comprises sixty-two specimens more than a foot or and Thursday and Saturday at 6.80 p m; also Mon- immediately. go farther than that,’ smiled the ror by two, may for surgical treatment. Royal G. Higgins, almost extinct is in day at 10.80 a m, for New York. man. ‘it of the bison, good with some confidence be as final. Eden, Me. isn’t so much Jew or Chinese or regarded Albert Pierce and of If. T. SAN KORN, Agent, Bangor. ~*v and to oontinue in- wife, Brooksville, July 30,1915. 'Bat makes in ns condition, promises Greater exactness of determination is the difference are visiting their son Foster. creasing at a rapid rate. in the case buoisns; it’s our souls. Some of ue ere scarcely practicable of Mount StAertuKinaua. subscriber notice Mrs. Harold and hereby gives that *ild Three years ago the herd was little more consists Young son, of Boston, she has been ducks, and some ol ns are hermits, Rainier, as its highest summit THE duly appointed adminis- tratrix with the will annexed of *od than half as large as it is now. It is said were guests of Mrs. Bertha Orcutt last the estate of some of us are domestic or actually of a mound of snow, the height robina, week. SARAH ELIZABETH GREELY, late of that the other game animals in the pre- of which varies somewhat with -PARKERS- ®*fry chickadees, or cantankerous crows. naturally HAIR ELLSWORTH, the elk also BALSAM There are serve, including and antelope, the seasons and from to Roy Allen, Annie Allen, Florence Allen A toilet of nightingales and song sparrows, year year. preparation merit. in tbe county of Bnncock, deceased, and due the af- Helps to eradicate dandruff. ** well sa are increasing, to protection This snow which was and Mrs. Harold Grindle Saturday given bonds as the law directs. All hawks and But we crowning mound, spent For Restoring Color and per- grackies. _ sons having demands against the estate don’t forded, not only against hunters, but once to be the in in Bangor. Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. and our own kind at mating time, supposed highest point of said deceased are desired to present against wild cats, and other pred- still bears the 16. D. the same for and all you know we Mrs. wolves, the United Htates, proud Aug. ^^OcjjndJlL06a^Drn«reista^ settlement, indebted why don’t, thereto are to make animals, which committed serious crest. It is requested payment im- Plumb?’ atory name of Columbia essentially mediately. from the establishment of or snow dune Annie K. ‘So. Will havelaome more depredations a huge snowdrift heaped up Goodwin. yon peas?’ atjumiatmma. August 8, 1915. mid the in 1905 until measures were the furioos winds. she. preserve by westerly MAKE YOUR CASH WORK '"I taken to stop them. Six originate at the subscriber notice will; they an delicious,’ be an- great glaciers very nereoy gives mat This bank not only affords THEhe has been duly appointed adminis- ‘The summit. They are the Niaqually, the unques- trator first early pea* are always tioned protection for but ol the estate of swered. ASHVLLLE. the the savings, elicious. The answer to my question la Ingraham, Emmons, Winthrop, adds to all deposits at a liberal rate WILLIAM SHEPHERD, late of SWAN’S bat and the Kautz or ISLAND, the circulation souls is not Mrs. Harold Hanna is visiting in East the Tahoma, glaciers. But Ready Help interest. among fee in time of trouble earned in the county of Hancock, deceased, and enough. It is too oocetrioted. Sullivan. many of great size and stateliness are physical by Love, biliousness from Hancock Co. Savings Bank, Ellsworth given bonds as the law directs. All per- Mr>- born of the snows in rock or resulting sons Is with us a matter of the pockets indigestion, having demands against the estate Plumb, Fred Grant, of Hancock, spent inactive is al- of said — bowls of torpid liver, bowels, deceased are desired to present the We it’s our cirques ice-sculptured great Pfoximity. have to love, week-end with Lawrence Orcutt. given, quickly, same for settlement, and all indebted theieto ever ways certainly, safely Bsture. H we are and dimensions and increasing depth— are requested to make payment * song sparrow, of are by the moat famous of remedies immediately* Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer, Florida, family Alan L Bird. here is no other in from which they merge into the glisten- Pauper Notice. song sparrow sight, at Mrs. E. E. Me. boarding Brandon’s during of volcano. The contracted with the Rockland, fall in love with the ing armor the huge most City of Ella- August 8,1915. !f,i”'Ill*t'* Louise Small was the guest Paradise, the Frying Pan, the Carbon, the BEECHAM’S ning Jan. 1, IMS, and are legal residents of THEhe has been duly appointed adminis- in last Ellsworth, I forbid all persons trusting them trator of the estate of cousin, Agnes Sinclair, Sorrento, Russell, the North and South the on “P® Mowlcb, my account, as there Is plenty of room ELLEN M. MILAN, awfully sorry that my engage- and the glaciers. and late of SOUTHWEST tWnu week. Puyallup, Pyramid accommodations to care for them at HARBOR, prevent my attending your charity the City Pern bouse. Miss Abbie who baa been at- BBMABKABLE OLA Cl KBS. in the county of Hancock, concert, bnt I shall ba in Bragdon, PILLS Authpb B. Mitchbll. deceased, and with bonds as you spirit.” has given the law directs. Ail per- tending summer school Macblaa, More than and sons Splendid I And whan would yon like gt twenty glaciers, great hmeUafAwlMkh.kA.tMt having demands against the estate of said deceased returned borne. clothe rivers of with are desired to present the same *P*rit to elt? I have tickets hen for small, Rainier; ice, liHmerit.i, hi—tK..w. legal Notiw*. for and J°°f settlement, all indebted thereto ara S Mrs. La moot Johnson and two children, many of the characteristics of rivers of requested to make T*11 guinea, a guinea, and thirty shll- subscribers payment immediately. hereby gives no* ice that Orrin L. Ul|ggt» who have been visiting in East Dixmont, water roaring at times over precipices like they have been Milan, THE duly appointed execu- Swan’s Island. trices of the last will and testament of o BBe was have arrived home. waterfalls; rippling and tumbling down "I Don’t Feel Good" T An gnat 8. well over eighty yean of age, JOSEPH B. 1915._ *bd for the — veritable That is what a lot of MA80N, late of SOUTHWEST for th* first tim* in her life she had Preparations are being made rocky slopes noisy cascades; people ted ual subscriber nereoy gives notice that on hidden rocks to their bowels need HARBOR, she has been taken to inuual fair of the Wednesday club, to be rising smoothly up Usually only cleansing. THE dnly appointed adminis- a moving piotun palace. In the county of Hancock, deceased, no bonds tratrix of the estate of 8 over Its lower *Be came held on “the corner” during the afternoon foam, brook-like, edges. being required by the terms of said will. oat a friend met her in the All EMMA A. FISHER, late of DEER ISLE, persons having demands against the es- mtibul*. ind evening of August 25. There will be Each glacier, whether at in the county o! Hancock, deceased, and “Hope yon enjoyed yonreelf, originating tate of said deceased are desired to bonds *“*• present given as the law directs. All persona sbe n- ;be usual ball game, followed by a supper the summit or in vast will do the trick and m'ke you feel fine. the same for settlement, and all Jones,” exclaimed. “Yes,” bright springlike Indebted having demands against the estate of said da- P led We know this Take om thereto are requested to make payment tm ceased are the old “I bat I’m it W. M. Pettee’s. If stormy, the fair cirques, begins in even, immaculate snow. positively. desireo to present the same for dame, did, get- mediately. settlement, and all b the tonight. Sold us, 10 cents.'- indebted thereto are re- that deaf nowadays I couldn’t bear a ■rill be held llrst pleasant day. A thousand feet or so below it attains only by Jake queued to mate ....Ma«y _ devoted mother, and to the time of her COUNTY NEWS last illness was untiring In her ministra- tions to her family. Besides her aged hus- is there are BLUEHILL. band, whose health very poor, two daughters — Joeie, wife of George William P. Clough, of Boston and Ells- Moore, of Bast Holden, and Flora, wife of worth, is in town for a few days. Howard Churchill, of also Store” dipt. Orland, “The Mischa Ell man, the famous Russian two sod#—Forrest L. and George Arthur, Quality violinist, is the guest of Franz Kneiset. who live at home; two brothere-Charles, of W. P. Palmer, of Cleveland, O., has of Orland. and Llewellyn, Bucksport, three and four grandsons. joined his family here for a short visit. granddaughters Funeral aervioee were held at the home Mias Frances of Foster, Hingham. Mass., afternoon. Rev. Mr. McAlister is the of Galon 3. and .fife. Friday guest Osgood officiating. Interment at Oak Grove The Urban Stock Co. will be at the cemetery. town hall and Thursday, Friday Saturday Aug. 16. D. cf this week. _ Sherman Woodward, of Boston, spent NORTH CASTINE. Thursday ia town, the guest of Mrs. David M. Dodge is home from Bath. Frank Da via. Miss Mildred Ward well is employed at Misa F. B. Hinckley and Mrs. 3. C. Castine. Stone, of Roxbury, Maas., are at their CAS ia at SPOT Misa Katharine Jarvine, of Bangor, SALE home on Main street for a short visit. Manfred Mixer's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Clough and Fred F. Ward well and wife have gone and Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, of Boston, are of FURNITURE RUGS to Castine for an extended visit. quests of Mrs. George A. Clough at Hal- cyon lodge. Mrs. Helen McMasters and children _ have returned to Wakefield, Mass. NEVIN CONCERT. Harvey Webster, who has had employ- ment at Holbrook’s is at home. One of the most interesting and success- island, TAKEN ful concerts ever given in Bluehill was Mrs. Arthur Conner and family, of Caa- IF YOU HAVE NOT ADVANTAGE enjoyed Wednesday evening, Aug. 11. It tine, visited Mrs. Ross Conner last week. was given m the town hall, which was Mrs. Abbie M. Wsrdwell, of East Or- simply but pleasingly decorated with fir land. was the guest last week of Mrs. A. OF THIS SALE IT IS NOT TOO LATE trees and green branches. A. Leach. The concert consisted of com- entirely Miss Irish is at home from of the famous Etheloert Nancy Orono, positions Nevin, after a absence. Miss Irish ia suf- ~ and was a musical treat of unusual value year's fering from ? serious affliction of the which was thoroughly enioyed by the large audience filling the hall. eye*. SOME OF THE PRICES: All of those taking part in the program Millard Perkins and wife, of New York, were from among the summer residents of and Crawford Hutchins and wife, of Bos- were recent of Mrs. Alma Per- the town, and many words of appreciation ton, guests Former price Sale price were spoken regarding their kindness in kins. thus giving of their time and talent dur- Mrs. Walter Wilson,who is home from 6.98 4.49 ing this season when they are in Bluehill the Webster hospital, is improviog in Hammocks, $ $ for their annual vacation and rest. health. Mrs. Chester of W’est RUGS Clement, “ The first number on the program was a Penobscot, is with her. 6.26 4.69 vocal quartette, “The Night Has a Thous- and Eyes,” which was beautifully ren- EAST LAMOINE. “ Former price Sale price dered Misa Laura of East 14.00 10.60 by Fawcett, Frank Murch and wife, of Boston, are Orange, N. J., Mrs. L. Ward Peters, of visiting Mrs. Dyer Young. West Roxbury. Maas., Rev. Daniel Gross, 9x12 in $6.98 $ 4.98 of Nashua, N. H., and Mr. Howard Snell- Jobn Young visited friends Ella- ing, of Boston, with violin obligato by worth a few days last wsek. William bargent, of Worcester, Maas. Miss Bates, of Boston, is spending the A few more China Chairs was followed a Reed This by solo, summer st Mrs. S. Y. Deslsles'. 9x12 26.00 17.98 “Barcarolle,” played with much expres- Mrs. Nelson Walker, of Portsmouth, N. | sion Misa Pauline F. of West by Smith, H., is visiting relatives in town. Maas. Mrs. a at almost One-Half Price Roxbury, Peters, always Dr. Fred his favorite with a Bluehill audience, sang in Reynolds joined family here Sunday, tor his vacation. Rag Rugs, 7.75 4.98 Miss Esther Clements, of Bangor, ia a gnest of Miss Sullivan at Shore Acrea. “ “I Once Had a Sweet Little Doll-Dear#.”’ Charlotte Sawyer, of Ellsworth, was a A lot of odd Muslin and Lace 1.15 .89 * A vocal duet, “Oh, That We Two were week-end visitor at Mrs. H. G. Hodgkins’. Mias Fawcett and Mr. Maying,” by Gross, Allen of Mass., has was A “The Walker, Qnincy, particularly pleasing. solo, his family here at the Winter- Mr. was encored joined Curtains at almost Eoaary,” by Snelling, hot bam your price. .98 most enthusiastically. cottage. with two of airs. Henning rernsirom, oi \ irgims, Neil Hodgkins, friends, “_1.50 with artistic touch and perfect intonation Waltham, Mass., is viaitihg his father, of melody, played the “Love Song”, found Harry Hodgkins, for a tew days. in the Sketch Book, a collection of piano Misa Lena Deslsles, of Bangor, and Mrs* solos by Nevin. This was followed by a Leslie Deslsles, of Bar Harbor, are visit- sacred solo, “Jesu, Jesu, Miserere,” sym- ing their mother, Mrs. E. U. lies Isles. We still have more China Jute at rendered Miss $1.79 pathetically by Fawcett, Mrs. Frank Hancock and Merton Pierce whose voice seemed well suited to the were called here from ties! Harbor last selection. lak’ a Rose” was “Mighty Thursday by the serious illness of their sung with fine effect by Mrs. Peters, with father. Dipt. George Pierce. banjo obligato by F. L. Lansing. 18. N. The last number on the program was Aug. the May Day a duet Mrs* dance, piano by SOI TH HANCOCK. refrigerators Sargent and Mrs. F. L. Bunker, which oc was danced by Misses Doris Nevin, De- W. T. Coggins will return this week to nor ront Off light Weston, Eleanor Brooks, Katherine Malden, Mass. Richards, Helen Curtis and Dorothea Mrs. Ella McCauley, of Quincy, Maas., LO belli Ull Freezers who the audience with is friends in town. ICE=CREAn Slack, delighted visiting their graceful steps and poses, and w hose pel Miss Bertha Wooster left Saturday, to with the charming costumes, together resume her work st Waltham, Miss. stage-setting, lent a realistic spring-time Drew and of touch to the scene. This dance was under Robert wife, Lincoln, were recent st Mrs. H. M. the direction of Miss Hallie Gelbart, of guests Hodg- New York. kins’. Especial mention should be made of Mrs. H. A. Brown bas returned to her Mrs William Sargent, who played all the home at Bar Harbor. Mrs. T. J. Hodg- accomjMnimentB of the evening, and of kins accompanied her. .Vlrs. Ethelbert Nevin, who took a deep Dr. Edgar Young, of Everett, Mass., interest in the concert and furnished all with bis wife, is spending two weeks with H. C. Austin & copies of music required for the program. his mother, Mrs. Augusta Y'ouug. The members of the Ladies’ Company Congrega- The waa shocked at the tud- tional circle, under whose the community auspices den death of William who waa entertainment was McCauley given, greatly appre- found dead in his bed ciate the services of ail those who took Thursday evening. He was around as osnal Wednesday part and aided in the Nevin con- making his HU near cert a success. overseeing baying. neigh- bors, being very busy, did Dot miss him Aug. 16. H. Thursday until evening, when they Eastern Maine _ gained entrance to the booae through a ORLAND. window. It ia thought Mr. McCauley There will be a union of tbe in -.he Bliss picnic Sun- passed quietly away early morning. College day schools Wednesday of this week. Thetuneral at the home Sunday afternoon who want to succeed and Miss Lottie Robbins, of is waa largely attended. AMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN Bocksport, are will fiud our com- with Mrs. Merrill Dunn for several weeks. to accomplish the moat ol which they capable, mercial training the means ol increased earning power. Eliza (Harriman), wife of George B. EAST SULLIVAN. at the home on will be a STATE Hutchins, died Then school at FAIR family Sunday picnic CAPABLE YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN who desire a means of live- ! the Cast me road Wednesday afternoon, Flanders next Saturday. pond lihood and independence, should take our courses as the first step to re- after an illneas of about four months. R. P. D. G. A. Hatch, carrier, U having sponsible positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, private secretaries, and BANOOR, MAINE Mn. Hutchins was a faithful wife and a his vacation. Mrs. Hatch U substituting. as employees of the State and United States Government through Civil Cyrus Cole and wife (Mlsa PtaiU John- Service appointment. Short and special courses lor teachers and advanced son) with Mr. Coie'a son and hi* wife, pupils. motored from Poland Springs Saturday, AUQ. 24-25-26-27 for a visit with Mrs. Cola’s relatives. Alonso Thomsen, of New York, u tbs Fall Term Opens Tuesday, Sept. 14,1915 guest of bU brother, H>4. Thomsen, at SOMETHING EVERY MINUTE, NEW AND INTERESTING, TO EN- “Hillcrofl”. Mr. Thomsen U confining Mall ua this coupon and we will send yon our Illustrated catalog hU travels to America thU year, owing to TERTAIN AND AMUSE THE CROWD the European war. The services at Union church Sunday morning war* unusually interesting. Name ___ District Superintendent PaUadino and former District Superintendent Haskell St. anil No-1_ WM. were present, with Rev. Mr. Moyle. Mr. LUCKEY, WITH HIS CELE- Palladino preached the sermon and re- ceived Miss Villa Orcott and Jnatin John- son into full church membership. city___i; BRATED AEROPLANE Aug. IT. H. _:_=_ _ State ! will make one or more flight! Thursday and Friday afternoons. BAB HARBOR. The children’* miniature garden com- petition will be held at the Building of Art* August 19. Address Bliss Business College, Lewiston Relief work for the sufferers in the SOMETHING NEW IN FIREWORKS European war goes steadily on at the high school building, from 10 to 1 daily. Mrs.-Marie K. Maddox visited relatives ■DESTRUCTION OF THE GREAT at Ellsworth and Green Lake on her way home from summer tchool at Castine. Mrs. Nancy Jordan and Miss Minerva FORTS AT LIEGE, BELGIUM of were in Bar Harbor Jordan, Ellsworth, 1 Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reduced Rates on All Railroads Whatever You Do Don't Miss This Fair Clark. Bar Harbor seems to be enjoying a big season, with more people in town than HELPS HEADACHE ever before. More than 500 automobiles are said to be on the streets daily. Practical Is the A Sure Remedy Aug. 16. M. Knowledge Key to Prosperity __ You think with your head, but you work with your stomach. You feed BAYS1DE. your stomach, but stomach feeds Frank N. Jordan, who has been with your — your brain, blood and muscle with the his parents, J. Wilson Jordan and wife, Business Beal Business for the two returned home Contact with Real College food which it must first digest. When past weeks, to Lewiston Sunday. the stomach goes wrong, the head goes 73 leading bankers, merchants, manufactiBecs, educators, and other S. Remick, wife and two chil- BANGOR, MAINE wrong. When a sick Harry you get headache, dren, and mother, Mr*. Nellie L. Remick, bmmeas and men and women, dennaistrnted actual boainesa- stomach with “L. F.” At- professional will teach and help your of Billerica, Mass., and Edward J. Remick, you the **know how** of business. We train young men wood’s under the direction aI Nathaniel C in the Burden women for Medicine, and your head will wife and little daughter Minnie, of Cam- fUnj Fowler, Jr, profitable positions as bookkeepers, stenographers, etc., and soon clear and Here is are relatives them for lor stop aching. bridge, Mass., visiting her*. Laboratory of Business during the 'past year,—an original feature at equip advancement to the highest stations in life. Ask or.e of many letters to prove it: They came in their automobile. ouiffree illustrated prospectus. \ Maine. Aug. 18. R. Budett Colege which is not in the ctaricalum of any other educational W'.tervifle, _ husband is taking the "L. F.” Atwood’s "The School For Rooulto” My m the world. We tham as wd as tell how business is done. Medicine now for dyspepsia and it is helping EAST BLUEHILL. iawtilBtion him. We do not feel that we can get along F. D. Long Is ill. without it. I have taken it for headache and it has cured me entirely. 8. Grant and wife, of Bangor are guests FALL TERM BEGINS TUESDAY, SEPT. 7 Mss. Assam C. of Mrs. Violet Grindle. Lucs, Hm Biadett CoSsas couass sis: Piin ni SkortWd (PiUBall. Gras. Sad R. F. D. No. 40, Boa 56. Or. Oscar Long has returned to bis Ouaiflrr Conbiasd. SacsslanaL Appiisd Bains sadMusas. a 35c bottle at nearest home in Baltimore, Md., and A. J. Long DsplanX Buy your ■sat, Nssmm. Gsd Srnrica, sad Fnsiiag. Nasr [lapils adniUsd Cray MseJsy store, or write today for a free sample. and wife to their home in Wstervllle. ^ Frank Miller, wife and daughter Marion FREE.—“Ye Olde Songs,” words and music rosmoM a fmovtaat every cmaduat* and Mr*. Nellie who have a a coop of sixty popular songs sent free on receipt of Ridlon, spent %L/ 3 outside yellow wrappers from the bottles, few weeks here, have returned to their Dm, ar MwH-Stkaat CaSaharas Pass — Bssasst, VUtsrs » Mrs. B. A. Wood and have their quality before payment la required: Do not wait for a Paopto Ask Us daughter eeoient aeaaon, Itjwill not come. What fat the beat laxative? Yean of' opened their cottage. HEBRON ACADEMY of ia with I PORTLAND experience in eelling all kinds leads ue Mrs. Hubbard, California, Hebron, Maine BANGOR AUGUST* her sister at “Moss Ledge”. I Deposit Your Honey to always iwoomaiind » of noil beeuti- Charles of is tbs guest of •turtavant Mama-one the IIM THE Laliy, Boston, ful residences for girls in New England Mr. and Mrs. Abram Duflec. j | j •fexattOMtektieo. At woo if Hall — a modern home for boys. I Fa cock Co. Savings Bank Ellsworth Mrs. Bessie Flemming has returned to Exhilarating air Wholesome food. Pure as the safest, surest and most astirfao* Philadelphia, after a short visit at “The spring water. College preparatory. Gen- Bank ia Hancock Co. Address I Only Savings SUBSCRIBE courses. Domestic science. FOR lory. Sold only by ns, lOeepta, Pines”. I eral THE AMERICAN Wm. E. Utt E. & Maora. Aug. 16. CXCMB8. SARGENT, D., Principal