Y 3

L I G ;1-NALS LA_ (7i,u1 G,f,

00-1 ( ES











1st April, 1907








The Lights in the Bay of Fundy and on the southern and eastern coasts of , those required for the winter passage of either steamers or ice boats to , the Light on the southwest point of St. Paul Island, and all the Lights in . are exhibited all the year round. All other lights under the control of the Department of Marine and Fisheries are maintained in opera- tion whenever the navigation in the vicinity is open. Lights used solely as harbour lights are not exhibited when the harbour is closed, although the general navigation may remain open. Fishing lights are main- tained only during the fishing.season. In any case where there is reasonable doubt whether the light is required it is kept in operation. All the Lightships in the River St. Lawrence below leave Quebec each spring, for their stations as early as ice will permit, and are kept out as late as is consistent with safety, usually being removed between the 15th and 30th November. All the Gas Buoys in the River St. Lawrence are set out as soan as passible after the llth May each spring, and taken up as soon as convenient after the 10th November each autumn, when they are replaced by wooden spar buoys. All Buoys in the River St. Lawrence below Quebec are removed after the 14th November, excepting those repla.cing the gas buoys at each end of the Beaujeu bank and at the Channel patch, which are left when possible until the last ocean vessel has passed out. Mariners must bear in mind the fact that gas buoys are unwatched, and if extinguished, some time may elapse before a tender can rea,ch them to repair or relight. Their lights cannot therefore be depended upon in the same way as those shown froni watched lighthouses. F. GOURDEAIT, Deputy Minister of Marine owl Fisher ir



TABLE of Distances at which objects can be seen at se,a, according t,o their respective elevations and the elevation of the eye of the observer.

Distances Distances Distances Distances Distances Distances Ueights in ha Heights in ha Heights in in in Statute or Geographical in Statute or Geographical in Statut,e or Geographical feet English ornautical feet English ornautical feet. English or nautical • Miles. Miles. Miles. • Miles. Miles.

5 2 1958 2565 70 11067 9598 250 20'916 1814

10 4184 3628 75 11'456 9935 300 22'912 19'87

15 5123 4443 SO 11832 1026 350 24'748 2146

20 5 1)16 5130 85 12196 1057 400 26.457 22.94

25 6614 5'736 90 12549 1088 450 28.062 2430

30 7245 6283 95 12893. 1118 500 29580 2565

33 7826 6787 100 13228 1147 550 31024 2690 40 I 8366 7'255 110 13874 1203 GOO 32'403 2810

45 8'874 7696 120 14490 12'56 650 33726 2025

50 9354 8112 130 15 183 1308 700 35000 3028

55 9811 8 - 509 140 15.652 1357 800 37'416 3245

60 10246 8886 150 16'201 1422 900 39'836 3454

65 10665 9249 200 18708 1622 1,000 41 . 833 3628

ExAmeLE.--A. Light 100 feet above the %%rater will be visible to an observer whose eye is elevated 15 feet above the water 15 1 nautical miles; thus, fironi the table:— 15 feet elevation, distance visible, 444 nauticaliniles. 100 " 11.47


Lights •

F. Fixed. A continuous steady light. In catoptric lights the intensity may vary, depending on the position of the mariner with reference to the axis of the reflectors. • FL. Flashing. Showing single flashes. GP. FL. Group Flashing. Showing groups of two or more flashes in succession (not neces.sarily of the same colour) separated by eclipses, followed by a longer eclipse. F. & FL. Fixed and Flashing. Fixed light, varied by single white or coloured flashes, which may - be pre- ceded and followed by short eclipses. REV Revolving. Light gradually increasing to full effect, then decreasing to eclipse. (At short distances and in clear weather a faint continuous light may be observed. As lights of this class arc all catopt rie they are liable to variations in intensity daring the continuance of the flash as the position of the reflectors changes.) Gp. REV. Group Revolving. Showing groups of two or more flashes in succession produced by revolving catoptric apparatus, separated by eclipses, followed by a longer eclipse. Occ. Occulting. A steady light suddenly and totally eclipsed. Ar. Alternating Red and white light alternately at equal intervals. - The time given fur a revolving or flash light is from the beginning of one flash to the beginning of the next.


C. Catoptric, or by metallic reflectors. D. Dioptrie, or by refracting lenses numbered from the first order downwards. Those marked of the 7th order are anchor lenses or anahor lens lanterns of 5 juches focal distance ; those marked " p" are inferior pressed glass lenses, principally of 3?-; inches focal distance.

The Bearings are Magnetic, and arc given front seaward.

The given distances front which the lights are visible are calculated from a height of fifteen feet above the sea, the elevation of the lights being in all cases taken as above high water.

The Geographical Positionsliof the Lights arc Approxiniatc. CAUTION


The intrinsic power of a light should always be considererl when expecting to make it in thick weather. A weak light is easily obscured by haze, and no dependence can be placed on its being seen. C,oloured Lights are also inferior in power to bright or white lights, and are more quickly lost under unfavourable circumstances. CUTS OR SECTORS.

In some conditions of the atmosphere, white lights may have a reddish hue. The mariner should not trust solely t,o colour where there are sectors, but verify the position by taking a bearing, of .the light. On either side of the line of demarcation, between white and red, and also between white and green, there is always a small arc of uncertain colour.


Flaying in view the varying distances at which a fog-signal can be heard at sea, and the frequent occurrence of fog near to, but not observable from, a fog-signal station- Mariners are cautioned that, whilst they are entitled to assume that every endeavour will be made to start Fog-signals as soon as possible after signs of fog have been observed, they should not, when approaching the land in a fog, rely implicitly upon these fog-sighals, but should always use the lead, which, in nearly all cases, will give sufficient warning.

'Mariners are strongly cautioned that they must not judge their distance from a fog-signal by the power of the sound. TJnder certain conditions of the atmosphere the sound may be lost at a very short distance from the station, and these conditions may vary at the same station within very short intervals of time. Mariners must never assume that the fog signal is not in operation because they do not hear it even when in close proximity. „ The expression " foggy weather" means that the state of the atmosphere is such as to make objects indistinct.


N.B.—It is particularly requested that any errors or omissions noticed in this

work, or any failure in the aids to navigation maybe immediately communicated, by letter, to the CHIEF ENGINEER OF MARINE AND FISFIERIES, - Ottawa, Canada. Such letters may be mailed post free in Canada. AIDS TO . NAVIGATION-FILE NUMBERS •


A scheme of recording that portion of the correspondence of the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Canada, which relates to aids to navigation, has been devised, whereby the files are numbered to correspond with the numbers that the several aids carry in this year's list of lights and fog signals, with a letter added to indie,ate sub- division according to subject.

The subdivisions designated by letter are as follows :—

0 — Construction.

L —Land and titles. • K—Keepership..

R — Repairs. • F— Fog signals.

B — Boats, boathouses, wharves, &c. M-.-Maintenance and miscellaneous. A—Apparatus. S Supplies. -

As there were in the Department when this arrangement lvas inaugurated nearly 20,000 files, those relating to aids to navigation begin under the new system with No. 2.0,001 instead of No. 1; the round number 20,000 should, therefore, be added to every number that appears in the accompanying index. As illustrations : Any correspondence with reference to a boat, boathouse or wharf for Abbot harbour lightstation would be on file No. 20225 B; while the appointment of a lightkeeper, or any question respecting his salary, at Jerome Point lighthouse would be treated under file No. 20 439 K. By this plan any official cetn, by referring to this index or to a list of lights, quote at once the file number of any subject relating to existing aids to navigation respecting whieh he wishes to cominunicate with the Department, and officers of the Department are hereby instructed to quote such file numbers in all their correspondence, and to write respecting only one subject in .one letter. F. GOURDEAU, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries.

WM. P. ANDERSON, Chie/ Engineer. LIST







1st April 1907





s.. 74 F... o .,...... à o -..:1" L' C) ,.■. No. Name. Location. 0 Characteristic `,-; .5 ...,....g 2e g „ of Light. z ■ g ,. e i' :::.35.'7 ...;: e)... 'FJ--...1,-0-4 4 a A

LirrLE RIVER U.S. Light. . 1 Near middle of island.. 44 30 767 619F. white D, 2.. 76 14

2 MACHIAS SEAL IS- Fri yardS S.E.from north F. white p, 3.. 72 14 LAND. vvesterly light.

4 GANNET ROCK S. of . . 44 30 38 66 46 57F!. white D, 2.. 90 14 Flash '562 sec Eclipse 1'94 " Flash '562 " Eclipse 119 " In every 14'964 sec.

6 OLD PROPRIETOR In 37 fathoms, 21 miles 44 31 44 66 37 33F. white D, gas ... GAS AND WHIST- S. 3r E. from Old LINO BUOY. Proprietor Shoal.

7 f So 0TH IvE sr On edge of cliff, S. ex- 44 36 0 66 54 16 Gp. Rev, red and C .... 200 20 HEAT). .. tremity of head. white, 2 mins. 3 red flashes 40 sec. Eclipse 20 " 3 white fis. 40 " Eclipse 20 " .-1 'Z' 10 1 GRANDHARBOUR On Fish Fluke point... 44 40 2 66 45 8 F. white C . 40 11 e 1-..i 12 I GULL COVE On E. side of White- 41 37 55 66 41 50 F. white D, p.. 90 •zc head Island.

14 '''' BioDucKIst.Arm S. end of island 44 41 566 41 40 ee Foc HORN. C 17 SWALLOWTAIL... Near edge of high cliff, 44 45 46 66 44 2F. white D, 4.. 148 18 N.E. part of island.

19 LONG E oriy On the beach extreme 44 48 0 66 47 15 POINT Foe- N.W. head of island. l ALARM.

22 SOUTH WOLF WHIST- In 52 fins. 11- miles S.S. 44 55 20 66 42 30 LINO BUOY. E. from S.W. Wolf light.



f»9" g -'42' r:'-‘ >cd .e..--• Colour and... es .0 any peculiarity of .5.e .9, ..c.1 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. ..'"E.3 , ,..., 1

White,octagonal,wood; 57 1832 Steam-whistle sounds 5 red metal lantern, seconds in every 30 seconds Lights visible ail around the 1 White,octagonal,wood; 53 1832 horizon. red iron lantern. mint In range N.W. lead q miles S. of 2 1875 Mum Ledges. •

Black and white verti- 91 1831 Cotton powder bombe ex- Visible from all points of approach. 4 cal stripes, octagonal, raised ploded every 5 minutes. Dangerous rocks extend 4 miles east• wooden, on concrete 1905 ward of the light. foundation ; red cir- • cular iron lantern. -

Black steel cylindrical . .. 1906 Whistle sounded by motion 6 buoy, with " Old Pro- of buoy on the waves. prietor " in white let- ters on the deck, sur- mounted by a pyra- midal steel f rame supporting a whistle and a lantern.

White, square, wood, 43 1880 Hand horn answers signals 7 with dwelling at- from vessels. tached.

White, square, wood; 32 1879 Hand horn answers signals Visible from all points seawa.rd 10 dwelling attached, from vessels.

Lantern on a mast .. 15 1902 Visible from all points of approach 12 by water. '

White, with brown roof, 1886 Horn sounds 6 seconds with 14 dwelling near by. intervals of 35 seconds.

White,octagonal,wood, 50 1860 Hand horn answers signals Visible from S. 8° E. round through 17 with white dwelling from vessels, south, weSt and north to N. 8 E. and outbuildings near

W h i t e rectangular Diaphone, operated by corn- Horn 16 feet above high water, pro- 19 wooden building, red pressed air, gives 2 blasts jects from northerly face of build- roof. of 2,1 secs, duration e,ach, ing. every minute, thus : blast 2, secs. ; silent 5 secs. ; . blast 2?s secs. ; silent in- terval 50 secs.

Black iron buoy, with 1891 W h i s t le sounded auto- From the buoy, Head Harbour light 22 "S. Wolf" in white, matically by waves. bears N.W. by W.81 nfiles • and surmounted by 10 in. Lepreau light E. by N. i :%I., 13.1 whistle. miles. 4 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS




e-›.: o a 11) o • No. Name. Location. a -a Characteristic PI 5.2 g -a of Light. Q-. a .. o ...., To .1). a 4 a C.) e

23 SOUTHwEST WOLF On S.E. point of the 44 56 30 66 44 00 Fl. white D, 4.. 111 16 ISLAND. island. Flash every 5 sec

24 WoLvEs GA i A N D In 26 fathoms, lAs miles 45 0 30 66 42 28 Occ. white D, gas WHISTLING BUOY. N. from E. 'Wolf Is- land.

QUODDY HEAD 15. S. light and whistle.

SOUTHWEST HEAD Described above, No. 7.

26 MULHOLLAND POINT On E. side Lubec Nar- 44:51 40 66 58 50 F. white D, 7.. 60 13 rows, Campobello Is- land.

28 CHERRY ISLAND Foe On S.W. point of island 44 55 666 58 * 2 BELL. _ 29 HEAD HARBOUR E. Quoddy head N. 44 57 30 66 54 10 F. white D, 4.. 64 13 point of .

, rDOCHET ISLAND. U. S. light.

:--. WHITLOCK MILL U. S. light

31 j MARES POINT.. N. shore of river 45 10 10 67 12 30 F. white 32 10 ô H C..) 32 E.; SPRUCE POINT .. N. shore of river 45 10 067 10 25 F. white 32 10

34 r r N. point of entrance... 45 4 0 67 3 0 F. white 42 10 35 I E. end of eastern bar of 45 3 30 67 2 13 F. white D, 5:. 34 . I Navy Island. Sr. ANDREWS. -{ . :. I 36,.'4. I On sand reef at E. en- 45 3 45,67 0 50 F. white 40 10 :.--- I trance. cr l Passamaquoddy D, 7.. 130 15 38‹›. MIDJIK BLUFF.. Bay, 45 6 53 66 54 30F. white ‹ Charlotte Co. 1. . 31 C r■-r 39 LETITE PASSAGE On W. extremity of 45 2 20 66 53 34F. white...... D, 7.. 43 12 Mascabin Point.




1.1.Ê > Colour and - te any peculiarity of tl 0 1 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. GC à

>,4 Wh

White, square, wood; 1 35 I 1871 Hand horn answers sig,nals Visible from all points of approach . 23 lantern on dwelling. from vessels.

Steel, cylindrical buoi, 1906 Whistle sounded by motion 24 painted in black and of buoy on the waves. white vertical stripes, with " Wolves " in white and black let- ters on the deck, sur- mounted by a pyra- midal steel frame sup- porting a whistle and a lantern.

White, octagonal, wood 4-1 I 1885 Visible from N.N. W. through E. to 26 S.S.W.

White, square, wood, 17 1 1903 Bell gives 2 strokes in quick The fog bell is elevated 43 ft. aboi e 28 surmounted by a bell. succession every 6 seconds. high water mark.

White, with red cross, 34 1829 Horn sounds blasts of 8 Fog bell is located 80 feet northward 29 octagonal, wooden leog seconds' duration, with from the I ighthoose. tower with dwelling horn intervals of 35 seconds be- attached. Iron lan- 1880 tween them. Bell, rung by tern, red. machinery, gives 2 strokes in quick succession every 30 seconds. The course from Spruce Point to bal-1 last ground is E. by S. Is S., distance 2 miles. From Spruce Point to Marks Point, W.N.W., distance 2 White, square, wood. 28 1876 miles. A vessel after leaving. 31 Dochet Island, to clear the reef, i should steer N. until the Spruce White, square, wood.. 28 I 1876 Point light bears N.W. by W., and 32 1. thence take a W.N.W. course.

White, octagonal, wood 22 I 1833 Visible between the bearings of 34 N.W. by N. and S.E. by S. Red octagonal ironlant 36 I 1904 Bell, rung by machinery, Visible from all points of appraoch 33 ern rising f rom red gives 2 strokes in quick by water. roof of white rectang- succession every 4 secs. White sqnare wooden fog bell tower ular wooden building on south-east end of pier. on rectangular wood- en cribwork pier. White, square, wood, 10 1875 Hand horn answers signals There is a depth of 4 feet of water 36 on a fratned pier. from vessels. only on the N.W. extension of the reef towards mainland. White, square, wood, 29 I. 1876 .... A bar extends E.N.E. from light- 38 lantern brown. houe, and vessels require to keep' off a distance of 260 yards to cle.ar it at low water.

White,octagonal,wood; 43 1903 Steam horn sounds blasts Visible from all points of approach 39 red, octagonal, iron Fog of 7 seconds, with inter- by water. lantPrn. Fog alarm alarm vals of 30 seconds between building. white, 1879 them. square, wood. 6 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS


W. 0 — >

N. e d Location. Characteristic No. Name. de

de of Light. itu re, +0> le. 1E' GL. itu ng t

La Lo -

41 !BLISS ISLAND West end of island, S- 45 1 15 66 51 0 Occ. white, visible D, 5.. side of western en- 10 secs., eclipsed trance to Bliss Har- 5 ses. bour.

42 Pi A POINT E. side of entrance to1 45 2 20 66 48 40-F. green l'Etang Harbour.

BEAVER HARBOUR In 22 fathoms l miles 1 45 2 2'2 06 43 30 FAIRWAY WHIS- S. frOM Beaver Har- TUNG BUOY. hour lighthouse.

44 ,DREWS HEAD On W. side of Beaver 45 3 45 66 41 5 F. white D, Z.. Harbour.

47 LEPREAU WHISTLING In 23 fathoms 1 mile 45 2 3166 27 50 BUOY. S.S.W. from light.

48 LEPREAU On low point, 327 feet 45 3 32 Q6 27 45 Rev. white, every(C from extremity. 30 seconds.

49 DIPPER HARBOUR Off harbour, in 16 45 4 40 66 24 16 BELL BUOY. fathoms, 1 mile S. E. from light.

5-o DIPPER HARBOUR... On S. point of Camp- 45 5 30 l625 0 F. red.... D, 7.. bell island.

52 SPLIT ROCK WHIST- In 30 fathoms off Split 45 7 0 66 14 40 LING BUOY. Rock.

54 MUSQUASH HARBOUR In 10 fathoms at en- 45 8 4066 14 50 FAIRWAY BELL trance t,o harbour. BUOY.

MUSQUASH E. side of entrance 45 8 35 66 14 30 F. green seaward F. white to har- bour.

56 TINER POINT FOC. On the point 45 9 2266 11 22 ALARM. IN THE DOMINION OF _CANADA.

' WICK—Continued.


2"?`" hed. > lis Colour and to b

any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. es

e"1"5 â n .E34.rà

-4 Whe

White, square, wood ; 40 I 1871 Hand horn answers signals Visible from all points of approach 41 red octagonal, iron frorn vessels. by water. lantern.

White, square, wood, 31 1878 Hand horn answers signals Visible from seaward from W. 42 with dwelling at- from vessels. through N. to S. tached. An iron spindle, painted black, on the Grey Mare Ledge, marks the W. side of entrance.

Iron buoy, red and 1899 Whistle sounded by motion Pea Point light bears W. by N. 43 white vertical stripes, of waves. N., 3à miles ; Lepreau with " Beaver Har- E. by S. à S., 11 miles ; and Head bour" in black, 10- Harbour light, W. by S. S., 9 inch whistle. miles.

White, square, wood. 36 1875 Rand horn answers signals Seen at all points between eastern 44 from vessels. and western heads of harbour. Black and white verti- 1884 Whistle sounded by motion From the buoy Wolf Island light 47 cally striped iron buoy of waves. bears W. S. ; and Musquash with " Lepreau " on light, E. by N. N. side, surmounted 1)3,- 10 inch whistle.

Octagonal, wood, red 54 1831 Diaphone, operated by com- Visible from all points se.award 48 and white horizontal re- pressed air, gives one blast The trumpet, elevated 35 feet above bands, red polygonal built of 3à seconds' duration high water mark, projects from iron lantern. Grey 1899 every 30 seconds. the southerly face of the fog alarm rectangular wooden building. fog-alarm building with red roof, high brick chimney. Black iron buoy with 1901 Bell rung by motion of buoy From the buoy light 49 " Dipper Har. " in 1 on the waves. bears W. S., 2à miles. white letters on the deck, surmounted by a bell. - • White, with red roof, 23 1888 Hand horn answers signals Visible seaward and in the harbour 50 square, wood. from vessels. when bearing from S. by W. te S. E. Black iron buoy, with 1880 Whistle sounded by motionFrom the buoy Musquash light 52 "Split Rock" in white, of waves. bears N.E. by N. t 1■T., 1i miles ; surmounted by a 10- Western head, Musquash, bears inch whistle. N. j E.. lt miles ; Partridge island bears E.N.E., loî miles. Black and white verti- 1901 Bell rung by motion of buoy From the buoy Musquash lighthouse 54 cally striped, iron on the waves. bears E. by S.; and the nearest buoy, surmounted by point of western head, N.WA W. a bell.

Red and white hori- 40 1879 Hand horn answers signals 55 zontal stripes, square, from vessels. wood, with dwelling attached. Whit e, rectangular, 190-1 Diaphone, operated by com- The horn projects from the seaward 56 wood. pressed air, gives blasts of face of the building, and is elevat- 3 seconds' duration every ed about 100 ft. above the water. 45 seconds. 8 LIGHTS ANDFOG-SIGNALS




W. 0 > 2:4

Characteristic No. de e M of Light. • itu e:° *E5 e e

Long R.) I

58 P ART RIDG E IS- Highest point of Island, 45 13 54 66 3 10 F. white. D, 3.1 119 17 I LAND. St. John Harbour.

59 PARTRIDGE IS- In 26 feet. Near E. side 45 14 7.66 2 45 F. white 1 D, LAND LIGHT of Partridge Island. I acety- AND BELL BOAT 1 lene.

60 NEGRO POINT On G'overnment break- 45 14 13 66 3 19 F. white D, 6.. 40 8 water, W. entrance to port, 50 feet from outer end. z 61 ST. JOHN HAR- In 5-?,- fms.,about 4 cables 45 14 38 66 3 1 Occ. white D, gas . B URO GAS BUOY to eastward of Negro Point.

62 ST. JOHN HAR- On pier on point of bar, 45 14 53 66 3 12 F. red D, 4.. 35 I 10 BOUR. W. side of channel.

63 INTERC 0 L 0 NI A L On outermost corner of 45 15 27 66 3 131'. red.. ..... RY. WHARF. wharf, St. John City.

64 REEDS POINT.... On Prince William St., 45 15 41 66 328 F. red and white. 1 Elec- 42 5 foot of St. James St., 61 C. p. incandes-tricity I. St. John City. cent lamps




d. he

?"-* is l

Colour and b

any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. es

Buildings. c, â When

Vertical red and white . 40 1791 Diaphone, operated by com- Fog alarm building stands on S.W. 58 stripes, octagonal pre,ssed air, gives 2 blasts end of island ; horn projects from w ioden,with red iron of g secs, duration each, its south-west face. lantern. Red brick every 30 secs., thus : blast fog, alarm ' building n sees.; silent g secs.; with slate roof on bEtSt n secs.; silent in- S.W. end of island. terval 24 secs.

Black iron boat sur- Gas, Bell rung by motion of the Light is unwatched 59 mounted by a pyra- 1907 boat on the waves. Frotn the buoy Partridge Island midal steel frame sup- light bears W. N. mile ; W. porting a bell and a tangent of Inner Mispeck point, lantern. S.E. by S. S., 21 miles ; St. John harbour lig-ht, N. W. î mile. White with red lantern, 35 1878 , 60 open framed hexa- re- gonal tower,-on cir-, estab- cular stone founda , lished tion. 1883 ■

Red, steel cylindrical 1906 Marks western edge of shoal water 61 buoy, surmounted by a on eastern side of channel. pyramidal steel frame! From the buoy, the beacon light supporting a lantern. bears N.2° W.; and the Negro Pt. breakwater light S. 47' W.

Vertical black an di 15 , 1828 Bell rung by machinery ' 62 white stripes. gives one stroke every 6 • i seconds.

Lantern on a p-Ie 1907 Maintained by Intercolonial Rail-1 63 way.

On a three branched 21 1850 Shows red to seaward over an arc 64 lamp post. of 67V from N. E. to N.N.W., white on other bearings. 10 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



e 0 W. tc 0„,e a • No. Name. Location. N.

de Characteristic

de of Light. ..••• • •••>...., itu

itu e: "ectel. t ng — — La Lo

66 GREEN HEAD On wooded hillside on 45 16 50.66 9 15 F. white...... , D. 7..1 150 I 10 W. side of channel at turn 1i miles above Indiantown.

70 PERRY POINT. Kennebecasis river. On 45 29 0 65 57 15 F. white D, 7.. 35 10 E. side of public wharf

73 SAND POINT Low shore, E. side of 45 20 50;66 13 0 F. white D, 7.. 60 13 river, about 150 feet back from high water mark.

74 BELYEA POINT. ... On Nathaniel Belyea.'s 45 23 5 66 14 30 F. white D, 7.. 40 11 point, W. side of

76 THE CEDARS On edgeof bank, E. side 45 29 066 6 36 F. white ..... D, 7.. 44 of river.

77 OAK POINT On E. extremity of 45 32 10 66 8 0 F. white ..... 7.. 49 12 point on low land, W. side of river.

79 FLEWELLING LAND- West side of river, Par- 45 33 0 66 9 8'F. red.. D, 7.. 25 5 'NG. ish of Greenwich.

82 GREYS POINT. .. At head of Belleisle bay. 45 38 41 65 57 32 F. white D, p.. 46 S On cribwork pier, 335 ft. S. from N.W. cor- ner of Government wharf.

84 HATFIELD POINT . On criWork block in 45•9 5 65 57 30F. white D, 7.. 41 5 1 angle at outer end of public wharf.

87 PALMER LANDING... On the outer end of 45 35 42 66 2 55 F. white D, p.. 34 11 government wharf.

89 HAMPSTEAD WHARF. On W. side of river. 45 37 30 66 6 0 F. white D, p.. 36 11 Near outer end of public wharf. ▪ IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 11



e Colour and • > any peculiarity of e o Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. "En' 5 gi I i

White, square, wood „I 50 1869 !Hand horn answers signals 'Tower from vessels. 1896

Lantern on a mast, with 30 1900 Visible from all points of approach. 70 white shed at base. In making .for wharf keep in mid- channel till light bears N.N.E., then take this bearing to wharf.

Red skeleton steel 58 1869 73 tower, upper enclosed ch'ged part white. 1898

White, square, wood.. 36 1882 To guide clear to Purdy's shoal .... 74

White, square, wood, 32 1904 To guide through Long Reach.. ... 76 lantern red. Visible from all points of approach by water.

White, square, wood ; 48 1869 Visible from all points of approach. 77 lantern red. Tower 1902

. • Lantern on a white mast 19 1885 Shows from N.E. round through 79 E. to S.W.

Lantern on a mast, with 36 1900 Visible from all points of approach 82 white shed at base. by water. Answers as a leading light through channel S.S .W. from Hatfield Point wharf.

Lanternon a white mast 40 1890 In Belleisle bay. 84 Light visible between the bearings I of N. E. through N. to S.W.

White, square, wood.. 28 1884 87 mov'd 1896

Lantern on a mast, with 3 1900 Visible from all points of approach , white shed at base. by water. To guide to public-wharf.



e —

7.4 W.


Characteristic No. Name. Location. de .5 1 g

de of Light.

itu ti «I itu ng t e I. Lo La

93 ( MUSQUASH .Queens County. '15i 42 40 66 6 40F. white C 33 I 10 •...< ISLAND. 0 1 1 - , :1, Xer4 ij I E . 94 ....1E-NDRY.. Emu' Qu e e n s County, 2i 45 43 066 5 30F. white 30 10 miles _S.F. of Mus-, -... I - quash Island light.. I

97 GAGETOWN...... ,W. side of river. 45 46 0 66 11 0 F. white...... D, 7.. 53 8

- 99 JEMSEG On S. sicle lower Jemseg:45 47 0 66 8 40 F. red D, 7.. 3 entrance..

101 (COX POINT. .. • ...... . 46 2 066 1 0 F. white 26 9

102 .MCMA NN Newcastle 16 4 0 1 66 2 0 F. white 28 10 POINT.

103 ROBERTSON . 1553 0 66 13 OIF. white D, 7.. 16 10 POINT.

104 FANJOY POINT. 1,15 55 10 G6 4 0F. white .... 7.. 16 9

106 BRIDGES POINT..... On E. side of river oppo-:15 52 3666 19 21F. white 'D, 7. 45 12 site foot of Mauger Is- I land. ■ . - 109 OROMOCTO About 400 yds. South 45 51 366 29 38 F. white...... :D, 7.. ' 52 10 I Eastwardly from head 1 of public wharf. i 110 WILMOT BLUFF W. side of river .. 45 52 15 66 32 40 F. white 104 ! 10 iN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 13



E -É l'"2" Colour.and any peculiarity of e 2 5 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No Buildings. q -


White, square, wood, 27 1875 (In coming down, the two lights toi 93 on piles. Re- ' be kept in range until opp>itel built N.W. end of Hog Island whence 1893 a southerly course to be kept to foot of Musquash Island. In White, square, wood, 27 1875 going up, the two lights to be 94 on piles. Re- brought in range opposite N.W. built end of Hog Island, and kept in 1893 range until within mile of the light on Hendry Farm. • White, square, wood. 47 1895 To guide vessels between Jemseg 97 Lantern red. On and Musquash Island, and to show cribwork pier. turii in river at Buzzas.

Mast, with white shed 21 1884 Light shows from S.W. round by 99 with brown roof at W. to N.E. base, on white timber pier. White, square, wood.. 36 1869 101

White, square, wood.. 26 1876 102

White, square, wood.. 16 1873 Visible from all points of approach. 103

White, square, wood.. 16 1873 Visible from all points of approach .1 104

White, square, wood, 30 1891 . , To guide vessels through the channel 106 withlantern roof red. on E. side of Gilbert or Mauger - Island. White, square, wood, 47 1869 . 109 on cribwork pier. mov'd Lantern red. 1895

Lantern on mast, with 40 1869 110 white shed at base, elevated on open framework. 14 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALà



e. CI

0 e e No. Name. Location. N. Characteristic C., '41

de of Light. IC +e itu j

t CI e La II PARTRIDGE ISLAND.. See above, No. 58. - 113 BLACK POINT WHIST- In 15 fathoms outside 45 11 30 6610 LING BUOY. entrance of St. John harbour.

114 NIISPEC BELL BUOY . In 16 fathoms, off Mis- 45 12 9 65 58 25' Pee.

115 CAPE SPENCER Pitch of cape 45 12 56,5 54 35 Alt. red and white 207 20 45 seconds.

117 QTJACO LEDGE BELL In 10 fathoms mile 45 14 35 65 22 40 BUOY. N. W. of ledge.

118 QvAeo, WEST HEAD. On pitch of cape St. 45 19 30 65 32 10 Rev. white, 20 sec- 110 16 Martins. onds.

119 QUAtIO BELL BUOY... At S.E. extremity of 45 19 21 65 31 401 reef at West head in 10 fathoms A mile S. E. by E. from light.

120 Qum° PIER On outer end of E. 15 21 '2065 31 55 F. red r.. 20 6 breakwater pier.

122 ANDERSON HOLLOW On outer end of break- F. white D, 7.. 26 8 BREAKWATER. water.

123 ANDERSON HOLLOW On shore, N. of Govern- 45 37 39 64 50 0 F. white. D, 7.. 91 I 6 ment breakwater.

APPLE RIVER. See N.S. lights below No. 136.

124 CAPE ENRAGE Pitch of cape 45 35 40 64 47 0 F. white D, 4.. 125 15

For lights on the Gulf of St. Lawrence coast of , see 815 and following numbers.



FUNDY (REsumEn.)

--i5 -c ,. ...... e — .... > •-• Colour and so -0 any peculiarity of .5 .,e 0 ,,,,, Fog-Signal. . Remarks. No. Buildings. ....-2 ...'0 '11.5 ec,

--*- -i,-. ,--

, I Black iron buoy with 1890 \Vhistle sounds by the ac- From the buoy Partridge Island 11:.1 " Black Pt." in white tion of the waves., light bears N. W., 31 miles ; letters, sinmounted Mispeck Point, E. i N., n miles' by a 10-inch whistle, south-west end of Meogenes Island, N.W. by W., 3î miles.

lion buoy, alternate 1906 Bell rung by motion of buoy From the buoy, the mouth of Mispec 114 red and black verti- on the waves. Creek bears N. 4e E. n miles, cal stripes w i t h and the S. tangent of Cape Spen- " Mispec " in white cer S. 59° E. 2 miles. letters on the deck, surmounted by a bell. • Red with white band, 35 1873 Hand horn answers signals Visible between the bearin E.S.E. 1E square, building with from vessels. rou nd by N. to W.N. W. , Partridge tower. Island light bearine N.W. by W. W., distant g miles.

Red iron buoy with 1886 Bell rung by motion of buoy From the buoy Quaco head light 1E " Quaco Ledge " in on the waves. bears N.W. by N., g miles ; Cape white letters, sur- Spencer light, W. by N. ii N., 23 mounted by a bell. miles ; Isle Haute light, E. by S. -.I S., 15 miles.

White, square, wood, 49 1835 Steam horn 70 feet from General coast light and to guide to 11 dwelling attached. re- lighthouse, gives blasts of St. Martin Harbour. Fog building white, built 9 seconds with intervals - with brown roof, 1883 of 30 seconds. wood.

Black iron buoy with 1885 Bell rings by action of From the buoy Quaco head light 11 9 " Quaco Reef " in waves. bears N.W. by W., i mile ; and white letters on deck, Quaco pier light, N. by E., 2 surmounted by a bell. miles.

White, square, wf.xxl.. 21 1887 Hand horn answers signals Visible between W. by N. N. and 12 from vessels. N.W. ; and between N. E. and N.E. by E. Obscured from N. W. to N. i E. The deepest water in entering the inner harbour is close to the light.

Lantern on a pole.... 22 1907 4 Visible from all points of approach 12 >9 , by water.

• White, square, wood.. 31 1889 Hand born answers signals Visible from all points of approach 12 3 te- from vessels, by water. built Vessels inay run for harbour one 1903 hour before high water. . .

White, square, wood, . 29 1840 Steam horn sounds blasts of Visible from all points of approach 1: 4 red, octagonal iron te. 8 seconds, with intervals by water. lantein. Fog-alarm built of 20 seconds. Foe-alarm is 130 feet S.W. from the building of drab stone 1904 lighthouse, at an elevation of 100 1 with slate roof. feet. I 16 LIGHTS AND FOG—SIGNA_LS

r... - e. 0 7.7£ La -. 7.... -t.-.:.• --,.; ›.. < 0 0,... . ..-- P.0 ,-. > 1... .:.- No. Name. Location. 0 ..`à) - Characteristicrz, ...e ..:1-?. -c - of Light. ''.,-; '.--1' - -...1' r... -. . -

126 GRINDSTONE W. point of island.... 45 43 16 64 37 24F. white.... .... C ....I 79 14

• .

128 WARD POINT Rockport 45 43 35 64 29 40F. white... .. . D, 7.. 72 14 . .. 130 FORT FOLLY POINT.. On exireme point 45 52 564 33 55 F. white D, 7.. 77 14


134 SHULIE Eastern side of entrance 45 36 30 64 34 26 F. red D, 7.. 64 to harbour. 136 .A.PPLE RIVER On Cape Capstan, or 45 28 2064 51 35 F. white D, 7.. 64 12 Hetty Point, N. en- trance.

13t3 ISLE HAUTE On highest point . . 45 14 55 65 045 Rev. white, 1 min. C 365 20

140 ADVOCATE HARBOUR On S. side of entrance.. 45 19 30,64 47 30 F. red D 36 7

141 CAPE D'OR Foc- On extreme point, oppo- 45 17 2564 46 40 WHISTLE. I site side of channel front Blackrock.

142 SPENCER ISLAND.... On shore- of mainland 45 20 30 64 42 45 F.red...... 15,7.. 34 1 7 at Spencer Island settlement. 144 (CAPE SHARP... On southern extremity 45 21 55 64 23 35 F. red...... D, 7.. 60 10 of cape.

' II 145 PARRSBORO OR W. side of river 45 23 11 '.64 19 5 F. white 37 9 PARTRIDGE IS- LAND.

147 4 ECONOMY. On point of bar running 45 22 45 63 55 00 F. red D, p.. 15 5 out from N. side of entrance to Economy River. 7. 148 PORTAPIQUE.. On western head at en- 45 23 35 63 43 30 F. red D, p.. 30 I 6 trance to Portapique River. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 17



'5 5 d.

g he Q is l

Colour and b

any peculiarity of 5.5 -0 ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. es 11;5 à n Whe

White,octag,onal,wood, 1854 Steam horn sounds blasts of Visible over 315° from S.W. by W. 12 white dwelling near 15 seconds, with intervals through N. to W. by N. by. Fog-horn build- of 30 seconds. Fog-alarm building stands in front ing white,with brown of tower. If horn disabled, old roof. trumpet 150 feet behind will sound short bla.sts every 15 seconds.

White, square, wood.. 22 1890 Visible from E.N.E. through N. to 128 S.W. W.

White, with iron lan- 35 1890 Hand horn nswers signa -- At junction of Petitcodiac and Mem- 130 tern red, square, from vessels. ramcook rivers. wood, with dwelling attached.


White, square, wood .. 32 1905 Visible from all points of approach 13-1 by water. White, oblong, wood, 7 45 Re- Steam horn gives blasts of Visible from all points of approach 136 square tower, sur- built 14 seconds, with intervals by water. mounted by octagonal 1870 of 46 seconds. Fog-alarm immediately E. of tower. metal lantern rising Fog- from roof of dwelling. alarm Fog-alarm building, 1889 white, with brown roof, wood. White, square, wood, 53 1878 138 dwelling attached, almost hidden by trees.

White, square, wood, 27 1884 140 with dwelling at- mov'd tached. 1888

Brown, wooden build- ... 1875 W histle sounds for 6 seconds 141 ing. in every minute.

White, square, wood.. 33 I 1904 Visible-from all points of approach 142 by water.

White, square, wood, 34 I 1886 Diaphone operated by com- The fog alarm building stands 225 144 with dwelling at- pressed air, gives blasts feet N.N.W. from the lighthouse. • tached. Fog alarm Fog of 3 seconds' duration The horn projects from its seaward building, white, rect- alarm every minute. face, and is elevated 45 feet above angular, wood, with 1904 high water mark. red roof. White, square, wood, 32 1852 Bell rung by machinery, 145 iron lantern ; dwel- gives one stroke every 6 ling attached. seconds.

Lantern on a mast ... 30 1882 Visible from all points of approach. Kept lit during fishing season.

Lantern on a mast... - 20 1882 Visible from all points of approach. 148 Kept lit during fishing .season. 18 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS


' BAY OF `s-ee

W. >

No. Name. Location. -•ce e • o de Characteristic tà• "C of Light. • O itu IcI o B t>. e to c Th • e a Long

150 SPENCER POINT.. On N. shore, at mouth 45 23 3063 37 0 F. white C ....I 35 11 of Great Village Ri er.

151 LITTLE DYKE... On western head at en- 45 22 45 . 63 33 20 F. red D, p.. 25. 6 trance to Folly River.

152 MASSTOWN OR On eastern heml at en- 45 22 45 63 29 0F. red D, p..1 30 HEBERT. trance to ...NIoss Creek.

153 • SALTER Ho... On shore of Basin of 45 20 10 63 32 10 F. red D, p.. 60 Mines.

154 NOEL On outer ender of gov- 45 18 12 63 45 12iF. red D, 7.. 27 ernment breakwater.

155 BURNTCOAT Basin of Mines, N.W. 45 18 40 63 48 30 F. white C. 75- 13 extremity of head, S. shore. 156 WALTON HAR- E. side of mouth of La 45 14 064 045 F. red 0. 60 I 10 BOUR. Tête River.

156i . CROSS-BARS In ‘Vi fathoms, 4 mile 45 13 064 15 0 Occ. white D, gas' 4 SHOAL GAS no;th of shoal, off BUOY. mouth of Avon river.

0 156,1, X DIMOCK POINT.. On north extremity of 44 59 50 64 8 15 F. red Elec-i 70 7. point, near Windsor, trie, • at junction of Avon incat, and St. Croix rivers. des- cent. - No.1 on highway bridge 44 59 28 64 9 5 F. red Elec-, 20 near its centre. trie. :

No. 2 on Dominion At- .... F. red Elec- 18 , lantic Rail way bridge, tric. 156 AvoN RIVER 320 feet from its east- BRIDGES. ern end.

No. 3 Q11 railway bridge, Elec- 158 feet westerly from tric. 1. No. 2.

157 HORTON On Bluff, W. side of 45 6 30 64 13 20F. white.. 100 , 15 Avon River, near its mouth.

158 WOLFVILLE In marsh near inner end 45 6 6 64 '21 34iF. red .. D, 7.. 20 I 6 of Government wharf.

159 KINGSPORT On Oak Point pier 45 9 35 64 21 30,F. white D, 27 I 10

160 PORTER POINT On N. extremity of 45 8 43 64 22 48:F. red I), p.. 29 5 point, S. side of ent- rance to Canning river. 161 BORLEN WHARF On S. side of Canning 45 8 45 64 24 11'. red p. 26 river. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 19



`c5 d. he e lis

Colour and b

any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. es 4 When

In window of a building 20 1863 ' During navigation 150

Lantern on a mast.... 20 1882 Visible from all points of approach. 151 Kept lit during fishing season.

Lantern on a mast.... 20 1882 Visible from all points of approach. 152 Kept lit dining fishing season.

Lantern on a mast, with 20 1888 Visible from all points of approach. 153 • white shed at base.

Square, wood ; lower 27 1903 Visible from all points of approach. 154 part sanded, upper part white. White, square, with 35 1859 Visible from all points of approach 155 lantern on dwelling.

White, square, wood.. 20 1873 156

Steel cylindrical buoy, 1906 Removed each year for the winter 156.1 paint:ed in black and between 1st and 15th December. white vertical 'stripes, surmounted by a py ramidal steel frame supporting a lantern. Group of three lamps Visible from all points of approach - 156à on pole. by water.

1906 • -1 Bridges span Avon river near Windsor. In going up Avon river, the light highway bridge is .. 1906 on the to be kept in line with the eastern light on the railway bridge on a S. 44° W. course. In going down 156 the river, the western light on the 1906 railway bridge is to be kept in line with thelight on the highway bridge on a N. 70' E. course.

White, square, wood, 33 1851 157 dwelling attached. rebIlt 1883

White„ square, wood.. 22 .1902 Visible from all points of approach 158 by water.

23 1878 Visible from all points of approach. 159 reb'ilt 1891 White, square, wood, 27 1901 .. Visible from all points of approach 160 on piles. by water.

White; square, wood, 27 1904 .. Visible in the straight reaches of 161 on piles. . the channel to the northward and eastward. 2i






W. N.

Characteristic tc No. Name. Location. de "el E de of Light. itu I. itu î;. 5

t e • Long La - - —

163 1BLACKROCK S. shore 45 10 15 64 15 50T. white 45 12

70 Q 164-. MARGARETVILLE.... On extremity of point, 15 3 20 6540 F. red 1 '131 " S. shore.

166 PORT GEORGE On outer end of E. pier. 45 0 25 65 9 25 F. green 25

f 921 10 167 PORT LORNE... S. shore, Bay of Fundy 44 56 53 65 15 56 Two F. white, 22 ft. 70f apart vertically. 1

16s POINT PRIM WHIST- In 23 fathotris, off N. 14 42 5365 46 14 ING BUOY. entrance to Digby Gut, Ui miles N. 450 E. froi-n .

169 POINT PRIM ORDIGBY S. point of entrance to -11 41 30 65 47 10F. white...... .... 76 ; 13 GUT. Annapolis Basin.

170 VICTORIA BEACH ... On eastern side of 44 40 3865 45 WE white D, 7.. 52 12 Digby Gut.

• h 171 r DIGBY PIER At outer end of pier... 44 37 40 65 45 6F. red D, p. • 30

172 BEAR RIVER On Winchester Point.. 44 37 5 65 41 0 F. red ... D, 7.. 72 ; 9

174 SHAFNER POINT On N. side of Annapolis 44 42 4065 37 12F. white. D, 7.. 55 te River.

176 ANNAPOLIS On water's edge of En- 44 44 51 65 31 6 F. red... D, 6.. 30 gineer's Lot, N.E. of Go% ernment pier. 7:

178 TROOP POINT In bight westward from 14 45 31 65 30 33F. red D, 7.. 46 3 extremity of point.

177 1GRANVILL F. On outer end of wharf, 44 46 57 65 26 30 F. red D, 7.. 29 2 t. CENTRE. N. side of river.

179 BOARS HEAD. 17 yards from edge of 44 24 10 66 13 3 Alt. red and white C 70 ; 14 cliff, on W. side of 1 minute. N. entrance to Petit Passage. 180 NORTHWEST LEDGE In 15 fathoms, 400 yds, 44 19 15 66 24 30 Occ. white D, gas GAS ANI) WHIST- N.N.W. J W. from LINO BUOY. the N.W. rock. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 21



`0* d.

e he Q •

e lis

Colour and b

any peculiarity of Ag ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. s e â n 4 Whe I I

White, square, wood.. 15 1848 Light in lantern on roof of dwelling, 163 visible from all points of approach.

White and black hori- 22 1859 Visible from seaward from N. W. by 164 zontal bands, square, W. î W. through S. to E. by wood. N. +N. White, square, wood.. 21 1888 Visible from all points seaward 166

White,_square, wood .. 22 1859 Upper light shown from metal lan-1 167 _ tem on top of tower ; lower light' in bow window at base, visible from' seaward from E. by S. through S. to W.S.W. W. Iron buoy, alternate 1907 Whistle sounded by the . ...... 168 black and white ver- motion of the buoy on the tical stripes, wit h waves. "Pt. Prim " in white letters, surmounted by a 10-inch whistle. Vertical red and white 22 1817 Steam-whistle sounds 8 sec- Whistle near edge of cliff, 225 feet 169 stripes, square, wood Fog- onds in each minute. north-eastwardly frotn lighthouse tower, with dwelling alarm tower. attached. 1871 White, square, wood . 28 1901 Visible from all points of approach 170 by water. To serve as a guide through Digby Gut, and t,o small vessels seeking a landing at Victoria beach. White, square, wood .. 27 1887 Visible from all points of approach 171 Tower by water. 1903 • White, square, wood.. 32 1905 Visible from all points of approach 172 by water. White, square, wood.. 43 1885 Indicates Goat Island Shoals 174

White, square, wood.. 28 1889 Visible from all points seaward. 176 After passing the black buoy off Marsh Point, vessels ascending may run directly for the light on an E. by N. 'N. course to the an-r ehorage just below the old Gov- 1* ernrnent pier. White, square, wood .. 32 1906 Shows up stream and down stream. 118

Lantern on a mast,with 23 1903 Visible from all points of approach 177 white shed at base. by water. White, square, - wood, 33 1864 179 lantern on roof of dwelling. • Red steel cylindrical 1890 Whistle sounded by motion From buoy Brier I. light bears S. / 180 b.loy, with "N. W. Gas of buoy on the waves. W., 4a miles ; N. point of Brier Ledge " in white let- 1907 I., S.E. S., 3 miles. ters, surmounted by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a whistle and a lantern. 22 HUMS AND FOG-SIGNALS



à 'al] >cl • ...._. .-( R. ...+- › 0 .. › t..■ 7., 0 No. Name. Location. . . c. Characteristic i.1I â .511 ii ii ti .-. .. of Light. .,f,'5 ..?› ...... › e i3 1>1) 4 a CD ■-•-■ A

183 GRAND PASSAGE.... N. point of Brier Island 44 17 14 66 20 36 F. red D, 7.. 62 . 8

, 184 BRIER ISLAND. - .. . On west point of Island 14 14 57 66 23 38 Gp. Rev. white, C .... 92 15 - showing 4 flashes at intervals of 12 • secs., folloWed by an eclipse of 24 secs. 4 flashes....36 sec. Eclipse 24 Time of revolution 60 secs. 185 'SOUTHWEST LEDGE li miles S. 65. W. from 44 10 0 66 27 8 Occ. red. D, gas . (BRIER ISL AN D) ledge. GAS AND W HIS T- LING BUOY.

186 WESTPORT .... ..... Peters Island, entrance 44 15 27 66 20 21 Two F.white, 24 ft. C .... 40 10 to Grand Passage. apart horizontal- ly.

188 ; ILBERT POINT On E. extremity of 44 29 42 65 57 12 F. red D, 7.. 40 7 point.

189 3ISSIBOO. S. side of entrance to 44 26 25 66 1 00 F. white C " 36 8 river. 190 BELLIVEAU COVE .... On outer end of E. pier. 44 24 20 66 3 10F. green D, 6.. 24 4

191 7.11URCH POINT E. side of St. Mary Bay 44 19 55 66 7 35F. red C 36 10 Digby County-. 192 ‘IETEGHAN RIVER... At extreme end of 44 13 10 66 8 42 F. Green D, 6.. 23 6 breakwater.

194 DAPE Sr. MARI- E side of Bay 44 5 10 66 12 40 Alt. red and white, C .... 103 16 30 seconds. 195 CRINITY BELL BUOY In 8 fathoms W. by N. 43 59 35 66 18 30 N. 600 ft. from Trin- ity ledge.

197 1PORT MAITLAND.... Or Maitland, or Green 43 59 566 9 30F. Red. : ... . . D, 6.. 26 6 Cove, on outer end cf westerly breakwater. 198 EA URC II E R SHOAL In about 36 fathoms, 43 49 32 66 32 0 °e. white (3 lan- D 7.. 60 13 LIGHTSHIP. off Lurcher Sheal, 2 terns encircling miles W. of the 1?2- each masthead), fathom spot. visible 8 seconds, eclipsed 4 sec'ds.






.f>à) he a to ce lis Colour and b i 0 0 any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. s

Buildings. e n PI .0 Whe

White, square, wood ; 34 1901 Bell rung by machinery, Visible from all points of approach 183 red octagonal iron gives one stroke every 5 by water. lantern. seconds. To indicate the N. entrance to Grand Passage. White with three red 55 1809 Oiaphone, operated by com- 184 horizontal band s, Fog- pressed air, sounds three octagonal, wood Foe,„-, alarm blasts of 4 seconds, with alarm building S. of 1873 intervals of 4 seconds be- tovver. tween them, in each min- ute.

Steel cylindrical buoy, 1907 Whistle sounded by motion 185 painted red with of buoy on the waves, "S. W. Ledge " in white letters, sur- mounted by> pyrami- dal steel frame sup- porting a whistle and a lantern.

White, square, wood, • 15 1850 Hand-horn answers signals Visible froni the northward between 186 lanterns rising from each from vessels. the bearings of S. by W. and S.S. ends of dsvelling W., and from the southward be- tween the bearings of N.E. by E. and N.N. W. . Wooden lantern rising 36 1904 Visible from all points of approach 188 frora red roof of white , by water. square wooden dwell- ing. White, square, wood.. 33 1870 189

White, square, wood.. 22 1889 Visible from all points seaward. 190

White, square, wood, 20 1874 191 dwelling attached. Vertical red stripes on 21 1875 For guiding vessels into river. Must 192 seaward side, lantern be left on starboard hand and pass- painted black. ed close aboard. Tide leaves break- water one hour before water. White, octagonal, wood 1868 194

Red iron buoy, with 1874 Bell rung by action of the From the buoy Cape St. Mary bears 195 " Trinity " in white, waves. N.E. by E. 7 miles ; Cape Fourchu surmounted by a bell. S. byE. 13,i miles ; Lurcher Shoal buoy S.W. by W. 12I- miles. White, square, wood.. 27 1884 Bell rung by machinery, Kept up from 15th À'pril t,o 31st 197 Tower gives one stroke every 6 December, each year. 1897 seconds. Steel steamer, with two 1904 Diaphone, operated by com- Lights visible from all points of ap- 198 masts, hull red, with pressed air, gives blasts proach. " Lurcher " in white of 4 secs, duration every Should the electric light apparatus letters on each side, minute. become inoperative, fixed white and "No. 14 "on each Submarine fog bell strikes oil lights of less intensity will be Vow. The circular the number " 14 " every shosvn. gallery at each mast 23 seconds, thus :—one If diaphone becomes disabled, whis- head, the smoke stroke, 5 sec snds interval; tle will sound similar blasts. stack, and the f 0g- 4 strokes at intervals of 2 signal between the seconds; then an interval masts, are red. of 10 seconds. 24 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



W. - No. Name. Loctaion. N. Characteristic à• de e .5A g ni

de of Light. itu

itu t.0 t ng -a* a La Lo

199 LURCHER SHOAL In 13 fathoms mile \V. 43 50 2 66 30 0 WHISTLING BUOY. of Shoal.

201 CAPE FOURCHU In 22 fathoms 5 miles N. 43 48 50 66 16 1 WHISTLING BUOY. W. by W. from Cape Fourchu Light.

202 CAT ROCK BELL In 9 fathoms, 4 cables 43 46 46 66 9 29 BUOY. S .S. W. from Cat Rock.

204 YARMOUTH OR CAPE E. Cape, S. point ... . 43 47 30 . 66 9 25 Gp. Rev, white, 117 18 FOURCHU. showing 3 flashes at intervals of 20 seconds, followed by an eclipse of 40 seconds. 3 flashes....40 sec. Eclipse 40 " Time of re- — volution. 80 "

205 BUNKER ISLAND... . On end of reef, off S.W. 43 48 36 66 8 42 F. red 31 10 point -of Island, E. side of entrance to Yarmouth Harbour. .

206 BUNKER ISLAND, On northwest extrem- 43 48 58 66 8 10 F. red D, 6.. 38 6 NORTH END. ity of island. 207 YARMOUTH HAR- ; mile southwestward of 43 49 39 66 7 50 F; red D, 7.. BOUR CORNER BEA- the long wharf, Yar- CON. mouth. 207i HEN AND CHICKENS On western side of shoal 43 47 27 66 8 38 Occ. red D, gas GAS AND BELL BUOY.

208 -I( A RMOUTH BELL- In 10 fathoms off Yar- 43 44 0 66 10 47 BUOY. mouth Sound.

if! 209 YARMOUTH FAIRWAYi In 34 fathoms 10 miles 43 40 16 66 18 55 Occ. red D, gas GAS AND WHISTL- 1 S. 62° W. from Cape BUOY. ING Fourchu Light .

211 GANNET DRY LEDGE In 16 fathoms, 1 mile 43 36 38 66 11 45 BELL BUOY. N. W. from mid- dle of ledge.




.-c 'a; 4,9' g •>'„,. c, e and...... > —.- Colour en -0 any peculiarity of ..5. • 2 e Fog-Signal. Remark.s. No. Buildings. ,'"z1 ..e•,..-1 . e cc -• e c.) -814 .0 .e • ›-....-

Red and black horizon- .... . 1882 Whistle sounded by action Buoy lies 15 miles N.W. by W.;'› W. 199 tal bands with " Lur- of the waves. from Cape Fourchu light. }rom cher Shoal "in white. the buoy Trinity buoy bears Iron buoy, with 10- N.E. by E., 12 miles. inch whistle. • Red iron buoy with 1894 Whistle sounded by action From the buoy Chegoggin Pt. bears 201 "Y'in'th N. W .F'y " of the waves. E. by N. 4Ï miles. in white letters, sur- mounted by 10-inch whistle. Black iron buoy sur- 1897 Bell rung by action of the From the buoy Cape Fourchu Light 202 mounted by a bell, waves. bears N. 24. E. I mile, and the " Cat Rock "in white outer tangent of West Cape N. letters on deck. 11° W. 1 mile. ..

Vertical red and white 59 1839 Whistle on W. side of cape Life-boat station in Baker's Cove, 204 stripes, octagonal, chan- sounds 10 seconds in every just inside Hen and Chickens wooden tower ; white, ged. minute. - Shoal. wooden dwelling near 1892 by... Fog- alarm 1869

White, square, wood, 1874 Bell gives one stroke every Visible from southward, between 205 on brown, circular, 15 seconds. N.E., by N. and N. î E. Also steel and concrete over Stanwood's Beach when bear- pier. ing from S. :1,- E., to S.E. :I; E., but cannot be run for on th6se bear- ings, only entrance to harbour being through Yarmouth Sound and round Cape East. 'White, square, wood. 22 1907 Visible from all points of approach 206 by water. Lantern on mast rising 1905 Marks turn in channel leading east- 207 from dolphin. wardly to the long wharf in Yar- mouth harbour. Red steel cylindrical . .. . 1906 Bell rung by motion of buoy 207 buoy, surmounted by on the water. a steel frame sup- porting a bell and a lantern. . Red iron buoy with 1890 Bell rings by the motion of From the buoy the "Roaring Bull' 208 "YarmouthF'w'y" in the buoy on the waves. bears E.N.E., 1. miles ; and Caps white letters on deck, Fourchu light N. E. by N., 3a rnile surmounted by a bell.

Steel, cylindrical buoy, . . 1894 Whistle sounded by action From the buoy Green Island bean painted in black and Gas of the waves. E. by S. 7is miles ; Gannet Rock, white vertical stripes, 1906 • SE. by E. n miles. with "Y'rn'th S.W. F'y" on the deck, sur- - mounted by a pyra- midal steel frame sup- porting a whistle and a lantern. Red, iron buoy, with .. 1903 Bell rung by motion of the . 211 " Gannet Ledge" in buoy on the waves. white letters on deck, ' surmounted by a bell. 26 • LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNAS



0 1. =1 0. -' o. Ic2.; ,...., W. e • No. Name. Location. de Characteristic c.) E of Light . itu .rte Ej .45 ng f 3 e

a Lo

211i SCHOONER PASSAGE In 8 fathoms, off the 43 39 53 66 3 40 BELL BROY. northern entrance to Schooner Passage, miles N.W. f rom Can- dlebox Island light.

212 ICANDLEBox ISLAND. N. entrance, Schooner 43 39 34 66 2 45 F. red D, 7.. 56 8 Passage.

213 PEASES ISLAND On S. point, one of the 43 37 35 66 1 40 (Alt. red and:C.... 56 12 Tusket Islands. white, one min- ute, each col- our visible 15 sec.; 45 !•:ec. be- I tween flashes. A lower F. red C 40 i 4 light in w i n - dow, 16 ft. be- 1, low main light. 215 PEASES LEDGE BELL In 9,12- fathoms S.E. by 43 37 2 65 59 0 BUOY. E. 2 miles from Peases I. light.

217 SEAL ISLAND S. point mile inland.. 43 23 3466 0 52 F. White...... D. 2.. 98 18

220 BLONDE ROCKIn 13 fathoms, mile S. 43 19 47 65 59 4.0cc. white.. .. D, gas GAS ANI) WHISTL- 3° E. from thé rock. INC Bror

222 TUSKET RIVER Big Fish Island, S.W. 43 42 10 65 57 10 Two F. white, 24 - C .... 50 12 point. ft. apart horizon4 . • tally.

223 ARGYLE On S. point of White- 43 39 4063 52 4 F. Red and white. C 115 12 head Island, Yar- I, mouth County.

225 ABBOT HARBOUR.... On east side of harbour 43 39 2565 49 36 F. white ;I), p.. 40

227 PUBNICO HARBOUR.. Beach Point, E. side of 43 35 45 65 46 54 I'. white D, 7.. 41 11 entrance, 120 yards from low water mark. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 27


CO AST—Ccmtinued.

E gc° he lis

Colour and t b

any peculiarity of M. e> t a Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. es 0 n .E; Whe

Iron buoy, black and 1906 !Bell rung by motion of buoy From the buoy a S. 39' E. course 21n white vertical stripes, on the waves. will lead vessels bound south sut mounted by a bell. through Schooner Passage, mid- way between the shoals off Mur- der Island and Owls Head.

White; square, wood, 37 1893 Hand-horn answers signals Visible from all points seaward.... 212 with dwelling- attach- from vessels ed. hon lantern, red.

White, square, wood, 42 1879 Hand-horn answers signals with dwelling at- from vessels. Sea light, visible from all points 213 tached. of approach from southward ; also through Schooner and Ellen wood Passages. Lower light marks channel be- tween Old Man and Old Woman Rocks. Visible between bearings W. by N. ,1 N. and ) N.W. by W. Alternate white and 1898 Bell rung by action of the 'Guides vessels seeking the southern 215 black vertical stripes waves, entrance to Schooner or Ellen- with " Peases Id. wood passage. • Fy." in white letters From the buoy on the deck. bears E. N., 5 miles. White with two red 60 1830 Whistle sounds in each min- Fog whistle building, 585 feet S. 26' 217 horizontal band s, Fog- ute a blast of 5 seconds W. from lighthouse. octagonal, wood sur- alarm duration, and after an in. mounted by metal 1870terval of 5 seconds another lantern with red roof. blast of 5 seconds. Fog alarm building, long, white, rectan- gular, wooden struc- ture. Red steel cylindrical 1882 Whistle sounds by action of From the buoy Seal Island light 220 buoy with "Blonde Gas waves. bears N. in whiteletters Rock" 1906 on the deck, sur- mounted by a pyra- midal steel frame sup- porting a whistle and a lantern. White, square, wood .. 23 1864 ,Visible from all points seaward ; in `)22 1 bay windows in each gable of the dwelling, house.

White, square, wood, 28 1_74 ■ To guide into ..-Irgyle Harbour, shows 223 with dwelling at- red seaward, and white towards tached. harbour.

Lantern on mast . 28 1884 225

•.. White, square, with 40 1854 Hand horn answers sig,nals Open westward of St. Johns Island, 227 . . dwelling attached. Im- from vessels. beating N. E. by N., clears the Wooden building sur- prov'd ledge ; in making harbour from mounted by iron 'an- 1889 an,y other direction, the light must ' tern. be brought to the northward of E N.E. before it can be steered for to avoid shoal spot off St. Ann's Point. 28 LIGHTS AND FOG—SIGNALS


ATLANTIC =à à 1—t 0 >)-É o No. .Name. Location. Characteristic c, g 4 of Light. ) g2.11 Sc 1.) *E' zr, e A

929 PUBNICO F I RW Y In 15 fathoms, 6 miles 43 31 6 65 52 5' WHISTLING BUOY. S.W. by W., from Puhnico Harbour light.

231 BON PORTAGE BELL In 8 fathoms, 14 miles .43 25 45165 44 as ...... BUOY. S. 17' 15' W., from Bon Portage I. light. 232. BON PORTAGE IS- On S. point ...... 43 27 1465 44 44 Rev, red, one min- C 46 12 LAND. ute.

233 STODDART On N.W. point of Is- 13 28 26 65 43 7F. red ...... C.. 22 9 land. '; 234 WOODS HARBOUR... On Big Ledge, in har- 43 30 5565 -14 45F. red ...... D, 7.. 27 8 bour, Cocketwit Passage.

236 WEST HEAD, CAPE On the Head 43. 27 17 65 39 10 F. white D, 7.. 42 11 SABLE ISLAND. 237 HOSPITAL REEF In 8 fathoms, 4 mile N. 43 26 40 65 40 12 '. BELL BUOY. W. from extremity of reef. 238 SOUTHWEST LEDGE In 15 fathoms, la miles 43 21 0 65 39 47 Occ. red D, gas 30 ... (CAPE SABLE) GAS S. 34' W. from ledge. A N I) WHIST'LING BUOY.

239 ."APE SABLE On Cape 43 23 19 65 37 15 FL white, flash D, 3.. 53 I 12 every 5 seconds.

241 BARRINGTON EAST 43 31 5 65 34 25 Two, F. white and White 12 BAY LIGHTSHIP. F. red, 21 feet 44 6 apart vertically ; Red red underneath. 23

243 BACCARO On E. side of entrance 43 26 54 ;5 28 12 Rev. white 30 sec- 49 12 to Barrington Bay. onds, shows 18 seconds, eclipsed 12 seconds.

244 BANTAM ROCKS mile S. W. of rocks, 43 25 38 65 29 8 WHISTLING BUOY. which lie 14 miles S. W. 4 W. from Bac- caro light. 246 BRAZIL Root( GAS In 21 fathoms 4 mile S. 43 20 56 65 26 30 Occ. white D, gas A N D WHISTLING 11° W. from the rock. BUOY. •



COAST—Conti:a ued.


F.' he • >e is Colour and ro M e c any peculiarity- of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. - Buildings. oo d nes Whe

Iron buoy alternate 1901 Whistle sounds by action of From the buoy Whitehead I. light 229 black and white ver- the waves. bears N. by E., E., fi lly miles ; tical stripes, with Grill Ledge, N. 6,1, miles ; and " Pubnico " in white Pubnico Harbour light, N. E: by and black letters, sur- E., 6 miles. mounted by a 10 inch whistle. Red iron buoy, with 1901 Bell rung by- the action of The buoy is moored S. 85' 30' W.,I 231 "Bon Portage" in the waves. 4+ miles, from West Head, Cape white letters on deck. Sable I. light. White; square, wood, 28 1874 Hand horn answers signals For guiding vessels into Barrington 232 with dwelling a t - from vessels. West Bay and Shag Harbour. tached. White, small, square 21 1877 Hand horn answers signals To guide vessels into the anchorage 233 tower. from vessels. of Stoddart Harbour and Shag Harbour Sound. White. -square, wood, 28 1900 Hand horn answers signals Visible all around the horizon 234 on concrete pier, red from vessels. octagonal iron lan- tern. White, square, wood.. 36 1888 Hand horn answers signals Visible from all points seaward ... 236 from vessels. Red, iron buoy, Sur- 1903 Bell rung by motion of the - • • ...... 237 mounted by a bell. buoy on the waves.

Red steel cylindrical 1907 Whistle sounded by motion 238 buoy, with "S. W. of buoy on the waves. Ledge " in white let- ters on the deck, sur- mounted by a pyra- midal steel f rame sup- porting a whistle and a lantern. White, octagonal, wood 50 1861 Diaphone, operated by com- Wireless telegraph station 239 Fog- pressed air, sounds a blast Fog alarm on southern point of alarm of 3 secs, duration every Cape. 1876 20 secs.. Hull painted red, with White 1875 Hand horn answers signals Moored in 6 fathoms, Wesses Ledge, 241 word " Barrington 41 from vessels. S. W. by W. .3 W., mile ; Bac- No. 1" in white let- Red cam Light, S.S.E. E., BA miles: ters on both sides. 20 Bantam Rocks, S. by- E. E. 63 above miles. To guide into Barrington deck-. Bay and through Barrington Pass- age. White, with black ball 35 1850 Hand horn answers signals 243 seaward, square, new from vessels. wood. lan- tern 1882 lied iron buoy with 1888 Whistle sounded by the 244 10-inch whistfe. motion of the waves.

Steel cylindrical buoy-, . 1876 Whistle sounded by the From the buoy- Baccaro Light bears 246 painted in black and Gas motion of buoy on the N. E. 64; miles ; C Sable Light 6r0 red horizontal bands, 1906 waves. N. 55 W.; 8 miles. with " Brazil Rock " on the deck surrnoun f- ed by a pyramidal steel fraine support- ing a whistle and a lantern. 263 I.,ocKEPOItT 262 261 ,CARTER 259 260 258 2591lBuLL 257 252 .BOUFL 251 250 255 256 247 No. 30 SAN!) 'RAGGED .Ti LOCKEPORT SHELBURNE FAIRWAY CAPE PAGE NORTHEAST II NEGRO ISLAND... JORDAN .BELL WHISTLING HARBOUR. G ROCK BUOY. WHISTLING Rocs SPIT BOSEWAY ISLAND. Name. BUOY. ISLAND BELL GAS AND'Off FA!iovAv1 ISLAND,Gull - BEL]. BUOY. BUOY. BUOY. ... A R. .


1 I I In 124 On E. On N.sidt.• Near S.E.i In 9fathoms,i Ragged IslandHarbour43421565600F.red. In 18 In 15 On 80 J 1. one. I N. , I sideofharbourhe- . • 3-e Gull miles bour. Ragged borne Harbour. from rock. Carter Frent entrance toharbourof Nutt Island,Shel- Back light850feetF. S. 17' Jordan River. at E.side trance toShelburne bour. t o Harbour. Port water, Bay eastsidebreak yards fromextremity434125651928F.red outer tweet' and g miles the Rock Shelburne 2 Location. fathoms., offen- fathoms, Rock iight,and Latour. fathoms W. end ofIslar-fl,!432927654 W. Shingle E. I. light.. range onE.1433244652331F. end ofJordan.43453065135F. east sideof approach to43372865144Omwhite Island Har- Johns S. oint of from front' from of mile entrance' ...... H133054652058 S. from E. from Point. H ar- I43 rock. Point Mac- S. mile 43373565S2 E. 433553651556 I 43 39 43 375 13 37156545 39 30.65 Lat 1265550 itude N. 65 1144

4 0 Longitude W. LIGHTS ; , Two F. white.... Alt. red F. white one minute. feet apartverti; Characteristic white white. red . of Light. F. white,550 and AND

white C




`E3 às o e3 Colour and tc any peculiarity of - Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings.

n Whe

White, with red iron 34 I 1890 Hand horn answers signals Visible from all points of approach. 24 lantern, square, wood, from vessels. with kitchen attached White,octagonal,wood, 44 1872 Life-boat station at Blanche,between 250 - with dwelling at- re- Negro Island nd Baccaro Point. tached. built 1887 White, square, wood.. 34 1899 Entering Negro Harbour by E. en- 251 trance, the two lights in one lead in clear of all dangers. Entering by W. entrance the back light White, square, wood.. 44 I 1899 only is visible. Brought to bear 252 N. -1 E., it leads up from Shag Rock through mid-channel. Black iron buoy-, with 1907 Bell rung by motion of buoy 255 "Jig Rock "in white on the waves. -\ letters on the deck, surmounted by a bell. Black and white ver- 77 1788 Trumpet, established 1884, 256 tical stripes, octag- re- sounds a blast of 10 sec- onal, stone. paired onds' duration every two 1858 minutes. Iron buoy, al t erna te , 1905 Whistle sounds by action of From the buoy, Cape Roseway light 257 f black and white ver- waves. bears N. 67 W. 2Z- miles ; and tical stripes, with Surf Point bears N 39 W. 6e, " Shelburne" painted miles. on the side, sur- mounted by a 10-inch whistle. White, square, wood, 44 1873 Hand horn answers signals 258 on white, square, con- reblt froin vessels. crete pier. 1880

White, square, wood.. 27 1907 Visible from all points of approach. 259

Black, steel buoy, with 1904 Bell rung by motion of the 2591 "Bull Rock" in white buoy on the waves. letters on the top, . surmounted by a bell.

White, square, wood.. 31 1853 Hand horn answers signals 260 from vessels. White, square, wood.. 29 1 1872 Band horn answers signals 261 from vessels.

Red, steel, cylindrical 1888 Whistle sounded by the From the buoy Carter Island light 262 buoy with letter L in Gas motion of the buoy on the bears N. by W. W. 5R miles; white on the deck, 1996 waves. Gull Rock Light N.W. N. 3e surmounted by a pyr• miles, and a N.N.W. course leads amidal steel frame about midway between the 41 supporting a whistle fathom pata and the Blow breaker and a lantern. up to S. end of Cranberry Island.

Red and black hori- 1898 Bell rung by action_ of the 'A N. N. W. course from the buoy 263 zontal bands, with waves. leads clear of all dangers up to " Lockeport Fy," in the southern end of Cranberry white letters on the Island, 2i miles distant. deck. 32 LIGHTS AND FOG—SIGNALS




W. r.£ r.; c e *e • N.

No. .Name. Location. de Characteristic ac

de of Light. itu itu

t ••-• • ""C E i La Long

264 'BANTAM ROCK BELL In 10 fathoms, 400;43 43 10 64 58 15 BUOY. yards S. 224 0 E. from rock. Off entrance to Sable River.

265 PORT HEBERT.... . On Shingle Point, E.143 48 40 64 55 23 F. red lO 33 10 side of harbour. I

267 LITTLE HOPE SHOAL In 14 fathoms 4 mile S. 43 47 10 64 49 44 BELL BUOY. 19 W. from middle of, shoal.

268 LITTLE HOPE. GAS In 20 fathoms, J miles 43 47 20 64 46 41 Occ. white .... D, gas AND WHISTLING S. from light on Lit- Buor. tle Hope islet.

269 LITTLE HOPE. Nearly on centre of is- 43 48 30 64 47 15 Occ, white tempor- I), 6. 43 12 land. arily. Visible 7 secs. 7:c1i1;sed 3

271 PORT MOUTON N.E. point, Spectacle 43 55 5 64 48 5 C... 41 11 Island, Queens Co.

273 FORT POINT.. Liverpool Bay, S. en- 44 2 35 64 42 20 F. red 30 trance.

274 BROOKLYN PIER On inner end of break- 44 2 45 64 41 20 F. green D, p.. 30 .4 water.

276 LIYERPOOL WHIST- In 20 fathoms in fairway 44 0 20 64 36 55 LINO BUOY. off Liverpool.

277 COFFIN ISLAND S. point, Liverpool Bay 44 1 55 64 37 32 Rev. white, 2 min. 65 1 16 Light 30 sec. Dark 90 "

279 PORT MEDWAY BELL In 14 fathotns 1Ï miles 3 1564 31 25 BUOY. S.S.W. from breaker off approach to Port.




-à. - ,1, .. E g ..â>

4.• › ^, Colour and ak j:' any peculiarity of .5.5 $), .5 Fog-Signal. Remarks. .No. Buildings. .›",_ 0 -MA .`à> ›-,-,

Black iron buoy, with 1906 Bell rung by motion of buoy 264 "Bantam " in white on the waves. letters on the deck, surmounted by a bell. White, square, wood, 29 1872 265 with dwelling at tached. - Red iron buoy, with 1900 Bell rung by the motion of From the buoy Little Hope light 267 "Little Hope Shoal" Bell the buoy on the waves. bears E. by N. e N., 2 miles ; in white on the deck, 1906 Black Point extremity, N.E. by surmounted by a bell. N., 3R miles ; Joli Point N. 1 W., 2Ï miles. . Steel cylindrical buoy, 1906 Whistle sounded by motion Buoy is intended to guard vessels 268 black and white verti- of buoy on the waves, from reefs surrounding Little Hope cal stripes, with "Lit- islet, and as a fairway buoy coast- tle Hope" on the deck, wise. surmounted by a pyra- midal steel frame sup- porting a whistle and a lantern.

30 1865 Hand horn answers signals Visible around horizon 269 .. chan- from vessels. - ged 1889 -

White, square, wood, 20 1873 Hand horn answers signals For g-uiding vessels into harbour 271 surmounted by red, from ves.sels. Life-boat station on N.W. end of octagonal 1 an t or n, Port Mouton Island. white dwellingnearby.

White, square, wood, 17 1855 Hand horn answers signals Left on port side when entering the 271 dwelling attached , from vessels. harbour.

Lantern on a pole 25 Build- A red iron can buov is moored off 274 ing outer end of .sunken pier, which 1878 must be left on starboard hand in . mast entering Herring Cove. 1889

Iron buoy painted white 1883 Whistle sounded by action From the buoy Coffin Island light 27C and black in vertical of waves. bears N.i E. lfi miles, Fort Point stripes, surmounted light N. W. i N., and Western by 10-inch whistle. Head W. ï S. 2* miles. From buoy a course N.W. 1 :N. for 4 ' ' miles clears all danFer to anchor- . age off Brooklyn pier.

Horizontal bands, red 50 1812 27; and white, eight in number, octagonal, wood.

Alternate white and 1888 From the buoy a N. E. course will 27: black vertical stripes, ch'ged lead clear of the S. V. breaker up "Port Medway " on 1898 through the channel to the iron side, can buoy off .Neil Point 4 miles distant. 3 34 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



a W. o >


Characteristic No. Name. Location. de cI de of Light. itu itu

t 1.3 g LH 3

La Long A

280 MEDWAY HEAP Port Medway,W. side of 44 6 10 64 32 15 F. white C ....1 44 10 entrance.

281 PORT MEDWAY On E. end of breakwater 44 7 58 64 34 20 F. red D, 7.. 31 ! G •

285 LAHAVE GAS AND In 22 fins., 3 miles,S. by 44 11 30 64 16 30 Occ. white D, gas BELL BUOY. E. from Moser Island light.

287 MOSER ISLAND On Island, W. side of 44 14 15,64 18 50 F. red C .1 55 8 entrance to Lahave River.

288 LA HAVE On Fort Point 44 17 16:64 20 55 F. red 48 8

290 WEST IRONBOUND Near Cape Lahave, 44 13 4264 16 20 Rev.white, 30 sec- .... 72 13 ISLAND. mouth of Lahave ' I onds. River.

291 LUNENBURG GAS AND In 23 fms., 6à miles S. E. 44 17 0164 11 25 Occ. white. D, gas WHISTLING BUOY. by S. S., frorn Bat- tery Point light.

294_ BATTERY POINT Entrance to Lunenburg 44 21 45 1 64 17 35 F. red SI 11 Harbour.

295 CROSS ISLAND E.point Lunenburg Bay 44 18 45 64 9 57 Gp. Rev. white, 3 C 100 15 , flashes, 15 sec- onds apart, then an eclipse of 20 seconds, revolu- tion in 1 minute.

297 HOBSON ISLAND rIal1011e Bay 44 24 5564 13 46F. red D. 5.. 68 8

298 WESTHAVER ISLAND. IMahone Bay 44 26 15 64 20 2F. white D, 7.. 54 12

300 QUAKER ISLAND.... Off Chester 41 30 55 64 13 48F. red D, 7.. 109 11

302 CHESTER, OR EAST A little to eastward of 44 26 24 64 4 50 F. white C. 150! IRONBOUND ISLAND centre of Island, in Mahone Bay.



COAST— Continucd.

"c; E d. he

Colour and blis '0 any peculiarity of a ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. es to- a When

White, with black 23 I 1851 The light is shown from a dormer 280 squares on seaward on the dwelling house. sides, square, wood.

White, square, wood.. 33 I 1899 Visible from N.W. by W. W. 281 W. t,o S.S.E. In enter-1 through ing light is not opened until blac1:1 can buov marking extremity of . Neil-Point is reached.

Red steel cylindrical ...1886 Bell sounded by action of Frein the buoy, West Ironboundi 285 buoy surmounted by Gas waves. light bears N.N.E., 2i miles. ! a steel frame sup- 1907 porting a bell and a lantern.

White, square, wood, 26 1868 Hand horn answers signals 287 lantern on roof of from vessels. dwelling.

White, square, wood, 35 1876 Hand horn answers signals 288 with dwelling at- from vessels. tached.

White, square, wood, 29 1855 Near edge of cliff 40 feet high. 290 with dwelling at- tached.

Red and black horizon- ... 1891 Whistle sounded by action From the buoy Cross Island light 291 tal bands. St eel, Gas of waves. bears N.E. E., 2 miles ; n est cylindrical buoy sur- 1905 Ironbound light, S.W. by W. î mounted by a pyra- W., 4Â mile,s ; Rose Point, N.W. . midal steel frame :4- W., 1.:} mile.s. supporting a whistle and a lantern. White, square tower on 24 i 1864 Hand horn answers signals 294 d welling. from vessels.

Red, octagonal, wOod ; 58 1 1832 Steam-horn sounds 20 sec- Visible from all points of approachl 295 polygonal iron lan- onds every 14s minutes. by water. tern red. Pilots resort here, and vessels may take refuge in case of necessity.

White, square, waxi.. 29 1872 297

White, square, wood. 27 1882 298 Iron lantern, red,with chan- dwelling attached. ged 1895

White, square, wood, 33 I 1883 Hand horn answers signals To guide into Chester Basin 300 with dwelling at- from vessels. tached. White, oblong, wood. 40 1871 Seen from all points of approach ; 302 Square wooden tower, the lantern alone is visible, build- surmounted by iron ing hidden by trees. lantern rising from roof of dwelling. 3 36 LIGFITS AND FOG—SIGNALS




> c. W. N.

Characteristic No. Name. Location. de

de of Light. 1.

itu RR ° or-1 '" itu t e Long

La A

303 GREEN ISLAND..... Off St. Margaret and 44 22 57 64 2 45 Alt. Red and white C 66 w13 Mahone Bays. Red.. ...52 sec. R8 Eclipse...38 " White... .52 " Eclipse...38 "

Complete rev.3 min

305 NORTHEAST SHOAL In 21 fathoms 1 180 miles 44 25 54 61 0 2 WHISTLING BUOY. E. bY N. N. from the middle of N.E. Shoal.

306 HUBBARD COVE On Green Point, W. 44 37 14 64 3 10E. red D, 7.. 60 11 side of entrance.

306i SLALINWHITES LEDGE mile south from the 44 36 56 64 2 11 BELL BUOY, big rock near middle of ledge.

307 CROUCHER ISLAND- In St. Margaret Bay.. 44 38 24 63 57 20 F. white D, 7.. 90 15

308 INDIAN HARBOUR.... On S.E. extremity of 44 31 20 63 56 37 F. white D, 6.. 36 Paddy Head Island.

309 CRAWFORD L E DC E In 12 fat'noms, mile 44 30 48 63 57 21 BELL BUOY. N. 79° W. from W. extremity of Shoal.

310 PEGGY POINT..... E. side of entrance to 44 29 30,63 55 0;F. red 65 St. Margaret Bay. 311 On the S. end of Calla- 41 29 3463 51 33F. white ... 50 12 ghan Island.

31q SHAG BAT BREAKERS In 22 fathoms, 1 mile 44 28 0 63 49 55 BELL BL'OY. S. 45° W. from S.W. extremity of Shoal.

312 BETTY ISLAND.... On Brig Point, near 44 26 22 63 45 54 Rev. red, 2 minutes C 75 14 Prospect

313 TERENCE BAY...... On Shipley Head, near 44 27 4063 42 10F. red D, 7. 57 8 Tenant Point.




"S , ii; I> ',É' „,. ;3 A Colour and . .. any peculiarity of .5.5.. e, .5 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. +2 715. 0 2


White, square, wood, 28 1874 303 3 with dwelling at- ' tached. •

Black iron buoy with . .. 1895 Whistle sounded by action Fairway buoy to indicate shoal. 303 "N. E. Shoal " in of the waves. From the buoy a N.W. N. course white letters. . leads into Mahone Bay and a N. E. by N. ï N. course leads into St. Margaret Bay clear of Horseshoe Ledge. White, square, wood, 42 1886 306 dwelling attached.

Red iron buoy, with 1906 Bell rung by motion of buoy 3063 "Slaunwhite Ledge " on the waves. in white letters, sur- mounted by a bell. White, square, wood, 40 1882 307 dwelling attached. White, square, wood.. 33 1901 Visible from all points of approach 308 by water. , To guide small vessels into harbour through channel between southern extremity of Paddy Head Island and Wreck Island.

Red, iron buoy, with 1904 Bell rung by motion of 30f; " Crawford Ledge " buoy on the waves. in white letters on the deck, surmounted by a bell.

White, square, wood.. 26 1868 Lantern on dwelling 31( . 'White, square, wood, 31 1892 Visible from all points seaward. To 311 surmounted by r e d guide into Dover Harbour. Ves- iron lantern. Dwell- sels running for it on a N.N.W. ing attached. , course will pass clear to W. of Shag Bay breakers and enter to E. of Fleming Island. Red, iron buoy, with ... .. 1904 Bell rung by motion of 3111 " Shag Bay Breaker " buoy on the waves. in white letters on the deck, surmounted by a bell.

White, with two hori- 54 1875 Coast light 31: 1 zontal red bands, square, wood, dwel- ling attached.

White, square, wood.. 32 1885 Visible from all points of approach 31: Tower by water. 1903 38 LIGHTS AND FOG- SIGNALS



à .15 j.".0 a *g 0--t

,24 0 ti) e No. Name. Location. N. Characteristic

de of Light. .fe

itu CC

t 0.› 5 E e La

315 'PENNANT WHIS In 18 fathoms off Pen- 44 24 20 63 39 32 TLING BUOY. nant Point.

16 PENNANT On a point on N. side 44 28 1563 37 40T. white C. 37 7 HARBOUR. of entrance t,o Pen- nant Cove.

317 SA3IBRO H A R - On extremity of Bull 44 38 30 63 35 25F. red D, 7.. 38 7 BOUR. Point, on S.W. side of entrance.

318 SAIIBRO Middle of Island 44 26 10 63 33 28 FI. white. Flash I), 1.. 140 17 every - 5 seconds. acety-

S. lene. ACHE

319 APPRO INNER SAMBRO On western extremity-.. 44 27 14 3 35 20 F. white...... 0,7.. 45 8 -1 ISLAND. AND

321 UR SISTERS BELL In 22 fathoms S.E. by 44 26 12 63 31 12 3O BUOY. E. mile from the Blind Sist,ers. HARI

322 AX SAMI3R0 GAS AND In 25 fathoms near S. 44 21 30 3 30 15 Occ. white D, gas WHISTLING end of Sambro outer BUOY. bank. HALIF

323 CATCH HARBOUR On,W. side of entrance 44 28 57 63 32 40 F. red D 46 7

324 CHEBUCTO HEAD Light on summitof head 44 30 463 30 50 Rev. white, on e 12 18 whistle in front of and minute. below light.

326 OUTER GAS AND n 36 fathoms outside 44 28 25 63 22 10 Occ. white D, gas 30 10 WHISTLING entrance, 6} miles S. acety- BUOY. 54p E. from Chebucto lene. Head lighthouse.



IC COAST—Continued.

"CI 5 -d ...e3zo ?3; . ,

Colour and 4" to .57e- I. any peculiarity of .5 .e° e Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. 1 ï •ze 4.o ,e - M i _ Black iron buoy with .... 1899 Whistle sounded by action From the buoy the extremity of 3n " Pennant" in white of waves. Pennant Point bears N.E. 4 N. l_ï letters surmounted by miles ; Shipley Head pole light, 10-inch whistle. N. e W., 3Ï miles ; Bull Rock, E. . N.E. 2 miles, and Sambro light, E. 4 N., 4.1i- miles.

7 White, square, wood.. 33 1903 - Visible from seaward. When light 316 is brought to bear N. 460 E. it will lead in clear of Broad Shoal, and to the eastward of Thrumcap and Pawson rock.

White, square, wood.. 33 1899 Visible from all points of approach 317 by water. To guide small vessels to safe anchorage in harbour. .

7 White with three red 82 1758 Cotton powder signals ex- Visible from all points of approach. 318 horizontal b a'n d s, raised ploded every 10 minutes. Fog-signal derrick is erected on the octagonal, stone and 1906 seaward side of the lighthouse. concrete, c o v e r e d Mariners cautioned against at- with shingles ; red' tempting to make Sambro in fog ; circular iron lantern , signals maintained rather as warn- ing to vessels that have lost their way. Lantern on a white 17 1900 Fishing light 319 mast, white shed at . base.

Black iron buoy sur- 1874 Bell rung by the action of 321 mounted by a bell, the waves.

Black steel cylindrical 1890 Whistle sounded by action From this buoy Pennant Point bears 322 buoy, with "Sambro" Gas of waves. N.W. by N. à N., 7à miles ; Sam- in white letten on the 1906 bru light N. à W., 54 miles ; Che- deck, surmounted by a bucto light, N. by E. e E., 81 pyramidal steel fraie miles. supporting a whistle and a lantern. White, square, wood... 32 1905 Visible frotn all points of approach. 32.?


White, square, wood, 22 1872 Whistle 73 ft. above water, 321 with dwelling attach- Fog- gives blasts of 10 seconds •ed. Fog-whistle alarm with intervals of 50 sec- building red brick 1891 onds. with slate roof.

Black steel cylindrical 1878 Whistle sounded by action From this buoy 32( buoy, surmounted by Gas of waves. bears W. à N. 8à miles; • Devil pyramidal steel frame 1905 Island N. Z W. 7à miles; and Inner supporting a whistle whistling buoy N.W. à N. 6 miles. and a lantern.




c.) "E; C.) c. W. N.

No. Name. Location. e 4

de Characteristic 5 0 0

de of Light. ••,•2 itu .••• itu z "c3 t c•-• c.) e e e Long La

328 INNER GAS ANI) In 20 fathoms N.E. 1î 44 31 4e63 29 50 Occ. white D, gas WHISTLING miles from Chebucto BUOY. Head lighthouse. Submarine bell mfle 44 31 51 63 30 0 N. r E. from buoy.

329 • NEVERFAIL In 6 fathoms } mile S. 44 33 2063, 30 50:Occ. white D, gas 9 4 SHO.AL G A S of middle of Neverfail acety- BUOY. Shoal. lene.

330 THRI531CAP BELL In 10 fathoms off S. ex- 44 33 57 63 29 51 BUOY. tremity of shoal. :

THRIIMCAP G'As,In 10 fathoms S. of 44 33 48 63 29 45 Occ. red ...... D, gas 9 Buoy. Thrumcap Shoal. acety- lene.

331 Y•1 HERRING COVE.. On the western head of 44 33 57 63 32 58 F. red D, p.. 45 8 entrance. 7.1 •••••1 ••,-

332 3LAUGER BEACH.. Sherbrooke tower, E. 44 36 5,63 31 40 Flashing white.... D, 3.. 64 13 side of entrance to Flash every five Halifax Harbour. seconds.

333 MCNAB ISLAND. mile, N. 16' E., from 44 37 0 63 31 48 F. white C... 132 17 south point of Finlay Cove. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 41




P. g he lis

Colour and b e any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. es

Tc.gi a

• Whe

Red, steel cylindrical 1877 Whistle sounded by action From the buoy Sandwich Point 328 buoy with curved top, Gas of waves. bears N. W., 3t miles ; Devil surmounted by a 1905 !There will be sounded on Island West lighthouse N.E. E, pyramidal steel cage the submarine fog bell 4 3 miles, 51 cables ; and a N. course supporting a 10-inch strokes at intervals of 4i- will lead t,o the westward of the whistle and alantern. seconds, followed by a 32-foot patch, and to the eastward silent interval of 6 sec- of the Neverfail buoy, clear of onds. every danger up to Point Pleasant buoy.

Steel, cylindrical buoy, 1903 329. painted in red and black horizontal bands, surmounted by conical slatwork topmark and a lan- tern.

Red iron buoy, sur- 1893 Bell rung by the action of 330 mounted by a bell. the waves.

Red, steel, cylindrical 1903 buoy, surmounted by a conical slatwork toPmark and a lan- tern.

White, square, wood .. 22 1886 iLifeboat station in the cove 331 chan- ged 1894

Stone, circular, white, 60 1815 Diaphone, operated by com- Visible from all points of apprnach. 332 with red roofs ; cir- horn pressed air, sounds a blast When Sambro light bears W. S. W. cular iron lantern 1889 of 31 seconds' duration this light should not be brought red. White wooden every 30 seconds. to the westward of north, which dwelling near tower. clears the Thrumcap Shoal. Pass- White square wooden ing • Manger Beach entering har- fo g alarm building bour keep the light on starboard with red roof. bow. Horn, 37 ft. above high water mark, projects from S. side of light- house.

White, square, wood, 49 1903 Light visible in the line of range. 333 tower rising from to enter harbour, vessels of deep middle of roof of draught, after passing inside Che- dweking. Red verti- bucto head light, will haul up N. cal stripe on seaward 16° E. and bring Manger beach side of tower and and McNab Island lights in one. dwelling. This course, N. 16 E. is to be continued till it intersects the alignment of George Island and Dartmouth lights.


40, -2) :".. -i.;) •-.-Co •-•c.) c.)..i> i.. ...-.;c o No. Name. Location. o -o Characteristic of Light. "d:,:l . .. Tt .e n tr3 •".."' — .[Le d ,_?. c.: a o

334 MIDDLE GROUND In 6 fathoms i'r, mile S. 44 36 30 63 32 30 Oce. white D, gas 9 4 GAS BUOY, of centre of middle i.cety- ground W. of MeNab lene. Island.

GEORGE ISLAND. On W. Side of Island 44 38 30 63 33 25 Rev. red, 10 secs C .... 50 8 in Halifax Harbour.

• 136 DARTMOUTH. ... Tower of Dartmouth 44 40 3 63 34 34 F. red C 140 12 exhibition building.

• 137 PLEASANT SHOAL In 10 fathoms, off E. 44 36 59 63 33 14 . . BELL BrOY, extremity of shoal.

CHEBUCTO READ See No. 324 above.

138 (On S. point of island. 44 34 50 63 27 15 F. white.... ..... C .... 59 13 i I DEVIL ISLAND... -{ • • I ■39 I 175 yards W. 1 S. from F. white.... . . C .... 52 12 l, higher light.

42 (Front light on pier 44 41 4263 4 25 F. red ...... ... D, 6. 19 4 on Shag Ledge.

43 MusQuononotT FIAR- Back light on French F. red D, 6.. 59 4 HOUR. Point, Kent Island, about e mile N. 31' E. from front light.

15 JEDDORE ROCK On summit of rock 44 39 45 63 0 221'. red C .... 86 12 about 22 miles east of Halifax. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 43

SCOTIA—Co niinued.


E d.

c3 he g lis C,olour and a e o b anv peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. « Buildings. es n Whe

Steel, cylindrical buov, 1903 334 painted in red and, black horizontal band s, surmounted by conical slatwork topmark and a lan- tern.

White, square, wooden 35 1876 Bell strikes 7 times a min- visible from all 335 tower, with black dia- reblt ute at equal intervals. points of approach. Dartmouth mond on south side ; 1903 light visible in the line of range. red, iron lantern . Proceeding inwards from the inter- Tower and fog bell on section of the alignment of Mauger west side ot dwelling. beach and McNab Island lights with the alignment of George White, wooden tower 70 1903 Island and Dartmouth lights, keep 336 of exhibition build- George Island and Dartmouth ing, with black dia- lights in one bearing N. 1° E. mond on south side of This leads well clear of the Mid- tower; white, wooden dle Ground and Point Pleasant lantern. shoal.

Black, steel buoy, with 1903 Bell rung by motion of the 337 "Pt. Pleasant " in buoy on the waves. white letters, sur- mounted by a bell.

White, octagonal, wood 53 1877 Pilots are stationed here. The east- 338 ern light, open to southward of western light, clears to southward of Thrurncap Shoal.

White, octagonal, wood 45 I 1852 Lifeboat station at N.W. end of 339 island.

White, square, wood, 20 I 1904 Lights visible from all points of ap- 342 lantern roof red ; proach by water. Mariners should square, concrete pier. enter by channel to eastward of Musquodoboit ledge and Harbour islet, avoiding Bull reef and Har- bour islet shoals by keeping Jed- White, square, wood, 54 1904 dore rock light astern and just seen 343 lantern roof red. over the saddle of Jeddore head, until they reach the alignment of the range lights N. 31° K, which course should be followed until the buoys marking the shoal off Steering beach are passed. Lights maintained only from lit April to 31st December.

'White, square, wood, 50 1881 345 with 2 red horizontal bands ; dwelling at- tached.




I A ô z., 0,.. e ,--›: .... ... ._ c e - No . rame. Location , c - o Characteristic t If _5,..o E , •--_, ,..: -o of Light.*2= .F.• *;>>co)• ..>- -.t,z-z.2e .,, ..:£ 4: e - ...... e a-). .5*p.: 7.). *-: ::::=-:. :?•

(On W. side of en- 44 42 46 63 0 30F. white c . 41 9 346 ! trance to harbour, I betweenWest Head and Marsh Point. JBDDORE HARBOUR I 347 RANGE. Backlight 850feet, N. F. white C... 105 16 1. 8° E. from front.

349 EGG .ISLAND Centre of island 44 39 49 62 51 30 Gp. Rev. white, 3 C .... 80 15 flashes, 15 seconds • apart, then an eclipse of 30 sec- onds, revolution in 1 minute. 50 EGG'IsLAED GAS AND In 37 fathoms S. 5 miles 44 35 20 62 49 5 Oec. white D, gas 30 .... WHISTLING BUOY. from Egg Island lighthouse.

51 SHIP HA,RBOUR In 15 fathoms, i mile 44 41 562 41 34 WHISTLING BUOY. S.E. from Little Rock • Shoal.

352 WOLF POINT N. E. point of Nichol 44 44 54 62 45 4 F. white D, 7.. 87 15 Island, W. side en- trance to Ship Harb'r

53 Pore HARRouR On W. point of Harbour -14 47 40 62 38 50 F. red C.... 45 9 Island.

3 55 SPRY BAY BELL BUOY In 15 fathoms off en- 44 45 40 62 33 20 . . trance.

57 SHEET HARBOUR In 24 fathoms S. by W. 44 44 30 62 28 :37 Oec. red D, gas 30 .... GAS AND WHIST. W., 5,1i miles from LINO BUOY. lighthouse. .

58 SHEET ROCK Entrance to Sheet Har- 44 49 55 62 29 23 Rev. red, 40 sec- C .... 75 10 hour. onds.

60 SHEETHARRouRPAs- In dormer window of 41 51 30 62 26 33 F. red C . 42 5 SAGE. J a rn e s Wambold's house.

61 BEA V ER HARBOUR Off harbour in 30 fath- 44 48 062 17 42 BELL BUOY. OMS. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 45


CO AST—Continued.

"s d.

5: he lis

Colour and tr b e o any peculiarity of ta Fog:Signal: Remarks. No.

' es â n WI le

'White. square, wood.. 33 I 1901 The two lights in one, bearing N. 8° 346 E., lead into entrance of harbour. The red conical buoy at Bar Shoal shows where vessels should leave alignment and shape a course N. White, square, wood.. 23 I 1901 E up the stretch leading to 347 Marsh Point.

Black and white verti- 45 I 1865 Hand horn answers signals Visible around horizon 349 cal stripes on sea- from vessels. ward side, octa.gonal wood.

Red steel cylindrical 1893 Whistle sounded by action From the buoy, Jeddore lighthouse 350 buoy, with " Egg Gas of waves. bears N.W. N., 91 miles. Island " in white let- 1906 The buoy is a leading or fairway buoy ters on the deck, sur- for vessels seeking the entrance to mounted by a pyra- Halifax Harbour. midal steel frame supporting a whistle and a lantern. Black iron buoy, with 1905 Whistle sounded by motion 351 "Ship Harbour " in of the buoy on the waves. white letters on the: side, surmounted byl a 10-inch whistle. White, square, wood, 35 1895 ...... ...... . . 352 with dwelling attach- ed. Iron lantern red.

White, square, wood, 37 1877 353 dwelling attached.

Red iron buoy with 1895 Bell rung by action of the Fairway buoy. From the buov Tay- 355 "Spry Bay" in white waves. lor Hd. bears N. E. / N. distant letters on the deck. 11,6 miles, and Maloney Rock N. W. distant 2 miles.

Red and black vertical 1885 Whistle sounded by action 357 striped steel cylindri- Gas of waves. cal buoy, surmounted 1906 by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a whistle and a lan- tern.

White, square, wood, 41 1879 Light seen from N. W. W. round 358 with dwelling at- through N. to N. E. by E. E. tached. Rock lies nearly in mid channel of harbour entrance, its western end partly awash, distant 350 yards from lighthouse. White, square, wooden 20 1887 Visible from seaward between N. 360 dwelling. and N. by E. E.

Iron buoy, black and 1£00 Bell rung by motion of buoy From the buoy Beaver Island light 361 it white vertical stripes, on waves. bears N.W. by N. N., 21 miles; , surmounted by bell. and William Shoal, N.W., mile.




HI; •



N. tr z e . No. Name. Location. Characteristic I de F t,

de of Light. itu e itu t ng `3 ;-■ 7;4 e• La Lo 7.)

363 BEAVER ISLAND ..... S. E. part of East Beaver 44 49 34 2 20 10 Rev. white, 45 sec- C 70 12 onds. •

364 BEAVER HARBOUR... On E. end of Beaver 44 52 23 2 23 40F. red D, p.. 40 Point.

366 MARY-JOSEPH...... On Thrumcap Islet.. . 144 57 34 2 2 13F. white...... 7.. 40 11

367 LISCOMB FAIRWAY In 28 fathoms off Lis- 44 55 6 61 54 15 Occ. white D, gas 30 GAs AND WHIST- comb Island. LING BUOY.

368 LtscomE On island 44 59 20 61 57 55 Alt. red and white'C 64 13 I 2 minutes.

371 WEDGE ISLAND.. Mouth St. Mary River. 45 03561 52 23 Rev. red,3minutes. Si 12 Shows 1 minute, eclipsed 2 min- utes. BUDGET On extremity of shoal, -15 3 12 161 53 38 F. red D, 7.. 23 6 St. Mary

374 PORT BICKERTON Near western extremity- 45 5 30 61 42 4 F. white D, 6.. 43 7 of Barachois point. .

375 FISHERMAN H A R - Western extremity of 45 6 48 61 40 33 F. red D, 7.. 25 BOUR. Shingle Beach on S. side of harbour.

376 ISAAC ILA RBOUR In 25 fathoms 3Ï miles 45 2 20 61 32 37 GAS AND WHIST- S.W. by S. î S. from LING BUOY. Country Harbour light.

377 ISAAC HARBOUR On W. side of harbour, 45 10 061 39 12 Two F. white, 0 C 80 9 about j mile S. from feet apart verti- Holly l'oint. cally.

379 COUNTRY HARBOUR On Green Island, Guys- 5 6 8 61 32 30 F. white C ....I 51 12 borough County.

380 NEW HARBOUR HEAD In 10 fathoms, mile S. 5 8 36;61 28 7 BELL BUOY. 22' W. from S. ex. tremity of head.




'8 8 -d ...›...... 2 =',.> -61.=' • Colour and a any peculiarity of .E . .5 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. 11.5 `ez e e--

White with red verti- 35 1846 On dwelling 363 cal stripes.

Lantern on mast, with 25 1887 364 white shed at base.

Lantern rising from red 36 1905 Hand horn answers signals Visible from ail points of approach. 366 roof of white, square from vessels. wooden dwelling.

Steel cylindrical buoy, 1899 Liscomb Light bears N. î W. 5 36'; alternate black and Gas miles ; and Wedge Island Light white vertical stripes, 1906 N.E. î N. 51, miles. with "Liscomb" in white, surmounted by a pyiamidal steel 4. frome supporting a whistle and a lantern.

White, square, wood.. 28 1872 36,'E •

White, square, wood, 44 1879 Hand horn answers signals 371 with dwelling a t - from vessels. tached.

White, square, wood, 23 1905 Visible from all points of_approa.ch 37f, on cribwork pier with by water. cutwater on upstream end. White, square, wood.. 23 1901 Visible from all points of approach 37- ' by water.

White, square, wood.. 27 1905 Visible from all points of approach 37 by water.

Red steel cylindrical 1891 Whistle sounds by action of From the buoy Country Harbour 37 buoy, with "Isaac Gas waves. (or Green Island) light in line Harbour " in white, 1906 with Tom-cod Rock,bears N.E. by surmounted by a py- N. i N., 3j miles ; W. tangent of ramidal steel frame Barachois Head in line with Mid- supporting a whistle die Ledge or South-easter, bears and a lantern. N. W. î N., 7:; miles. A N. by W. course will -lead from buoy to Ragged Point, 9 miles. White, square, wood, 20 1874 Hand horn answers signals 37 with dwelling at- from vessels. tached.

White with two red 28 1873 Coast lieht and to guide vessels fre- 37' horizontal b a n d s, quentmg Country and Fisher- square, wood, dwel- man Harbours. ling attaced. Red, iron buoy, with 1903 Bell rung by motion of the 38 'New Har. Rd." in buoy on the waves. white letters on the deck, surmounted by a bell. 48 LIGFITS AND FOG-SIGNALS



77- N No. Name. Location. Characteristic e2 •" e de. of Light. itu t 2, 'e

La a

381 TORBAY lOn eastern point of 45 11 37 61 18 35 F. red and white.. c 51 10 ' Berry Head, W. side of entrance to Bay, GuysboroughCounty.

383 (Front light on ex- 45 14 48 61 19 54 F. white 28 tremity of point on 1 W. side of harbour. 334 CHARLO HARBOUR... Back light 742 feet F. white 51 3 N.W. i- W. from front light. 1l

385 I North side of entrance 45 15 45 61 17 0 F. red .. D 7.. 40 8 to harbour, 65 feet COLE HARBOUR.... 1f 1 from water's edge. 386 650 feet N. 33° E. from F. red.. •107 10 j front light.

388 PORT FELIX...... S.E. end of Hog Island 45 13 54 61 13 0 F. white D, i.. 42 8

389 FLYING POINT'Off western side of one-I45 12 52 61 12 36: SHOALS BELL BUOY. fathom patch on nor- thern contour of sh oals.

390 ITHREE TOP ISLAND.. S.E. point of island, en- 45 12 40 61 9 40 F. white 48 11 trance toWhitehaven.

391 SOUTHWEST BUL L In 10 fathoms 1 cable 45 11 22 61 8 18 BELL Buov. S.E. from Southwest Bull rock.

392 WHITEHEAD ISLAND. S.W. extremitv of is- 45 12 061 8 15 Rev. Nvhite, 20 sec- C 55 11 land, Guysborough onds, 10 seconds County. flash, 10 seconds eclipse. 293 WHITEHEAD GAS AND In 30 fathoms, 2-.4 miles 45 9 35 61 7 18 Dec. white . . .. D, gas 30 WHISTLING BUOY. S. by W. from White- head island light- house.

394 WHITE POINT In 26 fathoms, mile 45 13 52 60 58 0 LEDGES WHISTLING S. from White- Rock Bnov. shoal, IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 49




E he

Colour and blis

any peculiarity of e e o ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. +2 -2 o es â n .z4-o Whe

White, with vertical 36 1876 Shows red to seaward,white to north- 381 red stripes, wood. ward into bay and towards Top of lantern black. Molasses Harbour.

White, square, wood.. 23 1901 Lights visible in and over small arc 383 on each side of lins of range. In entering keep Cole harbour red range lights in one till alignment . is intersected by that of Charlo' White, square, wood.. 23 1901 harbour range lights ; from that', 384 point the Charlo harbour range lights in one will lead in clear of Forsters Island. reefs off

.White, square, wood 33 1898 After passing Berry Head. thel 385 lights in one lead into Cole Har- bour to the westward and clear of, White, square, wood.. 33 1898 • Topsham ledge and Seal Rocks. ! 386

Lantern rising fmm 37 1902 Visible from all points of approach 388 roof of white, square, by water. wooden dwelling. Light is to be run for bearing N. 22Y E. to clear outlying shoals. From the light a more easterl y course leads into harbour. Red iron buoy, with 1906 Bell rung by- motion of buoy Vessels bound for Port Felix leave 389 . "Flying Pt." in white on the waves. this buoy on the starboard hand letters on the deck, when passing. surmounted by a bell.

White, sqiiare, wood, 32 1879 To guide vessels into Whitehaven. 390 with dwelling a t - To point out dangers on N. side tached. of W. passage ; light is obstructed when bearing to eastward of N.E. by E., visible f rom all other points, except when intercepted by high land of Whitehead Island. Black iron buoy, sur- 1905 Bell rung by motion of buoy 391 mounted by a bell. on the waves.

White with two red 35 1854 'land horn answers signals Life-boat station on Deming Point, 392 vertical stripes. pyra- from vessels. western entrance to Whitehead. midal, wood, octa- gonal lanern. Steel cylindrical buoy, 1901 Whistle sounded by action 'ro act as a fairway buoy for vessels 393 painted in alternate Gas of the waves. proceeding along the coast, or white and black ver- 1906 seeking an entrance to White- tical stripes, with haven. The course in to White- "Whitehead" in black haven will be N. e E. from the and white letters on buoy ; this will lead 24 cables to the side, surmounted eastward of S.W. Bull rock. by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a whistle and a lantern. Black iron buoy, with 1906 Whistle sounded by action 394 "White Pt." in white of the waves. letters on the side, sur- mounted by a whistle. 4 ' 50 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



4 c.> t> .

< 0 ••`-' N. 0 •

tdD 5, No. Name. Location. Characteristic Q tz,

de of Light. 'en itu lereg 23 8 t 3

La r4

395 ( WEST END.' 1* miles eastwardly 43 56 38 60 6 39 Gp. Rey. white, 3 118 16 from extremity of west flashes at inter I dry spit. minute-vais of C followed by eclipse of 1 min- utes. 397 I EAST END miles southwestward- 43 58 22 59 44 2 F. white D. 2.. 128 17 C ly of extremity of ,7n I northeast dry spit.

399 CAPE BREAKER BELL In 14 fathoms, 4 cables 45 18 2060 54 0 BUOY. E.S.E from middle of shoal.

400 CRANBERRY ISLAND.. North part of island, 45 19 45 60 55 25 .( Main light, F. D. 3.. 15 off Cape Canso. white.

Lower 1 light F. D. 7.. 54 12 white, 35 feet below main.

401 GRIME SHO.AL GAS In 20 fathoms, 1 miles, 45 21 13160 50 45 Occ. white D, gas 30 A N D WHISTLI.NG of shoal. E.S.E. BUOY.

02 S. of Lanigan beach, 45 20 4 60 58 30 F. red 46 near S. entrance to harbour.

CANSO RANGE..... 403 iBaclz light 1256 feet N. F. red D, 7.. 108 10 I 70' W. from front I light.

404 CANSO HARBOUR.... On Hart or Cutler Is- 45 20 47 60 59 5 F. red 42 12 land.

405 F.ALSE PASSAGE N. entrance to Canso 45 20 48 60 59 26 F. green D, p.. 25 4 LEDGE. harbour, mile N. 73' W. from Hart I. lighthouse.




• •o.. •-•P. 7e;g -..>, > .. Colour and a to -0 any peculiarity of F.I.E1 2, ,r.1 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. -o e Buildings. ..-',:— 0 ' to 5 â gl ' .)

White,octagonal,wood, 98 1873 r A dangerous submerged bar extends 395 surmounted by an rnov'd 17 miles northwestwardly and iron lantern with red 1888 westwardly beyond the veest light, roof, white. wooden and another at least 14 miles east- dwelling near by. wardly beyond the east light. There are six relief stations on the Sides of octagonal 86 1873 Island connected by telephone 397 wooden tower alter- e and patrols, and three life saving nately white and stations. brown, metal lantern. Wireless telegraph station near main • station.

Black iron buoy, .with 1894 To act as a fairway buoy for ves- 399 "C. Breaker" in sels making Canso Harbour from white letters on the southward. deck. Surmounted From the buoy a N. W. by N. :., N. by a bell. course will lead up to, and about a cable to eastward of, Man of War Rock, distant 2i miles.

Red and white hori- 78 1815 Diaphone, operated by com- Upper light visible all round, lower 400 zontal bands, octa- relilt pressed air, sounds a blast one does not show to vessels pass- gonal, rising above 1883 of 7 secs, in each minute. ing between it and coast. the roof of a white Fog Fog alarm building on summit pf dwelling, with red alarm souther part of island. Horn, roof, attached. 1864 elevated 29 feet above high water White square wooden mark, points S. 22i° E. fog-alarm building with red roof. Black steel cylindrical . . 1880 Whistle sounded by action 401 buoy, surmounted by Ga.s of the waves. a pyramidal s t e e 1 1906 frame supp eting a whistle and a lan- tern.

White, square, wood.. 32 1905 ( Front light visible in line of range ; 402 I back. light visible from all points I of approach by water. 1 Lights in one bearing N. 70' W. 1 lead into S. entrance of Canso - Harbour, between Frying Pan and Budget Rock, and S. of the shoals j off Petit Pas Head and Grassy • Island. White, square, wood.. 44 1905 l The light on Hart or Cutler Island 403 1 and the ba,ck range light in one bearing S. 5,1,- W. lead in up t,o Hart Island light, between Net 1 Rocks and Whitman Rodk on the I starboard hand and Bald Rock l on the port hand.

White, square, wood, 28 1872 Hand horn answers signals .. . 401 dwelling attached , from vessels.

Lantern on a pole on 1902 Visible from all points of approach 40t square, concrete pier. by water. Light maintained only during November, December and Janu- • ary. 52 LIGHTS AND FOG-S1GNALS



't :0 U-o CJ 0 N. No. Name. Location. • Characteristic e •:"-1 de of Light. • .7 ît-,5

itu to

t z :22,g 0 e. e La a

406 CANSO HARBOUR Off N. entrance in 13 45 21 36 60 59 23 FAIRWAY BELL fathoms. mile N. Buor. 13' E. from Hart Is- land light. 408 1QUEENSPORT On Rook- Island, Cheda. 45 21 561 16 0 F. white D. 7.. 50 12 bucto Bay.

409 GUYSBOROUGH HAR-I W. side of entrance, 45 22 46 61 29 4 F. white D, 5.. 38 11 BOUR. near Peart Point, Chedabucto Bay.

CERBERUS ROCK. See below No. 425.

411 EDDY POINT. Or Sand Point, S. en- 45 31 30 61 14 40F. white D. 5.. 55 12 trance of Gut of Canso.


413 BEAR ISLAND... On middle of island ... 45 33 1 61 17 15 F. red D, 6.. 42 8

E, E,

r rt. 414 ; 1 POINT UPPER.. Ship Harbour, or Port 45 36 30 61 22 o r. red. C.... 51 8 Hawkesbury.

416 IMeMILLAN On southwetstern ex- 45 38 57131 24 33F. white D, 7.. 44 12 V t. POINT. tremity of point.




, 0 c; 0 ..-8"-1 › —_ Colour and up -o any peculiarity of.5 .9. ,..o s-e Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. --z, m Buildings. -:-....— o a . i• .0 a. à' e .E; a 52.

Iron buoy, alternate 1900 Bell rung by motion of buoy To guide vessels into harbour 406 black and white ver- on waves. through N. entrance. tical stripes, sur- mounted by bell.

White, square, wood, 40 1882 Hand horn answers sig,nals Harbour light.. 408 dwelling attached. frorn vessels.

Lantern rising from red 35 1846 Hand horn answers signals Visible from all points of approach 400 roof of white square reblt from vessels, by water. wooden dwelling. 1905

White, with black dia. 44 1851 Hand horn answers signals 411 moud on seaward chan- from vessels. face. Square, wood, ged iron lantern painted 1895 red. Dwelling at- tached.

Lantern rising froni red 35 1906 Visible from all points of approach 413 roof of white square by water. wcx den dwelling.

White square, wood, 34 1870 414 with' dwelling at- tached.

White, square, wood ..I 32 1905 Visible from all points of approach 416 by water. 54 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



=1 04 .7-up

W. 0 e e •

No. Name. Loctaion. de Characteristic of Light. t) itu `c71) 1

ng .e e

Lo c.)

418 r CRICHTON HEADiOn the N. extremity... 45 30 40 61 6 0 Rev. white, 40 sec- 291€ onds. NORTH CANSO.. See below, No. 555.

419 Front light on inner'45 31 24,61 5 17 F. red 29 7 end of beach on N. side of harbour. 420 WESTARICHAT Back light on shore of F. white...... 0 .... 37 8 mainland, 1,800 feet N. 86° E. from front light. 421 ..TEasErmas I s - On Beach Point, An- 45 30 2061 3 10 F. red D, 7.. 39 11 P • LAND. chat Harbour.

424 ARICHAT ..... Marache Point, S. en- 45 29 0 61 150 F. white 31 8 WL trance ta Arichat Harbour. 425 CERBERUS ROCK In 22 fathoms, mile 45 27 46:61 6 6 Occ. red D, gas Re( GAS AND r southward from mid- bu \Viii SyLiG dle of rock. in Buor. de fr wi 427 PETITDEG RAT In 7 fathoms, in Petit- 45 29 12 60 58 8 Iroi BELL BUOY. degrat Inlet, A-mile S. 84° W. from Big Arrow Rock.

428 PETITDEG RAT ... On Mouse Island, Petit- 45 29 54 60 57 24 F. red D, 7.. 38 7 WI degrat Inlet. 429 GREEN ISLAND.. Summit of island ... . 45 28 50 60 53 40 Alt. red and white, 70 14 WI 1. 45 seconds.

429 BEAK POINT In 8 fathoms, off eastern 45 33 18 60 50 43 Bla SHOAL WHIST- side of shoal. LING BUOY.

430 CAPE LA RONDE. W. side of entrance to'45 34 45 GO 53 0 Fi. white...... D, 5.. 92 15 WI St. Peter Bay. Flash sec. d Eclipse 64, sec.

Tn every 7i- sec. 432 GRANDE DIGUE.. On beach, near wharf, 45 35 51 61 1 5 F. red ...... D. p.. 30 5 Lar Lennox Passage.

433 oEAL OR DOG 'S- Lennox Passage 45 35 31 61 4 0 F. red .. D. p.. 34 5 La: I/ ce. LAND. C 434 GLASGOW POINT. Lennox Passage 45 34 0 61 7 50 F. red D, 7 8 WI

La 435 POULAMON On Hawk Islet, at en- 45 35 48 60 59 29Y. white D, 7.. 34 7 trance to Poulamon Bay.

436 OurrifflIsLAND On S. point 15 36 40 60 57 15 F. red D, 7.. 78 9




73 E • -d .., On F-..' ...., > -- Colour and to -c • any peculiarity of .5.e 2 ;:.; Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. "ec à E .0 .-i •••› i • White, square, wood.. 20 1874 For guiding vessels into Little or 418 West Arichat.

, 'White, square, wood.. 27 1904 ( Lights visible in the line of range.. 419

1 White, square, wood.. 33 1904 -{ Lights in one bearing N. 86' E. lead 420 I in through channel between shoals I on N. and S. sides of entrance. (.. White, square, wood, 28 1872 Hand horn answers signals There is a range beacon on the S. E. 421 with dwelling at- from vessels. point of Jerseyman Island that tached. marks Hautfond Shoal, off en- trance to harbour. White, square, wood.. 25 1851 Hand horn answers signals 4.24 from vessels.

Red steel cylindrical 1907 The whistle is sounded by 425 buoy, with "Cerberus" the motion of the buoy on in white letters on the the waves. . deck, surmounted by . a pyramidal s t e e 1 frame supporting a whistle and a lantern. 0 Iron buoy, black and 1905 Bell rung by motion of From the buoy a N. 57 E. course 427 white vertical stripes, buoy on the waves, leads well to westward of Big surmounted by a bell. Arrow Rock and the light on Mouse Island, to the anchorage in Petitdegiat Harbour. White, square, wood, 31 1877 Visible from all points of approach 428 dwelling attached. by water. White, square, wood, 31 1865 Visible around horizon 429 light in centre of keeper's dwelling. Black iron buoy, with 1905 Whistle is sounded by the 429 " Beak Pt. Shoal "in motion of the buoy on the white letters on the waves. side, suimounted by a 10-inch whistle. White, square, wood, 28 1874 Visible from all points of approach 430 dwelling attached, by water. • To guide vessels into St. Peter Bay l

Lantern on mast, with 25 1884 432 white shed at base.

Lantern on mast, with 25 1884 3Iarking the principal turning 433 white shed at base. points in Lennox Passage. 434 White, square, wood, 32 1884 with dwelling attach- Tower cd. Iron lantern red. 1896 ) Lantern rising f r o in 30 1901 Hand horn answers signals Visible from all points of approach 435 roof of white, square. from vessels. . . .._ by water. wooden dwelling. To guide into Poulamon Bay, and through Lennox Passage.

White, square, wood, 28 1874 Hand horn answers signals To guide through Lennox Passage.. 431 nee,..-.1-----1




à à o :

z, +>)



No. Name. Location. e de Characteristic e

de of Light. ro

itu o itu t ng 771-éd e > Q La Lo e

437 BOURGEOIS INLET On extremity of point 45 37 41 60 56 35 F. white 1D, 7.. 25 10 WI on E. side of entrance to inlet.

439 JEROME POINT.. St. Peter Bay, near 45 39 5 60 52 0F. ref] C 56 10 WI entrance to canal. d

EDDY POINT ;See above, No. 411.

443 ,ST. ESPRIT ISLAND. JE. end of Island 45 36 30 60 29 10'Rev.white, 30 secs 78 14

445 FOURCHÉ BELL BUOY In 121 fms. off Fourché 45 43 15 60 13 10 Rec mile S. from extremity of Fourché Head.

447 GUION ISLAND About 230 yards from 45 46 10,60 6 30 Rev. red, 30 secs 74 12 WI W. end of Island.

448 GUION ISLAND GAS In 25 fathoms, 11 miles 45 46 36i60 2 13i Occ. white D, gas; 30 Bla AND WHISTLING S.E. from Billhook. BUOY. o

449 GABARUS On Harbour Point, S. 45 50 40 60 8 30 F. red iD, 7.. 47 8 WI shore of bay.

451 LOUISBURG GAS In 36 fms., 3 mile lS.E. 45 52 43 59 53 44 Occ. white D, gas 30 Re AND WHISTLING by S. 1 S. from Louis- Buor. burg light.

Bii 452 LOUISBURG BELL In 13 fathoms 11 cables 45 54 13 59 56 30 .... BUOY. E. from centre of FIar- bour Shoal. • •

453 LOUISBURG.. side of entrance to 45 54 35 59 57 15 F. white...... 85 16 \V harbour, 120 yards in- ti shore of point. si Ii IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA 57




cl he lis

Colour and b .5 o any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. -2— 0 es n -40 Whe

White, square, wood.. 27 1903 Visible from all points of approach 437 by water.

White, square, wood, 40 1883 Hand horn answers signals To lead vessels up the bay to canal. 439 dwelling attached. from vessels.

White with two red 55 1880 Bad Neighbour Shoal, S. W. W. VI 443 bands, square, wood, miles from this light. with dwelling at- tached.

Red iron buoy sur- 1881 For benefit of fishermen 44$ mounted by bell.

White with two red 54 1877 447 vertical of ripe s, square, wood, dwell- ing attached. Black steel cylindrical 1904 Whistle sounded by action From the buoy, Guion Island light 44S "Guion buoy, with Gas of waves. bears N. 73' W. 3 miles ; and Cape Id.", in white letters 1906 Gabarus N. 1 0 W. 3 miles. on side, surmounted by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a whistle and a lantern. White, hexagonal, 32 1890 Visible from all points of approach. 443 wood, iron lantern red. Red steel cylindrical 1881 Whistle sounded by action Vessels entering Louisburg can 451 buoy, surmounted by Gas of waves. make the whistling buoy and then a pyramidal steel 1906 steer N. W. by N. N. for frame supporting a the light on lighthouse point. whistle and a lantern. This will bring them to the bell buoy, which they should round leaving it on the port hand. Black iron buoy with " Louisburg" in white 1895 Bell rung by action of the Fairway buoy. Light bears N.W. 452 letters on deck. waves. by N. N. Teu mile. Leaving buoy 4; cable on port hand a N.W. by W. Course leads in one cable south of Nag Rock.

White,with a black ver- 35 1842 First order siren, operated The siren, established in 1902, is 453 tical stripe on each by compressed air. The situated on edge of cliff, 400 feet side of wooden dwell- siren will give blasts of S. 60' E. from lighthouse. ng, i ron lantern on roof low and high notes alter- nately, thus : Low note secs.; silent 2 secs.; high note 2i secs.; silent interval 112S secs. 58 • LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



5% •••,-,:z.• •-• > N

ac'e z • No. Name. Location. Characteristic e de. of Light.

itu § .°1 t o ,e4 e e

La a

454 Front range on W. side 45 54 15!59 59 6F. red...... D. 7.. 26 7 of harbour. LOUISBURG 455 Back range 1,330 feet F. red C 54 7 RANGE. N. 670 W. from front light. I • 456 On outer end of the 45 55 12,59 57 53 F. red, electric.... 43 • 5 more easterly of the t wo long coal wharves.

COAL 457 WHARVES Back light 2,060 ft., N. F. red, electric.... 85 5 RANGE. 33' 45' E. from front light.

459 LITTLE LORRAINE.... Extremity of W. head- 45 57 15 59 51 20F. white D, 6.. 76 9 land at entrance t,o harbour.

461 BAR REEF WHIST- In 12 fathorns, -eu mile 45 59 17 59 46 54 LING BUOY. S. 67° E. from Helen rock at the eastern extremity of reef.

462 MAINAIJIEU...... On S. side of W. point 46 0 3059 47 30 F. red ..... 90 10 of Scattarie Island.

464 SCATTAIIIE ...... N.E. point of Trap 46 2 15 59 40 15 Rev, white l min- C ....i 90 15 Rock. utes ; visible a minute, eclipse half a minute.

466 COW REEF RELLBUOY In 8 fathoms, 1- mile S. 46 9 48 59 48 50 22r E. from'reef.

467 1 FLINT HEAD lOn Island « 16 11 0 59 45 55 Rev. white, 15 secs. 65 12

468 469 l• GLACE BAT...... Range lights to be es- 1 tablished.

470 LINGAN HEAD N. side of entrance to 46 14 10 60 2 10 F. red 50 10 Bridgeport Harbour.

471 Low POINT Flat point, E. side of 46 16 1260 7 22 F. white...... 70 14 entrance to Sydney Harbour. •




, O c; 9...... ›. — Colour and , ea ..n any peculiarity of r.-....= 2 ..1 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. -c ..)

.--- = .....

Waite, square, wood.. 28 1897 1 454 I I The two lights in one lead into the White, square, wood.. 28 1897 S.W. arm clear of all dangers. 455 1 Lantern on a white .... . 1900 ( Visible from all points of approach 456 pole, by water. In northeim portion of Louisburg Harbour. Maintained by Dominion Coal Company. The I two lights in one, Êearing N. E. I by N., lead to wharves from -{ intersection w i t h Government Lantern on a white 1900 Range. Deep-draught vessels 457 pole, entering should keep on alignment of Louisburg Range, W. N. W., till they have brought coal wharves range in one. Back light visible l. in line of range. M'hite,octagonal, wood; 32 1900 Visible from all points of approach 459 red octagonal iron by water. lantern. - Maintained only from 1st May to 1st December. Black iron buoy, with 1906 Whistle sounded by motion 461 'Bar Reef " in white of buoy on the waves. letters on the deck-, surmounted by a whistle. White, square, wood, 40 1871 Hand horn ansm ers signals 462 dwelling attached , from vessels.

White,octagonal,wood, 70 1839 Diaphone, operated by coin- The light should never be brought 464 roof of iron lantern pressed air, gives 2 blasts to bear to eastward of N.N.E., or red. White wooden of 3 seconds' duration each to southward of S.S. W., nor al,- dwelling with brown every minute, thus : blast preached nearer than 1?-, miles. roof, W. of t,ower. 3 secs.; silent 10 secs.; blast Lifeboat station. 3 secs.; silent interval 41 secs. Red iron bouy, with 1906 Bell rung by motion of 466 " Cow Reef " in white buoy on the waves, letters on the deck, surmounted by a bell.

White, octagonal, wood 43 1856 Visible around horizon 467 dwelling near by-.

I- 468 • 1 469

White, square, wood.. 20 1874 470

Vertical red and white 51 1832 Steam whistle, 60 ft. above Marine telegraph and signal station 471 stripes, octagonal, Whis- the water, sounds blasts Fog alarm building stands to the wood. Fog alarm tle of 10 seconds' duration westward of lighthouse. building, white, rect- 1903 every minute. angular, wood, with a red roof.




..... Le `c- t `_• Cf ".•z.". ei • ....0 rJ :'...- •••-•-• >> „ No. Name. Location. a - c Characteristic e_z r. -c of Light. e > -E -,. .A.,.,.. .C.ic" rf ) :S■ >n, a 4

472 SYDNEY BAR On W. end of S.E. bar. 46 12 26 60 12 39F. red , 0. 30 10

473 SYDNEY NORTH BAR EleCtriC light to be established.

174 ( Front 'light on point, 46 11 360 14 51 F. white ...... ... C .... 59 13 11,7 I S. side of W. Arm of . I Sydney_Harbour, one SYDNEY RANGE ... mile \V. of Edward i Point.

175 1 Back light i mile S. 59' F. white C 120 I 17 WI I. W. from front light.

177 POINT AGONI WHIST- In 15 fathoms, about 46 21 43 60 15 291 BIÉ LING BUOY. lï miles N.73° E. from extremity of point.

' a 78 POINT ACONI... ... On high cape, N. side 46 19 30 60 17 10 F. red C 91 11 WI of entrance to Little Bras d'Or.

180 BIACKROCK POINT.. 5. sicle of entrance to 46 18 30 60 23 20 F. white C .. 45 12 W: Big Bras d'Or. For next coast lights ee No. 520.

82 ( ( Front light on Noir 46 17 3260 24 37 F. white.... ..... D, 7.. 11 11 W I Point.

4 83 0 1 Back0 light 1,689 ft. S. F. white ..... .... C .... 63 13 W -n GREAT B RAS j 55 15' W. from front D'OR RANGE I light. .0

.,•'. I .54 cl l 84 .. MCNEIL BEACH. On N. side of Boular- 16 13 55160 29 15F. red D, p.. 33 I 8 LÉ derie Island.

4 86 McKEsztEPoisT N. side of Great Bras 46 7 15 60 39 0 F. white C 95 I 15 11• d'Or, about 2 miles 1. S.W. of Port Bevis.

(KinsTos IsLAxr) On N.E. point, at en- 46 5 58 60 44 20 F. red C. 31 7 z trance to Baddeck z -1 Harbour. = 4!)3 .,'. LITTLENARROWS At eastern entrance... 46 0 0 60 58 25F. white C . 40 10 1\ = c. 4 4 ‹ WHYCOCOMAGH.. On Fraser Point, N. 45 57 57 61 4 30,F. red D, p.. 31 0.4 side of Channel. E-: 1 IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA.. 61


ISLAND—Continued. •

"G E . d

g he lis

Colour and b

any peculiarity of e o ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. -ze s e al""i n PZI Whe

White. square, wood, 20 1872 Roman Catholic Church near N.W. 472 dwelling attached. Bar, bears N. W. î N. 1-1.)1 miles, and that near Gillivray Point E. N.E. easterly. 473

White,octagonal, wood; 53 1905 474 red, 'polygonal iron Lights visible in, and over a small lantern. arc on each side of the line of range. Lights in one, bearing S. 59' W., lead in clear between the N.W., White, square, wood.. 38 I 1905 ----- • • • • • • • • • • • - • • and S.E. bars. 475

Black, iron, conical 1902 Whistle sounded by action 477 huoy, with "Point of the waves. white let- Aconi " in ters, surmounted by a 10-inch whistle.

White, square, wood, 20 1874 IFor guiding vessels into Little Bras 478 with dwelling at- d'Or. tached.

White cross on red 23 1808 480 ground, square, wood

White, square, wood.. 311 1903 Front light visible from all points 482 of approach by vi ater. Back light visible in the line of range. White, square, wood.. 4G I 1903 Lights in one bearing S. 550 15' W. 483 lead into Great Bras d'Or, and should be kept in one to within 4 cables of front light, whence course through narrows is S. 75° W. with Blackrock point and Table head in one astern. Lantern on mast, with 2.5 1884 484 white shed at base.

White, square, wood, 30 I 1874 ..... • • • • • • • .... • • • • .... 480 dwelling near by.

White, square, wood... 33 11875 490

White, square, wood.. 35 1881 493

- Lantern on mast, with ■ 1884 49 white shed at base. ▪ 62 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS




e. +.>2.

W. 0 0 .. No. Name. Location. Characteristic de •"n ›d.; of Light. e

itu °3 `c..1 u r; •E• › Long

- 496 Gums Poprr On W. side of entrance 46 1 32 60 46 18 F. white D, 7. 74 14 to Boulaceet Harbour on northern side of Little Bras d'Or Lake

497 (IONA...... On Uniacke Point, N. 45 57 5460 48 2 F. white D, 6.. 29 10 side of Grand Nar- • rows. 498:11. GRANDNARROWS On centre of swing of 45 57 42 60 47 33 F. red, green and D, p. BRIDGE. bridge joining the ex- white. C ; tremities of lJniacke R I and Kelly Points.

499 PIPER COVE. .. On western bend of 45 '56 30 60 47 46 F. red D, 7.. - 77 11 Derby Point, Grand [ Narrows.

501 CAMP13ELL I S - n eastern side of is- 45 5-1 46 60 55 54 F. white.... D. p.. 30 10 LAND. land, W. side of en- ,w trance to McKinnon Harbour. 1-4 505 C ( Front light on N. side 45 49 35161 1 47 F. red • 46 8 I of Cove, N. side of ! West Bay. / . . 506 CLARKE COVE Back light on side of F. red • 244 11 I Marble Mountain I 800 feet N. 42° W. I. from front light.

508 RED ISLANDS . . . On McKenzie Point ... 45 47 32,60 44 40F. red D, 7.. 47 8

510 CAPE GEORGE.. S. side of lake, W. side 45 44 28 60 48 20F. white C.. .. 5010 of entrance to St. Peter Inlet.

513 , FREESTONE ISLET On Gregory Island.... 45 42 5060 47 50 F. red D, 7.. 30 7


514 BEAVER ISLAND. On S.E. point of island 45 40 40 60 49 47 F. red D, p.. 30 5

516 I GOOSEBERRY IS- V. from Sandys Point. 45 40 7 60 51 1 F. red D, p.. 31 5 I LAND OR MAR. I. JORIES ISLE.

JEROME: POINT . . . . . See No. 439 above for 1 ghts south of canal.

520 BIRD ISLAND. Ciboux Island, -& mile 46 23 10 60 22 30 Rev. red, 1 minute 77 14 from N. end. - LS IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 63

VA SCOTIA—Continued.


'0' d. .0 c; he

> lis Colour and to b

>c7; any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. es â n — q

-- Whe

14 White, square, wood, 38 1895 To guide vessels into Boulaceet 496 dwelling attached,1 Harbour. iron lantern red.

10 White, square, wood ; 20 1874 Visible from all points of approach 497 red, metal lantern. relit by water. 1901

Lanterns over centre of 1889 Lights show ted up and down chan- 498 superstructure. White nel when swing is closed, green light immediately over when open. White light always coloured ones. shows. Maintained by railway. 11 White, square, wood.. 38 1884 499

10 Lanternon a mast with 24 1889 Visible from all points of approach. 501 white shed at base, and cabin 30 feet dis- tant.

8 White, square, wood.. 32 1890 505 tower Lights visible in the line of range. 1903 Lights in one, bearing N. 42 W., lead in between Paddle and 11 White, square, wood.. 20 1903 Nameless shoals, and between the 506 shoals off George and Cameron J islands. 8 White, square, wood. 37 1895 508 Iron lantern red.

10 White, 'square, wood, 20 1875 Hand horn answers sigmals To guide vessels through St. Peter 510 with dwelling at- from vessels. Inlet. tached.

White, square, wood.. 33 1884 513 ch'ged 1898

5 Lantern on mast, with 25 1884 514 white shed at base.

5 Lantern on ma.st, with 25 1884 516 white shed at base.

520 [4 White,octagonal,wood, 33 1863 dwelling near by.




I eI 1. 174

N. No. Name. Location. Characterist ic QC de of Light. g g),4 itu t e La

521 1 Sr.ANS HARBOUR. On S. point of beach . 46 17 45 60 32 25 F. white C.. 41 8

/ 522 MUNRO POINT On southeast extremity 46 15 22 60 35 22 Fred... D, 7.. 67 9 of point, St. Ann harbour.

524 iNGONISH HARBOUR On beach S. side of en- 46 38 10 GO 23 13 F. red ..... . D, 7.. .45 8 trance to harbour.

526 INGONISH ISLAND On island 46 41 20 60 20 10 F. white 237 20

527 NEIL HARBOUR On outer edge of head 46 48 44 60 19 12 F. red 1.), 7.. 73 8 on E. sideof entrance.

530 CAPE NORTH mile S.E. from Money 47 1 45 60 23 15 Alt red and white 15 Point. 45 seconds.

531 CAPE ST. LAWRENCE. On the Cape...... 47 2 5560 35 10 Two F. white, 42 1), 3.. 137 17 feet apart ver- tically.

For St. Paul Island See No. 1024. D, 7.. 95 15

. 534 Extremity of point, en- 46 39 2060 59 50 F. white D, 6.. 52 8 trance to Eastern har- 'CAVEAU POINT.... bour, Cheticatnp. 535 Back range, 740 feet S. F. white... 97 8 50 E. from front light.

536 I Front range, in Eastern 46 38 1561 025 F. red C. 45 8 Harbour, 60 feet back from water. CHETICA3iP HARBOUR. 537 Back range, 990 feet S. 1'. white.. 62 13 I by W. W.from front light. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 65

SCOTIA—Continued. A ISLAND—Continued. d

c; he

to'>. lis

Colour and b ta any peculiarity of .S) Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. -cs es z n .sa Whe weather. I White, square, wood 38 1871 To mark entrance to harbour 521 3 reb'l 1881

White, square, wood.. 32 1906 Visible from all points of approach 522 by water.

White, square, wood.. 38 1887 To mark entrance to harbour 52-1

White, square, wood, 40 I 1871 526 rising fmm roof of dwelling.

'White, square, wood, 34 1899 Visible from all points of approach 527 red octagonal iron by water. lantern.

White, square, wood, 26 1876 Coast light 530 square tower, sur- mounted by iron lan- tern rising from roof of dwelling.

White, with iron lan- 56 1889 Upper light in lantern visible over 531 tern red, square, an arc of 1914-v between W. N. wood, with dwelling through S. to E. N. attached. Lower light in bay- window on lower floor visible over 185r between W. N. through S. to E. N.

White, square, wood .. 27 1897 53-1. Should be kept in one till the , Eastern harbour lights are White, square, wood .. 27 1897 I brought into line. 535

White, square, wood. 30 1890 531; Lantern red. chan- These two lights, in range, lead ged in S. by W. W. through the 1894 dredged channel, which is - marked by spar buoys on both White, square, wood . 38 1890 sides, to anchorage in Eastern 537 Lantern red. chan- Harbour. ged 1894 5 551 550 548 547 544 543 542 540 538 No. 66 PORT MABou .. HENRY ISLAND MARGAREE MA RGAREE 31 ;11ETICAMP RANI) ETANG..• sou HOOD HARBOUR. Name.

1 1 I ( 1 I dredgedchannel.

On S.E. On outer On shoreatMcFayden's Summit On Near outer Back Near Hood. entrance to harbour Sea WolfIsland. by of AlargareeRiver. from wharf about3,000 water, on side ofchannel. vvater summit west sideofmouth side W. S. endof range 215 Location. front from front. of or middleof end on end of . S.W. sideof of entrance to light. of island at southern Port Island.. feet break- 46 break- feet S. 46 0 46 2130:611530 45 5847,613344Gp. 46 362061310 46 2625,61 46 3325 ' .. "C sa a 5 30612810F. 0613125F. 1 , I I 61 640 225

Longitude W. LIGHTS F.red.. 13 F. white Rev. white,45 F. F. rPd F. of 40seconds.' tion 1 followed byeclipse, Complete tevolu-' vals flashes withinter- redandwhite.. onds. Characteristic white red red Rev. white.... of Light. of 10 minute.. AND •

seconds sec- C FOG-SIGNALS

CAPE t-7. D, 1)-• C. . C D, 7.. z • p.. e 1 "a BRETON =.8 g NO VA 149 240 298 10.5 10 Tc e 25 24 33 •10 75 e I 21 e e ci .22 18 10 9 6 A. =L- ,'-' I weather. White, White, square, White, Mast, with White, ISLAND—Continued. Octagonal, wood,with White, Mast, with White, SCOTIA—Continued. IN at dwelling attached. tached. at tached. red iron any peculiarity lantern. red, polygonal nately faces tower, surmountedby feet S. wooden dwelling with dwellingat- with dwellingat- base. base. C,olour TFIT Buildings. square, wood.. square, wood square, wood, painted alter- square, wood, 5J, white and wood, of

lantern, lighthouse.1 white white shed White and DOMINION wood square' of shed with red ;I iron' 165 .. .. ,1 734,0 1. .14,2 ▪ • 0 . 5 33 33 1900 22l900 23 36 53 '1902 20 20 40 1854 g â ' 3

I I I I r'built 1896 1872 1854 188-1 1884 1901 When established. OF

CANADA. Fog-Signal. 1 The Visible fromall To vessels Lights Red Visible 1 I }- of theIsland. come obscuredby lead intoharbourat arc on to water, Margaree by water. 95' S.E. The N. breakwater. the lights over the Island between latter two, N. visible in,and by E. from all each side on dredged channelupto 63 betwéen in one in S.W. side in range, Remarks. River, dangerous proximity544 points points of E., andwhite bearing S.by of, the clear light maybe- and line of the lea,d the over seawards S. W. abrupt cliffs of mouth of range. approach N.E. through a mouth. break- small 542 over W. and ... by of No.

538 543 540 548 547 550 551 67 68 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS




0 0 `•-• > ye e ?30 • c)e No. Name. Location. N Characteristic

de of Light. i°

itu •

t a 0 -o ■ La *-='

For Prince Edward Island Lights on opposite shore see 697 and following numbers.

555 NORTH CANSO N entrance, W. side, 15 41 50 61 29 0 F. white...... C 110 16 120 yards inshore.

556 On S.W. shore of bar- 45 41 0 61 31 15 36 9 • r I.'. white C WARBOUR AU BOU 1)°11r. CHE. • . 557 , 473 yards S. W. S. f rcTin F. red C 107 9 l front light. 559 PODIQUET ISLAND on N.E. end of Island, in 45 39 40 61 44 30 F.. red ...... C . 509 BATFIELD. St. George Bay.

561 CAPE GEORGE. On Cape, 1,434 feet N. 45 52 40 61 53 30 Rev. white, 30 sec- C.... 350 25 590 W. from Eachren onds. Point and 832 feet S. 250 W. from shore.

562 ARISAIG Northern extremity of 45 45 53 62 10 5 F. red D 40 7 point, 130 feet from end.

Dryi PICTOU ISLAND On top of bank near 45 48 15 62 34 30 F. white D, 6.. 32 10 WEST WHARF. wharf. -

565 PICTOU ISLAND, EAST S.E. point 45 49 10 62 30 30 FL white..... D, 4.. 52 12 END. Flash 1 sec. Eclipse 4 secs. 566 PICTOU ISLAND, WEST On W. point of island.. 45 48 27 62 35 43 Rev. white, 20 sec- 61 I 13 END.

567 Pic-roc BAR. 8. point of entrance to 45 41 30 62 89 30 J F. ulhite 11), 7.. 50 12 harbour. 1 F. red.. C. 23 1

568 Front range 600 feet 45 41 50 62 40 15 F. red 66 8 back from shore, on N. side of entrance to Pictou Harbour.

ERASERS FARM 569 Back range 384 feet F. red .. . ..... 78 N.W. by W. 4 W. from front.


570 PICTOU CUSTOM In tower of Custom 45 41 0 62 42 0 1F. red, from E. 60 HousE. House. I side of tower. elec- tric, I F. white, from S. mean- I face of tower. cen t. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 69



o he

ce lis

Colour and b

anv peculiarity of .5.5 ,2 ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. - Buildings. "ie â es When

White, square, wood, 1842 There is a good anchorage under 555 lantern on dwelling. the light when the wind is off shore. Light obscured S. of bear- ing S.E. .1 S. By keeping light open Jack Shoal will be given berth of over a mile. White, square, wood.. 32 1879 1 • 556 , Range lights, to lead through dredged channel over the bar. White, square, wood.. 32 1842 1 557 White, square, wood.. 23 1868 Obscured on easterly bearings... . 559

White, square, wood.. ■ 1861 561

White, square, wood .. 30 181 ■8 562

White, square, wood , 26 1907 Visible from all points of approach 564 by water. White, square, wood.. 32 1853 Lifeboat station about mile E. of 565 light.

White,octagonal,wood; 1905 Light visible from all points of ap- 566 red, polygonal iron ',roach by water except where lantern. hidden bv trees and high land on the islanel to the eastward. Striped red and white IS 1834 White light visible from all points 567 vertically, octagonal, rain of approach by water. Red light ivood ; red, octagonal, 1904 in window on seaward face of iron lantern. lighthouse. By keeping red light W.S.W. vessels clear the reefs E. of Pictou Island.

White, square, wood.. 30 1889 1 The four Pictou lights are main- 568 Tower Mined throughout the season of 1896 general navigation and in win- I ter whenever any steamer may 1 be running into Pictou Har- 1 bour. 1 White, square, wood.. 38 , 18..S9 'i- Vessels entering keep the Pictou 563 . Tower 1 Bar and Custom House lights I 1896 in one, W. t N., until reaching the alignment of the Erasers 1■ Farm range, which they should 1 keep N.W. by W. I W. until 1 the bar light is nearly abeam, lied brick building.... 72 1878 1 whence a W. I S. course will 570 1 lead to safe anchorage in the ) harbour.




r-, o ,... t .... .- CD No. Name. Lbcation. o -o Characteristic ti,' I. . .5,-,a of Light. If, ..:3 . - I. .e ...... e . ce ....> .—■ ..., ei —'!.' 0 .„. -4 4

573 CARIBOU Islam) N.E. part of Island.... 45 46 15 62 40 20 Rev, white, every C .. 35 10 minute. 576 AMET ISLAND. Centre of Island, Nor- 45 50 15 63 10 20 F. white C 44 10 thumberland strait.

578 N. side of entrance to 45 49 45 63 25 5F. white...... C 39 11 Wallace Harbour. MéLLINS POINT... 579 1,473 feet N.W. î W. F. red C 82 8 I. from front light.

580 ( Front light on N.E. 45 49 063 27 25 F. red.— ...... . . 41 4 I rttIerlielPOtit >t of Macfar- 1 581 WALLACE H A R - Back light 1,860 feet . F. red c 100 4 BOUR. N. 80 W. from front light.

l 584 PUGWASII In harbour ...... ... 45 52 3063 40 20F. red and white.. C ... 48 8

587 CoLD SPRING Ho 100 feet back frorn shore 45 58 5 63 51 50 F. white ...... D, 7.. GO 13 on N. side of Head.

For following Lights on New Brunswick shore, see No. 818; for F.B.I. lights opposite, see No. 69 . IN THE DOMINION 6F CANADA. 71



• te. Colour and any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. ▪ â 5

White, square, wood.. 26 1868 573

White, square, wood, 26 1886 Visible around horizon...... 576 lantern on roof of dwelling,.

White, square, wood.. 25 1873 578 Two lights in one form a range to lea.d across bar and in channel White, square, wood, 48 1891 up to point. 579 dwelling attached. 1

White, square, wood.. 30 1904 ' Lights visible in, and o‘er a small 580 arc on each side of, the line of range. Vessels entering harbour should keep alignment of Mullins Point White, square, wood.. 45 1 1904 range till they reach alignment of 581 Macfarlane Point range lights, which they should keep, bearing N. 80° W. until they reach buoy No. 7 on S. extremity of middle ground. 1 White, square, wood 44 1871 Shows a white light towards har- 584 bour, red seaward.

White, with iron lan- 36 1 1890 587 tern red, square, wood.




CS à ••••• • o


No. Name. Location. Characteristic

de of Light. U.' • - . itu 5) F.›

t o Le La

676 EAST POINT...... 200 feet from extremity 46 27 10,61 58 10 Rev. white, 3 min- C 100 15 and 250 feet from S. utes. shore of point.

678 SOURIS EAST Knights point, 300 feet 46 20 50 .62 14 30 F. white D, 4..I 85 15 S.E. of breakwater.

679 SOURIS EAST BREAK- On block at outer end 46 20 50 62 15 0 F. red ...... D, 7.. 40 2 WATER. of breakwater.

682 ' In village 220 feet north 46 15 55,62 25 0 F. white 28 10 from shore of river and 312 feet N. 70° E. from 1 I head of public wharf. ANNANDALE

683 Back light on E. side F. white C. 78 14 of Juniper Point N. W. by N. 4,244 feet from front one.

685 iCARDIGAN RIVER. .. Between Ferry wharf 46 12 50 62 31 45 F. green to sea- C 43 8 and Morrison beach ward, white across W. shore of river. river to NE'ward.

688 PANNURE READ S.E. extremity of Car- 46 9 0 62 27 35 F. white D, 4.. 96 16 digan Bay.

689 On St. Andrew Point, 46 9 57 62 31 30 F. red seaward, C 50 I 8 S.W. side of entrance white across har-, bour, between' N.E. and N.W. GEORGETOWN. .... 690 On Westaway's farm F. white C . 62 12 2,025 feet :N. 57° W. from front light.




:'"ci o5 -d ' CJ a Colour and a i;toi a any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. r,rt:s tn

White, octag,onal, wood 60 1867 Steam horn gives a blast Visible from S.E. by S. through W. 676 drab fog,-alarrn build- mov'd of 5 seconds every min- to E. by N. N. ing in front of tower, 1885 ute. Fog-alarm building stands 100 feet white dwelling near eastward of lighthouse, and in line by. with tower roughly indicates range of outer point of reef.

White, square, wood, 45 1 1880 Visible from all points seaward .... 678 with dwelling at- tached.

Lantern on mast with 3-1 1 1889 Should be visible from all points 679 white shed at base. seaward and in the harbour, ex- cept over the anchorage where it is intercepted by the ina.st.

White, square, wood ; 13 1898 682 slatted beacon on top, with white diamond,' remainder of face of beacon red. In entering river keep range lights in one until day beacon is on,1 starboard bow. With an on-shorel White, square, wood „I 65 , 1898 breeze strangers should not at- 683 mov'd tempt to enter. F 1901

White, square, wood .. 32 1883 In entering river vessels should 685 stand northward inside Boughton Island until Panmure Island Light bears S. by W. and Cardigan River Light N.W. when they can stand in, keeping light open on port bow. When white light is opened safe anchorage has been reached.

White,octagonal, wood, 50 1853 This light should be kept open off 688 dwelling near by. Terras Point, to clear reef off Cape Bear. Maintained all the year round.

White, square, wood, 34 1868 Shows red seaward, white across 689 red lantern rising harbour, between bearings of from roof of dwell- N.E. and N.W. ing. Maintained all the year round. }-The two in range lead in N. 57' White, square, wood.. 46 1877 I W. in best water between Car- 690 re- 1 digan shoal and Panmure shoal. built 1890 1 74 LIGHTS AND FOG—SIGNALS



47— a

0 N

Z 2 5.3 No. Name. Location. "a Characteristic g

de. of Light. ,h itu

t à.E5.5.boà o e 3

La E3

691 GEORGETOWN On outer end of rail- 46 10 45'62 31 50 F. red 23 2 WHARF. way wharf.

693 I On Beach Point, S. side 16 1 28;62 28 30 F. white .. 23 8 I of harbour. MURRAY HARBOUR -{ 694 I On mainland, about a F. white .. .1C ... 57 10 I mile W. by S. from f rontlig,ht.

697 APE BEAR On the headland .. 46 045 62 27 15 Re'. red, 30 sec-IC .... 74 12 onds.

699 1 Front light on S. break- F. red D, p..1 18 6 water, E. entrance to harbour, 50 feet from its outer end. 1VOOD I ISLANDS raARBOUR. 7001 Back light on beach 700 F. red ..... feet N. 850 W. from front light.

701 1WOOD . On S. side of E. portion 45 57 22 62 44 10 F. white .... D, 4.. 80 15

703 INDIAN BOOKS In 10 fathoms, south 15 54 50 62 49 20 WHISTLING BUOY. veestward of rocks.

705 POINT PRIM S.E. extremity of Hills- 46 3 10 6320 F. white .... „ 6.4 12 borough Bay, 100 yards from the point.

706 Pant REEFS BELL In 5 fathoms, on west- 6 322 63 5 22 BUOY. ern extreme of reefs. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 75



ô 5 d. e•

he a.) a

Colour and blis 0 any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. ••••rs e es 134.n When

White square wooden .... 1906 Vessels entering the port will keep 691 lantern on roof of red the Georgetown range lights in coal shed. one until Georgetown wharf opens; when they should steer direct for it, N. 15° W. ; this will clear Thrumcap Spit and lead to head of the railway wharf. White, square, wood.. 201} 1 1869 693 i re- / built 1879 In one, these range lights show the channel to the White, square, wood.. . 40 outer buoy. 694

White, square, wcxxl,• 46 1881 Maintained all the year round 697 with °dwelling at- tached.

White, square, wood.. 19 1902 Front light visible from all points of 699 approach by water. Back light visible in the line of range. ne lights in one lead in t,o the inner face of the S. breakwater from black and white striped spar buoy. White, square, wood.. 33 1902 Mariners entering harbour should 700 k.eep this buoy bearing N. until lights are in one. They should not at low tides attempt to pass front tower.

White, square, wood, 40 1876 701 with dwelling at- • tached.

Red iron buoy stir- 1890 Whistle sounded by the ac-'Frorn the buov, Point Prim Light 703 mounted by a 10-inch tion of the waves. bears N. 23° 'W. and Wood Island whistle. Light N. 77' E.

White, circular, brick, 55 1846 Bell buoy- on E. side of channel, 705 covered with shingles, black buoy on W. side 21 wiles N. white dwelling near by E. e E. from bell buoy harbour- by. Vi'ard.

Red iron buoy, with 1006 Bell rung by motion of Moored 24 miles N. 66° W. from 706 "Point Prim Reef " buoy on the waves. point Prim light. in white letters on the deck, surmounted by a bell.




I ° In 8

W. N

ô> l3

de Characteristic an

No. Naine. Location. de. of Light.

itu "e> .+=> .-> t titu (-• e La Long

708 - On Douse Point mirth 46 8 45 62 52 55 F. red 16 6 of DOUSE POINT Muttock Pt. RANGE. • 709 1,315 feet N.E. by E. F. red . 28 6 E. from front light.

710 On W. side of Brush F. green...... C 18 Wharf. BRUSH WIIARP •RANGE. 711 474 ft. E. S. from front F. green 'C 9 7 light.

713 FITZROY ROCK GAS In 6 fathoms, west of 16 7 24 63 6 16 Occ. white D, gas A N I) WHISTLING shoalest part. • BUOY.

715 • Front range, on the .-16 11 50 63 4 5 F. white 45 12 poiht, Bellevue farm,; 35 ft. back from shore, I, E. side of entrance to Charlottetown Har- hour. 716 RASZARO POINT.. -1 Back range, in rear of F. white 125 17 Bellevue farm build- ings, 2,244 feet N.E.; N. from front light.

717 BLOCKHOUSE POINT. At W. side of entrance 46 11 3663 7 28 F. white C.. 56 12 to Charlottetown Har- bour.

718 f Front range on N.W. 46 14 563 8 20 F. red.. C 41 7 extrem itv of property of late Hon. G. W. Howlan, E. side of N. river. 719 Back range, on old F. red.. C 72 9 BRIGHTON BEACH. Asyltun grounds,1,275 feet N. from front.

720 1 72 , WARREN FARM... Range lights to be es- tablished.

722 Sr. PETERS ISLAND.. On S. side of island, 46 7 20 63 10 35 Occ, white, vis., D, 6.. 70 14 Hillsboroltgli Bay. 30 sec., eclipsed 6 secs. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 77


BERLAND SIDE—Continued. E 12;

Colour and any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. CJ •

White, square, W00(1 16 1898 To enter Orwell River bring Douse 708 Point lights in one N.E. by E. E. until black beacon and clump White, square, wood .. 22 1898 of spruce bushes on China Point 709 shoal are abeam on the port hand. Then change course to N. White, square, wood 15 1879 by E. E. until the red beacon 710 mov'd on Douse Point shoal is reached 1898 and the Brush wharf range lights White. square, wood . 15 1898 are brought in one. The red 711 beacon is• left on the starboard hand at the turn.

Red steel cylindrical 1875 Whistle sounded by the This buoy is 4,11,- miles N. le E. from buoy, surmo- unted by gas motion of the buoy on the Point Prim buoy. 713 a pyramidal steel and waves. Removed between 10th and 18th frame supporting a whist- Nov. each year and replaced as whistle and a lantern. ling soon as ice allows in the spring. 1905 White, square, wood, 47 1889 Maintained during general navii 715 o ith brown galvan- gation and whenever winter' ized iron lantern. steamer is running- to Charlotte-; town. Lights visible over a small arc on• each sicle of alignment. White, square, wocxl, 47 188g . Alignment can be taken off Point: 716 with brown galvan- Prim and followed in N.E. N. ized iron lantern. with nowhere less than 5 fathoms passing W. of Fitzroy- Rock Gasl and Whistling Buoy and E. of St. Peter Spit Buoy until Brigh- ton Beach range lights are brought in one. White, square, wood, 42 1851 717 with dwelling at- rant tached. 1879

White, skeleton tower, 40 I 1890 Maintained during navigation and 718 witlt slatted face, whenever winter steamer is run- red iron lantern and ning to Charlottetown. red diamond on side Lights visible over a small arc on facing channel. each side of alignment. Aligmnent to be taken where it 719 White, square, wood, 45 1890 intersects Haszard point align- with red diamond on reb'It ment about 4 mile S. of St. side facing align- 1900 Peter Spit Btiov, and followed ment. due North to •Canseau Point, whence the course up the har- bour can be judged by the town lights.


{ 721

White, square, wood.. 38 1881 Visible from all points of approach 722 Mor'd except where obstructed by the 1884 high ground of St. Peters Island.





•-■ •

W. :o ;.>

No. Narne. Location. N. de Characteristic o

de of Light. a. itu

itu g

t ng fl g e e La Lo

724 West end of bridge, at 16 13 1563 29 10 F. white 0.... 41 head of harbour.

725 Inner range light, about F. white...... O 95 8 LEARDSRANGE I mile N. from outer I I one.

• 1.

726 = ( On S. side of Pauls 16 12 28i63 29 42 F. red 30 3 Bluff, W. of dredged cut from anchorage to wharves. "..71 WRIGHTS C...) RANGE.. .. 727 On Wrights farm, 3,4 F. red cables N. W. N. from front licht.

728 PALMERS WHARF On wharf. F. red 20 2

731 TRYONSHOALWHIST- In 51 fathoms off south 46 8 55 63 31 48 LING BUOY.. extremity.

734 SEA On the outer extremity 46 19 10:63 48 25 FL white D, 4.. 88 13 of the low flat point. Flash '64 secs • Eclipse 186 Flash '61 Edipse 6 86 — In every 10 735 INDIAN POINT East edge of shoal, on 46 22 50 63 48 45 F. white with green . 48 j 13,- S. side of channel, in sector. Bedeque Bay. •

736 Railway wharf, Bede- 46 23 30 63 47 6 F. red in line of C 33 I 10 que Bay. range, white inl harbour.

737 SUMMERSIDE Back range mile E. 46 23 45 63 46 13 F. red 'C . 65 I 8 S. from front light.

738 MISCOUCHE SHOAL In 3 fathoms, at south- 46 21 0 63 51 31 Occ. red D, gas GAS BUOY. eastern end cf shoal. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 79



, d. he

e lis

Colour and b

any peculiarity of c ta Fog-Signal. Remarks: No. Buildings. es â n Whe

White, with red di a. 38 Tower ') Light visible from all points of ap-, 724 mond on side facing built proach. channel, square, wood 1879 To enter Crapaud Harbour from the Strait of Northumberland, White, square, wood, 46 1878 vessels should bring the Leards 725 open-framed tower ; mov'd range lights into alignment and slatted on side facing 1901 keep them in one on a N. course line of range. until the 1 ights of Wrights range are in alignment when they should follow this range N.W. N. until the red light on Palmers Wharf is in alignment with the Lantern on a mast ris- 11 1894 front light of Leards range. 726 ing from a square Thesetwoinonewill lead in from shed, painted white, the black buoy at the entrance to surmounted by trian- the dredged cut, through the' gular slatted beacon. cut, to the wharves, but strangers entering at night White, square, open- 27 1894 are advised to anchor in the 727 framed tower, slatted rond at this last described turtl- on side facing line of ing point near the black buoy, - range. Lantern red. as they will be in good anchor- age inside the shelter of Tryon Lantern on mast.. ... 18 1894 Shoals, while it is not safe to 728 attempt the dredged eut at night. Brown iron buoy with 1892 Whistle sounded by action Left to starboard going up strait 731 " Tryon shoal buoy " of the waves. to North Westward. in white, surmounted From the buoy Crapaud ChapelN.E. by 10-inch whistle. E., 5t miles, just open of range light on point and Carleton Point N.N.W. :} W., 9;,1 miles, just open of C. Traverse.

White;octagonal,wood, 60 1863 734 red, polygonal, iron lantern ; white dwel- ling near by.

•White, octagonal, wood, 42 1881 • • • • ...... • • • Green between E. by N. N. and 735 on a circular stone E. S. E. over Mi;couché Shoals pier. only.

Square tower on roof of] 30 1856 736 railway- freight shed re- built .After Indian point light is abeam 1877 haul io E. by S. until range lights and keep alignment up are •n one 737 White, sq-lare, wool ! 56 1895 to railway what f.

Black ste 1 cylindrical 1906 Fr an the buoy, Sea Cow head bears 738 I aloy, s:trinounteci by • S. 250 E.3 mules; and Indian point a pyramidal s tee r li2lit house bears N. 67A0 E. 2'i f rattle supi»tting a! miles. lantern.








de Characteristic

No. Name. Location. de of Light. , 7. itu e r. itu t ^ La Long

741 'CAPE EGMONT On isdnt ..... . 46 24 20 64 7 45 Fi. white.... D, 4: . 72 10 Flash 1 secs. Eclipse 4 -

743 .WEST POINT On Sand Beach . 46 37 30 64 23 20 ReV. red and white C 66 13 22A secs. One red, ana three white flashes in n min- utes. 744 WEST POINT WHIST- In 13 fathoms, mile!46 40 30 64 30 25 . . . .! ...... LING BUOY. W. of Jniddle of outer, shoal.

747 ' On outer end of S. 46 53 1061 14 0 F. red and white.. C and 17 6 breakwater, at en- D, p. trance to pond.


748 On cribwork block on F. white 28 10 beach of pond, 720 ft. S. 1F W. from front light.

750 NORTH POINT. On point 47 3 46 63 59 10 Rev. white one C .'. SO 14 minute. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. • 81



`75 - d On he

Colour and is blis

any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. 0 s "ge.5 ■ -7-1 Whene

White, square, wood, 45 1884 741 with dwelling at- tached.

Broad red and white, 67 1876 743 horizontal ban d s ,! square, wood, with dwelling. attached.

Red iron buoy, with! 1896 Whistle sounded by action 741 "West Point Reef,1 of the raves. P. E I." in white, ! surmounted by a l0- inch whistle. White, square, wood .. 17 1886 Shows rd from N. 79' E. round 747 ch'ged I through E. to S. 22Y' E. covering 1900 Miniinegash Reef, and white from ' S. 22e E. round through S. to S. 410 W., which includes line of range. Vessels N. of reef bearing westward will be clear of it when red disappears. White, square, wood.. 27 1886 'Shows from N. 79'E. round through 743 ch'ged E. and S. to S, 410 W. 1900 I The lights in line bearing S. 110 W. I lead to the entrance to pond be- ) tween breakwaters.

White, octagonal, wood, 60 1866 750 surmounted bv a red cli'ged iron lantern,d ■velling 1875 near liv.





0 No. Name. Location. o -o Characteristic cc -3 e of Light.

... e . no 4 4

EAST POINT 'See above, No. 676. 755 •/* 40 feet from outer end of 46 26 40 62 44 50F. white...... IC 34 6 breakwater. 756 ST. PETERS On sand beach, 1458 F. white 32 6 feet S. by W. from front light. 759 Front light on Mc- 46 25 40 62 48 30 F. white 22 Eachrens farm, on inner shore of har- bour. SAVAGE HARBOUR.

760 1 Back light, 330 feet S. F. white C... 30 5 E. from miter light. 763 (On beach, W. side of 46 25 35 63 230 F. red C. 19 8 entrance, 1,800 feet back from shore line. TRACADIE...... 764 Back tower 1,200 feet F. red ..... C.... 24 8 S.S.W. from front.

767 Front 1 ight close to edge 46 26 10 63 845 F. white 18 3 of sand beach at en- trance to harbour. COVE HEAD 768 Back light, 600 feet F. white 25 3 from front.

770 Front range light on W. 46 27 43 63 17 14 F. red.. C ... 22 5 side of entrance to harbour. 771 NORTH OR GRAND 1 Back range light, 306 F. red 40 5 RUSTICO. f cet S.W. by W. W. I from front light.

172 Main light, 337 feet N. F. white C 36 8 W N. from front light.

774 Front light on outer end 46 31 10 63 28 52 F. white 24 10 of breakwater on N. W. side of entrance • NEW LONDONI to Grenville Harbour. RANGE. 776 Main light on beach F. red C 45 7 1,500 feet S. W. of front range light.

777 CAPE TRI-ON On the extremity of the 16 32 29 63 30 17 Fl. white D, 4.. 106 16 cape. Flash • 61 secs Eclipse 436 IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 83



ô d.

2 e, he a lis

Colour and b e 0 0 any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. es 11;5 ?! n he W

White, square, wood .. 1865 Range lights, to lead into harbour. 755 build- The inner one is liable to be moved f ings to suit shifting of the channeL White, square, wood.. erect- Not more than 9 feet on bar, in line 756 ed of range. Buoys indicate best 1879 channel. Mast, with brown shed 1884 Lights in range lead to mid-channel 759 at base. buoy outside bar. Vessels open the lights on starboard bow, after passing buoy, until inner fairway buoy is reached, where channel leaves range. Only 5 feet water Mast, with brown shed 25 1884 . on bar at low tide. Outer light 760 at base. liable t,o be moved. Brown, square, open 22 1876 . In one, lead in about S.W. by W. 763 framework ; lantern mov'd past the buoys, leaving the buoy white. 1890 outside bar on starboard, buoy in- side bar on port hand. Not more than 5 feet water on bar. White, square, wood.. 26 1876 Position of both towers liable to be 764 inov'd changed to suit shifting of the t 1894 channel.

Lantern on mast 767 .... 17 1879 Back light liable to be moved tosuit changes in the channel. Only 4 feet water on bar. Visible from all points of approa,ch. Lanieni on mast. . 27 1879 768

Lantern on mast 20 1884 770 The two red lights in one bearing S.W. by W. W. lead over bar outside niouth of harbour in best Lantern on mast 33 1 1899 water and clear of breakwater. 771

White, square, wood, 35 1876 Coast light. Visible from all points 772 with dwelling at- mov'd of approa,ch by wat,er. tached. 1899

'White, square, wood, 211 1879 -1 Front light visible in and over a 774 open framework be- small arc on each side of the line low, brown. of range. Lights in one mark the channel over the bar. Outer range light liable to be moved White, square, wood, 33 1876 to suit shifting of the channel. 776 with dwelling at- Strangers should take a pilot to tached. Iron lantern enter. brown.

White, rectangular, 37 1905 Visible from all points of approach 777 wood ; red, octagonal by water. iron lantern on north end of roof. • 6i




j É.

a) No. Name. Location. - c, Characteristic t; g :.:-. .'8.. e. -c. of Light. t 'Z.,' • '..,`; : .. 1 .z.•,.-.: .:,. --, to -.4• .F. e .t£ tez.' cl 0 — — ... 4 4 , L 779 r Front range, near shore- 46 34 063 39 0F. red C.... 40 7 line, 61 cables south- eastwardly from C. Aylesbury. DARNLEY POINT... 780 1,341 feet S. W. by S. .... ... ...... F. red C . . 65 from front lig,ht.

• l

783 Entrance to Malpeque 46 34 50 63 42 29 F. white.. ...... C .... 50 12 or Richmond Bay on inside of island.

FISH ISLAND 784 Front range, 1,200 feet 46 34 5263 42 17 F. white.... ... C .... 18 6 S.E. by E. E. from main light.

787 Front range, W. side of 46 33 5 63 41 8 F. green C . 55 , Darnley Basin. :DARNLEY BASIN... 788 Back- range, 380 feet S. F. green C . 64 3 I by W. from front light.

791 On 'Conway Inlet, N. 46 40 063 52 40 F. white C ... 26 10 side.


792 Front range, 200 feet F. white C . 16 from main ligh'. .

, 795 CASCUSIPEQUE Main light on inner face 46 48 18 64 1 42 F. white .... ..... C .... 48 12 of sand hills on S. side of entrance.

796 Front range on eastern 46 47 45 64 1 50 F. white C . 20 9 edge of island, N. side of entrance. SANDY ISLAND RANGE. 797 Back range, 364 feet F. white C .... 21 10 W. by 1\ . J N. from ,. front light.


ISLAND— Continued.


13 Ei mi .,.> .Ê 6 :'1'.> •.... >. — Colour and es ..0 any peculiarity of .5 â .5 .,_.°>3 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. 2 :la' --dei)P:1.0 ,g P:1

White, square, open 25 1889 Visible over an arc of 22V on 779 frame tower, slatted each side of alignment, and also facing line of range. north - westwardly along t h e north bar. Alignment leads to black can buoy at Eastern Pas- sage over bar at entrance to Similar to front build- 25 1889 Malpeque Harbour. V e ss el s 780 Mg. entering keep the alignment until they bring the Fish Island , lights in one.

White, square, wocKI, 46 1856 1 The main light is a sea light. The 783 with dwelling at- re- smaller one, in range with it, tached. built shows the channel over the bar, 1876 with 15 feet, and ranging with L the fairway buoy inside the bar, , White, open frame- 22 1876 f whence the channel is marked 784 work, surmounted by by the harbour buoys. s q u a r e galvanized There is a 13-foot spot between lantern. the Eastern Passage buoy and the ) fairway buoys.

Open framework, Ian- 15 1897 1 787 tern white. 1 Strangers should not attempt the entrance. Open framework, Ian- 21 1897 788 tern white. I. J

White, square, wood, 30 1872 1 In one, lead through channel with 5 791 with kitchen at- re- I feet at entrance to harbour. There tached. built I is a ballast heap in the alignment at 1876 ;- the point of the S. sand hill, to pass I this the front light must be opened Open framework, Ian- 20 1876 i to N. Outer light liable to be moved 792 tern white. ) to suit changes in the channel.

795 White, square, woocl, 46 1856 1 with dwelling at- mov'd tached. 1899 1 ... Coast light. Visible from all points of approach by water. - To enter vessels should bring the White, square, wood.. 22 1897 main light to bear W. N. and 796 inov'd run in until range lights are in one. 1901 Keep this range in one until red lights at Northport are in one. This course will give 11 feet water White, square, open 26 1897 over the bar. 797 frame tower, with inov'd slatwork facing chan 1901 nel. 86 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



.17,3 I à e

•C Name.. Location. t. No. co Characteristic Q e •z, of Light. CG

iil 37, g 1-1 e e

800 ( Front range light on 46 48 16 64 3 6 F. red C ...» 31! 3 bank about 500 feet west of railway wharf NORTHPORT "{ 801 Back range light, 1125 F. red C 42 3 feet W. N. from 1 front light. 804 Back range light, on 46 57 35 .63 59 20F. white...... 35 11 ' 1 beach, at inner end of N. breakwater pier.

BIG TIGNISH 805 Front light, on outer F. red C . f 18 5 -1 end of N. breakwater pier, 620 feet S.E. E. from main light.

NORTH POINT See above, No. 750.



LAWRENCE SIDE — Concluded.

"S "O O .> ,,e5 .âLn). > ..-5 Colour anda te any peculiarity of .5.a $ 4 Fog-Signal. e Remark-. No. Buildings. t›, -o 4; -ei5 â F.1

.,.. '.."' ,I

White, square, square, wood.. 29 1885

Range lights lead directly up the I harbour. White, square, wood. 41 1885 801 I 1 _ White, with a black 33 1877 ) These two lights, in range, guide 801 horizontal band, build- I in N.W. i W. between the break. square, wood. Mg I waters. 1881 The outer light also shows end of Lantern on a mast, 14 1883 I pier, and is for convenience of 80.7 with white shed at I small vessels only.



GULF OF ST. N No. Name. Location. Characteristic

de. of Light. itu t o

La a

For lights in Nova Scotia, see 587 and preceding numbers. do on Bay of Fundy coast of New Brunswick, see 130 and preceding numbers.

815 TOR3IENTINE REEFS In 6 fathoms mile E. 46 635 63 41 10, BELL BUOY. of outer dry dock of Torrnentine reefs.

816 Front light on W. side 96 8 8 63 46 22 F. white D, 7.. 28 of freight shed on S.E. corner of pier.


817 Back light on •shorei F. white ...... ,C 7 near inner end of pier, 2,425 feet S. 87 W. from front light.

818 JOURIMAIN On east end of island... 46 9 42 63 48 20,Rev. white, 10 sec- 72 14 onds.

821 ZEPHYR ROCK GAS In 19 feet, 2 cables N. 46 16 30 64 30 00 Occ. white D, gas BUOY. 22' E. of Zephyr Rock, off Pointe du Chêne.

• 822 ( On northernmost part 46 14 43 64 30 48 F. red '32 7 of Pte. du Chêne.

SHEDIAC NORTH CHANNEL. i 823 I 602 ft. S.W. by S. from F. red D, p.. 43 8 I front light.

. 824 Front light on E. shore, 46 15 32 64 31 57,F. white C. 36 11 near S. end of island.

SHEDIAC ISLAND.. 1 825 Back light about 619 F. white .. C... 12 feet W. by N. A N. from front.

826 On N. W. corner of 46 14 39 64 31 41 F. white .. D, 7. 32 Pointe du Chêne Gov- ernment breakwater. SHEDIAC IIARBOUR 827 Near extreniity of south F. white.... . . D, 7.. 38G railway wharf, 621 feet S.W. S. from front. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 89



o e. Colour and es any peculiarity of a Fog-Signal. Remarks. Buildings. :— o Ui wh

Black iron buoy sur- 1893 Bell rung by action of the ...... . . , 815 mounted by a bell. wac es.

Lantern on a mast on 1901 Bell rung by hand on E. 816 W. side of unpainted end of small building, I wooden freight shed. 297 feet inside N.E. I corner of pier. Front light visible from all points of approach ; back light visible from all points by water S. of Jouri- main Island shoal. The lights in one bearing S. 87' W. 817 St.own from cupola of 40 1901 lead in to the pier head clear of drab wooden iceboat S. end of Jourimain Island shoal. house.

White,octagonal,wood. 45 1870 Visible over an are of 229' 47' from 818 ch'ged S. 54' 47' E. round by W. to N. 1878 5° W.

Black steel cylindrical .. 1899 Maintained only each autumn 821 buoy, surmounted by a gas pyramidal steel frame buoy supporting a lantern. 1905

White, square, wood. 27 1895 822 Lantern red. ch'ged 1898 To enter keep this alignment until the Shediac Island lights are White, square, wood. 39 1895 brought in one. 823 Lantern red. ch'ged 1898

White, square, wood. 37 1869 824 Lantern red. re- built 1895 Range lights. The alignment should be kept until the wharf range White, square, wood. 47 1869 lights are brought in one. 825 Lantern red. re- built 1893

On iron mast, with shed 29 1860 . 826 at the base. Alignment gives middle of channel from intersection with Shediac 827 On iron ina.st, with shed 37 1860 Island range to the wharves. at the base. 90 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS




>" • e•••• r.1)

N. Characteristic No. Name. Location. • de of Light. -r> e .e> to itu

t z e o

La I-4 •

831 CASSIE POINT. . . On point 46 19 24 64 30 40 Rev. white, 30 sec C 47 12 onds.

832 1 COCAGNE Range lights to be 833 established.

834 ,131:croucuE BAR. .. On S. extremity of sand 16 27 53 64 36 35 F. white . D 7.. 38 I 11 bar at entrance to harbour.

835 On Dixon Point. ... . 46 27 40 64 38 50 F. white C.. . 36 11 BurroucHE. 836 f 1,050 feet N.W. by W. F. white 41 12 t from front light.

637 ( Front light, close to 46 29 35 64 40 30 F. white C. 2319 shore road on Indian Or Church Point. !..UCTOUCHE INNER RANGE. 838 Back light, 1.989 feet F white 53 I 12 N.N.W. W. fraie one. front

812 ICHIBUCTO On headland 46 39 40 .64 42 30 F. white D, 4.. 70 14

842 JL RICHIUUCTO BELL In 5 fathoms, outside 46 43 34 64 45 27 . . . BUOY. bar at entrance to har- bour, about one mile N. 450 E. frotn front light of Bar Range. 843 f. Front light on N. side,46 42 37 64 45 57 F. white D, 7.. 35 11 of S.beach at entrance.'

R I BAR RANGE... 844 71 I 3ack light, 217 feet S. F. white D, 7.. 41 I 12 45' W. from front light.

845 On western end of south146 42 45 64 47 46 F. white.... .... D, 7. 27 5 beach. C ANNEL RANGE. 846 13ack light 472 feet N. F. white...... D, 7.. , 32 5 73° W. from front.

847 Front light on S. end 46 45 21 64 50 38 F. white D, p:. 29 I 10 of N. beach.

848 BLACK LANDS GULLY. Back lig,ht, 137 feet N. F. white...... 14. 42 11 W. from front light. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 91




0 . he is

Colour and bl

te ta any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. 2 es n Whe

White, squale, wood, 27 1872 Hand-horn answers signals 831 with dwelling a t- from vessels. tached. 832 833

Lantern rising f rom 35 1902 Visible from all points of approach 834 roof of white, square, by water. wooden building.

White, square, wood.. 30 1881 835 Range lights, to guide into Buc- White, square, wood.. 34 1881 touche Harbour. 836

White, square, wood, 23 1883 Range lights, visible in direction 837 with red roof. of range. Lead into harboùr through deepest channel clear of all obstructions, White, square, wood, 23 1883 from line of range of Dixon 838 with red roof. Point lights to where channel turns abruptly to weStward to enter Buctouche River.

White, square, wood.. I 50 1864 812

Black iron buoy, sur- 1905 Bell rung by motion o fIn the alignment of the Bar Range 842?,- mounted by a bell. buoy on the waves. lights.

Lantern on a mast .... 26 1879 843 mov'd The bar range lights in one lead 1905 across the shifting bar at ent- rance to harbour. Keep the alignment of this range until it Lantern on a mast .... 40 1879 intersects the alignment of the 844 mov'd channel range lights ; from this 1905 point, turning to the westward, keep the channel range lights in one for t, mile till the first Lantern ou a mast, with 30 1901 black spar buoy is reached. From 845 white shed at base. this point the channel is tortuous and is marked by- buoys. The bar and channel range lights, Lantern on a ina.st, with 35 1901 and the buoys at entrance to 846 white shed at base. harbour, are liicated, at opening of navigation each year, in positions to suit the shifting of the channel. -

Lantern on white mast, 26 1903 Fishing lights. Lights visible from : 847 with white shed at all points of approach by water. base. Fishing boats entering gully must keep S. of red cask buoy and keep' range lights well open on their starboard bow, steering N. 79 W. 8 „ Lantern on white mast, 37 1903 until they have passed the most with white shed at outwardly red spar, thence thel base. lights in one lead up to the gully. 92 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



•i«," ••-• I 5.>", • - •

> W. 5.1 N.

Characteristic •e. •t"›' de Z: No. 'Name. Location . :5 • , te.

de of Light. itu itu t ng

La Lo o

853 SAPIN POINT Near edge of cliff, about 46 58 19 64 50 0;F. white ...... D, 7.. 50 12 ' midway between Sa- pin Point and Mush- roul Point. •

856 ESCUMINAC On point 47 432 64 47 33 F. white D, 3.. 66 11

858 On S. shore 3Iiramichi 47 4 47 64 54 58 F. white D, p.. 41 10 Bay. PRESTON 859 804 feet S. by E. E. F white D, p.. 58 10 BE.ACH g from front light 1.

861 Front light on E. shore 47 6 46t64 59 50 F. white 47 12 of Fox Island,14 miles from S. end. - SW AS HWAYi 862 RANGE. 1,220 feet W. by N. N. F. white 0... 72 14 from front light.

863 No. 1, 100 feet from 47 7 55 65 2 6 F. white D, 7.. 47 8 north of coast. 'IIH AI I

864 I j No. 2, 1,051 feet S. E. 4 F. white D, 7.. 46 8

(INV I E. from No. 1. - Fox ISLAND, N.W.PorNT.


865 I No. 3, 954 feet S. W. by 47 75265 215 F. white ..... D, 7 . 36 8

IIID W. W. from No. 1. • I NVII

866 I HORSESHOE ...... N BAR In 34 fathoms, * mile 47 8 32 65 3 9(")c. white D, gas EAST GAS N. 83,4. E. of Mira- BUOY. michi tay lightship.

867 PORTAGE Near S. point of Island 47 9 45 65 238 F. white 45 12 ISLAND.

868 HORSESHOE BAR In 34 fathoms, -1- mile 47 8 21 65 3 40:Occ. white. D, gas • EST GAS : N. -794 E. of Mira- I BUOY. michi tay lightship.

869 MIRAMICHI DAY1 Horseshoe Bar, between 7 8l465 355 Two F. red (a lan- D, 7.. 43 8 LIGHTSH I P. I Fox and Portage Is- tern at each mast- ; lands. In 34 fathoms, head. I 5041feet weit of bar. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA; 93

WICK —Continued.


t>, °

Colour and , b any peculiarity of c ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. ; No.

Buildings. es :fc-5 n Whe

Lantern on a white pole, 34 1903 Fishing light. Visible from all 853 with white wooden points of approach by water. shed at base. Fishing boats can run for light on all bearings between W. and N.; the former bearing clears S. end of Sapin ledge ; and the latter beating clears a reef about 300 yards S. of light.

White,octagonal, wood, 69 I 1841 Steam horn gives blasts of Fog alarm building 240 feet N.N. 856 dwelling near by. i 6 seconds, with intervals W. of lighthouse. ' of 35 seconds. White, square, wood, 1869 858 lantern red. towers' i Lights in line lead vessels entering erect- Miramichi Bar from the Bar Red, steel skeleton ; ed }- buoy up through the ship channel 859 tower, enclosed upper 1898 I east of the Lump buoy. part white, lantern red. 1

White, skeleton, slat- 46) 861 ted on seaward face, The alignment W. by N. N. leads 1872 wood. I from the deep water of the outer ehang bay through the Swashway to the White, cd buovs in the ship channel, with 862 skeleton, slat- 71 r 1891 ted on seaward face, now:here less than 2Ï fathoms. wood. Lantern on white mast, 40 moved 863 with white shed at 1881 base. White davmark attached to mat. Nos. 1 and 2, in line, range N.W. N. into the Horse.shoe Channel. Lantern on white mast, 38 moved Nos. 1 and 3, in line, range N.E. 864 with white shed at 1881 by E.?",-. E. through Portage Island base. White daymark Channel. attached to mast. Nos. 2 and 3, in line, range W. by N. N. to the upper buoy of Lantern on white ma.st, 28 1881 Hot;eshoe Shoal. 865 with white shed at base. White daymarkf attached to mast.

Red steel cylindrical 1906 866 buoy, surmounted by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern.

White, square, wood, 42 1869 Hand horn answers signals 867 with dwelling near. from vessels. 868 Red steel cylindrical .. 1906 buoy, surmitunted by steel a pyramidal frame supporting a lantern. . . 869 À wooden schooner 1873 Hand horn answers signals rigged vessel,hull red, from vessels. with "Mirainichi Bay No. 2" in white letters on each side.



GULF OF ST. É '8 ..... Z. 0 •-• > e. .. 0 a ic Characteristic te, g .g g g ti No. Name. Location. -te ..? of Light. ',Ye • .› , $.. le ....,e - 'r,) - . e.g 3 a o r.3- r..3 , 1.c. 2-.' « e 4 3 ,..- •■ 54 1..4 e e

871 On west end of Island.. 47 5 765 6 53 F. white ..... C .... 30 10 BAY DU V I N o 872 ISLAND. 1,222 feet N. E. by E...... .. .. .... F. white C 42 11 from front light.

874 0 A.K POINT ( On Point, 1 mile below 17 7 22 65 15 42 F. white D, 7.. 45 12 Fnorr. ' Oak point, N. side of I river. - - S75 0 A K POINT 1 On bank of river 1,800 F. white .... .... D, 7.. 60 12 B.ACK. . i feet N. 55° E. from l front light.

S76 On E. end of Island ... 47 5 30 65 19 0,F. white D, 7. 45 12

SHELDRAKE ' 377 ISLAND. Near west end of Island, , ...... ... F. white D, 7.. 33 10 about 1,165 feet W. of front light. ' S79 . I North shore of river... 47 5 7 65 23 45 F. white.... ... D, 7.. 69 4

1 380 GILANT BEACH. 1,:nn f t N. 66° \V. F. white C 107 4 front. l

382- MIDDLE ISLAND. Miramichi River 47 3 28 65 27 0F. white 0,7.. 44 11

383 NEWCASTLE On lime-kiln bank, N. 47 0 45 65 33 40 F. red ... ...... D, p.. 87 9 side of river, below the town. 84 .Noirrit W E ST i mile W. of Beaubère 46 58 11 65 35 39 F. red BRA NCH OF Point. MI RAMICHI RIVER BRIDGE.

;87 I Near east end of Island. 47 13 54 65 3 46 F. white 0.... 23 10 I HAY ISLAND.. -{ 88 224 feet W. 1 N. from ...... .. . F. white D, p.. 30 11 l. front light.

90 On public wharf, about -17 15 40 65 2 35 F. red. D, p.. 28 8 60 ft. frein its end. ;91 LOWER NEGI-I- On the beach,1,080 ft.N. F. white 'C . 32 10 AC WHARF. N. W. i W. from front light. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 95




Colour and

antern on mast, 25 1882 shed at hase. Range lights.

[ast, with shed at 46 1869 876

to intersection with Oak Point

1903 risible in the line of range and also up the river. Lights in one

1903 / colin Point.

W. side of abutment at S. end of draw

square, wood.

white shed at base . Alignment guides over the bars In-




74 ,-o, C...-. c.) 433 . Characteristic re e qg g t; No. Name. Location. -c .. of Light. t>'.i.5 • .0 c.. .4.-, a a -- .-' • - .'e a -?. 0 4 4 c.) ■•■•■ A

892 r On N. E. side of g-ully.. 47 14 40 65 0 22F. red. C . 26 7 . 1 NEGUAC 1 1393 1 Main light 900 ft. N. by . F. white C . 32 11 I. I E. from front light. ESCUMINAC ...... See No. 856 above.

PORTAGE ISLAND.... See No. 861 above.

396 SOUTH TRACADIE..„ N. side of gully... . . 47 30 564 52 10 F. red C.... 26 8

397 ' Front light on sands, . F. white D, p.. 20 4 ' 161 feet S. 48.E. from back light.

198 NORTH TRACADIE. Back light on sand flat 47 33 17 64 51 251F. white... - . C .... 37 11 on N. side of gully.

1 , 101 POKEMOUCHE On beach, N. side of 47 40 1064 46 0F. green C 35 8 gully.

, 05 f On sand bank at ex- 47 43 50 64 40 10 F. white D, 7.. 28 10 1 ; treinity of point, S. , I side Big Shippigan NDIAN POINT....-{ Gully.

06 1 134 feet N. 100 W. from F. white D, 7.. 46 12 I front range. •

9 17 BIG SIIIPPIGAN. On the sand bar, E. 47 43 35 64 38 56F. white D, 4.. 53 12 side of S. entrance to Shippigan Gully.

9 LO MISCOU GULLY On N. ,ide of E. en- 47 55 564 29 30 F. white D, 7.. 54 11 trance to Little Ship- pigan.

9 .1 MISCOU ISLAM Birch Point 48 1 064 29 25 Gp. rev. white 4 C ... 79 14 flashes, at inter. vals of 15 sec- onds, followed by eclipse of 30 sec- onds. Complete revolution in 1i minutes, IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 97


L AWRENCE—Continued.

"5 5 d he

e lis b

Colour and e 0 ta Fog-SignaL Remarks. No. any peculiarity of es Buildings. à n Whe

Lantern on mast, with 25 1873 892 white shed at base. re- built Alignment guides to a black can 1896 buoy, which is the outermost of the buoys marking the g-ully. White, square, wood, 1873 893 lantern roof red. reblt 1893

Red, square, wood._ 26 1877 896

Lantern on a red mast 1894 Front light will be exhibited only 897 when it can be ranged with the channel. Lights in one, bearing. N. 480 W., lead to red can buoy on outside of bar, and should be kept on White, square, wood.. 33 187.5 until red can buoy at mouth of 898 mov gully is made, thence the tortuous 1896 channel up to "the block" is marked by buoys and stakes. Mariners must have local knowledge to use this range. White, square, wood, 37 1876 Coast light, and as a guide into the 901 with dwelling at- gully for those who know the local tached. conditions.

Visible in the line of range ...... 9e Lantern on a ma.stwith 27 1889 • • ------• • - • • • small shed at base, Alignment leads to mid-ch annel buoy red. outside the bar. Mter passing it, vessels entering should keep the red buoys close aboard to star- Lantern on a mast, with 1889 board with the front light open 906 small shed at base, west of the back light. After the break- white. passing the buoys inside water tl e channel turns short towards Big Shippigan light. approach. White,octagonal, wood, 51 1872 Hand horn answer.s signa s Visible from all points of 907 on square cribwork re- from vessels. foundation ; red oc- mov'd tagonal iron lantern. . 1880 reblt 1905 Visible from all points of approach 910 Lantern on a mast, with 34 1887 entrance. white shed at base, to the To mark entrance to the gully from standing on a crib. the gulf.

Connected by telephone with tele- 911 White, octagonal, wood 74 1856 Steam whistle sounds a blast of 5 seconds every graph system. Whistle established minute. in 1875, situated 107 yards E. from lighthou.se. 98 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS


GULF OF ST. izt -8-a ?; 74 .., ...,, ..z. -is — c 0 0 ,..• - o 0 - 1:1 Characteristic '-',, g .....e.g No. Name. Location. en ..? of Light. -,> — ...-.. e a a

914 ' GOOSE LAKE. W. side of Miscon Is- 47 55 40 64 35 40 Rev, white, everyle ... 40 10 land. minute.

915 HARPER POINT At western entrance to 47 54 064 35 0F. white ...... D, 7.. 48 12 Little Shippigan.

918 POKE. SUDIE N.E. point of island.. 47 49 10 64 44 40F. white. .. ... D, 7.. 41 11

920 ( Front light on point 47.48 47 64 50 3F. white ...... .. D, 7.. 31 10 below Stoke Point.

CARAQUET 921 RANGE. Back light 3,800 feet S. F. white ... . ... 70 10 71° 30' W. from front light. I.. 1

< „,„, = ,,, ,,,,L4 uARAQUET On W. side of island... 47 49 36 64 53 47F. white ..... ...: D, p.. 49 14 5 ISLAND. :4 .-: C C.3 324 STONEHAVEN.... At head of pier... . . 47 45 30 65 20 50F. white ' D, 7.. 88 15

328 BELLONI POINT. On E. side entrance to 47 40 21 65 33 18 F. white D, 7.. 30 10 Bathurst Harbour.

930 ( On Caron Point. .... 47 39 20 65 36 40F. white D, 7.. 31 10 - i 931 BATHURST ..„ -{ 360 feet N. 51i° E. from ...... : .. F. red c 43 8 I front light. l

335 PETIT ROCHER.. On Elm Tree Point.... 47 48 39 65 43 13F. white c 36 12

936 LITTLE BELLE- On the point 47 55 10 65 53 25 1'. white D, 7.. 52 12 DUNE. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 99



s a . d. he blis

Colour and e a 2 ta any peculiarity of :La 0 es Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. to n ,z) Whe

White, square, wood.. 28 1875 914

Lantern on aMast, with 35 I 1887 Visible from all points of approach 915 white shed at base, by water. standing on a crib.

White, square, wocd.. 34 I 1881 Hand horn answers signals 918 from vessels.

White, square, wood . 30 I 1903 Front light visible from all points 920 of approach by water. Back light visible in the line of range. Alignment should be taken at red buoy at junction of and White, square, w,xxl 45 I 1903 Shi ppigan channels, and kept until 921 black buoy IA miles outside front light is abeam, whence course up the harbour is N. 890 W.

White, square tower on 43 I 1870 .922 dwelling.

White, square, wood.. 37 I 1885 .. . .. . 924

White, square, wood.. 22 I 1890 Visible from all points of approaeh. 928 Indicates outside limit of shoal off mouth of Bathurst Harbour.

White, square, wood . 33 1.871 Range lights, to guide vessels into 930 the harbour. The lights in one lead westward of the red buoy marking Red and white striped, 1871 the outer end of the channel over 931 square, wood. reb'It the bar at the entrance to Bathurst 1878 harbour. Local knowledge re quired to enter.

White, square, wood.. 31 I 1879 935

Mast, with white shed 39 I 1884 Visible from all points of approach 936 at base. by water. 7i




'i.'- rs ....'1o tc , a-n,... os L.o E . o • No. Name. Location. Characteristic f5 .9, .e.. "`à e, te I:: ..E of Light. '-' 'el ii.e. z' fe ecréc l,o, g e a la a e. c.usTi:c 7-‘ e

938 { HERON ISLAND.. Chaleur Bay 48 0 0 66 8 0 F. white c 66 15

941 DALHOUSIE HA R- S. side of entrance to 48 3 45 66 20 50 F. white D, p.. 49 13 HOUR. harbour.

912 Doucies ISLAND On N. point of island .. 48 4 34 66 21 37 FL white, one flash ll, 5.. 63 13 . OR DALHOUSIE every 7 seconds. Ist:AND.

943 DALHOUSIERAIL- 29 feet from outer end 48 4 25 66 22 25 F. white .... D, p.. 30 9 ?... WAY WHARF and 33 feet from front • < edge of wharf. H )46,.1 MONTGO3fERY IS- On stunmit, 296 feet S. F. white c 34 9 N‹ LAND. • E. ,, E. from wharf CD light.

)46 POINT L A N I 31 . . 48 4 36 66 27 21 Occ. red D, gas .. EAST GAS BUOY. -

)47 r Pier beside r a i 1 w a y 48 0 50 66 39 55 F. red .... ...... C .... 26 9 I w ha r f, Restigouche I River. CAMPBELLTON j )48 On cribwork block on F. red C 39 . 9 RANGE LIGHTS 'I Kilgour Shives wharf, I 1,238 ft., S. 83°30' W. (.. I. from front light. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 101




Colour and any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. a to a Tpgii 5:

White, square, wood.. 20 f 1875 Visible from all points seaward.... 938

White, square, wood.. 33 I 1870 Seen from all points of approach... 941

White,octagonal wood ; 53 1886 Visible from all points of approach 942 red, octagonal iron reb'It by water. lantern. 1905 Square, white lantern 34 1879 Visible in line of range, and to the 943 projecting through E.N.E. roof of railway wood- These two form a range to lead to en freight shed. the railway wharf clear of all shoals. White, square, wood.. 22 I 1879 Visible in line of range 946

Black steel cylindrical 1907 946f buoy, surmounted by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern. White, square, wood.. 22 j 1879 947 The two lights in one bearing S. 83° 30' W., lead from the intersection White, square, wood.. 37 I 1879 of their alignment with that of 948 the Oak Point Range up to the wharves.




a e 72. a


Characteristic de Q No. Name. Location. of Light. g

o itu g u 5 R • -- e Long

961 iNear W. extretnity of 48 2 40 66 36 30F. white 52 12 I point, Restigouche River.

OAK POINT), RANGE. 962 On hill, 2,231 ft. N. 680 F. white...... 121 12 30' E. from front light.


962t OAK POINT GAS 1n 14 feet, off the point. 48 2 2566 36 50 Occ. white.... D, gas Buor.

962 BATTERY POINT 48 3 0,66 33 50 Occ. white D, gas GAS BUOY.

903 GARDE POINTE Off Garde Pointe, Res-118 2 27 66 33 7 F. white D, p.. 18 ; LIGHT BOAT. tigouche River. 1

9631 GARDE POINTE In 31 feet, off the point. 48 4 2 66 31 0 Occ. white . D, gas GAS BUOY.

963k POINT LANIM In 26 feet, off the point. 1 48 4 51 66 28 50 Occ. white ..... D, gas . WEST GAS BUOY.

964 CARLETON On Tracadigash Point .148 5 15 66 7 0 F. white C.... 32 12

965 NEW RICHMOND On Duthie Point 48 10 20 65 53 45 F. white ..... D, 7.. 50 12

966 POINT 75 feet inside extremity 48 1 2 65 28 0 F. white.... .. D, 7.. 52 12 ECHOUERIE. of point.

967 NEW CARLISLE.. On outer end of wharf.. 48 0 41 65 18 9:F. red 32 2 IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 103



e d.

-› c; he o C lis 60 b • n Colour and a a ta any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. r. o es Remarks. No. - Buildings. ▪ When

White, square, wood .. 22 1879 . 961 re- , estab-' Lights in one bearing N. 68 30' E. lished, lead from intersection with align- 1900 1 ment of Campbellton Range across river to Quebec side. At 31 cables White, square, wood.. 22 1879 from front light the range is open- 962 re- ed on the port hand and an easter- estab-, ly course shaped to deep water. lished . 1900 i

Red steel cylindrical 1906 962i buoy, surmounted by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern.

Red steel cylindrical 1907 9621 buoy, surmounted by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern.

Lantern on mast of Re- Visible up and down stream... 963 boat, with "Garde estab- Pointe No. 6" paint- lished ed on boat. 1904

Red [steel cylindaical 1906 9631 buov, surmounted by a pyramidal steel franie supporting a lantern.

Red steel cylindrical 1906 9631 buoy, surtnounted by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern.

White, woed 28 1872 Hand horn answers signals 964 - from vessels.

White, square,:wood!.. 33 1904 Visible from all points of approach 965 by water.

Visible from all points of approach 966 White, square, wood ; ■ 34 1902 red, octagonal, iron by water. lantern.

Lantern on a mast at S. 25 1903 967 side of freight shed.





W '15' e-L.1.5,

de Characteristic nc .5.2g1g4 No. Name. Location. of_ Light. Q .0 itu e, beep' E c'a

a Long -

968 PASPEBIAC. 330 feet N. from S. ex- 48 1 2:65 14 20IF. white 50 I 12 tremity of Spit.

969 PORT DANIEL On eastern side of West 48 9 13 64 56 18F. white D, 4.. 100 15 WEST. Point, Port Daniel.

970 PORT DANIEL. , . On outer end of Gov- 48 10 41 64 56 21 F. white D, 7.. 31 10 ernment wharf.

971 ANSE AUX GAS- On outer end of wharf 48 11 33 64 50 22 F. red D, 7.. 29 7 CONS.

972 MACQUEREAU, On extremity 48 12 30 64 46 25 Fl. white. Group D, 3.. 62 13 Poirr. of 3 flashes every 15 secs. (Flashes at intervals of 2.4, secs., followed by an eclipse of 10 secs.) 973 NEWPORTPOINT. On island off n 23 64 42 42F. white ID, p.. 36 12 - ex tremitY 148 975 GRAND RIVER On E. side of entrance,'48 24 33 64 2S 35 F. red. D. 7.. coast of Gaspé.

977 CAPE DESPAIR Near extremity 48 25 40 64 18 30 Rev, white, every C ..-. 90 15 minute.

979 PERCÉ On White Head.... 18 30 30,64 12 40.F. white. 149 13

.980 BARACHOIS DE MAL- N. side of entrance 37 19 64 16 0F. red ...... 70 4 BAIE.

981 POINT PETFIC On Flat Rock, or Pla- 48 37 50 6490 Rev. red, 30 secs.. 77 10 teau, off the Point.

985 SANDY BEACH POINT On N. extremity of 48 50 35 64 24 30 Occ. white, visible D, 6.. 32 ! 10 point, entrance to 6 secs., eclipsed Gaspé Basin. 4 seconds.

986 GASPÉ O'Hara Point Wharf, 48 49 45;64 28 45 F. red . C .... 38 Basin.

988 CAPE GASPÉ Close to S. face 48 45 15;64 935 Gp. rev. white; 3 355 ! flashes 15 secs. apart followed by eclipse of 30 secs. Complete revolu- CAPE ROSIER See No. 1058. tion 1 min.



ST. LAWRENCE—Continucd.

..c1 sai ci2; 2..1 ...... 22 >.,a --.??. to -0 Colour and .54 cl any peculiarity of ...2_, , c.) Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. 41.5 .2 si Buildings. to a .2 s.-$s.-• I White, square, wood, 54 1870 Hand horn answers signals In running into the harbour the light 968 with dwelling near re- from vessels. I changes to red, covering the an- by. built chorage over an arc of 450 between 1881 E.S.E. and S.S.E. White,octagonal,wood; 33 1907 'Visible from all points of approach 969 white octagonal iron 1 by water. lantern. 1 White, square, wood.. 29 1902 Hand horn answers signalsiVisible from all points of approach 970 from vessels. ' by water. • Lantern on a pole 1906 . ... ... ...... .... Visible from all points of approach 971 by water. White,octagonal,wood; 51 1874 Hand horn answers signals Marine telegraph and signal station 972 red circular iron Ian- re- from vessels. Visible from all points of approach tern. White rectan- built by water. gular wooden dwel- 1906 I Mg.

White, square, wood.. 27 1895 Hand horn answers signals! 973 from vessels.

White, hexagonal, 43 1885 Hand horn answers signals 975 wood, with red iron from vessels. lantern. • . White, square, wood, 43 1874 Hand horn answers signals Marine telegraph and signal station 977 dwelling with red from vessels. roof attached. White square, wood.. 29 1874 Hand horn answers signals 979 . from vessels. Lantern on a white 38 1903 Visible from all points seaward 980 pole, white wooden shed with red roof at its base. White square, wood, 50 1883 Hand horn answers sig-nals Visible from all points seaward. ... 981 dwelling attached, from vessels. Lantern rising from 34 1871 Bell rung by hand answers Light visible from all points of 985 roof of white, square light- signals from vesseLs, approach. wooden building with house red roof, on cribwork 1904 pier with cutwater on upstream end. White, with red roof, 37 . . .. 986 square, wood. •

points seaward... 988 White,. squaresquare, wood, 46 1873 Cotton powder bombs ex- Visible from all red iron lantern. re- ploded every 15 minutes ; rower risesfrommiddle built and every 5 minutes of S. face of dwelling. 1892 when vsels' signals are heard in dangerous prox- imity. - 106 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS




ç. e W. e e • C) de Characteristic No. Name. Location. of Light. itu

' e Long

The following 10 lights, nearly all in Newfoundland territory, are maintained by the Dominion of Canada:—

995 I BELLE ISLE, On N.E. poin 52 1 255 15 8F1. white; flash, D, 2.. 137 17 I NORTH END. second ; 10i seconds.

996 Summit of extreme S. 51 52 5355 21 49 F. white, visible D. 1 . 470 28 point of Island. from about S. 34° . E. through E. and N. to N. 83' BELLE ISLE.. w. 997 333 feet below the main F. .. ; 137 17 1 light.

999 CAPE BAULD Northernmost point of 51 38 43 55 25 3 Alt. red and white, C .... 151 18 Newfoundland. 45 seconds.

1000 Z, CAPE NOR3IAN.. On the cliff, about mile 51 38 7 55 51 6 Rev. white, 2 C.... 116 16 from extreme point. minutes.

1002 AMOUR POINT... S. E. side of Forteau Bay 51 27 26 56 50 28 Occ. white, visible D, 2.. 152 18 16 secs., eclipsed 4 seconds.

1004 FLOWER ISLAND. On the point of the 51 18 26 6 43 33 Rev. white 30 secsJC 51 island nearest the channel.

1006 GREENLY ISLAND On S.W. part of Island 51 22 2657 9 52 FI. white, flash 4 D, 2.. 116 16 second, eclipse 24 seconds. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 107


AND LABRADOR. e. c; ar" Colour and 0 0 0 any peculiarity of -0 Q Fog-Signal. Remark.s. No. Buildings.

â ■ 4.cl Wh

Red, cylindrical iron 55 1905 Diaphone, operated by com- Visible from all points of approach 995 tower ; red polygonal Fog pressed air, gives one by water. iron lantern. Red alarm blast of 3?,. seconds dura- Fog alarm building near edge of rectangular wooden 1906' tion every minute. cliff, and about 2)0 feet north- fog alarm building. eastelly of lighthouse. Horn, about 90 feet above high water mark, projects from N.E. side of building, and points N. 660 E. White, circular, stone 59 1858 First order double siren, ( The double siren is situated midway 996 clapboarded with Siren operated by conipressed between upper and lower lights, white dwelling at- 1890 air. The sirens will give 250 ft. above high water mark. tached. blasts of low and high Marine telegra,ph and signal and ice notes alternately thus : J report station. Low note 2% secs.; silent Wireless telegyaph station. White, square, wood, 31 1880 secs. ; high note 2% Depot of provisions for shipmTecked 997 iron lantern red. secs.; silent in terv al mariners. 1121- secs. In fog, lower light may be visible when high obscured, or vice versa.

White, square, wood, 54 1884 Diaphone, operated by com- Sea light, and to indicate entrance %vith red iron lantern, pressed air, gives a blast to Strait of Belle Isle, visible from 999 dwelling a t t ac h ed. of 7 seconds every 45 all points of approach seaward. White rectangular seconds. Fog alarin building about 50 feet to oden fog alarm eastward of lighthouse. Horn, building with red projects from N. side of hgalarm roof. building, and points N. 450 E. White,hexagonal, woo(1 55 1871 Diaplione, operated by com- Visible from all points of approach 1000 Fog-horn -building Fog- pressed air, gives a blast , seaward. rectangular, wood, alarm, of 7 seconds every 35 A red cylindrical iron lighthouse, white, with red roof. 1890 seconds. close by the old lighthouse, will be put in operation on or before 1st August, 1907 instead of exist- ing light, and will show a group of 3 ■ lashes every 30 seconds. Fog alarm building east of light- ! house. Resonator projects from north end of fog alarm building, and points N. 20' E. White, circular, stone, 10-1 1855 Diaphone, operated by com- Fog alarm on point, 166 feet S. by 1002 wood covered, with Fog pressed air, gives one E. from lighthouse. Horn, elevat- %vhite, red roofed alarm blast of 7 seconds' dura- ed 40 feet above high water mark, dwelling attached. 1875 tion every minute. points south and projects from Fog-alarm building mor'd south end of building. white, wooden. 1892 Marine telegraph and signal and ice' report station. Wireless telegraph station. White, square, wood, 50 1899 Visible from all points of approach 1004 with dwelling attach- by- water. ed, red polygonal iron lantern.

White, 0 e.t.a go n a 1, 86 1878 iDiaphone,operated by corn- Visible from all points of approach. 1006 wood, with white ' pressed air, gives a blast'Fog alarm building 695 feet S. 20' wooden dwelling with 5- seconds every minute. 20 E. from lighthouse. red roof attached ; red circular iron lantern. Fog alarm building white, rectangular, %vood, roof red.




p, Gl 0

o tO 0 C: N. r1 • Characteristic C.) 0 o

No. Name. Location. de of Light. wC'2.> a a

itu tà3 tp.". • t -- e o r.5 e La

1010 RICH POINT W. coast of Newfound- 50 42 057 24 30 Gp. rev, white, 93 15 land. showing 2 flashes 15 secs, apart and eclipse 30 secs. Complete revolu- tion 45 secs. 1012 . Light and fog alarm to be established.

1013 CAPE .RAT. . On W. side of Cape, 650 47 37 059 18 O'Rev. white. 20 secs. 127 17 feet from the shore.

For the convenience of mariners the following 13 lights, &c., on the S. coast of Newfoundland, not under Canadian control, have been inserted :—

PORT BASQCE On Channel Cape. 47 33 50 59 711 F. red D, 4.. 101

CAINE'S ISLAND Foo. South-western end of 47 36 058 41 55 ALAR3I. island.

ROSE BLANCHEPOINT On E. extremity of 47 35 48 58 41 31 F. white D, 4.. 95 : 11 Point.

IRELAND ISLAND On E. side of entrance 47 37 52 58 22 13 Rev. white 12 sec- D, 5 .. 67 9 to La Poile Bay. onds.

BOAR ISLAND E. extremity of Burgeo 47 36 10 57 35 10 F. red D, 4.. 207 11 Islands.

RAMEA ISLANDS North westhead of 47 30 30 57 24 35 Occ. white, visible 125 16 north west island. seconds, eclip- • sed 1 seconds. CAPE BLANC .... N. W. extremity of 17 6 10,56 24 9 Occ, white with red D, 2.. 103 15 to Grand Miquelon. sector, visible 10 16 o seconds in each minute. ce LANGLADE On Plate Point 46 49 856 24 19,1 F1. white with red D, 1.. 154 18 I sector ; intervals o of 5 seconds.

4 GALANTRY LIF,AD S. extremity of St. 46 45 42 56 9 44'G_p. Fl D, 2.. 210 18 Pierre. White flash 5 secs. Eclipse 15 White flash 5 • Eclipse 15 Red flash 5 Eclipse 15 IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 109



o § . d.

.41 he

a a> lis te b •n Colour and ta any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. es No. Buildings. When


White,octagonal,wood, 58 1871 Visible from all points seaward.... 1010 with red iron lantern, ce- Wireless telegraph station. white dwelling be- built hind. 1892


White,octagonal,wood, 75 1871 Diaphone,operated by corn- Horn at the shore red iron lantem, ce- pressed air, gives a blast Marine telegraph and signal and ice 1013 white dwelling and built of 5 seconds duration report station. outbuildings, wi th 1885 every minute. Wireless telegraph station. red roofs, near bv. Horn White rectangurar 1872 wooden fog alarm building, with high brick chimney, roof red. White, circular tower, 30 1875 D ia phone, operated by com- Under Newfoundland Government. iron. White fl a t- presse(' air , gives a blast roofed fog alarm of 3?, seconds' duration building. folloi-ved by a silent inter- val of 114 seconds. Squareflat-roofedbuild- .... 1904 Diaphone sounds as follows do do .. ing, painted in alter- every 2 minutes : blast 6 nate black and white secs., silent 15 secs., blast horizontal bands. 6 secs., silent 93 secs. Stone tower with ver- 40 1874 do do .. tical red and white stripes. Dwelling at- tached. Circular iron tower 39 1886 do do .. with red and white horizontal bands. Wooden tower, dwell- 47 1874 do do .. ing attached, white, roof red. Iron, cylindrical tower, 35 1902 do do .. with red and white spiral bands. Lower part white, up- 49 1833 French light i ■er part black, la nt ern white.

Black and white bands 127 1831 Siren gives blasts of 8 sec- do Red sect,or over Seal rocks onds' duration with alter- nate intervals of 8 seconds and 36 seconds.

Semicircular tower 38 1862 Whistle sounds for six sec- do against square dwell- onds with intervals of one ing. minute.




! • 1= 1 <


N. Characteristic ; No. Name. Location. de

de of Light. itu

itu g t ng •1 7- a ti

La Lo c.)

LAMALIN HARBOUR S.E. Point of Allan'46 51 055 48 01F. white D, 8.. 64 8 Island.

DODDING HEAD S. Point of Grand Burin' 47 0 26,55 9 01 Rev. white. 1 min- D, 2.. 430 24 Island. ute.

CAPE ST. MARY On the Cape ...... 46 49 34,54 11 341Alt. white and red, D, 1.. 3'. ■0 23 1 minute.

CAPE PiNE On the Cape 46 37 4 53 31 45F. white C. 314 24

1020 CAPE RACE On the Cape 46 39 24 53 417 Rev. white, 30 secs. 125 17

For Nova Scotia lights see No. 136 et seq.


1024 (N.E. POINT On rock off point ,47 13 55 60 8 20 F. white D, 1..

1025 FOG WHISTLE .. S. side of island, S.E. 47 11 43 60 8 45 of Atlantic C o v e,! about mile fromi Humane Station. 1 1026 S.W. POINT On point ...... 47 11 20 60 9 40 Rev. white, 1 tnin- D, 1.. 118 17 ute.

• 1029 BIRD ROCKS.... On summit of Great 47 50 40 61 8 20 Occ. white, visible D, 2.. 110 11$ Bird Rock. 15 seconds ecliP- sed 5 seconds.

1030 BRYON ISLAND.. 750 feet from extreme 7 47 10 61 30 10 FI. white. Group D, 3.. 126 W. point of island. of 4 flashes every 30 secs. (flashes at intervals of 5 secs., followed by an eclipse of 15 sec. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 111

QUEBEC—Continued. î 1 AND LABRADOR—Cone/tided.

_ d. he

;t1 is Colour and – to r: bl any peculiarity of z ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. eti "Z When

Octagonal wood, alter- 36 1879 Under Newfoundland Government . nate red and white sides. Circular tower on dwell- 25 1858 du ing.

Circular, iron, red 40 1860 do

Circular with red and 56 1851 Under Newfoundland Government. white horizontal bands

Striped red and white 46 1856 Diaphone, operated by com- Visible between bearings of E.N.E. 1020 vertically, cylindri- Fog pressed air, sounds blasts and W.S.W. cal iron, with white alarm of 5 seconds' duration Fog alarm building with high brick wocKlen d welling with 1872 with silent intervals alter- chimney, about 250 feet S. of light- red roof att.-ached. nately of 15 and 35 seconds house, connected by a covered' between them. way. Resonator projects from south end of fog alarm building. Signal mast and lookout between' lighthouse and fog alarm building. \Viceless telegraph station. (This station Is under the control of Nova Scotia Agency.)


White,octagonal, wood, 40 1839 Obscured between N. by E. E. and 1021 - dwelling near tower . E.N.E. (Establishments on this island are under the Nova Scotia Agency.)

Brown, wood, whistle Steam whistle sounds for Marine telegraph and ice report sta- 1025 about 137 feet above seconds in each minute. tion at main establishment on water.

White, octagonal, wood 40 1831 Obscured on bearings from S.S.E. 1026 to W. N. Lights are kept in 011- eration as long as traffic is open, without refemnce to fixed dates.

White, hexagon al, 39 1870 Cotton powder bombs ex- International Code flags kept here 1029 wood, with 'white re- ploded every 15 minutes ; to enable keeper to make known dwelling near tower. built and every 5 minutes when wants. 1887 vessels' signals are heard in dangerous proximity.

White,octagonal,wood; 49 1905 Light visible from all points of 1030 red, circular iron approach, except where hidden by lantern. trees and high land on the island to the eastwanl.




,...- 0 ... > •-, 0 0 -a Characteristic t; to 52 càs No. Name. Location. -a e of Light t'''.a • ... cs


- 1031 GRAND ENTRY On E. side of entrance ; 47 33 57 61 33 25 F. red C .... 29 HARBOUR. on N. W. extremity of sand spit.

NORD W. side of Grindstone 47 23 20 61 57 30 Rev. white, 1- min- 0.... 97 1032 Yice ETANG DU z Island. utes. e 4 31 • .1 . S. point of Island 47 13 58 0 Alt. red 107 1034 e ÂMHERSTISLAND , 661 and white, 0.... 30 seconds. Fe' < ,-4

1036 ENTRY ISLAND.. On S.E. end of island 47 16 30 61 40 58 F. white D, 7.. 277

l. -

1.040 (-LIGHTSHIP In 22 fathoms, 8 miles 49 3 061 30 30 Occ. white, (3 lan- D, 7.. 60 S. 47° E. from Heathi terns encircling elec- point. each mast head) tric. visible 10 secs., eclipsed 5 secs.

011 HEATH POINT Near the E. end of the 49 5 20 61 42 16F. white ...... C .... 99 island.

C) ' P, 4

042 BAGOT BLUFF î mile W. from S. point 49 3 5062 15 50 Rev. white, 20 sec- C ... 75 onds. ,

044 Sou T it-W EST On extremity ..... ... 49 23 45 63 35 46 Rev. white, 1 min- C ... 91 POINT. ute. IN TTTE DOMINION OF CANADA. 113

QI.TEBEC—Co ntinued.

OF ST. LAWRENCE—Continued.

E d

c; he ii g> lis ab

Colour and t

any peculiarity of es Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. to- a n Whe

Lantern on a pole, with 30 1900 1031 white shed at base.

White, square, wood.. 42 1874 1032

White, hexagonal,wood 54 1871 Visible over an arc of 1980 from W. 1034 by N. N. round through N. to S. E. î L' Marine telegraph and signal and ice report station. 1036 White,octagonal,wood, 32 1874 Light visible front S. 08 0 W. through red, octagonal iron re- W., N. and E. to S. 22' E. ; over lantern. built remainder of circle light is inter- 1905 cepted by high hills on N. end of island.

• Steel steamer with two 1904 Diaphone, operated by com- Lights visible from all points of ap- 1040 masts, hull red with pressed air, gives one blast proach. "Anticosti "in white of 4 seconds' duration Should the electric light apparatus letters on each side, every minute. become inoperative, fixed white and "No. 15 " on each 1Subinarine fog bell strikes oil lights of less intensity will be hou-. The circular the number "15" thus:— shown. gallery at each mast one Stroke ; 4 seconds in- If d iaphone becomes d isabled, whistle head,the smokestack, terval ; 5 strokes at inter- will sound similar blasts. and the fog signal be- vals of 1 second ; then an tween the masts, are interval of 10 seconds. red.

White, with a red hori- 95 L 1835 Cotton powder bombs ex- The lighthouse kept open of Cor- 1041 zontal band, circular, ploded every 15 minutes ; morant point clears the reefs off faced and cla p- and every 5 minutes when Goose point. 1 ■oard ed. vessels' signals are heard Visible between the bearings S. W. in dangerous proximity. by W. to E. Marine telegraph and signal and ice report station. Wireless telegraph station 1

White, with a red ver- 54 1871 Steam horn sounds for 1 0. Horn 100 yards E. of lighthouse.11042 tical stripe, hexag- seconds in every minute. This alarm is inaudible at any onal, wood. White If the horn is out of order a distance in some con-1 serviceable dwelling E. of tower, whistle will sound similar ditions of the atmosphere. fog-alarm farther E. blasts. Marine telegraph and signal and ice white, with red roof, report station. wood.

1 White, with two red 90 1831 Visible from all points of approach. 104-4 horizontal bands, cir- Marine telegraph and signal and ice cular, stone, c I p- report station. boarded. 8




i _0 -2 ..:-.... , • il

No. Name. o Location. ..,:, Characteristic t,' g .5.2 -c, of Light. .7 7 . .-e c.) -. • ... -,, ...e tz e o 1 ,

1046 ( Front light on outer 49 4 41 64 21 51F. white D, 4..1 35 11 end of pier. I

1047 Back light at bottom of ..... .... F. white. D, 4.. 79 14 ELU.S BAY ... -{ bay, 5,000 feet N. 100 o I E. from front light. El Z ‹

1045 \VEST POINT.... Extreme W. point, An- 49 52 30 64 31 40 F. white D, 2.. 106 16 ! tieosti Island.


1050 LITTLE NATASIIQUAN On W. extremity of 50 11 761 50 9F. white D, 7.. 33 11 BARBOUR. island at entrance t,o harbour.

1055 PERROQUET ISLAND.. On northwesterninost 50 13 35 64 12 30 Rev. white, 30 sec- C.... 87 15 Island of the group, onds. 83 feet from I■ . cliff and 228 feet from W. cliff IN T.13./: DOMINION OF CANADA. 115


OF ST. LAWRENCE—Concluded.

d. he lis

Colour and b

any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No_ Buildings. es "gi5 â When

White cylindrical iron 33 1906 Front light visible over an arc of 90° 1046 tower ; white circular from N. 26° W. through N. to N. metal lantern with 64° E. Back light visible over an red roof. White con- arc of 90° from N. 53° W. through crete foundation. N. to N. 37' E.

White cylindrical iron 52 1906 Lights in one bearing N. 10' E. lead 1047 tower ; white circular into Ellis bay clear of the shoals metal lantern with on either side. Vessels drawing red roof. Stone foun- 12 feet can moor alongside the dation 10 feet high. pier at low water. They should leave the front light on the star- board hand in passing in to round the head of the pier. Lights maintained by M. Henri Menier. White, with two red 112 ; 1858 Cotton powder bombs ex- Marine telegraph and signal and ice 1045 vettical stripes cir- ploded every 15 minutes ; report station. cular, stone, boarded. and every 5 minutes when Fire-brick dwelling vessels' signals are heard attached. in dangerous proximity. White, square, wood ; 32 1 1906 Visible from all points of approach 1050 lantern roof red. by water.

White. with iron lan- 55 1888 Light visible from all points of ap- 1055 tern red, square, proach except where intercepted wood, with dwelling by Mingan Island, between the attached. bearings of N. W. by W. i, W. and N.W. N. 116 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



ce o 4. - .",>)

0 0 0 > W.

N. ti) c de Characteristic ec a No. Name. Location. de of Light. 2-c> itu t itu t ng 4;4 Lo La

CAPE GASPÉ See above, No. 988.

1058 CAPE ROSIER. . On Cape 48 51 38 64 11 50 Occ. white, visible D, 1.. 136 17 15 secs., eclipsed 5 secs.

1059 Front light on shore... 48 56 44 64 18 14.F. red 5

GRIFFIN COVE .... Back light bears W. F. red 5 from front.

• 1060 Front light on shore... 49 0 264 23 31 F. red C • 5

GREAT Fox RIVER { Back light bears S. 67 ° F. red .... . . 5 W. from front.

1061 FAME POINT, ... County of Gaspé, South 49 6 48 64 36 20 F. white, varied by C 200 20 Coast. red flashes every 20 seconds.

1062 [ Front light on shore... 49 10 39 64 49 52 F. red C... 5

IlLORYDORME { Back light bears S. 450 F. red 5 W. from front.

10621 Front light on shore... 49 13 58 65 915 F. red C 5

GRANDE VALLÉE.. 0 Back light bears S. 34 F. red . 5 1 W. from front.




..› E ..cà 0 4. a , •...... u ›. .7,-. Colour and ge...il Q •zi, , any peculiarity of ....,".. :P. : 2 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. 1,070 â ii = ..4

White. circular, stone, 112 1858 Diaphone, operated by corn- Marine telegraph and signal station. 1058 clapboarded. pressed air, sounds a blast of 7 seconds every minute.

Lantern on white mast, 15 1905 1 1059 with white diamond- shaped slatwork day- I mark attached. I } Lights visible in the line of range. Lantern on white mast, 25 1905 with white diarnond- I shaped slatwork day- mark attached. j

Lantern on white mast., 15 1905 I 1060 with white diamond- shaped slatwork day- • mark attached. 1 Lights visible in the line of range. Lights In one lead to buoy at en- Lantern on white mast, 25 1905 trance to river. with white diamond- shaped slatwork day- mark attached.

Red, square, wood. Fog 50 1880 Diaplione, operated by coin- Marine telegraph and signal station. 1061 alarm building, red, Fog pressed air,gives one blast Wireless telegraph station. rectangular, wooden, alarm of 4 seconds' duration Fog alarm building 50 feet south- 1902 every minute. east of lighthouse. Horn is elevated 172 feet above the sea. • •

Lantern on white mast, 15 1905 1062 with white diamond- shaped slatwork day- mark attached. Lights visible in the line of range. Lantent on white tnast, 25 1905 with white diamond- shaped slatwork day- mark attached.

Lantern on white ma.st, 15 1905 . .. 1 1062i with white diamond- _ shaped slatwork day- mark attached. Lights visiblein the line of range. Lantern on white mast, 25 1905 . with white diamond- shaped slatwork day- m el 1-1.- nftnnhari 118 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



=0. C.) d 0 &.• o e 0 re o Characteristic No. Name. Location. of Light...... , ta .-, 0 5e.A -.->a o e 4 4 .) e. —

1063 CAPE MAGDALEN On Cape ... 49 15 35 65 19 15 Alt. red and white, 147 2 minutes.

1064 Front light on shore... 49 14 17 65 43 20 F. red '5

MONT LOUIS Back light bears S. 24° F. red C. . 5 W. from front.

1065 MARTIN RIVER . On S. shore, Gasp( 49 13 20 66 9 0 Fi. white. Group D, 3.. 130 17 County. of 4 flashes every, 30 secs. (flashes at intervals of 5' secs, followed by an eclipsed of 14i secs.

1067 SEVEN ISLANDS .... On Carousel Island.... 50 5 25 66 23 5 F. white 190 20

1070 Front light on shore... 49 8 16 66 29 58 F. red 5

STE. ANNE DES MONTS. Back light bears S. from 5 front.

1071 CAPE CHAT N.E. point of Cape.... 49 5 55 66 45 29 Rev. white, 30 sec- C 120 I IS onds.

1074 EGG ISLAM) 200 yards from S. end 49 38 0 67 10 0 Rev. white, 1.12min- 74 I 15 of Island. utes. •

1077 POINT DE MONTS.... About 1.} miles N. E. of 49 19 35 67 22 0 F. white ..... C. 93 i 15 Point.



L AWRENCE—Concluded. 7..› .0> .L9' g •f; 2 . e. ...:-. Colour and e e. o .5 any peculiarity of dri a, 2 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings.

, White, with a black 54 1871 Steam-whistle 128 ft. above Marine telegraph and signal station. 10 vertical stripe, hexag- Fog- water, sounds blasts of Whistle building stands on cliff in onal, wood, dwelling alarm 8 seconds in every half front and W. of light. behind. .Alarm build- 1892 minute. ing white, with brown . roof, wooden.

Lantern on white mast, 15 1905 ) 10 with white diamond- shaped slatwork day- mark attached. 1 ;- Lights visible in the line of range. Lantern on white mast, 25 1905 with white diamond- shaped slatwork day- mark attached. ,I

Red, octagonal wood ; 63 1876 Diaphone, operated byconi- Visible from all points of approach 106 red circular iron Ian- rebl't pressed air, gives one by water. tern ; red wood en 1906 blast of 5 secs. ;duration Marine telegraph and signal station. dwelling near • by. Fog every minute. Fog alarm building eastward of R e d rectangular alarm dwelling. wooden fog alarm 1906 Horn, elevated 70 feet above high building with a high water mark, projects from an ex brick chimney. tension at 'N. end of fog alarm building, and points N. 15° E. White, with a red hori- 39 1870 Cotton powder bombs ex- Fog signal derrick stands 300 feet1067 zontal band, square, re- ploded every 10 minutes. southeast of lighthouse. wood, with dwelling built . attached. 1875 ; Lantern on white mast, 15 1905 ;107C with white diamond- shaped slatwork day- mark attached. Lights visible in the line of range. Lantern on white mast, 25 1905 with white diamond- shaded slatwork day- mark attached. .

White, with two black 32 1871 Cotton powder bombs ex- Visible from all points of approach 1071 vertical stripes, re- ploded every 15 minutes ; seaward. . square, wood, built and every 5 minutes when Marine telegraph and signal station. 1875 vessels' signals are heard Fog signal derrick stands on face in dangerous proximity. of cliff, 106 feet E. of light.

White, with a red verti- 4S 1871 107,. cal stripe, octagonal, on top of dwelling.

White, with two red 90 1830 Cotton powder bombs ex- Marine telegraph and signal station. 1071 horizontal bands, cir- ploded every 15 minutes ; ... cular, stone, clap- and every 5 minutes when boarde.l. vessels' signals are heard . in dangerous proximity.



RIVER ST. à.. "a.---, Es gi 0. . Z 1.... 0 '.. › ■•• .:4 0 .s; - e Characteristic t, ,,,,, .52 g g e No. Name. Location. en = of Light. e ::: Ve • ::::> . to LI t fr,-eteS) .e> re — 1 •-■ — e ,?. cà 1:>2 0 a a c..) >4

• 1081 STE. FÉLICITÉ Foe On extremity of low 48 54 15 67 23 5 ALARM. point, 2 nules above . Ste. Félicité church. •

1082 MATANE BELL BUOY, In 10 fathoms, 1 mile 48 52 30 67 31 0 .... No 21B. N.E. of Ma t a n e Lighthouse.

1083 MATANE PIER End of Government 48 51 50 67 31 35 F. white...... C ... 30 7 Pier.

1084 MATANE County of Rimouski.. 48 51 35 67 31 40F. white.... ..... C &., 66 14 D, p.

1086 LITTLE Mrrls On the Point.... .... 8 41 068 2 20 Alt, red and white, C.... 56 13 1 minute.

1088 11IANIKUACAN SHOAL In 34 fathoms, ï mile 49 3 45 68 9 0 Winsm:xo BUOY, off shoal. No. 22B.

1090 On onoci N. shorof 48 56 10 68 38 28 F. white...... C 30 5 river,

BERSIMIS RIVER... [091 360 ft. N. W. a N. from F. white e 40 5 front light. .

.094 FATHER POINT GAS In 7 fathoms, off Father 48 31 51 68 28 10 Occ. white D, gas . BUOY, No. 27B. Point.

095 FATHER POINT On the point 48 31 30 68 27 40 Rev. white, 20 secs. C .... 48 12 acety- ene.




ô ê ci :-..) ,

Colour and 0 `J any peculiarity of ,...,-....-ri Fog-Signal. Remark.s. No. Buildings. io' e à e 52 ....

W h i t e. rectangular, .... 1904 Diaphone, operated by coin- The trumpet, elevated 15 feet above [081 wooden fog - alarm pressed air, gives one blast high water mark, projects from building. of M seconds' duration the seaward face of building. every minute.

Black, iron buoy, sur- ... 1902 Bell rung by motion ofbuoy 1082 mounted by à bell, on the waves.

. .

Lantern on a mast with 20 1885 Guide into Matane River 1083 shed at base, painted white.

Red, square, wood, 39 1873 Marine telegraph and signal station. 1081 with dwelling at- moved tached. 1883

Red. square,wood, with 40 1874 .. ...... .... Marine telegraph and signal station. 108E dwelling attached.

Red, iron, conical buoy, 1902 Whistle sounded by motion From the buoy, Manikuagan Point 10& surmounted by 10- of waves. bears N. 14° 4' W. 31 miles ; E. inch whistle. extremity, Maniknagan Penin. sula, N. 8' 26' E. 5i miles' and Outarde Point, N. 71° 43' W. 1q miles.

Lantern on mast, with 20 1891 109( white diamond beacon This range is intended to lead into the river over sand bar, which ex- tends over a mile outside Bersimis Lantern on mast, with 30 1891 Point. 109] white diamond beacon.

Black, steel cylindrical 1905 Indicates the safe limit to which 109- buoy, surmounted by ves.sels can approach Father Point lantern, pilot station to embark and dis- embark Pilots.

White, with a black 52 1859 Diaphone, operated by com- Pilots stationed here. 109: Ii orizontal band, pressed am gives two Marine telegraph and signal station. square. Fog alarm blasts of 4 seconds' dura- The diaphone, established in 1904, is building, white, rec- tion each, every min- elevated 17 feet .above high water tangular, wood: ute, thus : blast 4 secs.; mark. The fog alarra building is silent 3 sec. ; blast 4 on the beach, 432 feet N. 80° E. sec. ; silent interval 49 from lighthouse. secs. 122 MGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS




W. e-Éc N. de Characteristic an .5 e.

No.! Name. Location. de of Light. C.) itu itu

t g S A e eli› A g Long La

1096 RIMOUSKI_ ROAD_ _ GAS In 7 fathoms IA miles 48 31 0 68 30 47 Occ, white, visible D, gas BUOY, No. 29B. N. 24° E. f roiri outer 7 secs., eclipsed end of Rimouski 6 secs. Wharf. 1097 RIMOUSKI. On wharf, near its outer 48 29 2668 30 50 F. white D, 6.. 30 10 end.

1098 BORTNVUP Near point of peninsula 48 37 15 69 5 10 F. white o 40 11 forming E. shore of , Portneuf R. at its mouth. 1099 f rORTNEUF RANGE. Lights to be established 1100 1101 BICQUETTE ISLAND.. On N. side of island 48 25 18 68 53 35 Rev. white, 45 sec- 109 17 near middle of its onds. length

-1102 Front light in bottoM48 21 9 69 23 80 F. red D. 7.. 30 2 of bay near church. ! Elec. ! • inean- 1Esc0rmsis5 desc't. 1103 Back light 402 feet N. . F. red D, 7.. 47 2 I ; 57 ° 15' W. from front Elec. ! ! light. incan desc't. 1105 GREEN ISLAND.. ! On N. point of island.. 48 3 17 69 25 5 F. white 47 13

1107 RED ISLET LIGHT- In 20 fathoms of water, 48 6 32 69 29 12 F. white, electric.. Ç D,7 34 12 ). SHIP, on the S. edge of Red D, 7 • 22 ! Islet bank.

1108 RF:D ISLET On centre of islet .... 48 4 20 69 33 0 Gp. Rev. white, 3 C..-. 68 12 flashes, 10 seconds apart followed by eclipse of 30 seconds ; c o tn - plete revolution 50 seconds. 1109 BRINCESHOALLIGHT- In 4 fathoms on S. edge 48 6 30 69 36 50 Two F. white and D, 7.. 31 9 SHIP. of the westerly patch. one F. red. One F. white at each D, p.. 25 niast head and red on stay be- tween the masts. D, p.. 49 !

1 1 10 LARK ISLET Entrance to River Sa- 48 6 45 69 40 50 F. white 40 11 guenay. t ! IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 123

QUEBEC —C1 011ginued.


"5 F. d. cd he

C) blis

Colour and o ta

any peculiarity of es Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. n z e WIl

Black, steel, cylindrical 1903 Marks the point where mail steamer 1096 buoy, surmounted by should meet tenders carrying mails a conical slatwork top - to and from Rimouski wharf. mark and a lantern. White square wooden 21 1906 Visible from all points of approach 1097 lantern on roof of red by water. rectangular wooden freight shed. White, with two red 38 1873 Marine teleg-raph and signal station. 1098 vertical stripes, square wood. 1099 . ...... .... t 1100 White, circular, stone, 74 1841 Steam horn sounds blasts of Horn established 1889, 50 feet N. of 1101 boarded. Fog-alarm 10 seconds' duration with lighthouse. If this horn is dis- building white, with : intervals of 50 seconds. abled a similar signal will be red roof, wood. given from a building 100 feet E. of tower. Lantern on a pole. ... 20 1906 Lights visible in line of range ... 1102

Lantern on a pole 1906 Lights in one lead into Escournains. 1103 They can be used only by small 1 craft having local knowledge. White,polygonUstone, 56 1809 Cotton powder bombs ex 1105 clapboarded ; brown, • ploded every là minutes ; wmlen ;dwelling at-. and everv 5 minutes when tached. vessels' signais are heard in dangerous proximity. Red, schooner rigged, 1871 Stearn-whistle sounds 10 Follows ice down from Quebec every 1107 with the words "lied seconds in every minute. spring. Leaves her station every Island Lightship No. Subinarine fog bell strikes autumn about 28th November. 3" on each side. the number " 3 " every 14 j secs.,thus : 3 strikes at M- I tervals of 2 secs., followed by an interval of 10 secs. Grey, stone, circular 64 1818 ( 1108 surmounted by red iron lantern ; white dwelling with brown roof attached.

Red, with words 1902 Steatn-whistle gives 2 blasts The ball or main tnast light will be 1109 "Prince Shoal, No. Light- 1 of 4 seconds duratioii each lowered, if from any cause the 7" in white on each ship J every minute ; thus, blast light-ship moves from her station. side. Two masts with 1905 4 secs., silent -1 secs.,blast Leaves her station every autumn red ball at main top 1 secs., silent interval after the 20th November. mast head. secs. Submarine fog bell strikes the number " " every 22 seconds, thus : 7 strokes at lntervals of 2 seconds, followed by an interval of 10 seconds. White, square, wood, 40 1872 1110 .stand ing on cribwork, with white dwelling near bv.




F.,' 7... ... . ..?: 4. •.-‘ 1' 1. .. .":1 ',.: 2° 0 . o "C CharaCteriStie e*o bno —e..o ,.. •--1 ' No. Name. Location. -o e> of Light. f, •.;.-> . TA B = a a 5 - ';

1112 ( Front light on t h e 48 7 41 69 42 48 F. white C 60 13 point, near its E. ex- 1 tremity. -{ 1113 POINTE NOIRE.... Back light 1,558 feet N. F white. C 131 1'5 60° 15' W. from front . light. 1. . I 11.13 ANSE A L'EAU .... On outer end of Anse ii. 48 .8 38 69 43 30.F. white D l'Eau wharf, T a- doussac. 1114 GROSSE ROCHE On E. side of river, 48 14 269 53 24 F. white . D, 6.. 36 G about one mile above Grosse Roche. 1115 ANSE ST. JEAN On pier head, S. side of 48 14 44 70 10 44 F. white D, p.. 16 8 St. Jean Bay.

1116 ST. ALPHONSE On pier head, bottom of 48 21 1 70 53 0 F. white C Ha Ha Bay. 1119 Front light on S. side of 48 26 34 70 57 55 F. white C 18 9 river, 200 feet from bank. 120 POSTE T. MARTIN. Back light 830 ft. N.52° F. white C 39 11 45'W. from front light. .121 ( Front light on N. bank, 48 27 50 70 58 28 F. white... ...... C .... 18 9 E. of mouth of river I Valin. RIVER VALIN "i .122 i Back light N. 25' W. F. white... . ... C .... 35 11 I 710 ft . from front light 1. .123 • Front light on N. bank, 48 27 49 70 59 58 F. white C . 16 8 f east of river Caribou. SAVARDS . 124 I Back light, N. 48' W., F. white C .... 39 11 490 feet from front light. 1 125 f Front light on N. bank 48 27 30 71 0 49F. white ..... .... C •.. 14 3 W. of river Caribou, in alder swamp. 1 126 RIVER CARIBOU... Back light, 30'W. F. white C . 40 3 820 feet from front light. . • 1 127 Front light on S. bank, 48 26 17 71 1 48 F. white.... C . .. 32 2' E. of mouth of river RIVIÈRE DU du Moulin. 1 128 MoutiN. Back light in trees on F. white C . 79 2 hill side, 751 ft. S. 55° W. from front. 1 129 CHICOUTIMI On outer end of wharf. 18 26 7 71 3 5 F. red down riv. C . s white across river. IN THE• DOMINION OF CANADA. 125



E d.

g; he C47 > lis to b

Colour and .e 0 ta any peculiarity of s Fog-Signal. No. -:-..:— e Remarks. Buildings. eb â .CD m.4 When

White, square, wood ; 27 Relit Lights visible in the line of range. 1112 whit e, hexagonal 1903 Lights in one, bearir,g N. 600 15' wooden lantern. W., lead into mouth of Saguenay river, clear of Prince shoal, Bar reef and Vache shoal. Heavy White, square wood ; 27 Relit draught vessels should keep the 1113 w hit e, hexagonal, 1903 range slightly open on the port wooden lantern. 1 bow when passing Prince shoal 1 and Bar reef. Lantern on a pole 1906 1113}

Lantern rising frœn red 35 1906. Visible upstream and downstream.. 1114 roof of white square wocxlen dwelling. Brown pole, b ea id e 1115 freight shed on outer end of wharf.

Brown pole. rising from ..... 11116 freight shed.

White, rectangular, 20 1873 Alignment leads through the middle 1119 wood. of the deep water channel clear of the flats off Anse au Foin and White. square, wocxl, 38 1873 the east extremity of the Batture 1120 with diamond beacon aux Loups Marius to intersection facing alignment. with River Valin range. White, square, wood, 19 1873 1121 with diamond slat- work facing align- ',Alignment leads N.W. by N. } N. ment. towards north shore to intersection Lantern hoisted to top 33 1873 with Savard range. 1122 of slatted framework, i with shed at base, white, with red roofs. White, square, wood, 17 1873 1123 with diamond day mark facing align- Aligiunent leads N.W. A, W. along ment. N. part of channel to intersection White, square, wood, 31 1873 with River Caribou range. 1124 with irregular beacon attached.

White, square, wood, 17 1873 1125 with beacon facing .) Alignment leads N. 62° 30' W. to alignment. intersection with River du Moulin Red square steel skele- 36 1873 range, opposite mouth of River 1126 ton tower ; wh it e tower I Caribou. wooden lantern with 19(16 red roof.

White, square, wood.. 31 1873 rebl't 1127 1906 Lights in one lead up from the 1 River Caribou range;1128 White, square, wood.. 31 1873 alignment of rebrt lights to the channel on the S. side of the river above RivièreLachance 1906 J 1129 Brown p o 1 e rising .. Leads to public wharf through roof of freight shed. 126 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



É "ri-ik ti ':■ :.1 o. -2 ..e.

:.) be e CI o --i Characteristic ',-., e ._..9_ No. Name. Location. -c .—... of Light. -1; ..,7.. m3 +2 .,: t.c ..... fj .... 2 îc, -E e>l> e g . : e e a a c...)... ,-. ;: .4.._,=.

1134 ' On beach F. red electric in- C.... 35 5 candescent light.

ROBERV.AL RANGE. 1135 Back light 700 feet from F. red electric in- C .... 40 5 front light. candescent light. '

1138 POINTE BLEUE ..... Extremity of point F. white.... .... D, p.. 28 5

1140 RIVIÉRE À LA PIPE.. On S. W. corner of 48 39 14 71 50 59 F. white ... . . D, p . .. .. 1... , wharf, mile W. of mouth of river.

1141 ILE AU BÉLIER .. .. On S.W. end of island. 48 31 44 71 47 10F. white D, p...... QUEBEC— ST. IN THE Lantern Lantern Lantern Lantern Lantern red square a any peculiarity small - JOH.N. Colour shed Buildings. on a on a on apole, cribwork on mast, on a shed at and DOMINION pole base. ina.st mast at Continued. base. .... pier. with of with on IE 35 16 25 16

,g , d L mov'd 1905 OF 1889 1898 1889 1901 1901 When established CANADA...... Fog-Signal. •••• •••• j i To leadvesselsthroughchannelup to Roberval Remarks. wharf. 1134 No. 1135 1138 127 1141 1140 ▪




• à à ' t5


CU CI7 W. N. de Characteristic 0) G g

No. Name. • Location. de of Light. itu

itu 11412 t 13> .`..■ 3 Long La e

BICQUETTE ISLAND See above, No. 1101. GREEN ISLAND See above, No. 1105.

1142 WHITE ISLAND REEF In 8 fathoms off the N. 47 58 45 Two F. white, { D, 7.. 24 10 LIGHT-SHIP. E.extremitv of White electric, one on Island Reei. each mast. D, 7.. 27 10

1144 BARRETT LEDGE GrAS In 4 fathoms on E. side 47 53 1169 37 5 Oc-c. white D. Gas 14 8 ANI) BELL BUOY, of Ledge. No. 38 B.

1145 RIYIERE DU Loup.... On end of Government 47 50 59 69 34 1 F. white ..... D, 7.. 36 11 Wharf. 1147 BRANDY POTS..... 84 yards from S. E. end 47 52 31:69 40 41 F. white ..... D, 4.. 71 10 of Islet.

1149 PILGRIM SHOAL GAS On W. end, in 4 fathoms 47 45 50:69 43 35 Om white D.Gas 14 8 AND BELL BUOY, No. 51 B.

1150 LONG PILGRIM 40 yards-W. of centre of 47 43 869 44 40 F. white.. : D, 4.. 136 12 Island, and 108 yards I S. from water's edge. 1152. St. SIMEON On outer end of Govern- 47 50 35 69 52 20 F. white... D, 5.. 40 11 nient wharf.

1153ICAPE SALMON On N. E. extremity of 47 46 20 69 54 8 Rev. white, 15 sec- 82 14 Cape. onds.

1156 GRANDE ISLE, RAM- 240 yards from N.E. end 47 37 30 69 51 28 Rev. white, 30 sec- 105 16 OURASKA. of Island, 160 yards ond e. from water's edge.

1158 CAP X L'AIGLE On outer end of pier... 47 39 45 70 5 32F. white...... D, p.. 38

1159 111oriix SHOAL GAS, In 7 fathoms at south- 47 36 13 70 2 8 Occ. white ' D, gas :30 WHISTLING A N n . west end of shoal. BELL BUOY.

1160IMURRAY BAY On outer end of pier 47 37 2370 8 19 F. white D, p..; 36 10 IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 129




o he


a se b

Colour and a c ta any peculiarity of es Fog-Signal. Remark.s. No. Buildings. When

Painted red, with 1893 8-in, steam-whistle, sounds Leaves ber station every autumn 1142 "White Island Reef Gas blast of 8 secs., interval 8 about November 28. • No. 5" in white on buoy secs., blast 8 secs, then each side. 1886 interval of 2 min. and 20 secs. Submarine fog bell strikes number " 5 " every 18 seconds, thus: 5 strokes at intervals of 2 seconds, followed by an interval of 10 seconds. Iled iron conical-topped 1886 Bell rung by motion of From the buoy Brandy Pots Light 1144 buoy surmounted by buoy. bears W. 2.ï miles, and Rivière lantern and bell. du Loup Light S.S.E. 2.-t miles. White, square, wood .. 35 1882 Marine telegraph and signal station 1145 ;ray, circular, brick, 39 1862 Tower rises out of centre of a square 1147 tnetal lantern and wooden dwelling. dwelling roofs red, dwelling walls white. , Ii-on pillar buoy paint-I .... 1886 Bell rung by motion of From buoy Long Pilgrim Light 1149 ed black surmounted buoy. bears S. W. by S. S. distant 3 by lantern and bell. miles.

'White, with lantern 39 1862 Tower rises out of centre of a square 1150 roof red. Circular, wooden dwelling. brick. White octagonal wood-I 35 1906 Visible over an arc of 1630 from S. 1152 en lantern with red 51. W. through W. and N. to N. rorf, on drab rec- 34° E. tangular wooden freight shed with red roof. White, square, wood. 46 1894 Steam hont gives blasts of Locally known as Pointe des Roches. 1153 Red iron lantern. 8 seconds with intervals Tower rises from mid- of 22 seconds. dle of S.E. face of dwelling.

White, square, wood, 39 1862 • • • ...... • • • 1156 with dwelling at- tached. Iron lantern and dwelling roofs red. Lantern on a ma.st .. 35 1882 1158

>,teel buoy, painted in . 1905 Whistle and bell sounded 1159 red and black hori- Whig- by motion of buoy on the zontal bands, sur- tle waves. mounted by a steel- and frame supporting a Bell whistle, bell and lan- 1906 tern. -Lantern on roof of shed "7 18.82 1160 on wharf, roof red, un - lantern white. 1890 9 130 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS





W. c;

N. zocs e • de Characteristic --g No. Name. Location. de of Light.

itu BB itu

t ...P_caîi 'Li; > Long La o x

1161 STE. IRÉNÉE ...... 'On outer end of Gov- 47 34 19170 11 53 F. red to eastward D,p.. 32 7 ernment wharf. or down stream, white to south- ward and west- ward. 1163 POINTE AUX ORI - On the wharf 47 29 28 70 1 34 F. white.... ... D, 7.. 36 10 GEAUX.

1165 GOOSE CAPE o R Charlevoix County. ... 47 29 26 70 13 50 F. white C 55 12 CAP AUX OIES.

I1B7 LES EBOULEMENTS.. On outer end of pier at 47 27 2 70 21 54 F. white D, 5.. 22 9 Cap St. Joseph. 1168,IsLE AUX COUDRES.. On outer end of pier... 47 25 22 70 23 31 F. white D, 26 5

1169 CAP AU CORBEAU.... On outer end of Gov- 47 25 30 70 27 18 F. white D, 7.. 31 10 ernment Wharf.

1173 MIDDLE G no tJN Near E. end of the S. 4124 37 70 13 48 Occ. white - D,Gas 10 GAS BUOY No. 56 Traverse. B.

1175 LOWER TRAVERSE... On E. side of S. Tra- 7 21 21 70 15 12 1.F1. white ; flash 1 D, 3.. 55 13 verse at its lower end, sec. ; eclipse 4 miles N.E. of Tip- secs. per Traverse Light- house ; and near northern end of St. Roch Shoal.

1176 SOUTH TRAVERSE On S. edge Middle 47 21 44 70 15 27 Occ. white...... D, gas 10 Mn)DLE Gaon» Ground. GAS BUOY No. 58 B.

1177 UPPER TRAVERSE... On pier on .N. W. edge of 47 19 55 70 16 10 F. white 47 1 12 St. Roch Shoal .; and nearly 4 miles N.W. by W. from St. Roch Church.

1178 UPPER TRAVERSE In 42 fathoms, 4. cables 47 20 570 16 4510cc. white, D,Gas 60 GAS BUOY NO. N.W. 2 W. from Tip- B. per Traverse Light- house.

1180 CHA'NNEL PATCH GAS On the Patch in 341 14 33 70 19 35'Oec. white D.Gas 14 ANI) BELL BUOY fathoms. 1 No. 64 B. 1




d. he ! L'` blis

Colour and ez:fz ta of Fog-Signal. any peculiarity 0 es Remarks. No. Buildings. n Whe

Square lantern on apex Si 1901 1161 of rcof of drab, wood- en freight shed with brown roof.

Octagonal lantern ris- 32 1875 Visible from all points of approach 1163 ing from red roof of reb'It by water. whit e, rectangular 1904 wooden building. White, square, wood, 42 1876 1165 with dwelling at- tached. Lantern on roof of shed 18 1882 Visible from all points of approach 1167 by water. Lantern on a mast .... 20 1882 1168

Square wooden lantern 19C5 1169 rising from roof of drab wooden freight shed . Steel cylindrical buoy- 1893 1173 painted red, sur- mounted by a pyra- midal steel frame sup- porting a lantern. Rectsngular cone re te 50 1836 Diaphone, operated by com- Visible from all points of approach 1175 building with copper tower pressed air, gives one bv water. roof, on brown, steel- 1904 blast of 3 seconds dura- The horn, elevated 20 feet above sheathed, concrete tion every minute. high water mark, projects from pier, 'sinned, sloping seaward face of lighthouse. ends. Tower ming To enter the Traverse from below, at N.E. corner of the two Traverse lights (upper building is surmoun- and lower) should be brought in ted by a brown cylin- one after passing Middle Ground drical iron tower. (las Buoy No. 56 B and kept on Red, polygonal iron to within one niile of lower light, lanteni. when the upper light should be gradually opened north of the lower one. The course through Traverse is S.W., giving the two lights a berth of two cables. Red steel cylindrical 1903 1176 1.moy, surmounted by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern.

White, square, wood, 42 1871 Boll rung by hand Visible from all points of approach. 1177 with dwelling attach- Tower From off light the bearing S.W. ed, on black cribwork 1900 S. leaves Channel Patch gas buoy pier, pointed sloping on starboard. ends, steel sheathed. Red, polygonal, iron lantern. Marks the N.W side of deep rater 1178 Red steel cylindrical 1901 channel. buoy, surmounted by a pyramidal s t eel frame supporting a lantern. action 01 }'rom buoy Stone Pillar Light bears 1180 I r( ni conical-t op p ed 18,86 Bell rung by the S.W. ï W. 2176 miles. buoy, painted in red' the waves. and black horizontal bands, S11111101111ted by bell and lantern. 9i 132 • LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



i i; ..- - 1 A ..--›.: c ...-. > 1...

N. ') Characteristic c. ..4 e 3 gc Nu. Name. Location. ... . ..a.,.. ..>. . — ,.,,, de of Light. ...= o c2 '1,.. ...,

itu *Fe

t 5: — La

1181 STONE PILLAR. . 100 yards from S. point 47 12 25 70 21 36; Rev. white 30 sec- C.... 83 14 of Islet. onds.

1182 ALGERNON ROCK.... In channel, S. E. of 47 12 12 0 21 17 F. white I), 6.. Ci Stone Pillar.

1184 PORT JOLI SHOAL In 5 fathoms, on the W. 47 12 42 70 20 0.0cc. white D,Gas 10 GAS Bum" No. 65 B side of the more east- erly 2 fathom patch off Port Joli.

1186 BEAUJEU BANK E. In 3 fathoms on Shoal . ■47 6 13 70 27 56 Occ. white D.(4 a.s. 10 END GAS ANI) BELL BUOY No. 67 B.

1187 BEAUJEU BANK W.IIn 11: fathoms on Shoal. 47 4 11 70 30 37 Occ. white 6 sec- D.Gas 14 END GAS AND BELL- onds. BUOY No. 69 B.

1188 1 rr ri OSPITAI ROCK Range lights to be es- 1189 ' ' ' tabished.

1190 BEAUJEU CHANNEL Northwest of the west 47 4 16 70 30 52 Occ. white 1),Gas 27 10 BEACoN. narrows of Beaujeu channel, 2 miles S. 62' W. from Crane Is- land lighthouse.

1191 CRANE IsLAND. .... 1 0n outer end of pier, 47 2 47 70 32 50 Occ. white ...... D, 4.. 48 12 li miles from W. Visible 10 secs. point of Island. Eclipsed 5 1193 At outer end of Govern- 46 59 26 70 13 15 F. re(1 ..... , C 26 3 ment Wharf.

ST. THOMAS DE ( 1194 MONTMAGNY. Back range, 1,971 feet F. red C 41 3 S. W. from front light. 1195 ST. THOMAS BANK In 5 fathoms on outer 47 1 25170 35 2 Occ. . D.Gas 10 4 GAS Bum' No. 77 end of St. Thomas B. Bank.

1191 GROSSE ISLE G A s' On W. end of Margaret 47 0 25 70 39 9 Occ. white.. 10 $ BUOY No. 80B. Island Bank in 3; fathoms.




=a Colour and any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. Buildings. e No. .s=.m t

Grey, circular, stone,' 52 18 43 1181 surmounted by red' metal lantern. While dwelling with brown roof near by. White, square, wood, 32 1878 Rock covers at half flood 1182 surmounted by iron lantern with red roof, o n whited washed concrete pier. Black, steel, cylindri- 1902 ...... From the buoy Stone Pillar light. 1184 cal buoy, surmounted house bears N. W., 1416- mile. by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern. Iron pillar buoy, 1886 Bell rung by motion of buoy From it Crane Island light bears S. 1186 black and red hori- bell on the waves. W. by W. à W. 5 miles. zontal bands, sur- 1906 mounted by a bell and lantern.

Iron pillarbuoy red and 1886 Bell rung by the action of From buoy Crane Island light bears 1187 black horizontal bands' the waves. S.W. by W. W. 21 surmounted by a bell and by lantern. .f 1188 1.1189

Concrete pier, square' 1905 Visible from all points of approach. 1190 in plan, with sloping Light is unwatched. sides, surrounding a! Light showing down stream, in one red cylindrical steel; with Crane Island light, bearing gasholder rising out S. 62° W. marks deep water chan- it. Gasholder is' of nel frotn lower end of Goose Is- surmounted by redi land reef to the tum at Beaujeu pyramidal s ,t e e 1 Bank west end gas buoy-. There frame carrying a lan- is one spot with 3 fathoms on it in tern. the alignment, about là cables east of the beacon, but pilots make the turn for the gas buoy a long dis- tance below this spot. White, octagonal, wood 48 ' 1862 .. 1191 with red iron lan- • reblt tern. 1885 White open framework 26 , 1883 1.193 tower. mint 1897 White open framework 36 1897 .. A guide to enter harbour only. .... 1194 tower. j Black steel cylindrical , 1899 .. Visible from all points of approach 1195 1) u 0 y, surinounted1 by water. by a pytamidal steel' tram. supporting a: lantern. Red steel cylindrical 1887 To enable vessels to call at Quaran- 1197 buoy, with " Quaran-; tine Station by, night. From buoy tine" in yellow, sur- , S.W. extremity of Margaret Is- mounted by a pyra- 1 land bears N.E. ?) E. 11 miles. steel frame sup- I midal a lantern. 1 porting 134 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS


RIVER ST. , c tc 1 5 ,74 1> Characteristic .- - )* No. Name. Location. of Light. • • 5 0- -1-4

1202 On slope of cape above 47 635 70 43 3 F. white.... . ,C 148 15 Cap Rouge.

1203 Front range light, 60 F. white... . 128 15 MONTÉE DU LAC OR feet N. 16° W. from CAP BRULÉ. main light.

1204 Back range light, 330 F. white...... 158 I 15 feet N. 33' E. from front light.

1208 Front light at shore 47 0 16 70 48 30 F. white ... 30 10 on eastern end, Is- land of Orleans, 1,575 feet S. 870 E. 1209 ST. FRANÇOIS from St. François Church. Back light, 4,230 feet I F'. white 77 , 14 S. 60' W. from front light.

1212 BELLECHASSE On summit of Belle- 46 56 12 70 45 53 Occ. white...... 1), 4.. 54 chasse Island, near Visible10 secs. its east end. I Eclipse. 7

MADAME ISLAN D' W. white D.Gas 1214 end of reef in &4656- 0 70 50 32 Occ. 10 REEF GAS BUOY faIhOlOS. No. 86 B.

1216 ST. JEAN On the extremity of the 46 54 54 70 53 51 F. white 30 1, 10 wharf, Island of Or- leans.

1218 ST. LAURENT On the wharf, near its 46 51 32 71 0 20,F. white. D,71 33 11 outer end, Island of Orleans.

-1220 BEAUMONT REEFS LI 5 fatilOMS 7 cables S..46 50 53 71 0 74-Joe. white D,Gas 9 4 GAS LUOT No. 87 B 6' W. from St. Lau- rent Lighthouse.

1222STE. PETRONILLE On W. extremity of 46 50 43 71 758 Occ. white...... ID 331 3 point, western end of Visible 5 secs. 11. Island of Orleans; and Eclipse 3 E. of Quebec and Or- leans ferry wharf. 1224 POINT LEVIS SHOAL About I Mile West of 46 49 54 71 14 30 Oec. white 1), gas GrAS BUOY No. 89 B Lévis graving dock. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 135

QUEBEC--Co nlinued.



r. • he is

Colour and bl any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. es -Fc-z When

White, square, wood, 34 1870 Coast lig,lit. . 1202 dwelling near by.

Open framed tower.... 24 1875 • 1203

Range lights. Lead between Tra- verse Spit and Brulé Bank. Open framed tower.... 34 1875 1204

White, square, wood, 28 1875 1208 with white irregular Alignment leads through North beacon with black Channel Traverse. Should be square in middle fac- opened A sail's breadth to W. in ing alignment ; lan-' passing Chequered buoy, and then tern roof red. closed again. White, square, wood, 1875 1209 with white irregular: beacon with black! square in middle fac-' ing alignment ; lan-: tent roof red. White with red roofs, 40 1862 1212 square, wood, with dwelling attached.

Steel cylindrical buov 1887 1214 painted red, s u mounted by a pyra-, inidal steel frame supporting a lan'tern.

White, square, wood . 30 1874 121( Lantern roof red.

White, octagonal, metal 38 1869 ...... from all points of approach.1 2Visible18 lantern with green! nov'd by water. roof, on roof of dtab, 1903 The light kept open of point •4' rectangular, wocxlen miles to westward just clears freight shed with Marauda Rocks buoy. red roof. lilack, steel, cylindrical 1902 1220 buoy, surmounted by a conical slatwork; topmark and a lan- tern.

approach 1222 White, square, woad ; 34 1901 Visible from all points of lantern roof red. by water.

Marks north edge of shoal 1224 thick-, steel cvlindrical • • 1904 buoy, surnu;unted by red lantern.





W. Characteristic i 51 - No. Name. Location. de of Light.

itu re!-:•'•

il fi F.. e. - e 5

a Long -,

MONTÉE DU LAC. See above, 1202.

1228 STE. FAMILLE On beach near stone 46 57 50 70 58 48 F. white; C . 50 I 12 FRONT RANGE. mill, soutli side of channel.

1229 STE. FAMILLE 2,671 feet, N. 70E. from F. white C . 245 16 ›, BACK RANGE. front light, on top of hill and about mile S.W. from church. 12305 ST. PIERRE On beach on south side 46 55 37 71 237 F. white 2019 FRONT RANGE. of channel, on point at narrowest part.

1231 •-•' ST. PIERRE 539 feet S 59 W. from F. white 50 12 BACK RANGE. front light, in low field

1232 ANGE GARDIEN On beach on point be- 1653 59,71 7 24 F. white ..... 20 ; 9 FRONT RANGE. tween Montmorency Falls and L'Ange Gar- dien Village.

1233 ANGE GARDIEN 1,420 feet N. 44.E. from • F. white . 33 11 BACK RANGE. front light, on hill I. side.

1236 QUEBEC, FRONT N.E. corner of Princess 46 49 17 71 12 15 F. red, electric.... RANGE. Louise Embankment near Immigration Offices. 1237 QUEBEC, BACK On cross wall, Princess ...... F. red, dectric Incan- 103 1 8 RANGE. Louise Basin, 1690 desc't. feet W.S.W. frotn 1 front light. 1242 Front light 260 feet E. 46 43 49 71 20 0 F. wh ite...... 93 14 from extremity of point. POINTE X BASILE j RANGE. 1243 Back liiht 4,100 feet S. F. white .. . 200 se L. from front light.

1244 POINTE NICHOLAS Off Pointe Nicholas... . 46 42 44 71 27 18 Occ. white D, gas 10 .... GAS BUOY No. 15 Q.

1246 TREMBLESSIIOALGAS In- 7 fathoms off S.E. 46 41 871 33 25 Occ. white D. gas 10 BUOY No , 24 Q. extremity of shoal. IN TUF, DOMINION OF CANADA. 137

QUEBEC— Continued.

LAWRENCE-- Cont in ued.


5, he e Colour and blis any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. es Buildings.

-cr.-- n Whe

Mast, with white shed 50 1885 ■ These two in one lead through best 1228 at base. water clear of all obstructions from intersection with St. Pierre range off Batture des Islets to in- tersection with L'Ange Gardien White, with red roof, 21 1885 range off Pointe au Pavillon black 1229 square, wood. buoy.

White, with red roof, 1885 ) 1230 square, woal. These two in one lead .clear of all obstructions f rom mid-channel, opposite Ste. Famille Wharf tg:C intersection with Ste. Famille White ma.st ; white 50 1885 Range. 1231 shed with red roof at bases White, with red roof, 23 1885 , 123.2 square, waxl. These two in one lead clear of all obstructions f rom intersection with Ste. Famille Range to junction , of Orleans channel with ship I channel opposite W. point, Island White, with red roof, 21 1885 ! of Orleans. 1233 square, wood.

Mast rising frmn small 40 1891 1236 brown waxlen tower. I Front light visible from all points I of approach by water, back light' Shown from E. face of 113 1891 in and over a small arc on each 1237 unpainted w ood en mov'd I side of line of range. In one guide marine tower cc vered 1901 I vessel s tn the Commissioners' with galvanized iron. I ' Wharf. ,

White, square, wood ; 49 1900 :Front light visible from all points 1242 red, octagonal, iron i of appmach by water, back light lantern. 1 visible in line of range. I IIn descending the two Jights should I be brought in one bearing S. 84° E. White, steel skeletoM 32 1900 I when abreast of Frechette Islands, 1243 tower, witit white, re- : and kept in one till Confederation wooden slatwork on! built Point is abeam. side :".acing channel ; 1905 red iron lantern. Black, steel cylindrical .... 1901 1244 buoy, surmounted by a pyramidal steel f raine supporting a lantern. 1246 Red, steel cylindrical .... 1890 From the buoy, Pointe aux Treui- and St. • buoy, surmounted by lot lov bles Church bears N.W., 2- W. a pyramidal steel 18972 Antoine Church S. W. ? trame suppoting a 1 lantern.





, .22„ g No. Name. Location. Characteristic c. of Light. . • 0 5 5 8 8 5 E 3 5 -1

1247 ( Front light of upstream F. white, visible in 6 range. On W. side line of range. of St. Antoine Point, 2,640 feet N. 56' W. from St. Antoine Church. 1248 Back light of upstream 46 40 311 34 51 F. white, visible all D, 5.. 68 , 9 • range and front light points approach. of downstream range. ST. ANTOINE On black cribwork RANGES. pier on E. side of St. Antoine Point, 826 ft. N. 88' 30' E. from front light of up- stream range. 1249 Back light of down- F. white, visible all C 203 16 stream range, 825 ft. points approach. 8. 65° W. from front light of downstreani I, range. 1250 POINT ST. ANTOINE hi 5 fathoms off Point 46 40 3 71 37 6'Occ. white D, gas 10 .... GAS BUOY No. 28Q St. Antoine.

1252 STE. CROIX, FRONT On edge of bank, 246 37 45 71 42 30F. white ...... C.... 186 8 RANGE. miles below S t e. I Croix village.

1253 I STE. CROIX, BACK 1,400 feet S. E. E. F. white.... ... C... 238 8 RANGE. from front range. 1255 STE. CROIX G A s Off W. extremity of 46 38 26 71 43 59 Occ. white D, Gas 10 8 BUOY No. 34 Q. Paget Bank or Ecur- euil Shoal. . ..•' 1256 STE. CROIX On shore, near high 46 37 45 71 44 10 F. white .... 41 6 1 _ water mark, and i . .• mile N. of church. ' 1258 PLATON POINT GAs In 5 fathoms1-4 u miler 46 40 43 71 51 23Oec. white D,Gas 9 4 ' BUOY NO. 49 Q. northward of outer: I end of Platon Wharf.

• 1260 On N. shore, .} mile off 46 41 37 71 52 6Y. white 120 5 , the river. - PORTNEUF , 1261 540 feet N.E. of front F. ‘vhite ..... C . 200 5 { light.

1263 Back range on edge of 46 39 31 71 ri2 42 F. white C.... 160 11 cliff in axis of dredged channel.


ItC4 Front range on Riche-146 38 171 54 42 F. white D. 7.. 40 9 lieu Island reef.10,400, feet S. 70' W. from , back range. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 139





Colour and hl any peculiarity of • ta Fog-Signal. es

Buildings. E When

White, square, wood, 30 1902 1241 lantern roof red.

Brown, square, steel 65 1902 Vessels on leaving Pointe à Basile 1248 skeleton tower ; en- alignment take that of St. Antoine closed upper part Point traverse range lights, S. 65'j white, wood ; lantern W., keeping it until gas buoy is roof red. passed, when they shape a course; S. 81e w. to get on the alignment; of the upstream range, keeping that until past buoy 32 Q.

Brown, square; steel 65 1902 1249 skeleton tower ; en- closed upper part white, wood ; lantern roof red. Red steel cylindrical 1904 1250 buoy, surmounted by a! pyramidal steel frame supporting eta n tern. White, square, wood ; 23 1899 ' 1252 lantern roof red. 'ro show the centre of dredged channel through St. Croix Bar. White, square, wood ; 54 1899' 1253 lantern roof red. Red iron cylindrical 1890 To mark N. edge of dredged cut at 1255 buoy, surniminted by a buoy lower end. pyramidal steel frame 1892 supporting a lantern.

White, square, ,wood.. j 1842 A small light to assist in keeping in 1256 channel for some distance up and down the river. Black, steel, cylindrical, 1902 I Light must not be depended on. 1253 buoy, surmounted byl Marks the turn in the ship channel a pyramidal steel off Platon Point. frame supporting, a! lantern. White, wood ; lanteni 30 1842 !.... 1260 on roof of dwelling. Lead up Richelieu Channel to the light on Richelieu Island. . White, stone 26 1842 1261

ed, square, steel, 61 1899 • • • ------• • Front light visible from all points 1263 skeleton tower, with Tower of approach by water ; back light' white, wooden slat- 1903 , in and over small arc on each side work on upper par- I of line of range. tion of side facing I Lead up through axis of 500-foot channel ; enclosed up- }- channel and give good water, per part white, wood. • I nearly to Batture Simon buoy, I No. 68 Q. To clear this open 1 r64 White, octagonal, 42 1899 lights to southward. After pass- wood, on red brown ing buoy close gradually till Ilorse- 1 circular pier, red iron ! are on. back bar lights lantern. 140 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



, a) Characteristic No. Naine. Location'. a.> "P- .r› of Light. • -t.71) ég ■-4

1266 ( On S. side, 4 miles be- 46 39 6 71 53 5 F. white IC 130 12 1 low Richelieu Island.

PLATON 1267 507 feet E. by N. N. F. white 152 12 from front light.

1268 Centre of Island...... 46 38 19 71 54 44 F. white 276

1270 On S. shore, a mile ,46 36 37 71 57 28 F. white .. . 231 above the church. 1 LOTBINTÉRE ' 1271 2,850 feet S.W. by W. F. white ..... 35 10 W. from front light.

1273 LANGLAIS POINT.... On S. shore, „Î mile 46 35 0 71 59 31 F. white 35 I 5 below Great Chêne River. 1 1274 BATTURE SIMON GAS 46 35 31 72 0 50Occ. white 101114s 13 1 4 BUOY, No. 68 Q.

1275 q0n top of bank on S. 46 33 41 72 0 59T. white 114 16 shore, a mile above I village. STE. EMÉLIE i i 1276F 3,420 feet S. 70' 30' E. F. white 131 16 from front light.

1277 BATTURE DU CHÊNE 46 34 41.72 2 10 Occ. white D, gas GAS BUOY No. 7:3Q

1278 BATTURE À CADIEUX 46 34 13172 3 5 Occ. white I), gas GAS BUOY No. 77Q

1279 Front light on extreme 46 33 31 72 4 17 I'. white.. 92 6 of Cape.

1280 Lower back light 80 F white D, 7.. 120 6 yards S. 67° E. fmni front light. CAPE CHARLES... Î

1281 Upper back light at top . hite. . . C 145 12 of steep cape, 1,250 feet S. 69" W. from , front light. IN DIE DOMINION OF CANADA. 141


LAWRENCE— Continued.

Colour and any peculiarity of Fog Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. WI

White with black verti- 7 1 1824 ...... 1266 cal stripe facing chan- nel, square, wood. Lead througli Richelieu Rapids and across Barre à Boulard. White with black verti- 24 : 1816 These lights do not correctly mark 1267 cal stripe facing chan- the itnpi oved ship channel. nel, octagonal, wood.

White, octagonal, stone 35 1816 This light and the lights on Platon 1268 Point are very nearly in the sanie bearing, viz.: N. 73. E. White,. with 'red roof, 17 1871 1270 square, wood. Lead up through Richelieu rapids 1 from the alignment of the Port- neuf to that of the Barre à Boulard White, with red roof, 17 1871 range lights. 1271 square, wood. J

White, square, wood .. 8 1844 To show off Batture des Grondines, 1273 and to avoid Batture Cordin, and as a steering point for Richelieu.

Red, steel, spar buov 1903 Marks S. extremity of Batture 1274 surmounted by a Ian-- Simon. tern.

White, square, wood, 30 Built Lights, in one N. 70 30' W., lead 1275 with red vertical 1880 midway between the red and black stripe on side facing lit buoys from the curve at Cap alignment. 1898 Charles to the curve at Cap à la Roche. The channel marked by this range is 300 feet wide. do do .. so Built Back- light visible from all points of 1276 1880 approach in the channel. lit 1898

Black, steel spar buoy, 1904 1277 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1904 1278 surmounted by a lan- tern. 1279 WIlite, polygonal, wood 12 1856 ..... Front light and lower back light in one lead between Cap à la Roche -Front 1280 Lantern on a mast._ 40 1856 .... • • and Cape Charles. light chan- and upper back light in one, bear- ged ing S. 69° W., lead through axis of 1890 dredged channel through Horse- 1.a,ck bar to intersection of align- 1281 Red, square steel skel-. 61 1901 '. ment of Ste. Emélee range. eton b ewer ; enclosed upper part white, 1 wood.





W. Characteristic No. Name.* Location. de of Light. _F> itu fe. ,.„.;.•14 3

a Long —4 A

1282 CAPE CHAHLEs Lower end -of Cape 46 33 53 72 4 23 Occ. white...... ID, gas'. .... COURSE GAS BUOY Charles Course. No. 80Q.

1283', Front light on the point 46 34 44 72 4 22 F. white 33 7

GRONDINES POINT. 1284 I Back light near bank F. white 66 8 of river 8,260 feet N. I 84° E. from front I, light.

1285 Front light on bank'46 35 9 72 6 16 F. white C of riverai miles above GrondinesPoint front light. GRONDINES UPPER 1286 nANGE. Back light 6,800 feet F. white 68 N. 62° E. from front light.

1287 CAP A. LA ROCHE Middle of curve 46 33 57i72 7 2 Occ. white...... D, gas 13 CURVE GAS Buoy No. 90Q.

1288 CA P X LA RocHE Upper end of course. . {46 33 2072 8 30 Occ. white ... D, gas 13 COURSE GAS BUOY I No. 97 Q.

1289 CAP LEVRARD GAS 46 32 30172 10 6 Occ. white D, gas 13 BUOY No. 107 Q.

1 1290 CAP LEVRARD GAS 46 32 10 72 10 47 Occ. white D, gas 13 BUOY No. 110 Q.

1291 BATISCAN COURSE Upper end of course... 46 31 28 72 12 Occ. white D, gas 13 GAS BUOY No. 117 Q.

1292 Sr. PIERRE IJES BEC- S. shore, summit of St. 46 30 21 72 12 28 F. white ... 85 5 QUETS. Pierre Point.

1295 f N. shore i mile below 46 30 30 72 14 51 F. white O. 20 4 I B a t i s c a n Church, . I about 600 feet from BATISCAN ii shore.

1296 I 2,050 feet W. by S. k„ S. F. white 42 4 I. from front light. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 143

QuEBEC— Continued

LAWRENCE— Ccnet inued.


e . he te. Colour and oc > blis any peculiarity of o ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. es oc When

Red, steel spar buoy, 1904 1282 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Red, square, steel skele- 29 1904 1 1283 ton tower, on white- washed concrete pier ; red, square, galvanized iron lan- Lights visible in the line of range.. tern. Vessels upward bound should keep the alignment of Grondines Point White, square, • wood .. 61 1904 range from Buoy No. 91 Q. 1284 through Batture Cap à la Roche dredged cut to the turn at Buoy No. 97 Q, when they should gra- dually swing into alignuaent of White, square, wood .. 18 1 1904 Grondines upper range, which 1285 they should keep through Batture des Belles Filles dredged cut to the turn at Buoy No. 110 Q.

White, square, wood ..; 40 1904 ! 1286

Red, steel spar buoy, 1904 1237 surmounted by a Ian- tern.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1904 1288 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1904 1289 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Red, steel spar buoy, 1904 1290 surmounted by a lan- tern.

1291 Black, steel spar buoy, 1904 I.. surmounted by a lan- tern.

• • • • • • • ...... 1292 White, octagonal, wood 30 1844 • • ......

1295 White, octagonal, wood 18)

. 1844 Lead through channel dredged in }- 'moved I Batture Ste. Anne I 1879 1296 \ Vhite, octagonal, wood: 36 I ' ) 1 144 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



c , T.,


C w J-•

N. Characteristic 5 •- No.! Name. Location. •■•> •

de of Light. 0 Ls ,??. z.> itu

t e

La -a "e3

1297 BATISCAN ANCHOR- Lower end of anchor- 46 29 59.72 13 57 Occ. white D, gas 13 AGE GAS BUOY No. age. 123 Q.

1298 BATTURE PERRON 46 29 1812 14 16 Occ. white D, gas' 13 G A S BUOY No. 129 Q., .

12984 GENTILLY Range lights to be 1293: established.

1299 CITROUILLE POINT... On pier on beach, N. 46 27 3 72 16 10 F. white.: . D, 7.. 40 11 shore.

46 26 39 72 16 27 (i)ec. 1300 POINT CITROUILLE 1 . wh;te - D, gas' 13 GAS BUOY No.2 C.

1301 POUILLIER CAREEN- ... • . .... 46 26 17 72 20 51 Oec. white . . D, gas 13 TIER GAS BUOY No. 15C. •

1302 ( About ,1 mile above 46 26 32 72 20 51 F. white . 34 4 village church.

1303 E 2,020 feet N. 56'E. from . F. white 4 ir front light. HAMPLATN.

1304 Front light on bank of 46 26 18172 21 27 F. white— 40 6 river, about ; mile above Champlain vil- lage church.

1305 CHAMCLAIN,ITPPER I Back light 2,080 feet N. F. white o 109 6 RANGE. -( 79 30' W. from front I light. -


1304 ILE BIGOT GAS BUOY . OppOsHe east end of 46 25 572 22 49 ( lcc. . . .1) , gas 13 No. 20 C. Be Bigot.




o d. lie is l Colour and z h any peculiarity- of • 0 ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. I No. es

Buildings. tc When

Black, steel spar buoy, ..., 1904 1297 surmounted by a lan-1 tern.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1 1904 1298 surmounted by a lan-• . tern.

129,S1 ;121rs

White, square, wcxxl, 41 1290 red iron lantern on middle of roof.

1;ed, steel spar buoy, 1904 1300 surmounted by a lan-, tern.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1904 1301 surmounted by a lan- tern.

White, square, wood 1844 11302 White octagonal wood- moved lantern. 1906

! 1 Brown square steel 92 1878 1303 skeleton tower, with Tower Lights visible in line of range. white wooden slat- 1906 Lights mark axis of channel fromt work on upper por- Champlain to Ile Bigot. tion of side facing channel ; enclose d upper part white, wood, lantern roof red.

White, square, wood ; 30 1904 1304 lantern, roof red. Tower 1906

,Lights visible in line of range. • square Steel 95 1904 Mark axis of ship channel frein 1305 .,keleton tower, with Tower bend at Citrouille Point to bend white wooden slat- 1906 above Village of Champlain. work on upper porl tion of side facing. channel; enclosed upper part white,; \ vood ; lantern roof red. 13051 d, steel spar buoy, . 1905 ...... •urinotinted by a lan- tern. 10




• . 4 . ^' ..= • - ›-...9. ID r... bc e e • No. Name. - Location. co -0 Characteristic 2 g ms e., of Light. -.-. --;5 • ... r... ,, ..c .., —

4 I. ._ 1306 1 ' 400feet from riverbank 16 23 40 72 27 21 F. white C 51 7 on N. shore, 2 miles belowCape Madeleine church.

1307 2,800 feet N. 59.E.from F. white c 108 7 • front light. • CAPE. MADELEINE, 1 LOWER RANGE. i -

I l 1308 BECANC'OUR COURSE Opposite Batture it 46 24 15 72 24 8 Occ. white D, gas 13 .... GAS BUOY No. 23 -Bigot. C.

1309 BECANC'OUR B E N DILOWer end of bend .... 46 23 6 72 26 0 Occ. white ... D, gas 13 .... GAS BUOY No. se C. I 1310 Near river bank on N. 46 23 12 72 28 28 F. white... C .. . 40 6 shore, 2 miles below CAPE MADELEINE, { Cape. UPPER RANGE. , 311 Back tower, 855 feet S. .... ...... ... F. white c 55 6 . 85° W. from front.

1312 ( Front light on the flats 46 22 32 72 26 56F. white c ...... 6 in river, off westerly mouth of Beeancour river.

1313 Back light on mainland, F. white 6,700 feet S. 650 37' BECANCOUR . J W. from front light.

l. 1314 Front light on bank of 46 22 24 72 29 42 F. white c 4 river, about A mile below Cape Made- leine village church. . 1315 Back light 2,250 feet N...... . CAPE MADELEINE 87' W. from front VILLAGE. light.


QT_TEBEC—C on/ inu ed.


■ 1 'a e d.

CJ CL, he g is Colour and g bc> bl any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. Nc,

Buildings. es

re. c, n


144 Whe

White, square, wood ; 39 1843 1306 white octagonal moved wooden lantern with 1906 red roof.

Brown square steel 87 1843 Lights visible in line of range. 1307 skeleton tower, with moved Lights in one bearing S. 59° W. mark white wooden slat- 1906 axis of channel from a point work on upper por- abreast of Cape Madeleine vil- tion of side facing lage front light to the bend at channel ; enclose d red spar buoy No. 540. upper part 'white, wood ; lantern roof red.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1904 1308 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Red, steel spar buoy, 1904 1309 surmounted by a lan- tern. White, octagonal, wood 16 1843 1310 !- To clear Provencher Shoal, leading' through N. channel. White, octagonal, wood 40 1843 ) 1311

Squaie concrete pier,1 34 1904 1312 with sloping sides, Pier surmounted by white 1905 hexagonal wooden lantern.

Red, square steel skele- 63 1904 ; 1313 ton tower, with white, Tower Lights visible in the line of range. wooden slatwork on 1905 Mark axis of ship channel from upper portion of side lower end of Ile Bigot through facing channel ; en- Becancour, course to Becancour closed upi›er part bend. white, wood ; lantern roof red. Tower stands on square con- crete pier with slop- ing sides.

White, square, wood : 23 1904 1314 white octagonal lan- Tower tern. 1903

we. 11315 Brown square steel 63 1904 Lights visible in line of range. 8ke1eton tower, with Tower ;- Mark axis of ship channel thrmigh white wooden slat- 1903 Becancour traverse. work on upper por- tion of side facing channel ; enclosed upper part white, wood ; lantern roof red. 148 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS




W. .5


te a ° a •

No. Name. Location. de Characteristic ■ a •- E „ "

de of Light. itu itu t e e La Long

1316 BECANCOUR T R A - Upper end of traverse. 46 22 38 72 27 59 Occ. white...... ID, gas 13 .... VERSE GAS BCOY No. 39 C.

1317 CAPE MADELEINE,OppOSite Cape Made- 46 21 58 72 29 36 Occ, white... ga.s 13 GAS BUOY No. 45 C leine wharf.

1318 ILE Aux CO C HONS. . ...... 46 20 50 72 31 17 Occ. white D, gas 13 GAS BUOY No. 55 0

1319 THREE RIVERS SHOAL TJpper end of shoal.... 46 20 13 72 32 27 Occ. white 'D, gas 13 GAS BUOY No.59 C

1321 On a pier near wharf... 46 16 17 72 37 16 F. white ...... 0 .... 14 4

1322 PORT Sr. FRANCIS •t On pier, N. 78° E.. F. white ...... C ....I 36 I 11 550 feet from front light.

1323 (-Front light on pier 46 15 2072 39 2 F. white. 4 on the flat on E. side of mouth of Nicolet River.

4 1324 NICOLET. Back light 4,250 feet F. white D S. 57° 10' E. from front light.

1328 POINTE DU LAC. N. shore 46 16 50 72 40 22 F. white IC 71 12

1330 EAST LIGHTSHIP. Off Pointe du Lac; 9,430 16 15 55 72 42 15 F. white 7.. (NO. 3). feet S. VT W. from lighthouse.

1333 YAMACHICHE 46 12 38 72 49 7 Occ. white, visible D, gas . BEND G AS 10 seconds, eclip- BUOY, No. 57 L. sed 10 seconds. , IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 149

Q UE B EC— Continued..

LAWRENCE—Continued.. ô

Colour and > any peculiarity of 9. Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. - e à .gD

Black, steel spar buoy, . 1904 1316 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1904 ...... • '1317 surtnounted by a lan- tern.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1904 . ...... 1318 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1904 1319 surmounted by a lan- tern.

White, 18 1849 octagonal, wood . . ...... . . . f Mark axis of channel through Bat- 1321 au Fer and Pouillier Laforce. ture Brown, 31 1849 square, open, 1 Back light visible from all points of "‘` steel frame,with white rant approach by water. wooden slatwork on 1902 1 j upstream face.

White, square, wood ; 1907 1323 red octagonal iron lantern ; on square cancrete pier wit h battered sides 29 feet high.

Brown, square, 'steel 1907 , Lights in one inark axis of channel 1324 skeleton tower, with through Nicolet Traverse. white wooden slat- work on upper por- tion of side facing channel, surmounted by white w o od en \vatchi-oom and oct- agonal iron lantern

White, square, wood ; 30 1843 ...... • • • • • • • • • • • In line with E. light-ship S 70r W. 1328 lantern red. shows centre of dredged channel from middle Traverse up to white buoy bend. Hull red, with " No.3 ". 23 Removed at the approach of winter 1330 in white, fore and aft, on acomint of ice. • white, octagonal, , wooden tower, with red lantern roof,amid-. ships.

Black, steel, cylindrical' 1903 1 1333 buoy, surmounted by a lantern.




• .,..-4 M. ....- C.) ...... < › 0 .• > i. .:.".• 0 0 0 No. Name. . Location. a) -0 Characteristic re Pi? -0e -P› of Light. 'es' il c"' .e.`> ,•1 `"a œc? "3 'al â.F.I. -ià tz tore e. c a 0 a a e — 1334 (Front light common 46 11 26 72 51 22 F. white.. . D, 5.. 49 6 to downstream rarge and upstream range, on pier 2* miles S. by E. from mouth of Rivière du Loup.

1335 Back light of down- . ...... .... F. white D, 5.. 94 6 stream range, on pier 2,000 feet S. LAKE ST. PETER 84V W. from front CURVE, No. 2. light

- .. • Back light of up- F. white ..... .... D, 5.. 91 6 stream E-• range, on .'4 pier 2,000 feet N. z-■ 58° E. from front E-■ -{ light. 11 • E is a .4 1337 ( Front light on W. 46 13 38 72 55 46 F. white 1), 7.. 25 6 side of Rivière du . Loup,' about i mile above its mouth. • LoCISEVILLE. { • 1338 1 Back light on W. of F. white ...... D, 7.. 45 6 Rivière du Loup, about .i'u mile N. of front light.

1342 r Outer light, at lower 46 7 45 72 56 0 F. white ..... .... C . . 12 4 i end of low grassy I islet lying off mouth . . 1 of river. ST. FRANCIS .313 RIVER. I Inner light, at abrupt F. red.. ...... C .... 12 4 turn in channel, about -1 mile S. S. easterly from outer I_ one. . 346 (Front light on pier in 46 6 14 72 57 50F. white C 31$ 6 ' marsh on N. edge of I Island. ISLE AUX RAI- , 347 sis. I Back- light onW. edge 46 6 072 57 56F. white.... ... C .. . 86 7 of Island, 2,020 feet 1 S. 25° W. from 1. front. . IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 151


LAWRENCE—Continued. d he lis

Colour and to b 000 any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. es 'Ej eCi When

Red octagonal inm lan- 28 1906 1331 tern rising from red roof of white square fireproof dwelling, on whitewashed rectan- gular concrete pier with battered sides and pointed sloping upstream end. The front light and the back light of the down stream range in one, Red square steel skele- 73 1906 bearing S. 8-1I° W., lead from the 1335 ton tower rising from gas buoy at "I'amachiche Curve to walls of a white fire- Curve No. 2. proof dwelling, o n whitewashed square The front light and the back light concrete pier with of the upstream range in one battered aides. Red astern, bearing N. 584; E., lead octagonal iron la n- from Curve No. 2 to the intersec- tern. tion of their alignment with the aligninent of Ile aux Raisins Red square steel skele- 73 1906 range lights. 1336 ton tower rising from walls of a white fire proof dwelling, o n whitewashed square contrete pier with battered sides. Red octagonal iron lantern

Lantern on pole, with 20 i 1907 1337 white diamond-shap- ed slatwork daymark attached. Lights visible in line of range. Lights in one lead in from Lake St. Lantern on pole, with 40 I 1907 Peter. 1338 white diamond-shap- ed slatwork daymark attached.

Lantern on a mast, 13 1883 1342 standing in the water. .0n starboard side of channel, for convenience of vessels entering river. Removed in autumn, and replaced Lantern on a mast, 13 1883 }- when water becomes low in sum- 1343 standing in the water. mer. Movable, to suit shif ting sand banks.

White, octagonal, open 20 I 1843 1346 frame, on square pier. Alignment leads through the Tra- verse dredged channel from deep water at upper end of lake to 1347 Brown, square, steel, 85 1863 W. light-slup. skeleton tower, sur- reb'It 1 in the line of Back light visible mounted by white, 1903 range ; it may also be seen dimly wooden watch room from other parts of the channel. and white octagonal wooden lantern. f 152 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



:".a. a N W. e Characteristic No. Name. Location. de — .•- e de. of Light. - itu ri,=> d itu t "É La Long

1348 (Front light, on Ile des 46 5 18172 59 41 F white.... 41 I 10 Barques, about mile from its east- ] ern end.

1357 Back light on Ile du F. white D, 4.. 108 11 Moine, 9,690feet S. ILE DU MOINE 53' 45' W. f rom LOWER RANGE front light. (This light also serves as the back light of Ile du Moine upper range.)

1349 STONE ISLAND OR On E. side of Island... 46 5 54 72 59 40 F. white D, 7.. ! 45;12 ISLE À LA PIERRE.

13492 POINTE AUX SOLDATS 46 530 73 0 20 Occ. white ..... D, gas 13 GAS BUOY, N O. 12312

1350 ( Front light on south 527 73 0 40 F. white .... 41 '2 side of Ile à j1 Lapierre, equidis- tant from its east and west ends. GALLIA BAY, 13.501 UPPER RANGE. Back light 660 feet S. F. white C . 73 83° 55' W. f rom front light.

13.50; (Front light on south 46 5 45 73 0 11 F. white.. .... :C . 38 2 side of Ile à Lapier- re, about one mile from its east end.

13.501 GrALLIA BAT, ; Back light. 600 feet F. white 71 LOWER RANGE. I N. 45 E. f rom front light. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 153

QTJ E BEC —Continued.


ô 5 72, Colour and any peculiarity of a o Fog-Signal. Remarks. No Buildings. C


White, square, wood, 19 1907 1348 lantern roof red. On square concrete pier with battered sides, 24 feet high.

Brown square steel 86 1906 ...... Lights in one, bearing S. 53'45' skeleton tower, with mark axis of channel frominter-H'"' white wooden slat- section of their alignment with the' work on upper por- alignment of Ile aux Raisins range' tion of side facing lights to the intersection of their' channel; enclosed up- alignment with the alignment of per part, white,wood; Gallia Bay upper range lights. ; octagonal iron la ii- tern. On whitewash- ed square concrete pier with batte red sides, 19 feet high. -il

White, octagonal , 1867 1349 wooden d welling,sur- re- mounted by red lam. built tern, on pier. 1897

Black steel spar buoy, 1906 Z surmounted by a lan- tern.

White, square, wood ; 19 1907 1350 lantern roof ,red. On square cone, etc pier Lights visible in the line of range. with battered sides. Lights in one bearing S. 83' 55' W. lead up from the intersection of their alignment with the align- White,cylindrical, steel 52 - 1907 ment of Ile du Moine lower range 13501 tower 5 feet in diame- lights to the intersection of their ter ; red square wood- alignment with the alignment of en lantern. On square Gallia Bay lower range lights. concrete pier with battered sides..

White, square, wood ; 19 1907 ..... 13501 lantern roof red. On Lights visible in the line of range. square concrete hier Lights in one astern, bearing N. 45' with battered sides. E., lead up from the intersection of their alignment with the align- White,cylindrical, steel 52 1907 ment of Gallia Bay upper range 131.'01 tower 5 feet in dia- lights to the intersection of meter ; red sq uare their alignment with the align- wooden lantern. On ment of Ste. Anne de Sorel range Square concrete pier lights. with battered sides. 154 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



40, :a .1. o > W.

Narae. Location. N. de Characteristic No. e .5.2 gc, 0; de of Light.

itu a* ■

itu 1...ae"e e3

t M —.'"•;■-•ee -e f2 (u . • e La Long c.)

• 1351 ( Front light on S. side 46 4 10 73 3 3 F. white I 36 5 I of island.

1352 Back light on S. E. endl F. white 80 i 5 LE DE GRACE .... of island, 1,900 ft. N. le E. from front! 89-.1° light .

1353 Front lighthouse on S. 46 3 37 73 3 39IF. white 35 0 shore, about 2i miles below Sorel.

1354 STE. ANNE DE Back lighthouse 2,180 F. white 98 5 SOREL. feet S. 70° W. from front lighthouse.

1355 LE DE GRACE GAS 6 358r73 31 Occ. white.. . D, ga.s 13 .... BUOY No. 136L.

1356 r Front light on west end 6 4073 127 F. white ... C 43 5 of Ile du Moine.

ILE DU MOINE UPPER RANGE. 1357 Back light 1,590 S. 820 F. White...... 4.. 108 5 E. from front light. (This light also serves as the back light of Ile du Moine lower range.) IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 155

QUEBEC —Continued.


• "6 d

E o he

.?`" lis

Colour and b

any peculiarity of o ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No Buildings. -c s e

1'.11 4 -0 When

White square building,I 19 1871 1351 with steel frame . reb'It sheathed with asbes- 1905 tos, on square con- crete pier with slop- ing sides ; white • square iron lantern.

Lights visible in line of range. Brown square steel 63 1906 Marks axis of channel from Nepigon 1332 skeleton tower, with shoal to near W. end of Ile St. white wooden slat- Ignace. work on upper por-, tion of side fa,cing' channel; enclosed up- per part white, wood, lantern roof red. Tower stands on con- crete pier, with slop- ing sides and pointed upstream end.

White, square, wood, 19 1905 on square concrete 1353 pier with sloping sides. Red square iron lantern. Lights visible in the line of range. Marks axis of dredged channel Brown square steel SO 1906 through Ile de Grace Traverse 1351 skeleton tower, with from W. end of Boat Island to white wooden slat- the curve below Ste. Anne de work on upper por- Sorel. tion of side facing channel; enclosed up- per part white, wood: lantern roof red.

Red steel spar buoy, 1906 1355 surmounted by a lan- tern.

White, square wood ; 21 1906 1356 lantern roof red. On whitewashed square concrete pier with battered sides, 25 feet high. Lights visible in the line of range. Brown square steel 86 1906 Lights mark axis of dredged channel 1357 skeleton tower with from curve below Ste. Anne de white wooden slat- Sorel to Nepigonshoal gas buoy work on upper por- No. 146L. tion of side facing channel; enclosed iii)- per part white,wood; octagonal iron lan- tern. On whitewash- ed square concrete pier with battered sides, 19 feet high. 1367 1366 1362 1361 1358 NEPIGON No. 156 ST. OURSTRAVERSE. ILE DUPADS-- SOREL 13uov No.146L. Name. SHOAL GAS

Next lighto'nSt.LawrenceRiser.SeeNo.1383. Back light Front On S.W.cornerof On end of from frontlight. 1,960 feet mile Cochons, about side east end. e light. Wharf, 200feet Richelieu east side Company's edge ofRichelieu 30' W. Location. from itssouth- light of Ile of N. 30°5' on River. from front du Ile Wharf on on mouth western aux Pads, south 46330 E. S. of 46 25073718 46 341173532Occ.

Latitude N.

73 922

Longitude W. LIGHTS F. F. white F. red, F. red,gas Characteristic white. of white gas Light. AND PROVINCE OF FOG-SIGNALS IC D, -g w.< i.. 0 • L'e gas RIVER ST. . › ei'cs e• 71 39i 6 591 3 13 .... 43 1 3 A 6 IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 157



- o i É • ^ Colour and any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. - Remarks. No. Buildings. .•"g t£ âC.)

Red steel spar buoy, 1906 1353 surmounted by a lantern.

• REd square steel skele- 35 1863 Lights visible in line of range 1361 ton tower ; red square re- Lead into Richelieu River, but show iron lantern. built, a channel only available for light 1906 draught vessels. The best channel, with least depth of 24 feet, is Red square steel skele- 50 1863 shown by the alignment of two ton tower ; red square re- diamond shaped day beacons, es- 1362 iron lantern. built, tablished 1889, in the Government 1906 shipyard on the W. side of the river, and bears S. 38. 20' W. White, square, wood ; 19 1907 1 1366 on square concrete pier with battered sides, 22 feet high. Lights visible in the line of range. Lights in one mark channel from Brown square steel 69 1907 ...... upper end of Ile aux Foins to the 1367 skeleton tower with intersection of the alignment of white wooden slat- Ile du Pads range lights with the work on upper por- alignment of Lavaltrie range tion of side facing lights. channel ; enc 1 osed upper part white, wood ; lantern roof red. 158 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



• IC" • -e>to o ▪o > W. b. N. Characteristic c c • No. Name. Location. de 2. •- G 8 de of Light.

itu :c>

itu tc.eAD'e> t e 15 4i La Long o >7;

1370 r On W. bank of river, 45 14 3 73 13 45 F. white • 15 1 about 5 miles above St. NORTH OF HALF- I Johns. - WAY POINT. 1371 I N.17E., 1, 158fee tromf F. white ...... C .. 38 11 I. front range tower.

1373 On a pier, 125 feet out- 45 10 40 73 14 10 F. white C.... 8 2 side W. shore of river, mile below Isle aux ST. VALENTINE. .. Noix.

1374 On shore, 345 feet N. W. F. white C. 23 1 N. from front light.

1376 On crib on W. bank of 45 4 40 73 18 15 F. white 74 river. LACOLLE 1311 S. E. of front light F. white. C.... 18j fi

1379 LACOLLE RAILWAY Pivot pier 1,040 feet N. 45 3 8 73 19 9 F. white and red . BRIDGE. 37' W. from A s h Island Light.

1381 ASH ISLAND On S. end 45 3 0173 19 0:F. white L . 44 4

13821E1,00ov ULAN') On pier, about mile 45 2 15 73 19 20 F. white C. 12 1 4 above Ash Island.




E -C ; -F„ a, • z ;LI Colour and 9. .5 any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. e


White, irregular octa-i 13 1873 1370 gonal wooden tower,! mov'd on small pier. 1902 I These lights in range up the river }- indicate the channel to St. Valen- tine. White, square, wood, on 34 1873 1371 posts, partly hidden' mov'd by woods. 1885

White, irregular octa- 12 1873 11373 gonal,wooden lantern These lights range across the river' on small cribwork S.E. S. and, in line, indicate the hier. channel over the shoal at the foot of Isle aux Noix. White, square, wood .. 24 1873 1374

White, octagonal, wood 10 1871. These lights range down the river, 1376 1 and, in line indicate the channel to Sturgeon Point. White, octagonal, woe,d 22 1871 1377

1898 Shows white when draw is open,'1379 red when closed. Each of four guide piers shows white light. Maintained by C. A. Ry.

White, square, wbod, 42 1875 1381 with dwelling at- tached.

These two lights form a range. White, octagonal, wood, 10 1875 1382 on black pier. re- built 1884 160 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS




J., > E 0 , W. ic Characteristic •"' .0 0 No. Naine. - Location de • of Light. Q F. itu -2>, 171a '=> ng 5 F. "7: ■ a Lo -4

SOREL See above, 1361.

1383 ST. OURS TRAVERSE At lower end of tra- 45 56 43 73 12 36 Occ. white, visible D, gas 13 ... GAS BUOY No. 5 M. verse. 7 seconds, eelip- sed 5 seconds. 1384 Front light on beach on 45 53 40 73 12 44 F. white C 50 4 S. shore.

1385 Back light on top of F. white. C 87 4 ST. OURS TRAVERSE •i river bank, 2,700 feet S. 15' 30' W. from front lig,ht.

1386 Front light on top of 45 54 38 73 12 24F. white 62 5 river bank.

1387 Back light, 1,830 feet F. white... 117 5 N. 61' E. from front PETITE TRAVERSE light.

1388 Front light on top of 45 55 23 73 12 29 F. white 63 5 river bank.

1389 Back light, 2,555 feet F. white 127 5 N. 48' 15' E. from ONTRECŒUR front light. COURSE.

Lantern on small pier45 53 1573 15 50 F. white C.... 17 1390 1 on shore line, S.E.,! side of Island.

1391 LAVALTRIE . On small pier 960 feet F. white C . 10 S.W. / S. from front light.

1391 BELLMOUTH CURVE At lower end of curve..,45 54 48i73 12 49 Occ. red D, gas 13 GAS BUOY NO. 16M.

1392 BELLMOUTH CURVE Middle of curve 45 54 27 73 12 56 Occ. red.... D, gas 13 .... GAS BUOY No. 20M.

13921 BELLIIOUTH CURVE At upper end of curve.. 45 54 14 73 13 12 Occ. red. D, gas 13 GAS Bum. No. 24M. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 161

QUEBEC-- Continued.

RIVER—Resumed. r I

0 d.

0 he

Colour and blis

tce ta any peculiarity of - -.F. Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. es

Buildings. Wlion

Black, steel spar buoy, ... 1903 1383 surmounted by a lan- tern. White, square, wood, 33 1903 1384 on white, concrete pier ; lantern roof red. Lights visible in the line of range. Brown square, steel, 64 I 1903 Lights in one, bearing S. 15° 30 W. 1385 skeléton tower, with mark the axis of ship channel white, wooden slat- from gas buoy No. 5 M to Bell- work on upper portion mouth curve. of side facing chan- nel ; enclosed upper part, white, wood, 1 lantern roof red. 1 White, square, wood, 33 I 1903 13,86 lantern roof red.

Brown, square, steel, 64 I 1903 Lights visible in the line of range. 1387 skeleton tower, with Lights in one aster, bearing S. 61° white, wooden slat- W. lead through Petite Traverse, work on upper portion in the axis of the ship channel of side facing chan-, from Bellmouth curve to Contre- nel ; enclosed upper coeur bend. part, white, wood, lantern roof red.

White, square, wood, 33 1903 ' 1388 lantern roof red. I Lights visible in the line of range. Brown, square, steel, 64 I 1903 I Lights in one astern, bearing S. 48° 1389 skeleton tower, with 15' W. lead through Contrecoeur white, wooden slat- course in the axis of the ship work on upper portion channel from Contrecoeur bend of side facing chan- to the bend at gas buoy No. 43 M. nel ; enclosed upper part, white, wood, lantern roof red.

White, with red verti- 13 1831 1390 cal stripe on sides facing up and down Range lights leading through Flat stream. Islands Channel. Buildings removed in winter, and Red, square, open steel 32 1831 lanterns on poles used in spring, 1391 frame with red lan- re- while piers are submerged. tern, and white slat- built work target with ver- 1896 tical red stripe. Red, steel spar buoy, 1905 391 surniounted by a lan- tern. Red, steel spar buoy, 1903 1392 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Red, steel spar buoy-, 1904 I392i surmounted by a lan- tern. 11 1414 1413 LAGE 1412 1411 1410 1407 1406 1402 14011 1394 1393 CONTRECŒUR No. 162 P.Lum VERCHÈRES . VERCIIÈRES VIL- VERCHERES RANGE CON TRECŒURTO-1 CONTRECŒUR TRA- CONTRECŒUR BUOY No.82 VERSE VERSE. 45M. TION GASBUOYNo. 31 G ASBuoyNo. M. ISLAND GAs RANGE. Name. RANGE.

TRA- M. JUNC- BENI) I ;Back, 1 r 1 2,110 ( Opposite we.:t Front, oncribwork Back, 1,900 Flont Back toweronpier Front to‘veronpier About 2 land. amongst trees,1,950 upper front light. feet S.54e end ofVerchères on Wharf. S. 61' from front. Vercheres on S. N. 57'50' from front. feet islet coeur Village. on from frontlight. 450 feetbackfrom shore. Contrecœur S. shore,380 feet S.28'51' on acribworkpier,454743 flats on a E.fromouter Location. shore 8,570 N. 54'30 in part miles above ft. off Contre- flats 9,250 Church. hillside of W. end N. 70'E. E. from Village ; village, of is-45471673 20 52 from pier feet feet W. E. on in 45 4652 45 515417315 45 5097316491. 45 5136 45 53207314 73 21281F. 73 2010F. 73 1612Occ. LIGHTS ANDFCG-SIGNALS

23F.white Longi tud e W. 14[ Occ. Occ. F. F. white F. F. white sed 5 6 seconds,eclip- sed 5 7 seconds,eclip-' white white white.... white Characteristic white red of white, white, seconds. Light. seconds. -visible visible PROVINCE OF


C . C D, C C. D, L) D, 5:2 .5: gas gas gas LAWRENCE =72, '2.= ..a 85 13 43 12 36 31 i6 95 35 14 13 5. „ c 1'2 11 6 . IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 163'


RI VERT- Continucd.

ô d.

c; he

g lis

Colour and b

any peculiarity of .5 ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. es n •-EsEl 5 Whe

Black, steel spar buoy, 1903 1393 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1903 1394 surmounted by a lan- tern.

White, square, wood, 12 1857 Lights visible in the line of range. 1401 on whitewashed con- inov'd Lights in one, bearing S. 28°51' W. crete pier. 1904 mark axis of ship channel throügh Contrecœur traverse from bend Brown, square, steel 64 1857 marked by Gas Buoy No. 45 M. 1402' skeleton tower, with inov'd to bend into Ile Bouchard chan- white, wooden slat- 1904 nel marked by the Contrecœur to ‘vork on upper por- Verrhères range lights. tion of side facing This range also serves for the north channel ; enclosed channel leading from the align- upper part white. ment of the traverse range lights wood, lantern roof into Contrecœur traverse. red. White, square, wood, 13 I 1903 140 with red roof, on Lights visible in the line of range. white, concrete pier. They should be kept in one ahead bearing N. 54° 30' E. by down- ward bound vessels, from the Brown, steel, skeleton 65 I 1903 point where they leave alignment 1407 tom.er, with white, of Verchères traverse range until wooden slatwork on they come into alignment of Con- upper portion of side trecoeur traverse range. facing channel ; enclosed upper part white, wood. White- washed concrete pier. White, square, wood ; 2,3 1902 These lights indicate axis o ship 141ü lantern roof red ; pier channel in crossing from straight white. cut that extends between Contre- - cœur and Ile aux Prunes to straight eut that extends between White, circular, stone. 41 1902 ( the point above Verchères and 1411 formerly a windmill. Cap St. Michel curve. Octagonal, wood en Lights visible in, and over a small lantern white with arc on ea.ch side of, the line of red roof. J range.

White, square, wood, 31 1902 1412 lantern roof red ; Lights visible in. and over A small lier white. arc on each side of, the line of range. These lights in one lead from the intersection of their alignment

• • • • • • with that of the Contrecœur range Brown, square, steel 65 1902 • • • • • ...... 1413. skeleton tower ; en- lights to intersection of their closed upper part alignment with that of the Ver- white, wood ; lantern chères traverse range lights. rouf red.

Red steel spar buoy, sur- 1905 1414' mounted by a lantern. l 1




-... to- '5i

.. - C a) c, .2 2 • • • ,› -: Characteristic sc-: No. Naine Location. ,17 ,•-c I. .zi •.';' s 5 ir: e E-3:1 i: ,... a a 5

1415 ( Front, on cribwork pier 45 47 17 73 21 32 F. white C 39 8 off E. extremity of Ile Marie.

1416 ILE BOUCHARD Back, on Ile Bouchard, F. white C 75. 8 RANGE. near its S. E. shore, opposite lower end of Ile aux Prunes and 8,200 feet N.510 15' E. from front. 1417 VERCHÈRES COURSE 45 46 30 73 22 27 Occ. white D, gas 13 .... G A 8 BUOY No. 89M. 1418 f Front, on cribwork pier 45 42 47 73 26 30 F. white.... . C .... 37 11 on E. shore of Ile Des- lauriers. . 1419 Back, on E. shore of Ile F. white IC 73 14 . ILE DESLAURIERS Ste. Therese, near its RANGE. N. end, 9,430 ft. S. 510 from front, and 15' W. 1,880 ft. N. 7' E. from front light of Ile Ste. . Thérèse lower range. 1420 CAP ST. MICHEL GAS ...... .. . .... - . 45 43 15 73 26 0 Occ. white D, gas 13 .... BUOY No. 117 M.

IA21 I L E DESLAURIERS 45 42 34 73 26 32 F. white D, gas 13 .... G A S BUOY No. ' 124 M. ,

L423 1 mile below Répen- ... ...... F. white C .... 14 4 tigny village. RÉPENTIGNY .424 I 510 feet N. 22°E. from 45 45 2 73 26 17 F. white C.... 30 4 front one.

.425 ISLE À LA BAGUE.... On a pier on the Islet.. 45 44 14 73 26 15 F. white.... C • ... 24 4

428 r Front light, near shore 45 41 22 73 27 43 F. white C . 22 10 1 on N.E. side of Is- . ISLE STE. THÉ- i land. . }ILSE, LOW ER-{ 429 RANGE. 1 Back range, 600 feet S. F. white .... ... C .... 48 12 I 50° W. from front. I. • 430 VARENNES Cu R V E Lower end of curve.... 45 41 56 73 26 48 Occ. white D, gas 13 .... G A S BUOY No. 129 M.

431 VARENNES C U R V E Middle of curve. 45 41 38 73 27 14 Occ. white D, gas 13 .... G A S BUOY No. 133M. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 165



E d.

c he c*, is

Colour and bl ta

any peculiarity of s Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. e ferEl When

White, square, wood, 28 1003 1415 lantern roof red, pier white. Lights visible in, and over a small arc on each side of, line of range. Brown, square, steel 65 1903 In one show axis of channel from 141G skeleton tower ; en- Cap St. Michel to Verchères closed upper part Point. white, wood ; lantern roof red.

Black, steel spar buoy, .... 1903 1417 surmounted by a lan- tern. White, square, wood» 19 1902 1418 lantern roof red, pier Front light visible from all points of white. approach in the channel. Brown, square, steel 65 1902 Back light visible in, and over a 1419 skeleton tower ; en- small arc on each side of, the line closed upper par t of range. white, wood ; lantern In one show axis of channel from roof red. Verchères Point to Cap St. Michel curve. j Black, steel spar buoy, 1903 1420 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Red, steel spar buoy, 1903 1421 surmounted by a lan- tern.

White,. wooden . 14 1843 1423 To lead through Isle Is la Bague Channel, and to avoid Pouillier on White, octagonal, wood 26 1843 N. and shoal on S. 1424

White, octagonal, wood 18 1831 To indicate the Islet, which is ex- 1425 tretnely low. Removed in winter on account of ice. Lantern on pole used in spring while pier sub-f merged. White, wooden lantereit 16 1855 1423 - with red roof ; on The lights in range S. 50° W. lea,d open post founda- from near Cap St. Michel through tion. centre of dredged channel. White, with red roof, 42 1855 Visible over a small arc on each side 1429 square, wood. reWlt of the alignment. 1889

Black steel spar buoy, 1904 1430 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black,*stecl spar buoy, 1903 1431 surmounted by a lan- tern.





›: -7 È• e-, .' . .•-•• "S . ••-. ,?; '-,... •:•'2- Characteristic No. Name. Location. c ;-... .4 ' . . . . .,-: i e5 5,, ,,'• 1- of Light. •..:-."-- • „ ,... ,i.•72 e.• ,.› z•4 ,E.: •!•;-• - .c.- c -.' .-

1433 VARENNES.... .. .. In Varennes village, 45 41 11 73 26 40F. white ...... _ . C .... SO 4 5,662 feet N: 46' E. from Ile à l'Aigle front range lighthouse.

( Front light on W. shore 45 40 25 73 27 26 F. white C 30 2 of island near its N. end.

ILE À L'AIGLE i 1435 Back light on E. shore F. white.... . .. C .... 52 2 of island, 1,543 feet S. 17' W. from front light. I-

1437 Back light on pier, be 45 40 37 73 27 40F. white C 84 5 low river bank, on S. shore of island, 5030 feet N. 36°30'E. from ISLE STE. THE- I front light. ELSE, UPPER-{ RANGE. 1438 Front light on S. shore 45 39 56 73 28 8 F. white C .... 32 4 of Ile aux Vaches.

l.. 1439 Front light on N. end 35 38 43 73 27 19 F. white... . .... D, p.. 18 4 of Ile St. Joseph.

BOUCHERVILLE... 1440 ' Back light, 760 feet S. F. white D, p.. 29 4 23' 12' W. from front I. light.

1441 PolyrE AUX TEEM- .. . .... ...... 45 39 17 73 28 30 Occ. white. ... D, ga.s 13 ... BLRS BEND G A S - BUOY No. 149 M.

1442 POINTE AUX TREE- 45 36 23 73 30 17 Occ. white D, gas 13 .... BLES CURVE G A S BUOY No. 167 M.

1.446 ( Front light on top of 45 36 44 73 30 38 F. white C 41 4 I river bank, about là I miles below Longue LONGUE PorNrE j Pointe Church. TRAVERSE. I [417 I Back light 1013 feet N. F white C 65 4 I of front light. • IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 167




Colour and blis any peculiarity- of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. es n Wlie

Red, steel skeleton 61 1903 ..... - • • • ...... • • • Visible in the line of range. This 1433 tms-er, with white, light in one witt Ile à l'Aigle wooden slatwork on front range light, bearing N. 46' upper portion of side E., forms the Ile aux Vaches tra- facing channel ; en- verse range, and indicates axis of closed upper part dredged channel from point where white, wood. it leaves alignment of Ile Ste. Thérèse upper range to the tend below Ile aux Vaches light. White, pentagonal, SO 1903 1434 lantern, on wooden white, rectangular, concrete pier with Lights visible in the line of range. pointed nose and Lights in one indicate axis of shil, sloping sides. channel in Varennes traverse, or ' Irons the upper end of Varennes White, square, wood, on 52 1903 curve to abreast of the lower ex- 1435 white, rectangular, tremity of Ile au Beurre. concrete pier with • pointed nose and sloping sides.

Red, steel skeleton 71 1879 1137 tower on concrete pier, rebit with white, wooden 1904 slatwork on upper Lights visible in th c line of range. portion of side facing Lights in one, astern, lead up on a channel, enclo.sed up- course S. 36' 30 W. from Ile aux per part white, wood. Vaches traverse to Longue Pointe White,octagonal, 17 1879 curve. 1438 wooden lantern on reb'lt concrete pier with 1904 ispinted end.

Lantern on a mast with 1903 1439 black diamond-shaped target attached: Lights guide through S. channel leading from Varennes into Bou- cherville channel. Lantern on a inast with 1903 1440 black diamond-shaped target attached.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1903 1441 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1904 Marks middle of Pointe aux 1442 surmounted by a lan- Trembles curve. - tern.

White, square, wood ; 1 23 1903 Lights visible in the line of range. 1446 white, octagonal Tower Lights in one, astern, bearing S. wooden lantern. 1904 lead through Longue Pointe tra- verse, from upper end of curve at head of Pointe aux Trembles 1447 White, square, wood.. 45 1903 channel to the turn above Longue Tower Pointe village. 1901 •




,r! L. - Z.

912:;; :c2 z W. 0 ,›,

N. Characteristic e =.2g e No. Name. Location. de 9.4

de of Light. 0Care.1.1.2$. itu

itu r

t e) 5 E „c44-4 3

La Long "z3

1448LONGUE POINTE GAS Off Longue Pointe 145 35 0 73 30 16 Occ. white D, gas BUOY No. nem.

1449 POUILLIER GAGNON 45 33 52 73 30 43 Occ. white...... D, gas 13 GAS BUOY No. 177 M. • 1450 LONGUEUIL GAS Off Longueuil ..... 45 33 1213 31 8 Om white D, gas BUOY No. 181 M.

14501LoscuE.utt. G.As Off Longueuil 45 32 45 73 31 37 Occ. white D, gas BUOY No. 191 M.

14501 "GAS BUOY No. 32 mile below Ile Ronde. 45 32 18 73 32 2 Occ. white D, gas 13 193 M.

1451 ILE RONDE GAS 45 31 53 73 32 20;Occ. white D, gas 13 Boor No. 195 M.

• 14o c ç Front light on the 45 31 4813 32 41 F. red, electric.... Arc 55 1 2 wharf. light bELLERIVE a PARK. 1453 Back light, 580 feet S. F. red, electric.... Arc 75 2 50' W. from front light , light.

Front 1454 F light on wharf 45 32 30 73 32 15 F. red, electric... Arc 38 I 3 at Hochelaga. light

HOCHELAGA... 1455 Back light, 1,010 feet F. red, electric... Are 51 N. 25 45' E. from light front light.

1457 ILE RONDE Range light to be estab- lished.

1458 GUARD PIER Range light to be estab- lished. IN T FIR DOMINION OF CANADA. 169


RIVER—Concluded to Montreal.

ô :e. al d. he is

Colour and bl

o ta any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. es


117: e: en 1Vli

Red, steel, spar buoy, 1903 1448 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1903 14-19 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black, steel, spar buoy, 1903 1450 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black steel spar buoy, 1904 11-501 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black steel spar buoy, . 1906 11501 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black, steel spar buoy, 1903 1451 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Lamp on pole...... 1903 1452 Lights visible in the line of range. Lights in one mark the middle of the ship channel from turn at Longueuil gas buoy No. 181 M to Latnp on pole ...... 1903 I the turn below Isle Ronde gas 1453 i> buoy No. 195 M.

Lamp attached to day 1903 1154 beacon. Lights visible in the line of range. Lights in one mark the middle of the ship channel from the turn at 1903 Ile Ronde gas buoy No. 195 M 1455 Lamp attached to day up into the harbour of Montreal. beacon.





= tr. t. :-: -8 Characteristic • — e No. Narne. Location. c, of Light. "... ::. +—> ,e. .5. cil m•I

1461 WITCH SIAL. AboutA mile S.W. from F. white. ll, 7.. 22 Magog Railway Wharf.

1464 BLACK POINT On W. side of Lake, 3 F. white .... C .1 19 8 miles S.W. f r om Witch Shoal.

1465 WADLEIGH POINT On W. side of Lake, 4 F. white • 26 8 miles S. W. S. from Black Point.

1466 GEORGE VILLE At Wharf, E. side of F. white • 20 8 Lake, 3 miles S.E. by,. S. from Wadleighl Point. 1468 MOLSON ISLAND. S.W. point of Island, F. white.. „ C.... 28 8 E. side of Lake, about 7 miles southwardly from Wadleigh Point.

1470 LEAD MINES West side of Lake, 4 F. white • 18 8 miles S. by W. from Molson Island.







"5' E. •:-;

Colour and .- 5...0 > e any peculiarity of -c...-. o "e- Fog,-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. ..., --3. .1. :::• ..M r: r•-■ T.--

White, square, wood, 23 1878 ...... .. .. .. \ isible from all points of approach, 1461 on pier rising out of reb'It except from the westward. the water. 1900

White square, wood, 22 1878 . 1464 with, red roof.

White, square, wood.. 22 1878 1465

Lantern on a mast .... 22 1466

White, square, wood.. 22 1878 1468

White, square, wood.. 22 1878 1470 172 • LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS


RIVER ST. LAWRENCE 4 e. "r> ›: > o ... o 0 Characteristic e z-8 0 4: No. Name. Location. Q CJ -a -. of Light. .1> e — ..> e "Q t.0 TO et>: 0 - ea a.f5 a0 o

1501 1. Onr end of pier at. en- 45 26 12 73 40 20 F. white D, 7.. 23 6 canal acety- lene. , LACHINE 1502 On crib between old F. red D. 7.. and new canals. acety- lene.

1504 ( Front light oncribwork 45 26 lb 73 40 56 Occ, white D, 7.. 30 10 block on W. end of Bright... 8 secs. acety- railway wharf. Dim 2 secs. lene. LACHINE RANGE. 1505 Back light on cribwork Occ. white. D, 7.. 44 12 block, 901 feet N. 80° Bright... 8 secs acety- 47' E. from front. Dim 2 secs. lene. L 1.506 LACHINE G A s t mile above Lachine.. 45 25 58 73 41 15 F. red D, gas BUOY No. 16 S acety- lene.

1507 GAS BUOY No. Turning point, upper • - ...... Occ. white D, gas 13 4 38 S. entrance, Lachine Canal.

[WI GAs BUOY NO. At eastern end of turn 45 25 35 73 44 1 Occ. white D, gas 13 4 48 S. at Lake St. Louis É Lightship No. 2. 0 a 1508 F: LIGHTSHIP No. 22 miles above Lachine. 45 25 25 73 44 7 F. white D, 7.. 20 6 :0 acety- ....:4 lene. --.. 4

[510 GAS BUOY No, Between Lightship No. Occ. white D,Gas 13 4 76 S. 2 and Lightship No. 3.

L512 CHATEAUGUAY Lightship No. 3, 3 mi-45 24 52 73 45 0F. white.... D, 7.. 6 LionTsIIIP, les above Lachine. acety- lene.

1513 WINDMILL POINT Off the point 45 22 19 73 49 30 Occ. white D,Gas 9 4 GAS BUOY No. 98 S.

[515 S. side of lower en- 15 19 30 73 54 41 F. white ..... D, 7.. 10 BEAUHARNOIS.) trance to canal. acety- lene. L516 1,242 feet S. 65° 5' W. F. white D, 7.. 50 10 from front ligllt. acety- lene. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 173



Colour and bl any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Re:narks. No. es

Buildings. n ..rz Whe •

White, square, wood, 17 1849 1501 with small dwelling attached.

White steel cylindrical 1889 1502 gasholder cn its side, with box on end sup- porting a lantern. White, circular, steel ; 29 1889 1504 white, circular, steel Tower lantern,with red roof. 1900 The lights in one lead through the F axis of the dredged cut to the White, circular, steel ; 48 1900 turning point, 4 miles distant. 1505 . white, circular, steel lantern, wi th red roof.

Red steel spar buoy, 1849 1506 surmounted by a lan- Buoy tern. 1906

Red steel spar buoy, 1507 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Red steel spar buoy, 1906 15071 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Red hull, with "Lake 1850 1508 Louis No. 2" in St. white. White çircu- lar iron tower, lan- tern roof red.

Red steel spar buoy, 1510 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Red hull, with " Cha- 1849 1512 teauguay " in white. White circular iron tower, lantern roof red.

Red, steel, cylindrical 1513 buoy, surmounted by slatwork cage sup- porting a lantern.

White, square, wood.. 27 1850 1515 t.: one lead from Chateauguay G lower entrance Lightship to the 1516 White, square, 1.vood.. 27 1850 1 to Beauharnois Canal. 174 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



- C Tc _

Characteristic .€" e No. Name. Location. - of Light. • , c-> e 8 e. r.z• 3 1-4 1-1 o

1518 GrAS BUOY No. 12,650 feet N. 65° 5' E. 45 20 46 73 52 26 Occ. white D,Gas 9 4 100 S. f r om Beauharnois front range light.

1519 GAS BUOY No. 8,270 feet S. 76° E. from 45 20 48 73 51 13 Occ. white D,Gas 9 4 102S. - Gas Buoy No. 104 S.

4 9 4 - 1520 GAS BUOY .No.I2,900 feet N. 78° 12' E. 45 20 46 73 55 27 Occ. white D,Gas 104 S. from the front light ! of the Soulanges Canal lower entrance range. •-) 1522 ( ;Front light on E. end 45 20 38 73 56 14F. red, electric.... C. Gas 37 SOULANGES I j of N. pier head. CANAL. LOWER ENTRANCE, 1523 OR CAS- Back light 1,826 feet S. F. red, electric.... C. Gas 59 2 CADES POINT 78° 12' W. from front 1. RANGE. light.






Colour and ' c any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. ;No. Buildings. :74 1 •

Red, steel, cylindrical . 1518 buoy, surmounted by', a conical slatworki topmark and a lan-; tern.

Red, steel, cylindrical . 1519 buoy, surmounted by a conical slat work topmark and a lan-; tern.

Red, steel, cylindrical 1520 buoy. surmounted by a conical slatwork topmark and a lan- tern.

White, circular, iron ; 29 1522 (; Lights visible in the line of range. white, circular, metal Lights in one lead into canal from lantern with red roof. most westerly of the 3 gas buoys indicating N. side of channel be- tween point where channel leaves 1,3 White, circular, iron ; 45 alignment of Beauharnois range' " white, circular, tnetal lights and the axis of canal. lantern with red roof. 176 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



r:. 4> "5 t70 Iil rz..•■ z... .,-,' ---. •. . ›.. ‘..... .2'.. e -É = e. Characteristic Q. Name. Location. Q .... No. ••-i ... of Light. .t> -;:à ,i ., ...› t. .1),.z. — ,1 .J,

LACHINE CrAS BUOY See No. 1506 above. No. 16 S. 1528 GAS BUOY No. 53 S. In 12 feet, off Brown 45 26 0 73 45 6 F. white D, gas . pc.int.

1529 DORVAL. On a pier N. of channel, 45 26 16 73 45 32F. white , D, 7.. 37 11 between Point Claire acety- Light and Gas Buoy lene. No. 16 S.

1530 POINT CLAIRE On a pier N. of channel, 45 25 55 73 46 42 F. white D, 7.. 35 11 about 1 mile S. E. of acety- village. lene.

1533 CARON POINT. .. . Two miles below Ste. 45 24 34 73 54 38 F. white. .. D, 7.. 28 10 Anne Lock, N. side of acety- river. lene.

1536 Isl.>: PERROT On small pier on shore 45 23 59 73 55 0 F. white with a red D. 7.. 16 9 line, S. side of chan- and a green sector acety- nel below Ste. Anne. lene.

L537 f On pier at S. E. end of 45 24 373 55 56 F. white ..... .... D, 7.. 24 10 dredged channel crib. acety- i lene. 1r,RR STE. ANNE D E l On N. W. end of chan-;45 24 2273 56 8 F. white D, 7.. 24 10 ''''''' BELLEVUE. 1 nel cribwork, about acety- i mile below the lock. lene• l

539 STE.ANNE LOCK At southeast entrance 45 24 24 73 56 57 F. red 12 2 of lock. • • 1 541 Front llght on outer end 45 24 29 73 57 13F. white 12 2 of north pier of canal. STE. ANNE LOCK 540 RANGE. Back light on pier of canal, 1,200 féet S. 38' E. from front light.

1 543 POINT À CADIEUX... Lake of Two Mountains 45 25 35 74 0 44 F. white .... ... C .... 30 8

1 ii34 OKA WHARF On outer end of wharf, 45 27 34 74 5 38 F. white D, 7.. 28 5 village of Oka.

1 544 OKA On Pointe du Lac, or 45 28 074 6 40 F. white ...... ... D, 7.. 30 8 Sandy Point, 1À biles acety- above village of Oka. lene. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 177

DIVISION—Co utinued.



:J he

Colour and blis any peculiarity of C ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. es

Buildings. sea ‘Vhen

Black, steel spar buoy, 1904 1528 surmounted by a lan- tern.

White, square, wood, 31 1874 1529 with dwelling at- re- tached. Iron lantern, built red. 1887

White, square wooden 33 1860 1530 dwelling on pier, sur- reb'It mounted by red lan- 1897 tern.

White, square, wood.. 29 1874 • • - • • • • ...... 1533 reblt 1878

White enclosed tower 18 1878 Red sector shows down river, green 1536 with red roof, on open reb'lt up, and white shows line of cross- framework base. 1895 ing. The latter is narrow and turns should be made promptly.

White, square, wood.. 24 1878 1537

These lights guide through the White, squafe, wood.. 24 1878 dredged channel below Ste. Anne 1538 Lock.

White, square, wood.. Marks southeast entrance of canal, 1539 and is to be left on the port hand when entering. Maintained by Department of Rail- ways and Canals. White, square, wood.. Lights in one lead into the canal 1541 from the lake of Two Mountains, and are to be left on the port hand Lantern on a mast when entering. Maintained by 1540 Department of Railways and Canals.

White, square, wood, 32 1875 1543 with dwelling at- tached.

Lantern on a pole at- 20 ' 1903 Visible from all points of approach 15131 tached to S.E. corner by water. of drab, wooden freight shed.

White, square, wood, 28 1 1898 1544 on cribwork pier.




to ci •à 5 •• _ Ti

• > e. W.

N. Characteristic No. Name Location. de z>

de of Light. itu itu t 5 'E)- szl 3 e

La Long o

1546 POINT AUX ANGLAIS. On pier, about 400 yards 45 29 0 74 8 10F. white D, 7.. 26 10 off the point.

1547 N. side of river, near 4531 0 74 9 25F. white. D, 7.. 15 G wharf. 0 1548 930 feet N. 59 E. from F. white - 62 6 Sr. PI:AFIDE C. front light. 1549 340 ft. N. 110 W. of front F. white C. 48 3 tower.

1550 Front light on the wharf 45 29 0 74 12 24 F. red D, p.. 2.5 3


1551 Back light at top of F. red C. 41 3 river bank, 530 feet S. 51 45' W. from front light..

15311 Front light on N. bank 45 35 45 74 23 36 F. white C. 27 3 of canal entrance, 123 feet above upper gate of No. 2 Carillon lock. CARILLON 15.511 Back- light north of F. white 48 3 canal, 1,200 feet N.80' E. from front light.

1552 Front light on hillside 45 36 4414 25 23 F. white C....! SO 3 above Cushing wharf, N. side of river. ClIUTE à BLON- DEAU. 13.32 Back light 1,100 feet N. F.. white 94 3 88' E. from front light.

1553 L'ORIGNAL On point 120 feet back 45 38 30;74 40 40 F. white . : ... D, p.. 57 13 from water's edge. acety- lene.

1554 MCTAVISH POINT... On pier, on extiemity of 45 39 1514 48 OF. white ..... D,7.. 30 I 10 point.

. 1557 Front range,on N. shore 45 38 30 74 59 0F. white ..... • • • 202 of Bay, 1i miles E. of PAPINEAUVILLE.... f Papineauville wharf. 1558 Back range, 282 feet F. . 30 I 2 northerly from front light. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 179


OTT AWA—Continutd.

Colour and , > any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. . Buildings. 7.c â --


White, square, wood, 27 1873 1546 with lantern roof red.

White, square, wood.. 20 1874 The first light is common to both 1547 ranges. In line with the high White, square, wood.. 38 1874 tower it marks the axis of the up 1548 stream dredged channel and in 'White, square, wood.. 23 1898 line with the last light, that of 1549 Tower the down stream one. 1902

Lantern on white mast, 20 1904 1550 with white diamond shaped slatwork day- mark attached, in Lights in one, bearing S. 54 45' W. front of grey store- lead in through dredged channel house. to the wharf. Lights visible in line of range. Lantern on white mast, 1904 1551 with white diamond shaped slat work day- • mark a t tache di. White shed at base.« Lantern on white 24 1 15511 wooden open frame- Lights visible in line of range. work tower. Lights in one astern lead up through narrow channel in approach to Chute à Blondeau. Lantern on white 40 Maintained by Department of Rail- 15511 wooden open frame- ways and Canals. work tower.

Lantern on whit di 30 1552 wooden open frame- Lights visible in line of range. work tower. Lights in one astern lead up through the narrow channel in the drown- ed rapids of Chute à Blondeau on Lantern on white 23 a course of S. se W. 15.521 wooden open frame- Maintained by Department of Rail- work tower. ways and Canals.

White, square, wood . 43 1871 1553 r'built 1897

Mast, with day beacon 1871 1554 affixed, and shed at h'ged base, all white. 1886

Lantern on a mast.... 15 1897 1557 Lights in one mark the dredged I,antern on a mast.. 15 1897 channel. 1558



RIVER c. ci -t> .--› o No. Name. Location. o ,o Characteristic — -g -o .. of Light. 7.3É ..P› .-... o 4 F) ae ao • e

1560 WAY SHOAL On low shore, N. side 45 32 075 28 45 F. white.... ..... c ....I 30 8 of river. ' 1561 r Front light on N. bank 95 29 56 75 32 2 F. white.... ... I), p.. 29 4 of river, about mile below m out h of . Blanche river. WAy CHANNEL.... -{ 15611 I Back light 490 feet S. F. white D, p.. 49 4 I 80 40 W. from front I light. l 15611 ( Front light on N. bank F. white D, p.. 1 of river, about -?;, mile below mou t h of BESsERER Blanche river. CROSSING. 15611 Back light 325 'feet N. F. white !D, p.. 49 1 4S' 30' E. from front.


1562 GREEN SHOAL . , .... On pier, S. side of chan- 45 29 0 75 35 0 F. white D, 7.. 38 8 nel, opposite East Templeton, 7 miles below Ottawa City. .

1567 ( BRITANNIA - On outer end of pier, 45 21 50 75 48 26 Occ, red, visible 5 D, 7.. 26 6 S. side of lake at its secs.; eclipsed lower end. secs. ; electric in- candescent. ai ;4 1568 z AyLMER ISLAND. 1 miles W. of Aylmer 45 25 075 53 0 F. white . D, 7.. 52 10 village wharf. C..)' 7: -{ 15707--'4 At inner end of wharf, 45 27 40 76 0 30 F. white ..... .... D, p.. 30 6 south shore, about 12 acety- BAsKINS miles above Aylmer. lene. ‹ WHARF. 1571 4 About i mile S. 95° E. F. white C . 54) 6 from front light. acety- lene. 1573 BUCKOM POINT.. On crib off Point, south 45 30 20 76 6 50 F. white D, p.. 31 10 l. shore, about 16 miles above Aylmer. 1575 ( MORRTS OR VIC At the head of the Chats 15 28 15 76 13 35F. white C. 29 10 :4a TOUA 'SLANE Rapids. ‹ 1576 I-4 ARNPRIOR I S -- On an islet opposite the 45 27 10 76 17 35 F. white D,6. 29 8 i. LAND. • Town of Arnprior. '.5. 1577 a CAMPBELL I 8 12 miles above Victoria .1 130 0 76 25 45F. white C. 29 LAND. Island, and 31, above l Sand Point. 1579 COULONGE LAKE... On point on N. side, 145 52 10 76 47 0F. white D, 30 i 10 mile above old Fort Coulonge IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 181


OTTAWA—Con tintied.

c3 d.

f, 41 0 he C) 0 lis

Colour and b 0 0 0 any peculiarity- ta of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. "Co • 2' 0 es à n 73

•ti Whe

Sides alternately red 25 1870 1560 and white,hexagonal, wood.

Lantern on mast with 20 I 1906 1561 white diamond-shap- Lights in one bearing S. 80' 40 W. ed slatwork dayrnark lead up between Way Shoal and attached. the north shore to a point nearly abeam of the front light of Bes- serer Crossing Range, when the Lantern on niast with 40 1906 15611 white dianiand-shap- alignment should be left on the ed slatwork daymark starboard hand to swing into the attached. Besserer Crossing alignment.

Lantern on mast with 20 1906 1561 1 white diamond-shap- Lights in one astern lead through the ed daymark channel dredged across the head attached. of Way Shoal, on a course of S. 48' 30' W. from a point abeam of Lantern on mast with 40 I 1906 the front light of the Way Chan- 15611 white d iamond -shap. nel range to deep water on S. side ed slatwork daymark of river. attached.

White, square, wood, 21 1860 Visible from all points of approach. 1562 on a brown circular r'built pier, lantern red. 1900

Octagonal wooden ion- 25 1872 Visible from all points of approach 1567 tern, with base brown iiiovd by water. and upper part green, 1905 on middle of flat roof of pavilion.

White, square, wood.. 34 1883 1568 reblt 1898

White, square, wood.. 26 1883 Front light visible in line of range 1570 Tower and across the lake at right angles 1903 to the line of range. Back light visible in the line of range White, square, wood 31 1883 I These two lights, in range, lead 1571 Tower 1 through the deepest channel over 1903 Constance Shoal. White, square, WOO(1 25 1883 .s. To indicate the low point, and the 1573 moved shoals off it. 1889 White, square, wood, 29 1873 1575 with red 'alitent.

White, square, wood, 26 - 1885 Visible f rom all points of approach. 15741 on whitewashed con- Tower crete pier. 1906 'White, square, woo(I.. 29 1873 Visible up and down the lake 1577"

Mast, with white shed 20 1885 1579 at base.




--• c. c. .._.-Z 7.5 ,?....: o ••••• 0 à .o.• r.. 5e .12 -° - No. Name. Location Characteristic - d ..r. z z 'LI .- of Light. -t -•-,>. ,e. , t2 t ,2....z .::. .- '-ii e


1581 LO1VER ALLUMETTE On head of Spence Is- 45 48 15 76 54 0 F. white D, p.. 24 9 LAKE. land, opposite Lot 18, E.Rangeof Allumette ' Island. 1582 ALumErrE ISLAND... About 2 miles below 45 48 12 77 2 37 F. white D, 6.. 29 6 Pembroke. On boom pier about 200 feet • from shore of island. 1585 LOWER NARROWS.... On pier, N. side of 45 50 077 10 0 F. white D, p.. 28 10 channel.

1587 FORT WILLIAM.. ... On outei end of wharf. 45 54 45 77 15 45 F, white D, p.. 28 10 1588 DEEP RIVER ISLET. , At mouth of Deep River 45 59 077 16 30 F. white c s

1590 MCQUESTION POINT On S. shore of Deep 46 1 45 77 22 30 F. white...... D. 7.. 26 9 River, about 22 miles above Pembroke. .. 1593 SCHOONER ISLAND... In Lake Timiskaming, 16 44 079 6 23 F. white D, p.. 30 .... 5 miles above Long Sault and 2- miles below Opemican Nar- TOWS. 1594 SOUCIER ISLAND About 2 miles above 16 46 55 79 10 50 F. white D, p.. 30 .... Opemican Narrows. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 183



d. C . e ▪ li is

Colour and bl any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. es ▪ a en \Vli

.7%last, with white shed , 20 1885 1581 at base.

White, square, wood, 27 1906 Visible from all points of approach 1582 on square cribwork' by water. Marks the entrance to pier. the most northerly channel of Allumette rapids.

Lantern on mast, with 25 1887 1585 white shed at base.

Lantern on mast 25 1887 1 1587 •

White, square, wood, 1873 Visible up and down stream 1588 red hexagonal lantern. Lantern on mast, with 22 1883 1590 brown shed at base.

Lantern on mast, with 19 1890 1593 white shed at base on 1 cribwork hier. Visible as far as configuration of lake allowg. To be left on star- Lantern on mast, with 19 1890 board hand in going up. 1594 white shed at base fin cribwork lier. •• •





›: o > o

N. -.2 5. Characteristic • a g No. Name. Location. -• de of Light. tr: e ,1) CID re itu t o 5 ;1 ei

La o

BEAUHARNOIS See No. 1515 above.

1601 1st range light, S. side 45 15 18 74 8 17IF. white D, 7. 13 I 3 of channel, about 11, acety- miles from guardlock lene. at upper entrance to Beauharnois Canal. 1602 KNIGHT POINT -{ 2nd range light, on F. white D, 7.. 19 3 mainland, 93 yards acety- S.W. of 1st range. lene. 1.03 3rd range light, S. side F. white D, 7.. 12 3 of channel. 396 yards lacety- N.W. of 2nd light. lene.

1604 GROSSE POINT OR Main light, N. side of 45 15 18 74 851 F. white . 7.. 38 1 11 VALLEYFIELD. channel, on a pier acety- 304 yards W. of 3rd lene. light.

1605 GROSSE POINT Off the point, 1,200 feet 45 15 10 74 855 F. white D, Gas 13 GAS BUOY No. westward of Grosse 25F. Point lighthouse. 1607 Front light on S. end of 45 15 5274 10 53 F. red, electric.... 31 I 5 SOULANGES I W. pier. CANAL, UPPER 1608 ENTRANCE Back light 1,585 feet F. led, electric.... C 46 5 • RANGE. N. 50° E. from front ci> light. 1609.1 GAS BUOY In 19 feet, 2,680 feet S. Occ. white D,Gas 94 • No. 30 F. 50' W. from Soulanges Visible 10 secs Canal upper entrance Eclips'ed 5 secs .7£ front range light. „ 1611 < uoTF.AELANDING On Government Pier. . 45 15 38 74 11 30 F. white, with al), 7.. 29 10 red sector facing, ,acety- east to channel. I lene.

1612 GAS BUOY In 29 feet, 8,000 feet S. Occ. white D,Gas 9 4 No. 36 F. 50' W. from Soulanges Visible 10 secs Canal upper entrance Eclipsed 5 secs front range light. 1613 HAY POINT GAS Off the point .... 45 13 31 74 15 .16 Occ. white ;D,Gas 9 4 BUOY No. 40 F.

1614 GAS Buoy Western end middle 45 12 26 74 17 22 F. white D,Gas 9 4 No. 43 F. ground.

1615 GAS BUOY Point Mouillé flats ....i45 10 34 1 74 19 51 Occ. white D,Gas 13 4 No. 48 F.

1616 PORT LEWIS GAS In 9 feet, on S.W. end 45 10 32 74 17 39 Occ. white D,Gas BUOY No. 22F. of shoal N. of pier at Port Louis.

1617 MCKIE POINT... On N. shore 45 11 38 74 19 38F. white ...... D. 7.. 36 10 acety- lene. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 185



o „ Colour and any peculiarity of 2 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. eu: T.. WI]

White, square, wood, 12 I 1848 1601 on lier. These two lights in one indicate the point where vessels should leave the axis of the canal in going westward. Red, square wood, on 18 1850 1602 a pier.

White, square, wood, 12 1850 These two lights lead up to the piers 1603 on pier. which the-y mark and are passed close to, linight Point No. 3 being left on the port hand and Grosse . White, square, wood.. 30 1848 light on the starboard 1601 Point main re- hand in passing to the westward.. built Grosse Point light also serves as a 1882 guide into the canal from up the lake. Black steel spar buov, 1906 1605 surtnounted by a lan- tern. White, circular, iron 35 1607 white, circular, nietal Lights visible in the line of range. lantern with red roof. 1 Alignment indicates W. edge of dredged approach to canal and White, circular, iron leads to gas buoy at S.W. ex- 1608 white, circular, metal tremity of dredging. lantern with red roof. Red, steel, cylindrical, From the buoy Coteau Landing light 1609 buoy, surmounted by; bears N. 56' 6' W. 1,330 feet. a conical slatworkl topmark and lantern.;

White, square, wood. 1848 Visible from E.N.E. I, E. through 1611 Base and lantern 1 tower N. to W. N. - red. painted erec'd 1877 From the buoy Coteau Landing light 1612 Red, steel, spar buoy,, 0 stutnoutifial by a lan-! bears N. 35 39' E. 5,120 feet. tern.

Red, steel, cvlindrical 1613 buoy, surmo`unted by slatwork cage slip- porting a lantern. Black, steel, cyl ind ri cal 1614 buoy, surmounted by slatwork cage sup- porting a lantern.

Red, steel, spar -buoy, j1615 surmounted by a ion- terra

Red, steel cylindrical 1904 1616 buoy, surmounted by conical cage and Ion- terra White, square, wood 30 1847 i Midway between Coteau Landing 1617 I and ltetry Island. 1877




..... - .-

Zi" r:,.. .. ..- -c:, ,-- 0 •.e. > '7., - Z No. Name. Location. o 42.• Characteristic r- '.''. r....2 5 F • "re : - --e -5.° e . ,,..z'.. • ..- ; .5;9 3'. .° a 7E: o 1 3

1620 I ST. A NICET On bar on S. side of 45 9 13 74 22 4 F. white D, 7.. 31 10 channel, 5,700 feet N. acety- E. from church. lene. 1622 CHERRY ISLAND. S. side of channel. 45 7 53 74 24 4 F. white D, 7.. 40 11 acety- lene.

1623 ISLAND BANK S. edge of bank. .. . 45 7 33 74 25 51 Occ. white D,Gas 9 4 GAs Buoy No. , 68F.

16231 GAS Buoy No.`i- miie eastward of Lan- 45 7 21 74 26 28 F. white D, gas 69 F. caster Bar lighthouse.

1624 i LANG' STER BAR. On a pier in the lake, 45 7 17 74 27 2 F. white ..... D - 99 8 z S. side of channel, 3 acety- ...1 miles below Lancaster lene. village. 1625 . LANCASTER BAR S. edge of bar.. 45 6 32 74 28 38 Occ. white D,Gas 9 4 GAS Buor No. à4 76F. a 1626 .1 GAS BUOY No. In 18 feet, one mile east 45 8 374 27 56 Occ. white... D,Gas 61 F. of South Lancaster.

1627 LANCASTER . ... On a pier N. side of 45 5 55 74 29 29F. white D, 7.. 33 10 channel, 1,1 miles S. acety- W. from Lancaster lene. village. 1628 SQUAW ISLAND S. of island 45 4 58 74 30 10 Occ. white D,Gas 13 .... GAS BUOY No. . 78F. 1629 ST. FRANCIS On pier on N.W. end 45 4 10 74 31 25 F. red D, 7.. 26 4 MIDDLE of middle Fround be- acety- GROUND. tween St. I rancis and lene. Thompson islands.

1631 HAMILTON IS. Most s o u t h - easterly 45 3 47 74 32 4F. white D, 7.. 42 10 L LAND , point. acety- lene. 1632 1..ARK ISLAND GAS South-east of island.... 45 2 42 74 34 14 Occ. white D,Ga1 13 4 BUOY No. 84 F.

1683 1LENGARRY OR North shore of river... 45 2 10 74 36 57 F. white D, 7.. 42 10 STONEHOUSE POINT . acety- lene. 1685 ;OLQUHOUN ISLAND South-east of island.... 45 1 23 74 38 59 Occ. white D,Gas, 13 4 GAS BUOY No. 88F.

1686 I Front light on crib- 45 1 374 39 44F. white..,. D, 7.. 18 6 work pier on W. end acety- of dyke. lene.

1687 T. REGIS DYKE... Back light on cribwork F. white D, 7 . 30 6 pier on E. end of dyke, acety- 500 feet S. 67' E. from lene. front light.



LAWRENCE— Contin ed.

Colour and any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. „ '4

White, 'square, wood, 31 1891 There is 17 ft. water in the chan- 1620 red iron lantern, nel 100 ft. N. of light. brown steel pier. White, hexagonal, 41 1847 1622 wood, with lantern re- roof red. built 1883 Red, steel, Cylindrical 1623 buoy, surmounted by slatwork cage sup- porting a Intent. Black steel cylindrical 1906 1623; buoy, surmounted by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern. White, square, wood.. 30 1879 Hand horn answers signals 1624 trom vessels.

Red, steel, cylindrical .. . . 1625 buoy-, surmounted by slatwork cage sup porting a lantern. Red, steel spar buoy, 1904 1626 surmounted by a lan- tern. White, hexagonal, 30 1844 Hand horn answers signals 1627 wood, lantern red. re- from vessels. built 1886 Red, steel, spar buoy, 1628 surmounted by a lantern. White, cylindrical steel 23 1901 Vi=ible from all points of approach. 1629 ga.s tank rising from reb'lt concretebase,andsur- 1901 mounted by- red iron box and red lantern. White, square, wood .. 36 1873 1631

Red, steel, spar buoy, 1632 surmounted by a lantern. White, square, wood, 36 1873 1683 with dwelling at- tached. Red, steel, spar buoy, ... 1685 surmounted by a. a lantern. White, cylindrical steel n 1902 gas tank rising from 1686 concrete base, sur- mounted by red iron Lights visible from all points of ap box and red lantern. proach. White, cylindrical steel 27 The lights in one, bearing N. 67° 167 gas tank rising front W. lead up to turn at Corn- ris er and concrete base, wall Island point. surmounted by red, conical slatwork cage and red lantern.


PROVINCE OF RIVER_ ST. I e •0 .1,1 ■ •— W.

t.£ Characteristic t-■ No. Name. Location. z de e of Light. u e itu e tr, ng I e z.• — e- Lo

1688 ST. REGIS DYKE GAS Opposite east end of 45 1 8 74 39 50 Occ. white D,Gas] 9 BUOY No. 96F. Cornwall Island.

1692 DICKINSON LAND- S. side of west entrance 44 59 32 74 54 33 F. red. Elec- 21 I 3 ING. to Cornwall Canal. tric.

1694 DELANEY SHOAL GAS South of Dawson Point 44 59 22 74 55 24 Occ. white D,Gas BUOY No. 6 U.

1695 ARCHIBALD SHOAL South-west of Dawson 44 59 12 74 55 48 . 0cc. white. D,Gas GAS Buor No. 8 U. Point.

1698 GAs Buor No. 40 U. Upper entrance, Farran 44 57 39 75 0 27 Occ. white D,Gas 13 4 Point Canal.

1699 PRUNNER SHOAL Gss'South-west of Cook's 44 55 44 75 5 8,0cc. white D,Gas 13 4 Buor No. 54 U. Point.

1701 DrxoN Isr.AND GAs North of island 144 .46 46 75 23 30 F. white D,Gas 13 BUOY No. 127 U.

1763 GAS BUOY No. 136U. Upper entrance, Iro- Occ. white . D,Ga s 13 I .... quois Canal.

1705 HEAD OF GALOPS On W. end of pier on 44 46 38 75 25 7 F. red D, p.. CANAL. S. side of upper en- trance to canal.

1706 NORTH CHANNEL On angle of dyke on 44 46 10 75 25 46 F. red D, 7 . . 4 DYKE. N.W. side of lower acety- entrance to N. chan- lene. nel.

1708,GAs Buor No. 154 U. Upper entrance North 44 44 23 75 27 11 Occ. white D,Gas 91 4 channel.

1710 WINDMILL POINT.... About 14 miles below 44 43 15 75 29 18 F. white D. 7.. 92 15 Prescott. acety- leine. 71--TE DOMINION OF CANADA. 189



d. he is

Colour and bl ta any peculiarity of s Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. , Buildings. e When

Red, steel, cylindrical 1683 bnoy, surmounted by slatwork cage sup- Porting a lantern.

White, square, wood . 22 1865 Leads into the canal from the river, 1692 re- and also shows down the canal. built 1891

Red, steel, cylindrical 1694 buoy, surmounted by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern. Red, steel, cylindrical' 1695 buoy, surmounted by:, a pyramidal stee 1: frame supporting a lantern. Red steel spar buoy, 1693 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Red steel spar buoy, 1699 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Black steel spar buoy, 1701 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Red steel spar buoy, 1703 surmounted by a lan- tern.

Lantern hoisted inside 20 1902 Visible from all points of approach. 1705 white, tubular, iron column, capped by a pressed glass lens ; white, iron shed at base.

White, cylindrical steel 23 1902 Visible from all points of approach. 1706 gas tank rising from relflt concrete base, and 1904 surmounted by a red iron box, and a red lantern.

Red, steel, cylindrical 1703 buoy, surmounted by slatwork, cage sup- porting a lantern.

White, circular, stone.. 62 1373 1710 ' 190 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



_ ... > ■-d.;,-.- .. to No. Name. Location. 0 "e Characteristic s-. e e .3 1 k e-:c.) t■ -z: r. -- :%,,,, a a 5

1713 HILLCREST GAS BUOY In 18 feet water, south- 44 33 475 43 51 Occ. white...... D, gas 13 4 east edge of rock, 250 ft. from N. shore, in .Narrows W. of Brock Group.

1717 COLE SHOAL On pier, 5 miles W. of 44 32 075 45 21 F. white D, 7.. 33 6 . Brockville, ï mile acety- from N. shore. lene.

1721 GRENADIER ISLAND.. S.W. point of Island, 44 23 075 54 25 F. white D, 7.. 55 10 N. side of channel, 2 acety- miles below Rockport lene.

[722 FIDDLERS E L B 0 W In 13 feet, at the shoal 14 21 39 75 59 40 Occ. white. D, gas 13 .... GAS BUOY, north-west of Wood Island. ,

1723 -LINDOE ISLAND N.W. point of Island, 14 21 2176 0 20F. white D, 7.. 40 7 S. side of channel, 5 acety- miles W. of Rockport lene.

1727 GANANOQUE N A n - Abreast of Gananoque 44 19 31 76 4 55 Ow. white D, gls ... ROWS GAS BUOY. Narrows lighthouse.

1728 GANANOQUE N A R- N.E. end of Little Stave 44 19 32 76 4 58F. white D, 7.. 44 7 ROWS. . Island, S. side of chan- acety- nel, 5 miles below ` lene. Gananoque.

1720 JACKSTRAW SHOAL.. N. side of channel, 2 44 19 28 76 7 15 F. red .... ..... D, 7.. 34 7 miles below Gana- . acety- noque. lene.

[730 SPECTACLE SHOAL.... N. sideof channel, imile 44 18 40 76 11 9F. white D. 7.. 28 10 W. of Gananoque. acety- - lene. [731 RED HORSE ROCK... S.E. side of channel, 1 44 18 876 11 32F. white. . D, 7.. 28 9 mile above Spectacle acety- Shoal. • lene. [732 BunNT ISLAND S.E. part of Island, N. 44 17 45 76 11 35F. white ...... D, 7.. 70 5 side of channel, :4 mile acety- above Red Horse lene. Rock.

v737 WOLFE ISLAND Cur S.E. end of dredged cut 14 14 6 76 10 46 Ooc. white D, gas . GAS BUOY. through Blanket shoals at foot of island.

738 WOLFE ISLAND On Quebec or E. point. 44 14 17 76 11 10F. white D, 7.. 46 6 acety- lene. 1 7381 COLD BATH SHOAL In 14 feet, at east end 44 14 30 76 20 28 Occ. red .. D, gas , 13 .... GAS BUOY, of shoal.

.739 BROWNS on KNAPP Wolfe Island ...... 44 13 57 76 24 3 F. white.... D, 7.. 28 10 POINT. acety- lene. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 191



-5 ■-• d. .; 7- • ille blif Colour and • tà:1

• ta any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. a a "'e:" • es Buildings.

— •

r • When

Red steel spar 1898 The best channel is southeast of 1713 surmounted by a cha'gd buoy. lantern. 1903

White. square, wood.. 31 1856 1717

White square, wood.. 37 1856 1721

Red steel spar buoy, 1904 1722 surmounted by a lantern.

White, squaie, wood.. 26 1856 ...... • • • • • • - • • • • • 1723

Red steel cylindrical 1905 1727 buoy, surmounted by a Conical statwork and a lantern. White, square, waxl.. 37 1856 Hand horn answers signals 1728 from vessels.

White, square, wood, 29 1856 Visible from all points of approach41729 on a pier in river. A small pier, surmounted by a red drum on a mast, 700 feet S.E. E. from the light, marks the S. edge of the channel. White, square, wood, 26 1856 1730 on a pier in river. White, square, wood, 26 1856 ■ 1731 on a pier at head of Buck Island. I \ White cylindrical steel 33 1856 Light is unwatched ...... 1732 gasholder, surmoun- Gas ted by red pyramidal Bea- steel 'frame support- con ing a lantern. 1906 Red steel spar buoy, 13 1903 1737 surmounted by a lan- tern.

White, square, wood.. 39 1861 1738

Red steel spar buoy, . . 1906 l7381 surmounted by a lan- tern. 1739 White, square, wood.. 20 1874 Hand horn answers signals from vessels.






N. Characteristic No. Name. Location. de

de of Light. itu ; itu - t R. .?• La Long

1742 370 ft. E. from end of 44 14 4 76 28 24 F. white . .... .... 48 12 bridge to Kingston.

BABRIEFIELD Coi- MON. 1743 1500 ft. N.E. N'ly from F. white.... . C 75 12 front light.

1744 KINGSTON .. City Hall Clock 44 13 50 76 28 53 F. white Gas .. 107 9

1747 SNAKE ISLAND On pier on bar N. side 44 11 976 32 li F. red D, 7.. 38 6 of channel, 5 miles acety- W. of Kingston. lene.

1748 MIDDLE G R 0 UN D W.end of middle ground 44 10 38 76 33 30:F. white D, gas 13 GAS BUOY. between Snake island and Seven Acre shoal

1749 NINE MILE OR GAGE S.W. Point, Simeoe Is- 44 9 12 76 33 30 Occ. white D, 1.. -15 12 POINT. land, 9 miles W. of Visible 5 secs acety- Kingston. Eclipsed 4 secs lene.

1751 PIGEON ISLAN D..... 4 miles from head of 44 3 50 76 33 10 Rev. white, 1 min. 67 12 Wolfe Island. and 10 sec.

1754DUTER DRAKE OR E. point of Island. .... 43 56 55 76 48 21'. white D, 3.. cs 13 FALSE DUCKS.

1755 SOUTH BAY POINT... n l'oint Traverse .... 43 56 10 16 51 50F. red C 36 10 IN TilE DOMINION OF CANADA. 193

ONTAR IO—Continued.


s e. d. he is

Colour and bl any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. es When

Red, iron tripod, with 50 1892 1742 white oval beacon at its top and brown shed at base. Headlight lanterns hoisted on the tripods show over a small arc on each side of alignment, which Red, iron tripod, with i 80 1892 leads inside of Carruthers and white oval beacon. at Point Frederick Shoals. 1743 its top and brown' shed at base.

Wooden tower on stone 96 1844 1744

White,octagonal, wood, 39 1858 Visible from all points of approach1747 on pier, red iron lan- mov'd by water. - tern. 13oathouse at 1900 base.

Black steel spar buoy, 1748 surmounted by a lan- tern.

White, circular, stone . 40 1833 Diaphone, operated by com- 1749 Fog-alarm building Fog- pressed air, gives one blast white, with brown horn of 7 seconds' duration roof. 1894 every minute.

White, square, wood, 1871 Hand horn answers signals 1751 rising, from roof of from vessels. dwelling; roof of iron lantern red.

White, circular, stone, 62 1828 Diaphone, operated by com- Trumpet, elevated 15 feet above the 1754 . iron lantern red. Fog pressed air, gives one blast level of the lake, projects from White, rectangular, alarm of 4 seconds' duration southerly face of fog-alarrn build- wooden fog alarm 1904 every minute. ing. building with red roof.

White square, wood, 36 1881 1735 with dwelling a t - tached.






W. o tc e N e

Characteristic .Ce e de il No. Naine. Lo.cation. Light. de of eS x itu g itu e- e t sri Long La

SNAKEISLAND. See above No. 1747.

1758 CENTRE BRO- On northernmost point. 44 12 26 76 37 49 F. white D, 7.. 31 10 THER ISLAND acety- lene.

1760 POINT PLEA- Entrance to Bay of 44 636 76 50 37 F. white...... D, 7.. 52 12 SANT OR IN- Quinte. DAN POIYP.

1763 DESERONTO... On the railway wharf.. 44 11 27 77 2 55F. white... . D, 7.. 44 11

1 764 TELEGRApH IS - On cribwork pier on 44 946 77 7 18 F. white D, 7.. 46 12 LAND. N.W part of island, :4 Bay of Quinte.

1766 BELLEVILLE . On S.E. edge of shoal 44 9 9 77 22 43 F. red D, 7.. 38 8 at entrance of harbour, 450 feet W. from end of Railway Wharf.

1767 BAT QUINTE Immediately W. of 44 8 3677 23 7 F. white S. of south- .. 18 3 BRIDGE. Belleville. ern opening ; F. white N. of northern open- ing ; red light at each end of draw span when bridge closed ; 2 green lights at ends of draw span when open.

• 1768 ^^ NIGGER IS- In 11 feet of water on 44 6 32!77 29 53 F. white ...... D, 7.. — 10 LAND SHOAL. N. side of Steamboat I Channel. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 195




Colour and z any peculiarity- of 2 Fog-Signal. No. Buildings.

White, square, wood, 31 I 1890 1758 kitchen at t a c he d, iron lantern, red.

White, octagonal, wood 52 1 1866 1760 with iron lantern, red .

Square tower on roof of 46 I 1885 Lit by gas. Guides to Deserento 1763 freight shed. from Belleville, Picton and Na- panee. •

White, square tower on 41 1870 [1764 dwelling.

White, square, wcxxl, 36 1881 4766 on octagonal pier.

Open truss bridge 1891 Centre pier of swing span is 195 feet 1767 from S. or Prince Edward Co. shore. A channel 100 feet wide both N. and S. of swing pica% When draw is open vessel will see 2 green lights flanked by 2 white lights and must pass between a green and white light. Main- tained by Bridge Co.

'White, square, wood, 27 1891 Vessels upon leaving- the swing of 1768 on pier. Belleville bridge, bound up, steer W. by S. S. directly for the light and pass it leaving it about 300 feet on the starboard hand. Ves- sels, bound down, after passing the red buoy off Onderdonk Shoal, steer N.E. E. dire•ctly for the light. When within 4,000 feet of it they open it half a point on the starboard bow so as to clear the north extrerae of the shoal extending from Potters Point. At 2,000 feet distant they change their course so as to pass it, leaving it 300 feet to the north- ward, and after passing the most easterly black buoy on Potters Point 'Shoal shape their course directly for the swing of Belleville bridge. 1 n




. . ...... e ii . _

e . Characteristic C;-. .-e - r.: •- d - a, G i No. Name. Location. e of Light. .F., '..".45 .,... e ..z.e. c 5 .'.- :7. .za e 7-• ?-

1769 r Front light on west bide 44 5 17 77 34 30 F. red D, 7.. 20 2 I of harbour. I TRENTON 1 1770 1 Back light 520 feet N. F. red D, 7.. 42 2 70e W. from front I light. l •

1772 30 feet from end of N. 44 3 41 77 34 53 F. white D, p.. 27 5 Pier at E. entrance.

1773 Over centre of swing F. red and white.. D, p.. 35 6 pier Carrying Place .: highway bridge, 4,72.5 . z feet from No. 1772. z 1774 < Over centre of swing F. red and white.. D, p.. 20 4 :3 pier of Central On- I . 2 tario Railway bridge, z< 1,500 feet W. from Carrying Place bridge MURRAY 1775 -, 3". Over centre pi er of F. red and white.. D, p.. 35 6 CANAL . ›. " Smithfield bridge, a'... 6,600 feet W. from e= Railway bridge. 1776 7'1 Over centre of swing F. red and white.. D, p.. 35 6 _ pier of Lovatt bridge, 7,700 feet W. from < Smithfield bridge and w 6,490 feet from W. en- .=-. tranee to canal. -,.e 1777 ..., 30 feet frotn end of N 44 1 587i 40 35F. white I), p 27 5 :,.. pier at W. entrance. c 1 ›< 1779 I No. 3.-7 200 feet from 44 1 29 77 42 5 F. white C 29 3 end of ' nal piers and 3,920 f— from Bright- on wh t' Presqu'Isle Bay. arr

1780 No. 2.-5,360 feet W. b3 F. red C . 45 6 BRIG RION -{ S. e S. from No. 3, and RANGES... 1,440 ft.fromBrighton wharf.

1781 No. 1.-1,420 feet S. E. 44 1 277 42 55 F. white C .... 23 6 by E. À E. from No. 2, and 1,100 feet from I. Brighton wharf. l PRESOU'l LE See No. 1.794 below.




, o 1> .-., s . . c i To .. : . • • - ■ g :-, Colour and ,t.c> II' any peculiarity of r-1 ....e Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. •


Lanternon white mast, 20 1905 17439 with white diamond- 'Shaped target at top ; white shed at base. I I Lights in one, bearing N. 70-r W., }- lead in from the eastward through I the dredged channel. Lanternon white mast, 30 1905 I 1770 with white diamond- shaped target at top ; I white shed at base. ) -

White circular column 18 1891 1772 rising from hexagonal reblt base. 1899 • Open truss bride 1891 1 1773

I By day the centres of the swings of 1774 Open truss bridge. 1891 the bridges, by night the lights on the same (white if swings are open, red if closed), in one will indimte the middle of the canal and the dredged channel. Each Open truss bridge 1891 bridge is passed to the south of 1775 the swing, which is somewhat to the northward of the axis.

Open ttuss bridge 1891 J 177€

White circular coliunn 18 1891 .... ...... ... .. ...... 1777 rising from hexagonal mint base. 1899

White, square, wood 30 1891 1 177£ on octagonal pier. No. 3 t,ower stands in 15 feet• water in the axis of the Murray Canal and on the N. side of the channel - which bears S. W. by W. ï W. White, square, wood 47 1891 ... In one with No. 2 light leads up from 178( on square pier. the canal through the centre of the channel, and is to be left 100 feet on the starboard hand in passing up. After being passed, if brought White, square, wood 30 1891 directly astern with No. ldirectly 178l on octagonal pier. ahead, it will guide through the . remainder of the dredged channel.




■ gr


N. Characteristic r. No. Naine. Location. de

de of Light. itu itu t g;*g e re e La Long 5

SOUTH BAY POINT.. See No. 1,755 above.

1786 POINT PETER... .. On Point 43 50 50 77 8 0 Rev. white 35 62 13

1783 SALMON OR WickEoPn extremity 43 51 50 77 13 50 F. red ...... [C 40 8 POINT.

1789 SCOTCH BONNET otiOn small island, 1 mile;43 54 077 32 25 F. white 51 12 EGG ISLAND. S.W. of Nicholson I Island.

1792 r I At S.W. end of QuintC44 2 8 77 35 39 F. white ...... 26 10 I Carrying Place. ! WELLER BAY I 1793 508 feet N.E. E. from F. red C. 377 1, front light.

1794 PIIESQU'ILE E. point of Peninsula...43 59 54 77 40 30 ' F..white 67 1 13

For Murray Canal lights going east read upwards from No. 1783.

1797 r .0n east pier 43 57 10 78 8 35 F. white Gas .. 20 I 8

1798 On east pier head, S. by F. white. 1), 23 W. -W.409 ft. outside - C°B°URG• ****** • ' of corporation light.

1799 On west pier, at elbow, 43 57 8 78 8 50,F. red .... D, 26 6 190 ft. from extremity.

1801 PETER ROCK OR GULL W by S., 4 miles from 43 56 10 78 12 10 Occ. white D. 4.. 45 10 ISLAND. Cobourg. , Visible 10 secs Eclii ■sed 5 secs

1802 PORT HOPE 10 ft. from extremity 43 56 20 78 14 30 F. white 40 4 of breakwater. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 199

ONTARIO—Cont inued.


5 d.

e he is

Colour and bl any peculiarity of •- c ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. es "EL-7-1 '11;r■ When

White, circular, stone. 60 1833 Steam-horn si% es blasts of 20 Fog-horn close in front of tower, 16 1786 Fog - alarm building, Fog- seconds with intervals of feet above water. ilk white, with brown alarm 35 seconds. roof, wooden. 1890

White, square, wood, 30 1871 1788 with dwelling at- tached.

White, circular, stone ; 54 1836 Hand horn answers signals 1789 dwelling attached. from vessels.

White, square, open 27 1876 Vessels entering keep the lights 1792 framework, wood. I well open to the northward to: clear the spit which mak-es off theI White, square, %vood.. 37 1876 I Bald Head and has now reached1793 the line of range.

White, octagonal, stone 63 I 1840 1794

White, square, wood.. 16 I 1844 Maintained by Town Corporation.. 1797

Lantern on a mast .... 20 I 1886 1798

Lantern on a mast... 20 1883 Visible from all points seaward ... 1799 mov'd 1887

White, circular, stone, 48 1 1840 On a rock off the point. ..... 1801 surrounded by crib- work

1802 White square, wood.. 44 1868 Not under Marine Department...




T• ;

W. cO N.

Characteristic No. Name. Location. de •■') •q r

de re) of Light. ▪ 4.> g itu r a itu t ng e if

La Lo CD

1805 NEWCASTLE On outer end of E. 13 53 35178 34 0 F. white D 7.. 29 10 breakwater pier.

1806,DARLINGT0N.. Pier head . 43 52 40 78 38 O'F. white ..... D, 7.. • 1807 OSHAWA . Pier head.. 43 52 078 47 01F. white . 41 1 809 WHITBY \V. pier.... 43 50 45 78 56 0 F. white ...... C and 12 5 D, p.

1811 FRENCHMANS B A Y E. pier head 43 48 55 79 155 41 6 OR PICKERING. 1813 Front range 100 feet 43 37 48 79 20 20 Occ. red, visible 6 D. 6.. 43 8 from outer end of East seconds, eclipsed pier. 6 TORONTO EAST _1 seconds. PIER. 1814 Back lange N. W. by F. red ...... D, 7.. 27 • 6 N. 2,400 ft. from front light.

1818 GIBRALTAR POINT... S.W. side of Point, 11 43 37 079 22 55 Rev. white, 45 sec- C 66 14 mile S. of Toronto. onds. - 1819 Front range on N. W. 43 37 55 79 24 45 F. white...... p.. 23 9 corner of Quee n's Wharf.

Back range on extension F. red D, p. • 37 7 1 820 TonoNTo.. shoreward of Wharf, 215 feet N.E. by N. from front one.

1822 PORT CREDIT At outer end of N. '43 33 40 79 5 OF. white... . D, 7.. 39 11 breakwater pier.

1824 OAKVILLE.. ,. Near inner end of main 43 26 4079 40 12 F. white D, 7.. 39 11 pier.

1825 BRONTE On north pier near its 43 25 17 79 41 13 F. white D, 6.. 27 10 outer end. 1826 Main light near middle 43 18 2079, 48 25 1'. white 75 15 of S. pier at entrance, 1,570 feet S.W. by W. from front light. BURLINGTON BAY. 1827 Front range light near F. white. D, 7.. 39 11 outer end of S. pier

1828 On inner end of S. pier, 43 18 15,79 48 47 F. red D, 7.. 204 1,300 feet S. 67 W. from main tower. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 201


.ONTARIO—Contia tied.


c he is bl Colour and - to> any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. en Remarks. No.

Buildings. When

White, wooden, tower 28 1847 Maintained by the Newcastle Har- 1805 surmounted by iron im- bour Co. lantern rising from prov'd roof of store house. 1890 On a stone house .. Not under Marine Department ... 1806

1863 Not under Marine Department.... 1807

Square, viood 1844 Not under Marine Department... . 1809

White, octagonal, wood 47 1863 Repaired, 1880 1811

Red steel skeleton 1895 Bell rung by machinery, Visible out on the lake over an arc 1813 to er, white enclosure reb'It gives a stroke every 3 of 180' from N. N. E. through N. and lantern, red roof. 1898 seconds. and E. to S. S. W. Lights in one show the line of the 1814 White, square, wood ; 22 1898 Diaphone, operated by pier. lantern roof r e d . tower compressed air, gives Back light visible from all pointe White, square, wood- 1906 one blast of 7 seconds' of approach by- water en fog-alann build- Fog- duration every 45 secs. Fog-alarm building on beach just ing with green roof. alann E. of E. pier, -A mile southeast- 1905 ward of lig,ht. Horn projects from dormer on S.E. side of building. White, hexagonal, 62 1820 1818 stone. Keeper s dwell- ing. 11 ea r. Wh te, hexagonal, wood 23 1856 Bell rung by hand Visible over an arc of 180'. Main- 1819 tained by Toronto Harbour Com- missioners. Fog bell attached to tower.

Red, octagonal wood.. 35 1838 Visible over an arc of 180'. Main- 1820 tained by Toronto Harbour Coni- missioners. The two lights in range lead in through the centre of the buoyed channel 200 feet wide.

White, square, wood, 36 1863 Visible from all points of approach. 1822 . lantern red. build- ing 1882

White with iron lantern 31 1863 Vessels must .allow for position of 1824 red, hexagonal,wood. re- light and exercise caution in clear- built ing end of pier. 1888 White, square, wood.. 27 1906 Visible from all points of approach 1825 by water. Gray, circular, stone 79 1838 Hand horn answers signals 1826 building, iron lantern from vessels. red.

Red square steel skele- 36 1845 Visible from all points of approach 1827 ton tower ; red square reblt 1.y water. iron lantern. 1905 White, square, wo0(1 ; 22 1899 Visible from all points of approach 1828 lantern roof red. tower in Burlington Bay. 1906 To guide to the canal from Hamil- ton and Burlington Bay. 202 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



Ail '3 7;15:

7-1 S■ (:"? 1,« W. Characteristic No. Name. Location. de of Light. e itu ••:.1 ci ;

Long c.)

1830 On beach, east of line 43 12 10 79 15 50 Occulting white, 1), 4.. 56 13 o f east breakwater. visible 30 seconds Lake Ontario entrance and eclipsed 5 to Welland Canal. seconds, alter- nately, electric. PORT DALHOUSIE.. 1831 Near outer end of ..... F. red, electric.... D, 6.. 42 8 east pier, and 1,500 feet 1%. if E. from main light.

1833 NIAGARA BELL BUOY In 20 feet off W. side of 43 17 40 79 5 30 mouth of river.

1834 Front light near S.E.143 15 22i79 3 54 F. red ,C 30 7 corner of Niagara Navigation Co.'s '. wharf. NIAGARA—ON—THE— 1 LAKE.

1835 Back light on shore, 690' .... F. red 0. 43 8 feet S. 21e E. from front light.


WAVERLY SH0A1. Maintained by U. S. GAS Bum'. Government.

1839 PORT COLBORNE Back light temporarily F. white, electric.. Arc 78 { on G. T. Railway ele- lights. 81 vator on E. bank of 84 canal.

On cribwork- block on F. red 0. 351 7 'W. side ot canal.

1840 Pon r COLBORNE Front light onouter end 42 52 2 79 15 13 F. red ...... I), 4.. 508 WEST BREAKWATER of western break- water.

1811 iPturr C 01, BORN E'On outer end of eastern 42 52 0 79 15 5 Occ. D, gas 21 10 EAST BREAKWATER breakwater.• acety- lene. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. '203




Colour and any peculiarity of Zo. Fog-Signal. e> Remarks. No. Buildings. bD â When

White,octagonal,wood, 58 1852 Visible from all points of approach 1830 red iron lantern. re. lake ward. built Should the electric power fail at any 1898 time, a fixed white oil light will be shown temporarily.

White, square, wood.. 38 1879 Bell rung by hand answers Visible from all points of approach. 1831 signals from vessels. Should the electric power fail at any time, a fired red oil light will be shown temporarily.

Red iron buoy sur- 1889 Bell rung by motion of From buoy .American lighthouse 1833 mounted by open waves. bears S.E. by S. 4 S. 213-ff miles ; - frame holding bell. Fort -MassassaugaS. by E.; Four Mile Point S.W. S. • Ve-ssels entering can run close to on starboard hand. buoy leaving it

White, square, wocxl ; 32 1904 Diaphone, operated by com- Fog alarm building on edge of river 1834 red iron lantern. pressed air, gives one blast 14 cables below front lighthouse. White, rectangular, of 5 seconds' duration Trumpet is elevated 10 feet above wooden fog alarm every 2 minutes. level of lake. building on cribwork foundation ; roof red. Lights visible in, and over a smalli arc on each side of, the line of] White, square, wood ;, 45 11 range. 1835 red iron lantern. Lights in one, bearing S 21.?? E., lead into the river from bed buoy! on outermost shoal at entrance.


Three lamps in a verti- Steam horn sounds blastsTile front light on the west break- 1839 cal line, suspended of 11 seconds every 14 1 water in line with the back light from wall of elevator, niinutes. on the G. T. Railway elevator, temporarily. bearing N. 17e E., le.ad in from' Lake Erie clear of all shoals. The west breakwater light is to be left on the port hand in passing. White, square, wood. 27 1878 ' 'moved 1901 I

White,square,concrete, 1903 Diapl tone, operated by com- Visible from all points of approach 1840 sides of lower part Fog pressed air, gives blasts by water. vertical and of upper alarm of 44 seconds' duration The trumpet, elevated 40 feet above part 'sloping ; red, 1901 separated by silent inter- thé level of the lake, projects from octagonal, iron lan- vals of 5..M seconds. the south side of the lighthouse tern. tower. Pyramidal concrete 1906 Visible front all points of approach. 1841 beacon, surmounted Light is univatched. by a lantern. Vessels should not approach within 100 feet of the western end of the breakwater. - 1847 1863 1862 1860 1859 1856 1855 1853 1851 1854 1849 LONG 1846 IM-14,YORT . No. 1842 204 „ PELEE PASSAGE SOUTH EAST RONDEAU PORT PORT PORT BURWELLOR WEST PORT DOVER MOHAWK LIGHTSHIP. RANGE. BIG POINT. NORTH POINT STANLEY BURWELL OTTER CREEK. - NL‘ITLAND . END Name. HARBOUR FORELAND. IsLAND....1Between OF OR SHOAL LONG - 4 On 780 On outer W. Front On On S.shore Back light E. extremity. 110 In 6 1,700 On shoal. southern extremity 820 feetnorth the breakwater 530 range 10' line from pier. west corner bay. front light. front of W.pier. mile and of pier. land. 100 outheastwardly from pier head E. side feet fromouter pier feet N.byE.;}421532 block fathoms1mile!414921 feet Middle feet from feet and 2,030 Post Maitland,1 E. light Location. front light. S.W. light. front on N.endof115115 end oftheE Port Colborne N. 4° on W.pier, on N. of . light. on Ground. pier. of east of harbour, E. from of shore E. from of feet S. end south- main- inner pier, east end N. of

42 3955 42 3900804815 42 330 42 4652 42 502 42 518 42 3452802350

La titudu N. 81 5418 80 320 80 1210:F. 82 3435 82 2710 79 3448 81 1240 79 3123 LIGHTS to

F.red Fl. F. White(31anterns Alt. red F. white Rev. F. Gp. F. F. white...... Rev. red1 F. F. red...... around highmast) In Eclipse 548 Flash •58 F,clipse •85 Flash 1!; tion 2i complete revolu- eclipse 75 flashes followed by vals Characteristic white ..... white.... . white.... white white. every 719secs. of minutes. rev. white,3C white 1 Light of 30 AND and white minutes. at inter- "58 sec. minute. min secs., ... sec. PROVINCE FOG-SIGNALS


o —‹ C C C C ... D, 5. D, 7.. D, 6.. D, p.. C D, 3.. D, p.. C. .. D, 7..

te g I 8915 69 13 34 51 70 36 11 57 45 50 12 75 14 70 14 42 11 18 14 LAKE 'A OF 8 - 10 10 12 , 11 7 5 6 e




1`.5. e Colour and any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. a'. •-■

White, circular, stone, 1 60 1848 1842 with dwelling at- tached.

White, square, wo(xl, 41 1846 Grand River entrance. 1844 on brown steel skele- re- ton frame. Poly- built gonal, iron lantern'. 1898 red. White, square, wood, 35 1846 1846 iron lantern red. reblt [Front light visible from all points 1905 of approach by water. The two lights in one show the liar- Red, skeleton steel 45 1897 bour entrance and lead up to 1847 tower surmounted by the pier in the best water. enclosed wooden lan- tern. White,octagonal,wood; 60 1843 Diaphone,,operated by com- Fog alarm building 1297 feet S.E. of 1849 fog-alarm building Fog- pressed air, gives one light. Horn, 20 feet above water, white, wooden, rect- alarm blast of 3 seconds' dura- projects from south face of build- angular, with red roof. 1892 tion every 30 seconds. mg. White, square, wood, 56 1879 Visible froin all points seaward. 1851 .1welling attached. White,octagonal,wood; 55 1 1840 1853 red wooden lantern.

Lantern on a pole 9 1 1906 Lights visible in the line of range.. 1 1854 Lights in one, bearing N. e E. will indicate a line parallel to and 5 1855 Lantern on a pole 13 1906 feet east of the east edge of the' dredged entrance channel.

White, square, wood ai 1844 Visible from all points seaward.. .. 1856 rebit 1882 Red,sqnare, steel skele- 36 1876 Hand born answers sig- 1859 ton tower, surmount- mov'd nais from vessels. ed by red square iron 1891 The alignment, N. by E. E., leads lantern. reb'lt to entrance, and lights must be 1905 left on starboard hand in entering. White,octagonal,wood, 49 1876 Lights visible from all points of 1860 on brown steel cylin- mov'd approach by water. drical base ; brown, 1891 polygonal, iron lan- tern. 2-masted schooner, hull 1896 An 8-inch modoc steam' Maintained by Lake Carriers . Asso- 1862 to rail red, upper Light-; whistle sounds blasts of ciation. works white. ship ; 20 seconds duration every 1901 2 minutes. . White, circular, steel, 66 1902 Steam siren gives blasts of Visible from all points of approach 1863 on brown, cylindrical, seconds' duration, sep- by water. steel-sheathed, con- arated by silent intervals The siren projects from the N. side crete pier surrounded of 30 seconds. of the lighthouse. by polygonal crib- Vessels should pass half a mile north work. Red, polygo- of the lighthouse. nal iron lantern.




.1% • .2 0 Z1


N. il

CharaCteriStiC No. Name. Location. e ,t7).

de of Light. 1-:. ) „ I.

itu "FID t 5 e« 5

La -

1865 PELER ISLAM) ;■.E. Point. 11 49 55 82 38 22 F. white 45 9

T.S661MIDDLE ISLAND " Between Pelee and 41 41 0 82 40 49 F. red . D, 7.. 70 12 Kelly Islands.

1868 GRUBB REEF G A S In 25 feet, on the reef.. 41 53 7 82 33 3 Oce, white, about D,Gas 4 . BUOY. 10 secs.

1870 LEA)IINGTON...... On shore near pier 12 1 50 82 35 38 F. white 48 12

1871 On outer end of E. 42 1 37 82 43 50 F. red D, 7.. 27 5 breakwater pier, 10 feet from W. edge.

1872 KINGSVILLE On top of bank at head 42 1 48 82 43 55F. red ...... D, 7.. 55 • 8 of E. pier N. by W., 1,060 feet from front i light.

1873 COLCHESTER REEF... Near southeastern edge 41 56 2 82 53 33 F. white ...... D, 3.. 72 14 of reef.


I I 1876 BAR POINT C u T In 3 fathoms on E. side 42 0 24 83 7 46'F. white D, ga$ GAs Bt70Y. of S. end of dredged channel off Bar Point.

RIVER DETROIT,. U. S. light.

BAR POINT LIGIIT- In 2 fathoms about 42 2 17 83 8 0 F. white (31anterns D .... 33 11 SHIP. 500 feet to west- encircling for A ward of a line drawn masthead.) from Bois Blanc (Can- adian) Lighthouse to Detroit River (Bar Point) Lighthouse.

1878 BOIS BLANC. On the foot of Bois 42 5 11 83 6 46F. white C 56 14 Blanc Island, below and opposite Am- ' herstburg. , .879 ' Front light 1,880 feet 42 5 783 6 23F. red.... C .... 50 2 S. 44. 20' E. from Bois Blanc Island light. ELLIOTT POINT .. RANGE. 880 Rear light 1,060 feet S. F. red TO 2 c i 2' 12' E. from front I t. one. i •




c •

Colour and 7.: - >. any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. z. o- 1::74

White, circular, stone. 10 1833 Hand horn answers signals W. by S. clears Pelee Shoal 1865 from vessels.

White, square, wood.. 49 1872 I 1866

Red, inm, cylindrical 1902 ...... Light must not be del ■ended on.... 1868 buoy, surmounted by red, can-shaped, slat- work cage supporting a lantern. White, square, wood.. 37 1880 1870

Lantern on a pole. .... 21 1886 1871

In one lead to entrance, the outer ! light being left on starboard side ' 1 White, with iron lan- 29 1886 > i in entering. Visible from al111872 tern red,square,wood. mov'd points of approach. 1889 .

i I White, with iron lan- 60 1885 Bell rung- by machinery, Visible all around the horizon. Fog- 1873 tern red, hexagonal, gives 1 stroke every 15 bell on S. side of tower. wood on circular seconds. stone hier.


Red, iron, cylindrical .. 1901 Light must not be depended on.... 1876 buoy, with conical top, surmounted by red lantern.

2-masted schooner, hull 1889 Steam whistle gives blasts From ship Bois Blanc Light bears black, with "No. 59, of 10 secs, with intervals ' N. by E. E. 18,200 feet, and Bar l'oint Shoal " in of 30 secs. If whistle be Bar Point Light S. W., 13,800 white. Black circular disabled a bell will be feet. day mark at fore rung by hand. :Maintained by the United States masthead. Government. !Lights visible all around horizon.

White, with red iron 40 1837 1878 lantern, circular, re- stone, with dwelling newed near by on E. side. 1880

White, steel skeleton 50 1898 - 1879 tower, with a daymark tower Nlaintained by the Lake Carriers' of white slats at the 1905 Association. top. Range shows best water between White, steel skeleton . 70 1898 Bois Blanc I. and Amherstburg. 1880 a daymark tower, with tower of white slats at the 1905 top. 208 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



"11 Y

Characteristic =3 5 • e No. Name. Location. of Liet e., O • •-"' ••" • !•, • r.D '>-■Z e. , 1-4

18.83 { Front range on E. bank 42 5 40 83 6 10 F. red 54 8 Detroit River, 80 feet from water's edge and AMHERSTRURG 2,300 feet N. of Fra- RANGE. ser's Dock. 1884 Back range, 558 feet N. F. red c 73 16° E. from front.

1889 ( !Front light 300 feet out 42 6 83 74 F. white...... 10 2 1 from shore of Bois Blanc island, A mile southward of its north ; end. LIMEKILN CROSS-1 1 1890 ING RANGE. 1 Back light at shore of .. .. F. red - 20 Bois Blanc island, 703 feet S. 5° W. from A front light.

LIMEKILN CROSS-I LNG SOUTH LIGHT VESSEL. Maintained by the U. S. Government.


1893 Front light, on E. side 42 6 48 83 6 44 F. white 71 5 of river, about • mile above head of Bois Blanc Island.

FORT 'MALDEN-1 RANGE. 1894 Back light, 700 feet S. F. Ted 98 5 15'E. from front light.

1895 (Front light on outer 42 7 41 83 6 55 F. red D. 16 I 2 end of dock.

TEXAS DOCK T' 1896 RANGE. Back light on shore, F. White .... D.... 41 I 2 1,491 feet N. 5 E. from front.






Colour and any peculiarity of c Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. "gr.5 .-

White, open fi eme, 50 1889 1883 square, wood,side fac- Maintained by the Lake Carriers' Mg channel slatted ; Association of Buffalo, N.Y. surmounted by wood- In one lead up from light-ship clear! en slatted disc. of all shoals and east of middle' ground shoal off the tail of Bois Red, open f ran Le, square, 1889 Blanc bank. 1884 pyramidal, steel, sur- • reblt mounted by red, 1904 wooden disc.

Lantern attached to 30 1886 1889 white diamond-shap- mov'd ed target with black I 1907 vertical stripe, sup- Lights in one marks channel from ported on piles. _ intersection of their alignment with alignment of Fort Malden Lantern attached to 50 1886 Range Lights to intersection of 1890 white diamond-shap- mov'd their alignment with alignment of ed target with black 1907 Elliott Point Range Lights. vertical stripe, sup- ported on piles.

Square, py ea mi (1 al, 50 1889 1893 skeleton, steel., with reb'It white base and slatted 1904 white disc at the top. I Nlaintained by American vessel owners.

Square, Tyra mida 1, 80 1889 1894 skeleton, steel, with reblt red base and slatted 1904 red disc at the toi).

Lantern on a pole with Mov'd 1 Maintained by Messrs. Duff anc1 1895 w hi te rectangular 1907 pilots, at head of dredged Gatfield, target attached. channel. Lights in one mark channel from of alignment 1 intersection their 836 Lantern on a pole witld Mov'd with alignment of Elliott Point w hi te rectangular 1907 Range Lights to intersection of target attached. their alignment with alignment of Fort Malden Range Lights.






>7 c ..... p. r-. .:....,• ....- tû 2 e Characteristic No. Name. Location. w --4 - -c of Light. ..."-> • .I. .. C., ..... -P› ‘.....> C.' n'• '....2 .....• C.) . •YD • . ie 41. ....•. t& •.' . r+ . . ...re •.r> 0 !.... - c. ,, le- • ; 5 c) e.. 0 >4 4 7-) =

1902 THAMES RIVER GAs In 14 feet water, in 42 20 1582 28 30 Occ. white D, gas .. . Buoy. Lake St. Clair, 11 miles N. 37' W. from Thames River main light. , 1903 Mouth of river, S. shore 42 19 082 26 50F. white D. 7.. 55 12

1904 THAMES RIVER... . 1 Range light, 300 feet F. white .. : .. ... C .... 22 6 N. 37° W. from main . one.


1911 STAG ISLAND SHOAL On S. end of shoal 42 52 0 82 27 50 F. white D, p.. 14 4

1915 Near the old wharf, in 42 53 35 82 26 40 F. white ... C ... 48 4 village, on ground, 10 ft. above water, at foot of Fane street. 1916 CORUNNA RANGE.. On W. side of Beres- F. white 69 1 4 ford street, 568 feet S. 13' E. from front light.

1919 I Front light on t h e 43 0 11:82 24 49V. red D, 7.. 357 beach.

1920 POINT EDWARD... Back light on the beach, F. red 58 1 8 579 feet S. 2J-.. W. from front


1923 Main light on high 43 44 33 81 43 34 F. white 150 18 Bank, S. of entrance t,o harbour. 1924 Fog alarm on to wn waterworks building on beach.

1925 Front range light, 15 F. red 41 5 feet from S. edge of N. breakwater and 117 ft. front its outer 1926 extremity. On N. pier, 1,533 feet F. green 34 5 S. 77° E. front front range light. 1927 Back light on the beach, F. red 68 9 1,400 feet S. 87e E. from the front light. IN T RE DOMINION OF CANADA. '211 ,



d. e,e he Colour and ▪ blis any peculiarity ta of s Fog-Signal. Remarks,. Not

Buildings. e

▪ P-1.jd When

Red steel cylindrical 1906 The buoy is in the alignment of 1902 buoy, surmounted by Thames River range lights. a pyramidal steel The buoy may be left on the star- frame supporting a board hand when making the lantern. entrance of Thames River. White, circular, stone. 59 1837 1903 These two lights, in one, lead over Red, open frame, 23 I 1845 bar. 1904 square wood.


Lantern on a mast with 11 I 1900 11911 white shed at base, on pile foundation. White, square, wood .. 42 1890 Lights visible over a small arc on 1915 each side of the line of range. The alignment, S. 13° E., indicates the best water in the Canadian White, square, wooden. 42 1890 channel past the shoals at the 1916 Re- i head of Stag Island on the W., built and past the shoals off the mouth 1892 of Talford Creek on the E. side. White, square, wood. 34 1903 1 Front light visible from all points of 1919 approach by water ; back light visible in the line of range. Lights in one lead in to head of St. White, square, wood.. 54 I 1903 Clair River from Lake Huron, 1920 and should be kept in one ahead until their alignment is intersected by the alignment of Fort Gratiot range.


White, square, stone, 20 1847 1923 with dwelling at- tadied . Red brick, with wooden 1889 8-inch steam-whistle, 30 feet 1,780 feet S.E. by E. î E. from outer 1924 roof and 2 high brick above water, gives blasts red light. • chimneys on lakeside, of 10 seconds, with inter- Maintained by Corporation. 1 partially hidden by vals of 50 seconds. 1 storehouse. White, square, oixm 33 ) 1925 frame. I To enter harbour the red range lights I should be kept in one bearing S. 1 87r E. until within 700 feet of I the front light, when the course White, square, wood .. 31 Re- I should be changed so as to keep 1926 built the front red light and the green 1880 light on the north pier sufficiently Lantern on a mast ...... 1905 open to pass 25 to 100 feet south 1927 of both in the axis of the dredged channel. 4!.;




c g


e W.

N. =2= -7: • Characteristic de No. Name. Location. -4, •

de of Light. C.) e•• t....0› a) itu

itu "go.9-C>1 t

La Long 7z'

1928 POINT CI.ARK On extremity of low 44 4 23 81 45 31 Rev. white, 30 sec- 93 15 point. onds. 1930 Front light on N. pier, F. red...... 1.1, 7.. 351 7 230 ft. front W. end, 1,200 feet N. 70. W. from main light.

1931 Back light. Main light 44 10 38 81 38 22 Alt. white and red, 80 14 KINCARDINE in the town on hill 20 seconds. side.

1932 Fog-alarm on town waterworks building, on lake shore.

1934 ( ( On shore 1,200 feet S. 44 26 25 81 24 15 F. white ...... D, p.. 16 I 4 1 7' E. from S. end of '2 1 SOUTH RANGE. { Govt. wharf. 1935 u; ' 1 Back light 70 ft. S. 70' F red D, p. 20 4 .j l E. from front one. 1936 On N. extremity of GOV- . 1'. white D, 7. 21 9 e 1 ernment wharf. 1937,-..:,‘ 1 NORTH RANGE -I On shore E. side of har- F. red .. D,P- • 31 4 I bour 660 feet N. 36° f I l E. from front light. 1940 CHANTEY ISLAND.... About 21, miles W. from 41 29 23 81 24 9,F. white D, 2.. 94 15 Saugeen. 19-11'I On E. end of W. break- 44 29 41 81 23 39F. red to N., %vhite C 27 water N. E. by E. 933 1 in harbour. yards from Chantry island Light. 19421 Back light on shore S. F. white C 31 10 of landing pier 2,638 yds. S. 4 30' W. frun SOUTHAMPTON the front one. 9121 HARBOUR. Fog-alarm on t,own • waterworks building on lake shore.

1. 1943 On cribwork block on 14 30 8 81 22 31 F. green.. D, P. • 36 breakwater, on N. side of mouth of river

1914 SAI:GEEN Back light on hill S. F. green .. . . I), p.. 61 4 80' E. 2,350 feet from Pier light.

19-17 LYAL ISLAND On W. side of Island.. 44 57 10 81 25 10 Rev. white, 15 sec- C 51 12 onds. 19-18 Front light on N.W. 44 58 2 81 23 30 F. white.... .... C 30 10 eerxe enei(ief rsatn■ci-.est-

STOKES BAY .. 1949 Back light on mainland F. ...... 61 1 13 on L. shore of bay, 4,250 feet N. 74' E. from front light. IN TFrF, DOMINION OF CANADA. 213



d. .> he is

Colour and bl

any peculiarity of .5..E ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. NO. Buildings. es â n Whe

White, circular, stone. 87 1859 1. 1928

Brown, steel. square, 33 1874 1930 skeleton tower, sur- Re- mounted by a white built Both lights visible from all points - octagonal, wooden 1903 seaward. lantern. The two in line lead somewhat to Fawn colour, octagonal 63 1881 the northward of the head of the 1931 wood, dwelling at- north pier. tached, on high stone foundation. Conspicuous, white 1903 Steam siren, 30 feet above 1,375 feet north of harbour entrance. 1932 brick building with water, gives blasts of Maint-tined by Corporation. high stack. secs, duration, separated by silent intervals of 42 seconds Lantern on a mast, with - 14 1895 1 1934 white shed at base. To enter bring south range lights into one and stand in until the Lantern on a ma.st, with 18 1895 north range lights are brought 1935 white shed at base, in line. Follow this range int,o Lanternon a mast, with 14 1884 dredged harbour between the 1936 white shed at base. I breakwater and the landing wharf, Lantern on a mast, with 16 1895 lea ving the front light on the star- 1937 white shed at base. • • board hand to clear the wharf.

White, circular, stone. 86 1859 1940

White, square,' wood .. 25 1877 1941

White, square, wood.. 28 1877 1942 tnov'd Alignment leads to opening in break- 1901 water at N. end of harbour. Depth in channel 16 feet. Rectangular, yellowish Fog- Steam whistle, 28 feet Fog alarm mile southwestward 19121 brick building, with alarm above water, gives 2 from south side of mouth of Sau- flat roof and iron 1905 blasts of 5 seconds' geen River. smoke stack. duration each, every Maintained by Corporation. minute, thus : blast 5 secs. ; silent 5 secs. ; blast 5 secs. ; silent in- terval 45 secs. White, square, wood.. 31 188.1 • • • • - • • • ...... Front light visible from all points of 1943 Tower approach by water ; back light 1903 visible in, and over a small are on each side of, the line of range. White, square, wood.. 31 Tower Lights in one guide small vessels 1944 1903 into mouth of Saugeen River through narrow dredged channel 8 ft. deep. White, square, wood 1885 Coast light and guide to Stokes 1947 dwelling attached. Bay. White, square, wood .. 33 1904 Lights visible in the line of range. 1948 Lights in one, bearing N. 740 E., lead in from the lake to within J 1,800 feet of the front one with a Brown, square, steel, 61 1904 least depth of 22 feet. 1949 skeleton tower ; enH Mariners withont local knowledge closed upper p a r t' should not attempt to reach the white, wocxl. wharves at night. 214 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



ti) No. Name. Local ion. N. Characteristic 0

de of Light. â itu

t a o La

1953 COVE ISLAND. N. point of Cove Island, 15 19 40181 44 9 Fl.white, bright, 10 D, 2.. 90 15 entrance to Georgian seconds; eclipsed Bay. 15 seconds.

For Georgian Bay lights, see No. 1971.

1955 ( On S. E. end of small 15 33 27 82 0 50,F. white 0,7.. 28 10 • I limestone island lying I on the N. side of the SOUTH BAYMOUTH.. Month' of the bay-. 1936 I On Manitoulin Island ...... F. white 46 12 I 772 ft. N. 28 E. from front tower. 1957 MICHAEL POINT .... On S. side of Manitou- 45 34 36 82 7 42 F. white 40 11 lin Island.

1958 PeoviDENcE BAY.... (1)1-1 the extremity of 15 39 582 16 32 F. white D, 7.. 43 11 Providence Point.

1960,JENNIE GRAHAM In 7 fathoms S. of the 45 36 1 82 56 21 SHOAL BELL BUOY. shoal.

1961 GREAT DUCK ISLAND. On S.W. point of island 45 38 30 82 57 45 Rev. red and white, C 15 40 seconds ; one red and twowhite flashes, every 2 minutes.

1964 MIssISSAGI STRAIT... On S.W. point of W. 45 53 37,83 13 30 F. white 46 13 end of' 1■ Ianitoulin

1965 KITCHENER ISLAND.. On northwest extremity 45 54 35,83 30 14 F. white D, 7.. 40 11 of island.

For North Channel lights see.No. 2068.

For St. Mary River lights see No. 2118.

Cove Island.—See above No. 1953.

1968 TOBERMORY Water's edge, W. side 45 15 35 81 40 25 D, 7.. 40 8 of entrance.

1969 FLOWERPOT ISLAND. Northeasternmost 45 18 30 81 36 48 F. white D, 7.. 88 15 point of Island.

1971 CABOT HEA4L On cliff.!1-, mile E. from 45 14 45 81 17 25 Gp. rev. white, 3 C 80 I 14 entrance to Wingfield • flashes 20 seconds Basin. apart, then eclipse 40 secs. Complete I - revolution 80 secs. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 215




Colour and any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. cc= 5 iO

White, circular, stone. 85 1859 Diaphone, operat.ed by corn- Fog horn located 214 feet W. by N. 1953 Stone dwellin,g con- pressed air, gives one of the light. nected to tower by blast of 5 seconds' dura- wooden shed. tion every 2 minutes.

White, square, wood.. 28 1898 195Z. In entering keep lights in one tilh within 600 feet of front tower, S i when haul E. by N. N. to clear White, square, wood.. 1898 the south end of the village wharf, 1956

- behind which there is good shelter.

White, square, wood ; 25 1870 Hand horn answers signais Visible from all points of approach. 1957 red octagonal iron from vessels. lantern. White,octagonal,wood; 1904 Visible from all points of approach 1958 red, octagonal iron F by water. lantern. Red, steel buoy sur- 1903 Bell rung by motion of the From the buoy Great Duck Island 1960 mounted by a bell. buoy- on the waves Lighthouse bears N. 18' W. 2 175 miles ; and the S. extreme of Outer Duck Island, N. 321° E. 1?-6 miles. White, square, wood, 54 1877 Diaphone, operated by com- Fog alarm located 150 feet S.E. 1961 with dwelling at-, Fog- pressed air, gives one from light. Horn, elevated 20 tached. Fog-a 1 a r in alarm blast of 3 secs, duration feet above water, projects from' building, white with ! 1888 every 30 secs. southwest face of the building. brown roof.

White, square, wood, 28 ! 1873 Diaphone,operated by com- For guiding- vessels through Missis- 1 1964 with dwelling attach-. pressed air, gives two sagi Strait for either entrance. ed. White rectangu- blasts of 2. seconds dura- Fog alarm building 125 feet south of lar wooden fog alarm' tion eati, every 45 lighthouse. The resonator, eleva- building with red seconds : thus, blast 3 ted 33 feet above the water,points roof. secs.; silent 3 secs.; blast S. 11° W. 3 secs.; silent interval 36 secs.

Lantern on a pole 1906 196.5

White,llexagonal,wood 43 1885 1968 red iron lantern.

White, square, wood, 31 1897 Bell gives one stroke every Visible bet‘veen the bearings E. by 1969 red lanteni rising 7 seconds. S. S. through S. to W. l'y from red roof ofi N. N. building.

White, square, wood, 54 1896 Steam horn gives blasts of Fog horn located on beach about 1971 with zlwelling attach- , 8 seconds with silent in- 200 feet E. of light. ed, red polygonal, tervals of 40 seconds. iron lantern. F o g. horn building white,: wood.






qie 03 •-• Characteristic No. Name. Location. de of Light. É., itu œ g 5 e e > 77. — Long I-

1970 LIONS HEAD ILAR- On outer end of break- 44 59 31 81 14 55 F. red . . 20 6 HOUR. water at N. entrance.

1972 SURPRISE S H OA L, In 15 fathoms immedi- 45 3 27 81 1 20 Occ. white D, gas 30 , G A S , WHISTLING ately N. of 9-ft. patch AND BELL BUOY. at W. end of shoal.

1973 CAPE CHOKER On outer extreme of the 44 57 27 80 57 35 Occ. white D, 7.. 31 10 point 1 mile south- Visible.. .23 secs eastm ardly from Cape Eclipsed. 4f, Croker.

1975 WIARTON. Near outer end of break- 44 45 0 81 8 10 F. red D, 7.. 19 6 water, head of Col- poy Bay.

1977 GRIFFITH ISLAND.... N.E. side of island, 17 44 51 3 80 53 22:F. white.... . D, 3.. 85 16 miles from Town of Owen Sound.

1979 PRESQU'ILE NearMcKenzie's wharf, 44 41 48 80 54 25 F. white 31 10 Owen Sound, Geor- gian Bay.

1981 On pilework, E. side of 44 34 43 80 56 19 F. red . 39 7 mouth of Sydenhqm River.

OwEN SOUND.. ...

1982 On pile foundation,1053 F. red 46 I 8 feet S. by W. / W. from front tower.

1983 MEAFORD BREAK- On onter end of break- Occ. white...... 20 8 WATER. water on N. side of entrance.

1934 MEAFORD ..... On outer end of pier on 44 36 5080 35 10 F. white, electric.. 42 13 W. side of entrance.

1985 MEAFORD, EAST On outer endof E. pier. F. white, electric 14 .... PIER. (incandescent.)

1987 Front light on E. side 44 34 10 80 27 10 F. white of outer end of W. breakwater pier. THORNBPRIi . 1988 Back light on W. side F. red of Beaver River, 376 feet S. by W. W. from front light. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 217



`.5 d. , he

Colour and rc> blis any peculiarity of ta Fog,Signal. Remarks. No. es Buildings. :72 z â il

■ ,••• NVIw 1 1

Lantern on a pole 15 ( 1903 Visible from all points of approach 1970 by water.

Black steel cylindrical 1893 Whistle and bell sounded 1" atches with less than 2 fathoms 1972 buoy, surmounted by Ga., by the motion of the buoy 1 extend nearly 1 mile east, deep a steel frame, .sup- 1907 on the waves. water 2 cables S. of buoy. porting a whistle, bell and lantern. White, wood ; white, 25 1902 Diaphone, operated by com- Visible from all points of approach'1973 rectangular, wooden pressed air, gives one by water 1 dwelling 43 feet in blasts of 5 seconds dura- Fog alarm building stands to southl rear. White, rectan- tion every minute. ward of lighthouse. Horn, elevai gular wooden fog ted 30 feet above water, projects! alarm building with irt from northea.st side of building. 1 red roof. Lantern on a mast,with 18 1891 1975 white shed at base.

White, circular, stone. - 61 1839 Hand horn answers signals 1977 from vessels.

White, square, wood.. 27 1873 •Hand horn answers signals 1979 ! from vessels.

White, with vertical 34 Re- r i N.B.—Tlicre are ranges for ascer- 1981 red stripe on N. side, built I taining compass errors at this square, wood. 1883 I port. Particulars can be obtained mov 'd ! from Harbour Master. 1895 j Lights can be brought in one as soon' I as seen and kept until front light White, square, Wood 46 Built is 900 feet distant, whert haul up 1982 1895 for entrance leaving both on port I hand.

Cylindrical steel gas- 1906 Visible from all points of approach. 1983 holder, surmounted Light is unwatched. by a lantern.

White, square, wood.. 35 1.878 Hand horn answers sitmals Should the ele2tric power fail at any 1984. from vessels. time, -a fixed white oil light will be shown temporarily.

• Lantern on a pole. 1903 Should the electric power fail at any 1985 time, a fixed white oil light will be shown temporarily.

Lantern ;-,” mast, with 25 1887 Front light visible from all points of ,1987 drab shed at base. approach by water, back light I visible in line of range. The two lights in one, bearing S. by 1988 Lantern on inast with' 29 1901 W. A W., lead in througlr-centie drab shed at base. of d-redged channel to entrance between breakwater piers.





W. Characteristic 7;1.-• ,E 5 No. Name. Location. de of Light. itu Long

1990 N0TTA W ASAG A2 miles N.W. of Col- 44 32 20 80 15 50 Rev. white, e‘ ery D, 2.. 86 17 • ISLAND. lingwood Harbour. 1 minute. (See remarks col- umn.)

19911L0CKERBIE BOCK Ill 5 fathoms, 400 feet 44 32 1380 13 52,0cc. white...... D, gas ...... GAS BUOY. ',vest of rock.

1992 COLLINGwOOD Outer end of W. break- 44 31 0 80 13 50IF. white ..... D, 4.. •11 BREAKWATER. water pier. 1994 On cribwork pier at 44 30 44 80 147F. red.... .... 1„), 6.. 29 turn of dredged chan- nel in harbou r. Front light common to Shore Range and Range to Wharves.

1995,COLLINGwOOD Back light of Shore . 'F. red 8 I SHORE RANGE. Range on mainland 2,644 feet S. 4 W. front light. from

1996 COLLINGWOOD - Back light of range to F. white . C RANGE TO \ vharves, on cribwork WHARVES. pier 1,530 feet N. 50' W. from front light. 2000 CHRISTIAN ISLAND On Bar Point. 44 47 280 9 25 F. white D, 4.. 61 15

2002jHOPE ISLANO On N.E. point of Island 44 54 '50 80' 10 0 Rev. white—One C .... 54 12 minute.

2004 GIANTS TOMIs i On S. extremity of 44 52 47 80 0 28 F. white.... . D, 7.. 40 11 Island.

2007 On N. end of Brébeuf 44 52 3279 53 3 F. white 40 1 10 Island.

BRÉBEUF RANGE... , 2008 Back light on W. shore F. white C...1 5310 of Beausoleil Island, 2,400 ft. S. 86' E. from front light. 2009. On beach 6 cables, S. 14 48 20 79 52 20F. white.. 7.. 32 10 54' E. from Sucker Creek Point. MIDLAND POINT RANGE. 2010' Back light on beach ...... F'. \viiite . i 7.. 41 11 3,020 ft. S. 17'E. from front light. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. _ 2.19



É l Colour and - any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No.

Buildings. ts vn WIl

White, circular, stone. 85 1859 Hand horn answers sig,nals Red sector covering an arc of 30 1990 frotn vessels. S.W. from Fisherman's Point and including Collingwood Harbour, to indicate shoals between light and harbour. Collingwood breakwater light well open N. Eastward of this light. clears Mary Ward ledges, and white light kept open till break- water light beats S.W. clears' shoals between the two. Et: -wiz, steel, cylindrical 1904 1091 buoy, surmounted by a conical slatwork and a lantern. White,octagonal.wood, 44 1858 Hand horn answers sig- 1992 lantern roof red. nals from vessels.;essels. White, square, wood. q, 1884 Front light visible in alignment of 1994 Lantern red. mov'd both ranges ; back lig,hts visible in 1906 the line of range.The front (red) light on the pier in one with the back (red) light on the shore, bearing S. 4' W., leads in clear of Lockerbie Rock on the port hand Galvanized square steel 63 1902 to the curve in the dredged chan- skeleton tower ; en- mov'd nel. The front (red) light on the 1995 closed upper part, 1906 pier in one astern with the back white, wood. (white)-light on the pier, bearing N. 50 - W., leads from the curve in the dredged channel to the Grand Trunk 'Railway freight shed wharf. White, square, wood.. 39 1 1906 1996

White, circular, stone. 60 1859 Hand horn answers signa s . . . . ...... 2000 from vessels. White, square, wood, 57 1884 Hand horn answers sig,nals Shows all around, except where in- 2002 with dwelling- at- from vessels. tercepted by trees on island. tached. White, square, woixl, 37 I 1893 Visible from all points of approach 2004 surmounted bv red by water. iron lantern, -dwell- ing attached. White, square, wood ; 36 1900 2007 red polygonal iron Visible from all points of approach lantern. by water. The two lights in one, bearing S. White, square, wood, 42 1900 86' E., lead in from outside Ben- 2008 red roof ; on cribwork net Bank to alignment of Midland foundation. Point range.

White, square, wood, 33 1900 Visible from all points of approach 2009 on concrete pier by water. lantern red. The two lights in.one lead in S. 17' E. from intersection of alignment of Brébeuf range to within half a, White, square, wood ; 43 1900 mile of front tower, where lights2010 lantern red. should be opened on starboard Shore tnav be kept close aboarcL till :Midland Point is rounded.' 290 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



7-1 I ■■ ■ - < I C, e W.

o N.

Characteristic . de e Q

No Name. Location. de of Light. • la> itu

itu gâiiC : 1>4) t ng « ç-É La ■ Lo • ••+

2012 Front light on hillside 41 44 58 79 53 56-F. red, electric.. %can- 150 4 in S.W. part of town. des - , cent. , 2013 AIIDLAND Back light 1,320 feet - ..... Y. red, electric.. 'man- 190 4 S. 56° W. from front des- I light. cent. I

2015 WHISKY ISLAND.... Entrance to Penetan- 44 48 53 79 b5 12 F. white D, 7 33 [ 11 guishene Harbour.

2016 PENETANGUISHE.NE On outer end of Reform- 44 48 28 79 55 55 F. white...... 0.... 17 8 atory pier.

2018 WESTERN ISLANDS.. On Double Top Rock.. 45 2 4 80 21 31 Occ. white D, 4. 74 14 acety- lene.

2020 LONE ROCK GAS AND'300 feet from rock, 45 9 12 80 13 55 Occ. white D, gas BELL BUOY. Wabuno Channel.

2023 SEGUIN BANK GAS South end of bank.... 45 19 17 80 31 37 Occ. white D, gas AND BELL BUOY.

2024 RED ROCK At entrance to Parry 45 21 39 80 24 50 F. white D, 4.. Sound. acety- lene.

2025 (THREE STAR In 8 fathoms off N. end 45 21 29 80 22 10 Occ. white D, gas SHOAL G A S of shoal. BUOY. 2020 On the westernmost 45 22 18 80 19 38 F. red . . C Walton Island.

2027 SNUGHARBOUR On S. extremity of is- 45 22 27 80 18 58 F. white RANGE. land on N. side of entrance to harbour. 3,100 feet E. by N. N. from Walton Is- land light. 2027i MIDDLE GROUND Middle ground between 45 20 28 80 19 40 Occ. white D, gas GAS BUOY. Hall Reef and Twin Rock.

2028 HOOPER ISLAND In 3 fathoms on 15-foot 45 19 49,80 18 37 F. white...... D 3 SHOAL GAS patch N. of Hooper Buoy. Island. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 221



d. he lis

tnel b

Colour and 0: ta any peculiarity of 7' •->1 s 0 e Remarks.

Buildings. n Whe

Lamp on pole 30 1901 ' The lights in one, bearing S. 56° 2012 W., lead in from Midland Point Lamp on pole 30 1901 to wharves in harbour, clear to southeastward of Midland Bay 2013 Shoal.

'White, square, wood.. 36 I 1882 2015

White, square, wood.. 18 1876 2016

White,octag,onal,wood, 1895 Steam horn 80 feet N.N.W. 2018 iron lantern red. from the lighthouse, gives blasts of 8 seconds with intervals of 10 seconds.

Red, steel buoy, with 1889 Bell rung at intervals of Buoy must be kept on starboard 2020 cylindrical body and Gas about 20 seconds by press- hand in going northward. conical top, sur- 1901 ure of gas from the buoy. tnounted by a steel cage supporting a bell and a lantern.

Black, steel buoy, with 1898 Bell rung at intervals of 2023 cylindrical body and Bell about 20 seconds by press- conical top, sur- 1904 ure of gas from the buoy. mounted by a steel cage, supporting- a bell and a lantern.

Whi te,octagonal, wood, 44 1870 Hand-horn answers signals 2024 on pier. Tower ris- re- from vessels. ing from middle of mor'd dwelling roof. 1881

Red, steel spar buoy, ... 1901 2025 surmounted by a lan- tern. White, square, wood. 29 1894 2026 These two in one lead in E. by N. I White, square, w.xxl, 50 1894 • N. south of Seguin bank through 2027 . rising from roof of main channel to intersection with rectangular dwelling. Jones Island range.

Red, steel spar buoy, I 1904 2027! surmounted by a lan- tern.

R e il, cvlindrical steel 1898 2028 buoy, e` HooperIsland Shoal " in white let- ters on side, red coni- cal slatwork cage. red lantern. 222 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



à n,

C.) e

W. ° ••-•

CJ de Characteristic YE; No. Name. Location. of Light. itu !â'e';' •-> •e>2

ng E - e re. e Lo

2029 (Oni summit of northern- 45 18 56 80 17 15 F. red .. . ,C 40 most Gordon Rock. 2030 On S.W. point ofJones 45 18 0 80 15 42 F. white ;c 63 JONES ISLAND Island, 2,900 yards RANGE. S.E. S. from Gor- • don Rock light.

2032 SPRUCE ISLAND S. extremity of shoal S. 45 19 5280 15 48 F. white D....1 7 3 SHOAL GA s frora Spruce BUOY.

2033 CARLING ROCK.. Northern portion of 45 20 8 80 14 27 F. white...... 7.. 26 7 highest part of rock.

'7 1

' 5.;

2035 KILLBEAR POINT OD S.W. extremity of 45 20 1 80 10 25 F. white D 37 7 point. acety- lene.

2036 1 DEPOT ISLAND.. On beach at western 45 19 680 7 10 Occ. red D, 7.. 25 6 extremity. acety- lene. • 2039 ROSE POINT From westermnost ex- 45 18 57 80 2 49 F. green (bridge SWING BRIDGE tremity of Rose Point open), F. r e d to Parry- Island. (bridge closed). IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 223

ONTARIO— Con tinued.


d er. à; • e> 1 te Colour and ez • cO any peculiarity of 1.e, Fog-Signal. Remarks. No: Buildings. à 5.2

White, square, wood. 38 1894 Visible over an are of 180' betweerr 2029 S.E. bv E.4E., round through S.. to N. W. 1.13-7 \VJ W. White, square, wood,, 50 1894 These two in one -lead in S. E. + S.,2030 • rising from roof of: from intersection with Snug Har-' rectangular dwelling. bour range to Hooper Island shoal gas buov, clear of Ariel Rock, Hall Reef, Telegram Rock and Hooper Island Reef, on starboard hand, and clear of Black Rock and Twin Rock, on port hand.

Black, cylindrical, steel . 1898 Ve.ssels entering Parry Sound will 2032 buoy, ' Spruce Island pass 200 yards south of Seguin Shoal " in white let- Bank gas buoy and steer E. by N. ters on side, black' 4 N. for about 2 miles or until the c.an-shaped slatwork' Snug Harbour range lights corne cage, red lantern. in one, bearing E. by N. N. and leading through main channel. White, square, wood,' 1898 . When 2 miles inside Red Rock 2033 with tri stripe on W. lighthouse the Jones Island range side. should be brought into alignment S. E. S. and kept exactly until within 400 yards of Hooper Island shoal gas buoy, when haul gratin- ally to bring Spruce Island shoal gas buoy ahead bearing E. g S. and Hooper Island shoal gas inlay a stern. Pass 50 to 100 yards south of Spruce Island shoal gas buoy and head up for the centre of Davy Island E. by- N. 4N. Give Carling Rock a berth of 2-00 yards and steer for Killbear Point just open north of the north Sister Island E. S. Vessels between Red and Carling Rocks should run at half speed. When the last island is passed Depot Island light may be steered for bearing E. S. E. Depot Island and Cadotte Point should receive a berth of 100 yards in entering • the harbour.

White,cylindrical, steel 1904 Visible from all points of aperoach 2035 gasholder, slirmoun- by water. ted by red, square Light is unwatched. steel box and a red lament. White, square, woc al .. 28 1898 Visible over an arc of 180 from S. 2030 through E. to N. •

1897 On top of swing a mast carries a 4- 2039 foot red and white ball. When bridge is open ball raised to top of mast, when closed ball is lowered. To pass bridge, steamers should stop .at Sloop Island or E. point of Isabella Island and give three long whis•tles. 224 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



• —‹ W. c 'e

r••• .5

de Characteristic CJ No. Name. Location. •• of Light.

itu d1C ":à .+C› ..'a L' - e' e e Long

2042 Front range, on S. ex- 45 33 33 80 30 34 F. white D, 7.. 38 10 ti.emity of point, close to water. POINT AU BARIL... 2042 Back range, on summit F. red C 62 of island, 4,800 feet I S. 70° E. from front.

2046 GEREAUX ISLAN D. On S. side of entrance 45 44 31 80 39 52 F. white C 49 12 to Byng

2047 Front range, close to S. '45 45 5 SO 38 56 F. red C. ... 34 8 side of channe], mile N.E. by E. E. from Gereaux Island light.

2048 BYNG INLET. • Rack range, 1,520 feet F. red C GO 8 E. by N. from front.

2051 BUSTARD ROCKS, (On a rocky islet,2 miles ,45 53 2580 57 18 F. white.... D, 7.. 12 BACK RANGE. ! S. W. of entrance to. ! French River.

2052 BusTARD RocEs, , 229 feet N.E. E. from , F. white 20 6 FRONT INNE R ! the last described. RANGE.

2053 13I.:STAIII) ROCKS, 193 ft. W. by S. from F. white . .... ,C .... 10 I FRONT OUTER I back tower. I RANGE. L.

2051 On Lefroy Island, W. 45 56 8 80 54 40 F. red D, 7.. 15 6 side of mouth of river.

In mill yard on E. side F. red 37 6 2055 FRENCH RIVER . • -{ of river, N. 33 E., 5,178 ft. from Lefroy, Island light ; and 348 ft. N. 543' E. from head of creek.

2059 LONELY ISLAND On summit Of N. bluff.. 45 34 27 81 23 11 F. white ..... D, 7.. 190 20

2062 KILLARNEY EAST, ... On Red Rock Point,one45 58 4 81 29 2.81;',. white D, 7.. 42 11 mile E. of Killarney. , IN TI-TE DOMINION OF CANADA. 225



d. e

2 g lk a lis

tt b Colour and el 5-2

any peculiarity of eea Fog-Signal. a Remarks. No. Buildings. n Whe

White, square, wood, 32 1889 Alignment shows channel between 2042 with kitchen attached the shoals westward of the point. Outer light left on port hand on entering, and inner light left on Red, square, steel, skel- 51 1889 starboard hand in passing. 20-13 eton tower ; with reblt Back light visible in, and over a white, wooden slat- 1902 small arc on each side of, the line work on side facing of range. channel; en closed upper part, white, wood.

"White, square, wood, 48 1870 Hand horn answers signals 2046 dwelling attached. re- from vessels. mov'd 1885

-White, square, wood.. 33 I 1890 Visible in and over a small arc on 2047 each side of range.

-White, square, open- 49 I 1890 Alignment E. by N. leads into mouth 2048 framed wood, lantern of Byng Inlet, clear of Maganeta- and top enclosed, wan Ledges on S. and Burton slats below Bank on N. with nowhere less than 4 fathoms.

1Vhite, square, wood, 37 1875 Hand horn answers sig-) Back tower is also to be used as aI2051 sunnounted by hex- nais from vessels. coast light. It is visible from ail agonal red iron lan- 1893 points of approach except over the tern. dangerous rocks and shoals to the N. eastward and eastward. The 'White, square, wood, 28 1875 inner range leads in from a point ,2052 surmounted by square reblt just clear of the N. Bustard Rock' red wooden lantern. 1893 to the intersection with this ranger of the French River range. The outer range leads in from deep water, clear of Isabel rock on the White, square, wocxl, 28 1893 north, and of all the shoals south- 2053 surmounted by square west of Bustard Rocks on the l red wooden lantern. 1 south.

White, square, wocxl, 13 1875 ) 2054 open framework. Visible from all points of approach iquare, wood, 23 1875 by water. surmounted bv square ;-• 'Leads in from its intersection with'2055 red wooden hintern. 1893 I the inner Bustard Range to Lefroy I Island, clear of all obstructions.

Lantern on a pole 42 1870 Hand horn answers signals To the S. the light is obscured by the 2059 temporarily. from vessels- land between N.N.W. W. and N.E. by E.

'White, square, wood .. 1866 Hand lioni answers signals At N. side of channel leading into 2062 from vessels. Killarney Harbour from the east- ward. 15 226 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



`*"..• N.


No. Name. Location. de of Light. itu t La

2065 KILLARNEY WEST... On Partridge Island, .45 58 57 81 32 5 F. white IC 30 , 10 one mile N.W. of Kil- larney.

2068 MANITOWANING On the hill in the vil- 145 41 42 81 -18 27 F. white...... 7.. I SO I 14 I lage, Manitoulin' I Island. • 2070 STRAWBERRY' ISLAND NOTLIleTBMOSI point.... 45 58 23 81 51 25 F. white...... 40 11

2072 Southlight close to shore 1 45 58 50 81 55 42 F. recl I D, 7..1 21 6 between wharves MI village. 2073 LITTLE CURRENT.. N. light on E. extremity 45 59 4 SI 55 50F. white . . C 40 6 of Spider Island, 1,350 feet N 1. W. from S.

2075 NARROW ISLAN D .... On west end ...... 45 59 26 81 58 50 F. white with redID, 7.. 31; 11 I sector.

2079 CLAPPERTON ISLAND. N. point 3 14 82 14 25 E. white 30 10

2082',KAGAwoNG ..... At foot of Mudge Bay, 45 54 31 82 15 45 F. white C. 38 11 75 feet back from shore and 100 feet westward of dock.

2083 BOYD ISLAND On small rock, near46 7 26 82 20 22 F. red.. D, 7.. 41 I 6 Boyd Island, 1Ïrnile' S.E. E. from Spani ish River Lumber Co's; Mill on Aird Island.

2081 f Front light on outerB16 11 50 82 27 50 F. red .. D, p.. 20 I 3 end of wharf. i 1 CUTLER 2085 135 feet N. 24 E. from F. red D,p. 40 I 3 front light.

2086,G0nE BAY On Janet Head . 45 56 40 82 28 58 F. white D, 7.. 43 I 11




`5 5 d.

2, c5 he

e is o no bl Colour and ta any peculiarity of -o Fog-Signal. o es Remarks. No. Buildings. Tt à n Whe

White, square, wood.. 20 1866 '2065

White, square, woocl, 38 I 1885 2068 iron lantern red.

White, square, wood, 44 I 1881 Hand horn answers signals 2070 with dwelling a t - from vessels. tached.

White, with lantern 23 I 1866 2072 red, square, wood. Vessels from eastward will pass close to the wharves, keeping the White, with lantern 43 I 1866 line of the lights between them 2073 red, square, wood. and giving the N. light a berth of 150 feet.

W h i t e, rectangular, 37 1890 Hand horn answers signals Visible from all points of approach 2075 wocx1 ; white, octa- reblt from vessels, by water. gonal, wooden lan-I 1902 • Red sector over an arc of 17° between tern on west end of S. 83 E. throwrh E. to N. 80' E. roo f. This sector covers Foster bank and shoals in its neighbourhood. and indicates shoals extending westward from he,ad of Narrow Island. White, square, wood .. 35 I 1866 Hand horn answers signals 2079 from vessels.

White, square, wood, 27 1888 ...... • • • • • • • • • • • • 2082 with recl lantern. ;diked I 1894

White, square, wood.. 39 1885 2083

Lantern on roof of red 1904 Lights maintained by Messrs Love- 2084 freight shed. land and Stone. Lights visible in the line of range. Lights in one, bearing N. 24 E., lead up to wharf from Whales- back Channel dear of shoals off Lantern on white- 1904 I Rykert point and Lister island on 2085 washed day beacon the starboard and clear of Curran consisting of boards and Casgrain rocks on the port nailed to a mast. hand.

White, square, wood, 40 1879 Hand horn answers signals,Visible from all points seaward .... 2086 dwelling attached. froin vessels. 15i




à ;3 -5 ,:-.; ,e,..

0 0 -o Characteristic t e .5 2-g No. Name. Location. -o of Light. :?..' ...,...? te ,-,

2089 CAPE ROBERT On the northern extre• 15 59 45 82 48 40 F. white D, 7.. 46 12 mity of the Cape.

2091 ( ( Front light on outer end 46 10 42 82 57 13F. red D, 7.. 25 6 of Government wharf at Harriette Point.

BLIND RIVER j RANGE" 2092 B sa ee lio î hmt ooun t isshore of r i ver, F. red D, 7.. 40 7 ;a 0 1,550 feet N. 35 E. l. erom front light. n 2093z 1 Front light on elevated 46 10 42 82 57 54 F. white, electric. 35 11 1 wr W. of Eddy W. 4 EDDY WHARVES 2094 RANGE. Back light 295 feet N. .... ...... F. white, electric. 50 11 i 700 E. from front l, l. light.

2095 MBISLSSAGI ISLAND. On S. end of Island ... : 46 6 23 83 0 31.I Rev. white.. C 53 12

MISSISSAGI STRAIT. See above No. 1964. 1

2097 TOLSHAVILLE...... On outer end of govern- 45 57 36 83 19 6 F. white D, p.. 20 9 nient wharf.

2099 SULPHUR ISLAND.... S. end of Island. ... 46 8 39 83 36 30F. white D, 5.. 49 12

2100 THESSALON ... : . .... 60 feet from extremity- 46 14 12 83 34 4 F. white.... . C .... 30 10 of Thessalon Point. TUE DOMINION OF CANADA. 229

ONTARIO— Continued.


e C) a Colour and .a . o any peculiarity of t.> -o— Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings.

White, square, wood, 41 1885 Visible from all points seaward.... 2089 dwelling attached.

Lantern on shelf on 1900 2091 S.E. corner of drab mov'd Lights visible from all points of ap- rectangular wooden 1905 proach by water. storehouse. Lights mark axis of dredged chan. ne! from intersection of their Lantern on a pole 1900 alignment with the alignment of 2092 mov'd the Eddy wharves range t,o the 1905 Government wharf.

Lamp on a pole 1905 2093 Lights mark axis of dredged chan- nel from deep wat,er t,o Eddy Bros. wharves. Whenever electric power plant is Lamp on W. end of 1905 inoperative, fixed white oiLs lights 2094 ridge of roof of Eddy will be temporarily substituted. Bros. office building.

White, square, wood, 50 1884 Visible except between the bearings 2095 dwelling attached. of S. E. S. and S.S.W. W. where it is obscured by trees on northerly part of island.

Lantern on a stand .... 12 1 1903 Visible from all points of approach 2097 by water.

White, octagonal wood; 43 1869 Visible from all points of approach 2099 red octagonal iron rebl't by water. lantern. 19(.4

White, square, wood. 30 1898 Hand horn answers signals 2100 Lantern rising from from vessels. middle of roof of dwelling.





W. G cc N. Characteristic z e de 0G - eg No. Name. Location. de of Light. c.;

itu t itu t e g fi .-13 e e: La Long

2102i McKay ISLAND. Light to be established.

2103BRYCE MINES On outer end of Govern- 16 17 47 83 47 t'.4 F. white ..... 12 5 ment wharf.

2105 WEST SISTER ROCK On the lock 46 18 15 83 54 53 F. white D, 7.. .35 11

Front light on main 46 19 21 83 58 55 F. white D. 7., 58 3 shore.

2106 WILSON 'CHANNEL. -{ Back light 730 ft. N. 57° F. white 109 I 3 E. from front light.

2107 BAMFORD ISLAND... On E. extremity of Is- 46 19 6 83 59 35 F. white D, 7.. 32 10 land, mile S. W. of Wilson channel. 2110RICHARDS LANDING. On the wharf 46 17 44 84 2 12 F. white 16 3



RAINS WHARF 2119 RANGE. 1 436 ft. S.E. E. from F. red D. p.. 26 2 I front light. IN THP. DOMINION OF CANADA. 231



d. he

8 e> lis b

Colour and ta any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. es Remarks. No. Buildings. z n Whe

2102 Lantern on S.E. corner Mov'd Visible from all points of approach 2103 of gray rectangular 1902 by water. wooden warehouse with brown roof. White, hexagonal,wood 30 1885 Hand horn answers signals Visible from all points of approach 2105 on a pier. mov'd from vessels, by water. 1905

White, square, wood 28 1905 Front light visible from all points octagonal .wooden lan- 1 of approach by water ; back light tern. visible in the line of range. Lights in one, bearing N. 57 E. lead L down from Richards Landing 2106 White, square, .wood.. 28 I 1905 wharf to the turn in Wilson Chan- nel, clear of Chicora Shoal, through the dredged cut off Bamford Island lighthouse, and clear of the shoals w-est of Wilson Channel. White, square, wood, 34 1885 Hand horn answers signais 2107 dwelling attached. from vessels. Square tubular lantern ... 1901 Visible from all points of approach 2110 on southeasterly cor- ner of warehouse. White, square, wood, 34 1885 Hand horn answers signals 2112 dwelling, attached. from vessels.

Lantern on a mast 15 1892 This range is in the same align- 2118 ment as the Point of Woods (U.S.) Range, and guides ves- sels going down stream through Dark Hole passage, S.E. Lantern on a mast 22 I 1892 intersection with the from its 2119 alignment of the U.S., Dark Hole Range, to its intersection with the Pilot Island and Rains; Hill Ranges. 232 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



à etc



N. e


de Characteristic 5.‘ E -

No. Name. Location. de of Light. itu

itu iet›) t ng a") La Lo

2120 'On Rains Hill, St. 46 15 43 84 5 47F. white.. .. 50 5 I Joseph Island. SAILORSENCAMPHENI

2121 648 feet, N. by E. F..white C. 70 5 E., from front light-.

2125 On point on northwest- 46 18 49 84 6 39 F. white.. I), 7.. 30 I 3 ern end of St. Joseph STRIBLING POINT Island. RANGE. 2126 On hillside 1,447 feet S. F. white. 53 I 4. 65° 48' E. from front. DARK HOLE RANGE.




STRIBLING POINT }.U. S. Lights. GAS &run'.



29 United States lights in Hay Lake Channel between this point and the Sault.

For North Channel lights, read upwards from No. 2112.

2129 Or; eastsere, feetf 46 21 32 84 7 0 F. red D. p.. 34 EAST NEEBISH, UPPER RANGE. Range. 2130 1. 302 feet N. E. from F. red I). p.. 12 2 , front light.

12140 I LOWER TURNING Near black buoy at turn F. white 6 BUOY, from canal into river. 1. IN TUT', DOMINION OF CANADA. 233. LI


MARY— Continued.

E ^d e t Colour and $.> in> • iv peculiarity of Fog- Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. Iti7à c


Lantern on a mast. 17 1892 2120 White d ianiond-shap- mov'd Ascending, the lights kept in one ed day beacon at foot, 1900 ahead, 'N. by E. E., indicate with vertical black middle of dredged channel from stripe. Mud Lake turning gas buoy to alignment of Point of Woods Lantern on a mast. 22 1892 range. 2121 White diamond-shap- mov'd ed day beacon at foot. 1900 Front light visible from all points 2125- White, square, wood.. 33 1900 of approach by water. Back light Tower visible in the line of range. bearing S. 65' 1902 The lights in one, 48' E., lead through centre of Middle Neebish dredged channel 2196. the intersection of their - White, square. wood ; 23 1900 from alignment with alignment of lower whit e, octagonal, Tower Hay Lake range t,o the intersec- wooden lantern. 1902 tion of their alignment with align- ment of Harwood Point range. .

Lantern on a mast .... 17 1892 2129

Lantern op a mast ... 22 1892 2130

Lantern on superstruc- 6 1899 To show turn at lower entrance of 2140 ture of a platform canal. buoy.




•■•■ Z. ..",j .-= ,-_, ›: 4).• < a a ,.._ .-. ■•••' a ... › = ' a tz Q '"C Characteristic ts = • ,..m No. Name. Location. .P. ..? of Light. .Z 'El e o 1 a a 5' " ■:::" '2 '''

2142 1 On shore of bay north 46 30 54 84 20 b F. red, electric.... C.... 63 2 of entrance to canal. (Incandescent.)

CANADIAN CANAL, LOWER ENTRA.NCEJ 0 2143 1,356 feet . N. 354 W. F. red, electric.... C,.... 88 2 See foot note*. from front light. (Incandescent.)


2148 f On cribwork beacon at 46 30 39 84 21 43 F. red, electric.... C .... 39 I turn in approach to CANADIAN CANAL, I canal. 2149 UPPER ENTRANCE -{ On E. extremity of Da- F. red, electric.... C .... 61 RANGE. vignon Pt., 2,100 feet N.E. i E. from front I, lig,ht.

2151 UPPER TURNING On southern edge of F. white ...... . 6 2 BUOY, dredged curve, Op- posite beacon.

2152 VIDAL SHOAL BUOY.. Extremity of Vidai F. red 8 2 shoal.

2154 FOOTES DOCK At shore end of dock, 46 28 29 84 27 9 F. red ...... D, 7.. 24 5 near the bank of the river.

2156 ( Front light on N. ex- 46 28 584 27 41 F. white C . 28 4 I tremity of point, 1,200 I feet N. 70 E. from POINTE Aux PLNS •( main light. 1157 RANGE. 1 Back light, 920 feet S...... ... F. white C . 53 4 I 54' \V. from front l. hg-ht.

1158 POINTE AUX P I N S On outer end of low 46 27 52 84 27 43 F. white D, 6.. 30 10 MAIN LIGHT. sand point.

*NoTE.—The Canadian canal and its cribwork approaches are illtuninated by two rows of arc lights, one all the others being. white. The United States canal and channels leading to it are marked by numerous lights and gas




..,,..,... 2 ,..,c3 —„,* ...-.Q to >a 3.., • I olour and any ieculiarity of ,-..? . Zi Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Mildings. -t: b c â a 1 ..E;4..a ...r; --■

Square, galvanized iron 62 1896 1 2142 skeletc in tower ;square, tower 1 . ,troode n lantern; white 1904 I diamoi ad-shaped slat- work day mark on 1 The two lights in one lead from the channt 1 side of tower. 1 American channel up the middle }- of the dredged approach between Square, galvanized iron 82 1896 914,, I the 'red and black buoys to the - '' skelett m tower ;square, tower . I piers at the E. end of canal. woode: ri lantern ; white 1901 i diamoi ad-shaped slat- work day mark on 1 channt )1 side of tower. )

Woode: i lantern on top 1896 ) The two lights in one lead in from 214` of cri b. the American channel past Vidal

[ Shoal, between the red and black ic White, square, wood, 2141 65 1896 i , buovs, to the turn at the front " open frame. I r liglit. I 1 / Lanteri 1 on a float ...... ... 1898 To show turn at upper entrance of 2151 canal.

Lanteri r on superstruc- 1898 To mark outer edge of Vidal shoal. 215t true ■ of red platform buoy.

Lanteri r on a mast on 20 1890 215: end o ..f freight shed on wharf . . Lights visible in the tine of range. 215( White, square, wood.. 31 1903 r 1 Lights in one, bearing S. 54 -,' W. lead up from intersection of their -{ alignment with the alignment of White, square, wood.. 56 1903 I the Vidal Shoals Channel (Arne- 215; I rican) range to a point abreast of ' l Footes Dock light.

White, square, wood.. 23 1873 ...... .. Visible from all points of approach 21.5 by water.

on each side of the canal. The most easterly and the mo.st westerly lights in each row are green lights.

are not enumerated, to prevent confusion. buoys. These




1-1 2. cll g 7-1 0.. .--›: .....o ..- > ,... .. No. Name Location. .5.2 Characteristic 0 ,.. .e of Light. •...- ■ Z . o aa a --. Eet .,..4-. g.. - -

2160 PANcAKE SnoAL In 5 fathoms 500 feet 46 54 23 84 50 0 BELL BUOY. S.W. of shoalest spot, Outer Pancake Shoal.

i162 CORBAY POINT Batchawana Bay. . 46 53 35 84 36 5 F. white D, 7.. 77 10 ,

104 COPPERMINE POINT.. On N.W. extremity of 46 59 384 47 5'F. white ..... D, 7.. 46 12 point.

166 GARGANTUA...... On summit of small is- 47 33 30 84 57 40 F. white D. 7.. 85 15 land, at entrance of harbour.

169 MICHIPICOTEN HAR- On S. E. extremity of 47 56 20 84 54 30F. white D, 7.. 70 14 BOUR. Little Gros Cap.

1170 CARIBOU ISLAND.... On a small island S. W. 47 20 23:85 49 32 Rev. white 10 sec C .... 76 14 of Caribou Island. onds. '

173 MICHIPICOTEN I S - On headland E. side 47 42 10 85 46 0F. white C 56 15 LAND, entrance to Quebec Harbour.

2174 AGATE ISLAND.. ... In Quebec Harbour, 47 42 3085 47 0F. white C 32 10 Michipicoten Island. • 177 OTTER ISLAND On N.W. extremity of 48 6 15 86 3 10F. white, tempor- D, 7.. 97 10 island. arily.

2179 PENINSULA HARBOUR S. end of island at en- 48 42 586 22 15 Rev, white, à min- C .... 105 16 trance. ute.

181 SLATE ISLANDS On summit of hill (S. 48 36 50 86 58 0F. white .... .... D, 4.. 224 10 side of Sunday Har- till%)' e.l LetextZlniian Cr.

2 182 BATTLE ISLAND.. On S. W. point of is- 48 45 087 33 40 Alt. red and white, C .... 105 I 16 land, E. entrance to 1à minutes. • Nipigon Bay. •

2 185 LAMB ISLAND... Western entrance to 48 36 25 88 9 10F. white C 90 15 Nipigon Bay.

2:187 PORPHYRY POINT.... Entrance to Black Bay, 48 20 40 88 36 10F. white C 56 13 Edward Island, Al- coma. • IN VITT DOMINION OF CANADA. 237



_ .› 2

Colour and st. any peculiarity of 1-0,1 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. r-

Red iron buoy sur- 1894 Bell rung by action of the 2160 mounted by a- bell. waves.

White,octagonal,wood, 63i 1873 Hand horn answers signals 2162 with dwelling- at- from vessels. tached.

Lantern on top of 12 I 1901 Visible from all points of approach. 2164 white, open-framed, square, pyramidal, wooden tower.

White, with iron lan- 43 1889 Hand horn answers signals To enter Gargantua harbour keep 2166 tern red, hexagonal, I from vessels. the light on the port side. wood.

Lantern rising f r o 31 1902 Visible from all points of approach12169 roof of white, square, by water, but not visible from wooden building. wharves in harbour.

White,oetagonal,wood, 80 1886 Steam horn sounds blasts Fog horn 100 feet S. of light 2170 red lantern, dwelling of five seconds, with in- atta.ched. Fog-alarm tervals of 25 seconds. building white, with brown roof. 'White, square, wood.. 32 ; 1872 2173

White, square, wood .. 20 1872 2174

White,octagonal,wood; 36 1,903 Visible from all points of approach 2177 red, polygonal: iron by water. , lantern.

White, square, wood, 56 1891 Hand limn answers signals Vessels entering harbour leave light 2179 with dwelling attach- froni vessels. h mile on port hand. There is good ed. Iron lantern, red. water throughout entrance.

White, octagonal, wood; 36 1903 Visible from all points of approach 2181 red, polygonal, iron by water. lout ern. Strangers can enter Sunday Harbour bv keeping the coast of the island close on board from a point about a mile west of the lighthouse. White, square, wood ; 36 1877 Hand horn answers signal: 2182 dwelling 300 feet from vessels. northeasterly f r o in lighthouse.

White. square, wood, 46 1 877 Hand horn answers signals 2185 dwelling attached. from vessels.

White, square, wood.. 36 1873 2187 238 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS





W. "1" • I e

N. Characteristic No. Name. Location. de ; de of Light. e.

itu É ci itu t 5 ez aT; La Long 5

2189 Front light on wharf 48 20 2788 48 17F. White. 101 2 (near its southwestern end) on mainland, in- side Burnt Island. SILVER ISLET ... 2190 Back light on the wharf, F. white ... 16 116 feet N. 50 E. from front light.

2192 THUNDER CAPE. Entrance to Thunder 48 18 23 88 56 40 Rev. white, 1 min- C ... 45 12 Bay. ute.

2193AVELCO1E ISLANDS.. On the northeast " ex- 48 22 14 89 7 131F. white D, 7.. 112 16 tremity of the eaeern Welcome Island."

2194 FORT WILLIAM GAS In 23 feet water, on 48 23 43 89 11 40 Occ. white D, gas 5 BUOY. outer end of northern . edge of dredged chan- . nel at mouth of Kam- inistikwia Rivet.

2195 Back light on N. shore F. red C... 128 11 of river, near Fort William.


2196! Front light on N. shore 48 23 37 89 13 10 F. red ...... 52 of river, 1,266 feet N. 81' E. from back light.

2198 PORT ARTHUR OAs In 5 fathoms, in pro- 48 25 30 89 12 5 Occ. white D, gas ..... BUOY. longation of northfi eastern edge o dredged channel.

2199 PORT ARTHUR On cribwork block, 31148 25 50 89 12 39 F. red C.... 43 7. feet from S. end of northerly- breakwater.

2201 PIE ISLAND On point on west end 48 14 5 89 10 26 F. white .... D, 7.. 34 11 of island, W. entrance • of Thunder Bay.

2204 VICTORIA ISLAND.... Extremity of point at 48 4. 54 9 21 41 F. white D, 7.. 45 12 N. W. end of island. • IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 239



72, r.

tc Colour and – any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Building.

Lantern on a post 12 1869 189 1 Not under Marine Department. I Lights visible in the line of range. Lights in one bearing N. 50° E. lead to the wharf from the south- Lantern on a post 18 1869 westward between the shoals off Burnt Island and Catholic Church 2190 Point, - White, square, wood, 28 1874 Diaphone, operated by com- Horn, 23 ft. above water, projects 2192 dwelling attached. pressed air, gives one blast from south face of fog alarm build- }'og-alarm building of 3 secs, duration every ing. white, with brown 30 secs. roof. Octagonal wooden lan- 38 1906 Visible from all points of approach 2193 tern rising from red by water. roof of white square wooden dwelling.

Red, steel, cylindrical 1903 Visible from all points of approach. 219-1 buoy, surmounted by a conical slatwork: and a lantern.

1 ed, steel skeleton 122 1873 2195 tower surrounding reb'lt latticework column 1901 which projects above tower. Day mark I Lights visible in the line of range. near top of column 1 These two lights in one lead consists of black ; through the dredged channel at square with white I mouth of river. diamond in middle.

White, square, wood. 51 1873 2196 Lantern red. reblt 1895

Red, steel, cylindrical 1904 2198 buoy, surmounted by a can-shai)ed slat- work and a lantern.

White, square, wood.. 36 1882 Hand horn answers signals 2199 mov'd from vessels. 1887

White, square, wood ; 23 1895 Hand horn answers signals Visible frotn all points of approach 2201 white wooden dwel- mov'd from vessels. except wIere hidden by high land ling N.E. of light- 1904 of Pie Island east of it. house.

White, square, wood, 30 1881 Hand horn answers signals Moved 1904 .... . ..... 22Œs with red iron lantern; build- from vessels. Visible from all points of approach white wooden dwel- ings ou the ins:de channel and from ling southeast of erec'd the westward. light. 1887




e: > No. Naine. Location. Characteristic e - • 0.) c R -c of Light. C.) •■ ,c •51' cà L.) .24 e e

22071Fox ISLAND 44 18 0 79 27 15 F. white.... . C... I 46 I 12


1 2210 GRAVENHURST. NAR- On S.E. point of DeniH41 58 20 79 22 25 F. white D, 6.. 28 7 ROWS. son Island, Lake: Muskoka. 2213 ROSSEAU On Ditchburn Sho.9.145 13 35 79 35 45 F. white D, p . 28 8 near head of Lake,' Rosseau, about a mile,! southerly frotn wharf. I 2215,CECEBE LAKE . On shoal about 1 mile'45 39 9:79 35 56 F. white 21 3 above Magnetawan Village.


22171OUTII .... On S. side of entrance. 46 7 3579 22 40 F. white ...... D. p.. 30 10

2219 SOUTH RIVER...... On point near tannery, 46 3 40 79 32 30F. white... D. p.. 28 10 on W. side of n'outh.


2222 Front range on small-49 27 53 94 45 35 F. white D, 7.. 17 5 island about 200 feet N. of N.E. extremity BISHOPS BAY. ... of Royal Island.

2223 Back range on N. shore F. white 26 5 of Royal Island.

2225 SQUAW ISLAND.. On island W. of S. 17 48 94 49 10 F. white 'D, p.. 33 11 point of island 37B.

2227iFERms ISLAND Off extreme West point 49 3 6 94 39 25 .F. white ,D, 7.. 36 11 of Bigsby Island.

22:4TOMAIIAWK ISLAND.. On island off McAuley 49 1 38 94 30 35 F. white D, 33 11 Bay.


2232 Off S. W. extreme of 48 53 791 40 38 F. white , D, 7.. 27 10 Sable Island.

2233 RAINY RIVER... . 1,494 feet S. 26° E. from F. id C. 37 7 front light. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 241



-s g • a Colour and >. e 0 any peculiarity of Fog-Signal. Remarks. Buildings. No. ID' 9 â .s

Brown, square, wood.. 39 1870 2207


White, square, wood, 27 1884 Visible from all points of approach 2210 on masonry founda- Tower by water. tion. 1905 White, square, wood, 26 1890 Visible from all points of approach. 2213 iron lantern red, standing on a crib- work pier. 'White, square, wood, 23 1906 Visible from all points of approach. 2215 on square cribwork pier.


White, with red roof, 21 1887 1 12217 square, wood, on cribwork pier. 25 Lantern on a mast, with 1887 To guide to mouth of river, past 2219 white shed at base. shoals that extend N. and E. from mouth.


White. square, wood .. 20 1897 .) 2222 The two lights in one S. 30' E. lead through Bishops Bay from Bish- ops Point to the small islands N.E. of Royal Island clear of White, square, wood .. 28 1897 •I shoals. 2223 White, square, wood.. 33 1900 Visible all round the horizon 2225

White, square, wood 28 1897 2227

White, square, wood.. 33 1901 Visible around the whole horizon... 2229

Black, steel buoy, sur- 1902 Bell rung by action of the Maintained by Rat Portage and12231 • mounted by a bell. waves. Keewatin Lumber Companies. Marks end of shoal off sand hills atl mouth of river. White, square, wood, 1886 2232 27 Front light visible from all points on square cribwork reblt 1903 of approach by water. Back light pier. visible in the line of range. The two lights in one lead to the 99.33 1895 White, square, wood, I. River, the chan- mouth of Rainy on square cribwork reb'lt 1903 nel into which is marked by pier. buoys. 16




o o No. Name. Location. ^0 Characteristic on g se; of Light. .1.,3 Sc â e•-• 0 E

2240 Main tower on pile50 23 24 96 46 23 F. white C 45 12 foundation on E. side of channel.

MO UTH OF RED I 2241 RIVER RANGE. -{ On W. side of channel F white. 23 3,600 ft. N. r 15' W. from back tower.


2243 GULL HARBOUR Northeast end of Big Is- 51 11 18 96 35 48 F. white. D, 7.. 26 10 land, east end of south entrance point of har- bour.

2245 13LACK BEAR ISLAND. On east end of island .. 51 46 51 96 53 20F. white...... D, 7.. 38 11

2246 COX REEF ee On the reef 52 19 26 )7 14 15 1 F. white D, 7.. 39 11

,2248IGEORGE ISLAND .... On E. extremity of is- 52 49 4 97 37 54 F. white D, 5.. 66 13 land. IN THE DOMINION OF. CANADA. 243




1 he C ) CI lis

Colour and t b

any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. -2110 es 11-5 â n Whe

White, square, wood, 45 1895 2240 with vertical red stripe on side facing the channel. Lantern led. The two lights in one lead to the entrance of the curved channel, White, square, wood. 30 1895 2241 Upper part closed, which is marked by beacons. lower part open.

White, square, wood .. 27 , 1898 Visible from all points of approach 2243. by water.

White, square, wood .. 27 I 1898 Visible from all points of approach 2215 by water.

Lantern rising from red 35 I 1905 Visible from all points of approach . 2246 roof of white, square, wooden dwelling, on concrete foundation.

Red square steel skele- 61 I 1906 Visible from all points of approach 2248 ton tower, surmount- by water except in the line of ed by white wooden islands and shoals extending watchroom and white northwestward from George Is- octagonal wood en land. lantern. White rec- tangular wooden dwelling.




o -= ci — a . .' r-1 a..c,,' -c: .... ‹ . 0 '..... > i. .5. cc 0 cl e No. Name. Location. c.) . a Characteristic t,,, • li) .5...a E -a a of Light. ... — i a %) ',es ?G *stl- *.e = 0 0 "" F..3 '' .■.-1 3 4 a C :7-1

2250PROCTER M I D D LE Entrance to West Arm 49 37 43 1165630 F. white D, p.. 6 2 'GROUND, LIGHT of Kootenay Lake. 1 Buor. ..m.i''"° 22.51 PROCTER ...... Entrance to West Arm 49 35 0 117 0 0 F. white D, 7.. 20 5 of Kootenay Lake. 1

1 7252 PILOT BAY . Near N. end of Pilot 49 38 29 116 53 9F. white. . D, 7.. 130 17 point.

2253 RASLO End of spit, Kootenay 49 55 0 117 0 OtF. white Elec- 21 4 Lake. trie. 1


2256 QUATSINO On southeast end of 50 26 31 128 238 F. white D, 7.. 90 15 Entrance Island, - Quatsino Sound.

2258 Lookour ISLAND.... On eastern end of 1g-49 59 45 127 2752 F. white D, 7.. 45 12 land, Halibut Chan- nel.

2259 ESTF.VAN POINT Light to be established.

2260 PLOVER POINT ... On south extreme of 49 11 34 1254655 F. white D, 7.. 34 2 point.

261 LENNARD ISLAND... On south-veest point of 49 6 40 1255555 Fl. white, flash D, I.. 115 16 island. every 111 seconds.

262 AMPHITRITE POINT.. On extremity of roint . 4855 29 125 3313 F. white ..... 'D. . 60 13

2621 CAROLINA - CHANNEI In 25 fathoms, off Am- 48 54 57 125 3323 WHISTLING BUOY. phitrite Point.

2e21 SWALE ROCK On E. end of rock, E. 48 55 40 1251312 F. white.... .... D .... 25 10 entrance of Sechart channel.



LAKE (Inland Navigation.)

E od o Colour and tn > any peculiarity of 5 0 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. ci a à 5.;

Lantern on superstruc- 1904 Marks ■ niddle ground between Proc- 2250 ture of platform buoy ter and Balfour.

Lantern on mast, white 25 1895 2251 wooden shed with red roof at base.

White, square, wood.. 37 1905 . Visible from all points of approach 2252 by water.

Light on pole. 20 1897 2253


Lantern on small white ..... 1907 Visible to the southward 2256 square wooden tower Light is unwatched. on white wooden framework.

Lantern on small white 1906 Visible to the southward and east- 2258 square wooden tower, ward. on white wooden] framework.


Lantern on small white 1907 Light is unwatched 2260 square wooden tower on white wooden framework.

Whi te,octagonal, wo(xl, 80 1904 Diaphone, operated by Visible from all points of approach 2261 red, circular iron lan- Fog compressed air, gives one except where obscured by trees on tern. White wooden alarm blast of 4 secs, duration island. foc alarm building 1906 every 45 secs. Fog alarm building about 300 feet with red roof. to southeastward of lighthouse.

Lantern on small white 1905 Visible from all points of approach 2262 square wooden tower • by water. Light is unwatched. on wooden frame- work.

Red iron buoy, sur- 1905 Whistle sounded by motion 22621 mounted by a 10-inch of buoy on waves. whistle.

Lantern on small white 1906 Visible from all points of approach. 22621 square wooden tower Light is unwatched. on white wooden framework.




,-. r., .." ''-' ›:..,.. ,....< No. Name. Location. o -c Characteristic Pc; 'on .5 2 -c e of Light. t le • .,..+, , po .e

.45 .

263 CAPE BEAU' S.E. point of entrance,1 48 47 30 125 13 1( Rev. white, 300 ... 178 19 to Barkley Sound onI seconds. 'W. coast of Vancou- 1 Red sector between ver Island. bearings of E. and S.S.E.

1264 PACHENA POINT . 48 43 40125 620 Occ, white tempor- D, 4...... 6 arily, visible 5 secs. ; eclipsed 5 secs.

265 CARMANAH On point 2 miles W. by 48 36 25 124 45 55 Gp. rev. white, C .... 173 19 I. N. from Bonifia white flashes, 30 Point. seconds, eclipse 30 seconds, com- plete revolution 1 minute. SWIFTSURE B A N K On the bank, in 24 . . . WHISTLING BUOY. fathOMS.

CAPE FLATFERY U.S. light on Tatoosh 48 23 30 124 44 6 Fixed white with a , .. island, tixed red sector.

( U.S. light on Baaddah F. white. I point. NEAR BAY P 0 s T j LIGHTS. 1 U. S. light on N. W. 48 23 7 124 35 56 F. white. ' I end of Waaddah l

266 PORT SAN JUAN In 14 fathoms at ent- 48 31 46 124 29 45 WHISTLING BUOY. rance.

SLIP POINT... U. S. light 48 15 46 124 14 48 F. white

Low POINT POST U. S. light at Gettys- F. white. • LIGHT burg. PORT CRESCENT POST U. S. light on west F. rect. LIGHT. head.

267 WHIFFEN SPIT E. end of Spit, Sooke 48 21 27 123 43 15 F. white 18 5 Inlet.

268 RACF. ROCKS In Strait of Juan de 48 17 36 12332 15 Fl.white 10 seconds D, 2.. 118 18 Fuca. .

• EDIZ HOOK U. S. light 48 8 24 123.24 7F. white. . IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 9, 47



d. Oil

cp o he ci Colour and lis Sc b any peculiarity of ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. „ es à n Whe

White, square, wood, 42 1874 '. Visible from east round by N. to W. 2263 with dwelling a t - by N. N. The light should not be tached. brought to bear to the northward of E. N., as there is foul ground to the northward of the N. limit of the light. The red sector shows over dangers in Barkley Sound. Entrance to Sound should not be attempted without local knowledge or a pilot. Lantern on a gas tank 2264 temporarily.

White, square, wood, 46 1891 Steam horn gives blasts of 6 Strangers may communicate with 2265 red iron lantern, with seconds in every 30 sec- station by whistle sounds, using white dwelling at- onds. A whistle also used Morse or Continental Code. tached. Fog-alarm to communicate with ves- building in front of sels by private code. and below tower. Iron buoy, painted in 1906 Maintained by the United States black and white ver- Government. tical stripes, with "S. B." in white letters.

12-inch steam whistle ; blast sec., ilent interval 52 seçs.

Red iron buoy, sur- 1905 Whistle sounded by motion 2266 mounted by a 10-inch of buoy on the waves. whistle.

Daboll trumpet ; blast 2 sec., silent 18 sec.

Lamp on pole. 1906 Fishing light, maintained only f„m 2267 1st March to 31 October. Light is unwatched.

an- Alternate black and 105 1861 12-inch whistle soundsblasts Four short blasts of whistle i,n, 2268 white horizontal of 5 seconds, with inter- swer to vessel's signal will bands, circular, stone ; vals of 1 minute and 12 northern portion of strait clear °' dwelling attached. seconds. fog. Should not be approached within one mile,. to clear Rosedale Reef- Bell every 15 seconds. 248 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS




> —

No. Name. Location. N. Characteristic 113 É de of Light. -->

itu to 5 t o e • La

2269 Extreme of William 48 20 23123 31 45 F. red 30 4 ! Head, 90 feet from WILLIA M HEAD r ' high water mark. QUAR.ANTINE STA- , 2270 TION. I 30 feet S. by- W. i W F. red 36 i from front light.

2272 Fts A En On a rock, at western 48 25 43 123 27 15 F., see remarks D, 4.. 67 12 entrance to Esquimalt Harbour.

2275 BROTC II IE LEDGE Off entrance to Victoria 48 21 20 123 23 40 Occ. white, visible D, p, 221 9 BEACON. Harbour. 40 secs., eclipsed elec- 20 secs. tric,

2-277 BERENS ISLAND Western entrance ,to 48 25 22 123 24 0 Occ. white with red D, 6.. 41 I 10 Victoria Harbour. sector, visible 15 seconds, eclipsed 5 secs.

2278 SHOAL POINT BEACON Outer end of spit off the 48 25 24 123 23 40 10 I 3 Point, in Victoria elec- Harbour. tric Mean- des'nt 2279 MIDDLE ROCK In Victoria Harbour... 48 25 22 123 23 20 F. white D:... 10 I 3 BEACON. elec- tric incan- des.nt 2280 LAtumr. POINT In Victoria Harbour,on 48 25 23123 23 2 F. red . 40 1 1 Laurel point. tric incan- des'nt

2281 TRIAL. IsLANns On southwest side of 48 23 36 123 18 45 7 . white temper- D, 7.. 84 15 sotithernmost arily. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 249


NAVIGATIO N—Cont ticd.

oc ' 2 =3 7, e I Colour and any peculiarity of e o ' e Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. o " •F; 4.o e

Lantern on mast 1898 Maintained by Department of Agri- 2269 culture. Entering quarantine, proceed north- ward until the two mast lights are Lantern on mast 1898 1 abaft the beam, then proceed 2270 westwardly until they are in one which will define the limit of the quarantine anchorage. White circular, brick. 56 1861 Shows white in fair way between 2272 Red brick dwelling bearings N. i W. and N.W. by W. attached. i W. and 'clears all offlying dan- gers. Shows red from N. W. by W. i W. to S. 1 E. in Esquimalt harbour, and to vessels bound for Victoria or Esquitnalt from the eastward after rounding Trial Is- land, it will indicate their distance from shore. If bound to Esqui- malt a W. S. W. course leads out- side of Brotchie Ledge until the light changes from red to white, when it may be steered for, not before. A white ray is shown to the westward of S. 1 E. into Es- quimalt harbour. Black, steel-sheathed, 1900 Fog bell, operated by elec- Visible from all points of approach. '2275. conical beacon ; black, tricity, gives one stroke Light must not be depended on. steel, open framework every 10 seconds. In event of failure of supply of top. electricity temporarily, oil light will be shown. If fog bell becomes disabled, electric horn will be sounded. Whenever the electricity is shut off it will be impossible tüoperate either alarm.

White, square, wood, 30 1876 Bell rung by machinery Light bears from Brotchie Ledge2277 dwelling attached. gives one stroke every 5 beacon N. 35° \V. Bell toWér on sea- seconds. Shows red over Brotchie Ledge. ward side.

Hand lantern attached 1889 In storms dependence must not be12278 to cluster of 3 piles, ch'ged placed on this light. forming beacon. 1894

1 Hand lantern attached 1891 In storms dependence must not be 2279 to cluster of 3 piles, ch'ged placed on this light. forming beacon. 1894

Lantp on arm project- ..... 1905 Visible from all points of appioach 2280 in g from red brick by water. chimney rising from small brick house.

Red lantern rising from 40 1906 Diaphone, operated by corn- Visible from all points of approach 2281 red roof of white pressed air, gives a blast by water. square wooden dwel- of 3 secs, duration every Fog alarm building ne,ar west edge ling. White r e c- minute. of island, 185 feet S. 56° E. from tangular wooden fog lighthouse. The horn projects alarm building witn from S. end of fog alarm building red roof. and points S. 22' E.




P.I ell tl>> :0: 7.1 ...... ‹ Q 0 ,...i ,.. Z c.) c ce No. Name. Location. ej ..c Characteristic t.,' zee ...E.e ,-...› of Light. t> :;.-., . . .e., . tre = d 0 a .4 o

2282 FIDDLE REEF On reef 48 25 39 123 17 6 F. white with red D, 7.. 30 10 sectors over foul ground on west- ern side of chan- nels approaching the light.

2284 DISCOVERY ISLAND.. On eastern extremity of 48 25 20 123 13 42 Occ. white D, 4.. 91 15 Island in the Strait Visible.. .10 secs of Haro. Eclipsed. 5 ”

NEW bUNGENESS.... 1J. S. light 48 10 55 123 631 F. white

SMITH ISLAND ... U. S. light 48 19 7 122 50 36 Fl. white every 30 seconds.

CATTLE POINT POST II. S. light on S. end 48 27 3 122 57 42 F. white . LIGHT. of San Juan Island. TURN POINT U. S. light on N.W. 48 41 20 123 14 9F. white.. ... . .... point of Stuart Island.

. 286 DOCK ISLAND...... On E. end of northeast- 48 40 30 123 21 44 Occ. white D.... 40 10 erly islet of Little acety- Group, Sidney Chan- lene. nel.

e 289 SATURNA ISLAND... , On East point 48 47 0 123 3 2 Rev. white, 30 sec- C .... ' 125 17 onds.

PATOS ISLANDS..... U. S. light on N. W. 48 47 22 122 58 12 F. red extreme.

291 PORTLOCK POINT.... On N.E. extremity of 48 49 50 123 21 30 F. white with red ll, 7.. 72 10 Prevost Island, Trin- sector over En- comali Channel. terprise Reef. • 293 ACTIVE PASS On Georgina Point, 48 52 25 123 17 50 F. white .... ... D, 6.. 55 12 Mayne Island, Strait of Georgia.

. . 294 Cnorros On the southeastern- 48 53 0 123 37 47 F. white ..... .... D, 7 ..1 33 10 most Shoal island, Osborn Bay. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 251



d. 0 1)


e lis

Colour and b

any peculiarity of n 0 ta Fog-Signal. Remark.s. No Buildings. es •a-34..m When

White, square, wood, 30 1898 Shows fixed red over 45' 30' between 2282 on concrete pier. S. by W. W. through S. to S. S. E. E. and over 48° 30' between N. W. and N.E. N., remainder' of circle fixed white. When the light changes from red to white' the fairway is open, and the white light must be kept open. The red sectors do not cover Thames shoal nor thf. 2e-fathom patch on Five-fathom shoal. White, square, wood, 47 1886 Steam horn gives blasts of Visible from S. E. S. round 1..).y S., 2284 dwelling attached. 8 seconds, with intervals W. and N. to N.E. bY N. Fog-alarm building, of one minute between Steam fog horn established 1890, 300 wood, white, with thein. feet S. Eastwardly of light, 45 brown roof. feet aboVe high water mark. First class, comprEssed automatic siren ; blast 6 secs., silent 12 secs., blast 3 secs., silent 39 secs.

Daboll trumpet ; blast 3 secs., silent 27 secs.

Red steel cylindrical 21 1903 Visible from all points of approach 2286 tank, surmounted by by water. red pyramidal steel Lidht must not be depended on. frame supporting a Light is unwatched. lantern ; red steel f ram ework founda- tion. White, square, wood, 58 18.3,8 Visible from N.E. N. round by 2289 with dwelling a t - W. to S.E. by f E. Light tached. Iron lantern should not be approached from red. N. or W. within 1:4 miles. Daboll trunipet ; blast 2 secs., silent 18 secs.

White, square, woo& 48 1895 Bell on low point 900 feet 2291 kitch en attached. S. E. of light gives a stroke Lantern red. every 15 seconds.

White, square, wood, 42 1885 Fog horn established 1893, Coast light, and indicates the east- 2293 with dwelling at- gives blasts of 10 seconds' cru entrance to Active Pass. tached. White fog- duration, with' intervals Visible from W. S. round by S. and alarm building with of 50 seconds. E. to N.E. N. Light in sight brown roof and white clears dangers between Active tank house near by. • Pass and East Point.

Lantern on small white 1906 Visible from all points of approach 2291 square wooden tower, by water. Light is unwatched. on white wooden Maintained by Britannia Smelting framew or k . Co.




.... .--. ,..,-. — ..-. c o >> i‹: No. Name. . Location. -92Characteristic

.- of Light. 7. .-.F. • - CJ 4 a 4 e e

2295 BARE POINT On extremity of Point, 48 56 0 123 42 10.F. white . .... I), 7.. 36 13 Chemainus Bay.

2297 Front lihtoni Race 49 0 57 123 35 2F. white C 21 9 Point, ian Island.

PORLIER PASS .... 2298 Virago F. white D, 7.. 32 10 BPoelint,iig ilt9 0o OnfeeVt iâ. 5 E. from front light. 1

2300. WALKER ROCK Trincomali channel. 48 55 28 123 29 40 F. white D, p.. 15 8

2303 DANGER REEF On N. end of eastern- 49 3 42 123 42 43 F. white D, p.. 24 9 most 'rock of reefs. .

l306 COFFIN IsLET On islet at N. side d 48 59 20 123 44 52 F. white I), 1). 29 10 entrance to Oyster Harbour, Stuart Channel.

SEMIAMOO. U.S. light in the bay.. 48 59 32 122 46 58 F. red

307 ROBERTS BANK BELL In 15 fathoms, on the 19 5 33 123 18 32 BUOY, extreme western shoulder of Roberts Bank.

ROBERTS BANK GAS 500 feet S. 45' E. from 49 5 .31 123 18 27 Occ. white D, gas BuoY, bell buoy.

309 F it A s E It RIVElt, In 17 fathoms off main 49 6 55 23 18 8 Two F. white, j D, 7.. 56 13 SAN D HEADS, entrance to river, one at each -,: LIGHTSHIP. masthead. l. D, 7.. 56 13

311 F a A s E a RIVER On S. side of main chan- 19 5 51 123 15 33 F. white D, p.. 2") Mom!, SOU T II nel, 2 miles S. 16' W. (See remarks). CURVE. from North D a m light. IN THE DOMINION OF C3ANADA. 253



"r3 d.

c)> !' he is ; Colour and tn bl 0 0 any peculiarity of a ta Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. ...LI cr., s e 1.0.5 à n Whe

White, square wooden 30 1897 2295 dwelling, with lan- tern on roof.

White, square, wood ; 24 1902 Visible in the line of range 2297 red, octagonal, wooden lantern.

White, square, wood ; 31 1902 Visible from all points of approach 2298 lantern red. by water.

Lantern on small, 1900 Visible from all points of approach 2300 white, square, wood- bv water. en tower, on white Light is unwatched. concrete beacon.

Lantern on smal 1, 1904 Visible from all points of approach 2303 white, square, wood- bv water. en tower on black Lien is unwatched. wooden framework. When passingsouthward light should be given a berth of at lea,st 3 cables.

Lantern on small, 1903 Visible from all points of approach 2306 white, square, wood- by water. en tower on white, Let must not be depended on. wooden framework.. Light is unwatched.

Daboll trumpet ; blast 3 secs., silent 4 secs., blast 3 secs., silent 20 secs.

Red iron buoy sur- 1905 Bell rung by motion of 2307 mounted by a bell. bey on waves.

Red steel cylindrical buoy, surmounted by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern. Red, wooden vessel 1905 Bell rung by machinery Visible from all points of approach. 2309 with 2 masts ; " Sand gives one stroke every Heads No. 1G" in' 10 seconds. white letters on the forward bulwarks ; upper works light grey.

Lantern on s in a Il, 8 1903 Visible from all points of approach 2311 white, square, wooden by water. tower on platform Light must not be depended on. supported on piles. Light shown will be fixed red in July. August and September. Light is unwatched. 254 LIGHTS AND FOG SIGNALS



r." 0 , No. Name. Location. o Characteristic 1. -e !e.nE c) -cc 2 .f.r.' r "C •F> of Light. o 1 ,,ii..., .. t... E..z. •.> 'LI LI z..• e ti-e,„.i:: mi ....i G 0 a •

23101FrtasEn RivEnS.W. end of dam on 49 7 27 123 13 41 F. white D, p.. 22 9 Mourn, N o a Tn N. side of main chan- (See remarks). DAM. nel, 1'11 miles S. 72' 51' W. from Garry ' Point light.

2313 GARRY Poisr .... On platform of tide 49 7 18 123 11 12 F. red . ... .... D, 7.. 22 6 gauge. •

2314 NEW WESTMINSTER 49 12 43 122 53 43 F. red and green.. .... .. ...... , RAILWAY SWING BRIDGE.

( Westerly light, off N.49 14 4 123 13 47 F. white D, p.. 20 9 1 entrance, one mile S. . 1 56' E. from Point No i Point. 23141 FRASER RIVER 1 ENTRANCE TO 1 Easterly light, about l, 49 13 14 123 11 27 F. white. D, p.. 20 9 NORTH. ARM. 1 mile E. of N. en- l. trance. .

2315 POINT ATKINSON.... N. point of entrance to 49 19 42 123 15 54 Rev. white, one C .... 96 15 English Bay and Bur- minute. rard Inlet.

!315 GREY POINT FAIRV,"Y At entrance to Burrard 49 17 0 123 15 50 .... BELL Br.7017. Inlet, about 11 miles N. 27° W. from Grey • Point. i316 PROSPECT POINT.... Linder bluff at Prospect 49 18 34 123 8 0 F. white... ..... D, 7.. 28 10 Point, First Narrows, Burrard Inlet.

!317 BROCKTON POINT.... InsideFirst Narrows of 49 17 44 123 6 54 F. See remarks D, 7.. 52 8 Burrard Inlet, at en- trance to Vancouver Harbour.

* .

224 ENTRANCE ISLAND... Nanaimo, Strait of 49 12 30 123 48 45 F. white, with red D, 5.. 65 14 Georgia. sector of 71s° over Gabriola reef.




j- > -° Colour and -0 any peculiarity of 5.9,2 .5 Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. .2. —. o c" 5: ... . - - Lantern, on s m a 1 1 , 8 1903 Visible from all points of approach 2310 white, square, wooden by water. tower on platform Light must not be depended on. supported on piles. Light shown will be fixed red in . July, August and September. Light is unwatched. Lantern on tide gauge 1898 Used by light draft fishing vessels.. 2313 platforin.

1904 Red light at each end of swing pro- 2314 tection and on each end of swing- ing span, green lights S. of S. opening, showing downstream and -..N. of N. opening showing up- stream. Span is open when 2 red lights show vertically above one ' another, passage being between visible green and red lights. Lanternonsmall,white, ... . 1905 1 square, wooden tower on platforrn support- ed on piles. Lights are unwatched. ' Lights visible from all points of 23113 Lanternon small,u lute, 1905 approach by water. square, wooden tower on platform support- ed on piles. J

White, square, wood, 41 1875 Steam horn 300 feet from Visible from the entrance to Bur- 2313 dwelling attached, lighthouse, established' rard Inlet to an E. by N. N. . 1889, sounds blasts of 8 bearing. Should not be brought seconds, with intervals of to bear to we.stward of N. by ves- 1 minute between them, sels in the Strait, as this bearing will only lead clear of Sturgeon Bank, off Fraser River.

Red steel buoy, sur- 1905 Bell rung by motion of buoy 23153 mounted by a bell, on the waves.

Red lantern rising from 31 1898 Bell sounds 1 stroke every In entering harbour, when light is 231e red roof of white square 20 seconds, visible all dangers on starboard wooden building. side are cleared.

Wooden building paint- 30 1890 Bell sounds one stroke every Light white from all points of a p- 2317 ed brown and yellow, re- 20 seconds. proach except over Burnaby Shoal, with red r o o f; built which is covered by a red sector wooden lantern on 1902 over arc of 24° between N. 73' the first floor in front W. and S. 83' W. E. from light- of building. F o g - Bell 120 feet N. 8' alarm building of house. wood, white, with . brown roof. White square, wood, 50 1876 Steam horn close to light- Light red from W. to W. 4. N. 2324 with' dwelling at- house, to eastward, estab- From points S. of this light' ob- tached. lished 1894, sounds blasts scured by high land. Vessels from of 8 seconds, with inter- S. should not change course to vals of 45 seconds between W. until light changes to white, them. which will clear Gabriola reef beacon :1.- mile. 256 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



II Od =


N. ee.2 e No. Name. Location. Characteristic t"; de • of Light. é3C ›.›.71 > itu « ;€1) t g o

La a

2325 GALLOWS POINT FOG On the point 49 10 25 123 55 28 BELL.

2326 GALLOWS POINT S. side of entrance to 49 10 12 12355 31 F. red D, p.. 18 3 BEACON. Nanaimo Harbour.

2327 MId DLE GROUND Nanaimo Harbour F. white ..... D, p.. S 2 BE.ACON.

2328ISEECHELT On White Islet 49 24 50 1234232 F. white...... D, p.. 36 6

2329 MERRY ISLAND. S. E. extremity of is- 49 28 5 23 56 11 F. white, tempor- 57 6 land, southeastern arily. entrance to Welcome Pass.

2330 LUND On east end of south 43 59 42i 1244910 F. white D, 7.. 40 11 Ragged Island.

2332 BALLENAS ISLANDS On S.E. part of the'49 20 35 124 7 30F. white D, 7.. 100 16 more easterly of the islands.

2335 THE SISTERS On easterly and largest 49 29 3 12427 34 Occ. white, vis. 20 D, 6.. 46 12 rock. sec, and eclipsed 10 sec. alternate- ly.

2338 Back- tower near eastern 49 28 16 124 4210 F. white D, 7.. 71 I 13 '1 extremity of island.

I YELLOW ISLAND.. 2339 Front tower 294) feet S. F. white ..... 48 I 12 1 74' W. from back one.

2340 KELP BAR GAS AND In 25 fathoms, off east- 49 39 46 24 50 43 Occ. white D, gas BELL BUOY. ern entrance to cross- ing over Kelp Bar. IN TT-TF, DOMINION OF CANADA. 257


NAVIGATION—Co/at 'nued.

o d.

dc he

Colour and blis

any peculiarity ta of Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings. o es â When

-White, square, wood, 1906 Bell rung by machinery, The fog bell is elevated 20 ft. above 2325 surmounted by a bell. gives one stroke every 5 high water mark. seconds.

White, square, wood, 1892 Visible from all points of approach 2326 on platform on piles mov'd by water. painted black. 1901

Lantern attached to' 1892 This beacon is 2,030 feet S. 72' W. 2327 cluster of 3 piles form- ch'ged from G'allows Point. ing beacon. 1891

Lantern on s in a 11, 1904 Visible from all points of approach. 2328 white wooden tower Light is unwa:ched. on black wood en framework.

35 White, octagonal, 1903 Visible from all points of approach 2329 wooden lantern on by water. roof of white, rectan- Leads up the Strait of Georgia to gular, wooden build- Welcome Pass, and also guides ing. through the Pass.

Lantern on small 1907 Visible over an arc of 249' front S. 2330 white WI den tower 29' E. through W. and N. to N. on white wood en 40' E. framework. Light is unwatched.

‘Vhite, square, wood.. 33 1900 Hand horn answers signals Visible all round the horizon. When 2332 from vessels. bearing from S. 75' E. through S. to S. 21' W. Iiglit may be obstruct- ed by trees.

White square tower 36 1898 Bell attached to building 2335 rising from corner of gives stroke every 30 sec- rectangular dwelling. onds. Lantern red.

'White, square, wood : 28 1890 Back light visible all around the'2338 white dwelling nearby. ch'ged horizon, front light visible only to 1898 the westward and in the direction • of the fairway-. The lights in one mark the fairway between Maple, White, square, wood .. 20 r 1898 Spit beacon and Reef Point in a 2339 direction S. 74° W. and N. 74° E. Island favouring the Denman f Reef buoy side of the channel in not less than 10 fathoms of water.;

Red, steel cylindrical 1903 Bell rung by motion of the Front the buoy Goose Spit Beacon 2340 buoy,surmounted by a Gas buoy on the waves. - bears S. 64° W. 21 miles. steel frame supporting 1907 a bell and a lantern. 17 •




• •-"*"." . <

N. Characteristic z No Name. Location. •

de of Light. e. e itu

t • e: •7.,4 La

2341 DENMAN ISLAND, On reef on W. side of 49 32 15 124 49 12 F. white.... D, 6.. 23 7 WESI SIDE. island, 1+ miles south-i ward of -Village point.

2343 CAPE MUDGE .. West extremity .50 0 5 125 13 18 F. white D, 7.. 39 10

2347 PULTF.NEY On extremity of point.. 50 37 50 127 950 F. white D, 7.. :38 I 11

2349 SCARLETT POINT ... On the point, entrance 1,50 51 45 127 36 50 F. white with red D, 7. 90 10 to Christie passage. 1 sector over Noble islets.

2351 PINE ISLAND. On southwest point of ,50 5S 35 127 44 53'1F. white D, 5.. so 1 14 1

2353 EGG ISLANI) On summit of small 51 14 43 127 50 58; Rev. white, 30 sec- C.._ 85 15 islet, on the west onds. side of island

2356 POINTER ISLAND. ... S.E. end of island, S. of 52 3 48 127 58 40 F. white D, 7.. 42 9 E. entrance to Lama passage.

23:)8 DRYAD POINT (TURN N. entrance, Main pass- 52 11 14 128 8 24 F. white with red D, 7.. 36 5 POINT). age, Seaforth chan- sector. nel.

2360 IVORY ISLAND On Surf point, Mil- 52 16 15 128 25 50 F. white... . . D, 7.. 66 13 bank sound.

2361 VANCOUVER ROCK In 38 fathoms, off the 52 2116 128 31 55' WHISTLING BUOY. rock, Millbank Sound.

2362 LAWYER ISLANDS ... On W. side of northern- 54 6 58 130 20 47 F. white ...... , D, 5.. 55 13 most island, 780 feet, from its N.W. end. 1 IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. • 259



r° e o e Colour and 4-e es c oo any joeculiarity of • Fog-Signal. Remarks. No. Buildings.

"L9270 â P.m Wh,

White, square, wood, 27 1906 ' Visible front all points of approach 2341 on concrete founda- by water. tion 12 feet high.

Red lantern rising from ao 1898 Visible over an arc of 205° between 2343 red roof of white the bearings of S. 48' E. through square wooden dwell- N. to N. 73' W. ing. 0 Lantern rising front red 35 I 1905 Hand horn answers signals Visible from S. 75 W. round 2347 roof of white square from vessels. through W. and E. to S. 55' E., wooden dwelling. over an arc of 230'.

Lantern rising from red 37 1905 Hand horn answers signals Visible from all points of approach 2349 roof of white, rectan- from vessels. by water. gular, wooden dwel- ling.

White, square, wood ; 43 I 1907 Diaphone, operated by com- Visible over an arc of 232' from S. 2331 red polygonal iron ' pressed air, gives one 80' W. through W., N. and E. to lantern ; dwelling at- blast of 7 seconds' dura- S. 48° E. tached. White rect- tion every two minutes. Fog alarm building 200 feet north- angular wooden fog est of lighthouse. alarm building with red roof. White, square, wood, 50 1898 Dia phone, operated by com- Visible between the bearings N. 450 2353 dwelling attached . Fog pressed air, gives a blast W. through E. to S. 6' W., Lantern red. White , alarm of 5 seconds' duration over remainder of horizon light rectangular wooden 1906 every minute. obscured by high land of Egg , fog alarm building Island. with red roof. Fog alarm building 200 feet N.W. by N. of lighthouse. •

Red lantern rising from 1895 Hand horn answers signals Visible over an arc of 214' between 2356 red roof of white from vessels. S. 56' E. through S. and W. to' square wooden dwell- N. 22' W. ing-.

White, square, wax], 39 1899 Hand born answers signals Visible over an arc of 257 0 between'2358 lantern red ; white frbrir vessels. S, 63° E. through S., W. and N. dwelling with brown to N. 14' E. roof attached. Shows red from N. 44° W. through W. and S. to S. 11° E.

Red lantern rising from 30 1898 Hand horn answers signals Visible over an arc of 233' between 2360 red roof of white from vessels. the bearings S. 75° W. through square wooden build- N. to S. 52° E. ing.

Red iron buoy, sur-, 1905 Whistle sounded by motion 230i mounted by a 10-inch of buoy on the waves. whistle.

White, square, wood, 48 1901 Visible over an arc of 231' between 2362 red polygonal iron• N. 73' W. through N. and E. to lantern ; dwelling at- S. 22' E. Between N. 73' W. and tached. N. 65' W. the light will be ob- scured at intervals by trees. 171,- 260 LIGHTS AND FOG-SIGNALS



`1 e-É w e "e , No. Name. Location. N. Characteristic

de of Light. e itu t e e

La o e

2364 ELLINOR Roux In 7 fathoms, close Occ. red D, gas 1 GAS BUOY. southward of rock.

2365 . f Front light on top of F. white I) 65 13 Coast Island. acety- lene.

COAST ISLAND 2366 Back light on Ridley F. white 102 15 Island, 4,415 feet I'st. 3cety- 75' E. from front lene. light.

2367 mESTREL ROCK Close off southeast side Occ. white 1), gas GAS BUOY. of Kestrel Rock, ra mile S. 190 E., from islet off Lima Point.

2368 BARRETT LEDGE In 31; fathoms, off east Occ. white D, gas GAS Buor. end of ledge.

2369 BIRD Rocx GAS Close off Bird Rock, 1A, Occ. red D, ga BUOY. miles N. 38 E. frorn islet off Lima Point.

2374 LUCY ISLAND. On northeast extremity 54 17 55 130 36 40 F. white ..... D, 5.. 65 I 13 of east Lucy Island.

• • 2378 BIRNIE ISLAND On southwest end of is- 54 35 30 130 28 12 F. white D, 1,- 65 I 10 lànd.

2382 GREEN ISLAND On southwesterly point 54 34 1 130 42 36 Fi. white.. I), 3.. 81 I 14 of island. Flash '787 isec. Eclipse 4838

TREE POINT U. S. light on W. end 54 48 13 130 55 40 F. white with red of point. sector between bearings of N. 71' 43' W. and N. 61° 52' W.




-e 8 , Colour and any peculiarity of .E . E0 .5 Fog-Signal. Remarks. . No. Buildings. -c ..-.>.:– C■ ) C . )

,--■ ...--«;-‘

Red steel cylindrical ... 1907 2364 buoy, surmounted by a pyramidal steel frame supporting a 11 lantern. • White steel cylindrical 23 1907 Light is unwatched. 2365 tank, surmounted by white pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern ; white steel . framework founda- tion.

White steel cylindrical 23 1907 Light is unwatched.. 2366 tank, surmounted by white pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern ; white 'steel framework founda- tion. , Black steel cylindrical ... . 1907 2367 bouy, surmounted by a pyramidal steel fraine supporting a lantern.

Black steel cylindrical 1907 Barrett ledge is situate one mile N. 2368 buoy, surmounted by 12. E. from Lima Point. a pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern.

Red steel cylindrical 1907 2369 buoy, surmounted sby a pyramidal steel frame supporting a lantern. Visible over an arc of 252° from N. 2374 Lantern rising from red 36 1907 0 roof of white rectan- 75 E. through S. and W. to N. gular wooden dwel- 33' W. ling.

Lantern on small 1904 Visible over an arc of 1880, from N. 2378 white, wooden tower. 74 W. through N. and E. to S. 66' E. Light is unwatched.

White, square, wood ; 45 1906 Visible all around the horizon, ex- 2382 red circular iron lan- eept where intercepted by a chive- tern ; dwelling at- ! ney to the northward. tached. I First class, compressed air, iThe sector covers Lord Rocks in the automatic siren ; blast 3' eastcrn end of Dixon Entrance secs., silent interval 27 and extends about :1i: mile to the secs, westward of the rocks.


N.B.—The naines by which the lights are generally known are printed in common or lower case letters, and the names of the places near which the lights are situated, in italics.

A No. No. Abbot Harbour 225 Bait—See other word. Aconi Point 478 Balache Point . 416 Aconi Point Whistling Buoy 477 Ballenas Islands 2332 Active Pass 2293 Bamford Island 2107 Advocate Harbour 140 Bantam Rock Bell Buoy 261 Agate Island 2174 Bantam Rocks Whistling Buoy 244 Aigle, Cap à I' 1158 Barachois de Malbaie...... 980 Aigle, Ile à P, front light 1434 Barach ois Point. 374 Aigle, Ile hi', back light 1435 Bare Point 2295 .Alberton 795-801 Baril, Pointe au, front light 2042 Algernon Rock 1182 Baril, Pointe au, back light 2043 Allumette Islapd 1582 Barkley Sound 2263 Allumette Lake, Lower 1581 Barleyeld Point 777 Amet Island 576 Bar Point, Georgian Bay 2000 Ainherstburg, front light . 1883 Bar Point Cut Gas Buoy 1876 Amherstburg, back light ..... 1884 Barques, Ile des ...... 1348 Amherst Island 1034 Barra Strait . 497, 499 Amour Point 1002 , Barre à Boulard, back light. 1263 Amphitrite Point 2262 I Barre à Boulard, front light 1264 Amphitrite Point Whistling Buoy... 22621 Bar Reef Whistling Buoy 461 Anderson Hollow. 123 Barrett Ledge Gas and Bell Buoy No Anderson Hollow Breakwater. 122 38 B, St. Lawrence River 1144 Ange Gardien, front light 1232 Barrett Ledge Gas Buoy, . Prince Ange Gardien, back light 1233 Rupert Harbour 2368 Anglais, Pointe "aux 1546 Barrietield Common, front light 1742 Anguille, Cape 1012 Barriefield Common, back light 1743 Annandale, front light 682 Barrington East Bay Lightship 241 -Annandale, back light 693 Barrington West Bay 232 Annapolis .... . 176 Basile, Pointe à, front light ...... 1242 Annapolis Basin ...... . 169-174 Basile, Pointe à, back light 1243 Annapolis River 171-178 Basin of Mines 144-159 Anse à l'Ean 1114 Baskins Wharf, front light 1570 Anse aux Gascons 971 Baskins Wharf, back light 1571 Anse St. Jean 1115 Batchamana Bay 2162 Anticosti. South West Point 1044 Bathurst, front light 930 Anticosti, West Point 1045 Bathurst, back light ...... 931 Anticosti, Lightship off East End 1040 Bathurst 928, 930, 931 Anticosti 1040-1047 Batiscan, front light 1295 Apple River. 136 Batiscan, back light 1296 Archibald Shoal Gas Buoy No. 8 U.. 1695 Batiscan Anchorage Gas Buoy N-o Argyle 223 123 Q 1297 Arichat 424 Batiscan Course Gas Buoy No. 117 Q 1291 Arichat 421, 424 Battery Point, Lunenburg ...... 294 Arichat, West, front light. ... . 419 Battery Point, Restigouche River, Arichat, West, back light 420 Gas Buoy 962 Arisaig 562 Battle Island ...... 2182 .Arni>rior Island 1576 Bauld, Cape 999 Arthur, Port 2199 Bay—See other zro•rd. Arthur, Port, Gas Buoy 2198 Bayfield • 559 .Asli Island 1381 Baymouth, South, front light .... 1955 Atkinson, l'oint 2315 Baymouth, South, back light ..... 1951.1 Avon River ...... . . 1561-157 Baynes Sound. 2338, 2339 Avon River Bridges 1561 Beach Point, Jerseynan Island 421 A ylesburu, Cape 779, 780 Beach Point, Murrau Harbour 693 Aylmer Island 1568 Beach Point Pubnico 2:17 Beak Point Shoal Whistling- Buoy 42:q Beale, Cape 2263 Bear, Cape ° 697 Bear Island ...... 413 Baccaro 243 Bear River 172 Barearo 243, 244 Beauharnois, front light 1515 Buldeck Harbour 490 Beauharnois, back light .. ... 1516 Bagot Bluff. 1042 Beaujeu Bank, East End Gas and Bague, Isle à la...... ..... 1425 Bell Buoy No. 67 B 1186

264 INDEX.

No. No. Beaujeu Bank, West End Gas and Black Point, P.1:2 1464 Bell Buoy No. 69 B 1187 Black Point, N.B., Whistling Buoy.. 113 Beaujeu Channel Beacon 1190 Black Rock 163 Beaumont Beefs Gas Buoy No. 87 B. 1220 Black Rock Point 480 Beausoleil Island 2008 Blanche 250 Beaver Harbour, N. B., Whistling Buoy 43 Bleue, Pointe 1138 Beaver Harbour, N.B 43, 41 Blind River range, front light.. 2091 Beaver Harbour, .N.S 364 Blind River range, back light 2092 Beaver Harbour, .N.S., Bell Buoy 361 Blind River, Eddy Wharves range, Beaver Island, S. E. Coast of N.S 363 front light 2093 Beaver Island, St. Peter's Inlet ... 514 Blind River, Eddy Wharves range, Beaver Point 864 back light 2094 Becancour, front light ...... 1312 Blind Sisters 321 Becancour, back light. 1313 Bliss Island 41 Becancour Bend Gas Buoy No. 300 1309 Blockhouse Point 717 Becancour Course Gas Buoy No. 23 C 1308 Blonde Rock Gas and Whistling Buoy 220 Becancour Traverse Gas Buoy No Blondeau, Chute à, front light 1552 39 C 1316 Blondeau, Chute à, back light .... 1552?,-. Becquets, St. Pierre des 1292 Bloody Island 1382 - Bedegue Bay 735, 736 Boars Head 179 Bélier, Ile au . 1141 Bois Blanc 1878 Bellechasse.. 1212 Bois Blanc Island, 1887, 1889, 1890 Belledune Point, Little 936 Bonilla Point 2265 Belle Isle, high light 996 Bon Portage Bell Buoy 231 Belle Isle, low light 997 Bon Portage Island 232 Belle Isle, north end 995 Borden Wharf 161 Belleisle Bay 82, 84 Bouchard, Ile, front range light 1415 Belle Isle, &rail of 995-1006 Bouchard, D.?, back range light.. 1416 Bellerive Park, front light 1452 Bouche, Harbour au, front light 556. Bellerive Park, back light 1453 Bouche, Harbour an, back light 557 Belleville 1766 Boucherville, front light 1439 Bellevue F«rin 715, 716 Boucherville, back light 1440 Bellevue, Ste. Anne de, lower end Boulaccet Harbour ...... 496. dredged channel 1537 Boularderie Island 482-484 Bellevue, Ste. Anne de, upper end Bourgeois Inlet 437 dredged channel 1538 Boyd Island. 2083 Belliveau Cove 190 Brandy Pots . 1147 Bellmouth Curve Gas Buoy N3. 16 M 1394 Brazil Rock Gas and Whistling Buoy 246 Bellmouth Curve Gas Buoy No. 20 M 1392 Breaker, Cape 399 Bellmouth Curve Gas Buoy No. 24 M 1392 Brébeuf, front light 2007 Belloni Point 928 - Brébeuf, back light 2008 Belyea Point 74 Bridgeport Harbour 470 Berens Island, B.0 2277 Bridges Point 106- .Berens Island, Lake Winnipeg 2246 Brier Island 184 Berry Head 381 Brier Island. 183, 184 Bersimis River, front light 1090 Brier Island Northwest Ledge Gas and Bersimis River, back lig,ht . 1091 Whistling Buoy 180 Besserer Crossing, front light .. 1561 Brier Island Southwest Ledge Gas and Besserer Crossing, back light 1561i Whistling Buoy 185 Betty- Island 312 Brighton Beach, front light 718 Bevis, Port 486 Brighton Beach, back light.... 719 Bickerton, Port 374 Brighton, Ont., No. 1 light 1781 Bicquette Island 1101 Brighton, Ont., No. 2, back light 178a Big Arrow Rock 427 Brighton, Ont., No. 3 light. ... 1779 Big Bras d'Or. 480-484, 486 Brig Point 312 Big Duck Island, N.B. 14 Britannia 1567 Big Fish Island 222 Brockton Point 2317 Big Island 2243 Boute. 1825 Bigot, Ile, Gas Buoy No. 20 C 1305 Brooklyn Pier 274 Big Otter Creek 1853 Brotchie Ledge Beacon 2275 Bigsby Island 2221 Brothers, The 1758 Big Shippigan 907 Brown Point 1528 Big Shippigan. 905-907 Browns Point. 1739 Big Tignish, back light, main light 804 Bruce Mines 2103 Big Tignish, front light...... 805 Brûlé, Cap 1202 Birch Point 911 Brûlé, Cap, front light 1203 Bird Island 520 Ili ûle, Cap, back light. 1204 Bird Rocks. 1029 Brush Wharf, front light 710 Bird Rock Gas Buoy 2369 Brush Wharf, back light 711 Birnie Island " 2378 Bryon, Island 1030 Bishops Bay, front light*...... 2222 Buckom l'oint. 1573 Bishops Bay, back light 2223 Buctouche, front light . 533 Black Bay 2187 Buctouche, back light 536 Black Be.ar Island 2245 Buctouche Inner Range, front light 837 Black Lands Gully, front light 817 Buctouche Inner Range, back light 83$ Black Lands Gully, back light...... 848 Buctouche Bar 834

INDEX. 265,

No. No.

Budget 372 Catch Harbour 323 Bull Point 317 Cat Rock Bell Buoy 202 Bull Rock Bell Buoy 259 Caveau Point, front light 534 Bull Rock. 448 Caveau Point, back light 535 Bunker Island 205 Cecebe Lake. 2215 Bunker Island, North End. 206 Cedars, The 76 Burlington Bay, main light 1826 Centre Brother Island 1758 Burlington Bay, front light, outwards 1827 Centre Lightship, Lake St. Peter 1336 Burlington Bay, front light, inwards.. 1828 Cerberus Rock Gas and Whistling Buoy 425 Bunitcoat 155 Chaleur Bay. 914-973 Burnt Island 1732 Champlain, front light 1302 Burrard Met 2315-2317 Champlain, back light 1303 Burwell, Port 1853 Champlain Upper Range, front light 1304 Burwell, Port, front light 1854 Champlain Upper Range, back light. 1305 Burwell, Port, back light 1855 Channel Patch Gas and Bell Buoy No Bustard Rocks, back range 2051 64 B 1180 Bustard Rocks, front inner range 2052 Chantry Island. 1940 Bustard Rocks, front outer range 2053 Charles, Cape, front light 1279 Byng Inlet, front light 2047 Charles, Cape, lower back light 1280 Byng Inlet, back light ...... . 2048 Charles, Cape, upper back light 1281 Byng Inlet. 2046-2048 Charles, Cape, Course, Gas Buoy No 80 Q 1282 Charlo Harbour, front light. . .. 383 . Charlo Harbour, back light 381 Charlottetown 715-721 Cabot Head 1971 Chateauguay Lightshil, 1512 Cadieux, Batture à, Gas Buoy No Chat, Cape 1071 77Q 1278 Chats Lake 1575-1577 •Cadieux, Pointe à 1543 Chebucto Head 324 CitlIcojka n Island 311 Chedaburto Bay 408, 409 Campbell Island, B.0 2358 Chemainus 2295 Campbell Island, C.B 501 Chêne, Batture du, Gas Buoy No. Campbell Island, hipper Harbour 50 73 Q .. 1277 Campbell Island, Ottawa River 1577 Chêne, Pointe da 821, 823, 826, 827 Campbellton, front light 947 Chêne, Ureat, River 1273 Campbellton, back light 948 Chênes, Lac des 1507-1573 Campobello Island 26, 29 Cherry Island, N.B 28 Candlebox Island 212 Cherry Island, River St. Lawrence 1622 Canning River 160, 161 Chester 302 Canso, Cape 400 Chester . 300, 302 Canso, (,'ut of ...... . 411, 414 Cheticamp 538 Canso Harbour. 401 Chet ira sup 534-538 Canso Harbour Bell Buoy 406 Cheticamp Harbour, front light .. . 536 Canso Range, fiant light...... 402 Cheticamp Harbour, back light ... 537 Canso Range, back light. 403 Chicoutimi 1129 Canso, North ...... 555 Chlorydonne 1062 Cap—Ste oll , er word. enlist ian Island 2000 Cape—Sap other word. Christie Passage 2349 Caraquet, front light. 920 Church Point, Buctourhe 837, 838 Caraquet, back light. . 921 Church Point, St. Mary Bay, N.S 191 Caraquet Island 922 Chute à Blondeau, front light 1552 Cardigan Bay 688 Chute à Blondeau, back light 1552l Cardigan River. 685 Ciboux Island 520-- Caribou Island, Lake Superior .... . 2170 Citrouille Point 1299 Caribou Island, Strait of Northumber- Citrouille, Pointe, Gas Buoy No. 2 C 1300 land, N.S 573 Claire, Point " 1530 Caribou River, front light...... 1125 Clapperton Island 2079 Caribou River, back light...... 1126 Clarke Cove, front light. 505 Carillon, front light 15511 Clarke Cove back light 506 Carillon, back light 1551A Clark Island Gas Buoy, No. 84 F 1632 Carleton 904 Clark, Point 1928 Carling Rock .. 2033 Coast Island, front light 2305 Carlisle, New 907 Coast Island, bach light 2366 Carmanah . 2205 Co/x-1 u id Ba y 148-155. Carolina Channel Whi,Aling Buoy 2262f Cobourg, east pier 1797 Caron Point, N.B. 930, 931 Cobourg, east pier head...... 1798 Caron Point, Ottawa River 1533 Cobourg, west pier 1799 Carousel Island. 1067 Cocagne, front light 832 Canwntier, Pouillier, Ga s I3uoy No Cocagne, back light 833 15G 1301 Cochons, Ile aux, Gas Buoy N-0. 55 C 1318 Carter Island. 261 Cochons, Ile null- ...... 1366 Cascades Point, front light. 1522 Corkerwit Passage 234 Cascades l'oint, back light 1523 Coffin Island, N.S. - - .. . Cascumpec 795 Coffin Islet, B.0 2306 Casrumper 795-797, 800, 801 Colborne, Port, back light 1839 Cassie l'oint 831 Colborne, Port, front light. 1840 266 INDEX.

No. No.

Colborne, Port, east breakwater 1841 Dawson Point 1694, 1695 Colchester Reef 1873 Debert 152 Cold Bath Shoal Gas Buoy 173,% Deep River Islet 1588 Cold Spring Head 587 De Fuca, Strait of Juan 2268 Cole Harbour, front light .. . 385 Delaney Shoal Gas Buoy No. 6 U 1694 Cole Harbour, back light ... 3843 Denting Point 392 Cole Shoal 1717 Denison, Island 2210 Collingwood, breakwater light 1992 Denman Island, west side 2341 Collingwood, shore range, front light 1994 Denman Island...... 2338, 2339 Collingwood, shore range, back light 1995 Departure Bay. . ...... 2324 Collingwood, back light of range to Depot Island 2036 wharves 1996 Derby Point. 499 Colpoy Bay 1975 Deschénes Lake. 1567-1573 Colquhoun Island Gas Buoy- No. 88F 1394 Deseronto 1763 Contrecoeur Bend Gas Buoy No. 31 M 1393 Deslauriers, Ile, front light ...... 1418 Contrecœur Course, front light 1388 Deslauriers, Ile, back light ...... 1419 Contrecœur Course, back light.. 1389 Deslauriers, Ile, Gas Buoy No. 124 M. 1421 Contrecœur Junction Gas Buoy No De.spair, Cape 977 45M 1394 d'Espoir, Cape 977 Contrecœur to Verchères range, front. 1406 Detroit River 1876 1896 Contrecoeur to Verchères range, back 1407 Devil Island, east light 338 Contrecoeur Traverse, front light 1401 Devil Island, west light 339 Contrecœur Trav.erse, back light 1402 Dickinson Landing 1692 Con way Inlet 791, 792 Digby Gut 169 Cooke's Point 1699 Digby Gut 169, 170 Coppermine Point 2164 Digby Pier 171 Corbay Point 2162 Dimock Point 156.i Corbeau, Cap au 1169 Dipper Harbour 50 Cornwall Canal 1692 Dipper Harbour Bell Buoy. .. 49 • Corunna, front light 1915 Discovery Island .. ...... 2284 Corunna, back light 1916 Ditchburn Shoal 2213 Coteau Landing 1611 Dixon Island Gas Buoy No. 127 U 1701 Coudres, Isle aux 1168 Dixon Point, .N.B 835, 834; Coulonge, Lake 1579 Dixon Point, N.S 474, 475 Country Harbour 379 Dock Island 2236 Cove Head, front light 767 Dog Island - 433 Cove Head, back light 768 Dorval.. 1529 Cove Island 1953 Double Top Rock 2018 Cow Reef Bell Buoy 466 Douglas Island 942 Cox Point 101 Douse Point, front light 708 Cox Reef ...... 2246 Douse Point, back light 709 Cranberry Island, Canso 400 Dover 311 Crane Island 1191 Dover, Port, front light . .... 1846 Cripaud 724-728 Dover, Port, back light...... 1847 Crawford Ledge Bell Buoy 309 Drake, Outer 1754 Credit, Port 1822 Drews Head 44 Crichton Head 418 Dryad Point 2358 Crofton 2294 Duck Island, Big, N.11 14 Croker, Cape 1973 Duck Island, Great, Ont 1961 Cross-bars Shoal Gas Buoy-.... 156.i Duthie Point . 965 Cross Island . 295 Dyke, Little ...... 151 Croucher Island. 307 Current, Little, south light 2072 Current, Little, north light ... 2073 Cutler, front light . 2084 Cutler, back light 2085 East Beaver Island 363 Cutler Island 404 East Ironbound Island ...... 302 East Lightship, Lake St. Peter 1330 East Neebish, Upper Range, front light 2129 East Neebish, Upper Range, back light 2130 Dalhousie Harbour, .N.B 941 East Point, Anticosti, lightship 1040 Dalhousie Island, N.B 942 East Point, P.E I 676 Dalhousie, N.B., railway wharf 943 East Quoddy Head 29 Dalhousie, Port, Ont., back light, main East Souris 678 light 1830 East Templeton. 1562 Dalhousie, Port, Ont., front light .... 1831 Eau, Anse à l' 1113?» Danger Reef 2303 Eboulernents, Les 1167.- Daniel, Port. 970 Echouerie, Point 966 Daniel, Port, West. 969 Economy 147 Darlington ...... 1806 Ecureuil Shoal 1255 Darnley Basin, front light ...... 787 Eddy Point 411 Darnley Basin, back light 788 Edward Island 2187 Darnley Point, front light 779 Edward Point, front light 1919 Darnley Point, back light 780 Edward Point, hick light ...... 1920 Dartmouth 336 Egg Island, B.0 2353 Da vignon Point 2149 Egg Island, N.S 349 INDEX. 267

No. No.

Egg Island, N.S., Gas and Whistling , Fox Island, Miramichi River, No. 2, Buoy. 350 back light of range inwards...... 864 ligg Island, Ont 1789 Fox Island, Miramichi River, No. 3, Egg Island, Que 1074 back light of range outwards 865 Egmont, Cape...... 741 Fox River, Great 1060 Elgin, Port, north range, front light.. 1936 Fraser Point, C.B 494 Elgin, Port, north range, back light.. 1937 Fraser River Lightship 2309 Elgin, Port, south range, front light.. 1934 Fraser River Mouth, north dam 2310 Elgin, Port. south range, back light.. 1935 Fraser River Mouth, south curve 2311 L7lentcood Passage...... 213 Fraser River Bell Buoy 2307 Ellinor Rock Gas Buoy 2364 Fraser River, North Arm, range lights 2314-7 Elliott Point, front light. .. 1879 Fraser River ea7-2314 Elliott Point, back light 1880 Fiasers Farm, Pictou, front light 568 Ellis Bay, front light 1046 Frasers Farm, Pictou, back light 569 Ellis Bay, back light . 1047 Freestone Islet 513 Elm Tree Point 935. Frenchman Bay 1811 Lnglish Bay. 2315 French Point 343 Enrage, Cape 124 French River, front light 2054 Entrance Island, Nanaimo... . 2324 French River, back light. 2055 Entrance Island, Quatsino 2256 French .River 2051-2055 Entry Island, Magdalens 1036 Fuca, Strait of Juan de 2268 Escoumains, front light 1102 Escoumains, back light ..... 1103 E.scuminac 856 G Esquintalt Harbour 2272 2259 Etang du Nord 1032 Gab:1ms: 449 Etang Harbour 42 Gage Point. . 1749 Gagetown 97 Gagnon, Fournier à, Gas Buoy- No. 177 M 1449 Gallia. Bay, upper range, front light.. 1350 False Ducks 1754 Galba Bay, upper range, back light.. 13501 False Passage Ledge 405 Gallia Bay, lower range, front light.. 1350,‘ Fame Point 1061 Gallia Bay, lower range, back lig-ht.. 13501 Fanjoy Point 104 Gallows Point Beacon...... 2326 Father Point 1095 Gallows Point Fog Bell 2325 Father Point Or 3.S Buoy No. 27 B 1004 Galops Canal, head of 1705 Felix, Port. 338 Gananoque Narmws 1728 Ferris Island Gananoque Narrows Gas Buoy 1727 Fiddle Reef 2282 Gannet Dry Ledge Bell Buoy.... 211 Fiddlers Elbow Gas Buoy 1722 Gannet Rock 4 First Narrotes, Burrard Inlet 2316, 2317 Garde Point Light-boat 963 Fisgard 2272 Garde Point Gas Buoy 9631 Fish Fluke Point 10 Gargantua 2166 Fish Island, main light 783 Garry Point 2313 Fish Island, front light 784 Gas Buoy No. 2 C ..... ..... 1300 Fisherman Harbour 375 Gas Buoy No. 15 C 1301 Fitzroy Rock Gas and Whistling Buoy 713 (;as Buoy No. 20 C 13053, Flat Point, C.B 471 Gas Buoy No. 23 C 1308- Flat Rock, Gaspé. 981 Gas Buoy No. 30 C.... . , 1309 Flewelling Landing ...... 79 Gas Buoy No. 39 C 1316 Flint Head 467 Gas Buoy No. 45 C 1317 Flower Island 1004 Gas Buoy No. 55 C 1318 Flowerpot Island 1969 Gas Buoy No. 59 C 1319 Flying Point Shoals Bell 13uoy 389 Gas Buoy No. 22 F 1616 F011y Point 130 Gas Buoy- No. 30 F ..... 1609 Follie River 151 Gas Buoy No. 36 F 1612 Footes Dock 2154 Gas Buoy No. 40F 1613 Foreland, North, 1849 Gas Buoy No. 43 F 1614 Fort Coulonge • 1579 Gas Buoy No. 48 F . 1615 Forteau Bay 1002 Gas Buoy No. 64 F...... 1626 Fort Folly Point 130 Gas Buoy No. 68 F 1623 Fort 3Ialden, front light 1893 Gas Buoy No. 69 F 1623-1 Fort Malden, back light 1894 Gas Buoy No. 76 F 1625 Fort Point, La Rave River. 288 Gas Buoy No. 78F 1628 Fort Point, Liverpool Bay 273 Gas Buoy No. 84 F 1632 Fort William, Algoma, Gas Buoy 2194 Gas Buoy No. 88 F 1685 Fort William, Algoma 2194-2196 Gas Buoy No. 96 F 1688 Fort William, Ottawa River. . 1587 Gas Buoy No. 57 L 1333 Fourche Bell Buoy 445 Gas Buoy No. 123 L . . 1349z Fourchu, Cape 204 Gas Buoy No. 136 L 1355 Fourchu, Cape, Whistling Buoy 201 Gas Buoy No. 146 L. 1358 Fox Island, Lake Simcoe 2207 Gas Buoy No. 5 M 1383 Fox Island, Mirantiehi River 861-865 Gas Buoy No. 16 M 13913, Fox Island, Miramichi River, No. 1, Gas Buoy No. 20 M 1392 front light S63 Gas Buoy No. 24 M. 1392-à

268 INDEX.

No. No.

Gas Buoy No. 31 M. 1393 G'oderich, main light 1923 Gas Buoy No. 45 M 1394 Goderich, fog alarm 1924 Gas Buoy No. 82 M 1411 Goderich, front range light 1925 Gas Buoy No. 89 M 1417 Goderich, inner light on N. pier 1926 Gas Buoy No. 117 M 1420 Goderich, back range light 1927 Gas Buoy No. 124 M...... 1421 Gooseberry Island 516 G'as Buoy No. 129 M 1430 Goose Cape, Que 1165 Gas Buoy No. 133 M 1431 GOose Lake, N.B...... - 914 Gas Buoy No. 149 M 1441 Gordon Rock 2029 Gas Buoy No. 167 M 1442 Gore Bay. 2086 Gas Buoy No. 174 M 1448 Grace, Ile de, front light 1351 Gas Buoy No. 177 M 1449 Grace, Ile de, back light 1352 Gas Buoy No. 181 M. 1450 Grace, Ile de, Gas Buoy No. 136 L 1355 Gas Buoy No. 191 M 1150i Graham, front light 1550 Gas Buoy No. 193 M 1450 Graham, back light 1551 Gas Buoy No. 195 M. 1451 Grande Digue 432 Gas Buoy No. 15 Q 1244 Grand Entry Harbour. 1031 Gas Buoy No. 24 Q 1246 Grande Isle, Kainourask% 1156 Gas Buoy No. 28 Q 1250 Grande Rivière du Chéne 1273 G as Buoy No. 34 Q 1255 Grand Etang 5-10 Gas Buoy No. 49Q 1258 Grande Vallée ...... 106f.q Gas Buoy No. 68 tf 1274 Grand Harbour 10- Gas Buoy No. 73 Q. 1277 Grand Lake, N.B 101-104 Gas Buoy No. 77 Q 1278 Grand Hamm ...... . 4, 7-19 Ga s Buoy No. SO Q.... 1282 Grand Narrows Bridge 498 Gas Buoy No. 90 Q 1287 Grand Narrows 497, 499 Gas Buoy No. 97 Q 1288 Grand Passage, north point of Brier Gas Buoy No. 107 Q... 1289 Island 183 Gas Buoy No. 110 Q 1290 Grand Passage 183, 186 Gas Euoy No. 117 Q.. 1291 Grand River 975 Gas Buoy No. 123 Q 1297 Grand Rustico, front range light. 770 Gas Buoy No. 129 Q 1298 Grand Rustico, back range light 771 Gas Buoy No. 16 S - 1506 Grand Rustic°, main light 772 Gas Buoy No. 38 S 1507 Grant Beach, front light 879 Gas Buoy No. 48 S 1504 Grant Beach, back light .... 880 Gas Buoy No. 53 S 1528 Granville Centre 177 Gas Buoy No. 76 S. 1510 Gravenhurst Narrows.. 2210 Gas Buoy No. 98 S 1513 Great.Bird Rock 1029 Gas Buoy No. 100 S... , . 1518 Great Bras d'Or, front range light 482 Gas Buoy No. 102S 1519 Great Bras d'Or, back range light 483 Gas Buoy No. 104 S 1520 Great Bras d'Or 480-486 Gas Buoy No. 6 U. 1694 Great Bras d'Or Lake ...... . 501-M0 Gas Buoy No. 8 U. 1695 Great Chéne River . 1273 Gas Buoy No. 40 U. 1698 Great Duck Island 1961 Gas Buoy No. 54 U ...... 1699 Great Fox River 1060 Gas Buoy No. 127U 1701 Great Village River 150 Gas Buoy No. 136 U 1703 Green Cove . 197 Gas Buoy No. 154 U 1708 Green Head, River St. John. 66 Gascons, Anse aux 911 Green Island, Chatham Sound 2382 Gaspé 986 Green Island, G uysborough Co., N.S 379 Gaspé, Basin 985 Green Island, Lunenburg, .S. 313 Gaspé, Cape 988 Green Island. Que 1105 Gentilly, front light 1298i Green Island, Richmond County, Gentilly, back light 1298,12 N.S 429 George, Cape, Bras d'Or Lake. 510 Greenly Island 1006 George, Cape, Strait of Northumber- Green Point 306 land 561 Green Shoal, Ottawa River...... 1562 George Island, Halifax Harbour 335 Gregory Ida ad 513 George Island, Lake Winnipeg. .... 2248 Grenadier Island 1721 George, Port 166 Grenville Harbour 774, 776 Georgetown, front light 689 Grey Mare Ledge 42 Georgetown, back light 690 Grey Point Bell Buoy. 2315!;- Georgetown Wharf 691 Greys Point 82 - Georgeville 1466 Griffin Cove 1059 Georgia Strait 2293, 2324 Griffith Island 1977 Georgina Point 2293 Grime Shoal Gas and Whistling Buoy 401 Gereaux Island 2046 Grindstone Island, N.B 126 Giants Tomb. 9004 Grindstone Island, Magdalens 1032 Gibraltar Point 1818 Grindstone Point . . 924 Gilbert Island 106 'Grondines Upper Range, front light 1285 Gilbert Point. 188 Grondines TJpper Range, back light 1286 Gillis Point 496 Grondines Point, front light ..... 1283 Glace Bay, front light 468 Grondines Point, back light ..... 1284 Glace Bay, back light ..... 469 Grosbois, Ile, Que 1439, 1440 Glasgow Point. 434 Grosse Isle Gas Buoy No. 80 B. 1197 Glengarry Point 1683 Grosse Point 1604 INDEX. 269

No. No. Grosse Point Gag Buoy No. 25 F 1605 Indian Point, Big Shippigan, N.B., Grosse Roche . 1114 front light . 905 Grub Reef Gas Buoy 1868 Indian Point, Big Shippigan, N.B., Grues, Isle aux...... 1191 back light 906 Guard Pier, Montreal. 1458 Indian Point, Buctouehe, N.B 837, 838 Guion Island 447 Indian Rocks Whistling Buoy. 703 Guion Island Gas and Whistling Buoy 148 Ingonish Harbour 524 Gull Cove 12 Ingonish Island 526 Gull Harbour 2243 Inner Gas and Whistling Buoy, Halifax 328 Gull Island, Ont 1801 Inner Sambro Island 319 - Gull Rock, N.S 260 wharf, St. John. 63 Guysborough Harbour 409 Joua 497 Ironbound Island, East 302 Ironbound Island, West 290 Isaac Harbour 377 Ha Ha Bay . 1116 Isaac Harbour Gas and Whistling Halfway Point, North of, front light . 1370 Buoy 376 Halfway Point, North of, back light.. 1371 Island—See other word. Halifax, Inner gas and whistling buoy 328 Island Bank Gas Buoy, No. 68 F 1623 Halifax, Outer gas and whistling buoy 326 Isle—Sce other word. Halifax 315-339 Ivory Island 2360 Hamilton Island 1631 Hampstead Wharf 89 Harbour au Bouche, front light .... 556 Harbour au Bouche, back light.. ... 557 Jackstraw Shoal 1729 Harbour Island, Country Harbour... 378 Janet Head 2086 Harbour Island, Pope Harbout 353 Jeddore Harbour, front light. 346 Harbour Point 449 Jeddore Harbour, back light 347 Haro Strait. 2284 Jeddore Rock 345 Harper Point . 915 Jemseg 99 Hart Island 401 Jennie Graham Shoal Bell Buoy 1960 Haszard Point, front light. 715 .Jerome Point 439 Haszard Point, back light 716 .Terseyrnan Island 421 Hatfield Point, front light ...... 84 Jig Rock Bell Buoy 255 Haute, Isle 138 Joli, Port, Shoal Gas Buoy No. 65 B 1184 Hawkesbury Port. ...... 414 Jones Island, front light...... 2029 Hawk Islet. 435 Jones Island, back light. 2030 Hay Island, front light 887 Jordan 259 Hay Island. back light 888 Jordan River 259 Hay Point Gas Buoy No. 40 F. 1613 Jourimain 818 Head Harbour 29 Juan de Fuca, Strait of 2268 Heath Point 1041 Juniper Point . . ...... 683 Hebert, Port 265 Hen and Chickens Gas and Bell Buoy 2071 Hendry Farm 94 - Henry Island 551 Herring Cove , 331 Kagawong. 2082 Heron Island 938 Kaministikwia, back light 2195 Hetty Point...... 136 Kaministikwia, front light 2196 Hillcrest Gas Buoy ...... 1713 Kaministikecia River 2194-2196 Hobson Island 297 Kamouraska 1156 Hochelaga, front light 1454 Kaslo 2253 Kelly Point 498 Hochelaga, back light 1455 . Hog Island 388 Kelp Bar Gas and Bell Buoy 2340 Holly Point. 377 Kent Island 343 Hood, Port 550 Kestrel Rock Gas Buoy 2367 Hood, Port 550, 551 Kidston Island.. 490 Hooper Island Shoal Gas Buoy.. 2025 Killarney East. 2062 Hope Island 2002 Killarney West ...... 2085 Hope, Port 1802 Killbear Point 2035 Horse Shoal 372 Kincardine, front light 1930 Horse-shoe Bar Lightship 869 Kincardine, back light, main light 1931 Horseshoe Bar East Gas Buoy.. . 866 Kincardine, fog alarm 1932 Horseshoe Bar West Gas Buoy... . .868 Kingsport 159 'Lorton 157 Kingston 1744 Hospital Reef Bell I3uoy. 237 Kingston ...... _ 1742-1744 Hospital Rock, front light ... . 1188 Kingsville, front light...... • 1871 Hospital Rock, back light ...... 1189 Kingsville, back light...... 1872 Hubbard Cove • 306 Kitchener Island 1965 Knapp l'oint 1739 Ketefe leands. . 1948 Knight Point, Que., let range light 1601 Ile—Ste other •ord. Knight l'oint, Que., 2nd range light 1602 Indian Harbour 308 Knight Pont, Que., 3rd range light 1603 Indian Point, Bay of Quinte 1760 Knights Point, P.E I • 678 Indian Point, Bedeque Bay, P.E.I 735 Kootenay Lake 2250-2253

270 EÇDEX.

No. No.

Lachine, canal entrance.. ... 1501 Liverpool Whistling Buoy ' 276 Lachine, crib bet...veen canals 1502 Lockeport Bell Buoy 263 Lachine, front range light 1504 Lockeport Gas and Whistling Buoy 262 Lachine, back range light 1505 Lockerbie Rock Gas Buoy..... 1991 Lachine Gas Buoy No. 16 S 1506 London, New, front range light:. 774 Lacolle, front light 1376 London, New ç niaM light 776 Lacolle, back light 1377 Lonely Island 2059 LacoIle Railway Bridge 1379 Lune Rock Gas and Bell Buoy..... 2020 Lac, Pointe du, Lake of Two Mountains 1544 Long Eddy Point. 19 Lac, Pointe du, Lake St. Peter, back Long Pilgrim 1150 light 1328 Long Point 1849 Lac, Point du, Lake St. Peter, front Long Point, West end of 1851 light 1329 Long Reach 76 Lahave. 288 Longue Pointe Gas Buoy No. 174 M.. 1448 Lahave Gas and Bell Buoy . 285 Longue Pointe Traverse, front light.. 1446 Let have, Cape 290 Longue Pointe Traverse, back light... 1447 Lah«ve River 287, 290 Longueuil Gas Buoy No. 181 M 1450 Lake—See other ?cord. Longueuil Gas Buoy No. 191 M 1450i Lamb Island 2185 Lookout Island 2258 Lancaster 1627 L'Orignal 1553 Lancaster Bar 1624,, Lorne, Port 167 Lancaster Bar Gas Buoy, No. 76 F 1625 Lorraine, Little ..... ...... 459 Lancaster, South 1626 Lotbinière, front light. ..... 1270 Langlais Point 1273 Lotbinière, back light. 1271 Lamm Point, East Gas Buoy 946 Louisburg 453 Lanim Point, West Gas Buoy 96g Louisburg Range, front light. 454 Lapierre, Ile à. 1349 Louisburg Range, back light • 45.5 Lapierre Ile . 1349-1350 Louisburg., Coal Wharves Range, front Lark Islet. 1110 light 456 La Tête River .. . . . 156 Louisburg, Coal Wharves Range, back Latour, Port 247 light 457 Laurel Point .. ...... 2280 Louisburg Bell Buoy...... 452 Lavaltrie, front light. 1390 Louisburg Gas and Whistling Buoy.. 451 Lavaltrie, back, light 1391 Louiseville, front light:— ...... 1337 Lawyer Islands 2362 Louiseville, back light 1338 Lead Mines 1470 Loup, Rivière du, Temiscouata 1145 Leamington 1870 Loup, Ririère du, Lake St. Peter.. 1337, 1338 Leards Range, front light 724 Lower Allumette Lake 1581 Learcls Range, back light 725 Lower Narrows 1585 Lefroy Island 2054 Lower .Neguac Wharf, front light 890 Lennard Island. 2201 Lower Neguac Wharf, back light $91 Lennox Passage 432-437, 439 Lower Traverse 1175 Lepreau 48 Low Point 471 Lepreau Whistling Buoy 47 Lubec Harrows 26 L'Etana Harbour 42 Lucy Island 2374 Letite Passage ...... 39 Lund 2330 Lévi, Point, Shoal, Gas Buoy No.891.3. 1224 Lunenburg Gas and Whistling Buoy 291 Levrard, Cap, Gas Buoy No. 107 Q... 1289 Lunenburg 901, 294, 295 Levrard, Cap, Gas Buoy No. 110 Q... 1290 Lurcher Shoal Lightship 198 Lewis, Port, Gas Buoy No. 22 F 1616 Lumber Shoal Whistling Buoy 199 Limekiln Crossing, front light 1889 Lyal Island 1947 Limekilin Crossing, back light. 1890 Lindoe Island 1723 Lingan Head. 470 Lions Head Harbour. 1970 Liscomb 308 Liscomb Gas and Whistling Buoy ... 367 Mabcni, front light 547 Little Belledune 936 Mabou, back light 548 Little Bras d'Or 478 Mc.iluley•Bay...... ...... . 2229 Little Channel, back light, main light 791 Mc Each ren s Farm 759, 760 Little Channel, front light 792 Macfarlane Point 580, 581 Little Current, south light...... 2072 , northwest light 1 Little Current, north light. 2073 Machias Seal Island, southeast light ' Little Dyke 151 McKay Island 2102 Little Gros Cap 2169 McKenzie l'oint, Great Bras d'Or.... 486 Little Group 2286 McKenzie Point, Great Bras d'Or Lake 508 Little Hope 269 McKenzie Wharf, Ont. , 1979 Little Hope Gas ani Whistling Lucy , 208 McKie Point ...... . . 1617 Little Hope Shoal Bell Buoy. 267 McKin11071 Harbour. 501 Little Lorraine 459 McMann Point 102 Little Métis 1086 McMillan Point 416 Little Narrows 493 McNab Island 333 Little Natashquan Harbour 1050 McNeil Beach 484 Little Shippiya 71 910-015 MacNutt island 256 Little Stave Island 1728 Macquereau Point 972 Liverpool Bay 273, 277 McQuestion Point . 1310

9 LNDEX. - -I 1

No. No.

McTavish Point 1554 Middle Island, Miramichi River. - 882 Jimia hie Island 418-430 Middle Rock Beacon ...... 2279 Madame Island Reef, St. Lawrence, Midjik- Bluff as . Gas Buoy No. 56 B 1214 Michand, front light 2012 Madeleine, Cape, lower range, front Midland, back light. - 2013 light .. 1306 Midland Point, front light 2009 Madeleine, Cape, lower range, back Midland Point, back light 2010 light . 1307 .1/7//_0(nk Sound 2361 Madeleine, Cape, upper range, front Miminegash, front light 747 light .. . ...... 1310 Mitninegash, back light • ! 748 Madeleine, Cape, upper range, back Mines Basin. - 144-159 light ..... 1311 Miramiehi Bay or River 858-893 Madeleine, Cape, Village, front light. 1314 Mitamichi Bay Lightship 869 Madeleine, Cape, Village, bock light. 1315 Miramichi River, North West Branch, Madeleine, Cape, Gas Buoy No. 450 1317 Bridge 884 Magdalen Cape. 1063 Miscouche Shoal Gas Buoy 738 • Mayd«len Islands 1029-1036 Miscou Gully 910 Mayoy 1461 Miscou!Island 011 Mahonexr . Ban...... ...... 297, 208, . 302, 303 911, 914 Mainadien ...... 462 Mispec Bell Buoy . 114 Maitland, Port, N.S 197 Mississagi Island 2095 Maitland, Port, Ont...... 1844 Mississagi Strait 1964 Mal Bay 980 Mohawk Island . 1842 Malden, front light 1893 Moine, Ile du, lower range, front light 1348 Malden. back light ...... 1894 Moine, Ile du, upper range, front light 1356 Malpeque Bay 783, 784 Moine, Ile du, lower and upper ranges, .Nlaniknagan Shoal Whistling I3uoy back light...... 1357 No. r'2 B 1088 Molasses H«rbonr , ...... 351, 388 2240-2246 Mol-on Island 1468 ManiMulin 1--191 14, 2068-2089 Money Point 530 Manitowaning 2068 Montée du Lac. 1202 Marachc Point 424 Montée du Lac, front range light 1203 Marble Mount«in 505, 506 Montée du Lac, back range light 1204 Margaree 514 Montgomery Island ...... 946 Margaree Harbour, front light. .... 542 Mont Louis 1064 Margaree Harbour, back light 543 Montmortnen Fallg 1232, 1233 Margaret Island Bank 1197 Mont real Harbour 1450-1458! Margaretvine. 164 Monts Point de 1077 Marie, Ile...... ...... 1415 Morin Shoal Gas, Whistling and Bell Marjories Isle 516 Buoy..• ...... _ ...... 1159 Marks Point 31 Morris Island 1575 Martin River 1065 .dorrison Beach 685 Mary-Joseph. 366 Moser Island .-_. ■ Maerabin Point. • 39 Moss Creek 152 Masstown 152 Mouillé Point, fiats 1615 Matane 1084 Moulin River, front light 1127 Matane Bell Buoy No. 21 11 1082 Moulin River, back light i 1128 Matane l'ier 1083 Mouse Island 425 Manger Beach 332 Mouton, Port ...... 271 .1//t a/Kr Island 106 Mudye Bay . 2052 Mayne Idand 22!13 :Sludge, Cape...... 2343 leaford 1954 Mulholland Point 26 :Nfeaford, east 14er 11,55 Mullins Point, front light ...... 578 - leaford Ilreakwater 1083 Mullins Point, back light 571) MK1way Head '180 Munro Point 522 Medway, Port "81 Murray Bay 1160 Medway Port, Bell Buoy 279 Murray Canal ...... 1772-1777 Memphremailoy, Lake 1461- 1470 -Murray Harbour, front light 693 Mein ramcook. River. 130 Murray Harbour, back light. 604 Merry Island 2329 Muskoka L«kcs 2210, 2213 Meteglian Iti‘•er 192 Musquash...... ,.. 55 Metis, Little.... ...... 1086 Musquash Harbour Bell Buoy 54 Michael Point .. . ...... 1957 Musquash Island 93 Michipiooten Harbom ..... 2169 Musquodoboit Harbour, front light 342 iNlichipicoten Island 2173 Musquodoboit Harlxmr, back light ! 313 Mich ipieoten Island 2173, 2174 Middle Ground Beacon, Nanaimo 2327 Middle Ground Gas Buoy, Halifax Harbour 334 1 Nanainto Harbour 2324-2327 Middle Ground Gas Buoy, Lake On- ! Narrow Island 2075 tario 1748 ! Nat.ashquan, Little, Harbour ...... 1050 Middle Ground Gas Buoy, Parry Navy Island . 35 Sound 2027:4 Neebish, East, Upper Range, front MiddleGround Gas Buoy,Que.,No.5613 1173- , light °P>9 Middle Ground, Lake Erie. 1863 Neebish, East, Upper Range, back Middle Island, Lake Erie 1866 light ...... 2130

2 72 INDEX.

No. No.

Negro Harbour ...... 251, 252 Oak Point, Restigouche River, Que., Negro Island,'N.S 250 Gas Buoy 962i Negro Point, N.B 60 Oak Point, St. John River, N B 77 Negro Point, N.B. GO, 61 Oak Point, N.S 159 Neg-uac, front light 892 Oakville 1824 - _Neguac, back light, main light 893 O'Hara Point 986 Neguac, Lower, Wharf Range, front Oies, Cap aux 1165 light 890 Oka 1544 Neguac, Lower, Wharf Range, back Oka Wharf .. ...... 1544. light 891 Old Proprietor Gas and Whistling Neil Harbour 527 Buoy 6 Nepigon Shoal Gas Buoy No 146 L.. 1358 Opeinican Narrows 1593, 1594 Neverfail Shoal Gas Buoy. 329 Or, Cape d'.. 141 New Carlisle 967 Orignaux, Pointe aux 1163 Newcastle, Grand Lake 102 Orleans Channel 1228-1233 Newcastle, Miramichi... . 883 Orleans Island .... 1208, 1209, 1216-1231 Newcastle, Ont 1805 Oromocto.... 109 New Harbour Head Bell Buoy. .. 380 Orwell Harbour 708-711 New London, front range light 774 Osborn Bay 2294 New London, main light. 776 Oshawa 1807 Newport Point 973 Ottawa River 1529-1594 New Richmond. 965 Otter Creek, Big 1853 New Westminster, Railway Swing Otter Island 2177 Bridge. • 2314 Ouelle, River . 1163 Niagara Bell Buoy 1833 Ouetique Island 436 Niagara-on-the-Lake, front light 1834 Outer Gas and Whistling Buoy, Hali- Niagara-on-the-Lake, back light 1835 fax 326 Nicholas, Point, Gas Buoy No. 15 Q 1244 Outer Drake 1754 Nichol Island.. 352 Outer _Pancake Shoal ...... 2160 Nicholson 18 lid 1789 Owen Sound, front light 1981 Nicol et, front' range- light 1323 Owen Sound, back light. 1982 Nicolet, back range light 1321 Nigger Island Shoal 1768 _Nine Mile Point 1749 _Nipigon Bap 2182, 2185 Nipissing, Lake . 2217, 2219 Noel 154 Noir Point, N.S 482 Pachena Point 2264 Noire, Pointe, Que., front light .... 1112 Paddy Head 308 Noire, Pointe, Que., back light 1113 Pads, Ile du, front light 1366 Noix, Isle aux... .. ...... 1373, 1374 Pads, Ile du, back light ...... 1367 Nord, Etang du. 1032 Paget Bank 1255 Norman, Cape 1000 Page Island ...... 247 North Canso. 555 Palmer Landing 87 North, Cape, N.S. - 530 Palmers Wharf, P.E.I. 728 North Channel Dyke 1706 Pancake Shoal Bell Buoy 2160 North East Harbour, front light.. .. 251 Panniure Head 688 North East Harbour, back light 252 Papineauville, front light 1557 North East Point, St. Paul Island 1024 Papineauville, back light ...... 1558 North East Shoal Whistling Buoy... 305 Parrsboro 145 ,North Foreland. 1849 Parry Sound 2024-2039 North of Halfway Point, front light.. 1370 Partridge Island, Lake 2065 North of Halfway Point, back light.. 1371 Partridge Island, N.S 145 North Point, P.E.I.. ...... 750 Partridge Island, St. John Harbour 58 .Northport, front light 800 Partridge Island, St. John Harbour Northport, back light 801 Light and Bell Boat 59 - North Rustico, main light 772 Paspebiac 963 North Rustico, front range light 770 Passamaquoddy Bay 34-39 orth Rustico, back range light 771 Paula Bluff 726 North Tracadie, front light 897 Pea Point North Tracadie, back light 898 Part Point 409 Northwest Ledge Gas and Whistling Penses Island. 213 Buoy 180 Peases Ledge Bell Buoy 215 Nottawasaga Island 1990 Peggy Point...... 310 Pelee Island 1865 Pelee Passage . 1863 0 Penetanguishene 2016 Pelletangui.ghene 2015, 2016 Oak_ Point, Mirarnichi Bay, N.B., Peninsula Harbour 2179 front light - 874 Pennant Whistling; Buoy .... . 315 Oak Point, Miramichi Bay, N.B., Pennant Harbour. 316 back light 875 Percé 979 Oak Point, Restigouche River, Que., Perron, Batture, Gas Buoy No. 129 Q 1293 front light 961 Perroquet Island , ...... 1055 Oak Point, Restigouche River, Que., Perrot Isle.. , ...... 1536 back light 962 Perry Point . 70 INDEX. 273

No. No. Peter Point, Ont 1786 Prince Rupert Harbour 2364-2369 Peter Point, Gaspé, Que 981 Prince Shoal Lightship 1109 Peter Rock 1801 Procter. 2251 Peters Island 186 Procter Middle Ground Light-buoy 2250 Petitcodiac River... ...... 130 Prospect - 312 • Petitdegrat. 428 Prospect Point 2316 Petitdegrat Bell Buoy 427 Providence Bay 1958 ›. Petit Passage. . . 179 Providence Point 1958 •Petit Rocher • - 935 Prunes, Ile aux, Gas Buoy No. 82 M 1414 .. Petite Traverse, front light. 1386 Prunner Shoal Gas Buoy No. 54 U 1699 Petite Traverse, back light 1387 Pubnico Harbour 227 Pickering...... 1811 Pubnico Whistling Buoy 229 Pictou Bar 567 Pugwash 584 Pictou Custom House • 570 PulteneylPoint ...... 2347 Pictou 567-570 Purdy Shoal 74 Pictou Island, S.E. point 565 Pictou Island, west end.. 566

Pictou Island West Wharf 564 Q Pie Island 2201 .Pierre, Isle à la 1349 Quaco Bell Buoy 119 Pigeon Island • 1751 Quaco Ledge Bell Buoy 117 Pilgrim, Long 1150 Quaco Pier . . .. 120 Pilgrim Shoal Gas and Bell Buoy No Quaco, West 'Head 118 51B 1149 Quaker Island.... 300 Pillar, Stone 1181 Quatsino 2256 Pilot Bay ...... 2252 Quebec, front light 1236 Pilot Point 2252 Quebec, back light. 1237 Pine Island 2351 Quebec Harbour, Lake Superior 2173, 2174 Pins, Pointe aux, main light 2158 Quebec Point, River ,81. Lawrence. 1738 Pins, Pointe aux, front range light 2156 Queensport 408 • Pins, Pointe aux, back range light.. 2157 , Queen's Wharf, Toronto 1819, 1820 Pipe, Rivière à la 1140 Quinté, Bay of, Bridge 1767 Piper Cove 499 Quinte, Bay of 1758-1768 Plateau 981 Quinte, Carrying Place 1792, 1793 Platon, front light 1266 Quoddy Head, East •29 Platon, back light . 1267 Platon Point Gas Buoy No. 49Q 1258 Pleasant Point 1760 Pleasant Shoal Bell Buoy 337 Plover Point 2260 Race, Cape 1020 Plum Island Ga,s Buoy No. 82 M 1414 Race Potnt 2297 Point or Pointe—See other tcord. Race Rocks 2268 Pointer Island 2356 Ragged Island Harbour. . 260 Pokemouche, back light, main light 901 Ragged Island Harbour 260-262 Pokesudie 918 Ragged Islands 2330 Pomquet Island 559 Rains Hill 2120, 2121 Pope Harbour 353 Rains Wharf, front light. 2118 Porlier Pass, front light 2297 Rains Wharf, back light • 2119 Porlier Pa.ss, back light 2298 Rainy River, front light...... • 2232 Porphyry Point 2187 Rainy River, back light. ... 2233 Port—See other word. Rainy River Bell Buoy ' 2231 Portage Island 867 Raisins, Isle aux, front light 1346 Portage Island, Bon 232 Raisins. Isle aux, back light. 1347 Portapique • 148 Ray, Cape 1013 Porter Point • 160 Red Horse Rock 1731 Portlock Point 2291 Red Islands, C.B 508 Portneuf, above Quebec, front light... 1260 Red Islet 1108 •Portneuf, above Quebec, back light... 12m. Red Islet Lightship. ' 1107 Portneuf, Saguenay County .... . 1098 Red River, ba,ck light, main light 2240 Portneuf, Saguenay County, front Red River, flont light . 2241 light 1099 Red Rock, Parry Sound .. . 2024 Portneuf, Sagtenay County, back Red Rock Point, Killarney 2062 light 1100 Reeds Point 64 Poste St. Martin, front light. ... 1119 Répentigny,. ... , . front light 1423 Poste St. Martin, back light 1120 Répentigny, back light .. ...... 1424 Poulamon 435 Restigouche River • 947, 948, 961,962 Prescott ...... . . 1710 Richards Landing 2110 Presqu'ile, 'Lake Ontario 1794 Richelieu...... 1268 Presqu'ile, Owen Sound 1979 Richelieu River...... 1370-1382 Preston Beach, front light 858 Bell Buoy 842i Prestoo Beach, ba,ck light.. . 859 Richibucto Harbour, Bar range, front Prerost Island 2291 light 843 Prim Point, N.S ...... 169 Richibucto Harbour, Bai range, back Prim Point, N.S , Whistling Buoy... 168 light . . . . ...... 844 Prim Point, P.E.I 705 Richibucto Harbour, Channel range, , Prim Reefs Bell Buoy. 706 front light 845 18 274 INDEX.

NO. No. Richibucto Harbour, Channel range, St. Antoine, back light of upstream back light ...... 846 range and front light of downstream Richibucto Head 842 range 1248 Richmond Bay ...... . 783, 754 St. Antoine, back light of downstream Richmond, New 965 range 1249 Rich Point 1010 St. Antoine, Point, Gas Buoy No. Ridley Island 2366 28Q 1250 Rimouski. 1097 St. Clair, Lake 1902-1904 Rimouski 1095-1097 St. Clair, River. 1911-1920 Rimouski Road Gas Buoy No. 29 B 1096 Ste. Croix, Que 1256 River—See other word. Ste. Croix, Que., front light 1252 Rivière—See other ward. Ste. Croix, Que., back light... 1253 Robert, Cape 2089 Ste. Croix Gas Buoy No. 34 Q. 1955 Roberts Bank Bell and Gas Buoys 2307 Ste. Croix River, .11T.B 31, 32 Robertson, Point 103 Ste. Emélie, front light 1275 Roberval, front light 1134 Ste. Emélie, back light . 1276 Roberval, back light 1135 St. Esprit Island 443 Roche, Cap à. la, Curve, Gas Buoy Ste. Famille, front light 1228 No. 90 Q 1287 Ste. Famine, back light 1229 Roche, Cap à la, Course, Gas Buoy Ste. Félicité ...... 1081 No. 97 Q 1288 St. Francis Lake 1601-1631 Roche, Cap à la 1279-1281, 1285-1288 St. Francis middle ground.. 1629 Roches, Pointe des 1153 St. Francis, Port, front light 1321 Rockport . . . . 128 St. Francis, Port, back light. 1322 Ronde, Ile. 145'i St. Francis River, outer light .. 1342 Rondeau Harbour, front light 1859 St. Francis River, inner light 1343 Rondeau Harbour, back light 1860 St. François, front light 1208 Ronde, Cape la 430 St. François, back light 1209 Ronde, Ile, Gas Buoy No. 195 M 1451 St. George Bay 559 Rook Island 408 Ste. Irénée 1161 Rose Point Swing Bridge 2039 St. Jean 1216 Roseway, Cape ...... 256 St. Jean, Anse - 1115 Rosier, Cape 1058 St. John Harbour, N.B 62 Rosseau 2213 St. John Harbour Gas Buoy 61 Rosseau, Lake 2213 St. John Harbour, .11,.B 58-64, 113 Rouge, Cap . 1202-1204 St. John Lake 1134-1141 Royal Island 2222, 2223 St. Joseph, Cap 1167 Rustico, North or Grand, main light 772 St. Joseph Island, Ont 2118-2121, 2125, 2126 Rustico, North or Grand, front range St. Joseph, Ile, Que 1439, 1440 light 770 St. Laurent 1218 Rustico, North or Grand, back range St. Lawrence, Cape 531 light 771 St. Lonis Lake, Lightship No. 2 1508 St. Louis Lake, Lightship No. 3 1512 St. Louis Lake 1501-1523 St. Margaret Bay 303, 307, 310 Sable, Cape 239 Ste. Marie, Sault 2140-2152 Sable, Cape, Southwest Ledge Gas and St. Martin, Poste, front light 1119 Whistling Buoy. 238 St. Martin, Poste, back light 1120 Sable Island, Cape, west head 236 St. Martins, Cape 118 Sable Island, east end 397 St. Mary Bay, N.S 191 Sable Islaud, west end 395 St. Mary Cape, N.S 194 Sable Island, Lake of the Woods 2232, 2233 St. Mary River, N.S 371, 372 Sable River 264 St. Mary River, Ont 2118-2158 Saguenay River 1110-1129 St. Michel, Cap, Gas Buoy No. 117 M 1420 Sailors' Encampment, front light 2120 St. Nicholas Island Gas Buoy No. Sailors' Encampment., back light 2121 48 S 1507 St. Alphonse 1116 St. Ours Traverse, front light 1384 St. Andrew Point 689, 690 - St. Ours Traverse, back light...... 1385 St. Andrews, town light 31 St. Ours Traverse, Gas Buoy No. 5 M. 1383 St. Andrews, bar. 35 St. Patrick Channel 490, 493, 494 St. Andrews, sand spit 36 St. Paul Bay 1169 St. Anicet 1620 St. Paul Island, fog whistle:— . 1025 Ste. Anne Lock 1539 St. Paul Island, north east point 1024 Ste. Anne Lock, front light 1541 St. Paul Island, south-west point 1026 Ste. Anne Lock, back light...... 1540 St. Peters, front light 755 Ste. Anne des Monts. 1070 St. Peters, back light 756 Ste. Anne de Bellevue, lower end St. Peler Bay, C.B 430, 439 dredged channel 1537 St. Peter Inlet 510, 513, 514, 516 Ste. Anne de Bellevue, upper end St. Peters Island, Hillsborough Bay.. 722 dredeed channel 1538 St. Peter Lake, East Lightship (No. 3) 1330 Ste. Anne de Sorel, front light. 1353 St. Peter Lake, Curve No. 2, front Ste. Anne de Sorel, back light 1354 light 1334 St. Ann Harbour, C.B 521 St. Peter Lake, Curve No. 2, back St. Ann Harbour 521, 522 light, downstream range 1335 St. Antoine, front light of upstream St. Peter Lake, Curve 'No. 2, back range 1247 light, upstream range 1336

INDEX. 275

No. No.

St. Peter Lake 1323- 1348 Seal Island, Lennox Passage 433 Ste. Petronille 1222 Seal Island, Machias 1,2 St. Pierre, Orleans Channel, front Sea Wolf Island 544 light ' 1230 Sechart Channel 2262i St. Pierre, Orleans Channel, back Seechelt 2328 light 1231 Seguin Bank Gas and Bell Buoy .. 2023 St. Pierre des Becquets 1292 Seven Islands 1067 St. Placide, front light 1547 Shafner Point. 174 St. Placide, back light, upstream Shag Bay Breakers Bell Buoy 311k range • 1518 Shag Harbour Sound - 232, 233 St. Placide, back light, downstream Shag Ledge 342 range 1549 Sharp, Cape 144 St. Regis Dyke, front light 1686 Shediae FIarbour, front light 826 St. Regis Dyke, back light 1687 Shediac Harbour, back light 827 St. Regis Dyke Gas Buoy No. 96 F 1688 Shediac Island, front light.... 824 St. Bach Shoals 1175, 1177 Shediac Island, back light 825 St. Simeon 1152 Shediac North Channel, front light 822 Ste. Thérèse, Isle, lower range, front Shediac North Channel, back light 823 light 1428 Sheet Harbour 357, 358, 360 Ste. Thérèse, Isle, lower range, back Sheet Harbour Passage 360 light 1429 Sheet Harbour G af? and Whistling Ste. Thérèse, Isle, upper range, back Buoy 357 light 1437 Sheet Rock 358 Ste. Thérèse, Isle, upper range, front Shelburne Fairway Whistling Buoy 257 light 1438 Shelburne Harbour 256, 258 Ste. Therese, Isle 1419, 1428, 1429, 1437 , front light 876 St. Thomas de Montmagny, front light 1193 Sheldrake Island, back light 877 St. Thomas de Montmagny, back light 1194 Sherbrooke Tower 332 St. Thomas Bank Gas Buoy No. 77 B. 1195 Shingle Point 265 St. Valentine, front light 1373 Ship Harbour Whistling Buoy. .. 351 St. Valentine, back light 1374 Ship Harbour 414 Salmon, Cape, Que 1153 Shipley Had 313 Salmon Point, Ont 1788 Shippigan, Big 907 Salter Head 153 Shippigan, Big 905-907 Sambro 318 Shippigan, Little 910-915 Sambro Harbour 317 Shoal Island 2112 Sambro, Inner, Island 319 Shoal Islands, B.0 • 2294 Sambro Gas and Whistling Buoy Shoal Point Beacon, B. C 2278 Sand Heads, Fraser River, Lightship 2309 Shulie 134 Sand Point, Guysboro County 411 Silver Islet,-front light 2189 Sand Point, St. John River er Islet, back light 2190 Sand Spit, Shelburne Harbour. 258 Simcoe Island 1749 Sandy Beach Point 985 Sinuoe, Lake 2207 Sandy Island, front light 796 Simon, Batture, Gas Buoy No. 68 Q.. 1274 Sandy Island, back light 797 Sissiboo 189 Sandy Point 1544 Sister Rock, 'West 2105 Sandys Point, St. Peter Inlet. 516 Sisters, The. 2335 San juan, Port, Whistling Bnoy 2266 Sisters Bell Buoy 321 Sapin Point 853 Slate Islands 2181 Saturna Island 2289 Slaunwhites Ledge Bell Buoy 306à Saugeen, front light . 1943 Snake Island, Lake Ontario 1747 Saugeen, back light 1944 Snug Harbour, front light 2026 Sault Ste. Marie, Canadian Canal, Snug Harbour, back light...... 2027 lower entrance, front light . 2142 Soldats Pointe aux, Gas Buoy No. Sault Ste. Marie, Canadian Canal, 123 L 1349z lower entrance, back light.. 2143 Sooke 2267 Sault Ste. Marie, Cana,dian Canal, Soo 2140-2152 upper entrance, front light 2148 Sorel, front light 1361 Sault Ste. Marie. Canadian Canal, Sorel, back light 1362 upper entrance, back light .. 2149 Soucier Island 1594 Sault Ste. Marie, lower turning buoy. 2140 Soulanges Canal, lower entrance, front Sault Ste. Marie, upper tut-ning buoy. 2151 range light 1522 Sault Ste. Marie, Vidal Shoal buoy 2152 Soulanges Canal, lower entrance, back Savage Harbour. front light 759 range light 1523 Savage Harbour, back light 760 Soulanges Canal, upper entrance,front Savards, front light 1123 range light 1607 Savards, back light 1124 Soulanges Canal, upper entrance, back Scarletl, Point 2349 range light 1608 Scattarie ...... . 464 Souris East 678 Scattarie 462, 464 Souris East Breakwater...... 679 Schooner Island 1593 Southampton Fog Alarm 1942à Schooner Passage Bell Buoy Southampton Harbour, front light .. 1911 Schooner Passage 211:1., 212 Southampton Harbour, back light 1942 Scotch Bonnet 1789 South Baymouth, front light. t 1955 Sen Cow Head 731 South llaymouth, back light . 1956 Seal Island, S.E. coa,st of N.S.. 217 South Bay Point 1755

276 INDEX.

No. No. South-east Bay 2217 Thames River Gas Buoy 1902 South-east Shoal Lightship.... 1862 Thessalon 2100 South Lancaster 1626 Thornbury, front light 1087 South Point, _Anticosti 1042 Thornbury, back light. ' 1988 • South River 2219 Three Rivers Shoal Gas Buoy No. 590 1319 South Tra,cadie 896 Three Star Shoal Gas Buoy ' 2025 South Traverse 1173-1176 Three Top Island .. . 390 ' South Traverse Middle Ground Gas Thrumcap Gas and Bell Buoys ' 330 Buoy No. 58 B 1176 Thrum-cap islet South-west Bull Bell Buoy 391 Thunder Bay • 2192-2201 South-west Head, Grand Manan . Thunder Cape 2192 Southwest Ledge, 11 ier island, Gas Tignish, Big, back light, main light ; 80-1 and Whistling Buoy .. 185 Tignish, Big, front light 8v5 Southwest Ledge, Cape Sable, Gas Tilliiskanting, Lake 1593, 1594 and Whistling Buoy. ' 238 Tiner Point ' 56' South-west Point Anticosti 1044 Tobermory ...... 1968 South-west Point, St. Paul Island 1026 Tolsmaville 2097 South-west Wolf Island 23 Tomahawk Island 2229 South Wolf Whistling Buoy 22 Torbay 381 Spanish Bay • 471 Tormentine, Cape, front light 816 Spectacle Island, N.S 271 Tormentitie, Cape, back light.... 817 Spectacle Shoal,.Ont 1730 Tormentine Reefs Bell Buoy 815 Spence Island 1581 Toronto, front light 1619 Spencer Cape.. 115 Toronto, back light . 1820 • Spencer Island 142 Toronto, East Pier, front light. 1813 Spencer Point 150 Toronto, East Pier, back light. 1814 . • Spider IsIend. . ...... 2073 Toronto. 1813-1820 Split Rock Whistling Buoy...... 52 Tracadie, North, N.B., front let 897 . Spruce Island Shoal Gas Buoy 2032 Tracadie, North, N.B., back light 898 Spruce Point. .. . ...... 32 Tracadie, South, N.B...... . 896 Spry Bay Bell -Buoy 355 Tracadie, P.E.I., front light 763 Squaw Island Gas Buoy No. 78 F 1628 Tracadie, P.E.I., back light 764 Squaw Island, Lake of the Woods 2225 Tracadiyash Point . . 961 Stag Island Shoal , 1911 Trap Rock ...... 464 Stanley, Port • 1856 Traverse, Lower 1175 Stave Island, Little 1728 Traverse Point.Point . . 1755 Stoddart Island 233 Traverse, South Ground Gas Stokes Bay, front light .... 1948 Buoy No. 58 B 1176 Stokes Bay, back light.. 1949 Traverse, Upper 1177 Stonehaven 924 Traverse, Upper, Gas Buoy No. 60 B 1178 , Stonehouse Point 1683 Traverse .. ...... .. 1173-1178 Stone .Island 1349 Trembles, Pointe- aux, Bend- Gas Buoy Stone Pillar .... . 1181 No. 149 M ...... - 1441 • Strait—See other word. Trembles, Pointe aux, Curve Gas Buoy Strawberry Island . 2070 No. 167 M 1442 Stribling Point, front iight 2125 Trembles Shoal Gas Buoy No. 24 Q... 1246 Stribling Point, back light ...... 2126 Trenton, front light 1769 Sturgeon Bank ...... 2308 Trenton, back light 1770 Sulphur Island 2099 Trial Islands 2281 Summerside, front light 736 Trinity Bell Buoy 195 Summerside, back light 737 Troop Point 1 78 Sunday Harbour 2181 Tryon, Cape • 777 Surf Point 2360 Tryon Shoal Whistling Buoy 731 Surprise Shoal Gas, Whistling and Tupper, Point 414 Bell Buoy 1972 Turn Point. 2358 Swale Rock 2262i Tusket Islands . 213 Swallow Tail 17 Tusket River.. . ...... 222 Swampy Island 2246 Two Mountains, Lake of 1543-1551 Swashway, front light 861 Swashway, back light...... 862 Sydney Bar 472 111. Sydney North Bar 473 Sydney Range, front light 474 Ucluelet . 2262 Sydney Range, back light ... . . . 475 Uniacke Point 497, 498 Upper Traverse 1177 Upper Traverse Gas Buoy No 60 B 1178

Tadoussac 1113 V Telegraph Island 1764 Tenant Point 313 Vaches, Isle aux 1438 Terence Bay 313 Valin River, front light 1121 Texas Dock, front light 1895 Valin River, back light 1122 Texas Dock, back light 1896 Valleyfield 1604 Thames River, back light, main light 1903 Vancouver 2317 Thames River, front light . 1904 Vancouver Rock Whistling:Buoy 2361

INDEX. 277

No. No.

Varennes 1433 ' Whitby ...... ...... 1809 Varennes Curve Gas Buoy No. 129 M. 1430 Whiteharen 390 Varennes Curve Ga s Buoy No. 133'AL 1431 Whitehead Islatul, Bay of Fundy ..... 12 Verchères Course Gas Buoy No. 89 M 1417 Whitehead Gas and Whistling Buoy. 393 Verchères to Contrecœur range, front Whiteltead• Island, Guysboro' County. 392 light 1406 Whitehead Island, Yarmouth County.. 223 Verchères to Contrecœur range, back Wh ite Head, Percé 979 light 1407 White Island Reef Lightship ..... 1142 Verchères Traverse, front light... .. 1410 White Islet 2328 Verchères Traverse, back light. 1411 White Point Ledges Whistling Buoy. 394 Verchères Village, front light 1412 Whycocomagh 494 Verchères Village, back. light 1 113 WiÀrton 1975 Victoria Beach 170 Wicked Point 1788 Victoria Harbour, B. C 2275-2280 William Head Quarantine Station, Victoria Island, Lake Superior. . 2_01 front light 2269 Victoria Island, Ottawa River 1575 William Head Quarantine Station, Victoria, P.E 1 724, 725 back light 2270 Vidal Shoal Buoy. 2152 Wilmot Bluff. 110 Vin, Bay du, Island, front light 871 Wilson Channel Range Lights 2106 Vin, Bay du, Island, back light .... 872 Winchester Point 172 Virago Point 9298 Windmill Point, Ont . 1710 Windmill Point, Que., Gas Buoy- No. 98 S 1513 W Windsor 15q, 156i 1Vitagield Basin 1971 nipey, Lake 2240-2248 Wabitno Channel 2020 Witch Shoal.. 1461 Wadleigh Point. 1465 \Voile Island, River St. Lawrence 1738 Walker Rock.... 2300 Wolfe Island Cut Gas Buoy 1737 Wallace Harbour, front lig.ht ..... 580 Wolfe Island, Ricer St. Lawrence 1738, 1739 Wallace Harbour, back light. 581 Wolf Island, S.W., Bay of Fundy 23 Wallace Harbour 578-581 Wolf, South, Whistling. Buoy 22 Walton Harbour ...... 156 Wolf l'oint 352 Walton Island . ..... 2026 Wolf ville ..... 158 Wambolds 30 Wolves Gas and Whistling Buoy 24 Ward Point 128 Wood lewd, Ont. 1722 Warren Farm, front light ..... 720 Wood Island, P.E.I. 701 Warren Farm. back light 721 Wood Islands Harbour, P.E.I., front Washadernoak Lake 93, 04 range light 699 Way Channel, front light. 156 11 Wood Islands Harbour, P.E.I., back Way Channel, back light 156 1 range light ...... 700 Way Shoal 1560 Woods Ilarbour, N.S 231 Wedge Island 371 Woods, Lake of the. 2222- 9233 Welcome Islands ...... . 2193 Wrights Range, front light 726 Welland Canal .. .1830, 1831, 1838. 1839 Wrights Range, back light 727 Weller Bay, front light 1792 Weller Bay, back light 1793 West Arichat, front light 419 .17 West Arichat, back light 420 ifiresta ways ' 690 Yamachiche Bend Gas Buoy 1333 Western Islands 2018 Yarmouth 201 Westhaver Island 298 Yarmouth Bell Buoy 208 West Ironbound Island 990 Yarinout It Corner Beacon 207 West Lightship, Lake St. Peter 1339 Yarmouth Gas and Whistling Buoy 209 West Point, Anticosti 1045 Fa rmouth '201-209 West Point, P.E I 743 Yellow Island, back light 2338 West Point, P.E.I., Whistling Buoy.. 744 Yell OW Island, front light 2339 Westport.. 186 West Sister Rock 2105 Whiffen Spit 0267 Whisky Island 2015 Zephyr Rock Gas Buoy 821