The John and Anna Gillespie Papers an Inventory of Holdings at the American Music Research Center

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The John and Anna Gillespie Papers an Inventory of Holdings at the American Music Research Center The John and Anna Gillespie papers An inventory of holdings at the American Music Research Center American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder The John and Anna Gillespie papers Descriptive summary ID COU-AMRC-37 Title John and Anna Gillespie papers Date(s) Creator(s) Repository The American Music Research Center University of Colorado at Boulder 288 UCB Boulder, CO 80309 Location Housed in the American Music Research Center Physical Description 48 linear feet Scope and Contents Papers of John E. "Jack" Gillespie (1921—2003), Professor of music, University of California at Santa Barbara, author, musicologist and organist, including more than five thousand pieces of photocopied sheet music collected by Dr. Gillespie and his wife Anna Gillespie, used for researching their Bibliography of Nineteenth Century American Piano Music. Administrative Information Arrangement Sheet music arranged alphabetically by composer and then by title Access Open Publication Rights All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the American Music Research Center. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], John and Anna Gillespie papers, University of Colorado, Boulder Index Terms Access points related to this collection: Corporate names American Music Research Center - Page 2 - The John and Anna Gillespie papers Detailed Description Bibliography of Nineteenth-Century American Piano Music Music for Solo Piano Box Folder 1 1 Alden-Ambrose 1 2 Anderson-Ayers 1 3 Baerman-Barnes 2 1 Homer N. Bartlett 2 2 Homer N. Bartlett 2 3 W.K. Bassford 2 4 H.H. Amy Beach 3 1 John Beach-Arthur Bergh 3 2 Blind Tom 3 3 Arthur Bird-Henry R. Bishop 3 4 Armand Edward Blackman-Ernest Bloch 4 1 Blockley-W.H. Blumenschein 4 2 B. Boekelman-Felix Borowski 4 3 George F. Boyle 4 4 Frederic Brandeis 5 1 James Bremner-George Briston 5 2 Howard Brockway-Dudley Buck 5 3 H.T. Burleigh-Willard Burr 6 1 Charles Cadman-John A. Carpenter 6 2 Benjamin Carr-Teresa Careno 6 3 G.W. Chadwich-W.H. Clarke 7 1 A. Clifton-Louis Conrath 7 2 F.S. Converse-James F. Cooke 7 3 Robert Coverley-Charles F. Dennee 8 1 Ferdinand Dewey-Ferdinand Dulcken 8 2 Ernst Eberhard-C. Everest 8 3 Blair Fairchild-Louis Falk 9 1 Arthur Farwell 9 2 Giuseppe Ferrata 9 3 Carl Fique-A.M. Foerster 10 1 Arthur Foote 10 2 Stephen C. Foster-W.H. Fry 11 1 Paolo Gallico-Rudolph Ganz 11 2 Heinrich Gebhardt-Adam Geibel 11 3 Henry F. Gilbert-Frederic G. Gleason 12 1 Leopold Godowsky - Page 3 - The John and Anna Gillespie papers 12 2 Percy Goetschius-Robert Goldbeck 13 1 Goldmark, Gottschalk, Grainger 13 2 Grobe 14 1 Charles Grobe 14 2 Homer Grunn-Jas Heindot 15 1 A.P. Heinrich 15 2 R.E. Henninges-G.W. Hewitt 15 3 James Hewitt-Edward Hoffman 16 1 Richard Hoffman 16 2 Heinrich Hofman-Joseff Hofman 17 1 Adele Hohnstock-Helm Hood 17 2 Helen Hopekirk-Hortencia 17 3 J.A. Hugs-Henry H. Huss 17 4 Ernest Hutcheson-August Hyllested 18 1 Iucho-Ives 18 2 Jarvis-Johnston 19 1 Rafael Joseffy 19 2 K. Kambra-Hugo Kaun 19 3 Walter Keller-G. Kiallmark 20 1 Bruno O. Klein 20 2 J.P. Knight-Carl Koelling 20 3 Clara A. Korn-Noble W. Kreider 21 1 E.R. Kroeger 21 2 Jean Paul Kursteiner-Charles Kunkel 21 3 Jacob Kunkel 22 1 Frank LaForge-Eastwood Lane 22 2 M.R. Lang-Adele Lewing 22 3 Emil Liebling 23 1 George Liebling-Frank Lynes 23 2 Maas-MacDowell 24 1 Edward MacDowell 24 2 Alexander MacFayden-Max Maretzek 24 3 George W. Marston-Eduardo Marzo 25 1 Daniel Gregory Mason 25 2 William Mason 25 3 L. Mattioli-Henry Maylath 26 1 C. Meineke-Karl Merz 26 2 Julius Metz-W.B. Miller 26 3 S.B. Mills-Virginia Minstrels 27 1 John Mokrejs-P.K. Moran 27 2 S. Nelson-Ethelbert Nevin 27 3 Newman-H.W. Nicholl - Page 4 - The John and Anna Gillespie papers 28 1 Arne Oldberg-P.W. Orem 28 2 John Orth-Patrick O'Sullivan 28 3 Th. Otterstrom 29 1 John K. Paine 29 2 Courtlandt Palmer-W. Henry Palmer 29 3 Horatio Parker-E.A. Parsons 29 4 J.N. Pattison 30 1 Alfred H. Pease-Ernst Perabo 30 2 Edward B. Perry-Richard Platt 30 3 John Powell-S.G. Pratt 31 1 Carl A. Preyer 31 2 F. Marion Ralston-Frederic L. Ritter 31 3 Julia Rive-King 31 4 W.J. Robjohn-Martin Roeder 32 1 Clara K. Rogers-T.P. Ryder 32 2 Louis V. Saar-James Sanderson 32 3 Louis Schehlmann-Henry Schoenfeld 32 4 W.C.E. Seeboeck-Oliver Shaw 33 1 Arthur Shepherd 33 2 Edger H. Sherwood-Shield 33 3 Martinus Sieveking-Wilson G. Smith 34 1 O.G. Sonneck-Ludwig Stasny 34 2 Constantin Sternberg-John Stevenson 34 3 Walter W. Stockhoff 34 4 S. Stojowski 35 1 Maurice Strakosch 35 2 Templeton Strong-W.P. Sudds 35 3 Raynor Taylor-A.D. Turner 36 1 T.V. Valentine-Max Vogrich 36 2 Edward J. Walker-Samuel P. Warren 36 3 Henry Weber-B.H. Whelpley 37 1 Arthur Whiting-G.E. Whiting 37 2 S.B. Whitney-Carl Wolfsohn 38 1 H.A. Wollenhaupt-W.T. Wrighton 38 2 Camille W. Zeckwer-C. Zeunes Music for Piano, One Hand Box Folder 39 1 John Carver Alden-M.Strakosch Music for Piano Duet (Piano, 4 Hands) Box Folder 39 2 Homer Newton Bartlett-H. Clough-Leighter - Page 5 - The John and Anna Gillespie papers 39 3 Louis Adolphe Coerne-Stephen C. Foster 40 1 Henry F. Gilbert-L.M. Gottschalk 40 2 Otto Hackh-Eduard Holst 40 3 Bruno Oscar Klein-E.A. MacDowell 41 1 William Mason-Ethelbert Nevin 41 2 John Knowles Paine-H.A. Wollenhaupt Music for Two Pianos (4 Hands) Box Folder 41 3 H.H.A Beach 42 1 Ernest Bloch-Bern Boekelman 42 2 J.S. Bach-Heinrich Gebhard 42 3 Albino Gorno-Leopold Godowsky 43 1 L.M. Gottschalk-Eduard Holst 43 2 Hugo Kaun-Charles Kunkel 43 3 Heniot Levy-Daniel Gregory Mason 43 4 Eugenio Pirani 44 1 Richard Platt-Louis Victor Saar 44 2 Louis Victor Saar-Templeton Strong Music for Piano and Orchestra Box Folder 45 1 H.H.A. Beach-O.B. Boise 45 2 Felix Borowski-A. Clifton 45 3 Louis Conrath-Rudolph Ganz 46 1 Hugo Kaun-Charles M. Loeffler 46 2 Henry Hadley-Rafael Joseffy 46 3 Heinrich Gebhard-Louis M. Gottschalk 47 1 Maas-MacFayden 47 2 Oldberg-Preyer 47 3 Ralston-Schelling 48 1 Stojowski 48 2 Vogrich-Whiting Backup Materials on Nineteenth-Century Composers Backup Materials on Nineteenth-Century Composers Box Folder 49 1 Alden, John Carver 49 2 Ambrose, Paul 49 3 Ayres, Frederic 49 4 Baermann, Carl - Page 6 - The John and Anna Gillespie papers 49 5 Barbara, Florence 49 6 Bartlett, Homer Newton 49 7 Bassford, Willliam Kepp 49 8 Beach, Amy (Mrs. H.H.A.) 49 9 Beach, John Parsons 49 10 Benedict, Milo E. 49 11 Bethune, Thomas Greene 49 12 Berge, William 49 13 Blind Tom 49 14 Bird, Arthur 49 15 Blake, Charles D. 49 16 Bloch, Ernest 49 17 Blodgett, Benjamin C. 49 18 Blumenschein, William L. 49 19 Boekelman, Bernardus 49 20 Boise, Otes Bardwell 49 21 Bollinger, Samuel 49 22 Borowski, Felix 49 23 Brandeis, Frederick 49 24 Bremner, James 49 25 Brewer, John H. 49 26 Bristow, George F. 49 27 Brockway, Howard 49 28 Brounoff, Platon 49 29 Brown, William 49 30 Bryant, Gilmore W. 49 31 Buck, Dudley 49 32 Burmeister, Ruhard 49 33 Burleigh, Henry T. 49 34 Burr, Willard 49 35 Camp, John S. 49 36 Campbell-Tepton, Louis 49 37 Capen, Charles L. 49 38 Carpenter, John A. 49 39 Carr, Benjamin 49 40 Clifton, Arthur 49 41 Challoner, Robert 49 42 Chadwich, George W. 49 43 Chapman, William R. 49 44 Chelius, Herman P. 49 45 Clifton, Arthur 49 46 Claassen, Arthur - Page 7 - The John and Anna Gillespie papers 49 47 Clarke, William H. 49 48 Clough-Leighter, Henry 49 49 Coerne, Louis Adolphe 49 50 Cole, Rossetter G. 49 51 Combs, Gilbert R. 49 52 Conrath, Louis 49 53 Converse, Charles C. 49 54 Converse, Frederick S. 49 55 Cooke, James F. 49 56 Coverley, Robert 49 57 Cross, Michael H. 49 58 DeKoven, Reginald 49 59 Dennee, Charles 49 60 Dewey, Ferdinand 49 61 Doenhoff, Albert 49 62 Dresel, Otto 49 63 Dulcken, Ferdinand 49 64 Eichheim, Henry 49 65 Emery, Stephen A. 49 66 Epstein, Abraham 49 67 Epstein, Marcus I. 49 68 Ferrata, Guiseppe 49 69 Fique, Carl 49 70 Forester, Adolph 49 71 Foote, Arthur 49 72 Foster, Stephen C. 49 73 Fradel, Charles 49 74 Freer, Eleanor E. 49 75 Fairchild, Blair 49 76 Fairlamb, James R. 49 77 Falk, Louis 49 78 Farwell, Arthur 49 79 Frinl, (Charles) Rudolf 49 80 Frysinger, J. Frank 49 81 Gebhard, Heinrich 49 82 Gallico, Paolo 49 83 Geibel, Adam 49 84 Gilbert, Henry F. 49 85 Gilfert, Charles H. 49 86 Gleason, Frederick G. 49 87 Goetschius, Percy 49 88 Goldbeck, Robert - Page 8 - The John and Anna Gillespie papers 49 89 Goldmark, Rubin 49 90 Gottschalk, Louis M. 49 91 Grunn, John H. 49 92 Hackh, Otto 49 93 Hadley, Henry 49 94 Hance, James F. 49 95 Heckscher, Celeste 49 96 Heilman, William 49 97 Heinrich, Anthony P. 49 98 Henninges, Reinhold E.
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